Unit Higher Order Derivatives: Structure
Unit Higher Order Derivatives: Structure
Unit Higher Order Derivatives: Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Second and Third Order Derivatives
1.3 nth Order Derivatives
1.4 Leibniz Theorem
1.5 Taylors Series and Maclaurins Series
1.6 Summary
1.7 Solutions and Answers
In the first block you have found the derivatives of a number of functions. You know that the
derivative f of a differentiable function f is again a function and is called the derived
function off.
We have already seen in Unit 3 that the concept of differentiation was motivated by some
physical concepts (I~kethe velocity of a moving particle) and also by geometrical notions
(like the slope of a tangent to a curve). The second and higher order derivatives are also
sunilarly motivated by some physical considerations (like the acceleration) and some
geometrical ideas (like the curvature of a curve), which we shall study in the remaining
units of this block.
We shall introduce higher order derivatives in Sec. 1 and 2. Leibniz Theorem which is
given in Sec. 4 gives us a formula for finding the higher derivatives of a product of two
fufil~cjnsIn the later sections, we shall study some useful formulas, called series expansions.
The sigir~ficanceof these expansions will become clearer in Unit 1 of Block 4.
After reading this unit you should be able to :
calculate higher order derivatives of a given h c t i o n f
use the Leibniz formula to find the nth derivatives of products of functions
expand a function using Taylor's Maclaurin's series.
Let us differentiate f'. We get f" (x) = 24x, where Y'denotes the derivative off', or the third
derivative off. Other notations o f f " (x) are 7or y, or e3),or D3y.Differeiitiating f"',
we get the fourth derivative off, P4)(x) = 7 = y4 = 24.
. dx
Thus, differentiating (if possible) a given function f, then differentiating its derivative, and
then derivative's derivative and so on, we get the first derivative, the second derivative, the
third, fourth, ........derivatives of the function f.
If n is any positive integer, then the nh derivative o f f is denoted by f(")or by -
(read as d.
- .
Drawing C u r v e s
Note that in the notation 6")the bracket is necessary to distinguish it from f", that is, f raised to
the power n. This process of differentiating again and again, in succession, is called
sllccessive differentiation.
We have already seen that there are functions f that are not differentiable. In other words f
need not always exist. Similarly even when f exists it is possible that f' does not exist (see
~ x a m p l 3e near the end of this section). In general, for each positive integer n there are
functions f such that 6") exists, but itn+')does not exist. However, many functions that we
consider in these sections possess all higher derivatives.
A twice differentiable function is a function f such that f' exists. ~ e tbe a positive integer. A
function f such that ff") exists is called an n-times differentiable function. If $3exists for every
positive integer n, then f is said to be an infinitely differentiable function.
Now we give some simple examplesof higher derivatives.
Example 1 If we are given that the third derivative of the function
f(x) = ax3+ bx + c has the value 6 at the point x = 1, can we find the value of a?
Here, f(x) = ax3+ bx + c
Differentiation this we get
f (x) = 3axZ+ b
Differentiating this again, we get
Differentiating once again, we get
P)(x) = 6a
Taking the value at x = 1,
P3)(1) 6a
It is given that P ) ( l ) = 6.
Thus 6a = 6. Therefore a = 1.
Example 2 If y = 2 sin x + 3 cos x + 5, let us prove that yz + y = 5.
Such equaiions involving the Now,y=2sinx+3cosx+5
derivatives are known as
differential equations . y, =2cosx-3sinx yz=-2sinx-3cosx
:. yz+y=-2sinx-3cosx+ 2 s i n x + 3 c o s x + 5 = 5
The example below gives a function f for which f exists but f' does not exist.
Example 3 Consider,thefunction f(x) = x 1 x 1 for all x in R
The furaction f(x) can be rewritten as
Recall (Unit I ) that
h2 - o2
h-bo h h+o+
R f (0) = lim+ -- lim h = 0, and
the left derivative off,
h2 - o2
Lf (0) = lim -- lim h=O.
h-bo- h h-bo-
Therefore f (0) = 0.
Thus,f (x)=2 IxIforallxinR
We have already seen in Example 7, Unit 3 that the absolute value furaction I x 1 fails to be
differentiable at 0. Therefore, f is not differentiableat x = 0. That is, fc2) (0) does not exist.
some exercises before going any further. Higher Order Derivatives
, I
& E2) Find f13) (7~4)for the following functions,
a) fTx)=sec x
i.;: b) f(x)=sin2x+cos2x
5. ,
E E3) 'Prove that the following functions satisfy the differential equations shown against
a) y =sinx;
b) y = c o s x ;
Y4 = Y
(y2)*+ ( ~ 3 ) 1~
Drawing Curves E E4) Find the value of integer k in each of the following
a) f(x) = sink x where fi2)(d6)= 2 J?
b) f(x)=xk+kx2+1wherefi2)(1)=12
Note that the product m (m- 1) ,.....(m- n + 1) has n factok. When n = 1, we have already
shown that
When 11 .- m. the
IS cor~stdnt,because
u" '. - x
I , therefore the (n r 1 ) "
d e ~ ~ v a t ~1sv/em
Oif n > m.
Check !hill IIIC i o l ~ t l ~ ~ l <-'I]; n s-
! m(m-1) .....( m - n + I ) ( m - n ) x m-(n-1) ,if n + l < m nl or 13 > rn " and "n r i 2 n;"
are equlvalenL.
Oif n+I>m.
This means that the truth of P, implies the truth of P,,,. Therefore, by the principle of
mathematical induction, P, is true for all n > I. Hence our result is true for all natural
numbers n.
Remark 1 When n = m, the nthderivative of x'" is
=m(m- 1) ....... (m-n+ 1)xn'"=m(m- 1).........3.2.1.Thisisthesarne1sm!.
Example 5 If f(x)= In (1 + x), let us find e")(x).
Differentiating f ( x ) = In (1 + x), we get f (x) = -
1+ x
Differentiating again, fc2)(x)=- -
(1 + x ) ~
Differentiating once again, E3)(x) = -
(1 +
Can you guess fin) (x) now? If you have guessed correctly, you must have arrived at these
Thls proves the guess for n = m t 1. Thus, assuming the truth of the formula (1) for n = m,we
arrive at the huth of this formula for n = m + 1 . Therefore by the principle of mathematical
inductioc, our guessed answer w correct for all positive integers n.
Thus, when f(x) = In (I + x).
(-I)"-' (11 - I ) !
(I + X)n
Drawing Curves
E E 5) If y = (1 + x)'; where r is a real number, find y,, where n is natural number
(n < r).
Example 6 If f(x) = cos 2x, let us use the principle of mathematical induction to find a formula
for 6") (0).
We first find fln)(x) when n = 1,2,3,4.
We have f(x) = cos 2x.
Differentiating this successively, we get
fi') (x) = - 2 sin 2x
fi2' (x) = - 4 cos 2x
fi3)(x) = 8 sin 2x
We see that in the formula for fin)(x), we have to have
-2" sin 2x if n is the form 4k + 1
-2"cos 2x if n is of the form 4k + 2
f(") (x) =
2"ssin 2x if n is of the form 4k +3 ...(2)
(2"cos 2x jf n is of the form 4k
Therefore by the principle of mathematical induction, we see that the guessed formula for
fin) (x) is true for all natural numbers n.
- I
This is the same as
b c) f ( x ) = ~
Drawing Curves
E E 7 ) If f(x) = sin x, prove that fin) (x) = sin [x + nn/2] holds for every natural number n.
E E8) If y = sin (ax + b), prove that for every positive integer n. we have
y, = ansin [(nn/2) + ax t b]
E E9) Prove that the n'" derivative of the polynomial function
f (x) = a, + alx + a,x2 + .....+ anxl'is the constant function n! a,, .
In the last section we have seen. (Example 7 and Remark 3) that the first two rules can be
extended to the n"' derivatives i f f and g are n-times d~fferentiablefunctions. In this section
we are going to extend the product rule of differentiation. We shall give a formula for the
nLhderivative of the product of two functions.
The product rule for two functions u and v can also be written as
(uv)] = U I V + U V I
Now we look for a similar formula for (uv)?, (uv),, etc.
But first let us recall the meaning of the notation C(n, r), where n and r E Z+and r 5 n.
C(n, r) stand for the number of ways of choosing r objects from n objects. Socletinles it is also
denoted by I1Cror ( :) .
Drawing C u r v e s Also recall the formulas
What happens if we attack the same problem directly without the use of Leibniz Theorem?
We have
f(x)=x sin x
Differentiating this, we get
f (x) = x cos x + sin x (by product rule)
Differentiating once again, we get
r ( x ) =x(-sinx)+ 1cosx+cosx
Differentiating once again, we get
fi3)(x) =-2 sin x - (x cos x + sin x)
Differentiating once again,
fi4)(x) =-3cosx-[x(-sinx)+cosx]
We notice that we obtain the same answer. In this direct method, we had to apply the product Hlgher Order Derivatives
formula four times, once for each differentiation.
It is clear that when we want the n" derivative for bigger values of n, Leibniz theorem provides
an easier method to write down the answer, avoiding the difficulty of repeatedly applying the
product formula.
Example 9 If y =(~in-'x)~,
prove that
(1 - X2)Y,+~ - (2n + 1) xy,+, - n2y, = 0 for each positive integer n.
Differentiating both sides of y = sin-'^)^, we get
y1= ,/=
2 sin-' x
E 12) Prove that when n = 1, Leibniz Theorem reduces to the product rule of differentiation.
E 13) Find the third derivative of sin2xusing Leibniz Theorem. Find the same directly also
and verify that you obtain the same answer.
Drawing Curves
E E 14) If f(x) = x eX, find the sixth derivative of f, using Leibniz fonnula.
. i
i E E 18) Using Leibniz Theorem and induction, prove that
1 (xn)(")= n! for all natural numbers n.
f'"' (0)
Brook Taylor (1685-173 1) We shall prove this for the above four instances, in the examples worked out below. .This
and Colin Maclaurin (1698 - expansion is called Taylor's series for f around zero. It is also known as Maclaurin's series
1746) were both d~sc~ples of for f. The name "Taylor's Series for f around zero" suggests that there npy be a Taylor's
Newton. Taylor first published
his series in a paper In 1715. series for f around x,,(x,,# 0). But in this course we shall restrict ourselves only to the series
Maclaurin used Taylor's series . around zero. This series expansion makes sense only when f is infinitely differentiable at zero.
PS a fundamental tool in his It is valid for many important functions (though not for all functions). You will learn mo,re
work on calculus. about the validity of these series in the course on real analysis. In this section, you should
train yourselves to write down Maclaurin's series for many functions.
We have said above that the function f should be infinitely differentiable, that is, it should
have derivatives of all orders. How do we check this condition? For some functions it is not
difficult. For example, we have
'cos hx, If n is a w n
rlln hx. if n iu odd
In these cases, we can say that the derivatives of all orders exist for all values of x and we can Higher Order Derivatives
Where f(x) = ex
Now, f(0) = e0= 1
Also, f (x) = ex :. f (0) = 1.
&fact, we know that e")
(x) =ex for all natural numbers n, which means fit') (0) = e0= 1 for all
natural numbers n. Substituting these values of f(O), f (0), .......... en)(0)inMaciaurinls series
we get
We note that this is the same as the already known logarithmic series.
Example 12 Next, let us write down Maclaurin's series (or Taylor's series around zero) for
ll(1 -x).
f (x) = ---- ;f (0)= 1
(1 - x ) ~
fi2) (x) = O];e2)(0)=2
We can prove by induction that
n! f'"' (0)
( 4=
(1 x)
n+l and therefore
- en)(0) = n! and hence -
= 1.
Therefore Maclaurin's series is
Note that this agrees with what we already know, namely that the sum of the geometric series
1 + x + x 2 +.........+ x n + .........is 1/(1-x).
Example 13 Suppoee we want to wtite down Taylor's series for (1 + x)' around zero,
where r is a fixed real number.
Let f(x) = (1 + x)'. Then f(0).= 1
i'(x)=r(l +x)'-' ; f (O)=t
e2J(x)=r(r- 1)(1 +x)'-~:fi2)(0)=r(r- 1)
Drrwlng Curves We can prove by induction that
fln)(x)=r(r- 1) ......(r-n+ 1)(1 +x)+"
fin)(0)=r(r- 1) .......(r-n+ 1)
Therefore Taylor's series around zero is
Note :This is the same as the binomial series that we already know. This expansion is valid
only when I x I < 1. The reason for this will be clear when you study the course "Real
Analysis". When r = -1, this binomial series becomes
Example 15 To fmd Taylor's series for cos 2x around zero, let us write f(x) = cos 2x. We have
already seen in Example 6 that
fin)(0) = 2" cos -
Therefore, Taylor's series around zero is
1 0 2 :--x2 3,
I ! 2! 3!
Hence Maclaurin's series for tan x is
x+-+ .......
Now, we want the next non-zero term.
Example 17If in Maclaurin's series for sin b , the coefficient of x3 is given to be - 6 k,let us
find all possible values of k.
Maclaurin series for sin b is given by
kx k3x3
+ ....... since qx) =k cos b
l! 3!
f12)(x) =- sin b
f13) (x) =-k3cos b , where qx) = sin kx
The coefficient of x3 is - (k3/6)
Therefore (k3/6)= - 6k
This gives the equation k (k2- 36) = 0
: The roots are k = 0 , 6 or - 6.
Thus, 0,6 and - 6 are all the possible values of k such that the coefficient of x3 in Maclaurin's
series for sin b is - 6k.
E E 19) Wri@down Maclaurin's series for the following :
a) (l+x)z
b) ( ~ - 2 ) ' + 1
d) l / ( l - 2 ~ )
Drawing Curves
E E20) Write down the first three non-zero terms in Maclaurin's series of the following : I
a) sin3 x
b) h(1-X)
E E21) Find the coefficient of x9in Maclaurin's series for the function.
a) cos 2x
b) sin ):
(X +
E E22) If Maclaurin's series for sin x is differentiated term by term, do you get Maclaurin's series Higher O r d e r Derivatives
for cos x ?
E E 23) If Maclaurin's series of ex is differentiated tern by term, we get the same series again.
Prove this.
E E 24) Consider the function y = a + tan-' bx where a and b are fixed real numbers. We are given
that its Taylor's series arond zero is 2 + 3x - 9 x3+ .....
In this unit, we have
1) introduced higher order derivatives,
2) derived a formula (Leibniz's Theorem) for the nIhderivative of a product of two functions.
(uv), = C(n, 0) u, v + C(n, 1) u, v, + C(n, 2) u, v2+ ........+ C(n, n) u v,.
3) written Taylor's series around zeroiMaclaurin's series of a number of functions by using
the formula
(ax + b)m-n,if n Im
b, ((m - n)!
c) ex d) knekx
cos x if n = 4 k + 1
E7) f ( x ) = s i n x ~ f ( x ) = c o s x , f ' ( x ) ~ - s i n x ,
f(3) (x) = - cos x, f(4) (x) = sin x and so on. So Our guess is that f (") (x) -
Now use the principle of mathematical induction to prove that f tn) (x) = sin Isin x if n = 4k
(X + y) as in Example 6.
E10) y =cosx*y,=-sinx,y2=-cosx,y3=sinx,y,=cosxandsoon.
yn = cos (x + nd2)
3 yn+,= - sin (x + nd2)
E l l ) (uv),=u,v+5u4vl + 10u3v2+10u,v3+5ulv4+vS
E 12) (u v), = u, v + u v, which is the pribduct rule of differentiation.
d3(sin2X) d3
=7 (sinxsinx)=-cosxsinx-3 sinxcosx
dx3 dx
- (sin2x)= 2 sin x cos x
(-I)"+, x3
E 15) xn [(n-l)!-3C(n, l)(n-2)!+6C(n,2)(n-3)!
- 6C (n, 3) (n - 4)!]
E21) a) 0 b, 9'JZ
I E 22) Yes
E24) We take that tan-' bx always takes values between --x/2 and d 2 . Then, a = 2, ,