Vaishnav Homa Mini
Vaishnav Homa Mini
Vaishnav Homa Mini
-3 aquire:
- an acaman patra (or any clean cup with a spoon)
- pincers (for taking out a wood stick from the fire)
- a spoon (for the ghee)
- a copper pyramid yagia kund (appr. 14x14cm)
- a clay saucer (radious appr. 12cm) to place under the kunda
- dried cow dung or cow dung incense (or wood, which is less purifying)
- pure organic ghee
- matches
- organic whole-grain rice
- flowers
- one banana (or more foods depending on the number of participants)
pls hover mouse over the pix below to read the captions .-)
Utkaran Nirasana (taking out earth from the kunda):
Sit on a clean purified asana preferably of kusha-grass
on the west side of the yagia-kunda, looking towards the east
(if no ash is left in the kunda from last day
do mentally but perform mudra and chant the mantra)
take a pinch of earth (ash) with the thumb and ring finger of the rigth hand
and throw it out from the kunda to a distance
of elbow to tip of little finger
into the North East direction, saying:
om nirastah paravasuh
The depleter of fortune has been thrown out and destroyed.
purify hand with a drop of acaman
Rekhabhyukshana (purifying the kunda with water):
Taking water from the acamana patra
sprinkle a drop on the kunda saying:
"om astraya phat"
3.1 placing the cow dung and ghee in the kunda
saying: om surabhidevyay namaha
3.2 inviting the firegod
om agindevaya namaha
om agnidevaya svagatam
- light the fire with 3 matches saying:
om agnidevaya jayatah
Agni samskara (purifying the fire):
From the fire which is kindled take one burning stick (one of 3 matches)
and cast it in the South Western direction to expel the inauspicious elements of the fire:
om kravyadam agnim prahinomi duram
yamarajyam gacchatu vipravahah
I cast the inauspicious fire in charge of burning corpses far away.
May those who oppose this rite go to the kingdom of death.
Agni avahana (calling the fire named vaishnavagni):
invoking the highest fire:
om vaishnava namagnaye ihagaccha
agne tvam vaishnava namasi
Oh fire named Vaisnava Agni, kindly be present here.
om vaishnava namagnaye namaha
om surya-narayana namaha
om ram ramaya namaha
Agni Puja (worshiping the fire):
Meditating on the fire as Vishnu worship the fire with flower petals
esha pushpanjali
om vaishnava namagnaye namaha
placing them on the edge of the kunda.
Ajya Samskara (purifying the ghee):
sprinkle the vessel of ghee with a drop of water
from the acaman patra while chanting
"om astraya phat"
then circulating it clockwise around the fire three times,
saying: jay om, jay om, jay om
and lay it on a hexagram painted on the place with a drop ganga water.
Shruva Samskara (purifying the sruva / spoons):
purify the sruva/spoon by sprinkling it with a tiny drop of water saying:
om astraya phat
, then lowering it into the North part of the fire three times.
saying: jay om, jay om, jay om
Udakanjalisheka ( taking blessing for performing the sacrifice):
(Placing his right knee on the earth and his left knee raised,)
touch south side of kunda while chanting:
om ananta anumanyasva
Please allow this rite, Ananta.
touch west side of kunda while chanting:
om acyuta anumanyasva
Please allow this rite, Acyuta.
Tilaka dharana (making and applying tilaka made from the ashes):
take ash mixed with ghee
from the North East corner of the fire
and apply as tilaka on the agia chakra to yourself and the participants.
Brahmana Dakshina (giving charity to brahmanas):
The yajamana (host of the sacrifice) should give dakshina to the hotr (priest),
vaishnavas and brahmanas present.
(or if alone just chant jaya dhvani to shri guru-parampara)
Ashidra Vacana (absolving deficiencies):
The hotr says:
May all deficiencies in rules and activities of this ceremony
be absolved by the mercy of Krishna and his devotees.
I now remember Krishna in order to nullify whatever faults there may be.
Then one addresses the earth to cool down:
om tvam sitala bhava
O Earth, please become cold.
Maha-mantra Kirtana, pranams & prasad.
at the end pay dandavatas to all:
om brindayay tulasi devyay
priyayay keshavasya ca
krishna bhakti prade devi
satyavatyay namo namaha