Chapter 6 Lab
Chapter 6 Lab
Chapter 6 Lab
2. What is the maximum voltage of an electrostatic discharge that you can feel?
3000 Volts or more.
5. Why is it important to double-check the bottom of the heat sink before attaching it to the
CPU socket?
It's important to double check the bottom of the heat sink before attaching it to the CPU socket
to ensure proper installation. The process is simple and it's done by installing the CPU into CPU
socket on the motherboard first which will ensure the pins are installed correctly as well for
easier CPU install.
2. If the performance of your CPU is much lower than that of the reference comparable, how
can you improve your CPUs performance?
Overclock the computer; ensure there is more than enough ram and that the GPU is more than
suitable. Basically ensure that all the other components can support the CPU.
3. Using the burn-in computer wizard if you decide to run the test 10 minutes can you know for
certain how long it will take? Why or why not?
4. When using the burn in computer wizard what does it mean if the animation hangs while the
test is being performed?
The system will appear to hang while the test is running. To Show the user that the test is still
running, an animated pie chart at the top-right corner continues to move.
2. Why shouldn't a technician simply put the lowest price CPU into a machine to save costs?
The lowest price CPU may not be able to handle the workload, at an acceptable speed, that the
system is going to being used. There are also warranty considerations of the CPU itself.
4. looking at a chart of CPU's can be very helpful. We can do the research a between couple of
our best CPU's because some CPU's can be overclocked better than others.
5 how the benchmark would test results change if you had only a $100 budget
The performance results would decline, but the selection process would remain the same.
2. If you were in an office building and needed a very quiet system which of the coolers tested
would be good choice?
A STFU model 2, they are very quiet.
3. If you have a cpu that gets very hot and will be used in a noisy industrial building. What
effects would this condition have on your choice of cooler? Would you choose a different
cooler than the one you selected question 2.
I would not be concerned with the volume of the cooling fan, go with something cheap and
reliable rather than quiet and expensive (although quiet often means more reliable)
5. Can you see any reason that AMD wouldn't recommend the Alpha PAL8045 cooler?
The answer I found out is supposed to Alpha PAL8045 is too heavy.
Changing the multiplier leaves the front side bus and connected components running at the
same speed, and thus decreasing the likelihood of a crash.