Unit 3

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3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Derivative of a Function
3.2.1 Slope of a Tangent
3.2.2 Rate of Change
3.2.3 The Derivative
3.3 Derivatives of Some Simple Functions
3.4 Algebra of Derivatives
3.b.l Derivative of a Scalar Multiple o f a Function
3.4.2 Derivative of the Sum of Two Functions
3.4 3 Derivative of !he P~.oductof Two Functions
3.4.4 De~'ivaliveof the Quotient of TNO Functions
3.4.5 The Chain Rule af Differentiation
3.5 Continuity versus Derivability
3.6 Allmnary
3.6 Solutions and Answers

It was the seventeenth bentury. Some European mathematicians were working on two basic
problems :

i) Is it possible to find the tangent to a given curve at a given point of the curve?

ii) Is it possible to find the area under a given curve?

Two mathematical giants, Newton and Leibniz, independent of each other, solved these
problems. The theory that they inventned in the process was Calculus.
In this first unit on differentiation, we propose to introduce the concept of a derivative which
Newton (1642-1727)
is a basic tool of calculus, Leibniz was motivated directly by the first problem given above -a
problem which was of great significance for scientific applications. He recognised the
derivative as the slope of the tangent to the curve at the given point. Newton, on the other
hand, arrived at it by considering some physical problems such as determination of the
velocity or the acceleration of a particle at a particle instant. He recognised the derivathe as a
rate of change of physical quantities. We shall now show that both these considerations lead
to the concept of derivative as the limit of a ratio. Of course, to understand what a derivative
IS,you should have gone through Sec. 2 thoroughly.
We shall first differentiate some standard functions using the definition of the derivative. The
algebra of derivatives can then be effectively used to write down the derivatives of several
functions which are algebraic combinations of the@functions. We shall also discuss the chain
rule of differentiation which offers an unbelievable simplification in the process of finding
derivatives. We shall also establish a relationship between differentiable functions and
continuous functions which you have studied in Unit 2.

L e i b n i i (1646-1716)
After studying this unit you should be able to :
draw a tangent to a given curve at a given point
determine the rate of change of a given quantity with respect to another
obtain the derivatives of some simple functions such as xn, I x 1, J;; etc. from the first
find the derivatives of functions which can be written as the sum, difference, product,
quotient of functions whose derivatives you already know
derive and use the chain rule of differentiation for writing down the derivatives of a
composite of functions
discuss the relationship between continuity and derivability of a function.
Elements of Diffetential
Before defining a derivetive, let us consider two problems in the next two subsections. The
fmt is to find the slope of a tangent and the second is to find the rate of change of a given
quantity in terms of another.

3.2.1 Slope of a Tangent

Let us consider the problem of finding a tangent to a given curve at a given point. But, what
do we mean by the tangent to a curve? Euclid (300 B.C.) thought of a tangent as a line
touching the curve at one point. This definition works fine in the case of a circle Fig. 1 (a), but
it fails in the case of many other curves (see Fig. 1 (b)).

Fig. 1

We may define a tangent to a curve at P to be a line which best approximates the curve near P.
But this definition is still too vague. Then how can we define a tangent precisely? The concept
of limit which you have studied in Unit 2 comes to our aid here.
Let P be a fixed point on the curve in Fig. 2 (a), and let Q be a nearby point on the curve. The
line throughout P and Q is called a secant. We define the tangent line at P to be the limiting
position (if it exists) of the secant PQ as Q moves towards P along the curve (Fig. 2 (b)).


Fig. 2

It may not be always possible to find the limiting position of the secant. As we shall see later,
there are curves which do not have tangents at some points. In fact, there are curves hhich do
not have a tangent at any point!
There is another question which we can ask here. Suppose we know that a tangent to a curve
exists at a point, how do we go about actually drawing the tangent?
We have said earlier that the tangent at P is the limiting position of the secant PQ. With
The tangent of the angle
reference to a system of coordinate axes OX and OY (Fig. 3), we can also say that the tangent
which a line makes with the
positive direction of the x-axis at P is a line through P whose slope is the limiting value of the slope of PQ as Q approaches P
is called the slope of the line. along the cuhe. The problem of determining the tangent is, then, the problem of finding the
slope of the tangent line.
Fig. 3

Suppose the curve in Fig. 3 is given by y = f(x). Let P (x, f(x)) be the point P and let
Q (x + 6x, f(x + 6x)) be any other point on the curve. The prefix 6 before a variable quantity
means a small change in the quantity. Thus, 6x means a small change in the variable x.
(Caution: 6x is one inseparable quantity. It is not 6 x x). The coordinates(x + 6x, f(x + 6x))
indicate that Q is generally near P. If 8 is the angle which PQ makes with the x-axis, then the
slope of PQ = tan 8 = QMIPM

Then limiting value of tan 8, as Q tends to P, (and hence 6x + 0) gives us the slope of the
tangent at P. Thus,

f(x + 6x) - f(x)

The slope of the tangent line at (x, f(x)) = :!?,

f(x + 6x) - f(x)

This indicates that the tangent line will exist at (x, f(x)) only if the limit of
exists as 6x -,0,
Remark 1 In Fig. 3 we have taken 6x to be positive. But our discussion is valid even for
negative values of 6x.
Let us take an example.
Example 1 Suppose we want to determine the tangent to the parabola y = xZat the point
In Fig. 4 we give a portion of the parabola in the vicinity of P (2,4).

Fig. 4
Elements o f D i f f e r e n t i a l
Calculus Let Q (x, x2) be any other point on the parabola. The slope of
y coordinate of Q - y coordinate of P
PQ = x coordinate of Q - x coordinate of P

Equation o f a line passing

through a point (x, y ) and
The tangent at P (2,4) is the limiting position of PQ as x + 2. Therefore, the slope of the
having space rn is y - y , = tangent at P is
m(x - x i )
x2 - 4
lim ---
x-+2 x - 2

(x + 2) - (x - 2)
= lim
x+2 x-2
= lim (x
+ 2) = 4
The equation of the tangent line will be (y - 4) = 4 (x - 2)
Now, how do we draw this tangent? Just mark the point P' by moving a distance 1 unit from
P, parallel to the x-axis to the right, and then, moving a distance equal to 4 units parallel to the
y-axis upwacd. Join P to P' as shown inFig. 4. The coordinates of p' are (2 + 1 , 4 + 4). The
resulting line will touch the parabola at P, and the slope of the tangent at P = tan 0 = 4.
E E 1) Find the equation of the tangent to the following curves at the given points.
a) y=l/xat(2,1/2)

In this subsection we have given a precise definition of a tangent to a curve. We have also
seen how to draw the tangent to a given curve at a given point. Now let us consider the
second problem mentioned at the beginning of this section.

3.2.2 "Rate of Change

Suppose a particle is moving along a straight line, and covers a distance s in time t. The
distance covered depends on the time t. That is s = f(t), a function of time. When the time
changes to t + at, the distance covered changes from f(t) = s to f(t + 8t) = s + 6s. Therefore n e
can say that 6s is the distance covered in the time 6t. We want to know the average velocrty of
the particle during the time interval t to t + 8t (or t + 8t to t, according as t > 0 or t < 0).
Total distance travelled
Now, the average velocity = Total time taken
Therefore, the average velocity in the time interval [t, t + 6t] (or [t - 6t, t])

But this does not give us the velocity of the particle at a particular instant t, which is called
the instantaneous velocity. Rather it is the average velocity over the internal 6f. How do we
calculate this?
To find the velocity at a particular time t, we proceed to find the average velocity in the time
interval [t, t + St] (or [t + t, t]) for smaller and smaller values of 6t.
If 6t is very small, then t + 6t is very near t and so the average velocity during the time interval
6t would be very near the velocity at t. It seems reasonable, therefore, to define the
lim f(t +tit)-f(t)
instantaneous velocity at time t to be gt+O

Thus, we have

where s = f(t) is the distance travelled in time t. Comparing this box with the one given at the
end of the last subsection, we find that the concepts of the slope of a tangent and the
instantaneous velocity are identical. Further, velocity can be considered as the rate of change
of distance with respect to time. So, extending our definition of velocity to other rates of
change, we can say that if a quantity y depends on x according to the rule y = f(x), then the
rate of change of y with respect to x can be defined as

Example 2 Suppose we want to find the rate of change of the function f defined by
f(x)=x+5, + x ~ R a t x = O .
We shall first calculate the average rate of change off in an interval [O,6x].
This average rate of change off in [O,6x] is

-? Hence, the rate of change off at 0,which is the limiting value of this average rate as 6x 0,

Example 3 Suppose a particle is moving along a straight line and the distance s covered in time
t is given by the equation F = (1/2)t2. Let us draw the curve represented by the function
s = (1/2)$-easuring time along x-axis and distance along y-axis. Let P and Q be points on the
curve which correspond to t, = 2 and t, = 4.
We shall show that the average velocity of the particle in the time interval 12-41is the slope of .&

the line PQ and the velocity at time t, = 2 is the slope of the tangent to the curve at t, = 2.
The curve represented by s = (1/2)$ is a parabola, as shown in Fig. 5. P and Q correspond to
the values t, = 2 and t, = 4 oft. Now s, = (1/2)tI2= 2 and S, = ( 1 1 2 ) =
~~8. Therefore, the
coordinates of the pohts P and Q are (2,2) and (4,8), respectively.
The slope of PQ = -= 6/2 = 3.
Also, the distance travelled by the particle in the time (t2- t,) is s2- s, = 8 - 2 = 6.
I! Therefore, the average velocity of the particle in the time (t2-t,) is
distance Ravelled 6t may be positive or

i time taken
=6/2=3. negative

1 Hence, the slope of PQ is the same as the average velocity of the particle in the time (t2- t,).

I Further, to calculate the slope of the tangent at P, we choose a point R

Elements of Differential
C~ICUIUS on the curve, near P. Then the required slope is o:FS (slope of PR).

Fig. 5

- 1
lim ---(2+&)'-2
2 - ,im (4+6t)-6t - ]jm 4 + 6t - 2
(2 + 6t) - 2 - 6t+0 26t - 6t+0 2-
Ans, what is the velocity at t,? It is 6sJ/Gt,, which is again equal to 2. Thus the velocity
at t, is the same as the slope of the tangent at P.
Remark 2 i) Example 3 is a particular case of the general result: If the path of a particle
moving according to s = f(t) is shown in the ts-plane and if P and Q are points on the path
which correspond to t = t, and t = 5, then the average velocity of the particle in time (t,-t,) is
given by the slope of PQ and the velocity at time t, is given by the slope of the tangen; at P.
ii) Distance is always measured in units of length (metres, centimetres, feet) and so velocity
v really means v units of distance per unit of time. The slope of the tailgent is a
dimensionless number, while the velocity has the dimension of lengthhime.
Now you can lry some exercises on your own.
E E 2) A particle is thrown vertically upwards in the air. The distance it covers in time t is given
by s(t) = ut (112) gt2 where u is the initial velocity and g denotes the acceleration due to
gravity. Find the velocity of the particle at any time t.

E E 3) Find the rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its radius when the radius 1s 2
cm. (Hint: Eipress the area of a circle as a function of its radius first).
E E 4) Find the average rate of'change of the function f defined by f(x) + 1, ++x
= 2x2 E R in the
interval [I, 1 + h] and hence evaluate the rate of change o f f at x = 1.

3.2.3 The Derivative

t We have seen that the slope of a tangent and the rate of growth have the same basic concept
behind them. Won't it be better, then, to give a separate name to this basic concept, and study
it independently of its diverse applications? We give it the name "derivative".
Definition 1 Let y = f(x) be a real-valued function whose domain is a subset D on R. Let x ED.

f(x + 6x) - f(x)

lim - exists, then it is calledthe derivativeof f at x.
6x+O 6x The notation dyidx is due to
Leibniz and f '(x) is due to
Lagrange (1 736-1 81 3)
Now, if we write fix + 6x) = y + Fy, then derivative of f = 6y16x. Here 6y denotes the
change in y caused by a change 6x in x.
The derivative is denoted variously by f (x), dyldx or Df. The value o f f (x) at a point x, is
denoted by f (x,). Thus,

lim f(xo + Gx)-(f(xo)

If, in the expression fix,) = 6x+0 we write

lim lim
x,+ 6x=x, weget 6x=x-x,, and 6xo+0 x+x,

This is an alternative expression for the derivative o f f at the point x,.

Remark 3 In this definition x and y are real numbers and are two dimensionless numbers. If x
and y are dimensional quantities (length, time, distance, velocity, area, volume) then the
derivative will also have a dimension. For convenience, we shall always treat x and y as
dimensionless real numbers. The appropriate dimensions call be added later.
Caution: 'dy' and 'dx' in the expression dyldx are not separate entities. You cannot cancel 'd'
from dyldx to get ylx. The notation only suggests the fact that the derivative is obtained as a
! ratio.
When f(x) exists, we say that f is differentiable (or derivable) at x. When f is differentiable at
each point of its domain D, then f is said to be a differentiable function. The process of
obtaining the derivative is called differentiation. The function f which associates to each
point x of D, the derivative f(x) at x, is called the derived function off. Thus, the domain of the
derived function is {x D: f(x) exists).
The process of finding the derivative of a function by actually calculating the limit of the ratio
f (x + 6x) - f (x)
is called differentiating from first principles.

As we shall see later, it is not always necessary to find a derivative from the first principles. We
Elements of Differential shall develop certain rules which can be used to write down the derivatives of some functions
without actually finding the limit. Some such rules are contained in the next section.


In this section we shall find the derivatives of some simple functions like the constant
function, the power function and the absolute value function. We shall illustrate the method of
finding the derivative by the first principle method through some examples.
Example 4 Let f :R -+ R be a constant function, that is, f(x) = c for all x E R, c being a real
number. We shall show that f is differentiable, and its derivative is zero.

Hence, a constant function is differentiable and its derivatives is equal to zero at any point of
its domain.
The result of the above example can be seen more easily geometrically. The constant function
f(x) = c x E R represents the straightline y = c which is parallel to the x - axis (Fig. 6). If we
join any two points, P and Q, on it, the line PQ is parallel to the x-axis. Hence, the angle made
by PQ with the x-axis is zero. This means the slope ofPQ is tan 0 = 0. Since f (x) is the limit of
this slope as Q -+ P, we get f (x) = 0 for all x in the domain off.

Fig. 6

Example 5 We now show that, if n is a positive integer, then D(xn)= nxw'.

In order to obtain D(xn),in case it exists, we have to determine

(X+ h)" X"

lim -----
h+O h
Notice that we have used the letter h (instead of our usuai 6x) to denote the small change in
the variable X. We are, in fact, free to use any notation; but 6x an$ h are the more commonly
used ones.

(x + h)" - xn
lim ,
h+O h

(xn + nhxn-'+...+h n ) - xn
= lim (by bionomial theorem)
h+O h
The result of the above example is very useful. We shall show later, that (x") = nx"-' for all
non-zero x E R even when n is a negative integer. The result also holds for all x > 0 if n is any
non-zero real number. Of course, if n = 0, then x" = 1 ++ x and hence, Dx" = 0 for all x E R. This
means that the result is trivially hue for n = 0. Nevertheless, right now we are in a position to
prove this result for n 1/2. That is,

-( & ) =
(t) x-"~, and this we do in the following example.

Example 6 We shall show that the function f defined by f(x) = & ,x > 0 is differentiable. & is defined fol- x < o

f(x + h)- f(x) JT+T- ,G

We have, dlo - h
= lim
h+O h

(&Xi- & ) ( J x X + &)

- lim
- h+O h ( i l + h + A)

- lim
h ( J x + h + hi)

The result of our next example is of great significance. Recall that, in Sec. 2 we mentioned that
there are functions that have no tangents at some point (or equivalently, have no derivative
there). This example will illustrate this fact. Before giving the example we give some definitions.

f ( a + h ) - f (- . ~t
a ) , if . exists, is called the right hand derivative of f(x) at x = a and is written
\I-0 h

as R f (a). Likewise, lim f(a h)- f(a) is called the left hand derivative of flx) at x = a and is

II-+O- h
written as L f (a). I f f (a) exists, we must have Rf (a) = L f (a) = f ( a ) (See Unit 2, Theorem 4).
Example 7 The function f : R + R defined by f(x) = 1 x I is not derivable at x = 0 but is derivable
at every other point of its domain.

Fig. 7

Fig. 7 shows the graph of this function.

To prove that the given function is not derivable at x = 0, we have to show that
Elements o f Differential
Calculus lim IO+hl-IOl
does not exist. In fact as we shall see, RFf(0) and L f (0) both exist, but they
h+O h
. are not equal.

NOW ~f (0) = lim = lim -l h=l- h = l ( s i n c e ( h ) = h f o r h > O )
h+O h h+0+ h h

Ihl -h
And L f (0) = lim
1 0 + h ' - I OhI = lim-
h+O h
= -= -l(smce/h/=-hforh<0)

Therefore, RF'(0) = 1 # - 1 = L f (0).Hence f (0) does not exist. We shall now show that the
function is derivable at every other point.
First, let x > 0. Choose h so that 1 h 1 < x. This will ensure that x + h > 0 whether h > 0 or h < 0.

f(x + h) f(x)
= lim
h+O h h+O h

= lim
- h

- lim hh= 1
- h+O

Thus f is derivable at x, and f (x) = 1 for all x > 0.

You can now complete the solution by solving E 5).
E E 5) Show that y = ( x I is derivable and f(x) =- 1 at all points x < 0.

E E 6) Show that each of the following functions is derivable at x = 2. Find f ( 2 ) in each case.
b) f : R + R given by f(x) = ax + b where a and b are fixed real numbers.
E E7) Find dy/dx, wherever it exists, for each of the following functions: Differentiation

a)y=x3b)y=lx+l lc)y= m , x 2-7

So far we have obtained derivatives of certain functions by differentiating from the first
principles. That is, each time we have calculated lim
6x+O 6x
But the process of taking limits is a very lengthy and complicated affair. In the section we shall
see how to simplify the process of differentiation for some functions.


Consider the function f(x) =

zx3 + 3 x 2 . If we try to find the derivative of this function from
x -1

the first principles, we will have to do lengthy, complicated calculations. However, a close look
at thls function reveals that it is composed of several functions: constant functions like 2.3
and 1, and power functions like x'. x2and x4.We already know the derivatives of these
! functions. Can we use this knowledge to find the derivative of f(x)? In this section we shall
6 state and prove some theorems which help us do just that.

3.4.1 Derivative of a Scalar Multiple of a Function

Let f R -+ R be a differentiable function and let c E R. Then, consider the function y,= cf(x).
We call this function a scalar multiple off by c (see Unit 1). The derivative of y with respect to
x is
Elements o f D i f f e r e n t i a l
Calculus - l~nl f(x + h)- f(x)
h+O h
f(x + h) - f(x)
h (by Theorern 3 of Unit 2)
=cf (x)

Thus, we have just proved the following theorem.

'Theorem 1 I f f is a differentiable function and c E R then cf is differentiable and (cf)'(x) = c f (x)

Example 8 To differentiate y 7 / x I we apply the scalar multiple rule obtalned in Theoreni 1 at
all polnts where the function 1 x ( is differentlable and get
d d
- (71x1) = 7 - (1x1)
dx dx

d d .
But, in view of Example 7: when x = 0, -- (I x I) does not exist. When x > 0, - (1 x 1) = 1 and
dx dx
whenxC0, -- ( ) X I ) = - 1 .
d d
Therefore, (71 x 1) =7 - (1 x 1)
dx dx

and - (7 1 x I) does not exlst at x = 0.

Note: In example 8 we have used the fact that if f ( x ) does not exist at a point then (cf).(x) also
does not exist at that point.
Try the following exercise now.
E E8) Differentiate the following, uslng Theorem 1.
a) (5!3)x3 b) 8 A

3.4.2 Derivative of the Sum of Two Functions

We know the sum of two functions f and g defined on R, denoted by f + g, is defined as
(f + g) (x) = f(x) + g(x) v x R
Let f and g be differentlable from R to R Let us examine whether f + g, the sum of the functions
f and g, IS differentiable. Now,

llrn (f + g ) ( x + h ) - ( f +g)(x)
h+O h

- lim
{f(x + h ) + g(x + h) - f(x) - g(x))
- h+O h
- lim f(x + h) - f(x) lim g(x + h) - g(x)
h+O h + h+O h

= f (x) + g'(x)
Thus,%e have proved the following :
Theorem 2 The sum of two differentiable functions f and g is a differentiable function and
each of (f +g)' (x) = f (x) + g'(x) + x E R.

The above result can be easily extended to a finite sum, that is,

where f,, ..., f,, are differentiable functions.

Remark 4 ~ r o m Theorems 1 and 2 it fbllows that iff and g are differentiable functions, then
f - g is also a differentiable function (since f - g = f + (- g)), and (f - g)' (x) = f(x) - g'(x).
Let us see how Theorem 2 is useful in the following exainple.
Example 9 To differentiate 3x2+ 4 1x - 9, we apply Theorem 2, and get,

d cbi2 . .
Now, - (3x2) =3 - (mvlew of the theorem)
dx &

= 3 x2x=6x

and - (-9) = 0 (see Example 4).

Thus, -(3x2+41x-9)=6x+-41
You are now in a position to solve this exercise.
E E9) Differentiate the following :
a) 5x3+ 2 (b) an+ a,x + a2x2+ ... + anxn,where a, E R for i = 1,2, ..., n.
Elements of Differential 3.4.3
Derivative of the Product of Two Functions
Let f and g be two differentiable functions on R. We want to find out whether their product fg
is also differentiable.

- lim l'(x+h)g(x+h)-f(x)p(~)
- .- --
(We have added and subtracted f(x) g(; h))
h+O h 7

- lirn g(x + h) - g(x)

- lirn .f ( x + h ) - f ( x ) lirn g(x + h) - g(x) lit"

h+O 11 h+O g(x + h) + iFo h h+O f(x)

(Ref. Unit 2, Theorem 3)

Thus, we get the following

Theorem 3 The product of two differentiable functions is again a differentiable function and
its derivative at any point x is given by the formula.

We can extend this result to the product of three differentiable funct~ons.This gives us
(fgh)'(x) = f (x)g(x)h(x)+ f(x)gf(x)h(x)+ f(x)g(x)h'(x)
You see, you have to differentiate only one function at a time. This result can also be extended
to the product of any finite number of differentiable functions. Thus, i f f , , ... $, are
differentiable functions, then,
(f,f2,...$,)'( x) = f,'(x)f,(x) ... S1(x)+ f,(x)f,'(x)f,(x) ... $,(x) + ....+ f,(x)f,(x) ...f,,'(x).
Theorem 3 is very useful in simplifying calculations, as you can see in the following example.
Example 10 The differentiate f(x) x2(x -i 4), nle take g(x) = x2,h(x) = x + 4. We have,
f(x) = x2(x+ 4) = g(x)h(x)

d d
Now, gf(x) = - (x') = 2x and hf(x) = - (x + 4)
dx dx
- 1

Thus, f (x) = g'(x)h(x) +h'(x)g(x)

= 2 x ( x + 4 ) + 1 x x2
= 2x2+8x+x2=3x2+8x
Remark 5 Yau could also have differentiated x2(x + 4) without using Theorem 3, as follows :

(x? (X+ 4)) - d
(x3 + 4 ~ ' )

d d
= - (x3) + - (4x2) (By Theorem 2)
dx dx
= 3x' + 4(2x)=3x2+8x
This shows that the same function can be differentiated by using different methods. You may
use any method that you find convenient. This observat~onshould also help you to check the
correctness of your result. (We assume that you would not make the same mistake while uslng
tu cr d~ffcrentmethods !1
E E 10)Using Theorem 3, differentiate the following functions. Also, differentiate these Differentiation

functions without using Theorem 3, and compare the results.

a)x A b) ( x +~ 2~~5)2 c)(x+ l)(x+2)(x+3)

3.4.4 Derivative of the Quotient of Two Functions

Let @ = f/g, where f and g are differentiable functions on R, and g(x) ;c 0 for any x. Then,

- lim
- -

- lim g(x) f(x+ h) - f(x) g ( x + h )
h-0 h g (x)g (x + h)
f(x + h) - f(x) g(x + h) -- g!x)
g(x> - - - -f(x)
- .lim - h h

(by adding and subtracting f(x)g(x) from the numerator)

lim g(x + h) - g(x)


lim g ( x + h) lim g(x)

- h+O h+O

g(x) f f ( x ) - f(x)g'(x)
Thus, we get the following.
Elements o f Differential Theorem 4 The quotient flg of two differentiable functions f and g such that g(x) # 0, for any x
in its domain, is again a differentiable function and its derivative at any point x is given by the
following formula :

This can also be written as


(denominator) (derivative of numerator) - (numerator) (derivative of denominator)

We will obtain an important corollary to Theorem 4 now.

Corollary 1 If g is a function such that g(x) # 0 for any x in its domain, then

Proof: In the result of Theorem 4, take f to be the constant function 1. Then f (x) = 0 for all x.

Therefore, where f(x) = 1.

g(x) x 0 - 1 x g' (x) -

- --g' (x)
(g(xN2 (g(xN2

Example 11 We shall now show that (x") = nxn-I, where n is a negative integer and x # 0.
We have already proved this result for a positive integer n in Example 5 .
Consider the function :R \ (0)+ R given by f(x) = x - ~ where
, m E N. Then f(x) = l/x-" V x E R.
Thus, f = l/g, where g(x) = xmfor all x E R, x # 0.g is a differentiable function and g(x) $0 as
x # 0.So, except at x = 0,we find that

-g' (x)
2 (from Corollary 1)
- mx'n-1
(g' (x) = mxn*' by using Example 5) -

Denoting -m by n, we get f(x) = xn,and f'(x) = nx"'

Example 12 Let us differentiate the function f given by f(x) = ( x - ~+ 2) / (x2+ 2x)

We can write f as the quotient g/h where g(x) = ( x - ~+ 2) and h(x) = x2 + 2x.

Also h'(x) = 2x + 2.

h(x) g' (x) - g(x)hl(x)

Therefore, f (x) =
(h (x))'
\ Differentiation

E E 11) Differentiate

a) 2x + 1 1
where a, b, c, d are fmed real numbers
+ bx + cx2 + dx3 '
--- b)
x+5 a

E E 12) Obtain the derivative of l/f(x) by differentiating from fust principles, assuming that
f(x) s0 for any x.
Elements of Differential

2 + 5x + 7x-'
Differentiate f(x) = by three different methods.

3.4.5 Thle Chain Rule of Differentiation

The chain rule of differentiation is a rule for differentiating a composite of functions (Ref. Unit
1). It is a remarkable rule which helps us to differentiate complicated functiolls in an easy and
elegant way.
We establish the rule in the following theorem.
Theorem 5 Let y = g(u) = g(f(x)) = (gof) (x), so that y is the composite function gof. We are
given that y, regarded as a hnction of u, is differentiable and u regarded as a function of x is
differentiable with respect to x. We want to prove that y, regarded as a function of x, isalso
differentiablt. To do this we must show that :To 3y16x exists where 6y is the change in the
variable y corresponding to a change 6x in the variable x. Now, 6u, be the change in the value
of u corresp~ndingto a change 6x in the value of x, is given by 6u = f(x + 6x) - f(x).

We have %
:/ 6u = /:To (E 6x)

- lim - x lim 6x
6x+0ax 6x+O

This means that 6u + 0 as 6x + 0

We assume however that 6u # 0.

. 6~ SY dy
This implies that i:-yo = lim -
exists and is equal to -

N~~~ --6~ = 6~ -
6~ , and we know that
' 6u 6u 6x

lirn 6Y = dy
6u = -
lim - du
6x-0 6u du and "-0 6x dx

Hence, we get

6~ = lim
lirn -
6X Sx-0 6U
6Y ' 6x-0
lim -

Hence dyldx exists and is equal to dyldu x duldx.

You may find it more convenient to remember and use the rule in the following form:
If h(x) = g(f(x)) is the c o m p ~ ~ ioft etwo differentiable functions g and f, then h is differentiable
and h'(x) = g'(f(x))f (x) where g' (f (x)) denotes derivative of g(f(x))w.r.t f(x)
To clarify this rule let us look at the following example
Example 13 Here we shall differentiate y = (2x + with respect to x.
Letu=2x+ l.Theny(2x+ 1)3=u3.
Now y is a differentiable function of u and u is a differentiable function of x. dyldu = 3u2and
dy dy du
duldx = 2. Hence we can use the chain rule to get - = - . -
dx du dx

You might be thinking that there was really no iiecessity of using the chain rule here. We could
simply expand (2x + and then write the derivative. But the situation is not always as simple
as in this example. You would appreciate the power of the chain rule after using it in the next
Example 14 To differentiate (x' + 2x2- l)loO,
let = (x' + 2x2- and let u = (x3+ 2x2- 1). Then
Since dyldu and duldx both exist, and dyldu = 1 0 0 and
uto0 -
~ = 3x2+ 4x, therefore, by chain
~ ~duldx
rule, dyldx = dyldu = dy/du.du/dx.
= 100 u99. (3x' + 4x)
= 100 (x3 .i-2x2- (3x2-1qx)
Can you really attempt to solve the above example without using the chain rule? Don't you
think the rule has simplified matters a lot for you ?
Instead of introducing u explicitly each time while applying the chain rule, after a little practice
you would find it more convenient to do away with u and arrange the working in the above
example as follows :
Elements o f Differential Our next example illustrates that this rule can be extended to three functions.
Example 15To differentiate [(5x + 2)2 + 314,we write y = ((5x +2)2 + 3j4, u = (5x + 2)2 + 3 and
Then y = u4 and u = v2 + 3. That is, y is a function of u, u is a function of v, and v is function of
x. By extending the chain rule, we get

- dy dy dv
dx du du dx
This gives,
dy/dx = 4u3 . 2 v . 5 = 40 u3v
= 40 [(Sx + 2)2 + 313 ( 5 +~ 2)
This example illllstrates that there m2y be situations m which we may go on using chain rule
for a function of a function ..., and so on. This perhaps justifies the name 'chain' rule. Thus, if
g, . . . g,, and h are functions such that h = (gIog2o. . . og,,) (x), then

h'(x) = g', !g, 0 . . . ogll( 4 ) gt2(gj 0 . . .ogJ (4.. . gtlFI (g,,) (x) . g',, (xi
E E 14) Find dy/dx for each of the following using the chain rule:


We end this unit with the relationship of differentiability with continuity, which we have
studied in Unit 2. In Sec. 3 ofunit 2 we proved that the functon y = ( x I is continuous V x E R.
We have also proved that this function is derivable at every point except at x = 0 in Example 7.
This means that the function y = I x I is continuous at x = 0, but is not derivable at that point.
Thus, this shows that a function can be continuous at a point without being derivable at that
point. However, we will now prove that if a function is derivable at a point, then it must be
continuous at that point; or derivability * continuity.

lirn f (x) = f(x,).

Recall that a function f is said to be continuous at a point x, if x,xo

Theorem 6 Let f be a function defined on an interval I. Iff is derivable at a point x,E I, then it
is continuous at x,.

If x x, then we may write f(x) - f(x,) f(x) - f(x,)
= .(x-xd)
X - Xo
Since f a derivable at x,, theiefore. lim %k
equals (f(x,). d
X-:Xo X -
Thtls. taking limits as x -+ xo, we have,

~T: [f(x) - KxJI

- lim 1
(x - xO)l
=f ( s ) x 0 = 0
lim f(x) - s,so
Therefore .,," lim f(%) = 0

n a t is,
,,Xo f(x) - lim
,,so f(x,) = f(x,)

Consequently, f is continuous at x,.

As we have seen, the function y = 1 x 1 is continuous but not derivable at only one point, x = 0.
But there are some continuous functions which are not derivable at infinitely many points. For
instance, look at Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

It shows the graph of a continuous function which is not derivable at infinitely many points.
Can you mark those infinitely many points at which this function is not derivable ? You can
take your hint from the graph of the functon y = 1 x I.
'The situation is, in fact, much worse. There are functions which are continuous everywhere
but differentlahle nowhere. The discovery came as a surprise to the nineteeth century
mathematicians who believed, till then, that if a function is so bad that it is not derivable at any
point, then it can't be so good that it is continuous at every point. The first such function was
put forth by Weierstrass (although he is said to have attributed the discovery to Riernann) in

18 12. He showed that the function f given by f(x) = bn cos (anm),where a is an odd
integer and b is a positive constant between 0 and 1 such that ab > 1 + 3x12, is a function
which is continuous everywhere, but derivable nowhere. It will not be possible for us to prove
this assertion at this stage.
Sometimes we use Theorem 6 to prove that a given function is continuous at a given point. We
prove tbat its derivative exists at that point. By Theorem 6 then, the community automatically

. (2x + 3yo
E E 15) Is the function f : [0, 11 +R : f(x) =
9x + 2
at x = 0.1?
Elentents of Differential
/ . Calculus

We conclude this unit by summarising what we have covered in it.
1. For any function y = f(x)
lirnf(x +ax) - f(x)
SX+O (if it exists) is called the derivative off at x, denoted by f(x).
The function f is the derived function. The derivative f(x) is the slope of the tangent to
the curve y = f(x) at the point (x, y). The derivative also gives the rate of change of the
function with respect to the independent variable.
2. The defivative of a constant function is 0.

where n is any integer (and x # 0 if n 10).

3. The fuhction y -1 x j is derivable at every point except at x = 0.

4. (cf)' = c f , c a constant.

(f-g)' = f -g'
(fg)' =!= fg' + g f
g' f - f' g
(fig)' =

5. Eve@ derivable function is continuous. The converse is not true, that is, there exist
functions which are continuous but not differentiable.


El) a) zl
=-114. Equation : (y - 112) = (-114) (x - 2) or x + 4y = 4

= 3. Equation: (y - 1) = 3(x - 1)
E3) area = A = nr2 . dr
~("-1 ,=,

f (1 + h) - f(l)
El) average ratc of change off in [ I , 1 + h] =

f(l + h) - f(l)
rate of changc. ,f f at x = 1 =
4 i%------ -, where h may be positive or negative.

lim I x + hl - 1x1 - - + h) - (-X)

-(x - -h - - =-1
h+0 h h h
Thus f (x) =-1 if x < 0. f is derivable for x < 0.

- lim
- - =a.
h+O h

(X + h + 1) - ( X + 1)
- lim -
h+O = 1.

Thus dyldx exists when x >-I. It does not exist when x < -1. It does not exist when
x.= -1 since R f (-1) = 1 and
Lf (-I)=--1.

) dy -
- - lim
J - Jm
+ ,/G
dx h+O h mi + J K F i
Elements o f Differential

1 f(x) - f(x+ h)
= lim -
h+O h f(x) f(x + h)
lim f(x)- --.
+ h)-
- h+O h
f(x) lim f(x + h)

-f '(x)
- -

50(2x + 3j492 (9x + 2) - 9 (2x + 3)"

~ i 5f)(x) = -
(9x + 212
exists at x = 0.1. Heilce the function is continuous at x = 0.1

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