Ivy 10

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January 93
IVy 10


ISSN 0905-9725

International Viewpoints <Lyngby*

editorial board consists of:
Antony A. Phillips. (Responsible under
Danish law = ansvarshavende redaktr)


Printed by: Tnder Offset

Production Team: Lars Peter Schultz, Birthe
Skou, Lonnie Andersen, Morten Ltken,
Asbjorn Svendsen, Sigrun Lone, Flemming
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Address: Box




Postgiro no.: 5 85 87 98 (Denmark)

N u m b er 10
January 1993
Viewpoints =
I.V. = (nearly)
Ivy (plant and
girls name).

International Viewpoints is independent of

any group or organization.

Magazine s aim:
In 1934 the book Scientologie by A. Norden
holz was published. In the middle of the
twentieth century the subject of Scientology
was greatly expanded as a philosophy and
technology by L. Ron Hubbard and a big
band of helpers. As a subject it is very much
alive. As in any alive subject new ideas are
occur ing all over the world.

Short Story 3
T h o u g h ts In sp ire d b y ...
... Bob Rosss Going Toward Cause 4
... Ivy 8 6
... Hari Seldons Standard Tech 9
... Dianasis 11
The Problem o f Going OT 13

It is this subject which International View

points deals. We are independent of any
group (sect if you like). Communication is re
garded as one of the basic activities of life,
and our concern is to provide a channel of
communication, and increase and improve
Therefore we invite articles, and, equally im
portant, names and addresses of people who
might be interested to join this circle of com


Classic Comment:
Research and Havingness 15

Kemps Column:
The Magic Track 16

Philosophical Viewpoints:
Beings from the 3rd Kingdom 19

New Realities:
How Education in Beingness ... Results in
Orientation and Behavior of Children 21

W hat Happened to Terrible Trio? 23

Gravity and the 2 Pole Universe 25

See page 36 (back page) for list of distribu

tors and subscription/membership prices.

Excalibur Revisited
All matters concerning this book should be
sent to IVy, Box 78, DK 2800 Lyngby.

R e g u la r C o lu m n s:

B o o k N ew s:
Scientology A Handbook for Use 28
Authors Postscript by L. Kin 31
Scientology - A Handbook For Use 32
Two Ray Kemp Books 33
UK Independents G et Acquainted 34
Distributors 36


January 93
IVy 10


Short Story
by Antonius Philipius, Rom1

Oh, Hes done it again, I said to myself.
My five year old son was continually driving his
little tricycle against the concrete wall in the gar
den at 30 miles an hour.
I looked out. Yes, he had done it again. His head
lay in one comer, one arm in another and the rest
of his body lay by the side of the tricycle, which
as usual, was still in one piece (no shoddy Japanese
article, this tricycle; I had paid a fortune for it).
I speculated over the enthusiasm and hot headed
ness of the young. And he was doomed to remain
five years old until I had finished my experi

placed him on my knee. There was a quite vicious

spark as I did so. The crash had obviously created
more static electricity than I had bargained for. I
must remember to earth him first next time.
Next time? How much longer must this go on?
He was still muttering a bit, so I disconnected his
mouth, and began to say to him (as soothingly as I
Axiom One. Life is basically created by Antony.
Axiom Two. Antony is capable of considera
tions, p o s t. . .

Editorial Note: At last we have managed to get one of our

I picked the head, arm and body up, took them

into my workshop and patiently starting putting
them together, like I had done so many times be
fore. I left the head til last I knew well what
would happen when I had got all the wires con
nected correctly together.

authors to write the sort of article we really want for page 3,

And sure enough it did. A stream of vitriolic

abuse. Including a angry complaints over my in
ability to give him a strong body, as he put it.

to say at the end of it, I feel as though I have had an important

the most important page in the magazine. An article which

looks as though it is meant to be funny, and might even make
a few readers laugh, when they finally realize that that was
what they were supposed to do. But an article which also con
tained a hidden uplifting message, so that the reader was likely
cognition, 1 cant quite think what it was, but I think I ought to
write a success story about i t I wonder what happened. Per
haps the church channelllllled a cognition to me while I was so

Again I resolved to try and find some way of

making him feel just a little pain when he dam
aged his body. I was beginning to feel that was the
only way to instil care in him. And perhaps just a
little unconsciousness, when there was an impact
over a certain threshold.
When I had checked all the joints and wiring, and
the stream of abuse had lessened a little, I pa
tiently, and a little wearily, took him up and

confused about that article. Or something like that.

The article should also preferably test readers ability to spot
outpoints. We are keen to covertly prepare our readers for the
new age.
So I hope our authors and budding authors are suitably encour
aged to tty. There is, by the way, no need for authors to put in
spelling mistakes to test readers ability to spot those. The edi
torial staff has no difficulty in doing that. Ed.

Antionius is a runner between Rom and Londinium, carrying messages between his Imperial Majesty and his subjects.
While running he invents articles and stories, most of which do not get written down because of shortage of time, stone and
chisels to write them with.


January 93
IV y 10


Thoughts Inspired by ...

Bob Rosss Going Toward Cause
b y B ritta B u rtles, England

Knowledge and expertise

I consider it is immensely important to have
training and become as expert as possible in the
basics of auditing, as well as OT3, NOTs, Solo
NOTs and all other upper level material, as well
as LRH's philosophical writing, some of which
we refer to as the basics. I firmly believe in the
truth of sayings like: You want to be the best
auditor you ever had and Only if you become
an expert auditor, you will attain the maximum
gains from the upper levels, and only then you
will make it and 50% of gains come from
auditing and 50% from training.
As I see it, training has four goals:
1) to acquire the knowledge and understanding of
what is happening while one is being audited,
and why. One is thus better able to be a re
sponsible pc (pre-OT) and one has more and
quicker gains.
2) to audit oneself as successfully as possible, in
order to release the material and become
progressively more oneself.
3) to audit others and thus help them to improve
their be, do and have.
4) to regain the knowledge we once had and lost.
Ignorance, Not-Know, got Mankind where
we are now. Knowledge is one of the 2 main
tools that will get us back to the future, back

to where we came from: being cause. The

other tool, of course, is repair, i.e. auditing.
The more knowledge I have, and the more expert
I am with the material LRH left us, the more I can
chose to be at Cause, hence the KRC triangle.
Only with knowledge and expertise can we be
come free again to progress to an existence in a
more advanced universe than this one, which is
based on the laws of force and MEST.
Choice of roles
Maybe we should have the ability to leave our
roles on earth at our choice. I strongly doubt,
however, that at this stage of the game we have
that choice. We probably had it and, hopefully,
will regain it, just as we will regain other
advanced abilities, like to walk on water, or to
levitate maybe fly, to name a few. Some very
highly advanced human beings probably have,
and operate, that choice already now, as Bob Ross
mentioned. However, I consider that even those
have a limited choice, i.e. they cannot leave their
roles on earth permanently. They keep coming
back, at their level. Eventually, when we all have
achieved the highest level of enlightenment, then
we will all have the choice to leave this physical
universe permanently. In other words, the 4th Dy
namic responsibility prevents us from leaving
permanently now.

in IVy no. 6.


January 93
IV y 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

Desire for freedom

I consider our desire to change the condition of
the body and mind is not at all a whole other
subject from the desire or struggle for Freedom.
I think they are closely connected and interde
pendent. Just one symptom of it is that more than
75% of all illness is psychosomatic.
Being audited
I have never found that being under the control
of an auditor, conflicted with, or hindered me
from being at cause in an auditing session. On
the contrary: To me auditing always meant: I am
responsible for having a case, I am responsible
for getting rid of it, I have to do the work of look
ing and finding that which needs to be as-ised.
Bob says: ...at some point or another the pc has
to take off on his own. I think pcs always are
totally on their own anyway. Auditors cannot do
even the tiniest bit of their work for them.
I have always been immensely grateful to LRH
for creating the Tech, and I was always im
mensely grateful that there were expert auditors
to bring the Tech to me. I never experienced an
auditor who was so heavy-handed as to make me
be effect. I cannot really understand how one can
at effect be successfully audited at all. My audi
tors were never at cause in my sessions. They
couldnt do the looking and searching for me, and
just let me get on with it. I had to do it all by my
self; and jolly hard work if often was, too. And if
that wasnt me being at cause, I dont know what
was. My auditors never disturbed me, always
stayed discretely, silently in the background and
let me search around, find and give them the an
swer without ever making it in the slightest ap
pear as if they were controlling me. I was always
totally free to work it out and come to my own
conclusions and cogs. At effect in auditing?!
What next?!

been a solo-auditor for the last 20 years and had

fantastic gains from it On balance I would say: I
prefer being audited for these reasons:
1. I can concentrate totally on my case, i.e. the
work I need to do.
2. I dont have to keep switching hats and
attention from auditor to pc.
3 . 1 dont have to have attention on metering and
4. I have a terminal who listens and acks my
comm. Since ours is a 2-pole universe, I find
it more pleasant and useful to talk to someone
other than myself.
In conclusion I would say: One has to recognise
oneself as cause, and responsible cause at that, in
order to get things done, whether one is being
audited or auditing oneself.
Processing cannot become less and less helpful,
like Bob says, as long as the auditor observes all
the rules a good auditor would observe, and as
long as the pc is interested in having something
handled. I consider a pc who creates or mis owns
bank in order to run it, is irresponsible, asking for
trouble and could get i t Thats all.
Common Experiences
Bob Ross says: Not everyone had the R6 experi
ence. Not everyone had the OT2 and OT3 expe
rience. I strongly doubt that (What does LRH
say about it?) I agree, however, that not every
one went through the same implants, and that an
auditor has to always audit the case in front of
you. The pc will then experience having moved
toward cause. I also agree that the road out is by
greater and greater simplicity. But I consider it is
the way out for all human beings. Those who
think the way out is through more and more com
plexity, are just taking a detour. They will have to
eventually come round to simplicity, and will, I
think, enjoy the experience with relief.

I have now been audited for 28 years by auditors

who where properly taught and did a fantastic job
of it judging from the wins I had. I have also


January 9 3


/Vy 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

... Ivy 8
By Otto J. Roos, Holland

Hereby some notes on IVy 8. 1 realise that much

of IVy contains the opinions of others on the sub
jects of auditing and other technologies, that these
opinions are real to those who communicate them,
and may well be very much disagreed with by
others. For reasons of length I shall discuss only
some items of tech seen in your articles.
Power of thought, Hari Seldon
On page 3, col 2, para 3, I wonder who these
human beings are who have high quality thetans
inside their minds. Who are the others who do
not? The tech nowhere mentions thetans to be
something human beings have.
Human beings, as described in para 4, who can
not benefit from auditing technology apparently
do exist for Hari Seldon although I in very many
years of auditing have not come across them. The
definition of Auditing Tech includes whatever
other cycles (like medical, dental, PTS 3 han
dling, purif, etc.) may have to precede the applica
tion of objective/subjective auditing procedures. I
have never met an individual who could not, and
once on tech lines, did not benefit from auditing.
Most of the rest of Haris article is well known
data. Increasing an individuals R by comm on the
subject of Scn automatically increases his U. That
the best comm is by Training is a matter of
Page 4, under making the able more able, he
talks about human beings which cannot be
reached by Scn Auditing technology. Again, in
dozens of years of auditing I have never come
across such people. That there are many whom it
mightnt be viable to handle in terms of the
amount of time and money spent versus the at
tainable results, is quite a different matter. That
has to do with viability and is not a matter of lack

ing technology, (ps: page 3, Placebo, mention

ing of the wog world is invalidative.)
You can audit, Leonard Dunn
Page 9, column 1, the last 9 lines. During years of
auditing as Case Officer SHUK, i.e. in England, I
have never noticed a pc to have problems with the
word auditor. Maybe in PT the CoS places limita
tions upon its auditors. In the past the only limita
tions were ones as laid down in the technical data.
The what to do when, has always clearly been
stated, even if at times wrongly. In most cases
earlier goofs in bulletins, once spotted, were
corrected at later stage. The top auditors on Flag
was supposed to know their data (and did!) to the
point of being able to compute instantaneously,
i.e. without the need to figure figure think think
what to do next. There was no limitation
placed upon them by the church but only by the
demands of the technology. Knowing their data
and being able to use it, they also did not need
umpty unusual solutions and others practices!
Page 9, col 2, T R s in Actual Practice. I ran the
Pilot Flag modem TR Courses in the early 70s
under LRHs personal supervision. The unsolic
ited success stories, even from Flag stafl7were un
believably positive. (I received similar stories
when several years ago I ran such a course on and
at the request of some Class 8 and 9 auditors in
the U.S.). Page 9, col 2, TRs in Actual practice,
says that the Church has tended to over drama
tise these training routines; so what? Whatever a
church or anybody else makes them into has noth
ing to do with their validity! Page 10, col 1, talks
about the poker faced auditor. An ack (TR 2) has
to be appropriate. On what data does the author
of the article base his assumed need of having to
be poker faced on TRO? All the auditing data
amounts to Realities another can have. So, what is


January 93
IVy 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

all this nit picking and make wrong of perfect

technical data? Who says, as this author seems to
think, that one has to sit like a stone statue for the
whole sessions. I have been audited by LRH and
have also audited him! I have never been aware of
any stone statueing. The fact that the TRs are a
training routine seems to be completely not-ised.
The stone face, like the flunk this author seems
to object to, are merely training to enable an audi
tor to inflow anything a pc may throw his way.
This anything, especially in XII auditing, when
handling the basis of insanity, can be very res
timulative indeed and will throw the poorly
trained auditor. A student who gets upset by a
flunk is not one to sit in the chair and be entrusted
to handle a case without endless Q&A and auditor
cave in! Although flunk may not be nice, it cer
tainly never invalidated me or any of my students!
In fact, my wog office and production staffs en
joy non lovey dovey training.
Re Page 10, TR1, Im glad the author got through
by self auditing! It makes one wonder why the
author needed an auditor at all. To actually
publish that a sound TR1 is not essential explains
about where auditing went! If TR1 is not essen
tial, why is clearing the command essential!?
With a lousy TR 1 the pc is not going to receive it
anyway, so who cares about clearing it! The
critique of TR3 ditto. Tech data does give the
clear difference between comments and origina
tions. The fact that the pc made a reference to a
shell on a book case was not necessarily indica
tive of an effort to blow session (a comment)! An
auditor whose TRO is IN does see the difference
and does compute correctly! He also spots the
rightness of TR3 and looks for his own MUs be
fore engaging in criticism. Page 11, col 1, TR6-9.
I had already done these innumerable times before
running the Flag X to XII TR training programs
and thought I had a very good command of them
until LRH himself came down from the Bridge
(from which he supervised my training sessions
on the forward deck), ran them on me and trained
me in their training! This was a superlative expe

rience which I would not have missed for any

thing! Not having trained on these, the author (of
course) has no reason to believe he missed out
anything. Instead of publishing what could be in
terpreted by new people to mean that TRs 6-9 are
not needed, it might be an idea to get himself
The TRs and their application are a matter of un
derstanding them and their purpose. Making the
data wrong for whatever a church, or others who
did not understand it, may have done with it, is
going wrong target!
Kemps Column
Page 13, col 2, Something new , Ray Kemp hits
it right on the head!!
Comment on Ron, AAP
Page 17, Comment on Ron. Indeed, the debrief
was written only giving facts about my years on
Flag. It was a debrief and as such did not give
much by way of eval and opinion. However, the
last lines said: The great tragedy of it all is not
even that he got caught in his overts to the extent
that in the end virtually everything restimulated
his out ruds, but is the fact that he finally penalised
himself horribly by denying himself the
only thing which could have saved him, his own
creation, auditing.
Personal integration by inner listening, Per
Page 23, Application. The author, I feel, invals
himself when saying he is C/Sing in the chair,
when all he is doing is exactly listening and com
puting. He is duplicating the pcs mind and acting
accordingly with the correct question. He himself
says that he is handling the case in front of him,
which is all an auditor could and should do!
The story of Excalibur, Ulrich
Page 28, col 2, The telepathic messages from the
boss'? As LRH was still very much alive in those
days, one could look for out points in that story,
but thats for each person him/herself to decide.


January 93
IV y 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

Page 29, col 2, That NOTS was supposed to be

the cure all may well have been someones
interpretation, but is not what the data said. That
the whole thing, didnt make sense may have
been Robertsons eval but is not necessarily true.
Processes needed, if any, in addition to valence
tech, can be run when such is needed to handle a
particular item. That many solo auditors cant run
these through lack of training is immaterial. They
should find a review auditor who can\ None of
this invalidates the validity of OT3, old OT7,
OT3X, and NOTS data!
Page 29, col 2, I dont know how OT3 is being
run today, but I was the research Auditor/Flag
Case Officer in the early SO, so apart from doing
research work on it, I certainly knew how OT3
was being run back then. In these days I was the
only person there who had completed OT2. Bill
Robertson had done the Class 6 and 7 courses, but
had very little experience as an auditor. Even after
having done the Flag Class 8 course, he audited
very little as he was involved in ship matters
(navigational) or away on mission, setting up
orgs. I had him as a student, when supervising
ships courses for Mary Sue Hubbard who was
CS2. (I reviewed most cases, including Bill
Robertson, when their solo went awry.) He only
completed the tech auditing requirements for
Class 8 and had no further Tech experience.
It is also a fact that the original OT3 consisted of
several fat files (each at least 2 inches thick), none
of which data was ever published as LRH did not
consider it necessary for the actual handling of the
level and considered the contents too restimula
tive (they were quite heavy!). A few years later,
when FESing all the LRH folders1,1 C/Sed these
files also. Again, many years later, in the inde

pendent days, 1 read Revolt in the Stars and large

amounts of Bills material, it is not my job to eval
the validity of Bills data, but it wasnt the same
as the unpublished LRH OT3.
Page 30, col 1, last para, makes it very clear what
happened. Verbose lectures even when training
mere beginners, non supervision, etc. were, so it
seems, accepted as a matter af course by the stu
dents and C/S trainees: out ethics, out tech, out
admin, and out points! With that kind of irrespon
sibility for data emanated, and for students and
trainees, it is no wonder one would feel hunted by
assassins. Regardless of how that type of omis
sion is justified, it is certainly the GAE#12 of not
being there!
Page 30, col 2 , 1 worked under LRH as C/S and
John McMaster as Qual Sec during the develop
ment of Power as Case Officer SHUK, then senior
auditorss post W/W. On Flag it was LRH
(196718), not Bill R, who brought PRPRS3 into
OT3 (thus NOTS eventually!), especially PRPR6
to handle SP OT3 material! Later I, as Flag C/S,
originated, test ran and published multiple flow
Power for LRH C/S, hence consider I know PRPR
data. Power processing was NEVER lost!!
Whatever the individuals in the examples given
do is their own affair. Even if it means making the
tech wrong. Others consider that those who want
it should study the same tech as it is. Somebody
like myself who has successfully worked with, in,
and through it, also in ethics/admin-tech/policy,
in C/S, auditing & exec chairs, and in life for
many years, is one of these others.

These were all LRHs own pc folders, i.e. concerning LRHs own case and all the auditing he received since 1948.

Gross Auditing Error number one. Ed.

PRPR (capital letters) and a number were the designations (names) for the different power processes. Ed.


January 93
IV y 10


__________________________ Thoughts Inspired by ..._________________________

... Hari Seldons Standard Tech 1

By Britta Burtles, England

The source of scientology

Wherever LRH got his inspiration and ideas from,
be it Buddhism, Christianity, Greek philosophy
and others, it was still he who created Scn. and the
Tech. I do not understand why Hari Seldon is so
reluctant to say LRH is the source. Or why he
says No 1st dynamic can be a source of Scn. or
the Tech. Why should a human being not have
created Scn. or the Tech? Other great human be
ings have created and thus been the source of
other religions, philosophies, movements and
bodies of knowledge. ... It is true to say philoso
phers, prophets, savants and other enlightened
human beings have had ideas which he found use
ful in creating Scn. and the tech., like any other
philosopher uses some of the ideas of great people
who have worked and thought before them, to
create something new. Like a building is cre
ated from many building blocks. Thats how
LRH, too, has used the building blocks of great
men, of philosophers and scientists, to create Scn.
and the tech. But it was he and he alone who has
put it all together to a workable system all four
techs (ethics, auditing, admin, and study) and
much more. Various times he has told us and ac
knowledged that many people helped him in his
work, and that with the help of thousands he was
able to achieve so much. Of course it took a very
special kind of genius to create and be the source
of what he put together for Mankind in Scn. As
far as I am concerned, there is just one answer to
Who/What is the source of Scn? and that is:

Just to be on the safe side, I looked it up in the

dictionary (Websters New World) where it
states among other definitions for source: any
person by who something is supplied and a per
son who provides information. I rest my case
or rather his, since he cannot do it for himself any
more, although that, which he is the source of, is
doing it extremely eloquently on his behalf.
On second thoughts
We can also look at it this way: One of the Axi
oms states the static has the capability of total
knowingness. Total knowingness consists of total
ARC. This describes our Native State. Another
axiom states The ultimate truth is a static, and
LRH paraphrased that to The only truth you will
ever find is you.
He said that he was only telling us what we once
knew anyway. We had total knowledge at the be
ginning or even before the beginning, considering
his dictum before the beginning was a Cause.
We gave up total knowledge to be able to play
games in this universe (know to mystery scale).
Now we have regained this knowledge through
Understanding via ARC. Hence the importance of
study and training. He also told us it was our com
mon agreements which created this physical uni
verse where we are now.
What I am trying to say is, if we look far enough,
further back beyond LRH, the creator of scientol
ogy and the tech, we could say the source of the
tech is you, is I, is she , is he, is all o f us.

in/Vy 6



January 93
IVy 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

LRH laid the foundation

I agree with Hari Seldon when he says:
step in now that he has laid the foundation is so
He also says:
I can continue to build further
on the foundation he erected
Maybe he can.
It would be fantastic. However, I have not so far
come across anybody who could. After having
been connected with LRHs work as pc, pre-OT
student and auditor for 28 years, after always hav
ing greatly admired him for his achievements, just
recently I have cognited on how he was able to do
what 50000 years of thinking men and women be
fore him could not.
After reaching a rest point on solo NOTs and fin
ishing the L s I suddenly awakened to, or cog
nited on, various aspects of the 8th Dynamic. I de
veloped the desire to find out about the founders
of the other great religions on earth and started to
read a basic book explaining Islam. This in turn
switched me on to a particular frame of mind,
or should I say frame of spirituality? resulting
in a stream of cognitions which in turn resulted in
my first article Thoughts on Responsibility
I V y 8).
Then it so happened that I received through the
mail various LRH articles which I had read many
times before and liked and understood. However,
reading them now, it seemed to me as if I had
never read them before, or as if I only understood
now what he was talking about in those articles.
They were a total eye opener to me. As my next
cognition I suddenly realised how it was possible
for LRH to be the source of his creation, although
so many before him had done a lot of thinking,
writing and practising in such related fields as
psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis and oth
The Religious Man
Apart from being one of the greatest thinkers and
philosophers of this century, apart from being
well versed in physics and apart from having

many other talents, as far as I can see now, he was

a deeply religious man. And thats what I consider
was the source from which his ability stemmed to
see the mental and spiritual laws which we refer
to as the basics, and which are the necessary
link between this our flawed physical universe
and a more advanced universe where the laws of
force and MEST dont rule; this other universe
which, as thetans, we are all aware of and attempt
ing to reach. Since he had vision and 8th Dy
namic, i.e. religious awareness, combined with his
other talents, he was able to forge the tools necessary
to open up the road to truth for the rest of
Total Freedom
He did talk about Total Freedom and I assume
he meant, Scn. would get us there. So far none of
us have reached it, and connected to this mortal
coil, we wont, but could get very close to it, as
we can see from the few well known great ones,
Jesus Christ being one of them.
As I see it, there are two possibilities: Either there
is still a lot of processing material untapped in
his writing, or someone will have to tune in onto
that kind of wave-length and produce more of it
from which further processes for further advance
towards total freedom can be developed. In either
case I consider the person able to do that will have
to be one who is, like him, deeply connected with
the 8th Dynamic, and able to think, feel, and
mainly see from that vantage point what Man
kind needs next in its endeavour to work out its
own salvation.
As far as the spirit of truth is concerned, LRH
said: The only truth you will ever find is you.
As always, he hit the nail right on the head and
expressed it simply and concisely. Thats all there
is to it.
Hari Seldon says: the Tech we were taught in
Scn. works on certain types of cases. I am con
vinced it works on every type of case, i.e. on


January 93
IVy 10


Thoughts Inspired by ...

every human being, at maybe different times,

when a person is ready for a particular piece of tech.
I totally agree with Hari Seldon about the way he
disseminates and handles newcomers to the sub
The Subject of Religion
As you can imagine I also totally agree with him
when he says, talking about Scn., All this is
really the subject of religion. I always saw Scn.,
not only as a philosophy and science, but also as a
religion. And now that I have cognited on the 8th
Dynamic and on the significance and source of
the phenomenon and genius that is called L. Ron
Hubbard, I am doubly convinced that Scn. is a re
ligion. It underpins all religions at present known
on earth.
I also agree with Hari Seldon that we must not
reshape or alter-is the tech, or we might lose it,
as LRH warned us, since other techs have got lost
through alter-is.

The Road to Truth

As I said before, LRH passed on to us the amaz
ing and beautifully simply phrase: The only truth
you will ever find is you. I see the dynamics like
a circle, the 1st and 8th joined together. The road
to truth is thus to me the road to discovering the
basic self, i.e. the 1st Dynamic, through training
and study of the basics, as well as through
auditing where lots of case material is shed and
the basic self remains. In the process of this puri
fication or repair, attention units are freed up
and become available to the being. Now the per
son can look around with more certainty and
less anxiety or insecurity and, armed with the
newly acquired knowledge through training and
study of the basics, discover the delights of the
other 7 dynamics and the richness of interaction
with and contribution to them. Via the 8th Dy
namic, we are all progressing on the road to truth
which continues beyond the borders of the Mest
universe into infinity.

... Dianasis
by Ulrich, Germany

In Scientology we have, in the book Scientology

0-8, a collection of philosophical principles on
which all scientological thought is founded: the
Factors, the Logics, the Axioms, the Dianetics
Axioms. All our technical and administrative pro
cedures, all validly ethical solutions are derived
from them. Personally, I never had a doubt about
their being sufficient to describe all phenomena of
the world and the mind; how far-reaching their
implications are, has been discussed by L.Kin in
his book More than a Cult?
Why then does Dianasis need an extra Axiom
0? (Theta is the law and that is all the law there
is.) What would it explain in addition to whats
already covered by the references in Scn 0-81

And apart from asking this senior question one

cant but ask a second, related one: Is their Axiom
0 an axiom at all? Looking at the definition of the
word axiom, it seems doubtful that it is.
Axioms and Science
The Thorndike Barnhart Advanced Dictionary
says, an axiom is a self-evident truth. Other dic
tionaries follow this definition. Ron doesnt agree
and says an axiom is not a self-evident truth but a
self-evident agreement (see Tech Diet.). And right
he is. But: not each and every thing people can
agree on would make that thing an axiom! To say
day is always followed by night is not an axi
omatic agreement, although all the people on this
planet would immediately agree with it, although



January 93
IV y 10

Thoughts Inspired by ...

it is self-evident, although it is a well-established

principle, rule or law (the other dictionary defini

Axioms and Scientology

We in Scientology are very fortunate to have a set
of axioms!

To fully understand what an axiom is one must

know whats meant by self-evident. Self-evi
dent means it appears the way it appears and
nobody knows why. Thats the crucial point! A
principle, to be axiomatic, must fulfill these two
conditions: a) its impossible to argue it away,
b) its impossible to explain it. It cant be proved
or disproved. You cant argue about axioms, be
cause all argument is based on them and follows
from them. If youd manage to think below the
axiom, youd be operating on an even more basic
level of logic and then your axiom isnt one
any more, its only a thesis, a theorem, or a work
ing hypothesis.

Going back to Dianasis now, one might on the

basis of the discussion above call their Axiom
0 a tenet, a statement awaiting its proof. If theta
were a law, well then, whose law, please?

An axiom is the starting point of all thought. You

can find examples and collect observations of
how it is so and how it is not so, but you cannot
work out why it is so. Ask a mathematician, he
will tell you.
Any scientific discipline, to be able to call itself
scientific in the highest sense of the word, must
have a set of axioms to back it up when it comes
to building structural models. If these models
were created by intuition or common sense in
stead of being derived from axioms, if their valid
ity were accepted or rejected only on the basis of
experience, you would be dealing with a very
poor science, perhaps a false one. Its a science
that doesnt know the ground its standing on. To
say it worked, so there must be truth to it, is a
practical statement but not a scientific one.
Unfortunately, most western sciences are that
way. Mathematics isnt, but then mathematics
isnt a science but a philosophy. Other disciplines,
e.g. physics, help themselves to some mathemat
ics here and there, hoping to look like a real

The term theta is introduced first in Dianetics

Axiom 8 and then in Scientology Axiom 44, in
both cases theta is used synonymous with static.
To say theta is the law and that is all the law
there is is tantamount to saying theta is the only
thing that exists, or simply theta exists. Which
takes us right back to Axiom 1, life is basically a
static and Dianetics Axiom 1, the source of life
is a static.
Seeing that it is doubtful if their Axiom 0 really is
one; seeing that it is at best a re-phrasing of wellworn LRH axioms, I ask again: what does Diana
sis need an extra Axiom 0 for?
Axiom 0 and Crowley
Comparing Axiom 0, theta is the law and that is
all the law there is, to the senior principle of the
O.T.O., allows yet a different view of this matter.
The Ordo Templis Orientalis, a cult practicing ab
errated sex in combination with black magic, was
run by the rather infamous Aleister Crowley in
the 1920s. Their guiding tenet was, and still is:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will.
It could well be that I totally misunderstand Mr.
Crowley, it could just as well be that I fail to com
prehend Mrs. Mumford. However, as there is an
obvious similarity between the senior principles
promulgated by both, I would not only ask why
Dianasis needs an extra Axiom 0 , 1 would extend
the question further and ask: who inspired this ax


January 93
IVy 10



The Problem o f Going OT

By Hari Seldon, Trantor

Lets start out quoting L. Ron Hubbard: The de

gree of complexity is the degree of non-confront.
On the Road to OT you are increasing your
confront of the human mind. As your confront on
that mind increases, you start to realize that it is
not as complex as you first thought, but that it is
really quite simple.
In actuality your mind is changing. It is becoming
less complex and more simple. And as it changes
in this way, you are becoming more and more
cause over it. You are becoming more and more
In this successful application of the technology of
LRH you are getting a problem. It is mainly the
human mind on the 1st dynamic, that is being
handled and confronted. But life involves much
more than the 1st dynamic. So instead of having
1st dynamic problems, you are now starting to
confront problems on other dynamics. There hap
pens to be 2nd as well as 3rd dynamic problems.
By going clear or OT on (mainly) the 1st dy
namic, you have not arrived automatically at any
high level of simplicity or cause over the 2nd or
3rd dynamics.
This describes what the problem of going OT is
all about.
8 Dynamic beingness
A thetan is not a 1st dynamic being. He has 8 dy
namics to be responsible for. Thus he runs into
problems of the other 7 dynamics, as soon as he
starts to handle his 1st dynamic problems. As a
matter of fact the 1st dynamic is not existing all
by itself, but is heavily intermingled with the
other dynamics. Thus he already has entangled
himself with the other dynamics while walking on
the road to OT on the 1st dynamic. One area he
got involved in is the subject of the 3rd dynamic,
which assisted him in walking on the road to OT.

No matter what he feels about that 3rd dynamic he

has built up a debt to that 3rd dynamic which is
not really paid back, if he has gained any kind
of stable state of OT.
He also has a debt to the 4th dynamic (civilisation
or culture) in which this 3rd dynamic existed to
assist him in going 1st step OT (i.e. OT on the 1st
There are very many ways that the thetan can pay
back this debt. He can pay it back by flowing
POWER to the 4th dynamic (i.e his society) or his
3rd dynamic (for instance his local community or
the group that helped him go OT). He can also do
it by flowing POWER to his 2nd dynamic, so it
can then function better and thus continue the
POWER flow to the 3rd and 4th dynamics.
He can also flow POWER to the 7th dynamic by
assisting other thetans in their struggle to get OT.
If he chooses to do this he will need to get trained
as an Auditor. If he chooses to do this he will at the
same time solve another of the hard to handle
problems of going OT. This problem is the prob
lem of the simplicity of the human mind.
Simplicity of the human mind
Once you have made it to OT and confronted the
human mind enough to discover its simplicity,
you at are once running into a problem of dis
semination. Suddenly you understand the human
mind and can explain it very simply to others
(looking at it from you own viewpoint). However
a standard human being has not confronted and
handled this problem as you have. Thus others do
not follow your way of reasoning.
We are entering the subject of gradients here. You
must allow the other person to confront the prob
lem of the human mind on a gradient that suits
him or he will never make it to OT. If you fail to
present it to him on a proper gradient your effort



January 93
IVy 10


to help will rapidly become failed help (which

will inevitably lead to problems).
The problem really is that you have arrived at
simplicity while the others are still in complexity
on the subject. It is the standard problem of the
professional who feels it is all very easy and sim
ple, while the amateur has huge problems doing
even the simplest little thing. If you do not realize
this you will fall into the trap of invalidating the
knowledge and confront you have gained. Far too
many of the beings who went through the CofS
programmes fell into this trap. They confronted
some of the confusions of the human mind and
started to regard these problems as easy. Thus
they felt they had been tricked to pay a lot of
money for simply being made to see something

they already knew (which is of course true,

even if it was hidden under confusions in their
minds). As a result they invalidated the technol
ogy and the 3rd and 4th dynam ic efforts that
have been made to give them these gains.
Probably the only way that anybody can maintain
a high level of ARC for the technology is by con
tinually applying it. And only the active and
trained Auditor can do this. Because as he applies
the technology he is continually reassured about
its effectiveness and workability when he is con
fronted with untangling the confusions of the hu
man mind all the time.
My (repeated) advice to you is: Get trained!

Correction to HCO Policy Letter (5 November 1964) Healing, Insanity Etc. by L. Ron Hubbard:
Add to the end of the HCO Policy Letter ( HCO Pol Ltr Oct 27 64) Ours are the powerful
communication lines. They are powerful because they are theta lines. Entheta (enturbulated
theta) obtains all its apparent power by being parasitic on theta lines. Only when you add the
power of our lines to the weakness of entheta lines can they then have strength .. .You can ac
tually ignore an entheta line in almost all cases without the faintest consequence. It only has
power when we let it have power by answering it.
Because of the principle behind the above policy we have recently rejected an article, which, while well
and wittily written, appeared to us to be at the tone level of antagonism. We regard constructive criticism
of others ideas as extremely valuable. We are together engaged in building up a civilisation second to
none. This involves team work, and IVy plays a growing part in this team work by providing communi
cation between distant terminals.
The aim however, is to build people up, not knock them down. The rejected article ended with the rather
poetical words: When the sun of scientology shines low, even dwarfs cast long shadows. We are not
interested in articles which insinuate that authors or readers are dwarfs. (I personally am far from agree
ing that the sun of scientology is shining low - have you a comment we can publish?)
Actually the word, written or spoken, is quite a powerful thing. The activity known as third partying re
lies entirely on words. So does propaganda (actually ideas words and pictures). Columns K and L of
the Chart of Human Evaluation (in Science o f Survival by LRH) form a useful guide to improving the
content of ones communication.


January 93
IV y 10



Regular Columns
C lassic Com m ent
By Terry E. Scott, England

Research and Havingness

One virtue of being an Independent is that one
can study and research ideas that, in the Church,
are deemed heretical. The freedom to research
does not guarantee successful results. Help on the
way comes from study tech and from something
else: remedying havingness.
When you are about to do some research (con
cepts, lookingness), run some havingness before
hand, either solo or audited. It doesnt have to be
a big auditing session. Probably the simpler the
process, the better, with no significances. Even
our elegantly simple friend Locational (which im
proves havingness among other things) is of
value spotting things around the room, touch
ing the furniture, differentiation.
Successful research can sometimes unmock ideas
and masses before one reaches a beneficial con
clusion. Treasured oldies can unmock before they
are replaced when one is successful.
So a loss of havingness sensation may occur, or a
sensation can arise comparable to that which
comes from misunderstoods. To remedy having
ness beforehand can get one into research
smoothly and be of assistance during the research
Prior running of havingness may handle every
thing. But if a rather steep loss of it occurs during
the research program, it should be remedied on
the spot. At this point, you could run another

auditing session on havingness. Or get out of

the chair and go for a walk.
Look at the countryside, people and buildings.
Listen to the sounds around you even if it is
the grumble of the brakes of an articulated truck
on a main road. Feel the breeze on your face.
Stomp your feet a little as you walk. This is a less
formal way to remedy havingness: Present Time!
Of course, many among us have pretty good hav
ingness anyway and could ignore this advice with
impunity. Do research and unmock some stuff
and have a ball regardless. But some research,
while not cleaning a clean, will do away with
things of the Everyone Knows variety. And
while to discover one of those can be a moment
of delight and F/N, thats not always so.
However good ones case shape, it can be benefi
cial to run havingness in a straightforward way
before and sometimes during a research program.



January 93
IVy 10

Regular Column

Kemps Column
By Raymond Kemp, USA

The Magic Track

Halloween, being the 41st anniversary of my
introduction to Hubbard, and the reading of the
two volumes on Scientology, recently published
in Germany, prompt me into this particular
Little has been written on the subject of the
Magic Track, though Ron has talked about it off
the cuff, and at the time I took up Scientology it
had been a study of mine for some years (life
As some of you know, since the age of fourteen, I
was a performing magician (stage type), and an
illusionist, with an international reputation, TV
and all that sort of thing. I was also an Associate
of the Inner Magic Circle, and wrote for the
Occult Committee of that body. Actually I was at
the odds with their parameters for judging fraud,
which were If the same effect can be duplicated
by a stage Magician, then the phenomena was
false. I attended what now is known as Channel
ing sessions, and what was then called Spiritualist
One of the things I learned early, was that people
carry their facsimiles around with them, and a
person can with a little practice read off a persons
facsimiles, and then tell them things that in truth
they never told anyone. I also learned early that
Healing could be done by manipulating ridges
around the patient, with sometimes startling
However, and Ron and I had long discussions on
this and other aspects, the common denominator
of this activity was, and still is, that it is per
formed on an other assigned responsibility basis.
It is done by God, through me. It is my Spirit

Guide. I have to go into a state of unconscious

ness (trance). And so on.
Or, as Ron discovered with Crowley, one had to,
or at any rate often did, get high on drugs from
Cocaine, Heroin or Mescaline, so as to enhance
the phenomena.
The Magic aspect of hypnotism, too, follows
this same other determined principle. One can
hypnotize a person, and then as we know it,
exteriorise them, and then send them to remote
places to view. I used to do this on board ships in
the Navy, and there was no shortage of persons
who wanted me to send my subjects to their
home to look around. Nowadays I probably
would simply tell the person directly to be three
feet back of his head and go see for himself!.
Without invalidating the present day channel
e d , I can only quote one of the discussions with
Ron...If they would only take more responsibil
ity, and recognize that it is them that are doing it,
wed have less psychics and more result. I tested
this concept out by auditing a psychic on nothing
but responsibility, and her psychic powers turned
off, only to turn on again in a different form as
she went up tone toward clear, but she never
again claimed to be anything more than very


January 93
IV y 10


Regular Column Kemps Column

Three Major Areas

Of traditional Magic on this planet, there are three
major areas, Sympathetic, Ceremonial and Her
metic. Sympathetic Magic uses a via that is in
some way connected, under this heading are such
items as Tarot reading, Tea Leaf reading, Psycho
metry, where one holds an item belonging to the
client; Crystal reading and Scrying (using a bowl
of water as a concentration point) are also basi
cally in this classification.
Incidentally, The Tarot has an interesting history,
since it is considered to be the unwritten Torah, or
Talmud, predating the Essens, who were a group
of practitioners, ancient, in pre Christian era, who
traditionally were Keepers of the Wisdom, and
the Book of the Tarot goes back through the Book
of Toth, (Egyptian), and the Book of Y Chim
(Chinese). The full book is the study of the Qab
balah, now usually written and assigned to the
The Qabbalah when laid out can be read, and is
very much like the factors, and the Tone Scale in
its philosophy, but is also a bridge into Ceremo
nial Magic, dealing with the influences (flows and
ridges) that can be mocked up and used w ith in
that framework. In other words it is a system of
organizing what we might in general call, Knowl
edge, in its fullest sense.
As in OT3, there are areas of the planet that are
sympathetic, and inimical to Qabbalistic Magic.
One of these former is Glastonbury in England,
traditional home of the Arthurian Legends. It was
this area that Magicians utilized during World
War Two, and arranged the weather phenomena
that allowed the evacuation of Dunkirk. This is
the last time that I know of when systems of
Magic were combined, Sympathetic, Ceremonial
and Hermetic, (basically Hermetic Magic is the
utilization of the forces of nature, Earth, Air, Fire,
and Water) to bring about a result.
All of this can be classified as Occult, meaning
Momentarily Hidden i.e. Occult is the opposite
of Flash. Flash is an interruption of darkness for a
moment Occult is a moment of darkness in a gen

eral condition of Light. Traditionally Magicians,

sometimes referred to as members of the White
Brotherhood, do not reveal what they know or do
not know, nor do they confirm or deny. Which by
the way is one of the reasons why Crowley is
often misquoted. He never said Do as you will
shall be the whole of the Law. What he said was
Do what you will (emphasis mine), a totally dif
ferent concept.
But all of this is very latter day stuff, and really is
what may be considered to be a minute left over
from the magic Track itself.
Those of you who have heard my lecture Three
days before Once upon a Time, know that what I
was talking about was the early Magic Track. Ron
put this data out as a research project in London
ACC, under the heading of The Rock. It deals
with the first time thetans used mock ups to play
games. Interestingly, on that ACC after several
lectures on this, he then forbade the students to
run the incident, as an engram, saying use the
finder The incident necessary to resolve you
As an aside, my auditor was Jack Campbell, and
we said to hell with it and ran my Rock incident
Halfway through a session, Ron, who would sit in
on sessions as they were proceeding, and pass
notes and suggestions to the auditors, sat in on my
session, and suddenly interrupted Jack saying
Are you running Ray on the The Rock incident
after I told you not to? Jack, without any comm
lag, replied No, Ron, I am running the incident
necessary to resolve the case. Ron laughed and
said, Good, I hoped that was what you were
doing, and never interrupted our sessions again.
Anyway, before the entry into the MEST
Universe, which was a game started by a group of
thetans who got tired of games where the rules
were known, and often broken, so they hid the
rules and not knew them as an entry fee. There
were many other games being played. The major
difference being that Thetans knew that they were
thetans, or even Theta, and set up whole societies



January 93
IVy 10

Regular Column Kemps Column

and even variations of the Mest Universe, in

which mock ups were as solid as one wished them
to be, or agreed that they were and all theta abili
ties were, if you like, commonplace and accepted
as normal.
In other words the game was played without vias,
My favorite description of the difference between
the Magic Universe and the Mest Universe, is that
the latter is ruled by a postulate that goes some
thing like:
I can't do it, but I can build a machine that can
In the Magic Universe one had an acre or thou
sand, of Land, or a planet or two to call home, one
went visiting with friends, or mocked up friends
to visit, one made solid mock ups that other
people could use or not, exchanged concepts,
ideas or aesthetics. Went up and down Tone, even
to the point of zapping another into oblivion, (pro
vided that the other agreed that he was now in
oblivion), and in general did all the things that one
does, or dreams of. The difference being that one
did it because one decided to do it, and no vias.
The ethics of the magic society were without
penalty, and beings were amoral, in that they
knew who and what they were, and damage
could only occur by agreeing that damage had oc
I remember a favourite house of mine, its colors
were Lavender and White. I tried this life to dupli
cate those colors, but never succeeded ... very
frustrating to me.
Whole societies, groups, nations, these words are
only approximations, existed and co-existed. All
was not sweetness and light. Good intentions and
bad intentions existed, but underlying all the in
teractions was the basic knowledge that we are
what we are, and we do what we will do.
One entered the game by deciding what roles we
were going to play, Master, Piece or Pawn, and
we retired when we felt that we should, either by
the rules of the sub game we were playing or just
because we said in effect; To hell with it, I quit.

The creation of an effect, was probably the high

est purpose, then, as now, and these effects could
sometimes be staggering to the theta concepts. It
was here that one discovered that big effects were
fun, but also sometimes little effects could be just
as powerful. In fact the little effect game was pos
sibly the ending of that universe, when people
started to buy their own PR, and became the little
effect of a little effect and then said that they were
the effect of it, and forgot that they had created
it all in the first place, and so retired without un
mocking that part of that game, and thus they be
came broken pawns, another way of describing
the condition of human being.
I cant do it, but I can build a machine that can...
I cant actually build the machine, but I can build
a tool that can build a machine that can...
I cant build a tool, but I can build a Union that
will permit others to build a tool that can build...
I cant build a Union but I can join one if some
one will build one so that they can build...
I cant join, but I can work to earn money to join
so that some one can build...
Its called a dwindling spiral, using more and
more other determinism, and other responsibility.
It is called the US and THEM syndrome. Its
called the Licence to Survive Syndrome. It is
called the God made Man in his own image
Syndrome, rather than Man made God in his
own image.
It is called You cant be OT, you cant levitate yet.
It can also be called Loss of the Home universe.
And it is on your track.
If you want to know more about how we left that
track and got onto this one, either remember it or,
at the risk of being crassly commercial, read my
book Handbook of the Gods, and then you
might want to reread my article on Quantum, or
get the lecture series given in Holland, some of
the people who attended that particular confer
ence have never been the same since!.


January 93
IV y 10


Regular Column

V iew points

By Todde

(5th. article on the three empires)

Beings from the 3rd Kingdom

If you have read the Foundation Trilogy by Isaac
Asimov, you know that beings from the 2nd
Foundation stepped in and handled serious prob
lems that had to be handled for the 1st Foundation
to develop according to the plan.
In very much the same way we have here on
planet Earth had free theta-beings step down and
enter our various civilisations and societies to
help us develop according to the plan for man
kind1. Some of these beings have been remem
bered in our history books, but most of their ap
pearances are today forgotten. Names like
Gautama, Socrates and Jesus are however not
easy to forget. They were clearly beings of a
higher awareness level. They accomplished the
planting of seeds that slowly grew and eventually
gave birth to the 2nd kingdom our modem
western civilisation.
Understanding other mind levels
The viewpoints of modem western man are
limited viewpoints. Most people belonging to our
modem western civilisation have a very hard time
understanding minds of people who belong to 1st
empire civilisations
The viewpoints of people belonging to a 1st em
pire civilisation make it basically impossible for
them to understand the thinking process of the
analytical mind of our second empire civilisation.

In the same way it is quite difficult for a member

of our modem western world equipped with an
analytical mind developed to fit into an ARC-tri
angle civilisation, to understand how the mind of
a being from the 3rd Kingdom functions. Even if I
was able to explain the way a mind of a being
from the 3rd kingdom functions, I would not try.
Instead I recommend you to study the subject of
gradient scale logic or multivalued logic.
This is the last article in this series on the three king
doms. It is difficult to describe the minds o f 3rd empire
beings. I will leave it to each one o f you to discover for
yourself how a 3rd empire being thinks. It is possible
for you to discover that all by yourself. You only have
to walk on the road to truth and develop into a real OT.
Hubbard no doubt was a being from a higher level of
awareness (at least he was under the influence o f such a
being). He was however not a perfect such being (he
did use a 1st dynamic human beingness or was at least
influenced by it). I do not know how or why he was
chosen for the task he performed. I must however con
fess that I admire him strongly for the effects he caused,
even if I cannot understand why he did not perform better.

The ethics of theta

Some of us who today live on Planet Earth may have
belonged to the same ranks. The reason we are still here
is probably that we have arrived in lower conditions.
One such low condition says that you have to D is
cover that you are. Since we are talking about live
thetans this particular condition is passed when you
have discovered that you are a thetan and not a human
being. In other words you go through this condition
when you exteriorize (become aware that you are a

In religious text books such beings have been called gods, angels or Bodhisattvas. The word angel has the basic
meaning messenger and Bodhi means enlightened" or one who delivers a basic law or message.



January 93
IVy 10

Regular Column

thetan and not the body). In Scn we were very happy

each time a pc exteriorized. It was a nice case-gain. In
the subject o f Ethics (as taught by LRH) it meant the
thetan went through the condition o f treason.
The next higher condition was the condition o f Enemy
and its formula is Find out who you really are. Again
w e are looking at thetans and thus this means you have
to discover for yourself what in buddhism is called your
true beingness, is. N ot your human beingness, but your
theta beingness or what in buddhism is called your true
self or bodhi-nature (not your human nature or ID). In
Scn we accomplished this ethics condition by climbing
up the bridge. This was called handling the case. And
your case is out-ethics as a theta-being.
You may by now start to wonder about, when you will
go through doubt and liability to get back to a higher
plane of existence (or level o f awareness).
W e ll,... above Enemy you have the condition of doubt.
If you decide to contribute to the 3rd Empire as you go
through the condition o f doubt I hope to participate in
that game together with you.
If so, we now have a chance to continue our rise up the
conditions by stepping back into the ranks of beings
who work for the greatest good o f the greatest number
o f dynamics. If we do that then we have the Liability
formula to go through. Can you find a better amends
project to work on than to continue the work that Hub
bard started for us? I cannot.
Hubbard mentioned in a policy letter An Open Letter
to all Clears that it has been our failure to organize that
has led us down the spiral. So one o f the things we have
to learn to do is to Learn to w ork together" and not al
low our impulses to individuate to again take control
over our lives in this universe. Can we do that?
W ell, ... again I say: We have no other choice if we
want to again become free beings and survive as such.
However it is not as human beings w e can become free.
It is as human beings we can train ourselves to become
self-determined and organized to have a chance of
making it as free beings after we leave our bodies (die).

Also know as facilitator or auditor. Ed.

Similar to viewing or auditing. Ed

Purpose Clearing
Hubbard talked a lot about GPMs and Goals/Purposes.
He indicated that if you could create real theta goals
and purposes for yourself you would not need as much
GPM-handling, but could instead let those goals and
purposes do the clearing for you..
The goals and purposes given mankind to create the
three kingdoms are all you need to busy yourself with
lifting yourself out o f the swamp o f ignorance. By
working towards these goals you will get out o f the
lower ethics conditions. You do that by first receiving
the tech and then delivering it to others.
I believe that is the meaning of life on Earth for us
beings who became meat body beings (human beings)
instead o f remaining theta-beings. We have been given
an extra chance for some reason. It is up to each one of
us to grab it

A being equipped with an ARC-mind is not likely to
get out o f the trap he is in without assistance. Such as
sistance has to be offered from a KRC mind if any free
dom is going to be arrived at. A trained Meditor1 who
knows how to deliver live meditation2 is what it takes
to get out o f the trap we are in. However the pm (pc in
Scientologese) has to have arrived at a high enough
awareness level to be able to receive the helping hand
What differentiates a human being with an ARC-mind
o f good enough quality is his ability to give and receive
live communication (i.e. ARC-triangle comm, that in
creases ARC). By getting your prospective human be
ings to learn to deliver live meditation (auditing) you
can select out those human beings who are able to truly
advance on the road to truth and rid yourself of those
who have to wait until the thousand years empire is
erected when the resources are greater and we can
clear a higher percentage of human beings.

This article ends my Three Empires series. Note

that there is a conference in Gteborg on the sub
ject on the 5th and 6th Feb. 1993. See page 35.


January 93
IV y 10


Regular Column

New R ealities
By Mark Jones, USA

How Education in Beingness

and Self Esteem is Producing
Phenomenal Results in
Orientation and Behavior of
A recent article in the Journal of Experimental
Education outlines an approach to changing
educational and behavioral patterns of children
and family participation in education. The
approach is based on the premise that individuals
in their thought free, unconditioned state operate
from a different perspective, which is referred to
as the higher self, a term perhaps synonymous
with thetan. The program focused on enabling
students and ultimately parents to maintain much
more intimate contact with and be in this state.
The area in which the experiments were carried
out, in the Modella/Homestead area of Florida
was selected because a grand jury investigation
had found it to be the worst area in the U.S. rela
tive to school drop-out rates, teen pregnancy, de
linquency, truancy, gangs, drug abuse, and
welfare dependence. An initial survey showed
that 85% of the heads of households were on pub
lic assistance, and that up to 65% of the families
were involved in drugs, either using or dealing or
both. At the start of the program very few people
wanted to go into these areas including the police.
The truancy rate was approximately 80%; and
even when these were in school, they constituted
the biggest behavioral problems.
Programme and basic research
The program was based on the premise that every
one has access to a higher level of well-being and
wisdom, i.e. to a higher self. This state is a real,

tangible state of mind; one of unconditional well

being, intrinsic motivation, an innate wisdom,
creativity, and a capacity for insight.
The research base leading to this new paradigm
indicated that this state is naturally and directly
available to all human beings at any time. It
provides a psychological vantage point that is in
dependent of the persons prior experiences and is
uncontaminated by the intellects learned beliefs
or constructs. This state of mind is not only
natural, but is unchanging in that it engages these
same capacities or attributes in everyone.
It was assumed that engaging in this state would
empower residents of all ages to live sane, more
responsible and easier lives. All of the compo
nents of the program were designed to build rela
tionships, foster secure states of mind and to assist
people in recognizing and moving toward their
higher states of functioning. It was proposed that,
as these natural states of well-being and
self-esteem emerged in people, they themselves
would use their innate common sense to live lives
that were more to their benefit and healthier for
themselves and their children.
This principle implies that lower need states de
fined by the earlier drive theories do not have any
thing to do with this intrinsic, higher order state of
motivation. Such lower need states as the need for



January 93
IVy 10

Regular Column New Realities

recognition, achievement and so on are learned

from parental standards and from cultural and so
cietal norms and demands, and from experiences
in life via thought. Individuals begin to attach cer
tain beliefs to their self-concept in ways that make
well-being and motivation condition (e.g., the
need to measure self-worth by ones income, in
telligence and athletic prowess, etc.).
In the leadership courses, the emphasis was on
functioning in a state of service to the community.
Service was defined as the vision a leader has
when they are functioning in the higher or sec
ond-order frame of reference from a deeper, more
direct experience of self. The leadership course
also covered the kinds of relationships that com
munity leaders, when functioning with self
esteem and common sense, could build with other
residents and with social services and government

Similarly, in the teacher training, teachers were

taught how their own state of mind or stress levels
and their perceptions of these students affected
their ability to engage the healthier levels of func
tioning of their students. The teachers began to
see that most misbehavior signalled that the stu
dent was feeling insecure and that they needed to
stay on the students side, while being firm and
The results were amazing. By the end of the first
year of the program, there was a 75% reduction in
discipline referral and an 80% reduction in serious
delinquent behavior referrals. Parent involvement
in the school increased by over 50%, and the per
centage of students failing in the target group
dropped from 63% to 16% in a two year period. In
the housing project, the majority of students who
had already dropped out of school and who were
engaged in drug dealing in the project returned to
school and are now forming a student tenant
council and a youth crime watch. One of the
major side effects of this program was that the
majority of the parents either went back to work
or started back to school.

Key point
The key in all components of the program was
self esteem. With this idea at the core, each
program component presented the source of self
esteem in a different context. In the parenting
classes, parents were taught unconditional self
esteem came from within their children. These
Think what we as independents with our experi
classes clarified the difference between self-esteem ence and working together can do in similar situ
ations. As a first step to assist those interested,
, and self-concept. They were also taught
how their own levels of well being affected their
were just completing an illustrated booklet for
ability to see and engage the deeper levels of well young people to help achieve similar results. The
being and positive motivation in their children.
earlier cartoon booklets I did much earlier, Drugs,
These were related to their children accessing
The Mind and You and Turn On for Narconon,
their higher self.
produces some positive results as a first step.

When ambition becomes greater than truth any sphere o f activity goes
to pieces. Indeed, in the final analysis that is the fundamental deteriora
tion o f the track.
LRH HCOB 5 May 60 Help


January 93
IVy 10



What Happened to Terrible Trio?

B y Frank Gordon1, USA

The earliest mention of havingness as a process is

in Tech Vol n, Jan. 1954, in an article on SOP8C: The rehabilitation of the Human Spirit.
Formula IV(b) As the pc has rendered auto
matic his desires and his ability to create and
destroy, and has thus placed havingness be
yond his control, the auditor should place in
the control of the pc his automaticities of hav
ingness and unhavingness and permit him, on
his own self-determinism, to balance his hav
The importance of havingness
PAB 72, Tech Vol II, p. 371 has an article on
The Importance of Havingness which states:
.. the only advances worthy of the name of
scientology occur when the auditor repairs or
remedies havingness on the pc. Without the
repair and remedy of havingness no real gains
become apparent A preclear will not progress
when his havingness is impaired.
Up to this point, we are still dealing with subjec
tive havingness. Then in PAB 80, Scientologys
Most Workable Process on p. 395. Ron asks:
.. What is there in this .. mountain of attain
ment which is the highest gain? Amongst all
this gold where is the super-gold? .. Empiri
cally, the supergold, you have had is having
ness. .. When havingness is neglected, cases
do not improve, thats all there is to it.
Well, amongst all havingnesses, what is the
super-gold process. There is one. It is not very
fast, it is terribly certain, it does not fail in our

experience and its gains are permanent. It is a

process known as the Terrible Trio.
The commands of this now objective havingness
process are: Look around the room and tell me
what you could have. Look around the room
and tell me what you would let remain. Look
around the room and tell me what you could dis
pense with. Ron also noted that according to re
port, the Terrible Trio could be self-audited, and
that periodic use of a havingness process could
aid cognitions. In The Free Spirit of Jan. 86, p. 4,
in his article Which Standard Tech? M.D.
Stansfield stated:
Terrific results were obtained in the early
days.... there were many very powerful proc
esses that worked beautifully that were aban
doned ... whose only fault was that the PC
would go on cogniting and not have to get
more auditing! Processes like Terrible Trio ...
Personal Experiences
Ive tried the terrible trio on a self-auditing basis,
but could not get it to bite. So I asked a friend to
check variations on the meter, to see if there was
one that would read. He tried: have, own, reach,
handle, and control without good action. I did get
a strugglely frustrated feeling, though, and after
some conversation, put up with occurred to me
as one meaning of have.
I asked him to try this: Look around this room
and find something you could put up with. This
gave me an immediate line charge and BD. Now I
had a biting question to continue to work on solo.
Put up with falls under endure 41 along with
survive, and tolerate on the pre-have scale. I

Frank is a retired Biochemist with an M.A. from Harvard, an Early HDA (Hubbard Dianetic Auditor) from Wichita, and a
Bachelor of Scientology (BScn.) from Phoenix. One of his interests is the application of the Scientific Method to the
humanities. His address is 25-C Talmar Wood, Orono, ME 04473 USA .



January 93
IVy 10

had noted an earlier irritation with survive as
putting up with things, perhaps that I no longer
have to put up with. It also fits the strugglely

luctant indentured servant attitude. I could

sense how dynamite feels when its called upon to
explode, Oh well, I suppose if I have to, I have
to. Line Charge, TA, and loose needle.

I ran Look around here and find something you

could put up with, solo, and got: reluctant ac
quiescence, grudging acceptance, grin and
bear it, a stuck protest (wanted to protest but
decided it wouldnt do any good), and a neat little
implant: There isnt anything you can do about it
anyway, so youll just have to put up with it.
This gem made me laugh and clench my fist. Oh,

Exploring variations, I came up with allow

(pre-have agree - 45). I could look around and
find something I could (graciously) allow. This
gave an expansive higher toned feeling than put
up with (done in a kingly fashion) and gave good
meter action.

This whole operation is a giving over of control

and settling into an acceptable level of over
whelm. How subdued and compliant can I get? I
cognited that put up with was the attitude of
MEST; a match has to put up with being lit, etc.
The MEST around me took on a compliant but re

A more effective approach

This use of the pre-have scale, along with objec
tive havingness as per the terrible trio or vari
ations, can provide a more effective approach to
havingness. Since the Terrible Trio has fallen out
of favor, this may have been one factor, i.e., that
the pc was actually at a pre-have level: in addition
to those factors cited by Stansfield above.

The Free Spirit

The original independent newsletter started in 1984
covers much of what is occurring in the independent
field, including tech developments, legal suits, news,
new age developments, etc

Published quarterly in the USA.

P.O Box 6772, Santa Rosa, CA 95406-0772

In Europe,
contact Antony Phillips or Anne Donaldson,
addresses back page.


January 93
IV y 10



Gravity and th e 2 Pole Universe

B y Phil Scott1, USA

Gravity came up as my PTS item in life repair - it

wasnt of couse the totally right item, but has
come to the front lately as one of the prime physi
cal mechanisms of spiritual entrapment in my
This article is an attempt to summarize some of
my work in this area, developing processes etc.
this article is not more than 5% overview of what
I see as the key structural factors.
Ive used the most obvious terms possible in
order, hopefully, to point up the grand scheme as I
see it. Particle physics terms, and the almost
suppressive debate issues, fueled by those faced
into the material universe, will be avoided en
tirely. (LRHs advice that material universe phys
ics closely parallel theta universe physics, is a key
strand in the golden rope that one can use to align
other data, to gain workable solutions.)
First a few observations that you may take or
Masses tend to do one, sometimes all of the fol
lowing: Coagulate, cluster together, attract one
another, become collectively denser. There are
several mechanisms; one is gravity (which I think
might be an interaction of resonant frequencies
emanating from objects in direct proportion to
their mass, their harmonics tending to stabilize of
course, resulting in a slight contraction or repul
sion of the masses involved).
Examples might be clouds, notice the edges are
defined. If there were no gravitational or other at
tractive forces in play the edges would be diffuse,
even in still air. Planets, galaxies and black holes
are other examples. Its old data. Einsteins ex

trapolation of light being affected by mass gravity

is another. The black hole is a pole in the two pole
physical universe and possibly a factor in the
spiritual universe as the attractions to it are not
restricted to mass as we know it. Einsteins pre
dictions are now further bom out
One of the tools I use as an engineer is the tool of
extrapolation extending a visible process to
its unseen extent. Condensing my observations to
a sentence, it might be possible that other fields
and forces (thought, postulates, mental mass etc)
are affected and behave similarly. Mental mass
attracts mental mass, and then an agglomeration,
and the agglomeration is not handleable because it
is too random for any linear process to unravel.
A few experiments: If it is true that thought and
masses generated by a person can collect in ones
space and additionally, attract thought and other
mass from the environment, it would be true that a
person was quite solidly massed in, and easily res
timulated, onto not only resonant chains (groups)
of his own past generated thought but restimu
lated onto those in the area as well a person
could even scavenge mass from the environment,
and form a sea of suspended energy (mass)
(ridges) around himself.
In my case, after some consideration I decided to
take a look into my own theta space for this accu
mulation of more or less random mass.
The situation revealed itself in layers, described
A. My experience was that at first I could only see
large non-descript dark areas usually related
in some way to, or restimulated by, some cur-

2603 Joel Wheaton St #120, Houston, Texas, USA 77082.



January 93
IVy 10

rent scene. These were easily identifiable as
upset or extreme upset areas (in 1982 before
I had resolved my case).
I decided that one could simply disrupt the
mass, and I discovered many ways to do so.
The key thing I found out was once one starts
to disrupt (scrub out or disintegrate) a mass
one must continue until it is completely,
100%, gone, any remnant will somehow act
as a seed for it to regenerate, sometimes in
seconds (Ive not sorted out why).
On easy masses, one can mock up an eraser or
scrubber and scrub it over the mass until its
gone, if it regenerates behind the scrubber, go
faster. If it wont scrub, try piercing it with
beams, if it is resistant to wide beams, try nar
rower beams, really solid stuff responds to
softening up with needle thin beams (by mil
lions) then scrubbing. One is simply break
ing up the energy field with a mocked up
mass in motion (the eraser) or disrupting it
with beams.
B. After several months I had eliminated all of the
masses to my great relief, and began wonder
ing if thats all there was to life There was
more. On looking I found less dense masses
to handle, these not related to any trauma, just
masses of solidified energy of all types and
Many months of this revealed a limitless sup
ply and progressive freedom as they were
handled, but no end was in sight.
C. One can postulate the limit of the mass field
(there is a limit to every thing). Then one sim
ply sweeps around, in sectors, with beams
projected to that limit.
Sometimes on resistant masses or sectors, one
can punch a beam through the mass, to its
limit, and after softened up repeatedly in that
manner, one can sweep the beam.
One can get quite fast at this and clean out
several quintillion square miles per second,
one can even hone in on the area of another
person and sweep it clean.

A clean space is possible. The buffers are gone,

however. It was all very interesting, and quite a
relief, but I had no more game and it didnt
particularly add to my abilities. And as I found
out later it didnt handle ones own internally
generated postulates. (Idenics in 1991 handled
those.) Im giving this to you as a demonstration
of theory and possibly a way to handle some oth
erwise resistant stuff, that's all.
A vital target
To me understanding, visualization, seeing of
the structure of entrapment is the senior issue.
Case gain, skills, or abilities without this structural
understanding is useless long term, such gain
without understanding may eventually drive one
to quit trying to understand and further seal ones
A fatal linkage
Currently it seems that there is an intention con
nected with everything. And one of the prime in
tentions a person has (and possibly mass has) is
to do what its doing. Maybe in the case of mat
ter we should not call it intention, but we could
call it the established mode of operation, the
structural predilections. In the case of gravity,
effective beyond the visible physical bounds of
the mass, and very importantly, effective on fields
and energy we have considered massless (LRH
however had not made that mistake).
It further appears that a person can adopt any
attention, or copy any flow, or assume any set of
priorities. As one becomes attached to matter,
objects, bodies, thought, one by default adopts the
intention of that pole of the universe and is drawn
along those lines to increasing mental mass, and
in the end to masses and agglomeration to that
dark terminal. Us humans serving the dark forces
(99% or so) are readily identifiable by our operat
ing basis, goals, activities and intentions. The
dark side knows no limits, it is indeed the pit de
scribed by Jesus of Nazareth. EE Doc Smiths
(The Lensman Series) Edorians are more than a
slightly interesting analogy. One notices the polar
relationship of the sensual seeking at one end of
the pole and the discoverer at the other, a key


January 93
IV y 10



point of distinction throughout the various shades

of gray one is faced with in life.
Certain light is a flow emanating from only
slightly less dense than black hole sources, a
valuing of it, is a worship of its material source
with those liabilities. We have the wand and crys
tal folks entering here, confusing sometimes this
light with life and other love and brightness. The
focus is on or through these trinkets, the seem
ingly innocuous early path to the dark pole.
(The original fatal mistake was in simply assum
ing a viewpoint Fortunately once in the void
it is instantly reversible) (Assuming a view
point is a contraction for the prior situation of lim
itless pervasive occupation of the universe.)
True love, like an exit to the void, is a silent all
consuming rumble, ones mate has permeated the
infinite void, the celebration is swift, silent, and
eternal an exclusive focus on the body, thought
components have serious liabilities.
Stepping through the slit in the curtain
One can read somewhere in Carlos Castanedas
book Journey to Ixtlan, I think, the account of
Carlos sitting at a table in a cafe in a small Mexi
can town. Don Juan was guiding Carlos to the un
explainable (unbeknownst to Carlos), the oppo
site, infinite other pole of the universe.
I wont disservice you summarizing Don Juan
tactics here, or Carlos responses, I will provide
an outline to enable you to recognize the section.
Don Juan was telling Carlos in abstract form (for
the 1000th time) that the Tonal or the Nogual?
Is the napkin of the Tonal or the Nogual, is your
thought that the room is hot of the Tonal or the
Nogual etc. etc. exhaustively.
Both Carlos and I, having said no to the Tonal
maybe a hundred times in many of its forms, left
the universe of man, of planets, of considerations,

and of thoughts Ive not been quite the same

since, for 2 or 3 days I was almost unable to
speak, it seemed totally stupid to even think of do
ing so.
Only L-12 compared
The Nogual is truly indescribable. Since then,
1978, Ive found other, faster ways to the Nogual,
but none as breathtakingly complete. My earlier
reference, Psychology of the Esoteric by Bagwann
Shree Rajneesh, details what I call straight
to the void tactics quite effective, and but
with only oneself and worlds guidelines for
alignment not much of a victory. From a struc
tural viewpoint however, 8-D-aligned, the data is
Release to the void is the mirror image of the
power one has sought in the material universe.
Maybe that will help clarify what I mean by say
ing that Life, the void, and the infinite are found
180 degrees away from our habituated operating
basis, grooved in viewpoints and concerns with
ourselves, happenings, thoughts, processes and
Summarizing a concept there are liabilities in
concerning oneself with his, or anyone elses
case, processes etc., without an understanding of
structure to the point of resolution. Thats what
Ive tried to touch on here. Obsession with any
subject, or attachment to any thing, thought etc.,
etc. faces one away from freedom and towards the
dark pole ... from there its usually a matter of
time until the terminals snap together. In Cas
tanedas Journey to Ixtlan we had the procession
of people, going in one direction almost exclu
sively, and the lone warrior in the opposite direc
tion one wonders just who were the black ma

We are not interested in Scientology in getting people to accept what we say without question. We ask
them to question i t We ask them to please look at people, at their own minds, and understand thereby
that what we are talking about happens to be actual. I am not giving you new things. I am giving you old
things. By understanding these old things which we have rediscovered, you become free.
From the lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard, at Phoenix, Arizona, in July, 1954.



January 93
IVy 10

Book News
C om m ents on Scientology A
Handbook fo r Use
by Antony A Phillips, Denmark

The arrival of this book is a big landmark. I regard

it as important as the production of the red tech
volumes in 1976.
In 1966 I worked at Saint Hill England, and was
put in charge of mimeo (the duplicating depart
ment, responsible for duplicating HCO Bulletins
and Policy Letters, Rons most important commu
nication out line). I found a mess. On the Briefing
Course (the only one in the world at that time)
there was a check sheet with many Bulletins on it.
But people were being passed successfully off the
Briefing Course without having read all those
Bulletins. Reason: items were not available!
After I had managed to sort the 7000 odd stencils
(masters to single pages of a Bulletin or Policy
letter) into date order, it was found that nothing on
the Briefing Course Checksheet was missing. But
it was still an en orm ous job to duplicate and col
lect all the material into packs for the Briefing
Ken Delderfield, the LRH Communicator,
declared a danger condition, and personally
organised this work, done often at weekends by
volunteers. Some years later, now as a Sea Org
Member, Ken organised the production of most

Policy Letters and Bulletins into 12 Bulletin

Books (Tech volumes) and 7 Policy Volumes.
All large books of about 500 large pages with ten
point type.
For the first time individuals and small and large
groups could easily refer to some of the most im
portant of Rons writings. You could, and still can,
sit quietly and comfortably at home, and look up
in the big index in volume ten, all the references
to service facs, and study them. Truly an enour
mous step forward, and I hope one day we will
have a statue of Ken Delderfield somewhere, with
a Red Volume in his hand.
L.Kins contribution
However these volumes were entirely Ron, and
what Ron had allowed to be published under his
name, and had not later cancelled. I believe a
whole lot of Life Repair data, which Otto Roos
originated, was cancelled when Otto Roos was
declared, which accounts for a scarcity of red on
white (Bulletins) on life repair. In his series of
three volumes, two already published, L. Kin has
produced an easily available supplement to the
red volumes. He has given us his hat write-up1
as an auditor and a c/s, something which would
not have been allowed in the CofS. An invaluable

A personal description of how a person does a certain job.



January 93
IV y 10

Book News
help to the less experienced. I hope it will only be
the first of such hat write-ups. It is a real land
mark. I hope we can find some sculpture who can
make a truly aesthetic figure of a man with a
The books are full of plus points. Crammed full.
This article (from now on) is concerned with a
few things I consider outpoints, which others
without my 38 years of contact with scientology,
may have missed. In both books there is a lot of
attention on Zenu, which I, as one who has not
been in close contact with Rons Org, found
rather surprising. In my 38 years I have not had
much to do with Zenu, and have tended to regard
him and his influence mostly as a figment of
R ons paranoia, which the self styled Rons Org
people have gone in agreement with, and now, ap
parently, become cause over that agreement. For
which they deserve only congratulations (admit
tedly a bit sarcastic).
But down to volume two Scientology - A
Handbook fo r Use.
Reading page 41 onwards caused me to raise my
eyebrows a few times. I consider the CCHs
fantastic processes, but ones which can be run
badly, resulting in their getting a bad reputation. I
was taught to run CCH 1 to 4 in rotation, running
each CCH only three commands (command cy
cles in the case of CCH2) if it did not bite (that
means: produce change). This worked, and would
be a considerable saving of both a pcs money and
an auditors time, compared to L. Kins method
(which no doubt works). His description of CCH
3 is weird. Looks like a misunderstanding of the
word contribute. Under my training I learned
that it was possible to follow and contribute at the
same time a big cognition for me. Perhaps the
cognition needed to bring about the third empire
Todde Sal6n writes about
I must try and get hold of Bill Robertsons Class
VIII Notes. Sounds interesting.

Paid for auditing

On page 168, line 6, L. Kin says They were co
audited since there was not any paid auditing for
the public yet, referring to the year 1965.1 find
this sentence hard to understand. When I came
into scientology in 1954, the first action I received
was audited, which I paid for from a field auditor.
A year later I started the professional auditor
course (called HPA in England, Hubbard Profes
sional Auditor), held in the central organisation
called HASI (Hubbard Association of Scientolo
gists International) and here there were three staff
auditors who audited members of the public for
money. A year or so later I received a twenty five
hour intensive from Ray Kemp, who was a field
auditor, and a twenty five hour intensive from an
auditor in the HASI (Hubbard Association of Sci
entology, pre-runner of the church), both of which
I paid for. And in 1958 I was myself for a short
time HGC (Hubbard Guidance Centre) auditor.
Thats to say I worked for HASI giving auditing
to members of the public who paid, and a little
later I myself audited a few people as a field audi
tor, and they paid.
What does L.Kin mean? It is not too important,
but gives a very false idea of the history of scien
tology. Possibly he means at Saint Hill, for Saint
Hill delivered only the Briefing Course, until
Power Processing started in 1965.
Mis worded Flows
This is a plus point (out of the many). ... in quite
a few places the flows are mis worded ... .
Additional Data. In the Filberts book Excalibur
Revisited commands for the Grades processes are
given correctly worded, and Metapsychology
(which has evolved a slightly different gradation
chart) does not set out specific commands but
gives the principles of how you word commands
for the different flows. This later, working out
command wording, is (or was, I dont have pre
sent time data) a part of upper training in the
church, as a case supervisor was expected to in
vent more processes if a preclear finished the



January 93
IVy 10

Book News
processes for a grade without getting the end phe
nomena of the grade.

twice before you deny him the understandings to

be gained from the grades.

Grades do not lead to clear

On the bottom of page 170 the author states
today, the grades do not lead up to clear any more,
they are but a substitute for life repair.. This sen
tence made me raise my eyebrows (raising my
eyebrows seems to be the way I react to what I
think is an out point!).

Introductory Interview
P. 179 on is a strong plus point (A questionnaire
for the Introductory Interview). I cant refrain
from praising it

Again on the top of page 171 T ry running the

grades after a good life repair was done and youll
see: yawning boredom. The same is true for clears
who did not have the grades run before: they also
find them boring.
1 do not have personal experience on this, but
know of two auditors who recently have run
grades on pcs not needing life repair, with the pcs
being very excited about and interested in the
auditing. So Id suggest readers look twice before
abandoning the grades. I used to think that OTs
who were having difficulties with their wife, hus
band, job, or any other area of life, had not had the
grades run properly. Having read L Kins work I
find it possible that what they lacked was a full
life repair. However, I feel it almost amounts to an
overt act not to allow a pc all the cognitions on
life that come from the grades. O f course you
dont run the processes that dont read, or are bor
ing. But there are many more.
Another point is that the pcs reality can be formed
by what the auditor and other scientologists say. If
every one in the preclears area invalidates the
grades, he will have no incentive to run them. I
well remember a case many years ago that in
sisted on being run on OT processes. These did
not bite (work), presumably because he resisted
running any gradient to them, and protested run
ning grades. Fortunately the preclear of the street
does not give that problem. He runs what you run
on him, trusting you as an authority. So think

From Clear on Up
These levels [OT levels] have gone flat on the
4th dynamic. This is a very interesting theory
Well, those are the outpoints I found. Not many
really. Id be interested to hear of more, and it is
possible that a more experienced auditor and c/s
will find more. In any case this is such an impor
tant book that it deserves attention, and reading. It
is also a strong plus point that it uses the word
scientology. If we are going to develop scientol
ogy further, it will be helpful to have all develop
ments (and this book definitely contains developements) grouped under one name. Otherwise
how can we easily find what suggested advances
others have made? Our subject is too much
needed (in a better, faster form) by nearly all of
this planets many hundreds (or is it more now) of
inhabitants for advances to be kept secret with a
view to money making.
Buy it!
You are strongly recommended to buy the book if
you have any sort of background as an auditor. In
this magazine is a little leaflet about the book. The
publishers address is VAP, PO Box 120351, D
6200 Wiesbaden, Germany, where the price is
39.80 DM. Additionally readers in Scandinavia
can get it from us (Box 78, DK2800 Lyngby)
for 200 DKr. postage paid, and readers in the
British Isles can get it from D.H. Books, P.O. Box
176, East Grinstead RH19 4FU for 15, postage
paid in the U.K.



January 93
IV y 10

Book News

A uthors Postscript from

Scientology - A Handbook For Use

by L. Kin
What I have tried to do in the two volumes o f this book
is to present a distillation o f my experience with scien
tology, o f what I found valid and workable, so that one
may be able to freely talk about it without being forced
into agreements and conclusions, and without cringing
inwardly. This experience has three aspects: that of
studying and being audited, that o f applying it in my
private life, my family and, naturally, my job, and lastly
that o f having become a member o f a movement which
I consider vitally important in cultural and humanitar
ian respects.
When I started to become interested in scientology, it
appeared to promise insights into the connectedness
between man and his mind far beyond any comparable
system I was aware of. This promise has been kept. My
studies into, and personal experience with, western
psychology, eastern philosophy, yoga and meditation
were, prior to that, o f great importance to me but turned
out to have been only preliminaries, for when I finally
hit upon scientology, it allowed me, retrospectively, to
fully penetrate the earlier disciplines. In the many years
I have worked with scientology, I was not alone but
with a number o f others at various times, first inside the
CofS and than outside, both as an auditor using the tech
individually, and helping to train others in its use. (A
double function which is practiced by most auditors in
the CofS independent field.)
The reason to write all this down was partly to clear my
head of the whole thing at a point where I felt I finally
got on top o f it, but also because o f the realisation that
it could well serve a useful purpose in helping others to
understand something that is not that easy to grasp from
available materials.
Personally I feel it is our joint responsibility to care for
the immense achievement that Ron Hubbards work
represents, and to exhaust all its possibilities. It is the
responsibility of all those who feel a mental response to
his thoughts. One should not by any means leave this
up to the CofS alone. A glance in your daily paper will

tell you what results they are getting and how far adrift
they are.
As soon as you take the viewpoint that you are respon
sible for something, it becomes easier to comprehend it
and to identify areas that need further clarification. It is
probably this that has enabled us outside the CofS to
resolve various aspects o f the tech, particularly about
the upper part of the bridge, that were left incomplete
by Hubbard and were proving unsatisfactory in prac
tice. This, and the fact that no-one in the CofS is al
lowed to contribute to the subject, which they think was
Hubbards job, and they believe he completed it So
there is nothing that ever came from their side, no fur
ther thoughts, no reflections, critical discussions, what
ever, and one would not expect anything to come from
them in the future.
It seems very much so that we were right in taking on
this responsibility. One example for that is the reach of
the bridge as it is delivered outside the CofS, and the re
sults obtained. This is true in particular for Bill Robert
sons Excalibur which certainly does reach parts of
the case that NOTs, the CofSs equivalent, cannot
reach. As well, the standard o f a case completion is
wholly unknown in the CofS. And as it is all entirely
within the concepts and technology as devised by Hub
bard, we may assume that we did the right thing and
that he would approve of our work instead o f turning in
his grave.
I am, of course, not claiming all is known to us regard
ing the mind. I restrict myself to simply saying that a
certain stage of know-how and effectiveness have been
achieved which can be made public in this way. Per
haps it will help others to take their part in the work o f
carrying it further, the work L. Ron Hubbard started
when he wrote in 1950 at the end o f Dianetics, M odem
Science o f Mental Health: For Gods sake, get busy
and build a better bridge!

I for one take him seriously.



January 93
IVy 10

_____________________________ Book News_____________________________

R eview o f Scientology - A Hand

book For Use by L.Kin
Reviewed by Judith Methven, England

I am writing this review from the point of view of

person who is relatively new to the ideas and
techniques of Scientology. To be honest, I found
most of this book difficult to get through it was
not easy to read and understand.
It appears to me, the reason for this is that too
much detailed information has been put into too
small a volume. To go from an uninitiated member
of the general public to knowing the procedures,
ethics and role of an auditor is a big step and I
found, therefore, the required gradient of under
standing too steep in the volume. There were
rather too many abbreviations and references to
allow easy progress through the book and one
would need to have access to many volumes men
tioned to make Volume 2 more readily under
standable. The general public may also have
trouble understanding and remembering all tech
nical words used in such a short space.
I also felt that easier processes needed more
emphasis for trainee auditors. Processes in Self
Analysis or suggested first processes in Excalibur
Revisited are most likely to give trainee auditors
the necessary confidence in their ability to handle
a session because they are so very easy.
Simplicity desired
The detail in the book could have been sacrificed
for the sake of simplicity this would have
entailed changing the aim of the book. Rather

If you are reading a

than trying to train an auditor (quite an undertak

ing!), it could have unwrapped the mystery
surrounding auditing, explained clearly what
happens in a session and given clear and simple
examples of the techniques used so that they do
not seem threatening, thus helping people to eas
ily understand auditing and its end phenomena.
Independent scientology
The book does not emphasise enough that there is
now a free movement of people (completely
separate from The Church of Scientology) who
are entirely familiar with the auditing and the
training of auditors. (A mention of relevant maga
zines, ie. IVy and The Free Spirit would have
helped here so that people can make contact.)
Tuition desirable
I tend to agree with the authors comment in the
introduction you need an experienced auditor to
train you. I found, therefore, that this book was
too condensed for me a good overall view only
if you know a fair bit about scientology or have
access to all the volumes mentioned, but rather
overwhelming for the general public.
To my mind, there is no substitute for experience
and training in auditing, which requires a devel
oped sense of responsibility, confidence, and
knowledge difficult to obtain without guidance
from another experienced being!

borrow ed

copy of International Viewpoints, why not give yourself a real treat? Get
yourself a subscription. W rite to a distributor listed on the back page get a
regular comm line in from others in the free scientology movement.


___________________ Book News__________________

Two Ray Kemp Books

Reviewed by Leonard Dunn, England

Raymond Kemp: Management Without Ulcers

and Handbook o f the Gods1

long time and when I was in contact with them I

was not over-impressed by their efficiency.

The first of these two books is a straightforward

application of Scientology to the running of a
business. It has a seven section Org. Board, hatted
posts and the Table of Conditions from Non
Existence to Power.

I still think that it is workable but it has to have

the right people throughout the whole organisa
tion to make it work.

The whole is well written and every part is simply

and professionally explained so that I feel that this
would work well under fairly good conditions. On
the other hand such conditions do not always
occur in the business world.
It is necessary that the head of the firm should be
totally in favour of the method since the book is
basically directed to him and the staff should be in
agreement with the conditions laid down. I feel
that it stands the best chance of success in a com
paratively small undertaking since getting the
whole of a large staff to work in harmony is not a
very usual state of affairs.
Even if this occurs there can still be troubles
arising from outside sources. The author has lived
in America for many years and it may be that in
the land of the free there is less outside interfer
ence than in this country. This can bring about a
condition of near economic disaster and the inter
ference from the not always understandable regu
lations of the EC European Community.
I believe that this, basically, is the system on which
Scientology Organisations have worked for quite a

The second work I found very much to my taste.

It begins with pleasant fantasy as to how the
works of the Gods was found. Next comes a
visit from an Extra Terrestrial who talks to the
author and although he records the interview it is
found to be badly recorded. The visitor takes
away most of the material but one Polaroid is
overlooked and it is the translation of the symbols
on it that lead to fifty I suppose one could call
them aphorisms little gems of wisdom written
with a gentle sense of humour. Each can give food
for thought and are well worth pondering to get
the utmost out of them.
As one who is environmentally conscious and
concerned with the conservation of such things as
paper I suppose that I ought to object to the fact
that only one side of the paper has been printed
the other being blank. This could of course have
been remedied by even more of these delightful
words of wisdom. Then, too, each page has only a
small amount of text in large print on it bad for
the environment but impressive in getting the
message across.
I hope you like it as much as I did. Its a w o I shall
treasure for its content and for its aesthetic appeal.

Rion Press, UK Office, H.G. Parkhouse, 32 Pembroke Crescent, Hove, E. Sussex BN35 DD,GB. Phone: 0044 273204963;
Rion Press, P.O. Box 1216, Wildomar, CA 92595 USA; Rion Consultants Inc, (Michael Zippel) Schillerstr. 109, D 1000
Berlin 12, Germany.


I V y

January 93
IVy 10

UK Independents Get Acquainted

By Terry E. Scott, England

In early October, two conferences were held in

the UK. In each case, the theme was Get
Acquainted (or re-acquainted). Some participants
lectured or led discussions.

notebook computer with liquid crystal display

(LCD) screen, and suggested how such a device
could become the meter of the future, given
development of software.

Conference North was held on Saturday the 2nd
on the outskirts of Manchester, in a locale that had
been discovered by IVy distributor Anne Don
aldson (who helped greatly with conference
admin, too). Conference North comprised 22 peo
ple including four who travelled from bonnie

John Warwick presented hand-made artifacts in

the form of small bells to auditors, plus one that
can be displayed when conferences m eet

After everyone had been welcomed, a short tape

by IVy's Editor, Antony Phillips was played. For
half an hour afterwards, there was much discus
sion about IVy. A letter from George Hay was
read he was one of the early Dianeticists in the
UK and, apparently, the first person who asked L.
Ron Hubbard to come and lecture in England.
After a break for coffee and tea, there was a lec
ture on Avatar by Peter Davis, an Avatar Master
who was in Scientology as far back as the fifties.
Peter took in a fair bit of territory on the subject
and answered a number of questions. As well, he
showed an introductory video tape, a highly pro
fessional production from the U.S.
The whole day included a great deal of communi
cation between those present, both as a group and
on a one-to-one basis. Such was the case after
Peters lecture. Then came the lunch break, fol
lowed by a demonstration of meters by Nic Ford
of Ability Meters International.
He showed an old Mark V alongside an Ability 2
and hooked up a device that compared needle
action. The Ability Meter 2 needle moved to its
position quickly yet with excellent damping, a big
plus. As well, Nic had with him a Mark 3, which
has no tone arm setting is automatic, a great
idea for solo work. Finally, he set up a Toshiba

Flip charts
What is Scientology For? asked Annes
husband, John Donaldson. He answered his ques
tion with the aid of prepared cartoons on flip
charts, using American Football as the demo. We
were delighted to find that one of the Scottish la
dies knew the game well. John got into three as
pects of application auditing, training, living
More communication. By now, some people had
to catch trains or buses, and at 4.30 p.m. the num
bers were down to about half. Things became
more informal. By 6.00 p.m it was time to quit
the room, but a number of us had dinner together
in the evening, and that was great, too.
The consensus seemed to be: Lets have another
conference soon.
Two hundred miles south and a week later, Con
ference South took place on the Isle of Wight.
This time, there were 21 people, packed comfort
ably in to Leonard Dunns lounge. More tea and
coffee, more comm. This time, everyone was
asked to say a few words about themselves, if
they wished to. A report on Conference North was
In Manchester, the topic of a correspondents
newsletter had been raised, and this came up
again. The idea is not to compete with an existing
newsletter let alone with IVy, but to fill a vacant
slot. A sort of open letter between Independents,
the kind of thing one would write between friends
rather than as a formal article.


January 93
IV y 10



Ants tape was run and Georges letter was read

out. Then it was coffee time! Catering, by the
way, was done throughout the day by Leonards
daughter, Di, who was still cheerful late in the af
ternoon as when she had begun. Many thanks to
Des Popham talked to us about his experiences
with L. Ron Hubbard. He is an old-timer who ran
groups in the Fifties and visited LRH at Saint Hill
Manor soon after Ron bought the place. Des and
his wife joined the Sea Org in 1968 for ten years,
and without even trying soon became part of the
Hubbard familys personal staff. Very interesting
Lunch. Lots of communication, particularly in the
gloriously sunny back garden.
Peter Shepherd spoke about Mental Development
and Dianasis. This was followed by a contribution
from Steve Bisbey, who said that Metapsychol
ogys uns tacking seems similar.
Nic Ford gave a demo of meters similar to that in
Manchester, and Steve remarked that he has used
an Ability 3 and likes i t So has Peter Shepherd,
who described it as transparent to the mind .

Nic then showed us the Toshiba, but this time had

brought along a 14 inch color screen to produce a
Steve gave us a very interesting though brief
account of Metapsychology. He said that the sub
ject has dropped inconsistencies and bull from the
old stuff, and of course does not get into any prob
lems with trade marks let alone with bad PR
that The Other Word gets with the public!
Metapsychology has made some improvements
by re-structuring.
He added that Metapsychology is an association,
not a formal organisation, and there is no techni
cal hierarchy. New ideas, new procedures, are
looked at on merit.
People discussed: Why are we here? and Fu
ture conferences. And a terrific day was wound
up nicely followed an hour or two later, by
those who could make it, by dinner and discus
sions in a nearby hotel.
Feedback says that everyone who went to a 1992
conference had a great time. There will be a con
ference in 1993, and all bona fide independents
will be welcome. Write to me at: 17 Hillcrest
Avenue, Kettering, Northants, NN15 7NG, Eng

So far as we know the next scheduled conference is in Gotenborg, Sweden. It

takes place at the weekend of

6th and 7th February 1993.

It has a theme, the theory of the Three Empires and particularly (we expect) how
we can participate in the coming of the Third Empire, the KRC empire see
Todde Sal6ns articles in recent IVys. The programme includes a good deal of
work (more probably play) in small groups, so we guess there will be a fair
amount of exchange of personal experiences of what could darkly be called 'in
terference from outside (bringing betterment and a furthering of the Third civili
sation goal) that individuals have experienced.

Phone: + 46 31 52 70 11
It only costs 200 SKr. (about 19, $29,45 DMark - plus board, which could be cheap)

Todde Salen will answer all questions, and help with

cheap accomodation.
Meet new friends with new viewpoints


In case of address change,

please return to sender with
a note of new address.
Thank you.

Here is the list of distributors we have at the moment and the price they charge.
Scandinavia, Iberia:
150 DKr.
Antony A Phillips
Postbox 78
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
British Isles:
Anne Donaldson
28, Huxley Drive, Bramhall,
Stockport, Cheshire SK7

We also need distributors in the

areas not covered here. Write to
Postbox 78, DK-2800 Lyngby,
Tibor Poortenaar
if you would like to help in the
Galhoeke 2
Kortehemmen, work of increasing the effective
ness of this comm line. Sub
scriptions can also be made di
rect to Denmark, for 250 DKr,
to Europe, and 300 DKr. (about
B o b R o ss
$50) airmail to the rest of the
B o x 1413
world. Payment should always
USA Riverside CA 92501
be in the currency of the dis
Holland, Belgium, France:

We are also very interested in receiving your articles, and letters. On

editorial matters write direct to the editor at Box 78, DK-2800 Lyngby.


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