Introduction To Shear Resistance of Plain' and Reinforced Concrete Sections

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Chapter 7

Introduction to shear resistance of plain and reinforced concrete sections

Before we describe the behavior of concrete subject to shear forces (Vu) and the ACI code
requirements for reinforcing sections subject to significant shear some brief statements
will be made below:
A. Plain concrete shear strength is actually
controlled by the tension strength of the concrete.
B. Section strength for shear can be enhanced greatly
by providing vertical shear reinforcement (called
stirrups) prependicular to the main flexural



C. Stirrups do not prevent tension cracks due to shear

from developing. However, after the cracking
occurs they retain the surfaces of the crack in close
D. In the cracked section reinforced by both flexural
(horizontal) steel and by vertical stirrups which
intercept the crack four types of forces resist the
vertical shear force (V) as shown in the free body
diagram to the right:
1. Shear resistance of uncracked concrete in

d c




2. Dowel resistance of flexural steel.

3. Direct resistance of vertical stirrups stressed in
tension (potentially equal to Avfy).
4. Vertical components of interlocked faces along
shearflexure crack.



dowel action
perpendicular to bars

Chapter 7

General description of cracking behavior for beams loaded in shear plus flexure.
To obtain a general understanding of the cracking behavior of concrete due to shear
loading consider the simple beam loaded at the 1/3 points.
Point 1 is on the neutral axis. There is theoretically no
stress ( or ) there.

Point 1b is at extreme fiber in tension at the centerline of

the beam (maximum moment section). Note: there is no
shear load (V) at 1b.

2b 3b


The stress state shown for 1b indicates a vertical flexural

crack will occur at this point. If beam is unreinforced
sudden failure will occur when this crack forms. If flexural
reinforcement is present the crack will propagate vertically
to the (new) neutral axis.
Point 2 is on the neutral axis (maximum at maximum V).
There is very little applied moment at 2 or 2b (M 0).


stress states at points

The first shear crack should form near point 2 at

approximately a distance d from the support.
The alternate drawing shows the initial shear crack will form
at 45 from the horizontal.
Note that the main flexural steel bars are (intentionally) as far
from the neutral axis as practical! The crack propagates
downwards to near the bottom of the section and upwards to
the (new) neutral axis near the top of the section. It is
typically assumed the section will fail in shear when such a
crack forms if no shear reinforcement is present. If shear
reinforcement is present this crack will still form but can be
arrested as previously described by the sum of the four
vertical forces available.

potential crack (vert.)



alternate orientation


Chapter 7

General description of cracking behavior Continued

Consider now the stateofstress at points 3 and 3b. The vertical section at these points
has both moment and shear applied (M + V).
If adequate flexural steel is present along the length of the beam (no flexural failure) and
point 2 has been reinforced for shear (stirrups) then as the load continues to increase,
eventually flexuralshear cracks will occur at 3 and 3b (also called shearflexure cracks).

At locations of significant moment plus shear loading,

after a tension crack forms (typically at tension face)
the crack propagate in a curved pattern as shown in

the figure below.

Horizontal or nearly horizontal cracking occurs as the
concrete in compression is approached.
If shear reinforcement is present and appropriately
spaced this horizontal crack propagation is arrested
before shear failure occurs.


It should be clear
from the previous
discussions that
stirrups must be
provided to
intercept every
potential shear or
shearflexure crack.



Chapter 7

Introduction to ACI requirements pertaining to shear and shear reinforcement

(vertical stirrups)
In the ACI code the basic design requirement for shear capacity of normal (span to
depth 4) flexural members is:

Vn Vu

for shear loading = 0.75

Vu = factored design shear at section

Vn = nominal shear capacity
= capacity reduction factor
In the general case the nominal shear capacity, Vn, is composed of two parts as follows:
Vn = Vc + Vs

(actual capacity formulas will be presented later)

Vc = nominal shear capacity of the concrete acting alone

Vs = nominal shear capacity of shear reinforcement (stirrups)
It is not economically practical to provide shear reinforcement (Vs) in slabs or footings.
Thus both slabs and footings dimensions are chosen to avoid the requirement of shear
reinforcement. Thus all shear must be carried by the concrete (Vn = Vc).
For one way slabs chosen for deflection control this is not generally a problem but
shear must be checked.
For footings we generally select the footing thickness so that shear can be carried by the
concrete alone.
In contrast, we design beams and girders for flexure and then check shear. Most practical
beams and girders will require at least some minimum level of shear reinforcement (some
stirrups very typical!)


Chapter 7

Shear strength of the concrete section (Strength provided by concrete alone)

For members subject to shear and flexure alone (no axial force
considered), the simple formula below can be used:
Vc = 2 f c 'bw d


For members subject to axial compression (columns with


N u
Vc = 21 +
f 'b d
c w



Nu / Ag expressed as psi
Nu = axial compression load on section
For our discussion of beams (or girders) we only use (1).
From Vc = 2 f c 'bw d we can compute the nominal shear resistance easily if no shear
reinforcement is provided ( Vs = ) using Vn = Vc.
Example: fc' = 4,000 psi, bw = 16", d = 17.5"
Vc = 2 4,000 (16)(17.5) = 35,400 lbs = 35.4 kips

Although this is the nominal strength Vn in shear for the example beam and we can
compute the design capacity of the concrete as Vc using = 0.75 , the ACI code
requires at least minimum shear reinforcement if Vu exceeds (Vc ) / 2 *.
For example (same beam as above):

Vc = 0.75 35.4 = 26.6 k


= 13.3 k

Thus, if Vu is less than 13.3 k no stirrups are required. If Vu exceeds 13.3 k at least
minimum stirrups are required.

Note: for slabs and footings and standard joint construction and some wide beam and
girder sections, the requirement for minimum shear reinforcement is waived.


Chapter 7

ACI requirements related to minimum shear reinforcement (Av, min) in beams

Av, min = minimum area of vertical stirrups (in2)
For a typical U stirrup, Av is twice the bar crosssectional


Example: #3 bar, Ab = 0.11 in2, provide a U stirrup with Av

= 0.22 in2
According to ACI code:
Av ,min = 0.75 f c ' bw S / f y but not less than 50bw S / f y
S = stirrup spacing
fy = tensile yield stress of stirrups
Note: for fc' = 4,000 psi, 0.75 4,000 = 47.4 < 50 ( 50bw S / f y t controls)

A practical note: For sections requiring only minimum stirrups the maximum spacing
Smax = d/2, rounded down to a practical dimension, with Smax 12" is used for economy
(fewer stirrups are cheaper).
Lets rewrite the controlling code formula assuming S = d/2 for sections where minimum
stirrups are used.

Av ,min = 50 bw S / f y = 50 bw d / 2 f y = 25 bw d / f y @ S = d / 2

Ustirrups are most common. Typically they are #3 or #4 bars. #5 bars are rarely used in
normal size members. In large members #5 bars can be used.
Per inplace pound stirrups are typically the most expensive reinforcing component.
Since these are small bar sizes the cost is associated with the time and labor for
installation. Keep spacing as large as allowed and as simply arranged as possible.


Chapter 7

Concept review and orientation to stirrup requirements

With just this (previous) background lets look at three situations which might occur in
beams. For simplicity we will ignore beam self weight in these
examples (not generally actually ignored in practice).
1.a Symmetrical girder with point load at centerline
If Vu, max is less than Vc no stirrups are required
anywhere in the beam shown.


1.b Same beam in example above (same load and Vu


Vu diagram

If Vu, max is greater than Vc at least minimum stirrups

are required in this girder every where. These minimum
stirrups do provide some strength but if Vu, max is large
enough we may require more than minimum stirrups! We
will learn how to compute the strength contribution from
stirrups shortly.


2 Symmetrical beam with uniform load

Note: the ACI code allows us to compute Vu, max at a
distance d from the actual end support (as shown in the
In the situation shown no stirrups are required in the center
section but at least minimum stirrups are required at both
end sections (greater than Vu, max may be required close to
the beam supports).
These examples only introduce our discussion of shear



Vu = Vc


at least no
at least
stirrups min.

Chapter 7

Design aid for fc' = 4 ksi and fy = 60 ksi relating to strength of shear reinforcement
(Av) if minimum stirrups at S = d/2 are used.
1. According to the ACI code, the shear strength contribution attributed to the
stirrups at any sections is:
Vs =

Av f y d

2. Recall that nominal shear strength at a sections is:

Vn = Vc + Vs and Vc = 2 fc ' bw d
3. Thus, if Vs, min is provided at exactly Smax = d/2:

Av = 25bw d / f y for fy = 60,000 psi and thus at Av, min at d/2 is:
Vs =

25 bw d f y d
= 50 bw d
f y t ( d / 2)

(with minimum As at d/2)

4. Thus for minimum stirrups at d / 2; fc' = 4,000 psi:

Vn = 2 fc ' bw d + 50 bw d = 2 4,000 + 50 (bw d )

= (126.5 + 50) bw d = 176.5 bw d

In terms of Vc :
without stirrups: Vn = 126.5 bw d
with minimum stirrups: Vc = 176.5 bw d
For minimum stirrups at d/2 and fc' = 4,000 psi

Vn / Vc = 176.5 / 126.5 = 1.4

Thus: Vn = 1.4 Vc for minimum stirrups at exactly S = d/2.
5. Note that minimum stirrups increase strength by 40% over concrete alone
provided that the exact As, min is actually used at exactly Smax = d/2.
Design aid: If the maximum design shear, Vu, has been computed we can
quickly determine if greater than minimum stirrups will be required by
using the 1.4 factor. Typically, slightly more than 40% increase will occur
because As provided is > minimum and S used is < d/2.

Chapter 7

Summary of minimum and maximum ACI code limitations on shear reinforcement

in beam and girders which have been previously discussed.
Given a concrete section (b, d, etc.) and given fc', it is generally useful to compute first
Vc .

Vc = reduced nominal strength of concrete section alone ( = 0.75 for shear).


If: Vu

If: Vu

At all sections where stirrups are required the maximum stirrup spacing allowed is
Smax = d/2 but S must be less than 12".


No shear reinforcement is required

At least minimum stirrups are required

(At the supports the first stirrup should be placed no

more than d/2 from face of support)
Note that this maximum spacing assures that every
potential crack starting at mid height of d will have
to cross at least one vertical stirrup if cracking occurs
at a 45 angle.


S = d/2 maximum

Generally speaking for practical reasons Smax is rounded down to the next even inch (3, 4,
5, 6, 7, etc.)

Minimum practical spacing is 3"!

Additional ACI code limitations concerning shear reinforcement and spacing

If at any section:
Vu 3 Vc : Maximum stirrup spacing is reduced to Smax = d/4 but 12" (for
crack control)

If at any section:
Vu 5 Vc : The maximum allowed shear reinforcement will be exceeded. Redimension (make larger) concrete for larger Vc.


Chapter 7

Design aids for selection of shear reinforcement for fc' = 4 ksi concrete and fy = 60
ksi stirrups.
1. First a quick and easy to apply equation will be developed for the term Vc :

Vc = 2 f c ' bw d

Substituting fc' = 4,000 psi and = 0.75 yield:

Vc =

0.75( 2) 4,000 bw d
= 0.095 bw d ( kips)

2. Next a quick and easy to apply equation will be developed for the term Vc
assuming #3 U stirrups are to be used at exactly a spacing (S) of d/2.

Vs =

Av f y d

Av = 0.22 in2, fy = 60,000 psi, = 0.75 and S = d/2 yields:

Vs =

(0.75)(0.22)(60,000)( 2)
= 20 kips (#3 U stirrups)

Exactly the same procedure can be used to evaluate Vs for #4 stirrups (Av = 0.40
in2) and #5 stirrups (Av = 0.62 in2) placed at exactly S = d/2:

Vs = 36 kips
Vs = 56 kips

(#4 U stirrups)
(#5 U stirrups)

3. Now, the actual maximum design shear capacity Vu, max for the reinforced cross
section using:

Vu,max = Vc + Vs
Since the stirrups may actually be spaced at less than d/2 the net set of equations
correct for this using the term [(d/2) / Sactual].
All the equations given below assume fc' = 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi and U type stirrups:
For #3 stirrups (bwd must be less than 528 in2):
Vmax = 0.095b w d + 20[( d / 2) / Sactual ]
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Chapter 7

For #4 stirrups (bwd must be less than 960 in2):

Vmax = 0.095b w d + 36[( d / 2) / Sactual ]
For #5 stirrups (bwd must be less than 1,440 in2):
Vmax = 0.095b w d + 56[( d / 2) / Sactual ]
4. Recall that the basic design requirement is:
Vu Vmax at any section
A quick reference design aid for shear has been included in appendix D.

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