Illinois - Indiana Sea Grant Program
Sea Grant # IL-IN-SG-FS-91-2
LaDon Swann
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program
Purdue University
Fish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila may
have many different symptoms. These range from
sudden death in otherwise healthy fish to lack of
appetite, swimming abnormalities, pale gills, bloated
appearance, and skin ulcerations. The skin ulcers
may occur at any site on the fish and often are
surrounded by a bright rim of red tissue. Other
organs commonly affected with this disease include
the gills, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, and skeletal
muscle. The symptoms vary since they are dependent
upon a number of factors including the virulence of
the organism, the resistance of the fish to infection,
the presence or absence of bacteremia or septicemia,
and stress factors associated with the fish. Because of
the variability of these symptoms, the diagnosis of
this disease based only upon symptoms is highly
unreliable and may be economically disastrous to the
fish producer.
Pfizer, Inc.
Hoffman-La Roche,Inc.
Note: Terramycin has a 21day pre-slaughter withdrawal time. Remet30 has a 3-day pre-slaughter withdrawal time, respectively for catfish and salmonids. Both have a 0.l ppm tolerance level in salmonids and catfish.
* Taken from A Guide to Approved Chemicals in Fish Production and Fishery Resource Management, 1989,
University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.
NA 89AA-D-SG058
NEW 6/91 (.5M)
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work. Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Cooperative Extension Services of Illinois and Indiana. Purdue University
and the University of Illinois are affirmative actio/equal oppurtunity institutions.