Simulasi UN 4 2012
Simulasi UN 4 2012
Simulasi UN 4 2012
One of the popular local tourist resorts in Bandung is the zoo. Many people visit the zoo everyday. There are hundreds or even thousands of visitors at weekends or on holidays. Last holiday, many SMP students went to the zoo. The students visited the zoo with their teachers. They were very happy to look at various animals and some interesting attractions they have never seen before. Some animals are strange to them. These animals are from other countries, such as camels, bears, flamingos, piranhas, and many others. The attraction that made the students happy were sitting elephants, monkey riding a bike, and bird shows. 1. When do thousands people visit the zoo? A. Every day B. Weekends and holiday C. School days D. Busy day 2. Why are some animals strange to them? A. Because they are from other countries B. Because they live in zoo. C. Because They were very happy to look various animals D. Because the attraction. Please check in your baggage one hour Before boarding Time 3. Where do we find this notice? A. At the railway station B. At the harbour C. At the bus station D. At the airport Dear Budi, Congratulation for your success in final examination. Always do the best for the future. Susan 4. Why did Susan congratulate Budi? Because A. Budi will face examination B. Budi still has examination C. Budi has passed the examination D. Budi should prepare for examination 5. The text above is . A. Greeting card B. Notice C. Announcement D. Advertisement
A forest is an area that is full of trees. We can find forests in the islands of Indonesia. They are spread along the island of Sumatra, java, Kalimantan, Irian and other islands in Indonesia. They are important for our lives. Forest gives us many kinds of export commodities such as timber, rattans, as well as rubber. Forest also protecst us from danger of floods. In the rainy season the roots of the trees in the forest absorb the rain water and store it under the ground. In the dry season the water will come out and it is very useful for us for reservoir and irrigation. If there are no forests, the rain water cannot be stored, there will be erosion of the soil and we will suffer from terrible floods. Forest also helps us to purify the air pollution. The trees of the forest need carbon dioxide from the air and send the oxygen out into the air, which make the air fresh and pure. The fresh and pure air is needed for our health. We can also find many kinds of fauna and flora in the forests. Animals and plants need forests to live. To ensure the continuation of the animals and plants existence in the forests, we have to protect it from destruction. Realizing that the forest gives us a lot of important things, we should keep our forest safe. Our forest is our environment. 6. Which paragraph tells that forest can be a source of income for the government A. Paragraph 4 B. Paragraph 3 C. Paragraph 2 D. Paragraph 1 7. They spread along the islands of Sumatra in paragraph 1, what does they refer to? A. The trees B. The islands C. The forests D. The people 8. In which paragraph can we find that forests produce clean air? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4 9. Below are the functions of forests, except A. Timber product B. Protection from flood and erosion C. For housing and farming D. Home for animals and plants 10. Because forests give us many important things, so we must . Them A. Ensure B. Safe C. protect D. destroy
11. What store rain water under the ground? A. Absorb B. landslide C. Roots of trees D. Leaves of trees 12. What will possibly happen if there are no forests?
A. Our environment is good B. The air is clean and fresh C. There will be flood and landslides D. There are no problems 13. If I dont study hard, . A. I will pass UN exam B. I will cheat from my friend C. I will not pass UN exam D. I will pay to pass the UN exam
Easy to fry, quickly expand and save the oil usage. Easy to serve, sun-drying is not needed. Fried crackers can be stored in a jar. Can be served as a snack and topping of many various dishes. Ingredients: Fresh garlic, selected tapioca flour, fresh vegetables, sugar, egg and salt. Pour enough frying oil into the pan and wait until the oil is sufficiently hot. Then drop the crackers in, after a while turn them over until they fully expand. Take them out from the pan and lay them on absorbent paper. 14. What is the text about? A. Frying oil B. Fried crackers C. Fresh garlic D. Various dishes 15. Which statement is NOT correct according to the text? A. These crackers can be served as a snack B. It is not difficult to serve fried crackers C. We need a lot of hot oil to cook these crackers D. The crackers will expand fast when frying oil is hot. 16. The crackers are made of .except.. A. Tapioca flour B. Sugar and salt C. butter D. Fresh vegetables 17. The crackers are served by them. A. Boiling B. Steaming C. Burning D. Frying 18. We can not fry crackers without .. A. Frying oil B. Fire C. Pan D. All items are correct
To become strong and healthy, we must do sport regularly. There are many kinds of sports: jogging, swimming, hunting, cycling, surfing, and so on. It doesnt matter what sport we are going to do, as long as we are strong enough to do it. No matter how old we are, we should exercise regularly to be healthy people. The best and simplest exercise is walking. And it is also the cheapest one because we do not money to do it. A long walk in the evening may help us sleep more than any medicine. But many people today hate walking. They prefer to drive a car or ride their motor bike although they are not in hurry or traveling a long distance. This kind of disease is a result of our laziness. 19. If we do not do sport regularly, we will be A. best and simplest B. strong and healthy C. Cheapest and easiest D. weak and sick 20. We learn from the text that the simplest sport is.. A. hunting B. swimming C. walking D. Sleeping 21. The word they in the last paragraph refers to A. sports B. disease C. car and motor bike D. many people 22. The word prefer in the last paragraph is closest in meaning with(synonym) A. like B. refuse C. like better D. makes 23. Why Walking is the cheapest sport? A. Because it is the simplest and the best B. Because we must pay some money to do it C. Because we can do it every day D. Because we dont need money to do it. 24. Which one is the correct sentence: A. Swim is good for fitness B. Swimming is good for health C. Good hobby is swim D. It is good hobby swimming 25. Please wear this jacket, it will give you protection .. very cold weather. A. Against B. Again C. Gain D. Else
26. Shop keeper : This is your shampoo and tooth brush. Is there any thing ? Customer : Oh yeah, One tooth paste and a soap please.
A. B. C. D.
We are now living in a small world. You just sit on your chair, read (27), listen to radio and watch the news on .. (28) to upgrade our information about latest events in the world. From the (29) in the news paper, we can read about what happen in other part of the world. These mass media technologies develop day after day. We can also get information about almost anything we want when we plug our computers to telephones line and access the (30) 27. A. journal B. brochure C. newspaper D. leaflet 28. A. film B. television C. telephone D. walky talky 29. A. articles B. advertisements C. paragraph D. programs 30. A. email B. magazine C. satellite D. internet
31. Mr. Ujang is Mr. hermans uncle. Tina is Mr. Ujangs child. Tina is Mr. hermans A. Nephew B. Cousin C. Niece D. Uncle 32. Mother is having a nap. She is in the A. Bathroom B. Living room C. Bed room D. Kitchen 33. Sue: I think Persija will win this match. Tom: I PSMS is better than Persija. I think PSMS will win. A. Dont believe B. dont think so C. am not sure D. dont mind 34. Tom: I am going to a market later. I want to buy something to cook. Sue : what will you buy? Tom: something for dessert, such as Pineapple, lemon and watermelon. What will Tom Buy? A. vegetables B. spices C. fruit D. meat 35. In mountain side, it is always . So its difficult to drive because you cant see very far from your car. A. eruption B. cloudy C. foggy D. landscape 36. A tailor sews, a chef .., a hunter shoots, A. teaches
B. repairs C. drives D. cooks 37. There are 13,677 islands in Indonesian archipelago from Sabang to Merauke A. stretch B. active C. erupt D. inhabit 38. Tom: Hey! Sue, whats wrong? You look so bad. Sue: Yeah. I have severe nausea. I think I will .. Tom: Oops. Let me take you to clinic. A. rash B. spread C. vomit D. dengue fever 39. Orchid is beautiful flower and its . are green A. roots B. trunks C. leaves D. grows 40. The restaurant serves very good food but the price is , not very expensive. A. bad B. excellent C. fair D. high 41. We went to Malioboro street and bought some . A. Traditional dance B. Unique shops C. wood crafts D. pedestrians
A hotel is the home of the guests and tourists, when they are away from home. The first impression the guests have of a hotel is the way the doorman and the bellboy (19) at the door and the clerks at the front
desk greet them. The guests often form their opinion of the hotel by reception they receive. The guests are usually happy if they feel welcome (20) and can get to their rooms quickly. 42. The underlined word means a boy or a man who ... A. helps the guests in a hotel carry their bags, B. receives people arriving in a hotel. C. lets people in and out in a large building, D. goes with and serves or looks after another, 43. The underlined word means ... A. responsible B. capable C. acceptable D. available The correct arrangement is ... A. 4 6 3 5 2 1 B. 4 1 3 2 5 6 C. 5 1 3 2 4 6 D. 5 6 3 2 4 1 46. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph. 1. Yanto can collect six to seven hundred rupiahs from selling newspapers. 2. He goes to an SMP in the afternoon and in the morning he sells newspapers around our neighbourhood. 3. Yanto saves some of his money in a saving box. 4. Yanto's house is not very far from my house. 5. He spends it on books and other things. A. 1 3 5 2 4 B. 4 2 3 5 1 C. 1 3 5 4 2 D. 4 2 1 5 3
No Littering
44. This notice means ... A. Throw your rubbish here B. Bring your own rubbish C. Do not throw rubbish here D. Do not pick up the rubbish 45. the lights - you - before - leave - turn off- the room. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Healthy food preparation Food which has been prepared or stored in unhealthy conditions causes many people to become ill. Here are several steps you can take when preparing food at home to minimize the risk of getting sick. First wash your hands well. Use soap and water and wash for at least 20 seconds-the same time as it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. Dont forget to clean under your finger-nails too. Rinse off the soap then dry your hands on a clean towel. Throughly wash fruits and vegetables, especially if they will be eaten raw. Just use water, dot use soap for that! Keep uncooked and cooked meat separate. Cover cooked food so flies dont walk all over it. 47. What is the text about ? A. Several steps about healthy food preparation. B. Ways to wash our hands well. C. Ways how to wash our finger-nails. D. Several steps about fruit and vegetables separation. 48. Why do you have to prepare healthy food ? A. To wash our hands well. B. To clean under finger-nails. C. To minimize the risk of getting sick. D. To keep uncooked and cooked meat separate. 49. What do you need to wash fruits and vegetables? A. Only soap B. Only water C. Soap and water D. Meat 50. Cover cooked food so flies dont walk all over it._ The underlined word means A. A kind of animals B. A kind of fruits C. A kind of vegetables D. A kind of food