TODAY-Sunday, January 11th: This Weeks Schedule

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We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God
would bless and direct this time together. Worship is an
interactive, participatory experience and our prayer is that the
service today would strengthen and encourage you on your
spiritual journey. Whether you are new to faith, just coming back
to church, or a long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your
time with us engaging and meaningful.

Worship: a time to connect with God through song and prayer.
Feel free to stand and sing with us as we praise God through
singing by following the on-screen lyrics. A typical service lasts
about 65 minutes.
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. Its also just
our way of saying, We love our church and we want to support
it! If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the
childrens chapel to be taught by our Childrens pastor and staff.
Message: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth
in compelling, relevant ways. All of our messages are available
as podcast on our website or through iTunes.
Response: When God is speaking, we take time to respond.
Most of the time this is after the message, but at other times it
may be in the middle of the service. An invitation is never needed
if you want to pray at the altar.
Communion: We take time monthly to celebrate Communion
and welcome all followers of Jesus Christ to participate in this act
of worship and remembrance regardless of membership or




Wednesday, January 14th

Bible Study: 11:00am
Adult Bible Study: 6:30pm
Ladies Bible Study: 6:30pm
Youth Ministries: 6:30pm
Childrens Ministries: 6:30pm
Friday thru Monday, January 16th-19th
Youth Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge
Sunday, January 18th
Worship: 8:30am; 10:45am
Sunday School: 9:45am
Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Worship: 6:00pm
TODAY: January 11th
1st Service: Lisa Lee, Emma Gilliam
2nd Service: Ruth & Emily Champion
PM Service: Ricky & Sharon Arnold

January 4, 2015
Tithes & Offerings:
Received: $6,176.45
Received: $375
WEF Paid:

To know more about The Church of the Nazarene and what we

believe, check out our website at


TODAY-Sunday, January 11th

Worship: 8:30am; 10:45am
Sunday School: 9:45am
Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Worship: 6:00pm

Fiscal Year is 5/1/14 to 4/30/15

NEXT SUNDAY: January 18th

1st Service: Kathy Guess, Lyndsey Reed
2nd Service: Angela & Sydnee Pendergraff
PM Service: Kim Bishop

105 Flower Lane Drive

Estill Springs, TN 37330
Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410
Emails: [email protected]
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday,
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Micah 6:8 Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Our Ministry Team

Matt Hastings
Lead Pastor
[email protected]

Thomas Crummer
Youth Pastor
[email protected]

Linda Crummer
Childrens Pastor
[email protected]

Geron Brown
Worship Pastor
[email protected]

Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday, January 14th at 6:30pm
A new study will begin. See you in the McCormack Center
Inspire 2015 - January 24, 2015
East TN District training for all aspects of ministry
9:00am-12:30pm at Covenant Fellowship Nazarene
Registration Brochures available in the foyer
Please fill out and place in offering plate TODAY!
All forms must be turned in today!

Bowling League
Our Bowling League will start again January 29th. Cost is $7.50
per week for 10 weeks. If you are interested in joining, please
see Cathy Frame today. Even if you have played before, please
let Cathy know you wish to continue.

Super Bowl Outreach
February 1, 2015
Bring your snack foods to one of the designated homes & enjoy
the fellowship. During the halftime show we'll play a DVD
testimony of an NFL player. This is a great way to reach out to
your friends!
Membership Class
Join Pastor Matt during the Sunday School hour on February 1st
& 8th for a class on becoming a member of Estill Nazarene.

Choir Practice will resumes tonight
from 4:45pm 5:45pm
This is a great time to join the choir since we will be starting
all new music. Come join us!

Renewal Weekend
with Susie Shellenberger
Friday, January 23rd at 7:00pm
Saturday, January 24th at 6:00pm
Sunday, January 25th at 8:30am and 10:45am
A little about Susie

THANK YOU...The church has received a Thank You card

from Jeanette Cook & family and from William Banks &
family. Please see the bulletin board in the hallway.

MICAH 6:8 MINISTRY from Sandy Schefcik

Did You Know... that more families are angry about what their
kids are learning -- and they're pulling their kids out of public
school to prove it? In a lead story for New York Times, reporters
are stunned by the mass exodus of children from traditional
education settings. The rapid growth of the homeschooling
movement is up from 1.5 million to 1.8 million in just five years. As
the Times points out, religious families aren't the only ones
making the jump as outrage over Common Core and other testing
frustrations are driving parents of all backgrounds to pull their
children from public classrooms. Virginia, New York, California,
and South Carolina are all experiencing huge leaps in
homeschooling. In North Carolina, the number of kids in home
schools is actually growing faster than private school enrollment -climbing 14% over the last year. A common theme of
the Times piece was the lack of regulation on homeschoolers.
"Here we are loosening standards for a subset of students while
at the same time giving them the same credentials as other
students," complained one public school advocate. Clearly,
parents and state legislators need to be on their toes in the
coming months as tighter restrictions and more regulations on
homeschoolers in an effort to protect government schooling may
be advanced.

Susie loves bright colors,

the smell of brand-new
tennis shoes, burnt hotdogs,
sock monkeys and laughing
till her sides hurt. Shes fun,
creative, and has traveled to
every continent in the
worldyes, even Antarctica.
Shes an OKC Thunder
basketball fan and has given
the invocation at several of
their home games.
Susie grew up in Bethany, OK, and attended Southern Nazarene
University where she served as the first elected female student
government president and received a B.A. in Communications with
minors in education, English and creative writing. She received her
Masters Degree in creative writing from the University of Central
Susie is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene and has
served as a fulltime youth pastor in several churches across the
country, and enjoyed teaching speech, English, drama and creative
writing in the public school system.
Her public school experience was interrupted with an invitation to
join Focus on the Family who hired her to create a magazine for teen
girls. Brio was launched in March of 1990, and Susie served as editor
for nearly two decades. She has been a guest on the former Montel
Williams Show, Fox News and CNNs HLN (Headline News Network).
In 2009, Susie entered fulltime evangelism while launching a new
magazine for teen girls and continued as editor until 2014 when she
stepped away from the daily tasks to concentrate more on fulltime
speaking and writing.
Susie was honored by Southern Nazarene University in 2000
with The Centennial Award, and October 6, 2010 Olivet Nazarene
University awarded her the Reed Institute Lifetime Achievement
Leadership Award.

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