CENG314-Chapter 5-Shear Design

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Department of Civil Engineering

CENG314: Concrete Design I

Chapter 5: Shear Behavior and Design
(Clause 3.4.5, BS 8110)

Instructor: Dr. Shah Alam

CENG314: Concrete Design I Chapter 5: Shear Design Dr. Shah Alam

5. Shear Behavior and Design

 Shear stress distribution is

parabolic with a minimum shear
stress of zero and maximum at
center of beam.

Figure: Stress distribution in rectangular homogeneous beam

CENG314: Concrete Design I Chapter 5: Shear Design Dr. Shah Alam

5. Shear Behavior and Design
 Shear failure is another way in which failure of a beam may arise is due to its shear
capacity being exceeded.
 Shear failure may arise in several ways, but the two principal failure mechanisms are
shown in Fig. below.

(a) (b)
Location of critical shear:

Fig. (a) diagonal tension and (b) diagonal compression.

Face of support

Critical shear location:

= d+u/2 from center of support, where u = support width Vu
(column or girder) or
= d from face of support, where d = effective depth of beam d+u/2
5. Shear Behavior and Design


(a) Ideal reinforcement for shear is perpendicular to cracks but it is difficult to construct.
(b) Usually shear reinforcement (stirrups) used perpendicular to horizontal
reinforcement to resist shear.
(c) Horizontal or bottom reinforcement to resist moment (main reinforcement).
For Structural design:

Vu  Vc  Vs , where
Vu  Ultimate shear force
Vc  Shear resistance by concrete using BS8110, and
Vs  Shear resistance by stirrups
5. Shear Behavior and Design
 The design shear stress, vu at any section is:
Vu Where, vu = design shear stress
vu   0.8 f cu or 5 N mm2 , and
bd Vu = shear force due to ultimate loads
Concrete shear resistance is (Table 3.8) : b = breadth of the section
1 1 1 d = effective depth
0.79 100. As  3  400  4 f  3
vc  . . cu 
 m  bd   d   25   Empirical formula derive from lab tests.

=> Total resistance from these

mechanisms is called concrete
resistance vc.
5. Shear Design Table

1 1
0.79 100. As  3  400  4
 .
 m  b.d   d 
5. Shear Behavior and Design

Steps in shear design:
1) Calculate maximum shear force, Vmax
2) Get critical shear force, Vu , at d+u/2
3) Shear stress, vu = Vu /bd ≤ 5 N/mm2 or 0.8√fcu => if not increase section
4) Calculate vc => if vu ≤vc /2 => no stirrups required, if not stirrups required go to next step.
5) Select area of stirrups, Av (double leg), usually, Av = 2Y8=101 mm2
6) Spacing of stirrups, sv ≤ 0.95fy Av /b(vu - vc), where vu - vc ≥ 0.4 N/mm2 and Sv ≤ 3/4d
7) vs = 0.95fy Av /bsv ≥ 0.4 => if not decrease sv .
8) vu ≤ vc + vs
5. Shear Design of Beam
Example 5.1: A simply supported concrete beam shown below has a span of span 6.0 m c/c
of 300 mm width support carries uniformly distributed dead load (DL) = 40 kN/m (including
self weight) and imposed load (LL) = 12 kN/m. The characteristic material strengths are fcu
= 30 N/mm2 and fy = 460 N/mm2, effective depth, d = 550 mm, and breadth, b = 300 mm.
Design the beam for shear only.
Ultimate load, wu = 1.4DL +1.6LL
= 1.4*40+1.6*12 =75.2 kN/m
1. Vmax = wuL/2 = 75.2*6/2 = 225.6 kN
2. Critical shear at distance d from face of support,
Vu = Vmax-wu*(u /2+d) = 225.6-75.2*(300/2+550)/1000 = 173 kN
3. vu = Vu/bd = 1731000/(300  550) = 1.05 N/mm2 400/d = 400/550 = 0.73 ≥ 1 => Use 1
vu ≤ 5 N/mm2 or 0.8√30 (= 4.4 N/mm2) => OK fcu = 30 ≤ 40 => OK

4. 100As/bd = 100*982/300*550 = 0.6 ≤ 3 => OK

(As = 982 mm2 b/c 2Y25 bars extends a distance
past the critical section)
5. Shear Design of Beam
Example 5.1 Cont’d:
4. Calculate, vc = 0.79/1.25(0.6)1/3(1) 1/4(30/25) 1/3 = 0.566 N/mm2
vu > vc/2 => 1.05 >0.566/2 (= 0.28) => stirrups required
5. Select Y8 double leg, Av = 2xY8 =101 mm2
6. sv ≤ 0.95fvAv/b(vu-vc)
Double leg
= 0.95*460*101/300*(1.05-0.56) [Note: (vu-vc) ≥ 0.4] stirrup
= 300 mm ≤ 3/4d (= 412 mm) => Ok
 Provide Y8 @ 300 mm c/c
7. vs = 0.95fvAv/bsv = 0.95*460*101/300*300 = 0.49 N/mm2 ≥ 0.4 N/mm2 => OK
8. vc+vs = 0.56+0.49 = 1.05 N/mm2 = vu => OK

Y8 @ 300 mm c/c
5. Shear Design of Beam
Example 5.2: A 300 mm wide and 600 mm deep reinforced concrete beam with 6.0 m span carries
imposed dead (DL) and live load (LL) of 25 kN/m and 19 kN/m, respectively. Assuming fcu = 30 N/mm2
and fy = 500 N/mm2 and clear cover to concrete 40 mm, design the beam for flexure and shear.

DL = 25 kN/m b = 300
Solution: LL = 19 kN/m
Step 1: Calculate Ultimate Moment:
Total dead load (DL) = imposed DL+self wt. 6m
h = 600
= 25 + 0.6 × 0.3 × 24 (self wt.) = 29.32 kN/m
Ultimate load, (wu) = 1.4DL + 1.6LL = 1.4 × 29.32 + 1.6 × 19 kN/m = 71.45 kN/m
Design ultimate moment (Mu) = wul 2/8 = 71.45× 62 /8 = 321.5 kNm

Step 2: Calculate z:
Effective depth, d
d = h - c - Φ′ - Φ/2 = 600 - 40 - 8 - 32/2 = 536 mm
M 321.5  106
K   0.124  0.156
f cubd 2
30  300  536 2

Therefore, no compression steel is required. Design as singly reinforced beam

5. Shear Design of Beam
 
z  d 0.5  0.25  K 0.9  0.84d  0.95d ,  d  0.84  536  448 mm
Step 3) Main reinforcement, As :
M 321.5  106 536
As    1510 mm2 >
 As,min  0.0013bh  234 mm2  OK
0.95 f y z 0.95  500  448
Hence from Table A.1, provide 2Y32 ( As  1610 mm2 )
Spacing bet n bars  (300 - 40  2 - 8  2  32  2) / 1  140 mm  40 mm and  155 mm  OK
Shear reinforcement:
wu l 71.45  6
1) Maximum shear force, Vmax  R1    214.4 kN
2 2
2) Ultimate shear force at critical section, Vu  Vmax  wu d 71.45 kN/m
 214.4 - 71.45  0.536  176.1 kN
R1 R
Vu 176.1  103 6m
3) Shear stress, vu    1.1 N/mm2 2
bd 300  536
Vmax=214.4 kN
 permissble  0.8 30  4.38 N/mm 2or 5 N/mm2
Vu=176.1 kN
If not, increase cross section.

4) Concrete shear resistance, vc: 536 Vu

100 As 100  1610 400/d = 400/550 = 0.73 ≥ 1 => Use 1
  1.0  3  OK
bd 300  536
fcu = 30 ≤ 40 => OK
5. Shear Design of Beam
vc = 0.79/1.25(1)1/3(1) 1/4(30/25) 1/3 = 0.67 N/mm2
v 0.67
vu  c  1.1  (  0.33)  stirrups required
2 2
5) Select Y8 stirrups with 2 legs, Av = 2xY80 = 101 mm2
6) Spacing , sv ≤ 0.95fvAv/b(vu-vc) 536 2Y32 Y8
Link @
= 0.95*500*101/300(1.1-0.67) = 371 mm ≤ 3/4d (=402 mm) =˃ OK 350 mm
(vu-vc = 1.1-0.67 = 0.43 > 0.4 => OK)
Use Y8 @ 350 mm c/c
7) Check,
0.95 f v Av 0.95  500  101
vs  
bsv 300  350
 0.46 N/mm2  0.4 N/mm2  OK 6m
Y8 @ 350 mm c/c
8. vc  vs  0.67  0.46  1.13 N/mm2  vu (  1.1 N/mm2 )  OK

Note: If the stirrups sizes and spacing are given, skip steps 5 & 6 and go to 7.
5. Shear Design of Beam
Example 5.3: A 350 mm wide and 700 mm deep reinforced concrete cantilever beam with 3.0 m span
carries ultimate load of 10 kN/m and a point load of 5 kN at the end. The beam support is 400 mm wide
and reinforced with 4Y20 bar. Assuming fcu = 30 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2, and clear cover 40 mm,
design the beam for shear only. 5 kN b = 350
10 kN/m

1) Maximum shear force, Vmax 400 mm h = 700
Vmax  wl  P  10  3  5  35 kN 3m

2) Ultimate shear force at critical section, Vu  Vmax  w u2  d 

d  700  48  20 / 2  642 mm 100 As 100  1260
  0.56  3  OK
Vu  35 - 10  200  642  / 103  26.58 kN bd 350  636
Vu 26.58  103 400/d = 400/642 = 0.62 ≥ 1 => Use 1
3) Shear stress, vu    0.152 N/mm2
bd 350  642 fcu = 30 ≤ 40 => OK
 permissble  0.8 30  4.38 N/mm2 or 5 N/mm2  OK

vc = 0.79/1.25(0.56)1/3(1) 1/4(30/25) 1/3 = 0.55 N/mm2

vu (0.152 N/mm2) < 1/2vc (= 0.55/2 = 0.27 N/mm2) Example 5.4: Solve the problem for P = 50 kN.
=˃ No links required. Hint: sv ≤ 0.95*415*101/[350(0.32-0.55)] =284 mm
(0.32-0.55)= -0.234=0.4 => Use Y8 @ 280 mm c/c
5. Shear Design of Continuous Beam (Beam B‐5)

wu= 54.33 kN/m

4Y20 2Y32 3Y20

300 mm T T
(typical) d
Face of
0.45F = 0 .45wuL 0.55F = 0.55wuL 0.6F = 0.6wuL
146.7 kN 179.3 kN 195.6 kN

0.6F = 0.6wuL
0.45F = 0.45wuL
194.6 kN Area of steel (As) = 2Y32
146.7 kN
Design at maximum shear d = 500 -40-8-32/2 = 436 mm
Maximum shear = 194.6 kN
5. Shear Design of Continuous Beam (Beam B‐5)
1) Vmax  194.6 kN (From shear diagram) 0 . 97
vc  ( 1 . 23 ) 1 / 3 (1 ) 1 / 4 ( 1 . 2 ) 1 / 3
1 . 25
2) Vu  Ultimateshear force at critical section
 0 . 72 N/mm 2  v u  0 . 5 v c
 at a distance d from the face of the support
1 . 246 N/mm 2  0 . 72 / 2  0 . 36 N/mm 2
 Vmax  w(d  u / 2)
Hence, stirrups are required.
 194.6 - 54.33 0.436  0.3 / 2  162.8 kN
5) Using Y8 double legs stirrups
Vu 162.8  103
3) Ultimateshear stress, vu    1.246 N/mm2 A = 2xY8 = 101 mm2
bd 300  436 v
6) Spacing, sv :
 permissble 0.8 30  4.38 N/mm2or 5 N/mm2  OK
0.95 f y Av
If not, increase the cross section. sv  , where ( vu  vc )  0.4
bvu  vc 
4) Calculate v c : 0.95  415  101
s   252 mm
3001.246  0.72 
1/3 1/ 4 1/3 v
0 . 97  100 A s   400   f cu 
vc    .    . 
 m  b v d   d   25  sv ,max  3 / 4d  3 / 4  436  327 mm  sv  OK
100As 1001610 Use Y8 stirrups (double legs) @ 250 mm c/c
  1.23  3  OK
bd 300 436 0.95  415  101
vs   0.53 N/mm 2
400/d = 400/436 = 0.91 ≥ 1 => Use 1 300  250
fcu = 30 ≤ 40 => OK, fcu /25 = 1.2 vc  vs  0.72  0.53  1.251 N/mm 2  vu  OK

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