Ieee C37.92-2005

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IEEE Std C37.




IEEE Standard for Analog Inputs to

Protective Relays from Electronic Voltage
and Current Transducers

IEEE Power Engineering Society

Sponsored by the
Power System Relaying Committee

20 September 2005
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IEEE Std C37.92-2005

IEEE Standard for Analog Inputs to

Protective Relays from Electronic Voltage
and Current Transducers

Power System Relaying Committee

of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Approved 20 March 2005

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Abstract: Electronic devices that develop or utilize analog signals are not presently covered by
standards. This Standard provides interface connectivity of modern power-system signal transducers based on electronics, such as magneto-optic current transducers, and electronic relays. The existing standardized levels from familiar magnetic current and voltage transformers are not readily
generated by new types of electronic signal transducers.
Keywords: phase correction, phase error, polarity, sensing system, transient response

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright 2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 20 September 2005. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

ISBN 0-7381-4697-8 SH95337

ISBN 0-7381-4698-6 SS95337

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C37.92-2005, IEEE Standard for Analog Inputs to Protective Relays from
Electronic Voltage and Current Transducers.

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Errata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http:// Users are encouraged to check this URL for
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Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter
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At the time this recommended practice was completed, the Low Energy Analog Signal Inputs to Protective
Relaying Working Group had the following membership:
Eric A. Udren, Chair
P.G. McLaren, Secretary
Douglas Dawson
Harley Gilleland

Charles Henville
William Kotheimer
P.J. Lerley

Veselin Skendzic
John Tengdin

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William Ackerman
Mark Adamiak
Steve Alexanderson
Munnu Bajpai
Kenneth Behrendt
Stuart Bouchey
Robert Bratton
Gustavo Brunello
Jeffrey Burnworth
Thomas W. Cease
John W. Chadwick, Jr.
Simon Chano
Dr. Guru Dutt Dhingra
Ratan Das
Douglas Dawson
Paul Drum


Kenneth Fodero
Harley Gilleland
Mietek Glinkowski
Roger Hedding
Charles Henville
Edward Horgan, Jr.
James D. Huddleston, III
Mr. Rene Jonker
William Kotheimer
Daniel Love
Gregory Luri
Jesus Martinez
Thomas McCaffrey
Michael McDonald
Mark McGranaghan
Peter McLaren

Dean Miller
Gary Michel
Daleep Mohla
Bruce Muschlitz
James Ruggieri
Mohindar Sachdev
David Schempp
Thomas Schossig
Tony Seegers
Tarlochan Sidhu
Mark Simon
Veselin Skendzic
John Tengdin
Demetrios Tziouvaras
Joe Uchiyama
Eric A. Udren

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 20 March 2005, it had the following
Steve M. Mills, Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Vice Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Mark D. Bowman
Dennis B. Brophy
Joseph Bruder
Richard Cox
Bob Davis
Julian Forster*
Joanna N. Guenin
Mark S. Halpin
Raymond Hapeman

William B. Hopf
Lowell G. Johnson
Herman Koch
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
David J. Law
Daleep C. Mohla
Paul Nikolich
T. W. Olsen

Glenn Parsons
Ronald C. Petersen
Gary S. Robinson
Frank Stone
Malcolm V. Thaden
Richard L. Townsend
Joe D. Watson
Howard L. Wolfman

*Members Emeritus

Also included are the following non-voting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Alan Cookson, NIST Representative
Michael D. Fisher
IEEE Standards Project Editor

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Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1


Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 2


Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 3


General requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3



Electrical requirements ........................................................................................................................ 5



Terminations ................................................................................................................................ 3
Signal isolation from ground ....................................................................................................... 3
Polarity marking and reversibility ............................................................................................... 3
Auxiliary outputs from sensing systems...................................................................................... 4
Electrical environment withstand capability................................................................................ 4

Signal specifications .................................................................................................................... 5

Phase correction value ................................................................................................................. 7
Output burden capability ............................................................................................................. 7
Common-mode rejection ............................................................................................................. 7
Output dc offset ........................................................................................................................... 7
Bandwidth and transient response ............................................................................................... 7
Squelching on error detection ...................................................................................................... 8
Signal description for valid-data signal ....................................................................................... 8

Intermediate devices ............................................................................................................................ 8

6.1 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Performance requirements ........................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Other requirements ...................................................................................................................... 9


Interconnection wiring practices.......................................................................................................... 9

Annex A (informative)................................................................................................................................... 14


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IEEE Standard for Analog Inputs to

Protective Relays from Electronic
Voltage and Current Transducers

1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard defines the interface between voltage or current transducer systems or sensing systems with
analog electronic outputs, and suitably designed protective relays or other substation measuring equipment.
These transducer systems reproduce the power system waveforms as scaled values.
This standard also defines requirements for optional intermediate summing or ratio-adjusting amplifiers
required to add or subtract the outputs of more than one sensing system for measurement by a single relay or
measuring device.

1.2 Purpose
The standardized measurement signal between the transducer system and the relay systems is characterized
as an analog electrical signal of 11.3 V peak, at a maximum power of 3.2 mW.
A prime example of a sensing system with analog electronic output is an optical voltage or current sensing
system with an optical-to-electronic interface. Figure 1 shows the typical configuration of system elements
for an optical current sensing system in a high-voltage station. In this case the optical sensing systems are
located on the bus at high potential. In other cases the sensing systems may be embedded inside power
apparatus or insulators. The optical signal is transmitted through fiber-optic cables to the ground level before
being converted to electrical signals scaled and formatted for use by protective relays and other intelligent
electronic devices (IEDs). The optical-to-electrical conversion module is usually located in the control
house, but may also be located near IEDs in the switchyard. This standard specifies the electrical signals
between the optical-to-electrical conversion module and the relays or other IEDs using these signals.
The interaction between the optical sensing system and the conversion module is a proprietary scheme of a
particular manufacturer's sensing design, not subject to standardization. It is the output of the conversion
module, and therefore, the input of relays and other measuring functions, that is to be standardized here for
interoperability. The marked section of Figure 1 shows the location of the interface defined in this standard.

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Std C37.92-2005


Control House
High Voltage




Optical Current
Sensing Element


High Voltage

Optical Fiber
in Conduit

Figure 1Optical current sensing system with standardized analog interface

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 525, IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations.1
IEEE Std 1050, IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding in Generating
IEEE Std C37.90, IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power
IEEE Std C37.90.1, IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relay and Relay
Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus.
IEEE Std C37.90.2, IEEE Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers.
IEEE Std C57.13, IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.

publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,

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Std C37.92-2005

3. Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary of
IEEE Standards, Seventh Edition, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 one per unit (abbreviated 1 p.u.): The measurement value or measuring system output that corresponds
to rated primary rms value of voltage or current in the circuit being measured.
3.2 relay input: The analog electronic input of any protective relay, meter, measurement or control device,
or intelligent electronic device that is compliant with this standard.
3.3 sensing system: the electronic sensing device, system, optical-to-electrical interface, or analog signal
source that conveys values of power system voltage or current, and whose output is compliant with this

4. General requirements
4.1 Terminations
The sensing system output, and the relay input, shall be provided with widely available standard connectors
capable of meeting the surge and high potential withstand requirements of 4.4. The connectors shall be
designed for easy field wiring and termination. Screw terminals are a well-suited option. Each input or output comprises a pair of signal terminals defined and marked as explained in 4.3. The equipment supplier
shall provide additional ungrounded terminals or means for interconnection of shields as described in 7.

4.2 Signal isolation from ground

Both terminals of the sensing system output, and any relay input, shall be insulated from safety or case
ground for dc or power-frequency signals. A capacitive path is permitted between either terminal and
ground, not to exceed 0.01 F.

4.3 Polarity marking and reversibility

Interfaces shall have polarity marking consistent with that of conventional cts and vts. See IEEE Std
For unbalanced sensing system outputs, the active output terminal shall be equivalent to the marked polarity
or X1 secondary terminal of a conventional instrument transformer.
When a power-system primary current is represented by a voltage output from the sensing system output, a
positive voltage as measured on the polarity-marked terminal with nonpolarity reference shall correspond to
current flow into the polarity-marked primary current terminal.
Furthermore, each sensing system and each relay shall be labeled by the manufacturer as having reversible
or nonreversible polarity.

Reversible polarity refers to a fully isolated or balanced input or output, allowing connection in
either polarity according to power system application needs.

Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

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Std C37.92-2005


Nonreversible polarity refers to a single-ended or unbalanced input or output, such that only activeterminal to active-terminal and signal-common to signal-common connections are allowed.

In general, a single sensing system output signal fans out to a number of relays or signal-using devices.
When interconnecting, the following considerations apply:

If one or more inputs of a number of relays have nonreversible polarity, the user may not be able to
achieve desired polarity of connections for all devices even if the source device has reversible polarity. Note: internal or software settings of a particular relay may be available for compensation of
input polarity.

If the input pair for each of a number of relays has reversible polarity, then each can be connected
with polarity as required, even though the output from the source is nonreversible.

This emphasizes the flexibility inherent in reversible-polarity inputs for the relays or other devices that use
the analog electronic sensing system outputs.
Balanced or reversible output terminals shall be symmetrically referenced to ground.

4.4 Auxiliary outputs from sensing systems

4.4.1 Sensing system trouble signal
This optional signal, intended for alarming, shall represent any malfunction or degradation requiring maintenance attention or repair. Auxiliary power supply failure shall result in a trouble signal.
This output shall be available as a form C contact, dry, as specified by the sensing system manufacturer. The
relay coil shall be energized for normal correct operating conditions, to provide alarming for loss of
auxiliary supply as well as for sensing system malfunction.
4.4.2 Data valid signal
This required signal shall reflect the results of any internal self-monitoring checks of the sensing system
electronics that indicate that a problem has occurred in the output analog signal that could lead to undesired
operation of connected relays. It is also used to indicate a startup or shutdown condition during which the
sensing system output could be subject to serious errors or transients. Connected relays may use this signal
to block tripping.
The signal may be provided in either or both of the following forms:

A form A contact, dry, as specified by the sensing system manufacturer. The relay coil shall be
energized for normal correct operating conditions, to provide alarming or protection blocking for
invalid output signal. The contact shall be suitable for tripping duty according to IEEE Std
C37.90. Delay from triggering event to output blocking shall not exceed 12 ms.

As a TTL-level (0 V or 5 V) logic signal with response of 1 ms or faster. See 5.8. A logic level of
true (5 V) shall indicate valid data.

4.5 Electrical environment withstand capability

The following type tests shall be applied to sensing system outputs, compatible analog electronic relay
inputs, sensing system trouble and valid-data outputs, valid-data inputs of relays, and intermediate devices
described in Clause 6. This is in addition to other electrical environment tests of the relay or sensing system
electronics required by relevant standards.

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Std C37.92-2005

4.5.1 Dielectric test

This test should be performed in accordance with dielectric test methods described in IEEE Std C37.90. The
test voltage is applied only in the common mode-between each pair of input or output terminals, and safety
or case ground. Signal circuits of 50 V or below are subjected to a lower value of dielectric test voltage as
listed in IEEE Std C37.90.
4.5.2 Surge withstand capability tests
Any device connected to the interface shall withstand the oscillatory surge withstand test and the fast
transient surge withstand test defined in IEEE Std C37.90.1. These test signals are applied as specified in
that standard for communications circuits.
Relays shall be connected to sensing systems and be energized as specified in IEEE Std C37.90.1. Relays
shall not yield trip outputs. Sensing systems and relays shall sustain no damage or change of calibration. The
sensing system shall not produce any spurious output that causes operation of a relay whose immunity has
been previously demonstrated with no sensing system connected. The sensing system shall not produce false
transitions of the sensing system trouble or valid-data signals, if provided.
4.5.3 Test for withstand capability of relay systems to radiated electromagnetic interference
from transceivers
The sensing system and compatible relays shall withstand the radiated electromagnetic interference test
defined in IEEE Std C37.90.2.
Relays shall be connected to sensing systems and be energized as specified in IEEE Std C37.90.2. Relays
shall not yield trip outputs. Sensing systems and relays shall sustain no damage or change of calibration. The
sensing system shall not produce any spurious output that causes operation of a relay whose immunity has
been previously demonstrated with no sensing system connected. The test shall not produce false transitions
of the sensing system trouble or valid-data outputs, if provided.

5. Electrical requirements
5.1 Signal specifications
5.1.1 Signal description for current sensing systems
Dynamic range: 0.05 to 40 times rated current
Nominal (In or 1 p.u.) output level: 200 mV rms
Maximum instantaneous value: 0.200 * 40 * 1.414 = 11.3 V peak

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Std C37.92-2005


Magnitude and phase accuracymaximum variation from true scaled primary signal value at 50 Hz or 60 Hz:

Table 1Signal description for current sensing systems

Current range



0.05 p.u. to 0.1 p.u.



0.10 p.u. to 1.0 p.u.



1.0 p.u. to 5.0 p.u.



5.0 p.u. to 40 p.u.



Total harmonic distortion shall be equal to or less than magnitude error.

Signal to noise ratio shall be equal to or greater than 54 dB for signals greater than 0.1 p.u. The measurement
is to be performed using a power-frequency signal and a noise measurement bandwidth of at least 120 Hz.
A current sensing system may provide an optional output whose nominal output level is 2 V rms at 1 p.u.,
with a maximum output of 4 p.u. This is intended for informational metering applications for which the
accuracies given above are acceptable. For revenue metering applications, the sensor manufacturer shall
separately state compliance with relevant accuracy standards such as IEEE Std C57.13 or its subparts.
5.1.2 Signal description for voltage sensing systems
Dynamic range: 0.05 to 2.0 times rated voltage
Nominal (Vn or 1 p.u.) output level: 4 V rms
Maximum output: 4.0 * 2.0 * 1.414 = 11.3 V peak
Magnitude and phase accuracymaximum variation from true scaled primary signal value at 50 Hz or 60 Hz:

Table 2Signal description for voltage sensing systems

Voltage range



0.05 p.u. to 0.85 p.u.



0.85 p.u. to 1.15 p.u.



1.15 p.u. to 2.0 p.u.



Total harmonic distortion shall be equal to or less than magnitude error.

Signal to noise ratio shall be equal to or greater than 70 dB for signals greater than 0.85 p.u. The
measurement is to be performed using a power-frequency signal and a noise measurement bandwidth of at
least 120 Hz.

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Std C37.92-2005

This is intended for relaying or informational metering applications for which the accuracies given above are
acceptable. For revenue metering applications, the sensor manufacturer shall separately state compliance
with relevant accuracy standards such as IEEE Std C57.13 or its subparts.

5.2 Phase correction value

For high-accuracy applications, the sensing system manufacturer may specify a power-frequency phase
correction value that is added to all readings to achieve a higher level of accuracy than that listed above. The
more accurate phase angle accuracy thus achieved may also be specified. Note: This does not eliminate the
need for the sensing system to conform to the phase accuracies listed above.

5.3 Output burden capability

Accuracy of sensing systems shall be maintained with burdens as low as 5 k in parallel with 5 nF. One
sensing system output may be connected to a number of relays or other measuring devices in parallel. A particular relay or other connected device shall have input impedance of not less than 50 k, nor greater than
200 k.

5.4 Common-mode rejection

Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) for measurement circuit inputs and outputs shall be greater than 86
dB at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, for common-mode interference signal of up to 50 V. This value is based on an
interference voltage of 20 V on a current sensing system output, when the current is at 0.05 p.u., and the
common-mode interference is to be less than 10% of the measurement signal.

5.5 Output dc offset

The steady-state dc offset of the output signal shall be less than 3 mV. This refers to the electronic artifact of
a sustained dc component in an amplifier output; it is unrelated to decaying-exponential "dc offset" components of fault-current signals.

5.6 Bandwidth and transient response

The sensing system vendor shall specify frequency response. Power-frequency accuracies specified in 5.1
shall be valid from 45 Hz to 65 Hz. Response shall be at least +0 dB to -1 dB up to 3 kHz, and +0 dB to -3
dB up to 5 kHz. The low frequency cutoff, if any, shall be set such that the system can meet the following
requirement for dc-offset response.
For a fully offset decaying-exponential primary current transient (dc offset) of 20 p.u., the instantaneous
ratio error shall not exceed 10% for any time constant up to 100 ms.
For a primary voltage that makes a step change from some waveform value within the measuring range to
zero, the sensing system output shall drop to less than 10% of the prestep output value within 4 ms, and
remain below 10% thereafter.
Some users may require operation between 65 Hz and 75 Hz, with reduced accuracy requirement. It is recommended that the supplier of the sensing system state performance in this frequency range.

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Std C37.92-2005


5.7 Squelching on error detection

The output from a sensing system interface shall be clamped to zero at the moment of internal detection of a
malfunction that could cause serious errors or false trips. This includes sensing system auxiliary-supply
energization or shutdown transients. Time from detection of a problem to squelching shall be less than 0.2
Typically, the squelching is driven by the same error detection functions as the valid-data output described
in 4.4.2.

5.8 Signal description for valid-data signal

The optional valid-data signal of 4.4.2 shall be a TTL-level (0 V or 5 V) signal, insulated from safety ground
and suitable for transmission using the same wiring methods as for the analog sensing system signals. See
Clause 7. A logical true signal of 3.0 V to 5.5 V indicates valid output from the sensing system. A logical
false signal of 0 V to 0.5 V shall indicate invalid output. The output shall be able to maintain voltage within
specifications with a load resistance of 200 or more. Delay from triggering event to output change should
not exceed 1 ms.
Receiving circuits in relays should be isolated from safety ground, and have an input impedance of greater
than 2000. Only signals of greater than 2.5 V are accepted as logical true.

6. Intermediate devices
6.1 Purpose
Intermediate devices may be used to create the sum or difference of separate sensing system outputs. They
may also be used to isolate the inputs of different relays or measuring devices connected to a single output of
a sensing system. The intermediate devices may have unity gain, or may include scaling of individual inputs
to change the effective ratio of the sensing system.
Intermediate devices may also be used to combine the outputs of conventional instrument transformers with
electronic sensing system outputs. The performance requirements defined in this clause apply only to intermediate devices with analog electronic outputs.

6.2 Performance requirements

Accuracy, bandwidth, and noise performance of intermediate devices shall be much better than that of the
sensing systems themselves. Specific requirements are as follows:

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Std C37.92-2005

Table 3Performance requirements


Less than 0.1% of 1 p.u. current from 1 Hz

to 20 kHz

Gain error

Less than 0.1% of 1 p.u. current between

45 Hz and 75 Hz

Phase error

Less than 0.1 between 45 Hz and 75 Hz

Frequency response

Stated by the manufacturer; flat at least to

within +0 dB and -1 dB between 15 Hz
and 10 kHz


Better than 80 dB at 1 p.u. current or

voltage, with a noise measurement
bandwidth of at least 120 Hz

Performance requirements shall apply to amplifier gains of unity. The manufacturer shall state performance
of nonunity gain amplifiers.

6.3 Other requirements

Intermediate devices shall conform to all other relevant requirements of Clause 4 and Clause 5 and not
superseded in 6.2. They shall comply with specifications over the range of operating and nonoperating
conditions specified in IEEE Std C37.90.

7. Interconnection wiring practices

Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 show connection examples for single and multiple sources and loads. They
are provided to illustrate suitable interconnections for distances of less than 50 m between sensing system
and the most remote relay input. The shielded twisted-pair conductors are typically run within the control
house, where the ground potential differences among connected systems is less than 20 V during faults.
Wire gauge of 24 or larger is acceptable. If multiple pairs are contained within a single shield, the differential mode crosstalk between pairs should exceed 70 dB.

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Std C37.92-2005


Relay or IED

Optional capacitive shield

grounding at source end for
high-frequency EMI reduction.


10 nF*

Sensing System

Figure 2One sensing system and one relay input

Relay or IED 1

Relay or IED 2

Relay or IED 3

10 nF*

Optional capacitive
shield grounding at
source end for highfrequency EMI

Sensing System

Figure 3One sensing system with multiple relay inputs


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Std C37.92-2005


Relay or IED 2

10 nF*

Sensing System 1

Optional capacitive shield grounding at

source and for high-frequency EMI reduction.

Intermediate Summing Amplifier

Sensing System 2

Sensing System 3

Figure 4Multiple sensing systems and an intermediate device

Note some of the following key features of the interconnection figures:

The wiring assumes that the equipment meets common-mode surge suppression tests as given in
Clause 4, and CMRR as specified in Clause 5.

Neither of the two twisted signal conductors are shown as grounded at any location.

Only one shield termination, usually at the relay or receiving end of the connection, is directly
grounded. For multiple sensing system and/or multiple relay installations, check for a single shield
grounding point. This provides electrostatic shielding only, not magnetic shielding, at power frequency. Multiple relay connections may be daisy-chained with the shields tied together, maintaining
only a single grounding point.

Be aware of any sensing system or relay with unbalanced or nonreversible polarity that internally
connects the common or nonpolarity interface terminal directly to safety groundit may cause signal or safety isolation issues with other devices in the installation.

Optional 10 nF ceramic disc capacitors may be connected from shield to ground at each ungrounded
shield termination point, to provide improved high-frequency electromagnetic shielding. These may
be installed by the user or included inside equipment from the vendors. Be aware that such capacitors

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Std C37.92-2005

are generally helpful for short wiring runs, but have been known to produce unpredictable high-frequency shielding results for longer wiring runs.
For connections involving switchyard-mounted equipment, where these benign conditions may not apply,
the user is responsible for engineering more elaborate schemes of shielding, shield grounding, and device
isolation. See IEEE Std 525. An additional robust outer shield is needed, grounded at both ends to conduct
current that counters and shields low-level measurement signals from magnetic and electromagnetic fields at
power frequencies. The source electronic device may need to be insulated from ground.

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Std C37.92-2005

Annex A

Application Precautions
The following highlights differences in the behavior of newer analog electronic sensing systems, as
compared to conventional passive sensing systems or instrument transformers. New and critical
performance areas include low-frequency response cutoff, startup and shutdown transients, response to
power-system transients, power-frequency phase delay, output capability, malfunctions and alarms, and
calibration. Analog versus digital interfaces are discussed.

A.1 Low-frequency response cutoff

Conventional transducers with iron cores respond uniformly to low frequencies, until ac saturation occurs
beyond the volts per hertz limit of the device. Only very low signal levels are reproduced without distortion
at low frequencies. Saturation occurs abruptly during a given half-cycle, and the output tends to disappear
totally and suddenly until the input circuit polarity reverses. Analog electronic sensing systems addressed in
this standard, by contrast, may have a low-frequency rolloff instead, leading to zero response to sustained
dc. The low-frequency filtering characteristic may lead to different and unfamiliar transient response
characteristics, for which relays and other high-speed measuring systems were not designed. Specific
phenomena include baseline wander, inaccurate response to decaying-exponential (dc offset) transients, and
low-frequency damped oscillatory response to input transients.
Relay designers should evaluate the impact on measuring algorithms in general, and particularly on those
that have been designed to handle the dc offsets frequently seen in fault currents. The accuracy specification
of 5.6 includes a requirement for dc-offset reproduction.

A.2 Startup and shutdown transients

When control power is applied to the electronic unit associated with an electronic sensing system, startup
transients in the energized circuits generally produce large output signals unrelated to any power-system
input. These spurious outputs can last for many seconds and lead to misoperations of connected relays.
Deenergizing the electronics can cause the same undesired output.

The problem can be controlled by a combination of output muting or squelching as described in 5.7, along
with related use of the valid-output signal described in 4.4.2. The coordination issues requiring focus are
then as follows:
Time duration of the squelch versus oscillatory behavior of the electronics on startup.

Magnitude of the error when the squelch is first removed

Ability of squelch to suppress output before significant error appears at time of shutdown

Impact of the presence or absence of power system inputs on the time required to stabilize

Impact of a relatively short interruption in the dc supply to the sensing system electronics, in the
range of or less than the squelch time

Definitions of conformance to standards describing quality of dc supply including fast interruptions,

ripple, and conducted noise

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Std C37.92-2005

A.3 Response to power-system transients

Transient or step response is quite separate from bandwidth, although it is intimately linked with the specific
high-frequency filtering or rolloff characteristics of the electronics in the sensing system. Faults and switching will yield outputs that exhibit overshoot or undershoot, and possibly damped high-frequency oscillatory
The user should check on the response of relays to these distortions. The overshoot or undershoot may lead
to reach errors of high-speed relays.
Furthermore, in wideband high-speed differential schemes, differences in transient response of sensing systems of different generations or vendors may lead to false differential values and reduction of security margin or even false tripping.

If the sensing system bandwidth and distortion frequencies are three or more times the antialiasing filter cutoff of a connected microprocessor relay, the problems may not exist.
Note that 5.6 includes a specification for the step response of a voltage sensing system.

A.4 Power-frequency phase delay

The time lag from primary power-system measurement value to the delivery of that value by the sensing system to connected systems may be short compared to measurement window times and seemingly unimportant. However, it could become a serious problem in any relay or measurement system that is comparing two
values from different sensing system designs. The current-differential comparison is a good example-highspeed schemes are sensitive to differences in phase delay between two sensing systems. Distance and directional relays, and particularly revenue meters, may suffer even more-they precisely compare the time relationship of voltages to currents. The voltage sensing systems use totally different measurement methods as
compared to current sensing systems, with no assurance of comparable delays of the primary waveforms.
Clause 5.2 describes the option of a vendor-supplied phase correction value.

A.5 Output capability

The drive current capability of voltage-mode outputs should be able to deal with all of the connected loads
as a parallel group. The addition of more loads may yield accuracy out of limits, depending on source
impedance, but the results still may be acceptable in many applications. This is parallel to the effects of burdens on conventional CTs and VTs.

A.6 Malfunctions and alarms

Designers should evaluate the impact of failure modes-notably failure of electronic components; and impact
of site-vulnerability events such as fiber disturbance, or cuts or breaks. It will not be possible to avoid problems for all such events, but some can be helped or extra precautions can be taken.
In connection with this, the designer can help by providing the detection capabilities and fast response time
of self-monitoring systems that mute or squelch the output and block external connected devices. Note that
the muting of the output may interact with relays-differential schemes may false-trip unless the valid-data

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Std C37.92-2005

signal can be used to block tripping. Loss of voltage to distance relays will cause false tripping or invoke
loss-of-potential logic (if used) with very restricted protection abilities.
The ability of the sensing system to self-diagnose minor problems and raise a nonurgent alarm without
squelching or blocking gives the maintenance crew an opportunity to solve the problem before it becomes
serious. A data communications port that can report a specific diagnosis via modem or WAN increases the
chance that the repair crew arrives with the right parts and equipment.

A.7 Calibration
The user should learn from the supplier of the sensing system about the methods by which the overall primary-to-user-output calibration of the system is established and maintained. In particular, ensure that the
connected IEDs have any features that might be required to deal with calibration procedures. The sensing
system supplier should address what happens to calibration when the primary sensor is left in place while a
failed conversion electronics module is replaced.

A.8 Digital interfaces

This standard covers only low-level analog interfaces, including those embedded within larger systems having digital data interfaces elsewhere, when interoperability at the analog interface is of importance to manufacturers and users. Digital interfaces require the specification of sampling processes and rates, and the
multiple layers of the data communications protocol for exchange between the sensing system and the relay.
Digital data interfaces for power system data are covered in IEC 61850-9-1, IEC 61850-9-2, IEC 60044-7,
and IEC 60044-8.

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