Messiah in The Siddur
Messiah in The Siddur
Messiah in The Siddur
Table of Contents
Ezek. 29:21 In that day I will cause the horn of the house of Israel
to spring forth, and I will open your mouth to speak in their midst.
Then they shall know that I am the LORD.
Photo by K.Hurley
Yeshua were still very much Jewish and very much involved
in the community and local Synagogue life. As the letter of
James in the New Testament witnesses, the Disciples were
worshiping in the Synagogues together with those Jews who
did not accept and believe in Yeshua as the Messiah.
Professor Pines noted that the message of the Angel to
Mary in Matthew chapter 1 was: And she will bring forth
a Son, and you shall call His name Yeshua (JESUS), for He
will Yoshiah (save in construct) His people from their
sins. (Matt. 1:21) This phrase has to be understood from the
Hebrew for in Greek translation you lose the play on words
of Yeshua / Yoshiah. This use of the word save - Yoshiah in
this verse is an indication of the way that His disciples saw
Yeshua in the end of the First Century A.D. He was seen to
be Son of David and Savior. The passages dealing with the
horn of David ( ) and a plant of David ()
are messianic by nature even in their original contexts in the
Professor Liebes also suggests the possibility that even
very early in the history of the 15th benediction of the
Amida the disciples of Yeshua may have added the at
the end of the word Yeshua and made it into Yeshuah.
The friction between the Jews who were disciples of Yeshua
and those who were not inside the Synagogues may have
needed pacify. One way to sooth the friction and still retain
their belief would have been to mask the name Yeshua and
make it the noun Yeshuah. David Ben-Gurion, Israels first
Prime Minister used a similar technique in the composition
of Israels Declaration of Independence written on a Scroll.
The Orthodox Jews wanted to include God in this important
document, David Ben-Gurion objected to it, but in the
end compromised and wrote in place of God The Rock of
Israel. This satisfied the Orthodox Jews and also those who
were secular. Using a word that says what you want said and
at the same time does not say it is like teaching with Parables.
Those who need to understand the parables can understand
them, and those who dont need to use the parables will not.VIII
Professor David Flusser brought up a theory that this
benediction was allowed in the Jewish Amida prayer because
it was a political slap in the face of the Sadducees who denied
the resurrection of the dead. So, by asking The horn of
salvation to be raised it is a polemic against the Sadducees.
For the Jewish Disciples of Yeshua it would have been
natural to pray together with all of Israel in the Synagogues.
For the strengthening of Davids place as the prototype of
the Messiah, for raising of the Horn of David as a savior,
and for resolving the waiting for the Messiah, which is part
of the controversial battles inside of Israel. Professor Liebes
points out that in the land of Israel this benediction was
omitted because the Jewish Disciples of Yeshua were well
known and their participation in the Synagogues was the
cause for the insertion of what is called Birkat HaMinim
- the benediction of the heretics. This benediction was
especially composed to exclude the Disciples of Yeshua from
participation in the Synagogue prayers.
Since the Diaspora in Babylon, the 15th benediction has
been continuosly included to this very day in most of the
Jewish Prayer Books around the world. Yeshua found His
way into the most central of Jewish prayers, the Amida (the
Eighteen Benedictions), the very core of Jewish prayer and
the center of Jewish worship. Yes, the additional benediction
against the heretics was added and that too continues to be
recited in every Synagogue, but the memory of Yeshua and
Salvation is not blotted out and it is our conviction that His
name will be straightened and His Horn of King David will
bring Yeshuah Salvation to all of Israel. =
VIII Matt 13:10-11
Amfian Gerasimov
A Righteous from Among the Nations
Gavriel Gerasimov,
Above: 1946, age 15
To the left: 2011
some One The Holy One will not pour His entire wrath.
We have been enslaved to our greed until now, but Our Rock
did not raise Himself over us. Messiah of our Righteousness
has turned away from us, we were perplexed and there is no
one to justify us. He bears our iniquities and the yoke of our
crimes upon himself. And was profaned (or: pierced) because
of our iniquities. He carries our sins on His shoulder, to find
forgiveness for our misdeeds. We were healed by His bruises
namely by His bruises, or stripes. Since both
possibilities are legitimate, we accept them both without
The poem ends with a series of prayerful requests: Its
time to create the Eternal One anew as a new creation.
Messiah is a new creation indeed, since humanity has never
experienced a person like Him, as sinless and divine in His
nature. The following requests are not the least startling: Lift
Him up from the circle (of the earth), draw Him up from
the Almighty. The priesthood and the urim and tumim were
replaced by the text of the Torah and the Prophets, which
became the means by which a man could know what God
required of him. We can see the signs of these changes in
the book of Nehemiah, chapter 8. Ezra and the Priests read
the Torah with the intent to obey it upon their return from
the Babylonian exile. This knowledge and understanding of
the Word of God became central in the Jewish community
experience during the Second Temple Period. In Nehemiah
the birthplace of the synagogue as the place of gathering for
the main purpose of public reading and hearing the Word of
God is found.
In what is commonly called the Old Testament there is
no mention or hint of such an institution as the synagogue.
few years ago two offices next door to our existing office
and now they serve as a meeting place for the congregation.
The expectation is that the construction of our building on
Narkis Street will be finished in about a year and a half. We
appreciate very much the prayers and contributions of so
many of you for the building project. We are still in need of
nearly $500,000 in order to pay for and finish the building.
So, please continue to pray for us and to make gifts of love
for the Netivyah building that will be the first ever Synagogue
for Jewish Disciples of Yeshua.
When I say Jewish Disciples I dont mean to exclude
non-Jewish Disciples from the Synagogue, but I do mean
to say that the character and the culture and the liturgy will
be 100% Jewish and 100% true to Yeshua. I realize that
this might sound strange to many Christians. Christianity
has divided into thousands of sects and denominations and
most of them are actually connected to the traditions and
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