Ashari Purnima-09

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Buddha Purnima Issue

Vol. I, May 9, 2009

Ashari Prunima Issue - Vo.2, July 7, 2009 - Chakma Lega Publication, WA, Australia.
Occasional Issue
Established: May, 2009 Ashari Purnima pTxturu-turu jnx ES zinxnotx\ tguruen
EsXA Aalaez zarxmaAa zinx (Dhamma (Monks) ES 3-mjx saLM
Insides Day)\ ebgaAa Akx molimx goejnaer hiAaLM zarI ZXnx-Bbxan
(Buddha-er)ebkxkuen ju-ju (Meditation) grienS tnx\
 Ashari Purnima Significant 1 jenS\ goejen, boZIGXnx Wytx bajiebrx AejnxzI
 (Enlightenment) pn paernxzi ES
Lord Buddha: First Discourse sisxsX -guen ebkxkuen guru
zinxnotx ebgatxtunx Akxek pjx-jana sZUer
 2 tgurxbuAasiZu guru–puja
Mizoram: Peace Pagoda (Ascetics) Sarnath-tx zarxmaAa haz haey\ esS
zieyjnx\ gurutgurabuAa Ven. Tilokananda Mahathera,
 Dr. Bhumitra: Scholarship pjx-jana sZUguNx Aalkxek Ven. Assãji, Ven. giving dhamma discourse in the

Bappã, Ven. Mãhanãma, Ven. Kondañña Ara sisxsX gunaer Barx-ez Arx function (Jummaland).
 Chakma: Ambassadors
atrera ZXnx-Bbxan
Ven. Badiya\ goejnaAa zarxmaAa haz sunienS
 Mizoram: Chakma Film 3 patxtamx Ven. Kondañña GXnx garibtxtXaS zarxmaAa haz
 Mr. M. K. Chakma: Lawn
lbx gajxsX\ haSez\
Tennis Prince Siddhartha puAabuAa zyXkxkuen (lay devotees)
 Miss Champa Chakma: Cricket Rahu-elW ES zinxnotx janamx ebkxkuen hiAaLMTx ejenS Disciples giving special honor with
(born) loey\ Prince Siddhar- goejnaAasiZu Barx mganxnoS\ Atthpãrikãra to their Preceptor
 Arunachal: An Appeal 4 before the Vassa (Mizoram).
tha, ES zinxnotx rjxpurI- tgurubutxtunx panxjaAasilx
 Mrs. Kanak Chanpa Chakma: rjxBnxzrx (Royal Palace)
Artist (five precept) laAanx\ bura–
epelenS (Renunciation) jratx eYey\ jratx
burIguen (aged) AasxtaAasilx
 Chakma Writer: Passed away 5 et 6-bajarx saLM ZXnx-Bbxan (Meditation)
garienS boZIGXnx lbx gajxsX\ (eight precept) laSenS
 Bana Bhante: Discourse
Eejtxet ehlxXtunx zarIenS 3 hiLMAatx Tnx\ Arx gbusX–
-mjx saLM Wy (Vassa) simusXguen (teenage)
ArmxbaAa Aabx\ pitxtimI AnanxzaAa garanx\ Ven. Bimalangkur Mahathera,
admonishing his disciples to pro-
CLMmyuen ebkxkuen hiAaLMTx gress their spiritual life during the
Vassa (Mizoram).

Lord Buddha: First Discourse in this day knowledge; leads to tranquility, higher knowledge, ing oneself from it. (4) Path
Special Interest enlightenment and Nibbāna. leading to the Cessation of
Dhammacakkapavattana-Sutta Suffering: The Noble
 Ashari Purnima Noble Eightfold Paths: Sammā- Eightfold Paths; namely:
This discourse is found in Suttanta Pitaka (Samyuttanikāya, ditthi (Right Understanding), Right Understanding, Right
 First Discourse Mahāvagga and Saccasamyutta) and in the Vinaya Pitaka Sammā-sankappo (Right Thought), Thought, Right Speech,
(Mahāvagga and Pañcavaggiyakathā). Sammā-vācā (Right Speech), Right Action, Right Liveli-
 Chakma Film Sammā-kammanto (Right Action), hood, Right Effort, Right
Lord Buddha first thought to teach His Dhamma to Ālāra Sammā-ājīvo (Right Livelihood), Mindfulness and Right
 Appeal: Arunachal
Kālāma and Uddaka Rāmaputta. Later, he heard that they both Sammā-vāyāmo (Right Effort), Concentration.
 Chakma: Ambassadors passed away. So, He decided to teach the Sammā-sati (Right Mindfulness), and Sammā-
five ascetics. They were living at Deer samādhi (Right Concentration). This is gives vision At the end of the discourse,
 Writer : Passed away Park, Isipatana (Sarnath) near Varanasi. and knowledge; leads to calm, insight, enlightenment Ven. Kondañña attained
and Nibbana. Sotãpanna (first stage of
 America : Scholarship Buddha taught: Avoid two extremes: (1) sainthood) and realized the
Kāmesu kāmasukhallikānuyogo: Addiction Four Noble Truths: (1) Suffering: Suffering is birth, dhamma clearly.
to indulgence of sense-pleasures, which is ageing, sickness, death, association with the unpleas- His Second Discourse was
low, coarse, vulgar, worldly, ignoble, the way ant, dissociation from the pleasant, not to receive what the Anattalakkhana Sutta
of ordinary people, unworthy, and unprofit- one desires - in brief the five aggregates subject to (soullessness). After two
able. (2) Attakilamathānuyogo: grasping are suffering. (2) Origin of Suffering: discourses, all five ascetics
Addiction to self-mortification, Craving which produces rebirth accompanied by attained arahantship.
which is painful, ignoble, unwor- passionate greed, for sense pleasure, for existence and
thy and unprofitable. for self-annihilation. (3) Cessation of Suffering:
Complete cessation of that craving, giving it up, (Anattalakkhana Suttta
Follow Middle Paths: It produces vision and relinquishing it, liberating oneself from it, and detach- continue next issue)
Page 2

Peace Pagoda in CADC

Kamalanagar (UJI): Kamalanagar
Aalaez Chakma Autonomous Distric
Council-lora rjx Azmx \ 1972,
Mizoram-Aa CLMm-yuen ES CADC
Important Chakma Websites Kamalanagar Women Association
and Blogs around the Globe: epyon x\ Late Kisto Mohan Chakma,
Mr. Baneswar Chakma (alive) Ara Association) zala\ ES Pagoda-buAa bnez Late Sneha Kumar Chakma-zgI Late 2-bajara lkxkX\ ebkxkuen milIenS Indra Gandhi-loS rjx-zarxbrx grienS Rs.900,000/- eTLM harajx gar Aaey \ Pa- ES CADC Ani ziey \ Late Kisto goda-buAarx Aajrnx Aalaez 40 ft Arx Mohan Chakma er father of the pzsxsX Aalaez 15 ft. Pagoda-buAa jakxeKen CADC saranI Aaey \ eglxel bajarx pazLMtLM (inauguaration) gatxtanx 2008, ES Peace Pagoda-buAa AkxBr
Aaey \ Ven. Rakkhavamsa Mahathera-Ara (Mizoram Sanghanayaka), manaAa bael ESPagoda bn Aaey \ Ven. Mahathera was the eskxeken Elkxek Ven. Akkayananda
second Upasampada Acharyiya of Mahathera, Ven. Bimalangkur
Important Sentences Ven. Pragya Jyoti in 1984. Pagoda- Mahathera, Mr. R.M.Chakma (Ex-
buAa ptxTam xbnez Akx kolimx Aalkxek CEM), Mr. Nirupam Chakma (MLA)
 goejen, boZIGXnx Kamalanagar miel jav (Women and other distinguest guests \ Peace Pagoda
(Enlightenment) pn
paernxzi ES zinxnotx Dr. Bhumitra Chakma received higher scholarship in USA
ebgatxtunx Akxek pjx-jana
Washington (WWIC): The President and Director of the Woodrow
sZUer (Ascetics) Sarnath- New Political Party formed in CADC
Wilson International Center (WWIC) Lee H. Hamilton announced recently that
tx zarxmaAa haz haey\ 24 scholars have been selected for 2009-2010 fellowship class at the Centre. The Kamalanagar (UJI): The opposition MNF Party in
scholars are mostly from the United States, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Den- the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC)
mark, Israel, United Kingdom, and Uzbekistan. They are arriving in September
 eglxel bajarx 2008, ES
for their academic session.
has fraction into two parties. The total strength of
MNF was 7 out of 21 members in the CADC. The 6
Peace Pagoda-buAa AkxBr
(six) members left the MNF and formed a new po-
Aaey \ Dr. Bhumitra Chakma also selected in the list and he is represent- litical party named Chakma Democratic Party
ing from the University of Hull, United Kingdom. He is a Lec- (CDP). Mr. Prema Ranjan Chakma and Mr.
turer in War and Security Studies, the University of Hull and also Amaresh Chakma, unanimously selected as Presi-
 formed a new political researching on “South Asia's Three Dimensional Nuclear Deter- dent and the General Secretary of CDP respectively.
party named Chakma rence: Examining the US Factor”. The CDP still under observation and they did not yet
Democratic Party (CDP). decided about their political manifesto for the forth-
Chakmas appointed Foreign Envoy to
Two District Councils reconstituted in CHT
Vietnam and Myanmar.
coming CADC election. According to the public
 Mr. Supradip Chakma opinion that the CDP will be stand as a Chakma
Rangamati (UJI): The Bangladesh National Political Party after Chakma Jatiyo Parisad
and Anup Kumar Chakma Rangamati (UJI): The Ministry of
Government has reconstituted the Ranga- (CJP) which formed by the Late Binod Basu
appointed High Commis- Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh major
mati and Bandarban Hill District Coun- Chakma (Basudev), Ex-CEM. The CJP is now inac-
sioner and Ambassador to shake-up including new Foreign
cils. However, did not bring any change tive after he was assassinated by unidentified politi-
Vietnam and Myanmar Secretary and a number of new Am-
to the Khagrachari Hill District Council cal machinery. The CDP is now recruiting member-
bassadors and High Commissioners.
respectively. as a case is pending with the High Court ship to stand for Chakmas from the grassroots' level
in this connection. to national level.
Mijarul Quayes is taking over as Foreign
Secretary, Touhid Hossain appointed
A five-member team was formed with Principal of the Foreign Service Academy, In the last election, the ruling Congress won major-
Nikhil Kumar Chakma as the Chairman Humayun Kabir to Canada as an Ambas- ity seats of 14 seats including 2 nominated members
and other four members are Aungsui sador, Ahmed Tariq Karim will go to out of 21 total seats. The opposition MNF won 7
Prue Chowdhury, Shamima Rashid, India as High Commissioner on a two- seats only. Mr. Rashik Mohan Chakma (Ex-CEM),
Brishaketu Chakma and Avilash Tang- year contract and Gyashuddin appointed
as ambassador to Germany.
President of the MNF, CADC that the lonely elected
changya of Rangamati Hill District member from his party in the CADC.
Council. The new diplomats, who are posting
as envoy, include AKM Atiqur Rah-
In Bandarban, Ka Shoilah Marma was man, Supradip Chakma, Imtiaz Ah-
made the Chairman of Bandarban Hill med and Major General Anup Kumar Map of Jummaland

District Council. He was also the Chair- Chakma. Atiqur Rahman appointed Area: 13,189 sq. kms.
man in 1996-2001. The other members of High Commissioner to Malaysia, Pop: 1.6 millions
(appox.) in 2006
the council are Kazi Mujibur Rahman, Supradip Chakma is to be High
Prasna Khanti Tangchangya, Kew Sa Commissioner to Vietnam, Imtiaz Chakma:
Anokkya: 600,000
Prue and Aung Prue Murang. Ahmed appointed to Sweden as High Tanchangya: 45,000
Chak: 25,000
Commissioner and Major general
Anup Kumar Chakma appointed
ambassador to Myanmar.
Page 3

Famous Chakma writer: C.R. Chakma passed away First Chakma Film: Bepak Janam
Mumbai (UJI): One of the most famous Chakma
historical writers Mr. Citta Ranjan Chakma passed Kamalanagar (UJI): Chakma film “ebpkx
away on 5th June in Mumbai at the age of 84. He
janamx” benyX Aalaez Ruchchyal \ ES film-
was born on 1st February 1925 in Longodu Bor-
adaam in the Royal Chakma Kingdom (now Jum- muAa bn Aaey 2008, sez 2:15 minItx leg\
maland or Chittagong Hill Tracts). His father‟s
name was late Nava Chandra Karbari. He was en- CLMm bijakxkoS nlx Aezey Aeg\ trx laeg
joyed long terms service in the Indian Railways. He
left his life partner, one son and two daughters Photo: One month before die Aeg ZarxmaAa Ara snxsxkRiTI\ rusxXel CLMm
Actor: Mr. Anil Bindu Chakma (Manek Dhan)
behind him.
gnaAa bnxzlx¹W brx gsX\ Film-muAa esel Actress: Miss Nirban Bala Chakma (Poonsogi)

In those days, the ruler of the Royal Chakma Kingdom was Raja CLMm bijakx bjIvez\ 3Ê000
Nalininakko Roy (1902-1952 AD), son of Raja Bhuvan Mohan Roy.
In 1934, he took power in the throne and became Raja in the Kingdom. kopi ebj Aaey\ bnez Ekx
Mr. Binimoy Chakma son in-law came from Bangkok in order to attend bajar xlkxkX\
his funeral ceremony. All his relatives and Chakma community includ-
ing monks from Mumbai and Delhi attended in the ceremony.

Before retired from the service, he was started writing

books on Chakma history, culture and languages until the
end of his life. The books he was published: 1. Chakma
Order this film:
Basar Abidan (Chakma Dictionary); 2. Nava Chandra
Pattam Chakma Byakaran; 3. Jug Bibartaner Chakma
Jaiti (Ancient period); 4. Jug Bibartaner Chakma Jati
Chakma Autono-
(Medieval Period). He was left few un-publishing books in his library.
mous District Coun-
He was good friend of late Uttanga Muni Chakma (Commissioner), late
cil, Mizoram, India.
Mukur Khanti Khisa (Ambassador), late Raja Tridiv Roy, late Sneha Writer & Director:
Tel: 91-372-2563 013
Kumar Chakma (freedom fighter) and Mr. S.P. Talukdar (writer). Ashok Kumar Chakma

Important: Buddhism: Foundation Day Mr. Manav Kumar Chakma recorded Lawn Tennis player in India
Today is the Foundation Day of Mumabai (UJI): Mr. Manav Kumar Chakma, son of Deepak Kumar Chakma, is a skilled
 Chakma Film Buddhism. After Enlightenment, our Lawn Tennis player. He was born on 15th January 1994. At present, he
Great Master Gautama Buddha is in overall ranking 56 in all India bases under 17 groups on 06th April
taught his Dhamma first to the five 2009. His record is 40 in Single title and 90 in Double. Overall a total
 Lawn Tennis player point is 64.75. He is representing from the state of Assam, India. Most
ascetics. It was happened in 589
of the tournaments performing up to quarter final and semi-final stage.
BCE (Before Christian Era). His
 Cricket player First Discourse was Dhammachakka-
In future, he able achieved recorded Tennis player in the Chakma
pavatthana Sutta and the Second
Discourse was Anattalakkhana Sutta. He was participated in many tournaments under 14 and under 16 in
After the First Discourse, Ven. Kon- different parts of the country. The major tournaments as mentioned
dañña attained Sotapatti and end of 2008: 39th Kendirya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) National Sport, Hydrabad.
the two discourse all the five Ascet- 2008: All India Tennis Association Championship, Chandigarh,
ics attained Arahantship. 2007: Asian Ranking Tennis Tournament, Chandigarh
2006: Madras Cricket Club junior National Tennis Championship, Chenai.

KBS: An Appeal Miss Champa Chakma best Cricket Player

California (UJI): After Rangamati (UJI): Miss Champa Chakma
inauguration of Chakma belongs from Rangamati, the capital city of
Buddhist Monastery in Jummaland. He was born on 1st January
USA, the Chakma promi- 1992. She is the best cricket player in the
nent missionary monk Ven. Bangladesh National Women‟s Cricket
team. She is 16 now.
Bimal Bhikkhu returned to
India via France in order to In 2007, the Asian Cricket Council organ-
Chakma Buddhist Monastery
start Rain Retreat (starting ized a Women's Cricket Championship
from 7th July 2009) at Bo- Tournament in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh
dhichariya Vihar in Calcutta. The Karunã Buddhist Society National Women team was victory over
(KBS) is a leading non-profitable organization for the Nepal in the final by 8 wickets and with 53
Jumma Indigenous community in USA. The KBS, cordially balls remaining. It was held at Johor Cricket
appeal for support, assistant, spirit, encouragement, donation, Academy in Bangladesh. In semi-final
Bangladesh Women team took 59-run
etc. in all possible regards for their noble task and projects to
victory over Hong Kong. Miss Chakma
the International Jumma Buddhist community in particular alone took 3 for 16 victories against Hong
and Buddhist community in general, who are residing differ- Kong. She is left-arm spinner and the over-
ent corner of the globe. The KBS observed Ashari Purinama all best spinner in the tournament.
on 3rd of July 2009.
Miss Chakma, a fastest spin bowler of the
Please contact for further information: National Women‟s Cricket Team in Bangla-
Ven. Buddha Ratana Thera (Abbot) : (1) 909-3869240 desh. She is also recorded first Chakma
Mr. Robin Dewan (President) : (1) 909-2246606 woman cricket player in the Chakma his-
Mr. Arun Chakma (Gen. Secy.) : (1) 951-2645359
Dr. Amit Chakma achieved 10th President
An Appeal Page 4
London (UJI): The World Chakma Indigenous Buddhist
Community, congratulating and wishing for happy, healthy and
prosperous future life ahead to Dr. Amit Chakma for his AAPSU files PIL against the Election Commission’s guideline
achievement such a prestigious post as President of the University of
Western Ontario. His named was
also under 40 among Canada‟s New Delhi (UJI): On June 9, 2009 last, the All Arunachal Pradesh
Almx Top 40 in 1998. Student Union (AAPSU) has filed a Public Interest Litigation
(PIL) at the Gauhati High Court against
He officially took his office on the Election Commission‟s guidelines
July 1 as a 10th President and terming that the Chakma refugees of
begins his first term in the office Mr. S.B. Chakma
on July 2, 2009. He will serve a
Arunachal Pradesh (AP) included in the President of CDRCCH
five year term. It is recorded in the electoral roll as illegal. On 23 March 2005, the Election Commis-
“World Chakma History”. sion of India passed specific guidelines (No 23/ARUN/2004-PLN- II) for
enrollment of the eligible Chakma and Hajong voters during Intensive Revision.
Dr. Chakma is now 50. He is
b e l o n g i n g f r o m C h a k m a The AAPSU also accused to Mr. Dorjee Khandu, Chief Minister of AP and his Government that
Indigenous Buddhist Community
of the South-East Asia, mostly living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
trying to help the refugees. Mr. Doorje was sworn on April 9, 2007 as 5 th Chief Minister. He belongs
Chief Minister
(Jummaland) in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar. The Chakmas are to Monpa Buddhist indigenous tribe of hilly state.
faith by Buddhist and originally belong from Sakya Clan (Lord
Buddha clan, who founded Buddhism). In the mean times, Mr. Subimal Bikash Chakma (President) and Mr. Santosh Chakma (General Secretary) on behalf of
the Citizenship Demand Right Committee for Chakmas and Hajongs (CDRCCH), moved toward the Gauhati High
Dr. Chakma was served as Vice-President (Academic& Provost) of Court in order to assist and support in all possible regards to the Election Commission.
Ven. Pragya Jyoti the University of Waterloo; Dean and Vice-President (Research) of
the University of Regina; and Professor (Chemical & Petroleum
Editor: Alaam Engineering) at the University of Calgary. Mr. Subimal Bikash Chakma, President of the CDRCCH, appealed to all National and International Human Rights
Organizations and groups that for asking humanitarian justices who are suffering as stateless for about last 45 years and
Editor: He is a graduate (Diploma Engineering) from the Algerian also by the barbarian AAPSU activists backed by the dictatorship and the narrow minded political leader Mr. Gegong
Online Chakma Dictionary Petroleum Institute in1982; Master (Applied Science) in 1984 and Apang.
Spiritual Teacher: PhD (Chemical Engineering) in 1987 from the University of British
Goldfields Meditation Centre Columbia.
He also appealed to the International Chakma community, who are residing different corner of the globe for asking
support, advise, spirit, encouragement and any assistant, especially finance to move at the Gauhati High Court in order
Appeal to protect more than 80, 000 (approximately) innocent Chakmas and Hajongs of AP.
Write short article about
important happened in your For more information, please contact:
We are Chakma. We are Nation..We have Mr. Subimal (Delhi): 91-9810886484 Dr. Priyo Jyoti (Canada): 1-5143413029
State, Region & Country. National Identity. We have history. We have Mr. Ajay Sen (Delhi): 91-9958744280 Mr. Santosh (Delhi): 91-9810407749
You can write in English, language & scriptures. We have customary Contact E-mail (Santosh): [email protected] Ven. Pragya Jyoti (Australia): 61-0437952804
Bengali, Hindi, Chakma, law and cultures. We have King. We are
Chinese, Burmese, Mizo, belong from Sakya Clan. We are followers of
Assamese & Pali Languages. our religious teacher (Buddha), who belong Mahabodhi Centre: Institute for Buddhist studies
The editor will try to from our clan. We are Ksatriya (Warrior).
translate and examine your Bangalore (UJI): Mahabodhi Centre in Bangalore, one of the famous Buddhist
article properly before “We are very proud of it”.
studies institute in modern India. In religious sense, we can say, “Modern
publishing. Send your article
Nalanda”. It was established in 1956 by Most Venerable Achariya Buddharakkhita. At pre-
to Editor by e -mail:
[email protected] or sent, more that 20 branches all over the world. In the main centre, 150 monks and novices (mostly
[email protected] Chakmas) practicing and studying both Patipatti and Pariyatti Dhamma. In year round, conducting
especial three months Dhammaduta Course for Bhikkhus and Shramanero as a training on Vinaya and
Request to the readers: Suttanta. Thousands of tourists from home and abroad coming to visit in
Please start learning our own every years. Well facilities for Dhamma
Holy and Historical thirsty. For more information, visit:
Scriptures in order to claim
literate Chakma on our own
language and introduce our
Scriptures to the International
community. Famous Artist:
Rain Retreat (Vassa) Mrs. Kanak Chanpa Chakma
Future Target:
Next year (2010), Buddha After a day of Ashari Purnima in 589 BCE (Before Christian Era), our Great Mater Gautama Rangamati (UJI): Mrs. Kanak
Purnima Issue “Alaam” will Buddha observed the first Rain Retreat (Vassa) period for three months together with his 60 Chanpa Chakma was born on 6th
be publish mostly in Chakma Arahant disciples at Issipatana Deer Park, Banaras. They were five ascetics, Yassa, and 54 May 1963 at Rangamait in Jummaland. She was edu-
Scriptures by Chakma Lega Yass‟s friends. cated Graphic Print Workshop, Dhaka; Animation Film
Publication, Australia. Workshop, India; Film Archive, Dhaka; Master in Fine
At the end of the retreat, Buddha admonished and sent them: “Oh, Bhikkhus! I've already been Arts from the University of Dhaka; and American Fellowship from Penn
freed from all defilements and so you have all too. Now, go forth in all directions expounding State University of USA.
Free Downloads
the Dhamma which is excellent in the beginning, in the middle and in the end for the welfare of
Newsletter and Chakma men and Devas out of compassion to the whole world. But, you must not go two together on
Scriptures are available in the same journey". Afterwards the Buddha himself went to Uruvela grove to teach the She was awarded by “Diploma
the Website: http:// Dhamma to one thousand ascetics led by the three Kassapa brothers, viz. Uruvela Kassapa, Award” at the 2nd International Nadi Kassapa and Gaya Kassapa. Tashkent Biennale in Uzbekistan in
or 2003; the “Basundhara Group
Award” at the 15th National Art
Google Search: In the earliest centuries, monks were itinerant and wandering (Thudang) for nine months in a
year, i.e. before the Vassa. When the monsoons began, they gathered together in their particular Exhibition in 2002; the Best Women
Voice of Jummaland or Ven. Artist of the 21th century and Best
Pragya Jyoti or Alaam. place in order to teach each other, studies and intensive practice meditation. This kind of prac-
Award in the Latin American Art Museum in USA in
tice is still found in some Theravada countries.
the year 2001. She received Mid American Art Alliance Fellowship
Award in 1993-94; in 1992, received 2nd Prize in the International Minia-
Vassa is marked by two major religious events: one for entering and another is for exiting.
ture Art Competi- tion in Florida; and Mrs.
During the Vassa, i.e. three months (July to September approximately; but it is depending on
lunar months), monks aren't allowed to stay at night outside their own monasteries, temples, Chakma first won the “National Award”
shrines, capes, huts, hermitages, trees, etc. It is the period for monks and novices to studies and for her works of arts in 1990.
Agartara ( part of Tripitaka) intensive practice the Dhamma-Vinaya both Pariyatti and Patipatti. They confessed each other She exhibited and participated in many
and recite the whole Patimokkha in every fortnightly. They observed their respective precepts countries, such as USA, Germany, Japan,
strictly according to Vinaya (Disciplinary Rules). This tradition was prescribed by our Great Ind ia, Canada, France, Korea, Nether-
Master. So, even after 2553 years the monks, still following this tradition all over the world. la nd , N o rw a y, England, Australia,
China, Nepal and Bangladesh (Homeland).
Lay Buddhists also reinvigorate their spiritual training and adopt more ascetic practices, such
for Happy as observed Eight Precepts and practice meditation in every Uposatha Day, giving up meat, At present, Mrs. Chakma is holding as a General Secretary, Tone Art
Dhamma alcohol and smoking. Society of Bangladesh; Member of the International Miniature Art Society
Day” of Florida, World Federation of Miniaturist, and Latin American Art
“Wishing for intensive Practice”
Please write to: Kanak‟s studio, Brookline Apartment, No. 5A, House
36/1, Road 4, Dhanmondi, Bangladesh, for more information.
Page 5

Buddhist Missionary Monk: Ven. Sadonananda Bhikkhu

Mumbai (UJI): Ven. Sanodananda Bhikkhu

one of the Chakma missionary monk, who living What is the main aim to be go forth?
in Mumbai many years. Since 2002, he was
started in different missionary and charity pro- Bana Bhante admonished to his disciples: To be totally free from worldly
jects in different part of the country, especially life. To be forget what you suffered in the past. Contemplate the objects
Mumbai and Karbianglong district of Assam. In (suffering) which arising in every moment in the present and strongly deter-
2008, he was conducted a missionary pro- mine to be destroy and annihilate it. This is the main aims to be go forth.

gramme in Karbianglong known as “Ordination

Man and woman get together is suffering. Both, they are suffering. No any
Ceremony”. More than 100 lay Buddhists (age ultimate destination for them. Because, they are floating on the suffering ocean.
between 8-50 years old) took ordination as Shra-
manero (novices) in this ceremony. During this So, from today determined that should not be involve any group, whether man
programme, he was conducted Meditation re- or woman. To claim man or woman is ignorance. As a homelessness person,
treat and discourse on day to day lifestyle of not to take part any side whether male or female. Avoid to participate in any
Buddhism. group. To live under the refuges of the Buddha., Dhamma, and Sangha. Bana
Bhante is not in any group. Human beings make sin for five reasons: angry,
hatred, ignorance, proud, and lying. Don‟t look for respect and appreciation.
In May, 2009, he was conducted the same in the Those gone forth, who not violated four Parajikas, they are respect by the
city of Mumbai. More than 50 peoples were Devas.
ordained and day long programme including
Meditation and Dhamma discourses for about a Sources: Bana Bhanter Bani,
week. Part 3, Page 67.

Chakma Folklore:

1. Bhaadah maddhya giring,

Maajah maddhya siring.

(Giring means „fine rice‟ and siring

means „prawn‟. Amongst the rice,
giring is favorite rice and amongst the
fish, siring is the favorite river- food
for the Chakmas).

2. Gangghanua chaipara,
Haadiyanua dhoipara.

(Gang means „river‟ and Haadi means

„breast-cloth‟ for women. Go for
watching the beauty of the river and
same time to wash the breast-cloth. It
means: to achieved two things at the
same trip).

3. Chigon barengghua lareh chareh.

(Chigon Bareng means „small basket‟

and lareh chareh means „useful every-
where‟. It means: Small things or
beings is always useful and helpful

Publisher: Chakma Lega Publication; Contact Address: P.O. Box. 372, Goldfields Meditation Centre. Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie, WA6433, Australia. Phone: 61-0437952804.
Website:, E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

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