Heat Exchangers, Coolers, and Process Heaters Process Heaters and Heat
Heat Exchangers, Coolers, and Process Heaters Process Heaters and Heat
Heat Exchangers, Coolers, and Process Heaters Process Heaters and Heat
A fixed tube sheet heat exchanger is the most cheapest and economical type of heat
exchanger used in any oil refinery for heat exchanging because the mechanism of its
operation is simple and also the testing and repair of the same is easy to perform.
Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger used in higher-pressure and Higher Temperature
applications. Fixed tube Sheet heat exchangers are the one that are very much used in
process chemical industries and refinery services, as there is absolutely no chance for
intermixing fluids. This type heat exchanger is employed where even slightest
intermixing fluids can not be tolerated. Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger has straight
tubes that are secured at bothends to tubesheets welded to the shell. The construction
may have removable channelcovers , bonnet-type channel covers tubesheets. The
principal advantage the Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger construction is its low cost
because its simple construction. In fact Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger is the least
expensive construction type, as long as no expansion jointis required.
Specifications :
The Fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger are that shell pass cannot be cleaned with the
mechanical method and the maintenance is difficult.
The Fixed tube -sheet heat exchanger is applicable to all services where the
temperature difference between the shell and tube is small.
In the event a large differential temperature between the tubes and the shell,
thetubesheets will be unable to absorb the differential stress, making it necessary an
expansion joint.
Advantages are that the tubes can be cleaned mechanically after removal
thechannel cover or bonnet, leakage the shellside is minimized since thereare
no joints.
A disadvantage this design is that since the bundle is to the shell and cannot
beremoved, the outsides the tubes cannot be cleaned mechanically.
Its applicationis limited to clean services on the shellside. However, if a
satisfactory chemical clean-ing program can be employed.
Construction may be selected for foulingservices on the shellside.
This takes away the advantage low cost to a significant extent.
A floating head type of heat exchanger is the most efficient type of heat exchanger
used in an oil refinery. It has a floating head attached to one of its end which helps in
the proper heat transfer between fluids. The floating heat permits the free expansion
and contraction. Also this type of heat exchanger is easy to clean and test for
performance enhancements purpose. This is used in oil refinery in crude distillation unit
for heat exchange between crude and naphtha. It increases the temperature of crude.
It is used to preheat the heat exchanger before sending it to crude distillation column
Floating head heat exchanger is one of the most used heat exchanger. As shown in the
name of it, in this design, one end of the tubesheet is fixed to the shell, while the other
one can float freely inside the shell. Generally, both the shell and tube bundle are free
of expansion, this permits no thermal stress is produced between shell and tube
bundle, when the temperature difference of two medium is large. In addition, it is easy
to inspect and clean mechanically the heat exchanger as the tube bundle can be
removed absolutely. Floating head heat exchanger is widely used for the service where
the temperature is high between the shell and tube bundle, or the dirty service, like the
petroleum refinery.
With high reliability and wide adaptability, floating head heat exchanger has
accumulated a wealth of experience during the long term using process, and
promoted its development constantly. So far, among all kinds of heat exchangers,
floating head heat exchanger is still in a leading position.
o Ability to handle dirty fluids and high differential temperatures
o Both head and tubes can be cleaned.
o Individual tubes can be removed and replaced
o Cost more than fixed tube heat exchangers
o More gaskets than fixed tube heat exchangers which can cause leakage.
d) Ser provisto de una placa de acero inoxidable con toda la informacin requerida en
el ASME,Seccin VIII, y localizada en un lugar de fcil lectura.
El intercambiador de calor de tubo fijo es aplicable a todos los servicios en los que la
diferencia de temperatura entre la envoltura y el tubo es pequea.
En el caso de una gran diferencia de temperatura entre los tubos y la coraza, las
lminas no podrn absorber la tensin diferencial, haciendo necesaria una junta de
Las ventajas son que los tubos se pueden limpiar mecnicamente despus de retirar la
cubierta del canal o el cap, la fuga del lado de la coraza se minimiza puesto que no
hay juntas.
Una desventaja de este diseo es que, dado que el haz es a la carcasa y no puede
ser removido, los lados exteriores de los tubos no pueden limpiarse mecnicamente.
Su aplicacin se limita a servicios limpios en el lado de la coraza. Sin embargo, si se
puede emplear un programa de limpieza qumica satisfactorio.
La construccin se puede seleccionar para los servicios de en el shellside.
Esto quita la ventaja de bajo costo en una medida significativa.
Un intercambiador de calor tipo cabeza flotante es el tipo ms eficiente de
intercambiador de calor utilizado en una refinera de petrleo. Tiene una cabeza
flotante unida a uno de su extremo que ayuda en la transferencia apropiada del calor
entre los lquidos. El calor flotante permite la expansin libre y la contraccin. Tambin
este tipo de intercambiador de calor es fcil de limpiar y probar el propsito de mejoras
de rendimiento. Se utiliza en la refinera de petrleo en la unidad de destilacin de
crudo para el intercambio de calor entre crudo y nafta. Aumenta la temperatura del
crudo. Se utiliza para precalentar el intercambiador de calor antes de enviarlo a la
columna de destilacin en bruto.
O Capacidad para manejar fluidos sucios y altas temperaturas diferenciales
O Tanto la cabeza como los tubos pueden limpiarse.
O Los tubos individuales se pueden quitar y reemplazar
O Coste ms que los intercambiadores de calor de tubo fijo
O Ms juntas que los intercambiadores de calor de tubos fijos que pueden causar