Forest Biomass Waste Combustion in A Pilot-Scale Bubbling Fluidised Bed Combustor

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Forest biomass waste combustion in a pilot-scale bubbling

fluidised bed combustor
L.A.C. Tarelho*, D.S.F. Neves, M.A.A. Matos
Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

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Article history:

Combustion experiments of forest biomass waste in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidised bed

Received 5 May 2010

combustor were performed under the following conditions: i) bed temperature in the range

Received in revised form

750e800  C, ii) excess air in the range 10e100%, and iii) air staging (80% primary air and 20%

29 November 2010

secondary air). Longitudinal pressure, temperature and gas composition profiles along the

Accepted 21 December 2010

reactor were obtained.

Available online 5 February 2011

The combustion progress along the reactor, here defined as the biomass carbon conversion
to CO2, was calculated based on the measured CO2 concentration at several locations. It was


found that 75e80% of the biomass carbon was converted to CO2 in the region located below the

Fluidised bed

freeboard first centimetres, that is, the region that includes the bed and the splash zone.
Based on the CO2 and NO concentrations in the exit flue gas, it was found that the


overall biomass carbon conversion to CO2 was in the range 97.2e99.3%, indicating high


combustion efficiency, whereas the biomass nitrogen conversion to NO was lower than 8%.
Concerning the Portuguese regulation about gaseous emissions from industrial biomass


combustion, namely, the accomplishment of CO, NO and volatile organic compounds

(VOC) (expressed as carbon) emission limits, the set of adequate operating conditions
includes bed temperatures in the range 750 Ce800  C, excess air levels in the range 20%e
60%, and air staging with secondary air accounting for 20% of total combustion air.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



In recent years, pressures on global environment and energy

security led to an increasing interest on renewable energy
sources, and diversification on worlds energy supply. Among
these renewable resources, the biomass could exert an
important role, since it is considered CO2 neutral, can be used
from a set of multiple biomass resources, and can potentially
provide energy for heat, power and transport fuels.
Among others, the technology of Fluidised Bed Combustion
(FBC) applied to solid biomass is a proven technology for heat
and power production, showing some advantages in operating
conditions and fuel flexibility [1e5].
Beyond the main products CO2 and H2O, flue gas emissions
from biomass combustion include some pollutants, either

associated to incomplete combustion (CO, hydrocarbons and

carbon particles), or to the operating conditions and fuel
properties (NOx, N2O, SO2, HCl, and ash) [2,6e8]. In relation to
the nitrogen compounds, whereas the NOx emission appears to
be strongly influenced by the nitrogen content of the biomass
fuel [2,3,6], on the other hand the N2O emission appears to be of
minor importance [2,3]. Biomass combustion is an important
source of particulate matter (ash and tar), and this is important
considering its impact on the performance of the heat recovery
equipment, but also on both public health and global climate
change. The tar emission includes polyaromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH), among them the chlorinated hydrocarbons (PCDD/F),
and this is an issue of particular concern during biomass
combustion, since these compounds can be subject of bioaccumulation throughout the ecosystems, and are responsible

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L.A.C. Tarelho).
0961-9534/$ e see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

for chronic effects in the public health. Both the characteristics

of the biomass fuel feedstock, namely its chlorine content, and
the operating conditions determine the formation and emission of these compounds [5,9e13].
An appropriate understanding of the biomass combustion
process in fluidised beds is needed to establish proper control
of combustion conditions, use of additives, flue gas quenching
and flue gas treatment conditions, in order to limit the
drawbacks from biomass combustion in fluidised beds,
namely the operational problems and environmental impacts.
In what concerns the combustion process, the solid biomass
fuels follow generally the same phenomena sequence as any
other solid fuel (as for example the coal), when submitted to
high temperatures and oxidant atmospheres, that is, drying,
devolatilisation, combustion of volatiles and char. There are,
however, some significant differences between the solid
biomass fuels combustion and that of, for example, coal
combustion. Among the factors that contribute for such differences are [3,14]: i) the density of biomass is much lower than that
of coal, ii) biomass has in general about 70e80%wt volatile
matter content, whereas that of coal is in the range 10e50%wt,
iii) the heating value of biomass is significantly lower than that
of coal, iv) the ash content and its composition. An important
aspect is that most of the chemical energy contained in solid
biomass appears to be converted in thermal energy through
volatile matter combustion, rather than from the combustion of
the solid fraction (char) remaining after the parent biomass fuel
has undergone thermal decomposition on being heated.
As a consequence of such fuel differences, for example,
during biomass combustion in Bubbling Fluidised Bed
Combustors (BFBC) the highest temperature in the reactor is
observed in the freeboard region [2,14e28], irrespective of the
biomass feed location (over-bed or under-bed), and not inside
the bed as observed in the case of low volatile matter content
coal combustion [29]; higher freeboard temperatures relative to
the dense bed have been observed also during co-combustion of
biomass with other solid fuels [30e32]. It has been argued that
this behaviour is related to the high volatile matter content of
biomass fuels, and a consequence of the oxidation of most of the
volatile matter in the splash and freeboard regions of a BFBC,
even in the case of under-bed feeding, as a result of: i) segregation of fuel particles during devolatilisation at the top of the bed
(whatever the feeding option), and ii) limited in-bed volatile
matter combustion [17,22,23,25,33,34]. The segregation of
biomass fuel particles at bed surface during devolatilisation has
been documented [35,36], and is related with the lift effect that
the volatile bubbles can exert on fuel particles. The combustion
of some gaseous fuels in the dense bed can be limited due to the
quenching effect exerted by bed solid particles on free radicals,
as discussed elsewhere [29,33,37e39], and this can also occur
during the combustion of volatiles inside the bed.
Nevertheless, energy balances indicate [23] that the major
part of the heat released in the splash region is fed back to the
bed (the dominant mechanism of heat transfer being solids
convection associated with particles ejection/fall-back). Only
a small amount of the thermal energy released during
biomass volatiles combustion appears to contribute to freeboard over-heating above bed temperature [23].
As a consequence, the specificity of the solid biomass fuel
has to be accounted for on the design of technologies dedicated

to its energetic conversion. This applies both to the combustion

process and respective control variables (as for example the
temperature, stoichiometry and gas residence time), and to the
measures applied to pollution control (for example, some
measures developed for coal combustion could not have the
same result in the case of solid biomass fuels combustion). It is
recognised that fluidised bed technology is characterised by
high rates of heat transfer inside the dense bed, and has proven
to be effective in reducing the NOx concentration in flue gases
because of the lower operating temperature and NOx destruction inside the dense bed (most of it related to heterogeneous
and catalytic reactions between the NO and the char). In this
context, if most part of the mass of the solid biomass fuel is
released as volatiles and would burn in the freeboard region
instead of inside the bed, the location of heat transfer devices
should be evaluated accordingly, and the strategies for NOx
abatement should be adapted considering the decrease of
importance of the dense bed on the NOx chemistry.
To evaluate the influence of the solid biomass fuels characteristics on the performance of energy conversion systems,
as for example FBC, it is important to understand the fuel
combustion behaviour, namely the combustion progress
along the reactor. For that purpose it is useful to access and
analyse information related with the pressure, temperature
and gas composition distribution along the reactor.
The objective of this work is to present and analyse
experimental information about values of pressure, temperature and gas composition (concentration of O2, CO2, CO, NO,
N2O, and total hydrocarbons) at several locations along the
reactor during biomass combustion in a pilot-scale BFBC, in
order to contribute to a better understanding of the combustion of high volatile matter content fuels (as biomass) in
bubbling fluidised bed combustors.


Experimental work


Fuel characteristics

The biomass fuel used was prepared from pellets made of

forest waste. The biomass pellets were grinded in order to
produce biomass particles of smaller size. The biomass
particles used in the experiments were in the size range
(1.0  103 m < dp,f < 4.0  103 m). The chemical composition
of the solid biomass fuel is presented in Table 1.


Pilot-scale bubbling fluidised bed combustor

The biomass combustion experiments were conducted in

a pilot-scale Bubbling Fluidised Bed Combustor (BFBC). The
reactor is a thermally insulated AISI 310 SS tube with 0.25 m
I.D. and 3 m height. The layout of the experimental facility is
presented in Fig. 1. The bed is operated with sieved silica sand
(0.500  103 m < dp,b < 0.710  103 m), with a static height of
0.23 m, of which 0.14 m are located above the fluidising air
injectors. The reactor is equipped with a top reactor double
screw feeding system for simultaneous and independent solid
fuels feeding (two top reactor biomass feeders).
The combustion air was staged, with primary air fed
through injectors located in the distributor plate and

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

Table 1 e Chemical composition of the solid biomass fuel.

Proximate analysis
(%wt, as received)
Volatile matter
Fixed C
Ultimate analysis (%wt, dry basis)
O (by difference)


nd e not determined, below detection limit.

secondary air above the bed injected at 0.43 m above the

distributor plate (that is, 0.20 m above the surface of the static
bed). Uncertainties associated with measurements of primary
and secondary air flow rates are 3%.
The solid biomass fuel was over-bed fed and was added
together with the secondary air through a vertical tube located
inside the freeboard (Fig. 1); thus, the biomass particles are
continuously dropped at the bed surface. Uncertainties associated with measurements of fuel feeding rates (screw
feeders) are 5%.
Pressure, temperature and combustion flue gas were
sampled by means of eight water-cooled probes located at
several heights along the reactor, two of which are immersed
in the dense bed of particles and the rest located along the
freeboard. Each sampling probe is equipped with an external
circulating quenching water sleeve, an ice-cooled particle
filter, a K-type thermocouple and a cerablanket plug at the tip
for particle filtering. A dedicated probe with the tip located
inside the reactor at a height of 1.70 m above the distributor
plate was used for gas sampling using a 190  C heated line for
total hydrocarbons analysis.
The set of analysers used include: O2 (paramagnetic, ADC
model O2-700 with a Servomex Module), CO2 (non-dispersive
IR, ADC model 1450 Luft), CO (non-dispersive IR, ADC model
RF558), NO (chemiluminescent, ThermoElectron model 10A),
N2O (non-dispersive IR, ADC model RF2E), and total hydrocarbons (Dyna-Fid Hydrocarbon Gas Analyser, model SE-310).
Uncertainties associated with gas composition measurements
in the on-line analysers for O2, CO2, CO, NO, N2O, and total
hydrocarbons are 2%.
The operation and monitoring of the reactive system, the
gas sampling system and data acquisition (temperature,
pressure and gas concentration) system was performed by
a computer based control and data acquisition hardware and
software system.

adjusted in order to keep the fluidising velocity between 2.5

and 3 times the minimum fluidising velocity, that is, between
0.28 and 0.30 m s1 depending on the bed temperature. The
secondary air was adjusted in order to represent 20% of total
combustion air. On following, the stoichiometry of combustion was established independently by proper adjustment of
the solid biomass fuel feed rate. The bed temperature was
maintained at the desired level by means of regulating the
insertion of a set of eight water-cooled probes located at the
bed level. The freeboard temperature was controlled by means
of a heat exchanger, operated with liquid water at a constant
flow rate of 1 L min1.
One set of experiments was made in order to evaluate the
longitudinal (along the reactor height) concentration profiles
of main combustion gases (CO2, CO, O2 and NO), with the
objective of studying the combustion progress along the BFBC.
Another set of experiments was conduced in order to evaluate
the influence of excess air in the exit flue gas concentration of
CO, NO, N2O and total hydrocarbons. The set of operating
conditions used is presented in Table 2.
The monitoring of pressure and temperature, and gas
sampling at different heights along the reactor were made
with the probes tip at half distance between the reactor wall
and the axial line.
All the measurements (pressure, temperature and gas
composition) were taken with the reactor operating at pre-set
steady state conditions. At specified feeding conditions of air
and biomass, the steady state condition was evaluated by
monitoring the bed temperature and the exit flue gas composition (in terms of O2 and CO2 concentration); the steady state
condition was considered as achieved when the bed temperature and the exit flue gas composition were almost constant,
and then a complete set of measurements was performed.
Since biomass was continuously added to the bed, it was
necessary to control the bed height. Nevertheless, the biomass
feed rate was relatively small (30e50 g min1), and the bed
solids level didnt change significantly during an experimental
run. However, a procedure of bed renew was implemented in
order to prevent the known defluidisation events that occur
due to the alkaline content of the ash. For this purpose, periodically openings of the bed discharge port permitted to
withdraw a known amount of bed solids, subsequently followed by the feeding of an equivalent amount of fresh sand in
order to keep the bed level and the bed particles renovation.
Between openings, the bed level did not change more than
a few percent of total bed height, and thus the amount of
solids extracted was also only a small fraction of the total bed
solids inventory; in this way the steady state was not unduly
affected. Besides, the actual measurements of process variables (pressure, temperature and gas composition) were never
made during the operations of bed solids withdraw and



Results and discussion

Combustion experiments

The combustion experiments were planned so that the

hydrodynamics of the reactor was kept similar during experiments. For that purpose the primary air flow rate was

The experimental results obtained during biomass combustion in the pilot-scale bubbling fluidised bed combustor
include values of pressure, temperature and gas composition
along the reactor height.


b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

Fig. 1 e Schematic representation of the pilot-scale installation. Dashed line e Electric circuit, Continuous line e Pneumatic
circuit, A e Primary air heating system, B e Sand bed, C e Bed solids level control, D e Bed solids discharge, E e Bed solids
discharge silo, F e Propane burner system, G e Port for visualisation of bed surface, H e Air flow metre (primary and
secondary air), I e Control and command unit (UCC2), J e Biomass feeder, K e Water-cooled gas sampling probe, L, M, P, Q e
Command and gas distribution units (UCD0, UCD1, UCD2, UCD3), N e Gas sampling pump, O e Gas condensation unit for
moisture removal, R, S, T, U, V, W e Automatic on-line gas analysers (HC, NO, CO2, N2O, O2, CO), X e Electronic command
unit (UCE1), Y e Computer data acquisition and control system, Z e Exhaust duct to cyclone and bag-house filter.


Longitudinal pressure and temperature profiles

fluidised bed and maintains an almost constant value along

the freeboard height.
The temperature is at a minimum value in the base of the
bed, where there is a fixed bed of sand (below the level of the
fluidising air injectors), but increases in the fluidised bed region
and attains a maximum value near the location of the secondary

Longitudinal pressure and temperature profiles along the

reactor height are presented in Fig. 2.
The pressure has its maximum value at the base of the bed,
that is, at the level of the air injectors, then it drops across the

Table 2 e Experimental conditions.


temperature ( C)

Total air
Primary air (%)

Secondary air (%)



a Primary air flow rate/Stoichiometric air flow rate.

b ((Total air flow rate/Stoichiometric air flow rate)  1)100.

First stage
stoichiometrya ()

Excess airb (%)




b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

air and biomass addition point, decreasing in the space above. A

remarkable temperature decrease in the freeboard above 1.00 m
is due to the existence of a water heat exchanger (where liquid
water at a flow rate of 1 L min1 at 102 kPa and 80  C is removed).
Inside the fluidised bed (dense bed) the temperature varies
within 5  C around the average value presented in Fig. 2.
Similar longitudinal temperature profiles during biomass
combustion in BFBC have been reported in the literature
[17,23,25], and the temperature peak observed in the freeboard
above the dense bed has been attributed to the characteristic
high volatile matter content of biomass fuels and to its release
and combustion mostly in the splash region and freeboard
instead of inside the dense bed. Besides, the biomass feed
point location appears to influence the freeboard temperature, with higher freeboard temperatures during over-bed
feeding been reported [23].
Another feature of the longitudinal temperature profiles is
that the temperature along the freeboard tends to be lower for
the high excess air levels analysed (Fig. 2). This behaviour can
be understood as resulting from lower heat input in the
reactor with increasing the excess air level. During the
experiments the combustion air flow was maintained
constant, and the stoichiometry was modified by changing the
biomass feed rate; a higher excess air implies a lower biomass
feed rate. Also, with increasing the excess air less unburned
species are oxidised along the freeboard, as can be observed in
the longitudinal concentration profiles of CO (Fig. 3), and thus
less amount of heat is generated there.

Longitudinal gas composition profiles

Longitudinal concentration profiles of CO2, O2, CO and NO

during biomass combustion in the bubbling fluidised bed
combustor are presented in Fig. 3.
Inside the bed, it is observed that the concentration of CO2 in
the gas sampled has its minimum value and the concentration
of O2 has its maximum value. The concentration of CO2 in the
gas sampled increases significantly from half bed height
(inside the bed) to the bed surface. The O2 concentration shows
a complementary behaviour of the one observed for CO2, that
is, the O2 in the gas sampled decreases from half bed height
(inside the bed) to the bed surface. Above the splash region and
along the freeboard height the CO2 and O2 concentrations
remain almost unchanged, although some influence of the
secondary air injection is observed, more pronounced for the
lower excess air presented in Fig. 3; the CO2 concentration

Secondary air


Heat exchanger



Heat exchanger



Fixed bed


Temperature (C)


Fixed bed
Fluidised bed

Pressure (Pa)



Fluidised bed


decreases locally above the secondary air injection, whereas

the concentration of O2 increases. Although there is some
degree of reaction, since the concentration of CO decreases
upon secondary air injection, the observed influence of
secondary air injection should be mostly related with dilution
of combustion gases and gas mixing in this region.
As it can be observed in the longitudinal concentration
profiles of CO (Fig. 3), an increase on the excess air results in
less unburned species oxidised along the freeboard.
The CO concentration in the gas sampled inside the bed is
relatively low, when compared with the values observed
during bituminous or anthracite coal combustion in the same
BFBC [29]. This could be related with: i) the lower contribution
of in-bed biomass combustion when compared with the
observed for coal, and ii) the catalytic effect of biomass ashes
on the CO conversion to CO2 [40]. It has been argued that, as
result of its high content of volatile matter, during devolatilisation a significant part of the biomass fuel mass is released to
the gas phase and oxidised in the splash region and along the
freeboard; thus, the contribution of in-bed combustion could
represent less conversion of biomass carbon to CO and
consequently a relatively low concentration of CO inside the
bed. When comparing the longitudinal CO concentration
profiles for coal and for biomass combustion under similar
experimental conditions in this same BFBC, it can be observed
that during coal combustion there is a significant decrease on
the CO concentration from within the bed to the splash region
[29], whereas for biomass combustion it is observed an
increase of CO concentration from within the bed to the splash
region (Fig. 3). This behaviour during biomass combustion is
an indication of the importance of the bed surface (splash
region) for volatiles release and combustion during biomass
conversion. In fact, it has been argued that the biomass
particles show a tendency to float at the bed surface during
volatiles release [23,36], thus, considering the high volatile
matter content of biomass the observed behaviour (Fig. 3) is an
indication of the importance of volatile matter release and
conversion in the splash region and freeboard of a BFBC.
The longitudinal NO concentration profile follows closely
the longitudinal CO concentration profile, that is, the NO
concentration increases from inside the bed to the splash
region, where it attains the highest concentration value, and
then decreases in the space above (Fig. 3). This NO behaviour
during biomass combustion is somewhat distinct from the
one observed during coal combustion in the same BFBC [41];
during coal combustion the highest NO concentration

Secondary air




Height above distributor plate (cm)


Height above distributor plate (cm)


Fig. 2 e Longitudinal pressure and temperature profiles measured along the pilot-scale BFBC, during biomass combustion.
Legend according to experiment reference in Table 2.


b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3





Fix ed b ed


Secondary air


Flu id ised b ed

Heat exchanger

O 2 (%v d ry g ases)


Secondary air

Fluidised bed

Fixed bed

CO 2 (%v dry gases)









Height above distributor plate (cm)

Height above distributor plate (cm)



Heat exchanger









Heat exchanger



Height above distributor plate (cm)

Flu id . b ed

Secondary air

Secondary air



Fix ed b ed


Fixed bed
Fluidised bed



NO (p p mv d ry g ases)


CO (ppmv dry gases)

Heat exchanger


Height above distributor plate (cm)


Fig. 3 e Longitudinal O2, CO2, CO and NO concentration profiles in the pilot-scale BFBC, during biomass combustion. Legend
according to experiment reference in Table 2.

observed was within the bed, whereas during biomass

combustion the highest NO concentration is observed in the
splash region. This behaviour during biomass combustion
shows the relevance of the splash region on the NO formation,
and can be related with the fact that most of the nitrogen
species present in the solid fuel are released with the volatiles
(the major part of the solid fuel mass) at bed surface (where
the solid fuel is fed) and oxidised in the splash region and
freeboard. Further NO destruction in the space above the
splash region appears to be of minor importance, since the NO
concentration decrease upon injection of the secondary air
seems to be mainly related with the dilution effects, as will be
analysed later (see Fig. 4), rather than a result of NO destruction by reaction.
This observed NO behaviour during biomass combustion
can rise questions regarding the recognised relevance of
fluidised bed technology on NO-fuel abatement, namely the
characteristic heterogeneous environment inside the bed
that contributes to NO destruction and thus to low NO
emissions [41]. Two reasons can contribute to this: i) since
the fixed carbon content of biomass fuels is only a small
amount of the solid fuel mass, the char inventory inside the
bed should be reduced when compared to the observed
during coal combustion and consequently the relevance of
the NO destruction reactions involving the char should be
lower, and ii) if a significant amount of NO is formed by
oxidation of volatiles species above the bed surface, the
contribution of the bed for the NO formation and destruction
could be of limited importance. Consequently, the methods
of NOx control during biomass combustion in BFBC should be
analysed accordingly.


Fuel conversion along the reactor

In order to understand the role of the bed and freeboard

during the combustion of a biomass fuel in BFBC, it was analysed the biomass carbon conversion to CO2 and CO based on
measured CO2 and CO concentrations at several heights along
the reactor, respectively, as an indicator of the combustion
progress along the reactor. The biomass nitrogen conversion
to NO was also evaluated, based on measured NO concentration at several heights along the reactor.
The conversion of biomass chemical ith element (C, N) on
feeding to the jth gas compound (CO2, CO or NO) on the flue gas
was evaluated by using Equations (1)e(4). The jth gas concentration value (Cj;sample ) used in conversion calculations at each
location z along the reactor height was the value measured
experimentally (see Fig. 3). Inside the bed, the value of Gv z
used corresponds to the total volumetric gas flow throughout
the bed and was considered equal to the gas flow of primary air
measured experimentally, and corresponds to the sum of
bubble and emulsion phases volumetric gas flows at level z
above the fluidising air injectors, since the temperature and
pressure shall be almost the same. In the freeboard the value of
Gv z used was the total volumetric gas flow throughout the
reactor: i) below the secondary air injection point it was
considered that the overall gas flow rate results from the
mixture of the bubble and emulsion phases volumetric gas
flows emerging from the bed, and ii) above the secondary air
injection, the overall gas flow rate it was considered the sum of
the freeboard gas flow upcoming from the first stage with the
gas flow of secondary air injected. The results obtained are
presented in Fig. 4.



Secondary air

Heat exchanger





Fix ed b ed
Flu id ised b ed



XC-CO (g C-CO/g C-b io mass)


Flu id ised b ed


Fix ed b ed

XC-CO 2 (g C-CO 2 /g C-b io mass)

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

Secondary air


Heat exchanger




Height above distributor plate (cm)


Height above distributor plate (cm)



Fluidised bed


Fix ed b ed

XN-NO (g N-NO/g N-b io mass)


Secondary air

Heat exchanger



Height above distributor plate (cm)


Fig. 4 e Longitudinal conversion of: biomass carbon to CO2 XCLCO2 and to CO XCLCO , and biomass nitrogen to NO XNLNO ,
in the pilot-scale BFBC. Legend according to experiment reference in Table 2.

Gv;j z Cj;sample z  Gv z
Gm;j z

Gv;j z  Pb z  Mj
R  Tb z

Gm;ij z Gm;j z 

Xij z


Gm;ij z





A critical issue on this analysis is related to the use of

measured time-mean concentration values on mass balance
calculations. Whereas the use of time-mean concentration
measurements in mass balance in the freeboard appears to be
reasonable, inside the bed this procedure could result in
a misleading interpretation of experimental data as discussed
elsewhere [42,43].
Assuming the two phase theory of fluidisation [44] for the
bubbling bed, the concentration of the jth gas (CO2, CO, NO) in
the gas sampled inside the bed can be regarded as a timemean concentration of the gas resulting from in-bed constant
flow sampling coming from two sources, i) the emulsion
phase and ii) the bubble phase, as given by Equation (5) [43];
where, inside the bed at level z above the fluidising air injectors, Cj;sample z represents the time-mean concentration of
the jth gas compound, Cj;b z and Cj;e z are the concentrations
of the jth gas compound in bubble and emulsion phases,
respectively, and 3b z is the time-mean fraction of bed
volume occupied by the bubble phase.
Cj;sample z Cj;b z  3b z Cj;e z  1  3b z


On the other hand, in order to evaluate the solid fuel ith

chemical element conversion to the gaseous jth chemical

compound at each height inside the bed, it must be known the

gas flow rate of each phase (emulsion and bubble) and the
respective concentration of gaseous jth compound in each gas
In fact, the time-mean concentration Cj;sample z resulting
from in-bed constant flow sampling can differ from the timemean concentration Cj;flow z based on the gas flow through
the two phases and calculated by Equation (6) [43]; where,
inside the bed at level z above the fluidising air injectors,
Gv;b z and Gv;e z represent the volumetric gas flow rate
associated to the bubble and emulsion phases, respectively,
and the sum Gv;b z Gv;e z represents the total volumetric
gas flow rate throughout the bed.

Cj;flow z

Cj;b z  Gv;b z Cj;e z  Gv;e z

Gv;b z Gv;e z


In this context, significant errors can occur when using

Cj;sample z in mass balances, because the overall mass flow
rate of the jth gaseous chemical compound inside the bed at
level z above the fluidising air injectors can be more, or less,
influenced by each of the gas flows (bubble or emulsion)
according the respective concentration on each gas phase
(bubble or emulsion) [43].
In order to understand the in-bed experimental gas
concentration data presented in this work, and the implication of their use in mass balances, a simple numeric model to
analyse the bed hydrodynamics was formulated to illustrate
the influence of the two distinct flows and concentrations in
the two phases (emulsion and bubble) of the bubbling fluidised bed combustor. The objective of the model is not to
present the true values of concentration on each phase inside
the bed, because this is not possible to observe, but rather to
contribute to the understanding of experimental data
obtained and to highlight the need of a better knowledge of


b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

The parameters used and the results from hydrodynamic

calculations for the experimental operating conditions used in
this work are presented in Table 4, at level z 0.09 m above the
fluidisation air injectors (location of the in-bed gas sample
probe, see Fig. 1).
To evaluate the influence of bed hydrodynamics and
concentration of the jth gaseous chemical compound in each
phase (bubble and emulsion) on the calculation of the
conversion of the ith chemical element (C, N) in the biomass
feed, it will be now defined a ratio fz between Cj;e z and
Cj;b z as given by Equation (13). Based on Equation (5), the
time-mean concentration Cj;sample z as a function of both
concentration values Cj;e z and Cj;b z is then given by Equation (14). Then, using the value of Cj;sample z measured
experimentally inside the bed at level z above the fluidising air
injectors (see Fig. 3), the relation between Cj;b z and Cj;sample z
can be estimated based on Equation (15). Using Equation (16)
together with Equations (2)e(4), it can be evaluated the influence of the ratio fz between the concentration of the jth
gaseous compound in the emulsion and bubble phases, Cj;e z
and Cj;b z respectively, on the calculation of the conversion of
the ith chemical element (C, N) in the biomass feed on the jth
chemical compound (CO2, CO or NO) present in the

Table 3 e Equations used in the hydrodynamic model.

umf z


rs rg z g33mf z42s

150mg z 13mf z





0:54 u0 zumf z  z4 Ao
db z
ubi z 0:711  g  db z


ub z u0 z  umf z ubi z



u0 z  umf z
ub z





3b z

Nnzl pd2nzl


z 0.09 m
Tb z 1073:15 K
3mf z 0:400
3e z 3mf z 0:400
4s 0:860
umf z 0:108 m=s
db z 0:048 m
ubi z 0:487 m=s
ub z 0:642 m=s
3b z 0:241

combustion flue gas, inside the bed at level z above the fluidising air injectors.
Cj;e z fz  Cj;b z


Cj;sample z Cj;b z  3b z fz  Cj;b z  1  3b z


Cj;b z

Cj;sample z
3b z fz  1  3b z


Gv;j z Cj;b z  Gv;b z Cj;e z  Gv;e z


The calculated values of biomass carbon conversion to CO2

inside the bed at level z 0.09 m above the fluidising air
injectors, applying the above described procedure, are presented in Fig. 5, for the experiment with reference 40-800 (see
Table 2).
For the operating conditions used in the experiments the
volumetric gas flow rate through the bubble phase was 1.4
times the gas flow rate through the emulsion phase, according
to model results. It can be observed (Fig. 5) that for high gas
concentration differences between the bubble and emulsion
phases, in particular when the gas concentration in bubble
phase is much higher than that of the emulsion phase (low
















XC-CO (z=0.09), XN-NO (z=0.09).


The model is based on the two phase theory of fluidisation

[44] and was developed considering the operating conditions
of the actual pilot-scale bubbling fluidised bed combustor. In
this simple model it is not considered the existence of radial
concentration gradients inside the bed.
The emulsion phase is considered at the minimum fluidisation velocity, so that the amount of air injected in the bed
above the condition of minimum fluidisation flows
throughout the bed as bubbles. The voidage fraction in the
emulsion phase at the operating conditions (3e) remains the
same as at the minimum fluidisation condition (3mf). The
equations used in the model for bed hydrodynamics calculations are presented in Table 3.

Table 4 e Parameters used in the hydrodynamic model

and model results, for a bed temperature of 800  C
(1073.15 K), at level z [ 0.09 m above the fluidising air

XC-CO2 (z=0.09).

the bed hydrodynamics of a bubbling fluidised bed in order to

interpret experimental data and how can they be used in mass


Fig. 5 e Influence of the ratio fz between the

concentrations of the jth gaseous chemical compound (for
CO2, CO and NO) in the emulsion gas flow and in the bubble
gas flow on estimating the conversion of biomass carbon
to CO2 XCLCO2 z and CO XCLCO z, and biomass nitrogen
to NO XNLNO z, at level z [ 0.09 m above the fluidising air
injectors, for the experiment with reference 40e800 (see
Table 2 and Fig. 3).

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

values of fz), significant differences on calculated values of

conversion of biomass carbon to CO2 and to CO, and also of
biomass nitrogen conversion to NO, can be obtained.
However, the assumption of higher CO2 concentration in the
emulsion phase relative to the bubble phase during solid fuels
combustion in bubbling fluidised beds seems to be reasonable
[39,48,49]; the same is true for CO and NO [39,48,49]. So, during
biomass combustion in BFBC the value of fz should be higher
than 1. For these conditions, according to the simple hydrodynamic model developed the biomass carbon conversion to CO2
inside the bed at level z 0.09 m above fluidising air injectors
should be in the range 0.19  XCCO2 z 0:09  0.35, for values
of 1.0  fz 0:09 < 100.0 (Fig. 5). That is, the values of biomass
carbon conversion to CO2 inside the bed (XCCO2 z 0:09, Fig. 4)
estimated (Equations (1)e(4)) using the time-mean concentration measured experimentally inside the bed (Fig. 3) and the
total volumetric gas flow (emulsion plus bubble phase flows)
throughout the bed, such calculation corresponding to
fz 0:09 1:0, are slightly overestimated, and should be
regarded as an upper limit for that conversion; the true
conversion values should be somewhere between 0.20 and 0.30
(Fig. 5). A similar behaviour is found for the in-bed (at z 0.09 m)
biomass carbon conversion to CO and biomass nitrogen
conversion to NO (Fig. 5); it is observed 0.018  X
CCO z 0:09  0.033 for values of 1.0  fz 0:09 < 100.0, and


XNNO z 0:09
1.0  fz 0:09 < 100.0.
The values of biomass carbon conversion to CO2 and CO
inside the bed are lower than the ones observed for bituminous and anthracite coal combustion [39] using the same
calculation procedure; also the biomass nitrogen conversion
to NO inside the bed is lower than that observed for bituminous and anthracite coal combustion [39].
According to these results it is expected that more than
50% of the biomass carbon is converted to CO2 in the upper
half height of the dense bed and splash region (Fig. 4); that is,
the dense bed and the splash region are responsible for
around 75e80% of the biomass carbon conversion to CO2.
Consequently, it can be stated that the dense bed and the
splash region still are the main regions responsible for the
biomass carbon conversion to CO2. Between the splash region
and a location near the point of addition of secondary air, an
additional (around) 15e20% of the biomass carbon is converted to CO2. This 15e20% of biomass carbon conversion to
CO2 above the splash region should be one of the reasons
explaining the temperature peak observed at the location near
the secondary air injection point; other reason should be
related with heat transfer by radiation from the bed surface
and splash region.
It can be observed that the decrease on CO concentration
between the bed surface (splash region) and the location near
the addition of secondary air (Fig. 3) results from conversion of
CO and not only dilution effect caused by secondary air
addition (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the decrease on the NO
concentration between the bed surface (splash region) and the
location near the addition of secondary air (Fig. 3) results
mostly from dilution effect of secondary air, since the NO
conversion appears to be of minor importance (Fig. 4).
The biomass carbon conversion to CO2, calculated based
on the CO2 concentration measured in the combustion flue


gases at the top of the freeboard, was in the range 97.2e99.3%

(Fig. 4), indicating a high combustion efficiency. The amount
of unburned carbon in fly ashes was found to be in the range
3%e14% (by weight), which accounted for a mass loss of
unburned carbon in fly ashes lower than 1% (by weight). The
overall biomass carbon conversion calculated based on
measured concentrations of CO2, CO, total hydrocarbons and
unburned carbon in fly ash, for the conditions of 40, 60 and
100% excess air was in the range 98.0e99.6%, that is, the error
on the overall mass balance to the biomass carbon was in the
range 0.4e2%. This error can result from several uncertainties in measurements related with the reactive system
operation and monitoring, as for example biomass feed rates,
combustion air flow rates and combustion gas analysis (see
Section 2.2).
The biomass nitrogen conversion to NO, calculated based
on the NO concentration measured at the top of the freeboard,
is relatively small, always less than 8% for the experimental
conditions analysed (Fig. 4); small biomass nitrogen conversion to NO have been reported by others [17,25,52] during
biomass combustion in BFBC.

CO, total hydrocarbons, NO and N2O concentration
in the exit flue gases
Besides pollutant emissions, the CO and total hydrocarbons
(measured as CH4) in the exit flue gases also represent
a measure of biomass carbon conversion efficiency. It is
observed a similar behaviour for these compounds: their
concentration decreases with increasing the oxygen concentration in the flue gases (that is, increasing the excess air)
(Fig. 6). It is observed that for O2 levels above 4%v (dry gases) in
the exit flue gases, that is, above 20% excess air, the CO
concentration is below the emission value limit from the
Portuguese regulation [50]. Low concentrations of CO during
biomass combustion in BFBC have been reported by others in
result of the high reactivity of biomass char and volatiles [23].
The total hydrocarbons concentration (measured as CH4) in
the exit flue gases is expressed in Fig. 6 as organic carbon, as
a measure of volatile organic compounds (VOC), and under
the experimental conditions used it is below the emission
value limit from the Portuguese regulation [50,51] (Fig. 6).
The NO concentration in the exit flue gas increases with
increasing the oxygen concentration in flue gases (that is,
increasing the excess air) (Fig. 7). During biomass combustion
in BFBC the increase on NO concentration in flue gases with
increasing the excess air was also reported by others
[15,18,20,23,26,52]. This behaviour can be related with the
increase on oxygen availability due to the increase in the
excess air and can be attributed to: (i) an increase in the rate of
biomass nitrogen oxidation to NO [41], and (ii) a decrease on
the concentration of NO reducing compounds as char particles, hydrocarbons and reduced nitrogen compounds [41]. It
was considered that at the operating temperature conditions
used the thermal-NO formation from nitrogen present in
combustion air is of minor importance. The bed temperature
(in range 750e800  C) appears not to influence the NO
concentration in the exit flue gases.
It is observed that below 8.5%v O2 (dry gases) in the exit flue
gases, that is, below 60% excess air, the NO concentration


Portuguese emission limit value
Portaria n 677/2009


750 C
800 C


VOC (measured as CH )




mg C/Nm (d ry g ases, 8 %v O )

mg CO/Nm (d ry g ases, 1 1 %v O )

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

Portuguese emission limit value
Portaria n 675/2009


7 50 C
8 00 C



O concentration in exit flue gas (%v dry gases)

O concentration in exit flue gas (%v dry gases)

Fig. 6 e Concentration of CO and total hydrocarbons (measured as CH4, and expressed as carbon in volatile organic
compounds (VOC)) in the pilot-scale BFBC exit flue gases, during biomass combustion. The CO and total hydrocarbons
concentrations are corrected to 11%v/v and 8%v/v O2 (dry gases), respectively.


Portuguese emission limit value

Portaria n 677/2009

750 C


800 C

O concentration in exit flue gas (%v dry gases)

experimental results presented in this work do not permit to

conclude about the relative contribution of each mechanism
referred above for the low biomass nitrogen conversion to NO.
The observed N2O concentration in the exit flue gas is
relatively low, as also reported by others during biomass
combustion in BFBC [20,26], and appears not to be significantly
influenced by the stoichiometry (Fig. 7). The low N2O
concentration observed during biomass combustion in fluidised beds has been sometimes [2,5] related with the nitrogen
functional groups present in biomass fuels, mainly amino
groups, and the consequent predominance of NH3 as the main
nitrogen-containing volatile species. It is recognised [39,48]
that NH3 is mainly oxidised to NO and N2 instead of N2O,
and this has been used [2,5] to explain the low N2O concentration observed during biomass combustion. However,
pyrolysis experiments of different biomass fuels indicate that,
beyond NH3 other gaseous nitrogen compounds such as HCN
and HNCO are also present in significant amounts in the
volatiles and their relative abundance is dependent on operating conditions, namely the pyrolysis temperature and
biomass characteristics [6,55e59]. Alternative reasons, other
than the NH3 as the biomass volatile nitrogen-containing
species, should explain the low N2O concentration observed
during biomass combustion in BFBC, considering that: (i) most
of the mass of the solid biomass particle is released to the gas
phase during pyrolysis, the same happening to the biomass
nitrogen, (ii) HCN and HNCO are present in biomass pyrolysis
gases in significant amounts, and (iii) HCN and HNCO are
recognised important precursors of N2O throughout the
homogeneous path [39,48]. Indeed, some research studies
have shown results that can offer additional explanations for
mg N O/Nm (d ry g ases, 1 1 %v O )

mg NO /Nm (d ry g ases, 1 1 %v O )

(expressed as NO2) is below the emission value limit from the

Portuguese regulation [50] (Fig. 7).
The NO concentration in the exit flue gases observed
during biomass combustion (Figs. 3 and 7) is higher than that
observed during coal combustion in the same installation
under similar operating conditions [39,41]; this behaviour can
be explained as a result of the higher nitrogen content of the
biomass fuel when compared with the coal. Nevertheless, it is
observed a lower biomass nitrogen conversion to NO (Fig. 4)
when compared with the observed during coal combustion in
the same installation under similar operating conditions
[39,41]. Lower fuel nitrogen conversion to NO with increasing
fuel nitrogen content has also been reported in other studies
[6,52]. Several reasons have been proposed to justify the low
fuel nitrogen conversion to NO during biomass combustion in
BFBC, namely: (i) the higher content of volatile matter of
biomass [53], (ii) the higher concentration of reduced gaseous
nitrogen compounds (as for example the NH3) that act both as
source and sink of NO [5,6], (iii) the higher reactivity of the
biomass ashes on destroying the NO [1,5], and (iv) the higher
concentration of H and OH radicals in the combustion environment as a result of high O/C and H/C ratios in biomass [5].
It the context of NO destruction during biomass combustion in
BFBC the role of biomass char has been suggested of minor
importance due to the low inventory of biomass char particles
inside the bed [5]. However, it is recognised the high reactivity
of biomass chars towards NO destruction [54]. Considering
that the most of the NO chemistry occurs in a region of high
concentration of bed solids (the bed and the splash region),
based on the results presented in this work, the role of the bed
solids (ashes and char) should be considered. However, the

750 C




O concentration in exit flue gas (%v dry gases)

Fig. 7 e Concentration of NO (expressed as NO2) and N2O in the pilot-scale BFBC exit flue gases during biomass combustion.
The NO and N2O concentrations are corrected to 11%v/v O2 (dry gases).

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

the low N2O concentration, namely: (i) the HCN conversion to

NH3 during biomass pyrolysis [5,58] which can be then oxidised (homogeneously and catalytically) to NO instead of N2O,
(ii) the selectivity of HCN oxidation to NO is strongly enhanced
by the presence of biomass ash, while almost no N2O is
formed [40], (iii) the high catalytic activity of biomass ashes on
N2O destruction [40,60], (iv) the presence of higher concentration of H and OH radicals in the combustion environment
as a result of high O/C and H/C ratios in the feeding biomass
[5], since those radicals are known to be important in N2O
destruction [6,39,48]. Also, the higher concentration of O and
OH radicals during biomass combustion due to the high O/C
and H/C ratios in biomass, can perhaps influence the called
[61] trade-off between NO and N2O formation from homogeneous HCN oxidation, which in result could be shifted towards
the NO formation.
With the results presented in this work it is not possible to
conclude about the relative importance of each mechanism
responsible for the low N2O concentration observed during
biomass combustion in BFBC. However, considering the
results of the present work, that is, (i) most (around 75-80%wt)
of the biomass fuel is converted in a region containing the
dense bed and the splash region (Fig. 4), and (ii) the NO
chemistry occurs mainly within this same region (Fig. 4), it can
be concluded that although most of the biomass solid (and
consequently their nitrogen-containing species) is rapidly
converted in gaseous species (the volatiles) upon devolatilisation as entering the reactor, those gaseous species are
subjected to intense contact with the bed solid phase, even in
the splash region. Consequently, the bed material (sand
particles and biomass ashes) could have an important role on
the nitrogen chemistry, namely on the NO and N2O formation
and destruction. That is, among other factors, the catalytic
effect of biomass ash may have an important influence on the
low N2O concentration observed during biomass combustion
in fluidised bed, since the nitrogen-containing gaseous
species are mostly converted in regions characterised by
intense gas-solid contact.



Longitudinal pressure, temperature and gas composition (O2,

CO2, CO, NO, N2O and total hydrocarbons) profiles were
obtained in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidised bed combustor
during biomass combustion.
The biomass carbon conversion to CO2 along the reactor
was calculated based on the measured CO2 concentration at
several locations, and was used as an indicator of the
combustion progress along the reactor. It was found that
around 75e80% of the biomass carbon was converted to CO2 in
the reactor region located below few centimetres above the
bed surface, that is, the region that includes the bed and the
splash zone.
Furthermore, based on the CO2 and NO concentrations in
the exit flue gas, it was found that: i) the overall biomass
carbon conversion to CO2 was in the range 97.2e99.3%, indicating high combustion efficiency, and ii) the biomass
nitrogen conversion to NO is relatively small, always lower
than 8% for the experimental conditions analysed.


Concerning the Portuguese regulation about gaseous

emissions from industrial biomass combustion, namely, the
accomplishment of CO, NO and volatile organic compounds
(VOC) (expressed as carbon) emission limits, the set of
adequate operating conditions includes bed temperatures in
the range 750 Ce800  C, excess air levels in the range 20%e
60%, and air staging with secondary air accounting for 20% of
total combustion air.

The authors want to acknowledge the financial support from
the project with reference PTDC/AAC-AMB/098112/2008,
financed by the Portuguese Foundation for the Science and



superficial area per orifice in the distributor plate of

fluidising air, m2 orifice1
cross sectional area of the distributor plate of
fluidising air, m2
Cj;b z
concentration of jth gaseous compound in the
bubble phase gas flow inside the bed at level z above
the air injectors, at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3j m3
Cj;e z
concentration of jth gaseous compound in the
emulsion phase gas flow inside the bed at level z
above the air injectors, at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z),
m3j m3
Cj;flow z mean concentration of jth gaseous compound based
on gas flow and concentration of emulsion and
bubble phases at level z above the air injectors, at
conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3j m3
Cj;sample z time-mean concentration of jth gaseous
compound in the sample gas at level z above the air
injectors, at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3j m3
db z
equivalent bubble diameter at level z above the air
injectors, m
bed particles equivalent diameter, m
biomass particles equivalent diameter, m
diameter of orifices of the fluidising air injectors, m
acceleration of gravity, 9.8 m s2
Gv z
total volumetric gas flow rate through the reactor at
level z above the air injectors, at conditions Pb(z) and
Tb(z), m3 s1
Gv;b z
volumetric gas flow rate in the bubble phase through
the bed at level z above the air injectors, at
conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3 s1
Gv;e z
volumetric gas flow rate in the emulsion phase
through the bed at level z above the air injectors, at
conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3 s1
Gv;j z
total volumetric gas flow rate of jth gaseous
compound through the reactor at level z above the
air injectors, at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), m3j s1
Gm;ij z total mass flow rate of ith chemical element present
in the jth gaseous compound present in flue gases,


b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 5 1 1 e1 5 2 3

through the reactor at level z above the air injectors,

kgi s1
Gm;j z total mass flow rate of jth gaseous compound
through the reactor at level z above the air injectors,
kgj s1
ith chemical element present in biomass: C, N
jth chemical gaseous compound present in
combustion flue gases: CO2, CO, NO
molar mass of ith chemical element (C,N), kg mol1
molar mass of jth chemical gaseous compound (CO2,
CO, NO), kg mol1
number of orifices of the fluidising air injectors in the
distributor plate, 
Absolute pressure in the reactor at level z above the
Pb z
air injectors, Pa
constant of ideal gases, 8.314 J mol1 K1
Sm;i;biomass mass flow rate of ith chemical element fed with
biomass, kgi s1
Tb z
absolute temperature in the reactor at level z above
the air injectors, K
bubble rising velocity at level z above the air
ub z
injectors, m s1
ubi z
bubble rising velocity for an isolated bubble at level z
above the air injectors, m s1
umf z
Minimum fluidisation velocity at level z above the air
injectors, m s1
u0 z
superficial gas velocity at the operating conditions,
at level z above the air injectors, m s1
Xij z
Conversion of ith chemical element present in
biomass on the jth chemical gaseous compound
present in the combustion gas flow at level z above
the air injectors, 
height above fluidising air injectors, m
Greek symbols
fraction of bed volume occupied by the bubble phase
3b z
at the operating conditions, at level z above the air
voidage fraction in emulsion phase at the operating
3e z
conditions, at bed level z above the air injectors, 
voidage fraction in emulsion phase at minimum
3mf z
fluidisation conditions, at level z above the air
ratio between the concentration of jth chemical
gaseous compound in emulsion phase and bubble
phase inside the bed, 
Sphericity of bed solids, 
volumic mass of fluidising gas at level z above the air
rg z
injectors, and at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z), kg m3
volumic mass of the bed solid particles, kg m3
mg z
dynamic viscosity of fluidising gas at level z above
the air injectors, and at conditions Pb(z) and Tb(z),
kg m1 s1


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