3) Compass Survey

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In real life situations, there are many obstructions and difficulties in direct
ranging the survey lines. It becomes very tedious and inconvenient, even
impossible, to fix the directions of survey lines by linear horizontal
measurements alone. These problems can be conveniently solved by making
angular measurements. The directions of survey lines can be easily fixed by
measuring the angles between two survey lines meeting at a station or angle of
a line with reference to some fixed axis. The direction of a line relative to a
given fixed axis(or meridian) is called its bearing. Traversing becomes quite
convenient by carrying out the measurements along a series of interconnected
survey lines either to form a closed or an open traverse. The lengths and offsets
are measured by chain or tape while directions of survey lines are measured
using compass or any angle measuring instrument. This process is termed as
chain and compass survey.

a) understand various important terms and instruments used in compass
b) understand the procedure of compass surveying,
c) measure bearing of survey lines and find the angle between these lines,
d) know various types of error involved in compass surveying, their source
and methods of correction.


The instruments commonly used for angular measurements are the compass
and theodolite. Before the study of instrument and procedures used for compass
surveying, it is necessary to define some important terms commonly used in
this context.

The horizontal angle between the reference meridian and the survey line is
termed as bearing of the survey line.
Magnetic Bearing
The magnetic needle of the compass always points towards the magnetic
north-south (N-S) direction indicating earths magnetic axis. Since this
direction is same at all the places on the earths surface, it is universally
used as the reference direction. The angle made by survey line in a
clockwise direction with reference to magnetic N-S line is termed as
magnetic bearing of the line. The value of magnetic bearing ranges from 0o
to 360o.
True Bearing
The geographical north of earth is different from the magnetic north. Hence, the

angle which the survey line makes with the true geographical north is
termed as true bearing of the survey line.
Arbitrary Bearing
It is the horizontal angle which a survey line makes with any arbitrary
meridian, which is any convenient direction towards a permanent and
prominent mark or signal, such as a church spire or top of a chimney. Such
bearings are used to determine the relative position of line in a small area.
Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)
The complete circle of angular measurement starts with north as 0oand ends
at north at 360o. The bearing of line directly obtained by magnetic needle
ranging from 0o to 360o is called whole circle bearing as shown in Figure
Reduced Bearing (RB)
The more convenient way to comprehend the direction of a survey line is to
represent the bearing on a quadrantal system. The angle is measured with
respect to NS line towards east or west as shown in Figure 2.1(b). The
relationship between WCB and RB is shown in Figure 2.1(c).
Fore Bearing (FB)
The angle measured in the direction of survey line from starting survey
station to the next station is called fore bearing. In Figure 2.1(d), if the
bearing of line AB is measured from A towards B, it is known as forward
bearing or fore bearing.
Back Bearing (BB)
It is the bearing of the survey line taken from the forward survey station to
the preceding station from which the fore bearing was taken earlier. In Figure
2.1(d), if the bearing of same line AB is measured from B towards A, it is
known as backward bearing or back bearing.

Figure 2.1 : Bearing of a Survey Line


The direction of magnetic meridian varies from place to place across the globe.
Hence, the bearings taken with reference to magnetic meridian of the survey
lines will not represent true relative angles between them. The errors can be
negligible for smaller area surveys but will be quite significant for large surveys
particularly geodetic and astronomical surveys. A more accurate method of
denoting the bearing of a survey line will be to obtain the true bearing of the
line. The difference between true bearing and magnetic bearing of a survey line
at a survey station is called magnetic declination of that place.Hence, the
horizontal angle made by magnetic meridian and true meridian at a place is
termed as magnetic declination of that place as depicted in Figure 2.2. The
magnetic declination could be East declination Figure 2.2(a) or West declination
as in Figure 2.2(b) indicating whether magnetic North is toward East or towards
West of true North.

Figure 2.2 : Magnetic Declination

It may also be noted here that position of magnetic North may change even at a
station due to several factors. Hence, it may be necessary to record the date of
survey and time to obtain the true bearing of a survey line at a place.
Astronomical observations are required to be taken to determine the direction of
true North at a place and hence to obtain the true bearing of a survey line at
that place. Magnetic bearing can be easily obtained for the same line by
compass survey. The difference between true bearing and magnetic bearing of
the survey line so obtained will give the magnetic declination at that place, i.e.
Magnetic Declination = (True Bearing Magnetic Bearing)
The magnetic declination will be positive if magnetic meridian is towards east of
true meridian and negative if magnetic meridian is westward of true meridian.

Isogonic Lines
If the points on the globe which have same magnetic declination at a point
of time are joined, the imaginary lines so obtained are called isogonic lines.
Agonic Lines
These are imaginary lines constructed by joining the points at which the
magnetic declination is zero, and hence have the same value of magnetic
bearing and true bearings. For reference to geodetic and other important
surveys, isogonic charts are published by agencies like Survey of India, on
which isogonic and agonic lines are drawn on earth maps.


The compass essentially consists of a freely suspended magnetic needle
mounted on a smooth pointed pivot. The needle can freely move over a
graduated scale. Two slit vanes are provided on the frame one as the object
vane and other as eye vane placed at 180o to provide the line of sight. A tripod
stand is provided on which the compass can be mounted and positioned over
the survey station, while taking observations.
A circular metal box, approximately 100 mm diameter, is used with a hardened
steel pivot at the centre. The magnetic needle, graduated aluminium ring and
vanes etc. are other parts of the compass. Design of these parts and their
placement vary in different types of compass. The two types of compass
prismatic compass and surveyors compass are currently used in practice.
Prismatic Compass
It is the commonly used compass for engineering surveys and is suitable for
surveys where speed is more important than accuracy, for example, the
preliminary surveys of road, railway line or pipe line alignments and rough
traversing etc. Figure 3.1 shows the different constituents of a prismatic
compass in their final assembled form. The aluminium ring of prismatic
compass has a magnetic needle marked with N-S along the diameter of the
ring. The graduations are itched from 0o to 360o in clockwise direction with
zero marked at south end of needle and 180oat the north end (Figure 3.1(a)).
The itching is marked in inverted fashion so that they are read in correct way
when viewed through the reflecting prism. Each degree in graduation is
divided into half to give a least count of 30'. The object vane has a vertical
hair thin wire bisecting the object under observation.
The observation vane (or eye vane) consists of a reflecting prism. Both the
vanes are collapsible to be folded to lie on compass cover when not in use. A
plane mirror is hinged to object vane to sight the object which is too high or
too low to be sighted directly. The indication of mirror can be adjusted to
facilitate this process. In case of sun glare, when making the measurements

become difficult, sun screen of tinted glasses can be used by placing them in
the line of sight between prism and object vane. To dampen the oscillation of
magnetic needle and providing stability to measurement process, a brake
pin is provided on the side of the compass box. A lifting pin is also provided
to lift the needle and to keep it pressed against glass cover when the object
vane is folded and the compass is not in use. This prevents the pivot from
excessive wear and tear.
Surveyors Compass
This instrument is more or less obsolete these days and not often used for
land surveying. Its construction is somewhat similar to prismatic compass
except that it has plane sight vane with a narrow vertical slit in place in
prism. The graduations on scale vary from 0o to 90o with 0o at North and
South and 90oat East and West positions marked (Figure 3.1(b)). The
magnetic needle is edge bar type while the circular graduated scale is fixed
with the box. Thus, here, instead of whole circle bearing, reduced bearings
are recorded.

Figure 3.1 : System of Graduation

Comparison between Prismatic Compass and Surveyors Compass

Prismatic Compass

Surveyors Compass

1. Magnetic needle is
attached to the
graduated ring, so that
the line of sight goes to
different parts of the dial
and the dial remains
steady along with the
needle in one direction.
2. The graduation are from
0 to 360. When the
line of sight is pointing
north, the reading
observed at the south
end through the prism is
0. As these figures are
read through the prism
after reflection, the
inverted figures if the
dial becomes upright.

1. Surveyors compass the

graduated dial is fixed to the
box. It moves along with the line
of sight. When the line of sights
is coincides with the needle, it
indicates the N-S direction. Let
us take a line lying in the N-E
direction. To take observation of
this line the dial is moved ahead
leaving behind the magnetic
needle steady in the N-S
direction. If N, E, S, W, is written
on the dial under normal
conditions, the needle will show
then-E line in the N-W quadrant.
This is because the needle has
remained behind and the
graduated dial along with the
line of sight has moved ahead.
Due to this reasons the letters E
and W are inter changed on the


The procedure of measuring bearing with the compass is discussed in this
along with some related issues like compass traversing, local attraction and
correction due to local attraction.
Setting the Compass at Station
The compass is required to be temporarily set over the station at which the
bearing of survey line required to be measured. It is basically a two-step
procedure. This is also called the temporary adjustments of compass.

The compass is set so that its centre lies exactly above the station under
consideration. This is achieved by suspending a plumb bob from the centre
hook provided. If the conical end of plumb bob lie exactly over the station (X
is marked over station for accuracy), the compass is considered to be
exactly centered. If not, the legs of the tripod are adjusted in position by
moving one leg first and then simultaneously moving other two legs in
perpendicular direction to first movement. Several trials can be needed for
obtaining the correct centering of the compass. In real life situations, when
plumb bob is not available, a small piece of stone or pebble can be taken, by
holding this stone by fingers in line of centre of compass and allowing it to
drop freely on the station. If the stone falls on the top of peg then centering
is correct, otherwise the adjustment of tripod is done as explained earlier.

The compass is required to be levelled so that the aluminium ring is in

horizontal plane and hence free to rotate on pivot. The levelling can be
checked by a spirit level or by rolling a pin on compass box. If the round pin
does not roll, the level is correct. If not levelled correctly, the level can be
adjusted by moving the legs of tripod. Some instruments are provided with a
ball and socket arrangement at box base to achieve rapid levelling till the
graduated ring moves freely inside the compass box.
Observing the Bearing
Once the compass is centered over the station and levelled, the process of
bearing measurement can start. Let AB be the survey line as shown in
Figure 3.2(a), the bearing of which is required to be measured. The
instrument is set at A and a ranging rod is fixed at B. The compass is turned
so that line of sight is aligned in the direction of AB by making eye slit of
observation vane, vertical hair of object vane and ranging rod at B in same
horizontal line. Wait for oscillation of graduation ring to dampen, with the
use of brake pin if necessary. The viewing prism is focused by moving it
vertically with the help of focusing stud. The reading of the image of hair
line as observed through prism is noted indicating the whole circle bearing
of survey line. The process is repeated to check the repeatability of
measurements. This bearing is called fore bearing of line AB.

Figure 3.2 : Recording of Bearing

The instrument is successively set at each station of the traverse and the
fore bearing and back bearing of each line is taken and recorded in the field
notebook. The observational errors in this survey tend to compensate as
each bearing is observed independently. Distances between each survey
stations are measured using a chain/tape. The offset points are located
either by procedure followed in chain surveying or by angular measurement
compass. The bearings of survey lines in a traverse are observed in
progressive way. The bearing recorded in the direction of progress of survey
is called the fore bearing while the bearing of the same survey line from the

end station (station B on line AB) is termed back bearing (Figure 2.1(d)). It
can be noted that back bearing of a line is equal to its fore bearing
180o. Plus sign is used when fore bearing is less than 180o and minus
sign is used when it is more than 180o.
Local Attraction
The bearings measured by compass are magnetic bearings measured with
reference to magnetic north of the earth. Apart from the fact that magnetic
meridian changes from place to place on earth and with time of
observation, external magnetic influence existing locally at a place can
influence the readings seriously. The local presence of magnetic rocks, iron
ore deposits, steel structures, railway lines, iron electric poles etc. Can
seriously deflect the magnetic needle of compass from its normal positions.
Such disturbances in accuracy of measurements are termed local
attraction. The actual measurements of bearings can also be disturbed if
the surveyors, carelessly keeps bunch of iron keys, iron knives or buttons,
steel framed spectacles. Even the chains and arrows, used in surveying,
near the compass can also affect bearings. Proximity of such objects should
be avoided as far as possible during compass surveying.
The existence of local attraction can be detected by recording the fore
bearing and back bearing of the survey line from both end stations. Any
difference between back bearing and fore bearing other than 180owill
indicate the presence of local attraction if no instrumental and
observational error is involved in the measurement process.
Adjustments and Corrections
It may be noted that the presence of local attraction will affect all the
bearings taken at a particular station in the same way. Hence, the difference
between the bearings of lines recorded at a particular station, giving the
included angle between the survey lines will have the correct value even
when the station is observed to have the local attraction disturbances.
The corrections in the recorded bearings at a station influenced by local
attraction can be made by either of the following methods.
a) The difference between fore bearings and back bearings of all the survey
lines are determined. The line having a difference of exactly 180o is
selected as unaffected line. The magnitude and direction of error, i.e. the
deviation from 180o and its sign (+ ve if more than 180o and ve if less
than 180o) at other stations is determined. The corrections are thus
applied to other survey lines with reference to unaffected line.
b) Included angles of all the survey lines are computed for closed traverses.
The sum of these included angles shall be equal to (2n 4) right angles,
where n is number of survey lines in the traverse. The error if any in the
sum of included angles is then distributed either equally or in proportion

to the magnitude of angle, to all the angles once again starting from the
unaffected line. The bearings of other lines are corrected by taking the
corrected values of included angles.
c) If no line can be located which has a 180odifference between its fore and
back bearing, the survey line with minimum deviation is selected and the
error is equally applied in fore bearing and back bearing to bring the
difference to exactly 180o. The bearing of other lines are then corrected
following the procedure discussed above.


While undertaking the compass traversing, following precautions should
normally be observed.
If it is difficult to observe the location of the ranging rod at station B from
compass set at station A for obtaining the bearing of survey line AB, locate
an intermediate station C on line AB, which can be sighted from both
stations A and B. The compass can then be set over the intermediate station
C. When there is an optical obstruction in the line AB, a parallel line C D is
set out by means of offsets as nearly as possible (Figure 4.1(b)) and get the
bearing of the survey line.

Figure 4.1 : Bearing when Two Stations are not Intervisible

Freeing the Needle

The magnetic needle has to rotate freely over the pivot to get accurate
measurement of bearing of the survey line. Tap the compass box after the
needle has come to rest. This helps in overcoming the pivot friction, if any.
The cover glass may also have gathered static electric charge, when rubbed
with cloth while dusting and thus attract and jam the magnetic needle of
compass. The glass has to be discharged by applying moist finger on its

The vibration of compass needle are damped by gently pressing the braking
knob. To reduce vibrations and to minimize wear and tear of pivot point, the
needle shall be released only when the compass is aligned approximately in
the direction of magnetic meridian at site.It is always advisable to take
duplicate reading of the needle for each bearing measurements. After noting
down the first reading the compass is rotated to displace the needle.
Readjust the needle before taking the duplicate reading. This reduces
observational errors.


Various errors observed during a compass survey can be broadly classified as
Instrumental errors, Observational errors and External influences.
Instrumental Errors
These could be due to defective manufacture or due to damage to
instrument during rough handling, transportation and use. For example,
a) The needle may not be perfectly straight or balanced.
b) Needle loosing its magnetic property.
c) The pivot may become blunt or bent.
d) The plane of sight loosing its verticality and/or twisted so that it is not passing
through the centre of compass.
e) The graduated circle may loose its shape or horizontality.
Observational Errors
Even when the instrument is in perfect order, some errors may occur during
bearing measurements. These can be due to
(a) Setting and levelling inaccuracies, i.e. the compass center may not
coincide the center point of survey station, or it may not be levelled
accurately so that it does not lie in a horizontal plane.
(b)Ranging inaccuracies, i.e. the ranging rods at other object stations may
not be fixed in vertical position or these may not be perfectly bisected by
line of sight.
(c) Reading and recording inaccuracies, i.e. due to carelessness, the position
of line of sight may either be not read properly or accurately or wrongly
recorded in field notebook.
External Influences
Perfect instruments and their perfect use may not make the measurements
error free because of the following reasons :
(a) Magnetic storms, sunspots, lunar perturbations or minor tremors in earth
may cause irregular variations in bearing measurements.
(b)Secular, annual and/or diurnal variations in declination affect the bearing
accuracy due to variation in magnetic meridian.
(c) The local attraction due to presence of iron ore in ground, or steel
structures, electric lines etc. in the vicinity of survey stations.



Having observed various types of possible errors during compass surveying, the
surveyor has to take adequate measures during actual use of instrument to
minimize the effects of these errors. Some of these are given below.
Ensure Horizontality of Needle and Scale
If the needle is not horizontal even when the compass is levelled properly, a
small coil of brass rider is used by sliding it on needle towards the higher
end of needle. Proper adjustment of rider will make the needle and scale
Ensure that Pivot is Central to Scale
Readings at both, North and South, end of needle are recorded. The
difference shall be exactly 180o. Any deviation from this will indicate that
either the needle is not straight or the pivot is bent. If the difference
between N- and S-readings is constant for different positions of compass,
though it may not be 180o, it will indicate that needle is not straight while
pivot is in centre. The needle is carefully observed and straightened to
remove this deviation. If the deviation is not same for different compass
position, pivot bending is indicated. Pivot is bent and needle straightened to
remove this error.
Ensure Verticality of Plane of Sight
A plumb bob is suspended in front of the compass set in position and is
observed through the instrument. The eye vane, the object vane and the
string of plumb bob shall be in same vertical plane. Any deviation will
indicate the loss of verticality of either the eye vane or object vane which
are then adjusted accordingly.
Closing Error
When a closed traverse survey is conducted and the results plotted, it may
be observed that traverse fails to close. Actual distance by which traverse
fail to close is called the closing error. These could be either due to
(a) error in measuring angles, or
(b) error in measuring distances.
All the included angles of the traverse are computed from the recorded
bearings and aggregated. If the aggregated included angle is equal to (2n
4) right angles, the angle measurements are correct provided there is no
local attraction influence or observational error. Any difference will indicate
error in angular measurement. If the closing error is large, the survey is
rejected and repeated. If it is small, the error can be corrected by making
small adjustments in bearings as explained in Section 3.2 under
Adjustments and Corrections.


Errors in Chaining
The traverse may fail to close even when angles are error free. For example
the traverse starting from A is plotted as A B C D E A in Figure 4.3(a). The
end point A does not coincide with A indicating closing error. If error AA is
large, the survey has to be repeated. However, if it is small, it can be
adjusted as described below.

Figure 4.3 : Errors in Chaining

In this session we learnt to:
1. Define different types of North's
2. List the different parts of a compass and various accessories used
along with compass
3. Describe a Surveys compass
4. Show the temporary adjustments of a compass
5. Describe how to observe a bearing
6. Explain errors in compass observations
7. Plot a given area using Intersection method of compass surveying

1. Observation for magnetic bearings can be made comparatively quickly.
2. The compass is very light and portable.

3. Each bearing is determined independently of the other and therefore,

errors do not accurate but tend to compensate.
4. The bearing of a line can be observed from any point on it.
5. Useful for small and rough surveys and saves a lot of time.
6. Reading can be very inaccurate (therefore compass survey are used
where less precision required)
7. Unless proper precautions are taken against local attraction, the
magnetic bearing are likely to be in considerable error due to the
proximity of magnetized substances.

1. Vedyadhara.ifnou.ac.inwikiimages004 unit3
2. www.mission10x.commission_compass surveying
3. www.most.gov.mm techuni media CE 01011


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