RUBRIC FORM Oral Presentation 1 1

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Rubric for Assessing Oral Presentation
CRITERIA Below Needs Improvement Satisfactory Exceeds Score
Expectation Expectations
Organization o No apparent o There is some o The o The presentation is
30 points organization. organization, but the presentation has carefully organized.
o Evidence is speaker occasionally a focus. o Speaker provides
not used to goes off topic. o Student convincing evidence
support o Evidence used to provides some to support
assertions. support conclusions is reasonable conclusions.
weak. evidence to
Content o The content is o The content is o The content is o The content is
20 points inaccurate or sometimes inaccurate generally accurate accurate and
overly general. or incomplete. and reasonably comprehensive o
o Listeners are o Listeners may learn complete. Listeners are likely to
unlikely to learn some isolated facts, o Listeners may gain new insights
anything or may but they are unlikely develop a few about the topic.
be misled. to gain new insights insights about the
about the topic. topic.
Delivery o The speaker o The speaker o The speaker is o The speaker is
40 points appears anxious occasionally appears generally relaxed professional, relaxed,
and anxious or and comfortable. and comfortable.
uncomfortable uncomfortable, and o Listeners are o The speaker
and reads notes, may occasionally read generally interacts effectively
rather than notes, rather than recognized and with listeners.
speaks. speak. understood.
o Listeners are o Listeners are often
ignored. ignored or
References o Speaker fails o Speaker integrates o Speaker o Speaker integrates
10 points to integrate 1 or 2 relevant journal integrates 3 or 4 5 or more relevant
relevant journal articles into the journal relevant journal articles into
articles into the speech. articles into the the speech.
speech. speech.
Final Score:


Name & Signature of Evaluator

CoN-Rubric form 01

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