Final Persuasive Essay
Final Persuasive Essay
Final Persuasive Essay
In many places junk food has a high level of consumption, which affects people in
their usual diet and causes them various diseases, like diabetes or obesity. In
children, it is dangerous for their development, and the excess of sugars and
carbohydrates can badly influence their health. In 2018, just over a fifth (22%) of girls
and boys under 5 years of age are at risk of being overweight, (INEGI, 2018).
Currently, various measures have been taken to regulate and reduce the
consumption of junk food in the child population, such as putting labels on products
with high levels of fat and sugar, together with the prohibition of the purchase and
sale of this type of food in school.
Even though the junk food is reduced at schools, this does not reduce its
consumption outside of school since this type of product continues to be consumed
in their social life and at home as part of their daily diet.
Still, about 85% of students, regardless of what kind of policy their schools had,
drank sugary drinks each week, according to the study published in the Archives of
Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
The consumption of junk food and drinks does not decrease despite being prohibited
in schools since children have these products at their disposal at home, as well as
being influenced by media areas such as advertising.
Has been reported that 67% of parents of children between 6 and 16 years old
believe that the food they sell in schools is really unhealthy, and they believe that the
consumption of junk food would decrease if schools prohibited its sale, however as
mentioned above, this is only a part of the solution process and not the whole key
On the other hand, by limiting the consumption of sugars already developed over
time, it´s prohibition has developed an absence of soda, thus causing the students
turn to other sugar-sweetened beverages such as energy, sports drinks or juices that
are available at school, along with the fact that between 26% and 33% of the
students declared consumed them daily.
In Mexico, the stamps of excesses of sugars, sodium, carbohydrates, among others,
were implemented by the government a few years ago, and despite the fact that the
products today contain labels warning about their excesses, parents ave decided not
to stop consuming them, which has had repercussions on the children and when
they continue to the same example, so in the school store they do not mind seeing
that the products they consume have warning stamps.
Despite how well-intentioned the restriction measures in schools on the sale and
consumption of junk food are, this is only the beginning of a long process of
improvement in our eating habits, since a radical change is not only needed in
school, but also is required at home, intervention in the regulation of laws,
commercials and advertising, but in the same way it is vital and of greater
importance to be aware of the damage to our health and to be the ones who regulate
what we consume at will and not by restriction.