Ashari Purnima-09
Ashari Purnima-09
Ashari Purnima-09
Ashari Prunima Issue - Vo.2, July 7, 2009 - Chakma Lega Publication, WA, Australia.
Occasional Issue
Established: May, 2009 Ashari Purnima pTxturu-turu jnx ES zinxnotx\ tguruen
EsXA Aalaez zarxmaAa zinx (Dhamma (Monks) ES 3-mjx saLM
Insides Day)\ ebgaAa Akx molimx goejnaer hiAaLM zarI ZXnx-Bbxan
(Buddha-er)ebkxkuen ju-ju (Meditation) grienS tnx\
Ashari Purnima Significant 1 jenS\ goejen, boZIGXnx Wytx bajiebrx AejnxzI
(Enlightenment) pn paernxzi ES
Lord Buddha: First Discourse sisxsX -guen ebkxkuen guru
zinxnotx ebgatxtunx Akxek pjx-jana sZUer
2 tgurxbuAasiZu guru–puja
Mizoram: Peace Pagoda (Ascetics) Sarnath-tx zarxmaAa haz haey\ esS
zieyjnx\ gurutgurabuAa Ven. Tilokananda Mahathera,
Dr. Bhumitra: Scholarship pjx-jana sZUguNx Aalkxek Ven. Assãji, Ven. giving dhamma discourse in the
Bappã, Ven. Mãhanãma, Ven. Kondañña Ara sisxsX gunaer Barx-ez Arx function (Jummaland).
Chakma: Ambassadors
atrera ZXnx-Bbxan
Ven. Badiya\ goejnaAa zarxmaAa haz sunienS
Mizoram: Chakma Film 3 patxtamx Ven. Kondañña GXnx garibtxtXaS zarxmaAa haz
Mr. M. K. Chakma: Lawn
lbx gajxsX\ haSez\
Tennis Prince Siddhartha puAabuAa zyXkxkuen (lay devotees)
Miss Champa Chakma: Cricket Rahu-elW ES zinxnotx janamx ebkxkuen hiAaLMTx ejenS Disciples giving special honor with
(born) loey\ Prince Siddhar- goejnaAasiZu Barx mganxnoS\ Atthpãrikãra to their Preceptor
Arunachal: An Appeal 4 before the Vassa (Mizoram).
tha, ES zinxnotx rjxpurI- tgurubutxtunx panxjaAasilx
Mrs. Kanak Chanpa Chakma: rjxBnxzrx (Royal Palace)
Artist (five precept) laAanx\ bura–
epelenS (Renunciation) jratx eYey\ jratx
burIguen (aged) AasxtaAasilx
Chakma Writer: Passed away 5 et 6-bajarx saLM ZXnx-Bbxan (Meditation)
garienS boZIGXnx lbx gajxsX\ (eight precept) laSenS
Bana Bhante: Discourse
Eejtxet ehlxXtunx zarIenS 3 hiLMAatx Tnx\ Arx gbusX–
-mjx saLM Wy (Vassa) simusXguen (teenage)
ArmxbaAa Aabx\ pitxtimI AnanxzaAa garanx\ Ven. Bimalangkur Mahathera,
admonishing his disciples to pro-
CLMmyuen ebkxkuen hiAaLMTx gress their spiritual life during the
Vassa (Mizoram).
Lord Buddha: First Discourse in this day knowledge; leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, ing oneself from it. (4) Path
Special Interest enlightenment and Nibbāna. leading to the Cessation of
Dhammacakkapavattana-Sutta Suffering: The Noble
Ashari Purnima Noble Eightfold Paths: Sammā- Eightfold Paths; namely:
This discourse is found in Suttanta Pitaka (Samyuttanikāya, ditthi (Right Understanding), Right Understanding, Right
First Discourse Mahāvagga and Saccasamyutta) and in the Vinaya Pitaka Sammā-sankappo (Right Thought), Thought, Right Speech,
(Mahāvagga and Pañcavaggiyakathā). Sammā-vācā (Right Speech), Right Action, Right Liveli-
Chakma Film Sammā-kammanto (Right Action), hood, Right Effort, Right
Lord Buddha first thought to teach His Dhamma to Ālāra Sammā-ājīvo (Right Livelihood), Mindfulness and Right
Appeal: Arunachal
Kālāma and Uddaka Rāmaputta. Later, he heard that they both Sammā-vāyāmo (Right Effort), Concentration.
Chakma: Ambassadors passed away. So, He decided to teach the Sammā-sati (Right Mindfulness), and Sammā-
five ascetics. They were living at Deer samādhi (Right Concentration). This is gives vision At the end of the discourse,
Writer : Passed away Park, Isipatana (Sarnath) near Varanasi. and knowledge; leads to calm, insight, enlightenment Ven. Kondañña attained
and Nibbana. Sotãpanna (first stage of
America : Scholarship Buddha taught: Avoid two extremes: (1) sainthood) and realized the
Kāmesu kāmasukhallikānuyogo: Addiction Four Noble Truths: (1) Suffering: Suffering is birth, dhamma clearly.
to indulgence of sense-pleasures, which is ageing, sickness, death, association with the unpleas- His Second Discourse was
low, coarse, vulgar, worldly, ignoble, the way ant, dissociation from the pleasant, not to receive what the Anattalakkhana Sutta
of ordinary people, unworthy, and unprofit- one desires - in brief the five aggregates subject to (soullessness). After two
able. (2) Attakilamathānuyogo: grasping are suffering. (2) Origin of Suffering: discourses, all five ascetics
Addiction to self-mortification, Craving which produces rebirth accompanied by attained arahantship.
which is painful, ignoble, unwor- passionate greed, for sense pleasure, for existence and
thy and unprofitable. for self-annihilation. (3) Cessation of Suffering:
Complete cessation of that craving, giving it up, (Anattalakkhana Suttta
Follow Middle Paths: It produces vision and relinquishing it, liberating oneself from it, and detach- continue next issue)
Page 2
District Council. He was also the Chair- Chakma. Atiqur Rahman appointed Area: 13,189 sq. kms.
man in 1996-2001. The other members of High Commissioner to Malaysia, Pop: 1.6 millions
(appox.) in 2006
the council are Kazi Mujibur Rahman, Supradip Chakma is to be High
Prasna Khanti Tangchangya, Kew Sa Commissioner to Vietnam, Imtiaz Chakma:
Anokkya: 600,000
Prue and Aung Prue Murang. Ahmed appointed to Sweden as High Tanchangya: 45,000
Chak: 25,000
Commissioner and Major general
Anup Kumar Chakma appointed
ambassador to Myanmar.
Page 3
Famous Chakma writer: C.R. Chakma passed away First Chakma Film: Bepak Janam
Mumbai (UJI): One of the most famous Chakma
historical writers Mr. Citta Ranjan Chakma passed Kamalanagar (UJI): Chakma film “ebpkx
away on 5th June in Mumbai at the age of 84. He
janamx” benyX Aalaez Ruchchyal \ ES film-
was born on 1st February 1925 in Longodu Bor-
adaam in the Royal Chakma Kingdom (now Jum- muAa bn Aaey 2008, sez 2:15 minItx leg\
maland or Chittagong Hill Tracts). His father‟s
name was late Nava Chandra Karbari. He was en- CLMm bijakxkoS nlx Aezey Aeg\ trx laeg
joyed long terms service in the Indian Railways. He
left his life partner, one son and two daughters Photo: One month before die Aeg ZarxmaAa Ara snxsxkRiTI\ rusxXel CLMm
Actor: Mr. Anil Bindu Chakma (Manek Dhan)
behind him.
gnaAa bnxzlx¹W brx gsX\ Film-muAa esel Actress: Miss Nirban Bala Chakma (Poonsogi)
In those days, the ruler of the Royal Chakma Kingdom was Raja CLMm bijakx bjIvez\ 3Ê000
Nalininakko Roy (1902-1952 AD), son of Raja Bhuvan Mohan Roy.
In 1934, he took power in the throne and became Raja in the Kingdom. kopi ebj Aaey\ bnez Ekx
Mr. Binimoy Chakma son in-law came from Bangkok in order to attend bajar xlkxkX\
his funeral ceremony. All his relatives and Chakma community includ-
ing monks from Mumbai and Delhi attended in the ceremony.
Important: Buddhism: Foundation Day Mr. Manav Kumar Chakma recorded Lawn Tennis player in India
Today is the Foundation Day of Mumabai (UJI): Mr. Manav Kumar Chakma, son of Deepak Kumar Chakma, is a skilled
Chakma Film Buddhism. After Enlightenment, our Lawn Tennis player. He was born on 15th January 1994. At present, he
Great Master Gautama Buddha is in overall ranking 56 in all India bases under 17 groups on 06th April
taught his Dhamma first to the five 2009. His record is 40 in Single title and 90 in Double. Overall a total
Lawn Tennis player point is 64.75. He is representing from the state of Assam, India. Most
ascetics. It was happened in 589
of the tournaments performing up to quarter final and semi-final stage.
BCE (Before Christian Era). His
Cricket player First Discourse was Dhammachakka-
In future, he able achieved recorded Tennis player in the Chakma
pavatthana Sutta and the Second
Discourse was Anattalakkhana Sutta. He was participated in many tournaments under 14 and under 16 in
After the First Discourse, Ven. Kon- different parts of the country. The major tournaments as mentioned
dañña attained Sotapatti and end of 2008: 39th Kendirya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) National Sport, Hydrabad.
the two discourse all the five Ascet- 2008: All India Tennis Association Championship, Chandigarh,
ics attained Arahantship. 2007: Asian Ranking Tennis Tournament, Chandigarh
2006: Madras Cricket Club junior National Tennis Championship, Chenai.
Chakma Folklore:
2. Gangghanua chaipara,
Haadiyanua dhoipara.
Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication; Contact Address: P.O. Box. 372, Goldfields Meditation Centre. Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie, WA6433, Australia. Phone: 61-0437952804.
Website:, E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]