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2 Welcome to BIF-5
5 About BIF
8 Think
12 Learn
16 Do
24 Connect
29 The Hosts & Storytellers
98 BIF Members, Special Thanks & Sponsors
“Today, authenticity and credibility are what
we value most. It’s why I’m here at BIF-5,
returning to co-host this unique experience.
Where else can you interact with some of
the most talented innovators in the world?”
— Bruce Nussbaum, BIF-5 Co-host
Welcome to
the Conversation
It’s been five years since we launch - stories in an environment that supports
ed the business innovation factory. connection and collaboration.
Over the years, many things have changed. A lot may have changed in the last five
We’ve grown and brought new talent aboard. years, but we still find great joy and satisfac-
Our network has expanded in ways that tion in storytelling.
we simply could not have imagined five years For everything that is wrong with our
ago. We’ve established new offices. Most economy right now, it’s a good time for
importantly, we have seen our vision to build innovators who are using the downturn to
a set of real-world laboratories come to life, advance radical ideas that couldn’t get traction
creating spaces and places where our partners a year or two ago. The need for innovation
can design and test new ways of delivering is now so great that people are hungry for
value to those who need it the most. bold, new ideas. The BIF Summit is the
Amidst all this change, one thing has perfect forum for exactly this conversation.
stayed the same: BIF’s obsession with using Over the next two days, you’ll hear first-
storytelling as a catalyst for innovation. hand accounts of what it takes to challenge
This commitment to storytelling is reflected the norm, resist tradition and drive innovation.
in every BIF Summit, looking back even In the following pages, we invite you to
to BIF-1, which some of you may remember learn more about the BIF-5 storytellers. Most
was held in a cramped hotel ballroom in importantly, we urge you to connect with
October 2004. them, share your own stories and seek out
People have told us to scale-up the Sum- ways in which you might collaborate.
mit. Go bigger. Add more “stuff.” But each
Thank you for being part of our community
year we say no. And it’s not because we don’t
and part of the conversation.
think about how the Summit should evolve
to reflect the changing needs of our commu- — Saul, Melissa, Chris and Tori
nity. It’s because we still believe that the
formula works: Let great people tell great
“The Business Innovation Factory is addressing
one of the essential components to the business
model innovation process — experimentation.
While most business model innovators are both
willing and enthusiastic about wading into com-
plexity, they still need reliable testing proce-
dures that demonstrate the validity of their new
models. The platform BIF is developing provides
an opportunity for innovators to explore and
experiment with creative ‘what might be’ solu-
tions in a real-world environment.”
— Roger Martin, BIF Research Advisor
The BIF model is based on four simple tenets:
Alph Bingham is a pioneer in the field of Jean - Pierre Jeannet is the F. W. Olin
open innovation and an advocate of collabora- Distinguished Professor of Global Business and
tive approaches to research and development. director of The Glavin Center at Babson College.
He is also co-founder and former CEO of InnoCentive.
John K ao is a leading authority on the
John Seely Brown is a visiting scholar subjects of innovation, organizational
at USC and the independent co-chairman of transformation and digital media. He’s the
the Deloitte Center for the Edge. author of the bestselling book Innovation Nation.
Edward M . Ma zze is the recently retired Eric von Hippel is a professor and head of
dean of the College of Business Administra- the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group
tion and holder of the Alfred J. Verrecchia at MIT Sloan School of Management and
Hasbro Inc. Leadership Chair in Business at URI. author of Democratizing Innovation.
“Today, economic value is driven by our knowledge, synthesis and creativity rather
than manufacturing. The world desperately needs new social and economic models
and the Business Innovation Factory is paving the way for the exploration and
testing of new and innovative business models.” — Richard Florida, BIF Research Advisor
The BIF Elder Experience private spaces, care for body and mind, and stay
Lab: A Living Laboratory connected with the world. We couple this with
for Transforming Elder a unique storytelling capability to bring the elder
Care in America experience to life in a new and exciting way and
help our partners transfer these insights back
BIF created the Elder Experience Lab in 2008
into their organizations to accelerate innovation.
to create a platform for experimentation where
partners can design and test new solutions to From simple things like eating and dressing to
improve the elder experience. In our quest to the challenges elders often face staying con-
build a living laboratory for transforming elder nected to the community, the BIF team has
care in America, we began with one simple chronicled the elder experience, using narrative,
premise: put the elder experience at the center. video and photography to reveal and illuminate
Our methodology and unique non-profit posi- opportunities for transformative innovation.
tioning has enabled BIF to create a lab where
We have the great pleasure of working with an
elders are directly engaged in an ongoing effort
especially talented group of elders at Tockwotton
to better understand the elder experience
Home, an assisted living and skilled nursing
and drive R&D work aimed at improving it.
center. They share their experiences with great
The BIF Elder Experience Lab works directly candor and grace and, through their generosity,
with elder volunteers to conduct deep research help the BIF team lay a strong foundation for
into elders’ everyday experience. We use these work in the Lab.
insights to illuminate opportunities for trans-
The Lab also has a special focus on the experi-
forming the elder care system, and with help
ence of elders aging in place. We believe that
from the Lab’s elder participants, put new ideas
designing and developing ways to enable more
to the test in a real-world environment.
elders to age at home is an important part
The BIF team uses an observational/ethnographic of transforming our country’s approach to elder
approach to understand how elders interact care. Today the Lab includes five major partici-
with their environments, utilize shared and pant groups: elders aging in skilled nursing care,
elders aging in assisted living environments, BIF’s non-profit platform and embedded story-
elders aging in place, elder caregivers and baby telling capability enable us to broadly share lab
boomers living independently. output. Most importantly, collaboration between
partners working in the Lab enables a flow of
With every activity in the Lab, we strive to put
information and insights critical to developing
elders in the driver’s seat of a new kind of R&D.
networked business models that link capabilities
Too often, the conversation about elder care
across traditional boundaries.
innovation is dominated by the institutions that
provide services. That conversation takes on BIF is committed to using this platform to
a new dimension when the elder experience is accelerate the design and development of trans-
put center stage and elders use their own voices formative solutions that cut across the elder care
to share first-person insights about what works system and integrate insights and capabilities
and what doesn’t. from across traditional industry and sector
This experience has only strengthened our
resolve that systems-level transformation is
the only pathway toward delivering to our elders
the support they deserve. We believe that
experimentation is key to breaking through old
ways of thinking to create truly novel approaches
to elder care.
stephanie alvarez ewens
BIF student Experience Lab The first order of business is to make the student
experience central. Most conversations about
The second of BIF’s Experience Labs to come education reform reflect the perspective, needs
online, the BIF Student Experience Lab was and agenda of the institutions that provide
launched in 2009 to bring the student experience educational services, rather than the needs
to life in a new way and make the student voice of the students they serve. We believe that
more central to our conversation about trans- bringing the student experience — and the
forming education. At BIF we care deeply about student voice — to the center of the conversation
education and believe that the U.S. education is the first step toward developing educational
system does not deliver — at sufficient scale — an services and solutions that better meet
educational experience that prepares students students’ needs.
with the skills they need to compete in today’s
knowledge-based global economy. With an initial investment from the Lumina
Foundation for Education, BIF launched the Lab
with an initial phase of work focused on illumi-
nating the college student experience and
creating a platform to experiment with new ways
to increase college-attainment levels, enhance
the college student experience and improve the
effectiveness of the U.S. higher education system.
tive to the fore, the team captures its primary The team is packaging its findings in a highly
research on video, empowering students to visual and interactive form that uses video,
take an unapologetically personal stance on the audio, photography and first-person narrative
issues that enhance and hinder their higher to tell the story of the postsecondary student
education experience. experience in a manner that allows experts
and non-experts to understand the human,
Primary research is supported by secondary
environmental and systems-level factors that
research and the team has engaged with
most impact degree attainment.
education experts and advocates from all sides
of the debate. But the strength of the work Once the team has created a detailed map of
hinges on the time the team spends working the current student experience and a prioritized
with students, engaged in interviews, meeting list of opportunities for improving the experience,
informally and visiting students’ homes and the Lab will offer a collaborative environment
classrooms. where new ideas for improving the student
experience can be designed, tested and refined
The team uses a network of researchers
in a real-world laboratory with direct student
from across the country to capture the experi-
ences of students at a variety of schools and
at many stages of life. The Lab has already Participants can engage in the Lab remotely
conducted more than 60 deep interviews with by joining an online forum where the team posts
students from all walks of life and garnered outputs and encourages dialogue about their
input from dozens more. They have met with findings. For more information, to meet the
high school students considering college, team and see outputs from Lab activity, visit:
students already attending school, adult
learners and many who have failed or dropped
BIF thanks the Lumina Foundation for Education
out of school.
for making a catalytic investment in the launch
of the Student Experience Lab.
con n
Join the conversation, share your insights
and learn from others who believe
that collaborative innovation can deliver
real value.
“I believe in the value of stewardship. The simple
but powerful idea that any community or institution
we are fortunate enough to be a part of should be
stronger when we leave it than when we found it.
BIF is a connected community with a shared purpose
of delivering value in sectors that need it the most.
We may have a lot of work to do but we’ve got our
eyes on the prize.”
— Saul Kaplan, BIF Founder and Chief Catalyst
BIF is a network of informed, inspired More than just an archive of cool videos,
and involved people. Community is central interviews, audio and narrative pieces,
to everything we do and we’re committed the Innovation Story Studio is BIF’s platform
to strengthening our relationships, expanding for helping our innovation community
our community and catalyzing new project learn from each other and revel in the out-
opportunities. We invite you to join us and comes of our experiments, whether they
offer several ways to get connected with succeed or fail.
our community.
JOIN our experience lab
Hosted by Chief Catalyst Saul Kaplan, Both our student and elder experience
BIF-Speak covers important topics related labs have associated online forums where
to business model innovation, collaboration people across the country gather to contribute
and design strategy across the public and their thoughts and ideas and participate
private sectors. in specific activities and guided discussions.
Join us at and
Each year BIF hosts a series of events designed
to bring our community together to share JOIN the BIF BOOK CLUB
ideas, learn new skills and connect with some There’s simply no better place to find a good
of today’s best and brightest thinkers and doers. read and have a lively conversation with
an engaged community of interest. Join us at New members are
always welcome!