24SF-Improving Food SC
24SF-Improving Food SC
24SF-Improving Food SC
improving indias
supply chain
To become a global leader in food supply, India needs to replace its fragmented
and wasteful produce-supply chain with a modern and efficient one. A
supportive food processing industry will also help improve the farm-to-plate
supply chain, writes professor N. Viswanadham
28 | september 2008 | supply chain management & logistics 2.0
special feature
september 2008
special feature
manner, alongwith the processes of new product development, procurement and order-to-delivery processes,
well-designed and well supported by software.
There are several regulatory changes that need to be
made all along the supply chain so that they are consistent
and mutually reinforcing.
special feature
for retailers. Relationship between the stake holders in a
supply chain is of paramount importance for ECR, CPFR
and other relationship paradigms to work.
Standardization is a powerful tool for improving supply chain efficiency. There are two kinds of standards in
the food supply chain. The first
one is the food standard, which
is related to the content, the
manufacturing process and the
packaging, etc. There are several
such standards for dairy, poultry,
etc. The second standard is about
the logistics and IT systems, like
standardization of cartons, pallets
and IT software so that seamless
transfer of goods and information
is possible. Standards enable partners across the supply
chain to enjoy increased productivity and economies of
scale due to better compatibility and interoperability of
their systems and processes.
Standardization is
a powerful tool for
improving supply chain
Streamline Processes
september 2008
special feature
and trained manpower can improve the chain. The service
providers can also adopt state-of-the-art techniques such
as cross docking that will reduce transit times and cut
down on inventory.
Food processing industry: This is one sector where
100 per cent FDI is allowed. Incentives are also offered
to those interested in setting up processing plants either
in Agri-Export Zones or outside
them. Given the diverse population and religions found in India,
there is scope for creating zones
meant for specific communities.
Thus, a halal hub could export
its products to South-East Asia
and the Middle East. Likewise,
a vegetarian hub could reach
out to vegetarians in India and
abroad. Same way, there could
also be organic food zones and
sea food hubs.
Retail revolution: Retail, one
of the largest sectors in the global
economy, is going through a transition in India. While globally,
more than 72 per cent of food
is sold through supermarkets,
Indian consumers buy most of
their food products from the 12
million-plus outlets which include
handcarts, wet markets and neighbourhood kirana stores.
The kirana stores usually have small spaces, lack cold
storage facilities and have restricted capital. The Indian
retail sector is estimated to have a market size of over
$180 billion; but the organized sector represents only 2
per cent of this market. A strong retail front-end can also
provide the necessary fillip to agriculture, food processing and other industries. Though 100 per cent FDI is
not allowed in this sector, India has a retail revolution
knocking on its doors.
Several regulations
along the supply chain
constrain its expansion
and functioning as a
seed-to-feed chain.