GNLD's Formula IV - Fast Facts
GNLD's Formula IV - Fast Facts
GNLD's Formula IV - Fast Facts
There’s more to nutrition than just vitamins and minerals. As important as these nutrients are to optimal health,
others play equally important roles. Original and unique, GNLD’s Formula IV is more than just a multi-vitamin
and mineral supplement. It’s the first multifactor food supplement to provide vitamins and related food factors,
minerals, and enzymes, as well as lipids and sterols. First developed in the 1950s, Formula IV with
Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates has provided people throughout the world with decades of nutritional assurance
at the cellular level.
Scientists continue to confirm, there’s more to nutrition than just the classic vitamins and minerals. As important
as these nutrients are to optimal health, we’re also learning that phytonutrients, enzymes, trace minerals and others
play equally important roles. Original Formula IV®, developed in the 1950s, was the first multifactor food
supplement to provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients, such as important lipids and sterols.
Formula IV Plus carries forward this tradition of nutritional excellence with an Iron Free formulation that also
provides additional mineral support, including 100% of the DV for zinc. Formula IV Plus also provides more Tre-
en-en® Grain Concentrates, which have provided people throughout the world with decades of nutritional assurance.
GOOD NUTRITION IS MORE THAN JUST provide both nutrient density and nutrient diversity. The
original multifactor food supplement, it represented a giant
VITAMINS AND MINERALS leap forward in the attempt to achieve optimum nutrition
In the 1920s, medical researchers began to identify and through a well-balanced diet with sound supplementation to
document the link between nutrition and health. They soon make up for occasional dietary “gaps.” It was a revolutionary
discovered that several diseases — pellagra, beriberi, some product concept in 1958, and today, even after more than four
forms of anemia, rickets, etc. — were caused by dietary decades of customer satisfaction, the Formula IV philosophy
deficiencies of single vitamins and minerals. As researchers continues to provide the industry standard for quality leading-
continued their investigations, they found an ever-increasing edge nutritional supplementation.
degree of complexity. It was becoming clear that vitamins and
minerals alone were not the only healthful nutritional “links” BALANCED AND POTENT
in the “Chain of Life.” Other nutrients — lipids, sterols, food- Nutrients exist in natural foods in certain balances and
related factors (such as phytonutrients), enzymes, proteins, potencies. Balance is an important aspect of all GNLD
and carbohydrates — were also needed. formulations. We strive to create balanced formulations that
provide both nutrient density and nutrient diversity. Based on
® ®
New customers may ask about the “Adult Formula” THE SUPPLEMENT WITH SOMETHING SPECIAL —
statement which appears on Formula IV and Daily Vitality TRE-EN-EN GRAIN CONCENTRATES!
Pack Stress 30 and Sports 30 boxes. According to Consumer GNLD’s Formula IV and Formula IV Plus are unique
Product Safety Commission regulations, this statement must multifactor supplements to strengthen nutritional “links” in
appear on all products containing more than 30 mg of iron the “Chain of Life.” Frequently imitated, its formula has never
in a single package or box, unless that package has a child- been successfully copied. The main reason? Formula IV and
proof closure. Rather than compromise the completeness or Formula IV Plus offer something extremely special —
potency of the products, we have elected to carry the Adult Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates. Providing the complete lipid
Formula statement on the Formula IV and two Daily and sterol profile of wheat, rice, and soy, cold-pressed, cold-
Vitality Pack boxes. We also offer Formula IV in a bottle processed Tre-en-en provides phytonutrients that are often
with a child-proof cap. stripped from dietary staples during food processing, but
which our cells need to be their healthy and energetic best. It’s
“DIETARY INSURANCE” been scientifically proven to support efficient nutrient
utilization and to support both overall and cardiovascular
growth and development. Tre-en-en’s unique blend of lipid
Superior supplements enhance your body’s general health,
and sterol grain concentrates, functions in synergy with the
energy level, and stress-coping capabilities by addressing dietary
vitamins, minerals and other critical nutrients in Formula IV
“gaps” — this describes Formula IV and Formula IV Plus to a
and Formula IV Plus to support the “links” in the “Chain of
“T”! For decades literally thousands of GNLD customers have
Life” with a unique multifactor supplement that no mere
reported increased energy and vitality while using Formula IV.
vitamin/mineral product on the market can match!
This effect can be attributed to synergetically filling in dietary
gaps with important nutrients and then making certain those
nutrients are delivered into the cells where energy is produced
by including Tre-en-en. Some report feeling a positive
difference in just days, while others may need to “re-nourish”
their systems for several months before they notice results.
(Just as nutrient deficiencies are not created overnight, neither can
they be corrected instantly.) People all around the world turn to
Formula IV and Formula IV Plus for their “dietary insurance,”
a way they can be sure each day that they are receiving the
complete, balanced nutrition their bodies need.