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Description of holder
UIN/NRIC No: S7468626E
Date of Birth: 26/03/1974
Place of Birth: VENEZUELA
Passport/Travel Document
Important Notes :
1. This Re-entry Permit (REP) is issued to you based on the information provided vide application
PRS-2011-TRF-000041952 for which you have truthfully declared to be so or for which you had consented for a
proxy to submit on your behalf and are fully aware of the information so provided by your authorised proxy.
2. Please check it carefully and ensure that your name, UIN/NRIC number, Travel Document number and other
details printed on the REP are correct.Please keep this REP carefully.You are advised to carry a copy of your REP
with you when you travel overseas as foreign authorities and agencies may need to sight your REP when you
travel. Do not glue or staple it to the Travel Document.
3. You are strongly advised to use the automated clearance lanes for fast and efficient immigration clearance at
the Checkpoints if you have a machine-readable travel document. In the event that you are unable to use the
automated clearance lanes, simply present your travel document to the Immigration Officer for immigration
clearance. No physical endorsement of the REP is required on your travel document.
4. Please note that a Singapore PR must have a valid REP if he wishes to travel out of Singapore. A PR who
leaves Singapore or remains abroad without a valid REP will lose his PR status.
5. You may enquire the validity of your REP anytime online by logging into ICA's website at
using your SingPass.You may apply to renew your REP online three months before the expiry of your current REP.
6. When you obtain a new travel document, you are required to login at the same website to do an electronic
transfer of the remaining validity of your REP from your old travel document to your new travel document.