0709 Opensat

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TEST REPORT Satellite Receiver

A Receiver for Everyday Use
A satellite system is no longer a be easy to use and of course be able to do
luxury item in today’s world. A receiver almost everything. And let’s not forget, it
is as common as a washing machine in should also be reliable. Did we find the
today’s modern home. Yet it should still ideal box here? Our tests will tell. 08-09/2007
A very fast receiver
simple to use

We have to admit that we Up to four fixed antennas every satellite will automati- a small tip: your first channel
were a little disappointed to or LNBs can be connected cally be found. scan should be for FTA channels
find out that this receiver could and controlled via DiSEqC 1.0 The receiver comes from the since most of the encrypted
not decode HDTV or MPEG- commands. A DiSEqC antenna factory without any channels channels on a satellite would
4 signals. Truthfully though, motor is also no trouble to stored in memory but this does probably not be used anyway.
these functions are still the use. Once it is aligned to the not prevent you from access- Only then should you scan
wave of the future and aren’t south and to the North Star, ing the Installation menu. those transponders opened up
used all that much today yet. the receiver drives the antenna Language, audio and video set- by your SmartCard.
Also, an alphanumeric channel motor with DiSEqC commands tings have already been taken The channels found during a
display would have been much to the desired satellite position. care of; you really only need scan are divided into separate
more fun than the four-digit You can choose from up to 60 to select the desired satellites satellite lists and conveniently
display that actually does come preprogrammed satellite posi- and start the channel scan. sorted by TV and radio. These
with the receiver. tions but, of course, depending Your TV enjoyment can begin channels can then be further
Despite all this, we were on your location and the size of right after that. organized by placing them in
sympathetic with the way this your dish, not all of them might The receiver’s channel scan one of 12 different Favorites
receiver works. It simply can be usable. speed is actually quite good: lists that can be renamed as
handle anything that is thrown The alignment to individ- the X7700CI only needed just desired. This helps to make it
at it quickly and without any ual satellite positions using a under three minutes to com- much easier to find the chan-
problems. The remote control standard DiSEqC 1.2 motor is plete a scan of 79 transponders nels you want to watch.
is ergonomic and comes with somewhat difficult; a USALS for FTA channels. The receiver We were especially impressed
all of the expected function motor would function much can also handle encrypted with the outstanding Edit func-
buttons. better in this situation. Simply channels with its two CI slots. tion that makes it possible to
The X7700CI is not too large enter in your location and For this application we have modify existing transponder
and therefore doesn’t take up
much room. At the same time
however it isn’t too small either
so limiting the number of con-
nectors on the rear panel was
not necessary.
Almost everything is there:
RCA jacks for video and audio,
SCART jacks for a TV and VCR,
even terrestrial signals can
be looped through and routed
to a TV via a UHF channel. Of
course, an IF looped-through
output is also available so that
a second receiver can be con-
nected. This could be an analog
receiver or some other special

20 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 08-09/2007 — www.TELE-satellite.com

values, add new transponder
data or even define new satel-
lites. Supplier RESYS, Macedonia
Information can be called
Internet www.opensat.info
up four different ways. Push-
ing the OK button displays a Model Opensat X7000 CI
12-row channel list. The Info Power Consumption 6 /12 Watt (Stand-By/Off)
button displays the channel
Channel Memory 6000 (3000 TV, 3000 Radio)
name and current program
name along with a colored Satellites max. 60
bar graph in the Info display RF-Modulator Yes (Auto/PAL/NTSC)
that indicates the remaining
Listings Satellite, TV, Radio, Favorites
time in a program. A second
window also shows the recep- Editors Satellite, Transponder, Program, Timer
tion parameters. Connectors IF In/Out, ANT In/Out,2xSCART, RCA, RS-232
Pushing the EPG button dis-
DiSEqC 1.0, 1.2 and Stab-USALS
plays detailed programming
information; this could be infor- EPG Day, next day, week with program details
mation for the entire day or a Timer Sleep-off, Switch-on, EPG-programmable On/Off
preview of the upcoming week.
Support, Upgrade Upgrades and Support-SW from Homepage (PC-use)
Teletext services can also be
viewed and very quickly at that
since it is constantly download-
ing information packets in the
The built-in timer also
includes a sleep timer as well
as automatic receiver turn-
on control. Together with the
EPG, multiple channels can be
programmed for recording up
to a week in advance. EPG Text with Window Information Display
In between recordings, the
receiver switches itself in and
out of Standby mode.

Experts Conclusion
Opensat delivers a fast receiver with which all
FTA and encrypted channels can be received.

+ EPG Content Transponder Add Menue

Low power consumption
Universal application
Easy to program and simple to use Heinz Koppitz
Detailed EPG Test Center
Fast channel switching
Fast teletext
STAB-USALS for motorized antennas

No main power switch. Channel List Astra 2 Satellite list with USALS

22 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 08-09/2007 — www.TELE-satellite.com

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