Bana Bhante Enlightened Buddhist Monk

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Chakma : Periodical
Almxx Volume 4, Issue 4
January 8, 2010

Established: May 8, 2009 Most Highest Holiness Bana Bhante’s 91st Birth Anniversary Issue Free Distribution Worldwide Front Page
What about an ALAAM and why ? An ALAAM is a newsletter designated; providing news information on Political,
Religious, Socio-Cultures, History, Sports, Educations, Adventures, New Discoveries, etc. issues of the Chakma
Nation around the Globe. It was founded on May 8, 2009 on the Event of Lord Buddha Enlightenment Day. Since
 Bana Bhante’s 1 then, ALAAM trying to provide news information in English, Chankma, etc. Scriptures. From today, it is going to
short Biogra-
phy be separated. An ALAAM will provide news mostly in Chakma Scriptures and the Chakma News Prospector (CNP)
will be provide news in English and others Scriptures. But, they will walk, run and fly together in different corner
 Global Jumma 2 of the world like twin sisters.
Scientific War
Reason why? An ALAAM will play important role on Chakma Scriptures to create leadership for future generation
 Buddhist which is very important. Both CNP and ALAAM are producing and publishing by Chakma Lega Publication, Aus-
tralia (CLPA).
 Chakma Raja:
banaBnxetrx jIbanaAa haZ banaBnxet 1949-1961 saLM,
 Pali College
Most Highest Holiness Venerable Sadhanananda Ma- 12 bajarx sRmanxgarI Bban gasX
 Buddhism in
Australia hathera-er banaBnxet neLM sinIzkx \ sRmanx Aabrx AegnxzI Trx nLnx Elaez Dhanapata and Diginala \
Mr. Ratindra Chakma \ et January 8, 1970 Diginala-tunx Tintilya
 Worldwide 3
1920 Dhanapata-rx neL jGtx janamx eYey \ 7 bajarx saLM Tintilya
ElaAa \ 1973, patxtamx sizu
 Jumma Father laey \ siganatxtunx zrIenS et gamx, saralx,
―Kathina Chivara Dana‖
 Bana Bhante’s 4 sIez-sZ, zay Arx ZrxmIkx ElaAa \ samaAa
Aaey \ 1974, Raj
branches: samaAa et gS-gS hmaAa Arx parrx eser-
India Vihar-tx Aaey \

eser ZXnx-Bban gatxtaAa \ et bn esrx
Rega ba n a B nx e t si z u
 Chakma ehlsa elg sigIenS paernxZI bZxZX \ siga-
ESenS ter Rangamati–
monk passed natxtunx zrIenS trx sinxtXZr Arx bban garI
away etbtXya pLM gasXnx rjrx m
Ela \ et patxtaAa suZU Stihjx, biGXnx, haZGXnx
 Sadharma Benita Roy and Aroti Roy–
Fudi Udhok: Arx ZarxmaAa boS patxtaAa \ zgI \ 1975, trx
Chakma Film

Wishing 1924, et eYkxek 5 bajarx ElaAa; eskxek Ekxzinx Bban gatxet trx satxjXnx sisX Ven. Nanada-
Happy New epey \ 1949, 29 bajarx AaSenS Nandan Kanan Buddhist Temple-Aatx pal Bhikkhu-er pezey; et
Year 2010 sRmana Aaey \ trx nLMnx zieyAaey Ven. Ratindra Shramanera \ siZU 3/4 1977-rotx Rangamati EsX \
mJx ElaAa \ paernxZI sitxtunx Chitmorong hiLMAatx eYey \ sitxtunx jn paernxZI eskxektunx ZrIenS et siZU
Notice jratx ebrez-ebrez Dhanapata AzmaAatx 1949 esejnxZi lumxemgI \ siZU Aeg \ 20 bajarx puerenS, 14
Next Issue: et Ekx nger 11 bajarx Bban gasX \ 11 bajarx Bban garnrx paer et paripurxna trIKx February mjatx 1981
Chakma ter ―Mahathera‖ baranx
grIenS gXnx epey bilIelS mnXyasiZu pagazLM Aaey \ sitxtunx drIeNS ter Bana
New Year gasasXnx \ Skxkunu et 49 bajarx
Bhante Sejeb sinonx \
Eva “Bizu” bizI egla Trx ZarxmaAa pRsrx \
on April 15, 1960 ter Diginala AnXnx \ 1961 maZXnxzi garIenS ter Bikxku garIzonx \ Bikxku ebkxkuen ter Arahant
2010. nLMnx ZOyanx Ven. Sadhanananda Bhikkhu \ trx guru Bnxet nLMnx Aalaez bilIenS mnanx \ (Please read
Ven. Gunalankar Mahathera \ 10 bajarx saLM et Bban gasX \ more in detailed in English edi-
tion– CNP).

Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication; Contact Address: P.O. Box. 372, Goldfields Meditation Centre. Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie, WA6433, Australia.
Visit Google Search: Voice of Jummaland; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 4

January 8, 2010

Page 2
bodxDaAa Trains Australia-tx bodaDaAa DarxmaAa berrx
India, 2009: Sanghamitra Arx Mahaparinirvan Express bra gar
Australia, 2009 (UJI): bodaDaAa DarxmaAa jZijZI berr xAustra-
Aaey 2002 Arx 2009 bajaratx \ Sanghamitra Express‖ train-nnx
Patna-txtuna (Bihar) Arx Bangalore (Karnataka). 2 A/C coaches,
lia-tx \ Christianity hami Yrx \ Skxkunu (2006)bozxZaAa Aalkxek
11 sleeper class coaches and 2 general 418,812 mnujx \ Dalai Lama bagara begen szu
class coaches, a pantry car and luggage Eej; esnatXy bodaDaAa DarxmaAa mnuja brIjzan \
van. AraAa Aalaez most Senior British-Australian
Spiritual Buddhist teacher Venerable
Mahaparinirvan Express Aalaed budxdaAa
Ajahn Brahmavamsa, Spiritual
jGnI eberbtxxXya \ Lumbini saLM eber ES per
Director of the Bodhinyana
\ subIed Aalaed 18berths of first AC, 92 of two-tier AC and 256
Monastery, Western Australia;
berths of three-tier AC.
trx zaramaAa gXnx gabIra \ Skxkunu 275
Visit: monasteries including Meditation Cente,
Community Centre, belong from Theravada,
cLMm jGTx paTx
Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Non-Sectorian/
Arunachal, December 2009 (UJI): paTxtamMbrM cLMm jGTx paTx
Mixed Aeg \
Bn Aarx \ paTx Benbrx etLM dieyAarx ―Pradhan Mantri Gramin
Sarak Yojana Programme (PMGSYP) \ esS paTxTnI AalaeD:- France-tx jumxmaAa hiyaLM
(a) Barket Road (Bordumsa - Magantong) - Bijaypur III
village (8kms length & 12 feet France (UJI): jumxmaAa hiyaLM France-Tx mzItx
width); (b) Newton Village to bn Aarx \ eglxel June mjatx Ven. Bimal Bhik-
Dharmapur Village (6kms length
& 12 feet width); (c) Diyun - khu sizu eyenS trer samxbalx zienS ES haz hey
Dumpani Village (3kms length & \ jumxmaAaguen ebkxkuen milienS ES bajara cLMm biju
12 feet width; and (d) Diyun - (BIZU-2010)ehbkx \ Belo Shaudok Association (BSA) Ara
Haripur Village (3kms length & 12 feet width).
the Baia Association (BAIA)-E ES btxT jeney \

Chakma Raja : Copenhagen

Copenhagen, December, 2009 (UJI): Chakma Raja Devasish Roy, Bangladesh-Aa Prime Minister
samer Climate Change Conference –Aatx Denmark eYey \ tr 5-zinoetS eYenS EsasXnx \ nn jgtx eberenS
pernxzi Queen of Denmark Ara Prince Consort for the Heads of State and Government-loS ezg gasasXnx \

Chakma Raja Tguruen Bodhgaya hiyaLMAnx Pali College: Raj Bana Vihar
new Asia UNPFII
expert zbigatxtana Rangamati, 2009 (UJI): Raj Bana
Vihar-Aatx Katin Chibar Dana
New York (UJI): B o d h g a y a ( U J I ) : Tg u ru en Jumma
Chakma Raja AaS egla \ Most Highest Holi-
Devasish Roy ness Venerable Sadhanan- World
hiyaLMAnx puropurI
United Nations- anda Mahathera (Bana

Aa r x Permanent tr Aza t x tu l i Global Jumma

Bhante) zarMmaAa haz haey—ppa hmx na-
Forum on In- zi btx etS zbi - Scientific War ended
ga r i b , pa e rey ha z na - ha b \ bo z a z a e tS P
digenous Issues ga t x t a n a \ tr e
(UNPFII)- vrx Nibbana Aa la ez ebga tx tu nx vgu er Arx Epic-centre:- Matammuri Forest a
sa r a g rx bi r u z X Reason:- CHT-Karuna c
new Asia UNPFII ebga tx tunx su gorx jg \ Bhante-et Arx Started:- 1st March 2009 e
expert - 2011- hmx ArmxbaAa garibka \ Ended:- December 18, 2009
haey goejnaAa haznI mnIenS salibtXy \ Lasted:- 9 months and 18 days
2013 SLMerjitxetS Venerable Ananda, Presi- Causalities:- 8 seriously injured si
Aaey \ et Eejtxet Mr. Dipankar Talukder, & 2 critical, a dozen minor injured, le
dent of the Bodhgaya Ma- and whole Jumma Nation victims.
ba j a r a February Minister for CHT Affairs haey Countries partd:- 10 (Guess)
habodhi Vihar All-India
2010– Aa t x la A a - Action Committee, ES haz Tk. 3 Crore etLM zi b o Pali Benefited:- Nothing
Experienced:- Great Lesson
baAagoS \ College benbtxy \ Appeal: No more war please …....
hey \ (with joint palms). Is enough. Jumma
Nation suffered enough.

Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication, Australia: Google Search: Voice of Jummaland; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Volume 4, Issue 4
January 8, 2010

Most Highest Holiness Bana Bhante’s 91st Anniversary Issue Page 3

My essence of teaching is — Patipatti (study), Pariyatti
(Practice Meditation), and Pativeda (Insight/ Penetrate). Hey Ariyas ! You
Without the basic study, hard to understand the way of my are appreciated by
Practice. Without practice never penetrate into my Dhamma- me and protected
Vinaya. Human beings is failing to understand what actually by your meritori-
my essence of teaching is ! As a result, they are suffering with Come close to me and practice ous deeds for un-
full of ignorance, hatred and delusion. I encouraging them to meditation, if you want to live in derstanding my
practice meditation everyday in order to penetrate into my peace and harmony without igno- Dhamma-Vinaya.
Dhamma-Vinaya. Only study is not enough. I enjoyed days rance, hatred and delusion.
and nights in my whole life– really in peace and harmony!
Welcome to enjoy like me and my followers. Not only for “One Voice is precious for our
name sake to be a Buddhist. common cause”. Sing up now
Worldwide Signature Campaign

Japan, 2009 (UJI): The Indigenous Jumma People's Network (USA), CHT Jumma Peoples Network of the Asia Pacific (Australia), Jumma
Net (Japan), and Organizing Committee Chittagong Hill Tracts Campaign (Holland) jointly sponsoring signature campaign worldwide for
implementation of CHT Peace Accord. The duration period of campaign is in between August 2009-January 2010. The Secretariat office of
this campaign is in Japan. Visit for sign up.
Continue from previous issue ... Father of Jumma Nation : His Dynamic Leadership In 1962, he was completed
his Intermediate level. In the same
Most Honorable M. N. Larma’s father named was Mr. Chitta Kishore year, he was organized ―First Jumma
Chakma (he became Buddhist monk) and mother Mrs. Subhashini Students Conference‖ in Chittagong.
Chakma. He has one sister Ms. Jyotiprava Larma (elder); two broth- More than 200 students participated from
ers. Mr. Subhendu Prabas Larma (elder) and Mr. Jyotirindra Bodhi- all over the country, especially from
priya Larma (younger), the existing Chairman of the CHT Regional Royal Kingdom and he was the key
Council, Jummaland, Bangladesh. He was married to Miss Pankajini speaker there.
Chakma in 1971 and got two children’s that one son and one daughter
named Mr. Joyes Larma (elder) and Miss. Paramita Larma (younger). On 10th February 1963, Honorable Larma
was first time underwent detention by
Honorable Larma was educated his East Pakistan Government authority in
Primary and Middle from Mahapuram order to organized meeting and protest
Junior High School. As a young stu- against Kaptai Hydro-Electrical Project.
dent, he was dedicated, social minded He was sentenced for more than 3 years. Finally on 8th March
and energetic by nature. In 1956, 1965, he release from detention on condition. The East Pakistan
when he was studying in class eight Government never stops his spirit and activities by arresting
standards; started his carrier by at- him. After release from detention, he started student movement
tending student and social welfare again more powerfully, but very tactfully.
meetings in different places. In 1957,
the first time in the history of ―Jumma
In 1965, he was graduated from the Chittagong Government Col-
Student’s Conference‖ was held at
c t i c
lege. After that, he decided to help the Jummas as a social
Rangamati. He was played a leading
worker in the village. So, in 1966 he came and joined as an Assis-

role in that conference as an Organ- tant Teacher at the Dighinala High School. As he was student
izer. In 958, Honorable Larma joined in
t ’s l iv e
leader as well as teacher, the villager was very pleased and
L t o
the ―East Pakistan Student Union‖ and in the same year he was com- warm welcomed to him. He became more popular in the Jumma

pleted his matriculation from Rangamati Government High School.
Nation as well as in the political field. After two years of service

e d i t a r m o n y
at Dighinala in 1968, he decided to come back in Chittagong af-

During the periods of I957-58, his name and fame as a student leader ter received an offered as promotion as Head Teacher in Chit-
spread amongst the Jumma students all over the Kingdom. In 1960, he tagong Railway Colony High School.
& H a
went to Chittagong for further study and admitted Intermediate at the

a c e l i s sf u l
Chittagong Government College. As a student leader, he never stops When he was student, he already created his field in the Chit-

w n B
his thinking and movement while he was studying in Chittagong Col- tagong. So, after retuned from Dighinala as a Head Teacher; he
u r
lege. He was organized- meetings, seminars, workshops, confer- became more respectful and honor by the Jumma Nation from
ences, and even secret meetings (against the Government administra- every corner of the Kingdom. During his service in Chittagong in
tions) in many occasion and in different places. He was played a re- 1968-69, side by side he completed his B.Ed and LLB respec-

a v e n .
markable and dynamic role by organizing fields, conducting meeting, tively. In 1969, he joined as a member of the Chittagong Bar As-

workshop and travelling village to village in order to protest against sociation. In the same year, under his Dynamic Leadership, the
the Kaptai Hydro-Electrical Project in early 1960s. It was the Golden CHT Election Organizing Committee was formed. Later in 1970,
Year of 1960 for the Jumma Students in particular and Jumma Nation in the Jumma Nation proposes him to be contest in the Provisional
general. He was first time introduced ―the Jumma Students Move- Assembly Election. And he was contested and elected with over-
ment‖ at the National Level. He also experienced by participating in whelming majority as a Member of Provisional Assembly (MPA).
democratic and progressive movement in 1960.
Continue to the next issue…
Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication, Australia: Google Search: Voice of Jummaland; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Almxx A l mx
Most Highest Holiness Bana Bhante’s 91st Birth Anniversary Issue, Volume 4, Issue 4, January 8, 2010
Page 4
We the human being always trying to
band trying on wife, wife on husband,
Editorial Editorial
control, blaming and criticizing each others. Hus-
parent on children, elder on younger, educated on
uneducated, rich on poor, boss on colleague, teacher on student, man on man, women on women, and so on.
This is the nature of ordinary human beings. It is happening, because of our ignorance. But, in case of the real
Buddhist practitioner, never happen it. They don’t want to control, blame and criticize to anyone. They already
achieved the power of wisdom to enough understanding through their practice—they knew that– they was con-
trol, blamed and criticized by their ageing, sickness and death since born in this world. The vision is clear for
them that—the ageing, sickness and death giving warning and to be ready in every moment. ―I am ceasing the
power of your eyes, ears, body, skins, flesh, strength, memory‖– ageing said. ―I want to kill you now‖– sickness
Ven. Pragya Jyoti said. ―Be ready now, whoever, wherever and whatever you are! have to come in my place‖– death said.‖ Be not
Editor try to loss this valuable human life, which is very hard to get. ―manusattam dullavam patilavo‖, Exalted One
Alaam, said.
Chakma News
Online Chakma Diction-
Forest Monasteries in India
Spiritual Teacher Bodhgaya, 2009 (UJI): Ven. Nanda-
45th Birth Anniversary: Ven. Jogasiddhi Mahathera
Meditation Centre
pal Mahathera-Aalaez ba-
Andarmanek, Sajek (UJI): eglxel June 21
To the Readers:
naBnxetra Ekxjanx zLMAarx sijX
triK jogsizxzI Bnxetra 45 bajara
Please start learning our \ Brazatx 4-rnx bana hiyLM bn
own Holy and Historical janamx vtasabx pl Aaey \ 5,000
Scriptures in order to Aaey \ esni Aalaez Miao mNujx sizu jam AaSynx \ Bnxet darx-
claim literate Chakma on
our own language and (Arunachal), Gauhati (Assam), Agar- maAa haz haSzX \ erg taraAabATxtuna video gar
introduce our Scriptures tala (Tripura) and Bodhgaya. *** Aaey \ Watch documentary Film “Sadharma Fudi Udhok” Worldwide.
at the International plat-
form. cLMmmiel son emezlx Mobile: 91-9863058889 or E-mail: [email protected]
Free Downloads
Newsletter ―Alaam‖, Mizoram (UJI): paTxTamxbra sjurosujurI
―Chakma News Prospec- (Swimming Competition) jizxbzx AaS
tor‖, and Chakma Scrip-
tures are available in
egla on 11th December 2009 \ Miss
the Google Search: Rekha Chakma Arx Miss Debashree
Voice of Jummaland or Chakma LR Hig her Second ary
Ven. Pragya Jyoti
School-tunx son emezlx Arx rubaAa emezlx
Important Websites: epyanx \The Sports Minister Pu Zo- dintluanga was Chief Guest and presented the prize to the winners in the ceremony. cLMm tgurx majX
Rangamati, 2009: Ven. Bimal Priyo Mahathera (Sugukirgulo Bhante) eglxel 17/12/09; erzotx 10 tS Moitri
Google Search: Voice of Vihar-Aatx, majX \ trx bayasXnx
Jummaland ElaAa 84 . et Tegaduar
Thanks for your hiyLMAatx Aazxzokxko Ela \ Tega
valuable advised, -Harina Valley-Srx Par-
encouragement, batya Bhikkhu Sangha
suggestion, com- (PBS), President Ela \
ment, etc.
Let’s we learn to write & read
our Holy Scriptures. Just
print out from website:
Google Search: Voice of Jum-
maland. Easy! Easy! Easy!

Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication; Contact Address: P.O. Box. 372, Goldfields Meditation Centre. Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie, WA6433, Australia.
Visit Google Search: Voice of Jummaland; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

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