0703 Eycos
0703 Eycos
0703 Eycos
Eycos S55.12.PVRH
PVR in premier league
with HDMI
In recent months an up-and-coming company Eycos here. Together with their Austrian distribu- The decisive HDMI port which
from South Korea has made the headlines a number tor Satforce they have high-flying goals and live by Eycos uses to output the
of times when it comes to new, innovative and tech- the motto "there's nothing that cannot be improved scaler signals
nologically superior products. We're talking about further".
The youngest Eycos receiver Eycos, on the other hand, has The design of the S55.12 PVRH Video output and an HDMI port
deserves the description 'quan- listened very thoroughly and they can best be described as unpre- for connection with a plasma or
tum leap' without a doubt. have thought about how these tentious but elegant. The front LCD screen, three RCA jacks for
Countless owners of plasma or problems could be solved. That's panel sports an extremely easy- stereo audio and video, a switch-
LCD screens are furious about when the idea of a PVR receiver to-read alphanumeric display able 0/12 V output, an RS-232
the often miserable video qual- with an integrated scaler came (VFD) as well as eight buttons interface as well as an USB 2.0
ity of many free-to-air satellite up. The scaler is used to increase to operate the receiver without port for connecting the receiver
channels and doubt they have the resolution of the input signal using the remote control. A flap to a PC, an RF modulator and an
made a wise move by investing and to interpolate the missing in the middle of the lower half of optical audio output for perfect
lots of money into state-of-the- pixels to make sure the increased the front panel hides two CI slots surround sound. A main power
art screens which are fed by resolution does not cause the for all standard modules such as switch rounds off the perfect pic-
low-quality satellite channels. raster that would be unavoidable Irdeto, Seca, Viaccess, Conax, ture.
Everyone knows that a bad pic- with a mere increase of the reso- Nagravision etc. There is also a The included remote control
ture becomes worse the bigger lution. They looked for a qualified blind slot for an integrated card features an ergonomic design,
the screen it is watched on. Many partner and found one in Pioneer, reader and Eycos is expected to user-friendly layout and sits
viewers lament the low resolution which assisted in the develop- offer this particular model with nicely in your hand. As a special
of their favourite channels and the ment of the S55.12 PVRH. The embedded Conax in the near treat Eycos includes a second,
limited bandwidth the program final result of this challenging future. smaller remote control with lim-
providers use. Unfortunately, project reached our test lab a ited features, which is a great
these complains are hardly ever few days ago. The excitement does not stop idea as the smaller remote con-
listened to and in order to keep when we look at the packed back trol is ideal for those family mem-
operational expenses low many The excitement was almost panel which includes – apart from bers who only want to turn on the
program providers experiment audible when we opened the the IF input and looped-through receiver and then zap through
with using even less resources to package and the first impression outputs for the two tuners – two the channels. This will certainly
transmit their signals. lived up to our high expectations. scart euroconnectors, an S- be an excellent argument when
Satellites 45
SCPC compatible yes
DiSEqC 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3
Scart euroconnectors 2
Audio/video outputs 3 x RCA
UHF modulator yes
0/12 Volt socket yes
Digital audio output yes
EPG yes
C/Ku band compatible yes
Power supply 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz