Crime & Punishment - Crime
Crime & Punishment - Crime
Crime & Punishment - Crime
William Hogarth
The 4 Stages of Cruelty
Claude Du Vall robbing Squire Roper, Master of the Buckhounds to King Charles II, in Windsor Forest
From A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers, &c (1734)
by Captain Charles Johnson
James Whitney robbing an old usurer, Whom he Forces to Ride Back to Front
From A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers, &c (1734)
by Captain Charles Johnson
Plunkett and Maclaine Robbing the Earl of Eglinton on Hounslow Heath in 1750
Thomas Hawkins and George Simpson Robbing the Mail near Colnbrook
Engraving from The Annals of Newgate (1776), by John Villette
by Joshua Kirby 1781
(Lewis Walpole Library)
Alleged Murder of Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, in the Tower; plan of Capel's cell in the Tower, with three
men seizing Capel on the left, a razor blade in the centre, and Capel's corpse at the top right. 1683
(The British Museum)
The Murder of John Hayes, Catherine Hayes assisting Wood and Billings to cut off the Head from her Husband's Corpse
Engraving from The Annals of Newgate (1776), by John Villette
Elizabeth Canning, Convicted of Perjury for False Accusation of Being Held Kidnapped
by Thos. Bowles 1754
(Ex. Collection.: Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd)
Night Watchmen,
Constables, Etc.
Night Watchman
by John Bogle 1776
(Yale Center for British Art)
Night Watchman
by John Bogle 1776
(Yale Center for British Art)
English c. 1785 - 1795
(The British Museum)
The Cryes of the City of London Drawne after the Life Remember the Poor Prisoners
after Phillipe Boltard & Macellus Laroon II 1688, Reworked & Published after c. 1750
(The British Museum)
Twelve Etchings from Lichtenberg's Gttinger Taschenkalender Illustrating the 'Progress of Virtue and Vice'
by Daniel Chodowiecki, Published by Christian Dietrich 1777
(The British Museum)
Judge Thumb
Rule of Thumb
by William Humphry 1782
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- The 18th Century Material Culture Resource Center