Expt. 7 - Fat in Potato Chips
Expt. 7 - Fat in Potato Chips
Expt. 7 - Fat in Potato Chips
7. In order to rinse out any remaining fat in the mortar and on the chip mixture, add 5 mL
more petroleum ether to the mortar, stir it around with the pestle, then pour it onto the
chip mixture in the filter.
8. Repeat with another 5 mL rinse of the mortar and the chip mixture in the filter.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 with the second sample of chips using the same mortar and pestle but
a fresh piece of filter paper and weighed beaker # 2.
10. When both mixtures have finished filtering, the next step is to remove all of the
petroleum ether by evaporation. There are two ways this can be done.
(a) You can leave the beakers in the fume hood until the next day or lab period, by
which time the solvent will have evaporated.
(b) A much faster way is to place the beakers on a steam bath or hot plate in a fume
hood. Leave them for about 15 minutes or until all of the petroleum ether has
evaporated. Then, remove the beakers from the steam bath or hot plate, carefully
wipe the outsides to remove all water, and let them cool for a few minutes.
11. Reweigh the beakers and record the masses.
Clean Up
Discard the filter paper and chip mixtures in a designated container. The instructor will specify
what to do with the mortar and pestle and the beakers.
For each sample, calculate by subtraction the mass of chips and mass of fat. Then, calculate the
percent fat in the chips:
% fat = mass of fat
mass of chips
x 100
Experiment 7
Group No. ____
Name: _________________________________
Date: _____________
Brand of chips: _______________________________
Mass of dish + chips
Mass of empty dish
Mass of chips
Mass of beaker + fat
Mass of empty beaker
Mass of fat
Percent fat in chips
Trial 1
Trial 2
Answers to Questions:
1. If your class analyzed any low fat or no fat products, do the results support this claim? If
not, suggest a reasonable explanation.
2. A snack pack of potato chips holds 28 grams of chips. Based on your data, how much fat is
present in a snack pack? In such a bag of chips, there are about 15 grams of carbohydrate
and about 1 gram of protein. Given that carbohydrates and protein provide about 4 Calories
of energy per gram and fats provide about 9 Calories per gram, what is the total energy
equivalent (in Calories) of a bag of chips? What percent of Calories are from fat?