Ivy 10
Ivy 10
Ivy 10
January 93
IVy 10
ISSN 0905-9725
N u m b er 10
January 1993
Viewpoints =
I.V. = (nearly)
Ivy (plant and
girls name).
Magazine s aim:
In 1934 the book Scientologie by A. Norden
holz was published. In the middle of the
twentieth century the subject of Scientology
was greatly expanded as a philosophy and
technology by L. Ron Hubbard and a big
band of helpers. As a subject it is very much
alive. As in any alive subject new ideas are
occur ing all over the world.
Short Story 3
T h o u g h ts In sp ire d b y ...
... Bob Rosss Going Toward Cause 4
... Ivy 8 6
... Hari Seldons Standard Tech 9
... Dianasis 11
The Problem o f Going OT 13
Classic Comment:
Research and Havingness 15
Kemps Column:
The Magic Track 16
Philosophical Viewpoints:
Beings from the 3rd Kingdom 19
New Realities:
How Education in Beingness ... Results in
Orientation and Behavior of Children 21
Excalibur Revisited
All matters concerning this book should be
sent to IVy, Box 78, DK 2800 Lyngby.
R e g u la r C o lu m n s:
B o o k N ew s:
Scientology A Handbook for Use 28
Authors Postscript by L. Kin 31
Scientology - A Handbook For Use 32
Two Ray Kemp Books 33
UK Independents G et Acquainted 34
Distributors 36
January 93
IVy 10
Short Story
by Antonius Philipius, Rom1
Oh, Hes done it again, I said to myself.
My five year old son was continually driving his
little tricycle against the concrete wall in the gar
den at 30 miles an hour.
I looked out. Yes, he had done it again. His head
lay in one comer, one arm in another and the rest
of his body lay by the side of the tricycle, which
as usual, was still in one piece (no shoddy Japanese
article, this tricycle; I had paid a fortune for it).
I speculated over the enthusiasm and hot headed
ness of the young. And he was doomed to remain
five years old until I had finished my experi
Antionius is a runner between Rom and Londinium, carrying messages between his Imperial Majesty and his subjects.
While running he invents articles and stories, most of which do not get written down because of shortage of time, stone and
chisels to write them with.
January 93
IV y 10
in IVy no. 6.
January 93
IV y 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
January 9 3
/Vy 10
... Ivy 8
By Otto J. Roos, Holland
January 93
IVy 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
January 93
IV y 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
These were all LRHs own pc folders, i.e. concerning LRHs own case and all the auditing he received since 1948.
PRPR (capital letters) and a number were the designations (names) for the different power processes. Ed.
January 93
IV y 10
in/Vy 6
January 93
IVy 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
January 93
IVy 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
... Dianasis
by Ulrich, Germany
January 93
IV y 10
Thoughts Inspired by ...
January 93
IVy 10
January 93
IVy 10
Correction to HCO Policy Letter (5 November 1964) Healing, Insanity Etc. by L. Ron Hubbard:
Add to the end of the HCO Policy Letter ( HCO Pol Ltr Oct 27 64) Ours are the powerful
communication lines. They are powerful because they are theta lines. Entheta (enturbulated
theta) obtains all its apparent power by being parasitic on theta lines. Only when you add the
power of our lines to the weakness of entheta lines can they then have strength .. .You can ac
tually ignore an entheta line in almost all cases without the faintest consequence. It only has
power when we let it have power by answering it.
Because of the principle behind the above policy we have recently rejected an article, which, while well
and wittily written, appeared to us to be at the tone level of antagonism. We regard constructive criticism
of others ideas as extremely valuable. We are together engaged in building up a civilisation second to
none. This involves team work, and IVy plays a growing part in this team work by providing communi
cation between distant terminals.
The aim however, is to build people up, not knock them down. The rejected article ended with the rather
poetical words: When the sun of scientology shines low, even dwarfs cast long shadows. We are not
interested in articles which insinuate that authors or readers are dwarfs. (I personally am far from agree
ing that the sun of scientology is shining low - have you a comment we can publish?)
Actually the word, written or spoken, is quite a powerful thing. The activity known as third partying re
lies entirely on words. So does propaganda (actually ideas words and pictures). Columns K and L of
the Chart of Human Evaluation (in Science o f Survival by LRH) form a useful guide to improving the
content of ones communication.
January 93
IV y 10
Regular Columns
C lassic Com m ent
By Terry E. Scott, England
January 93
IVy 10
Regular Column
Kemps Column
By Raymond Kemp, USA
January 93
IV y 10
Regular Column Kemps Column
January 93
IVy 10
Regular Column Kemps Column
January 93
IV y 10
Regular Column
V iew points
By Todde
In religious text books such beings have been called gods, angels or Bodhisattvas. The word angel has the basic
meaning messenger and Bodhi means enlightened" or one who delivers a basic law or message.
January 93
IVy 10
Regular Column
Purpose Clearing
Hubbard talked a lot about GPMs and Goals/Purposes.
He indicated that if you could create real theta goals
and purposes for yourself you would not need as much
GPM-handling, but could instead let those goals and
purposes do the clearing for you..
The goals and purposes given mankind to create the
three kingdoms are all you need to busy yourself with
lifting yourself out o f the swamp o f ignorance. By
working towards these goals you will get out o f the
lower ethics conditions. You do that by first receiving
the tech and then delivering it to others.
I believe that is the meaning of life on Earth for us
beings who became meat body beings (human beings)
instead o f remaining theta-beings. We have been given
an extra chance for some reason. It is up to each one of
us to grab it
A being equipped with an ARC-mind is not likely to
get out o f the trap he is in without assistance. Such as
sistance has to be offered from a KRC mind if any free
dom is going to be arrived at. A trained Meditor1 who
knows how to deliver live meditation2 is what it takes
to get out o f the trap we are in. However the pm (pc in
Scientologese) has to have arrived at a high enough
awareness level to be able to receive the helping hand
What differentiates a human being with an ARC-mind
o f good enough quality is his ability to give and receive
live communication (i.e. ARC-triangle comm, that in
creases ARC). By getting your prospective human be
ings to learn to deliver live meditation (auditing) you
can select out those human beings who are able to truly
advance on the road to truth and rid yourself of those
who have to wait until the thousand years empire is
erected when the resources are greater and we can
clear a higher percentage of human beings.
January 93
IV y 10
Regular Column
New R ealities
By Mark Jones, USA
January 93
IVy 10
Regular Column New Realities
Key point
The key in all components of the program was
self esteem. With this idea at the core, each
program component presented the source of self
esteem in a different context. In the parenting
classes, parents were taught unconditional self
esteem came from within their children. These
Think what we as independents with our experi
classes clarified the difference between self-esteem ence and working together can do in similar situ
ations. As a first step to assist those interested,
, and self-concept. They were also taught
how their own levels of well being affected their
were just completing an illustrated booklet for
ability to see and engage the deeper levels of well young people to help achieve similar results. The
being and positive motivation in their children.
earlier cartoon booklets I did much earlier, Drugs,
These were related to their children accessing
The Mind and You and Turn On for Narconon,
their higher self.
produces some positive results as a first step.
When ambition becomes greater than truth any sphere o f activity goes
to pieces. Indeed, in the final analysis that is the fundamental deteriora
tion o f the track.
LRH HCOB 5 May 60 Help
January 93
IVy 10
Frank is a retired Biochemist with an M.A. from Harvard, an Early HDA (Hubbard Dianetic Auditor) from Wichita, and a
Bachelor of Scientology (BScn.) from Phoenix. One of his interests is the application of the Scientific Method to the
humanities. His address is 25-C Talmar Wood, Orono, ME 04473 USA .
January 93
IVy 10
had noted an earlier irritation with survive as
putting up with things, perhaps that I no longer
have to put up with. It also fits the strugglely
In Europe,
contact Antony Phillips or Anne Donaldson,
addresses back page.
January 93
IV y 10
January 93
IVy 10
rent scene. These were easily identifiable as
upset or extreme upset areas (in 1982 before
I had resolved my case).
I decided that one could simply disrupt the
mass, and I discovered many ways to do so.
The key thing I found out was once one starts
to disrupt (scrub out or disintegrate) a mass
one must continue until it is completely,
100%, gone, any remnant will somehow act
as a seed for it to regenerate, sometimes in
seconds (Ive not sorted out why).
On easy masses, one can mock up an eraser or
scrubber and scrub it over the mass until its
gone, if it regenerates behind the scrubber, go
faster. If it wont scrub, try piercing it with
beams, if it is resistant to wide beams, try nar
rower beams, really solid stuff responds to
softening up with needle thin beams (by mil
lions) then scrubbing. One is simply break
ing up the energy field with a mocked up
mass in motion (the eraser) or disrupting it
with beams.
B. After several months I had eliminated all of the
masses to my great relief, and began wonder
ing if thats all there was to life There was
more. On looking I found less dense masses
to handle, these not related to any trauma, just
masses of solidified energy of all types and
Many months of this revealed a limitless sup
ply and progressive freedom as they were
handled, but no end was in sight.
C. One can postulate the limit of the mass field
(there is a limit to every thing). Then one sim
ply sweeps around, in sectors, with beams
projected to that limit.
Sometimes on resistant masses or sectors, one
can punch a beam through the mass, to its
limit, and after softened up repeatedly in that
manner, one can sweep the beam.
One can get quite fast at this and clean out
several quintillion square miles per second,
one can even hone in on the area of another
person and sweep it clean.
January 93
IV y 10
We are not interested in Scientology in getting people to accept what we say without question. We ask
them to question i t We ask them to please look at people, at their own minds, and understand thereby
that what we are talking about happens to be actual. I am not giving you new things. I am giving you old
things. By understanding these old things which we have rediscovered, you become free.
From the lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard, at Phoenix, Arizona, in July, 1954.
January 93
IVy 10
Book News
C om m ents on Scientology A
Handbook fo r Use
by Antony A Phillips, Denmark
January 93
IV y 10
Book News
help to the less experienced. I hope it will only be
the first of such hat write-ups. It is a real land
mark. I hope we can find some sculpture who can
make a truly aesthetic figure of a man with a
The books are full of plus points. Crammed full.
This article (from now on) is concerned with a
few things I consider outpoints, which others
without my 38 years of contact with scientology,
may have missed. In both books there is a lot of
attention on Zenu, which I, as one who has not
been in close contact with Rons Org, found
rather surprising. In my 38 years I have not had
much to do with Zenu, and have tended to regard
him and his influence mostly as a figment of
R ons paranoia, which the self styled Rons Org
people have gone in agreement with, and now, ap
parently, become cause over that agreement. For
which they deserve only congratulations (admit
tedly a bit sarcastic).
But down to volume two Scientology - A
Handbook fo r Use.
Reading page 41 onwards caused me to raise my
eyebrows a few times. I consider the CCHs
fantastic processes, but ones which can be run
badly, resulting in their getting a bad reputation. I
was taught to run CCH 1 to 4 in rotation, running
each CCH only three commands (command cy
cles in the case of CCH2) if it did not bite (that
means: produce change). This worked, and would
be a considerable saving of both a pcs money and
an auditors time, compared to L. Kins method
(which no doubt works). His description of CCH
3 is weird. Looks like a misunderstanding of the
word contribute. Under my training I learned
that it was possible to follow and contribute at the
same time a big cognition for me. Perhaps the
cognition needed to bring about the third empire
Todde Sal6n writes about
I must try and get hold of Bill Robertsons Class
VIII Notes. Sounds interesting.
January 93
IVy 10
Book News
processes for a grade without getting the end phe
nomena of the grade.
Introductory Interview
P. 179 on is a strong plus point (A questionnaire
for the Introductory Interview). I cant refrain
from praising it
From Clear on Up
These levels [OT levels] have gone flat on the
4th dynamic. This is a very interesting theory
Well, those are the outpoints I found. Not many
really. Id be interested to hear of more, and it is
possible that a more experienced auditor and c/s
will find more. In any case this is such an impor
tant book that it deserves attention, and reading. It
is also a strong plus point that it uses the word
scientology. If we are going to develop scientol
ogy further, it will be helpful to have all develop
ments (and this book definitely contains developements) grouped under one name. Otherwise
how can we easily find what suggested advances
others have made? Our subject is too much
needed (in a better, faster form) by nearly all of
this planets many hundreds (or is it more now) of
inhabitants for advances to be kept secret with a
view to money making.
Buy it!
You are strongly recommended to buy the book if
you have any sort of background as an auditor. In
this magazine is a little leaflet about the book. The
publishers address is VAP, PO Box 120351, D
6200 Wiesbaden, Germany, where the price is
39.80 DM. Additionally readers in Scandinavia
can get it from us (Box 78, DK2800 Lyngby)
for 200 DKr. postage paid, and readers in the
British Isles can get it from D.H. Books, P.O. Box
176, East Grinstead RH19 4FU for 15, postage
paid in the U.K.
January 93
IV y 10
Book News
by L. Kin
What I have tried to do in the two volumes o f this book
is to present a distillation o f my experience with scien
tology, o f what I found valid and workable, so that one
may be able to freely talk about it without being forced
into agreements and conclusions, and without cringing
inwardly. This experience has three aspects: that of
studying and being audited, that o f applying it in my
private life, my family and, naturally, my job, and lastly
that o f having become a member o f a movement which
I consider vitally important in cultural and humanitar
ian respects.
When I started to become interested in scientology, it
appeared to promise insights into the connectedness
between man and his mind far beyond any comparable
system I was aware of. This promise has been kept. My
studies into, and personal experience with, western
psychology, eastern philosophy, yoga and meditation
were, prior to that, o f great importance to me but turned
out to have been only preliminaries, for when I finally
hit upon scientology, it allowed me, retrospectively, to
fully penetrate the earlier disciplines. In the many years
I have worked with scientology, I was not alone but
with a number o f others at various times, first inside the
CofS and than outside, both as an auditor using the tech
individually, and helping to train others in its use. (A
double function which is practiced by most auditors in
the CofS independent field.)
The reason to write all this down was partly to clear my
head of the whole thing at a point where I felt I finally
got on top o f it, but also because o f the realisation that
it could well serve a useful purpose in helping others to
understand something that is not that easy to grasp from
available materials.
Personally I feel it is our joint responsibility to care for
the immense achievement that Ron Hubbards work
represents, and to exhaust all its possibilities. It is the
responsibility of all those who feel a mental response to
his thoughts. One should not by any means leave this
up to the CofS alone. A glance in your daily paper will
tell you what results they are getting and how far adrift
they are.
As soon as you take the viewpoint that you are respon
sible for something, it becomes easier to comprehend it
and to identify areas that need further clarification. It is
probably this that has enabled us outside the CofS to
resolve various aspects o f the tech, particularly about
the upper part of the bridge, that were left incomplete
by Hubbard and were proving unsatisfactory in prac
tice. This, and the fact that no-one in the CofS is al
lowed to contribute to the subject, which they think was
Hubbards job, and they believe he completed it So
there is nothing that ever came from their side, no fur
ther thoughts, no reflections, critical discussions, what
ever, and one would not expect anything to come from
them in the future.
It seems very much so that we were right in taking on
this responsibility. One example for that is the reach of
the bridge as it is delivered outside the CofS, and the re
sults obtained. This is true in particular for Bill Robert
sons Excalibur which certainly does reach parts of
the case that NOTs, the CofSs equivalent, cannot
reach. As well, the standard o f a case completion is
wholly unknown in the CofS. And as it is all entirely
within the concepts and technology as devised by Hub
bard, we may assume that we did the right thing and
that he would approve of our work instead o f turning in
his grave.
I am, of course, not claiming all is known to us regard
ing the mind. I restrict myself to simply saying that a
certain stage of know-how and effectiveness have been
achieved which can be made public in this way. Per
haps it will help others to take their part in the work o f
carrying it further, the work L. Ron Hubbard started
when he wrote in 1950 at the end o f Dianetics, M odem
Science o f Mental Health: For Gods sake, get busy
and build a better bridge!
January 93
IVy 10
borrow ed
copy of International Viewpoints, why not give yourself a real treat? Get
yourself a subscription. W rite to a distributor listed on the back page get a
regular comm line in from others in the free scientology movement.
Rion Press, UK Office, H.G. Parkhouse, 32 Pembroke Crescent, Hove, E. Sussex BN35 DD,GB. Phone: 0044 273204963;
Rion Press, P.O. Box 1216, Wildomar, CA 92595 USA; Rion Consultants Inc, (Michael Zippel) Schillerstr. 109, D 1000
Berlin 12, Germany.
I V y
January 93
IVy 10
Conference North was held on Saturday the 2nd
on the outskirts of Manchester, in a locale that had
been discovered by IVy distributor Anne Don
aldson (who helped greatly with conference
admin, too). Conference North comprised 22 peo
ple including four who travelled from bonnie
Flip charts
What is Scientology For? asked Annes
husband, John Donaldson. He answered his ques
tion with the aid of prepared cartoons on flip
charts, using American Football as the demo. We
were delighted to find that one of the Scottish la
dies knew the game well. John got into three as
pects of application auditing, training, living
More communication. By now, some people had
to catch trains or buses, and at 4.30 p.m. the num
bers were down to about half. Things became
more informal. By 6.00 p.m it was time to quit
the room, but a number of us had dinner together
in the evening, and that was great, too.
The consensus seemed to be: Lets have another
conference soon.
Two hundred miles south and a week later, Con
ference South took place on the Isle of Wight.
This time, there were 21 people, packed comfort
ably in to Leonard Dunns lounge. More tea and
coffee, more comm. This time, everyone was
asked to say a few words about themselves, if
they wished to. A report on Conference North was
In Manchester, the topic of a correspondents
newsletter had been raised, and this came up
again. The idea is not to compete with an existing
newsletter let alone with IVy, but to fill a vacant
slot. A sort of open letter between Independents,
the kind of thing one would write between friends
rather than as a formal article.
January 93
IV y 10
Phone: + 46 31 52 70 11
It only costs 200 SKr. (about 19, $29,45 DMark - plus board, which could be cheap)
Here is the list of distributors we have at the moment and the price they charge.
Scandinavia, Iberia:
150 DKr.
Antony A Phillips
Postbox 78
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
British Isles:
Anne Donaldson
28, Huxley Drive, Bramhall,
Stockport, Cheshire SK7