3 CJ's Informed Consent Form
3 CJ's Informed Consent Form
3 CJ's Informed Consent Form
Contact Information
Date: ________
Witness :
Date: ________
Exercise History
Are you currently involved in a regular exercise program? YES NO
If yes, describe it:
What activities would you prefer in a regular exercise program for yourself?
c. Please use the scale below to indicate how often you do each of the following:
1. Usually/frequently 2. Sometimes 3. Rarely/never (Rate from 1-3)
_____ warm-up
_____ cool-down
_____ stretch
_____ finish your workout with very high intensity (all out effort)
_____ exercise with the proper activity-specific footwear
_____ support structure of shoes deteriorate before undersoles wear out
_____ exercise on hard surfaces
_____ work out includes non-weight bearing activities (swim, cycle)
_____ include strength training as part of your workout
d. Do you use nutritional supplements? YES NO
If yes, what type? _______________________
Frequency of use: _______________________
e. Have you recently made any changes in your eating habits? YES NO
Medical/health history
a. During the past 3 months, approximately now many times have you experienced
any pain, pressure, or discomfort in your chest?
1. 0 (skip to question 3)
2. 1-5
3. 6-25
4. 26+
b. Describe the character of the discomfort (check all that apply)
___ sharp, fleeting, localized pain or catch
___ intensity changes if you take a deep breath or change positions
___ dull pressure, ache, tightness, pain, or burning
PO box 875. Lawndale, Ca. 90260 (310) 963-7728