Describes several disease process that results in glomerular injury. Mainly symptomatic; most patients recovers spontaneously. More frequent in asian children and in girls than in boys.
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Describes several disease process that results in glomerular injury. Mainly symptomatic; most patients recovers spontaneously. More frequent in asian children and in girls than in boys.
Describes several disease process that results in glomerular injury. Mainly symptomatic; most patients recovers spontaneously. More frequent in asian children and in girls than in boys.
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Describes several disease process that results in glomerular injury. Mainly symptomatic; most patients recovers spontaneously. More frequent in asian children and in girls than in boys.
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Maybelle Tipon-Beltran RN., MD.
•Describes several disease process that results in
glomerular injury •Result of antigen-antibody deposits within the glomeruli •School-aged children, more common in boys Antibiotics Mostly symptomatic; most patients recovers spontaneously. Salt and fluid intake restriction Diuretics Renal biopsy – if patient does not recover Hypertensiveencephalopathy Congestive heart failure Uremia Anemia Obtain history of streptococcal infection Obtain culture Measure UO and degree of hematuria and proteinuria Weigh child and document areas and extent of edema Obtain baseline BP Altered urinary elimination Fluid volume excess Diversional activity deficit related to focus on fluid restriction Knowledge deficit •Heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema with hyperlipidemia • More frequent in asian children and in girls than in boys • Mean age of onset is 21/2 years old Loss of charge selectivity of GBM, permits negatively charged proteins (albumin) to pass easily through capillary walls into urine Excessive urinary loss of protein and catabolization by kidney of albumin hypoalbuminemia Osmotic pressure is reduced edema Reduce vascular fluid volume Hypovolemia stimulates RAS Tubular reabsorption of Na+ and water increase intravascular volume Loss of protein (Ig) prone to infection Onset is insiduous – occurs after a mild URTI Edema First apparent around the eyes Dependent edema Ascites and/or pleural effusion Striae on the skin Profound weight gain caused by edema (double normal weight) Decreased UO – concentrated and frothy Pallor, irritability, lethargy, fatigue GI disturbances – n/v, diarrhea or anorexia Urinalysis Protein – 2+ or greater Blood – absent or transient 24 hour urine protein - >2g/m2 per day Blood Total protein – reduced Albumin - <2g/dl Cholesterol - >200mg/dl with edema Renal biopsy if steroid resistant (no remission after 28 days of steroid therapy) Obtain history of onset PE Vital signs Auscultation of breath sounds Areas and extent of edema Peripheral perfusion (pulse, color, warmth of extremities) Fluid volume excess Risk for infection Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements Altered family processes •Bacteria that exist anywhere between the renal cortex and the urethral meatus Causative organisms – E.coli (80%) Route of entry: Ascent from urethra (most common) Circulating blood Contributing causes: Urinary stasis Obstruction, usually congenital Vesicoureteral reflux Infection elsewhere Poor perineal hygiene Short female urethra Catheterization and instrumentation Antimicrobial use Congenital renal anomalies May be asymptomatic Fever – may be accompanied by chills Anorexia and general malaise Urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, dribbling Daytime or nocturnal enuresis Foul odor or change in appearance of urine Abdominal or suprapubic pain Tenderness over both kidneys Irritability Vomiting Urine culture >100,000 bacteria/ml – bacteriuria Catheterized urine specimen: >100 colonies of bacteria/ml Urinalysis Leukocytes Casts Hematuria Renal concentrating ability – decreased Ultrasound, IVP Oral antibiotic for uncomplicated UTI Repeat culture before discontinuing treatment Obtainhistory Focus assessment on identifying clinical manifestations Urethral discharge High grade fever (upper UTI) Low grade fever (lower UTI) Determine urinary pattern Altered urinary elimination Pain Self-esteem disturbance Malposition of the urethral opening that may be associated with other urogenital tract abnromalities; more common in boys Decreased testosterone production in early gestation In males, the urethra opens on the ventral aspect of the penis In females, urethra opens into the vagina Undescended testes or inguinal hernia may be associated Increase incidence with future male siblings Inability to void with the penis in the normal elevated position In females, urine dribbling from vagina Not difficult to diagnose. Assess glans penis for possible hypospadias before circumcision. Genotypic/phenotypic sex determination, chromosomal, and hormonal studies Renal ultrasound, IVP Surgical reconstruction before 1 year of age Failure of one or both testes to descend through the inguinal canal to the normal position in the scrotum. More common in premature infants. Mechanical lesion or endocrine disorder (rare) Testicular and ductal development are abnormal. Degeneration of the sperm forming cells occurs after puberty Testicle non-palpable within the scrotum Ultrasound – undescended Serum testosterone measurements – decreased Orchiopexy/ orchidopexy surgery – between ages 1-3 y/o Plastic surgery in patients with 1 testicle Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) Some testicle have descended spontaneously •Sudden, usually reversible deterioration in normal renal function •Results in fluid and electrolyte imbalance and accumulation of metabolic toxins. n/v Diarrhea Decreased skin turgor Dry mucous membranes Lethargy Difficulty in voiding, changes in urine flow Steady rise in serum creatinine Fever edema Serum creatinine level – most reliable measure of the GFR; rising Radionuclide studies – to evaluate GFR and renal blood flow Urinalysis – proteinuria, hematuria, casts Ultrasonography 75% - complete recovery Correction of any reversible cause (surgery for obstruction) Correction and control of fluid and electrolyte imbalances Restoration and maintenance of stable v/s Low sodium, low potassium, moderate protein diet Life threatening complications - Dialysis F/E imbalance – hyperkalemia Metabolic acidosis – caused by decrease excretion and HCO3 regeneration Insufficient nutritional intake – because of n/v Obtain hx of all medications, recent and past illnesses or injuries, allergies and potential exposure to toxic substances Measure I/O. Insert indwelling catheter urinary catheter as indicated Monitor v/s. Monitor urine specific gravity; fixed 1.010 – inability to concentrate or dilute urine Risk for fluid volume imbalance related to inability of the kidneys to maintain fluid balance Risk for injury related to hyperkalemia •Irreversible destruction of nephrons, so that they are no longer capable of maintaining normal F/E balance Congenital renal and urinary tract abnormalities (<5y/o) Most common causes from 5-15 y/o: Glomerular disease Hereditary renal disease Renal vascular disorders GFR – indicates severity of CRF Lower GFR greater the loss of renal function Correction of calcium-phosphorus imbalance Vitamin D and Calcium phosphate binders Correction of acidosis with buffers Adequate protein and calories in the diet Correction of anemia – erythropoietin SC at home Evaluate growth retardation – give GH Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and transplantation Growth retardation Delayed or absent sexual maturation Severe anemia HPN – stimulates RAS CHF Azotemia/uremia Metabolic acidosis Electrolyte imbalance – hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia Perform comprehensive, multisystem assessment to help in planning care Assess growth and development status Assess coping, support systems, and other resources Risk for injury related to hypocalcemia Risk for fluid volume imbalance related to renal failure and dialysis Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements r/t GI disturbances and diet restrictions Activity intolerance r/t fatigue and anemia Coping, ineffective, related to changes in lifestyle and body image on dialysis •Dialysis– passage of a solute through a semipermeable membrane •Purpose: Preserve life by replacing some of the normal kidney functions