Cast Heater White Paper

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Cast Line Heaters: The Benefits of This

Space Saving Electric Heater
Cast Line Heaters or Cast in heaters offer an
alternative to inline process heaters, which
have directly immersed heating elements,
where space savings and temperature
sensitivity are of paramount importance. As
an effective solution for heating low flow
liquids or gases they can replace the need for
a pressure vessel and operate at significantly
higher pressures than their counterpart due
to their superior but simple design.

The core components of
this heater are its
process coil, mineral
sheathed electric heating
elements and marine
grade aluminium casting.
This casting is the
medium to transfer the
heat directly from the heating elements to the
coil due to its excellent heat transfer
properties. The material of the coil can be
manufactured in an array of materials
dependant on the process temperature and
corrosion resistance requirements.

Operational Benefits of Cast Heaters

Unlike process heaters, our cast heaters do
not restrict the flow and offer very little
pressure drop in comparison. This is due to
the fact that process continues to flow
through pipework rather than over a baffled
heater vessel. It is possible to quickly and
safely pre-heat a cast line heater with little or
no flow running, allowing for faster start up
times. In addition, cast heaters allow for more

precise process control, compared to

conventional heaters and other so called
compact enveloped resistor technologies,
leading to a steady temperature output.
A beneficial difference for cast heaters
compared to other inline heaters is that there
is no direct contact between process and
heating elements. Any no-flow conditions will
not affect the performance of the cast heater
as in this heater the block temperature is
controlled as opposed to the process in inline
process heaters. This also leads to there being
a heavily reduced chance of the heater to trip;
this is particularly advantageous for
unmanned on- and offshore applications. As
the elements and heating coil are embedded
in the aluminium casting the level of vibration
caused by process flow is eliminated. In
addition, cast heaters are particularly reliable
for high performing reciprocating applications
where a failure in the heaters performance
will directly impact the entire system.

Sizing and Cost Benefits

Cast heaters have a smaller footprint (size and
weight) than other inline heaters, making
them an ideal space saver which can be of key
importance to offshore platforms, compact
skids and pumping stations. Leading on from
this, the heaters associated thyristor control
system is more compact as well. Cast heaters
can be secured on the wall or floor, vertically
or horizontally mounted, giving greater
flexibility to its position and use of space.

Being physically smaller in size, not only are the initial costs considerably less for an electric cast
heater but without the need for frequent and complex maintenance activities and their associated
downtimes or expensive performance monitoring, operating costs are less too. Electric heating, in
general, boasts a simpler means of operation with faster setup times.
Besides these size and costs savings, cast heaters can have advanced delivery times when opting for
a standard cast heater. Standard range in general includes: a 1 inch duplex process coil, maximum
working pressure and temperature ratings of 330bar.g at 135C, maximum duty of 30KW in a single
unit and certified to meet the requirements of ATEX Directive 94/9/EC, IECEx, CSA, GOST-R or
Inmetro. A cast heater containing these specifications will allow for faster delivery times and lower
costs. For higher duties, cast heaters can be used in series or parallel.

Typical Applications
Seal Gas
Dry gas seals are used in process gas centrifugal compressors. It is necessary to have shaft sealing to
prevent the process gas from escaping to the atmosphere. Dry gas seals can be applied to
accomplish the required shaft sealing. Dry gas seals are available in a variety of configurations but a
tandem style seal is typically applied within a process gas service. Tandem seals consist of a primary
seal and a secondary seal. During normal operation the primary seal absorbs the total pressure drop
to a vent system and the secondary seal acts as a back-up should the primary seal fail. Dry seals are
basically mechanical face seals, consisting of a mating (rotating) ring and a primary (stationary) ring.
During operation grooves in the mating ring generate a fluid-dynamic force causing the primary ring
to separate from the mating ring creating a running gap between the two rings. A sealing gas is
injected into the seal, providing the working fluid for the running gap and the seal between the
atmosphere or flare system and the compressor internal process gas.
It is necessary for the high pressure seal gas to be heated to ensure the removal of moisture and
prevent condensation within the seal. Cast line heaters are typically used within this generally high
pressure application.

Oil Processing
Heavy Crude oil or Extra Heavy Crude oil is any type of crude oil which does not flow easily. It is
referred to as "heavy" because its density or its specific gravity is higher than of light crude oil. Heavy
crude oil has been defined as any liquid petroleum with an API gravity less than 20, meaning that its
specific gravity is greater than 0.933 (g/ml). Production, transportation and refining of heavy crude
oil presents special challenges compared to light crude oil. Physical properties that distinguish heavy
crudes from lighter ones include higher viscosity and specific gravity, as well as heavier molecular
composition. Generally a diluent is added at regular distances in a pipeline carrying heavy crude to
facilitate its flow. However, it is possible to reduce viscosity in order to improve flow of heavy oils
using an electric line heater or outflow heater if the oil is in a pipeline or within a storage tank.
Electric cast heaters are commonly used to reduce the viscosity of crude oils in order to make them
more free flowing. Cast line heaters provide a clean, efficient and controllable solution for process
heat provision, in comparison with other systems such as heat exchangers or fired heating systems.
Gas reduction on fuel gas systems
Fuel gas is commonly used in the power generating industry as an energy
source for turbines. Before the fuel gas is burned in the turbines it needs
to be treated to ensure the removal of solid, liquid and gas contaminants.
A fuel gas conditioning system commonly consists of the following
components; a pre heater, a pressure regulation valve, two high efficiency
coalescing filter elements and a super heater.
The pre heater is used to prevent the formation of hydrate due to
pressure and temperature drop across pressure regulator. The pressure
regulating valve is then used to maintain a constant gas pressure to the
turbine in the event that the gas supply pressure exceeds an acceptable
level. The coalescing filter is used to remove the solids and liquids. The
system will commonly include two such filters so that one can be replaced without shutting down
the fuel gas conditioning system. Finally a Super heater is used to ensure that super-heated gas
enters the turbine at the correct temperature.
Other applications
In addition to the above three product applications, cast heaters can be used used for hydrocarbon
liquids; Air, CO and Nitrogen; Instrument Air; Solvents; Paint and Pasteurisation.

Cast line heaters are a favourable alternative to inline process heaters in areas where space saving
and temperature sensitivity are of utmost importance. A cast heaters aluminium casting has
excellent heat transfer properties and the heaters un-baffled design results in there not being any
flow restrictions. Fast start-up times, precise process control, no vibration, smaller footprint and
lower operating costs are some of this heaters key benefits. When opting for a standardized
product there is also the advantage of decreased delivery times. Whether selecting a custom
engineered or standard product, cast heaters provide an effective heating solution for constant flow
liquids or gases, eliminating the requirement for a costly pressure vessel in high pressure

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