Animal Nutrition Cow and Pig
Animal Nutrition Cow and Pig
Animal Nutrition Cow and Pig
•Carbohydrates: Basic source of energy for all animals. As much as a half or Carbohydrates, forming about
more of an animal's calories are from Carbohydrates more so if the animal is 75% of plant dry matter,
a herbivore compared to for instance a carnivore. provide the major energy
•Carbohydrates turn into glucose during metabolism and is used to provide source for dairy cows and aid
energy to the animal. Further functions include the following: in milk glucose and fat
•Keep and maintain the digestive system keeping it regular.
•Give the animal energy Structural carbohydrates,
•Help the animal to create body heat (endothermic reaction creates warmth) which are part of the plant
•Crucial in mammals as this helps with milk production cell wall, and non-structural
carbohydrates found within
In cows Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for rumen the plant cell.
microorganisms and the single-largest component (60–70%) of a dairy cow's
diet. They represent the major component of net energy for support of
maintenance and milk production. Diet carbohydrate concentration influences
the composition of milk as precursors for lactose, fat, and protein.
Protein Function Protein Source
Proteins: Proteins are crucial in helping an animal repair damaged tissue Cattle, as ruminants, have a unique
and also for muscle growth and maintenance. Proteins are thus used in digestive system that allows them to
building up cell structure, and also enzyme function. From a cellular point extract nutrition from plant materials
of view therefore proteins facilitate the growth & repair of animal cells. that many other animals cannot digest.
For cows, fibre is an important feed component, not only as an energy and
nutrient source, but also as a regulatory factor for the maintenance of rumen health
and feed intake. Compared to other nutrients, fibre, particularly forage- fibre, has
much longer ruminal retention time because of slower degradation and greater
buoyancy in the rumen. For cows fibre can affect rumination behaviour.
Water Function Water Source
Water: Naturally occurring water
• Water is crucial for all life forms on earth and in mammals particularly as it assists with the can be a source but
transportation of nutrients throughout the body of the animal. additional water needs to be
• Water assists the animal to cool down. provided.
• Water assists with digestion; this includes excretion both urinating and defecating as well as
salivating and other bodily fluids Cows require on average 3
• Needed for milk/egg production. to 30 gallons a day this
depends on a number of
In cows: factors for instance dairy
Milk is comprised of largely water and a cow’s yield is directly related to the amount of water in cows require more water
its body. As an essential nutrient, it is second only to oxygen in its importance in given that milk is 70%
maintaining life and optimising productivity in dairy cattle. water.
Water is often the forgotten nutrient. A dairy cow requires water for a multitude of functions, Similarly, weather
including digestion and metabolism of energy and nutrients, transport of nutrients and conditions play a role here
metabolites to and from cells in the blood, excretion of waste products (via urine, faeces and as does the bread of cow.
respiration), maintenance of ion and fluid balance, thermoregulation and creation of a fluid
environment within which the foetus develops
Cows receiving dry feed will also require more drinking water.
Bibliography Cowa
•Carbohydrates: Basic source of energy for all animals. As much The type of starch and fibre used in the
as a half or more of an animal's calories are from Carbohydrates diet highly affected some blood
more so if the animal is a herbivore compared to for instance a parameters, such as glycaemic and
carnivore. insulin responses.
•Carbohydrates turn into glucose during metabolism and is used to
provide energy to the animal. Further functions include the The Barley group showed the highest
following: daily weight gain. Lower glycaemia
levels were observed in the Faba bean
•Keep and maintain the digestive system keeping it regular. group compared to the Corn one.
•Give the animal energy
•Help the animal to create body heat (endothermic reaction creates Alternative protein sources for swine
warmth) diets can limit the glycaemic and insulin
•Crucial in mammals as this helps with milk production response with no negative effects on
growing performance.
Structural carbohydrates, which are part
of the plant cell wall, and non-structural
carbohydrates found within the plant
cell. Corn is the main source.
Protein Function Protein Source
Proteins: Proteins are crucial in helping an animal repair It is quite common today to formulate swine diets
damaged tissue and also for muscle growth and maintenance. based on the concept of “ideal” protein; ie, to
Proteins are thus used in building up cell structure, and also express essential amino acid requirements as a
enzyme function. From a cellular point of view therefore percent of the lysine requirement. Additionally, it
proteins facilitate the growth & repair of animal cells. is becoming more popular to formulate swine
diets on the basis of standardized (or true) or
What do they do? apparent digestible amino acids. This method is
Proteins like carbohydrates are also a source of fuel for an particularly advantageous when substantial
animal, proteins can however be stored as fats and are used by amounts of byproduct feeds are included in the
cells/tissues when required. This then also helps defend the diet.
animal as they are used to make antibodies and protection from
diseases. Rapeseed meal and grain legumes, used in
Proteins contribute to the heathy development, growth & repair combination with cereals and taking care not to
of muscles, bones, skin & fat, plus hair, feathers, nails etc. exceed the anti-nutritional factor threshold values,
can be included in diets of growing-finishing pigs,
Protein is a crucial component of a pig’s diet. It plays a vital without any negative effect on growth performance
role in growth, milk production, and overall health. Pigs obtain and meat quality.
dietary protein from various sources.
Fat Function Fat Source
Fats/lipids: When consumed in the correct amounts, fats become an The requirement is generally met by the fat
energy source, similar to carbohydrates. Fats will help to facilitate the present in natural dietary ingredients. The oil
absorption of certain soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K. in corn is a rich source of linoleic acid.