Cherith Brook CW Spring 2016
Cherith Brook CW Spring 2016
Cherith Brook CW Spring 2016
C A T H O L I C W O R K E R Spring 2016
So E lijah did according to the word of the L ord; he went and lived by the C herith Brookand the ravens brought him bread I Kings 17
them through the lens of Christ to re-shape our understanding of Christs call for us to take
care of each other, Christs call to us as disciples, set apart as people of compassion in the face of
disgust, set apart as people of love in the face of hate, people of action in the face of apathy. It
may have been easier to offer folks a script or flow-chart of ways to respond to the what-ifs of
encountering someone who fits the homeless description. We have worked with people experi-
encing homelessness and hopelessness for more than 10 years. We probably could have come up
with a script or how to sheet. This however, would not help the situation. Doing so, would not
address the feelings listed above. It wouldnt call people into account to deep-seeded, long-held
beliefs about people in need. It wouldnt, necessarily, cause mindsets (heartsets) and actions to
change. It might even perpetuate the one size fits all mentality or that solutions are easy when
accompanied with a formula.
Eric and I participated in the activities with the group. I found myself in the familiar co-learner
Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman is a story about a blighted neighborhood - lots of run down role - a life-long journey to undo wrong thinking. It takes years to replace wrong thinking with
houses and empty lots. The neighborhood is of a melting pot of different cultures, languages and new, open-minded, life-giving expressions. One week was devoted to hearing Lonnies story.
people groups. In each chapter, the reader is introduced to a particular persons lens, or perspec- All of you know Lonnie! His story is heart-wrenching, compelling. Oh how our hard hearts are
tive, on people around them and living in such an environment. Everyone keeps to themselves melted when we hear a story, especially someone we know! It has the tendency to shatter our
out of fear and suspicion. A shared community garden, started by a young girl, changed all that. preconceived ideas. This story Lonnies story - challenged the feelings we had explored and
The garden got people out of their houses, engaging with one another. Near the end of the validated the previous weeks. Now all of a sudden, we have reason to respond in kindness and
book, an Iraqi man is tending his garden and a woman comes over to admire his plants. compassion. We have reason to act selflessly. This was part of the class we set it up this way to
bring the complexity of someones story to light. While this was the original plan, I felt pained at
She said she had admired my eggplants for weeks and how happy she was to finally meet me. She the end of the series. It seems a contradiction to who we are to be compelled to a compassionate
told me how to cook them and asked about my family. But something bothered me. Then I remembered. response if or when we hear the rest of the story. Lonnies life is a testimony to the precarity
A year before shed claimed that shed received the wrong change in my store. I was called out to the of life and of Gods goodness. Stories are wonderful and necessary. Its a privilege to be invited
register. Shed gotten quite angry and called me despite her own accent a dirty foreigner. Now that into the intimate details of someones story that may have led them experiencing homelessness.
we were so friendly with each other I dared to remind her of this. Her eyes became huge. She apologized However, its a dangerous assumption. Can we really connect food, clothing, medical help, a
to me over and over again. She kept saying, Back then, I didnt know it was you... smile, a hello, an encounter with a stranger by having them first validate the need for it? We as
Christians, have a responsibility to respond. The response cannot hinge on whether we believe the
Eric and I led a Sunday school class at Second Presbyterian in January. The 6-week class arose need, whether we feel its been earned, whether we are convinced we arent being scammed, or if
organically out of a desire for people attending Second to explore ways to respond to people we are certain how resources will be used. Our response is based on our connectedness to Christ
asking for help often people experiencing homelessness. Rather than teach a class, share not on someone verifying the complexity of their life journey lifes hardships and devastations.
statistics on homelessness, or help create programmatic solutions to systemic problems, we dedi- We are good-news, generous people not fearful, skeptics.
cated most of the direction and time to inner work. Time of personal inventory. We explored We dont always have the luxury or privilege to get to know someone. Even more, what does
feelings, attitudes and stereotypes associated with encountering someone who approaches us it say about Christians who seem entitled to hear anothers story. As people of privilege, chances
or someone we see from our car window at a stoplight. Using Matthew 25 as our starting point are, we dont plan to share our story in return for the relationship to be reciprocal. This isnt fair
each week, the class was designed to draw awareness to responses that arise from these misin- at best and exploitive at worst. Usually someones life is filled with painful moments moments
formed opportunities. This was difficult to do. Its difficult to get honest about the real reasons that are even hard to share with a confidant or counselor let alone a stranger. In this assumed
we dont respond well to another human being in need. As we explored different scenarios, some entitlement, we participate in the systems that create poverty and then ask those who are impov-
of the feelings that arose were feelings of fear, annoyance, judgement, guilt, apathy, entitlement, erished to account for their plight.
inconvenience and powerlessness.
The hope of our time together was to take these scenarios, these real, live people and see Continued on Page 10...
2 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Spring 2016
Here at Cherith Brook, we are incredibly fortunate to have many people come to our home who are thirsty for
knowledge of the Catholic Worker Movement, and who are looking to come and experientially understand what
a radical Gospel community can look like. One such group that we had the pleasure of meeting was a group from
Rockhurst University who were in the midst of a study on Catholic Social Teaching, taught by Fr. Curran. After a
large group tour and conversation, many students ended up returning during the hours in which we are open for
showers. They were kind enough to share their thoughts and reflections on their various volunteer times with us.
Here are some portions of their writings:
When people ask me, Whats new at Cherith Brook? I surprise myself how clumsily I stumble over a response.
If youre a to-do list person like me there is the tendency to talk projects: We just rebuilt our back deck. We had 40 folks at our work day and got lots done. Look at our new solar dryer. Rattling off a
litany of jobs in process or completed sounds busy, but not very inspirational.
Some days I feel self-imposed pressure to give the sexy response: Well weve been on the streets with Stand Up KC fighting for workers rights to a living wage! Or, We spent the night outside for
Festival of Shelters. We had a powerful roundtable with Dr. Tex Sample and a lively discussion about Christian Justice.
Speaking from achy, tired muscles after a full day of chores Im inclined to mumble, Weve been hanging up laundry, driving friends to appointments, watering plants, spreading mulch, setting mouse traps,
pulling weeds, picking up kids from school, thinning fruit trees, collecting eggs, changing the oil, repairing bee boxes, washing pots and pans, sorting through donations and filling up toiletry bins, mopping,
sweeping, fixing a leaky sink.These mundane activities dont sound all that interesting but they occupy an basic part of any given day.
Then there is the temptation to quantify our work. Maybe throw out statistics about how may folks weve fed or showers weve offered. But we dont keep statistics; we dont have time and life is messier
than this.
On darker days, it seems that very little changes around here. We have more guests than ever.
Street friends continue to suffer from the menace of poverty, from being criminalized because of their
homelessness. We sit with folks who suffer the trauma of addiction, abuse, street violence, unattend-
ed mental or physical health; or all of the above. On those days it takes everything in me not to be
caustic, not to misdirect my anger. Especially at those who only want good news and success stories.
When Im feeling pressed down by the presence of the false and evil Powers of this world I want to
scream, We are not doing enough at Cherith Brook. Our witness to the Peace of Christ is not clear
enough, not loud enough, too bashful and cowardly! I want to question if we and the church are
doing enough to resist the Military Industrial Complex that controls economics, elections, even local
policy. I want to weep and tear my clothes over the urgency of addressing racism, in ourselves as well
as our neighborhood and nation. (But, sadly, I dont)
And then there are the days I feel feeble and insignificant. We are a precarious little band. Our
work is so small. We are always on the verge of change that might mean closing our doors. We always
have just enough. Not a week goes by that I dont wonder when God will be sending more help our
way? Or imagining who might be exploring a new call this year? It can be overwhelming if I think
about it too much.
All these responses have their place. We dare not bombard you with all of them at once. Whatever
we say when you inquire we hope that at that given moment we have offered a sincere picture of the
ministry that happens here.
The thing that is always new and that we can count on is the opportunity for our faith and yours to
grow so we can trust more deeply in Gods provision, love our neighbor with less reservation, shout-
down evil more courageously, nurture intimacy in friendship, follow more faithfully the radically plain Whats new at Cherith Brook? Our new baby chicks and a couple of baby ducks. Yes, they are very very cute.
way of Christ, and pray more fervently for Gods kingdom on Earth. Faith is, after all, the reality of
what we hope for, the proof of what we dont see. (Hebrews 11)
Cafe Makeover
We are so very fortunate here at Cherith Brook to be surrounded by people
with a myriad of talents who contribute to our space. Mike Kileen gave us a very
generous donation in the form of some paintings that depict South American and
Mexican farm workers. Heres some information about Mike: we hope you will take
a moment to check out more of his work!
Mike Killeen is a native of St. Louis and has been living for the past two years in
Kansas City, Missouri. While he is first and foremost a painter, he also does plenty of
illustration, graphic design, and even woodworking. Killeens work seeks to further
illuminate the light, energy, and colors that are unique to each human person, as well as
different elements of the natural world. For him, this light, although manifested through
distinct hues and vibrancies, is entirely singular in naturethere is but one source to
it all. The artists seeks to reveal this universal connection by employing subject matter
which points both to the human condition and to the divine found within each one of us.
See more of Mikes work at
Spring 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 5
Pictured Below: Our community has recently experienced some significant change in the
form of Lonnie moving out. Lonnie is still a dedicated volunteer to Cherith Brook, coming
twice a week and spending time with our guests and us. We had a lovely sending away get
together; the highlight of which being the burning of his final agenda
Pictued left:
Spring has most certainly Sprung
here at Cherith Brook! We are so
excited to see the beginning of new
flowers and veggies.
Pictured left:
What do we want?
When do we want it?
6 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Spring 2016
On Followership
by Caleb Madison
If youve been privy to Social Justice movements in the Catholic friend, and follower. outbursts of frustration as wildly out-of-line and worthy of
Worker over the past few years, youll have seen an increase in A fairly obvious response that often comes upon hearing the reprimand while being able to step away and take a deep
consciousness towards race and racial prejudice that has caused idea of followership is what to do if you disagree with leadership. breath as praiseworthy and of note for appropriate beahvior.
an expoentntial growth in conversation towards race. We owe When these questions come into mind, an important question And this isnt a bad thing at all. We merely have a certain
nearly all of this to the power of black community leaders who to first ask oneself is whether or not your disagreement may way of functioning with one another that has specific social
have sought to lift the consciousness of white folks who have come from a personalized attitude about how you yourself would connotations that work for our part of society. The issue
had little to no recognition of how privilege is experienced by an handle the situation, with a secondary caveat that questions comes in as we begin to relate this to the second question of
oppressed person, and how we so often continue to manifest our whether or not your disagreement is related to how your what we ask when we question leadership: is my lack of re-
privilege in ways that hurt ourselves and our communities. A key particular culture or race might process a problem. Let us apply sponsiveness to leadership related to how my culture handles
portion of this is to recognize that we have been invited into this the above questions to a piece that we might call into question problems? For white folks, we consistently hit this roadblock
conversation, we were and are not the instigators of this racial to see how this plays out further. when interpreting the actions of other communities. We
conversation and we were and are not the leaders of a movement A common piece of the Black Lives Matter movement that often look at the direct action style interruption and think it
that should be centered around the voices of oppressed communi- I often hear criticized by people of my color is the idea of too brash or out of line or whatever. As soon as I begin to call
ties of people of color. This puts us in a precarious position that we shutdown or interruption. Whats the point of shutting down a into question whether this is a difference in cultural handling
often arent used to thinking through as white people; the position road, youre just interrupting people from work, we say. Or Do my bias becomes apparent. As a white community, with the
of a designated follower. I use the term designated very specifically you really think that shutting down this thing changes a system? ideas of control and emotional order that we thirst for, our
here to ensure that the understanding is as follows: we have been You should be moving through legislative action!. lens of appropriate handling of a situation is immediately
appointed to the position of specifically follower by leaders in the The first question we then ask ourselves is whether or not our tinged with our own perceptions and privileges.
black community. disagreement comes from a personal attitude. If we are being This line of questioning involving personal quandary and
In a recent roundtable conversation we had at Cherith Brook, critical and intentional about our analysis of the above points further problems related to culture can really begin to help us
we were fortunate enough to have the St. Louis Catholic Worker in response to direct action, a few things are immediately unpack some bigger issues. While not an entirely foolproof
come and speak to us about their experience organizing in the illuminated. A central point that you might notice in the first method, it begins to put us in the right frame of mind for the
wake of Ferguson. One of the workers there was explaining a bit response on work interruption is a rather personal lens: I consideration of other peoples thoughts, opinions, perspec-
about white roles after the shooting in Ferguson and some of the would hate it if I were late to work. Compare this notion to tives, and experiences; and in doing so we come to further
confusion around what role a white person should take in the the total message of Black Lives Matter and it starts to feel less understand ourselves and our own cognition.
community. People were calling in and asking where marches were, important that I make it to work compared to the idea that all of And so this is our response to these feelings and new forms
where the lines were drawn, where the cops were gathered, where these stalled people will have a moment brought up in their day of processing: we absolutely must trust good black leader-
the masses were moving. The response from the worker centered where they might think about race. Not only these immediate ship as we enter into the role of follower. It is an absolutely
around a much more needed utility in the immediate: cleaning a lot people will be effected, but all of the media-highlighting and crucial step in the beginning portion of attempting to shed
of toilets. You see, the worker was a bit of a safe haven for people commentary that will surely emerge further illuminates a racial privilege that we realize our voices should not be the loudest
who had taken to the streets and been tear gassed, maced, at- conversation. My personal notion in being upset at lateness in the room and that we need to follow the best that we can.
tacked, or were simply exhausted. You can imagine the state of the pales in comparison to the idea of so many conversations In every action as a follower, we make a conscious decision to
house upon such in-and-out commotion of showers, bathrooms, centering on race. This is why we should be careful to notice our move under a leader, and when that leader is a person trying
medical needs, meals, and bedding. The response from the general personal notions upon critique of black-led movements. to be liberated we in essence ally ourselves to justice; and the
white populous truly speaks to our lack of understanding of the Not only do we need to notice for ourselves these logical hope in the breaking of chains that we can find some equality
nuance of our role: we dont need to clean toilets we need to be out problems of personal attitude, but our own privilege often blinds in this white dominant society. In the words of Anne Braden,
there! us from a deeper perception of what this looks like to somebody a historic follower, What you win in the immediate battles is
There is a momentum forward to be used here that I hope we can who has experienced more direct oppression. I cant speak for little compared to the effort you put into it but if you see that
recognize. We indeed need to be out there but out there might how black communities tend towards expression as a white as a part of this total movement to build a new world, you
look deeply different than you expect. Out there might mean person without a lot of research and data, so Id prefer to speak know what could be. You do have a choice. You dont have to
cleaning toilets. Out there might mean doing laundry. Out towards the culture I know. be a part of the world of the lynchers. You can join the other
there might mean cooking a meal. Out there might mean mak- We, as white folks, tend to want to express ourselves in a very America. There is another America!
ing phone calls for 3 hours to potential allies. Out there might controlled manner in any intellectual circle. Look at how we
look like talking to your crazy racist uncle. We have an obsession observe art in white communities: the opera, ballet, gallery, or Caleb Madison is a covenanting member of Cherith Brook Catholic
with limelight that is as integrated into our white skin color as what have you. We are expected to sit quietly and contemplate Worker House.
much as it is to our culture, and an authentic way to subjugate that our emotional reactions; we are invited to feel so long as feeling
desire is in the act of service to others on the basis of need as ally, is quiet and unobtrusive. In our life-events, we tend to view
Spring 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 7
A poem by NaNa
for Volunteer Appreciation
Thank you Cherith Brook for everything
We like to thank you at this time for giving us a lot and more than our share
A hug that sometime comes our way, even a hand reached out to help us in the time of
sudden need
To all who keep this boat afloat, we love you guys
Cherith Brook
Appreciate you in all you do and keeping us aware that life, it deserves a second look
NaNa is a dedicated volunteer at Cherith Brook, often giving two or three days a week of help
during our open hours.
8 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Spring 2016
Intern Reflection
By Austin Dey
scales of justice, or even just working to stay alive, to harm the other is to harm ourselves. Whenever I am scared
having some breakfast can really help you feel like a that a Donald Trump supporter might punch me in the face, I
person again. For example this election season I saw a have to remember its because they are scared. I am scared of
meme on Facebook for one candidate that read; Get on them. Unfortunately this advice to have breakfast together is a
board, or get run over. This is the kind of meme that real possibility for me to follow because some of those racist,
makes me need to be at the breakfast table. Most of selfish, violent people are my friends and family. They are a mix
the evil in our world is enacted because we other-ize of insecurity and good intentions - just like me.
our fellow creatures. We make it possible to harm each This tradition about dining with enemies goes back a long
way - even to the Hebrew Psalmist who lyricized: You prepare
before me a table in the presence of mine enemies. Especially
as I envision my work to continue around the communion
table in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) I understand
the breakfast table (or any kind of table) as a level, open space
which is able to transcend our differences and even celebrate
our differences. This could be a Communion table with its sym-
bolic pellet of bread and thimble of wine, or a banquet feast. It
could be the table of the living wage, health-care, housing, or
being allowed participation in our democratic process. With all
my questions about people and God Im learning we know God Austin Dey is a 2nd year Master of Divinity student at St. Paul School
through the breaking of bread and we know each other through of Theology. When he is not having breakfast he enjoys playing guitar,
the breaking of bread. Right in the middle of our war-machine reading, chilling with friends, and cruising the bike-ways of Kansas City.
economy and consumer brainwash we are making peace just Through his education Austin plans to continue working to bring friends
by having a meal together. And as I continue on my journey as family and strangers together around the table in partnership with the
a student of theology, I hope I will always continue to find my Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Austin is currently serving as As-
friends at the breakfast table. sistant Worship Coordinator at Blue Ridge Blvd. Church in Independence
Spring 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 9
Demilitarization movements like the SOA Watch create ways for people on both sides of the border to form relationships, discover common dreams, ask the right questions, and break the silences that di-
vide and oppress us. Today militarization is expanding not only through the U.S. wars in the Middle East but also through the War on Drugs, mass civilian shootings, for-profit immigrant detention centers
local police weaponry, and the heavily armed U.S.-Mexico border. In response, the SOA Watch is addressing how these newer forms of state-sanctioned violence interconnect with the Cold-War-era violence
perpetuated by graduates of U.S.-based foreign military training schools like the SOA.
The War on Drugs, high-profile police shootings, and gun sales debates may be the most visible signs of militarization within the United States. The Black Lives Matter and other civil rights move-
ments are raising awareness about the over-militarization of U.S. police and the high costs associated with imprisoning disproportionate percentages of black and brown menmost for drug-related charges.
But these violent realities at home have even more gruesome (though less visible to U.S. eyes) counterparts abroad. In the twentieth centurys second half, corporately-funded U.S. officials used the guise of
fighting Communism to funnel money, weapons, and training (via the SOA and other schools) to military and government officials across Latin America (many later were convicted of human rights viola-
tions) in exchange for free market access to land, water, and raw materials profitable to the mining and food sales industries.
In the twenty-first century, the same exploitative process is still underway, this time under the guise of
the War on Drugs. While the media, politicians, and public debate connections between mass shootings
and gun legislation, 80% of gun sales in the U.S. are exported to Mexico and delivered to drug cartels.
While news reports have focused on Middle East strategies, homicides in Mexico alone have surpassed
the combined civilian death tolls of Iraq and Afghanistan. Notoriously violent and increasingly powerful
gangs throughout the Americas are using U.S. weapons to not only rob and negotiate land and resources
from multi-national mining and agricultural corporations but also terrorize any civilians, journalists, and
politicians who dare oppose them. This terror combined with the effects of NAFTA and visa policies is
causing unprecedented numbers of undocumented refugees to seek asylum in the U.S., most recently from
Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. But our Mexican neighbors find themselves in a particularly volatile
situation; while the United States pays Mexican police and politicians to fight the War on Drugs, powerful
drug cartels bribe many of these same officials to look the other way or even to work for them. Take, for
example, the case of Noe Ramirez, who worked as former Mexican President Felipe Calderns anti-drug
chief. In 2008, the U.S. paid Mexico $400 million to fight drug cartels; that same year, courts charged
Ramirez with accepting bribes of $450,000 each month from drug cartels.
Pictured above: a solemn march to the gates of Fort Benning, which houses the SOA (now
Though the U.S.-funded War on Drugs has failed to reduce drug trafficking, it
continues at enormous human, economic, and environmental costs to ordinary people
across the Americas. Here in the United States, taxpayers annually pay over $51 billion
to private corporations not only to recruit, train and weaponize border and foreign
police, but also to build, fill, and staff prisons and immigrant detention centers here
at home. These prisons are filled mostly with U.S. citizens convicted of using, selling,
or transporting drugs. The detention centers, meanwhile, are filled mostly with
immigrants who left their homes as refugees fleeing poverty, loss of land, drug-related
violence, and/or environmental destruction caused by climate change, mining, and
multinational agricultural corporations. Across the border, increasing numbers of
people pay with their lives simply for choosing neither to migrate nor to cooperate
with drug cartels. Continued on p. 11....
Mission Statement
by Eric Garbison
Nonviolenceto live by Jesus model of a non-
of the Catholic Worker Movement that weve consistently stumbled over. It feels un-
violent way of life and his Sermon on the Mount love of God. It would put us on the path to incarnate
comfortable to say for various reasons. In a world that has embraced the original sin
manifesto (Matthew 5-7) the Churchs preferential option for the poor. And
of capitalism, voluntary poverty does not compute. In a culture of radical autonomy,
when we find ourselves guilty of moving closer to
voluntary poverty sounds like a handout rather than a vocation. I often get an uneasy
Hospitalityto welcome everyone in a manner that lives of comfort, we must confess our complicity and
feeling in my gut when I am trying to explain it to Protestant friends. Do they think
mirrors the upside down nature of Gods reign (Luke renew our commitment.
were being nave, egotistical or extremists? So, I rarely mention it. Not infrequently
7:36-50, 14:7-24, etc.); to daily welcome everyone as The language weve adopted to get at this is Down-
we buy into these attitudes ourselves, as we give into the temptation to lean into our
Christ (Matthew 25). ward Mobility. We learned this language from Henri
own self-sufficiency.
Nouwen who, in The Selfless Way of Christ wrote,
Communityto live together and share a life of The disciple is the one who follows Jesus on his
table fellowship, economic resources, labor, study, downward path and thus enters with him into new
prayers and worship and to trust that by covenanting life. The gospel radically subverts the presuppositions
with each other, we can do more together than we can of our upwardly mobile society. It is a jarring and
do on our own (Acts 2:38,42-47, 4:32-35) unsettling challenge.
That it is a spiritual journey, requiring faith and
Downward Mobilityto live simply, practice alter- humility is essential for all to recognize. Again
native economics and voluntary labor among people Nouwen writes, The downward way is Gods way, not
on the margins and excluded from lifes resources. ours. God is revealed as God to us in the downward
Downward mobility comes at personal surrender and pull, because only the One who is God can be emptied
connects us to an economy of grace. (Luke 9:57-62; of divine privileges and become as we are. The great
Mark 8:34-38; Matthew 6:19-21, 25-34, 7:13-14). mystery upon which our faith rests is that the One
who is in no way like us, who cannot be compared
Revaluing Land and Laborto rediscover our with us, nor enter into competition with us, has come
original connection with the goodness of Gods among us and taken our mortal flesh.
handiwork, the proper meaning of labor and self- Wrestling with this part of our mission reminds
sufficiency, our intimate connection with nature, But, as a community, we do adhere to a distinctive way with the stuff, time and us that statements like this serve several purposes.
the need to steward native resources and discern money of our lives. And we all affirm it is part of our vocation and witness. We make They remind us of the particularity of our vocation.
appropriate technologyall to celebrate the sublime every effort to practice what Jodi has called an uncommon purse, a strange and Indeed we are convicted to live out alternatives to
mystery of Gods creation (Genesis 2:4-9, 15-16, Aims counter economics when compared to the prevailing patterns of the dominant church the kingdoms of this world and a find imaginative
and Means.) and world. We desire to live in contrast to the world of accumulation and consumption; ways to refuse to participate in unjust systems. And
and, by Gods grace, and through much trial and error we want our desire to shape our yet, vocations are not personal judgments on other
Catholic WorkerWe are part of the Catholic actions and vice versa. individuals but a divine calling to which we can but
Worker movement co-founded by Dorothy Day and We also believe this commitment is essential part of walking with those suffering in only respondor not. And in responding we might
Peter Maurin. (See the Catholic Worker Aims and poverty. In Loves and Fishes, Dorothy Day wrote, The act and spirit of giving are the inspire others to imagine themselves differently.
Means) best counter to the evil forces in the world today, and giving liberates the individual Nor are they are a claim to have arrived. They dare
not only spiritually but materiallyThe only way to live in any security is to live lives so us to be tomorrow more than we are today. This
close to the bottom that when you fall you do not have that far to drop, you do not have is discipleship after all. And we must embrace all
In the early years we were content to say that a com-
that much to lose. aspects of the disciples pilgrimage that lay before us,
mitment to Christian nonviolence, community and
But when it comes to this solidarity what can we honestly say about ourselves? the pitfalls, narrow pathways and high peaks, as we
hospitality were the trajectory of our life. As weve
Our faith has called us to live out an alternative to the consumptive patterns of society, journey to the City of God.
shared this with visitors and groups over the years its
and yet, our experience is still far removed from our guests. If we can claim solidar- We hope this new statement faithfully represents
come to feel incomplete. It no longer accounts for the
ity with them its only in being immersed in the complexities of their life stories and the current flavor of our life and calling here. Please
growth weve experienced. Nor does it testify to the
sufferings; watching in their pained faces the trauma of the street life as it plays out; read it. And as you do we invite your responses, ques-
new, unexpected directions Gods Spirit has moved
and getting a front row seat to the oppressive Powers that enslave them. While we are tions, yes, challenges too.
us. Because weve changed and have been changed,
weve rewritten the vision expressed in our mission so far from homelessness, we are pushed to move closer to the precarity of those on the References: The Selfless way of Christ by Henri Nouwen
margins with hopes that our hearts will grow in the capacity to love. and Loaves and Fishes by Dorothy Day
statement. As a way of introducing it to you Id like to
highlight one of its new expressions. With similar sentiment Day writes, by casting our lot freely with those whose
Voluntary poverty is one of the Aims and Means impoverishment is not a choice, we would ask for the grace to abandon ourselves to the
Spring 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 11
One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems
Cherith Brook
Catholic Worker
3308 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64127
(816) 241-8047
[email protected]