Physical Fitness & Conditioning Course Syllabus: - Course Eligibility: All First Year Undergraduate Students
Physical Fitness & Conditioning Course Syllabus: - Course Eligibility: All First Year Undergraduate Students
Physical Fitness & Conditioning Course Syllabus: - Course Eligibility: All First Year Undergraduate Students
Course Information - Course name: Physical fitness
- Credit hours: No
- ECTS: 5
- Contact hours: 2
- Semester:
1.1.5. Sport
1.2. General principles of fitness training
uestioning and answering
Questioning and
Chapter 4- Health related components of fitness
Week 2.1. Cardiovascular fitness
4&5 2.1.1. Meaning and concepts of cardiovascular fitness ecture
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing cardiovascular
fitness roup discussion
2.2. Muscle fitness
2.2.1. Meaning and concepts of muscle fitness resentation
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing muscle fitness
2.3. Flexibility
2.3.1. Meaning and types of flexibility
2.1.2. Means and methods of developing flexibility
2.4 Body composition
2.4.1. Meaning of body composition
2.4.2. Health risks associated with over fatness
2.4.3.Health risks associated with excessively low
body fatness
Chapter 5- Assessment of fitness components
Week - 6 3.1. Assessment of cardiovascular fitness
3.2. Assessment of muscle fitness ecture
3.3. Assessment of flexibility
3.4. Assessment of body composition roup discussion
Practical session
Week Chapter 6- Development and Assessment of the
ield Practice
7-16 health related components of fitness
Assessment techniques
Students are expected to participate in and complete all of the assessment criteria listed below.
Types of Assessment Assessment Date Assessment Competency to
Weight be assessed
Test (Written) Week 3 10% Chapter 1
Group assignment (peer fitness Week 8 20% Chapter 5
Mid - term exam (Written) Week 9 30% Chapter 1,2,3,& 4
Final exam - practical group Week 14 - 16 40% Chapter 6
assignment (peer training on the
five components of fitness)
Instructor’s commitment - Provide maximum physical activity time within the class
Course policies
Grading As per the university’s legislation
Attendance policy As per the legislation of the university
Class Participation: The success of this course and students learning experience is dependent on
active engagement and participation of the students in all the spectrum of
the course. Students are expected to come well prepared/dressed and
constructively engage in class.
Class Discipline “In each and every aspect of life, discipline comes first and worth a lot”.
This is what department of Sport Science reflects. As a result of this, any
noise, chatting, chewing gum and the like are prohibited in every sessions
of the course. In addition to these portable electronic media and
communicative devices such as cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, I pods
etc are not be used during the class for any reason. Thus, these devices
should be switched off and kept out of sight.
Reference materials
Text Charles B. Corbin, Gregory J.
Weik, William R. Corbin and Karen A. Welk. (2006). Concepts of
fitness and wellness: a comprehensive lifestyle approach. 6th edt.
Reference 1. Schott k. Powers, Stepheen L. Dod and Virginia J. (2006), Total
Fitness and Wellness.
3. Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey (1990), Fitness for life, 3rd
Edition, Scott.