03H BU FINAL Report scopestudyCRI 18.dec.2009 PDF

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Final Scoping Study Report

Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease in

Prepared for the CAO-Convened Dialogue Process on Chronic Renal
Independent Report Prepared by Boston University School of Public Health
Principal Investigator: Professor Daniel Brooks, DSc

December 2009

Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman

International Finance Corporation/
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Table of Contents
Acronyms Used in Report..

Executive Summary

I. Introduction...


II. CKD in Nicaragua: State of Knowledge..

A. CKD as a global health problem..
1. Characteristics of renal disease in Nicaragua
B. Data on CKD in Nicaragua
1. Mortality Statistics
2. Prevalence of CKD..
3. Interpretation of the data on CKD in Nicaragua..
4. Summary of prior research on CKD in Nicaragua..


III. Potential Causes of CKD in Nicaragua

A. Introduction
B. Specific Hypotheses.
1. Agrichemicals.
2. Volume Depletion..
3. Muscle Damage.
4. Systemic Infections..
5. Heavy metals: Lead
6. Heavy metals: Cadmium.
7. Heavy metals: Uranium
8. Aristolochic Acid
9. Medications
10. Alcohol..
11. Guaro lija ..
12. Kidney Stones.
13. Structural Kidney Disease.
14. Diabetes
15. Hypertension
16. Glomerulonephritis..
17. Urinary Tract Infection
18. Genetics and CKD..


IV. Recommended Activities 118

A. Introduction 118
B. Specific Recommendations. 122
1. Environmental sampling 122
2. Biological sampling 132
3. Work observation .. 133

4. Cohort study of ISA employees ..

5. Medical record review
6. Urine protein determination in adolescents
7. Postmortem renal biopsy...
8. Interviews.
9. Other potential activities.


V. Conclusion 155
VI. References.. 156
Glossary. 166
A. Health Studies Tutorial
B. Prior Investigations of Contaminants in Water Samples
C. Annotated References.
D. Response to Peer Review Comments..


Acronyms Used in Report


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (as per ACE Inhibitors)

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Chichigalpa Association of Life
Balkan endemic nephropathy
Body mass index
Boston University School of Public Health
Office of the Compliance Advisor/ Ombudsman
Chemical Abstracts Service
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Centro de Investigacin en Demografa y Salud (Center of
Investigation of Demographics and Health)
Centro de Investigacin en Salud, Trabajo y Ambiente (Center of
Health, Work and Environmental Investigation)
Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Renal Disease
Chronic Renal Insufficiency
Diabetes Mellitus
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
Environmental Protection Agency
End Stage Renal Disease
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Global Positioning System
Escuela Oscar Danilo Rosales Arguello hospital
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Isotope dilution mass spectrometry
International Finance Corporation
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M
National Institute of Social Security (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad
Institutional Review Board
Integrated Risk Information System
Ingenio San Antonio
Limits of detection
Maximum Contaminant Levels


Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (Study)

Ministry of Health
Morbidity Mortality Weekly Report
Nephropathia epidemica
U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
National Sugar Estates Limited (or Nicaragua Sugar Estates
Limited- pg 155)
Odds Ratio
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Polycystic kidney disease
Reference Dose
Statistical Analysis Software
Socioeconomic Status
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Threshold limit values
Terms of Reference
Uromodulin gene
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Nicaragua in Leon
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States Renal Data System
Urinary tract infection
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

I. Background
This document is a summary of a larger report that was produced as part of a contract
issued to Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) by the Office of the
Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group. The report
is a component of a process that was initiated by a complaint filed by the Center for
International Environmental Law on behalf of the Chichigalpa Association for Life
(ASOCHIVIDA), an organization of individuals who formerly worked at the Ingenio San
Antonio (ISA), which is owned by National Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL). The
complaint alleged that the IFC failed to address the health and well-being of workers or
the environment when delivering a substantial loan to NSEL, the primary example of
harm being an epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD), also referred to as chronic
renal insufficiency (CRI).
In response to the initial complaint, CAO conducted a preliminary investigation and
recommended that a dialogue process (hereinafter referred to as Dialogue) be initiated
between representatives of ASOCHIVIDA and NSEL and convened by CAO. Early
dialogue meetings led to preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) for a Scoping Study
to consider the following two questions: (1) What are the causes of CRI in the Western
Zone of Nicaragua? and, (2) Is there any relationship between the practices of the ISA
and the causes of CRI?
Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) was selected by the Dialogue
participants to conduct the Scoping Study, and we assembled a team of researchers
with expertise in epidemiology (Dr. Daniel Brooks and Dr. Ann Aschengrau),
occupational and environmental health (Dr. Michael McClean and Dr. Madeleine
Scammell), nephrology (Dr. James Kaufman and Dr. Daniel Weiner), and preventive
medicine (Dr. Oriana Ramirez Rubio) to carry out the following tasks:
1. Review the existing information available on CKD in Nicaragua, identify data gaps,
evaluate Rthe feasibility and usefulness of additional studies, and identify study
design options that could yield the necessary information;
2. Make fact-finding trips to Nicaragua to meet with Dialogue Table participants
(ASOCHIVIDA and NSEL) and other key stakeholders (MINSA, medical providers,
researchers) for the purpose of gathering information;
3. Prepare a presentation of study design options and recommendations that is based
on the information generated in Tasks 1 and 2 and best professional judgment;
4. Present and discuss the study design options and recommendations at a workshop
with the Dialogue participants; and
5. Prepare a final report that proposes study activities that will contribute to answering
the two causal questions posed by the Dialogue Table participants.

As described in Section V, the core team for the Scoping Study will be expanded to
include additional investigators from Nicaragua and the U.S. to accomplish the planned
Unlike many scholarly studies, we have approached this project more from the
perspective of a response to a public health emergency rather than an academic
research investigation. This project is being conducted as part of a carefully navigated
process in which multiple stakeholders are engaged to answer practical questions of
mutual concern. As such, an important component of this effort is to ensure that we
address the issues that are most relevant to the participants of the dialogue process.
We have not proposed a comprehensive, large-scale study that would be conducted
over a relatively long period. We have instead proposed shorter-term discrete steps that
have been designed to address key data gaps, the concerns of the dialogue
participants, and, in our view, have the potential to yield high impact information.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?

CKD is defined by either a reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) or by evidence of
kidney damage. Early stages manifest with slight kidney damage that is commonly
marked by albumin in the urine. Clinical symptoms often do not appear until later stages
when GFR worsens. Research on the causes of CKD suggest that there are likely
multiple factors involved at each stage, including susceptibility factors (which increase
vulnerability to kidney damage), initiation factors (which cause kidney damage), and
progression factors (which cause worsening damage) (Levey 2007).

CKD as global health problem

Reflecting its rising incidence and prevalence, CKD is a major international public health
concern. Its prevalence in developed nations such as the United States currently ranges
from 13-16% (e.g. Coresh 2007, Zhang, 2008, Chadban, 2003) and likely reflects high
rates of obesity. The major causes are diabetes and hypertension (Collins, 2009).
Less is known about the frequency of CKD in developing countries; however, screening
studies have reported prevalences varying from 2 to 16% (e.g., Sumaili, 2009; Singh,
2009; Chen, 2009; Ito, 2008; Gutierrez-Padilla, 2009). Studies in developing countries
also generally note a high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in the affected
population (e.g., Sumali, 2009; Singh, 2009), but diabetes and hypertension appear to
be a less common cause of CKD in these countries.
Environmental toxins are also known causes of CKD that have often been linked to
striking geographic variations in prevalence. Examples include the occurrence of
nephropathy associated with ingestion of food contaminated with cadmium and mercury
in Japan, ochratoxin A in Tunisia, and aristolochic acid in the Balkans (Jarup, 2002,
Lesato, 1977, Abid, 2003, Bamias, 2008; Debelle, 2008).

CKD observed along the Pacific border of the Central American region including
Nicaragua does not appear to correspond to the epidemiological patterns
demonstrated in developed countries. Evidence suggests that CKD in Nicaragua affects
a younger, predominantly male population at their most productive age. In spite of
numerous previous investigations, there remain many unknowns with respect to
etiology, risk factors, prevalence, and incidence in Nicaragua and elsewhere. Thus, it is
imperative to extend and deepen our knowledge with the goal of developing prevention
policies and practices that reduce the rate of this devastating disease.

II. Existing research on CKD in Nicaragua: evidence, interpretation and


Data on CKD in Nicaragua

Mortality Statistics and Prevalence Studies
Available national mortality data from 1992 through 2005 indicate that the death rate
due to CKD is much higher in Leon and Chinandega than other departments. In
addition, these data show that mortality in the country as a whole has increased over
time from approximately 4.5 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1992 to 10.9 per 100,000 in
2005; the greatest increases have occurred in Leon and Chinandega. The high mortality
rates in Leon and Chinandega were seen in all age groups, including ages 15-49 years.
Age-adjusted mortality rates were also much higher among men than women,
particularly in these two departments.
Since 2003, several prevalence studies based on serum creatinine have been
conducted primarily in Leon and Chinandega. These studies, which were based on
random community samples and used estimated GFR (eGFR) as the measure of CKD,
provide the most reliable data on prevalence of CKD (Torres 2007, Torres 2008a,
Torres 2008b, Aragon 2009, Brookline 2008). Prevalence rates observed in these
studies varied from 0-13.1% (median: 8.7%) and were above 8.0% in the
sugarcane/banana and mining communities, Candelaria, La Isla, urban Chichigalpa,
and Quezalguaque. Rates were lowest in the coffee and services communities. With
the exception of northeast Leon, these studies found that men had a substantially
higher prevalence rate than women, with ratios ranging from 3.1-38.1 and increasing to
even higher ratios among more advanced cases.
Based on our review of mortality and prevalence data, we have drawn the following
1. The occurrence of CKD is higher in the departments of Leon and Chinandega
compared to other areas of Nicaragua. Mortality data provide strong evidence that CKD
is more common in Leon and Chinandega than other areas of the country. While we
cannot rule out the possibility that the observed elevation in mortality rates in Leon and

Chinandega is attributable to selection or information bias, it is difficult to imagine that

these factors could explain such large excesses.
2. The occurrence of CKD in the departments of Leon and Chinandega is higher among
men than women. The evidence is strongest that CKD is more common in men than
women in Leon and Chinandega because it derives both from mortality data and
prevalence studies. This fact alone is a powerful etiologic clue, because any identified
cause(s) should be consistent with this observation.
3. The occurrence of CKD is higher among younger age groups in the departments of
Leon and Chinandega compared to other regions of Nicaragua and the U.S. Agespecific mortality statistics and prevalence data from Quezalguaque, Candelaria, La Isla
and Chichigalpa, as well as data collected by ASOCHIVIDA provide strong evidence
that CKD is more common in younger residents of Leon and Chinandega than would be
4. The occurrence of CKD is elevated among certain occupational groups compared to
the general population. The five-community study in Leon and Chinandega conducted
by UNAN-Leon CISTA shows a clear differentiation among men according to
community, with the highest prevalence rates found in the two communities where
sugar cane/banana cultivation and mining were the primary economic activity (Torres,
2007). The fishing community also had relatively high prevalence, while communities
whose economies centered primarily on coffee and services had low rates.
Based on consideration of all the evidence, we believe the most appropriate
interpretation of the data is:
(1) There is a wide variation in the prevalence of CKD by occupational group in the
(2) Sugar cane workers are one of the occupational groups with a high prevalence of
(3) Sugar cane workers are not unique in having a high prevalence of CKD
These results do not necessarily mean that occupational exposures must be the cause
of CKD. However, they do suggest that an occupational etiology -- either singly or
contributory -- is a plausible hypothesis that needs to be addressed.
Prior Epidemiologic Research on CKD in Nicaragua
In addition to data on mortality and prevalence, 22 unique epidemiological studies that
examined hypotheses about potential causes of CKD in Nicaragua were reviewed.
These studies provide results on a wide variety of exposures, including certain
occupations (generally defined as either agricultural or sugar cane work), heavy metals,
and pesticides; medical conditions including dehydration, urinary tract infections,
diabetes, and hypertension; use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; lija and
alcohol consumption; cigarette smoking, and family history of kidney disease. Taken
together, these studies reported fairly consistent positive associations for (1) agricultural

work, (2) pesticide exposure, (3) dehydration, (4) hypertension, (5) lija consumption,
and (6) family history of CKD. Results for the remaining exposures were either
inconsistent or essentially null. However, due to their limitations (many of them
unavoidable), most of these studies have better served as a preliminary stage of
knowledge by screening hypotheses rather than testing them.

Limitations of current knowledge

The validity of many of the studies was difficult to assess because we often did not have
access to complete descriptions of the study methods. For example, it often was
challenging to determine if bias was present or if confounding was adequately
controlled. However, even among studies with sufficient description, we identified
several limitations that make their interpretation problematic. These include uncontrolled
confounding, recall bias from the use of interviews to collect retrospective exposure
data, failure to consider synergistic effects of two or more risk factors, misclassification
of exposure information, and low statistical power stemming from a small number of
One of the most concerning aspects of this body of research is uncontrolled
confounding. Confounding means that the association is invalid because there is a
mixing of effects between the exposure, the disease and a third extraneous variable
known as a confounder. Evidence for uncontrolled confounding among the reviewed
studies includes the failure to control any confounders in some studies, controlling for
only a limited number of confounders in most others with little or no justification for
controlling certain confounders while omitting others. For example, separate strong
associations were reported for two related exposures --history of urinary tract infections
and the use of NSAIDS; however, because analyses examining one exposure did not
control for the other, it is impossible to determine if these associations are valid or if
they confound one another.
Another important problem is recall bias, which stems from the use of interviews to
collect retrospective exposure data. Recall bias occurs when there is a differential level
of accuracy in the information provided by the compared groups (e.g. cases and
controls). In this context, widespread awareness coupled with strong ideas about
possible causes of CKD might lead to those already diagnosed with CKD (cases)
reporting with a different level of accuracy than those not already diagnosed (controls).
Still another limitation is exposure misclassification, which is one of the most common
problems in epidemiological research. This problem can arise when broad categories
are used to classify exposure. For example, some studies defined the exposure as
agricultural work or as pesticide exposure, even though it is likely that only certain
types or aspects of agricultural work and only certain types of pesticides increase the
risk of CKD. While broad exposure classifications give a general idea of a putative
cause, they make it difficult to identify effective preventive measures and tend to bias
results towards the null (i.e., showing little or no association). Misclassification can also
arise for clinical exposures. For example, true urinary tract infections are uncommon in


males, yet this condition was frequently reported among male subjects, particularly
those with CKD.
Another drawback of the prior studies is their failure to simultaneously take into account
the impact of two or more factors that may be working in concert to produce CKD, and
which together may increase the risk of disease beyond what we would expect from
simply adding the risks associated with each factor alone. For example, volume
depletion may make the kidneys more susceptible to the effects of other exposures
such as heavy metals and NSAID use. While each factor alone may lead to a modest
increase in risk, the combination of both factors may lead to a large increase in risk.
Last but not least, none of the existing studies test other hypotheses regarding the
causes of CKD in Nicaragua, including exposure to aristolochic acid (known to cause
CKD in the Balkans); known infectious diseases; and the use of nephrotoxic antibiotics
and other drugs.
In summary, the 22 epidemiologic studies provide results on a wide range of
hypothesized causes of CKD. Taken together, these studies reported fairly consistent
positive associations for agricultural work, pesticide exposure, dehydration,
hypertension, lija consumption, and family history of CKD. Positive associations were
observed for these six exposures even among the few studies that controlled for
confounding variables. Results for the remaining exposures were either inconsistent or
essentially null. Because the positive findings were relatively consistent and some
confounders were controlled, we have slightly more confidence in their validity.
However, as noted above, all of the prior studies were questionnaire-based, and so we
cannot rule out the possibility that recall bias (as well as other problems) accounts for
the findings. Thus, as described in greater detail in Section IV, we recommend that an
entirely different approach be taken for future studies of CKD in Nicaragua. Instead of
relying solely on questionnaires, our recommended approach includes environmental
sampling, analysis of biological samples, work observation, and a record-based cohort
study, among other activities.

III. Areas of potential investigation

Although the data summarized in Section II provide important clues, it is our view that
there is insufficient evidence to draw any conclusions about the cause(s) of the elevated
rates of CKD.
Although there may be a single etiologic agent responsible for the excess occurrence of
CKD in Nicaragua, it is also quite possible that there is no single cause of CKD but
rather a combination of factors that increase susceptibility, lead to initiation, and/or
hasten progression. Therefore, possible causes need to be considered not only
individually but as potentially acting together. As one hypothetical example, an
occupational or environmental exposure might increase the risk of CKD only in the


presence of an infectious disease. This notion of multiple, or synergistic, factors

complicates the effort to clearly identify the reasons behind the epidemic of CKD.
Based on our review of the studies described above, our literature review, and our
discussions with nephrologists, epidemiologists, environmental and occupational health
experts, ASOCHIVIDA, NSEL, and the CAO, we have summarized 17 areas of potential
investigation. The table below describes these hypotheses and provides our evaluation
of the implications for our future work. Please consult the full report for references.
Areas of potential investigation
Agricultural chemicals include a variety of
combination at different times during the
season depending on the target pest and the
crop. The regions of Chinandega and Leon are
currently areas of high sugar cane production
and historically were areas of high cotton
production. There are concerns among workers
that exposure to agrichemicals is a cause of
Volume depletion:
Although volume depletion is not a recognized
cause of CKD, it is recognized to predispose to
acute kidney injury.
In fact, the use of
cornerstone for the prevention of acute kidney
injury after the administration of nephrotoxic
Muscle damage
Muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis) is a wellrecognized cause of acute renal failure. It is not
typically considered to be a cause of CKD,
although acute renal failure is associated with
subsequent CKD.
Additionally, there are
isolated reports of chronic interstitial nephritis
as a consequence of rhabdomyolysis.

Implications for Action

The main evidence in favor of the
agrichemical hypothesis is the highly
probable exposure to chemicals among
workers. While the association between
agrichemicals and CKD is unknown,
agrichemical exposure is associated with a
range of other health effects. We are treating
this as a high-priority hypothesis, and we will
environmental sampling, occupational record
review, and possibly biological sampling.
Volume depletion likely is a common
occurrence in any population of workers
exposed to the combination of high
environmental temperatures and strenuous
physical exertion. We will examine this
hypothesis through work observation and
occupational and medical record review.
Rhabdomyolysis is a recognized, if rare,
cause of acute kidney injury and may occur
with exertional heat stroke. With increasing
recognition that episodes of subclinical renal
injury may lead to CKD and the possibility
that repeated muscle breakdown may be
occurring in cane workers, this etiology
deserves specific attention. We will examine
this hypothesis through work observation and
occupational and medical record review.


Systemic Infections:
Many infections are associated with both
environment (reflecting poor sanitation and
exposures. Infectious diseases such as
leptospirosis, hantavirus or malaria are known
to cause acute renal failure. There is limited
evidence related to their role as causative
agents of CKD. However, infectious disease
processes may work as precursors or
synergistically with other nephrotoxic insults.

This hypothesis is difficult to study. We will

explore the possibility of using biological
samples to test for the presence of
leptospirosis IgG, and will also use existing
records such as pre-employment screening
questionnaires and from medical records.
However, the reliability of these sources is
likely not very high and the yield is likely to be

Heavy Metals
Chronic exposure to heavy metals, most
notably lead and cadmium, is associated with
chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis.

We know little about the sources, distribution,

and levels of lead or cadmium exposure in
products (e.g., paint), and emissions from
volcanoes, which are present and active in
the region. We will examine this hypothesis
by environmental sampling of soil, water, and
food, and by biological sampling.

Animal studies, as well as studies of
occupationally exposed persons, have shown
that the major health effect of uranium is
chemical kidney toxicity, rather than a radiation
Aristolochic Acid
Aristolochic acid obtained from seeds of the
common plant, Aristolochia, is a well-known
nephrotoxin and has been incriminated as the
source of several epidemics of CKD. Cases of
chronic interstitial nephritis have been linked to
herbal remedies containing aristolochic acid
and bread made from wheat contaminated with
the seeds of Aristolochia clematidis.
Medications are a common cause of acute
kidney injury and may be associated with CKD.
One of the classic epidemics of CKD was
associated with use of analgesics containing
phenacetin. Use of common non-steroidal antiinflammatory
ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac, all of which
are used widely in Nicaragua, has been
associated with CKD. Certain antibiotics also
have kidney toxicity. Kidney failure associated
exclusively with NSAIDs is unusual; rather
NSAIDs are more often a cause of acute renal

The main potential source of exposure to

uranium in northwestern Nicaragua is likely
volcanic emissions. We will examine this
hypothesis through environmental testing of
soil, water, and food.
Because of its established nature as a
nephrotoxin, aristolochic acid should be
investigated. Aristolochia is common in
Nicaragua, and species of Aristolochia used
for herbal medicinal purposes (eg, snakebite)
may have nephrotoxicity. The focus will be on
identifying plants used for herbal remedies
contamination of food supplies.
Because of their common use and
established nature as nephrotoxins, NSAID
use, combination analgesic use and
aminoglycoside use, as well as the use of
investigated through qualitative interviews
and medical record review.


failure in the setting of severe volume depletion

or other nephrotoxins.
General Alcohol Consumption
In numerous epidemiologic studies in the US
and elsewhere, alcohol has not been
associated with development or progression of
chronic kidney disease.
Excessive alcohol
consumption is associated with hyperuricemia,
and there is suggestive evidence that
hyperuricemia may adversely affect kidney
function. Alcohol also exerts a diuretic effect
and may exacerbate volume depletion.
Guaro lija
Guaro lija (or simply lija) is a form of rum that
is produced at a commercial distillery,
presumably under appropriate and safe
conditions, and then is shipped in bulk to small
independent distributors and retailers where it is
further processed and then sold in plastic bags
to individual consumers.
At the time of
production, the rum is the same as that which is
eventually sold in bottles but has a much higher
concentration of ethanol (95%). Lija should
not be confused with homemade alcohol. It has
been suggested that lija has an independent
association with incident CKD other than simply
being a form of alcohol, possibly due to the
introduction of an unknown toxin somewhere in
the chain between production at the factory and
consumption by the individual.
Kidney stones
Nephrolithiasis is a recognized cause of kidney
failure. It is known that stones occur more
commonly in people who work at high
environmental temperatures. Therefore, there
may well be an increased risk for kidney stones
and possibly related CKD in Nicaragua.
Structural kidney disease
Structural kidney disease encompasses a
broad group of kidney diseases, both congenital
and acquired, which are usually easily
recognized with renal imaging using either
ultrasound or computed tomography.
Diabetes is a major cause of CKD worldwide,
particularly in the developed world because of
the worsening obesity epidemic.
kidney disease eventually develops in 25-50%
of patients with diabetes, although the majority

The main evidence in favor of the alcohol

hypothesis is the presumed increased
consumption among men and its association
with CKD in a number of studies. This
hypothesis is difficult to study other than by
questionnaire. While we will collect data as
the opportunity presents, we are not treating
this as a high-priority hypothesis.
The main evidence in favor of the lija
hypothesis is the presumed increased
consumption among men and its repeated
strong association with CKD in a number of
studies. However, because of the difficulties
in identifying a contaminant which is likely to
have been present only historically and
sporadically, it may be difficult to make much
progress in investigating the potential role of
lija consumption. It will be helpful to better
understand past and present practices
regarding lija manufacture, distribution, sale,
and consumption, as well as the potential
value of testing of current samples. We will
begin by conducting key informant interviews
and then assess whether there is a basis for
further study.
Although risk factors for stone disease are
prevalent in the population of interest, kidney
stones are considered a rare cause of CKD.
However, given the ease of identification from
existing ultrasounds and the reported high
prevalence among persons with CKD, we will
investigate this hypothesis using medical
Structural kidney disease is unlikely to
account for the increased prevalence of CKD
in Nicaragua, but prevalence can be easily
ascertained from a review of existing renal
ultrasounds in medical records.
Based on available data, diabetes does not
appear to be the major cause of CKD in
sugar cane workers.
However, because
diabetes is a well-known and common cause
of CKD, its prevalence in the affected
population will be estimated. We will explore


of these individuals do not develop kidney

The generally low prevalence of
diabetes, even among people with CKD in
Nicaragua, suggests that, while diabetes is an
important risk factor for developing CKD on an
individual level, it likely accounts for only a
small portion of the excess occurrence of CKD
at the population level. No clear gender specific
risk has been identified.

this hypothesis through review of medical


Because hypertension is highly prevalent in
developed countries, it is an important cause of
CKD accounting for 25-40% of cases of kidney
failure. However, hypertension also occurs as
a complication of CKD. Approximately 80-85%
of patients with CKD will have hypertension and
the prevalence of hypertension increases as
severity of CKD increases.
Glomerulonephritis is a common cause of CKD
worldwide and, in some countries, such as
Japan, where IgA nephropathy is highly
prevalent, glomerulonephritis is the leading
glomerulonephritis appear to have an increased
incidence in certain geographic areas.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
In multiple studies conducted in Nicaragua, UTI
has been associated with prevalent CKD.
Abnormal ureteral implantation is the most
common urologic anomaly in children and may
predispose to recurrent UTIs.
pyelonephritis and recurrent UTIs have been
associated with subsequent renal scarring, but
this is an unusual cause of kidney failure in
adults, and particularly in men.

None of the studies that have measured

hypertension have been able to distinguish
between hypertension that occurred prior to
CKD or as a complication after CKD
diagnosis. Medical records will be reviewed in
an attempt to examine hypertension during a
time period prior to the onset of CKD.

Genetics and CKD

Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the
susceptibility to develop CKD may have a
significant genetic component.
There are
several kidney diseases that are caused by
mutations to a single gene. In addition, there is
now extensive evidence that suggests that
susceptibility to kidney disease in the general
population has a genetic component.

It is unlikely that glomerulonephritis is an

important contributor to the increased
prevalence of CKD in the study population.
We will review medical records for evidence
of the presence of high-grade proteinuria and
hematuria, which provides a simple means of
estimating the prevalence.
The prevalence of UTIs could be addressed
in a study of children where there is less
recall bias; while this would provide important
information, it does not directly address the
relationship between UTIs and CKD among
adult workers. An important question among
adults is the practice of medication
administration among clinicians for flank pain
and/or dysuria, as well as the diagnoses
associated with these symptoms (UTI,
musculoskeletal pain, sexually transmitted
diseases, etc.) We will begin to address this
hypothesis through qualitative interviews
among clinicians.
A monogeneic etiology for the prevalent CKD
in the population is highly unlikely. Although
there may well be genetic susceptibility
factors, identifying such factors is costly,
difficult, and unlikely to have an immediate
impact on the at-risk population. No genetic
analytic component is planned in the short
term. However, we will consider storing
samples for subsequent genetic testing.



In the previous section, we summarized several hypotheses based on knowledge about
general causes of CKD as well as less well-established factors that might be operating
in Nicaragua. This section proposes a set of nine activities that at least touch on the
entire range of hypotheses, while at the same time focusing primary attention and
resources on those areas that we have deemed to be highest priority. To appreciate the
rationale for selecting these activities, it is important to return to the original mandate
from the Dialogue process, which was to recommend activities that could 1) identify the
causes of CRI in the Western Zone of Nicaragua, and 2) evaluate the relationship
between the practices of the ISA and the causes of CRI. It is also important to consider
additional information that has been emphasized during the Dialogue process:
1. the question of the company role is critical to making progress among the parties;
2. the timeframe must be as short as possible consistent with the requirements of good
scientific methodology; and
3. resources are finite.
For these reasons, our recommended activities are primarily aimed at answering the
question related to occupational practices. However, a number of the recommended
activities are not directly related to occupational exposure. These are included to
evaluate established causes of CKD that have never been assessed in the region and
to address the possibility that both occupational and non-occupational factors are
interacting in a synergistic manner to greatly increase the risk of CKD.
For a number of reasons, we have not prioritized the conduct of another prevalence
study at this time. First, neither the costs nor time involved in mounting such a study are
trivial. Second, a number of studies have already been conducted and it is unlikely that
a new study would result in substantially different conclusions. Third, other groups are
currently conducting or just beginning studies that can provide comparable information.
For example, UNAN-CIDS in collaboration with the University of North Carolina is
currently collecting data from approximately 3,000 households in the municipality of
Leon. We will monitor this and other prevalence studies for significant results and
incorporate evidence from these studies into our final assessment. The primary gap in
knowledge that we can address is examining the potential effect of occupational,
environmental, behavioral, and medical exposures more thoroughly than other groups
have been able to accomplish to date.
In carrying out the recommendations described below, we will need to maintain flexibility
since early findings may lead us in new directions. We will also need to have frequent
and open communication with the Dialogue parties, as well as collaboration with MINSA


since this is the agency that has overall responsibility for the health of the Nicaraguan
Another key element of a successful study will be to solicit and receive input from other
scientists. There is too much at stake in this study for our plans and activities not to be
scrutinized by outside reviewers. The typical mechanism for providing this input in a
research study is a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which is composed of a group of
researchers chosen for their expertise in different areas relevant to the study.
Preliminarily, we propose a SAB comprised of four members, with at least two from
Nicaragua or elsewhere in Central America, which would meet two times a year. The
SAB would review study designs and protocols, and substantive changes in designs
and protocols, as well as review issues related to implementation such as recruitment;
data collection, processing, and analysis; sample collection, storage, processing, and
analysis; and ethical concerns.

Specific Recommendations
We recognize that obtaining agreement on the final details of all study design elements
(i.e. sample locations, etc) prior to implementation is an essential component of our
effort if we expect all stakeholders to accept the eventual findings. Accordingly, all
design elements will be discussed with representatives of NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA prior
to implementation, and a representative from each group will be invited to accompany
the field team. Each recommendation is described in one of the subsections below.
1. Environmental Sampling
In the northwestern region of Nicaragua, the extent to which surface soil may be
contaminated with metals or agrichemicals has not yet been explored while comparable
investigations of drinking water have been limited. Similarly, the presence of metals or
aristolochic acid in food has not yet been investigated. We therefore propose to collect
samples of surface soil, drinking water, and food, and analyze these samples for
agrichemicals, metals, and aristolochic acid as appropriate.
Samples will be collected from 5 categories of agricultural fields, which include:
fields at the ISA that have never been used for crops other than sugarcane
fields at the ISA that are currently used for sugarcane but previously used for
other crops
fields owned by private landowners but leased and operated by NSEL for the
production of sugarcane
fields neither owned nor operated by NSEL and that are used for the production
of sugarcane
fields neither owned nor operated by NSEL and that are used for the production
of crops other than sugarcane


Samples will also be collected from five residential communities that differ according to
primary industry of employment, which would be expected to be associated with
different prevalences of CKD. We plan to include La Isla and Candelaria because
current and former workers at ISA and their families comprise the majority of residents.
The remaining three communities have yet to be selected but would differ in primary
industry and include few or no ISA workers.
First, we propose to review the toxicology and physical/chemical properties of a set of
agrichemicals mutually agreed upon by NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA for the purpose of
finalizing an appropriate list of analytes for each sample type, prior to conducting the
very expensive analysis of agrichemicals in environmental samples.
Second, we propose to collect approximately 200 surface soil samples from the ten
areas listed above. The sampling locations within each area will be selected to be
representative of each field or community. A portion of each sample will be analyzed for
metals while a portion will be stored for possible future analysis of agrichemicals. Linear
regression models will be used to determine whether contaminant levels are
significantly different by microenvironment within each area. Since CKD prevalence
data are available for each of the residential communities, we will investigate whether
contaminant levels by community are consistent with the observed differences in CKD
prevalence. Additionally, an analysis of potential health risks associated with
contaminants in surface soil will be conducted in accordance with the USEPAs risk
assessment guidance for human health evaluations.
Third, we propose to collect a maximum of 200 drinking water samples from the same
general locations as the surface soil samples. The sampling locations will be selected to
characterize the primary sources of drinking water within each field category and from
the same residences where surface soil samples were collected. An aliquot of each
sample will be analyzed for metals and a second will be stored for possible future
analysis of agrichemicals. The analytic approach for analysis of water samples will be
the same as for soil samples. In addition, the levels of contaminants in drinking water
will be compared to USEPA Maximum Contaminant Levels.
Fourth, we propose to evaluate the extent to which food may be contaminated with
metals or aristolochic acid. We propose to administer a short dietary survey to the 20
residents in each the five communities who participate in the surface soil and drinking
water investigation (total of 100 surveys). The purpose of the survey will be to assess
the types and sources of commonly consumed food so that food samples can be
collected and analyzed for metals and aristolochic acid. For metals, the samples will be
homogenized, extracted, and analyzed; however, the analysis of aristolochic acid is not
a common analytical procedure with standardized protocols. Therefore, we will first
evaluate the feasibility, logistics, and costs of analysis. The data analytic approach will
be analogous to those employed for soil and water.
Possible challenges: The environmental sampling has been proposed and designed as
a screening level effort given that there has been limited previous environmental


sampling in the region. However, exposures to metals and agrichemicals likely occurred
over many years and over a large geographic area, whereas our proposed investigation
will focus on current conditions using samples collected from a relatively small area.
Accordingly, there is the potential for findings from this activity to have a high impact if
levels are elevated or if clear patterns are observed; however, the lack or elevated
levels or the lack of clear patterns would need to be interpreted cautiously. Given the
limited scope of the assessment, there could still be elevated levels that are missed
because they are present in different areas or because they occurred at an earlier time
and are no longer present.
2. Biological Sampling
Partly based on the results of the environmental sampling, we will consider the benefits
of analyzing biological samples (potentially including blood, urine, hair, nails, and bone
x-rays) for metals, selected agrichemicals, and aristolochic acid. One potential source
of samples is current workers at ISA, all of whom have routine blood and urine testing
every year. A possible second source could be a random sample of the five
communities in which the environmental sampling will be conducted.
Within each of these five communities, we will select two adult family members who
reside in the same homes, such that there will be 20 matched pairs from the two
sugarcane communities and 10 matched pairs from each of the other communities. We
will also administer a questionnaire to determine whether metal, agrichemical, or
aristolochic acid levels differ significantly by work history or by sex. We will also assess
the association between these levels and CKD.
Possible challenges: Similar to the environmental sampling, the biological sampling has
been designed as a screening level effort. Biomarker levels integrate exposure across
all exposure routes and pathways and could potentially yield information that would be
missed if we relied on environmental samples alone. However, the half-life of metals in
biological samples is shorter than in environmental media and we will be analyzing
samples collected from a small subset of the population at a single point in time.
Accordingly, there is the potential for findings from this activity to have a high impact if
levels are elevated or if clear patterns are observed; however, the lack or elevated
levels or the lack of clear patterns would need to be interpreted cautiously. Given the
limited scope of the assessment, there could still be elevated levels that are missed
because they are present in different subsets of the population or because they
occurred at an earlier time but were no longer present in blood when samples were
3. Work Observations
The work observation study proposes to address two hypotheses: volume depletion and
muscle damage. Major risk factors for volume depletion and muscle damage among
sugarcane workers include: ambient temperature and humidity, work effort, hydration
status at the start of the work day, ability of the kidney to regulate perfusion at extremes


of volume, alcohol consumption, and use of medication (NSAIDS, others). Accordingly,

we will study workers in three occupational groups: (1) sugar cane harvesters; (2)
cutters, seeders, and weeders; and (3) a control group of ISA factory workers. We
plan on studying 25 workers from each of the three groups, with repeated
measurements from each worker over three workdays. Blood samples will be measured
for creatinine, creatine kinase, and myoglobin, and urine samples will be measured for
specific gravity, myoglobin, albuminuria, and tubular proteinuria. Questionnaires, a
physical examination, and work observations will provide additional information. We will
also assess the industrial hygiene practices and health and safety program at ISA, such
as schedules, conditions, activities, and personal protective equipment.
Estimates of volume status (e.g.: weight change, change in serum creatinine, etc) and
estimates of muscle damage (e.g.: change in serum creatine kinase and serum
myoglobin) will be the focus of comparison among the three worker groups. If we find
that volume depletion and muscle damage are occurring, analyses will be performed to
look for possible risk factors, such as age, environmental temperature, work effort,
hydration, thirst, and recent medication use.
Possible challenges: It will be important to ensure that the working conditions during the
observation study are representative of typical current and historical work practices, in
terms of environmental conditions and work intensity. Similarly, the workers studied
also need to be representative of those at risk, specifically their physical conditioning
and work effort should be within the range of a typical worker. To ensure to the extent
possible that these requirements are met will require cooperation from a number of
stakeholders, including representatives from NSEL, ASOCHIVIDA, unions, and other
retired workers (who are not associated with ASOCHIVIDA). Even with these
precautions, it is possible that because the workers are being observed their behavior,
particularly their fluid intake, may be better than usual practice. As such, we expect that
data may represent practices somewhat better than typical. Therefore, the absence of
signs of volume depletion or muscle damage will not absolutely exclude these factors as
important in the development of CKD in the population at risk.
The markers chosen for muscle damage, creatine kinase and myoglobin, are relatively
sensitive but may not detect all instances of subclinical muscle damage. Nevertheless,
in a previous study of exercise in normal volunteers these markers were able to detect a
remarkably high incidence of muscle damage. The use of markers of tubular proteinuria
to detect kidney damage should be considered exploratory, since there are no
preliminary data establishing their utility in patients with volume depletion or
myoglobinuria. The absence of positive findings would not definitively exclude the
possibility of subclinical renal damage, but alternative measures such as inulin
clearance or histologic examination are not practical.
4. Cohort Study of ISA Employees
We recommend assembling data from past and present NSEL workers in order to
determine the association between occupational characteristics and the occurrence of


CKD. This cohort will be assembled from employment and medical records; workers will
be categorized according to several exposure definitions, and analyses will determine
the incidence of abnormal test results, symptoms, disease, and death. We plan to use
employment and payment records to construct a detailed employment history for
individual workers. Due to the seasonal nature of the ISAs work, we anticipate linking
annual work records for each worker (through their social security number) for each
year worked and then compiling his or her complete work history. If necessary, annual
screening records may be used to supplement data missing from employment records.
We plan to group workers into the following six occupational categories: 1) cane cutters;
2) seed cutters, planters, and weeders; 3) pesticide applicators; 4) factory workers; 5)
office/administrative; and 6) other miscellaneous. Three main hypotheses regarding a
possible occupational etiology for CKD will be examined: exposure to agrichemicals,
volume depletion, and muscle damage. The latter two hypotheses are closely related
and are unlikely to be distinguishable based on data abstracted from records, but
information gleaned from work observation should provide a basis for determining the
interplay between these two mechanisms. Therefore, for purposes of exposure
categorization we have treated them as a single hypothesis. Job history data will be
used to estimate exposure to agrichemicals. Job titles can be categorized according to
potential for exposure to agrichemicals determined to have nephrotoxic potential based
on toxicological review and information from company representatives, current and
former workers, company records, our environmental sampling, and literature describing
typical exposure patterns in sugar cane cultivation, including frequency and season of
application. We will also use job titles to classify work intensity based on results from
the work observation to examine volume depletion and muscle damage. In addition,
because cane cutters are paid on a piecework basis, company payment records will be
used to approximate the amount of tonnage cut, which will in turn be used to construct a
measure of work intensity among cane cutters.
People who work at ISA are divided into three categories: permanent employees,
temporary employees, and contractors. The size of the permanent workforce is about
600. Approximately 4000 workersmainly cane cuttersare hired for the harvest
months (November-May), and 800 temporary workers work the remaining six months.
Employment records are available since the 1960s. Annual screening for creatinine
began in 1996. Therefore, this is the start year of follow-up for the cohort study with
hypotheses involving creatinine level as the main outcome of interest. Follow-up will
continue through December 31, 2010 (total follow-up time of 14 years).
We will review available medical records to obtain information on the occurrence of
medical outcomes across the spectrum of kidney disease from abnormal kidney
function test results to symptoms, disease incidence, and mortality. The three sources
of medical records that we will use are:
1) ISA Hospital. Throughout the entire period of eligibility, the ISA has had a hospital on
its grounds that has provided both inpatient and outpatient care free of charge for


current employees and their families and for retirees. Almost all medical records are on
paper, and are stored on site.
2) Annual physical examinations for contracted employees (2003 to present). Prior to
2003, all persons working at ISA were employees of NSEL. Beginning in 2003, workers
who harvested the cane were hired on an annual basis through subcontractors. The
yearly physical exam results for this group have been obtained and stored separately.
More recent records have been computerized, and plans are to computerize the earlier
records as well, which may be completed in time for this study.
3) Local health centers and regional hospitals (2003 to present). Some workers who can
no longer work because of high creatinine tests receive follow-up care at the local
health center in Chichigalpa, which has a dedicated CKD unit, and also apply for
government benefits available to them as a result of no longer being able to work.
Regional hospitals (e.g. Hospital Espaa in Chinandega) provide care for some workers
as their disease worsens and are another source of medical information.
Access to these medical sources will allow us to compile a wide range of information
that may serve as endpoints of interest (e.g., creatinine levels) or as important
confounders that can be controlled (e.g., blood pressure). For example, the annual
exams provide an ongoing measure of kidney function, assessed repeatedly for
individuals. In addition, we can determine duration and course of CKD and its
relationship to mortality.
Approximately 20,000 workers have been employed by ISA during the follow-up period
covered by this study. Because most employment and medical records are not
computerized, we do not believe that it is feasible to review the records of all workers
employed during the follow-up period. An estimated 2,000-3,000 records of workers
who have developed CKD appear to be available at ISA. A review of 4,000 randomly
selected records would result in an expected 500-600 cases of CKD. The final sample
size will be informed by the results of the feasibility/pilot study in consultation with a
biostatistician. It will be necessary to engage a senior epidemiologist based in
Nicaragua to help direct the project.
The study activities, which will require a minimum of 19 months, will be divided into two
phases: a feasibility/pilot phase lasting five months and a main study phase lasting 14
months. We will first conduct a feasibility study that will include a detailed and critical
review of existing occupational records, occupational exposure assessments and
records, employment records, medical care facilties and available medical records.
Understanding the availability and quality of these records will be an essential
component of refining the proposed cohort study. During this phase we will also conduct
a pilot study, which will be based on 50 occupational and 50 linked medical records, to
determine the most efficient and feasible manner for conducting the main study. In
particular, we will assess the organization of occupational and medical records and will
pre-test record review and linkage procedures and data collection forms during this
period. We will then prepare a preliminary report summarizing the availability,
completeness, and quality of records and the feasibility of their use for a cohort study.
The report will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board.


Possible challenges: We have assumed that existing company, employment,

environmental sampling, medical care facility and individual medical records are
sufficiently detailed and valid to be able to conduct the above described study. While it
is likely that basic information such as job title and dates of employment will be
available, it is less clear whether more detailed data will be obtainable. For example, it
is unclear if historical records on environmental sampling will be sufficient to construct a
valid index of exposure to specific agrichemicals. Thus, depending on the results of the
feasibility/pilot study, it is likely that proposed study design and protocol will be refined.
Any important changes in scope will be submitted for review to the Scientific Advisory
Board prior to implementation.
5. Medical Record Review
Review of medical records represents a potentially high yield source of data to help
characterize the nature and medical correlates of kidney disease among former workers
at the ISA. The primary sources of potentially available data were described above in
the section on the Cohort Study of ISA Employees. Medical charts will also include data
on screening for kidney disease. Serum creatinine measurement and urine dipstick is
performed up to three times annually among ISA workers. For sugar cane cutters,
testing occurs at the start of the season, in the middle of the season, and at the
completion of the cutting season (three times in a 6 month period), although, per report
of the physician staff at the ISA, the final test of the year often fails to occur for seasonal
Chart review has the potential to help determine the cause of kidney disease,
discriminating between risk factors for and presence of glomerular disease versus
manifestations more consistent with tubulointerstitial disease. Specifically, we will be
looking for evidence of tubulointerstitial disease due to medication use, glomerular
disease, diabetes, hypertension, occupational-related exposures, and kidney stones.
These chart reviews will be conducted as part of the data collection for the cohort study,
and therefore will not require additional personnel or other costs.
6. Urinary protein determination in adolescents
The purpose of this activity is to determine the prevalence of CKD prior to subjects
entering the work place as it is possible that CKD may be occurring in the general
population but that sugar cane cutters have a more rapid progression to symptomatic
CKD because of recurrent volume depletion and myoglobinuria. Accordingly, we are
focusing on urine proteomics to identify early kidney disease. The work proposed
consists of collecting urine samples from adolescents aged 12-16 years. Our
hypothesis is that if there is epidemic chronic tubulointerstitial disease due to heavy
metals, aristolochic acid, or other nephrotoxins, or from hereditary tubulointerstitial
nephritis, early indicators of kidney damage, such as tubular proteinuria, will be
manifest. With a prevalence of overt kidney damage of 5-15% as determined by low
eGFR, one might expect more sensitive markers such as tubular proteinuria to be
present in an even higher percentage. We will select subjects for this study to include


children of cane workers with known CKD, nieces and nephews of affected workers
whose parents are not affected, and children whose parents have never worked in
sugar cane. Approximately 100 children will be studied with equal numbers of males
and females.
7. Post-mortem renal biopsy
There is potential utility in obtaining kidney biopsies early in the course of the disease or
in people without clinical manifestations to determine if early pathologic abnormalities
are present. However, since renal biopsy is associated with some risk, including death,
and it is unlikely that a biopsy would alter the therapy for the renal disease, there are
ethical concerns regarding performance of biopsies. One possible solution would be to
obtain post-mortem renal biopsies in people dying from acute trauma, such as motor
vehicle accidents. We understand that deaths from motorcycle accidents in people not
wearing helmets are common and these victims are often young males, the group which
is at risk for CKD.
We propose initially doing 10 post-mortem renal biopsies, processing the tissue only for
light microscopy. Depending on the initial results we may want to obtain additional
biopsies and include processing for immunofluorescence and electron microscopy.
Additional evaluation could examine for aristolochic acid DNA adducts. It would take
several months to identify and enlist the cooperation of appropriate hospital personnel
and, perhaps, provide some education to the community. At least two groups have
informed us of their plans to conduct biopsies on living persons with early kidney
disease. Although we would like to discuss our ethical concerns with them, if they do
choose to proceed with permission from ethics boards in Nicaragua, we would take
advantage of the information they generated, and would likely not continue with
postmortem biopsies.
Potential challenges: The logistical barriers, including cultural taboos, informed consent,
recruiting hospital personnel to perform the biopsies, and tissue processing make this
effort a formidable undertaking. Optimally we would require creatinine measurements
on potential subjects to exclude significant kidney disease, and these measurements
may not be available on accident victims. In the absence of knowing the specific cause
of the epidemic CKD this effort is also largely exploratory. There are some potential
toxins that can be specifically identified in the kidney, such as aristolochic acid, but for
others the histologic findings may be non-specific. However, if done sufficiently early in
the disease process, it could tell us whether we are dealing with a glomerular or
tubulointerstitial disease. However, because the population on which we can perform
biopsies may not be representative of the population at risk, any conclusions would be
tentative. As discussed, access to the results of a planned broader kidney biopsy study
would enhance our efforts.


8. Interviews
Certain exposures have the potential to cause CKD but are difficult to study in a manner
that is likely to advance understanding of the likelihood that they are in fact a cause of
CKD. For these exposures -- in particular, lija consumption, use of herbal medicines,
occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and use of medications to treat UTIs and
other common problems -- more information is needed about their constituents and
patterns of use in the population before a realistic study plan can be developed. In order
to obtain this information, we propose to interview persons who would have special
knowledge in this area. Based on the information obtained, we will determine whether
further activities regarding these two hypotheses are warranted and likely to bear fruit.
If we come to a positive conclusion, we may propose additional activities. The types of
persons we plan to interview for each hypothesis include:

Lija: MINSA, law enforcement officials, physicians, and cooperative distributors

and retailers
Herbal medicines: botanists, toxicologists, cultural anthropologists, physicians,
and local lay/traditional healers
UTIs and medications: local physicians

In addition, interviewing persons with knowledge about work at the ISA (ISA personnel
and current and former workers) will provide a better understanding of historical work
patterns and exposures that can improve the environmental sampling and cohort study
Therefore, we propose to conduct interviews for two purposes: 1) refining our data
collection plans for what we consider to be immediate, high priority hypotheses and, 2)
exploring hypotheses that we could not otherwise address.
Possible challenges: The limitation of interview data is that we rely on individuals as a
source of information. However, this is also a strength of qualitative research in that the
information provided by individuals is often not otherwise available. It is important to
have well trained interviewers so that the information collected during interview sessions
is as reliable as possible. To ensure this, our physician interviews will be piloted with
physicians in Nicaragua.
9. Other Possible Activities
There are additional opportunities for study activities which our team has discussed or
learned about in the process of developing our recommendations. Although we have
not integrated them into our study plan as specific activities, we provide a list with a brief
description so that readers of this report will have a more complete basis to provide
input and suggestions:
1. Prospective cohort study among workers at ISA: Our proposed study is a
retrospective cohort study, thus we are limited to information that has already been
collected. However, beginning a prospective cohort study among current and new






employees would enable us to collect additional information and would also help
determine to what extent the problem of CKD among workers at ISA is decreasing or
Collaboration with a second sugar company: Monte Rosa Sugar is located in the
municipality of El Viejo in the department of Chinandega. Based on separate
discussions with two company representatives, it appears that there is a perception
that persons who work at Monte Rosa have an elevated rate of CKD. The
representatives further indicated their support for this initiative to bring resources to
studying the problem and expressed an interest in participating in some way.
Conducting certain parallel activities as recommended in this report at a second
company in the same region would widen the scope from a single company and help
strengthen interpretation of the results.
Assessment of cumulative exposure to lead: A limitation of biological testing for lead
levels using blood is that it only provides information on recent exposure.
Cumulative lead exposure can be assessed in bone using x-ray fluorescence. The
procedure is impractical to carry out on a large scale, but we may want to test a
smaller group if there appears to be any evidence of significant lead exposure based
on either environmental or biological testing.
Collaboration with a new prevalence and case-control study of CKD: The group at
UNAN-Leon CIDS, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina is beginning
to conduct a prevalence study with measurement of creatinine among 3,000
residents in the municipality of Leon. They will then use that population as the
sampling frame for a case-control study of CKD, which will collect both biological
samples and questionnaire-based information. Results from these studies, which
appear to have been rigorously designed, can also provide data from a different
population. Furthermore, providing funds to collect additional information beyond
that currently planned (e.g., environmental sampling) could also increase the value
of the study activities we undertake.
Initiation of prevalence studies in northeastern Nicaragua and Rivas: Tufts University
School of Medicine, one of our sister schools in Boston, has an elective in which
students provide medical care in Siuna, a town in northeastern Nicaragua where the
primary economic activity used to be gold mining. Although this is the same activity
as carried out in Larreynaga, the municipality in northwestern Nicaragua that along
with Chichigalpa has the highest recorded rate of CKD mortality in the country, to
our knowledge there is not a high rate of CKD in Siuna. It is possible that for very
little additional cost, a cross-sectional prevalence study could be conducted there
which would provide the first comparative data from outside the departments of Leon
and Chinandega.
In addition, a physician affiliated with Boston University School of Medicine has
close ties with the medical director of the regional hospital for Rivas, and they are
both interested in conducting a prevalence study in that area. A modest amount of
support could provide data from another area in the Zona del Occidente.

Most of these activities would require additional fundingsome substantially moreand

so may not be feasible. However, we hope that their inclusion here may spark


additional ideas and may even lead to ideas for alternative sources of additional

V. Timeline and Personnel

The timeline is intended to provide a general idea of when various activities would begin
and be completed over the study period, which we estimate to be 2.5 years from
January 2010, based on the assumptions that the recommended activities are approved
by the parties soon after the issuance of this report and that there are no important
obstacles to initiating work on the project. Although we estimate that it will take two
years from initiation of study activities in February to completely finish the project,
information obtained from individual activities will be available more quickly. One
important potential obstacle is the time it will take to get Institutional Review Board
approval from BU and from a Board in Nicaragua, likely MINSA. Occasionally, the
process can take a long time, and we cannot conduct study activities that involve
interaction with people or their confidential data until we receive approval. We will do
our best to move the process along as quickly as possible.


Cohort study

Time period
Jan FebMayApr















We propose 12 people be involved as personnel in the project. Although a larger

number than typical, it is necessary to accomplish the wide variety of activities proposed
over a compressed timeframe. The 12 individuals fall into the following categories:


Principal Investigator (Epidemiology)
Environmental Health and Community Training/Participation
Project Director
Research Assistant (Boston)
Nicaraguan co-investigator
Research Assistant (Nicaragua)

# positions

In addition, note that two of the proposed personnel are from Nicaragua. The first is a
research assistant who would carry out many of the logistical tasks associated with both
study activities and managing visits by the study team. The second is a co-investigator
for the project, most likely an epidemiologist, who can interact with the BUSPH team on
a scientific basis and oversee activities in consultation with the BUSPH team. This
position is critical to the success of the study as well as to efficiency (both fiscal and
temporal). Although we will be making frequent trips and our Project Director will be
spending a substantial amount of time in Nicaragua, there will inevitably be questions
and issues that arise which can best be addressed by a Nicaraguan co-investigator.
First, study activities will continue when nobody from the BUSPH team is present, and
continuous scientific supervision is necessary. Second, it will be impractical and
inefficient to require our presence to resolve every problem. Third, some problems will
require knowledge of particular conditions and networks in Nicaragua, and a
Nicaraguan co-investigator will have a better grasp of these conditions and thus be able
to make more informed decisions.

VI. Conclusion
The Dialogue process has created a unique opportunity to make great progress in the
effort to determine the causes of the epidemic of CKD in Nicaragua and create the
conditions for interventions aimed at preventing future cases. While many of the
activities recommended in this report have been suggested by Nicaraguan investigators
previously, they could not be implemented.
We appreciate the trust and cooperation shown to our team by all parties. It has
allowed us to analyze the situation and propose an integrated set of activities
addressing a range of hypotheses that we believe can move us a long way to the goal
of stopping this epidemic. We have already benefited from the input of reviewers, and
look forward to the same from the Dialogue partners and other involved and interested
parties, to not only strengthen this report but all our activities on an ongoing basis.
The plan we have proposed is ambitious. We believe that, with the collaboration of the
Dialogue partners and other involved and interested parties, we can accomplish much.
However, we must also temper our expectations with the realism that CKD appears to a

complex, multifaceted problem in Nicaragua. We can not guarantee that our pursuits
will find a single, explicit cause that will stop this epidemic: we can only hope that the
information we uncover will lead directly to the development of actions to reduce the
heavy burden of CKD and identify strategies to prevent future illness.


This report was produced as part of a contract that was issued to Boston University
School of Public Health (BUSPH) by the Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman
(CAO) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank. The report is a
component of a process that was initiated by a complaint filed by the Center for
International Environmental Law on behalf of the Chichigalpa Association for Life
(ASOCHIVIDA), an organization of individuals who formerly worked at the Ingenio San
Antonio (ISA), which is owned by National Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL). The
complaint alleged that the IFC failed to address the health and wellbeing of workers or
the environment when delivering a substantial loan to NSEL. The loan was intended to
expand NSELs land and sugarcane processing capability, and the operational changes
undertaken as a consequence of the loan were alleged to have resulted in harm to the
workers and the environment, the primary example being an epidemic of chronic kidney
disease (CKD), also referred to as chronic renal insufficiency (CRI).
By way of background, NSEL was founded in 1890 and has been continuously owned
by the Pellas family except for a period during the 1980s when it was nationalized. The
primary economic activity of NSEL has always been sugar cane cultivation, processing,
and manufacturing; additional activities currently include ethanol, alcoholic beverage,
shrimp and electric energy production. The operational center (Ingenio San Antonio,
ISA) has always been located in the town of Chichigalpa in the department of
Chinandega. The company currently owns approximately 24,000 hectares of land in
Chinandega and Leon, and leases and operates an additional 15,000 hectares. In
addition, it buys sugar cane from local independent growers to supplement its crops,
which accounts for 30% of NSELs total need. NSEL is the largest of four sugar
companies in Nicaragua; it currently employs approximately 5,000 permanent and
temporary workers and is the largest employer in Chinandega.
In response to the complaint filed by ASOCHIVIDA, CAO conducted a preliminary
investigation, which resulted in the recommendation that a dialogue process (hereinafter
referred to as Dialogue) be initiated between representatives of ASOCHIVIDA and
NSEL and facilitated by CAO. Dialogue meetings began in February 2009 and have
continued on a regular basis. One of the early decisions taken by the participants was
to focus activities in two areas:
1. Explore options for improved care for affected community members; and
2. Conduct a study to better understand the causes of CRI in the region.
As the first step in addressing the second objective, a Terms of Reference (TOR) was
prepared and released for a Scoping Study to (1) assess whether further study was
necessary, feasible, and likely to be successful in answering the following two


1.) What are the causes of CRI in the Western Zone (Zona del Occidente) of
Nicaragua an area that includes the Ingenio San Antonio and its sugarcane
2.) Is there any relationship between the practices of the Ingenio San Antonio and
the causes of CRI?
and (2) to recommend activities that would lead to fulfillment of this objective.
The TOR further specified that the study team should:
1) Review the existing information available on CKD in Nicaragua in order to: (i)
assess whether the available information was sufficient to answer either of the
two questions; (ii) if not sufficient, identify gaps and limitations in the available
information that prevented making a causal inference; (iii) determine whether
additional study could reasonably lead to causal inference; and (iv) guide
identification of study design options that could obtain the necessary information.
2) Make a fact-finding trip to Nicaragua in order to: (i) meet with ASOCHIVIDA
and NSEL dialogue table participants to refine questions to be addressed; (ii)
meet with other key stakeholders (MINSA, medical providers, researchers) to
better understand prior work, current situation, and potential resources for study
activities; (iii) conduct a preliminary assessment of local laboratory and hospital
capacity to collect and analyze samples; and (iv) identify potential partners for
collaborative efforts during follow-up study implementation
3) Synthesize collected information and prepare a presentation of study design
options and recommendations that is based on the information generated in
Tasks 1 and 2 and best professional judgment
4) Present and discuss the study design options and recommendations at a
workshop with the participants.
5) Based on the results of the previous four tasks, prepare a study design options
report which presents proposed study activities that will contribute to answering
the two causal questions posed by the dialogue table participants.
BUSPH was selected in April by the Dialogue participants to conduct the Scoping
Study. In order to accomplish these activities, we assembled a team consisting of the
individuals listed in Table 1.
During the three months since BUSPH began involvement in June 2009, we have
reviewed all available information that we were able to locate on CRI in Nicaragua,
identified numerous hypotheses, conducted two week-long visits in June and July to
Nicaragua to meet with all stakeholders, and developed recommendations. This
Scoping Study Report provides a summary of all of these activities.


Table 1: BUSPH Scoping Study Team Members

Daniel Brooks, DSc
Ann Aschengrau,
Michael McClean,
Scammell, DSc
Daniel Weiner, MD,
Bruce Cohen, PhD
Matthew Tobey,


BU Medical School

Relevant background/ expertise

Epidemiology, prior studies on CKD in Nicaragua
Occupational and
environmental exposure
Environmental health, community participation in
Nephrologist, clinical outcomes research

Tufts Medical Center

Nephrologist, clinical outcomes research

Tufts Medical Center

Nephrologist, clinical outcomes research

BU Medical School

Nephrology Fellow

Universidad Autonoma Madrid

Preventive medicine, prior studies on CKD in

Epidemiology, prior studies on CKD in Nicaragua


Sister City Committee
Sister City Committee
BU Medical School
Tulane University
BU Medical School

Katie Biello, MPH

Yale University

Rachel Pitek, MPH


Prior studies on CKD in Nicaragua

Environmental Health
Medical student and PhD candidate in
epidemiology, prior studies on CKD in Nicaragua
Medical student, prior studies on CKD in
PhD candidate in epidemiology, prior studies on
CKD in Nicaragua
Spanish language, technical and logistical

Brief summaries of most of the relevant documents are provided in the Appendix.
These summaries were prepared by research assistants for our internal use and have
not been modified. Therefore, they should not necessarily be relied on as a substitute
for a review of the document.
During our trips to Nicaragua, we met with representatives from the following institutions
and organizations:

Hospital Espana
Chichigalpa Health Center
Coen Foundation


In addition, we met with Drs. Luis Callejas Callejas (now a member of the National
Assembly) and Carlos Alonso Medrano (now a physician for the Monte Rosa sugar
company), who conducted some of the early studies on CKD in the northwestern region
of Nicaragua.
The context in which this Scoping Study has been carried out is important to
understanding the nature of this report. There are two key ways in which this project is
unique compared to a more typical research scenario in which we would typically
propose a large scale study that is conducted over many years.
First, this project grows out of a specific conflict and an immediate need for answers.
Whatever the cause, there is an excess of people dying from CRI in the northwestern
region of Nicaragua. Accordingly, there are very real and potentially profound public
health implications associated with this project, such that our approach could be
perhaps be characterized more as a response to a public health emergency rather than
as a research proposal.
Second, this project is being conducted as part of a carefully navigated process in which
multiple stakeholders are engaged. As such, an important component of this effort is to
ensure that we address the issues that are most relevant to the participants in this
dialogue process. It is also important that participants are involved in each stage of the
investigation, from agreeing to the proposed study design to having input into the field
investigations and observing various study activities to receiving regular updates on
progress, so that they are ultimately comfortable with accepting the results.
Accordingly, given the uniqueness of this project, we have not proposed a
comprehensive large-scale study that would be conducted over a five year period. We
have instead proposed shorter term discrete steps that have been designed to address
key data gaps, the concerns of the dialogue participants, and in our view, have the
potential to yield high impact information.
Finally, as a further consequence of the importance of making rapid progress toward
answering the questions posed by the Dialogue, we have operated within a very tight
timeframe in the collection and review of information, development of recommendations,
and preparation of this report. Therefore, our goal has necessarily been to focus on the
available literature and other information only to the extent they will help improve our
understanding in order to develop proposed activities. We also recognize that the
activities themselves are not as fully detailed as they will eventually need to be. We
view this report not as the final word but as an important step toward a plan to identify
the causes of this devastating disease, and we look forward to input from stakeholders,
reviewers, and other interested parties, which will undoubtedly result in an even
stronger plan.



A. CKD as global health problem
Reflecting its rising incidence and prevalence, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major
international public health concern. Recent worldwide initiatives have attempted to
garner attention for CKD by emphasizing that the condition is common, harmful, and
treatable (Levey AS, 2007). In the United States, as many as 26 million adults may
have CKD, an increase from approximately 10% of the US adult population between
1988 and 1994 to over 13% just one decade later (Coresh J, 2003; Coresh J, 2007).
Similar rates are seen worldwide, with CKD prevalence of 13% in Beijing, China (Zhang
L, 2008) and 16% in Australia (Chadban SJ, 2003). In the United States, the dramatic
rise in the prevalence of CKD likely reflects similar increases in obesity rates and
sequelae of obesitynamely, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease
(Coresh J, 2007). The prevalence of CKD, as well as its associated costs, is expected
to continue to increase (Levey AS, 2009).
CKD is defined by either a reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR <60 mL/min per
1.73m2) or by evidence of kidney damage. Early stages of CKD manifest with only
kidney damage in the setting of overtly intact GFR; the most common marker of kidney
damage is albumin in the urine while a second common marker is hematuria. Stage 3
CKD is defined by GFR between 30 and 59 mL/min per 1.73m2 and is the stage at
which clinical sequelae of CKD are often first appreciated. Stage 4 CKD is defined by
GFR of 15 to 29 mL/min per 1.73m2, and stage 5 by GFR <15 mL/min per 1.73m2 or
requirement for kidney replacement therapy (Table 2). In developed nations, a minority
of individuals with CKD develop end stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring kidney
replacement therapy, with the majority often dying prematurely of cardiovascular
There is increasing worldwide awareness of CKD as a significant public health problem.
In the past, the focus in developed countries has been primarily on ESRD with its
attendant health and financial burdens. In the United States in 2006, approximately
355,000 patients with ESRD were receiving dialysis therapies with an additional
150,000 individuals with functioning kidney transplants (Figure 1) (USRDS 2008 Annual
Data Report). Medicare, the federal insurance program in the US which covers people
age 65 and older or those with ESRD, bears the brunt of this cost, with dialysis related
expenditures of over $20 billion with private insurers contributing another $11 billion.
However, earlier stages of CKD disease also have significant health consequences,
including hypertension, anemia, and accelerated cardiovascular disease. There has
been increasing emphasis on the recognition of early CKD and the institution of
interventions to slow its progression.


Table 2. Stages, Description, Prevalence and Clinical Action Plan for CKD and Individuals
at Increased Risk of CKD
GFR (mL/min

US Prevalence

per 1.73 m )

N [1,000s]
Risk factor prevalence

Age >60: 50,600 (23.2%)

Hypertension: 65,000 (32.3%)

Diabetes: 20,600 (9.6%)

CVD: 71,300 (34.2%)

Family History: unknown




Increased risk for CKD

Age >60 years



Cardiovascular disease

Family history of CKD

Kidney damage with normal

or increased GFR


3,600 (1.8%)

Kidney damage with mild

decrease in GFR


6,500 (3.2%)

Moderately decreased GFR


15,500 (7.7%)

Severely decreased GFR


700 (0.4%)

Kidney failure

<15 or dialysis

~400 (0.2%)

Not applicable

Clinical Action Plan

Primary prevention and CKD risk
reduction, including blood pressure
and glycemic control
Diagnosis of CKD cause
Education about CKD
Treatment of comorbid conditions
Evaluation of risk for and
assessment of rate of progression
Treatment to slow progression
CVD risk reduction
Referral to nephrologist for rapid
kidney disease progression
Evaluate and treat complications,
including bone and mineral disorder,
anemia, and dyslipidemia
Consider discussion of kidney
particularly in late stage 3 or rapid
Prepare for kidney replacement
Place vascular access or develop
plan for peritoneal access or preemptive transplant
Referral to nephrologist
Kidney replacement therapy

The clinical action plans are additive such that the plans documented in earlier stages still apply
in later stages of CKD. To classify an individual with CKD, reduced GFR or kidney damage
should be present for at least 3 months. Original adapted from (3, 6, 11); reproduced from (12).

The causes of CKD are numerous (Table 3) and typically are divided into vascular,
glomerular, tubulointerstitial and obstructive etiologies. This classification not only
provides a convenient pathophysiologic framework, but also may relate to clinical
manifestations. Vascular and obstructive causes are relatively limited in number and
more readily diagnosed, while glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases have a far
broader spectrum of causes. Glomerular diseases often present with typical urine
findings, including proteinuria as well as the presence of red blood cells or red blood cell
casts in the urine sediment. Proteinuria, when quantified, is often greater than 2 gm/day
and consists primarily of albumin. Tubulointerstitial diseases may also have proteinuria;
however, this urinary protein is often not albumin, but rather includes proteins of tubular
cell origin and the total amount excreted is usually much lower than that seen in
glomerular diseases. White blood cells, renal tubular cells, and white blood cell casts
may be present in the urine sediment in tubulointerstitial diseases, but often the
sediment is unrevealing. Clinical features distinguishing the different etiologies are
more likely to be present early in the course of CKD. As CKD progresses to advanced


stages, the specific etiology is often not apparent clinically, and even biopsies may be of
limited yield because late stages of most kidney diseases, regardless of etiology,
manifest with extensive scarring and fibrosis.
Figure 1. Incidence and prevalence of dialysis in the United States and its associated costs

The major causes of kidney disease and subsequent kidney failure in the US are
diabetes (accounting for 44.4% of incident cases of kidney failure in 2006) and
hypertension (accounting for 26.8%) (Collins AJ, 2009), both of which are increasingly
common in an increasingly overweight US population (MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.
2008). Conditions accounting for the remaining 29% include primary glomerulopathies
like focal glomerulosclerosis and IgA nephropathy, inherited conditions like polycystic
kidney disease, and autoimmune conditions like lupus. These diseases have also been
identified as important causes in developing countries.
Because of limited data, less is known about the causes of CKD in developing
countries. There have been several screening studies of randomly selected community
based populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, India, southern China,
Vietnam, and Jalisco, Mexico which have found a prevalence of proteinuria of 2-11%
and a prevalence of an eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 of 3-16%, not dissimilar to rates
reported from the United States and western Europe (Sumaili, 2009; Singh, 2009; Chen,
2009; Ito, 2008; Gutierrez-Padilla, 2009). While these studies do not attempt to
establish a diagnostic etiology, they generally note a high prevalence of hypertension
and diabetes in the affected population. While it has been observed that diabetes is a
less common cause of CKD in developing countries, perhaps because of a lower
prevalence of obesity, it still accounted for 28% of the cases of CKD among 14,796
patients studied in an outpatient nephrology unit in India (Agarwal, 2000). The most
common cause in this study was chronic glomerulonephritis, seen in 49% of this

referral population. The spectrum of disease in this population likely is subject to

referral bias, since patients with hypertension may less likely be referred.
Table 3. Differential approach to CKD



Associated Disease States


Main Renal

Renal artery stenosis

Fibromuscular dysplasia

Often accompanied by


Thrombotic microangiopathies
Benign and malignant nephrosclerosis
Atheroembolic disease

Minimal albuminuria,
often with bland urine

Renal vein

Renal vein thrombosis

May be a cause of or be
caused by nephrotic

Focal GN


Diffuse GN


Age <15 yo

Post-infectious, IgA, TMBD, Hereditary nephritis,

HSP, mesangial proliferative GN

Age 15-40 yo

IgA, TBMD, SLE, Hereditary nephritis, mesangial

proliferative GN

Age >40 yo


Age <15 yo

Post-infectious, MPGN

Age 15-40 yo

Post-infectious, SLE, RPGNs, Fibrillary GN,


Age >40 yo

RPGNs, vasculitides,

Age <15 yo

MCD, FGS, mesangial proliferative GN

Age 15-40 yo

FGS, MCD, Membranous, Diabetes,

eclampsia, Late stage post-infectious

Age >40 yo

FGS, Membranous, diabetes, MCD, IgA,

Amyloid/LCDD, HTN/nephrosclerosis, Late stage



without reduced GFR
or nephrotic syndrome

Active sediment with

variable proteinuria



usually bland sediment







Associated Disease States

Analgesic nephropathy (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
Aminoglycoside associated nephrotoxicity
Aristilochic Acid
Calcineurin inhibitors
Chemotherapeutic agents (Cisplatin, nitrosureas)
Contrast induced nephropathy
Metals (Lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium, ?mercury)
Pigment nephropathy (rhabdomyolysis)
Fabry Disease
Hereditary nephritis (Alport syndrome)

Medullary Cystic Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease







Sjogrens syndrome
Other vasculitides
Chronic infections, ureteral reflux
Chronic ischemia, acute tubular necrosis
Lymphoproliferative diseases and myeloma
Sickle cell disease


Minimal albuminuria,
usually bland sediment,
even in presence of
reduced GFR;
tubular proteinuria?

Tubular or glomerular
manifestations; rare
Often accompanied by
male predominance
Indolent; difficult to
cystic kidneys
Highly variable, usually
with other systemic
typically accompanied
by marked hypertension
Minimal albuminuria;
usually bland sediment,
even in presence of
reduced GFR;
tubular proteinuria?
Minimal albuminuria,
usually bland sediment,
even in presence of
reduced GFR, tubular

Bilateral obstructing stones (or unilateral if single functional kidney)

Retroperitoneal fibrosis

Benign or malignant prostate enlargement

Urethral stricture
Neurogenic bladder

May have hematuria,

but otherwise bland

Table 3 legend. FGS, focal glomerulosclerosis; TMBD, thin basement membrane disease; HSP, Henoch
Schonlein purpura; GN, glomerulonephritis; SLE, Systemic lupus erythematosus; MPGN,
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; RPGN, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis; MCD,
minimal change disease; LCDD, light chain deposition disease; HTN, hypertension


Geographic variations in the prevalence of CKD have been noted. Some of these, such
as the increased prevalence in Pima Indians and Australian aborigines, have been
linked to a high prevalence of diabetes and possibly low birth weight (and attendant
decreased renal mass) in these populations (Hoy, 2000). In other populations,
environmental toxins, particularly heavy metals, have been identified as a cause of
CKD. Although heavy metal induced chronic kidney disease usually occurs through
occupational exposure in industrial workers, it has also been identified in populations
with contaminated food or water supplies. Examples include the occurrence of
cadmium nephropathy in the Jinzu River basin in Japan, associated with the
contamination of rice, and nephropathy from organic mercury poisoning along Minamata
bay in Japan, associated with the ingestion of mercury contaminated fish (Jarup, 2002;
Iesato, 1977).
Other environmental toxins have been identified as causes of CKD. In Tunisia,
contamination of the food supply with ochratoxin A, a nephrotoxic mycotoxin, has been
linked to an increased prevalence of CKD (Abid, 2003). One of the most fascinating
examples of an environmental toxin as a cause of chronic kidney disease has been the
identification of an association between aristolochic acid with both Balkan endemic
nephropathy (BEN) (Bamais, 2008; Debelle, 2008) and Chinese herbal nephropathy.
Although BEN was first described in the 1950's, its cause remained unknown for many
years. A form of chronic interstitial nephritis, it only affects individuals residing in certain
endemic regions along the Danube River in the Balkan countries of Bosnia, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Romania and Serbia. One of the striking characteristics of the disease is the
clustering in villages, families and households. All affected regions consist of villages
built on the alluvial plains of the Danube River, although affected villages may be as
close as 2 km from unaffected ones. Another feature of the disease is its long
incubation period. Affected individuals must live in the area for 15-20 years. Therefore,
it has neither been identified in children nor in adults who leave the area before
reaching the age of 20 years. Finally, affected individuals are at increased risk for
developing uroepithelial tumors.
In 1993, an outbreak of kidney failure was identified among Belgian women who
received a Chinese herbal medicine for weight loss at a clinic in Brussels. The toxic
product was identified as aristolochic acid, produced from the seeds of Aristolochia
clematitis (birthwort). The clinical manifestations of the disease in these women were
remarkably similar to those seen in Balkan endemic nephropathy, with similar
morphologic characteristics and the occurrence of uroepithelial tumors. In 1967,
Kazantis had proposed that Balkan nephropathy was caused by the contamination of
the baking flour in endemic areas by seeds of Aristolochia clematitis, but this hypothesis
had not garnered much attention. However, after the identification of Chinese herbal
nephropathy, increasing interest in this toxin as a cause of Balkan nephropathy ensued,
with the subsequent identification of aristolochic-specific DNA adducts in urinary tract
tissue from patients with Balkan nephropathy and the development of an animal model.
Therefore, it seems likely that contamination of flour with aristolochic acid is a likely
cause of Balkan nephropathy.


Finally, there are recent reports of a high prevalence of CKD in parts of Sri Lanka with
an increased prevalence in young male, agricultural workers. Described risk factors for
CKD in Sri Lanka include being a farmer, using pesticides, drinking well water, a family
history of renal dysfunction, use of ayurvedic treatment, and a history of snakebite
(Wanigasuriya, 2007). A recent report suggests a potential relationship to elevated
cadmium levels due to cadmium-contaminated agrochemicals in rice and freshwater
fish (Bandara, 2008). This data overall remains extremely speculative and of limited
One major factor with all of these outbreaks of CKD is that, despite similar exposures
to toxins like aristolochic acid or even chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension,
not everyone with exposures develops CKD. This pattern indicates that there are likely
multiple factors involved in each stage of kidney disease (Levey, 2007). These can
broadly be conceptualized as development factors and progression factors (Table 4).
Development factors include susceptibility factors (which increase vulnerability to
kidney damage, with examples including older age, family history/genetic predisposition,
and even elements like volume depletion) and initiation factors (which actually cause
kidney damage, with examples including diabetes, autoimmune diseases and toxins)
Progression factors cause worsening damage and progressive decline in GFR, with
examples including higher blood pressure, smoking and poor diabetes control. Certain
factors, with sustained exposure, may even fall into more than one of these categories.
Table 4. Risk factors for CKD
Factor Category Definition





Older age, family history of CKD, low

kidney mass/low birth weight, minority
status, low SES, volume depletion
diseases, systemic infections, recurrent
Directly cause kidney damage
urinary tract infections, nephrolithiasis,
obstruction, drug toxicity
Cause worsening kidney Higher levels of proteinuria, higher blood
damage and more rapid pressure, poor diabetes control, smoking,
decline in GFR
cardiovascular disease
Increase susceptibility
kidney damage


1. Characteristics of renal disease in Nicaragua

Published peer-reviewed data on the characteristics of CKD in Nicaragua are
unavailable; however, a number of unpublished studies were available to the study
team. These data were in the form of meeting presentations, reports, submitted
articles, and abstracts, and provide a reasonably consistent picture of the problem. The
characteristics are summarized here. In Chinandega, 90% of described cases occurred
in men, the majority of whom were 21-45 years old (Marn Ruiz, 2006). Only 3% had
diabetes and 4% had arterial hypertension. The male predominance, young age at


onset, and the low prevalence of the common causes of CKD in developed countries
(diabetes and hypertension) in affected patients in Nicaragua are supported by similar
studies from other sugar cane growing areas (Torres, 2008; MINSA, 2002), although
some of these studies do report hypertension in up to two-thirds of patients. Notably,
hypertension is both a cause and a common complication of CKD and it is unclear from
these reports when in the course of the disease the presence of hypertension was
As discussed, the degree of proteinuria is an important clue in the differentiation of
glomerular from tubulointerstitial diseases, with the former generally having high-grade
proteinuria. There are limited data on the presence of proteinuria in affected patients,
but in discussions with physicians in Nicaragua, including several nephrologists, dipstick
proteinuria was minimal (typically 1+ or below) and white cells were not infrequently
present in the urine, features consistent with tubulointerstitial disease (personal
communication, Dr. Erwin Reyes, Chichigalpa Health Center).
There is a single biopsy study (Zelaya, 2000) reporting results of 15 kidney biopsies. Of
these, 14 revealed extensive fibrosis and the 15th showed chronic glomerulonephritis
with granular and linear IgG and IgM deposits. This study highlights the difficulty of
establishing a specific diagnosis in patients with advanced disease. Similarly the results
of ultrasound studies have not provided specific diagnostic information, generally
showing small kidneys without evidence of structural abnormalities, although some
observers report a high prevalence of kidney stones.
Activities we propose as part of this studyreview of medical records and conduct of
postmortem biopsies on younger males without advanced CKDshould provide more
information on the characteristics of CKD in Nicaragua.

B. Data on CKD in Nicaragua

Both vital statistics data and reports from studies are available from Nicaragua and
other Central American countries, a number of which have been reviewed in a report
prepared for a 2005 workshop on CKD in Central America (Cuadra, 2006). The great
majority of studies were conducted in Nicaragua, but elevated rates of CKD, with a
similar demographic profile as seen in Nicaragua, have been reported in other Central
American countries, particularly in low-altitude regions in the Pacific Region ranging
from southern Mexico to Honduras, which suggests that the problem may be regional in
scope (Dominguez, 2003; Cerdas, 2005; Cuadra, 2006; Garcia-Trabanino, 2005).
In line with the workplan requested by CAO, we have not prepared an exhaustive
review of the literature but rather focused on determining what is known about CKD,
strengths and limitations of the studies done to date, and gaps in the knowledge base
that can be addressed by additional study activities.
Information on CKD in Nicaragua primarily comes from government data on mortality
and cross-sectional prevalence and (retrospective) case-control studies. (There are also
a number of case report series, but we have not included them in this review.) To our


knowledge, with the exception of two intervention studies conducted among ISA
workers (Acosta, 1997; Zepeda, 2007), there are no intervention, cohort, or incident
case-control studies.
In this review, we focus on two basic sets of questions: (1) what are the basic
epidemiologic characteristics of CKD in Nicaragua, and (2) what are potential causes of
excess CKD in Nicaragua. Information on the first question derives from government
mortality statistics and cross-sectional studies that measured prevalence of CKD (we
are not aware of any studies that have measured CKD incidence). Information on the
second question derives from cross-sectional and case-control analyses.

1. Mortality Statistics
There are two main strengths of mortality data. First, as part of the vital records system,
it is ascertained on an ongoing basis and so its availability is not dependent on special
studies. Second, it is the only source of national data available on CKD in Nicaragua.
There are also important and well-known limitations of mortality data, which are
discussed later.
Table 5, and figures 2 and 3 show CKD-specific mortality rates at the regional
(department) level for 1992 2005 both overall and by sex. These data, gathered from
the 2005 MINSA report and indicate the following:
1. Mortality due to CKD appears much higher in Leon and Chinandega than other
departments and the country as a whole throughout the time period. At the same
time, mortality rates due to CKD in most of the other departments in the Pacific
region were also somewhat elevated in 2002 and 2005. In 2005, the overall
rates (per 100,000 inhabitants) in Leon and Chinandega were 50 and 41,
respectively, compared to 11 in the country as a whole. The increased rate in
Leon and Chinandega was seen in all age groups. Chinandega has the highest
death rates of any department due to CKD among ages 15-49, while Leon was
highest among age 50.
2. The mortality rate due to CKD (per 100,000 inhabitants) has increased over time
in the country from approximately 4.5 in 1992 to 11 in 2005. The greatest
increases in absolute terms by far have occurred in Leon and Chinandega
(Granada has also shown a substantial increase). The increases in these
departments likely accounts for a substantial proportion of the overall increase in
the national rate.
3. The mortality rate among men is much higher than among women. In 2002, the

male:female ratio across the whole country was approximately 4:1. In Leon and
Chinandega, the male:female ratio was approximately 6:1; correspondingly, in
many other departments, there is little or no apparent male excess. Departments
with a male excess tend to be in the Pacific region. Although mortality rates
among women were much lower than men, in 2002 rates for women were still


highest in Leon and Chinandega, and were also elevated in Granada and Rivas,
all departments in the Pacific region.
Table 5. Deaths from CRI in Nicaragua by department (rate per 100,000 inhabitants)









* Data for these years was estimated from graphs

Figure 2. Deaths from CRI in Nicaragua (per 100,000 inhabitants), 1992-2005


Figure 3. Deaths from CRI in Nicaragua in 2002, by sex (per 100,000 inhabitants)

2. Prevalence of CKD
CKD is defined by the presence of kidney damage or decreased kidney function as
described in SectionI.A. Therefore, ascertainment of the prevalence of CKD requires
assessment of both parameters.
Three studies conducted in Nicaragua and other Central American countries used
proteinuria measured by dipstick as a measure of kidney damage (Alonso, 2003;
Dominguez, 2003; Garcia Trabanino, 2005). However, these studies have several
limitations. In developed countries such as the U.S., diabetes and hypertension are the
most common causes of CKD. As such, the most common marker of kidney damage,
particularly early in its course, is albuminuria or total proteinuria. However, as diabetes
and hypertension are unlikely to be the primary causes of CKD in Nicaragua, measures
of glomerular proteinuria may be less informative. Additionally, the specificity of
proteinuria ascertained by a urine dipstick is less certain than with quantification of
albuminuria (or total proteinuria) after accounting for urine concentration.
Measurement of serum creatinine concentration allows estimation of glomerular filtration
rate (GFR), the primary measure of kidney function. Critically, serum creatinine does
not rise until late in CKD, reflecting the presence of substantial functional reserve in the
kidneys. We were able to identify 10 studies that measured prevalence using serum

creatinine measurement (Callejas Callejas, 2003a; Callejas Callejas 2003b; Callejas

Callejas 2003c; Siqueira, 2003; Lopez Arteaga, 2005; Torres, 2007; Torres, 2008a;
Torres, 2008b; Aragon, 2009; Brookline Sister City Committee, 2008). The most recent
studies (Torres, 2007; Torres, 2008a; Torres, 2008b; Aragon, 2009; Brookline, 2008)
have used estimated GFR (eGFR) to define stages of CKD (see Table 6) The eGFR is
typically determined by a formula that includes serum creatinine, sex, age, and race
(dichotomized as Black versus non-Black) (Levey, 2001), and is a standard measure
used in epidemiological studies. Although it is a more accurate measure of kidney
function than serum creatinine alone as it accounts for non-kidney factors that affect the
serum creatinine level, 80% of the GFR estimate is dependant on the creatinine
component of the formula; accordingly, studies using serum creatinine or eGFR should
provide similar comparative information particularly if they focus on a single
demographic. However, it is difficult to make a direct comparison of absolute prevalence
rates using the two different methods, especially if different studies use different serum
creatinine rates to define a case.
Only one of these 10 studies was conducted outside the departments of Leon and
Chinandega, in the north-central department of Jinotega (Siqueira, 2003). Of note, none
have yet appeared in the peer-reviewed literature. All studies conducted prior to 2007
were based on convenience samples and/or in special populations (e.g., agricultural
workers), and have been summarized elsewhere (Cuadras, 2006). Four studies used
the same case definition of a serum creatinine of 1.5 mg/dl (Callejas Callejas, 2003a;
Callejas Callejas 2003b; Callejas Callejas 2003c; Siqueira, 2003). The population
assessed in these studies, along with the sample size, sex distribution, and prevalence
are summarized in Table 6:
Table 6. Studies using serum creatinine of 1.5 mg/dl as CKD case definition
Sample Male
Workers at Monte Rosa sugarcane ingenio 2000
(El Viejo, Chinandega)
Workers living in non-sugarcane areas and 326
no history of working in sugarcane
History of work and current residence in one 997
of 6 communities in Chinandega or 3 in
Siqueira, 2003 Workers at 15 coffee farms (Jinotega)


Even when information was not available on what proportion of the sample was men,
based on the occupational nature of the populations studied, it is likely that in all studies
the proportion was very high. The prevalence rate in Jinotega was an order of
magnitude lower than in the studies in Chinandega and Leon, which were all similar in
prevalence. Although there is insufficient detail to determine whether there could have
been quality problems in the Jinotega study, there are notable differences between the


two areas in geographic location (central vs. western), altitude, temperature, and type of
crop, all of which could possibly affect the occurrence of CKD.
In the last two years, the Centro de Investigacion en Salud, Trabajo y Ambinte (CISTA)
at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua in Leon (UNAN-Leon) has
conducted a number of random sample prevalence studies among 20-60 year old
residents of selected communities in Leon and Chinandega. The first study was
designed to determine prevalence among all residents of five different communities
defined by the primary industry of employment (sugarcane/banana, mining, coffee,
fishing, and services) (Torres, 2007). Eligibility criteria for the communities included: (1)
location in Leon and Chinandega, (2) primary source of employment from one of the five
aforementioned industries, and (3) population of 600-800 residents (except for coffee
growing communities, all of which were smaller in size). From this list, one community
within each industry was randomly selected.
Medical students from UNAN-Leon attempted to enroll all residents of the community
20-60 years of age. Study staff administered a questionnaire; measured blood
pressure, height, and weight; and collected blood and urine samples. Serum creatinine
was analyzed at the National Diagnostic and Reference Center laboratory at MINSA
using an alkaline picrate rate-blanked compensated kinetic assay on a Roche Cobas
Integra 400 analyzer (reported bias of 0.01 mg/dL versus a gold standard (IDMS)
creatinine measurement). The reliability of the results was confirmed by the split
sample method. CKD was determined by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
using the 4-variable MDRD Study equation (Levey, Annals Int Med 2001).
Similar methods were used in prevalence studies in the communities of Candelaria and
La Isla in the municipality of Chichigalpa (Torres, 2008a) and in the remaining areas of
Chichigalpa, categorized as urban or rural (Torres, 2008b). Candelaria and La Isla in
particular have a very high concentration of residents who currently or formerly worked
at ISA. The same is true to a lesser extent in other areas of Chichigalpa. In these
studies, residences were randomly selected, and one resident per household between
the ages of 20-60 was then randomly selected to participate. Finally, a similar study
was conducted in five rural communities in northeast Leon (Aragon, 2009).
In addition, the Brookline-Quezalguaque Sister City Committee conducted a study
based on the same protocol in Quezalguaque, which is located in the department of
Leon between the municipalities of Leon and Chichigalpa (Brookline, 2008). All persons
age 18 were eligible for the study. The 2007 census listing was used to randomly
select 350 households stratified by comarca, with the number of households
proportional to the population of each comarca.
Medical and public health students from Boston University and Harvard University
collected similar information and samples as in the UNAN-Leon CISTA studies from all
household members in the eligible age range.
However, serum creatinine was
determined with the use of a portable device. The device measured the creatinine level
and then calculated the eGFR using the MDRD Study equation only for individuals with


values below 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2. UNAN-Leon CISTA has since tested the device
against the MINSA reference laboratory and found the results to be reliable (personal
communication, Dr. Torres, 6/09). In the Brookline study, only persons with eGFR 60
ml/min per 1.73 m2 were considered to have CKD. The creatinine assay used in the
CISTA and Brookline studies were not calibrated to Cleveland Clinic or to IDMS
traceable methods, which can introduce error in the eGFR. However, the impact is
greatest at the lowest serum creatinine/highest eGFR values. Therefore the high rates
of CKD Stage 4 disease observed (as described below) are not likely to be affected by
differences in creatinine assay (Clase, 2002; Coresh, 2002; Stevens, 2007).
Despite their limitations, these studies provide the best data to date on the prevalence
of CKD in the region. Furthermore, because they used random sampling methods with
generally high response rates and were conducted using similar methods, they provide
a basis for comparison. Table 7 shows response rates, sample sizes, CKD prevalence,
and male:female CKD ratio for each of the 11 communities included in these studies.
To permit comparisons between the two sets of studies, cases from the UNAN-Leon
studies are reported based on eGFR 60 (Stages 3-5), and results from the Brookline
study are reported only for participants 60 years old.
Overall response rates ranged from 73-94% (median 85%). The response rate among
females was higher in all communities where sex-specific response rates were
available, with differences ranging from 4-21%. To some degree, the lower response
rate among men is due to the greater likelihood that they are away from the community
or otherwise not at home during the times the study teams attempted to collect samples;
in addition, men were more likely to refuse to participate than women. Total sample
sizes ranged from 77-670 (median: 190).
Prevalence rates varied from 0% to 13.1% (median: 8.7%) and were above 8% in the
sugarcane/banana and mining community, Candelaria, La Isla, urban Chichigalpa, and
Quezalguaque. Rates were lowest in the coffee (2.6%) and services (no cases
identified) communities. However, because the proportion of males and females differs
substantially across different communitiesand in the absence of standardizationa
sex-specific comparison is more appropriate. Among men, the rates by community
ranged from 0-32.7% (median: 14.7%). Prevalence was >20% in La Isla, Candelaria,
and urban Chichigalpa. With the exception of northeast Leon, men had a substantially
higher prevalence rate than women, with ratios ranging from 3.1-38.1 and absolute
differences of 5.0-28.9%. The largest absolute differences were in Candelaria (27.9%),
La Isla (28.5%), and urban Chichigalpa (20.1%). For comparison, data from the US
NHANES survey indicates that the prevalence of CKD stages 3 and 4 in the US
population aged 20-59 years is 1.2% and the male to female ratio is 1.3 (Coresh J,
When results are further broken down by stage, the male:female ratio is much greater
among more advanced cases (Table 8). Because of the different case definitions and
how the data were categorized in available reports, the comparison in the UNAN-Leon
CISTA studies is between Stage 1-2 (not included in the data reported in Table 7) and


3-5. For stages 1-2, we only have information from the studies conducted in
Chichigalpa. In Quezalguaque, the ratio of men to women was 2:1 for Stage 3 and 13:1
for Stage 4-5. In the UNAN-Leon CISTA studies, with the exception of the study in
northeast Leon, the male:female ratios were 1.6 for Stage 1-2 and ranged from 3:1 to
38:1 for Stage 3-5.
Table 7. Response rates, sample sizes, and CKD prevalence in five
community-based studies in Leon and Chinandega, 2007-2008
Response rate
Sample size
CKD prevalence (stage 3)
Torrres, 2007: Residents of 5 communities in Leon and Chinandega
Primary Industry T
86% 78% 94% 331 154 177 10.0% 17.5% 3.4% 5.1
86% 81% 89% 383 156 227 8.9%
14.7% 4.8% 3.1
77% 69% 85% 166 91
10.7% 2.2% 4.9
84% 82% 86% 77
0.0% n/a
79% 67% 88% 140 49
0.0% n/a
Torres, 2008a, 2008b: Residents of different communities within Chichigalpa
202 74
128 11.4% 29.7% 0.8% 38.1
La Isla
175 55
120 13.1% 32.7% 4.2% 7.8
Other urban
217 72
145 8.8%
22.2% 2.1% 10.7
Other rural
110 36
16.7% 0.0% n/a
Aragon, 2009: Residents of 5 rural communities in northeast Leon
NE Leon
190 72
118 6.3%
7.6% 0.6
Brookline, 2008: Residents of Quezalguaque, Leon
86% 76% 93% 670 255 415 8.7%
14.9% 4.8% 3.1

Table 8. Sex ratios by CKD stage for studies conducted in Chichigalpa and Quezalguaque
Male:Female Ratio
Stage 1-2
Stage 3-5
La Isla
Stage 1-2
Stage 3-5
Other Urban Chichigalpa
Stage 1-2
Stage 3-5
Other Rural Chichigalpa
Stage 1-2
Stage 3-5
Stage 3
Stage 4-5
Figures 4-6 show data on CKD prevalence for Stages 3 and 4 from Quezalguaque and
the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) stratified by age


(18-30, 31-40, 41-57, 57) and sex. For this comparison with U.S. data, we included all
participants in the Quezalguaque study rather than restrict the data to those age 20-60.
Across both sexes combined, the age-specific prevalence of CKD is much higher in
Quezalguaque compared to the U.S., and the differences are much more pronounced at
both younger ages and higher stage. Sex-specific data demonstrate that this
relationship holds for both men and women, but is much more pronounced among men.
Figure 4. Comparison of CKD distribution by age, between Quezalguaque and the US


Figure 5. Comparison of CKD distribution in males by age,

between Quezalguaque and the US


Figure 6. Comparison of CKD distribution in females by age,

between Quezalguaque and the US

3. Interpretation of the data on CKD in Nicaragua

Because our primary concern is determining the etiology of CKD, incidence (defined as
new cases) is the measure of greatest utility; however, the only available measures of
CKD in Nicaragua are based on mortality and prevalence data. Under certain
conditions, both measures can be used to estimate incidence rates, but at least some of
those conditions are violated for both mortality (short survival time after occurrence) and
prevalence (good estimate of average duration of survival after occurrence) of CKD in
Nicaragua. However, we can use both measures to assess relative incidence under
three conditions:
(1) The extent of in-migration or out-migration from the population of interest is limited
and not disproportionately concentrated among individuals with CKD or without CKD;
(2) There are no important differences between the groups being compared in duration
(3) Among individuals who develop CKD, a high proportion die and a low proportion are


cured, and there is not much difference in these proportions between the groups being
Based on our understanding, we believe that these conditions hold for the various
comparisons of interest (e.g., variation by region, sex, occupation), so our interpretation
of the data is stated in terms of "occurrence" (incidence) of CKD even though the
underlying data are mortality and prevalence. These conditions do not hold for
comparisons between Nicaragua and US data. We have not made comparisons
between the two countries based on mortality data for both this reason and because of
concerns regarding differences in the death registration systems. However, the methods
to determine prevalence are much more similar, and differences in survival time after
diagnosis would presumably inflate the prevalence in the US relative to Nicaragua; thus,
the comparison is likely to be conservative. The record-based cohort study proposed in
Section IV.A.4 should provide the first direct estimate of incidence rates among at least
one group (sugar cane workers at ISA) in the population.
Based on the mortality statistics and prevalence studies described above, we have
drawn several conclusions, which are detailed below along with a summary of the
strength of evidence for each statement. We address the following below:
1. The occurrence of CKD is higher in the departments of Leon and Chinandega
compared to other areas of Nicaragua.
2. The occurrence of CKD in the departments of Leon and Chinandega is higher among
men than women.
3. The occurrence of CKD in the departments of Leon and Chinandega is elevated
among younger age groups compared to other areas of Nicaragua and the U.S.
4. The occurrence of CKD is elevated among certain occupational groups compared to
the general population.
1. The occurrence of CKD is higher in the departments of Leon and Chinandega
compared to other areas of Nicaragua.
The data to support this conclusion are taken entirely from mortality statistics, which are
the only source of national data on CKD in Nicaragua. Following is a consideration of
the various biases associated with death certificates and their relevance to
interpretation of the data:
a. Differential treatment: Mortality might be higher in one region, even though the
prevalence is the same, if treatment is poorer in that region, leading more people with
CKD to die. However, there is no indication that this is the case in Leon and
Chinandega. In general, there is limited treatment available anywhere in the country for
most people who develop CKD.
b. Differential attribution: As in the U.S., cause of death is determined by the physician.
Autopsies are almost never conducted in Nicaragua, so the determination is based on


clinical information. Given the publicity that has surrounded the occurrence of CKD in
Leon and Chinandega, one could plausibly argue that physicians in this area might be
more likely to assign CKD as a cause of death than would physicians in other
departments if presented with the same patient. However, mortality due to CKD was
substantially higher in Leon and (especially) Chinandega in 1992, before there was any
publicity (Table 5, Figure 2). In fact, the ratio of mortality rates for Chinandega
compared to the country as a whole has not changed a great deal (3.2 in 1992 and 3.7
in 2005). In addition, while most of the controversy surrounding CKD in this region has
been centered in Chinandega, Leon has seen a steeper increase in both absolute and
relative terms than Chinandega and has increased substantially compared to the rest of
the country (ratio of 2.0 in 1992 and 4.5 in 2005).
c. Differential completeness of registration: As with many developing countries,
Nicaragua has underregistration of death certificates, reported to be 42% for the years
1950-1999 (http://www.scielosp.org/img/revistas/bwho/v83n3/html/a09tab02.htm). Even in the absence
of differential attribution, if registration were more complete in Leon and Chinandega,
this would artificially raise the mortality rate compared to other departments. However,
the higher rate should be seen not only for CKD but generally for other causes of death
as well. Although such data undoubtedly exist, we have not obtained them as of this
d. Differential accuracy of population denominator: The denominator of the mortality
statistics are taken from the national censuses, which have been conducted in 1971,
1995, and 2005. Except perhaps for the 1992 data (which may have used the 1971 or
1995 Census), all the other years (1997, 2002, 2005) used data from the same general
time period, so subsequent shifts in population are unlikely to have caused bias in the
denominator. If the census were more likely to undercount the population in Leon and
Chinandega than in other departments, this would lead to an inflation in the rate relative
to other departments. Again, inflated rates should be seen for overall mortality and
across a variety of conditions.
e. Differential migration between residence of incidence and residence at death: As in
the U.S., deaths are attributed to the residence at time of death, which can be different
than the residence at time of developing the condition. If a substantial number of
individuals who developed CKD elsewhere migrated to Leon and Chinandega and died
there, this would inflate the apparent rate. We have no evidence that either supports or
conflicts with this hypothesis. We do note that one motivation for migration (better
treatment) is not likely to be the case even today, and was certainly not true in the
1990s when the rates were already higher in Leon and Chinandega.
f. Different age structure: It is not clear whether the data are age-adjusted. If Leon and
Chinandega have an older age structure than the rest of the country, the crude mortality
rate would be inflated. We have no direct information on age structure, but the fact that
the 2005 age-specific mortality rates are also highest in Leon and Chinandega suggests
that this is not an explanation for higher rates (Table 9).


Table 9. Age-specific mortality rates for CRI by department, Nicaragua 2005

Absent a national prevalence study, or one which at least encompasses both high and
low mortality departments, we can not absolutely rule out the possibility that the
observed elevation in mortality rates in Leon and Chinandega can be attributed to one
or more of the these biases rather than a truly higher occurrence of CKD. However,
given the very large differences in mortality rates between Leon and Chinandega and
other departments, it is difficult to imagine that these biases could be operating to such
an extent as to explain even the majority of the excess.
Secondary evidence supporting the particularly elevated rate in this region includes the
high rate of admissions for CKD to the regional hospital (Hospital Espana) in
Chinandega (personal communication, Dr. Roberto Fernandez, Director, 6/09) and the

existence of a separate unit dedicated solely to diagnosing and treating patients with
CKD at the local health center (Centro de Salud) in Chichigalpa (personal
communication, Dr. Erwin Reyes, nephrologist, 6/09), where the staff includes one of
the few nephrologists in Nicaragua.
We also make the following secondary points:
1. Some of the biases discussed above are more sensitive to changes across time.
Therefore, we have not drawn any conclusion regarding whether the mortality rate is
truly increasing over time or is simply coming to greater awareness and attention.
2. Although not as high as in Leon and Chinandega, elevated rates are also seen in
other departments in the western zone in the Pacific region.
2. The occurrence of CKD in the departments of Leon and Chinandega is higher among
men than women.
The evidence for this relationship is even stronger than for the overall excess in Leon
and Chinandega compared to other departments, because the evidence is consistent
from both mortality data and random prevalence studies. At the same time, one study
demonstrated a rate that was similar or higher in women than men among residents of
rural communities in northeast Leon (Aragon, 2008), suggesting that the increased
prevalence of men may not hold true in all places.
The prevalence studies also indicate that men have more severe disease than women.
If this is the case, it could be another contributing factor to the higher mortality rate in
addition to higher prevalence, and also suggests the possibility of a different etiology or
different factors affecting progression.
3. The occurrence of CKD is higher among younger age groups in the departments of
Leon and Chinandega compared to other regions of Nicaragua and the U.S.
The age-specific mortality data in Table 9 show that mortality rates are 4-5x higher than
rates for Nicaragua as a whole among the 15-34 and 35-49 age groups and 3-4 times
for the 50 age group, and 2-3x higher in each age group than the next highest
department. Although all the same concerns about death certificate data are relevant,
the same arguments advanced in relation to the overall CKD-specific death rate also
hold for the age-specific strata.
It is not appropriate to compare death rates between Nicaragua and the U.S. as a proxy
for incidence because death due to CKD generally occurs much later after diagnosis in
the U.S. due to the availability of effective treatments. Therefore, the prevalence data
from Quezalguaque provides the best evidence for higher age-specific rates in at least
one town in Leon compared to the U.S. Data from those UNAN-Leon CISTA studies for
which we were able to identify age-specific rates (Candelaria, La Isla, and urban
Chichigalpa) also showed elevated rates among younger age groups, particularly
among men (data not shown).


Secondary evidence supporting a young age at occurrence comes from data collected
by ASOCHIVIDA from 930 members. Among the 618 providing data (99.3% male) on
the age they were no longer able to work at ISA due to having a high creatinine level
(1.2 mg/dl), the mean and median were 43 and the interquartile range (25-75%) was
34-51, indicating that 25% had a high creatinine level by their early 30s.
4. The occurrence of CKD is elevated among certain occupational groups compared to
the general population.
Given their disproportionate incidence of CKD and representation in the occupations of
primary interest, we use data mainly from males in this section.
The five-community study in Leon and Chinandega by UNAN-Leon CISTA shows a
clear differentiation among males according to community, with the highest prevalence
rates found in the two communities where sugar cane/banana cultivation and mining
were the primary economic activity (Torres, 2007). The fishing community also had
relatively high prevalence, while communities whose economies centered primarily on
coffee and services had lower rates.
Other evidence supports these results. The two communities with the highest mortality
rate in the country (approximately 50% higher than the next highest community and 12
times higher than the national rate) were Chichigalpa and Larreynaga. The main
economic activity in the former community is sugar cane cultivation and in the latter
community is mining. In addition, the study by Siqueira (2003) among coffee workers,
although conducted in the neighboring department of Jinotega, also found a very low
prevalence of elevated creatinine.
One limitation of the five-community study is that the communities of residence are
taken to represent the respective occupations. Although likely a good proxy measure,
we have no data regarding the percentage of the population employed in the primary
industries. Information on usual occupation of the study participants was collected, but
data have not yet been presented in that form.
Taken together, the two studies in Chichigalpa also provide evidence that sugar cane
workers have an elevated occurrence of CKD (Torres, 2008a; Torres, 2008b). The
areas of Candelaria and La Isla have a very high proportion of current and former sugar
cane workers (in fact, Candelaria was created to house the workers who lived on the
ISA grounds prior to 2000). The prevalence of CKD among males was very similar in
these two communities (~30%), which is almost 80% greater than the next highest of
the communities outside Chichigalpa listed in table 7 where banana and sugar cane
cultivation are the main activities (18%) and twice as high as in the mining community.
Furthermore, in urban Chichigalpa, which has a wider range of occupations, 27% of
participants had worked in sugar cane and had a prevalence ratio of 5.9 compared to
those who had not worked in sugar cane (data not shown, Torres 2008b). Therefore,
although the overall prevalence was 22%, the prevalence among residents with a
history of working in sugar cane was substantially higher than 22% and prevalence


among other residents had to be lower. A similar relationship was seen in rural
Other facts need to be considered which temper the previous paragraph's focus on
elevated prevalence among sugar cane workers:
(1) The comparisons between sugar cane workers in Chichigalpa and other
communities can be based only on the small number of sites where studies have been
conducted. While we can conclude that the prevalence in Chichigalpa is quite elevated,
we cannot therefore conclude that it must be higher than all other communities in the
(2) The two studies by Callejas Callejas et al. (2003a, 2003b), using the creatinine of
>1.5 mg/dl as a case definition, found not dissimilar prevalence for sugar cane workers
at another ingenio (10%) and workers living in non-sugar cane areas without a history of
working in sugar cane (7%). However, the fact that the latter study was based on a
sample of interested volunteers raises concerns about possible bias and makes it
(3) As previously mentioned, the mining community of Larreynaga in Leon has as high a
(4) Although we do not have data on the proportion of males in Leon and Chinandega
who have worked in sugar cane, geography would suggest that the percentage is higher
in Chinandega based on the historical and current presence of two sugar cane
companies. Nevertheless, since 1997, the department of Leon has had as high a CKD
mortality rate as Chinandega, and was actually higher in 2005.
Based on consideration of all the evidence, we believe the most appropriate
interpretation of the data is:
(1) There is a wide variation in the prevalence of CKD by occupational group in the
(2) Sugar cane workers are one of the occupational groups with a high prevalence of
(3) Sugar cane workers are not unique in having a high prevalence of CKD
In summary, national mortality statistics and prevalence studies conducted almost
exclusively in Leon and Chinandega do provide data sufficient to characterize the basic
epidemiologic characteristics of CKD in these two departments. The evidence is
strongest that CKD is more common in men than women in Leon and Chinandega. This
fact alone is a powerful clue as to etiology, because any identified cause(s) should be
consistent with this observation. There is also quite strong evidence that CKD is more
common in Leon and Chinandega than other areas of the country and that sugar cane
workers in this region have elevated rates. It is important to note that this latter fact does
not necessarily mean that occupational exposures must be the cause of CKD. However,
it does mean that an occupational etiology -- either singly or contributory -- is a plausible
hypothesis that needs to be addressed. It is also very likely that other occupational
groups are likely to have elevated rates. We have concluded that the evidence is
stronger for sugar cane workers, not because we think elevated rates of CKD are likely


to be unique among this group, but simply because they have been studied more often.
In addition, we have not concluded that sugar cane workers have higher rates of CKD
than all other occupations, simply that the rates are elevated. There may be quite a
number of other occupations among which rates are as high as among sugar cane
workers but which have not yet been studied.

4. Summary of Prior Research on CKD in Nicaragua

a. Overview
While descriptive statistics and case series are useful for assessing the impact of CKD
on the Nicaraguan population and for providing clues about etiological hypothesis, they
cannot be used to test these hypotheses mainly because they do not have explicit
comparison groups and do not take extraneous confounding factors into account. Thus,
analytical studies, such as case-control, cross-sectional, and other designs, must be
conducted to determine if a valid epidemiological association is present between CKD
and a particular exposure.
Therefore, in addition to the data on mortality and prevalence described in the previous
section, we also reviewed a number of studies that tested hypotheses about putative
causes of CKD in Nicaragua from documents already in our possession, accessed
through CAO, or obtained directly from investigators in Nicaragua. As described later,
due to their limitations (many of them unavoidable), most of these studies have better
served as a means for screening hypotheses rather than testing them. We identified 22
unique analytical studies on CKD in this region, including 21 case-control and crosssectional studies and one experimental study.
The key findings and limitations of these studies are summarized below.
b. Case-Control and Cross-sectional Studies
One of the main designs in epidemiological research, case-control studies are
particularly useful in settings where little is know about the causes of a disease and
when the disease appears to have a long induction period, both of which appear to be
true for CKD in Nicaragua. In this type of study, the investigator identifies and enrolls
cases of particular disease and identifies and enrolls a control group which represents
sample of the population that produced the cases. Then the investigator determines and
compares the exposure history in the two groups to assess whether there is association
between prior exposure and disease. Typically many different exposures are examined
and care is taken to avoid biases and to control for extraneous confounding variables.
Like case-control studies, cross-sectional studies are also able to examine the
association between a disease and an exposure; however, cross-sectional study
populations are typically selected without regard to exposure or disease status and
examine the current prevalence of an exposure in relation to the current prevalence of a
disease. Thus, cross-sectional studies often have unclear temporal relationships.
Upon review of the available documents, we identified 21 unique case-control or crosssectional studies conducted on CKD in Central America, with 19 of these conducted in


Nicaragua. One was conducted in four other Central American countries along the
Pacific coast, and another was conducted in El Salvador. All but one of these studies
were conducted by local investigators; one was conducted by U.S. investigators from
the Brookline Quezalguaque Sister City Committee. The documentation of the study
methods and results was quite variable. Studies with good documentation tended to be
research theses conducted by medical students. Studies with poor documentation
tended to be described only in PowerPoint presentations. To the best of our
knowledge, only one study (Garcia-Trabanino, 2004) has been published to date in a
medical journal.
Most of the studies were conducted in community settings; only three were conducted in
hospital settings. Among the latter, cases generally had more severe CKD than those
in community-based studies, and controls were patients hospitalized for other reasons.
The number of CKD cases in the studies ranged widely from 15 to 600 but the case
definitions were fairly uniform: cases were generally defined either by a serum
creatinine above a certain level (e.g. serum creatinine1.5 mg/dl) or by a glomerular
filtration rate less than a certain level (e.g. GFR <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2). Personal
interviews were the main data collection technique for all of the studies. A few studies
collected biological samples for exposure analysis; however, it appears that some of
these analyses have not yet been conducted.
i. Case-Control and Cross-sectional Study Results
As described in Tables 10a-k and the following paragraphs, the results of the casecontrol and cross-sectional studies provide results on wide variety of putative causes of
CKD, including exposure to certain occupations (generally defined as either agricultural
or sugar cane work), heavy metals, and pesticides; medical conditions including
dehydration, urinary tract infections, diabetes, and hypertension; use of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs; lija and alcohol consumption; cigarette smoking, and family
history of kidney disease. The level of evidence for particular exposure is quite variable.
For example, only one study provides results on cadmium exposure while 17 studies
provide evidence on lija or alcohol consumption. One community-based study was
excluded from this review because the results could not be interpreted (Cooper
Mendoza, 2008).
i. a. Occupation
Thirteen studies have examined occupation in relation to CKD (Table 10a). These
studies focused mainly on agricultural work, and in some instances, on work
characteristics such as duration of employment and crop type, and 12 of these studies
report modest to strong associations. Odds ratios for agricultural work ranged from 1.6
to 4.2, while even stronger associations were seen for work in sugar cane cultivation,
particularly for long durations (e.g., Odds Ratios=6.0-12.7). The few studies that
examined other types of work found increased risks for fishing (Odds Ratio=4.5), mining
(Odds Ratio=1.8), cotton cultivation (Odds Ratio=2.8), and banana cultivation (Odd
Ratio=4.7). Many of the occupation findings were statistically significant. The only study
with null findings was the Sister City Study conducted in Quezalguaque. Only a few of


these studies controlled for confounding variables. Results of three of the four studies
that controlled for at least age and sex found modest to strong associations for
agricultural work (Odds Ratios: 1.6-5.9) (Garcia-Trabanino, 2004; Castrillo, 2001; Torres
Gonzalez, 2007). The fourth study (from Quezalguaque) was null (Brookline Sister City
Health Committee, 2008).
i. b. Pesticides
Nine of the 13 studies that examined pesticide exposure found modest to strong
associations (Table 10b). Odds ratios ranged from 1.6 to 9.3 and most were statistically
significant. Exposures to specific pesticides were not examined. Only a few of these
studies controlled for confounding variables. The three of the four studies that controlled
for at least age and sex found 1.9 to 2.6-fold increased risks (Castrillo, 2001; Lopez
Arteaga, 2005; Brookline Sister City Health Committee, 2008). The fourth study
conducted in El Salvador was null (Garcia-Trabanino, 2004). The latter included
agricultural work as a confounder in the multivariate analysis and so may have masked
a possible association with pesticide exposure.
i. c. Heavy Metals: Lead and Cadmium
Five epidemiological studies examined the relationship between lead and CKD, with
inconsistent results (Table 10c). One study found a very strong association (Odds
Ratio: 18.9) (Marin, 2002). While no measure of statistical stability was reported in this
study, the sample size was small. Another study found high but similar lead levels
among cases and controls. Confounding was inadequately addressed in these two
studies. In addition, the Brookline Sister City Study found only one of 771 community
members with high blood lead levels and this individual had a normal GFR. The two
remaining studies did not report lead levels comparing cases and controls.
To date, only one small case-control study has examined cadmium exposure in relation
to CKD (Table 10a, Uriarte Barrera, 2000). Estimated levels were higher among 15
cases versus 15 controls (0.73 versus 0.42 ug/day) but the difference appears to be
related to differences in cigarette smoking. Another case-control study has reportedly
collected hair samples for heavy metal analyses but no cadmium results were found in
available documents.
i. d. Dehydration
Six studies examined some aspect of the physical environment (e.g., high temperature)
or symptoms (e.g., thirst) related to dehydration (Table 10d). Four of the studies found
strong positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.8-3.9 for thirst and 4.2 for high
temperatures) while two did not (Odds Ratios 0.2-1.2 for thirst). A seventh study, which
compared electrolyte consumption among workers who became ill versus those who did
not, found much lower consumption among ill workers. Again, only a few studies
controlled for confounding variables. The only study that controlled for age and sex
found a 1.8-fold increased risk for thirst (95% CI: 1.0-3.6) (Brookline Sister City Health
Committee, 2008).


i. e. Urinary Tract and Kidney Infections

Ten studies examined a history of urinary tract or kidney infections (Table 10e). In some
studies exposure was defined as recurrent infections. The results of these studies were
inconsistent; six found modest to large positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.4-5.4)
while four had essentially null findings. Three of the six positive studies had statistically
significant findings. However, only a few of the studies controlled for confounding
variables. The two studies that controlled for at least sex and age found 1.4-fold and
3.2-fold increased risks (Castrillo, 2001; Lopez Arteaga, 2005).
i. f. Diabetes
Fifteen studies examined a history of diabetes (Table 10f). The results of these studies
are inconsistent; six found modest to large positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.8-3.5)
while the remainder had null findings. The prevalence of diabetes was low and so most
results were statistically unstable. In addition, only a few of these studies controlled for
confounding variables. The five studies that controlled for at least sex and age also had
inconsistent results (adjusted Odds Ratios=0.7-2.1) (Garcia-Trabanino, 2004; Castrillo,
2001; Torres Gonzalez, 2007; Lopez Arteaga, 2005; Brookline Sister City Health
Committee, 2008).
i. g. Hypertension
Fourteen studies examined a history of hypertension (Table 10g). Ten of the studies
found modest to strong positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.7-6.3); the strong
associations tended to be statistically significant. The remaining four studies had null
findings. In addition, only a few of these studies controlled for confounding variables.
The four of the five studies that controlled for at least sex and age found small to large
positive associations (Odds Ratios 1.4-6.3) (Garcia-Trabanino, 2004; Castrillo, 2001;
Torres Gonzalez, 2007; Brookline Sister City Health Committee, 2008).
i. h. Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Ten studies examined the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS, Table
10h). Only two of the studies found positive associations that were statistically
significant (Odds Ratios=4.0-4.2), while the remainder had essentially null findings. The
two studies that controlled for at least sex and age found adjusted odds ratios of 1.1 and
1.2 (Lopez Arteaga, 2005; Brookline Sister City Health Committee, 2008).
i. i. Lija and Alcoholic Beverage Consumption
Seventeen studies examined the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including lija
(Table 10i). All of the studies that reported on lija consumption (n=6) found moderate to
strong positive associations (Odds Ratios=2.0-11.0) that, when reported, were
statistically significant. The studies that reported on alcohol consumption were less
consistent; eight reported modest to strong positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.4-7.6)
while six reported essentially null findings. In addition, only a few studies controlled for
confounding variables. The single study that appears to be well-controlled found an
adjusted odds ratio of 1.4 (95% CI: 1.1-4.8) for alcohol consumption among male
workers (Lopez Arteaga, 2005).


i. j. Cigarette Smoking
Six studies examined cigarette smoking (Table 10j). The two studies with positive
associations found 1.8 and 3.8-fold increased risks and the latter was statistically
significant. The remaining four had essentially null results. Only a few of these studies
controlled for confounding variables. The results of the Brookline Sister City Study,
which controlled for age and sex, were null (2008).
i. k. Family History
Eleven studies examined family history chronic kidney disease or renal failure (Table
10k). Seven of these studies found modest to strong positive associations with odds
ratios ranging from 1.6 to 4.0; many of these findings were statistically significant. The
remaining four study results were essentially null. Only a few of these studies controlled
for confounding variables. The single study that appears to be well-controlled found an
adjusted odds ratio of 1.6 (95% CI: 1.1-2.4) for a family history of chronic kidney
disease (Lopez Arteaga, 2005).
i. l. Miscellaneous Exposures
Two studies reported some interesting results for exposures not listed above (Table
10l). Ruguma (2001) reported that glucosamine use was associated with a 3.7-fold
increased risk of CKD (95% CI: 2.2-6.3). In addition, Aragon et al. reported that dengue
infection was associated with a 2.7-fold increased risk (95% CI: 0.8-9.1). Confounders
were not adequately controlled in these investigations.
c. Experimental Study
In addition to the case-control and cross-sectional studies, we also identified one
experimental study. Its purpose was to determine the impact of preventive measures to
avoid deterioration of renal function due to heat stroke syndrome among field workers in
the San Antonio sugar mill in western Nicaragua during 2005-2006 (Solis Zepeda,
2007). The study, which compared 218 workers who received education about the
consumption of electrolyte solutions and energy cookies in the field versus187 workers
who did not, found that these preventive measures had a small, beneficial impact on
kidney function.
d. Summary of Results of Prior Epidemiological Studies
The above described studies provide results on wide range of putative causes of CKD.
These studies reported fairly consistent positive associations for agricultural work,
pesticide exposure, dehydration, hypertension, lija consumption, and family history of
CKD. Positive associations were observed for these exposures even among the few
studies that controlled for confounding variables (at least age and sex). Results for the
remaining exposures were either inconsistent or essentially null. As described below,
interpretation of this body of research must consider a variety of limitations.
e. Limitations of Prior Epidemiological Studies
While 22 distinct epidemiological studies have been conducted on CKD in Nicaragua
and nearby countries, the validity of their findings is difficult to assess for the following


reasons. First, we often did not have access to complete descriptions of the study
methods. Thus, it was challenging to determine, for example, if bias was present or if
confounding was adequately controlled. However, among studies with sufficient
description, we identified several limitations that make their interpretation problematic.
These include uncontrolled confounding, recall bias from the use of interviews to collect
retrospective exposure data, failure to consider synergistic effects of two or more risk
factors, misclassification of exposure information, and low statistical power stemming
from a small number of subjects. Some of these problems (e.g., recall bias, uncontrolled
confounding) would tend to bias the results away from the null making associations
appear stronger than they are, while others (e.g., misclassification and low power)
would tend to bias the results towards the null thereby masking associations.
One of the most concerning aspects of this body of research is uncontrolled
confounding. Confounding means that the association is invalid because there is a
mixing of effects between the exposure, disease and a third extraneous variable known
as a confounder. Evidence for uncontrolled confounding among the reviewed studies
includes the failure to control any confounders in some studies, controlling for only a
limited number of confounders in most others with little or no justification for controlling
certain confounders while omitting others. We believe that this issue is particularly
problematic for exposures that are closely related to one another. For example,
separate strong associations were reported for two related exposures --history urinary
tract infections and the use of NSAIDS; however, analyses examining one exposure did
not control for the other and so it is impossible to determine if these associations are
valid or if they confound one another.
Another important problem is recall bias which stems from the use of interviews to
collect retrospective exposure data. Recall bias occurs when there is a differential level
of accuracy in the information provided by the compared groups (e.g. cases and
controls). The classical recall bias scenario whereby diseased cases have more
accurate recall of exposures than the controls is a concern among the Nicaraguan
studies because there widespread knowledge of the CKD problem and it is likely that
many study subjects already had strong ideas about its causes. In particular, a study of
workers from Ingenio San Antonio (Zelaya, 2001) found strong positive associations for
most exposures that were examined. This is a highly unusual occurrence in an
epidemiological study and raises the suspicion of recall bias. In fact, many of the
exposures, such as working in high temperatures, were likely present for both cases
and controls, and so null associations would be expected.
Another drawback of the prior studies is their failure to take into account the impact of
two or more factors simultaneously that may be working in concert to produce CKD. In
other words, there may be a synergistic relationship between two or more exposures
that increase risk of disease beyond what we would expect from simply adding the risks
associated with each factor alone. For example, volume depletion may make the
kidneys more susceptible to the effects of other exposures such as heavy metals and
NSAID use. While each factor alone may lead to a modest increase in risk, the


combination of both factors may create the perfect storm and lead to a large increase
in risk.
Still another limitation is exposure misclassification, which is one of the most common
problems in epidemiological research. This problem can arise when broad categories
are used to classify exposure. For example, some studies defined the exposure as
agricultural work or as pesticide exposure, even though it is likely that only certain
types or aspects of agricultural work and that only certain types of pesticides increase
the risk of CKD. While broad exposure classifications give a general idea of a putative
cause, they make it difficult to identify effective preventive measures and tend to bias
results towards the null. Misclassification can also arise for clinical exposures. For
example, true urinary tract infections are uncommon in males, yet this condition was
frequently reported among male subjects, particularly those with CKD.
Last but not least, none of the existing studies test other hypotheses regarding the
causes of CKD in Nicaragua, including exposure to aristolochic acid (known to cause
CKD in the Balkans); known infectious diseases; and the use of nephrotoxic antibiotics
and other drugs.
In summary, the studies previously described in this section provide results on a wide
range of putative causes of CKD. Taken together, these studies reported fairly
consistent positive associations for (1) agricultural work, (2) pesticide exposure, (3)
dehydration, (4) hypertension, (5) lija consumption, and (6) family history of CKD.
Positive associations were observed for these six exposures even among the few
studies that controlled for confounding variables (including age and sex). Results for the
remaining exposures were either inconsistent or essentially null. Because the positive
findings were relatively consistent and some confounders were controlled, we have
slightly more confidence in their validity. However, as noted above, all of the prior
studies were questionnaire-based, and so we cannot rule out the possibility that recall
bias (as well as other problems) accounts for the findings. Thus, as described in greater
detail in Section IV, we recommend that an entirely different approach be taken for
future studies of CKD in Nicaragua. Instead of questionnaires, our recommended
approach includes environmental sampling, analysis of biological samples, work
observation and a record-based cohort study.
Table 10a Occupation


Type of

Study Setting



Jansa, Oliver





Salvador: 1
in coastal and
1 in high
elevation area
Hospitalbased in Leon

volunteers from
coastal region;
volunteers from
65 cases and
130 controls

Case and Control




and CR >1.4

diabetes, age,
alcohol use

OR=1.6 (0.8-3.5) for

agricultural work

symptoms and CR

Sex and age


for agricultural work



Marin Ruiz,


Workers from
Ingenio San

43 cases,
39 controls

without CKD





with working
mine workers,

479 women and

617 men

Cases=CR >1.2 for

males and 0.9 for

Age and sex





327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159

by location of




Communitybased in La

175 in La Isla
Candelaria (9495%
rates; 38-43% of

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
84 in Candelaria





Communitybased in Leon

490 cases and

3320 controls

and GFR <80;
Controls=CR <1.3
and GFR >80




44 cases
100 controls



Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane

38 cases
111 controls

since 1999 with

controlled for
other types of


OR=6.0 for working

more than 15 years,
OR=13.3 for working
more than 8 hours a
Among males mining
work (OR=5.9), and
were associated with
highest relative risks;
mining (OR=1.8) was
associated with the
highest relative risk.
Service workers had
reduced relative risks
(OR=0.3 in men and
OR=0.5 in women).
OR=5.9 (p<.01) for
current cane work
among urban subjects
and OR=15 (p<.01)
for cane work among
rural subjects
for cane work in La
Ilsa and OR=12.7
(4.5-36) for cane
work in Candelaria,
OR=2.2 (1.0-4.7) for
cotton work in La
Isla; OR=3.7 (1.58.9) for banana work
in La Candelaria
Strongest ORs for
sugar cane (OR=2.4);
rice (OR=1.5) and
corn (OR=1.4)

Average duration of
cutting cane=15 years
for cases and 6.7
years for controls

OR=2.9 for cutting

sugar cane > 10 years





95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60

Sex and Age

OR=1.0 (0.4-2.3)


in Leon and

elevated CR and
elevated CR

Cases: Cr >= 1.5




cane workers


Cases: CR>=1.5;




in Northeast

12 with Stage 35 (GFR<=60)



OR=3.9 (2.1-7.4) for

agricultural work;
OR=1.5 (1.0-2.5) for
sugar cane work,
OR ranges from 0.9
(gardening) to 4.0
(banana) for other
types of cultivation
ORs elevated for all
laborers (OR=2.4),
farmers (4.2), and
(2.1). Elevated risks
for all crops but
numbers are small.
OR=2.5 (0.8-8.3)
exposure at work
OR=1.9 (0.6-5.7) for
cotton work
OR=1.1 (0.5-3.2) for
agricultural work


Table 10b Pesticides



Type of

Study Setting


Jansa, Oliver








1 in coastal
area and 1 in
high elevation
Workers from
Ingenio San
Hospitalbased in Leon









Case and Control




coastal region;
62 male volunteers

and CR >1.4

OR=0.8 (0.4-1.5)

468 cases and 468


of CKD

Adjusted for
region, age,
and alcohol
None in this

65 cases and 130


symptoms and CR

Sex and age


OR=2.6 (1.1-6.1)

Hospitalbased in Leon

165 cases and 334


with complications
internal medicine
elevated CR

analysis; data
stratified by



327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60

by location of


Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
84 in Candelaria



Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla and

202 in Candelaria
participation rates;
490 cases and
3320 controls

OR=9.3 (5.4-16.3)
Urban males OR=
4.0 (1.2-13.1)
Few females
pesticide exposure
OR=14.6 (p<.01)
exposure among
rural subjects
OR=2.1 (1.0-4.5)
in La Ilsa and
OR=4.8 (2.3-10.0)
in Candelaria

Controls=CR <1.3
and GFR >80

conducted a
controlled for
history of CRI
infections, use
diabetes and

OR=1.9 (1.1-3.3)

OR=2.3 (1.7-3.2)





95 cases and 224


Cases=GFR< 60

Sex and Age


tested; 7 cases of
CRI found



43% of cases used

unknown percent
among non-cases



(coffee, corn,
Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane

38 cases
111 controls







44 cases
100 controls


OR=1.6 (0.8-3.6)



in Leon and

997 subjects
102 with elevated
elevated CR

since 1999 with
Cases: Cr >= 1.5


OR for pesticide
OR for pesticide


in Northeast

190 subjects
12 with Stage 3-5



OR for pesticide
OR for pesticide

OR=1.9 (0.9-3.9)



Table 10c Heavy Metals



Type of

Study Setting



Case and Control






Workers from
Ingenio San

43 cases,
39 controls

without CKD
of CKD


OR=18.9 for lead. No p

value reported.




Workers from
Ingenio San


by Zelaya)


Farm workers
in the western

468 cases and

468 controls;
evaluated in
blood and hair
from 57 cases
600 cases and
600 controls




479 women,
617 men

Cases=CR >1.2 for

males and CR>0.9
for females



reported. Blood lead
levels were higher in
patients in Leon and
Chinandega which could
be a manifestation of
diminished excretion from
There were high lead
levels in hair samples of
both cases and controls.
Cadmium and arsenic
examined but no results
were reported.
Not yet analyzed







with working
mine workers,
Workers from
Ingenio San

15 cases, 15

Cases=Workers at
ISA hospital with
CKD diagnosis
at ISA hospital
without CKD



Sister City



95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60

Not in


Total mean cadmium

exposure 0.73 ug/day
among all cases vs. 0.42
among all controls (p
value= 0.12). Total mean
cadmium exposure 0.95
ug/day among smoking
cases vs. 0.53 among
among non-smokers.
community members was
found with high blood
lead; he had a normal


Table 10d Dehydration



Type of

Study Setting





468 cases and

468 controls



s of CKD


variables not
analysis; data
stratified by

Crude OR=11.1 for

Adjusted OR=4.2 for
OR=4.2 (2.4-7.1)
intensive labor at


Workers who did not get

sick consumed at least 10
solution compared to 3
liters among those who
did get sick.
OR=0.7 (p=.6) among
rural subjects for extreme
thirst at work
OR=1.2 (0.5-2.6) in La
Ilsa and OR=0.2 (0.1-0.6)
in Candelaria for thirst





in Leon

165 cases and

334 controls


by Zelaya)


Farm workers in

600 cases and

600 controls





327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:

by location of


Communitybased in La Isla
and Candelaria

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla


Sister City



175 in La Isla
and 202 in
rates; 38-43%
of population
95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60

Sex and Age

OR=1.8 (1.0-3.6) for thirst


communities in
Northeast Leon

190 subjects



OR for thirst during



patients without
elevated CR




Table 10e Urinary Tract Infections



Type of

Study Setting




Workers from
Ingenio San








Case and Control




468 cases and

468 controls

of CKD

UTI crude OR=1.9 (95%

CI= 1.4-2.6)
Kanamicina use crude
OR=2.4; adjusted OR= 2.0

Hospitalbased in Leon

65 cases and
130 controls

symptoms and CR

None in UTI
analysis; Yes
analysis but
variables not
Sex and age



327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60

by location of

OR=5.4 (p<.01) among

OR=0.6 (p=.5) among
rural subjects


Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
84 in Candelaria


OR=2.8 (1.0-7.8) in La
Ilsa and OR=1.7 (0.7-4.3)
in Candelaria



Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla
and 202 in
rates; 38-43%
of population
490 cases and
3320 controls

Controls=CR <1.3

OR=1.4 (0.9-2.4) for





44 cases
100 controls



Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane

38 cases
111 controls

since 1999 with

conducted a
controlled for
history of CRI
pesticide use,
diabetes and


urinary tract

OR=3.2 (1.5-7.2)

Frequent urinary tract

cases and 19% among





in Leon and


cane workers


in Northeast

elevated CR
895 without
elevated CR
326 workers
screened; 24

Cases: Cr >= 1.5


OR=0.7 (0.4-1.2)

Cases: CR>=1.5;


38% of cases and 30% of

non-cases have a history
of repeated urinary tract

12 with Stage



OR =3.8 (0.9-16.9)


Table 10f Diabetes



Type of

Study Setting


Moya Perez,
Maria Jansa


Jansa, Oliver


among Pacific
Guatemala, El
Slavador: 1
in coastal and
1 in high
elevation area














Case and Control




residents with



4% of cases and 7% of
non-cases have diabetes

from coastal
from control
468 cases and
468 controls

and CR >1.4

diabetes, age,
work, alcohol

OR=2.1 (1.2-3.6)

of CKD


OR=0.7 (0.3-0.8)

65 cases and
130 controls

symptoms and CR

Sex and age


OR=1.8 (0.8-4.0)

with working
mine workers,

479 women
and 617 men

Cases=CR >1.2 for

males and 0.9 for

Age, sex, and


among men and 1.2

327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159

by location of

OR=3.5 (p=.02) among

diabetes among rural


Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria


OR=3.4 (1.1-10.6) in La
Ilsa and OR=1.5 (0.45.7) in Candelaria


Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla
and 202 in
rates; 38-43%
of population
490 cases and
3320 controls

Controls=CR <1.3

conducted a
controlled for



Workers from
Ingenio San
Hospitalbased in Leon




history of CRI
pesticide use,
infections, use
Sex and Age




95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60



44 cases
100 controls


0% of cases and 2% of



Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane
in Leon and

38 cases
111 controls

since 1999 with


No cases or controls
reported a history of

895 with CR

Cases: Cr >= 1.5


OR=1.7 (0.5-5.1)


cane workers

326 workers
screened; 24

Cases: CR>=1.5;


8% of cases and1% of





9% of cases and 5% of
non cases



residents of
coastal area of
pesticides and
in Northeast

12 with Stage



Only two subjects had



OR=0.7 (0.2-2.0)


Table 10g Hypertension



Type of

Study Setting


Moya Perez,
Maria Jansa


Jansa, Oliver


among Pacific
Guatemala, El
Salvador: 1
in coastal and
1 in high
elevation area














Case Definition



residents with



6% of cases and 12% of


from coastal
from control
468 cases and
468 controls

and CR >1.4

diabetes, age,
work, alcohol

Odds ratio 2.3 (1.2-4.4)

of CKD


OR= 4.4 (3.0-6.4)

65 cases and
130 controls

symptoms and CR

Sex and age


OR=6.3 (3.1-12.0)

with working
mine workers,

479 women
and 617 men

Cases=CR >1.2 for

males and 0.9 for

Age, sex, and


among men and 1.3
(0.8-2.0) among women

327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159

by location of

OR=1.9 (p=.15) among

urban subjects and
among rural subjects


Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria


OR=0.6 (0.3-2.0) in La
Ilsa and OR=1.4 (0.63.2) in Candelaria


Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla
and 202 in
rates; 38-43%
of population
490 cases and
3320 controls

Controls=CR <1.3

conducted a
controlled for



Workers from
Ingenio San
Hospitalbased in Leon




history of CRI
pesticide use,
infection, use
and diabetes
Sex and Age




95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60



44 cases
100 controls


History of hypertension
among cases
and 6% among controls



in Leon and

CR>=1.5 and

since 1999 with
Cases: Cr >= 1.5


OR=1.7 (0.9-3.1)


Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane
cane workers

38 cases
111 controls



11% of cases and 0% of

controls reported a
history of hypertension

326 workers
screened; 24

Cases: CR>=1.5;


13% of cases and 7% of


residents of
coastal area of
pesticides and




18% of cases and 6% of

non cases



OR=1.4 (0.8-2.3)


Table 10h Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)










by Zelaya)



Study Setting


Workers from
Ingenio San
Hospitalbased in Leon






Case and Control




468 cases and

468 controls

of CKD


OR=0.7 (0.6-1.0)

165 cases and

334 controls

with complications
internal medicine
elevated CR

OR=4.2 (2.4-7.1)

Farm workers
in the western

600 cases and

600 controls


analysis; data
stratified by



327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159



Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria



Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla
and 202 in
rates; 38-43%
of population
490 cases and
3320 controls



Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane

38 cases
111 controls


Controls=CR <1.3

by age, sex,
and location
of residence

conducted a
controlled for
history of CRI
pesticide use,
diabetes and

selfprescribed nephrotoxic
medications (NSAIDS)
frequently than those
who did not get sick.
OR=0.5 (p=.18) among
NSAIDS among rural
OR=0.7 (0.3-1.6) in La
Ilsa and OR=0.5 (0.21.2) in Candelaria






Sister City




95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60

Sex and Age

OR=1.1 (0.7-1.9)

since 1999 with


OR = 1.3 (0.6-2.8)


OR=1.2 (0.4-3.6) for

analgesics and antiinflammatory drugs



44 cases
100 controls


in Northeast

12 with Stage


Table 10i Lija/ Alcohol



Type of

Study Setting



Case and Control




Moya Perez,
Maria Jansa



Jansa, Oliver





among Pacific
Guatemala, El
Salvador: 1
in coastal and
1 in high
elevation area
Workers from
Ingenio San




56% of cases and

51% of non-cases

volunteers from
coastal region;
volunteers from
468 cases and
468 controls

and CR >1.4

diabetes, age,
work, alcohol

OR=0.7 (0.4-1.2) for


of CKD


Hospitalbased in Leon

65 cases and
130 controls

symptoms and CR

Sex and age


OR for lija =5.7 (4.27.9)

OR for alcohol=1.8
OR for alcohol =2.6


Marin Ruiz,


Workers from
Ingenio San

43 cases,
39 controls


OR for alcohol =7.6

(reported by


Farm workers
in the western

600 cases and

600 controls

without CKD


The diseased had

ingestion of lija.



327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159

OR for alcohol =3.1

(p<.01) among urban
subjects and OR=2.6
(p=.2) among rural




Communitybased in La

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria




Communitybased in Leon

175 in La Isla
rates; 38-43% of
490 cases and
3320 controls

by age, sex,
and location
of residence

conducted a
controlled for
history of CRI
pesticide use,

OR for alcohol =1.4





Controls=CR <1.3

OR for alcohol =3.2

(1.5-6.8) in La Ilsa
and OR=1.9 (0.9-4.4)
in Candelaria


infections, use
diabetes and
Sex and Age




95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60


38 cases
111 controls


tested; 7 cases
of CRI found




Hospitalbased in El
All sugar cane

44 cases
100 controls

since 1999 with



cane workers


Cases: CR>=1.5;


in Leon and

Cases: CR >= 1.5


OR = 3.7 (1.9-7.6)
OR = 4.2 (2.6-7.0)






76% of cases and

63% of non cases
have alcoholism





OR=1.2 (0.3-5.2) for



residents of
coastal area of
pesticides and
in Northeast

analyses: age,
for variables=

analysis was
mentioned for
Controlled for
age, years in


12 with Stage 35 (GFR<=60)

OR=1.7 (0.8-3.5)

OR for lija =11.0

(3.8-21.8) (adjusted)
OR for alcohol=2.2
(0.7-7.7) (crude)
most non-cases also
consumed alcohol
Crude OR = 4.3 (1.315.8)
Crude Lija OR= 10.8
Adjusted Lija OR =

100% of case and
89% of non cases
OR=4.8 (1.7-13.7)


Table 10j Cigarette Smoking



Type of

Study Setting



Moya Perez,
Maria Jansa







among Pacific
Guatemala, El




Communitybased in La





residents of
coastal area of
pesticides and


in Northeast

Case and Control






53% of cases and

58% of non-cases
tobacco addiction

327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159

among urban subjects
and OR=2.0 (p=.5)
among rural subjects

175 in La Isla
Candelaria (9495%
rates; 38-43% of

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria

by age, sex,
and location
of residence



58% of cases and

56% of non cases

95 cases and
224 controls

Cases=GFR< 60

Sex and Age


12 with Stage 35 (GFR<=60)



OR=1.0 (0.1-7.2) for

past tobacco use
OR=0.7 (0.1-5.1) for
current use

OR=3.8 (1.8-8.0) in
La Ilsa and OR=3.6


Table 10k Family History of Kidney Disease



Type of

Study Setting



Case and Control







468 cases and

468 controls

of CKD





in Leon

65 cases and
130 controls

and CR >1.2

Sex and age


OR for death from

renal failure in a
OR for CKD=4.0



327 subjects

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60; n=159




Communitybased in La Isla
and Candelaria

Stages 3 and 4:
GFR <=60
n=76 in La Isla and
n=84 in Candelaria

OR=0.4 (0.2-3.0)
OR=0.9 (0.1-7.3)
ORs about 1.0 in




Communitybased in Leon
and Chinandega

175 in La Isla
Candelaria (9495%
rates; 38-43% of
490 cases and
3320 controls

by age, sex,
and location
of residence

OR for CKD=1.6
(1.1-2.4) for CKD




44 cases
100 controls



in El Viejo,
All sugar cane

38 cases
111 controls

since 1999 with

conducted a
controlled for
age, pesticide
use, alcohol
family history
of cancer, use
diabetes and


13% of cases and

5% of controls
reported a family
history of chronic
renal insufficiency


Communities in

elevated CR and


OR=2.0 (1.1-3.9)



Controls=CR <1.3

Cases: Cr >= 1.5

48% of cases and

29% of controls
reported a family
history of CRI



elevated CR

Non-sugar cane


Cases: CR>=1.5;


13% of cases and

5% of non-cases


Male residents
of coastal area
of Chinandega
pesticides and
communities in
Northeast Leon




50% of cases and

44% of non cases

12 with Stage 35 (GFR<=60)



OR=0.6 (0.1-4.7)


Table 10l Miscellaneous Exposures



Type of

Study Setting





Hospitalbased in Leon

165 cases and

334 controls



in Northeast

12 with Stage 35 (GFR<=60)

patients without



None in primary
stratified by sex,

OR for glucosamine use

=3.7 (2.2-6.3)


infection=2.7 (0.8-9.1)



A. Introduction
Based on our review in Section II of the information available on CKD in Nicaragua,
while the data provide important clues, it is our view that there is insufficient evidence to
draw any conclusions about the cause(s) of the elevated rates of CKD.
Given the elevated rates of CKD in Leon and Chinandega, it is important to note some
of the characteristics of these regions, as they affect our choice of the potential
hypotheses. One of the most notable geographic features in the region is the presence
of a chain of active volcanos which commonly emit ash that reaches the population. In
addition to being a respiratory concern, volcanic ash may generally contain heavy
metals. Because of the volcanos, the soil is particularly fertile, and the area has always
been a prime agricultural region, including not only sugar cane but cotton, peanuts, rice,
bananas, and other crops. As a result, there is a long history of pesticide use in the
region. Another important environmental feature is the heat. We do not have
comparative temperature data, but we have been informed that this region is the hottest
and driest of any in Nicaragua. This impression is reinforced by an entry in a tourist
guidebook, which states that travelers to Chinandega will know what it feels like to be a
rotisserie chicken (Wood, 2008). Finally, in the context of raising potential genetic
causes, some individuals have noted that the residents of this region are more likely to
be of indigenous background. However, we have no information either supporting or
contradicting this statement.
In order to appreciate some of the hypotheses that have been included, in particular in
relation to the role of heat and strenuous work, it is important to understand some of the
developing understanding of CKD. When classifying kidney disease and kidney injury,
it is often helpful to dichotomize causes into acute and chronic conditions. Traditional
paradigms hold that acute kidney injury (or acute renal failure) is thought to occur in
response to an acute event with an abrupt decline in kidney function followed by near
total recovery in 2-4 weeks. A typical patient may be one who develops shock due to
blood loss during surgery resulting in acute renal failure requiring temporary
hemodialysis, but who recovers renal function and returns to their previous baseline
kidney function. A minority of patients who suffer acute kidney injury may remain
dialysis dependent. In contrast, CKD is thought to develop in response to ongoing
damage to the kidney, often from ischemic, immunologic, biochemical, or inflammatory
injury. Kidney function worsens slowly over time, and, although the rate of progression
may be modified, existing damage is not thought to be reversible. A typical patient may
be one with diabetes who, 15 years after developing diabetes, first develops
albuminuria, with a subsequent decline in kidney function as measured by an increased
serum creatinine, followed by progression to ESRD over the next 10 years.
These paradigms have undergone re-examination in the past few years. It is now
recognized that patients suffering acute kidney injury, although apparently recovering to
baseline kidney function, may be at increased risk for developing CKD many years in


the future. In fact, it has been shown that patients developing only small changes in
serum creatinine during a hospitalization (as small as 0.1 mg/dl) may be at increased
risk for developing ESRD (Newsome, 2008; Coca, 2009; Tian, 2009).
As previously discussed, CKD is now not just thought of in terms of etiology, but also in
terms of susceptibility factors, initiation factors, and progression factors (Table 4). For
example, it has been suggested that infants of low birth weight may have reduced renal
mass and nephron number and be more susceptible to CKD later in life. In patients with
diabetic nephropathy, it is known that control of blood pressure may be a major factor in
preventing progression of CKD, independent of control of blood glucose. In addition,
patients with CKD may also be more susceptible to acute kidney injury from such
agents as radiographic contrast, nephrotoxic antibiotics, or non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and such injury may lead to more rapid progression of the
underlying CKD.
Similarly, it is believed that patients who are volume depleted are more likely to develop
acute kidney injury when exposed to nephrotoxins, such as radiographic contrast or
myoglobin from muscle injury. This hypothesis provides the clinical rationale for treating
patients with existing CKD with saline prophylaxis prior to the administration of
radiographic contrast to prevent the development of superimposed acute kidney injury
(Pannu, 2006). In case series of earthquake victims, the importance of prompt
provision of adequate intravenous hydration to victims with crush injuries in order to
prevent acute kidney injury from the release of toxic substances from the damaged
muscle, is well established (Gunal, 2004).
In summary when considering the development and progression of CKD, it is not just
the etiologic agents outlined in Table 3 that are important. Susceptibility factors related
to genetics, birth weight, age, prior renal insults, hydration status, and concurrent
exposure to nephrotoxins may lead to the development of CKD in some individuals but
not others. Once the initial injury is established, such factors as control of blood
pressure, smoking, and use of renoprotective or nephrotoxic drugs may change the rate
at which the disease becomes clinically manifest. Clearly, in evaluating causality the
interplay of multiple factors must be considered (Levey, 2007).


B. Specific Hypotheses

1. Agrichemicals
a. Background
Agrichemicals, also called pesticides, include herbicides, fungicides and insecticides
used to control agricultural pests (i.e., plants, fungus, weeds and insects that compete
or interfere with agricultural crop production). Agricultural pesticides include a variety of
synthetic chemical compounds, often used in combination at different times during
production depending on their target pest. The areas of Chinandega and Leon are
currently areas of high sugar cane production and historically of high cotton production.
Cotton is a high input crop that requires the use of many synthetic chemicals. Sugar
cane also requires use of agrichemicals, mostly herbicides known as Atrazine and
Roundup. There are concerns among workers that exposure to agrichemicals is a
cause of CKD.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Based on our knowledge of the sex distribution of employment in sugar cane in general
in Nicaragua and at ISA in particular, we expect that a substantially greater number of
men would be exposed; therefore, the exposure patterns would be consistent with the
predominance of CKD among men. Sugarcane is grown around the world in areas
where a high prevalence of CKD has not been documented, although it is unclear
whether there might be silent epidemics.
Nine of thirteen studies that examined pesticide exposure in Nicaragua found modest to
strong associations with CKD (Table 10b). Odds ratios ranged from 1.6 to 9.3 and most
were statistically significant. However, in these studies exposures to specific pesticides
were not examined, and only a few of these studies controlled for confounding
variables. The three of the four studies that controlled for at least age and sex found 1.9
to 2.6-fold increased risks (Castrillo, 2001; Lopez Arteaga, 2005; Brookline Sister City
Health Committee, 2008). The fourth study conducted in El Salvador was null (GarciaTrabanino, 2004). The latter included agricultural work as a confounder in the
multivariate analysis and so may have masked a possible association with pesticide
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
The majority of pesticides used in commercial agricultural today were developed and
marketed prior to comprehensive health and safety studies being conducted.
Consequently, in many cases we have incomplete data on the possible health effects of
such chemicals when used individually, and even less is known of their possible health
effects when they are used in combination. Studies on the health effects of individual
compounds are usually conducted on laboratory animals, and human risk measures are
extrapolated from animal data.


Of the 20 chemicals of concern (described in the following section), Atrazine,

Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup and Forza), Paraquat and Nemagon are
known to cause kidney damage in animal studies but have not to date been associated
with CKD in humans (Bjorge, 1996; EPA, 2009a; EPA, 2009b; EPA, 2009c; Williams,
2000). Paraquat (and diaquat) has been associated with acute renal failure after
accidental or intentional toxic exposure (Kim, 2009). However, there are no reports of
CKD after long-term exposure, although we are aware of only a single study examining
this question which did not find nephrotoxicity after chronic exposure (Senanayake,
d. Likelihood of exposure
We have identified 20 pesticides of interest due to the likelihood of exposure. Twelve of
these are reportedly used by NSEL in the production of sugar cane. Four additional
pesticides are widely used in the sugar cane production in the US as identified in a
report prepared by Exponent Inc. (2009), although these four are not reportedly used by
NSEL. And finally, four more pesticides have either been used historically or have
elsewhere been identified as a potential concern (e.g., Yearout, 2008). See table 11.
Certain jobs at ISA have higher potential for pesticide exposure (e.g., cane cutting vs.
factory work), but we do not have enough detail yet to quantify or rank exposure levels.
e. Potential for study
A number of factors need to be considered regarding pesticide exposures. These
include timing of exposure and environmental half-life of the chemical, exposure routes
and duration, and amount of exposure. Historic pesticide use may be studied by
examining records of purchase and use of pesticides from NSEL. Present or recent
exposures may be estimated by measuring soil and water samples for pesticide
concentrations, and examining human urine and/or blood for biomarkers of exposure in
individuals. However, not all pesticides persist in the environment or in humans and
these will be more difficult to measure. This is especially true of Glyphosate and
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. The main evidence in favor of the agrichemical hypothesis is the highly probable

The association of pesticides and CKD is unknown. Pesticides exposure is

associated with a range of health effects. Kidney damage is a known effect of
exposure to some pesticides and it is possible that the effects of more than one
type of pesticide are additive or synergistic and that other conditions (e.g.,
dietary, behavioral) may alter the effect of pesticide exposures.


We are treating this as a high-priority hypothesis.


We recommend the development of strategies to sample the environment for

concentrations of pesticides in soil and water. This initial strategy will include


input from NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA board members and provide the basis for
further investigation.

We recommend observations of practices recommended for safe application of

pesticides and protection of workers from exposure.

Table 11. Pesticides

Atrazine (CAS# 1912-24-9)
Roundup or Forza
(Glyphosate CAS#1071-83-6)
Ametrex (Ametryne CAS#834-12-8)
Velpar 75 (Hexazinone CAS#51235
Karmex (Diuron CAS#330
Prowl (Pendimethalin CAS# 40487
Finale (Glufosinate ammonium CAS#77182
Hedonal (2,4-D CAS#94-75-7)
Dimethylamine Dicamba CAS#2300-66-5)
Advance (Trifluralin CAS#1582-09-8)
Racumin (Coumatetralyl CAS#5836-29-3)
JADE (Imidacloprid CAS#138261-41-3)
Gramoxeone (Paraquat CAS#1910-42-5)
Terbugran (Terbufos CAS# 13071-79-9)
Coumadin (Warfarin CAS# 81-81-2)
Arrivo (Cypermethrin CAS# 52315-07-8)
Nemagon (dibromochloropropane CAS#96-12-8)
DDT (CAS# 50-29-3)
DDE (CAS# 72-55-9)
DDD (CAS# 72-54-8)








2. Volume depletion
a. Background
Although volume depletion is not a recognized cause of CKD, it is a recognized
susceptibility factor for acute kidney injury. In fact, the use of prophylactic volume
expansion is the cornerstone for the prevention of acute kidney injury due to the
administration of nephrotoxic agents such as radiographic contrast or chemotherapeutic
drugs (Pannu, 2006). Furthermore several experimental models of nephrotoxic kidney
injury require the use of diuretics and/or salt depletion in order for the nephrotoxin to
cause kidney injury. These experimental models include aristolochic acid (Debelle,
2002), the likely cause of Balkan endemic nephropathy as well as a potential causative
agent of CKD in Nicaragua, and radiocontrast administration (Heyman, 1988).
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Available data suggests that CKD prevalence may be higher in occupations in which
strenuous work is performed in high environmental temperatures (sugar cane workers,
miners). These conditions would predispose to volume depletion. There is further
evidence that volume depletion is common in these workers and that adequate
rehydration regimens can reduce the risk. An unpublished study found a weight loss of
2.6 kg, an increase in serum sodium to 145, an increase in serum osmolality to 301
mOsm/kg and an increase in urine specific gravity to 1.026 during the work day in a
control group, compared to a weight gain of 0.8 kg, an increase in serum sodium to 141,
an increase in serum osmolality to 295 mOsm/kg, and in increase in urine specific
gravity to 1.015 in a group educated about need for adequate hydration. The results
show clear evidence of volume depletion in the control group, while the group receiving
the hydration education maintained adequate hydration during the workday (Solis
Zepeda, 2007).
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Unlikely as a primary cause, but may well be a predisposing condition/susceptibility
factor, increasing the risk of developing acute kidney injury in the presence of other risk
factors. It may also be a progression factor.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Volume depletion has been demonstrated to occur at high environmental temperatures
and strenuous labor, consistent with conditions present for many laborers in Nicaragua.
e. Potential for study
Information on volume depletion is probably quite limited from a retrospective review of
records. Similarly, interviewing workers to ascertain their hydration habits is likely to be
biased. The most direct way to ascertain the importance of this factor is a prospective
work observation study.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. Volume depletion is unlikely the primary cause of CKD, but it is a common and


well-accepted susceptibility factor for kidney injury caused by other agents,

particularly due to nephrotoxin exposure. Because it may occur commonly in the
population of workers exposed to high environmental temperatures, it is
considered to be an important factor in the progression of CKD in Nicaragua.
ii. A prospective work observation study is proposed.
iii. Key data to be collected would be weight immediately before and after work
as a measure of fluid loss, as well as orthostatic measurements of blood
pressure and pulse as overt signs of volume depletion. Biochemical measures
could include pre- and post-creatinine and urine specific gravity or osmolality, but
their inclusion may depend on the financial resources available for this specific

3. Muscle damage
a. Background
Muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis) is a well-recognized cause of acute renal failure.
Acute renal failure is thought to occur because of the release of the nephrotoxic muscle
protein, myoglobin, from damaged muscle. Myoglobinuric acute renal failure has been
reported after traumatic muscle damage, such as occurs with crush injury, and after
non-traumatic muscle injury, such as occurs in some individuals given statins. It is not
typically considered to be a cause of CKD. However, there are isolated reports of
chronic interstitial nephritis as a consequence of rhabdomyolysis. Kew et al reported on
40 South African miners who developed heatstroke, all of whom also developed
evidence for kidney damage during the acute heatstroke episode (Kew, 1970).
Although all the patients who survived the initial episode made complete clinical
recoveries, four of the patients went on to develop chronic progressive tubulointerstial
nephritis over a period of four years. There have been no subequent reports of similar
cases, but there has been a report of a patient with McCardles disease who developed
chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (McCarron, 1980). McCardles disease is a familial
muscle enzyme deficiency characterized by recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis and
myoglobinuria after exercise, rarely resulting in myoglobinuric acute kidney injury. The
reported case had multiple episodes of myoglobinuria with a single episode of acute
renal failure at age 42. A kidney biopsy done one month after the episode of acute
renal failure, when his serum creatinine was 1.2 mg/dl, showed marked chronic
tubulointerstitial disease, which the authors attributed to recurrent episodes of
These two reports are important since they provide some histologic evidence for the
development of chronic renal injury in response to myoglobinuria. The report of Kew et
al is particularly important, since the renal disease occurred in workers under similar
environmental conditions to those seen in Nicaragua, specifically strenuous work in high
environmental temperatures. However, this report only describes patients with
heatstroke, the most severe manifestation of heat induced injury. The report of the


McCardles patient suggests that chronic myoglobinuria may also be a cause of CKD.
It has been demonstrated that strenuous exercise may result in muscle damage in
normal individuals. Clarkson et al studied 203 volunteers aged 18-40 years (Clarkson,
2006). They performed two sets of 25 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow
flexor muscles separated by a five-minute rest. Subjects maximally contracted their
elbow flexor muscles to resist the downward movement of a lever moved by the test
administrator. All subjects were instructed to drink water during the test. Serum creatine
kinase (CK) and myoglobin were measured as markers of muscle damage. Average
peak CK levels were 6420, 2100, and 311% and average myoglobin levels were 1137,
170, and 28% above baseline values on days 4, 7 and 10 after exercise. Of these
participants, 111 had CK values at 4 days postexercise >2000 U/L and 51 had values
>10,000 U/L, levels consistent with the diagnosis of myositis and rhabdomyolysis,
respectively. No patient had an alteration in kidney function as measured by creatinine
and blood urea nitrogen. Although, not providing evidence for chronic kidney injury, this
study does suggest that strenuous exercise may not uncommonly results in significant
muscle damage.
The relevance of this report for sugar cane workers in Nicaragua is uncertain. It would
seem that if recurrent myoglobinuria caused by strenuous exercise was a cause of
chronic kidney disease, that there would be other reports in other workers or endurance
athletes. Such reports are lacking. However, it may be a combination of strenuous
exercise and volume depletion, potentially in the setting of other initiation factors, which
results in CKD in Nicaragua.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
The higher prevalence of CKD in workers in strenuous occupations, such as cane
workers and miners, would be consistent with this hypothesis.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Only limited evidence as a cause of CKD.
d. Likelihood of exposure
It is uncertain whether strenuous work in a well-conditioned worker would result in
rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria.
e. Potential for study
Information on rhabdomyolysis is probably quite limited from a retrospective review of
records. The most direct way to ascertain the importance of this factor is a prospective
work observation study.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. Strenuous exercise with resulting rhabdomyolysis is a well-known cause of
acute kidney injury.
There is extremely limited information that recurrent
myoglobinuria may also result in CKD. With increasing recognition that episodes


of subclinical renal injury may lead to CKD and the likelihood that myoglobinuria
may be occurring in cane workers, this etiology deserves specific attention.
ii. A prospective work observation study is proposed.
iii. Key data to be collected would be measurements of serum creatine kinase and
myoglobin and urine myoglobin before and after work.

4. Systemic Infections
a. Background
Infectious diseases are an additional possible cause of CKD in Nicaragua, as many
infections are associated with both environment (reflecting poor sanitation and hygiene
conditions) and occupational exposures. A relationship between occupational
exposures, including activities related to sugar cane workers, and an increased risk of
infection with diseases, including leptospirosis, hantavirus, malaria, Chagas disease,
yellow fever and schistosomiasis, has been described elsewhere (Everard, 1992; David,
2000; Phoolchund J, 1991; Robins, 1998; Rossi, 2007).
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
This occupational exposure would be consistent with the apparent excess prevalence of
CKD in males in the context of Northwestern Nicaragua.
Most of these infectious diseases, when accompanied by acute kidney injury, manifest
with an acute and florid symptomatology that would not pass unnoticed. Nevertheless,
high seroprevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic leptospirosis has been
described in Nicaragua (David, 2000)
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Leptospirosis (also known as canefield fever and, in severe cases, referred to Weils
syndrome) can cause acute kidney injury; the lesion is typically consistent with a
tubulointerstitial process and may also manifest with a electrolyte abnormalities
(potentially due to inhibition of the Na+, K+, 2Cl- transporter in the ascending limb of the
Loop of Henle (Wu MS, 2004). Leptospirosis and other endemic infectious diseases
may have similar manifestations, although conjunctival suffusion is nearly
pathognomonic of leptospirosis.
Other infectious diseases that may have similar features and that are found in
Nicaragua include malaria, dengue fever, and hantavirus. Of these, malaria and
dengue fever seldom have kidney findings except in the cases of severe illness.
Several hantavirus species are known to cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
(HFRS), one form of which is referred to as Nephropathia epidemica (NE). Kidney
involvement is more common with hantavirus infection in Europe and Asia and less
common in endemic hantavirus in the Western hemisphere. Usually the kidney disease


presents with an acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. Other common interstitial changes

include congestion and dilatation of the medullary vessels, hemorrhage into the
medullary tissues, interstitial edema, and tubular cell necrosis and degeneration
(Mustonen, 1994). Histologic changes in the glomeruli are typically mild despite
prominent proteinuria. As with most acute kidney disease, progression to CKD has
been noted (Novo, 1999). Antibodies to the virus are detected in the serum, and virus
can be demonstrated by PCR in kidney biopsy material. (Papadimitriou M, 1995;
Muranyi, 2005).
Parasites can cause secondary glomerulonephritis, probably related to chronic antigen
exposure. Parasitic infections endemic to Nicaragua include filariasis, leishmaniasis,
and schistosomiasis. Of these, filariasis does not typically have kidney findings
although chyluria can occur with severe lymphatic obstruction and both hematuria and
proteinuria have been reported (Dreyer G, 1992). Leishmaniasis (particularly cutaneous
Leishmaniasis which is more common in Nicaragua) does not typically have kidney
findings; and schistosomiasis, when associated with kidney disease, typically manifests
with proteinuria.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that can occur through direct or indirect transmission from a
mammalian host (rodents, dogs, etc). Indirect transmission via contact with Leptospira
contaminated water or soil, is thought to be responsible for most cases. For this reason,
workers in rice fields, sugar cane plantations and mines (Cespedes Z, 2003) have been
described as risk groups. In Western Nicaragua, outbreaks following heavy rains
resulting in flooding areas have been described (David, 2000).
Rodents are the principal reservoir for hantavirus. Humans appear to be infected by
aerosols or dust from rodent urine, droppings, or by direct contact with saliva through
cuts or mucous membranes. People who come in direct contact with rodents and
heavily rodent-contaminated areas are at risk, especially rural area residents and
farmers. (CDC disease fact sheet).
Both environmental and occupational exposures to these infectious agents are likely to
happen in impoverished rural areas of northwestern Nicaragua.
e. Potential for study
One possible means to study the association between CKD and leptospirosis is to
perform serologic testing of previously collected sera from cases and controls. The IgG
antibody is a long term marker for past disease, which disappears over time but can
remain detectable years after an infection (Cumberland, C.O.R., 2001). If cases had
much higher rates of positive Leptospirosis IgG antibody than controls, it would provide
support for this infection as a cause of CKD. Unfortunately, there are no specific
histologic features of CKD related to Leptospirosis, so a definitive diagnosis cannot be


In prospective studies, we recommend inclusion of questions regarding household

sanitation systems, water and food sources, ownership of animals, and an estimate of
rats or rodents in household.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. Infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus or malaria are known to
cause acute renal failure. There is limited evidence related to their role as
causative agents of CKD. However, infectious disease processes may work as
precursors or synergistically with other nephrotoxic insults.
ii. If access to stored samples is available, we will study the presence of
leptospirosis IgG antibodies in already collected sera and compare the
seroprevalence of cases and controls.
Heavy Metals
Chronic exposure to heavy metals, most notably lead and cadmium with others
including mercury, chromium and uranium, is associated with chronic tubulointerstitial
nephritis. These heavy metals may accumulate in proximal tubule cells, causing both
functional and structural damage that results in reabsorptive and secretory defects. The
mechanisms remain unknown but may involve local oxidative stress with associated
lipid peroxidation, apoptosis, and necrosis as common phenomena in the course of
nephrotoxicity of these metals (Sabolic I, 2006). Little epidemiologic data exist for
widespread mercury, chromium and uranium-associated nephropathies aside from
sporadic outbreaks generally associated with industrial exposures.

5. Lead
a. Background
The classic heavy metal nephropathy is lead nephropathy, whereby filtered lead
accumulates in the proximal tubule, likely resulting in direct tubulotoxicity and
subsequent interstitial fibrosis. Resultant hypertension as well as hyperuricemia may
serve as progression factors. Lead nephropathy has unique pathologic findings,
including acid-fast intranuclear inclusions of proximal tubule cells; in chronic
nephropathy, focal tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and minimal cellular infiltrates
predominate. Clinical and laboratory features include decreased urate excretion,
proximal tubular dysfunction, and hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, with late
manifestations including progressive GFR decline, hypertension, and recurrent
episodes of (saturnine) gout. Lead nephropathy is difficult to diagnose, as serum levels
are unhelpful, typically reflecting bone turnover rather than actual exposure.
Accordingly, diagnosis of lead nephropathy is dependent on recognition of patients with
an appropriate lead exposure history, CKD, hypertension, and gout.


Most evidence supporting a causal role for lead in CKD comes from studies of
occupationally exposed individuals who experienced high levels of exposure (e.g.,
Weeden, 1975). However, there is also evidence that lower exposure levels stemming
from either occupational or environmental sources also have an adverse impact on
renal function and may accelerate age-related impairment of renal function (Kim, 1996).
Much of the research data on lead nephropathy and its treatment originates from
Taiwan. In one study, following the determination of body lead burden by 72-hour
urinary lead excretion after the intravenous infusion of 1 g of calcium disodium EDTA
measured by electrothermal atomic-absorption spectrometry, individuals with
moderately elevated body lead burden (80 g to 600 g) randomized to three months of
chelation therapy had significantly lower rates of progression than those not receiving
chelation therapy (Lin JL, 2003).
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Epidemiological data: Four epidemiological studies have examined the relationship
between lead and CKD in Nicaragua. A case-control study of 43 sick and 39 healthy
ISA workers found that 28% of the sick workers and 2.5% of the healthy workers had a
positive lead test (Odds Ratio: 18.9) (Lead Presentation). In contrast, a case-control
study of lead in hair samples from 600 cases and 600 controls observed similarly high
lead levels among both cases and controls (Zelaya FA). The Brookline Sister City
Study found only one of 771 community members with high blood lead levels; this
individual had a normal GFR (Brookline, 2008). Another case-control study of 57 cases
and 68 controls found high blood lead levels among patients in Leon and Chinandega
but no results were given comparing cases and controls (Zelaya FA). Lastly, a fifth
study of working communities has collected but has not yet analyzed its lead data
(Torres, 2007; Torres, 2008).
Clinical pattern: In order to be consistent with the clinical pattern of CKD, lead exposure
would need to be more common among men, greater in Chinandega and Leon
compared to other areas of the country, and associated with lower socioeconomic
status. We currently do not have enough information about distribution of lead exposure
to make this assessment.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Based on studies of occupationally exposed individuals, it is possible for even moderate
lead exposure over a long duration to adversely impact kidney function. The impact of
low levels is less certain. As with prior exposures, lead toxicity may be synergistic with
volume depletion and other nephrotoxins.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Sources of lead exposure in developing countries in South and Central America include
gasoline emissions (although this source has been phased-out in many countries),
leaded paint, and lead in canned food and beverages. Occupational sources in these
areas include lead smelting, mining, and a variety of cottage industries including the


production of lead-glazed ceramics, lead-acid battery processing, and radiator repair

work (e.g., Dykeman, 2002; Romieu, 1994). In fact, a community-initiated study in
Managua found elevated levels among children living near a battery factory (Morales
and Mauss, 1998). (The factory is now closed.) Another possible source of lead in the
Nicaraguan environment is volcanic eruptions. In a Dominican population residing in
Rhode Island, lead exposure was linked to use of a botanical, litargirio, which is used in
the manufacture of batteries, glass, and ceramics; in the vulcanizing of rubber; as a
paint pigment; and as an antiperspirant as well as a traditional remedy for burns and
fungal infections of the feet (MMWR, 2003). We are unaware of medicinal use of this
agent in Nicaragua.
Notably, lead exposure, unless linked to occupation or
recreational activities (i.e., moonshine consumption in the US after using car radiators
as distilleries), would not be more common in men.
It is currently unknown whether there are significant sources of environmental and
occupational lead exposure in the affected communities. Low lead levels were observed
in nearly all available water samples (75). Only two samples had moderate levels
about 17 ug/L. Levels reported in another data source (47) seem too high (reported as
50-55%) to be accurate. The representativeness of these water samples is unknown.
Other environmental media such as soil may also be contaminated.
e. Potential for study
Environmental sampling of water and soil will help determine the presence of lead as a
possible factor in the etiology of CKD.
It is also important to determine possible
occupational sources.
Lead exposure using biological samples would be difficult to study. To accurately
assess lead levels requires either blood levels at the time of exposure (and not at the
time of diagnosis of CKD) or assessment of total body lead burden as described above.
This testing could theoretically be performed in a subset of individuals but would be
labor intensive and not inexpensive. However, as there is available therapy for lead
nephropathy which is far less expensive than kidney replacement therapy, it may be
worthwhile to more fully investigate total body lead burden in a subpopulation of
individuals with stage 3-4 CKD.
Potential study could
i. Assess the work and living environment for potential exposures to lead
If evidence is suggestive, a study of total body lead burden in a subset of
individuals with CKD could be undertaken, particularly if environmental
sampling identifies sources of lead exposure.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. We do not know much about the sources, distribution, and levels of lead
exposure in Nicaragua. It would be useful to know the lead levels in water and
soil that are accessible to people.



The epidemiological study results do not present a cohesive picture. Some

results are positive; some are null; and some are missing. Reverse causation
may explain the positive results.
Lead levels would have to be very high in order to be the main cause of CKD.
However, it is quite possible that lower-level lead exposure is one of many
contributing causes. It is also possible that the combined effects of lead and
cadmium (the two exposures may co-occur) are synergistic. If so, the source
would likely be occupational in nature in order to explain the clinical pattern of
CKD in Nicaragua.

6. Cadmium
a. Background
Cadmium is a heavy metal with well-established nephrotoxicity (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 2008), often reflecting prolonged low-level exposure
(Gonick HC, 2008). Data from human studies, which primarily examine occupational
exposure, suggest a latency period of approximately 10 years before clinical onset of
renal damage, depending on the intensity of the exposure. However, subtle alterations
in renal function have been described after acute exposure in animals. Damage is both
tubular and glomerular, although tubular proteinuria appears more prominent than
glomerular proteinuria.
Cadmium toxicity may be associated with non-renal manifestations, including crippling
and painful osteomalacia with high level exposures. Other renal manifestations may
include a Fanconi syndrome (proximal tubular wasting) as well as an immune-complex
mediated glomerulonephritis.
Chronic cadmium exposure is associated with
progressive renal tubular dysfunction in humans, and the toxic effects on the kidney
appear to be dose-related. Even very low levels of cadmium exposure may have
adverse effects on the kidney, although the lowest dose that induces renal damage is
currently unknown.
Occupational exposure to cadmium exposure occurs during mining, work with cadmium
containing ores, manufacturing of cadmium containing products including paints and
batteries, plating, soldering and welding. These occupational activities contaminate the
ambient environment (e.g., air, soil, water) leading to general population exposure
through the ingestion of cadmium-contaminated foods and cigarette smoking. In fact,
populations living in areas with high cadmium levels in the soil can have high dietary
exposures stemming from crop uptake. In Japan, eating contaminated rice has lead to
Itai-Itai disease, a serious kidney and bone disease occurring mainly in women.
Except for volcanic eruptions, the sources of cadmium exposure in Nicaragua are


b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in

To date, only one small case-control study has examined cadmium exposure in relation
to CKD (Uriarte Barrera ED). Estimated levels were higher among 15 cases versus 15
controls (0.73 ug/day vs. 0.42 ug/day) but the difference appears to be related to
differences in cigarette smoking. Another case-control study has reportedly collected
hair samples for heavy metal analyses but no cadmium results were observed in
available documents (Zelaya FA).
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Based on studies of occupationally exposed individuals, it is possible for high,
moderate, and even low cadmium levels to adversely impact renal function.
d. Likelihood of Exposure
It is currently unknown whether there are significant sources of environmental and
occupational cadmium exposure in the affected communities. Low cadmium levels were
observed in all available water samples (75); however, the representativeness of these
samples is unknown. Other environmental media such as soil may also be
e. Potential for study
Environmental sampling of water and soil will help determine the importance of this
exposure in the etiology of CKD. It is also important to determine possible occupational
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. We do not know much about the sources, distribution, and levels of cadmium
exposure in Nicaragua. It would be useful to know the levels in water and soil
that are accessible to people.
ii. Epidemiological study results are also lacking.
iii. High cadmium levels could account for the elevated rates of CKD. In addition,
it is possible that moderate and even low-level exposure is one of many
contributing causes. It is also possible that the combined effects of lead and
cadmium (the two exposures may co-occur) are synergistic. If so, the source
would likely be occupational in nature in order to explain the clinical pattern of
CKD in Nicaragua.

7. Uranium
a. Background
Uranium, the heaviest of the naturally occurring elements, is a metal whose biological
effects were described in the literature as early as the 1820s. Animal studies, as well as
studies of occupationally exposed persons, have shown that the major health effect of
uranium is chemical kidney toxicity, rather than a radiation hazard (Wrenn ME, 1985;
Leggett RW, 1989; Taylor DM, 1997; WHO, 1998). Both functional and histologic
damage to the proximal tubules has been demonstrated (Haley DP, 1982; Haley DP,


1982; Diamond GL, 1989; Gilman AP, 1998; Gilman AP, 1998). There is no evidence in
animal or human studies of uranium toxicity to glomeruli.
Elevated levels have been found in uranium mining as well as in non-uranium-producing
communities. In the latter case, the uranium has been introduced into drinking water,
not through human activity, but through contact with naturally occurring deposits of
uranium minerals.
Two small studies with 50100 study persons have been published on the kidney
toxicity of natural uranium from drinking water. They have shown an association of
uranium exposure with increased urinary glucose, alkaline phosphatase, and -2microglobulin excretion (Zamora ML, 1998), as well as increased urinary albumin levels
(Mao Y, 1995). A third study of the effects of chronic uranium exposure in drinking
water found that it is weakly associated with altered proximal tubulus function without a
clear threshold, which suggests that even low uranium concentrations in drinking water
can cause nephrotoxic effects (P Kurttio, 2002).
Uranium can be distributed throughout the environment by way of human and natural
activity, such as volcanoes, wind, and streams. It can be found as dust in the air, and
this dust can dissolve in water and settle on plants, and can be found in larger particles
in soil (US Department of Health and Human Services, 1999).
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Exposure to uranium could be consistent with excess CKD in Leon and Chinandega,
due to the presence of several active volcanos in the area. It would be consistent with
an excess of CKD among males only if the primary exposure was occupational. No
studies have been conducted in Nicaragua regarding a potential association between
uranium exposure and CKD.
c. Likelihood of Causing CKD
Based on studies of occupationally exposed individuals, it is possible for high,
moderate, and even low uranium levels to adversely impact renal function.
d. Likelihood of Exposure
Exposure to uranium is plausible due to the presence of several active volcanos in the
e. Potential for Study
Uranium can be easily measured in different media, including water and soil.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. High uranium levels could contribute to the elevated rates of CKD.
ii. We do not know much about the sources, distribution, and levels of uranium
exposure in Nicaragua. It would be useful to know the levels in water and soil.


iii. Epidemiological study results are lacking.

8. Aristolochic Acid
a. Background
Aristolochic acid obtained from seeds of the common plant, Aristolochia, is a well-known
nephrotoxin and has been incriminated as the source of several epidemics of CKD
(Debelle, 2008). It was originally identified as a nephrotoxin after horses that consumed
hay contaminated with the seeds of Aristolochia clematitis developed tubulointerstitial
kidney disease. Subsequently, an epidemic of chronic tubulointerstital kidney disease
was reported from Belgium in women who had taken an herbal medicine, containing
aristolochic acid, as part of a weight loss regimen. Besides the development of ESRD,
cases were notable for the development of urothelial carcinomas. Numerous cases of
chronic interstitial nephritis have been reported from around the world in patients
ingesting herbal remedies and the risk of kidney disease and urothelial tumors is
increased in Chinese herbalists. These observations, lead to a re-examination of the
possible causes of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN), a form of chronic interstitial
nephritis and urothelial carcinoma affecting people in a specific geographic distribution
along the Danube River. Although the disease had been identified in the 1950s, it
cause remained unexplained, until the report of the Belgian epidemic. The clinical
similarities, including the development of urothelial cancer, stimulated an examination of
aristolochic acid as a potential cause of BEN. Aristolochic acid induced DNA adducts
were identified in patients with BEN.
It was suspected that the source of the
nephrotoxin was chronic dietary intake of bread made from wheat contaminated with the
seeds of Aristolochia clematidis.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
The most compelling reasons to investigate aristolochic acid as a potential cause of
CKD in Nicaragua are its association with Balkan endemic nephropathy, a similar
geographic epidemic of CKD, as well as the ubiquitous distribution of Aristolochia
species. However, disease caused by this nephrotoxin should not have a male
predominance and it is unknown whether there is an increased risk of urothelial
carcinoma in the Nicaraguan population.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
It is a well-established cause of CKD.
d. Likelihood of exposure
In Nicaragua they are 13 species of Aristolochia (Aristolochia anguicida, A. constricta,
A. cruenta*, A. elegans, A. grandiflora, A. inflata*, A. maxima, A. odoratissima, A. pilosa,
A. ringens*, A. stevensii, A. tonduzii, and A. trilobata). It is plausible that there could be
contamination with flour, as has been hypothesized to occur in BEN. In addition, if
herbal remedies are commonly used, these may also be a source of intoxication.


The most widely used species for medicinal purposes (e.g., snakebite, febrifuge,
stomachic) in Eastern Nicaragua are Aristolochia constricta and A. trilobata. In Western
Nicaragua the most widely used species for medicinal purposes are Aristolochia
anguicida (stomachache), A. constricta (snakebites), A. grandiflora (dysentery, snake
and scorpion bites, rheumatism, venereal disease, the roots of this species are very
toxic), and A. odoratissima (snakebites, stimulant, diuretic, stomachic, and febrifuge).
The common names for the species used in Western Nicaragua are raz de estrella (A.
constricta) and guaco (A. grandiflora, A. odoratissima). Most Aristolochia species
contain Aristolochic Acid known to be both mutagenic and carcinogenic to animals
(personal communication with Felix Coe, PhD, University of Connecticut, July 13, 2009).
e. Potential for study
Direct incrimination as etiologic agent in the population is not possible, since it would
require identification of DNA-adducts in renal tissue. Identification of Aristolochia
species in areas where grain is grown would provide a possible link with food
contamination. Further study would depend on reliable assays of aristolochic acid in
foodstuffs and herbal remedies.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i.Because of its established nature as a nephrotoxin, aristolochic acid should be
ii.Investigation should identify the plant in fields where foodstuffs are grown and
determine if herbal remedies are used and their sources.
iii.If it is identified as a potential contaminant, flour and other foodstuffs, could be
tested for the presence of aristolochic acid.
iv.If data are available on the occurrence of urothelial cancers in patients with CKD,
they may provide further corroboration of aristolochic acid as an etiologic agent.
v.Depending on the results of the above investigations, it may be worthwhile to
examine available renal tissue for the presence of aristolochic acid-induced DNA

9. Medications
a. Background
Medications are a common cause of acute kidney injury and may be associated with
CKD. Medications commonly associated with acute kidney injury are listed in Table 12.
One of the classic epidemics of CKD was associated with combination analgesic use,
specifically those that contain phenacetin (an acetaminophen precursor).(Sandler DP,
1989) Analgesic nephropathy associated with phenacetin manifested with renal papillary
necrosis and chronic interstitial nephritis in the setting of prolonged and excessive
consumption. Most compelling regarding an association between analgesic use and
CKD is that there has been a marked reduction in CKD due to analgesics following
public health interventions that decreased availability of phenacetin-containing
analgesic mixtures and other combined analgesics.


Table 12. Medications associated with acute kidney injury and CKD.
Medications in bold are those that may be commonly used in Nicaragua.

Causative Agent

Acute Tubular Necrosis


Acute Interstitial Nephritis



Calcineurin inhibitors
Iodinated radiocontrast
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Amphotericin B
Other antibiotics
Penicillins, cephalosporins
Phosphate Cathartic Agents
Maltose Containing Preparations
Analgesics (phenacitin)
Calicineurin inhibitors

Common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include ibuprofen, naprosyn

and diclofenac, all of which are used widely in Nicaragua. Kidney failure associated
exclusively with NSAIDs is unusual; rather NSAIDs are more often a cause of acute
renal failure in the setting of severe volume depletion or other nephrotoxins as they
affect the ability of the renal vasculature to upregulate perfusion in settings of stress.
This may predispose renal tubular cells to hypoxic damage. The combination of
NSAIDS with ACE inhibitors, intravenous contrast, volume depletion or aminoglycosides
is a relatively common cause of acute renal failure, particularly in individuals with either
pre-existing kidney disease or with acute systemic illness.
Aminoglycosides are broad-spectrum antibiotics requiring either intravenous or
intramuscular administration. They are highly effective against most Gram-negative
bacteria and have varying activity against many Gram-positive bacteria.
Aminoglycosides are well known to cause kidney failure, with risk factors include pre-


existing kidney disease, concomitant nephrotoxic medications, advanced age, and

dehydration/volume depletion.
Older studies in the US demonstrate a risk of
nephrotoxicity in the 10-20% range (defined by a 50% or greater fall in calculated
creatinine clearance) (Moore RD, 1984). Kanamycin remains in use in Nicaragua as it
may be given intramuscularly; it is widely available in local pharmacies. Gentamicin is
also used.
In addition to conventional prescription medications, traditional or herbal medications
may also be a cause of kidney damage. We previously summarized the link between
aristolochic acid, a common component of traditional medicines, and cases of CKD in
patients taking herbal remedies, as well as the association of ingestion of litargirio and
CKD. Besides these established causes of CKD it is possible that other herbal
medications may be associated with CKD.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
In communications both with physicians as well as with affected workers, use of
analgesics and antibiotics were common. In combination with severe volume depletion,
it is possible that acute renal failure could occur. Theoretically, recurrent insults could
lead to renal fibrosis and progression to kidney failure. Similarly, there are reports of
widespread use of traditional remedies in Nicaragua and these reports are consistent
with the use of traditional remedies in societies without access to conventional
prescription medication.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Medications are unlikely as a single primary cause in otherwise healthy individuals, but,
in the presence of other initiation or susceptibility factors, NSAIDS, other analgesics and
aminoglycoside antibiotics may cause acute kidney injury. Similarly, herbal remedies,
particularly those containing aristolochic acid, are known causes of CKD.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Use of these medications is relatively common among agricultural workers in
e. Potential for study
Several opportunities to more fully evaluate the role of NSAID, other analgesic, and
aminoglycoside use are available:
i.Conduct qualitative interviews with physicians regarding prescription practices.
ii.Include questions about these medications in any survey instrument.
Aminoglycosides should be subject to reasonable recollection as they would be
injected in the setting of a suspected bacterial illness.
iii.Medical records at the ISA may contain information about medication administration
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i.Because of their common use and established nature as nephrotoxins, NSAID,
combination analgesic and aminoglycoside use, as well as the use of traditional


herbal remedies, should be investigated.

ii.Potential means of investigation include qualitative interviews, subject
questionnaires and chart review
iii.Interviews with key informants (e.g., Nicaraguan experts, traditional practitioners)
may provide information about types of herbal medications frequently used in
northwestern Nicaragua.

10. Alcohol
a. Background
In numerous epidemiologic studies in the US and elsewhere, alcohol has not been
associated with development or progression of chronic kidney disease. Whether this
reflects potential cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate alcohol intake or
competing risk of other causes of death, including liver disease and accidental deaths,
is unknown. In theory, alcohol does exert a diuretic effect and could exacerbate volume
depletion for individuals in an environment where they are vulnerable to volume
depletion. Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with hyperuricemia, and there is
suggestive evidence that hyperuricemia may adversely affect kidney function, both
through local vasoconstriction as well systemic hypertension (Heinig and Johnson,
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Although we do not have data, we assume that alcohol is more likely to be consumed
by men. We have no information regarding whether alcohol consumption is greater in
Chinandega and Leon compared to other areas of the country.
Alcohol consumption has been assessed in 14 studies, and has been associated with a
higher risk in eight of them (see Table 10i). Because of concerns about the specific
effect of guaro lija (see below), studies that have looked at individual types of alcohol
may provide better information.
Overall, the epidemiological evidence for an
association between alcohol and CKD in Nicaragua is not particularly strong.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Based on multiple studies in different populations, alcohol consumption is not believed
to cause CKD (Elsayed, 2007). However, it does contribute to volume depletion and so
potentially could increase the susceptibility of the kidney to other exposures that cause
d. Likelihood of exposure
Alcohol is known to be widely consumed.
e. Potential for study
The only source of information on past and present alcohol use is self-report. Report of
alcohol use may be susceptible to recall bias.


f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. The main evidence in favor of the alcohol hypothesis is the presumed higher
consumption rate among men and its association with CKD in a number of studies.
ii. We are not treating this as a high-priority hypothesis.
iii. We will include questions on alcohol on questionnaires as the opportunity presents
itself. Particular focus will be on alcohol consumption prior to intense work exposure.

11. Guaro lija

a. Background
Based on our current understanding, which primarily comes from the U.S. CDC but has
been corroborated in part by others, guaro lija (or simply lija) is a form of rum that is
produced at a commercial distillery, presumably under appropriate and safe conditions,
and then is shipped in bulk to small independent distributors and retailers where it is
further processed and then sold in plastic bags to individual consumers [personal
communication, telephone, CDC, 2005]. At the time of production, the rum is the same
as that which is eventually sold in bottles but has a much higher concentration of
ethanol (95%). Lija should not be confused with homemade alcohol (although there
remains some confusion on our part on this matter). A CDC study asked about
homemade alcohol and found consumption to be both uncommon (<5%) and
unassociated with CKD.
It has been suggested that lija has an independent association with incident CKD other
than simply being a form of alcohol, possibly due to the introduction of an unknown toxin
somewhere in the chain between production at the factory and consumption by the
individual. After production, the concentrated alcohol is shipped in bulk in storage
containers, which appear to be new at the distillery but later may be transferred to used
containers. There is concern that these containers may have been previously used to
store pesticides and other chemicals and may retain a residue, and/or that some of the
plastic material on the inside of the container is dissolving into the liquid, particularly as
ethanol is an excellent solvent. The independent distributors and retailers dilute the
concentrated alcohol with water and then package it in individual units (typically, plastic
bags) for sale. Toxic adulterants might be used during this process. In 2006, there was
an outbreak of poisoning in the departments of Leon, Chinandega, and Managua which
(http://www.paho.org/english/dd/Ped/nicaraguaMetanol.htm). Although methanol itself
does not cause CKD, it does demonstrate that an adulterant has been added on a
widespread basis on at least one occasion.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Although we do not have data, we assume that lija is more likely to be consumed by
men. We also have no information regarding whether lija consumption is greater in
Chinandega and Leon compared to other areas of the country. An alternative possibility
is that adulteration has been more likely to occur in this region, as was the case with the


methanol poisoning incident. Lija consumption would be expected to be more common

among poorer segments of the population. Data from one study indicates that CKD is
associated with low socioeconomic status, as measured by educational attainment
(Brookline Sister City Health Committee, 2008).
All of the studies that reported on lija consumption (n=6) found moderate to strong
positive associations (Odds Ratios=2.0-11.0) that, when reported, were statistically
Lija consumption has been assessed in six studies, and has been associated with a
higher risk in all of them (see Table 10i), with odds ratios ranging from 2.0 to 11.0. In
some studies, lija but not other forms of alcohol was associated. The study in
Chinandega by Alonso in 2002 found an overall elevated risk of CKD associated with
alcohol consumption (unclear how defined) (OR=4.3), but only with lija (10.8) and not
with bottled rum (0.8) or beer (0.3)
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Typical adulterants added to alcohol include methanol, diethylyene glycol, and ethylene
glycol. None of these adulterants are known to cause CKD, but both diethylene glycol
and ethylene glycol, if ingested in sufficient quantity, can cause severe toxicity including
acute kidney failure. However, there is both an animal study and a single case report of
a 36-year-old chronic alcohol abuser that suggest the possibility that sublethal ethylene
glycol poisoning might lead to CKD (Roberts, 1969; Nizze 1997). The exposure in the
case report was the ingestion of ethylene glycol 3-4 times approximately 12 years prior
to diagnosis. There have also been cases of lead nephropathy associated with
ingestions of moonshine, thought to be due to the use of lead soldered containers, such
as radiators, to distill the alcohol. If the lija is diluted with such adulterants, it could lead
to chronic lead nephropathy.
Without knowing the identity of the pesticides that might form a residue or the nature of
the plastic lining, we cannot assess whether they cause CKD.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Lija is known to have been widely available and consumed. In addition, the problem of
re-use of pesticide containers is well known in Central America. Furthermore, the
episode with methanol poisoning demonstrates that the practice of adulteration has
taken place at least once. It is possible that adulteration may have become more
common in the 1990s. In the 1980s, the distribution network was centralized. In the
early 1990s, distribution was decentralized and handed over to small private
distributors, presumably resulting in less control over practices.
In 2004, U.S. CDC tested 47 samples of lija as well as 5 additional samples of
commercial rum for isoamyl, methanol, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and several
heavy metals (chromium, antimony, cadmium, mercury, bismuth) (email communication
(2/17/09). Most of the samples exceeded the U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level
for drinking water, though the relevance of this measure for amounts of alcohol
consumed per day is unclear. Many of the samples, including the commercial rum, had


particularly high levels of antimony, which is common in soil and thus might find its way
into wooden storage barrels.
In response to the methanol poisoning incident, the sale of lija has been officially
banned, though it is unclear to what extent its sale and consumption continues.
e. Potential for study
We lack detailed information on the manufacture, distribution, and sale of lija, including
how frequently adulterants may have been used. In addition, most of the information
we do have is secondhand. There are no samples of lija from earlier years, and it is
unclear whether testing current samples of lija will provide additional information,
because adulteration likely would have been episodic and perhaps more likely to have
occurred in the past. There are no other sources of information on current or former
exposure other than self-report, which limits our ability to assess past exposure. At this
point, people may be reluctant to report lija use either because they are aware that its a
competing hypothesis to work-related exposures, or because it is illegal.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. The main evidence in favor of the lija hypothesis is the presumed increased
consumption among men and its repeated strong association with CKD in a number of
studies. However, because of the difficulties in identifying a contaminant which is likely
to have been present only historically and sporadically, it may be difficult to make much
progress in investigating the potential role of lija consumption.
ii. It will be helpful to talk with Health Ministry officials, law enforcement
personnel, and other contacts to better understand past and present practices regarding
lija manufacture, distribution, sale, and consumption, as well as the potential value of
testing of current samples.

12. Kidney stones

a. Background
Nephrolithiasis is a recognized cause of ESRD (Gambaro, 2001), but in a series of
1,391 patients initiating dialysis in France it accounted for only 3% of cases and half of
those were related to chronic infection (struvite nephrolithiasis) (Jungers, 2004). Gillen
et al used the NHANES database to examine the relationship of a history of kidney
stones to eGFR and found a significant relationship, but only in those with a BMI >27
kg/m2 (Gillen, 2005). In such subjects the risk of having an eGFR between 30-59
ml/min/1.73 m2 in those with a history of stones was 1.87 that of those without such a
It is known that that stones occur more commonly in people who work at high
environmental temperatures (Borghi, 1993) and that in the US there is an association
between ambient temperature and risk for nephrolithiasis (Fakheri, 2009). Therefore


there may well be an increased risk for kidney stones and possibly related CKD in
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
No studies have looked at the relationship of CKD and kidney stones in Nicaragua.
However, it has been reported to us that half the patients with a diagnosis of CKD have
evidence for renal calculi by ultrasound (personal communication Director, Hospital
Gaspar Garcia Laviana) and in other conversations several observers remarked on the
high prevalence of kidney stones in the Nicaraguan population, even those without
CKD. The higher risk in workers at high environmental temperatures would be
consistent with the pattern seen in Nicaragua.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Although it may cause CKD, it is an uncommon cause in temperate developed
countries. We are unaware of evidence regarding its frequency in semi-tropical
undeveloped countries. The presence of kidney stones may lead to greater exposure
with nephrotoxic agents during the course of treatment; these include NSAIDs and
potentially nephrotoxic antibiotics.
d. Likelihood of exposure
Hot temperatures and dehydration are known risk factors.
e. Potential for study
If ultrasound images or reports are available on patients with CKD, a systematic review
would be quite feasible.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. Although risk factors for stone disease are prevalent in the population of
interest, kidney stones are considered a rare cause of symptomatic CKD. However,
given the ease of identification from existing ultrasounds and the reported high
prevalence in the CKD population there, it would be important to investigate.
ii. Existing reports and ultrasounds should be examined both from a population
with CKD as well as an appropriate control group.

13. Structural kidney disease

a. Background
Structural kidney disease encompasses a broad group of kidney diseases, both
congenital and acquired, that are usually easily recognized with renal imaging using
either ultrasound or computed tomography. In adults the most common congential
kidney disease, occurring in 1 in every 400-1000 live births, is adult polycystic kidney
disease (PKD) with autosomal dominant inheritance (Grantham, 2008). Reduced eGFR
often develops by age 40, with a median age of ESRD of 54 years old. For reasons that


are unknown, men have more rapid progression to ESRD than women. PKD is readily
diagnosed by renal ultrasound with 96% of affected patients having at least three
unilateral or bilateral cysts by age 30.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
There is little evidence of structural kidney disease as an important contributor to CKD
in Nicaragua. Although some epidemiologic studies suggest that family history may be
a risk factor for CKD and many of the structural kidney diseases have an increased
familial incidence because of a genetic component, there is little or no radiologic data to
support such a high incidence of structural kidney disease. Given the availability of
ultrasound imaging in Nicaragua, it would have been expected that structural
abnormalities would have already been identified as an important cause, if they did
exist. Furthermore, these diseases tend to be geographically dispersed and although
they cluster in families, one would not expect them to lead to higher prevalence of CKD
in a specific region, because of their relative rarity in the population.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
These are well-known causes of CKD, but are unlikely to occur with sufficient frequency
to account for the high prevalence of CKD in the country.
d. Likelihood of exposure
There is no reason to suspect a higher incidence of these diseases in the Nicaraguan
population and, with the exception of PKD, they are an uncommon cause of CKD
e. Potential for study
The majority of these diseases are readily identified on ultrasound imaging and a review
of existing ultrasounds in patients with known CKD could easily establish the prevalence
of these causes.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. Structural kidney disease is unlikely to account for the increased prevalence of
CKD in Nicaragua, but their prevalence can be easily ascertained from a review of
existing renal ultrasounds.
ii. We plan on reviewing a sample of existing renal ultrasounds to estimate the
prevalence of structural renal abnormalities in the population.

14. Diabetes
a. Background
Diabetes is a major cause of CKD world wide, particularly in the developed world
because of the worsening obesity epidemic. There are two types of diabetes. Type I
diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. It is thought to
occur because of autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells, leading


to insulin deficiency. It has a bimodal age presentation, with peaks at four to six years
and 10-14 years of age of age. Type II diabetes is commonly a disease of obese
adults, typically beginning after the age of 40. It is being seen with increasing frequency
in obese children, and now accounts for one-third of the cases of diabetes mellitus in
childhood in the United States. The mean duration of diabetes before the onset of
nephropathy is 12 years and diabetic kidney disease is heralded by the onset of
microalbuminuria, followed by overt proteinuria, decreases in kidney function and
progression to ESRD over a period of 5-10 years. Diabetic kidney disease eventually
develops in 25-50% of patients with diabetes, although these rates may be substantially
lower with strict blood pressure and glycemic control. No clear gender specific risk has
been identified.
b. Consistency with epidemiologic data and clinical patterns of CKD in Nicaragua
Ten studies provide information on the prevalence of diabetes in this area of Nicaragua;
these included six cross-sectional studies and four case-control studies (Table 13). All
studies relied on self-report except the Brookline Sister City study in which nonfasting
random glucose tests were conducted and a case of diabetes defined as a blood sugar
level of 200 mg/dl. The prevalence of diabetes was generally low, ranging from 0-7.1%
in five of the six cross-sectional studies. When these data were broken down by disease
status, nearly all prevalence rates were low among cases and non-cases (e.g., 0-9.4%).
Exceptions were observed in three studies reporting prevalences ranging from 15.427.3%. Higher rates were observed in an urban population of Chichigalpa (27.3%),
among stage 4 cases in La Isla and Candelaria (23.4%), and among cases (23.1%) and
controls (15.4%) recruited from a hospital in Leon. Sample sizes were small in most of
these settings, perhaps accounting for the atypical results.
The generally low prevalence of diabetes, even among cases of CKD, suggest that,
while diabetes is an important risk factor for developing CKD on an individual level
(Table 10f), it likely accounts for only a small portion of the excess occurrence of CKD
at the population level. The reported absence of significant proteinuria in patients with
CKD would also argue against diabetes as an important causal factor.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
Diabetes is a well-known cause of CKD and the most common cause in many
developed and developing countries.


Table 13. Estimates of Diabetes Prevalence

Author and Year
Cross-sectional Studies
Callejas Callejas, Alonzo
Callejas Callejas, Alonzo
Alonso, Callejas Callejas,
Dominiguez Moya
Vanegas, Aragon
Aragon, Torres Lacourte,
Gonzalez 2008
Case-Control Studies
Castrillo, Bonilla, Estrada
Alonzo Medrano, Perea
Callejas Callejas, Alonso
Medrano, Mendoza
Committee 2008
NA not available





CKD Cases (%)

Prevalence in
Non-Cases (%)













0 (rural area)
27.3 (urban area)



La Isla and

0.5 (La Isla)

1.3 (Candelaria)

23.4 in stage 4















glucose test)

glucose test)

d. Likelihood of exposure
As discussed, diabetes is uncommon in the population, so diabetic nephropathy would
also be uncommon.
e. Potential for study
Diabetes is readily diagnosed from simple blood and urine tests and in most patient
diabetic nephropathy is initially diagnosed by the presence of proteinuria on urine
dipstick. Existing records of patients with CKD should provide a reasonable estimate of
the prevalence of diabetes in the CKD population, although it may provide a slight
underestimate since mild cases may have gone undiagnosed and diabetic symptoms
may diminish as renal function worsens.


f. Conclusions/Recommendations
1. Based on available data, diabetes does not appear to be a major cause of CKD in
sugar cane workers. However, because diabetes is a well-known and common cause
of CKD, its prevalence in the affected population should be estimated.
2. Review of medical records would provide the most efficient means of providing this
estimate and should have reasonable reliability.

15. Hypertension
a. Background
Hypertension is both a common cause of kidney disease and a consequence of CKD.
Long-standing uncontrolled hypertension is a well-known cause of CKD and, over a
period of 14-18 years, 1-3% of such patients will develop end stage renal disease.
Because hypertension is highly prevalent in developed societies, it is an important
cause of CKD accounting for 25-40% of cases. However, hypertension also occurs as
a complication of CKD. Approximately 80-85% of patients with CKD will have
hypertension and the prevalence of hypertension increases as the eGFR falls, so that at
an eGFR of 15 ml/min/1.73 m2, 95% of patients will be hypertensive. A number of
studies have shown that control of hypertension is an important factor in reducing the
rate of progression of CKD.
b. Consistency with epidemiologic data and clinical patterns of CKD in Nicaragua
Available data do not suggest that hypertension is a major causal factor in the CKD
epidemic in Nicaragua. Because the onset of essential hypertension is typically at age
30-50 years and progression to CKD occurs over 10-20 years, the age of onset of CKD
is typically 40-60 years, older than what has been described in Nicaragua. According to
reports from physicians in Nicaragua, hypertension is often not seen in early CKD, but
as expected occurs later in the disease. Hypertensive renal disease is felt to occur
equally in both sexes and would not explain the male predilection for CKD in Nicaragua.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
A well-accepted cause of CKD.
d. Likelihood of exposure
One difficulty for determining causality for patients who have not received prior medical
care and who present with renal dysfunction and hypertension, is that it is usually
impossible to determine whether the CKD has occurred as a consequence of
uncontrolled hypertension, or whether the hypertension is a complication of the CKD.
One would have to determine the prevalence of hypertension in a non-affected
population (without CKD) to determine whether it could be considered a causal factor.
e. Potential for study
Record review would only be useful if blood pressure recordings are available prior to
the onset of CKD. If prevalence data in a population without CKD are available, they
would aid in assessing the attributable risk due to hypertension, since there would need


to be a high prevalence of hypertension prior to the onset of CKD to account for high
risk of CKD.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
1. Although hypertension is a common cause of CKD in developed countries and is an
exacerbating factor in CKD progression, it does not appear to a common primary cause
of CKD in Nicaragua.
2. A medical record review should be done to determine the prevalence of hypertension
in the population. In particular, patients with incident CKD should be identified, so that
the prevalence of hypertension prior to the development of CKD can be identified.

16. Glomerulonephritis
a. Background
Glomerulonephritis is a common cause of CKD world wide and in some countries, such
as Japan, is the major cause. It encompasses a number of different diseases, including
some with systemic manifestations, and some confined to the kidney.
Glomerulonephritis has a broad age distribution with different peak incidences for the
different specific diseases. Depending on the specific cause, it may present with acute
kidney injury (acute glomerulonephritis) or with chronic kidney disease. Urinalysis is a
critical component for arriving at a specific diagnosis. Based on the urinalysis,
nephrologists broadly divide this group of diseases into those presenting with nephrotic
syndrome and those presenting with nephritic syndrome, although there is some
overlap. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by high-grade proteinuria with 4+
proteinuria (albuminuria) on urine dipstick and greater than 3.5 g/d of proteinuria on
quantitative determinations.
The nephritic syndrome is characterized by the
appearance of red blood cell casts in the urine sediment. Those glomerulonephritides
presenting as nephrotic syndrome will often have a progression to ESRD over years. In
contrast, the diseases presenting as nephritic syndrome will often have an acute course
and may present with acute renal failure with progression to ESRD over days or weeks
if not appropriately treated. Some of the glomerulonephritides appear to have an
increased incidence in certain geographic areas, including an increased incidence of
IgA nephropathy in Japan and membranous nephropathy in China (thought to be a
manifestation of the high prevalence of hepatitis B in China).
b. Consistency with epidemiologic data and clinical patterns of CKD in Nicaragua
There is no wide-spread evidence for high grade proteinuria in the early stages of CKD
in the Nicaraguan population. Although cases of secondary nephrotic syndrome may
be due to infections such as hepatitis B and C, the prevalence of these infections is not
known to be markedly increased in the population.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
They are known causes of CKD, but are more common as a sporadic cause of CKD.


d. Likelihood of exposure
There is no reason to suspect an increased risk in the population due to a high
prevalence of hepatitis B or C.
e. Potential for study
If glomerulonephritis were an important cause of CKD in the population, it would be
expected that the majority of patients would have 4+ proteinuria on urine dipstick early
in the course of their CKD and the proteinuria also tends to persist even at late
presentation. A review of medical records for the presence of high grade proteinuria
would provide a ready means of assessing the relative contribution of this etiology.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
1. It is unlikely that glomerulonephritis is an important contributor to the increased
prevalence of CKD in the study population.
2. Review of medical records for the presence of high grade proteinuria, provides a
simple means of estimating the prevalence of glomerulonephritis.

17. Urinary Tract Infection

a. Background
In multiple studies originating from Nicaragua, including data gathered in the
Quezalguaque Sister City project (not included in the table), urinary tract infection (UTI)
has been associated with prevalent CKD. In the US, UTI is an uncommon cause of
CKD and kidney failure, with individuals with kidney disease due to UTI typically
developing recurrent infections in early childhood due to structural abnormalities,
including posterior urethral valves and ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Vesicoureteral
reflux is defined as the retrograde passage of urine from the bladder into the upper
urinary tract. It is the most common urologic anomaly in children and may predispose to
recurrent UTIs. Severe pyelonephritis and recurrent UTIs have been associated with
subsequent renal scarring, but this is an unusual cause of kidney failure.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Ten studies examined a history of urinary tract or kidney infections (Table 11e). In some
studies exposure was defined as recurrent infections. The results of these studies were
inconsistent; six found modest to large positive associations (Odds Ratios=1.4-5.4)
while four had essentially null findings. Three of the six positive studies had statistically
significant findings. However, only a few of the studies controlled for confounding
variables. The two studies that controlled for at least sex and age found 1.4-fold and
3.2-fold increased risks (Castrillo, 2001; Lopez Arteaga, 2005).
The major difficulties with this data are the definitions and ascertainment of UTI, both by
the individual who may be relating a history of UTI as well as by the physician who may
have provided the individual with the diagnosis. Based on personal communication with


community residents and physicians during the fact finding trip, in some cases, UTIs are
diagnosed simply based on flank pain or dysuria, and there is little in the way of
conclusive evidence. Often this would lead to the use of prescription medications,
including antibiotics (per the workers) or the use of herbal remedies (per the physicians
report). Accordingly, the question is raised, assuming that there is an association
between an individual recalling a history of UTI and prevalent kidney disease and that
this is not driven by an attribution bias, whether a treatment for UTI could be
implicated. Finally, sexually transmitted diseases including gonorrhea and Chlamydia
are a far more common cause of dysuria in adult men than UTIs. These STDs are not
associated with CKD.
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
UTIs are an unusual cause of kidney failure.
d. Likelihood of exposure
UTIs are extremely common in all pediatric populations, particularly girls, and remain
common in adult women. UTIs are exceptionally unusual in adolescent boys and adult
e. Potential for study
Could be addressed in a study of children when there is less recall bias; however, the
utility of this is low.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
Low priority for study, with the exception of questions regarding
medication administration and evaluation of medication administration for
flank pain and dysuria in adult male workers.
Conduct qualitative interviews with physicians on diagnostic practices
regarding UTI and consequent prescription of nephrotoxic medications.

18. Genetics and CKD

a. Background
Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the susceptibility to develop CKD has a
significant genetic component. There are a number of specific forms of renal disease
that are caused by mutations to a single gene including polycystic kidney disease,
Alport syndrome, some forms of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, and some forms
of tubulointerstial disease (including those associated with a mutation in the uromodulin
gene (UMOD) which is linked to medullary cystic kidney disease). In addition, there is
now extensive evidence that suggests that renal disease in the general population has a
genetic component. Multiple approaches have been employed in an effort to identify
these genes with limited results.
In the candidate gene approach, specific genes are selected for analysis based on a


function or a gene product that is closely related to renal disease. Since 1999, over 100
articles have been published on candidate genes in CKD.
This method is very
sensitive but determining the relative importance of the candidate gene and
independently replicating the results of the studies is difficult. These studies are also
challenging because of the late age of onset and because linkage analysis has
suggested that there are no genes of high penetrance (> fourfold increased risk) in
populations of European descent (Fox, 2004; Hunt, 2004). If the pattern of kidney injury
in the Nicaragua population was consistent with a kidney disease with an established
genetic pathophysiology, the candidate gene approach might be able to confirm a
common mutation.
The genome screen approach is more difficult, time consuming, and expensive but has
the advantage of being able to locate new and as of yet undiscovered genes.
Approximately 400 genetic markers that identify evenly spaced locations along each of
the human chromosomes are genotyped in families with multiple cases of renal disease.
Linkage analysis determines which parts of which chromosomes are being inherited in
renal disease. This technique led to the discovery of MYH9 (Kao, 2008), a gene linked
to an increased risk of CKD in African Americans. This technique relies on the
development of an admixture map to identify evenly spaced locations along the
chromosome and is very time consuming and expensive.
b. Consistency with demographic patterns and epidemiologic data regarding CKD in
Genetic diseases would be expected to have a familial clustering, and although there
has been some suggestion of an increased risk for CKD in families, it is uncertain how
widespread the family clustering is in Nicaragua. The male predominance might also be
consistent with an X-linked recessive trait, but such diseases are transmitted to male
progeny by the mother and therefore typically skip generations. However as previously
noted the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease seems to progress more
rapidly in males and although, as already discussed an increased prevalence of
polycystic kidney disease is unlikely, it is conceivable that some other genetic disease
with differential expression in males and females exists. Of note, there are autosomal
dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases that may present with ESRD in the fourth
and fifth decades of life, following the type and course of CKD seen in Nicaragua, but in
the absence of strong family clustering, these genetic diseases would be unlikely
(Bleyer, 2009)
c. Likelihood of causing CKD
In the absence of strong family clustering it is unlikely that CKD in Nicaragua is due to a
single gene mutation. However, it is possible that a genetic factor, rather than being
etiologic, increases the susceptibility of the population, such as has been described for
the MYH9 allele and the risk of ESRD in African-Americans.
d. Likelihood of exposure


e. Potential for study

Genetic analysis would be prohibitively expensive and unlikely to be of high yield with
current techniques. A prospective study investigating familial clustering might identify
the possibility of single gene mutations, but existing evidence does not suggest strong
familial clustering, so such a study would be low yield. The cost of genetic analyses is
decreasing markedly with time and it is relatively inexpensive to collect and store DNA
for future study. However, such studies would likely occur beyond the time frame of the
planned project.
f. Conclusions/Recommendations
i. A monogeneic etiology for the prevalent CKD in the population is highly
unlikely. Although there may well be genetic susceptibility factors, identifying such
factors is costly, difficult, and unlikely to have an immediate impact on the at risk
ii. No genetic analytic component is planned in the short term but we
recommend storing sera for subsequent genetic testing should familial clustering be
noted or a hypothesis suggesting genetic predisposition become more likely.



A. Introduction
The preceding sections demonstrate that CKD is clearly a problem in northwestern
Nicaragua with characteristics that are unusual in relation to typical patterns of CKD.
Furthermore, the studies conducted to date have been more successful at defining the
nature of the problem and identifying hypotheses than at identifying its causes. The
reasons for the failure to make more progress include lack of resources and
coordination, lack of access to important sources of data, as well as what appears to be
the inherent complexity of the problem, including the possibility of multiple interacting
An additional level of complexity is introduced by the need to address historical as well
as current exposures. In part, this is because the possible induction and latency periods
between exposure and disease diagnosis are unknown and could encompass a wide
range. Equally important, it is not hard to imagine that exposures may have changed
whether related to occupational or non-occupational factors. On the one hand, an
understanding of current factors that are causing CKD is important for purposes of
designing interventions to prevent future deaths. At the same time, the complaint
submitted to the World Bank was on behalf of workers whose median year of diagnosis
was 2002 based on data collected by ASOCHIVIDA from its members. Even if analysis
of current exposure finds no association with work practices, it does not mean that they
could not have played a role at a previous time.
In the previous section, we tried to take a step back and review all the hypotheses that
might need to be considered based on knowledge about general causes of CKD as well
as less well-established factors that might be operating in Nicaragua. The dilemma that
becomes clear from the review of these hypotheses is that the exposures that large
numbers of people (but predominantly men) in northwestern Nicaragua are likely to
experience are not clearly associated with CKD, while those factors that clearly cause
CKD are not likely to be sufficiently common and/or should have an exposure pattern
that does not correlate with the relative frequency of disease.
As a result, we have concluded that it is appropriate to propose a set of the following
nine activities that at least touch on the entire range of hypotheses, while at the same
time focus primary attention and resources on those areas that we have deemed to be
highest priority based on both concerns of the parties and our own assessment:

Environmental sampling
Analysis of biological samples
Work observation
Cohort study
Review medical records


Urinalysis in adolescents
Postmortem biopsies
Key informant interviews
Other possible activities

In order to more fully elaborate the rationale for selecting these activities, it is important
to return to the original mandate from the Dialogue process, which was to develop
recommendations for activities that could lead to an answer to the following two
1. What are the causes of CRI in the Western Zone (Zona del Occidente) of
Nicaragua an area that includes the Ingenio San Antonio and its sugarcane
2. Is there any relationship between the practices of the Ingenio San Antonio
and the causes of CRI?
These questions overlap but are not identical; for example, it is possible to come to a
determination regarding occupational exposures without determining the causes of CKD
in the region (Figure 7). In addition, activities directed toward answering the question
regarding NSEL's responsibility can be more focused and modest in scope -- and
therefore less expensive and time-consuming -- than a set of activities framed by the
first question. Finally, although we stress that science and the search for causality
always involves uncertainty, there is a much greater chance that a reasonable set of
activities can result in being able to draw conclusions regarding the likelihood that
practices at ISA have or have not contributed to the occurrence of CKD among its
workers than would be the case for the broader causal question.
Figure 7. Relationship of questions identified by participants in Dialogue process, February


Meanwhile, as the Dialogue process has developed, it has further clarified the following:
(1) the question of the company role is critical to making progress among the parties;
(2) the timeframe must be a short as possible consistent with the requirements of good
(3) funds are not unlimited.
For all these reasons, our recommended activities are primarily aimed at answering the
question related to occupational practices, with most of our resources going toward
addressing the associated key hypotheses: exposure to agrichemicals and the sequelae
of volume depletion and/or muscle damage brought on by strenuous work in stressful
environmental conditions.
A number of the activities recommended in this section are not directly related to
occupational exposure, for example, urinalysis among adolescents. However, we
concluded that they were important to include for at least three reasons. First, and most
importantly, we must address the possibility that both occupational and nonoccupational factors are interacting in a synergistic manner to greatly increase the risk
of CKD. These include non-occupational factors that might themselves not fit the
exposure pattern expected based on the epidemiologic characteristics of CKD in
Nicaragua but which when combined with an occupational exposure could produce the
observed distribution of disease. Second, we have the opportunity to test for the
presence of established causes of CKD that have never been assessed and for which
another opportunity may not arise for a long period of time. Therefore, some of the
activities proposed, such as environmental and biological testing of aristolochic acid and
the components of volcanic emissions (heavy metals), are intended to screen for the
presence of these substances. If they are not present in any meaningful quantity, these
hypotheses can be set aside. However, if they are present, it would be more than
unfortunate to have missed the opportunity to identify the cause of the epidemic due to
the failure to pursue these possibilities. Finally, if the result of our work is that we find no
association between occupational practices and CKD among workers at ISA, both we
and others will be more confident that the results are accurate rather than due to
problems with the study if a plausible alternative is identified, even if not definitively.
In carrying out these recommendations, we will also need to maintain flexibility. Early
findings may lead us in directions that we have not elaborated here. For example, if we
were to find evidence of substantial exposure to heavy metals or aristolochic acid or
evidence of early signs of renal damage among adolescents prior to starting to work,
then it would be incumbent upon us to adjust our plans to allow us to follow-up those
findings with studies to assess their potential effect on CKD in the region.
One activity we have not proposed is another prevalence study in the region. Although it
would provide useful information, a number of concerns led us to conclude that it would


not be the most productive use of resources. First, neither the costs nor time involved in
mounting such a study are trivial. Particularly because it would require postponing many
of the other activities, it would also mean possibly adding a year to the study duration.
Second, as described previously, a number of studies have already been conducted,
and while they are not perfect, there does not seem to be a strong probability that a new
study -- even if more rigorous -- will come to drastically different conclusions. In
addition, other groups are currently conducting or just beginning studies that can
provide comparable information (see Section IV.B.9, Other Possible Activities). Finally,
as with the prior studies, it is difficult to imagine how an additional prevalence study
would obviate the need to conduct analytic studies that can truly assess exposure and
test for associations. This is particularly true given that a prevalence study can
obviously only assess current patterns of disease, but we must also assess
associations based on past exposure and disease.
Although not specific recommendations, key elements of a successful study will be
frequent and open communication with the Dialogue parties and collaboration with
Nicaraguan agencies (e.g., MINSA) and organizations that have been active in trying to
find solutions and which have a responsibility for this problem. As an example of
communication, we have worked with ASOCHIVIDA Board members to develop their
understanding of the goals, approach, and methods of research, which are not obvious
to persons who have not been trained in this area (see Appendix). The goal was to give
them the tools to appreciate the reasoning behind our recommendations and to be able
to ask critical questions. Going forward, even though we estimate the study will not be
completed for two years, interim results from different activities will begin to be available
much sooner. We will keep the Dialogue members apprised of our progress as well as
our difficulties on an ongoing basis and seek their counsel.
Another key element of a successful study will be to solicit and receive input from other
scientists. There is too much at stake in this study for our plans and activities not to be
scrutinized by outside reviewers. The typical mechanism for providing this input in a
research study is a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which is composed of a group of
researchers chosen for their expertise in different areas relevant to the study.
Preliminarily, we propose a SAB comprised of four members, two from Nicaragua or
elsewhere in Central America and two from the U.S., Canada, or Europe, which would
meet two times a year. The SAB would review study designs and protocols, and
substantive changes in designs and protocols, as well as review issues related to
implementation such as recruitment; data collection, processing, and analysis; sample
collection, storage, processing, and analysis; and ethical concerns.


B. Specific Recommendations
There are three categories of activities that we recommend with respect to investigating
environmental exposures and working conditions in the northwestern region of
Nicaragua. The first category is environmental sampling, which would include the
collection of soil, drinking water, and food. The second category is biological sampling,
which would include the analysis of metals, aristolochic acid, and potentially selected
agrichemicals in blood, urine, or other appropriate sources. The third category is to
perform work observations, which would include an assessment of industrial hygiene
practices and working conditions, particularly with respect to volume depletion.
We recognize that obtaining agreement on the final details of all study design elements
(i.e. sample locations, etc) prior to implementation is an essential component of our
effort if we expect all stakeholders to accept the eventual findings. Accordingly, all
design elements will be discussed with representatives of NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA prior
to implementation and a representative from each group will always be welcome to
accompany the field team. Each of the three categories of activities is described in the
subsections below.

1. Environmental Sampling
In the northwestern region of Nicaragua, the extent to which surface soil may be
contaminated with metals or agrichemicals has not yet been explored while comparable
investigations of drinking water have been limited. Similarly, the presence of metals or
aristolochic acid in food has not yet been investigated. We therefore propose to collect
samples of surface soil, drinking water, and food and analyze these samples for
agrichemicals, metals, and aristolochic acid as appropriate.
However, while metals are known to be toxic to the kidney and easily detected in
environmental samples, the details surrounding agrichemicals are more complex.
Accordingly, we recommend that the first step should be to investigate the toxicology
and physical/chemical properties of 20 agrichemicals for the purpose of finalizing an
appropriate list of analytes, prior to conducting the very expensive analysis of
agrichemicals in environmental samples (Section IV.B.1.a). The remaining subparts of
Section IV.B.1. address the collection and analysis of surface soil (Section IV.B.1.b),
drinking water (Section IV.B.1.c), and food samples (Section IV.B.1.d).
a. Assessment of Agrichemicals
Both NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA representatives have expressed the desire for a
systematic evaluation of pesticide exposures and their possible association with CKD.
There is concern not only about current and past exposures to agrichemicals used


during the production of sugarcane, but also about potential exposure to agrichemicals
that were used historically in the production of other crops such as cotton.
NSEL has provided our team with a list of agrichemicals that have been used on their
sugarcane fields. This list includes: Ametrex (Ametryne CAS#834-12-8), Finale
(Glufosinate ammonium CAS#77182-82-2), Karmex (Diuron CAS#330-54-1), Hedonal
(2,4-D CAS#94-75-7), Prowl (Pendimethalin CAS# 40487-42-1), Roundup (Glyphosate
CAS#1071-83-6), Forza (Glyphosate CAS#1071-83-6), Misil II (Metsulfuron methyl
CAS# 74223-64-6, Dimethylamine Dicamba CAS#2300-66-5), Advance (Trifluralin
CAS#1582-09-8), Velpar 75 (Hexazinone CAS#51235-04-2), Racumin (Coumatetralyl
CAS#5836-29-3), JADE (Imidacloprid CAS#138261-41-3), and Atrazine (CAS# 191224-9). Additionally, representatives from NSEL have mentioned Nemagon
(dibromochloropropane CAS#96-12-8) and DDT (CAS# 50-29-3) as additional
agrichemicals that were used historically in the region by industries producing other
crops such as peanuts, bananas, and cotton.
Similarly, the ASOCHIVIDA board members have also provided a list of agrichemicals
that they believe were used by NSEL. This list includes: Roundup (Glyphosate
CAS#1071-83-6), Velpar 75 (Hexazinone CAS#51235-04-2), Ametrex (Ametryne,
CAS#834-12-8), Karmex (Diuron CAS#330-54-1), Gramoxeone (Paraquat CAS#191042-5), Terbugran (Terbufos CAS# 13071-79-9), Coumadin (Warfarin CAS# 81-81-2),
Arrivo (Cypermethrin CAS# 52315-07-8), Atrazine (CAS# 1912-24-9), and Prowl
(Pendimethalin CAS# 40487-42-1).
As an external check on the list of agrichemicals that may have been used in sugarcane
production, we consulted the PAN-Pesticides Database which catalogs pesticide use in
California (PAN-Pesticides Database, 2009). According to that database, the
agrichemicals atrazine, glyphosate, pendimethalin, and 2,4-D represent 99% of the total
pesticides applied to sugarcane in California in 2007 (the last year for which data are
currently available). These data consider the total pounds of the active ingredients
applied to sugarcane but do not include inert ingredients. All four of these agrichemicals
were included on the list provided by NSEL.
i. Assess the Completeness of Agrichemical list
The list described above includes 20 agrichemicals that may have been used in the
region and to which NSEL workers may have been occupationally or environmentally
exposed. To ensure that there are no key omissions, we plan to consult with various
other sources such as the Nicaraguan Ministry of Agriculture, other sugarcane
producers, and agrichemical suppliers to determine if there are other agrichemicals that
may have been applied in this region. Additionally, to the extent that the information is
available, we will collect data on the amounts and years of application for each


ii. Toxicological Review of Agrichemicals

The analysis of agrichemicals is very expensive and to analyze for all of the chemicals
on our list could cost $800-1100 per sample. Accordingly, prior to analyzing surface soil
and drinking water samples for these 20 agrichemicals, we recommend that a
toxicologist review the literature and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to
suggest that each could be associated with CKD.
Based on our initial review, it appears that only a few of the agrichemicals that may
have been used by NSEL have been shown to be associated with effects on the kidney:
glyphosate (USEPA, 2009a), paraquat (CDC, 2009; USEPA, 2009b), and atrazine
(ATSDR, 2009; USEPA, 2009c). However, given the focus on agrichemicals as a
primary hypothesis of concern by representatives of both NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA, we
want to be cautious about excluding potential contaminants of concern and therefore
recommend that a more thorough review of the literature be conducted by a toxicologist.
Based on the literature review, each agrichemical (considering both active and inert
ingredients) will be categorized into one of three groups: (1) Agrichemicals with
evidence of kidney effects, in cases where the chemical has been linked to kidney
damage, (2) Agrichemicals of potential concern, in cases where kidney effects have not
been studied or in which the mechanism of action would be consistent with kidney
damage, and (3) Agrichemicals with no evidence of kidney effects, in cases where
kidney damage was investigated as an outcome of interest but no effects were
observed, or in cases where the mechanism of action is not consistent with kidney
iii. Assess Relevance of Environmental Sampling
As the next step in assessing all 20 agrichemicals, we will review the physical and
chemical properties to better understand how each would be expected to behave in the
environment, as well as the toxicokinetics to better understand how each would be
expected to behave in humans. For instance, agrichemicals with short half-lives in the
environment would only be expected to be found in surface soil or drinking water if they
were applied very recently, whereas agrichemicals with long half-lives would be more
likely to be detected in surface soil or drinking water even if applied years earlier.
Understanding how each agrichemical behaves in the environment will be a key
component of determining whether sampling surface soil and/or drinking water is a
feasible option for assessing exposure to agrichemicals.
Similarly, we will review the toxicokinetics to better understand how each would be
expected to behave in humans. For instance, some agrichemicals might be most easily
measured in urine samples and represent exposure during the past 24 hours, whereas
others might be more easily measured in blood samples and represent exposure over a
longer period of time. Understanding how each agrichemical behaves in humans will be


a key component of determining whether biological sampling is a feasible option for

assessing exposure to agrichemicals.
iv. Finalize List of Analytes by Sample Type
The ultimate objective of this step is to finalize a list of agrichemicals that may cause
kidney damage and determine whether it is feasible to assess current and/or historical
exposure via analysis in different types of samples. The results of this important step
will be used to identify a final list of agrichemicals to analyze in surface soil and drinking
water samples, as well as potentially in biological samples during a subsequent phase
(not discussed in this report). Perhaps most importantly, we will present this final list of
agrichemicals to representatives from NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA and provide the
necessary background information as a rationale for inclusion or exclusion. We will seek
to obtain mutual agreement on the agrichemicals to be tested before conducting any
b. Surface Soil Samples
The extent to which surface soil may be contaminated with metals or agrichemicals has
not yet been explored in the northwestern region of Nicaragua. Agricultural workers are
likely to have relatively high levels of exposure to contaminants in surface soil via both
incidental ingestion and inhalation of fugitive dust. Similarly, given the presence of
exposed surface soil both indoors and outdoors at many residential properties,
residents in this region are also likely to have exposure to contaminants in surface soil
via both incidental ingestion and inhalation of fugitive dust.
As a first step toward evaluating the potential role of contaminated surface soil, we
propose to collect approximately 200 surface soil samples from sugarcane fields and
communities throughout the region. This phase of sampling is not intended to provide a
comprehensive characterization of surface soil contamination, but is rather proposed as
a screening level effort to assess the potential human health risks associated with
occupational and residential exposure to metals (and potentially agrichemicals pending
the results of the effort described above in Section IV.B.1.a) in surface soil via incidental
ingestion and inhalation of fugitive dust.
i. Data Collection
We propose collecting a total of approximately 200 surface soil samples from five
categories of agricultural fields and from five different residential areas, all in the
northwest region of Nicaragua. The five categories of agricultural fields include:
fields at the ISA that have never been used for crops other than sugarcane (20
fields at the ISA that are currently used for sugarcane but previously used for
other crops (20 samples)


fields owned by private landowners but leased and operated by NSEL for the
production of sugarcane (20 samples)
fields neither owned nor operated by NSEL for the production of sugarcane (20
fields neither owned nor operated by NSEL for the production of crops other than
sugarcane (20 samples)
Samples will also be collected from five residential communities that differ according to primary
industry of employment, which would be expected to be associated with different prevalences of
CKD. We plan to include La Isla and Candelaria because current and former workers at ISA
and their families comprise the majority of residents. The remaining three communities have yet
to be selected but would differ in primary industry and include few or no ISA workers. We

propose collecting 20 outdoor surface soil samples from each of the five communities.
The exact sampling locations within each of category of agricultural fields and within
each community will be selected to provide a modest spatial assessment of each area
and a portable global positioning system (GPS) will be used to record the exact
coordinates of each sample location. The samples collected from the communities will
be collected on residential properties but outside the homes or other structures (ie from
the yards).
At each of the 200 sample locations, sticks, rocks, or other
debris will be removed from each area and soil samples will
be collected at depths from 3-6 inches using disposable
plastic scoops. For each sample, approximately equal sized
amounts of soil will be collected from five composite points
within a 10 by 10 square foot area (in a pattern as shown at
right) and mixed in a plastic Ziploc bag. Two aliquots of the
mixture will be placed in clean labeled sample containers,
one to be analyzed for metals via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(ICPMS), and the other to be stored at -20C for possible future analysis of
agrichemicals. Soil samples will be sieved to 250 microns prior to analysis to ensure
that the measured fraction is most relevant to exposure. One field blank and one
duplicate will be collected for each category of agricultural fields and in each community
(total of 10 field blanks and 10 duplicates).
ii. Data Analysis
The descriptive analysis of the surface soil data will be conducted using summary
statistics, graphical displays, and correlation coefficients. Shapiro-Wilks tests and
graphical displays will be used to determine the nature of the distribution of the metals
and agrichemicals in surface soil. For the purposes of statistical analyses, a log
transformation of the data will be applied if necessary to produce an approximately
normal distribution.
Method limits of detection (LOD) will be estimated as three times the standard deviation
of the field blanks. In cases where the mean field blank amounts are significantly

different from zero (=0.05), the corresponding data will be corrected by subtracting the
mean field blank amounts from the sample amounts. Units for metals and agrichemicals
in soil will be reported as mg/kg and all statistical analyses will be conducted using SAS
statistical software with statistical significance reported at the 0.05 level.
Since metals occur naturally in the environment, we will investigate whether background
data are available for surface soil in Nicaragua but will at least compare to previously
reported background levels in other countries (Kabata-Pendias, 2001). Linear
regression models will be used to determine whether contaminant levels are
significantly different by microenvironment. For instance, are levels higher in the
agricultural fields compared to the residential areas? Are levels different among the
different categories of agricultural fields or among the different residential communities?
To the extent that CKD prevalence data are available for each of the residential
communities, we will investigate whether contaminant levels by community are
generally consistent with the observed differences in CKD prevalence.
An analysis of potential health risks associated with metals and agrichemicals in surface
soil will be conducted in accordance with the USEPAs risk assessment guidance for
human health evaluation activities (USEPA, 1989). Exposure concentrations in surface
soil will be combined with exposure factors that are representative of the intensity and
frequency of exposure among agricultural workers in Nicaragua. These assumptions
regarding contact rate, frequency, duration, and body weight will be used to estimate
contaminant intake (mg contaminant/kg bodyweight/day). Toxicity information (ie. RfDs,
critical effects, uncertainty and modifying factors) will be obtained from USEPAs
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and combined with the intake estimates for
the purpose of characterizing the potential risks associated with occupational and
residential exposure to contaminants in surface soil.
c. Drinking Water Samples
The extent to which drinking water may be contaminated with metals or agrichemicals
has received little attention in the northwestern region of Nicaragua. While NSEL has
indicated that groundwater samples have been monitored from onsite wells, these
samples collected at depth may not be representative of water that is actually
consumed by workers (Pollutech, 2001). A summary of the previous investigations that
have analyzed contaminants in water samples is provided in the Appendix.
It has been reported that sugarcane workers, at least historically, have obtained their
drinking water from both wells and from surface water. It is also our understanding that
in the communities, residents obtain their water from individual wells as well as from
common sources that are piped to individual properties. We propose to collect water
samples from the exact locations where the workers and residents obtain their drinking
As a first step toward evaluating the potential role of contaminated drinking water, we
propose to collect a maximum of 200 drinking water samples from sugarcane fields and


communities throughout the region. Similar to the surface soil sampling, this step is
proposed as a screening level effort to assess the potential human health risks
associated with occupational and residential exposure to metals (and potentially
agrichemicals pending the results of the effort described above in Section IV.B.1.a) in
drinking water in the northwest region of Nicaragua.
i. Data Collection
We propose collecting a maximum of 200 drinking water samples from the same
general locations as the surface soil samples (ie five categories of agricultural fields and
five different residential areas as described above in Section IV.B.1.b.i).
In the agricultural fields, the exact sampling locations will be selected to characterize the
primary sources of drinking water within each of the five categories of fields. The
information about drinking water sources will be obtained from representatives of both
NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA, the owners/operators of other agricultural fields, as well as
from other retired workers who are not associated with ASOCHIVIDA. In the
communities, drinking water samples will be obtained from the same residences where
surface soil samples were collected. Accordingly, residences will be selected for
sampling based on a consideration of both spatial variation (for surface soil) and
drinking water source. A portable GPS will be used to record the exact coordinates of
each sample location.
At each of the 200 sample locations, drinking water samples will be collected from the
source directly into clean labeled sampling containers (generally plastic for metals and
glass for organics, though certain agrichemicals may also require plastic containers).
When measuring from a tap, first draw samples will be obtained. Water samples will be
transported (cold packs) and stored (refrigerator) under cool conditions but not frozen.
The aliquots in the plastic sample containers will be analyzed for metals via ICPMS and
the aliquots in the glass containers will be stored for possible future analysis of
agrichemicals. One field blank and one duplicate will be collected for each category of
agricultural fields and in each community (total of 10 field blanks and 10 duplicates).
ii. Data Analysis
The descriptive analysis of the drinking water data will be conducted using summary
statistics, graphical displays, and correlation coefficients. Shapiro-Wilks tests and
graphical displays will be used to determine the nature of the distribution of the metals
and agrichemicals in drinking water. For the purposes of statistical analyses, a log
transformation of the data will be applied if necessary to produce an approximately
normal distribution.
Method LODs will be estimated as three times the standard deviation of the field blanks.
In cases where the mean field blank amounts are significantly different from zero
(=0.05), the corresponding data will be corrected by subtracting the mean field blank
amounts from the sample amounts. Units for metals in drinking water will be reported as


mass per volume of water (ug/L or mg/L as appropriate). All statistical analyses will be
conducted using SAS statistical software with statistical significance reported at the 0.05
Levels of metals and agrichemicals in drinking water will be compared to USEPA
Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and linear regression models will be used to
determine whether contaminant levels are significantly different by microenvironment.
For instance, are levels higher in drinking water collected from the agricultural fields
compared to the residential areas? Are levels different among the different categories of
agricultural fields or among the different residential communities? To the extent that
CKD prevalence data are available for each of the residential communities, we will
investigate whether contaminant levels by community are consistent with the observed
differences in CKD prevalence.
An analysis of potential health risks associated with metals and agrichemicals in
drinking water will be conducted in accordance with the USEPAs risk assessment
guidance for human health evaluation activities (USEPA, 1989). Exposure
concentrations in drinking water will be combined with exposure factors regarding
contact rate, frequency, duration, and body weight to estimate contaminant intake (mg
contaminant/kg bodyweight/day). Toxicity information (ie. RfDs, critical effects,
uncertainty and modifying factors) will be obtained from USEPAs IRIS and combined
with the intake estimates for the purpose of characterizing the potential risks associated
with occupational and residential exposure to contaminants in drinking water. The
cumulative risks associated with exposure to each contaminant in surface soil and
drinking water will also be assessed.
d. Food Samples
The extent to which food may be contaminated with metals or aristolochic acid has not
yet been explored in the northwestern region of Nicaragua. The potential for uptake of
metals from soil varies by crop and growing conditions. Additionally, as was observed in
the Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, there is potential for food to become contaminated
with aristolochic acid.
As a first step toward evaluating the potential role of contaminated food, we propose to
administer a short dietary survey to the 20 residents in each the five communities who
participate in the surface soil and drinking water investigation (total of 100 surveys). The
purpose of the survey will be to assess the types and sources of commonly consumed
food so that food samples can be collected and analyzed for metals and aristolochic
i. Data Collection
The short dietary survey will be administered during the collection of surface soil and
drinking water samples so that food samples can be collected on a subsequent trip. The
survey will be designed to identify the most commonly consumed food types (eg. rice,


beans, corn, flour tortillas, etc), the most common sources of those foods (eg. selfgrown, market, farm stand, etc), as well as some limited food frequency information.
Since contaminant levels could vary by both type and source of food, we would
ultimately design a market basket survey of non-meat food items that aims to capture
this potential variability by focusing on the most common type/source combinations. We
will also work with a botanist in Nicaragua to examine the fields where the food is grown
to determine where Aristolochia species are present. Recognizing that there could be
variation even within the same food type from the same source, we would also collect
two samples of each type/source combination. Accordingly, if we collected two samples
of the five most commonly consumed food types from the two most common sources in
each of the five communities then we would collect a total of 100 food samples (2
samples x 5 types x 2 sources x 5 communities = 100 samples).
Each food sample will be collected from the same locations where residents obtain their
food. The samples would be placed in plastic Ziploc bags, labeled, and frozen for
shipping. One field blank and one duplicate will be collected for each type of food (total
of 5 field blanks and 5 duplicates). For metals, the samples will be homogenized,
extracted, and analyzed via ICP-MS. Though we are additionally interested in the
possible analysis of aristolochic acid in food samples, the analysis of aristolochic acid is
not a common analytical procedure with standardized protocols. We therefore must first
evaluate the feasibility, logistics, and costs of analyzing for aristolochic acid in food prior
to processing the samples for analysis of metals (in case the sample preparation
procedures are different).
ii. Data Analysis
The descriptive analysis of the contaminants in food will be conducted using summary
statistics, graphical displays, and correlation coefficients. Shapiro-Wilks tests and
graphical displays will be used to determine the nature of the distribution of the metals
and aristolochic acid in food. For the purposes of statistical analyses, a log
transformation of the data will be applied if necessary to produce an approximately
normal distribution.
Method LODs will be estimated as three times the standard deviation of the field blanks.
In cases where the mean field blank amounts are significantly different from zero
(=0.05), the corresponding data will be corrected by subtracting the mean field blank
amounts from the sample amounts. Units for metals in food will be reported as mg/kg.
All statistical analyses will be conducted using SAS statistical software with statistical
significance reported at the 0.05 level.
Multiple linear regression models will be used to determine whether contaminant levels
in food are significantly different by type, source, and/or community. To the extent that
CKD prevalence data are available for each of the residential communities, we will
investigate whether contaminant levels in food by community are consistent with the
observed differences in CKD prevalence.


An analysis of potential health risks associated with metals food will be conducted in
accordance with the USEPAs risk assessment guidance for human health evaluation
activities (USEPA, 1989). The metals levels in each type of food will be combined with
ingestion information from the food frequency survey and body weight to estimate
contaminant intake (mg contaminant/kg bodyweight/day). Toxicity information (ie. RfDs,
critical effects, uncertainty and modifying factors) will be obtained from USEPAs IRIS
and combined with the intake estimates for the purpose of characterizing the potential
risks associated with dietary metals. The cumulative risks associated with exposure to
each contaminant in surface soil, drinking water, and food will also be assessed.
e. Limitations
The environmental sampling has been proposed and designed as a screening level
effort given that there has been limited previous environmental sampling in the region.
However, exposures to metals and agrichemicals likely occurred over many years and
over a large geographic area, whereas our proposed investigation will focus on current
conditions using samples collected from a relatively small area. Accordingly, there is the
potential for findings from this activity to have a high impact if levels are elevated or if
clear patterns are observed; however, the lack or elevated levels or the lack of clear
patterns would need to be interpreted cautiously. Given the limited scope of the
assessment, there could still be elevated levels that were missed because they are
present in different areas or because they occurred at an earlier time and are no longer


2. Biological Sampling
Partly based on the results of the environmental sampling, we will consider the benefits of
analyzing biological samples (potentially including blood, urine, hair, nails, and bone x-rays) for
metals, selected agrichemicals, and aristolochic acid. One potential source of samples is
current workers at ISA, all of whom have routine blood and urine testing every year. A possible
second source could be a random sample of the five communities in which the environmental
sampling will be conducted..

a. Data Collection
In each of the communities of La Isla and Candelaria, we would collect samples for
analysis from 20 male sugarcane workers and 20 females who reside in the same
homes (total of 80 samples from sugarcane communities). In each of the other three
communities, we would select 10 males with a work history consistent with the primary
occupation of the community as well as 10 females who reside in the same homes (total
of 60 samples from non-sugarcane communities). Within each of the five communities,
we will collect samples from a greater number of participants in order to determine
eGFR so that we can ensure that the analytical samples reflect participants with
sufficient variability of eGFR.
For metals, the blood samples will be shipped to an analytical laboratory, extracted, and
analyzed via ICP-MS. We are additionally interested in the possible analysis of
aristolochic acid in either blood or urine samples collected from this same group of
subjects. However, given that the analysis of aristolochic acid is not a common
analytical procedure with standardized protocols, we must first evaluate the feasibility,
logistics, and costs of doing so. We will investigate these details for aristolochic acid
prior to processing the samples for analysis of metals (in case the sample preparation
procedures are different).
b. Data Analysis
The descriptive analysis of the metals in blood will be conducted using summary
statistics, graphical displays, and correlation coefficients. Shapiro-Wilks tests and
graphical displays will be used to determine the nature of the distribution of the metals
and agrichemicals in blood. For the purposes of statistical analyses, a log
transformation of the data will be applied if necessary to produce an approximately
normal distribution. Units for metals in blood will be reported as mass per volume of
blood (ug/dL or modified as appropriate). All statistical analyses will be conducted using
SAS statistical software with statistical significance reported at the 0.05 level.
Levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury in blood will be compared to the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Biological
Exposure Indices (ACGIH, 2009). Multiple linear regression models will be used to
determine whether contaminant levels are significantly different by work history or by
sex. The assessment of community differences will be assessed separately for males

and females, since among males community will be highly correlated with industry,
whereas among females the community differences are perhaps more likely to
represent geographic variation (though work history will have to be taken into account
for females as well).
Since serum creatinine levels and eGFR will be available for all subjects, we will assess
metals in blood as potential determinants of kidney function. We will also use the eGFR
data to classify subjects as CKD or non-CKD and assess metals in blood as potential
determinants of CKD status using logistic regression models.
c. Limitations
Similar to the environmental sampling, the biological sampling has been proposed and
designed as a screening level effort. Biomarker levels integrate exposure across all
exposure routes and pathways and could potentially yield information that would be
missed if we relied on environmental samples alone. However, the half-life of metals in
biological samples is shorter than in environmental media and we will be analyzing
samples collected from a small subset of the population at a single point in time.
Accordingly, there is the potential for findings from this activity to have a high impact if
levels are elevated or if clear patterns are observed; however, the lack or elevated
levels or the lack of clear patterns would need to be interpreted cautiously. Given the
limited scope of the assessment, there could still be elevated levels that were missed
because they are present in different subsets of the population or because they
occurred at an earlier time but were no longer present in blood at the time samples were

3. Work Observations
The work observation study proposes to address two hypotheses: volume depletion and
muscle damage.
As described in section III.B.1, volume depletion is not typically
considered a primary cause of CKD but rather is thought to represent an important risk
factor for disease progression. In contrast, as described in section III.B.2, muscle
damage and myoglobinuric acute renal failure may cause acute or chronic kidney
failure. We also hypothesize that chronic recurrent muscle damage and myoglobinuria
may be a cause of CKD even in the absence of overt acute kidney injury. The work
observation will establish whether volume depletion and muscle damage occur in sugar
cane workers, and if volume depletion and muscle damage are associated with renal
damage as assessed through urine protein markers; this study has the potential to
elucidate whether volume depletion and muscle damage contributes to the development
and progression of CKD. However, we do not anticipate being able to definitively
determine causality of these factors in regards to kidney disease based on these
observations alone.
Major risk factors for volume depletion and muscle damage in this population include:
ambient temperature and humidity, work effort, hydration status at the start of the work


day (which can be adversely affected by recent alcohol consumption), ability of the
kidney to regulate perfusion at extremes of volume (which can be adversely affected by
NSAIDS), and other medication use.
Accordingly, we will study workers in different environmental conditions and work
environments. Subjects will represent three important occupational groups: (1) sugar
cane harvesters, who are expected to be subject to the most extreme environment and
most strenuous work conditions; (2) seed cutters, seeders, and weeders; and (3) a
control group of sugar cane factory workers. We plan on studying 25 workers from
each of the three groups, with repeated measurements from each worker over three
The cooperation of the union, current workers and ISA is essential and will need to be
obtained prior to initiation of the project. In order to protect privacy of the workers and
encourage participation, we would not share individual participant results with ISA and
would offer a cash incentive for participation.
a. Data Collection
Related to this activity, we also propose to assess the industrial hygiene practices and
health and safety program at ISA. The industrial hygiene assessment will include a
review of work practices for each of the various tasks performed among field workers
and factory workers, including work schedules, conditions, activities, personal protective
equipment, etc. The review will necessarily focus on current practices but will attempt to
assess how current practices may differ from historical practices by reviewing available
documents and communicating with representatives of both NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA,
representatives of unions, as well as with retired ISA workers who are not associated
For the work observation, the following data will be collected:
1. Prior to beginning work on the first day of the study, interviewers will obtain
information on factors such as age, medication use (include over-the-counter and
herbal preparations) in the previous seven days, recent alcohol intake, any known
medical conditions, etc.
2. On each of the three days of observation:
a. Prior to beginning of work:
i. Physical examination: weight, height, sitting and standing blood
pressure and heart rate, temperature
ii. Laboratory data:
1. Stored blood: creatinine, creatine kinase, myoglobin
2. Point of care urine: specific gravity, myoglobin (dipstick heme
positive and if positive to be confirmed by specific assay),


3. Stored urine: tubular proteinuria, quantification of myoglobinuria

in participants with positive point of care tests
b. During the work day
i. Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT): WBGT is a composite
temperature used to estimate the effect of temperature, humidity, wind,
and solar radiation on humans. WBGT readings will be obtained at
multiple times throughout each work shift.
ii. Observations of work process: number of breaks, water consumption,
duration of shift, intensity of work, etc.
c. After completion of work:
i. Hours of work, amount of cane harvested by work group (if cane
ii. Hydration interview: questionnaire assessing thirst using a Likert scale,
access to fluids during work period, and whether each worker feels that
they ingested adequate fluids during the day
iii. Physical examination: weight, height, sitting and standing blood
pressure and heart rate, temperature
iv. Laboratory data:
1. Stored blood: creatinine, creatine kinase, myoglobin
2. Point of care urine: specific gravity, myoglobin (dipstick heme
positive and if positive to be confirmed by specific assay),
3. Stored urine: tubular proteinuria, quantification of myoglobinuria
in participants with positive point of care tests
As with the review of industrial hygiene practices, we will attempt to assess the extent to
which conditions during the monitoring week reflect historical conditions with respect to
factors such as work intensity, work duration, number and length of breaks, and water
consumption. For this reason, we will ask appropriate representatives from NSEL,
ASOCHIVIDA, unions, and other retired workers (who arent associated with
ASOCHIVIDA) to accompany the field team during the monitoring effort and provide
some feedback regarding the representativeness of the observed days.
b. Data Analysis
The following will be the focus of comparison between cane cutters and factory workers:
1. Estimates of volume status: weight change, change in systolic and mean arterial
pressure during the work day (both sitting and standing), change in temperature,
change in serum creatinine, urine specific gravity at end of work day, differences in
hydration interview
2. Estimates of muscle damage: change in serum creatine kinase and serum
myoglobin, presence of dipstick myoglobin (with positive confirmation by direct


If we find that volume depletion and muscle damage are occurring, logistic regression
analysis will be performed to look for possible risk factors, including age, environmental
temperature, work effort, adequacy of hydration, thirst, and recent medication use.
WBGT data will be compared with ACGIH threshold limit values (TLVs) for working in
hot environments (ACGIH, 2009).
c. Timeline
We estimate that the three sets of activities described above (environmental sampling,
biological sampling, and work observation) can be completed within 12 months from the
time we are authorized to proceed. The three month range for each set of tasks is
intended to represent the duration of the task as much as it is to reflect the uncertainty.
For instance, prior to collecting or analyzing any samples it is necessary for us to
finalize the protocol and obtain approval from our Institutional Review Board (IRB).
However, we recognize that finalizing the protocols will involve communication with
representatives of both NSEL and ASOCHIVIDA, and experience tells us that IRB
approval can take 4 to 6 weeks (from initial submission to approval, including inevitable
revision). As another example, once samples are sent to an analytical laboratory, the
turnaround time can vary widely depending on their availability. The work observation
study could be done early in the project and could be done over two weeks either
consecutively or interrupted. Logistical issues will include identifying and hiring
personnel who can be trained or are familiar with taking vital signs and performing
phlebotomy. We would also need to enlist the cooperation of NSEL, the union and
current workers in order to recruit appropriate subjects. Accordingly, the following is our
best estimate of the time it will take to complete the tasks described in Sections 4.B.1
through 4.B.3.

Activity Description
Assessment of agrichemicals
Investigate options for aristolochic
acid analysis
prepare protocol, and obtain IRB
Administer dietary questionnaire &
collect and analyze soil and drinking
water samples
Conduct work observations and
analyze samples
Collect and analyze food samples
Data analysis and reporting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


d. Limitations
As discussed, it will be important to ensure that the working conditions during the
observation study are representative of typical current and historical work practices, in
terms of environmental conditions and work intensity. Similarly, the workers studied
would also need to be representative of those at risk, specifically their physical
conditioning and work effort should be within the range of a typical worker. To ensure to
the extent possible that these requirements are met will require cooperation from a
number of stakeholders, including representatives from NSEL, ASOCHIVIDA, unions,
and other retired workers (who arent associated with ASOCHIVIDA). It might prove
useful to use employment records to develop a profile of a typical worker in terms of
height, weight, age, and work effort. Even with these precautions, it is possible that
because the workers are being observed their behavior, particularly in terms of fluid
repletion, may be better than usual practice. As such, we expect that data may
represent practices somewhat better than typical. Therefore, the absence of signs of
volume depletion or muscle damage will not absolutely exclude these factors as
important in the development of CKD in the population at risk.
The markers chosen for muscle damage, creatine kinase and myoglobin, are relatively
sensitive but may not detect all instances of subclinical muscle damage. Nevertheless,
as indicated in a previous study of exercise in normal volunteers (Clarkson, 2006) these
markers were able to detect a remarkably high incidence of muscle damage. The use
of markers of tubular proteinuria to detect kidney damage should be considered
exploratory, since there are no preliminary data establishing their utility in patients with
volume depletion or myoglobinuria. The absence of positive findings would not
definitively exclude the possibility of subclinical renal damage, but alternative measures
such as inulin clearance or histologic examination are not practical.

4. Cohort Study of ISA Employees

We recommend assembling data from past and present NSEL workers in order to
determine the association between occupational characteristics and the occurrence of
CKD. This cohort will be assembled from employment and medical records; workers will
be categorized according to several exposure definitions, and analyses will determine
the incidence of abnormal test results, symptoms, disease, and death. We have had
two opportunities to discuss the content and availability of the records at ISA with
company representatives, as well as to view the records and storage systems. Our
understanding of the exact nature and condition of the records is still evolvingand one
of the first proposed activities is to conduct a feasibility/pilot study to gather and critically
review existing occupational and medical records and determine the practicality
of accomplishing the proposed study. Based on current information, we believe that the
availability, completeness, and quality of data, while not without problems, will allow us
to successfully conduct a study.
a. Background
As noted previously, NSEL is the largest of four sugar companies in Nicaragua;


approximately 5,500 persons work at the ISA each year, the great majority of whom are
primarily involved in sugar cane cultivation, harvesting, processing, and manufacturing
on approximately 40,000 hectares of land. The cane is harvested and planted during the
months of NovemberApril. People who work at ISA are divided into three categories:
permanent employees, temporary employees, and contractors. The size of the
permanent workforce is about 600. Approximately 5000 temporary employees and
contractorsincluding about 1500 cane cuttersare hired for the harvest months
(November-May), and 800 temporary workers work the remaining six months.
b. Employment records
Employment records provide the basis for worker identification.
According to
information provided by company representatives, these records have been kept since
the 1960s. In recent years, records have been computerized, with prior records
available on paper.
We plan to use employment and payment records to construct a detailed employment
history for individual workers. Due to the seasonal nature of the ISAs work, we
anticipate linking annual work records for each worker (through their social security
number) for each year worked and then compiling his or her complete work history. If
necessary, annual screening records, described in the outcomes section, may be used
to supplement data missing from employment records.
Employment records are expected to contain job title and dates of employment, allowing
us to determine the amount of time spent in each job and characterize workers
according to whether they ever, usually, and currently work in a particular job title; to
distinguish full-time vs. seasonal employment; and to determine duration of employment
as well as ages worked. We plan to group workers into the following six categories:

Cane cutters
Seed cutters, seeders, and weeders
Pesticide applicators
Factory workers
Other miscellaneous

During different time periods, workers may have been more or less likely to carry out
tasks that fall under more than one job category at different times of the year. In order
to better categorize job tasks, we will carry out a careful review of records as well as
obtain information from company representatives (as part of the industrial hygiene
activities described as part of the work observation activities; see Section IV.B.3), and
develop and administer a structured questionnaire to current and former workers.
c. Exposure categorization
In Section III, we suggested three main hypotheses regarding a possible occupational
etiology for CKD in this setting: exposure to agrichemicals, volume depletion (either
independent of or in conjunction with other exposures), and muscle damage (again


either independent of or in conjunction with other exposures). The latter two

hypotheses are closely related and are unlikely to be distinguishable based on data
abstracted from records, but information gleaned from work observation should provide
a basis for determining the interplay between these two mechanisms. Therefore, for
purposes of exposure categorization we have treated them as a single hypothesis.
Agrichemicals: We plan to use job history data to estimate exposure to agrichemicals.
Job titles can be categorized according to potential for exposure to agrichemicals
determined to have nephrotoxic potential based on toxicological review (see Section
IV.B.1.a) based on information from company representatives, current and former
workers, company records, our environmental sampling, and literature describing typical
exposure patterns in sugar cane cultivation, including frequency and season of
application. This information can be used to construct an index of exposure based on
job title, duration, and calendar year (in order to capture changes in pesticides and
practices employed over time).
Volume depletion/muscle damage: We also plan to use job titles to classify work
intensity based on results from the work observation (see Section IV.B.3). In addition,
because cane cutters are paid on a piecework basis, company payment records will be
used to approximate the amount of tonnage cut, which will in turn be used to construct a
measure of work intensity among cane cutters. There can be a twofold difference
between the amount of tonnage cut by different workers (personal communication, Dr.
Carlos Alonso Medrano, 6/09). We recognize that this is an imperfect measure, both
because disparities in tonnage harvested may be due to differences in skill and
efficiency in addition to effort expended and because the affinity group, which typically
numbers about four workers, is the smallest unit for which tonnage can be calculated
and payment determined. However, we expect that there remains a reasonable
correlation between amount of effort expended and amount of sugar cane harvested.
Covariates: We also plan to collect covariate information on past work history; location
of residence; body mass index; co-morbidities such as diabetes and hypertension;
family history of kidney disease; and history of cigarette smoking, alcoholic beverage
consumption, and use of nephrotoxic medications. Covariate information should be
primarily available through medical chart review and pre-employment screening
records, described in the section on Outcome Assessment.
d. Study design and follow-up
Eligibility criteria will be decided after we establish the earliest date that CKD
occurrence can be determined. Annual screening for creatinine began in 1996.
Therefore this is the start of follow-up for the cohort study with hypotheses involving
creatinine level as the main outcome of interest. Follow-up will continue through
December 31, 2010.
e. Outcome assessment
We will review available medical records (from ISA and non-ISA sources) to obtain
information on the occurrence of medical outcomes across the spectrum of kidney


disease from abnormal kidney function test results to symptoms, disease incidence, and
mortality. The sources of medical records are:

ISA Hospital. Throughout the entire period, the ISA has had a hospital on its
grounds that has provided both inpatient and outpatient care free of charge for
current employees and their families and for retirees. Prior to 2003, most
employees lived on the ISA grounds and received virtually all their care at the
ISA hospital. Almost all medical records are on paper, and are stored on site.
They are filed according to social security number, and it appears that individual
records can be located without much difficulty. However, this will be tested
empirically during the feasibility/pilot phase of the study.These records contain
information on diagnosis of CKD; yearly routine creatinine testing, urinalysis; and
physical exam on all permanent employees, other conditions, and prescribed
medications. These records also contain some information on past work history
that may prove useful for exposure characterization.


Annual physical exam for contracted employees (2003 to present). Prior to

2003, all persons working at ISA were employees of NSEL. Beginning in 2003,
workers who harvested the cane were hired on an annual basis through
subcontractors. The yearly physical exam results for this group have been
obtained and stored separately. The exam gathers information on a variety of
physiological parameters, including serum creatinine level, urinalysis, and blood
pressure. In addition to the exam, a baseline questionnaire is administered at
time of hiring that obtains data on a number of factors relevant to the
investigation (Table 14). More recent records have been computerized, and
company plans are to computerize the earlier records as well, which may be
completed in time for this study.

Table 14. Contents of questionnaires administered to contract

employees at time of pre-hiring screening
2004 Questionnaire
2008 Questionnaire
Current Address/Municipality X
Municipality lived in during X
Current job
Employment history
Employment history
Employment history with Employment history with
sugar refineries
sugar refineries
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption
Illegal drug use
Illegal drug use
Smoking history
Smoking history
Daily water consumption
Injected medication history
Injected medication history
Pesticide exposure
Pesticide exposure

Family history of kidney

Personal history of Diabetes
Personal history of repeated
urinary infection
Personal history of Malaria

Family history of kidney

Personal history of Diabetes
Personal history of repeated
urinary infection
Personal history of Malaria

Local health centers and regional hospitals (2003 to present). Some workers
who can no longer work because of high creatinine tests receive follow-up care
at the local health center (Centro de Salud) in Chichigalpa, which has a
dedicated CKD unit and where they also fill out the paperwork to apply for
government benefits available to them as a result of no longer being able to
work. A smaller number use other local health centers or the regional hospital
(Hospital Espaa) located in the town of Chinandega. We have met with
representatives from both the Chichigalpa health center and regional hospital
and have been informed that we could have access to medical records.

Access to these medical sources allows us to compile a wide range of medical

information that may serve as endpoints of interest (e.g., serum creatinine levels)
descriptors of disease (e.g., proteinuria and ultrasound findings), or confounders that we
can control for (e.g., blood pressure). For example, the annual exams provide an
ongoing measure of kidney function, assessed repeatedly for individuals. In addition, we
can determine onset (incidence) of CKD or mortality, and dates that these occurred.
The primary outcome for the study will be a serum creatinine measurement of 1.2
mg/dl, because that is the level above which workers are not permitted to work at the
ISA. However, because a single creatinine of 1.2 mg/dl is sensitive but not specific
measure of CKD, we will also follow individuals up for a diagnosis of CKD in the medical
record and additional tests consistent with a diagnosis of CKD. We will develop criteria
to classify cases as definite, probable, and possible based on the available information.
According to company representatives, workers who are let go because of high serum
creatinine levels sometimes return the following year using a different name and social
security number. This problem would be more likely to occur in later years (after 2002),
and there does not appear to be any way to identify these individuals. However, it is not
perceived to be a widespread practice and is further minimized by the fact that it should
impact only those individuals whose creatinine was originally 1.2 mg/dl and then
decreased below the proscribed level in the intervening time period.
f. Sample size
Approximately 20,000 workers have been employed by ISA during the period of time


covered by this study. Because most employment and medical records are not
computerized, we do not believe that it is feasible to review the records of all workers
employed during the follow-up period. An estimated 2,000-3,000 records of workers
who have developed CKD appear to be available at ISA. A review of 4,000 randomly
selected records would result in an expected 500-600 cases of CKD. The final sample
size and sampling strategy will be informed by the results of the feasibility/pilot study.
g. Data analysis
Social security number should be available on both employment and medical records
and we plan to use it as the primary variable for linking records, supplemented by
company ID number, full name, date of birth, and gender. A subjects follow-up begins
at the start of follow-up (January 1,1995) if they started working prior to that date
(prevalent hire) or at the time of hire if they are hired during the follow-up period
(incident hire). Follow-up ends at the earliest of the following: onset of poor kidney
function (as measured by serum creatinine level), mortality, date of last known medical
visit, or end of follow-up (December 31, 2010). Subjects will be excluded if they had
prevalent kidney disease at the start of their follow-up time.
The baseline date will be unique for each subject depending on when follow-up starts.
The timeline is then time in the study. The data will be analyzed using Cox proportional
hazard regression to compare the incidence of each kidney outcome described above
according to employment characteristics. We will consider several assumptions for the
induction and latent period in the crude and adjusted analyses. Potential confounders
for the latter will include gender; age (at baseline); BMI; family history of kidney disease;
personal history of diabetes, hypertension, cigarette smoking, and use of nephrotoxic
medications; and residential location(s).
Because many subjects will have begun working prior to follow-up starting in 1995 the
study will include prevalent hires (began working prior to 1995) as well as incident hires
(began working during study follow-up, 1995 through 2009). Prevalent hires represent a
group that was subjected to left truncation, where subjects who were hired prior to the
start of follow-up and are still working when follow-up begins may not be representative
of all subjects who worked during that time (e.g., the healthier subjects remain at work).
We decided it was important to include prevalent hires both because exposure
conditions have changed over time and because restricting to persons hired after 1995
would exclude most ASOCHIVIDA members, for whom the study results are most
relevant based on the objectives of the Dialogue. Further, prevalent hires are not an
inherent problem if they are addressed in the analysis. We will address this issue by
using a time-dependent Cox model. Further, we will examine exposures separately that
occur during follow-up (time-varying) and exposure status before the start of follow-up
Finally, in additional analyses, we will describe the characterstics of kidney disease
wherever possible. This will include abstracting all data on urinalyses (specifically the
presence and qualitative amount of proteinuria and hematuria on urine dipsticks) and all
ultrasound data (particularly descriptions of kidney size and echogenicity) on members


of the cohort. Given the suspected prevalence of kidney disease in this region of
Nicaragua, both the cross-sectional relationship and the temporal relationship between
proteinuria and estimated GFR could be helpful to narrow the differential causes of CKD
in this region. Further information on this specific portion of the project is provided in
Section 5 (Medical Record Review), and we will strive to coordinate these efforts to
maximize efficiency.
h. Project Timeline
The study activities, which will require a minimum of 19 months, will be divided into two
phases: a feasibility/pilot phase lasting five months and a main study phase lasting 14
months. We will first conduct a feasibility study that will include a detailed and critical
review of existing occupational records, occupational exposure assessments and
records, employment records, medical care facilties and available medical records.
Understanding the availablility and quality of these records will be an essential
component of refining the proposed cohort study. During this phase we will also conduct
a pilot study, which will be based on 50 occupational and 50 linked medical records, to
determine the most efficient and feasible manner for conducting the main study. In
particular, we will assess the organization of occupational and medical records and will
pre-test record review and linkage procedures and data collection forms during this
period. We will then prepare a preliminary report summarizing the availability,
completeness, and quality of records and the feasibility of their use for a cohort study.
The report will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board. The timeline for the entire
study is given below.
Months 1-4: Conduct feasibility study, including collection and critical review of
existing occupational records, occupational exposure assessments, employment
records, medical care facility record systems, and available medical records.
Develop procedures and code book, hire local staff for pilot and main study,
conduct pilot study of 50 linked occupational and medical records.
Month 5: Evaluate results of feasibility/pilot study, revise study design as
indicated by feasibility study, develop procedures and code book.
Months 6-15: Review records, computerize and clean data.
Months 16-19: Conduct data analysis, write report.
We currently estimate that it will take approximately 6,000 hours to review 4,000
records, particularly given that the review of medical records also is being conducted to
address additional hypotheses unrelated to occupational exposure (see Section IV.B.5).
We anticipate that this task will require 8 individuals at 750 hours/person (20
hours/week for 37.5 weeks) and a senior epidemiologist based in Nicaragua to oversee
their work. The considerable logistics issues would be handled by the Nicaraguanbased research assistant. Double data entry would be done in the U.S. (or Nicaragua if
acceptable), and a programmers time would be required for data analysis. . These
estimates may require revision if indicated by the feasibility and pilot activities.


i. Limitations
We have assumed that existing company, employment, environmental sampling,
medical care facility and individual medical records are sufficiently detailed and valid to
be able to conduct the above described study. While it is likely that basic information
such as job title and dates of employment will be available, it is less clear whether more
detailed data will be obtainable. For example, it is unclear if historical records on
environmental sampling will be sufficient to construct a valid index of exposure to
specific agrichemicals. Thus, depending on the results of the feasibility/pilot study, it is
likely that proposed study design and protocol will be refined. Any important changes in
scope will be submitted for review to the Scientific Advisory Board prior to

5. Medical Record Review

Medical chart review represents a potentially high yield source of data to help elucidate
the nature of and medical correlates of kidney disease among former workers at the
ISA. In recent years, reflecting a perceived high prevalence of kidney disease among
workers, the ISA had instituted a screening program for kidney disease. Potentially
available data involve multiple sources, including the ISA data which would serve as a

ISA Employment Medical Charts: Charts containing data on basic

demographics and medical history obtained from the individual worker, work
history within the ISA, blood pressure and other physical examination items,
serum creatinine and urine dipstick results (personal communication with
Felix Zelaya, 6/09);

ii. ISA Medical Clinic Charts: Charts from the clinic at the ISA, which, for

individuals diagnosed with kidney disease, will often contain extensive

longitudinal data including renal ultrasounds. These medical charts would
also include records of medications dispensed by the clinic. It is estimated
that there are 2000-3000 charts of individuals with kidney disease; of note,
individuals who were not continuously employed by the ISA may not have
received chronic medical care at this facility (personal communication with
Drs. Antonio Marin and Mauricio Jarquin, 6/09);

Julio Duran Zamora Health Center Charts: Records from the local medical
clinic in Chichigalpa (Julio Duran Zamora Health Center), the site of a busy
nephrologist clinic where local residents who cannot receive medical care at
the ISA are treated until the end stage of kidney disease (personal
communication with Edwin Reyes, 6/09); and


Hospital Espaa Charts: Records from the Hospital Espaa in

Chinandega where individuals with kidney failure would seek higher level
medical care.


Screening for kidney disease, consisting of serum creatinine measurement and urine
dipstick analysis, is performed at least annually among temporary and contracted ISA
workers. For sugar cane cutters, testing occurs at the start of the season, in the middle
of the season and at the completion of the cutting season (three times in a 6 month
period), although, per report of the physician staff at the ISA (personal communication
with Felix Zelaya, 6/09), the final test of the year often fails to occur for seasonal
workers. Workers are assigned a unique identifier for testing, and on the medical chart
a small picture is included.
Performed systematically, chart review has the potential to help determine the cause of
kidney disease, specifically discriminating between risk factors for and presence of
glomerular disease versus manifestations more consistent with tubulointerstitial
Tubulointerstitial disease versus glomerular disease
In order to help differentiate between tubulointerstitial and glomerular kidney
disease, we will abstract serial creatinine and urine dipstick results. In the
setting of rising serum creatinine and minimal proteinuria, particularly with
kidneys that on later ultrasound evaluation appear uniformly small, it is likely
that the cause of kidney disease is tubulointerstitial
Medications as an etiology for tubulointerstitial disease
In order to explore medications as a potential etiology of kidney disease, we will
abstract medication prescriptions for workers who received medical care at the ISA.
Strengths include potential ability to evaluate temporal relationships between
medication prescription and evidence of kidney disease. Limitations include the distinct
possibility that workers may have obtained medications from other sources

Glomerular Disease, Diabetes and Hypertension

We will abstract medical history and physical exam findings from these records,
specifically evaluating the temporal relationship between blood pressure and serum
creatinine levels as well as attempting to identify a history of diabetes or other wellknown causes of kidney disease. In the course of this process, as stated above, we will
record the measured dipstick proteinuria as, in the absence of significant proteinuria
(>1+) preceding rising serum creatinine, it is unlikely that the cause of CRI is a
glomerular process

Kidney stones
Because nephrolithiasis is highly prevalent in regions of high heat and humidity and
recurrent nephrolithiasis has the potential to cause CKD, we will review charts of
persons with and without CKD to determine the prevalence of kidney stones. This is
likely to be of low yield.

Chart review will be conducted as part of the data collection for the cohort study, and
therefore will not require additional personnel or other costs.


6. Urinary protein determination in adolescents

The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of CKD prior to subjects
entering the work place. This reflects the hypothesis that CKD may be prevalent in the
general population but that sugar cane cutters have a more rapid progression to later
stages of kidney disease due to recurrent volume depletion, myoglobinuria, and
potentially other exposures or lifestyle practices. As previously discussed, markers of
kidney damage may include increases in serum creatinine, proteinuria, abnormalities on
renal imaging, or pathologic changes on renal biopsy. Serum creatinine is an
insensitive markers of early kidney disease, as, by the time there is a significant rise in
serum creatinine, tremendous renal reserve has already been lost. Additionally, serum
creatinine assessment would require a blood draw. Renal imaging is also insensitive
and is a relatively expensive screening test. Kidney biopsy is expensive, invasive and
poses risks that include death and kidney loss; furthermore, kidney biopsy is unlikely to
lead to the diagnosis of a treatable condition in the screened population.
Accordingly, we are focusing on urine proteomics to identify early kidney disease. As
previously discussed, it is likely that CKD in Nicaragua is a tubulointerstitial condition.
As such, tubular proteinuria would be one of the earliest detectable manifestations of
disease. Tubular proteinuria describes low molecular weight proteins that are normally
filtered by the glomerulus and then metabolized by the proximal tubule cells; these
proteins are found in the urine when tubulointerstital disease interferes with proximal
tubular reabsorption and metabolism of these proteins. Beta-2 microglobulin, which
appears in the urine through this mechanism, has been used to diagnose
tubulointerstitial disease in children (Portman RJ, 1986). In addition, tubular epithelial
cell proteins may be released into the urine from damaged tubular cells. A number of
such proteins have been identified in the urine including -glucosidase and N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) (Barratt J, 2007).
The work proposed consists of collecting urine samples from adolescents aged 12-16
years. Our hypothesis is that if there is epidemic chronic tubulointerstitial disease due
to heavy metals, aristolochic acid, or other nephrotoxins, or from hereditary
tubulointerstitial nephritis, early indicators of kidney damage, such as tubular
proteinuria, will be manifest. With a prevalence of overt kidney damage as determined
by low eGFR of 5-15%, one might expect more sensitive markers such as tubular
proteinuria to be present in an even higher percentage.
We will select subjects for this study to include children of cane workers with known
CKD, nieces and nephews of affected workers whose parents are not affected, and
children whose parents have never worked in sugar cane. Approximately 100 children
will be studied with equal numbers of males and females. Random, clean catch urines
will be collected with appropriate preservatives and storage. Testing will include:
1. Dipstick for proteinuria/albuminuria
2. Urine albumin to creatinine ratio, a quantifiable measure of early glomerular
3. 2 microglobulinuria, retinol binding protein, and n-acetyl--Dglucosaminidase, all of which are markers of tubular proteinuria.


This study could be begun early in the project but would take several months to identify
and recruit potential subjects. Personnel to collect samples will need to be hired. We
will also need to obtain cooperation and consent of present and past workers, and
parents to identify potential subjects.
The yield of this study is clearly dependant on tubulointerstitial disease remaining the
leading diagnostic possibility as a cause of CKD in this region. The advantages of
sampling older children is that there would likely be adequate time for a local factor to
cause at least an early manifestation of kidney damage but most have not yet been
exposed to the taxing work environment that may offer additional factors leading to
progression of CKD.

7. Post-mortem renal biopsy

Although renal biopsy is often useful in glomerular diseases for defining etiologies, for
chronic tubulointerstitial disease biopsies often fail to identify the cause of CKD. In part
this reflects the presence of scarring and fibrosis, a non-specific finding in most late
stage tubulointerstitial processes. Early in the disease course, particularly in conditions
with acute onset, biopsy may be able to distinguish causes such as drug reactions or
nephrotoxins; however, pathologic findings may only be specific for the first few days or
weeks after the insult.
There is potential utility in obtaining kidney biopsies early in the course of the disease or
in people without clinical manifestations to determine if early pathologic abnormalities
are present. However, since renal biopsy is associated with some risk, including death,
and it is unlikely that a biopsy would alter the therapy for the renal disease, there are
ethical concerns regarding performance of biopsies. One possible solution would be to
obtain post-mortem renal biopsies in people dying from acute trauma, such as motor
vehicle accidents. We understand that deaths from motorcycle accidents in people not
wearing helmets are common and these victims are often young males, the group which
is at risk for CKD. At least two groups have informed us of their plans to conduct
biopsies on living persons with early kidney disease. Although we would like to discuss
our ethical concerns with them, if they do choose to proceed with permission from ethics
boards in Nicaragua, we would take advantage of the information they generated, and
would likely not continue with this activity.
Assuming we do proceed, we would propose initially doing 10 post-mortem renal
biopsies, processing the tissue only for light microscopy. Depending on the initial
results we may want to obtain additional biopsies and include processing for
immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Additional evaluation could examine for
aristolochic acid DNA adducts. Logistical barriers for post-mortem biopsy are
formidable, with substantial cultural barriers against allowing autopsies with some of
these beliefs potentially carrying over to post-mortem biopsies. We would have to enlist
the cooperation of personnel at the local hospitals where accident victims are taken to


identify patients and either contact study personnel to obtain the consent of families or
to obtain the consent themselves. Finally, we would have to enlist the cooperation of a
radiologist to perform the biopsies under ultrasound guidance.
a. Timeline
This study could be begun early in the project but would take several months to identify
and enlist the cooperation of appropriate hospital personnel and perhaps provide some
education to the community. Other organizations have informed us of their plans to
conduct biopsies on living persons with early kidney disease. Although we would like to
discuss our ethical concerns with them, if they do choose to proceed with permission
from ethics boards in Nicaragua, we would take advantage of the information they
generated, and would likely not proceed with this activity.
b. Limitations
The logistical barriers, including cultural taboos, informed consent, recruiting hospital
personnel to perform the biopsies, and tissue processing make this effort a formidable
undertaking. Optimally we would require creatinine measurements on potential subjects
to exclude significant kidney disease, and these measurements may not be available on
accident victims. In the absence of knowing the specific cause of the epidemic CKD
this effort is also largely exploratory. There are some potential toxins that can be
specifically identified in the kidney, such as aristolochic acid, but for others the histologic
findings may be non-specific. However, if done sufficiently early in the disease process,
it could tell us whether we are dealing with a glomerular or tubulointerstitial disease.
However, because the population on which we can perform biopsies may not be
representative of the population at risk, any conclusions would be tentative. As
discussed, access to the results of a planned broader kidney biopsy study would
enhance our efforts

8. Interviews
We propose to conduct two types of interviews for the purposes of a) refining our data
collection plans for what we consider to be immediate, high priority hypotheses and, b)
exploring hypotheses that we could not otherwise address using qualitative methods at
relatively low cost and potentially high return. The first set of interviews that we propose,
key informant interviews, will be conducted at the earliest time possible in our research
and will not require informed consent. Key informants will inform our research from the
outset; they are not research subjects or participants. Our later interviews, the
qualitative one-on-one interviews with physicians and care providers, will require
informed consent. Research participants will be selected based on considerations
related to the likelihood of the generalizability of our findings, and the transcripts of
these interviews will be analyzed using standard methods for qualitative data analysis.

a. Key Informant Interviews

In developing our hypotheses regarding CKD, we have identified several exposures that
have the potential to cause CKD but we are presently lacking information that would

enable us to develop and test hypotheses regarding these exposures and CKD in
Nicaragua. For these exposures, lija consumption, the use of herbal medicines, and
occupational exposures, more information is needed before a study plan can be
completely developed. In order to obtain this information, we propose to interview 14 19 individuals, or key informants, who can provide us with specialized information that
helps us refine our research during the early stages of investigation. Key informant
interviews, where researchers question a few individuals based on their expertise, are a
commonly used research tool in the social sciences. They provide information that may
be too difficult or time-consuming to uncover through more structured data gathering
techniques such as surveys or semi-structured one-on-one interviews. The main criteria
for choosing key informants are the amount of knowledge the individual has about the
topic of research, and his or her willingness to cooperate with the research team (Blee
and Taylor, 2002).
We propose to conduct key informant interviews with people who or are knowledgeable
about the following exposures so that we may begin to fill-in some of the gaps in our
present understanding:
i. Lija
As described in Section III.B.11, lija is a form of rum produced in concentrated form at a
commercial distillery and then diluted (with the possibility of introduction of toxic
substances) after it is shipped to distributors and retailers. Lija is primarily consumed by
persons who cannot afford bottled rum. Lija is a troubling hypothesis because it has
been consistently associated, often very strongly, with CKD in case-control studies (see
Section II.B.4.c and Table 10i). Although confounding by socioeconomic status is
certainly a potential explanation, even in three studies that appear to be conducted
among persons of the same socioeconomic characteristics (i.e., sugar cane
employees), odds ratios for consumption of lija have ranged from 6-11 (Zelaya, 2001;
Alonso, 2002; Callejas, 2003). Importantly, the pattern of epidemiologic results for lija in
particular differs from alcohol in general. These results are both hard to accept and
difficult to dismiss. They are difficult to study by questionnaire because they are subject
to recall bias (though perhaps in unpredictable ways), and current samples cannot
necessarily be used to test for historical exposure, because the introduction of toxic
adulterants would have very likely occurred on a sporadic basis. In addition, despite
numerous discussions, we still do not have a clear picture of the system for distribution
and sale of lija nor its consumption by different groups in the population.
We propose to interview 4 6 individuals who have knowledge regarding historical and
current use of lija, including MINSA, law enforcement officials, physicians, cooperative
distributors and retailers.
ii. Herbal medicines
As noted in Section III.B.9., herbal ("natural") medicines appear to be used with some
frequency by many individuals. In other settings, treatments of this type have led to
disease outbreaks, including CKD (Section II.A.). Although we are aware of some of the
specific medicines used, we expect there are additional medicines or herbal remedies in


Nicaragua of which we are not aware. In addition, we know little about their geographic
distribution, usage pattern (e.g., differences by sex), contraindications, and toxic
We propose to interview 5 6 individuals who have knowledge regarding the historical
and current use of herbal medicines and their constituents, including botanists,
toxicologists, cultural anthropologists, physicians, and lay/traditional healers local to the
iii. Occupational exposures
A number of our hypotheses require a complete understanding of the daily and
seasonal patterns of workers in various jobs at ISA. For example, to conduct
environmental sampling in areas where people work, we need to understand the times
of year certain activities are conducted and the location of ISA workers during these
times. This is also true of the proposed work observation and cohort study of ISA
employees. We have heard from NSEL, for example, that some workers do multiple
jobs in a season, while others may only work on a single job at various times during the
We propose to interview 5 - 7 individuals who have knowledge regarding the practices of
NSEL workers including knowledge of job tasks and responsibilities, location of workers in
a variety of job tasks at ISA, season and duration of tasks, and historical and current
agricultural use of land parcels in and around NSEL and the pesticides usage on these
areas. These interviews will include NSEL /ISA personnel, and current and former
Each key informant interview will last approximately 30 minutes and contain a mix of
closed and open-ended questions. Information gathered during the interviews will inform
the generation of hypotheses regarding the specific exposures, and subsequent research
activities. A written report summarizing the responses for each hypothesis above and our
proposed next steps will also be shared with interested parties (i.e., NSEL and

b. Qualitative one-on-one interviews

The term, qualitative research, frequently refers to a variety of approaches and
techniques including one-on-one interviews (Snape and Spencer, 2003). Many
qualitative research methods rely on the technique of asking open-ended questions to
yield in-depth responses about peoples attitudes, beliefs, experiences, opinions,
perceptions, and knowledge (Patton, 2002). Qualitative methods also facilitate data
collection on individual, contextual, and cultural factors that contribute to complex
diseases (Foster and Sharp, 2005). In this instance the hypotheses of medications and
urinary tract infections will be best pursued using qualitative interviews designed to
obtain information on provider beliefs and opinions regarding the diagnosis and
treatment of UTI that may lead to the practice of prescribing medications. We will ask
about the decision-making process and a variety of considerations that may result in a
diagnosis. Individual, one-on-one (as opposed to group) interviews allow for people to


more freely express themselves without the constraints of peers or a particular social or
professional setting. Respondents will be asked to sign consent forms, and told that
their particular responses will not be shared with our project collaborators or the general
The one-on-one qualitative interviews we conduct to address medications prescribed to
patients will differ from the key informant interviews for the following reasons: 1) care
will be taken to establish a sample of respondents that generally reflects the types of
care providers in the region, 2) confidentiality of responses will be assured to all
respondents, 3) interviews will be semi-structured using a pre-designed set of openended questions to be asked of all respondents, and 4) data collected will be analyzed
using the qualitative analysis software, NVIVO.
We propose to explore these hypotheses using open-ended questions because this
style of investigation enables the researcher to hear and make sense of a response
from someone being interviewed without predetermining their points of view by
response categories fixed by the researcher ahead of time, as in quantitative survey
methodology. Questions likely to elicit a yes or no response, are not open-ended, nor
are questions that lead people to a type of response, for example, not stressful,
somewhat stressful, very stressful. Conventional survey methods identify the
possibilities ahead of time and do not allow for additional, surprising, or multifaceted
i. Medications.
As described in Section III.B.9, a number of conventional medications are associated
with CKD, including common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as
ibuprofen, naprosyn and diclofenac, all of which are used widely in Nicaragua. However,
kidney failure associated exclusively with NSAIDs is unusual; rather NSAIDs are more
often a cause of acute renal failure in the setting of severe volume depletion or other
nephrotoxins. Such nephrotoxicants include aminoglycosides, broad-spectrum
antibiotics requiring either intravenous or intramuscular administration. Aminoglycosides
are well known to cause kidney failure, with risk factors including pre-existing kidney
disease, concomitant nephrotoxic medications, advanced age, and dehydration/volume
Several studies are referenced in Section III.B.17 in which Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs),
which are exceptionally unusual in adolescent boys and adult men, are positively
associated with CKD in Nicaragua. We also raise questions regarding the implication of
UTI, and subsequent the prescription of medications for flank pain and dysuria in adult
male workers, and CKD. In our conversations with physicians and former workers, we
have heard inconsistent information on the prevalence of UTIs, a variety of diagnostic
practices, and the prescription of NSAIDs and aminogycosides.
To clarify these inconsistencies we propose to conduct approximately 6-10 qualitative
interviews with physicians at clinics in Chinandega and Leon likely to treat or diagnose
UTI and/or CKD. The purpose of these interviews will be to identify beliefs and opinions
regarding the diagnosis and treatment of UTI, and the prescription of medications. The

interview guide for each physician will include questions in the following areas: beliefs
regarding UTI prevalence, knowledge regarding nephrotoxic properties of medications,
perceptions of patient risk and patient expectations for treatment, availability and cost of
medications, and opinions regarding the prevalence and etiology of CKD in Nicaragua.
We anticipate that after conducting 6-10 interviews we should have sufficient responses
that help us gain a more comprehensive and consistent understanding of the practices
related to the diagnosis of UTIs and the prescription of NSAIDs or aminogycosides. The
exact number of people interviewed will be determined when we reach saturation, the
point at which interviewees no longer provide new information, and our research
questions are addressed.
Each interview will last 30-60 minutes. Questions will be primarily open-ended followed by
a series of probes. Probes are a useful method for initiating questions in a nonthreatening manner, creating a more conversational tone and helping to avoid polarizing
or intimidating the interviewee. Probes are verbal cues and provide guidance to the
person being interviewed. Where the meaning of a statement is ambiguous, the
respondent will be asked to clarify a point; she may choose to expound on the point,
present another story, or discuss feelings and impressions in greater detail. Points that
are not discussed spontaneously are raised as part of the conversation. To the extent
possible, we will probe responses by asking respondents to give an example. Examples
force the respondent to be more specific and allow for a richer interpretation of text.
All interviews will be digitally recorded and permission to record will be requested at the
start of each interview. Respondents will be assured that no names will be used and that
while quotes may be used to illustrate themes in our findings, none will be ascribed to any
individual. Interviewees will also be told that the interviewer will turn off the recorder if at
any point the person does not wish a statement to be recorded.
Interviews will be initially analyzed using standard social science methods for analyzing
mixed qualitative and quantitative data (Patton 2002). The interviews will be analyzed for
themes (sometimes described as frequently repeated ideas) related to participant
knowledge, experience, beliefs, and theories concerning these exposures and CKD. At
this stage of the study, analysis of the interviews will be for the purpose of directing
further research or intervention on hypotheses regarding CKD and association with UTI
and/or medications, or abandoning these hypotheses for lack of evidence supporting
Limitations and Uncertainties: The limitation of interview data is that we rely on
individuals as a source of information. However, this is also a strength of qualitative
research in that the information provided by individuals is often not otherwise available.
It is important to have well trained interviewers so that the information collected during
interview sessions is as reliable as possible. To ensure this, our physician interviews will
be piloted with physicians in Nicaragua.


9. Other Possible Activities

There are additional opportunities for study activities which our team has discussed or
learned about in the process of developing our recommendations. Although we have
not integrated them into our study plan as specific activities, we provide a list with a brief
description so that readers of this report will have a more complete basis to provide
input and suggestions:
Prospective cohort study among workers at ISA: our proposed study at is a
retrospective cohort study, thus we are limited to information that has already been
collected. However, beginning a prospective cohort study among current and new
employees would enable us to collect additional information and would also help
determine to what extent the problem of CKD among workers at ISA is decreasing or
increasing. This latter question is of great public health importance in terms of
evaluating some of the changes in work policies the company has initiated and for
developing future interventions.
Collaboration with a second sugar company: Monte Rosa Sugar is located in the
municipality of El Viejo in the department of Chinandega. Based on separate
discussions with two company representatives, it appears that persons who work at
Monte Rosa also have an elevated rate of CKD. The representatives further
indicated their support for this initiative to bring resources to studying the problem
and expressed an interest in participating in some way. Conducting certain parallel
activities as recommended in this report at a second company in the same region
would widen the scope from a single company and help strengthen interpretation of
the results.
Assessment of cumulative exposure to lead: A limitation of biological testing for lead
levels using blood is that it only provides information on recent exposure.
Cumulative lead exposure can be assessed in bone using x-ray fluorescence. The
procedure is impractical to carry out on a large scale, but we may want to test a
smaller group if there appears to be any evidence of significant lead exposure based
on either environmental or biological testing.
Collaboration with a new prevalence and case-control study of CKD: The group at
UNAN-Leon CIDS, which conducts the Demographic and Health Survey in
Nicaragua, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina has begun to
conduct a seroprevalence survey with measurement of creatinine among
approximately 3,000 residents in the municipality of Leon. They will then use that
population as the sampling frame for a case-control study of CKD, which will collect
both biological samples and questionnaire-based information. Results from these
studies, which appear to have been rigorously designed, can also provide data from
a different population. In addition to sharing results, providing funds to collect
additional information beyond that currently planned (e.g., environmental sampling)
could also increase the value of the study activities we undertake.


Initiation of prevalence studies in northeastern Nicaragua and Rivas: Tufts University

School of Medicine, one of our sister schools in Boston, has an elective in which
students provide medical care in Siuna, a town in northeastern Nicaragua where the
primary economic activity used to be gold mining. Although this is the same activity
as carried out in Larreynaga, the municipality in northwestern Nicaragua that along
with Chichigalpa has the highest recorded rate of CKD mortality in the country, to
our knowledge there is not believed to be a high rate of CKD in Siuna. It is possible
that for very little additional cost, a cross-sectional prevalence study could be
conducted there which would provide the first comparative data from outside the
departments of Leon and Chinandega.
In addition, a physician affiliated with Boston University School of Medicine has
close ties with the medical director of the regional hospital for Rivas, and they are
both interested in conducting a prevalence study in that area. A modest amount of
support could provide data from another area in the Zona del Occidente.
Most of these activities would require additional fundingsome substantially more
and so may not be feasible. However, we hope that their inclusion here may spark
additional ideas and may even lead to ideas for alternative sources of additional


The Dialogue process has created a unique opportunity to make great progress in the
effort to determine the causes of the epidemic of CKD in Nicaragua and create the
conditions for interventions aimed at preventing future cases. While many of the
activities recommended in this report have been suggested by Nicaraguan investigators
previously, they could not be implemented. In addition to the resources made available
through the Dialogue process to allow the creation of an interdisciplinary team that
possesses both a depth and breadth of expertise, the Dialogue has led to an
unprecedented degree of access and cooperation among all parties. Our team has
been promised unfettered access to the grounds at the ISA to conduct sampling,
company employment and medical records, and cooperation of ASOCHIVIDA members
in identifying sites of concern for sampling and providing work histories. In addition,
both parties have been more than understanding of the reality that this work, while on a
schedule faster than typical, will take time despite the fact that these are literally issues
of life and death.
We appreciate the trust and cooperation shown to our team by all parties. It has
allowed us to analyze the situation and propose an integrated set of activities
addressing a range of hypotheses that we believe can move us a long way to the goal
of stopping this epidemic. We know that this report is not perfect; it represents our best
understanding at a particular point in time. However, we are still at an early stage in the
process; we are confident that we will continue to learn, and we will modify our
approach as we understand more. We have already benefited from the input of
reviewers, and look forward to the same from the Dialogue partners and other involved
and interested parties, to not only strengthen this report but all our activities on an
ongoing basis. We have proposed an ambitious plan with important consequences for
public health in Nicaragua. We hope and believe that, with the collaboration of the
Dialogue partners and other involved and interested parties, we are up to the task.


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albumin / albuminuria: Human blood contains proteins that help the body function properly.
Albumin is a particular type of protein carried by the blood. When the kidney is damaged,
protein, including albumin, may leak from the blood into the urine. Measuring the amount of
albumin in urine is a common sign of kidney disease. Too much albumin in the urine indicates
potential kidney damage (see proteinuria.)
analgesic: Medication used as pain killer. Examples of analgesic medications include aspirin,
acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn). (see nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS))
assay(s): a procedure for testing the amount or composition of chemical or biological
associations (i.e., epidemiologic association or modest association): Epidemiologists
refer to the relationship between an environmental, occupational, or any other exposure and
disease as an association. In studies that seek to identify a cause of disease, epidemiologists
measure the strength of association between possible cause (often an environmental exposure)
and disease using a variety of statistical methods. The results of such studies are sometimes
described as having a strong, modest, or weak association. (Associations dont always mean
that one thing causes another. For example, carrying matches is associated with an increased
risk of getting lung cancer, but matches do not cause cancer. Rather it is smoking that causes
lung cancer.)
bias / biases (recall bias): Scientists attempt to do research that is objective and does not
reflect any prior belief or desire about the results. Bias is a word used to describe methods of
study that could lead to results that appear to favor a certain outcome, or prejudice against a
certain outcome. Although not intentional, bias in study design threatens a studys objectivity
and is considered an error. Recall bias is a particular type of error epidemiologists anticipate
and must control in study designs that require relying on people to report things that happened
in the past, especially when some people being asked questions have the disease being studied
(e.g., CKD) and others do not.
biomarkers: Biomarkers is another word for biological markers, or substances, found in human
blood, urine or tissue. Some biomarkers can tell physicians and researchers about disease
severity (e.g., blood creatinine levels), and other biomarkers can tell investigators about past
exposures to chemicals or metals (e.g., bone lead levels).
case-control study: A type of epidemiologic study that typically identifies all the people with a
particular disease in a population (cases) plus a sample of people from the same population
(controls) and then looks at exposures (e.g., diet, occupation, behaviors,) in each group in
order to find out whether the chance of developing the disease was greater for people who have
had the exposure.
cohort study (prospective cohort, retrospective cohort): A type of epidemiological study in
which people are grouped according to their exposures (e.g., occupational, residential,). Over
time the cohort is followed for disease occurrence. When follow-up of the group, or cohort,
begins nobody in the group has the disease being studied (e.g., CKD). Groups can be identified


and followed into the future (prospective cohort), or a groups past can be examined by looking
at historic records (retrospective cohort).
confounding factors (controlled, uncontrolled): Risk factors for a disease are named risk
factors because they are known to increase the risk of getting disease. Some risk factors for
disease are associated with other exposures that also cause disease. They make it more
difficult to tease apart the effects of a particular risk factor being studied on disease, and so are
called confounding factors. Investigators must have some knowledge of confounders when
designing studies so that they are adequately controlled. If studies do not control confounding
factors, the study may be considered biased (see bias.)
creatinine / serum creatinine: A breakdown product of muscle that is filtered from the blood by
the kidney. Creatinine can be measured in the urine, as well as in a component of blood called
blood serum. Elevated creatinine levels can be used to help identify people with kidney disease.
creatine kinase: A particular kind of protein that is found in muscles. High levels of creatine
kinase in the blood may indicate muscle damage.
cross-sectional study: A type of epidemiological study that examines the relationship between
exposures and diseases in a defined population at one particular point in time.
epidemiology: the study of causes of disease in a population, generally through studies that
collect information on disease and possible causes and then assess whether the amount of
disease is higher in people who are exposed to these causes
etiology / etiologies / etiologic agent: The cause(s) of a disease, or, an exposure factor(s)
that is strongly associated with disease.
glomerular disease (glomeruli, glomerulus): The glomerulus is the smallest structural unit of
the kidney. It is made up of small blood vessels through which the blood is filtered to make
urine. There are about 1 million glomeruli in each kidney. The earliest sign of diseases that
affect the kidney is the appearance of protein in the urine; in the case of kidney disease
involving the glomeruli, this protein in the urine is mostly comprised of albumin. (see albumin)
glomerular filtration rate (GFR): When the glomeruli are damaged or not functioning
efficiently, the rate at which they filter blood is reduced. GFR is a measure of kidney function
and low GFR is consistent with kidney disease. While it is possible to directly measure GFR
using complicated and time-consuming tests, GFR is usually estimated using measures of
serum creatinine (see creatinine) in addition to information about an individuals age, race,
gender and other factors.
glomerulonephritis: Inflammation of the tissue in the kidney that serves as a filter, separating
wastes from the blood. People with glomerulonephritis usually have protein and/or blood in the
urine. (see glomerular disease)
hematuria: Hematuria occurs when red blood cells leak into the urine. Blood in the urine is a
may be a sign of urinary tract infection but is also common in other kinds of kidney disease,
including diseases affecting the glomerulus, also known as glomerulonephritis. Hematuria is not
always visible to the naked eye, but may be detected by studying a sample of urine under a
microscope or by other biochemical tests of the urine.


incidence: A measure of the frequency of new cases of disease that develop in a group over a
specified time period.
latency period: the interval of time between the onset of disease that may not even be known
to an individual, and the time when it is possible to clinically diagnose the disease.
misclassification (exposure misclassification): A type of error in epidemiologic studies
where, for example, people who are healthy are defined as having disease, or, where people
are incorrectly categorized as exposed or unexposed to an environmental hazard or other
myoglobin / myoglobinuria: Myoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in muscle tissue and is
very important for muscle function. Myoglobinuria occurs when the kidney is exposed to high
amounts of myoglobin in the blood, as myoglobin is removed from the body by the kidney. High
amounts of myoglobin protein measured in urine usually indicate muscle damage.
nephrotoxic / nephrotoxin: Toxic, poisonous or otherwise harmful to the kidney.
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS): A class of medications that have analgesic
properties (i.e., they relieve pain) but also reduce inflammation caused by conditions such as
arthritis. Examples of NSAIDS are ibuprofen, naproxen or Aleve.
odds ratios / OR: A measure used to compare the risk of disease in two groups, usually
exposed vs. unexposed or high exposure vs. low exposure. An odds ratio of 1 implies that
disease is equally likely in both exposed and unexposed groups. An odds ratio greater than 1
implies that disease is more likely in the exposed group. An odds ratio less than 1 implies that
disease is less likely in the exposed group.
prevalence / prevalence rates: measures existing (as opposed to new) cases of disease in a
group, usually at a specific point in time. (compare to incidence)
proteinuria: a condition in which urine contains an abnormally high amount of protein. Proteins
in the blood perform a number of important functions, including helping protect the body from
infection and helping the blood clot. As blood passes through healthy kidneys, they filter out the
waste products and leave in the things the body needs, like proteins. Most proteins are too big
to pass through the kidneys filters into the urine. However, when certain parts of the kidney are
damaged, proteins from the blood can leak into the urine, causing proteinuria.
random / randomly / random sampling: Having no specific pattern, arrangement or
predictable outcome. Random sampling is a method of choosing study participants to avoid
RfDs (reference doses): An estimate of a daily exposure, or dose, of any given chemical to the
human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without risk of harmful
effects during a lifetime. Generally used by regulatory agencies and in research.
seroprevalence: The overall frequency, or prevalence, of a biomarker within a defined group at
one time, as measured by blood tests (serum). (See biomarkers, creatinine)


toxicology: The study of the harmful effects of chemicals on living organisms, including,
understanding what happens once chemicals enter the human body, their transformation,
duration of existence, interaction with human cells and tissue, and excretion via sweat, saliva,
urine, etc.
tubulointerstitial kidney disease: Disease affecting the tubules of the kidney and/or the
tissues surrounding the kidney tubules. Each glomerulus in the kidney has an attached tubule
that drains the glomerulus of what will become urine. The tubule is the structural unit of the
kidney where the composition of the urine is modified to increase the elimination of toxins that
may be harmful to the body and to retain substances that are beneficial. Individuals with
tubulointerstitial kidney disease typically do not have high amounts of proteinuria (Compare to
glomerular disease)
volume depletion: The volume and composition of body fluid, including blood, is maintained
primarily by the kidneys. A lack of normal intake or an increase in normal output of water can
upset this balance, resulting in volume depletion (commonly called dehydration). This water
deficit can be accompanied by an imbalance in the electrolytes, including sodium, potassium,
and chloride, which must be maintained within narrow limits for proper body functioning. Blood
and urine can be tested for signs of decreased body fluid volume. Late signs of volume
depletion include low blood pressure and lightheadedness with standing.


Appendix A: Health Studies Tutorial

Summary Points
1. Questions (not goals) are driving force of research.
2. Implicit in every research question is a comparison.
3. Epidemiology: the investigation of disease and the factors contributing to the disease
in a population.
4. We refer to the relationship between an exposure and disease as an association.
5. An investigation that is large enough to correctly observe what is actually happening
(i.e., an association) has what is called sufficient "study power" or "statistical power."
6. Two reasons to collect and examine human blood or tissue samples include the
investigation of biomarkers of exposure and / or biomarkers of effect.
7. Things to consider when designing an epidemiological investigation to study
associations between exposure and disease, or causes of disease:
a. Timing: the cause must precede the disease (e.g., the rooster that crows
before dawn does not cause the sun to rise).
b. Evidence that the relationship between exposure and disease is biologically
c. The strength of association between exposure and outcome. (Very rarely do
we find definitive proof of an association or cause.)
d. The duration and amount of exposure and disease.
e. Control the confounding factors (factore de confusin).
8. Often there is interaction, or synergy, among multiple causes.
9. Sometimes there may be a cause that is very strongly associated with the disease
but does not explain the high rates of disease in a population.
10. The task of epidemiologists to identify cause(s) that are sufficient (i.e. one, two or
more things that are necessary to cause disease) to explain the high rates of a relatively
rare disease in a population.


Public health and medicine

These two areas of expertise are often confused. If a person has a disease, they go see
a doctor for treatment. The doctor cannot always tell you how you got the disease, but
they do their best to treat it. The goal of public health is to prevent disease in individuals
via protection of the population. Generally, a certain amount of disease is normal. But
when a person has a highly infectious disease (like influenza), or if many people have a
disease at the same time, then we have a public health problem. Usually, they say,
when public health works, we are not so aware of it. However, when things go wrong or
when something does not work we begin to understand the value of a strong public
health system. Public health is about preventing the disease in the population, while
medicine is about treating the person. They rely on each other, but are not the same.


Public health research

Public health research is distinct from experimental research because we do not have
the ability to manipulate our research subjects. In real life, we cannot control the
environment as we would in a laboratory and then observe responses to exposures.
Generally in public health research, specifically epidemiology, we look for patterns of
exposure and/or illness in the population. In particular, we look for patterns that are not
normal or common. In order to determine what is normal or not common, we must
establish what is normal or common. Thus, in the heart of every research question there
is a comparison. For example, if we ask: Why are we sick? We are also asking, Why
are we sick and not healthy? Or, in the question: Why are people in our community so
sick? We may also be asking: Why are people in our community so sick compared
with a different community? Epidemiologists need to study both to answer the question.
We ask: What are the differences between these groups of healthy and sick people?
It is true that sometimes we conduct because we want the results of research to bring
us closer to achieving a goal. However, research is driven primarily by questions.
Research questions drive research methods. And the truth is, we never know what the
outcome of research will be ahead of time. If you are hoping for a particularly type of
Epidemiologists investigate the distribution of the disease and the causes of the disease
in the population (for example, a neighborhood, city, department, or a country.)
Therefore, the major objectives of epidemiology are to determine the extent of disease
in a population, identify the factors that contribute to the disease, and evaluate the
In general, there are three types of concerns that drive research questions:
... a preoccupation with a disease (for example, many people are sick)
... a preoccupation with an exposure (e.g., living near a landfill / dump)
... a preoccupation with understanding the relationship between the two (e.g., evidence
that a greater number of people living near a landfill are sick compared with people who
do not live near the landfill.) The last type of concern is the most common.
A well known example of exposure disease relationship is smoking cigarettes and lung
Smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer. We want to point out that this relationship is
well documented in the scientific literature. There is ample evidence identifying an
association. Further, we have a very specific exposure (smoking cigarettes) and a very
specific outcome (lung cancernot foot cancer or prostate cancer, but lung cancer.)
There are many different types of cancer (colon, breast, lung, brain), with very different
causes. When we are conducting a study we need to very clearly define both the
exposure and the outcome.
We know that pesticides are a concern in this area. There are many different types of


pesticides known to cause a variety of very different health problems. For example, one
type of pesticide is known to cause problems in the nervous system. From studies
conducted on animals and in humans, we know it is possible that exposure to these
types of pesticides may be associated with neurological problems. This relationship is
biologically plausible.
Sometimes exposures are good. A diet low in iron leads to anemia. Sometimes disease
is caused by not enough of something (e.g., nutrition, exercise).
To find answers to each type of question above, we rely on a number of different
sources of information about exposure and disease. These include the literature that
has been written by and reviewed by other scientists and published in professional
journals, and we collect data.

Sources of data
During a study sources of data collected may include:

Death certificates and medical records: These sources often provide existing
data on individual health status, cause of death, age of death, and diagnosis of
disease. Epidemiologists look at such records for clues about the course of
disease, possible causes, and other related conditions. When using these data
sources we can often make comparisons within the population to identify patterns
that help us understand the disease.
Interviews and surveys: Asking people about their experiences, life, family,
history, beliefs and opinions about the risks and treatments for disease help us
identify factors that may contribute to disease and/or how disease is treated.
Environmental sampling: Testing water, soil and / or the air samples for
concentrations of potentially hazardous exposures. Sometimes we compare the
locations of samples or analyse risk of exposure to humans based on our
findings. Depending on the chemical characteristics, some remain in the
environment for decades; others are broken down within hours. The same is true
in humans.
Human biomonitoring: We study human tissue samples (blood, urine, kidney
biopsies, depending on the chemical compound of the study) for concentrations,
as well as indicators of disease progression. Biomarkers of exposure v.
biomarkers of effect (e.g., measuring creatinine in urine is a biomarker of
disease, but it does not tell us anything about an exposure that may be
associated with disease. These are different tests.)

Each of these sources of information tells us about exposure and / or illness, but not
necessarily on the relationship between the two. For this analysis, we do usually is
statistical calculations requiring large number of participants, or sample sizes. Our
ability to determine whether an association exists between exposure and disease, and
whether this is a strong association, is based on getting large samples for analysis. If
we do not have enough people, or samples (soil samples, water samples, blood
samples), we may see an association that does not really exist, or worse, we may not


observe an association that really does exist. The ability of an investigation to correctly
observe what is actually happening is called the power of the study, study power, or
statistical power. This ability is determined by how large the study is (i.e., that sufficient
samples are collected, or a sufficient number of people participate).

Epidemiologic study designs

There are three text-book types of epidemiologic study design.

Case-control study: Attempt to identify every person who is sick in an area, or

population, and then compare them with people from the same population,
looking for differences that explain why people are sick. Regarding the
differences, I refer to diet, type of work, sexual activity, genetics... Then, if there
is a difference in one of these areas among people who are sick, and everyone
else, we measure the strength of the association. For this reason, for every case
(or sick individual) at least one or more healthy individuals need to be included in,
or participate in, the study. Such as study may include many of the data sources
cited earlier. We always must be certain to have enough people so that the study
has sufficient power, but on the other hand, we do not want to put many people
in an unnecessarily uncomfortable position to participate, especially if it involves
taking blood samples. Furthermore, the more people and samples involved, the
more money and time such a study will cost.

Cohort studies: A cohort is a group of people. A cohort study follows a group with
certain shared characteristics (e.g., they work in the same place, they live in the
same town,), either into the future, or into the past by examining historical
records. Like the case-control studies, cohort studies look for differences
between those who become ill and those who remain healthy over time. The
difference is that everyone at the beginning of the cohort study should be
healthy. Then we observe who gets sick and how they differ from those who are
not sick. What placed them at greater risk? This can be done by observing a
group of people moving forward in time, or looking at the historical (e.g. medical
history) of people in the past.

Cross-sectional study: Finally, there is a type of study that examines an entire

population at a single point in time, looking at both the diseases and exposures,
regardless of when the disease began in relation to exposure. This type of design
is the least likely to tell us reliable information about the relationship between
exposure and disease for chronic disease, or diseases such as cancer that begin
long before they are diagnosed. This is because you cant tell which came first,
the disease or the exposure.

The Cause
One secret of looking for the cause is thinking hard about things we assume. How do
we really know that what we observe is true? There are several factors to consider
when trying to identify a cause in epidemiological investigations.

Timing. The cause must precede the disease. It could be a long time, ~ 20 years
or more, or a short period of time such as minutes. Knowing when the disease
began, and having a clear definition of the disease is very important. If we
suspect that something in our drinking water is the cause of an illness that we
began to observe 5 or 15 years ago, then the sampling of drinking water today
not tell us what caused the disease. If we do not find anything in the water, it
does not mean that what caused the illness was not something in the water.
However, if we find something in the water, we may consider it likely that what is
in the water now was also in the water before the disease. However, unless we
have water samples before the illness began, we cannot do anything better than
sample today and make inferences about the past. We also need a basis for
examining certain water contaminants and their relationship with disease. The
rooster crowing before down does not cause the sun to rise. So, we investigate
whether the suspected cause precedes the disease.
Also the time of exposure to an individual can lead to a different outcome (i.e.,
exposure in a young child will have a different outcome than a full term in an
adult). Timing of exposure during a lifetime is also important to consider.

The strength of association between exposure and outcome. Very rarely do we

find proof of causality. This is the nature of science. Instead we accumulate
evidence. Over time, we learn more and more, and evidence sharpens our
understanding. Specifically, the evidence accumulated is evidence of
association. We examine the strength of the association, using statistical
methods. Factors that contribute to the strength of association, using smoking
and lung cancer as an example, include:
o The amount and duration of exposure. Are people who smoke more
cigarettes (2 packs / day) more likely to have lung cancer that those who
smoke less (2 cigarettes / day)? Is there a relationship between length of
exposure duration, intensity or the amount of exposure, and disease?
o Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. But statistics have shown
that people who smoke are more likely to have lung cancer. There is a
strong association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. If people
did not smoke, we would see much less lung cancer in the world but we
would still see lung cancer due to other causes weaker associations, but
also contributors to lung cancer.

Confounding. Epidemiologists spend a lot of time controlling confounding. The

question we are addressing is: Is there anything that is related to exposure and
the disease that could be interfering with our observation? For example: We
know that smoking causes lung cancer. However, we also know that eating large
quantities of fresh fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. (This is a
negative association, in fact, this exposure protects against cancer.) If we study
the association between smoking and lung cancer, and not look at the diet in our
study population, we could find that everyone in our study who smoked also ate


lots of fruits and vegetables. This might make our results appear as if there is
less of an association between smoking and lung cancer because people who
smoked were not more likely to get lung cancer. To avoid this result, we have to
ask people about what they eat, and then make sure that we compare people
who smoked and ate fruits and vegetables to people who did not smoke and ate
fresh fruit and vegetablesso the comparisons are the same, especially
concerning confounders. Then we would see that there is actually a positive
association between smoking and lung cancer. To avoid confounding, we need
to know a lot about the disease, the exposures that may contribute to the
disease, and have enough people to analyze the samples or groups with
sufficient statistical power. This is an effort to "control the confounding factors."

Multiple causes
As in the last example, more than one thing (diet and smoking) affects the disease. In
fact, many factors may contribute to the outcome. This is particularly true of social
factors (poverty) and environmental factors (multiple chemicals in the environment or
the food we eat) that interact with themselves creating an effect that is greater than
each of its parts. Multiple causes sometimes interact to have an added effect,
sometimes called synergy or interaction. [Example in workshop was the ability of people
to drive after one alcoholic beverage, and the ability to drive after one ibuprofen, but the
inability of some people to drive after having both of these due to their combined effect.]
One of the causes people talk a lot because of our relatively recent ability to study them
are human genes, or genetics. We are able to ask, Are some people more vulnerable to
exposure (e.g., chemicals) because of their genes? Or is there something about
people's genes that makes them have diseases that most people normally do not have
(often people are born with such genetic diseases)?

Population attributable fraction

Sometimes there may be a cause, or a factor known to be very strongly associated with
the disease, but it does not explain the high rates of disease observed in a population.
For example, you may know that there is a gene that puts some women at high risk of
breast cancer. This gene is a cause of breast cancer. But there are many more cases of
breast cancer than women in the world who have this gene. In the general population,
for example in the United States, this gene is responsible for a small percentage of
cases of breast cancer. Therefore, research into other causes of breast cancer
continues, as this is a disease that affects many women and we have yet to identify a
cause that explains the high number of diseases throughout the population.
That's why we say that there are individual risk factors such as genetic factors or certain
diseases or medical conditions, and other environmental risk factors or occupational,
such as industrial accidents. This is a problem in the case of renal disease, because we
know that there are some individual risk factors that cause kidney disease but we do not


know if these causes of kidney disease are responsible for high rates of kidney disease
that we see in the people of Nicaragua.
This example of breast cancer is also a good example of why we look at entire
populations, not only when individuals carry out epidemiological investigations. The
breast cancer gene is a rare exposure that is strongly associated with the disease.
However, there are also much more common exposures whose association with
disease are weaker, but are very common and therefore may contribute to many
diseases in a population (e.g., skin cancer due to exposure to the sun).
The task of epidemiologists to identify the sufficient causes that are two or more things
that are necessary for disease to occur that explain the rates of a disease in a


Appendix B: Prior Investigations of Contaminants in Water


Organochlorine Organophosphate Arsenic

Pesticides(ng/L) (g/L)





Lindane:2g/L N/A







2.69 <LOD






1.53 <LOD




2.54 <LOD




1.85 <LOD




2.71 <LOD






2.23 <LOD






2.53 <LOD






1.68 <LOD




2.74 <LOD




3.1 <LOD




2.76 <LOD








2.43 <LOD


3.12 Totalcoliforms(7.9)
2.61 ND
6.3 ND

16.83 Totalcoliforms


16.47 Totalcoliforms(8.8)
6.69 ND

7.02 ND
8.82 Totalcoliforms(1.2)


Appendix C: Annotated References

(1) Kelsh MA. Chronic Renal Insufficiency: A review of epidemiologic and toxicological
information relevant to developing further health research. Exponent, Inc.
This document has not been summarized.
(2) SALTRA; Cuadra S, et al. Chronic Kidney Disease: Assessment of current knowledge
and feasibility for regional research collaboration in Central America. ISSN: 1659-2670.
This document has not been summarized.
(3) Dominquez J, et al. [Analisis de prevalencia y determinantes de la insuficiencia renal
cronica en la costa del oceano pacifico: sur de mexico, guatemala, el salvador y
honduras] / Analysis of prevalence and determinants of chronic renal insufficiency on
the coast of the Pacific Ocean: southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salavador and
This document has not been summarized.
(4) Cerdas M. Chronic Kidney Disease in Costa Rica. International Journal of Nephrology.
This document has not been summarized.
(5) Garcia-Trabanino. [Nefropatia terminal en pacientes de un hospital de referencia en El
Salvador] / End stage renal disease in patients in a referral hospital in El Salvador. Rev
Panam Salud Publica. 12(3), 2002.

Objective: To determine the conditions associated with end-stage renal disease in El Salvador
and assess the epidemiology of the disease, especially in those without known predisposing
Methods: This study is a case series from 1999-2000 of 209 patients in end-stage renal disease
at a referral hospital who were worked up for chronic kidney disease.
Each new patient presenting with renal failure over 5 months was administered a survey and
underlying causes for renal disease were investigated and recorded.

Findings: The following underlying conditions were identified:


Diabetes, Hypertension, NSAIDS (in 30 patients, 15, 9)

Renal Stones, Multiple myeloma (3, 1)
Polycystic Kidney Disease (4)
Nephrotic/Nephritic Syndromes (1, 1)
Chronic Renal Infections (1)
Chronic Obstructive Uropathy (1)
Hemorrhage (1)

The remaining cases (67%) had no clear precipitant after work-up. Most cases were male and
from rural, low-altitude areas.
This study helps rule out proposed theories, at least in this population of Salvadorians.
Polycystic kidney disease, recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones, nephritic and
nephritic syndromes were all investigated but found in only a small fraction of the patients. The
authors also suggest: that the typical low-protein Central American diet may delay
symptomatology of CKD.
(6) Garcia-Trabanino. [Proteinuria e insuficiencia renal cronica en la costa de El
Salvador: deteccion con metodos de bajo costo y factores asociados] / Proteinuria and
chronic renal insufficiency on the coast of El Salvador: detection with low-cost methods
and associated factors. Nefrologia. 15(1), 2005.
The abstract is available in English.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of CKD in a small coastal community in El Salvador
after screening by proteinuria on urine dipstick. The study was carried out with 291 male
volunteers from a town of 832 men in a coastal region of El Salvador, only one previously
diagnosed with CKD. Sampling method was not described . Men were screened by urine
dipstick; if they were positive for proteinuria their creatinine and hemoglobin were checked.

Patients were screened by urine dipstick; only those who tested positive for proteinuria -46% -- had their creatinine checked
80% of these patients with proteinuria had only trace proteinuria on dipstick
13% of total study population had proteinuria (trace or greater) and creatinine > 1.5
Diabetes and/or HTN were present in only one third of CKD patients.
A control community at 500m elevation had 13% proteinuria and very low CKD

This community had high levels of CKD and proteinuria (trace or greater). No predisposing
factors were found; the population was homogenous for agricultural labor/alcohol
consumption/pesticide exposure. Major weaknesses of the study are possible enrollment bias
and study design requiring proteinuria before testing for CKD.

(7) Bommer J. Prevalence and socio-economic aspects of chronic kidney disease.

Nephrology Dialysis Tranplantation.
This document has not been summarized.


(8) Fored CM. Socioeconomic status and chronic renal failure: a population based casecontrol study in Sweden. Nephrology Dialysis Tranplantation.
This document has not been summarized.
(9) Murray D. Surveillance of pesticide related ilnnes in the developing world. Intl J
Occupational Envir Health.
This document has not been summarized.
(10) USRDS. Annual Data Report: Incidence and Prevalence of ESRD - Chapter II. 1999.
This document has not been summarized.
(11) Hydrolic and hydro-geologic study in the area of Chinandega Nagarote.
This is a detailed study of the availability (in quantity and quality) as well as behavior and
variation of hydrologic resources within a larger national program to revitalize agricultural
activities in Nicaragua.
(12 A-C) INETER. [Proyecto Magfor - INETER Estudios Hidrogeologicos en la region del
Pacifico de Nicaragua] / Magfor Project - INETER Hydrogeologic studies in the Pacific
region of Nicaragua.
This document has not been summarized.
(13 & 14) Zelaya Rivas F. [Prevalencia de intoxicacion pasiva por metales pesados y su
correlacion anatomopatologica en enfermos de insuficiencia renal cronica de la region
de occidente de Nicaragua 00-01] / Prevalence of passive intoxication by heavy metals
and their anatomopathologic correlation in chronic renal insufficiency patients in the
region of western Nicaragua 00-01
Objective: Determine the prevalence of high lead levels in workers at ISA with CKD. In workers
at Ingeniero San Antonio (ISA), 8 of 10 workers with CKD in a previous sample had been shown
to have hair samples positive for lead. This study aimed to test a larger sample (42 patients
with CKD) for hair and blood lead levels. Biopsy these workers in an effort to understand
underlying pathologic process.
Methods: Sampling was not described and the consent rate was not reported. The definition of
CKD was not reported.
21 of 42 patients with CKD were found to have elevated serum or hair lead, but
levels and methods were not reported. 14 of 15 biopsies were consistent with fibrosis; the final
biopsy was found to have chronic glomerulonephritis with granular and linear IgG and IgM
deposits. Survey questions seeking exposure information did not indicate potential pathways..
The authors discontinued the biopsies after 15 biopsies because the small fibrotic kidneys
provide little information and lead to high rates of complications. The high prevalence of
elevated blood/hair lead levels in this study was striking, but the lack of information on the
methodology makes it difficult to interpret. The biopsy arm of the study might serve as a
warning that biopsies of patients with advanced disease may be not be very productive and are
potentially risky.


(15) Rojas F. [Estudio investigativo sobre seguridad ocupacional; realizado en el ingenio

San Antonio en areas laborales de campo (Febrero - Abril 2003)] / Investigative study on
occupational safety; conducted in the work fields of San Antonio sugar mill (February April 2003).
This document was not summarized.
(16 & 17) [Enfermedades producidas por el calor] / Dieases caused by heat.
This document was not summarized.
(18) Zelaya Rivas F. [Promocion de estilos de vida saludable en trabajadores del campo
del ISA] / Promotion of healthy livestyles for the ISA field workers.
This is a report from Dr. Zelaya Rivas, medical consultant at NSEL (Nicaragua Sugar Estates
Limited) describing the efforts made to preserve workers health. Figure. 1 summarizes probable
causes of renal problems in field workers.
ISA (Ingenio San Antonio) concerns about health led to the development of a strategic plan to
help preserve the health of workers, especially those in the fields. The strategic plan includes
yearly operative plans that contribute to the improvement or maintenance of an adequate health
status controlling modifiable risk factors for the emergence of diseases, such as: stress by heat,
dehydration, malnutrition, poor hygienic conditions, repetitive urinary tract infections, use of antiinflammatory medicine self medication, as well as non modifiable risk factors such as genetic
predisposition, chronic disease and race. Objectives of the strategic plan:

Promote healthy life practices in field workers (weight control, recreation and physical
Encourage field workers to drink more than 8 liters of water, 2 to 3 bolis with
electrolites, and two cookies each day.
Promote the use of protective equipment (chaps, satchels for pailas and sharpeners,
Promote healthy lifestyles in the workers families

Components of the yearly operative plans:

Prevention of health problems

Health check before employment
Continued medical checks
Prevention of health problems in the workers families

(19) Zelaya Rivas F. [Descripcion de las Principales acciones realizadas por el Ingenio
San Antiono al problem renal de Nicaragua] / Description of the principal actions taken
by the San Antonio sugar mill regarding the kidney problem in Nicaragua.
This document consists of a four-page table describing the actions taken, corrective
measures, and results, followed by document 18 (with the exception of the figures that appear in


doc. 18), there is a critique of an article published by journalist Manuel Israel Ruiz Arias,
associating CRI with a disease known as Bagazosis (due to inhalation of bagazo, thin dust
resulting from cutting sugar cane).
This document contains a history of the different types of cultivars (cotton, sugar cane) related
to CRI in Nicaragua as well as of the steps taken by ISA in order to try to understand the causes
of CRI in the field workers.
Evidence for work in ISA not causing CKD includes::

Spanish and Central American researchers have found a prevalence of 20 to 25% of

children and teenagers with early manifestations of renal malfunction of genetic origin
There doesnt exist a direct association between the disease and type of work
Studies done by MINSA, INSS, National Assembly, Dept. of Labor, Human rights office
and ISA have not found a cause in the production process that could be causing CKDI in
workers nor in the general population
This region is one where the working force is concentrated, so the number of CKDI
cases is higher.

Further reading: http://www.adnmundo.com/contenidos/enfermedad_laboral_la_100506.html

(20) Zelaya Rivas F. [Condiciones socioeconomicas de trabajadores de corte de Cana del
ingenio san antonio] / Socieconomic conditions of San Antonio sugar mill sugar cane
This is a study aiming to understand the reasons why at the end of the 2004-2005 cane-cutting
season, a number of field workers did not return to work in 2005-2006.
Description of the socioeconomic characteristics of cane-cutting workers in the 2005-2006
season in ISA, Chichigalpa.

Demographic characteristics (age, origin, religion, education, marital

socioeconomic situation)

Home characteristics


Personal: alcohol ingestion, drugs, smoking, distractions, social groups)

Working conditions

Nutrition history

Workers opinions on care received at the ISA hospital

Quantitative cases study and qualitative interviews

N=500 workers during the 2005-2006 cutting season

Interviews completed in 8 sessions (detailed table of interview contents)

The majority of workers live in extreme poverty

Homes consist of two living areas, with 5 people



(21) Solis Zepeda GA. [Impacto de las medidas preventativas para evitar el deterioro de la
funcion renal por el Sindrome de Golpe por Calor en trabajadores agricolas del Ingenio
San Antonio del Occidente de Nicaragua, Ciclo Agricola 2005-06] / The impact of
preventative measures to avoid deterioration of renal function due to heat stroke in the


field workers at the San Antonio sugar mill in Western Nicaragua, 05-06 growing
This is a powerpoint presentation of a thesis (document #69).
Evaluation of the impact of preventative measures to avoid deterioration of renal function due to
heat stroke syndrome in field workers at the Sugar mill San Antonio in Western Nicaragua,
2005-2006 season.

Evaluation of the workers knowledge of available preventative measure to avoid

Determine the amount of water, hydrating bolis, and energy cookies that workers should
consume before, during, and after the work day in order to prevent the accelerated
progression of renal failure deterioration.
Describe changes in renal function occurring during the work day
Clinical controlled study with random assignation (case-control)
N=405 workers (from among a total workers population of 2000).
o treatment group, N=218
o control group, N=187
standardized interview, collection of blood and urine samples


Preventive measures to prevent damage to renal function by heat stroke syndrome have
an important impact.
The majority of patients know that drinking water, hydrating bolis, and eating energy
cookies prevent changes in renal function
Half of the workers in the treatment group know the amount of water, bolis and energy
cookies they should consume to prevent renal damage
In both treatment and control groups there is a tendency in elevated creatinine and urea
nitrogen in blood at the end of the work day.
Untreated (control) patients show changes in renal function

(22) Silva T. [Estudio socio-economico del nucleo familiar y del operario del corte de
cana, Zafra 2007 2008] / Study of the socio-economic condition of the cane cutter and
his family, 07-08 harvest.
This is a study from the Nicaragua Sugar Estates Ltd. (NSEL) and the San Antonio sugar mill
(Ingenio San Antonio) hospital. One of the authors, Dr. Felix Arturo Zelaya Rivas, is the medical
consultant who authored other reviewed documents.
Objectives: To describe socioeconomic and cultural conditions of sugar cane cutters families
(living and work conditions, nutrition, cultural characteristics, families opinions on the ISA
hospital and other healthcare facilities), with the aim of bettering the lifestyles not only of the
workers but also of their families in order to maintain a certain level of satisfaction to work at

Cross-sectional descriptive study (questionnaire)


Study was done in different sectors of the departments of Chinandega and Leon.
N=656 sugar cane cutters (out of a total number of 1094 workers)
o 569 were from Chichigalpa, Chinandega (municipality of Chichigalpa, Dept of
o 87 were from the municipalities of Quezalguaque and Len

Study used quantitative data (collected within a statistically representative subgroup)

and qualitative data (observation and in depth interviews) analyses.
Analysis used: Epi-info 6.04d


60% (N=656) of the workers were interviewed. Preference was given to those living in
the municipalities of Chichigalpa and Posoltega within the department of Chinandega,
and to those living in Len and Quezalguaque in the department of Len.
Workers in the dept. of Chinandega are older and have worked longer in the cane
cutting process than those from Len.
Both Chinandega and Len workers live in extreme poverty
There exists a high prevalence of illiteracy in the children of workers living in Len
compared to those in Chinandega.
Households are owned, and usually consist of one room where cooking, living and
sleeping takes place.
Len workers drink water from either own or communal wells and 54% do not chlorinate
drinking water. Most Chichigalpa workers have access to potable drinking water.
Sewage water is used for irrigation and in urban environments, it runs in the streets.
Trash is buried
The main source of nutritional energy consists of carbohydrates (rice and beans).
Proteins and lipids are acquired through eggs and cheese. The diet is poor in vitamins
and minerals
52.9% of workers drink alcohol and the preference is beer. Little use of drugs but those
who do ((N=2) are from Chichigalpa and consume marijuana. NOTE: tobacco is
considered a drug by workers and 6 Chichigalpa workers are smokers.
20% of workers seek healthcare at the ISA hospital or other health centers. All of Len
workers and 12% of Chinandega workers complain about the difficulty (distance and
road conditions) to reach the hospital and centers.

(23) Zelaya Rivas FA. [Programa de oficina de responabilidad social en salud del campo.]
/ The office of social responsibility's program for the health of the country.
This document was not summarized.
(24) Pastora Coca IV. [Monografia: Prevelencia de hematuria y/o proteinuria y su relacion
con algunos factores de riesgo en la poblacion pre-escolar de la ciudad de Leon AbrilAgosto, 1998] / The prevelencia of hematuria and / or proteinuria and its relationship
with some risk factors in the pre-school population of the city of Leon, April-August
This document was not summarized.


(25) Zelaya Rivas FA. [Causas de enfermedad renal cronica en la poblacion laboral del
ingenio San Antonio, Chinandega 00-01] / Causes of chronic renal disease in the San
Antonio sugar mill workforce, Chinandega 2000-01.
This document was not summarized.
(26) Catrillo Sandino ME. [Factores de riesgo asociados a insuficiencia renal cronica en
pacientes ingresados al departamento de medicina interna en el periodo de Enero 1998 a
Julio del 2001] / Risk factors associated with chronic renal insufficiency in patients
admitted to the internal medicine department in the period from January 1998 to July

Objective: Determine which risk factors were most associated with CKD in the hospitals
Methods: For each patient with non-terminal CKD sex- and age-matched controls were selected
from elsewhere in the hospital. All consenting patients with CKD (65) were sampled along
controls matched for age and sex. CKD was defined as creatinine > 1.2mg/dL; controls had
creatinine <1.3 and GFR > 80.
Findings: Factors which reached significance included hypertension (OR 6.25), family history of
CKD (OR 4), agricultural occupation (OR 3.83), previously diagnosed urinary tract infection
(3.22) and well use (OR 3). Alcohol consumption, diabetes and rural residence were also nonsignificantly associated.
An association with urinary tract infection was found in almost half of cases. More detail on sex
and age distribution of this group is needed. Given that the UTI had to have been previously
diagnosed by a physician, this effect could be well underestimated. Family history was present
in 18/65 cases.
(27) Lacayo Casco A. [Hipocalcemia en pacientes con IRC ingresados al departamento
de medicina interna de enero - diciembre del 2000] / Hypocalcemia in patients with
chronic renal insufficiency hospitalized in the internal medicine department from January
to December 2000.
Examination of rates of hypocalcemia in patients (in Len) with different stages of CKD
and sees if hypocalcemia aligns with any clear risk factors: increased CKD, associated with
higher levels of hypocalcemia.
(28) Alonso C. [Insuficiencia renal cronica: un problema de salud publica actual en
Chinandega, 1995-2001] / Chronic renal insufficiency: a real public health problem in
Chinandega, 1995-2001. FETP CDC.
This document has not been summarized.
(29) [Resultados de transplante renal en ninos en Costa Rica: 28 anos de experiencia] /
Renal transplant results in Costa Rican children: 28 years of experience.
This document has not been summarized.


(30) Henrquez CA. [La Nefropediatria en El Salvador] / Pediatric Nephrology in El

16 of 68 cases (24%) reported had an unknown cause. Another 5 were listed as
tubulointerstitial disease and 10 were glomerulonephritis. These patients were pre-dialysis.
(31) Lou-Meda R. [Diagnstico del Estado de la Nefrologa en Guatemala] / Diagnosis of
the current state of Nephrology in Guatemala.
General information on nephrology and pediatric nephrology infrastructure in
(32) [Enfermedad Renal Crnica en nios: Aspectos epidemiologios y de rehabilitacion
en latinoamerica y datos comparativos] / Chronic kidney diesase in children:
Epidemiologic aspects and rehabilitation in Latin America and comparative data.
These data are from the 2007 report of the Latin America Pediatric Renal Transplant Registry.
There is an extensive description of pediatric renal transplants in Central and South America
including some data on CKD and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Leading causes of
pediatric ESRD throughout Latin America are: glomerulonephritis (33%), uropathy (25%),
hypoplasia/dysplasia (18%) and unknown (14%).
(33) Marra G. [Base de datos: Instrumento de recoleccion epidemiologica] / Database:
Tools for epidemiologic collection.
This document has not been summarized.
(34) Cesar Delgadillo Cardenaogal. [Conferencia Centroamericana de nefrologia
pedriatica] / Central American conference on Pediatric nephrology.
This is a description of the pediatric nephrology infrastructure in Nicaragua.
(35) Sandoval Daz M. [Desarollo de la nefrologia pediatrica en Nicaragua] /
Development of pediatric nephrology in Nicaragua.
This document has not been summarized.
(36) Edefonti A. [Nefrologia Pediatrica en Centro America - Resultatdos de un
cuetionario] / Pediatric nephrology in Central America - questionaire results.
This document has not been summarized.
(37 A-C) Marn Ruiz J. [Epidemia de Enfermedad Renal Crnica en la Regin Occidental
de Nicaragua, 2006.] / Epidemic of Chronic Renal Disease in the Western Region of
Nicaragua, 2006.
There are three similar PowerPoint presentations. The author is Dr. Jesus Marin Ruiz
Objectives: Not given
Methodology: Data source: vital statistics



National morbidity ranges from 1200 to 1700 per year from 1996 to 2006.
Nicaraguas national rates are lower than that for Japan, USA, Chile, Puerto Rico,
Germany, Canada, and Venezuela (in order of decreasing rate).
Morbidity rates are highest in Leon, Chinandega, and Managua. (SILAIS data)
National mortality rates range from 7/100,000 in 1996 to 10/100,000 for years 20022006.
Mortality rates are highest in Chinandega (25/100,000) and Leon (20/100,000).
(SILAIS data)
Mortality rates are consistently higher for men than women (2-6x higher).
Mortality is higher for ingenios compared to sin ingenios for both men and women.

60% of those affected by CRD are men.
55% are >45 years of age; 30% are 21-45 years old;, and 15% ar age 1-20.
50% of cases had no related disease, 30% had diabetes mellitus, 15% had arterial
hypertension, and 5% had another disease.
90% of cases are men (1998-2005)
35% are >45 years old; 60% are 21-45 years old;, 5% are 1-20 years old
91% have no related diseases, 4% have arterial hypertension, 3% have diabetes
mellitus, 1% have another disease
Stage 1 30%, stage 2 15%, stage 3 14%, stage 4 16%, stage 5 24%
ESRD in ISA workers
11% are 61-80 years old; 55% are 41-60 years old;, 34% are 15-40 years old
93% are from Chichigalpa, 4% are from Chinandega, 1% from Quezalguaque, 1%
from La Paz Centro, and 1% from Villa Nueva
89% work in the field, 11% work in the factory

Factors Related to CRD (last 8 years, 72 investigations):

OR = 10 lija
OR = 3-6 alcohol, lead, pesticides, working longer than 8 hrs, dehydration
OR = 2 or less analgesics, cabrito, pesticide application, sugar cane harvester,
plaque control
OR < 1 administrator, glucosamines
Different epidemiologic profile for Chinandega than Managua. In Chinandega,
predominance of men that are younger/middle-aged (21-45 years old), and the vast
majority have no related diseases.
(38) Marn Ruiz J. [Plaguicidas] / Pesticides.
This is a short ppt presentation listing data on intoxication by pesticides in Nicaragua. The
number of cases and deaths by acute pesticide intoxication for years spanning 1990 to 2005 is

36% of females vs. 64% males are affected by acute pesticide intoxication (N=18,524)
People aged 15-49 are more affected than those less than 15 or older than 50.


The following pesticides, appearing only by their initials, O. F., FUM and HER are
predominant in causing acute pesticide intoxications.
A higher number of work-related intoxications was found in 1995, -96, -97 and -98,
compared to accidental or intentional intoxications.

(39) Corriols M. [Lnea basal de colinesterasa] / Baseline cholinesterase.

This is a ppt presentation describing a study realized in 2004-2005 at the national level
(Nicaragua) in order to evaluate levels of cholinesterase in workers that are prone to pesticide
(that inhibit cholinesterase) intoxication.
(40) [Presentacion plomo] / Lead presentation.
This is a short ppt presentation describing different characteristics of 82 workers in ISA, in April
2002. Thirty nine (39) of the studied workers are healthy while 43 are sick with CRI.
(41 A&B) [Atencin de la Enfermedad Renal Crnica] / Attention to Chronic Renal
This is a compilation of several slides on CKD epidemiology in Nicaragua, particularly
mortality per 100,000 population.
(42) Torres, C. [Enfermedad Renal Crnica] / Chronic Renal Disease.
This is a summary PowerPoint presentation. It contains an excellent table using Ministry
of Health data.
(43) [Enfermedad Renal Terminal en El Salvador] / End-stage renal disease in El
This document has not been summarized.
(44) Leiva R. [Estudio Piloto de Prevalencia de Enfermedad Renal Crnica en El Salvador]
/ Pilot Study of Prevalence of Chronic Renal Disease in El Salvador.
This is a PowerPoint presentation entitled Terminal Renal Disease in El Salvador. The
presenter is Dr. Ricardo Leiva, Chief of the Nephrology Service of Rosales National Hospital in
San Salvador, El Salvador. The presentation was given in Leon, Nicaragua on June 13, 2007.
(45) PAHO. [Propuesto de abordaje InsuficienciaI renal cronica en trabajadores
agricolas del pacifico de Nicaragua] / Proposed approach - chronic renal insufficiency in
agricultural workers from Nicaragua's Pacific coast.
This document has not been summarized.
(46) [2001 IRC en pacientes ingresados al servicio de Medicina Int] / Chronic renal
insufficiency in patients admitted to the internal medicine department.


The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors that are implicated in the development of CRI
in patients hospitalized in the internal medicine service of Escuela Oscar Danilo Rosales
Arguello hospital (HEODRA) between January and December, 2000. Specifically, to test the
hypothesis that those exposed to intensive labor, pesticides, NSAIDs and glucosamines have
higher probability of developing CRI compared to those not exposed.
This is a case-control study. The hospital studied is located in Leon and serves patients in the
surrounding urban and rural areas. Basic statistics, odds ratios, and 95% confidence intervals
were calculated. Variables: age category, sex, urban vs. rural, case vs. control, occupation
(intense labor and extreme environmental conditions farm, factory, construction, etc. - vs. not
exposed), glucosamine use (yes/no), NSAIDs use (yes/no), any pesticide use (yes/no). Cases:
admitted patients in the nephrology division of the internal medicine service, azotemia
(creatinine > 1.2 mg/dl), anemia (hemoglobin - men: < 14 mg/dl or women: < 12 mg/dl),
hyperuremia (uric acid levels > 2.5-8 mg/dl), ultrasound information of CRI (renal size and
thickness of cortex). Controls: admitted patients in another division of the internal medicine
service during the same period, without CRI, 2:1 controls:cases. Data collection: standardized
instrument, pretested, open- and closed-ended questions 165 cases, 334 controls
At GFR levels 20-35% of normal, some initial manifestations of CRI appear: infection or urinary
obstruction (pg. 9).
Risk factors that produce a deterioration of renal function:
1) Low blood volume, a) secondary to diuretics, restricted ingestion of salt and water or
digestive system loss such as vomitting, diarrhea, or physical activity at high temperature, b)
secondary to decreased heart function, ascites with hepatomegaly, nephrotic syndrome, or
2) Pharmaceuticals, a) glucosamines, b) NSAIDs, c) contrast media;
3) Occupation heat and physical effort lead to volume depletion, rhabdomyolysis and collapse
of circulation;
4) Pesticides organophosphates, carbamates, and herbicides

There were more men among the cases (76%) than the controls (46%).
Rural residence was more predominant among cases (58%) than controls (45%).
Intensive labor at high temperature - OR = 5.44 (95% CI: 3.56-8.32)
NSAIDs OR = 4.16 (95% CI: 2.44-7.13)
Glucosamines OR = 3.74 (95% CI: 2.22-6.33)
Pesticide exposure OR = 9.28 (95% CI: 5.39-16.26)
Stratified analysis:
o Men, rural, occupational exposure OR = 10.78 (95% CI: 2.81-48.58)



Men, rural, NSAIDs OR = 8.81 (95% CI: 2.29-39.80)

Men, rural, pesticides OR = 10.13 (95% CI: 4.41-23.68)
Men and women, urban, glucosamines OR ~ 8 (95% CI: 2.3-32.34)

Increased odds due to occupation attributed to dehydration.

Increased odds with NSAIDs use in stratified analysis (men, rural) attributed to
vasoconstrictory effects and resultant decreased renal blood flow.
Increased odds with pesticide exposure in stratified analysis (men, rural) explained by
diminished diuresis, albuminuria, microscopic hematuria, and cylindruria.
Increased odds with glucosamines in stratified analysis (men and women, urban)
explained by vasoconstriction and accumulation of pharmaceuticals in renal cortex.
Those persons exposed to heavy labor, pesticides, use of glucosamines and NSAIDs,
have higher risk of developing CRI compared to those that are unexposed.


Develop a program for appropriate medication use to decrease nephrotoxic effects of

Correctly use protection to adequately prevent exposure to pesticides.
Include CRI patients in primary care programs.

(47) Marin Ruiz J. [Insuficiencia renal cronica: Cuadro clinico y situation epidemiologica
en Nicaragua] / Chronic renal insufficiency: Clinical diagnosis and the epidemiologic
situation in Nicaragua.
Presenters: Dr. Jesus Marin Ruiz, Internist and Toxicologist & Dr. Jackeline Berroteran, MSc,
Clinical Toxicologist
To examine CRI in Nicaragua with respect to age, sex, geography, and specific causes:
insecticide use, chronic diseases (diabetes), renal disease, and collagen disease. Specifically,
this is a presentation with descriptive statistics about CRI with an emphasis on workers of ISA
(ingenios azucareros?).

High mortality in Chinandega (Chichigalpa)

Ingenios Azucareros workers
Employees become ill within a few years of starting work
Concerns about insurance coverage and treatment were raised

Source of data listed as vital statistics, HISA statistics, CNPCST, database.

Slide 4: CRI cases in Nicaragua, 1996-2001, range: 1217-1721, steady 96-98, increase
98-00, decrease 00-01
Slide 5: CRI case rates in Nicaragua, 1996-2001, range: 25-40/100,000; decrease 9698, increase 98-00, decrease 00-01


Slide 6: CRI case rates in Nicaragua by sex, 1996-2001, consistently higher for men
than women
Slide 7: CRI cases by region from SILAIS, 1996-2001, highest in Chinandega, Granada,
Leon, Managua, and Rivas
Slide 8: CRI case rates for men by skill level (?) from SILAIS, 1996-2001, consistently
higher case rate for ingenios (skilled?) than sin ingen (unskilled?)
Slide 9: CRI case rates for women by skill level from SILAIS, 1996-2001, consistently
higher case rate for ingenios (skilled?) than sin ingen (unskilled?)
Slide 10: Deaths due to CRI by sex in Nicaragua, 1996-2001, consistent by year for
men, women, and overall; consistently higher for men than women
Slide 11-12: Deaths due to CRI by product cultivated in Nicaragua, 1996-2001 (rice,
corn, sugar, coffee), graphs are difficult to understand due to scaling of axes
Slide 13: Type of contract for ISA workers with CRI (98-00) vast majority are seasonal
workers compared to permanent
Slide 14: Age of ISA workers with CRI (88-00) 41-60 years old: 50%, 15-40 years old:
30%, 61-81 years old: 10%
Slide 15: Years of working with ISA for workers with CRI (88-00) 21-60 yrs: 50%, 1120 yrs: 30%, 1-10 yrs: 15%
Slide 16: Residence of ISA workers with CRI, 98-00 90% from Chichigalpa
Slide 17: Area of work for ISA workers with CRI, 98-00 vast majority work in the field
compared to the factory
Slide 18: Factors of ISA workers with CRI, 88-00
o NSAIDs 85%
o Osteomuscular 81%
o Hyperuricemia 80%
o Alcohol 75%
o Glucosamine 55%
Slide 19: Clinical factors of ISA workers with CRI, 98-00
o Azoemia 100%
o Anemia 97%
o Hypertension 96%
o Hyperuricemia 91%
o Renal ultrasound findings 87%
o Slide 20: Heavy metals in consumed water, ISA, 2001 - lead: 50-55%, arsenic:
35-40%, cadmium: 30-35%

Case-control analysis


Slide 21: Bivariate comparison of those with CRI and healthy ISA workers, 2002
(cases n=43; controls n=39) no substantial difference in residence or area
of work. The cases are older, work more hours per day, and have worked more
years than the controls.
Slide 22: Work activities of ISA workers, 2002 There is no difference between
cases and controls with respect to work activities. For both groups, the
predominant activity is sugar cane cutting, relative to irrigation, pesticides, and
Slide 23: Hours of daily work for healthy vs. sick ISA workers, 2002 The
majority of sick workers work more than 8 hrs whereas the majority of healthy
workers work fewer than 8 hrs (OR=13.33).
Slide 24: Increased odds of disease for those that ingest alcohol among ISA
workers (OR=7.55).



Slide 25: 28% (12/43) of sick (CRI) ISA workers vs. 2.5% (1/39) of healthy ISA
workers had a positive lead test (OR=18.88).
Slide 26: Summary of risk factors for ISA workers, 2002 lead OR=18.88, >8
hr work day OR=13.33, alcohol OR=7.55, >15 yrs of work OR=6, zafrero
OR=4, <6L liquids OR=4.

(48) Reyes Alvarez E. [La IRC en Nicaragua] / Chronic Renal Insufficiency in Nicaragua.
This document provides an estimate of the magnitude of CRIin Nicaragua. (A complete
translation of this document is available.)
(49) Zelaya FA. [IRC en Nicaragua: Descriptcion de una epidemia silenciosa 98-06] / CRI
in Nicaragua: Description of a silent epidemic 98-02.
A complete translation of this document is available.
Objective: To describe the epidemiology of CRI in western Nicaragua between 1998 and 2006.

To locate in time the CRI epidemic in Nicaragua

To present the geographic characteristics of the origin of CRI cases
To describe the personal characteristics of persons affected with CRI

(50) [Total de defunciones por ano en el registro civil de las personas de la alcaldia de
chicigalpa, del 2000 al primer cuatrimestre 2007] / Total deaths per year in the civil
registry of individuals in the Hall of chicigalpa, 2000 to first quarter 2007.
This is a table of the number of deaths per year for Chichigalpa for years 2000 through
2007, including the 1st quarter of 2007. The number of deaths for all causes is listed, as well as
the total number of deaths due to CRI. CRI deaths are then stratified by sex. The percent of CRI
deaths overall, female CRI deaths, and male CRI deaths out of deaths due to any cause is also
provided by year.
(52) [Tendencia de la Enfermedad Renal Terminal (ERT) en el Mundo] / Global trend of
end stage renal disease (ESRD).
This document has not been summarized.
(53) [Total de defunciones por ao en el registro civil de la Alcaldia de Chichigalpa 00-07]
/ Total deaths per year in the civil registry in the Chichigalpa municipality.
This is a PowerPoint presentation about deaths in Chichigalpa. There are three slides.
(54) Zelaya Rivas FA. [IRC en Nicaragua: Discriptcion de una epidemia silenciosa 98-06] /
CRI in Nicaragua: Description of a silent epidemic 98-02.
This document has not been summarized.
(55-57) Torres C. 57: [Estudio prevalencia ERC Chichigalpa, La Isla y Candelaria
resultados preliminares] / Prevalence study of chronic renal disease in Chichigalpa, La


Isla and Candelaria; preliminary results.; 56: [Estudio Prevalencia ERC Nor-occidente
Nicaragua resultados preliminares] / Prevalence study of chronic renal disease in
Northwestern Nicaragua, preliminary results.; 57: [Estudio Prevalencia ERC Noroccidente Nicaragua resultados preliminares] / Prevalence study of chronic renal
disease in Northwestern Nicaragua, preliminary results.
These documents are PowerPoint presentations that were given by Dr. Cecilia Torres
(CISTA) to the alcaldia, CAO, and to MINSA. Other presenters listed include Dr. Marvin
Gonzalez (CISTA), Dr. Ramon Vanegas (CISTA), Aurora Aragon PhD (CISTA), Ingvar
Lundberg PhD (U. Uppsala), and Catharina Wesseling PhD (UNA Costa Rica).
(58) Torres Lacort C. [Prevalencia de enfermedad renal cronica en el municipio de
Chichigalpa, August 2008] / Prevalence of CRD in the municipality of Chichigalpa.
This is the report of Dr. Cecilia Torres CRD prevalence study in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua.
The report was finalized August 2008. The other authors include Dr. Marvin Gonzalez, Dr.
Ramon Vanegas, and Aurora Aragon PhD, associated with UNAN-Leon (Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Nicaragua), School of Medical Sciences, CISTA (Centro de Investigacion en
Salud, Trabajo y Ambiente).
(59) Torres Lacort C. [Prevelencia de la ERC en la comunidad de "La Isla" y Reparto
"Candelaria", Chichigalpa, Junio 2008] / Prevalence of CRD in "La Isla" and
"Candelaria", Chichigalpa, June 2008.
This is the report of Dr. Cecilia Torres CRD prevalence study in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua,
focusing on two neighborhoods La Isla and Candelaria. The report was finalized in November
2008. The other authors include Dr. Marvin Gonzalez, Dr. Ramon Vanegas, and Aurora Aragon
PhD, associated with UNAN-Leon (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua), School of
Medical Sciences, CISTA (Centro de Investigacion en Salud, Trabajo y Ambiente).
(60) Flor de Maria Amador Casador. [Insuficiencia renal cronica en estado terminal (un
estudio retrospectivo sobre su frecuencia diagnostico, tratamiento, evolucion y
pronostico)] / Terminal chronic renal insufficiency (a retrospective study on its
diagnostic frequency, treatment and prognosis). Thesis.
This report provides historical information about CKD in Nicaragua from more than 20
years ago. The author reports that records from the era before the Sandinista era (July 1979)
have been lost, This study describes the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in Managua
in 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982 at Bertha Calderon Hospital.
The majority of cases were from Managua (52/142), but there is a noticeably elevated
number from Leon/Chinandega (35/142). No other province had more than 9 patients. This
distribution is probably significant since Leon and Chinandega are distant from Managua. Male
patients more often had CKD (64%) and were young: 57% were ages 20-50. 37% of patients
lacked a clinical diagnosis (47% were diagnosed with glomerulonephritis; 17% were
tubulointerstitial). Biopsies could not be performed due to lack of pathologists and facilities.
Distribution of underlying causes and sex was not reported by province.
The data are sparse so caution should be taken in drawing conclusions, but there are already
indications of the epidemiology we are now familiar with: a young, male-dominated disease from


the Pacific provinces. A potential confounder is selection/ascertainment bias due the high
mortality rate for men killed in the revolution.
(61) Icaza Rugama IL. [Comportamiento clinico y epidemiologico en pacientes con
insuficiencia renal cronica ingenio San Antonio, Chichigalpa Nicaragua] / Clinical and
epidemiological behavior in patients with chronic renal insufficiency among San Antonio
sugar mill workers, Chichigalpa, Nicaragua. Thesis.
This study is a series of 97 cases at Chinandegas hospital. All but one patient was
male, most were sugar cane workers and the most common age group was 48-59. This study
confirms the profile of CKD cases: middle-aged, male agricultural workers.
(62) Perez Lopez R. [Modificaciones del balance hidroelectrolitico en trabajadores
caneros del ingenio azucarero "San Antonio" sometidos a una solucion
hidroelectrolitica] / Changes in fluid and electrolyte balance of the "San Antonio" sugar
mill workers subjected to a hydroelectrolitic solution. Thesis.
This document has not been summarized.
(63) Sanchez Acosta S. [Modificaciones del balance hidroelectrolitico en trabajadores
caneros del ingenio azucarero "San Antonio" sometidos a una solucion hidroelectrolitica
INFORME FINAL] / Changes in fluid and electrolyte balance of the "San Antonio" sugar
mill workers subjected to a solution hydroelectrolitic FINAL REPORT. Thesis.
Objective: To estimate the level of dehydration in sugar cane workers in San Antonio,
Nicaragua. To assess the effectiveness of the implementing a electrolyte solution for the
correction of electrolyte balance in the study population.

Field workers were chosen, as they spend the day working in high temperatures, with direct
sunlight, and low intake of water, which predisposes them to acute renal failure. 15 workers
were given salt solution (experimental group) and 15 others consumed water (control group).
Both groups were evaluated in order to assess the effectiveness of this solution. Density
measurements were made for urinary sodium, creatinine, urea nitrogen and uric acid.
Results: In conducting the experiment, the salt solution proved to be generally effective in
correcting electrolyte disorders, such as those that occur with sodium (more common). The
solution stabilized hydration levels in mild cases, but failed to correct high levels of dehydration
due to the intense amount of labor the workers are subjected to.
Recommendations: Efforts should be put forth to educate people about the importance of
maintaining adequate hydration and to drink large amounts of fluid (drinking average of 8 to 12
liters / day). Provide as much salt solution as possible as it is more effective than regular
drinking water to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
Due to high levels of sodium in the solution, workers demonstrated gastroinstestinal side-effects
such as diarrhea, nausea, thirst and hunger. A solution with lower levels of sodium is
It is important to conduct further research to expand the knowledge of the salt solution and its
effect on the prevention of Acute Renal Failure.


(64) Uriarte Barrera ED. [Exposicion a cadmio e insuficiencia renal cronica en

trabajadores del ingenio San Antonio] / Exposure to cadmium and chronic renal
insufficiency in San Antonio sugar mill workers. Thesis.
Cadium is a heavy metal that, in its natural form, can be found in the earths crust and is
released in volcanic emissions. It can cause nephrotoxicity. In Nicaragua, there have been little
studies regarding CRI and none that explore the potential of cadmium as a possible risk factor
of nephrotoxicity. The authors seek to provide knowledge on cadmium exposure in areas with a
high prevalence of CRI.

Objective: To describe the current Cd exposure from water ingestion and tobacco smoke
inhalation in farm workers that suffer from CRI in the region of Ingenio San Antonio, Nicaragua.
Methods: There were 30 study participants (workers in Ingenio San Antonio). 15 men were used
as a reference group, and 15 were cases (diagnosed with CRI). All of the participants in the
study have lived in Chichigalpa for the past 30 years. The majority are male. The main form of
data collection was through a specially designed questionnaire. Chronic exposure to volcanic
emissions was assessed from the years of living in the area.

Results: The concentration of proteinuria and plasma creatinine is significantly higher in the
cases than in the controls. The mean exposure to Cd through tobacco smoke inhalation is
higher in the cases than the controls ( 0.75 0.56 ug/day vs. 0.46 0.37 ug / day mean SD) ,
although the difference is not statically significant (p=0.21). The cumulative exposure follows a
similar pattern (p=0.37). The exposure to Cd through ingestion of water is significantly higher in
the cases that are smokers than in the reference group (p=0.02). Overall, those cases that are
smokers have a higher exposure to Cd than the reference group, although this is not
significantly significant (p=0.09). Nutritional status does not seem to be a predisposing factor in
Cd absorption. The symptom of bone pain is higher in the cases.
Conclusion: The exposure to cadmium through water ingestion and tobacco smoke inhalation
shows a tendency to be higher in those that suffer from CRI. However, there needs to be
additional studies involving a larger number of participants in order to confirm or refute this

(65) Morales Molina HL. [Cambios en el calcio ionizado y del estado acido base en
pacientes con insuficiencia renal cronica sometidos a transfusion hematica] / Changes
in ionized calcium and acid base status in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing
blood transfusion. Thesis.
This document has not been summarized.
(66) Pilar Martinez Gurdian E. [Comportamiento clinico y epidemiologico de la
Glomerulonerfritis aguda en ninos menores de 12 anos HEODRA Leon] / Clinical
features and epidemiology of acute Glomerulonephritis in children under 12 in HEODRA
Leon. Thesis.


This document has not been summarized.

(67) C. Lopez Arteaga Y. [Historia laboral agricola como factor de riesgo para deterioro
de la funcion renal en el occidente del pais] / Agricultural work history as a risk factor
for deterioration of kidney function in the western part of the country. Thesis.
This document has not been summarized.
(68) Espinoza CA. [Relacion entre patron de ingesta de licor en hombres del area ru ral y
deterioro de la funcion renal] / Relationship between patterns of alcohol intake in rural
men and deterioration of renal function. Thesis.
This document has not been summarized.
(69) Solis Zepeda GA. [Impacto de las medidas preventivas para evitar el deterioro de la
funcion renal por el sindrome de golpe por calor en trabajadores agricolas de ingenio
San Antonio del Occidente de Nicaragua, Ciclo agricola 2005-2006] / Impact of
preventive measures to avoid deterioration of kidney function due to heat stroke
syndrome in agricultural workers of the San Antonio sugar mill in Western Nicaragua,
agricultural season 2005-2006. Thesis.
This thesis corresponds to document #21, a powerpoint presentation of this document,
with more detail on the study consisting of a case/control study aimed at determining whether
heat stroke syndrome has an impact in renal function deterioration.
(70) Narvez Caballero A & Morales Mairena E. [Epidemiologa de las defunciones por
Enfermedad Renal Crnica en los ltimos 20 aos (1988-2007), en el Municipio de
Chichigalpa-Chinandega] / Epidemiology of deaths from Chronic Renal Disease in the
past 20 years (1988-2007), in the Municipality of Chichigalpa-Chinandega. Thesis.
This is a thesis by two students at UNAN-Leon, School of Medical Sciences.
Authors: Aaron Narvaez Caballero, Ernaldo Morales Mairena
Mentors: Dr. Cecilia Torres Lacourt, Family Medicine, Diploma in Occupational Health; Dr.
Andres Herrera Rodriguez, PhD, Professor of the School of Medical Sciences
UNAN-Leon, College of Medical Sciences, CISTA, Leon, November 2008

ANAERC = Nicaraguan Association of those affected by CRI

The background section mentions the pediatric situation in North America, Europe,
Argentina, and Mexico.
In Latin America, about 150,000 persons have been put under renal replacement
therapy in the past few years.
In 1995, 97 CRD patients were diagnosed in Ingenio San Antonio, the majority of
which were sugar cane cutters and men. 34% were in stage 4.
In another study of children in Managua (1983), the majority were male and 6-10
years old.
High mortality, progressive disease which does not present symptomatically early in
the evolution of the disease
In 2005, in Nicaragua, 4-6 persons died per month of this disease.


General: To understand the epidemiologic profile of deaths due to CRD in the last 20
years (1988-2007) in the municipality of Chichigalpa-Chinandega
To describe sociodemographic characteristics of those that died as a result of CRD
To understand the CRD mortality rate in the municipality of Chichigalpa during the
period 1988-2007
To quantify the social impact of CRD by calculating years of productive life lost in the
municipality of Chichigalpa.
To calculate the sub-registry of the different sources of information
Pathophysiology is discussed
Descriptive, cross-sectional study of 855 deaths due to CRD in the municipality of
Chichigalpa, of which 88.5% are men and 11.5% are women.
Study population: population of Chichigalpa between 1988 and 2007
Inclusion criteria: deaths due to CRD in the civil registry and the MINSA registry, 8807
Exclusion criteria: the deceased of other causes of death
Data source: secondary, archives of the mayors office of Chichigalpa and MINSA
Only 36% overlap in reporting of deaths by MINSA and alcaldia (mayors office of
Collected information: age, sex, place of residence, civil state, occupation, education
level, cause of death
Year categorization: the 20 years were grouped into five categories of four years
each 1988-1991, 1992-1995, 1996-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2007); there were no
data available from MINSA for the first period, so only the mayors office data were
used for this period.
Base population estimates: estimated population = initial population * (1+rate of
annual increase)^number of years since the initial population census
Years of productive life lost: estimated years of life at birth age at death

Majority of cases are men, 30-59 years old, and are agricultural workers (42%)
Increasing overall mortality rates; increasing CRD-specific mortality rates (60/10,000
persons in 2003-2007); increasing proportion of all deaths are attributable to CRD
(26.5% in 2003-2007)
14,790.7 productive years of life lost due to CRD over the past 20 years
o Annual years lost has been constant for women over the 20 year period
o Annual years lost has increased for men over the 20 year period
855 deaths in 20 year period
Overall for 20 yr period, 88.5% male; proportion of males increased from 82% in
1988-1991 to 92% in 2003-2007
Peak age overall for all 20 years and both sexes was 40-49 and 50-59 years old.
Although for men, the majority of deaths (25%) occurred in the 40-49 yrs age range,
whereas the majority of women dying from CRD (36%) do so within the 70-79 yrs
age range. Men die much earlier than women from CRD.
Epidemic of CRD with high mortality rates
High social and economic cost for the community of Chichigalpa
It is necessary to conduct studies to identify causal risk factors of this epidemic.


Improve programs for early health care of CRD and amplify coverage and diversify
offering of renal replacement therapy.
Improve statistics system for better epidemiologic control of diseases.
Promote mental health care for those with CRD and their families for the high emotional
burden associated with this chronic disease.
Eliminate the tax in order to stimulate reporting of deaths and improve the passive
collection of information
Designate funds to realize new studies that have as an objective to continue to explore
the causes and related determinants of CRD as the beginning of improving life
conditions of this population.
(71) Pollutech Intl. Limited. Analysis of water samples for metals and pesticides Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited.
This document has not been reviewed.
(72-75) Evaluation of heavy metals - August 2001 CIRA; 2001 Evaluation of the
bacteriological water in August 2001 by the CIRA; 2001 Evaluation of the coliforms in
water in August 2001 by the CIRA; 2001 Evaluation of pesticides in water in August 2001
by the CIRA.
This is a report from UNAN water samples analysis from 12 wells in ISA. Analyses
include: organochlorides, organophosphates, cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury and
bacteriological content.
(76) University of Atlanta Center of Natural Water Resources. [Analysis de manto
aquifero en quimicos bioambiental tierra y agua] / Analysis of land and water chemicals
in the mantel aquifier.
This document has not been summarized.
(77) Lu C. Pesticide exposure and risk website.
This document has not been summarized.
(78) [Resumen de las actividades efectuadas por el MINSA ante la Problematica de los
Enfermos con IRC] / Summary of activities conducted by MINSA dealing with the
problems of patients with chronic renal insufficiency.
A complete translation of this document is available.
(79) Garcia Trabanino R, et al. [Nefropatia terminal en pacientes de un hospital de
referencia en El Salvador] / End-stage renal disease in patients at a referral hospital in
El Salvador. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 12(3), 2002.


This document has not been summarized.

(80) Sigma-Aldrich. Material Safety data sheet. 2006.
This document has not been summarized.
(81) Yearout R, et al. Impact of DBCP on participants in the agricultural industry in a third
world nation (an industrial health, safety case study of a village at risk). Intl J of Industrial
This document has not been summarized.
(82) Centro de Informacion Vigilancia y Asesoramiento Toxicologico (Dra. Jacqueline
Berroteran). [Informes Sobre Intoxicaciones Agudas por Plaguicidas en Nicaragua] /
Reports About Acute Pesticide Poisonings in Nicaragua.
This document has not been summarized.
(83) Callejas Callejas L, Medrano CA, Mendoza Canales B. [Estudio de IRC en
trabajadores no relacionados al cultivo de la caa de azcar, Chinandega, Julio-Agosto
2003. Resultados preliminares] / Study of the IRC in workers non-related to sugar cane,
Chinandega, July-August 2003. Preliminary Results.
Estimate prevalence of Chronic Renal Disease in non sugar cane workers in Chinandega,
determine risk factors and develop prevention measures.
Cross-sectional population based study. The population was extracted (convenience sample)
from the general male population in Corinto and El Realejo communities mainly. Initial N= 343.
16 were excluded because they had past history of working in the Ingenio, and one was
because there was missing information. Final N (after inclusion criteria)=326.
An individual survey was administered looking for sociodemographic factors, environmental and
occupational factors (pesticides use) and individual (alcohol, NSAIDs consumption and history
of DM and HTN). Case was defined as Crs >= 1.5mg/dl
There were 24 cases (7.5% of the sample), of whom, 21/291 lived in Corinto (sea port) and 3/23
lived in El Realejo. There is a slide on Current Occupation all the job titles refer to work done at
the sea port (estibador, operario, portalonero, winchero, aguador, cheque, bodega, etc). The
majority are estibadores 160, and there are 12 cases among them. Another slide describes


Occupational Factors where other professions are recorded (jornalero, comerciante, agricultor,
ganadero). All occupations except comerciante, have Relative Risks around 2-4 and CI from
1.08 to almost 10. Another slide summarizes the types of crops grown; only beans has a RR of
3.6 (IC95% 1.40-9.46). Note: Caution should be used interpreting resultsdue to small number of
cases. Among the cases 3 had HTN, 2 DM, 9 IUR (Recurrent urinary Infection?), 2 CA. VU
(urinary track cancer?), and 3 family history of IRC. 24/24 cases have a history of alcohol
consumption (and 268/302 non cases). Analyses were performed by type of alcohol consumed
(beer, lija and flor de cana). Only lija is statistically significant (20/24 among cases and 146/302
among non cases), RR= 4.82 (CI 95% 1.68-13.7).
Overall prevalence was 7.5%. Interesting classification scheme for occupation in two sectors
(sea port and agriculture).
(84) Cooper Mendoza DL, Chavarria Urbina GM, Rodriguez Espinoza MS. [Prevalencia de
azoemia como indicador de Insuficiencia Renal en los pobladores del Municipio de Telica
y Nagarote del Departamento de Len en el periodo de Abril-Septiembre del 2008] /
Prevalence of azoemia as an indicator of Renal Insufficiency in the inhabitants of Telica
and Nagarote Municipalities of Leons department in April-September 2008 period.
Estimate prevalence of Chronic Renal Disease in Telica and Nagarote; determine the
distribution of stages of disease; describe demographic and occupational characteristics;
assess risk factors related to residence and occupation.
Cross-sectional population based study. Probabilistic sample using RSAMPLE of EpiInfo.
There was no information about participation rate/refusal rate The sample size was based on an
estimated prevalence 26%. N=400 (200 in Telica, 100 urban/100 rural; 200 in Nagarote, 100
urban/100 rural. An individual survey was administered examining sociodemographic factors
(age and gender), environmental and occupational factors (type of labor, type of crop, type of
occupational activity) and individual characteristics (alcohol, drugs, smoking, water consumed
during a day of work, NSAIDs (type and quantity), injectable antibiotics (type and frequency),
pesticides (used it, type, intoxications), history of DM, HTN, repeated UTI, malaria, leptospirosis.
Lab variables: creatinine and estimation of GFR with the Cockcroft-Gault formula, proteinuria
(dipstick, yes/no), leucocituria (yes/no), hamaturia (yes/no). Weight and height self reported.
(Questionnaire and informed consent available in the document)


Definition of CKD clinical stages based on GFR, with stage 1 having normal GFR but kidney
damage. (Note: contradictory description of stage 1 as the absence of disease.)
305 people stage I, 67 (17%) Stage II, 20 (5.1%) stage III, (0.3%) Stage IV, (0.5%) Stage V.
See graph 6 for distribution in Nagarote and Telica.
Participation of 15-55 years old by decades well distributed (older than 55 less represented).
56.8% of the sample are women. The most common occupation is Other (65.5%) which refers
to health and education workers and housewives. Jornaleros (11.8%), Obrero (building worker?)
(9.2%), agriculture (7.9%). See graphs 7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13, for assessment of occupation;
alcohol consumption; smoking; pesticide use; drugs use; personal history of malaria, diabetes,
HTN, UTIs, leptospirosis; and family history WITH IRC. Overall, the prevalence of CKD was
5.9% (Stages III-V) in Nagarote and Telica. The data are available for further analyses.

(85) Kim S-J, Gil H-W, Yang J-O, Lee E-Y, Hong S-Y. The clinical features of acute kidney
injury in patients with acute paraquat intoxication. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;
This document has not been summarized.
(86) Senanayake N, Gurunathan G, Hart TB, Amerasinghe P, Babapulle M, Ellapola SB,
Udupihille, Basanayake V. An epidemiological study of the health of Sri Lankan tea
plantation workers associated with long term exposure to paraquat. British Journal of
Industrial Medicine. 1993, 50:257-263.
This document has not been summarized.
(87) Jiron Romero NdJ, Reyes Alvarez E (Instituto Nicaraguense de Seguridad Social,
Direccion de Garantia de Calidad). [Guia de practica clinica para prevencion, abordaje
diagnostico temprano y tratamiento sustitutivo de la enfermedad renal cronica (ERC).] /
Clinical practice guide for prevention, early diagnosis, and replacement therapy for
chronic renal disease. February 2008.
This document has not been summarized.


Appendix D: Peer Review Comments and Responses

Dean Baker, MD, MPH
Professor and Director
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
University of California, Irvine, USA

CKD in Nicaragua: State of Knowledge

1. The report provides a good summary of previous efforts describing the CKD prevalence
and mortality rate in Nicaragua. The report also presents a reasonable overview of the
potential causes of CKD.
Response: We thank Dr. Baker for his positive comments.
2. Conclusions regarding CKD prevalence and mortality patterns are reasonable, e.g.,
higher in Chinandega and Leon, younger age, primarily men, association with manual
and not service work. Assuming the quality of the original data is robust enough, these
patterns should be used to focus future investigations.
Response: We agree wholeheartedly and will use existing data and any newly available
data to focus our future studies.
3. More focus on building on existing studies and capacity. An important future study
activity is to critically evaluate the recent and ongoing studies, develop strategies to build
on the high quality studies, and facilitate cooperation among investigators.
Response: We have added more text to the report regarding our assessment of the
quality of the completed studies. However, the motivation for Dr. Bakers comments
appears to be the identification of potential Nicaraguan collaborators to facilitate
cooperation among the groups of investigators currently working on CKD. Although the
report listed many investigations, we are aware of only two groups --UNAN-CISTA and
UNAN-CIDS in collaboration with the University of North Carolina -- who are currently
conducting research in the area. We are also aware that we may be unaware of other
active researchers and hope to be able to identify other potential collaborators through
public presentations we will be making in December. Finally, we have are proposing a
Scientific Advisory Board which will likely be composed of two US and two Nicaraguan
investigators and that will provide another important vehicle for input.
4. Report needs to specify if information that was not available for existing studies is critical
to obtain to support conclusions. This information could be important if there is
disagreement about epidemiological patterns as summarized in the report.
Response: The section on limitations has been expanded to addresses the lack of
details regarding the existing studies. As the section now describes, this limitation is
particularly acute for the control of confounding variables.
5. The report does not discuss the availability and quality of the existing medical records.
This may be part of the proposed pilot work and result in a report that critically analyzes


the available data. This report should be reviewed by CAO and participants before
detailed work proceeds.
Response: We agree that a key task is to conduct a more comprehensive review of the
quality and availability of existing medical and other records and have extended our pilot
phase by one month to accommodate these activities. We also concur that a report of
our pilot phase findings should be drafted and reviewed by CAO, dialogue participants,
and our Scientific Advisory Board before work proceeds.
II. Specific hypotheses
1. Volume depletion and muscle damage should not be listed as susceptibility factors, but
rather as occupation factors.
Response: We did not mean to imply that volume depletion and muscle damage
represent individual susceptibility factors. Rather, as Dr. Baker correctly infers, they may
represent consequences of exertion in an extreme environment that may exacerbate
underlying CKD or lead to synergistic effects with other factors. Although some have
suggested that certain individuals have a genetic predisposition to muscle damage with
extreme exercise, which might represent an individual susceptibility factor, such factors
are not the focus of our investigation.
2. The list of agrichemicals that will be evaluated focuses on those used for sugar cane
production. Pesticides such as DDT as well as chemicals used for cotton production
should also be evaluated.
Response: We agree and will evaluate all relevant agrichemicals used for sugar and
cotton production, as well as for other crops grown in the region. The Ministry of
Agriculture is a good source of information on the historical use of these chemicals.
3. In addition to the active component of each agrichemical, inert ingredients, impurities
and contaminants should also be evaluated.
Response: We agree and will attempt to identify both active and inactive ingredients,
impurities, and contaminants in each agrichemical.
4. The evaluation of heavy metals is given too much emphasis in the sampling approach
because this is an unlikely hypothesis.
Response: While heavy metals are a less likely hypothesis, their assessment is not very
costly and will address at least some of the concerns of the parties, thereby increasing
the acceptance of our project.
In addition, because there is a fair chance that a
multifactorial etiology may be at work, exposures that themselves might not be likely
causes must be viewed differently when considered as a factor that causes CKD in
combination with volume depletion, for example.
5. It is appropriate to discuss all hypotheses, but the dialogue participants should not get
distracted by those that do not follow the epidemiological pattern observed (e.g., the
hypotheses of medications, alcohol, kidney stones, structural kidney disease, glomerular
disease associated with diabetes and hypertension, urinary tract infections, and


Response: At this stage, we think that it is very important to present all possible
hypotheses as well as our assessment of their likelihood. As mentioned above, some of
the motivation is to address the concerns of the parties in order to increase the
acceptance of the results. We also think that a study that reviews medical records but
does not directly address the issue of diabetes or hypertension, the major causes of
CKD worldwide, will be criticized by the scientific community. Finally, as noted above,
the possibility of multifactorial etiology makes some of these hypotheses more plausible,
such as nephrotoxic medications combined with volume depletion.
III. Recommended Activities
1. An important task is to conduct a critical analysis of prior studies and existing data and
Response: Without obtaining more detailed information, we do not believe that we can
conduct a more critical analysis of prior studies than has already been done. However,
we are planning to conduct a detailed analysis of existing employment, occupational and
medical records during our pilot study.
2. Approach should encourage coordination and facilitation of all research pertaining to
CKD, and not just research to be conducted by the BU team.
Response: We agree and are willing to participate in and encourage activities that
facilitate coordination of all research on CKD. Meetings that we have set up for
December will hopefully engage academics, physicians, government agencies, and
other employers.
3. Environmental Sampling:
a. Environmental sampling can provide a screening level understanding of
whether immediate action needs to be taken, but cannot provide definitive
information regarding the cause of CKD because it is essentially like looking for a
needle in a haystack.
Response: We agree and will make dialogue participants aware of the possibility of
false negatives.
b. Rationale for the sample size and methods for selecting sampling sites are not
Response: The sample sizes were based on practical considerations in designing a
screening level assessment and were not designed to achieve a specified level of
statistical significance. The proposed collection of soil and drinking water samples
from five categories of agricultural fields was based on feedback during dialogue
sessions and finding differences between categories is not the main goal. We are
conducting a screening level assessment of levels in agricultural fields and, though
we agree that 100 samples is a small number to assess such a large area of land,
we are operating with practical limitations. Note that the exact locations of the
samples will be determined only after further discussions with dialogue parties.
Regarding the collection of samples from communities, we propose to collect soil
and water samples from 100 homes in five different communities. Two of the five
communities are populated by sugar cane workers and so the design is unbalanced


as suggested by Dr. Baker. Given that we do not know whether exposure to metals
is a problem in the region, the analysis of 100 soil samples and 100 drinking water
samples should be sufficient to indicate whether the metals hypothesis is worthy of
further exploration.
c. The data analysis methods and strategy should be revised to reflect the
screening-level nature of the work. For example, the statistical data analysis
methods mentioned are overkill for a screening-level analysis. The study is likely to
have low statistical power. Also, use of US EPA risk assessment guidance is not
valid given the screening nature of the data.
Response: As mentioned above, the categories allow for comparisons with sample
sizes greater than 20 (that is, 40 sugar cane workers vs. 60 other workers), and as a
screening exercise, our primary goal is to characterize levels and screen for
potentially large differences. We also agree that the study is not designed to
correlate contaminant levels with CKD prevalence precisely, and so only relative
comparisons are planned. We agree that using the US EPA exposure factors for the
US general population would be inappropriate. We will instead select exposure
factors that are consistent with the frequency and intensity of exposures experienced
by agricultural workers in Nicaragua.
4. Biological Monitoring:
a. Analyzing for metals alone is not useful because metals have short half-lives in
blood and urine.
Response: There are advantages and disadvantages to both environmental and
biological sampling and we view them as complementary activities. The half-lives of
metals are longer in the environment and environmental samples provide information
about whether and how the exposure is occurring. However, biomarker levels
integrate exposure across exposure routes and pathways and could potentially yield
information that would be missed if we relied on environmental samples alone. Even
though half lives are shorter in blood and urine, this is a limitation if exposures are
occurring during sporadic short-term activities. It seems more likely that exposures
are the result of fairly routine activities such that, on average, we could expect to
observe differences in biomarker levels among different populations.
b. Using an XRF for bone lead may be more appropriate for analyzing metals.
Response: We agree that XRF measurements for bone lead may be useful if lead
turns out to be a high priority hypothesis.
5. Work Observations:
a. Heat stress in agricultural workers has been studied and it is not clear why this
situation is sufficiently unique to require new studies.
Response: Although heat stress fatalities in farm workers have been well-reported
(CDC. Heat-related deaths among crop workers United States, 1992-2006, MMWR
57:649-653, 2008.), we are unaware of studies that examine pathophysiologic
events such as dehydration/volume depletion, and muscle and kidney damage as a
consequence of working in a hot environment. Our proposed studies will assess the


incidence of such abnormalities and provide a potential link to the development or

exacerbation of CKD.
b. Blood serum and urine markers may not be sensitive enough in a cross-shift
study to give insights regarding the volume-depletion/muscle damage hypothesis.
This activity needs to be better described to justify the cost.
Response: Because there is evidence that occupations associated with heavy
manual labor in a hot environment (sugar cane workers and miners) have the highest
prevalence of CKD, we thought it was important to explore the potential
pathophysiologic events occurring under these conditions. As such, the work
observation is designed to fulfill this goal. Myoglobin (in serum and urine) and
creatine kinase are very sensitive indicators of muscle damage and have been
shown to become abnormal with a single moderate exercise exposure in untrained
volunteers. If muscle damage is occurring, we believe that these measurements are
sufficiently sensitive to detect it. Similarly, changes in weight, blood pressure, and
heart rate are reasonable markers of severe volume depletion, although these signs
are not sensitive enough to detect mild volume depletion. We agree that our
proposed measurements are unlikely to detect kidney damage, although the use of
tubular protein measurements has not been evaluated under these circumstances.
Because the analysis of these urine markers may be expensive, a nested casecontrol design may be most efficient for conducting these analyses with cases
representing workers with muscle enzyme abnormalities and controls representing
workers without abnormalities.
6. Cohort Study:
a. The precise method for cohort sub-sampling needs to be developed as
understanding of the entire records database develops. For example, the report
proposes sub-sampling the records of 4,000 out of 20,000 workers but the statistical
power/precision of this is unclear.
Response: We agree and will refine the sampling methods and sample size, as
needed, following the pilot phase. We also appreciate Dr. Bakers suggestion that a
nested case-control study may be appropriate and will finalize the cohort study
design after the pilot phase and input from the Scientific Advisory Board.
7. Urinary Protein in Adolescents:
a. This activity should be considered a lower priority. The sampling approach needs
to be developed in more detail to avoid bias in the included population.
Response: We will consider different sampling strategies in adolescents. This
activity is not scheduled to begin until August 2010.
8. Post-Mortem Renal Biopsy:
a. Autopsies and renal biopsies should be done by local professionals.
Response: We propose enlisting local radiologists to perform the biopsies under
ultrasound guidance.


9. Key Informant Interviews:

a. Discussion of methods is limited but this is a highly important part of the work.
Response: We agree that this is a highly important part of our work and have
expanded our activities in this area. See more detailed response to Dr. Orozcos
comments on key informant interviews.

Timeline and Budget:

1. The timeline is ambitious. Proposed scoping activities should give insights into how
feasible the timeline is.
Response: We agree that the timeline is ambitious and that we will develop a better sense
of its feasibility over the coming months.


Dr. Desmond Williams

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

1. The BU group should be commended for a very comprehensive review of CKD in
Nicaragua. The report is well-written and logically presented.
Response: We thank Dr. Williams for his positive comments.
2. Suggests adding a demographer and survey expert to the team.
Response: Dr. Brooks has expertise in population-based survey sampling and
questionnaire construction from his work experience leading the Massachusetts
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Study for six years. However, we are planning to
consult with a survey researcher on all questionnaires which we develop.
3. Given the uncertainty regarding prior study methodology, procedures, and laboratory
techniques, the hypothesis of increased occurrence/incidence of CKD in the region is not
well supported. Given that this is a central hypothesis of the recommended activities, I
recommend that an additional survey be conducted to determine the true state of CKD in
Response: We agree that there are weaknesses in the existing prevalence and
mortality data but we believe that the data all point in the same direction. Nevertheless,
while not conducted by our group, the current survey of 3,000 households in the
municipality of Leon by UNAN-CIDS and the University of North Carolina, which is being
conducted with a great deal of methodological rigor, meets Dr. Williams concern for an
additional high-quality and well-powered prevalence study. We plan to monitor their
results closely, and will consider whether we need to modify our activities based on their

II. Background:
1. Strike the reference that compares the situation in Sri Lanka to that in Nicaragua.
Response: We have changed the language comparing the situation in Sri Lanka to that
in Nicaragua.
II. Causes of CKD:
1. Heat and dehydration can lead to high creatinine concentrations that would not
necessarily indicate CKD.
Response: We agree that it is possible to have a rise in creatinine associated with
volume depletion. Such conditions may have affected prevalence estimates for CKD, if
the conditions under which blood samples were collected were not carefully controlled.
However, it may be difficult to distinguish whether volume depletion has caused a rise in
creatinine due to hemoconcentration or due to an actual fall in the glomerular filtration
rate. When we measure creatinine levels, we plan to collect samples in the morning prior
to the beginning of the work day to limit the influence of heat and dehydration.


2. The contribution of diabetes and hypertension should not be discounted given that
together they are the major cause of CKD in the world and are likely present in
Response: We agree the contribution of diabetes and hypertension should not be
discounted and are planning to collect data on these chronic diseases in all of our
proposed studies and to review medical records to determine whether we find an
association between diabetes and/or pre-existing hypertension and CKD.
3. The relation between the indigenous character of people in the region and CKD should
be investigated further.
Response: We agree that the indigenous character of the people could be important
and so we will collect questionnaire data on the ethnicity of all study participants,
though we do not think this is likely to yield a great deal of useful information. We are
also exploring the possibility of collecting buccal cells for genetic analyses. Given the
lack of a clear candidate genetic polymorphism coupled with the cost and high falsepositive rates associated with genome-wide association studies, there does not seem a
clear way to make much progress on this question at a reasonable cost at this time.

Recommended activities:
1. The statistical power of each sampling activity needs to be described.
Response: The sample sizes were estimated based on practical considerations in
designing a screening level assessment and so they were not designed to achieve a
specified level of statistical significance. We propose to collect samples from 100 males and
100 females who live in the same homes in five different communities. Two of the five
regions include sugarcane workers (40 males and females) and so we have over-sampled
these workers. Given that we do not yet know whether exposure to metals is a problem, the
analysis of 200 samples will be sufficient to indicate whether the metals hypothesis is worthy
of further exploration.


Dr. Miguel Orozco

UNAN-CIES, Managua, Nicaragua
1. The approach is comprehensive and commendable.
Response: We thank Dr. Orozco for his positive comments.
2. Suggest key informant interviews to better understand habits and beliefs surrounding
traditional medicines, hygiene, dehydration, and diet.
Response: The suggestion that we consider qualitative approaches is very much
appreciated by our team, members of which have experience with qualitative
research methods. Qualitative methods are usually appreciated by epidemiologists
for their ability to suggest hypotheses in the early stages of research. For this
reason, we propose to conduct key informant interviews early in our research. What
we learn during these interviews may suggest new or more focused research
directions and hypothesis testing. However, we understand that Dr. Orozco is
suggesting that we also consider using qualitative research methods to follow-up
some of our observations during our other data collection and analysis activities. For
example, if we discover during environmental sampling that people who live in a
certain area have beliefs about drinking water sources or food varieties, we should
consider a qualitative follow-up with a sample of residents to learn more about their
opinions and beliefs. We will seriously consider how qualitative methods may further
our knowledge of CKD throughout our research as well as how these approaches
may shape our research direction.
3. More emphasis on evaluating the potential role of traditional medicine and therapies.
Response: During the key informant interviews we plan to interview several people
about traditional medicine and therapies. Perhaps Dr. Orozco can provide us with the
names of some knowledgeable individuals.
4. Suggests incorporating drinking water analysis into a surveillance system that would
give people continual information.
Response: We would like to gather more information on drinking water issues in this
region of Nicaragua and are planning to invite representatives of ENCAL, CIRAUNAN, and other relevant agencies to our stakeholders meeting in December.
5. Suggests determining the experience with CKD of other sugar cane growing areas
such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Cuba. This could be done in
coordination with PAHO.
Response: We think that this is an excellent idea and hope that Dr. Orozco and
others can help us develop these collaborations.


6. Suggests a list of potential local partners and stakeholders.

Response: We thank Dr. Orozco for this helpful list of potential partners and
collaborators. We will pursue these contacts.


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