The Ancient Horsetail: Glenn Nice Peter Sikkema

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Glenn Nice
Peter Sikkema
Purdue Extension Weed Science
University of Guelph, Ridgetown

The Ancient Horsetail


We often get phone calls and questions about a unique group of plants. Horsetails can be
considered living fossils. This group of plants is what is left of a group of plants that were as
thick as forests and had relatives as big as trees that ourished during the Devonian period
approximately 350 million years ago.
Commonly known as horsetail, they are also called scouring rush, marestail (a common
name used for another weed in Indiana), horse pipes, jointed monkey grass, or snake
grass. These plants are often overlooked, until they are on the margins of a pond, in a ditch,
or encroaching on a producers eld. However, if looked for they are quite common.
The word weed is similar to the word beauty, - they are both in the eyes of the beholder.
Horsetails are not always considered weeds. Horsetails were not always considered weeds.
There are historical reports of ancient Romans eating its tender young shoots for medicinal
purposes; however, the Romans also thought lining thier aqueducts with lead was a good idea.
Horsetails value is still being investigated today.
It is theorized that horsetail may play an important role in the ecology of a watershed. Its value
may be misinterpreted without proper research and understanding. One study of an Alaskan
shrub Wetland reported that horsetail played an important role in removing and cycling certain
nutrients (Marsh et al., 2000).
Horsetail has several distinguishing characteristics. One such characteristic is horsetails
hollow stems (Figures 1 and 3). Its stems also are jointed, can easily be separated into
sections, and have siliceous ridges that make it rough to the touch. In a pinch campers have
been known to clean frying pans with these weeds, a use reected in the name scouring
rush. The stem is the primary photosynthetic organ. Much of the horsetail we see consists
of branchless stems. However, branched stems are fairly common also. One thing you will
notice about horsetail is that it does not appear to have leaves. Leaves are present but they
are reduced to small scales.
Life Cycle and Reproduction
Sometimes, to be cantankerous, well ask students what the ower looks like. Every now and
then someone says that it has a yellow or purple ower. But its a trick question - horsetails
reproduce by spores, so do not have owers.
Horsetails have two separate living structures or stages in thier life cycle. The one we can see
without visual aids is the spore producing stage, which includeds the vegetative stems (Figure
3). The part of horsetials life cycle that is difcult to see is called a gametophyte and it is a
very small multi-cellular structure that goes through the sexual part of horsetails life cycle.

The Ancient Horsetail

May 24, 2007 (revised)

One often nds horsetail in
ditches and around ponds
due to this sexual part of its
life cycle. The gametophyte
requires a wet environment to

However, vegetative
reproduction allows horsetail to
wander into drier environments.
Horsetail has a deep root
system with rhizomes that
can produce many terrestrial
stems, giving it the appearance
of a colony (Figure 2). When
Figure 1. Close-up of the segmented stem and
small grayish leaves.
you see horsetail, it usually
has several stems reaching to
the sky, making it look like a branchless forest thats almost as high as your waist. Tillage can
spread horsetail rhizomes into drier parts of a eld.
Impact and Control
Horsetails impact as a weed might be considered marginal. With proper growing conditions
and proper drainage, most crops can compete with this weed. However, aesthetics is
sometimes a concern. Also,
there are tales that the silica
in the stems can dull combine
blades; however, we have not
seen any research to support
this claim. Horsetail can
cause equisetosis in horses,
sheep, and (rarely) in cattle, if
eaten for a long period of time.
Symptoms of this poisoning
include breathing and heart
problems, fever, digestive
problems, convulsions, and
death (for more on equisetosis,
see Purdue Extension
publication WS-9, Indiana
Figure 2. Horsetail growing in a colony in a ditch
Plants Poisonous to Livestock
and Pets, ).
If horsetail needs to be controlled, it is not an easy task. It is far more effective to prevent
horsetail from establishing itself whenever possible. This includes avoiding light tillage in
areas where horsetail occurs. If tillage occurs, be sure to clean your equipment so you dont
transport rhizomes to new areas. Also, you should improve drainage in poorly drained areas
near ditches, bodies of water, and low spots.
Mechanical control is difcult. A study in Quebec, Canada removed horsetail by hoeing 16
times, but this did not have any impact on regrowth (Cloutier and Watson, 1985). There are
few chemical control options. The lack of efcacy of many herbicides, specically contact
herbicides, is partially due to the fact that horsetail is a perennial with a deep root system
complete with rhizomes. Herbicide uptake is minimal because of the lack of leaf area.

Information listed here is based on

research and outreach extension
programming at Purdue University
and elsewhere.
The use of trade names is for
clarity to readers of this site,
does not imply endorsement of a
particular brand nor does exclusion
imply non-approval. Always consult
the herbicide label for the most
current and update precautions
and restrictions. Copies,
reproductions, or transcriptions of
this document or its information
must bear the statement
Produced and prepared by
Purdue University Extension Weed
Science unless approval is given
by the author.

Figure 3. Drawings of horsetail fertile and sterile stems, strobilus (4),

and spores (7). Picture source: The Worlds Worst Weeds 1991. LeRoy
G. Holm, Donald L. Plucknett, Juan V. Pancho, and James P. Herberger.
Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar FL

The Ancient Horsetail

May 22, 2007 (revised)

Many herbicides just dont enter the plant at high enough levels to get the job done. The
siliceous structure of its stem also may inhibit the uptake and translocation of herbicides into
the plant.
The branched vegetative form of horsetail may be more receptive to herbicide applications, but
in Indiana, one typically sees only the reproductive stems. The hollow, tube-like reproductive
stem may be harder to control than the vegetative stem. Also, remember that this plant is
often found near water, which precludes the use of many herbicides.
Glyphosate products are often used to suppress horsetail; however, you should expect
regrowth. To eradicate a horsetail stand you may have to make several applications over
several years. In many cases, control of horsetail with glyphosate is inconsistent. Casoron
(dichlobenil) has also been reported to have activity on horsetail. MCPA has been used in
small grains to suppress horsetail. Richardson and Zandstra of Michigan State University
reported control ranging from 77% to 92% with Curtail M (MCPA + clopyralid) at 3.5 pts/A.
Curtain M is not labled in the state of Indiana and has a 30-day rotation to eld corn, and a
12- to 18-month rotation, depending on organic matter, to soybean.
Peter Sikkema of the University of Guelph, Ontario, has reported more than 80% control (and
as high as 95% control) with combinations of glyphosate and umetsulam. Flumetsulam can
be found in the product Python .
So if you should see this plant, give it a little respect and wonder about its role in the scheme
of things. Dont hold your breath waiting for it to ower though, you will be waiting a long time.
For more information on horsetail, see:
1) Biology and Control of Field Horsetail (Equisetum arvensis L., Horsetail Family) - Jerry Doll
University of Wisconsin. (
2) USDA Plant Database (
3) Indiana Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Pets: Equisetum. Purdue University. (http://

Information listed here is based on

research and outreach extension
programming at Purdue University
and elsewhere.
The use of trade names is for
clarity to readers of this site,
does not imply endorsement of a
particular brand nor does exclusion
imply non-approval. Always consult
the herbicide label for the most
current and update precautions
and restrictions. Copies,
reproductions, or transcriptions of
this document or its information
must bear the statement
Produced and prepared by
Purdue University Extension Weed
Science unless approval is given
by the author.


Cloutier, D. and A.K. Watson. 1985. Growth and regeneration of eld horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Weed
Science 33:358-365
Marsh, A.S., J.A. Arnone, III, and B.T. Bormann. 2000. The role of Equisetum in nutrient cycling in an Alaskan
shrub wetland. Journal of Ecology. 88:999-1011
Richardson, R.J. and B.H. Zandstra. 2004. Equisetum Control. Accessed April 19, 2007. Web Page: http://www.



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