Whitestaunton Manor
Whitestaunton Manor
Whitestaunton Manor
Whitestaunton, Somerset
Ref: 52568.12
May 2004
Prepared for:
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park
© Copyright The Trust for Wessex Archaeology Limited 2004, all rights reserved
The Trust for Wessex Archaeology Limited, Registered Charity No. 287786
Summary.................................................................................................................. 5
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................. 6
1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 7
1.1 Site location.................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Geology and topography................................................................................ 7
1.3 Previous archaeological work ........................................................................ 8
2 METHODS .................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Aims and objectives ..................................................................................... 10
2.3 Fieldwork methods....................................................................................... 11
3 RESULTS .................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Geophysical survey ...................................................................................... 13
3.3 Evaluation trenches within the Scheduled Area .......................................... 13
3.4 Evaluation trenches outside the Scheduled Area ......................................... 16
4 FINDS .......................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Pottery .......................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Ceramic building material............................................................................ 21
4.4 Mortar, plaster and opus signinum............................................................... 21
4.5 Stone............................................................................................................. 21
4.6 Glass............................................................................................................. 22
4.7 Slag .............................................................................................................. 22
4.8 Metalwork .................................................................................................... 22
4.7 Other finds ................................................................................................... 22
4.8 Animal bone................................................................................................. 22
4.9 Marine shell ................................................................................................. 23
5 DISCUSSION .............................................................................................. 24
5.1 Potential of the finds assemblage................................................................. 24
5.2 Potential of the animal bone assemblage ..................................................... 24
5.3 Archaeological interpretation....................................................................... 24
6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK.................................... 26
8 REFERENCES............................................................................................. 28
Figure 1: Site and trench (Trenches 1–13) location, also showing the Scheduled
Ancient Monument and areas of geophysical survey (Areas 1–6)
Figure 2: Outline plan of the Roman remains as displayed (after Bowles 1999,
fig 4.1)
Plate 7: The mosaic floor of the large pool, looking east, 0.5m scale
Cover: View of the north front of the Grade I listed Whitestaunton Manor House
(by Matthew Reynolds)
Archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Channel 4’s Time Team in the grounds of
Whitestaunton Manor House, Whitestaunton, Somerset (centred on Ordnance Survey
NGR ST 2808 1056) over three days in September 2003. The work was intended to
clarify the date, ground plan, function and context of a building excavated in 1882
(probably under the Direction of Major Charles Davis, City Engineer of Bath) and
described in the contemporary excavation report as a Roman villa. The foundations of
this building were subsequently incorporated into the landscaped gardens of the Manor,
and are now a Scheduled Ancient Monument (County No. SO496). Most authorities,
including the Scheduled Monument description and the Ordnance Survey, have tended
to accept the original interpretation of the remains and refer to the building as a villa.
However, some have cast doubt on this interpretation, suggesting that the building
might in fact be a Roman shrine and ritual bathing complex, or even a much later garden
feature or folly.
The evaluation consisted of four trenches excavated within the Scheduled Area to re-
examine the remains exposed in 1882. An additional nine evaluation trenches and six
areas of geophysical survey were undertaken outside the Scheduled Area, in the grounds
of the Manor House and in the fields beyond, in an attempt to locate other structures or
features of Roman date and to provide a context for the known remains.
The results of the evaluation confirmed that the Scheduled Monument was a Roman
building, although substantially ‘restored’ as part of the garden of the Manor House.
Finds suggest that the restoration incorporated Roman building material and pottery
from a wide variety of sources, almost certainly derived from the antiquarian collection
of Sir Charles Elton, owner of the Manor at the time of the original discovery. Further
interpretation is constrained by the small extent of the excavated trenches and the
difficult conditions created by a high water table. The Roman building is tentatively
identified as a bathhouse, situated to take advantage of natural springs, with signs of
high status, including painted wall plaster and polychrome mosaic flooring. Probable
features include a large mosaic lined pool, up to 35 square metres in extent, a range of
heated rooms, and smaller plunge pools. Decorative features and pottery suggest the
structure dates from the 3rd or 4th century. No evidence was found to indicate domestic
occupation, or for further ranges of building in the immediate vicinity. There were no
finds of an overtly religious or votive character.
No other Roman buildings, deposits or features were located outside the Scheduled
Area, although it seems probable that domestic buildings lie somewhere close by.
The evaluation was commissioned and funded by Videotext Communications. The work
would not have been possible without the support provided by Mr and Mrs Michael
Dobell, then owners of Whitestaunton Manor House. The support and collaboration of
Robert Croft, County Archaeologist, Somerset County Council, is also acknowledged.
The geophysical survey was undertaken by John Gater with staff from GSB
Prospection, and survey by Henry Chapman, University of Hull. Excavation strategy
was conducted by Mick Aston (Bristol University), site recording was co-ordinated by
Phil Harding and Rachael Seager Smith, assisted by Steve Thompson of Wessex
Archaeology. The evaluation was undertaken by the Time Team’s retained excavators
with help from Stuart Prior, Paul Pearce (Cedric), Jo Best, James Bridges, Keith Faxon,
and Freya Bowles. Thanks to Time Team Researcher Kate Edwards for providing
documentation relating to the Scheduled Monument Consent, to Neil Emmanuel for
digital photographic images (not reproduced in this report), and to Matthew Reynolds
for the cover image.
The archive was collated and all post-excavation analysis and assessment undertaken by
Wessex Archaeology including management (Roland J C Smith), report (Bruno Barber),
finds (Lorraine Mepham and Rachael Seager Smith), coins (Nick Wells), animal bone
(Stephanie Knight), and illustrations (Mark Roughley).
The progress and successful completion of the work also benefited from discussion on
site with the following specialists: Guy de la Bédoyère and Jonathan Foyle (buildings),
and David Neal (mosaics). Wessex Archaeology would like to thank Jonathon Bradley
of English Heritage for providing information on the Scheduled Monument, and Freya
Bowles for allowing access to her unpublished undergraduate dissertation on the Roman
1.1.2 The hamlet of Whitestaunton lies on the edge of the Blakdown Hills,
approximately 16km south of Taunton and 8km north-west of Chard in
Somerset, and is both a Conservation Area and an Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty. Whitestaunton Manor House, a Grade I listed building, lies
on the western side of the hamlet, adjacent to the parish church of St
Andrew. The manor of Stantune is documented in the Domesday survey
(Page 1969, 474) and parts of the existing Manor House are of late 14th-
century date (Bowles 1999, 25–6), with Elizabethan and later additions. The
church is first referred to in 1291, but the standing structure dates from the
later 15th century (Carter 1981).
1.1.3 The evaluation was undertaken in the garden and grounds of the manor house
and in the fields beyond (Figure 1). The main focus of the evaluation was a
Scheduled Ancient Monument (County No. SO496), excavated in 1882–3,
and usually described as a Roman villa (below). A secondary focus was on a
field to the west of the Manor, containing evident earthworks, possibly of
Roman or medieval date (Videotext Communications Ltd 2003, 2).
1.2.1 The geology of the Blakedown Hills is complex, with Triassic marl and
Jurassic shale, clay, and lias overlain by Cretaceous greensand and chalk.
The area is heavily faulted (GSGB 1976). Outcrops of white limestone occur
frequently. Bedrock lies close to the surface in the vicinity of the Site, and
forms the visible foundation of several standing structures, including the
northern wall of St Andrew’s Church. Springs occur in the area, where
porous chalk and greensand overlie the impervious earlier clays.
1.2.2 Overlying soils are characterised as flinty, silty drift often overlying clayey
subsoils (SSEW 1983). Gardening from the Elizabethan period onwards will
have modified soils around the Manor House considerably.
1.2.3 Around the Manor House, the ground is fairly level, at around 163–5m above
Ordnance Datum (a OD). This is in part due to levelling and terracing works
undertaken to create the landscaped gardens of the Manor. Traces of these
gardens remain, including two large ornamental ponds to the north of the
house (Figure 1). To the west of the gardens the ground slopes steeply
upwards into the adjacent pasture, while land also rises to the south and west
of the Manor.
1.2.4 To the north-west of the manor land falls away into the narrow valley of a
small, unnamed stream, which flows into the River Yarty some 2km west of
the Site. At the head of the stream valley lie the Scheduled ruins, which,
when the evaluation began consisted of low walls, largely obscured by
waterlogged soil and vegetation. The stream is fed by a number of springs,
which rise in the vicinity of the Manor. One spring now supplies the
ornamental pond in the grounds, and two others lie beneath the
Whitestaunton to Northay Road, including one marked on the Ordnance
Survey as ‘St Agnes’ Well’.
1.3.1 The earliest archaeological work in the area took place c.1845, when ‘the
ruins of a little house or chapel…paved with tesserae of brick…standing over
a clear spring’ were found during alterations to the course of the
Whitestaunton to Northay Road (Elton 1883, 98). No trace of this structure
survives. The dedication of this spring to a 4th century martyr (St Agnes)
indicated on the Ordnance Survey and other sources (Horne 1923, 33) is
suspect, and may post-date the discovery of the (possibly Roman) spring
housing. It is notable that Elton (1883) does not mention St Agnes, despite
the evident Romanticism of his account.
1.3.2 At the time of the 1841 Tithe Apportionment, the plot of land where the
Scheduled ruins now stand was part of a plot known as Hazel Wood (Carter
1981, 14, field no. 269). The presence of a villa in the vicinity was suspected
due to frequent finds of ancient pottery and stone roof-tiles along the banks
of the stream, and the discovery of the spring-house (above) (Elton 1883,
98). In 1882–3 a Roman building was excavated here, apparently by Major
Charles Davis FSA, on behalf of the owner of the Manor Sir Charles Elton
(Bowles 1999, 30). Davis is notorious for the poor quality of his work on the
Roman baths and temple complex in Bath, and he left no report or plan of his
work at Whitestaunton. The only account of the excavation is that written by
Elton (1883), a Romantic antiquarian with little experience of practical
fieldwork. Elton’s brief report is confusing, full of digressions and lacking a
plan of the building. His interpretative account mentions bathrooms on the
western side of the structure, including a heated bath with a semi-circular
recess lined with a bench, principal living rooms at the eastern end of the
building, arranged around an atrium with a mosaic floor, itself surrounded by
a ‘cloister’ with its floor at a higher level.
1.3.3 Shortly after the excavations were completed, the ruins were laid out as a
‘feature’ within the grounds of the Manor House. A view of ‘The Roman
villa at Whitestaunton’ published in 1894, appears to show low walls
(?consolidated) of uniform height, with a level ground surface approximating
the envisaged floor level. The ruins are shown lying in a noticeable
depression, created at least in part by the excavation, and were accessed from
the surrounding grounds by a wooden stair. The drawing shows no obvious
traces of standing water (Barrett 1894, 230).
1.3.4 Two plans of the remains exist, both apparently based on the remains as
displayed and completed long after the excavation. These are an outline plan
drawn in 1969 by Kings College Archaeological Society, Taunton (now in
the Somerset Records Office; Bowles 1999, 42, fig 4.0), and a measured plan
(idealised wall outlines only) surveyed by Freya Bowles as part of her
undergraduate dissertation on the remains (Figure 2; Bowles 1999, 44, fig
1.3.5 Bowles’s research suggested that the remains had been wrongly classified as
a villa. She suggested the building was in fact a religious site dedicated to a
water deity, connected with a healing/bathing ritual (Bowles 1999, 58).
1.3.6 The remains are designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument (County No.
SO496), and described in the schedule description as the remains of a Roman
villa, possibly landscaped as an 18th-century water-garden. The
accompanying maplet held by English Heritage’s Designations Department
shows the Scheduled Area (Figure 1) and an outline plan of the ruins, but
only as shown on the Ordnance Survey mapping. English Heritage does not
hold any detailed plans of the building.
1.3.7 On 4th March 2003, archaeologists from Somerset County Council undertook
limited investigations of two locations within the Scheduled Area. This was
to act as trial work in advance of the proposed Time Team programme. The
investigations confirmed the presence of buried floors and other features in
the areas subsequently excavated by Time Team as Trenches 1 and 2 (below,
1.3.8 The only other recorded archaeological work in the vicinity of the Roman
remains were two small trenches excavated in advance of a sewerage scheme
(Graham 1995). All observed deposits were interpreted as 19th century
landscaping dumps, probably related to an embankment retaining the
ornamental ponds. The work suggests that any further Roman remains in this
area are potentially deeply buried. Residual Roman ceramic tile and stone
roofing tile was recovered, along with medieval and post-medieval pottery.
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 A project design for the work was compiled and provided by Videotext
Communications (Videotext Communications Ltd 2003). Full details of the
circumstances and methods are contained in that document and are
summarised here.
2.2.1 The project design recognised that the Scheduled Ancient Monument had
been wrongly classified as a villa for 120 years (Videotext Communications
Ltd 2003, 6), as had been suggested by Freya Boyles in 1999 (above, 1.3.5).
2.2.2 The project design stated that the proposed project ‘offer[ed] the opportunity
to ascertain the character, extent, and degree of preservation of the
archaeological remains at Whitestaunton. It also offer[ed] the chance to add
to the knowledge offered by documentary sources and maps and would lead
to a greater depth of understanding of this historic site’. The evaluation
would ‘form an important resource for its future management and
interpretation’ (Videotext Communications Ltd 2003, 6).
x What is the extent of the Roman building at Whitestaunton and what was
its function? Are the ruins of a Temple or bathhouse? If so, how does this
compare with other Temple sites?
x When was the structure built and how does it fit into the broader
landscape context?
x What are the earthworks in the field and how do they relate to the Roman
x What is the circular feature at the top of the field and how does it relate,
if at all, to the earthworks in the field, or temple site?
x How do the ruins relate to the various water sources on the site?
x What is the condition of the ruins? What is the extent of damage caused
by vegetation and standing water?
x What evidence can be found of the tessellated pavement near St. Agnes’
2.3.2 All excavation and reinstatement within the Scheduled Area was undertaken
by hand in accordance with the terms of the Scheduled Monument Consent.
Trenching within the Scheduled Monument was designed to sample between
7% and 10% of the Scheduled Area. Within the Scheduled Monument the
method of backfilling was determined after discussions with English
2.3.3 In the gardens of the Manor House, turf was lifted by hand and stored with
spoil on plastic sheeting for reinstatement. Excavation in the adjacent pasture
was undertaken using a wheeled JCB excavator fitted with a back hoe and
1.8 m wide toothless grading bucket.
2.3.4 Outside the scheduled area, all machine work was undertaken with constant
archaeological supervision and ceased at the identification of significant
archaeological deposits, or where natural deposits were encountered first.
When machine excavation had ceased all trenches were cleaned by hand and
archaeological deposits were excavated.
2.3.5 A sufficient sample of all deposits was examined to allow the resolution of
the principal questions outlined in the aims and objectives above. Other
deposits were recorded and preserved in situ but not excavated.
2.3.6 All archaeological deposits were recorded using Wessex Archaeology’s pro
forma record sheets with a unique numbering system for individual contexts.
Trenches were located to the Ordnance Grid using a Trimble Real Time
Differential GPS survey system. All archaeological features and deposits
were planned at 1:10 or 1:20 and sections drawn at 1:10 or 1:20, whichever
was appropriate for the circumstances. All principal strata and features were
related to Ordnance Survey datum and a photographic record of the
investigations and individual features was maintained.
2.3.7 Within the Scheduled Monument, an initial stage of work involved the
clearance by hand of vegetation growth that had colonised the area of the
remains. Due to the presence of springs and a stream in the vicinity, the
Scheduled Area was partly waterlogged, and water ingress was a problem
encountered in all evaluation trenches in this area, requiring constant
pumping to maintain a clear excavation.
2.3.8 The work at the site was carried out over the three days 24th – 26th September
2.3.9 At the completion of the work all trenches were reinstated using the
excavated spoil from the trenches. All artefacts were transported to the
offices of Wessex Archaeology where they were processed and assessed for
this report.
3.1 Introduction
3.2.1 Six areas (Areas 1 – 6) were surveyed in the grounds of the Manor House
and in the fields beyond. The location of each area is shown in Figure 1.
Areas 1 and 4 were surveyed by resistivity and fluxgate gradiometry, Areas 2
and 3 by resistivity alone, Areas 5 and 6 by gradiometry alone (GSB
Prospection Ltd 2003, 1–4).
3.2.2 The geophysical survey work failed to find any evidence for a villa building
or complex in any of the areas investigated. This proved consistent with the
analysis of the landscape and limited trial trenching. The majority of
anomalies detected were associated with either garden features connected
with the Manor House or natural responses due to the close proximity of the
natural bedrock to the ground surface (GSB Prospection Ltd 2003, 4).
3.3.1 At the beginning of the project the Scheduled Area was covered with thick
weed growth. Parts of the area, including the central parts of the Roman
structure were noticeably boggy or lay beneath standing water. Once weed
growth was cleared (above, 2.3.7), the approximate outline of the building
known from earlier plans (above, 1.3 and see Figure 2) was apparent as a
series of low walls. The evaluation was designed to be non-intrusive, the
intention being to remove Victorian backfill deposits and material that had
accumulated since the 19th century excavations. The intention was to expose
selected parts of the remains that had been the subject of Elton’s original and
confusing report.
3.3.2 Trench 1 was excavated on the north-western side of the remains, and at its
maximum extent measured 4.8 x 10.0m. Natural deposits were not
encountered. The earliest features exposed were structural and of Roman
date, apparently the north-west corner of a building. The partial outline of
one room was recovered (Figure 3), with a semi-circular alcove at the north-
eastern end, and a second semi-circular recess in the approximate centre of
the north-western wall. The Roman walls were built of roughly faced
limestone rubble and occasional dressed flint, coursed and bonded with a
lime mortar, which had been mostly washed out.
3.3.3 The main room was floored with flagstones (context 103) each
approximately 0.9m2 and 0.15m thick, with a surface at around 158.80m
aOD (Plate 1). In one place, a broken flagstone permitted the observation
that this floor was suspended over pilae (stone/tile columns, just visible in
Plate 2), indicating the presence of a hypocaust (an underfloor hot air heating
system). Water ingress and in situ stonework prevented further investigation
of the hypocaust, which appeared to be approximately 0.5m deep.
3.3.4 Above the flagstones were traces of a layer of pinkish yellow concrete, which
contained limestone and tile fragments (context 102, see Figure 3). Although
there was no absolute proof that this was of Roman date, it is probably the
decayed remnant of an opus signinum (Roman concrete) floor. The
interpretation is that the flagstones would have originally been covered by a
waterproof floor surface.
3.3.5 In the northern alcove, a flagstone floor of similar appearance and level to
that in the main room (above, context 103) was visible beneath Victorian
rubble (contexts 106–7) which was left in situ. At the entrance to each alcove
were traces of stonework that could be interpreted as the responds of an
arched opening, or as the partially surviving remains of walls dividing the
alcoves from the main room. Given the evidence of the hypocaust, and the
emerging interpretation of the building as a whole, it seems likely that the
walls and floors of the alcoves were originally lined with opus signinum, and
should be interpreted as plunge pools within a bathhouse.
3.3.6 At the western end of the trench, the opus signinum floor of the main room
was overlain by a thin spread of limestone rubble (context 108) overlain by
two north-south alignments of re-used Roman ceramic tiles (contexts 109,
110) (Plate 3), arranged parallel with the long axis of the room. No dating
evidence was recovered, but the excavators assumed that this feature was
part of Victorian reconstruction works to display the monument as a garden
feature. It remains a possibility that the tiles are evidence for a later phase of
the Roman building with a new, higher, but still heated floor, although it
seems unlikely on present evidence.
3.3.7 The upper parts of all exposed walls had been partially built-up or
consolidated after the 19th century excavation. In most cases this was evident
in the use smaller un-faced fragments of rubble. The distinction was not
always clear, but was most easily seen in Trench 3 (below). In general, the
Victorian consolidation followed the line of underlying Roman walls.
However, in one case, a Victorian wall (context 114) and been built on an
alignment that slightly diverged from that of the less regular underlying
Roman wall. It seems likely that some ‘tidying up’ of the ground plan may
have taken place.
3.3.8 One wall (context 116) was observed to butt the external wall of the building.
This might be Victorian, or a Roman addition to the structure. The wall ran
north into undergrowth and there was no opportunity to investigate it further.
3.3.9 Across the whole trench, the uppermost deposit was a mid to dark greyish
brown silty loam containing frequent fragments of limestone and flint rubble.
This deposit seemed to be a mixture of Victorian excavation backfill, and silt
washed into the area by the nearby streams.
3.3.10 Trench 2 was an irregularly shaped trench, designed to investigate the
central part of the building. Several small sondages are included under the
same trench number, and the maximum extent of the area investigated by the
various parts of the trench covered 18.0m x 8.5m, although the area actually
excavated was far less (Figure 4). A gravel deposit, interpreted as natural
was encountered at 158.80m aOD. The excavations revealed more of the
outline of the building recorded in Trench 1, the main difference apparently
being that rooms in this part of the structure did not have underfloor heating.
Identified features include a large pool, surrounded by a corridor or
ambulatory, with a large room to the north-east (Plate 5), with three recesses
in its northern wall, the central one (the others were not investigated) being
semi-circular in plan.
3.3.11 The central pool measured 8.5m x 4.4m internally, and was enclosed by a
wall (247) which survived up to 0.7m high. A corridor or ambulatory 1.0m
wide was identified on three sides of the pool, and may have surrounded it.
The outer wall of the corridor (context 239) contained a possible column
base in oolitic limestone, but it appeared to have been reused, perhaps in
Victorian consolidation. The corridor floor was very disturbed, possibly by
Victorian activity, but was recognised as a decayed layer of opus signinum
(context 207). Two small patches of white and grey lias tesserae (contexts
240, 242) appeared to be in situ, all that remained of the actual floor surface.
A large block of Ham stone lay on the floor of the corridor; 0.95m long,
0.30m and 0.15m high, it appeared to be a displaced architectural fragment,
possibly a door lintel, and was burnt at one end (Plate 6). Two steps, 0.32m
wide led down from the floor of the corridor (c.159.30m aOD) to the mosaic
floor of the pool (contexts 235, 244), which lay at 158.90m aOD, and
consisted of white limestone tesserae (mosaic) set in a decayed, pinkish off-
white, sandy mortar (Plate 7). A thin skim of opus signinum surviving at the
base of the internal elevation of the pool wall may have formed a waterproof
seal between the wall and the floor.
3.3.12 The large room to the north-east was floored with opus signinum (context
207), at the same level as the floor of the corridor or ambulatory. It was
separated from the corridor by a limestone wall, which had been reduced
almost to foundation plinth level, with a central opening, which appeared to
be an original feature. However, a possible lias threshold stone and a patch of
blocking observed, but not excavated (see Figure 4) suggested there may
have been further openings (?an arcade of three arches) in the wall.
3.3.13 Within this northern room lay a stone lined culvert (context 225), c.0.5m
wide. The feature was not excavated, but appeared to turn through 90o (see
Figure 4 and Plate 5). Towards the western limit of excavation, the culvert
was observed to carry a flow of water from south-west to north-east. The
culvert was capped with (or perhaps founded on - see below) limestone slabs,
overlain by mortared limestone rubble, which was recorded on site as a wall
(context 215). However, this ‘wall’ did not rise above floor level in the room
and it seems likely that it was in fact the side-walls and capping of the culvert
proper (Plate 8). The date of the culvert or its stratigraphic position was not
established with any certainty, but it was constructed in a similar manner to
the Roman masonry on the site.
3.3.14 The central recess off the northern room was investigated. It was semi-
circular in plan (radius c.2.3m), divided from the main room by a wall
(context 214), and with a sunken floor of lias slabs (212) at 159.05m OD
(Plate 9). The gap between the slabs and the wall was sealed with opus
signinum. Where the slabs had been disturbed, the floor make-up (context
213) was recorded. The feature is interpreted as a cold plunge-pool. The
other two recesses appear rectangular as now visible, although this may
reflect only Victorian reconstruction.
3.3.15 Within the excavated areas, there was no trace of an opening between the
heated and unheated areas. Bowles’ plan suggests such a doorway lay further
south (Bowles 1999, fig 4.1).
3.3.16 Trench 3 was a small sondage measuring 1.0m x 0.7m in plan, located to
investigate the external wall of the building. Natural gravel was encountered,
but its level is not recorded. Assuming the wall was founded on the gravel,
natural lay at c.158.37m aOD. The wall stood to a total height of 1.2m
(including the foundation plinth), although the upper 0.5m was less regularly
coursed and was interpreted as a Victorian rebuild (Plate 4). Against the
footing, the only deposit excavated was a 0.6m thick dump of silty loam
(context 301), probably Victorian excavation backfill and later soil
3.3.17 Trench 4 was a small trench 1.8m x 0.8m in plan, located against the west
facing elevation of the west wall of a water conduit. The trench was cleared
of vegetation and modern materials only. The wall appeared to be of
Victorian date, but there was insufficient time to investigate or record details
of its construction (Plate 10).
3.4.1 Trench 5 measured 2m x 1m in plan and was dug in an area of lawn to the
west of the Manor House, sited to investigate a high resistance anomaly
identified by the geophysical survey. The lowest observed deposit was a
brown clay-silt subsoil at 163.40m aOD, overlain by a pale brown, loose
sandy garden soil (context 502–3). Cutting this deposit was a crudely built,
east –west oriented limestone wall footing, which survived four courses
(0.44m) deep and 0.68m wide. The stones were bonded with a sandy yellow
mortar, and the wall was bedded on a thin layer of green sand. The wall is
interpreted as a post-medieval garden wall. Turf and topsoil sealed all other
deposits and features.
3.4.2 Trench 6 measured 2m x 1m in plan and was dug in an area of lawn to the
west of the Manor House, sited to investigate a high resistance anomaly
identified by the geophysical survey. This anomaly was explained by an area
of chert bedrock outcropping at 165.58m aOD, sealed by only 0.11m of
topsoil, perhaps as a result of past garden terracing.
3.4.3 Trench 7 measured 2m x 1m and was dug on a steeply sloping area of lawn
to the south of the Manor House, to investigate a high resistance anomaly
identified by the geophysical survey. A complex of anomalies in this area
were interpreted as probable remnants of formal garden features associated
with the house (GSB 2003, 2). Natural subsoil lay at 165.53m aOD, sealed
by a thin spread of flint and mortar, in turn overlain by a garden soil and
3.4.4 Trench 8 measured 6.5m x 1.2m and was dug in a steeply sloping field to the
west of the Manor House, in the vicinity of a linear high resistance anomaly
identified by the geophysical survey. The anomaly formed one of a series,
which seemed to relate to garden boundaries and ornamental features in an
area that was once part of the Manor House grounds, but have since reverted
to agricultural use (GSB 2003, 3). Excavation identified no archaeological
features, but showed that a natural subsoil of silty loam and chert fragments
lay at 175.28–175.58m aOD, beneath 0.10m of topsoil.
3.4.5 Trench 9 measured 1.8m x 1.2m and was excavated by machine on a steeply
sloping bank immediately east of the Scheduled Monument, with the
intention of establishing ground conditions in this part of the Site. The lowest
deposit identified (context 902) was a compact, mixed sandy loam containing
chert and limestone fragments, animal bone, Roman and medieval pottery
and Roman tile. It was unclear whether this was a colluvial deposit or upcast
from Victorian excavations. The deposit extended beyond the limit of
excavation at 0.6m below the existing ground surface.
3.4.6 Trench 10 measured 5.2m x 1.3m and was dug on a steep slope to the east of
the Scheduled Monument, between the monument and the Whitestaunton to
Northay Road, with the intention of establishing whether archaeological
remains associated with the known ruins survived in this part of the Site. The
earliest deposit recorded was a greenish grey sandy clay with frequent small
fragments of green sandstone probably derived from underlying geological
deposits. It was interpreted as a natural sub-soil.
3.4.7 The only feature identified in Trench 10 was a poorly defined cut (context
1004), at least 0.80m wide and 0.76m deep. Its fill (context 1003) was a
sandy loam containing a few charcoal flecks and fragments of tile. The
feature was not fully defined or excavated, but is interpreted as a possible
quarry pit or tree throw. A stony dump deposit, possibly associated with
Victorian road construction, sealed the feature, overlain by a thin band of
3.4.8 Trench 11 measured 6.5m x 1.25m and was dug to the east of an ornamental
pond, just to the south-west of the Scheduled Monument. It was intended to
establish the depth of made ground in this area (not established in previous
work, above 1.3.8), and whether archaeological remains associated with the
known ruins survived in this part of the Site. Excavation was hampered by
the presence of an electricity cable, a sewer pipe and a water pipe. Made
ground was shown to extend to the maximum depth of excavation at 0.85m
below existing ground surface. The made ground (context 1103) contained
redeposited Roman building material and a Victorian button.
3.4.9 Trench 12 was excavated under the supervision of Bob Croft (County
Archaeologist Somerset County Council) outside the Scheduled Area, just
north of Trench 11, to attempt to clarify the results from that trench. It was
dug after the departure of the surveying team and is only approximately
located in Figure 1. Natural was identified as a grey clay containing chert
fragments, lying some 1.4m below ground level. The only feature identified
was an infilled stream channel or culvert, identified only by its loose fills.
The primary fill (context 1204) was a shelly, sandy loam, containing large
blocks of chert up to 0.25m across. The only pottery recovered, if not
redeposited, suggests a date in the Later Roman period (below, 4.2.1). The
upper fill (context 1203) was a dark brown, gravely sand containing large
chert blocks, slate and ceramic building material. The channel was sealed by
some 0.7m of topsoil and probable post-medieval landscaping dumps.
3.4.10 Trench 13 measured 4.5m x 1.2m and was dug in the same steeply sloping
field as Trench 8, to the west of the Manor House. It was located to
investigate a high resistance anomaly identified by the geophysical survey.
When first recorded, it was though that this anomaly might indicate the villa
site, but expansion of the survey area suggested a natural explanation was
more likely (GSB 2003, 3). This was confirmed by excavation, which
showed a natural subsoil of chert fragments in a grey brown silt at 180.26–
180.96m aOD overlain by no more than 0.07m of topsoil.
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Finds were recovered from nine of the thirteen trenches excavated; no finds
were recovered from Trenches 8, 10 and 11. Most finds came from Trenches
1 and 2, within the Scheduled Monument. All finds have been cleaned (with
the exception of the metalwork) and have been quantified by material type
within each context. Quantified data form the primary finds archive for the
Site and these data are summarised by trench in Table 1.
4.1.2 Subsequent to quantification, all finds have been at least visually scanned in
order to gain an overall idea of the range of types present, their condition,
and their potential date range. Pottery has been subjected to more formal
scanning, including quantification by ware type (details below). Spot dates
have been recorded for selected material types as appropriate. All finds data
are currently held on an Excel spreadsheet.
4.1.3 This section presents an overview of the finds assemblage, on which is based
an assessment of its potential to contribute to an understanding of the site in
its local and regional context. Much of the material recovered relates to the
structure of the Romano-British building complex (ceramic building
material, mortar, opus signinum), either in situ or redeposited. However,
other material culture relating to occupation of the villa is notable by its
absence, probably due to modification of the site during the Victorian period.
As well as Romano-British material, finds attest to activity on the site both
prior to the structure/bathhouse (prehistoric worked flint), and after
(medieval pottery, post-medieval finds).
4.2 Pottery
4.2.1 Of the small amount of pottery recovered, only nine sherds are of Romano-
British date – four sherds of Black Burnished ware and five of Oxfordshire
colour coated ware. The colour coated ware indicates a date range in the later
Roman period (mid 3rd to 4th century AD), and this is largely confirmed by
the Black Burnished ware forms present: a dog dish (topsoil in Trench 4),
everted rim jar of late form (topsoil in Trench 2) and a dropped flange bowl
(context 1204, primary fill of a stream channel or culvert in Trench 12).
4.2.2 Eleven sherds are of medieval date (from Trenches 1, 2, 5 and 9). These
include flint-/chert-tempered coarsewares with some greensand inclusions,
sandy coarsewares, and one sherd of glazed and slip-decorated fineware
(topsoil in Trench 1). All the coarsewares are likely to be of at least relatively
local manufacture, possibly from the area immediately to the north of the
Blackdown Hills (J. Allan pers comm), while the fineware is possibly a
Donyatt product, from the kilns a few kilometres to the east. The overall date
range is likely to be 12th to early 14th century.
Table 1: Finds totals by material type (number / weight in grams)
Material Tr. 1 Tr. 2 Tr. 3 Tr. 4 Tr. 5 Tr. 6 Tr. 7 Tr. 9 Tr. 12 Unstrat TOTAL
Pottery 1/8 13/392 1/3 3/67 27/282 5/50 25/411 8/61 1/46 84/1320
Ceramic Building Mat. 136/32,413 203/15,130 2/547 4/174 4/45 4/59 1/40 16/2020 32/13,000 402/73,428
Mortar 4/63 4/63
Opus signinum 3/299 13/880 2/112 7/514 25/1805
Plaster 6/159 9/67 15/226
Clay Pipe 2/9 2/9
Stone 19/3686 1096/25,237 1/93 1/70 6/303 5/1286 1128/30,675
Worked Flint 1/41 1/12 1/9 2/250 5/312
Glass 1/23 1/61 3/10 5/94
Slag 42/6956 3/79 1/24 2/266 48/7325
Metalwork 1 5 - 1 1 - 12 - 1 - 21
Iron - 2 - - 1 - 11 - - - 14
Copper alloy 1 3 - 1 - - - - 1 - 6
Lead - - - - - - 1 - - - 1
Animal Bone 4/41 8/136 4/32 3/21 2/20 21/250
Marine Shell 1/12 4/20 5/32
4.2.3 The remaining 63 sherds are of post-medieval date, consisting primarily of
coarse redwares (and including most of one flowerpot from topsoil in Trench
5). Other wares – English stoneware, Staffordshire-style slipware, bone china
and modern refined whitewares – cover a date range of 18th to 20th century.
4.3.1 Roman brick and tile fragments were predominantly found in Trenches 1 and
2. Small quantities of roof tile (tegula and imbrices) may suggest that at
some stage at least part of the bath house structure had a tiled roof. Flue tile
(tubulus) fragments predominated; a cursory examination indicated the
presence of several different fabrics (at least one being flint-tempered, the
other predominantly sandy) and numerous different techniques and designs
of keying, suggesting that they derived from several different sources. One
other, rarer, form of cavity walling was also noted – two joining pieces from
a tegula mammata were found in context 101 although a thin skim of mortar
covering both flat surfaces and extending over the 'mammata' scar show that
it had been reused. Bricks were comparatively rare with only one definite
fragment (from context 245, the make-up for the mosaic floor of the central
pool) being recognised.
4.3.2 Finger-smeared signatures were noted on three tegula and two flat fragments,
all taking the form of concentric semi-circles drawn with two fingers. One of
these also had obtuse-angled lattice, covering an area approximately 130 mm
x 50 mm, scored (when the tile was nearly dry) along one of its open edges
(i.e. at 90° to the flanges) on the opposite surface to the signature. Footprints,
one made by a small dog, two by goats or possibly sheep and one of an
uncertain species, were also recognised, indicating the presence of these
animals at the tilery and that marked tiles were considered acceptable for use.
4.3.3 Tesserae, cut from thinner bricks or tegula, were also found in contexts 101,
201, 245 and 501 (5, 11, 94 and 1 respectively).
4.4.1 Further building material was recovered in the form of small quantities of
mortar, wall plaster and opus signinum (a concrete-like substance used to
seal floors and walls), most of which came from Trenches 1 and 2, with
small amounts of opus signinum also from Trenches 3 and 12.
4.4.2 All of this material is assumed to be Roman. The wall plaster includes
monochrome fragments (white, red and green), polychrome (green and red)
and one piece with a blue or green stripe on a white background.
4.5 Stone
4.5.1 Stone also constituted some of the building material from the structure. Much
of this is in the form of limestone tesserae (1066 pieces), which derived
mainly from topsoil (context 201) and the Victorian excavation backfill in
the pool area in Trench 2. Some areas of mosaic were in situ (above 3.3).
Most other stone building material also derived from Trench 2 and comprises
lias and shelly limestone roof tiles, and roofing slate. A possible column base
made from oolitic limestone and a large rotary quern or quern roughout made
from a very coarse, probably igneous rock from a relatively local source were
also recovered.
4.6 Glass
4.6.1 All of the glass recovered is post-medieval, comprising wine bottle, clear
bottle/jar and window fragments.
4.7 Slag
4.7.1 Just over 7 kg of ironworking slag was recovered, mostly from Trench 2
(topsoil and the fill of an undated probable robber trench, context 208).
4.8 Metalwork
4.8.1 Metalwork includes objects of copper alloy, iron and lead. The copper alloy
includes four Roman coins (two 3rd century and two 4th century AD issues)
(Table 2). The other two copper alloy objects comprise a post-medieval
button, and part of a small decorative fitting (unknown date). All coins and
objects came from topsoil contexts.
4.8.2 The ironwork comprises 12 nails, one structural fitting (strip with nail in
situ); one object remains unidentified at this stage. Most of these objects
came from topsoil/subsoil contexts in Trench 12 – other objects derived from
topsoil contexts in other trenches. None are chronologically distinctive.
4.9.1 Other finds recovered comprise two piece of clay tobacco pipe stem and five
pieces of worked chert (four flakes and one blade).
4.10.1 Twenty one fragments of animal bone, in fair to poor condition, were
recovered from seven contexts in Trenches 1, 2, 5, 7 and 9. Gnawing was
visible on two bones, and chemical erosion had contributed to the poor
condition of other fragments. Conversely, some bones, especially in Trench
2, were stained a dark brown colour and fairly well preserved; such an effect
is often seen on waterlogged bones.
4.10.2 Nine bones were identified and species represented included cattle,
sheep/goat, horse, pig and hare, a large species list for so few fragments,
although potential for interpretation is limited as five of the identified
examples were from Victorian or later overburden in Trenches 1 and 2. A
range of bone elements was found.
4.10.3 No bones were complete enough for measurement, but four could be aged.
Butchery processes in the form of filleting meat from the bone and breakage
for marrow extraction had marked three bones.
4.11.1 Five pieces of marine shell were found, all right valves of oyster, i.e.
preparation waste.
5.2.1 The small size and relatively poor condition of the faunal assemblage limits
any potential for better characterising the nature of animal exploitation at this
site. Its usefulness is further limited by the uncertain date of the assemblage,
much of which may be post-medieval.
5.3.1 Limited trenching outside the Scheduled Area, in the grounds of the Manor
House and in the fields beyond (Trenches 5–13) has failed to provide any
clear archaeological context for the known Roman remains. This is in
accordance with the results of the geophysical survey (GSB 2003, 4).
Whether other Roman structures remain to be located, perhaps deeply buried
beneath post-medieval landscaping dumps, or sealed by the church or the
manor house itself is unclear. Evidence was found for extensive garden
terraces and exposures of natural subsoil, indicating that a substantial part of
the Site may have been truncated in the post-medieval period.
5.3.2 More can be said about the interpretation of the building (the Scheduled
Monument) exposed in Trenches 1–3. The core of the structure did appear to
be Roman, despite evidence for a certain amount of Victorian
‘consolidation’. No evidence was found to suggest it was a villa (the
interpretation favoured by the original excavation account (Elton 1883) and
the Schedule description). No evidence was found to support a religious
aspect to the Site (such as large numbers of coins, votive items, or explicitly
religious items), an interpretation suggested by Freya Bowles (1999). In
particular the central ‘cella’ seems likely to be a bathing pool rather than a
shrine. The suggested Roman origins and dedication of ‘St Agnes’ Well’
remain unproven.
5.3.3 The structure as exposed has the classic plan of a bath-house, with a large,
unheated, mosaic-lined central pool, surrounded by a corridor or ambulatory,
possibly also floored in mosaic. A heated range with hypocaust and two
heated plunge pools lay to one side, with an unheated range and at least one
further plunge pool lay on another. Traces of opus signimum floors were
typical of a bath house, but the use of mosaic and traces of polychrome
painted wall plaster suggest an owner of some social status or pretension. No
obvious traces of further rooms or ranges were identified, although a large
part of the Scheduled Area was not investigated.
5.3.4 The date of the building is uncertain, although the decorative scheme and
mosaic is typical of the later Roman period (David Neal, pers comm),
supported by the mostly unstratified or topsoil finds.
5.3.5 The wider context of the building remains unclear. It seems unlikely that the
bath-house stood in isolation. Domestic buildings would be expected to lie
close by, although perhaps not in the narrow stream valley chosen for the site
of the baths, presumably for the water supply.
6.1.1 The recovered finds assemblage has little potential for further analysis. No
further cleaning of the coins or other metal objects is required. During
filming the collections of archaeological material held in the Manor and local
museums was examined. The mixed nature of the material and its uncertain
provenance suggested that it too was of little potential (Rachael Seager
Smith, pers comm).
6.1.2 Time Team’s evaluation project has been successful in providing useful data
on the nature, layout and function of the Scheduled Ancient Monument. The
evaluation has produced a small but important archaeological archive for any
future research or excavation at the site.
6.1.3 Further detailed analysis of the results of this project, however, is not
considered to be appropriate in view of the limited scale of the evaluation.
Some limited further work is proposed, however, and is set out below.
6.1.4 The only account of the Roman remains dates from the late 19th century and
is highly inaccurate, and the description of the remains as a ‘villa’ in the
Schedule entry is misleading. It is recommended that a short note is
published in the appropriate archaeological journal (in this case the
Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society),
setting out the revised interpretation of the Scheduled Monument as a bath-
house, together with an plan and description of the exposed structure.
6.1.5 The results of this project should be used by Somerset County Council and
English Heritage to draw up a management plan to ensure the long term
preservation of the Scheduled remains.
6.1.6 In accordance with the terms of the Scheduled Monument Consent, copies of
this report (and of the geophysical survey report) will be submitted to
English Heritage and the Somerset County Sites and Monuments Record. In
accordance with the wishes of the landowner, the archive will be deposited
and curated at Whitestaunton Manor House.
7.1.1 The archive, which includes all artefacts, written, drawn and photographic
records relating directly to the investigations undertaken, is currently held at
the offices of Wessex Archaeology under the site code WS03 and Wessex
Archaeology project code 52568. It is intended that copies of this report will
be lodged with the Sites and Monuments Record and with English Heritage,
and that, in accordance with the wishes of the landowner, the excavated
material and records will eventually be deposited and curated at
Whitestaunton Manor House.
7.1.2 The finds archive is quantified by weight in Table 1. The finds archive is
contained in:
7.1.3 The paper excavation archive is contained in two ring binders, and a posse
leaf folder. It includes:
x Project Design
x Finalised Assessment Report
x Geophysical survey report (GSB Prospection Ltd 2003). The geophysics
report includes a record of all data, plots of the results, interpretation with
detailed comments and conclusions.
x 22 x A4 Context Finds Records
x 1x A4 Coin List
x 1x A4 Object Record
x 8 x A4 Photographic Records
x 4 x A4 Levels Register
x 2 x A4 Graphic Register
x 10 x A4 Trial Trench Record
x 3 x A4 Context Index Sheets
x 59 x A4 Context Record Sheets
x 9 x A3 Drawing Sheets
x 8 x A4 Drawing Sheets
x 7 x A4 GPS Data showing trench location, geophysics grid and TBMs
7.1.4 The photographic archive is held in 5 clear plastic hangers and 5 strip
mounts. It includes:
GSGB (Geological Survey of Great Britain (England and Wales)), 1976 Wellington:
drift, 1:50,000. Sheet 311, Southampton
Horne, P E, 1923, Somerset holy wells and other named wells, Somerset Folk Series
12, London
Page, W, (ed) 1969 (1906) Victoria History of the County of Somerset 1, (reprinted by
University of London Institute of Historical Research), London
SSEW (Soil Survey of England and Wales), 1983 Soils of England and Wales. Sheet
5. South-West England
Mapping supplied by Time Team
Licence number AL 100018665
0 5m
Obscured by
retaining wall
This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.
Date: 15/05/04 Revision Number: 0
Scale: 1:100 @A4 Illustrator: MR
Path: Y:\Projects\52568\DRAWING OFFICE\Whitestaunton\Drawing Office\Report Figures
Outline plan of the Roman remains as displayed (after Bowles 1999, Fig 4.1) Figure 2
?Heated bath
?Heated bath
?Victorian rebuild Plate 3: View of two alignments of reused
Roman tiles in Trench 1: evidence of a
Pilae later phase of Roman building or Victorian
reconstruction? Looking north-east,
Void ?Original Roman 1m and 0.5m scales
Flagstones over
109 0 2m
Scale 1:40 at A3
Revision Number: 0
Illustrator: MR
Date: 15/05/04
Plate 2: View of broken flagstone in Trench 1, showing Plate 4: North-west facing external elevation
of building in Trench 3, showing footing Scale: 1:40 @A3
pilae and water- filled hypocaust. Looking north-west, 1m scale
course and roughly faced Roman wall Path: Y:\Projects\52568\DRAWING
overlain by irregular Victorian masonry.
Looking south-west, 1m scale OFFICE\Whitestaunton\Drawing Office\Report Figures
Plate 5: View of Trench 2 showing plunge Plate 6: View of corridor or ambulatory, Plate 8: View of culvert/wall
pool, opus signium floor of northern room, showing large ?collapsed architectural (contexts 225/215) in the main
with large pool in the background. fragment. Looking north-east, northern room.
Looking south-west, 1m scales 1m & 0.5m scales Looking south-west, 0.2m scale
214 Plunge-pool
Plate 7: The mosaic floor of the large pool. pool
Looking east, 0.5m scale
Natural Tesselated
239 Possible
0 2m column Plate 9: View of plunge pool with Victorian Plate 10: View of Trench 4 showing
base backfill partially removed to show stone floor. probably Victorian culvert wall.
Scale 1:40 at A3
Looking south-west, 0.5m scale Looking east, 0.5m scale
This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction. Date: 15/05/04 Revision Number: 0
Wessex Opus signium floor Flagstone floor Tesserae Scale: Plan = 1:40 @ A3 Illustrator: MR
Path: Y:\Projects\52568\DRAWING OFFICE\Whitestaunton\Drawing Office\Report Figures