Feast of The Holy Family (B) 2014

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Dates for your Diary

After our celebration of Christmas the Church continues, during the octave
of Christmas, to echo with the joy of the coming of our Saviour among us.
And Christmastide also continues for two more weeks until the Feast of the
Baptism of the Lord on Jan 10/11th. During this time the Crib and the
decorations, the lights and flowers, remain adorning the Church.
You are invited to visit the Church, and especially the Crib, during this
period for a moment of prayer and of thanksgiving - not least for the gift of
God's Son and for the blessings of the year that is coming to it's close. It is
an opportunity to pop in with the children for a quiet moment of prayer after
the excitement of Christmas Day has subsided.
I would like to take the opportunity of thanking everyone involved in
decoration the Church for Christmas, for the flowers and for assembling
the Crib. Your efforts on behalf of us all have made our celebrations even
more uplifting and reflect the joy of the season. Thank you.

The Holy Family

The Christmas season, beginning with the birth of Jesus and ending with
the feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan represents liturgically
the years of Jesus' hidden life with Mary and Joseph before he set out on
his mission as the suffering servant of God - sent to accomplish salvation.
There is little told us about that hidden life apart from a few events which
give a clue to Jesus' later saving work - Jesus' presentation in the Temple a prophetic moment revealing that Jesus' life will be offered to the Father
on the Cross for the salvation of all (Jews and Gentiles), the visit of the
three wise man (symbolising the future acknowledgement of Jesus by the
Gentiles; and Jesus' disappearance in Jerusalem and his being found in
the Temple - a momentary hint that Jesus had come to accomplish the
plan of His Father in heaven. All of these incidents are prophetic signs of
what was to come in Jesus' later public life.
For now, Jesus is to grow and be prepared for his saving work within the
love and protection of the Holy Family. Mary and Joseph are the models
for the way we nurture and prepare our children for their vocation and life.

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Website: st-benedicts-atherstone.org
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

The Second Collection this week is for the Restoration Fund.

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214
Newsletter: Jenni Taylor 01827 718213
email: [email protected]
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

Feast of the Holy Family (B) 2014

Sat 27th Dec


Patricia Morris

Sun 28th Dec


For the Parishioners

Mon 29th Dec

No Mass

Feast of the Holy Family

St Thomas Becket, Bp.

Tue 30th Dec


Wed 31st Dec


Thu 1st Jan

10.00am Jean Carroll

Mary, Mother of God

Fri 2nd Jan

10:00am Harry Charnell

SS. Basil & Gregory

Sat 3rd Jan


Philomena Doran


Sun 4th Jan


Jane Power (N & T M)

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Christmas Octave
For the Parishioners

Christmas Octave

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week:
M. Henney N. Osborne
Readers Next week:
M Bourne
D Dickens
Offertory Procession this week: M Warren & Co

Church Cleaning - Mrs R Hatton & Mrs A Duffield

Altar Society - Christmas flowers

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Noel OBrien,
Bridie Symmons, Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath
Ford, Christina Chetwynd, , and Fr Paul. Please remember our
housebound parishioners in your prayers:
Mary Thacker, Marion
Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, for Terry Furlong
and Ian Moore, and also the members of this Parish whose
anniversaries occur about this time Lola Hill, Francis Plunkett,
Janet Deanne Bloor, Martha Hiatt, Charles Gavigan, Vera Johnson,
Nora Foster, Monica Lea. May they rest in peace.

Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection - 341.88
2nd Collection - 119.54
Thank you!
Many thanks for your Christmas Offerings to Mgr Paul.
Tote: Winning numbers - 16/19 24.24 - no winners, (Rollover)
Snowball 5

RIP - We bring you the news that Walter Terry Furlong died peacefully
in his sleep early in the morning of Tuesday 22nd December - on the
anniversary of the death of his wife Win. Terry has been a familiar
face on Sunday mornings for as long as most people can remember,
greeting people on the way into Church and taking the collections (for
more than 50 years) and organising the Tombola. Terry was 94 years
and amazingly active to the end. We shall miss him. Our sympathies
go to Des and Michael. Details of the funeral will be announced later.
May he rest in peace.

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

News (Continued)
Rotas for next year for Readers, Church Cleaners and the Altar
Society (Flowers) have been drawn up. They are available at the back
of the Church. If you are involved, please take a copy. If there are
dates that are not possible for you, it would be very helpful if you could
arrange to swap with someone.
St Benedict's School is anxious to find two new Foundation
Governors. Please consider taking on this role as a way of supporting
and ensuring the Catholicity of the School. One of these two may be a
parent of a child currently in the School.
Crib Offerings - Fr Hudson's Society have asked if we would have a
Crib Offering to help to bring peace and comfort to some of the most
vulnerable and marginalised people within the Diocese. Their
collaborative Community Projects and their School Based Family
Support Project help some of the poorest, isolated and deprived
families within the Diocese. As we gaze in wonder at the generosity of
God in sending His Son to enter our world - at first as a vulnerable
child in a stable, let's, in our turn, remember the poor and vulnerable
Looking to the New Year, is there anyone who has keyboard (piano/
organ) skills would be interested in helping with music in the liturgy
especially on Sundays? Perhaps also we could think about
establishing a choir so that we could begin singing other parts of the
Mass, such as the Responsorial Psalm, Gloria, and plan some extra
music for Holy Week.
St John Wall Catholic School Governors are inviting applications
for the post of Headteacher following the retirement of the current
Headteacher. The Governors are also hoping to interest committed
and practicing Catholics who may be presently employed outside the
Catholic sector.
If anyone is interested contact details can be found on the noticeboard
at the back of Church. The School is in Handsworth, Birmingham.
RIP - We learned of the death on Christmas Eve of Ian Moore. We
pray for the repose of his soul and that God may bring comfort to his
family and all those who mourn his passing. May he rest in peace.

Raffle - the list of prizes and winners on the noticeboard at the back of
the Church. Remaining prizes can be collected from the Presbytery

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