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Effect of Microwave Irradiation On Seeds of Lentils (Lens Culinaris, Med.)

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Department of Mathematics and Physics, Agricultural University, 12, Mendeleev st., 4000 Plovdiv,
Bulgaria, email: [email protected]

Abstract. This paper presents the investigation of the influence of microwave irradiation
treatment on the development of lentil seeds (Lens culinaris, Med.). A magnetron OM75P(31)
emitting radiation with frequency 2.45 GHz has been used as a source of microwaves for the
experiment. The exposure time varied from 0 s, 30 s, 60 s, 90 s, and 120 s. The germination energy
(GE) and germination (G) of seeds in %, as well as the length of stems (SL) and roots (RL) in mm at
7th and 14th day after sowing, and the total weight (TW) at 14th day have been measured aiming to
estimate the influence of microwave treatment. Best results have been obtained for variants with
exposure time 30 s and output power 450 W SL measured at 7th day is 10% longer than the control
one, RL 7%, and TW at 14th day is 16% higher. Longer exposure times have an inhibition effect on
plant development as well as higher output power of microwave irradiation. Obtained results have
been explained by the hypothesis that bigger energy absorbed by molecules at higher output power
and longer exposure time could destroy cell functions and stimulation effect could not be achieved.
Key words: microwave irradiation, stimulation, lentils, germination, stem, root length, total weight.


Recently, Banik et al. [6] reviewed the bioeffects of microwave, mostly on

animal and human health. In their paper the most popular opinion has been
outlined, that the effect of microwave is attributed mainly to the heating.
Nevertheless, it has been mentioned that there are also nonthermal microwave
effects in terms of energy required to produce molecular transformations.
It has been accepted, [7], that the thermal effect of microwave is related to
the interaction with charged particles and polar molecules. Microwave fields are a
form of electromagnetic energy and its interaction with charged particles and polar
molecules leads to their agitation which is defined as heat. Biological material
placed in such radiation absorbs an amount of energy which depends on the
dielectric characteristics of the material. The thermal effect of electromagnetic
Received: February 2010;
in final form May 2010.
ROMANIAN J. BIOPHYS., Vol. 20, No. 3, P. 213221, BUCHAREST, 2010


Anna Aladjadjiyan

fields from radiofrequency diapason on biological objects is evaluated by Specific

Absorption Rate (SAR), defined as the power absorbed per mass of tissue and
measured in W kg1. The use of SAR for assessment of microwave impact is
reported in literature for different biological objects but not for seeds.
In most of the published investigations concerning agriculture the microwave
treatment has been used for disinfection of seeds before sowing. Bhaskara Reddy et
al. [11, 12] used successfully the treatment with electromagnetic radiation from the
radio- (1040 MHz) and microwave diapason (2.45 GHz) on seeds of mustard,
wheat, soybean, peas and rice seeking to eliminate the microorganisms (Fusarium
graminearum) before seed storage. Similar aims have been described in the PhD
thesis of V. Rajagopal [10]. He has treated grain seeds with microwave radiation
aiming disinfection, too. In his work a pilotscale industrial microwave dryer
operating at 2.45 GHz was used to determine the mortality of life stages of
Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), Sitophilus granarius (L.) and Cryptolestes
ferrugineus (Stephens) adults in wheat, barley, and rye. In the listed works there
were no data about SAR evaluation.
Some authors have investigated the influence of microwave treatment on
different properties of seeds. Yoshida et al. [13] treated soybean seeds with
microwave radiation (2.45 GHz) for 6 to 12 min with the aim to improve the
distribution of triglycerides in the seed coat. L. Opric [8] has studied microwave
treatment with power density under 1 mW/cm3 on rapeseeds (Brassica napus) and
concluded that the microwaves determined variations of catalase and peroxidase
activities depending on the age of the plants, time of exposure and state of seeds
(germinated and non germinated) exposed to microwave. In all above-mentioned
studies the microwave treatment was oriented to produce effects not related to plant
Ponomarev et al. [9] investigated the influence of low intensity microwave
radiation on the germination of cereals (winter and spring wheat, spring barley,
oats). Radiation with wavelength = 1 cm at exposition up to 40 min was used. An
increasing of germination for all the treated seeds was observed, the optimum
effect of stimulation being accounted at the exposition for 20 min.
The treatment with microwave radiation as a stimulation agent in agriculture
is not enough investigated yet. Recent data about environmental pollution caused
by large application of chemical agents used for fertilization and plant protection
urged farmers to search some alternative methods. Physical methods of treatment
offer good opportunities for substitution of chemical ones [2, 3]. They are
convenient for organic agriculture. The stimulation effect of microwave treatment
has been investigated by Aladjadjiyan and Svetleva previously on bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris) [4] and on some ornamental perennial species aragana arborescens

Effect of microwave irradiation on lentil seeds


Lam., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Gleditsia triacanthos and Laburnum anagyroides

Med. [1] and some encouraging results have been established.
The aim of present work is to enlarge previous experiments on stimulation
effect of microwave treatment for longer exposure time and higher irradiation
power by investigating its influence on the early stage development of lentil seeds
(Lens culinaris Med.).

The influence of microwave irradiation with wavelength 12 cm on seeds of

lentil (Lens culinaris, Med) has been investigated. A magnetron OM75P(31) with
frequency of radiation 2.45 GHz and maximum output power 900 W according to
suppliers data has been used as microwave source. Maximum density of
irradiation has been estimated at 45 kW/m3. The estimation has been obtained by
dividing the output power of the device (900 W) to the working volume having
dimensions 0.190.330.32 m3.
Lentils seeds have been preliminarily soaked in distilled water for 1 hour,
presuming that the imbibed water plays an important role in the absorption of the
energy of microwave radiation. (In an earlier investigation Aladjadjiyan and
Svetleva [4] have found that preliminary soaking of seeds in distilled water
increased the effect of stimulation by more than 25% due to the specific absorption
of microwave radiation with wavelength of = 12 cm by the water molecules.)
Seeds for the experiment have been distributed in five variants and 5
replicates each containing 10 seeds. The variants differ by the time of exposure to
the microwave radiation. Seeds have been exposed to the microwave radiation for
0 s (control), 30 s, 60 s, 90 s, 120 s. Two modifications of output powers of
magnetron 450 W and 730 W, corresponding to intensities 22.5 kW/m3 and
36.5 kW/m3 respectively, have been applied.
The experiments have been performed in the period end of February March
2009 under laboratory conditions. The natural light cycle was 9 h light / 15 h
darkness and the daily temperature 21 2 C, night temperature 15 2 C.
Groups of 50 seeds were subjected to each microwave treatment, for chosen
exposure times and analogous groups were used as control. The lentil seeds were
cultured then in small plastic pots ( = 7.5 cm and h = 8.8 cm), 10 seeds in each
pot, on wet cotton.
In order to estimate the influence of the microwave treatment on lentil seeds
next criteria have been chosen:
The germination energy (E) of seeds in%, determined on the 4th day after
the start of the experiment as a ratio of the number of germinated to the
total number of seeds for the corresponding variant;
germination (G) of seeds in%, determined on 7th day as a ratio of the
number of germinated to the total number of seeds;


Anna Aladjadjiyan

length of stems (SL) and roots (RL) in mm has been determined on the 7th
and 14th day;
total weight (TW) in mg determined on the 14th day.
Data were statistically processed using the Fishers method of dispersion


The results of the experiments for lentil seeds have been presented in Table 1
for microwave irradiation with output powers 450 W (density of irradiation 22.5
kW/m3) and 730 W (density of irradiation 36.5 kW/m3), respectively. Results are
presented as average value standard error. The significance of differences GDP%
is marked on the data in the table as a superscript.
Table 1
Growth parameters of lentils seeds, exposed to microwave irradiation at 450 W and 730 W
Exposure time

GE (%)

G (%)


450 W

730 W

450 W

730 W








727.7 ns







5410.3 ns








Superscript *** corresponds to GD0.1%; ** GD1%; * to GD5%, and ns not significant.

Data in Table 1 show the influence of microwave treatment on the first stages
of plant development is described by both characteristics germination energy and
germination. It can be noticed that for microwave treatment with output power 450 W
the highest results for GE and G have been obtained for the exposure time 30 s.
This exposure time has shown stimulation effect. All data were significantly
different from control. For irradiated samples GE has risen with 9.8%, while
G with 4.3%.
The microwave treatment with output power 730 W shows that as well as in
the case of treatment with 450 W, the values of G also demonstrate an effect of
stimulation for the exposure time 30 s. The differences for GE at exposure 30 s and
G at exposure 60 s from the control are not significant. An inhibition of GE can be
accounted for longer exposure time (60 and 90 s) as well as for G at exposure 90 s.

Effect of microwave irradiation on lentil seeds


The comparison of data for 450 W and 730 W allows concluding that the
positive effect of treatment is generally stronger for the lower output power of
microwave irradiation 450 W. Shorter exposure time (30 s) demonstrates higher
stimulation effect than longer ones. Exposure time 120 s causes total inhibition.
Figure 1 presents stem and root length, measured on the 7th day, for lentil
plants treated with microwave with output power 450 W. Samples exposed to
radiation for 30 s demonstrate the biggest stem and root length values while higher
exposure times again lead to decreasing of plant size. For exposure 30 s SL is 10%
longer than the control one, and RL 7%. For the samples exposed 60 s SL is 9%
shorter than the control one, but RL is 6.5% longer (statistical significance is between 1
and 5%). One can arrive at the conclusion that the stimulation effect of microwave
treatment with exposure 30 s continues on the later stages of plant development.
Some positive effect is detected also for the samples with exposure 60 s.

SL &RL , mm









Exposure time, s
Fig. 1. Stem and root length of lentils seeds treated with microwave radiation with output
power 450 W at 7th day of experiment.

Anna Aladjadjiyan

SL &RL , mm








Exposure time , s
Fig. 2. Stem and root length of lentils seeds treated with microwave radiation with output power
730 W at 7th day.

Figure 2 presents stem and root length on 7th day vs. exposure time for
microwave with output power 730 W. The biggest stem length is observed for
exposure 30 s but the differences are not significant. A stimulation effect is
observed for root length at exposure 30 and 60 s but the differences are not
significant either. The longer exposure times show an inhibition. It can be noticed
that at higher radiation intensity the positive effect of microwave stimulation is

SL , m m



730 W






Exposure time, s
Fig. 3. The stem length of lentils seeds treated with microwave radiation with output powers
450 W and 730 W at 14th day.

Effect of microwave irradiation on lentil seeds



TW , mg


450 W


730 W






Exposure time , s
Fig. 4. The total weight of lentils seeds treated with microwave radiation with output powers
450 W and 730 W at 14th day.

Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the comparison of the influence of two applied

microwave output powers 450 and 730 W for plant characteristics measured on
the 14th day. It is clearly demonstrated that the treatment with lower output power,
450 W, gives better results. All data for the measurements on the 14th day were
significantly different from control (statistical significance mainly between 0.1%
and 1%).
It can be seen that the stem lengths (Fig. 3) have higher values for the plants
treated with 450 W than with 730 W. The positive effect is accounted for the
exposure times of 30 and 60 s. For the treatment with 450 W at exposure 30 s the
value of SL is 12.5% longer than the control one and for exposure 60 s the SL is
13.7% longer. For the treatment with 730 W the values of SL are shorter than the
control. All the differences are significant.
The total weight (Fig. 4) of plants vs. exposure time rises for the treatment
with 450 W and for the one with 730 W there is a maximum at exposure 30 s.
Total weight for the samples treated with 430 W at 30 s is 16% higher, and
for those at 60 s TW is 36.4% higher than the control. One can conclude that for
450 W the exposure at 60 s is more effective in later stages of development than
the exposure at 30 s. A controversy with the data about RL could be noticed. Data
in Table 1 and Table 2 show that at exposure 30 s RL is 3% longer, but at 60 s RL
is 30% shorter than the control. This controversy could be due to the fact that the
RL only of the main root is measured; but there are lateral roots that contribute to


Anna Aladjadjiyan

the weight and are not accounted for RL. This explanation refers also for the
accounted rise of TW with 5% for the samples, treated with 730 W at exposure 30 s.
The results obtained in this investigation harmonize well with our previous
investigations on bean seeds [4] and perennials [1].
In the case of bean seeds [4] the treatment was performed for exposure 10, 20
and 30 s. It has been found that the longer the treatment, the higher stimulation was
achieved expressed in bigger fresh weight of roots and germs. In the present work
we used longer exposure times, but the positive results were proved only for the
exposure 30 s.
Experiments at exposure 30 s and different output microwave powers have
been performed on seeds of the ornamental perennial species [1]. The investigation
showed an increase of G and GE for Gleditschia triacanthos and Robinia
pseudoacacia, proportional to the treatment power. For the seeds of Caragana
arborescens and Laburnum anagiroides an increase of G and GE was reported for
treatment with lower power. At higher power the seed germination was lower than
the value of G at the lower power. This result correlates with the observation in
present work, having found that the treatment with lower output power
demonstrates better stimulation of seed development.

On the basis of the results obtained in the present investigation of the

stimulation effect of microwave treatment on seed development, the following
conclusions can be formulated:
1. Better results have been obtained for the treatment with lower output
microwave power 450 W than 730 W.
2. Stimulation is stronger for the treatment at shorter exposure time
for 30 s than for 90 s and 120 s.
3. The positive effect of stimulation is better expressed for later stages
of development on the 14th day.
These results can be explained in terms of absorbed energy. Higher output
power of the radiation as well as the longer exposure time lead to absorption of
bigger energy by the object.
As cited in the review of Banik et al. [6] the electromagnetic radiation from
microwave diapason is absorbed at molecular level and manifests as changes in
vibrational energy of molecules or heat. Higher energies cause heating [5].
In our investigation it is not definitely clear whether thermal effects of
microwave are not involved. Further investigations with estimation of SAR are

Effect of microwave irradiation on lentil seeds


needed to understand if the impact of microwave treatment on seed development is

due to thermal or athermal effects.

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