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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

“The release: The system of the habits of further energy-information

development, 1- I am step”

Book One

Instead of the preface

Introduction. Cause and effect around us: the energy-information field
Chapter 1. The entire world– this is energy. Its phenomenon– these are the energy-information processes
Chapter 2. Power engineering of the human body
Chapter 3. Pathologic connections of societies and the psyche of the crowd
Chapter 4. Ways of the output: the sensation of energy and control over it
Chapter 5. Points of closing the energy-information flows of man in power engineering of [sotsiuma]
Chapter 6. Diagnostics and the removal of the aggressive actions
Chapter 7. Closing the energy fluxes and the formation of the shielding shell
Chapter 8. Health and the disease: the energy correction of physical body and passage to the natural
regime of [samoozdorovlenija]
Chapter 9. As to listen to the internal rhythms of organism and to help its body to increase the level of its
power engineering
Chapter 10. Final form of independent energy existence

General parting words

Opening this book, you obtain chance to forever change your life, after entering to the new step of
evolution. To you will be opened the true reasons for health, disease, behavior and human [sudby].[Vy]
you will become free from the influence of the great energetic parasites, that rule by remaining people
and that push them to suicidal behavior. You remember that you must not cause to the
[neprodvinuvshimsja] people of harm. Relate to them with the attention and [pomogite].[Dlja] you will
be accessible the things, unthinkable for the usual people. Do not spend your forces in vain in pursuit of
vain achievements. In you great objective— the discovery new peace and the search for your place in the
Ger. you will find the ability to heal, and this gift will arrive at each by its way. You will use it into the
good. Help [beskorystno].[Vasha] soul it will pass the process of strengthening, and you will be able to
conduct other people after yourselves. Bring to them light and happiness, but not the dark and [bol].[Vy]
you will cease to depend on [karma] and [karmicheskikh] diseases. Help to reach the same [drugim].[Vy]
you will manage the true tool of a change in the peace— by faith. Let your faith bring the good not only
of [vam].[Chtoby] to pass entire way to the end, aid can be required you. Find it in the same as you,
travellers. Recognize each other in the crowd. You learn in each other. You remember each other to the
new step of development, you will be the part of new energy unity, unity of free people. Lend support
each other. You remember about each other and share with each other by energy, because the price of
freedom is great and sometimes not under the force you [odnomu].[Pomnite] about us, who first entered
the new peace. We focus new energy unity for you. Be turned to us into the difficult minute, and we will
arrive to the aid. Be turned to us per minute prosperity, and we will be able to arrive to aid to millions of
others. There is no death. We will answer also because of you [grani].[Oshchutite] connection with me,
by this author. I await this. You request about the aid and help [mne].[Pribavte] to the light of new energy
unity your [luchi].[Sozdajte] new free humanity. You deserve this.

Instead of the preface

The history of system [DEIR] (further energy-information development) began in 1982, when into my
office, located in the office building of [isledovatelskogo] complex of one of the military posts in the
environs of Ekaterinburg, then already by Sverdlovsk, glanced [ekstrasens] Peter [Keldorovskij], who
walked at that time in the rank of Colonel, and by roundabout ways he started to [vyznavat], do not have i
desire to leave the project, by which my group was occupied. In me exactly was its reasons think above
his proposal, and they were connected with the essence of the developed project.

Now about this much simpler to speak than in those years, but also now I feel obscure anxiety,
[zapechatlevaja] on the paper of word “psychotronic weapon”. This there was the project of my group, a
little “half-serious” in the eyes of orthodox servicemen and therefore not closed with all possible
headings on the entire strictness of law (although, I I know, there was one additional group, which
worked in Moscow at analogous thematics in the situation of a strict secrecy, but therefore component to
me they were unknown). But what this “psychotronic weapon”, it the officially ended project OF SS
0709 “friendship”? About it they by hearsay wrote many— from the venerable [ekstrasensa]- hypnotizer
Of [kandyby] to the diverse authors of popular articles. Its essence consists here of what: the goal-
directed action of [ekstrasensa] (or the group of people) can cause in the consciousness of man (or their
group) of the changes, which will have a effect on their behavior. For example, if in eastern dictator,
occupied with negotiations with the neighbor, continuous headache (or vertigo) appears, then, most
probably, negotiations will not be brought to completion or they will not bring the desired result. If the
same dictator perceives aggression and offense, then the result of negotiations there will be directly
opposite. If the pilot of military aircraft falls asleep after the steering control, then, it is understandable,
nothing good from this it will come out. If at th moment e critical for the country Head of The State will
be into the indecision and the actions of oppositionists will not be also characterized by confidence and
sequence, then authority will fall into the third hands. Furthermore, the matched action of the group of
[ekstrasensov]-[silovikov] can cause, let us say, heart attack in the aged of Head of The State or to
stimulate the development of cancer in man to [pomolozhe]. But that a telekinetic with the
intercontinental rocket can make! Well, but about such simplest things as the creation of confusion and
atmosphere of hatred in the family statesman with the purpose to distract his attention from the more key
problems, and speaking does not be worth. The laboratories, which are occupied by psychotronic
programs, exist in each state and they are the integral part of intelligence and sabotage [ucherezhdenij].

By here such developments was occupied my group, when at me arrived [Keldorovskij]. I already began
to get tired from the project, which selflessly " dragged” to order the parties and governments several
years. Not only and not so many because the fluctuations of moral nature were experienced,— I and then
counted and it is now convinced of the fact that our country is found under the continuous pressure of
other states, instinctively fearful strong Russians. The country so that it they would not plunder and
would not make whose- that by a raw appendage, must be protected. No, another tired me: first, work
with extremely not balanced by people— natural [ekstrasensami] (you would see hysterics that the group
of tele-stalemates daily rolled!), in the second place, continuous pressure from the side of the analogous
groups of enemy (headaches, incomprehensible and unpleasant events, the need for always checking the
readiness of [antitelepatov], which support protection…). Yes even project itself stopped in the
development. From us always they required immediate results, long and systematic studies were
necessary for us. Briefly stated, Peter already knew my answer. Me it was desirable to leave from the
project “friendship”.

I accepted proposal to head the administrative aspect of new project. After the delivery of the matters,
dispatch of containers in the new place, positioned leave, which would pass to the rarity into the pleasure
— still: no problems from the work! — I began to assume the matters in the settlement near Novosibirsk.

New project was called “pastor” and was carried out to order directly by the CC CPSU. Its essence was
presented in all on several ten leaves— striking brevity in comparison with hundreds of folders of project
“friendship”— and it was reduced to the following.

Under the conditions of a drop in the patriotism of Soviet people high party leadership attended to by the
problem of advancement from its numbers of leader. This could correct situation— this man as Stalin,
Lenin or Hitler, that influences the masses not by the authority of its post, but by personal charisma, it
would be capable to unite country. Certainly, if it helped the same strong functionaries, as would
penetrate in the very souls of people, whose of order could not be [oslushatsja]. Yes, this could correct
state of affairs in the country and restore the shaking himself authority of party.

Into our task entered the development of the system of the methods, with the aid of which one man could
govern many— but so that those would suspect nothing.

In principle, the task was completely feasible and too it was not differed from the developments of design
“friendship”. Practically any of my previous project was capable to use such methods in practice (of
course except clean clairvoyants). But no one of them belonged to the party top! Thus, into our task it
entered to create this system of the methods, which would be accessible for any, even completely
undeveloped man with average or weak power engineering. This was by the difficult matter, but
nevertheless not impracticable.

They soon to me presented the terms of our group— of Aleksey [Gryshchak], the low growing bald man,
who was differing herself in terms of the balanced disposition and splendid telepathic abilities, and
Sergey [Desmentsova], the [vysochennogo] Ukrainian with the best in the union indices in the
clairvoyance and promising [ekstrasensa]-[silovika]. Thus, us there was four— I, Peter [Keldorovskij],
Aleksey [Gryshchak] and Sergey [Desmentsov]. I want so that you would memorize the names of these
people, because they were first. They created system [DEIR]— the system of further energy-information
development. You will memorize them.

I will not tire you by the description of all events, which occurred with us in the period of the
development of design. The checking ranks arrived and left. Long studies were conducted and thousands
of possibilities were studied. System gradually acquired the final form. But not all that was obtained, was
subject to complete demonstration to the representatives of customer.

We forced were everything to check on to ourselves. So that the procedure of control of steel of efficient,
men it must strengthen its own power engineering. But this not to attain, if not to open it once and for all
from outside managers of influences— i.e., to become unguided from the side. We traversed this and
only then understood that they made a politically completely dangerous step that, since unguided in our
society not place.

So that everything would occur as planned, it was necessary to insure against the contradictory pulses of
subconsciousness,— and we developed the systems of the arrangement inside ourselves of programs on
the health and success.

Completely in accordance with the demands of customer we created control system of outside people,
which instantly became the integral part of the habits of trainer.

Program could be already passed, but we lingered, understanding, that this would be equivalent to
suicide,— we already outdistanced in the personal development of customer, and, which worst of all, this
immediately would become obviously for any trainer to control (then we yet they did not devise name

On the initiative [Keldorovskogo] we introduced into the project the elements, connected with the
prolongation of life and the maintenance of health. By us moved simply tendency toward the perfection
— indeed questions of the maintenance of health with the skill to govern its own power engineering are
so elementary that no one of that dedicated was not concerned by these problems in earnest! But we were
oriented toward the people of those not prepared, which will arrive after us.

We developed and was investigated the system of the lift of the personal magnetism— of charisma,
which forces usual people to approach subordination.

[Keldorovskij] with The the [desmentsovym] they separately developed the system of a increase in power
engineering of soul and application of faith as tool for control— not of people, but by the phenomena of
the surrounding peace. When to them was joined [Gryshchak], they to the perfection mastered the
methods of life after death.

Thus, project existed already in the extended form— its development it went by the in no way that way,
which was determined by customer. In 1988 the system [DEIR] finally was designed in that form, in
which we it to you introduce.

Meanwhile political situation in the country changed with every day. One after others left into the peace
another Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko… It arrived Gorbachev, and reconstruction was declared.
Authority weakened on the eyes, and we, without feeling more than danger for ourselves, in 1989
declared about the completion of its work.

The inspection of project is past sufficiently cool, but in the same year we conducted the course of
instruction with some sufficiently well-known people, which and now frequently flicker on the television
screens. Secrecy classification from the project was taken, and to the trainers outside people were joined.
It is interesting that they all limited to the study only strictly of the course of control. None agreed for the
complete instruction.

Then, in 1992, calm began. [Keldorovskij] and I gave reports about the release. Our misfortunes here and
began. I first recognized, that we proved to be under the sight of the psychotronic weapon, used with the
devilish refinement and the enormous damaging force. Peter perished from the heart attack, and Aleksey
[Gryshchaka] in 1994 brought together to the grave tumor. But to be discharged to us they nevertheless
gave. The well mastered by us methods of protection, which made it possible to maintain that, helped,
what could not carry out not one unprepared man.

Sergey [Desmentsov], after using confusion and wars in the territory of the former Soviet Union, could
leave into America… But I remained, because I cannot live not in the native country. But I more barely
meet with people.

Furthermore, before me stands one additional task. Once, when we realized entire depth of the developed
by us system [DEIR] and understood that these knowledge are too important in order to lose them, we
exchanged the warrants, which make possible for any of us to act from the person of rest. We could not
allow the found knowledge, capable of giving hope to entire humanity, of dying together with us.

I, Dmitriy [Verishchagin], transfer this manuscript for the publication to my agent, co-author and student
to Cyril Titov. I act from my face and from face of my associates, original discoverers of the system
[DEIR]— of Peter [Keldorovskiy], Aleksey [Gryshchak] and Sergey [Desmentsov].

Those, who will become our students, will be obtained hope. They will be freed and will find health.
They will live longer than usual people, and success will accompany them. They will be able that that to
inaccessibly usual man.

Happinesses to all to you!

Dmitriy [Verishchagin] from itself personally and from the person

Peter [Keldorovskogo],
Aleksey [Gryshchak],
Sergey [Desmentsova].

Cause and effect around us: the energy-information field

Each of you was, probably repeatedly assigned by the questions: why I always do be ill, when others do
seem by such healthy? Why to me does not come success, but by others everything does easily and
rapidly succeed? And how generally to be selected from its numerous problems and troubles? Why man
as if something it does retain from complete contentment and perfect health?

It can be, you did already test for achievement prosperity all possible and impossible means? Did assume
very expensive medicines, they were written to the method to the best doctors in order to be cured? They
did attempt— repeatedly and unsuccessfully— to be arranged to the high-paid job in order to finally
repair its financial position? What they did not only make not in order to fix relations in the family? But
to the sense none, not so whether?

Do not despair and do not think that you one such. The majority of people so feels itself, although not all
in this acknowledg.

All these troubles occur only because the majority of people does not know the most important: way to
the health, the happiness, the prosperity is opened for each, but it usually they do not see. Be worth only
leaving to this way— as they step back diseases, troubles, problem and life begin to shine only with
iridescent paints.

You do not believe? I propose to you, the dear reader, on your own experience to ascertain that this thus.
System [DEIR] is specially developed in order to help you in this.

It is first of all, necessary to understand, why for usual man it today is necessary so complex. Yes because
all efforts of the contemporary society (however, this it was from time immemorial to century) they were
concentrated only on achieving of economic goals. But to the man himself, to the process of his personal
internal development society is turned no attention.

Man, who lives in this society, can be likened to the prisoner, who searches for way to the freedom, to the
real significance of life, to the health, but it is encountered only the walls of its prison. This prison is
similar to the house with the set of rooms, that creates a certain illusion of freedom— indeed the prisoner
it is possible open one door for another, pass from room to room. But he does not know that, how much
neither open these doors, it is possible so to die, without having come into being, without having obtained
nor the throat of fresh air.

You will judge themselves! Here man reached the unprecedented level of technical progress, assuming
that thus he will burst open to the happiness and the universal prosperity. It was not there: technical
progress proved to be only door into the sequential dark room. Man subjugated nature, he was pulled out
into space, it flew so far to the Moon… And that? What did change for it on the Earth? In its life perhaps
no more than problems? It did become happy, healthy? Yes nothing similar. Problems all the same as one
hundred years ago, on top of that and new were added in the form AIDS and other incurable illnesses, in
the form the decrease in the birth rate and generation of the increasing number of sick children, in the
form ecological catastrophes, mass stresses, wars, revolutions, acts of terrorism and violence, increase in
the mortality from the infarctions and the strokes…

This is— blind alley, and this is why. The peace, in which we live,— material peace— is only the
temporary stage, which is necessary to pass for each, but from which it is not possible to await present

complete happiness and in which it is not possible to find the real significance of life. Man, which wants
all this to find in the material peace, is very similar to [motylka], which is beaten, is beaten about the
glass-, wings to itself it only breaks, and it does not see that the window is next opened.

Dada, in our prison is this open window, which, if we do not search for it, does not see the long-suffering
prisoner— of man, occupied with the opening of new and new doors and who does not understand, that
after them— only gloom and void. But not in vain in the bible it is said: “That having ears yes will hear,
that has eyes yes will see”. The way to the freedom is opened through this window. Through this window
you get to know the true essence of peace. You will understand that the peace, which us surrounds, is in
no way such, by what we it became accustomed to see by the naked eye. You will ascertain that this
peace is right through pierced by energy, that the essence of peace— is energy-information, that your true
essence also does not belong to the dense, material peace, in which lives our physical body. That our
purposes with the ease are accessible, it is only necessary to know as.

Fig. 1. Our with you peace— it is evenly filled with living energy-information field.

Fig. 2. Men in the field of the universe— as the particle of water in the boundless ocean.

That that they usually call the consciousness (but it cannot be forgotten that nevertheless our
consciousness— this there is we— personality, memory, thought), it does not belong to our peace, it is
not material object and never and she was revealed by anyone with the dissection. Consciousness relates
to the energy-information peace. Fundamentals of entire life— this united energy-information field of the
universe. Consciousness of each man— only the particle of this united energy-information field. And the
reason for all our illnesses, sufferings, problems completely not in the physical tele-, as many erroneously
think. This reason lies at our energy component, it is more accurate, in the incorrect circulation of energy
— of that energy, which is the true essence of man.

If you be ill and no doctors can help you, this indicates only one: your energy-information essence
imperatively requires to itself attention. It requires that you would finally normalize the motion of your
energy, would clean it, they were freed from the pathologic closings.

Society today generally officially denies the energy-information essence of the peace (however,
this it does not prevent practically in each country from being occupied by this question the numerous
classified by government groups). Therefore it cannot show you true courses to the freedom, to the
health, to the finding of the authentic sense of life.

When you know how to understand, to accept and to feel your true essence, life will become
entirely another. You will learn to govern your energy, to independently lead it into the standard, to get
rid of the pathologic energy connections, which lead to the diseases. You realize th gigantic possibilities e
placed in you from nature, which now you use only by several percentages. You will find force and with
the ease you will obtain keys to entire volume, now with the incredible efforts and in this case absolutely

without result you strive to what: to the health, the luck, the success. And even to the fact that as long as
you, probably, seems by the fantasy: to the ability to foresee events and to govern fate. Here when you
entire this will reach, this will indicate only one: you entered to the new step of evolution, higher than
that, on which you were located earlier.

Chapter 1

The entire world— this is energy. Its phenomenon— these are the energy-
information processes

Consciousness acts on the material

However, what such is this power engineering, which does be the basis of entire— health and
disease, success and bad luck, prosperity and disorder? What this after energy, which you thus far did not
learn to perceive with your sensory organs? , for example, another matter here is— electrical energy:
even as it is perceived. But indeed, you will notice, radiation or radio wave we do not also perceive.
Nevertheless each of us it is hundred per-cent confident, that they exist in reality. So and with the energy-
information field: if you thus far did not learn to perceive it, this does not completely mean that it does
not exist.

Specifically, energy-information field governs all biological processes. Specifically, it is in the

final analysis the carrier of consciousness and soul of man. Energy-information field organizes and
directs life and existence of material, since it, as we already spoke, is the fundamentals of life.

The so-called principles of evolutionary self-organizing of material, which us taught materialist

science,— the untruth. Material— from the living cell to the celestial bodies— never accepted that form,
such as it has, you do not be the organizing beginning: energy-information field. Specifically, it unites the
entire world into the united system. Without it chaos in the world would reign.

Let us recall the probability theory. Indeed the purely statistical probability of this association of
molecules and atoms, which will as a result give life, is very small, in effect equal to zero practically
impossibly the random appearance on the Earth of this chemical air composition and water, with which
can survive living organisms, such concentrations of ultraviolet radiation, which it will heat, but not burn,
such climate, with which to the most different living beings will be comfortable, etc there are too many
“random” agreements, not so whether?

All this " arranged” energy-information field. This it contributed to the organization of order from
chaos. It gave birth to life on the Earth, and also, therefore, us with you. The consciousness of man, his
soul— be energy-information structure.

Nature of energy-information field is known no one. But it there is and it is one of the fundamental
and firm elements of the universe.

But the most interesting, that with the aid of the same energy-information field the human
consciousness can act on the surrounding peace! Each of us can be the creator of their own universe,
create that peace, which is necessary to us around itself. Consciousness is— energy structure in the state
to act on the surrounding peace. But people did not realize their still might— and therefore they vegetate
in to the nausea the familiar, far and wide studied physical peace, instead of opening of door into the
peace present— mysterious and immeasurable, into the peace, where limitless possibilities await them.

Fig. e. The field of man influences the field of the universe. It is very similar to the stone, be
casten into the pond.

It can be, you do consider that the influence of our with you power engineering is too weak and it
is insignificant so that we could pretend to the role of creator and consider that we can act on the
surrounding peace? But scientists had long ago been convinced of the possibilities of bioenergy. To take
at least the experiments, which were being carried out with [ekstrasensami] Of [kulaginoj] and
[Davitashvili]. But [Uri] Heller, whom here narrower many years without the contact the oppression of
spoon and fork by view, and now still and does train for the same of children? The numerous open
experiments were conducted in our Russia beginning approximately with 40- X of years. There is even
instrument for the determination in man of [ekstrasensornykh] abilities— it it consists of the pointer,
suspended in the vacuum from the thin quartz thread. The pointer begins to turn under the effect of the
[ekstrasensa]- power engineer.

Investigated science and this sufficiently rare phenomenon, as telekinesis— the ability of
individual people to move objects, which is called, the effort of will. Powerful [ekstrasens] can be
concentrated, look fixedly, for example, to the match of boxes— and boxes it begins to jump on the table,
and then it falls on the floor.

Similar experiences repeatedly were conducted in the laboratories, results were fixed on the the
photo- and [videoplenke]: yes it is really possible to act by consciousness on material peace. In our
laboratory simultaneously worked 1015— men, who possess [ekstrasensornymi] abilities. Peter
[Keldorovskij], for example, could by view retain and move in air weight to 1 grams (1- kopeck coin)
during 1015— minutes. We still joked, that, dragging by view diamonds, it in the day would become
millionaire. In the project “friendship” participated, on my calculations, about 500600— men with the
powerful [ekstrasensornym] gift.

So what force must be this action, in order to force to be moved that completely perceived, that
possesses weight and volume material object, to force the components of its molecule to at once move in
one [napravleniii]? Besides that there were no energy in the customary sense of word, i.e., the direct
action of force on the moved object, completely! It is simple the part of the molecules, which in the usual
state be in a constant random movement, under the action of [ekstrasensa] they " for some reason "
accomplished their sequential thermal agitation not chaotically, but in th direction e necessary to it. Any
law of conservation of energy in this case was not disrupted.

Represent only, what power energy-information field freed! Indeed the molecules of any object at
room temperature move with a speed of more than hundred meters per second. But if they all do fly on
the will of [ekstrasensa] in one direction? The object, which consists of these molecules, will instantly
acquire the speed of artillery shell.

Science already had long ago been learned not only to fix the force of the action of energy-
information field, but also to obtain its visible image. Most frequently the field of man is fixed with the
aid of the photograph. This method bears name [Kirlian]- effect on the name of Russian researcher, of the
for the first time received the photographic image fact that is called aura, or energy shell of human body.
At the basis of this method lies the ability of any living object to shine by, being placed into the
electromagnetic field. We had long ago been learned not only to photograph thus aura, but also to
diagnose on its form, size and color the status of the health of man. The photograph of the aura of
indicating finger is given below.

The thus, scientific proofs of existence of energy-information field are obtained. Today with it
work not only [ekstrasensy], sorcerers and magicians, but also scientific majorities of the countries of
peace. In order to make this work of accessible for each, it is necessary to solve a question, as is must to
be built the cooperation of man with the energy-information field how to make this interaction conscious.

Body is— automobile, energy-information essence— the driver

Why you, until now, themselves did not perceive the action of energy-information field? Only
because your feelings be thus far in inactive state are, being given to the same entire previous instruction.
But this matter is reparable: to be convinced on its own experience of the fact that the energy-information
field exists, can each. Thus far field always occurs somewhere beyond the limits of your perception,
because with you occurs approximately the same, that with the kittens, above which was set one
sufficiently known experiment.

To two kittens practically immediately after generation (when they only obtained the ability to see)
experimenters motionlessly fixed head. And in their this state they held several months. The head of the
first kitten fixed so that before its eyes were only vertical lines, and if objects fell, then they were also

located strictly vertically. Before the eyes of the second kitten there were only horizontal lines and
horizontally oriented objects.

When they finally let go kittens and gave to them possibility to move in the manner that they they
want, surprising thing was explained. It occurs, kittens did not absolutely receive objects, the located in
unknown by it directions. Thus, the first kitten always was knocked against the cross-beams of stools and
could not step over threshold— it stumbled against it it fell. It simply did not see threshold, because it
was not trained to receive horizontal lines! But the second kitten incessantly was encountered the legs of
chairs and tables and filled to itself lumps.

Thus and we are forced to anew learn to receive energy-information field, because the entire our
physical, material world is— culture and the society, to which us train from the generation adult, it
prefers not to see this field, anything not to know about its existence, to shut to it eyes. And here we are
knocked against millions of “angles invisible for us”, and we acquire diseases, and we suffer from a
deficiency in the freedom, space, light in our life. But the main thing— not only we live, but also die in
the conclusion. Whereas on the freedom— for those, who could reach it,— death does not threaten to us
generally! The one who it learned to feel its soul and it is consciously united with it, will preserve above
it control forever.

Fig. 4. Square is— this template for the perception of material peace; circle is— energy-
information essence. Circle simply does not climb through into the square template.

You soon and themselves will ascertain that precisely these powerful energy-information
interactions govern that material, from which is woven our own body. Specifically, they " manage” the
work of all organs, cloths, systems of your organism.

Your body— is this automobile, and energy-information essence, consciousness, soul— driver.
Who governs automobile? Certainly, driver. Not itself on itself will go automobile! But you did think,
your body does exist by itself, by itself it does govern? As not so! Who makes automobile, are removed
troubles? Also chauffeur. And even if automobile completely will malfunction, for example from the old
age, and it it is necessary to send to the dump— chauffeur- that they will not drive away to the dump
following it. It at the worst can on foot reach.

But here if automobile “is conceited”, that it here most important, it to itself and owner chauffeur,
— here then await misfortune. After pulling out control in real driver and after beginning to travel about
as it is necessary, it and itself and chauffeur will destroy.

So we must realize: this— body only “automobile”, only means of transportation, only the servant
of real owner and chauffeur, whom is our energy-information essence. To servant— in no case it is not
possible to return to body control, it is not possible to make possible for it to play the role of owner.

You do not still believe that this thus? You do continue to consider that controlling the center of
man is not energy-information essence, but anything other— brain, for example? But known numerous
cases, when even with the most massive defeats of the brain of men it remained in the sensible mind,
sober memory and it completely preserved consciousness. Far beyond by examples to walk not
necessary. We everyone learned in our time on the works of Lenin. Some of these works were written to
them when in the leader of the proletariat actually it was inactive one hemisphere of the brain!

There are such examples, also, during our days. Newspapers much wrote about one sufficiently
well-known and very talented man, inhabitant of Ekaterinburg, which as a result street struggle with the
hooligans obtained actually the lethal injuries: they beat it along the head with the explicit intention to
kill by heavy cast-iron pipe. It survived several clinical deaths, many months conducted without the
consciousness, but it survived— and preserved all its abilities and talents, its intellect not at all suffered,
excellent memory was preserved. It now conducts the active means of life, he is fascinated by sport, is
occupied by stormy public activity, much drives in the country. And almost no one surmises, which the
large part of his skull could not restore and it was necessary to make it from… the plastic. And under this
plastic skull only the remainders of the fact that was called once the brain. Yes, the enormous force of
will, the thirst of life greatly helped it. But where, in other words, territorially was located this will and
thirst of the life, when the brain did be inactive? Answer is simple: in the energy-information spheres.

One of th patients near Novosibirsk e observed by us was the six year old girl, who conducted
more than month on the hospital cot in the state of the cerebral coma, when the activity of all vitally
important systems of organism was supported only with the aid of the special equipment. Doctors
prepared parents for the worse were, since convinced that the girl, most likely, will not survive, but even
if he survives, then it will be clearly defective. From the point of view of our medicine, so long a stay in
the coma cannot pass for the brain without leaving a trace and as a result without fail they will begin the
disturbance of mental development.

Now this is completely normal child, who does not not at all lag in the development behind its
contemporaries. Physicians do not find in it any deviations and disturbances and consider that the miracle
occurred, because the explanations to this phenomenon they give cannot. But we- that with you we
already know this explanation: consciousness “lives” not in the brain. It does not belong to the material
peace. It belongs to the peace to energy-information. To that peace itself, whose existence does not want
to recognize any economically oriented society. And in this its enormous and fatal error.

Fig. shch

Indeed the personal way of the evolution of man lies not at the sphere of economic relations. This
way lies not at the society and not at all in the physical peace. The way of evolution, intended to man, lies
at the thin peace, in the world energy-information. Man suffers precisely because he attempts to lay the
way of its evolution in the society, in [sotsiume], in the physical peace, without surmising, that this is
false way. Indeed by nature itself it is intended to be developed, grow, to evolve the energy-information
essence of man, but not to his body, not to his shell, called “man is social”. Human body and the brain so

of [sovershenny] which in homo of sapiens no longer remained enemies in the biological peace.
Environment also ceased to be problem. Body, thus, already exhausted its possibilities for further
development— simply it did not remain the barriers, which must be overcome! As adaptation for the
survival body overgrew itself, and humanity, attempting to conduct “the life of bodies”, has long ago
reached a deadlock. Now basic enemies of man— his kinsmen and the products of his own activity:
ecology, taxes, overpopulation.

In [sotsiume] of human evolution to be it does not can— necessary this to understand and to
master, and the it is earlier, the better.

By nature itself to man it is intended to develop the ability of contact with the energy-information
peace. For those desiring to survive in [KHKH]I century this is simply necessary.

False river bed of energy— way to the loss

Energy-information interactions— the basis of bases. This is key to everything. To the health and
the disease. To the failure and the luck. To the foresight. To finalizing of [karma]. And even to the life
after death.

If chauffeur turned control not to that side— machine it will cut into the tree. If our power
engineering rolled up from the necessary river bed— await vital catastrophes, await, that the organism
will begin to reject to work and it will be ill. Indeed man, if specially to this it is not taught, does not
know, where it, this correct river bed. And which generally is correct for us in the life, and which is
incorrect. Without knowing, where the accurate way, man can very far leave along the way false, until it
regains vision, after considering that it behaved it incorrectly and thus ruined themselves. This as the
druggie, who does not know other ways to the freedom, to the internal accordion, to the completeness of
the sensation of life and searches for all this in the narcotics. It does not surmise for so long and no
longer, which ruins itself, indeed each sequential dose of narcotic brings to it temporary lightening,
improves its state. And he does not know how to improve its state in another manner. As a result— loss.

But in what the irregularity of the selected with the majority of people way? And where it, this
correct river bed for our power engineering?

The error of many people in the fact that they direct entire their energy to the peace material,
physical, instead of directing of it to its energy-information essence. People do not know that the
material, physical peace, the peace of the economically oriented society pump out entire our energy as
super-power vampire, giving instead of absolutely anything.
The material peace, which we serve, takes away our health, happiness, accordion, because we themselves
voluntarily return to it ourselves wholly, return all our vitalities. Indeed we became accustomed to count,
as us they always taught in the schools and the institutes that, besides material peace, in nature there is
nothing, that this material peace here most important, that it only and unique and that precisely it must
ensure to us prosperity, happiness, comfort and prosperity, because it is more this to make to no one.

In this— the most important, most fateful error of humanity. Because in reality material, physical
peace in our with you universe the in no way main thing. Moreover, it plays here entirely insignificant,
secondary role. And to completely to nothing return to it all its forces. That which actually has a value,—
this peace is energy-information.

Specifically, we must learn to energy-information peace to return our energy. This is a singularly
correct river bed for the circulation of our power engineering. Indeed energy-information field, in
contrast to the material peace, generously pays for th energy e obtained from us. It gives to us force, and
health, and viability, and information about how to us to live as the answer, where to go, what to make so

that us would not leave the success,— the information, which comes usually in that form, that we call
intuition, internal voice.

But since people usually ignore their energy-information essence and is not supplied to it its
energy, their energy in vain is scattered in [sotsiume], to the in the world physical, visible eye, but as the
answer comes only the empty, unnecessary information, which conducts man in the life according to the
false way. Energy exchange in that case becomes disproportionate. You expend lots of forces, and you as
a result obtain for this disproportionately few vital goods, if you obtain them generally.

Visualize that you buy the watermelon, for which from you they require the heap of money, by the
weight equal to watermelon, justifying this with the fact that the weight of the exchanged objects must be
identical. You, of course, will be agitated even you will say that the watermelon so many does not stand.
But meanwhile in the life you only and make, that you pay exorbitant price for the scanty result. This
exactly and there is a model of our energy exchange [sotsiumom]. You will agree that this is pathologic,
abnormal energy exchange.

Fig. '. Only if we return forces to energy-information field, then they compensate. The return of
forces to rough objects, for example furniture and to money,— this only loss of forces, even you
attain your.

During the normal exchange you for this watermelon must pay only one coin by merit into five
rubles. Specifically, according to this principle occurs our energy exchange with the energy-information
field. In contrast to the energy exchange with the material peace, the energy exchange with the field is
always equivalent. Making only one step towards the field, you obtain even much more than they

For example, you suffer some from disease and expend many forces in order to be cured: you
attend doctors, you run on the drugstores, you are wearied in the turns in the polyclinic… You madly get
tired from entire this, you scutch to yourselves nerves and finally return home from the doctor
[nevylechennym], increasingly with the same illness. And to you anything it remains to make as to

lament: “Yes, in order to be treated, it is necessary to be by very healthy man…” You indeed do not
surmise, which is sufficient to send to energy-information field the hundredth of th energy e spent by you
so that the disease is past.

In the traps of the society: state of affairs today

Human power engineering is today locked on the physical peace, on the peace of [sotsiuma],
whereas the true essence of man— energy-information essence only and dreams, seemingly to be pulled
out from these networks, from these energy tyings, and, after being pulled out, to find finally freedom.
But thus far this your “chauffeur” sits with the connected hands, which are connected none other than
these quite energy tyings to [sotsiumu].

Certainly, next to you in the society live other people, which act on you, you yield to their
installations, their purposes, their tendencies. But they indeed do not understand, that all together run in
the feint direction, they behave so, as if they solidly know, where it is necessary to go, that it is necessary
to make, that their means of life— is singularly correct. Therefore you it seems that it is necessary to live
as everything. And this is not surprising, indeed, let us say, if streetcar goes along the rails, it cannot
anywhere roll up— rails for that and they are laid. Streetcar pulls with itself all located in it people, and it
nothing it remains how to follow those beaten by way, to yield to general direction.

But if you did suddenly understand that the streetcar, in which will go the society, does go in no
way there, where to you it is necessary? Then for you there is nothing simpler how to leave of the
streetcar on the nearest stoppage and further to go by its way.

Fig. ". Intersection pour on many people it disrupts the field of the universe— they are obtained
scraps, scraps, chaos.

The way of evolution in each its, and it is dictated to us by our energy-information essence. But in
the human society substitution very frequently occurs, and man begins to strive after the alien to it values,
imposed [sotsiumom].

If you already realized, which for you constantly is necessary to accomplish behavior, which as a
result lead only to the spontaneous decomposition, if you understood, how rigidly acts on you outside
power engineering— power engineering of human association, power engineering of the physical peace,
interested only in pursuit of material goods, after the reproduction of new and new material— you
compulsorily will, which means, have enough forces in order to be freed from the energy connections
with the society and to find its own purposes, its own way of evolution and sense of life.

One of our well-known artists, whose works greatly value by abroad, even younger girl
passionately she wanted to become actress. But, apparently, into its this profession it drew not because it
so already could not live without the scene. As so often is the case in the youth, her drew another—
external luster, the possibility to be always in sight, reputation, dream about high society, [bogemnoj]
life… In pursuit of this fairytale dream it four years in a row entered theatrical institute. Indeed the
energy action of [sotsiuma], which ties to man decoys and brings only distorted information, especially
strongly can act precisely on the young, even unriper and [neokrepshee] essence.

Instead of our heroine into the institute for some reason always assumed some other girl as by it it
seemed much that less gifted. It offended to the explicit injustice and it continued further to zealous break
into the closed doors. But indeed this was not completely by injustice, is simple, seized by the suggestion
of the pathologic energy connections of society, it did not possess abilities necessary for the entering.

Girl was undoubtedly the gifted man, moreover gifted thoroughly. In particular, it was occupied
even and by painting, and very successfully. But to this its talent was not given any value— this it was
given easily, it was done in essence for pleasure and leisure, and it did not occur to connect profession
with it with this enthusiasm. Meanwhile they continually for some reason invited it to the work, where its
artistic abilities was required: first posters to sketch, then paint cups or matryoshkas… But it similar
proposals rejected and worked as yard-keeper in order entire free time to devote to occupations by stage
motion and [vokalom].

Girl was persistent. She did not want to hear present herself. She behaved as [zombi], because her
reason was seized by power engineering of society. It by reason placed to itself purpose and decided to
attain its at any cost. However, and that— fourth time it entered into the institute. If it then is skillful to
understand itself, its consciousness, it would reject external influences, it would hear approximately
following: “You so do want to attain your goal, although you they did repeatedly warn that to you it is
not there must? Well, then you want— obtain. Only consider: to pay and to bear responsibility for its
selection you will be itself”.

It graduated from institute, it was alien to the work into the theater. But that this— where success,
flowers, worshippers, film festivals? Roles to it gave perhaps that irregular, by months it sat without the
work generally. In the cinema they did not call. Life clearly was not added. When young actress became
no longer very young, it became clear that there are no chances to the successful theatrical or
[kinokareru]. Instead of the luster of [bogemnoj] life there was [polunishchenskoe] existence, complete
[nevostrebovannost] and absence of prospects. [Potukh] luster in the eyes, began the depression, which it
attempted to remove by alcohol. This lasted sufficiently for long. Alcoholism and cot in the mental
hospital in front already loomed.

And here it, fortunately recalled about the forgotten enthusiasm by painting. First linen and paints
helped it to manage the depression. Then it turned out that this brings the money: was located the
familiar, who began to successfully sell her works. Now this is more than the successful artist. It turned
out that precisely this way— the way of artist— is most favorable for its [samorealizatsii], evolution,
development of the best sincere qualities, so that its fate would be satisfactory. But indeed to this way life
pushed it from the very beginning! Happen so— fate it would not be such broken, in the soul it would not
be accumulated so much pain and grief.

Those imposed from without, not corresponding to our true essence, dummy targets and desires
conduct in anywhere— only to disease and death. Here is also the sufficiently typical case, which
occurred in the family of my familiar: the single man has novel with the married woman. This is actual
the love, present and mutual, but it cannot leave from the family, because she has children, to which the
father is necessary.

But these “illegal” relations in are their own way excellent— in them there is heart proximity,
spiritual affinity, mutual understanding and that holiday, which frequently disappears in the marriage.
Nevertheless man decides, that it is necessary to live as everything, i.e., to be married and to start
children. It throws its that loved, they acquaint it with the young beautiful girl, it is married, child is born.
Family must be contained, wife requires money, and he rushes into the business, in which nothing he
understands. It did not come out with the wife of sincere proximity, from it it hears only reproaches and
cavils, in the unloved matter it also suffers failures. Happiness left from the life, left holiday— it left

But everything is normal from the point of view of all familiar and relatives in it: at long last it was
disabused, it brought family. Society is glad: he succeeded in catching man into its power circuits and
subordinating to itself.

But after some time in my hero they revealed cancer of stomach, send metastases. It died young,
into 35 years. Physicians will say: a constant stress led to the disease. But it is possible to explain
differently: it betrayed itself, its soul, after exchanging it to th stereotypes e accepted in the society. It
renounced from its soul, from its energy-information essence, who is the carrier of soul and
consciousness. But and body does not live without it. Entire its energy left to the achievement of decoys.

Another example: elderly woman assigned the purpose to accumulate at any cost ten million
rubles. She rejected to herself everything, there existed literally half-starving, did not make possible for
itself to buy even most necessary— vein without the television set and the refrigerator, it sat in the
darkness, economizing electric power. When on its savings book proved to be exactly ten million, woman
fell ill and died. Indeed the purpose, which it to itself placed, proved to be achievement. To further live
by it would be like and unnecessarily. The, in addition decoy, imposed by the society, in which it is
considered that the large money bring happiness to man,— it led to the blind alley. But the same energy
potential, directed toward itself, would give to this woman the possibility to live substantially longer.

We all each day see on the street and in the transport the set of sick and feeble old men. And we
much more rarely meet people of the same age, but cheerful, with the luster in the eyes, even active in the
professional life. In what the difference between them? In the fact that the first said to themselves: “I
patient, I unhappy, to what me here brought reconstruction, Democrats, reforms, government”. I.e., they
obeyed power engineering of [sotsiuma], completely subordinated themselves, their energy-information
essence to the laws of material environment.

You only consider— the laws of society, they made external programs laws for their
consciousness, their soul, their highest energy-information essence. But indeed in it, in this essence, other
entirely laws, which have nothing general with the laws society and generally with the material peace.
Forcing soul, consciousness to live according to the laws of [sotsiuma], we force our energy-information
essence into the cell, into the prison of material peace. Our ether body, energy structures of consciousness
from this weaken, indeed when man is completely submerged in [sotsium], his essences does not be
sufficient energy— society it pumps out everything. Such people actually begin to be ill, to melt on the
eyes and very rapidly they die.

But other people— their contemporaries, let us note,— they did not wish to depend on the policy,
on government and even on the age. They said to themselves: “I strong, I young, there is no old age, age
does not have a value, the main thing— young soul, I love life and I will live for long and happy”. Thus,
they opened their energy from [sotsiuma], freed from its laws their consciousness, their energy-
information essence, their soul. Soul, after being freed from the laws of [sotsiuma], ensured health to
Consequently, if you want to leave the vital blind alleys, it is necessary to live according to the laws of
energy-information essence, and not according to the laws of rough material. But for this it is necessary

to learn this energy to govern, to disconnect it from the material peace and to connect to the peace

Each can govern energy

In order to become independent variable from the society herself to begin the new life, to which we
all are intended by nature, it is necessary to learn to govern the flow of its energy. It is necessary to
destroy the circle of the vicious start in our energy-information field, produced by the pathologically
oriented human society. It is possible that many things, about which I will tell, they will first seem you by
something inevident, doubtful, and can, even absurd. But try for the experiment to nevertheless at least
follow my recommendations. And you will see, that before you will be opened completely the new peace.
And your life will find another, much deeper, its real significance.

You do fear, that you will not be able to this to learn? You do consider that it is not possible to
govern energy practically? Completely in vain. You do want to ascertain that you can this do directly
now? If you please.

Everything that you for this should make,— fill container by water and place it on the table before
itself. Dip into the water the finger— of any, here at least indicating of right hand. Now take out finger
and you will look to it. You do see— water it did roll down from the finger sufficiently rapidly? But now
close palms, force their against each other and you will sit minute with the enclosed palms. Then open
them and you will clench by two palms container. Attempt to perceive water behind the sides of the
beaker with palms. After this, again dip into the water finger. You will note that now water is rolled up
from it as reluctantly, much slower than the first time.

However, what did occur with the water? Everything is very simple: your proper field,
concentrated between the palms, acted on water in the container so that it it changed its liquid-crystal
structure. This occurred, when you held container by both hands.

They did ascertain that you can act on water by your energy? But indeed this natural property,
placed in you from nature. Simply you earlier on ignorance this never used. This property is placed in
each man, and each man is capable to govern biological energy from the very moment of his appearance
to the light. But man, [vzrosleja], fall into the energy traps of material peace and forget about this their
innate ability. It is necessary simply anew to recall, as this is done,— and the entire world is opened
before you.

To man it is necessary to know the energy structure of its body and to know how to use it.

Chapter 2. Power engineering of the human body

Healing without the medicines

In order to learn to govern its self-energy, on which depends the health, it is necessary to first
obtain idea about which the energy structure of man, as it functions and as influences the state of our

Contemporary medicine, with entire to it respect, frequently approaches for man not as to the
complex multiplan energy-information system, not as to present [mikrokosmosu], but as to the primitive
mechanism, which it is possible to help with the chisel and the screwdriver: screw screwed tighter— and
all in the order.

But man— this is not simple the totality of the organs, where it is possible excess to cut out, that is
missing to sew, the emergent failures to correct by medicine. The human body— is this of colossal
complexity the construction, whose parts exist in a strict interrelation. It is not possible to receive man as
the collection of those not connected between by itself components. Otherwise problems will fall one
after another: this organ they cured— and disease here as here, it threw on another. Devised antibiotics,
began with their aid to suppress virus diseases— and organism took yes even it answered this by
reduction in the immunity. Actually: why to it immunity, why very to resist the disease, when into it
nevertheless from without do enter substances, capable of suppressing this illness?

Hence, by the way, and AIDS is— plague [KHKH] of century. Indeed AIDS— this is the
syndrome of immunodeficiency. Why immunity does become scarcity? Because in the course of blind
evolution it simply dies off after “the uselessness”— because of the including victorious procession on
the planet of antibiotics and other medicines.

Medicinal crisis— so call the present state of medicine many specialists. Not randomly today even
physicians themselves increasingly more frequently turn themselves to the achievements of medicine of
east. Indeed eastern medicine receives man as united energy structure, but not as the mechanical piling up
of organs. Men, according to eastern medicine, this is the power system, which in the level of power
engineering is tightly connected with the entire world.

We with you already explained: man— this is not only body. But its power engineering, it goes
without saying, exists in body. First level of control of the processes, proceeding in our tele-,
administration of its own health— this control of the energy fluxes of body. You will soon ascertain that
the energy fluxes, flowing in the tele-, are the continuation of the energy-information structures, which
correspond for the consciousness,— and therefore it is possible to consciously govern them.

Fig. 8. As if river, energy of the universe make up the energy flows of human essence.

In healthy man power engineering of body and power engineering of consciousness are located in
the accordion. To all it is known that in the healthy tele- healthy spirit. But it is possible to say otherwise:
without the healthy spirit there is no healthy body.

Ancient eastern medicine reached the great successes in the matter of action on power engineering
of body and proved that, correcting the energy flows, flowing in the human tele-, actually it is possible to
influence human health, to treat diseases. And in this case it is not necessary to assume medicines or to
handle by scalpel.

In traditional Chinese medicine this energy was called energy Of [chi], or [Tsi]— hence the
gymnastics of [tsigun]. Yogi call this energy of [pranoj]— hence [pranajama], special respiratory practice
so are called.

According to ancient views, this energy circulates along the special channels, which pierced entire
human body. And all illnesses of man are connected with the disturbance of the circulation of this energy,
with its surplus or deficiency. It means in order to overcome disease, it is necessary to learn to correct
these flows, to return equilibrium to them.

How? Here exactly of this purpose serves famous Japanese point massage and not less famous
Chinese acupuncture. By the way, a similar method exists also in Russian people medicine— this nothing
else but treatment by leeches, or as it is called scientifically, [girudoterapija]. And needle in the hands of
Chinese doctor, and Japanese point massage, and our native leech— these are the methods to correct the
motion of energy. Influencing on the fixed, also known to humanity since ancient times, biologically
active points, ancient healers knew that thus it is possible to unblock “gotten stuck” in the channels
energy, and then it begins leak without difficulty and evenly, precisely, in that volume, which is
necessary for the health.

There is a set of diverse methods of eastern medicine. This and the already named point massage,
and acupuncture, this and [aurikuloterapija] (treatment on the pinna, on which located the set of bioactive
points), and the [sudzhok]- therapy (Korean method, in the transfer indicates “[kiststopa]—”, when action
is produced to the zones of brush and the stops, which correspond to the different organs of human body).
In order to be treated by these methods, is not completely compulsory to go to the east— specialists, and
not bad, sufficiently much now, also, in Russia. And it is possible to give many examples, as these
methods they return people to the life, help to get rid of the incurable, it would seem, diseases.

Eastern medicine indeed creates miracles. Of sick with asthma after the course treatment forget
about the inhaler, that suffer stomach ulcer— about the pains and the diets. Moreover the fact of their
recovery confirms official medicine. In one of the clinics, where the doctors attempt to combine the
achievement of contemporary western medicine with the ancient eastern knowledge, was carried out the
experiment: patients, who passed the course of acupuncture, they then subjected to the most
contemporary methods of inspection— to a ultrasonic study, to roentgenography, methods of heat
viewing and so on. And medical technology confirmed: yes, in one patient the stones in the kidneys
actually disappeared, in another patient resolved the stomach ulcer, in the third inveterate chronic
bronchitis took place.

Well and in order to ascertain that the eastern methods cure even this almost incurable disease as
psoriasis, technology it does not be required, this and patients, and their relatives and familiar see by our
own eyes.

Today this method of treatment as reflexotherapy, is already acknowledged as official medicine.

The numerous atlases of energy channels and biologically active points are comprised. It would seem, by
what simpler: all together we run to the method to the specialists in eastern medicine, we regulate power
engineering— and forward, to the health!

But… As always, inopportunely appears this small “but”, it is worthwhile for us to only catch fire
by hope and to come into being at the end of tunnel. The cured patients, cheerful and glad at first, in the
course of time encounter with that lamentable fact that to walk to the methods to the healer to them now
it is necessary to the end of life. They proved to be in the heavy dependence on the methods of
acupuncture or point massage, to come running to which them it is necessary the further, the more
frequent increasingly and the more frequent. Insidious disease has a habit to return. But if it does not
return in the previous form, then to the man are brought down, as a rule, some other misfortunes.

But in what the matter? It occurs, in the fact that, once, and other, and the third correcting the
energy, which flows along the channels, neither needle nor massage remove the reason for disease, acting
only on the consequence, which are the unhealthy symptoms. It means, the reason for disease lies not at
the energy channels, but it is somewhere deeper. But where precisely?

Central energy flux

We already spoke, that power engineering of human body is tightly connected with power
engineering of its consciousness. One without another does not exist, one influences another. And those
energy channels, with which deals eastern medicine, are second with respect to the basic energy flux,
which pierces human body and connects it it is with the fact that called consciousness.

It is possible to compare this basic energy flux with the trunk of the tree, from which will move
away branches— second energy fluxes. If is sick, either bent or covered with hollows stem itself, then we
can, of course, some time attempt to equalize it, pulling by the branches,— but sooner or later let us
arrive at the fact that to treat is necessary nevertheless stem.

In exactly the same manner, acting on energy channels by the methods of eastern medicine, it is
possible to only temporarily improve health, but it is not possible to remove the reason for disease. Since
reason— exactly in the distortion of the main flow of energy. Certainly, this distortion also has its
reasons, and we still will have a talk about this. But if it is possible to correct this very main flow, then
energy flow along the side-line energy channels automatically is normalized. And only then begins
authentic health— and solid, and sincere.

People in the mass of their do not know the laws of life, laws of existence of the complex energy-
information structure by the name “of men”. But therefore they go falsely: they poison organism by
unnecessary medicines, undergo the complex, unhealthy and expensive medical procedures. And they do
not understand, that this the same, what to patch up holes on the old worn out suit, to the fast hand by
white threads to catch tears, whereas suit requires complete recutting and renovation.

Fundamentals of health— healthy power engineering. To people, for which it was possible to
understand this and to become energetically clean, no longer were necessary neither doctors nor healers
nor [ekstrasensy]. Because they know: our source of the health— in us of themselves.

But now let us return to the problem of that which is basic by itself. Let us be dismantled at the fact
that tells in centuries the accumulated human knowledge about nature of the energy flux, which
composes the essence of man.

This flow consists of two flows, which flow in opposite directions— one upward, and another
downward. One flow goes from the Earth, and the second— of cosmos. Specifically, these two flows
form entire power engineering of man. Men— this combination of two flows, and to these all is said!

It is possible to present to itself man, his physical body and his energy shell as the bead, which
freely hangs on two passing through it vertical small filaments— flows.

Fig. 9. Healthy man is a little similar to the star— his central energy fluxes easily and without
difficulty they branch, circulating throughout entire body.

Fig. 10. If there is a obstacle for central flow, then it is bent and it disperses throughout the body
unevenly. And man falls ill.

It is here, true, necessary to make one refinement: the energy fluxes are passed, of course, not
directly to the physical of tele- man, they are passed to the thin energy structure, which pierced body.
Therefore the anatomy of man about flows and channels of energy nothing to you will say— to reveal
them in the physical by the tele- naked eye impossibly. Nevertheless each of them has their “territory”:
that occurring is from bottom to top located approximately to two fingers in front of the spine in men and
to four fingers— in women; but the flow, which goes from cosmos, from top to bottom, is located nearly
precisely to the spine.

The flow, which goes from below,— this is the energy flow of the Earth, energy of the physical
peace, which the Earth sends to cosmos. It supplies energy in essence for the realization of the rough,
power cooperations of man with the surrounding peace. It passes to the center of the energetic essence of
man and it departs to cosmos.

Flow on top supplies energy of cosmos, space information, which ensures the maintenance “godly
spark” of consciousness. We already spoke, that man was capable to obtain information from the energy-
information field of the universe. This occurs exactly by means of the current from top to bottom space
flow. Flow from cosmos also passes on to center the energetic essence of man, without being mixed up
with the flow of the Earth, and it departs to the Earth.

Fig. 11. As flower of water lily simultaneously drinks water and breathes by air, so also man it
obtains their vital energy from cosmos and Earth.

Because of interaction of these flows the energy shell of man is formed. Indeed human organism is
arranged is so that capable to recover energy of the Earth and cosmos, to process it and to adapt for its

[Chakry]— the energy centers of the man

Our rough physical body— is this altogether only “the machine”, intended to ensure existence of
the brain, consciousness. This is only material carrier for the thin [energoinformatsionykh] structures.
Therefore energy flows are directed, first of all, toward the guarantee of a energy-information structure of
consciousness. But power engineering of body is connected with power engineering of consciousness
with the aid of this important element of the energy structure of man as [chakry].

Idea about [chakrakh]— the energy centers of man— is alien to us, in addition from the east.
[Chakry] are intended exactly in order to convert energies of two flows, which go from the Earth and
from cosmos, into somewhat different form, acceptable for the human being. With their aid these
sufficient- after all hard radiations seemingly soften and are modified for the needs of human existence.

Naturally, [chakry] are located also not in of dense physical of the tele-, but in the thin energy tele-
man. Nevertheless each of them is connected with the specific anatomical regions, which it adjoins.
Therefore during the damage of [chakr] fall ill th organs e corresponding to them.

Specifically, in [chakrakh] occurs energy storage, obtained from two differently directed flows.
With the aid of [chakr] this energy disperses on the organism, on the energy shell of human body.
Specifically, the work of [chakr] ensures existence of the energy shell— of unique cocoon around the
human body. That “bead itself”, hanging on two flows. If the shell powerful, strong, which vividly shines
— of men it is healthy. But since shell forms [chakry], is clear that human health and state of his soul
depends in many respects, if not in everything, from that, good whether work its [chakry].

In the healthy state each [chakra]— this is small energy vortex and furthermore being illuminated
and shining. If [chakra] is struck, it grows dim and is shut as the [uvjadshij] flower. This is clearly
distinguished in the colored [Kirlian]- photographs.

The man has seven basic [chakr]. They are located on the elongation of two central energy fluxes,
along the spine, in the strictly diverted place. Each [chakra] has its name (from bottom to top): first
[chakra]— Of [muladkhara], second— [Svadkhistana], third— [Manipura], the fourth— of aneate, fifth
— [Vishudkha], sixth— [Adzhna], seventh— [Sakhasrara].

You will focus attention: [chakr]— seven. And this not by chance. If we consider ourselves, then it
is possible to reveal in this the sign of that beauty and accordion, according to laws of which there is both
nature and man. Indeed [chakry] in the frequency of their emission correspond to seven colors of rainbow
and seven notes! It means, man— this is rainbow, man— this music! It means, to us by nature itself it is
intended to approach to sound harmoniously and to shine with bright and clean light. For this it is
necessary to only dispose our musical tool, thoroughly [pokorezhennyj] by life, and to clean the paints of
our palette, contaminated by the surrounding reality.

Fig. 12. [Chakry]— these are the energy vortices, which connect us with the universe.

But now it is in detail about each— [chakre].

Fig. 13. [Chakry] swiftly redistribute energy of the universe throughout the human body.

[Muladkhara]— the so-called coccyx center— is located in the region of perineum. This is the
center of the energy storage, stability to the life, the center, which corresponds for the survival. It
corresponds to red color and note “to”.

[Svadkhistana] is located in the region of pubes. It answers for the accumulation of sexual energy,
for control of the energy, necessary for man for the life. It corresponds to orange color and note “Re”.

[Manipura] is located in the region of solar interlacement, scarcely higher navel. It answers for
vitalities. It corresponds to yellow and note “mi”.

Aneate it is located on the level of heart, in the middle breast. Answers for the emotionalism,
contact, ability to return and to assume love. This [chakra] of the energy exchange, the energy
equilibrium, indeed precisely through to aneate both flows partially leave outside, but energy balance in
this case is not lost, because aneate still and is gathered from the environment the free energy, scattered in
the space. Specifically, the outer covering of the energy essence of man so is formed. Aneate it
corresponds to green color and note “of [fa]”.

[Vishudkha] is located on the base of throat. These are— the center of will, the center of
communication with the environment and the people. Corresponds to blue color and note “salt”.

[Adzhna] is located in the center of the brain on the level of [mezhbrovja], this is famous “third
eye”. It answers for the power of intellect, for the ability to personify ideas into the life. It corresponds
cinema to color and note “of [lja]”.

[Sakhasrara] is found in the darkness. It is critical for the spiritual aspect of human being, for its
connection with the universe. It corresponds to violet color and note “of SI”.

Beside the fact that [chakry] form energy shell, these are precisely those structures, by which man
involuntary acts on the external peace, on other people and by which he receives any action from without.
Indeed man— the energy-information structure, which is tightly connected with the surrounding peace,
and therefore he sensitively [otklikaetsja] to all external energy actions.

Here we approached the mechanism of the appearance of many our illnesses and pathologic states.
His essence in the fact that the pathologic influence of the surrounding material peace, outside power
engineering, which comes from other people, from [sotsiuma], from the material peace generally, "
clogs” [chakry], prevents them from working normally. But by means of [chakr] disastrously it
acts also on entire organism.

Pathologic connections in the human society

We constantly send into the external peace, to other people the realized and unconscious energy
pulses. We contain some thoughts, desires, recorded in the brain of the program of behavior, and all this
involuntary acts on those surrounding precisely by means of [chakr]. We envy, we are angered, are
irritated, offend, scold either feel sorry ourselves and others, we be angry or flare up in response to
someone's anger. And all these pulses have completely concrete energy basis, their frequency and
directivity of emission. They all escape of some [chakr] of some people and are received by another
[chakrami] of other people. Thus and appear the pathologic energy connections between the people,
seemingly energy plaits— of the tying, on which our power engineering overflows to other people.
Where zh here to people, so is tight with each other connected, to feel themselves free?

In the fact that it is possible to act on other people and to undergo by energy these actions from the
side, each of us repeatedly was convinced on its own experience, even knowing anything about the
bioenergetics. You will recall, as you unexpectedly for yourselves turned around, after feeling someone's
view, or someone turned around under the sight of your eyes. How man does influence in that case?
Really only by view? No, and still also by that energy, which escapes from the [chakralnykh] regions.

Capability for energy [vozejstvijam] possess absolutely all people. But into the minutes of
emotional splashes the force of these actions becomes simply colossal, growing dozens of times. In one
small southern town completely curious history occurred, although to the rarity typical. My relatives—
local residents, husband and wife, lived harmoniously and entirely good… of up to years. But when
began summer and in the southern town began health resort season, in the husband natural instincts were
spilled and it began to chase along the streets young likable [kurortnitsami]. Once it [uvlechenno] of
[pospeshal] after its sequential victim, without knowing that the wife exactly at this time left into the
store and randomly she became this [svidetelnitsej] scene (city- that small). It hid after the tree and it
became with the intelligible interest to control the behavior of its husband. The at this time pursued by it
miss entered into the store, it, it goes without saying, rushed after it. But in order to fall into this store, it
was necessary to overcome several steps. And th wife in the hearts e here standing after the tree thought:
“Lord, here it was screwed on these steps!” However, and that? Husband stumbles and to takeoff prone
falls on the steps.

It did be possible for it to arrive into itself to such an extent in order to continue pursuit, it is
unknown. Then its wife was since then assured that he possesses the simply unusual telepathic abilities
(although in reality to similar is capable any).

How our [chakry] do act on other people— yes so that they can cause the most serious diseases,
and even literally to bring down man from the feet?

Fig. 14. The transformed energy of cosmos are freed through lower [chakry]— but they they
willingly absorb the already transformed energy of the Earth.

Occurs this because of the following special features of the activity of [chakr]. [Chakry] Of
[svadkhistana] and [Manipura] collect th energy of the Earth e scattered in the environment and the let-
loose energy of cosmos, transformed by the consciousness of man. These are the unique windows,
through which are freed the energy fluxes of consciousness. Therefore these two [chakry] make it
possible with the aid of the energy of cosmos consciously to act on the phenomena of environment. This
use, for example, magicians and predictors; therefore [Svadkhistana] and [Manipura]— precisely of their
[chakry]. The scattered energy, which is oozed from these [chakr], is capable even “of coding” those
surrounding, i.e., of tying to them alien thoughts, ideas, programs. For this very reason in the formation
of pathologic connections in the human society is especially great the role of these two [chakr].

[Manipura] and [Svadkhistana] form the energy layer of human being, which refers to its physical
body, or, it is faster, to control of it with the aid of the consciousness.

But here [chakry] Of [vishudkha] and [Adzhna] the let-loose energy of the Earth, which goes from
bottom to top, and they absorb energy of cosmos. Therefore through these two [chakry] with the aid of
the energy of the Earth it is possible to achieve rough energy actions— of action with the aid of the
emotions. Not by chance people, these whose [chakry] work well,— these are hypnotizers, policy, actors.
These [chakry] form the layer of the energetic essence of man, which refers to his consciousness. I.e.,
they act on consciousness, ensuring to it the energy additional supply, such as and they appear emotion,
the motives of behavior.

Fig. 15. The transformed energy of the Earth are freed through upper [chakry]— but they they
willingly absorb the already transformed energy of cosmos.

In the human association the rough ejection of energy from these [chakr] precisely forms such
negative phenomena as spoiling, [sglaz] and [vampirizm].

One of my familiar, the woman of 42 years, turned herself to me with the complaints of the wild
headaches and the assaults of the hypertonic disease, which could not remove not one medicine. Doctors
did not find the explanation to disease, yes even itself it was in the complete bewilderment— indeed
earlier never on the health it complained, but here suddenly neither from that nor from this… After
looking its field, I revealed the breakdowns in its energy shell— negative power engineering “it
projected” from it in different directions as logs, by which man they pierced right through. It was
explained that all troubles with the health began in it after it conducted leave in the south together with
the friend. Friend, according to her,— lady extremely energetic, large [ljubitelnitsa] to give advice and to
interfere in the strange life with its categorical judgments. The lectures of friend and her permanent
“good” councils first strongly irritated my patient, and then in it began headaches. Its since then each of
contacts with the friend concluded with sharp pressure jump and with vertigo almost to the loss of

Diagnosis is simple: most elementary [sglaz]. [Sglaz]— this, of course, people name, behind which
hides itself nothing else but the energy-information defeat, reason and the methods of opposition to which
we will examine further. Friend, occurs, she strongly envied to her my— familiar succeeded personal
life, attractive appearance. But hid envy behind the lectures and the manuals. But itself at this time
ejected through its upper [chakry] the lumps of negative energy. They opened the field of my patient.

After removing these breakdowns, it was possible to normalize the status of the health of woman.
Now it learned to govern its energy and to protect from the negative actions.

Thus, [chakry] of different people always interact with each other, in other words, in the cross
order. The consciousness of one man by means of his upper [chakr] acts on lower [chakry] of another
man— indeed upper [chakry] they free energy of the Earth, which contains its emotions, and they are
recovered by lower [chakrami] of other people. And vice versa, thoughts, being freed through lower
[chakry], act on upper [chakry] of those surrounding. Here and is obtained such durable bond, which is
been the reason for the diseases, which cannot cure doctors, or the inexplicable misfortunes and

The boy of 12 years brought to us his mom, who already despaired to conduct him to the doctors.
Medicine proved to be powerless against that flow of diseases, which suddenly attacked the child:
asthma, allergy, psoriasis, plus is sharp worsening in the sight. In little-one was, as it seemed, completely
torn away energy shell, as if his someone for long and thoroughly “gnawed”.

I ask: who still lives with you? Occurs, the ancient 90 summer great-grandmother, who already
almost survived from the mind, but for some reason constantly it cavils to the child, simply life is not
given to it, but it greatly offends.

Everything proved to be very simply: great-grandmother, who no longer has her own energy
resources for the life, began to draw power engineering in great-grandson, i.e., simply [vampirila]. For
this she should it was necessary fix pathologic tying to the energy shell of child. Certainly, great-
grandmother did all this unconsciously, indeed it as the majority of people, nothing she knew about how
bioenergy precisely acts. But the rough ejection of its energy, saturated by negative emotions with respect
to the boy, splashing out from its upper [chakr], fell straight into lower [chakry] of child and distorted the
normal flow of his power engineering. Its energy along the energy plait constantly overflowed to the
great-grandmother, ensuring the vital activity of its organism.

After they resettled boy from the great-grandmother, his health was normalized. But mom recalled
that also it is earlier, when they in summer took away boy to the dacha to another grandmother, where all
illnesses only disappeared! But in autumn everything began anew.

Fig. 16. People braid each other by the flows of our own power engineering as by cobweb.

Fig. 17. Here right man is completely subordinated to leftist.

Fig. 18. Great-grandmother returned into thousands of times less than she obtained from the child.

Men, as we remember, these are rainbow, this range. When although one [chakra] is struck, it is not
obtained harmonious sounding, does not appear rainbows. As is known, if all colors of rainbow are
poured off into one, will come out white colored i.e., healthy, normally working [chakry] in the
combination they must give the clean bright white luminescence of energy shell. If there is no one color
— of this glow it is not obtained. Man seemingly grows dim, in it there is no internal radiance, its energy
shell becomes weak and sickly— men it is ill.

Why we in the usual state do not note the [chakralnykh] cooperations of people with each other?
Explanation is simple: man not only passively receives flows, he and itself them generates, and we
simply do not note the basic, most important influences, as we do not note the flame of spark plug in the
bright sunlight. But if we stray in these emanations (expirations) and “exhausts” of our own physical
body and surrounding people, then let us unavoidably lose orientation. Indeed only flows of the Earth and
cosmos are constant. But the flows, which belong to the human sphere, always change. And precisely on
them frequently depends our fate and generally all vital manifestations.

Fig. 19. This energy flow is capable to transfer your emotions to another man.

Fig. 20. But this flow makes it possible to program other to the action.

If you nevertheless doubt, that interaction of [chakr] has this enormous value and that it then is
strong, can perform the following experiment. But consider: this technology is not intended for a constant
application. Try to cause in itself the sensation of the energy flow, which is begun from behind in the
base of neck and being escaped outside through the bridge of the nose. Try with the aid of the view to
focus this flow between the blades of any nothing the suspecting man. You will ascertain that it will
compulsorily soon feel uneasiness and will be wrapped up.

If you try to [poeksperimentirovat] with the flow, which is been born in you between the blades and
that emerging outside at point somewhat lower than the navel, then you will be able to force the moving
man to turn in th direction e desirable for you (or to predict, where it it is going to turn, that from the
point of view of energy essence, independent to cause-effect connections, one and the same). However,
you will succeed in making this from the first attempts.

You do understand, that this all does mean? That that we constantly be situated in the very sediment
“of soup” from the unconscious pulses and the energy ejections, which emanate from those surrounding.
They generate pathologic connections, causing diseases and mutilating our energy essence. It is necessary
consciously to be freed from these connections.

Chapter e. Pathologic connections of societies and the psyche of the crowd

Stainless nature is— our lost paradise

The power system of man was not originally fitted out to existence in this oversaturated medium,
such as is our [sotsium]. In order normally to live and to be developed, to man it is always necessary it
was necessary clean power engineering of nature, but not those sewerage energy drains, which is today
contaminated and enmeshed from the feet to the head contemporary society.

Let us recall the history of Adam and Eva. Indeed pastoral eden— this is precisely that ideal living
environment, which was originally intended for humanity. The model of human life was projected
entirely not in that version, which we as a result obtained. This had to be life among clean nature, with
the clean thoughts and clean feelings.

But man itself selected another way. But once itself selected, once disregarded “hot-house” the
conditions given— deign to be strong, otherwise you will not survive on the selected way.

But memory about the paradisiacal idyll lives in the man, in each cell of his body, to the these
rapids not randomly many of us periodically so desperately it pulls to leave from the city somewhere to
nature, there, where there is no urban throng, where the silence disrupts only singing birds and gladdens
eye green of foliage, but pure air makes up lungs.

And if man is not yet finally mangled by city, it is not entirely damaged with civilization, then
precisely in the contact with nature, with the earth, with the excellent views, with plants and animals, he
feels itself most comfortably, it is collected forces and, as they say, it rests by soul. Because precisely on
the bosom of nature our energy exchange with the environment becomes most harmonious, not distorted
by alien introductions, precisely, there we obtain powerful energy additional supply.

But both the motives of man and the ability of him to expend energy on themselves for the
maintenance of their body within— the standard, in the healthy state depend on correct energy additional
supply. But if man does not obtain in time normal, correct energy additional supply, then he loses entire
his energy potential, thus dooming himself to the disease and sufferings.

For sure and such was with you: here you after output returned from the dacha, where they loaded
by cheerfulness, health, good mood, having plenty dug out in the earth, after having heard plenty birds,
after taking pleasure by the smell of colors, by silence and pure air. You perhaps and do not surmise, that
there you simply obtained normal energy additional supply from the environment, from cosmos and from
the Earth, and your power engineering was not distorted by outside influences— simply because all
around there it was not soul.

But here in the morning on Monday you, even in a good mood, sit down yourselves into the
overfilled railroad car of the metro. And when altogether only in twenty minutes you leave from this
railroad car, you not to learn: view is for some reason tarnished, arms stooped, the corners of lips

However, what did happen of you in this railroad car? Yes like anything special. But someone you
slightly reserve, passing by, and in you for some reason flared up irritation. Then you randomly met
someone's prickly unkind view, and for some reason it you as if pierced by arrow. You internally
shuddered and lowered eyes (why— you and themselves they did not understand: perhaps you fear this
man, perhaps you to it something must?). They would to crown it all you push on leaving— like and is
accidental, but mood in you no longer that. You come to the work that irritated, with the headache, with
the unwillingness anything to make and with the burning dream about the following output, and still
better— about leave.

It happened this is what: your energy potential pulled to the different sides people, with which for
you it was necessary to contend in the metro. And energy flowed on the distorted river bed. The normal
channel of additional supply began to conk out.

In the society the environment is always aggressive. In our time there are, unfortunately, very many
embittered and envious people. But with our benevolent and bright fellow citizens we meet not so
frequently (such impression, that in the transport they they do not drive also on the stores they do not
walk,— or they are simply less noticeable in the crowd?).

Someone disapprovingly glanced at your tanned person (“You [ish], Idler, it would work better than
in the sun to be dragged along”), someone it condemned for the expensive suit (“in in, rich persons
cursed!”), in someone caused irritation your high (low) increase, your long (short) hair, fashionable boots
(loose sandals), etc on all never you will please, but people forgot the commandment: “You do not judge,
yes you will be judged”— and here they judge, they judge and judge. And even they do not suspect, that
their judgment— this completely not something ephemeral and weightless— these are the completely
material energy constructions, which begin independently to exist in the space, being printed into the thin
energy shells of the surrounding people. Is obtained entire energy ball from the pathologic connections.

You repeatedly, probably noted that in the metro or in the well-packed suburban electric railway of
man, who is located in the neighborhood, it is received completely otherwise, than on stainless nature.
From one side, in the flea market the neighbor is felt considerably more sharply, while from other side, it
causes considerably less than positive emotions. It is perceived more weakly, but as it is deeper on nature,
on the contrary, of men and it is more positive.

For example, you will go in the electric railway, and sullen neighbor in the quilted jacket and with
the knapsack always darts by nose, it [sopit] and it pushes you by elbow. You are irritated and no longer
they are capable of seeing in this man nothing, except dirty quilted jacket and elbow pushing you. Where
zh to here look intently to fellow-traveller at the eyes and to feel, what sincere experiences and perhaps
most noble precious traits of nature hide themselves behind this plain appearance.

But visualize that you sit somewhere on the shore quiet creek, under the small birch, around no one,
and only in the distance some man organized mows grass. To you and [nevdomek], that this is, possibly,
the same contrary peasant, who sat next to you in the electric railway. But now, from a distance, it causes
in you not the drop of irritation. The picture, which was opened to your look, is seemed to you almost
idyllic, and man with the scythe causes only positive emotions. Now, possibly, even it seems you that it
must possess the best human qualities and cleanest soul.

Fig. 21. In the smallness the energy of the universe grinds by the fields of individual people and it
becomes the curved mirror, which distorts all and entire.

And indeed it is completely probable that so it there is— simply precisely now you they saw the
true essence of this man, when your perception is not distorted by strange energy influence. Your own
energy flux now is not distorted by that fuss and universal irritation, which envelopped you in the train.

There you saw not true face of man, but his reflection in “curved mirror” of her own distorted energy
structure. Yes even your of neighbor at that moment appeared not in its true essence, it was also distorted
by power engineering of those surrounding. It can be, exactly therefore they do indicate what face not to
face to face see?

In the society the scraps of the outside programs, which distort our consciousness, constantly
surround us. But quite worse— this that that the scraps of unnecessary programs form the vectors of the
goal-directed emissions of energy-information parasites, which were developed from the chaotic energy

As we is converted in [zombi]

Why so is distorted our perception in the crowd, and on clean nature it does become entirely
different? Yes even man himself there becomes other— somehow cleaner, it is brighter, it is better. To
that there is a reason. Let us give this analogy. How much people not breathed by fresh air in the
scaffolding, in the field, in sea— air nevertheless remains fresh, clean, its freshness always is self-
restored. But if a large quantity of people is located in the locked unventilated accomodation, then pure
air there it becomes increasingly less and it is less, it does not then remain at all, and people begin to
inhale those exhausts, which already repeatedly traversed strange light and steels by as a result clean
poison. The same occurs in the crowd and with human power engineering.

As we already spoke in the previous chapter, the normal field of human organism is composed of
the flows of the Earth and cosmos, which are transformed by the personal energy structure of man. With
the accumulation of people the plural energy ejections of the large number of people form the same
poisoned air— i.e., poisoned power engineering, which forms the certain new animated energy structure.
This new energy structure begins to live independent life, and already it influences people, are
determined their reactions, behavior, special features of behavior.

This animated energy structure, generated by the accumulation of people, begins to use man for its,
only by it slave purposes. (For example, there are one hundred men, envelopped by united desire. Their
summary power engineering will easily subordinate to itself ten additional new man, and despite the fact
that others ten for any reasons fell, structure nevertheless lives by the emission of hundred men.
Gradually people, which began process, are disconnected from the structure, but it nevertheless lives,
subordinating to itself entire of the new terms.) energy-information parasite it knocks out of the people
energy, [trebujushchujasja] for our own existence. War hysterias and revolutions so appear. Individual
man in this situation unavoidably loses— indeed it it loses itself, it ceases to belong to itself, to be the
owner of its behavior. It becomes only the screw of powerful energy machine, which pulls it after itself in
spite of its will.

From the point of view of bioenergetics, the mechanism of this phenomenon is simple. As you
already know, lower [chakry] let out outside energy of cosmos, which, after passing through upper
[chakry] of man and after absorbing into itself the active constituents of his consciousness, becomes
capable to program other people. In upper [chakrakh] space flow is charged by the elements of the
conscious codes of man.

I.e., everything, about which it thinks of man, goes from upper [chakr] downward, and then through
lower [chakry] unavoidably it percolates into the environment and, after filtering, it acts on
subconsciousness of other people. The pollution of surrounding power engineering and field of others,
that are been located hereabout, thus and occurs, people by the constantly being percolated outside
strange thoughts and by programs.

Fig. 22. The energy-information parasite, similar to the jellyfish, holds on guides of thousand and
thousands of people, obtaining from some— programs, from others— energy of the Earth using for
its purposes of all without the exception.

However, upper [chakry] return outside energy of the Earth, which is already charged by the
emotions of man. I.e., through upper [chakry] leave outside diverse desires, uneasiness, anger and so on.
So field is soiled by the emotional information, which cannot but act on those surrounding.

So occurs the pathologic closing of power engineering in the human society— when it is disrupted
the uniform flow of the energy through the human organism from the Earth to cosmos, from cosmos to
the Earth, and power engineering only circulates from some people to others and vice versa, infecting and
soiling their fields by strange programs.

For example, man recently reported chief, and he will go after work home in the extremely evil and
irritated state. And you [ugorazdilo] to randomly prove to be in the overfilled bus next to this man. You
can even not note it, not turn to it attention, but in you suddenly unknown why spoils mood, and you
already search for, on anyone to tear away the from somewhere undertaken irritation.

You do not know that your of neighbor literally emits into the space malice, it oozes in the form
energy [ispulsov] from its upper [chakr], subordinating all passengers of bus to the same state. And you
suddenly note that not only you are irritated, but also one additional citizen, yes even woman it next
somehow angrily twists lips. Scandal still— barely and literally at the empty place appears.

The people in this situation itself not understanding, from what this they suddenly thus were
brought. They perhaps in the essence of their very good and good people himself will then repent in their
inexplicable behavior. Simply at that moment they were not masters to themselves— they acted
according to the strange program.

Let us note, for the sake of fairness that it is and vice versa: two or three merry persons in the bus—
and here already all joke, smile and leave on its stoppages the completely contented by itself and by

I recall the case, which occurred with me very long. In me was the first day of leave; therefore I was
situated in the most iridescent mood, looked forward trip to the dear place of leisure on the Black Sea
coast of the Crimea by the name new light, mentally already it lay on the beach and breathed by maritime
air, eating up ripe peaches. But one my associate asked me to visit to the minute in some matter it into the
division. I visited. But the stressed business-like atmosphere there reigns. Division is occupied with the
creation of new work sites, and all colleagues work without raising head, in air literally soar fresh ideas
and new prospects.

I stayed there some several minutes. Not it associated with whom. No one with me shared by its
working plans. But which of me did happen? Where they, dream about leave? Leave for some reason me
no longer disturbed. And I, to my surprise, instead of gathering of trunk, sat down for the composition of
the long-range plan of the report— of idea literally by themselves so they fell into the head.

Being seriously already occupied by bioenergetics, I, of course, understood that it occurred with me:
me simply programmed the emission of lower [chakr] of the colleagues of division, where I visited my
friend. They indeed everyone as one, [naprjazhenno] thought about the project of the new matter.
Certainly, when the thoughts so many people move in one river bed, their action becomes
insurmountably strong. Here this forced my sensual thoughts to be turned in completely different for me
direction, opposite what was already five minutes ago.

So occurs the pollution of the field of man by strange thoughts and by programs, by strange
emotions and by moods. This, if you want, one of the versions of [zombirovanija], indeed [zombi]— this
nothing else but essence, which lives according to the strange programs, which is called— strange mind,
that accomplishes behavior, dictated by strange will.

You look, which is obtained,— me personally this reminds of cohesion with each other of the
modules of designer [Liy], or small batteries in the radio receiver. People create united construction,
overall field, being charged by general ideas, by thoughts, by feelings and by desires. And majority no
longer can divide, where my, but where the stranger.

Visualize: here three men, which work together in one office. The first is very hungry. Its desire to
dine so strongly that it in the form energy splash bursts open from lower [chakr] and is received by upper
[chakrami] of second man, who although loves tastefully to eat up, it is not hungry at the given moment.
However, since the idea of food is very close to it, then its [chakry] with happiness recover this
information— and here is it, after picking up in the space (certainly, unconsciously, in the level of power
engineering) familiar and pleasant signal about that which good to eat, also begins to experience the
symptoms of hunger. Flow from its lower [chakr] also is connected to the formulation of this program.

Pulse is strengthened— indeed it now it goes already from two people, each of which moreover,
activates a feeling of hunger in other,— and this entire already doubled power engineering attacks the
third man, who generally sits on the diet and it decided to arrange to himself unloading day. In it also
appears the strong and groundless at first glance desire tightly to dine, and this already causes in them the
emotions of the uneasiness: “From what this into the canteen suddenly me stretched, I solved— diet and
only diet…”

This emotion of uneasiness takes shape already in the form rigid imperative flow from upper
[chakr], which, in turn, acts on the lower centers the first two people.

As a result the first man due to strengthening of signals by two by others feels the already simply
devastating hunger and strong irritation. He starts entire cascade of reactions again, process again
continues in the circle, even being more strengthened, and so endlessly.

As a result all three, in this case [zljas] and being irritated incomprehensibly on that, harmoniously
run into the dining room and eat till full there to satiety. In this case the second man does experience light
bewilderment (“I from what this I thus it did eat till full?”), and the third simply it falls into the
desperation, scolds itself for the weak will and lack of character and sighs: “Good-bye, my waist”. To it
and [nevdomek] to know that simply they brought down it from its own information traffic, that the force
of strange programming proved to be more powerful than the program, assigned to itself.

Any society is always to one degree or another similar to crowd.

There is this concept— “psychology of crowd”. Crowd is always more aggressive, than separate
constituting its people, it always easily yields to emotions, it is not capable of sensibly evaluating
situation. Crowd never discusses, and therefore it it is easy to push slightly to some mass protest actions
—, censure, yes even it is simple to the riot. Nothing it is worthwhile to raise it to the battle, to the
barricades. This property of crowd always used and use numerous torn to the authority and already ruling
leaders, policy, “bawler- leaders”. They learned to without ceremony turn crowd in th side e necessary to
them, after stretching it for “the small filaments” of emotions, having slightly pressed on the sore

In the crowd there are no individualities, and is brainless essence only many-headed, but in this
case, the energetic monster, that acts “on the claims” of prudent “first singers”.

It is no matter how strange, but even with the very sensible people, it occurs, occur these
inexplicable at first glance things: after proving to be, for example, at the meeting, they suddenly, after
yielding to universal attitude, together with all begin to scan: “We is required!:. we protest!” Then, after
remaining in the solitude and having slightly arrived into himself, this man suddenly in the horror
understands, that completely it does not represent, who such these “we”, on behalf which he so decisively
required and protested. Indeed in it is its personal “I”— and here this personal “I” exactly is desirable
neither to require nor to protest.

By many it is known that this “gregarious feeling”. This when, after seeing the running people, that
passes by in its affairs of men suddenly unconsciously neither from that nor from this it is joined to them.
This indicates entire the same: it falls for the action of strange program and in its subconsciousness
[zapechatlevaetsja] approximately following: all run— it means, and to me it is must. There were the
cases, when man in this state, without having had time to realize, jumped up into the completely
unnecessary to it train, and it then gnawed elbows, without knowing how to now reach the house. But in
the times of the universal turns (about which we all joyfully forgot, but which, alas, it seems, return)
repeatedly occurred the situations, when people stood by hours in the turn in order to purchase absolutely
unnecessary to them things, only because “everything were taken”.

Psychology of crowd, subordination to power engineering of a large quantity of people— straight

road to the diseases, the development of spite, negativism, and also to the false tendencies, to the
senseless pasttime and to thousands more of human misfortunes. The diagram of the development of
disease if you yield to strange programming, it is very simple. Elderly people, for example, frequently fall
on this fishing rod. For example, someone intensely suggests to such a far no longer young man, that in
the government some pilferers. It did not have the possibility to be convinced of this personally, but it for
some reason believes for the word to that said this. It believes— and more accurate, it is forced to
believe,— because they consciously coded it, programmed. But this was done thus: from lower [chakr] of
the suggesting man into upper [chakry] “workable” citizen was covered this hypnotizing information.
The obtained information meets in old man emotional response, these negative emotions begin not only
to splash out to other people after only its upper [chakry], but to still and distort the normal energy flux of
its own organism. It, after yielding to suggestion, begins to be nervous, to be angered— and obtains

But indeed in the man, who suggested to it this, was his completely mercenary purposes. This sly
“talker” and “speaker” for that calculated in order to hook as much as possible people to the fishing rod
of their offense and dissatisfaction with life. It only should catch man in the network so that it would be
possible to manipulate by it for its political, pre-election purposes. And here unhappy old man lies at the
hospital, and the suggested to it black thoughts man already victoriously sits in glory in the deputy

Here is another example: to you [nakhamili] in the transport. You answered by the same, i.e., they
was rude as the answer. What you did make? Correctly, again they operated according to the strange
program. For cad only it was necessary to cause your malice, to [spodvignut] you to the splash of
emotions in order “to eat” your power engineering. And you obediently " fed” cad, made that, what it
from you awaited. It subordinated you to its influence. But you obediently yielded, having thus
recognized his significance, his ability to influence people, to cause they have emotions.

[Privyknuv] to answer caddishness the caddishness, you by in turn such means " start” the emotions
of other people. And themselves you do not understand, why you always do get involved in into some
squabbles, why on your way are encountered some cads and rude fellows, why for you it does eternally
be necessary with someone to be scolded? Yes because already you themselves by, being infected strange
caddish power engineering, strengthen this pulse and start in the circle the new cascade of reactions, you
begin to splash out th charge into the surrounding space e sitting in you. But at this time at the level of
consciousness in you is formed the clear program: all people are— the cads. And already this program so
climbs from your lower [chakr], forcing those surrounding in the fear to scatter, because they feel, that
you see in them enemies, or, on the contrary, surrounding begin to receive you as enemy and to attack.

Embitteredness to entire white light thus can arise. Man begins to see everything in the gloomy
tones. He does not note good, but perceives in everything only evil. This man finally simply chokes in
this flow of evil, without noting that itself strengthens this flow repeatedly. Normal energy flow ceases.
Man is torn off from the energy of cosmos and Earth, he begins “to be cooked” into some harmful
ejections and it finally wastes himself. As a result, as a rule,— incurable disease and death.

Why even the most inveterate teetotaller can become dipsomaniac, after falling into the drinking
company? For the same reason: when everything they drink, one against all to be held difficultly, power
engineering of the desire to drink whips it. Druggies they also frequently become “for the company”. You
now know, as this occurs,— this company herself catches man into the power circuits, subordinates
besides his will to its desires.

But how often it is, that we do not want to go in guests, but we do go, because us they do there wear
out? But then we sit entire evening, we toil in these uninteresting to us people from the melancholy, we
are angered to itself, that we lose the time (indeed we they was going to spend it on another, much more
important for us matter). Usually people copy such inexplicable behavior to the weak will, the
unsteadiness of nature. People do not know that the power circuits of strange desires, tendencies,
thoughts, emotions can be so they are strong, that even to volitional man, if it does not know how
consciously of this to get rid, to manage them is very difficultly.

Examples with the dipsomaniacs, the cads and the obtrusive relatives— this, as you understand,
other flowers. Their uniting energy structures are— microbes in the comparison with the true energy-
information parasites, that excite wars, war hysterias, revolutions, political revolutions, they unite people
in the party and political flows, force them to support the heap of the [zazhravshikhsja] politicians, who
through the mouthpiece of the media knock out the new waves of energy of the people— of the milch
herd of energetic parasites. These energy-information monsters guide by the Earth— the set of people
they are subordinated to them, but their one existence is held in the shadow.

Improbable harm is brought by personal to [karma], since there is nothing worse than the false,
imposed from without desires. Children as the yet— not keeping balance themselves essences most of all
suffer, thus far not resistive the influence of crowd. Children's addiction became so mass not because
adolescents it is desirable to depart to the narcotic carbon monoxide from the endlessness of life, but
because entire the same gregarious feeling operates: all already did try, but I that, red or not as steep as
they? Specifically, at the teenage period is very strong the desire to be as everything. And certainly,
adolescent with the ease falls into the ruinous networks of energy relations with the mass to himself of
the similar, indeed his own energy-information essence speaks still very quietly, and the requirements to
themselves of similar sound imperiously and roughly as order.

Teenage bands for this very reason so easily appear. Adolescents instinctively feel, that, after being
combined, they form the new animated energy structure, which will possess much larger force, than each
of them separately. To one by one it is difficult manage by it the complex life situations, the heavy
condition for existences, it is difficult to resist the association of adult, that also right through pierced by
pathologic connections. Therefore in order although somehow to exist, they are brought down into the
flocks and as flock animals, they lose their individual reason and find reason collective. In this case they
feel, that, until they together, their everything are fear, by them all will descend from the hands indeed
they— united organism, monolith, energetic monster. Therefore they consider that they can behave
aggressively, it is insolent, to seize passer-by. But try to approach— so even you will fly away, after
being struck against this powerful energy wall.

Adolescents, of course, do not suspect, that in this case they spoil their [karmu], life and fate, reject
their own energy-information essence, completely subordinating themselves to strangers, imposed from
without on programs, to emotions and to desires. And if their are deprived “flock”, divide we the
powerful energy structure, such as is band, to the component parts, then it will not remain from this force
and track and before our look will appear only pitiful, weak and oppressed essences.

Release from the energy-information parasites ([EIP]) indicates freedom, freedom for the
development. Since precisely [EIP] force us to remain deaf, they [zastjat] to us eye in order forever
to leave on the position of milch cows. They must be at any cost conquered.

Energy “rubbish” leads to the loss of the sense of the life

As you see, “not all in the order in Danish kingdom”. This situation arose not today and not
yesterday. The fact that people in the crowd do not belong to themselves, is known narrower long ago.
But today, under the contemporary conditions, situation became simply catastrophic. Indeed modern city
— this is the present furnace, incessantly [vyplavljajushchij] “debris” power engineering, which causes
diseases, forces people to enter in spite of its own nature. Thus far you will not be opened from these
“debris” connections, is impossible either the correction of its own power engineering, or the finding of
its own internal truth and authentic sense of life. Long life without the diseases is impossible without this,
it is not possible to become [vezuchim] and lucky, it is not possible to correct [karmu] and to change to
the best its fate. Indeed precisely this energy “rubbish” forces man to forget about itself, to betray its
nature and to move with numbers and columns there, where crowd conducts. But indeed crowd does not
know that its way conducts into the blind alley, in anywhere,— because anywhere cannot bring the way,
which lies in the especially material peace.

You will focus attention, that veterans— this, as a rule, if not recluses, then people, which not too
great significance give to problems and aspirations of society, people, which prefer solitude, rest,
secluded reflection on the bosom of nature. In order not to be ill not in order to live for long, necessary to
be concentrated on itself, to study itself, instead of always following, that make the neighbors, where they
go and about which think. When you look under the feet to other, but not to itself, one cannot fail to
stumble. If you sit at the control and, instead of looking before itself, always you glance into the cab

[edushchej] with a number of machine and try to repeat the maneuvers of its driver, emergency not to

Thus far man will not learn to separate his power engineering from power engineering of
[sotsiuma], he will be not man, but by robot, by automaton.

You do perhaps think that to you personally this all does have little relation and strange power
engineering does influence you not too strongly? Then try to make this experience.

When in you the poor, sad mood, caused by any completely concrete circumstances, leave there,
where much people, into— the restaurant, to the disk library, into the merry company cheers itself. Or
vice versa: if in you mood elevated, spend certain time in the accomodation, where all sit with the
gloomy persons. If you [oburevaemy] by desires, visit the company of people of those satiated and get
tiredded from the life. If you feel apathy and indifference, you will sit they, where play the small flocks
of children.

Fig. 23. Energy-information parasite flattens by its pressure of the essence of individual people,
forming them under itself and blocking their interaction with the energy of the universe. People
become drying [strupikami] on the full-blooded of tele- parasite.

You will note in all these cases, as your state changed. But now think: however, what did occur?
Perhaps anything did change in you personally, which could become reason for the new mood? No, in
you personally completely nothing it changed. Simply you burn for control of strange power engineering.
But that you had to make instead of this, if they did want in a some manner to improve their state? You
had to direct your own power engineering toward the correction of your state and solution of your
problems. But now this your own charge left by the for nothing, being extruded by stranger, who arrived
from without charge, which will not cure you, it does not correct, but only it programs to the unusual to
you behavior and the reactions.

Consider in this case that the conscious motives of man comprise less than one percent of those
motives, which it does not realize. So how many also outside programs, which you even did not realize,
you did grab? And perhaps you can foresee, as they you will affect subsequently?

Be presented the question: all whether your words and thought in reality your, or you, without a
moment's hesitation, do repeat the strange speeches— of the best friend, respected of associate, neighbor,
dear tele-leading? Everyone whether your emotions does actually belong exclusively to you, or you do be
glad, because all do be glad, you do cry, because all do cry? Everything whether your desires— are true,
or you do want [norkovuju] sheath, elegant automobile, trip to [Kanary] only because everyone does
want the same?

But it can be, you did, on the contrary, choke in yourselves some vitally important desire, because
you do fear, which you for it someone will condemn? The depressed desires also lead to the disease.
Exactly as to the disease the strange program, by which you distorted your essence, leads. Did not include
strange power engineering program to the self-destruction? You indeed this do not know. And no one
you will answer this question, until this program itself arises “in the total increase”, itself will not begin
to act and will not show you, where it brought you.

One of my recent students, young man, was the successful manager, he felt himself by the real
owner of life, having everything, what only it is possible to dream: money, the foreign-produced brand of
last model, radiotelephone, foreign trips, women… Its life was conducted to the eternal fuss, connected
with the embodiment into the life of the new and new methods of obtaining the incomes, in the secular
get-togethers, in the smoke-filled offices. True, it strongly got tired and became everything more nervous
more irritable and even more evil, but it did not turn to this of special attention, considering that this so,
nonsense, it is worthwhile be selected to only somewhere to nature, to be weakened, to rest, and it will
pass everything. But to be weakened so did not succeed, internal stress increased, neither woman nor
money nor foreign countries no longer they gladdened. Everything flickered all around as in the
children's kaleidoscope.

Once it fell into fainting directly at the business method. They drove away it into the hospital with
the heavy infarction. Were conducted five days in the resuscitation— doctors, which is called, they took
out. And here here, in the hospital, on the forced leisure, in it at long last was located time, in order to
remain in private with itself and to think about its life.

It recalled its childhood. It recalled that he was quiet, good boy, greatly it loved nature, it selected in
the court of homeless kittens, it could by hours be conveyed with the aquarium small fishes and entire
free time was spent in the zoological circle. Mom spoke: “Oh, [Vovka], probably you veterinary surgeon
will be!” In the essence, he recalled about his long ago depressed desires— the desires of his true

But then before his eyes arose entire his present life, which completely was governed by other
people, [sotsiumom], by the requirements of material peace. And suddenly it realized, which from it true
did not remain and track— instead of it appeared such mannequin, advertizing hero in the expensive suit
with “put on” to face Hollywood smile. Heartless machine on [zarabatyvaniju] of money.

Doctors said: “You do not change the means of life— to live to you from the force year -one-and-a-
half, heart simply anywhere”. And then it made the decision: everything threw, purchased house in the
village. Now it has its small farm— of cow, geese, rabbits.

With it was after carried out extensive work on the correction of power engineering, [obrubaniju]
“debris” connections, it again visited doctor- cardiologist. Doctor remained in the complete
bewilderment: scars from the infarction as did not occur, but heart such, that although send into space.

Another case. Woman, leader of firm, learned, that it has inoperable cancer of stomach, and, after
preparing to die, it threw work, it left into the distant village, removed house in the village, after being
going there, in the silence and the solitude, to finish its days. Moreover it completely forewent the food.

And it unexpectedly felt after some time that in the soul in it the humbleness settled, some accordion
arose and the quiet pacifying light even as if lit up.

Greater through several months of it turned out that there is no disease. Physicians was puzzled:
such it does not occur. This is miracle. Or there were perhaps errors in the previous analyzes?

There were no errors whatever. And occurred not at all miracle. Simply woman realized, that it is
necessary to be cleaned, to be freed from alien power engineering, from the mutilating outside programs,
from the false vital ideals and the purposes.

In each man entire necessary is placed, in order to be healthy in order to independently correct its
power engineering. Each can learn to feel energy flows, to govern them and to consciously get rid of
“debris” energy connections.

Chapter 4. Ways of the output: the sensation of energy and control over it

Reasons for the phenomena of the material peace— of the motion of the energy-information

True reasons for diseases— not viruses and microbes, not poor ecology and not vital adversities.
True reasons— in the disturbance of the flow of the energy fluxes in the human tele-. But it means in
order to get rid of these reasons and, correspondingly, from illnesses themselves, it is necessary to, first
of all, learn to feel these energy flows. Indeed having only learned to feel them, it is possible to learn by
them to govern.

Strictly speaking, to us by all there is no need this to learn— necessary only to recall, as this is
done. Indeed we already said that the ability to receive energy-information field was given to each man
from the generation. Simply society displaces field from the sphere of our perception, and man " forgets”
about his true natural properties as the essences of energy.

You also can directly now recall about your placed from nature possibilities and begin to perceive
energy signals in the space. You must make this. You will ascertain that this so is simple. Your
sensations always fix the complete set of signals, but earlier you did not realize this and they gave to the
signals of no value. Now and for you alien time to begin to note that, past what you each day indifferently

For the introduction of man into the state of the perception of energy-information peace there are
sufficiently many systems, which make possible for student to master one or other aspect or another of
the understood reality. But they all are wrapped by mysteriousness, they are complex and occupy much
time. With the development [DEIR] we consciously forewent them, because they found another way,
following which any man, independently of his personal development, will master the conscious
perception of energy-information peace rapidly, also, without the difficulties.

Sensations inside itself: the perception of its own energy structure. Motions of ether body and
its sensation

Man, brought up in the materialist society, did not become accustomed to fix those of his
sensations, which seemingly lie out of the sphere of material. And all the more it did not become
accustomed to correlate its sensations with the reality of energy-information peace. Meanwhile energy-
information field incessantly [stuchitsja] to us, it is present in all manifestations, literally it climbs of all
slots, only and expecting our attention. It is not amazing: indeed field— this is that which pierces the

entire world right through, all its objects and phenomena, all living and inanimate objects. Field— this is
that how is pierced entire space.

You it will be necessary to pass initiation in order to feel, as it appears at each moment of our life.
This is the same basic skill as the skill to walk, to speak, to retain objects in the hands.

Step 1. Sensation of its ether body

Arise directly and quietly, place feet on the width of arms. But it is now slow and
[prochuvstvovanno] raise the elongated right hand to the side so that it would prove to be in parallel to
the floor. So it is slow and [prochuvstvovanno] you will lower hand. Make this motion several times. In
this case try completely to be concentrated during the motion of hand and to perceive each bone, each
muscular fiber, each cell. You will lower hand and, continuing to stand motionlessly (hand they are
lowered, along the body), you will repeat the same motion mentally. Cause in itself the same sensations,
which you tested during the real motion of hand,— here hand rises, here it achieves position in parallel to
floor, here slowly it descends… Although in this case the material hand is fixed, and action only
imagined, you will be surprised to that, how the sensation of the moving hand is clear.

Fig. 24. Eyes see that the hand is fixed,— but you feel, as its ether mold moves.

Well as, it did come out? I congratulate! You in the life recently for the first time completed the
realized motion of your “thin” body! Which there is nothing else but your energy-information “double”,
who penetrates each cell of the body of physical. Specifically, ether body allotted consciousness body
physical. But it is capable also of the independent motion.

The fact that you made, in spite of entire apparent simplicity, is not less important than the first
step, which accomplishes the baby, who only began to learn to walk. You also only learn “to walk” in the
energy-information peace. But how many discoveries you have still in front!

Now a little let us complicate exercise. Lengthen hand (material, that belongs to physical body)
forward, directly before itself, for example in the direction of opposite wall (if you in the room) or the
nearest tree, post, building (if you on the street, for example in the summer-resort section). But now you
will perceive that your hand was extended forward to the meter, two, three— on as much, as necessary to

reach to the wall (tree, post, building). Feel this— as your hand it was extended. Here it is drawn out, it is
drawn out, here it already obtains to its purpose— of the object, which you to yourselves outlined. Here
she feels this object. Isn't that true, unique sensations? Here under your fingers you clearly feel the
smoothly painted cool wall, either the warm, heated in the sun rough crust of tree, or “meddlesome”,
uneven, covered with cracks wood of post… But indeed to your material hand from the bones and the
muscles it is missing several meters in order to actually perceive all this.

Fig. 25. In contrast to the hand of material, ether body easily is lengthened.

You do want, I will open secret? All this you already made many times, although now and you do
not remember about this. You made this unconsciously, when they were baby and they lay at the small
cradle. And to you it was, of course, it cannot be suffice weak small [ruchonkoj] to the wall, the ceiling,
to the cabinet or the table. And you investigated the surrounding peace thus, at a distance, with the aid of
your power engineering, which you then very easily knew how to govern.

But then you grew and forgot these sensations, because they did not develop them— indeed you no
one it taught this and no one anything told you about this. You simply forgot about the fact that they
knew how once. But now to you it is very easy to recall these its habits, because this for you— “well
forgotten old”.

Step 2. Change in the dimensions of its ether body

Now you will learn more freely to be turned with the same sensations, to deepen them and to
enlarge. Relate to this as to the captivating game. Certainly, you are adult and serious man, and no one
this doubts. But even in the most adult and most serious man always lives his internal child. This child is
capable to play, he answers in you for the creative perception of peace. And if you even in the fuss about
it forgot, if they drove in it somewhere deepdeep, to the most hidden corners of your soul,— you can
about it recall, again return it to the life,— and it, gratified, that finally they recalled about it, it will bring

you to the new life, to the new discoveries, to the new sensations. Only that how you deal, is in reality far
from game. This more than is serious.

Thus, you already felt objects by the lengthened hand of ether body. But now you should become
accustomed to the similar sensations,— but now you work already with entire body immediately. Accept
the slack pose— sitting, costing or lying, as to you it is more convenient. But now you will perceive, as
the boundaries of your body begin slowly to be enlarged. You become increasingly more, it is more and it
is more— and here already your body became the same large as house. Your body filled entire space of
the house, where you live with itself. Well as, they did feel itself by giant, by giant, by Gulliver in the
country of Liliputians? But now begin to slowly decrease. You decrease, decrease— here already they
decreased to the dimensions of grape.

Stay a little by grape, you will look all around, feel, what large objects surround you. But afterward
compulsorily return to your usual sizes. But that still you will forget to make this, you will arrive to the
work, after preserving its ether body by tiny, and you will then be surprised: and that this me no one does
note, everything they do push, do pinch in the doors? People subconsiously react to the dimensions of the
ether body of each other, and this is the important component part of their behavioral reactions (for
example, townspeople have in comparison with the rural the modest dimensions of ether body and,
correspondingly, aura. Therefore, for example, Muscovites irritate residents of Leningrad, whose
comfortable distance between the collocutors of centimeters to fifteen are more than in them, the
residents of Leningrad— of rural, that accustomed to be held in the meter -one-and-a-half from each
other, and, let us say, Japanese so climbs into the person to collocutor and am capable to cause the assault
of claustrophobia even in sprat in the tomato).

If you suddenly will forget to leave the dimensions of house, then it is possible that many
surrounding at the sight you they will squeeze head into the arms, depressed by your sizes. Do not forget
— this not game. Psychologically you have right to the game as each man, even if it entirely adult. Give
will to your imagination. Play, dream, experiment. But you remember that now you play with the real

Fig. 26. You can increase your ether body as to you it will be pleased.

Fig. 27. You can decrease the ether body to what extent you want.

In principle, a change in the dimensions of ether body even now can to you prove useful: for
example, with conducting of negotiations or with the serious rigid conversation a increase in the
dimensions of ether body will render you essential assistance— you can give additional weight to your
words and strengthen your influence on those surrounding. The decrease of sizes of ether body is capable
of helping you to avoid unnecessary encounter and to be mislaid in the crowd. However, to serpent you to
certify, toward the end our course similar cheap methods you more will not be required.

Well that, they did wake their children's imagination? But indeed children carry out similar
experiments constantly. Because they adult, much better than perceive the possibilities of energy-
information field— to those times, of course, thus far on them yet not as strongly as on the adult,
influence the installations of society.

We go further. You returned to your usual size. But now you will move in the space by several
meters from your present position. For example, you cost in the center of room. Without moving from the
place, you will perceive, as you make step, another, the third,— and here you already you cost in the
angle of room. And you, that stands in the angle of room in your invisible ether tele-, look at your body
physical in the center of room. Now return to itself.

But now again mentally leave your body, can go away further, resemble on the apartment, visit into
the adjacent room… And all this without descending from the place.

Fig. 28. Ether body can be moved independent of the body of physical.

True, striking sensations? And if you think that they walked on their apartment only in the thoughts
and in the imagination, then you make mistakes. You moved on the apartment in your thin tele-. This is
— reality.

The fact that you recently completed, is frequently called [ekstrasensami] by journey in lowest
[astrale]. Lowest [astral], as name, speaks,— this is one of the lower and roughest layers of energy-
information field, but it is already less rough than the material peace, where lives our physical body.
Following layers of the energy-information field, highest with respect to [astralu],— this ever more and
thinner energy layers.

It is necessary to say that the majority of the energy connections between the people in the
contemporary human society is concentrated precisely in lowest [astrale].

Step e. Sensation of energy-information changes in the space

Sit down on the chair in the empty room, be weakened. To shut eyes is not compulsory. You
already know how to grow to the dimensions of house, this experience is obtained by you. Visualize that
the boundaries of your touch grow to the dimensions of room. Boundaries of room— this of the boundary
of your body. You will perceive your unity with the room. Feel itself by air, which fills it. Both air and
wall, and ceiling, and floor— this is all inside you, is this entire part of your body. Or vice versa: your
body now consists of air, of the light, which fills room, from its walls, floor and ceiling.

Fig. 29. You can increase your ether body so as to completely fill room and to feel its space.

But now visualize that the door into your room was opened. Feel the difference in the sensations,
which it recovers your body,— difference between the closed and open accomodation. Now visualize that
man entered into the room. You will again grasp the difference in the sensations. Isn't that true,
sensations now are somewhat others? It is not amazing, indeed in your room changed energy-information
structure. Again return to the sensation of empty room. Improbable differences, truth?

Return again to your usual perception, to the usual boundaries of body. The sensations, which you
now tested, are at first glance very thin and hardly they were perceptible. They so [neopredelenny] for the
usual perception of the materialist brought up man, that there is not in one language even for these
sensations of name. This is not touch, not sense of smell and not sight… But that? Some elusive “sixth
feeling”. And at the same time these sensations are sufficiently learned and distinguished, and their
consciousness with the ease will recognize.

You felt because of experience obtained with the aid of these exercises, as power engineering of
space at the level of lowest [astrala] it contacts with internal power engineering of man, with his sensitive
sphere. Specifically, at this level into subconsciousness of man, into his energy sphere outside programs
very frequently take root.

Thus, you successfully carried out all these simple tasks. But this means that now you master the
basic habit, necessary in order to return to yourselves the normal circulation of energy and the correct,
undistorted perception of peace.

The sensations of this class they are very— useful they will help you to merge with the
surrounding space and to feel the least changes in these Ger. precisely sensations they be the basis of the
scent to the danger, which is observed in the representatives of wild tribes and predatory beasts.

The perception of lowest [astrala]— is this only first, simplest step on the way of the instruction in
perception of energy-information field. In lowest [astrale], as you already understood, easily is moved
our imagination, which includes most frequently only channel of visual information. In the imagination
you can go for a walk on the scaffolding, sit in the theater, float in the sea, walk to the meetings— and
not surmise, that in this time itself together with your imagination is moved your slender body. Not
randomly we so easily at any moment can visualize the picture of spring forests, even if we sit in our own
urban apartment, but after the window— winter. Or, being located in the scaffolding, we can imagine to
itself noisy urban street. And to see all this before its internal look as in reality.

Specifically, into the peace of lowest [astrala] we fall in the sleep. There we travel in our slender
bodies and meet with the same travellers. To travel there in reality the majority of people do not can, in
addition because our perception is distorted by training and we consider that this is simply impossible.

But you, in contrast to the usual man, already began little by little to regain vision and to learn,
which is peace in reality. If you further go along this way, then you will gradually rise increasingly above
and it is above, your perception will stretch increasingly further and it is further from lowest [astrala] to
the very higher levels of energy-information field, placed in you from nature.

Field can be not only perceived, but also seen

Ninety percent of entire information about the surrounding peace of men are obtained through the
organ of vision— of eye. But man uses sight mainly only in order to see objects and phenomena of
material peace. But indeed with the aid of vision it is possible to see the ether structures, which compose
the lowest layers of power engineering of thin peace and man as the parts of this peace. You will
ascertain that you also can see ether bodies, moreover for this to you it is not completely compulsory to
fall into the deep meditative trans-, into the religious ecstasy or to for years torture yourselves by posts
and ascetic means of life.

Step 4. The visual perception of the aura

In the evening, before the sleep, lying at the bed or being simply located in any convenient for you
pose— but desirably in shade, extend before itself hand so that the hand would prove to be against the
background ceiling. Spread wide fingers and you look in the direction of hand, but try so that your view
would fall not strictly on the fingers, but it passed as through them and it was abutted against ceiling.
Attempt to receive space is directly before the tips finger. Be concentrated on this space and you look
some time motionlessly. But you look not at it, but through it— into the ceiling. After a certain time you
will note some change in the space is near finger. In each this change can be its. Someone will see
something [otdalenno] resembling the colorless small beams, which go from it is finger, in someone will
appear seemingly whitish clusters of fog, in someone space it is near finger it will elusively change color,
it will become dark or lighter…

Fig. 30. Aura it is finger hand— as if the colorless small beams of energy they are torn away from
the tips it is finger. They are still similar a little to the haze of hot air above the asphalt during a
sunny day.

Try to slightly move by fingers and “to play a little” by these small beams or specks. This is
nothing else but your own ether body, which you now can see by our own eyes. Try to lengthen the ether
body of your hand, and you will see, as “small beams” it is elongated.

Only do not attempt to explain entire by the optical illusion. This society in face of your educators
and parents deceived you from the childhood itself, saying: “You it seemed”— it was worthwhile for you
to only see something uncommon. But your educators and parents from the childhood they deceived in
exactly the same manner, so that it does not be worthwhile on them to offend. They themselves ceased to
focus attention on any incomprehensible sensations, which are in the life in each man— because they
also considered that by them it " seemed”. Indeed after many years in the society were formed the
opinion that if man noted something that not explained from the point of view of the dull average man,
which means, this to it it appeared.

So here now you are completely ready to relate to its sensations more attentively. You now can
confirm themselves: the fact that you recently saw, you did not seem, it did not appear. That that you
saw,— reality, because ether body exists actually, although the majority of people broke it to see. But it is
worthwhile it to see one time, as doubts they will fall.

When you clearly see the ether body of your hand, try to suffice by it (by precisely ether body, but
not by physical hand!) to other your hand. [Dotrontes] to it by ether hand. Sensations there will be
completely clear— indeed you they already learned by the imaginary hand to touch the objects. Here you
touched your hand by ether finger. Here they ironed by its ether palm. Ether handshake here was carried
out with itself itself.

True, [azh] spirit does seize? Hand like is fixed, and you perceive all its touchs! But the contact of
ether body it is finger they are perceived precisely when they are adjoined “the small beams”, which
emanate from them.

If you as follows you are trained, then very soon you will learn to see not only ether body, but also
aura of any man, which includes thinner energy layers. You will look to the space around head of passer-
by— and you will see the transparent crown of aura. And by you no [Kirlian]- effect will be necessary for
this. You will be able to see size and color of aura, its form and thickness.

Fig. 31. The head of any man as crown or [ni]e[mb], surrounds the clearly distinguishable aura.

But on the color, the form and the thickness of aura already it is possible to judge that, is sick man
or it is healthy, are there in it [sglazy] and spoiling. For example, if you noted a certain rarefaction of the
section of aura in man, then this man suffers from [sglaza], and if in his energy shell deformed or
compact dark formation is present, then your object has spoiling. The vision of aura will allow you to
reveal such unpleasant phenomena as programming, [vampirizm] and even curse. But about this—

Step of 4[a]. the visual perception of emission (optional).

Eyes— unique tool. And if you want to once more verify their possibilities, try by way of
experiment to, for example, perceive with the eyes of heat-. You will look first to the ceiling, and then to
the hot teapot. Make this again and again. Clear difference, not so whether? If hand can perceive the heat-
burning match at a distance not more than one meter, then eye can recover even one- only photon. Eye
are— the supersensitive creation of nature. And therefore it easily can record ether bodies, and aura, and
bioenergetic emission generally. It is only necessary that the man itself would be ready to the perception
of these thin signals. You do remember? “That having eyes yes will see…”. But you made that which is
considered in principle impossible for the man,— they " saw” infrared radiation!

Thus, accept sequential time of congratulation! Your perception already took a step far beyond the
level, accessible to the usual oppressed by society man. Perception returns literally on the eyes. Soon you
no longer will be able more to manage without these sensations— because stepped evolution, [DEIR], it
is not reversed.

Perception of the energy fluxes out of the body

The energy fluxes flow everywhere. We to you already spoke that the energy-information field
pierces the entire world, and it means, it is possible to perceive it at any point of space and time. You
themselves will be surprised to that, how this is simple.

Now you will learn to perceive energy structures with the aid of the receptors of your physical
body, in order subsequently to learn to contact directly with the energy structures of consciousness, and
also to interact with other energy essences.

Step shch. Tactile perception of its own energy shell

Sit down on the chair in the convenient, free, unstressed pose. Place the hands before itself on the
elbows edgewise— so that the palms would look at each other and they were to. Between the palms must
be the distance of centimeters 2025—. Now begin slowly, organized and deeply to breathe (inhalation—
it breathed out). In time to inhalations begin to slowly shift palms, in this case after being concentrated
during the sensations between the palms. It is possible to visualize that between them you hold the half-
lowered air ball. Completely be concentrated on what the skin of your palms perceives.

In proportion to the distance between the palms will be reduced, you will feel a certain resistance—
as if and truth in your hands is stopped up air ball. You do feel, as “ball” does not release your hands
further? How its elastic surface clearly do perceive your palms?

Be glad to your sensations, will take pleasure by them— indeed earlier you never they experienced
nothing similar!

Fig. 32. To thus most simply feel the field of its hand…

But now you will lower hands again to the elbows and make the same the imaginary hands— in
[astrale]. Indeed you already know that this such, and you know how to be moved in [astrale]. Isn't that
true, sensations the same as during the motion of present, physical hands?

That now occurred, is very important. You for the first time felt your own energy shell. Energy
shell is— this continuation of ether body into the environment. The exterior of energy shell is called aura.
Specifically, at this level into our body rigid energy and emotional charges usually burst open. If this
shell— man will damaged be ill. If on it are thickenings growth, this speaks, that into the shell [vzhivilas]
the alien energy structure. Mastery of these sensations can help you in diagnostics as the diseases of the
physical body (this hardly will however, by you be necessary, because you will be able to use the
[samoozdorovitelnymi] methods, presented in this and subsequent books), so also in the development of
energy-information defeats. But you do not hurry to use by them for treatment and diagnostics of other
people— better help them to master the methods of treatment independently.

Step '. Tactile perception of the energy shell of another man

Now, when you learned to perceive our own ether shell, you can learn to perceive it, also, in other
people. After conducting by the hand above the body of another human, you will feel the same elasticity,
that it was between your palms from the imaginary ball.

But for the beginning you it does not prevent from somewhat [poeksperimentirovat] with its body.
Conduct by hand in itself above the shin, above the thigh. You will ascertain that there is a certain
resistance, that you perceive field with hand— hand it feels its elasticity. It can be, in the hand will
appear other sensations— for example, heat- or a feeling, as if the palm slightly stitch thousands of
needles. Sensations in the hand can be the most different, this deeply individual matter. So that— you
would perceive the main thing, as precisely your hand it reacts in the field, that she in this case feels, and
they tried to memorize your sensations.

Now modify exercise— you will press by the field of hand in the field of thigh, without moving in
this case hand itself. Feel, as the field of hand it is lengthened and accomplishes pressure. In the thigh in
this case you will perceive lung of heat- and gravity, a feeling of pressure. But now you will perceive that
the field of your hand is reduced, the sensation— of coolness and ease is pulled and in the thigh will
arise, as if pressure let go. Repeat this exercise until sensations become completely clear and reliable.

Fig. 33. You will feel two layers of field— external, incompact, this strictly ether body, and dense
internal— this field of the cells of body. If cells are still living, then inner layer remains.

Attentively investigate the field of another man (or the field of your body). You will focus
attention, that it has two clearly distinguishable layers— external, more friable, and internal, tighter.
Inner layer— this is the summary field structure of the cells of body, whereas external— this already the
structure of directly ether body. Strictly the structures of consciousness do not yield to sensation, because
they do not have clear boundary and stretch [cherezvychajno] far. But also it is possible to diagnose on
two layers: during paralyzes, for example, and other disturbances of nervous conductivity outer layer
becomes thinner and even it disappears, while dense inner layer grows with the inflammations.

Thus, you recently learned of their own free will to direct energy flows. When you pressed by the
field of hand to the thigh, you reported energy to thigh, while when they reduced the field of their hand—
that they borrowed the part of the energy structure of thigh.

Occurred the exchange of biological energy, which occurs usually precisely at this level.
Specifically, energy massage so is conducted, so smooth out the grooves and the breakdowns in the
energy shell, which appear as a result of [sglaza]. This all is done with the aid of the energy, which
returns the hand.

But by the property of hand to take energy it is possible to use in order to remove pains and
inflammations. But— attention! — I imperatively recommend to you to thus far restrain from such
manipulations with strange bioenergy. In order to use these knowledge in practice, necessary to first learn
to place on its power engineering protection, but you to make this thus far do not know how. But without
the protection any action on the strange field is dangerous— indeed together with strange power
engineering easy to be grabbed strange diseases, and strange problems.

Here you were introduced to the principles of energy healing. And now can understand that healers
— these are completely not some [nebozhiteli] and supermen, this the same people as and you, simply
they somewhat earlier began to examine in their nature and the true device of peace. But indeed in the
human association even this simple method, as the removal of headache with the aid of the hand, until
now, is received as miracle and something from a number there emerging. In reality everything is

elementary: headache very frequently can be caused by the cluster of negative energy, which got stuck in
the energy shell of man in the region of head. This negative energy can be both the stranger and its own,
left by its own negative thoughts. Healer with the aid of the hand seemingly draws off as by piston, this
negative cluster. And head ceases to be ill Beza any tablets.

But people do not know such simple things and they first of all be sufficient at the tablets— as if
tablet it can remove the negative energy, which became the reason for headache. No, chemical medicines
only anaesthetize cloths, are removed symptoms. But negative power engineering in this case so remains
in the field, ready to continue its destructive action. Now you do understand, how is absurd treatment
with tablets? It is the one who treated thus, receives peace in the absurd, inverted form, it begins to
unwind the ball of its illnesses from the opposite end. But so it is possible for long and unsuccessfully to
pull for the small filament, without understanding, what to begin necessary from another end— not from
the consequence of the emergent pathology, such as is the pain, but from the reason for this pathology,
which lies at the sphere of power engineering.

The energy actions, about which you recently learned,— this the so-called power energy work with
the energy structures of human body. These energy structures— these are our muscles in the energy-
information peace, the peace, forgotten by humanity, which went in its development along the incorrect
way. But once humanity forgot its energy-information essence, then its energy muscles atrophied. But if
there are no muscles— where force?
But you— you personally, my dear reader and student, already began way to the return of your lost force.
You already mastered the habits of elementary field “charging”— they learned to feel energy and to be
moved in your energy tele-, they learned to see ether body and even to use force in the energy-
information fields, acting on body with the aid of the energy.

Be glad for itself, but you do not hurry to become proud. These are— only beginning of way, only
very first steps, only “children's babble” of in the world energy-information structures. The main thing in
you is still in front. Indeed you yet do not know the bases of control of the main energy flux of human
body. Namely this flow is— that foundation, on which we will learn to build the bright and excellent
building of our health, success, prosperity and life of eternal.

Control of the main energy flux

As you already know, basic energy flux into the tele- man consists of two flows, which go in
opposite directions: flow from bottom to top goes at a certain distance in front of the spine and finds a
way out through upper [chakry], while flow from top to bottom goes nearly precisely to the spine and
escapes through lower [chakry]. Now the matter after few— from the theory to pass to the practice. Now
you will learn to perceive the motion of these flows.

Step ". Control of the ascending current

Sit down or arise directly, quietly and [rasslablenno], be concentrated, reject outside thoughts and
be concentrated during the sensations in its own tele-. Gradually you will feel in front of the spine a
certain motion of energy from bottom to top. First it can be for you hardly perceptible, be received only
as certain hint for the motion. But if you will be persistent and whereas you will not throw effort from the
first attempt— motion it will become ever clearer and more perceptible. Finally you will feel flow
completely distinctly. First— as if brook opens to itself road from first [chakry] to the second, to the
third, here it goes to the breast, it penetrates the throat, the bridge of the nose, moves to the darkness…
You do feel?

If you will frequently this practice, then your “brook” of sensations gradually will become
powerful deep river. It it is heavy to feel not because it is weak, but because it is completely natural for
the man. This so is difficult how to perceive its own untiring heart.

Fig. 34. Thus leaves from the body the rigid energy flow of the Earth— it it strives outside through
upper [chakry].

When you attain the clear sensation of flow, visualize that in the center of your head is established
the pointer, which you can turn of their own free will in the different sides. She is fastened to the base of
skull and it is at the given instant directed forward. You will perceive, as flow it rises upward, as it is
strengthened and splashes out from upper [chakr], first of all from [Adzhny].

But now turn pointer back. You will feel that [Adzhna]-[chakra] began as vacuum cleaner, to suck

Verify these sensations several times, until they find clearness and brightness.

Fig. 35. If we perceive the turning of internal lever forward, then energy of the Earth will begin to
beat from [Adzhna]-[chakry] as if fountain.

Fig. 36. Internal lever is turned back— and [Adzhna]-[chakra], as pump, begins to absorb the
scattered energy of cosmos.

Here you mastered the basic tool of human “power plant”, with the aid of which we transfer our
emotions to other people. You already used elements of the ascending current, when they forced outside
man to be wrapped up. But its possibilities are considerably more. It you will be required for cutting off
of outside influences, manipulation by energy structures and control of other essences.

Step 8. Control of the downflow

Let us make now the same with the flow, which goes from top to bottom. Be concentrated, be
weakened, you will perceive, as along the spine from the darkness to lower [chakram] flows energy. You
will install pointer in [Manipure] region. Feel, as energy it can escape from [Manipury], and it can be
sucked by it. When energy escapes, we program other people, we tie by them our thoughts and ideas.
When energy is sucked, we receive emotions and desires of other people and we are infected by them.

You already achieved insignificant action by the downflow, when in one of the previous chapters
they forced outside man to change direction of motion. But possession by it will be required you both for
the protection from the outside influences and for restoring its own health.

Step 9. Integral sensation of the main energy fluxes of its body

But now let us glance beyond the limits of our physical body in order to trace further magnetic

Feel entire magnetic path, which goes from top to bottom: here it condescends on you from the
enormous height, from the zenith, it passes through the sinciput, it goes along the spine through all
[chakry] and departs deeply to the earth. But here counterflow— it rises from the earth and departs
through your body vertically upward, into cosmos, into the infinite height. Feel very motion of these two
flows in itself, same this perpetual motion, which grants life. But itself feel by that bead itself, which
freely hangs on the small filaments of two flows. Not [bojtes] “to let go” itself— flows they hold you
strongly and reliably. You can be entrusted quietly by it and remove control from yourselves, from your
physical body. You will charge your body to the energy fluxes— and they already themselves will begin
to conduct your body to the health, to a good health, to entire the fact that it is necessary to you in the life.
You will see: in this state they will begin to live much more easily and it is calmer.

Central flows— this is a basic source of the energy, necessary for human body in order to live in
order to be healthy and harmonious. But for entire this there is one condition: the motion of these flows
must be flat, strong and protected from the external actions, i.e., from those most pathologic closings of
energy on other people, on [sotsiume], on the physical peace, about which we already spoke. Only then
man will perceive himself with healthy, strong, capable of obtaining all that which to him is necessary in

the life. Specifically, here— the secret of our health and disease, force and weakness and, in the final
analysis, life and death.

Fig. 37. For long not necessary to explain— internal lever in the lower part of stomach it makes it
possible to control the movement of the downflow.

Fig. 38. Feel— so men it lives on the Earth, deriving energy from it and from the infinite spaces of
the universe.

You will memorize the sensation of two current towards each other flows in your tele-. Check from
time to time this your sensation— all in the order, does flow energy, with the proper whether force and
with speed do move the flows?

If suddenly you feel retarding flow, you can at any moment restore its previous speed, after
exerting for this a certain internal effort. So that power engineering of entire body would function
normally and it was controlled, central energy flux must be strong.

Here you understood that can themselves control the movement of your flows, that can become
their owner. And not only you can, but also they must— so that by the owner of your flows it would not
become someone another so that some forces would not govern from without you. But indeed for the
usual man this is the standard of life. Usual man we govern from the side practically continuously.

But for you one must still learn, learn and learn in order to properly normalize its central flow. To
learn to feel its power engineering, to see it, to govern it. As you has already been convinced, there is
nothing impossible for you in this. You should reliably be opened from the influences of the external
energy essences, which carry to man disease and plunging him in to captivity.

Chapter shch

Points of closing the energy-information flows of man in power engineering

of [sotsiuma]

System of the self-control of the central flows

You already learned to perceive tele- central energy flux in your, and are more accurate, two flows,
which compose the nucleus of the energy essence of man. Man “is planned” so that by means of these
two flows it must constantly obtain energy additional supply from the Earth and from cosmos and convert
the obtained energy for his subsistence.

But contemporary man— this is the, as a rule, disfigured by environment man, which partially cut
off itself from power engineering of the Earth and cosmos, but it was connected to power engineering of
human association. But human association, as we already spoke, takes away the mass of energy in each
of us, but instead of anything it returns. Energy begins to depart “to the side” along the pathologic energy
plaits, which belong to both the other people, and to independent energy essences. To man begins this
energy not to be sufficient— hence disease, trouble and misfortune, indeed in man more it does not
remain vitalities, in it everything takes away [sotsium].

After learning to perceive the flow of vertical energy fluxes in your tele-, you always can control,
additional supply from the Earth and cosmos was not destroyed, it is sufficient whether strongly,
powerful and rapidly move flows. If the flow suddenly sharply of [issjak], reduced speed— this the most
explicit sign of the fact that you burn into the pathologic energy-information network, woven
[sotsiumom], or steels by the victim of the aggression from the side of alien power engineering.

In order to learn to get rid of such alien actions, for you first of all is in prospect as one should
[ottrenirovat] the ability to note similar changes in its own power system.

Then for you it is necessary to learn to reveal the source of outside actions.

But after revealing source, you will be able to neutralize these actions.
I hope, you mastered well all methods, which were discussed in the previous chapter. They will be
required you in order to lead its power engineering into the standard.

In this chapter we will speak about how create and [ottrenirovat] control system of the eigenstate.
Before us stands [dvuedinaja] task. First, we must determine the certain key points, on which we will
be able to from time to time start the system of operational self-control (something like checking of
the combat readiness of all systems of aircraft on the key points). And to in the second place, fasten
in the memory the normal state of these key points.

But to and since learn sufficiently to effective and precise self-control? If you as follows they
mastered the previous material they had time to fasten in practice, then can say: what simpler? It arose
from the morning, it did verify, normally flow flows, if abnormally— it normalized by the effort of will,
and forward, live further, associate [sotsiumom]. If you actually then discuss— well, then you can be
congratulated, you make successes and they grasped basic principle completely correctly. And
nevertheless this not entirely thus.

First, each second of your life you will not be able to keep flows under control— of no attention it
will be sufficient. Especially if one considers that contemporary man lives in the sufficiently stressed
rhythm and in it the set of the most different concerns. Let us assume in the morning, along the way to
the work, in the transport in order time for free not to lose and not to be subject to the effect of those
surrounding, you can in the corner of railroad car as much as desired somewhere chase your flows hither
and thither. But then you will compulsorily take the matters, and it will be no longer to the flows. It is
necessary to think about the work, about the fact that it is necessary to purchase products, to prepare
dinner, to help with the lessons children, to begin repair in the apartment and so on. Then you will
recollect— and where flow- that? But they are meanwhile unnoticeable [issjakli], you themselves do not
know as. Well you will take some pains yourselves even before the sleep above the restoration of flows,
and in the morning again all on the new. Thus, you do know, no forces will be sufficient, you will
eternally disentangle from the pathologic states with the very insignificant successes.

The task lies in the fact that learning to reveal the reasons for the fact that the flows run low,— i.e.,
to fix very fact of external action. You must learn for this, that both flows have the so-called critical
points— of the place of the closings, on the sensations in which it is possible to judge the nature of
external actions. Now we with you will learn to perceive the critical points of the ascending and
downflows— of the point, on which we can be oriented, we lose energy or not, it flows normally or it
flows away in the undesirable direction, and on the sensations in which we can reveal very reason for the
disturbance of the circulation of energy in our own tele-.

Step 10. Critical point of the ascending current

Be weakened, arise directly, legs spread. Raise hands to the sides, deeply inhale, and then slowly
breathe out. On the inhalation catch the sensation of the ascending current and retain this sensation both
on the inhalation and during the expiration. You will repeat inhalation and breathed out several times,
continuing to retain the sensation of the ascending current. You will feel that on the inhalation the flow
clearly is strengthened, and during the expiration it loses its intensity.

But now inhale and you will detain inhalation on the middle. You will feel that the flow slowly
weakens. You will repeat inhalations, inhalations with the delays and expirations several times, until you
memorize this sensation. Be trained to strengthen and to calm flow of their own free will with the aid of
the inhalation and the expiration.

You will focus attention: when you detain respiration, flow begins to melt somewhere scarcely
higher navel. This occurs because energy although rises as before to the top, it begins slowly to be
scattered through upper [chakry]. You will memorize as it follows this sensation— as flow it [taet] in the
region of navel with holding of breath.

But now you must tightly master the following (this very importantly!): if you do not detain
respiration, if you breathe exactly and quietly, as usual, and the ascending current nevertheless
[taet] scarcely higher navel— this the accurate sign of the fact that someone or something forces
you to lose energy!

Fig. 39. You will detain it breathed out— and energy of the ascending current will begin here to be
scattered; but if we inhale, then it again flows powerfully and exactly. This is the rhythm of the
ascending current of the Earth.

It is necessary to say that this sensation is so unique what cannot be not noted it, and if you clearly
grasped this sensation one time, then themselves has already been convinced of this. Any unplanned
appearance of this sensation speaks, that you are steel by the object of straight line and rough energy
aggression. As you already know, the ascending current— this is the source of terrestrial, rough energy,
and therefore to damage this flow is possible by rough, emotional energy action. Therefore, if you clearly
grasped the sensation of the energy dissipation in the zone of higher than the navel, can be assured:
somewhere in your environment there is the aggressor, who by the rough ejection of terrestrial energy
from his upper [chakr] smashed your ascending current. Now you know, in what precisely place it locked
your power engineering.

Energy impacts along the ascending current lead to the cardiovascular diseases, reduction in the
immunity, anemias, neurasthenia. All this— of the consequence of the disturbances of emotional sphere,
which depends on the normal flow of the ascending current.

In order to avoid all these troubles, for you one must learn to reveal aggressor. I, of course, hope
that you will understand me correctly and you will not attack on those surrounding with the cry: “You is
aggressor!”, releasing in this case in the course cams. Such methods, I assure you, to to nothing good they
will not bring, but they will lead only to strengthening of the emergent pathologic energy connection.
Better [uspokojtes], quietly sit down and think: it can be, someone to you did be rude, it did call names
you? It can be, unknown old lady after the back something unkind did mutter, or someone you did push
in the metro, on the foot it did begin [umyshlenno]? On the whole, did not appear someone with respect
to you negative emotions?

To reveal the source of this action not so is difficult, even if you forgot or did not note the very fact
of action. Usually man, with whom in you was established pathologic energy connection, itself begins to
cause in you the negative emotions: it irritates you, is caused some vague and incomprehensible
dissatisfaction, you it for some reason is desirable with it to argue, to object to it. Pathologic connections
so appear. Verify your environment on this score: who you irritates? Ah, everything immediately? Well,

then so know: these are still people, with which you are connected by pathologic connections and which
do not give your energy leak normally, or they are united under the influence of the energy-information
parasite, at the given moment intended “to pump out” you.

As to get rid of these connections, I will learn you only later. Thus far be trained in recognizing
them, and you will see, that in the process of such trainings some of these connections will fall by

The it is necessary to say that external sources of emotional action in certain cases can provoke
strengthening the ascending current. Strengthening flow is usually perceived at a distance the palm of
lower than that place, where weakening flow is manifested, i.e., it is lower than the navel. Strengthening
flow bears direct threat neither health nor life, but it is accompanied by strengthening emotional
background and can provoke man to unjustified behavior and inadequate behavior. In such cases
frequently they say: “It acted in the state of passion”.

Step 11. Critical point of the downflow

Now let us learn to recognize how outside actions they take root in our downflow. Arise directly,
without straining, raise hands to the sides. Entire the same: inhalation— breathed out, but now be
concentrated on the downflow. You will repeat several times inhalation and slow breathed out with the
sensation of the downflow. Do not be distressed, if for you does not immediately succeed in feeling the
origin of flow in seventh, sincipital [chakre]: indeed there acts clean energy of cosmos, and its sensation
comes gradually. Most likely, first you will note the origin of flow somewhere in the region of the base of
neck, in back of the head, and be lost the flow will be below stomach.

After repeating several inhalations and expirations, realize, that the flow is strengthened during the
expiration. You will repeat inhalation and breathed out several times— thus far you you will not become
accustomed to the sensation of flow and you will not begin to perceive it so clearly, as you perceive, for
example, the note of tuning fork or light beam. You will learn to strengthen and to calm flow at will with
the aid of the respiration.

But now interrupt expiration on the middle, without having completed it. Feel, as the downflow
begins to be scattered. You will note that it will begin to be lost and to disappear approximately in five
centimeters above the navel. This is a critical point of the downflow. As it follows you will memorize this

Attention! Now that which is necessary to master well: if you do not detain expiration, but
the downflow nevertheless is scattered at point by five centimeters of higher than the navel it,
which means, occurs energy action from without.

Fig. 40. Make slow expiration— and you will feel, as the downflow is strengthened, but if we inhale,
then it will begin to be scattered in the tele-. This is the rhythm of the downflow of cosmos.

This feeling of decrease and scattering of the downflow is manifested less clearly and distinctly
than scattering the ascending current, therefore in order to learn to recover this sensation, it is necessary
persistently to be trained. Because to learn to recognize the decrease of this flow very importantly: indeed
it contains energy of cosmos, which is the source of our consciousness. But since this energy exactly
feeds consciousness, to consciousness itself there is difficult to [otsledit] the decrease of the source of its
own power. Indeed consciousness in that case seemingly weakens and it is begun difficultly to be
oriented in th processes e proceeding with it, but to compare not with which.

If the disturbances of the ascending current speak about the rough emotional energy action, then
the disturbances of the downflow testify about the [zombirujushchem], programming action of pathologic
power engineering of the surrounding physical peace. As you themselves will see, very frequently both
these actions are combined together and we deal concerning the complex defeats of our own power

[Sotsium]— its policy, large accumulation of people, crowd, as we already spoke, generate the new
animated energy-information essence, which constantly attempts to catch man into its networks, to force
him to return its power engineering for her needs, to make by its marionette, blind executor of strange
will. If you learn to recognize these actions, if you succeed in feeling that someone or something you as if
for the hand conducts somewhere besides your will— that you will be able to resist this action, and then
you will learn to consciously erect the line of your behavior in the manner that this necessary for you, and
not as awaits from you someone another.

The downflow is the source of highest power engineering of human being. Therefore its
disturbances can lead to the disturbances of the logical sphere of the psyche, when man begins to behave
in spite of the logic and the common sense. Furthermore, the disturbances of the downflow can lead to
such illnesses as schizophrenia, dementia (dementia), and also disturbances of hormonal balance, sterility
and even to oncology.

Overcoming the mutations of the consciousness

After learning to recognize the presence of the defeats of its own energy fluxes, you considerably
will approach your purpose— to deliverance from the diseases, the valuable life, whose possibility is
given from nature to each human being. But control of the flows— this is still far from everything.

Because on the way to the ability to recognize defeats us awaits one perhaps most important complexity.
The fact is that man, being in pathologic state it does not, as a rule, note its pathology. It will here by the
way recall the proverb: “In the strange eye mote I will look after, but in my and log I do not note”.

This very “log”— of personal pathologic state— we usually do not note, because they became
accustomed to it, it became for us standard. Indeed we do not know, as we felt ourselves without this
“log”. And we cannot learn this, until we take out it. So that to us it is simple not with which to compare.

You will look attentively at the surrounding people, and you will see, that they do not, as a rule,
note those their problems, which are all around obvious for all. For example, your associate through the
work is found always in the irritated state, he cavils on the trifles to those surrounding, always shouts and
leaves from itself on the trifles. But if you ask it, why it such angry, it, most likely, will begin to you to
aggressively and maliciously prove, that it completely not angry, that it good, good and is generally calm
never as.

Or man always to someone or to something is offended and eternally he is in the poor mood. If you
begin to explain to it, that this state— is this pathology, he will not understand you, but it will only offend
still more, now already, also, on you. And you [nazhivete] to yourselves excess enemy, although perhaps
sincerely they wanted to help man and brought this conversation from the best motives. It unable to
understand and to accept the fact that is in pathologic state, because he does not know that its state can be
other, and it does not know how to convert to this another state.

This phenomenon is called the mutation of consciousness. Its essence in the fact that the perception
latent changes by man of the surrounding peace with the appearance of some influencing the man
external factors. Man falls for the emotional action of strange power engineering. To [otsledit], as
occurred this action, it proceeded from whom, as it damaged his power engineering, it cannot, as they
cannot this make a majority of people. This energy action changes its central energy flux, it " de-
energizes” entire power system of man. Man this does not, in addition note. Meanwhile as a result of the
damage of power system it changes and the mood of man— it becomes depressed either unnaturally
elevated, and it itself becomes sluggish, lifeless or, on the contrary, overactive, excited, it falls into

If alien power engineering exerts its influence constantly (as a rule, this it is precisely then), then
mood in man will constantly be distorted. He indeed does not know that it became similar as a result of
the pathologic actions from without. He thinks that this is its true essence, that it— here such as it exists,
and others be there cannot. In this case the man can forget, when to him it was for the last time easy, it is
joyful, when in it it was light on the soul. It can forget even, what sensation experience men, when to it it
is easy and it is joyful. To forget— and not to recall and so to wallow in its pathologic state, that even not
to experience the need to return to the standard.

And here already depression or [razdrazhennost] becomes its customary and natural state. He even
does not understand and does not realize, that it is necessary something to make with this. This man can
as the worn out plate, endlessly say: “In me everything is normal. I do not have problems”. By the way, if
man then says, this is the first sign that problems he has very many, but it itself them does not see and,
correspondingly, it rejects any aid.

Man, who learned himself to control the state of his power engineering, never will yield to the
rolled suddenly suddenly depression. This man understands, that depression— this is not standard. This is
pathology, and it is, which means, necessary simply to work with its power engineering and this
pathology to remove. Man, who learned himself to govern his power engineering, always understands,
that from the depression there is output, and it is confident, that it will find this way out. But therefore it
does not despair and, however to it it was heavy, it does not be sufficient at the pistol and does not jump

up on the window-sill of the eleventh floor. It quietly searches for the energy reason for its depression
and, after finding, is removed it.

Indeed, as we already learned, power engineering— the fundamentals in all. Depression is— only
consequence of pathologic changes in the power system. It means, and the elimination of depression must
be begun from the normalization of power engineering.

Depression, depression, poor mood, touchiness, irritability— these are still mutations of
consciousness. If people knew, that all these are— not standard, but pathology and that return to the
standard can each, if it wants,— considerably would be reduced the number of suicides. People would
not pour their grief with wine, they would not search for rescuing in the narcotics, they would not fall
into the desperation.

The mutations of consciousness are characteristic absolutely of all. But how to learn to recognize
them so that it would be possible with them to fight? Necessarily first of all, so that these states it would
be with which compare for this. Just as it is not possible to see black cat in the dark room, so to man, who
is in a pathologic state, it is not possible to recognize its pathology. In order to see black cat, it is
necessary to open the door of dark room and to leave it to the light. In order to see its pathology, it is
necessary also seemingly to look to it from the side.

Such grave pathologic conditions, with which man under no conditions cannot recall itself by
others,— nevertheless large rarity. Even the most depressed, oppressed, or, on the contrary, left himself
and raised man although one time in the life, compulsorily felt himself calm, confident, cheerful, free.

Prepare: in order to overcome the mutations of consciousness, we will now recall here such positive
sensations in our life. And not only to recall, but also to manifest them in its consciousness as photograph
in the manifesting solution. But to then make these “photographs” bright, clear and to solidly attach them
in its memory. In other words— now we will create standard state in ourselves. The state itself, due to
which it will be possible to at any moment compare ourselves to the object of the detection of pathology
and to which we will return to all critical and complex moments of life.

Step 12. Creation of the standard condition of the consciousness

The standard condition of — concept, of course, for us is thus far unusual. People devised the
control gauges of weight, length, time and another set of any standards and standards, on which it is
possible to compare everything anything. But here for some reason they forgot to care about the very
main thing of — about their inherent internal condition of —. The standard of normal human condition in
this physical material peace you nowhere will find. It means, remains one — to create it independently, in
to itself.

First of all for the creation of standard condition it is necessary to comprehend that your condition
at each moment of time is almost completely determined by the signals, which come from sense organs.
Means, the standard condition of — this such condition, in which from all sense organs come only
pleasant and harmonious signals. This is the condition, in which you pleases itself everything: the
physical pose, in which you be situated, the visual mode, which absorb your eyes, sounds, which you
hear, the odor, which you smell, and the taste, which you feel. For the creation of standard condition it is
necessary to recall all these sensations in the complex. Although, in principle, and taste, and the odor of
— this even too much, it is possible to be bounded from these two parameters to some.

But also this yet not all: in the complete standard condition all these standard feelings must be
supplemented even and by standard intention. I.e., you must enter into such condition, when,
experiencing all these pleasant feelings, you still and intend to make anything pleasant.

You it does perhaps seem that all this is very complicated and you will not be able to imagine to
yourselves this condition? In reality there is nothing especially complex in this, and you now themselves
of this will be convinced. Indeed if you as follows you [pokopaetes] in your memory, then you will
mandatorily recall some moment, when you were precise in this condition. At that moment this was for
you so simply and it is natural that you perhaps even did not turn to this of attention and long ago they
forgot about this. But it is now alien time to be occupied recollections.

It can be, this was in your childhood perhaps in the youth, while can, and at the more mature age,
— but was mandatory. In any event this was the period of your life, when you were healthy, they felt
yourselves happy, independent, they believed in yourselves, in their forces. This period could be very
short, but it was in all, including in you.

They did recall? But now you will recall only one moment of that period of — but very pleasant
for you moment. You will recall it without the melancholy, regrets and nostalgia, because this moment
did not go away without leaving a trace, and we now exactly we will do everything in order it to return
and to make your forgotten pleasant sensations your normal condition.

Possibly, this was as follows: the south, summer, the warm sunny morning, you have the beginning
of vacations or leave of absence, you are merry, healthy, in you everything is wonderful, you feel
yourselves easily and freely. You in the complete solitude on the sea shore, you no one interfere withs, no
one diverts from your pleasant condition. Yes even to you no one is necessary, you in the surprising
condition of complete self-sufficiency, when no alert torments, nothing harasses and nothing for the
happiness of more it is necessary — and so everything is good. The sun pleasantly warms, warm sea
water in your struts [shurshit] against the coastal pebble, the all around without anything not comparable
odors of southern plants. You intend to enter into this transparent vivid- azure water and look forward
pleasure from the bathing.

This could be and differently: the spring, the morning, ring drops, sing birds, and in you it sings
shower. You cost on the threshold of your house, you are weakened, you inhale by complete breast, you
admire the fresh verdure of trees, be glad, that is alien the spring and by heat-, which in your life all only
begins. But now you intend to go into the magazine in order to buy to yourselves the thing, about which
have long ago they dreamed.

Both in the one and in the other example available and standard feelings, and standard intentions.
Only take into account: it is very important so that you would remember these moments not theoretically
and [otstranenno]. It is necessary again to be stuck into the condition, it is necessary to recall its precisely
sensations. To recall odors, and sounds, and the picture before the eyes, to try to reduce in its own the
tele- sensation of ease, freedom, rest, weakening. Then in your recollection there will be the complete set
of the necessary sensations: and pose, and visual mode, and odor, and intention. But quite principal — it
is necessary to be concentrated on its energy state at that moment. Indeed if then you felt happiness,
prosperity, rest, freedom and in this case were healthy this — he speaks exactly, that with your power
engineering at that moment everything was in the order.

After causing in itself this recollection at least one time, you already will be able subsequently so to
be trained in the call of this recollection in order to bring the reception of entrance into this condition to
the automatism. It can be, to you it will sufficiently recall some detail of — for example, odor, — so that
entire picture immediately would arise before the eyes and in the imagination entire necessary condition
in the complex instantly floated up. For sure something similar already was with you: here you

accidentally recovered in the crowd the odor of familiar perfumes, and immediately the memory gave out
to you the whole piece of your life, when you put to use these perfumes, or the occurence, when you felt
this odor. You heard the long ago forgotten song of — and immediately earned the associations: you
instantly recalled, where you heard this melody earlier, what people were number at that moment, this
was connected with what event.

Thus according to one sign you can learn to cause your standard condition in yourselves. Now it
will always with you, ready appear on the first call. It “is recorded” in your imagination forever. But you
already know that any figurative pictures, recollections, which we can cause with the help of the
imagination, " live” not somewhere, but in [astrale]. And always it is possible to extract from their
[astrala] in order then to return to the place in the integrity and the state of preservations.

After causing the tested by you once harmonious and pleasant condition from [astrala], you will
feel with its skin, muscles, pores, fibers of soul, with brain of — by entire organism. You will inject into
itself this condition. Here is it — standard. Here is it — norm. Now you easily will be able to distinguish
norm from the pathology. Comparing your condition with the standard, you always, at any moment, can
record extraneous effect, which will permit you to maintain success and health. After learning at each
moment to correlate its condition with the standard, after bringing this process to the automatism, you
will relay out on your consciousness of — protection from mutations.

[Sglaz], damage, the curse of — the energy-information injuries

Let us thus, total. You now learn complete control over your consciousness, ability to protect it and
to free from pathologic communications. You already know that it means the normal current of energy-
information flows in your tele-. You can reinforce and decrease them of their own free will. You know
the method of call from [astrala] of the standard condition of your consciousness and your power
engineering for the operational comparison with that condition, in which you now be situated.

This means that you learned to distinguish norm from the pathology. Thus, you at any moment can
check yourselves and be oriented, should you take any measures for reduction yourselves into the norm.

You now know as to discover that the flow is scattered that its current is disturbed, — to you are
familiar the sensation at critical points, on which this can be recognized. You also know that the
violations of the downflow are connected with the fact that by you it manipulates pathologic power
engineering of human [sooobshchestva]. Very frequently this occurs, when [sotsium], as the uniform
animated structure, wishes to use you as pawn into some to its play.

From the following books you learn, as after this programming effects society begins her own play
of — they play havoc with the events, in which the unprepared man without ceremony can to vanish (and
it will be already in any case used for strange purposes), and prepared and competent (by what you now
already you become) uses them them into the good and becomes only stronger than — if it, of course,
selects the correct line of behavior. Indeed man with fastened power engineering is resistant even to the
most rigid effects of [sotsiuma].

You also assimilated, that the damages of the updraft were connected with the rough direct effect
whose- that of powerful power engineering. This is precisely the effect, which leads to [sglazu], damage,

Let us decipher these concepts.

[Sglaz] of — the puncture of ether body, which leads to energy loss.

Damage of — the introduction of alien pathologic energy-information constructions into the ether
human body.

Curse of — powerful connection to any energy-information structure or essence, that leads to

incessant energy loss, risky not only for the health, but also for the life. To say nothing of that that the
curse cleanly banishes from the life success and heavily it has effect on [karma] not only of man himself,
but also of all type: indeed curse frequently pursues people for the elongation of several generations.

This is how there can be the dangerously rough effect of strange powerful power engineering on
the updraft. Therefore very important to recognize and to neutralize this effect immediately, until it
begins to make its destructive matter.

So that history about the witches, about the bad black eye of — this is far from of fairy tale. That
that in the people are named bad eye, this — in reality capability for powerful energy effects on the
strange ether bodies.

Not all these things are always done consciously. Certainly, and now, in our time, there is a set of
sorcerers, witches, stocks, especially in the villages, which know the different magic receptions, which
were reached by it by the inheritance, — the receptions, which make it possible to direct damage to the
neighbor, if it suddenly arrived unlike, to [poportit] to it health, either to ruin crop or to cause loss of
cattle, or to bring the number of other troubles of the type of fire, depredation, etc furthermore, now on
the counters of magazines lie thousands of omasa, from which it is possible to learn the active receptions
both of white and black magic, and a very great quantity of people they seized all this in practice. In fact,
and why with the help of the magic not to retract competitor in the business, not to destroy the successful
firm, not to break whose- that flourishing matter? I assure you, all these things with more or smaller
success are done today directly in you on the eyes, in broad daylight, much more frequently than you can
this to yourselves imagine.

Yes that also to speak, people any literature had read much, but in magic sense they nevertheless
remained in essence illiterate: they do not know that by similar acts they burden [karmu] of — not only
their, but also their children, which sooner or later it is necessary to answer for this.

But it is very frequent in our time and in cases, when energy-information injuries are laid
unconsciously. People, which this make, are not professional sorcerers and they did not read omasa on
the magic. They simply possess capabilities for the powerful effects by negative, negatively charged
power engineering. Today it is necessary to contend at every turn with so-called household [sglazami].

I remember, even in our department one young collaborator it was necessary to free from [sglaza],
directed by whole female collective. “The fault” of this woman consisted only of the fact that it was alien
to the work (into the mess) in the fashionable extravagant dress, which was perhaps somewhat brighter,
somewhat shorter and that is somewhat more low-cut, than required the efficient working situation of
military post. Moreover all its associates were the women, who seemed, let us say so, it is somewhat
more adult and not as attractive as the injured fashion-plate. Toward the end workday woman they nearly
drove away with the heart attack. On the happiness, having more or less arrived into itself, it turned to me
for help, and to render this aid was yet not too late: [sglaz] did not have time to launch the irreversible
processes in the organism.

Household [sglazy] very frequently lay on their adjacent units on the house “peacefully” those
sitting on the bench in the entrance of grandmother. Especially if they love to [poobsuzhdat] all passing
by and to gossip to their count. Not accidentally in the people of these grandmothers they baptized
“terrible court”. [Sglaz] frequently escorts the envy: the envier has always bad eye. But then we cannot
comprehend, why to us so it is bad, from where did undertake disease? But all is in reality simple

[objasnimo], it is necessary to only know the reality of the energy-information interactions of — the
reality, in which for us all it is necessary to live from the birth itself. Reality of the overfilled peace.

Therefore we with you will be competent. And we will not strike and mutilate whom not after
falling by its uncontrollable power engineering, as this makes the majority of people. We will take our
power engineering under the control in order and by itself to be freed, and to others harm not to bring.

As to be shielded from these direct effects, as to neutralize their — about this you learn from the
following chapter.

Chapter '. Diagnosis and the removal of the aggressive effects

Protection from the energy-information injuries

We all live in the aggressive medium and we constantly undergo the energy attacks of — even if
this we do not note and nothing about this we know. The unprepared man most frequently notes only the
consequences of these effects, which are the diseases, failures, their own [nadekvatnoe] behavior. All
political structures and community organizations are extremely aggressive.

At the previous head the discussion dealt with how to recognize, does take place the fact external
aggression, your power engineering did suffer from it. Now it came time to learn, however, that to make
with the consequences of such unasked invasions as of them to get rid and as to lead itself into the norm
after energy-information injuries.

If you will move accurately, if you will remember about the fact that you first of all the entity is
energy-information and is only then social, if you will support correct energy exchange with Land and
space and you will learn to be freed from pathologic communications with the physical peace of — that
gradually you will mandatorily strengthen your power engineering so that you will be cleared no
aggression, you will become invulnerable. Strictly, if you [ovladeete] by all methodologies, presented in
this volume, then then it will be. But in the process of the work on your power engineering you still
remain vulnerable. Therefore attacks must be in time recognized and consciously reflected them.

Very frequently these energy effects not so are considerable. We each day meet with the set of such
small “attacks” and of the introductions into our energy shell, which cannot cause serious harm to health.
But to the here normal process of growth, development, formation of power engineering, the process of
the acquisition of force even such small “pebbles” they can prevent. Allegorical it is possible to say thus:
you wish to nurse the marathon distance of — note small calculi on the road, you will otherwise
unavoidably break struts.

Thus, you already know that the attacks occur rough, emotional — damaging the updraft of power
engineering, and the more delicate, penetrate in the structures consciousnesses of in the form extraneous
programs and codes. At this head we will speak both about those and about others.

First in more detail let us have a talk about what generally there are attacks. Thus, here is the
classification of the energy-information attacks:
— direct energy puncture ([sglaz]) and energetic suckers ([vampirizm]);
— the programming (people names this phenomenon slander and large-capacity word “of [morok]”);
— investment into the ether body of autonomous energy-information construction (damage);
— connection to the independent energy essence or the structure (curse).

In this classification the attacks are enumerated, in other words, in the increasing order, i.e., from
“harmless itself” ([sglaz]) to riskiest (curse). If we [sglaz] discover and to reduce is sufficiently easy, then

the further — the more complex. And nevertheless nothing impossible for us with you there exists.
Therefore let us discard away all fears and doubts and boldly will look into the eyes of danger with the
firm conviction, that the victory will be after us.

Let us begin from the simplest.

Step 13. Direct energy puncture and [vampirizm] of — diagnosis and the

You already know as to determine that it is alien time to look for “breakdowns” in its power
system: on the sensation of digression from the standard condition, due to the condition of the critical
points of ascending and downflows.

In the case of [sglaza] sharply is scattered the downflow, and with the sucker ([vampirizme])
perceptibly falls the updraft. Direct energy puncture is caused by the strong energy flow, which ensues
from [Adzhna]-[chakry] of man, who is located for you in the zone of direct appearance. This flow can
punch ether body, and through the puncture is lost energy of the descending, space flow (as a rule,
“leakage” it occurs in upper half of body) of — then we we deal concerning [sglazom]. But if flow from
whose- that Of [adzhna]-[chakry] seemingly sucks to your lower [chakram], it begins to initiate the
massive loss of energy of the updraft of — and this already [vampirizm].

After discovering the dispersion of one or the other flow, it is necessary to have in the form that the
still and definite symptoms of your organism speak about the energy attacks. It occurs so, when matter
yet reached neither before the disease nor even to hardly the perceptible physical malaise, but you you
feel: something not that. You will focus attention on some sensations, on which also it is possible to place
diagnosis. So, with [sglaze] to the man finds seemingly certain torpor, it becomes some absentee, it falls
into the prostration, it goes away to itself and inwardly it congeals. With [vampirizme] sharply
deteriorates the mood, weakness appears, as if you recently accomplished the hard physical work of —
they dug vegetable-garden or they unloaded cars. But in reality only they chatted half-hour with the

You be more attentively to its body, you will learn to note even the small symptoms, about which
you earlier spoke: “A, nonsense”. Now you know that this is not nonsense, body to you it signals this:
take measures. And if they suddenly became somehow not on itself, when you do not know, where head
to bow as to arise, as to sit down — and so, and is such you are attached, but everything is bad,
everything is inconvenient, — that know: this not without purpose. Body first of — is earlier than the
mind of — begins to feel discomfort from the extraneous effects. And if you will respect your body, you
will begin to him to entrust, it will prompt auto to you, where enemy sits. Indeed such things, as
[vampirizm] and [sglaz], are turned not simply by a deterioration in the health, but by the whole bouquet
of the diseases of — from neurodermatitis and vegetovascular dystonia to the neoplasms and

Fig. 41. [Sglaz]. Ulcer, hole, unhealing wound in the shell of ether body force man to lose
energy of space.

Fig. 42. [Vampirizm]. Invisible sucker pulses, pumping out from the man the vitally
necessary energy of Lands.

Thus, with the help of all methods named above you will easily discover in yourselves and [sglaz],
and sucker. By the way, your knowledge and abilities it is already completely sufficient in order to place
diagnosis not only to itself, but also to another man. Indeed you already learned to feel field with hand.

So here, if you will “feel” by hand the field of another man and you will discover in his field as “pit”,
where the sensation of elasticity is lost and hand somewhere falls, this — is nothing else but [sglaz].

But if your hand enters the area, where sucker was fastened, then palm will feel tingling and
instead of the sensation of elasticity will meet with a feeling of the looseness of field.

If you already learned well to see ether body and you will know how to dispose your eye to
recognition of aura, then you will see, that with the sucker the aura is scattered in lower half of ether body
(under the navel or at the same level from the side spins), and with [sglaze] aura is refined in the upper
unit of body.

I wish only to prevent: if you discover such injuries in another man of — you do not hurry him to
treat, filling up holes by its inherent power engineering. As we already spoke, without special preparation
this can be dangerously for you. Yes even man can involuntarily fall from you into [zavisismost]. So that
this it would not occur, you will learn it to manage the suckers and [sglazami] independently. But first
you themselves must learn this to make. Now we with you will learn this.

There are several methods of the counteraction to [sglazu]

1. Forced normalization of the downflow. For this it is first necessary to be disposed to the standard
condition, by the effort of the will to discard from itself the torpor, which unavoidably gives birth to
[sglaz], to and then literally force flow down along the spine. This method will help, if [sglaz] not too
strong, is directed by not very energetically powerful man, whose “bad eye” it is not too malicious. With
the normalization of the course of the downflow “hole” will be filled up with energy and will be covered

2. If [sglaz] more serious and first method did not help, urgently remember, as you elongated the
ether body of your hand, touching by him the opposite objects. Then you made they nothing else but
directed to two or three meters forward the flow of your energy. In exactly the same manner you can
increase any unit of your ether body. You direct your energy into th place e injured from [sglaza],
stretching there ether body, you fill with it hole (which [sglaz] is created, as we know, in the area Of
[vishudkhi] or [Adzhny]). Make this until the precise sensation of the reduced boundary of your energy
shell appears.

e. If for you it was possible to discover [sglaz] in the process of its induction, to you largely it
transported: can check your energy possibilities here, on the spot. For example, they did see in the crowd
some stock [zyrkuchuju] (randomness? Randomnesses it does not occur!), which so pierces you by eyes,
something in you does not clearly by it please itself, and felt moreover as under its view you you fall into
the inexplicable torpor, but your aura simple- after all [taet], — perform, without losing time. To most
simply guide to aggressor into [Adzhna]-[chakru] powerful energy flow from its [Adzhna]-[chakry]. This
will cause the temporary blockade of the attacking effect, which will permit you to [retirovatsja] with the
minimum losses.

Only, if you please, do not overdo it. You do not press by your excessively power engineering to
unhappy [starushentsiju]. Otherwise you will be similar to that dare-devil, who, after deciding to
intimidate its pursued hooligan by militia whistle, thus was fascinated, that it dashed with the cry and the
threats following that already [ulepetyvajushchim] attacked. In that case you themselves begin to play the
role “bad eye”, gaining the skills of causing to people of harm unnecessarily. I prevent: [karmu] to then
correct will be heavy.

Fig. 43. The straight attack of — powerful energy flow from your [Adzhna]-[chakry] blocks
the splash of extraneous power engineering.

Now let us be introduced to the methods of the counteraction to [vampirizmu].

1. If vampire not very strong and stuck not then long ago, to get rid of it is sufficiently easy with
the help of this simple reception as the temporary stop of the updraft. For this, as you already know, it
suffices altogether to only delay respiration on the inhalation. Sucker in this case will drop out by itself.

2. With not too deeply taken root a sucker, if it is established recently, also sufficient to be
concentrated during the sensation of the boundaries of its ether body and to trace their wholeness and
inviolability. After being concentrated on your ether tele- and thoroughly examining its boundaries, you
mandatorily will feel, where they are disturbed, in what precisely place occurs the outflow of energy (as
you already know, vampires they are connected to lower [chakram] of — To [manipure] or To
[svadkhistane]). After feeling the place of outflow, you can guide there additional energy (you will, in
addition recall the sensations, which in you were during the elongation of ether hand). Make this until the
sensations of the reduced wholeness of the boundaries of ether body become clear and precise.

e. If the previous two methods did not help, which means, you it was reached vampire sufficiently
strong and to take root it had time very deeply. In that case in the course it is necessary to start “heavy
artillery”. This is done as follows.

Better it will be, if you will remain in the solitude in the calm room, you will be weakened, you
will drive off extraneous thoughts. After which for you one must break, cut off or by some other mode
cut off from itself sucker. Be concentrated during the sensation of your ether body, examine its
boundaries, you will feel the place of the sucker, on which occurs the outflow of your power engineering.
Now you will feel this sucker of in the form completely material tourniquet, rope, rope of — as to you it
will prompt your intuition. Further, being, in addition coordinated with its own intuition, perform in the
manner that they would perform in the reality, if you should it was this rope intersect. Can put to use any
tools, such as you will only wish, — to take, for example, sword, saw or axe and to cut off sucker. But if
this neither sword nor axe it proved to be not under the force of — well, then use laser beam,
flamethrower, rocket installation. On the whole, in the course can go any weapon, which you only will be
able clear and clearly to feel, — it will be modelled by your ether body. Intercept, chop off, renounce
sucker until in you the precise sensation of its squad and restoration of the normal boundary of your ether
body appears.

But it is necessary to have in the form a following: to cut off the sucker of — this yet not all.
Because even after cutoff it will be as before pulled to you in the space, so aiming to stick conversely. In
order to stave off the repeated consolidation of vampire, it is possible to close the cut off tourniquet from
The [manipura]-[chakroj] vampire, forming this peculiar loop. If we for you this cannot be made for
some reason or other, it is possible the cut off sucker to stick deeply into the earth of — then deeply, as

soon as you will know how to reach (natural, in its imagination, real pit dug must not be). To vampire
after this hardly it will be wanted be pulled to again to you by its “feelers”.

4. If for you succeeds in recognizing vampire at that moment when it only is established sucker (for
example, you talk with some man, and suddenly you feel, whatever from that from this it is filled
fatigue), most simply for purposes of self defense to act then: to immediately create powerful energy flux
from its [Adzhna]-[chakry], as if the ray of searchlight, and by this ray to connect the ether body of
vampire with the ether body of any located hereabout object. Will approach for this purpose tree, and
animal, and even accidental passer-by. Harm you by these no one will cause: this communications almost
immediately will be failed, but you in this time will have time to move out from under the effect of

Fig. 44. By energy flow from your [Adzhna]-[chakry] you, as if by laser, you connect the
together ether bodies of several humans.

And it is necessary to put to use very carefully the nevertheless this method: it it is possible to use
only when you are assured that you “[vampirjat]” [osoznanno], which wonderful understands men which
makes, because it became accustomed to receive injection due to others. Otherwise you will fall outside
the limits of the necessary defense. If man was connected to you accidentally, it is simple because it at
the given moment is energetically exhausted, then its [vampirizm] not known. And your “ray of
searchlight” can be risky for this man, since in this case you make you nothing else but lay [sglaz]. , in
addition I wish to mention about the fact that you can damage to these and to yourselves, [poportiv] its
[karmu] by this improper act.

Step 14. Programming — diagnosis and the counteraction

The following stage, which for you is necessary to seize, — the methods of the counteraction to

As you already know, programming is caused by the energy-information flow of lower [chakr],
directed to upper [chakry] of other people. Programming can be manufactured and [osoznanno], and
unconsciously — for the victim of there is no difference, by it it is in any event equally not easy.

Fig. 45. Program. Cluster of field, on its significance equal to strange microcircuit.

Programming disturbs the balance of basic energy fluxes, gives birth to subconscious discomfort
and inadequate behavior, but on the direct sensations in the tele- this to discover difficultly, because
programming does not cause precise shifts in the health. True, if you enter into the standard condition,
then you will be able to vaguely feel that in the current of ascending and downflows something was
changed and they no longer correspond to standard.

Fig. 46. Program into the tele- man. As parasitic worm, it flourishes in the ether of tele-
man, reprogramming to his consonant to itself.

To discover programming is possible and according to this sign: thoughts suddenly begin leak
entirely on another bed, and mood is changed without the visible reasons. For example, you thought
about grow prettier to weather, about the leave of absence they was glad at the life of — and suddenly
something elusively was changed, mood was damaged, weather no longer gladdens, but thoughts send
only about the fact that the wage in you is small and that they pay irregularly.

But the brightest manifestation of programming consists in the fact that it pushes to the activity.
Moreover to such activity, about which man himself will then speak: “As I could this make?” Or: “Where
there was my head?” But head was on the spot, but it was subordinate to the strange program, which
literally forced man to enter in spite of itself, to make that the fact that to make not necessary and even it
is detrimental. At this moment man as if whips and draws after itself some wave, with which it cannot
manage. Moreover in the depth of soul, as a rule, in man remains dim hardly the revealed sensation, that
it makes something not that. But powerful strange program suppresses this internal vote, does not give to
it to be heard.

After gaining adequate experience of the sight of aura, you will be able to see, which occurs at very
moment of the programming: the ragged, without anything not connected flocculi of the aura of — the
programming energy-information structures of — are very rapidly absorbed by upper [chakrami] of man,
who undergoes programming.

With certain experience you will be able to recognize people, which were subjected to
programming. The fresh consequences of programming (imposition of slander or [moroka]) can be noted
on the fact that the energy flows of human body in no way are changed in the dependence on the
inhalation and the expiration. And furthermore, the programmed man behaves as marionette, as if he is
not to himself owner. His behavior are illogical, they do not have any explanations, he itself does not
know, what it wishes, and it performs as if under the effect of some absolutely foolish gusts. They
indicate about such people that they “do not have tsar in the head”. It is correct, tsar in the head they do
not have, because by tsar, Mr. for them becomes someone another of — the one who is programmed.

After recognizing this man, you can show the first aid it: to learn to the methods of the
counteraction to programming. But with respect to other these methods themselves do not use so that it is
not hollow depending already on you. Use them only with respect to itself, and give information to others
so that they would help themselves.

Removal of the programming

Having thus, discovered programming, you must immediately increase both flows to the limit of —
both ascending and descending. You are located under these conditions minutes to [pjat]—[desjat], and
the powerful current of your power engineering itself will remove the scraps of extraneous programs. If
programmings yet did not occur, but you felt the danger of the fact that this can happen, it is possible to
use the same method, it will protect you from the introduction of extraneous programs.

After this power gain of flows it is necessary to enter into the standard condition and to adjust rate
of flow up to the normal harmonious level.

Then temporarily be weakened and conduct the retesting of your condition. Suddenly something
did remain and is continued its manual labor? You conduct this exercise through reinforcing of flows
until extraneous programs it remains. Approach this — indeed you you do not extremely seriously know
that you caught for the program. Suddenly she not only will push you to illogical behavior, but still and
he will bring with herself serious disease or will aim you at the spontaneous decomposition?

Better it will be, if you are occupied not only reinforcing of flows, but still and you realize, where
alien program pushes you, what behavior, to you characteristic, it forces to complete. Think, as all this is
differed from that, what wishes your true essence.

We already remembered with you those cases, when us someone as if " wears out” in guests, where
us it in no way is desirable to go. But some force against our will there us conducts. Such things, in
addition very frequently occur with the young people, especially with those well brought up and
obedient, for which strange opinion is always authoritative, especially if this opinion of senior with
respect to the age of man. Have in the form: even senior and more experienced people do not always
know that it is better precisely for you. Better you no one knows about this, yes even it cannot know.
Therefore, if someone persistently calls you there, where you did not wish to go, or it infuses on you
entering precisely into this institute, dispatch precisely to this work, very important in time to be stopped
and to comprehend: I there do not wish, because I wish to be occupied other entirely matter.

But if someone suggests to you, that he better knows life, and in this case thrusts its mode of life
and its model of behavior, know: you deal already concerning the conscious programming. Reinforce

flows in the presence of this man and [stojte] on your. But not of the empty obstinacy, but only if actually
you feel, that you are necessary something entirely another. Avoid to enter conversely only from the
obstinacy, from a feeling of protest and “to spite” to someone, — so you you will not escape from under
the strange programming effect, but you will only break firewood, recurrent time after undertaking the
steps, which to you are not completely necessary.

Step 15. Introduction into the ether body of — damage. Diagnosis and the

Following in the complexity injury of — introduction into the ether body of extraneous energy-
information constructions, or damage. Damage is, fortunately encountered considerably thinner than
[sglaz] or programming. Indeed even if [sglaz], and programming can become the result of the accidental,
unconscious effect, then damage cannot arise accidentally. Damage of — this always result whose- that
of the ill-intended effect, designed into the completed desire of evil to other.

This does not mean that only black magicians and sorcerers can lay damage. They daily lay
damage at each other the set of our with you fellow citizens, common people, which simply do not know,
that they create, because they do not know that their acts are named damage. In the household quarrels,
unfortunately people are very frequently thrown by remarks of the type “so that you it would die”, “so
that in you the hands would dry off”, “so that you would fall and would be decomposed”, “so that you
[kondrashka] would suffice”, etc, and the like in the set of versions. Result of such “innocent” vocal
revolutions of — damage. Given evil wishes, especially if they are pronounced emotionally, with the
fever, with the dust (but differently they and they are not pronounced), they are designed in the
autonomous energy-information constructions and are penetrated in the ether human body, to whose
address they were directed.

Fig. 47. Damage. Energy-information organism, which carries its program and operating
into the good to itself.

Fig. 48. Damage into the tele- man. As if neoplasm, it is fed by its energy, destroying
everything around itself.

Damage can both ruin the health and bear failure in the definite areas of relations with the
surrounding people, and even be spanned on others. (You know, there are people, about which they
speak: “They yield misfortune”. In this case the people by themselves can be good and good — but
spoiled.) feel in themselves damage sufficiently complicatedly. Indeed it is invisible for its victim and it
does not have some precise and definite symptoms. It can be developed in each individual case in
different ways. It is necessary to only have in the form that it always produces a change in the previous
condition. But entire misfortune in the fact that these changes are very similar to the natural.

If in the previous cases of energy-information attacks effects are always escorted by abnormal
changes in the circulation of flows, then here, at first glance, as if nothing it occurs. In you can be
changed the mood, be changed viewpoint, but you can not note that this is connected with the damage.
Therefore in order to discover damage, it is must, I will be repeated, more attentively to relate to my
condition. All that, which was not in your condition earlier and it suddenly appeared heaven knows from
where, it can indicate damage. Especially must alert, if something suddenly begins vaguely to torture, to
disturb you, and that — is incomprehensible, or if you neither from that nor from this fall into
despondency and dark thoughts.

The most reliable method of the detection of damage is entrance into the standard condition and the
careful examination of its ether body, its mood, its thoughts. Looking at itself as from the side, from the
standard condition, fix all that, what it was not earlier, that it is not characteristic for the standard
condition. Examine the boundaries of your ether body. If you feel somewhere growth or as if dark cluster,
foreign body in your ether tele-, this — damage. Examine this foreign body, you will determine
according to the sensations its form, color, size. Specifically, it is the source of the unexpectedly
emergent black thoughts, despondency, condition of endlessness, alert, uneasiness, which the damage

If you sufficiently develop your sensitivity, then you will be able to feel damage, also, in another
man, — in this case it is absorbed as local growth in the ether tele-, it is very more similar to the
cancerous neoplasm. Sometimes this growth is absorbed even as something living — as the energy-
information parasite, [podselivshijsja] to the man and that lives for his count.

Damage can be felt, also, with the examination of ether body by the hand: usually these are salient,
growth, the cluster, in which gets stuck the hand.

Method of the counteraction to damage only one: this is the method of

the rejection

Be weakened, be concentrated, examine your ether body, discover this growth, cluster,
“neoplasm”, from where a undesirable change in your condition proceeds. Feel the density of this foreign
energy-information construction, its size. Examine ether body around the cluster even you will feel, as
ether body directly around the area of damage it is loosened. But now begin to slowly and gradually pack
the boundaries of ether body under this loosened area, which is adjacent close to the area of damage.
Guide the maximum your energy there for this purpose. Simultaneously above construction itself and
under it continue to loosen the field of — by that method, to what to you it is more convenient. Can shake
up it as dross, can mentally scatter as through the sieve, decreasing the density. When you feel that the
ether body is sufficiently loosened around the area of damage, and under the area of damage the density
of the boundary of ether body achieved maximum, feel, as this dense boundary drives off damage from
you. Damage even in the ether tele-, but it no longer is connected with it, was formed as if intermediate
layer of air, which drives off extraneous energy-information construction from th dense sector of ether
body e formed by you.

But now be gathered, increase to the limit ascending and downflows and in [astrale]) mentally
(repel damage by the dense boundary of ether body, formed by you, through that loosened intermediate
layer, which you also created. Let the damage recoil off your ether body as ball from the elastic rubber
wall, and it will depart outside.

It is very important to previously mark that object, where you will guide the rejected damage so
that she would not cause the harm to others and would not decide to return to you conversely. It is best
anything, if this there will be running water or the free flame. Will approach water jet from under the
crane, and gas burner. It is possible to lower damage into the toilet bowl, it is possible to embed it in the
river. Water will wash off entire placed in it information and will be dissolved it. At the worst, after the
lack of other, it is possible to translate damage into the calculus.

Fig. 49. Rejection of damage. Give to it a little the self-energy of — and lose this bubble
together with the being glutted parasite.

Are other methods of neutralizing the damage of — in the people they are known the methods of
its casting into the wax or the transfer into the domestic animals and the birds: hens, grapnels and dogs.
We the making of this nevertheless do not recommend, because the wax used it is difficult to utilize (little
whether to coma it will fall into hands, suddenly to in nothing not the guilty child), but animals to torture
[negumanno], yes even [karmicheskie] complications can then arise.

When you get rid of the damage, level ether body so that there, in the liberated place, it would
remain no deepenings and tears. Make this just as in the case with [sglazom]: i.e., guide energy, after

filling with ether vacuum, you will there reduce the boundary of ether body and more with thoughts do
not return to the fact that from there they extracted. Seemingly be turned by back to the departed damage
and you go away from it themselves.

After all this again [protestirujte] itself in the standard condition. If you feel that something
remained, you will repeat entire procedure again.

To perform work on neutralization damage I do not, in addition advise with another man. After
seeing damage in other, you will learn it to manage it independently. Experienced healers know how to
extract damage from the ether body of other people of — makes this with hand, as if removing foreign
object. But the ability to place serious defense on its ether body is required for this, indeed is always very
great risk to translate damage to itself.

Step 16. Connection to the independent energy-information essence of —

curse. Diagnosis and the counteraction

The most rare type of the aggression of — connection to the independent energy-information
essence, or curse. It is very heavy to remove curse. Indeed in this condition of men it is connected to the
very powerful destructive and destructive energy-information structure of — to the such destructive
monster. Man, as apple on the shank, is suspended to the feeler, through which this destructive monster
sucks from it energy and makes it necessary to perform for its purposes. It pushes man to the spontaneous
decomposition, utilizing for this all possible resources: either it pushes it to slow suicide with the help of
alcohol or narcotics or it incites to suicide to the most natural, making it necessary to be thrown from the
port, to be hung, to swallow tablets… This monster- bloodsucker can also force man to complete
behavior to itself into the harm, deprive of his sleep and of rest and even make with his guide of
misfortunes for his close ones. All, probably repeatedly heard histories about the people, in which how
much not was husbands or the wives of — they all alternately died or perished with the very strange
circumstances. It is possible to, of course, suspect in such people tendency toward the accomplishment of
heavy crimes, but is most frequently the guilty nevertheless prevailing over them curse, because of which
the man involuntarily contains destructive beginning. This man, that itself without desiring and without
understanding, as this occurs, it becomes such [destrojerom], which sows around death and destruction of
— by one fact of its presence.

Fig. 50. Curse controls man, directing him toward spontaneous decomposition.

As curse is laid, to explain, probably not necessary. I will say only that for the induction of full-
weight curse it is insufficiently simple to pronounce phrase with the wish of curse in someone's address.
So that the curse would act, man, who speaks this phrase, it must possess very powerful destructive
power engineering, be, in the essence, black magician. Furthermore, it must invest in this phrase entire
force of its hatred. Only then it will be able to cause strong destructive essence or structure, which will
hear, it, it will appear to its call and will connect to itself that cursed. Strong curse can be propagated not
only to the man himself, who was subjected to it, but also to his children, grandsons and great-grandsons.

Curse for its victim itself invisibly is imperceptible. In this case to uselessly compare itself with the
standard condition of — cannot be discovered anything nevertheless. To suspect the existence of curse is
possible only on th folding circumstances e particular by mode. This can be, also, from the number the
there coming-out zone of failures, and the circuit of misfortunes among the relatives and the close ones,
and the unexpected [tezhelejshaja] disease.

Another man has curse to see is possible. It looks like the misty apophysis of aura, which is
become congruent some by the unclear structure, which exits far. By feel the touch curse in no way itself

Fig. 51. The rarefied aura, as if vapor, is directed somewhere upward — these filaments
they conduct to the distant to position curses.

The measures for the counteraction to curse are fairly complicated and without the extraneous aid
rarely are effective. This assistance can render only very strong magician or of saint. In this case the curse
to you threaten will no longer be. Purely theoretically it is possible, perhaps, to explain, as this is done,
but this work requires colossal experience.

In its own ether tele-, in the sector, maximally removed from the point of the consolidation of
curse, the closed energy structure like the sphere, saturated by power engineering of both central flows, is
created. This sphere it is necessary to slowly move into the area of the consolidation of curse, to merge it
with this area, to and then reject — approximately just as damage.

But, I repeat, this work requires giant-size preparation, vast energy potential, and also strictest
internal discipline. It is better and not to undertake without all this matter. But if with you or with your
close ones, do not give god, will happen this misfortune, as curse, I advise to turn to the aid of church.
The church of — the very powerful creative energy-information structure, which by its power
engineering can oppose destructive energetic monsters.

Some forms of curse can be removed already by post, by confession and by the participle of —
indeed in this case you are connected to power engineering of church and she comes into action to you
into the good. Even if this does not help, then it is necessary to resort to this practiced by church
procedure as the expulsion of devil. Indeed the devil of — this is the nothing else but powerful
destructive animated energy-information essence, without which is not envelopped the imposition of

If you did see curse in another man, what to make? In the name of all saint: you will refrain from
interference! Do not play with the fire, this is very dangerous. Advise to this man to turn into the church.
If it [nekreshchenyj] or, still worse, atheist, sometimes is sufficient to turn to the faith and to take


Fig. 52. Deceive curse. You will create the cluster of energy so that the curse would be
connected to it, and you will temper it. Curse will go away together with it.

Thus, at this head you learned how to recognize extraneous effects as to be defended and to get rid
of them. To you it will be not bridged in initial development stage and formation of your energy-
information entity without these methods, because, as we already spoke, your energy shell is still
insufficiently powerful, but it means, it remains vulnerable. But all this does not completely mean that for
you now always it is necessary to live under the motto: “Entire life of — struggle”. After freeing itself
from the extraneous effects, after learning to their neutralization, you will learn to make yourselves
practically invulnerable for the energy-information effects from without. But for this first you should by
particular mode close its energy fluxes. On this of — at the following head.

Chapter "

Closing the energy fluxes and the formation of the protective shell

From the receptions of the defense of — to the complete invulnerably

You already know as to be defended from the power effects from the side. If you used in practice
those methods, which were discussed at the previous heads, then they already gained experience of the
neutralization of extraneous power engineering.

If you performed correctly, then they for sure discovered in yourselves as the minimum several
such injuries. Indeed they there is absolutely in each man, who lives in the up-to-date society. [Sglaz], for
example, became phenomenon completely common, each man meets with “bad eye” on several times in
the day. The same it is possible to speak both about programming and about [vampirizme]. So that and
that and, etc, and the third you in yourselves without fail had to discover, and not in one “copy”. Many of
the readers, possibly, discovered in itself and damage. It is not confident about the curse of —, I think
that, have it you, to you it would be now not before reading of this book.

After learning to be freed from the energy-information effects, even not too serious, and after being
trained in recognition of its ether body, you, possibly, felt that your power engineering became somehow
more light, it is cleaner, more transparent than — it no longer was turbid by strange effects. Yes even you
themselves, the respected reader, did for sure already note in yourselves changes, not so whether? It can
be, this even did note your friends, relatives, familiar, associates from the work? Possibly, you
themselves do feel, that steels somehow more easily, are more light, as if some burden did fall down from
the shoulders, you did begin to glow from within, did learn to smile, to be better to the surrounding
peace, to more easily relate to the life, they did cease to be irritated on the trifles?

But if the visible changes as yet there are no — do not be disturbed. Indeed this only very
beginning of route, and, possibly, you are necessary time so that as one should “swing” its power
engineering, accelerate the stood too long flows, [ottrenirovat] to the automatism the receptions of the
rejection of strange power engineering. Indeed in the majority of people in the years of their life aura was
dirtied sufficient- after all strongly, and with one “general retraction” not to be bridged, work on the
neutralization of alien power engineering it is necessary to conduct constantly, every day — and result
mandatorily will begin to be manifested. It can be, this will be not immediately, but slowly, gradually —
in each man exist his natural, natural rhythms, it is not necessary to disturb them and to artificially adjust
itself. To each everything comes within its period. Do not only lower hand.

Indeed you, probably already ascertained that by itself the process of liberating its power
engineering from the extraneous effects it is completely captivating, and to achieve positive result in this
matter very and is very pleasant. So that already process itself costs by it to be occupied. This is your step
to the authentic meaning of life, this is a element of the present, full-valued life of man as energy-
information entity. You, probably and themselves noted that only because of this practice your life found
some completeness, which in it it was not earlier. Indeed this work of — one of the true requirements of
your essence.

But here let us assume you to the perfection already seized the methods of the neutralization of
alien energy invasions, they adjusted defense system are so that ready to repel any attack. Let us add, by
the way that themselves you in this case must remain so nonagressive and peaceful as before: indeed you,
hope, you steadfast know that first cannot be attacked. But you must also know that you have right to the
defense always.

Thus, to you no longer is terrible not one vampire, and not one malicious old lady, only and
making, that dispersing damages right and left, no longer will be caused to you the harm. To you now
these damages are indifferent, you from them will be adjusted easily, barely making efforts. What is
further? To await new, stronger vampires? Certainly, training session never will stir up, and the the
worthy adversary, the stronger you will become and you. And to nevertheless stop on this cannot, it is
necessary to go further.

Do not forget also about the fact that the energy-information parasites accomplish their effect
through the set of the imperceptible matched touchs of — and it is necessary to achieve the certain degree
of perfection in order to recognize their interference.

After seizing the receptions of defense, you without fail will grow to strengthening of its power
engineering and becoming invulnerable for the environment. When you achieve the invulnerably of the at
least relative (of absolute invulnerably rarely who from the people it achieves), then for you no longer it
is necessary to spend forces on the defense. Alien effects will rebound from you themselves as from the
wall pea, even if their source will remain for you unidentified.

In order to obtain more precise representation about those tasks, which stand before us, let us lead
this analogy: let us compare the ether human body with water in the sleeve. Let us assume you bear water
in the sleeve, passing along the car of the moving train. Car swings, “it stumbles” on the arrows, it runs
up at the limiting points of rails, and dust and cinder incessantly fly into the discovered ports of car. In
principle, this mode sufficient- after all precisely reflects situation, in which the man in the up-to-date
peace lives, although analogy itself is, of course, completely approximate.

What tasks do stand before the man, who carries sleeve? To first, maintain water in the integrity
and state of preservations, without having spilled it. To in the second place, maintain water of clean. Both
tasks under the conditions of the moving train are very complex. But the first task nevertheless managing
somewhat it is easier. You already know as to safeguard “water” from the spattering of — i.e., your
power engineering from the extraneous effects, which pull apart her in parts. You already can not allow
vital energy loss, maintain the pressure of the surrounding people and not be made, thus, by a team of
pathologic circuit and not allow involvement in the strange program.

The second task is a little more complicated. If we continue analogy with water, then the
emergence is only one: in order to maintain water in the purity, it is necessary either to replace sleeve by
another, closed vessel or to cover with its closely fitted cover. I.e., it is necessary so to delimit its ether
body from pathologic communications of society so that you could not be drawn in its energy fluxes.

On how this to make, I will describe only later. But first let us return to the theme of pathologic
energy communications in order to be dismantled at them in more detail. We already spoke about how
ruinously they influence man, as it is difficult to get rid of them. Why to manage them so is heavy?
Because, as you know, these energy communications form the new animated energy-information entity.
We now will have a talk on nature of this entity.

Energy-information parasites and their authority above the peace

The essence, which is formed let us assume in the overfilled car of train, this — simply trifle in
comparison with those giant-size energy essences, which parasitize on power engineering and
consciousness of millions of inhabitants of Lands.

Here you justified, of course, to be agitated and to say: However, “yes that this such — really
Dmitriy Sergeyevich does wish us to intimidate to to [polusmerti], telling any horrors about some the
monsters, that parasitize on humanity? Really he does think that someone of its readers, adult and serious

people, it will believe in these fairy tales about the poor terrestial globe, which together with all
inhabitants can be [proglochen] some vile dragon? Why he does wish to suggest to us, that we all in the
feelers in some giant-size octopus, which [zazombiroval] us, did deprive of its own consciousness and it
does make it necessary to dance under its untimbered shaft?

Do not be disturbed, the respected reader, I do not completely wish you to intimidate and I
perfectly well know that you believe not in what fairytale monsters. I hurry to calm down you:
imagination is, of course, capable of forcing up to us the most different modes, one is more terrible than
another. But monster, dragon, and octopus of — this not are more than the symbols, which only nearly
reflect reality. They make it possible to more clearly visualize the processes, which occur in the energy-
information peace, are made these processes clearer for common human recognition of — but not and
what is more. The field speaks by means of these modes to us, because so to us are clearer everything,
which there occurs, — but this does not mean that there, in the energy-information field, live the real
dragons, octopuses and other monsters.

However, let us try to be dismantled at the fact that stands after these modes.

Still many thousand years ago before humanity arose the one- sole task: to survive. To survive this
— indicated to, in the first place, feed. Let us note: it did not stand before the commonly known event of
— of expulsion from the paradise of — of this problem before the people, nature itself gave to them
entire necessary, and it did not be necessary for man with the incredible efforts to extract food in it. After
leaving edema and after proving to be on the culpable Land, people were forced to worry about the
survival of their physical shell, after forgetting about its true energy-information essence. Because under
the distant from the civilization (and from the paradise) conditions people were forced to spend the
maximum energy on the construction in the physical peace.

But when the set of people they wish something one, their desire and thought, splashing out in the
form energy fluxes, they are shot down into the uniform structure, which begins to exist separately from
the man. You represent, how many centuries work contract on all continents of Lands in hundreds of
million brains [osoznanno] or unconsciously hammered: “To survive! To feed! To survive! To feed!” As
a result from this universal desire was formed the world-wide energy essence, which began to live its
autonomous life. (You do remember, we already did speak about this? The matched energy of hundred
men will easily subordinate ten more to itself, and another ten will lose, — so there is a energy-
information structure, subordinating to itself all new people, and those developed, that doubted
themselves or intercepted by another structure it throws back.)

Now already it itself prevails over desires and tendencies of humanity of — indeed it was gathered
giant-size force and already can itself make it necessary to dance under its untimbered shaft whom
conveniently. Now already it whispers to the ear to each of — to absolutely each! — from the inhabitants
of the Lands (but can, and it does not whisper, but loudly it yells): “To survive! To feed!”

This is why we everything is exerted from the childhood they are involved in energy
communications with the physical, material peace, this is why we forget about our energy-information
essence. Indeed this structure, which can be for picturesqueness, of course, named octopus, and by
monster, forces us entire our energy to give, in the first place, to it by the very, and to in the second place,
physical peace. Indeed yielding to a importunate whisper “of monster”, we give the mass of forces to the
obtaining of food, to the provision of survival to our physical body. And we forget, that the forces must
be spent on strengthening of energy-information essence, — and then it, our energy-information essence
itself, it will ensure survival, and prosperity to physical body.

That that M.D. of these pores were named pathologic energy-information communications with
other people, this —, in reality, the tiny particle of the giant-size energy-information constructions, which

since olden times control desires and tendencies of people. People are enmeshed “by the feelers” of these
“octopuses”, which are pulled from one man to another, connecting into the single junction all of

Having only escaped from the feet of the energy-information parasites, that force all forces to
spend on the life support of body, man will be able to return his lost paradise, to normalize the current of
his power engineering, to find health, happiness, freedom.

The individual representatives of humanity knew how this to make always. As a rule, this the
saints, devotees, prophets or strong magicians, who be clairvoyant, the healers, who were extracted from
the fetters of [sotsiuma] and lived according to the laws of energy-information essence. Such people exist
and now, and them becomes increasingly more — moreover now this no longer mandatorily the saints
and recluses, very frequently these are completely common by sight of people. Indeed the energy-
information monsters of steel by such strong that the selection arose before entire humanity: either to get
rid of the pathologic energy of fetters or human civilization on this will have to be discontinued.
Therefore to be extracted from the feet of energetic monsters it is today necessary for absolutely all
people, and the it is faster, the better.

Such powerful pathologic energy-information constructions in the lifetime of humanity is formed

set. Creates their not only the desire to survive and to feed their — they give birth to any desires and
tendencies, which join the masses of people. They are conceived as gust or the desire, which joins several
men, and then they begin to involve into their revolution a increasing quantity of people, increasingly
more individual human auras. These people can be changed — someone it is turned off from
communications, someone is included in it, — but for the existence of energy-information octopus is
necessary that some quantity of people would constantly support it. The greater these people, the for the
octopus better.

Here is a example of the formation of this octopus. Several revolutionaries, who planned the
overthrow of the existing formation, let us assume were assembled, then they transmitted their desire in
the energy form to other people, those of — following, and finally already the set of people begins to
make up this energy-information flow. And here has already been formed the new energy-information
structure, which, being fed by power engineering of the set of people, already itself begins to push them
to the terror, to bloodshed, to vandalism and Civil Wars…

It requests itself: from where this cruelty, this universal madness, indeed the originally in a
revolutionary way disposed nationals did not completely wish the blood, on the contrary, they they
wished only good and validity. But the created by them superpower energy-information essence already
itself began to dictate its rules of play, to recruit new terms, itself sent to kill them. Why by it this is
necessary? Yes everything is very simple: it indeed is fed by negative energy! But, where murder, terror,
the blood, violence, — of the there negative energy, so desired for the energy-information octopus,
although detract!

The most different giant-size energy octopuses constantly are encountered, are crossed, they
cooperate, forcing people of news themselves in the manner that necessarily [im]. they are encountered
the friendly octopuses of — people, which serve them, they be friends. Are encountered hostile of —
they are scolded, they quarrel, [zatevajut] wars.

War of — ideal feeding trough for the energy-information octopus. Because it frees a simply
exorbitant quantity of negative energy. The octopus is fed due to this energy, it grows, it gives birth to
offsets. This offset can begin its activity on any new, yet not mastered by octopus plot of the earth of —
let us say, in Chechnya. And passions here there already boil, hatred rages, the blood is cast. Offset
grows, enters into the conflict with another giant-size energy-information structure of — and to

Chechnya is input army. It is still more than the blood and the hatreds of — are still more than feed to
energy-information octopus. Monster continues grow, and it means, to it is required the already new food
of — new wars, revolution, rolls.

Moreover monster it will not be mandatory to directly ignite war. It can, let us say, to stimulate
greediness in any distinguished politician, to whom suddenly it will be wanted Chechen petroleum. It will
begin to perform, as a result will encounter whose- that the interests of — and here go- went. Moreover
politician himself as a result nothing will win — indeed it only the pawn, which the energy-information
structure used in its play, nothing having given instead of.

Such giant-size energy-information parasites always perform through the concrete people, which
participate in these plays, hoping something to obtain from them for themselves (what precisely they they
wish — not difficult to be conjectured, entire the same: to survive and to feed, only now to already
survive them is desirable under the particularly comfortable conditions, and to be fed predominantly by
delicacies). But as a result from this interaction with the energy-information parasite people remain
always in the loss, even if some time by them succeeds in staying in the condition of prosperity. Energy-
information monster, using man for its purposes, throws out it after the uselessness to the slop-container
as rind from the pressed lemon.

We more than once could be convinced: not one mass movement of — be it political actions,
revolution, riot, mutiny or war of — and no one yet yielded never good. That that similar events can
change peace to the best, bring the universal happiness of — this illusion and error. People hope after
revolution or mutiny to begin to live better, to attain for itself some goods of — but humanity continues,
as before, to vegetate under the same pitiful and become loathsome conditions. Wins only energy-
information monster, that, after obtaining a vast quantity of food due to the human sufferings, grows and
is widened and multiplies offsets. So — ad infinitum, this is vicious circle.

Isn't that true, unpleasant and even offensive to realize that you, proves to be, the completely not
free and independent man, such as they became accustomed yourselves to consider, but only pawn into
some to the recurrent play of unfriendly to man of forces. But completely in your authority and in your
forces to discontinue to be pawn. And what is more this is — the sole emergence, otherwise today to not
survive, to as soon as sever all energy connections with the energy-information monsters, that parasitize
on humanity.

It can be, you do consider that man is too weak in order to oppose the powerful energy octopuses,
which subordinated to himself the entire world? Nothing similar. Man, who comprehended his energy-
information essence and who entered with it the realized contact, becomes sufficient to strong in order to
escape of all enmeshing humanity power circuits. Indeed to it it is not completely mandatory to attempt to
annihilate giant-size parasite in all its manifestations (although this and possibly), but only should be
protected itself from its effect.

Think: it does be worthwhile to spend its even without that short life on the care of structures alien
to you? You indeed arrived into this peace in order to realize yourselves, to solve its tasks, to develop its
energy-information essence, but completely not in order to give its energy to some extraneous forces,
which will suck out of you entire blood to the drop, will trample and will step over through you in pursuit
of new victims. Realize, that you do not have not time, not excess forces in order to give tribute to
parasitic structures.

You already learned to get rid of the strange programming. But this it is insufficient in order to
escape from the parasitic net. It is necessary to once and for all eliminate very possibility of entry under
their authority. When you completely eliminate this possibility, for you it is not necessary endlessly to be
defended from the alien effects. You will get rid of the false desires, you will cease to complete

unnecessary behavior, which cause only harm. And what is more — you will learn to hold from such
behavior of your close ones. You will cease to lose the energy, necessary for maintaining the health, in
order to get rid of the old diseases and not to make it possible to arise by new.

Turning off from the parasitic essences: the theory

But how to become invulnerable for the energy-information parasitic essences, which command of
people? How to become independent variable from them how to be selected to its inherent route? But
how to be removed away from that that straying, that was strayed of the convoy, which does pull
humanity into the precipice?

If you already learned to feel your energy, they seized skill to control their energy-information
flows, then for you to completely actually lead work on the restoration of its wholeness, on separation
from all possible monsters.

Before making this, let us recall that the fact that we already know about our energy structure. If
you yet did not forget, upper [chakry] ([Vishudkha] and [Adzhna]) the let-loose energy of Lands and
absorb the scattered energy of space, but lower [chakry] ([Svadkhistana] and [Manipura]) the let-loose
energy of space and absorb the scattered energy of Lands.

Now to this already known to you knowledge let us add new. Until now we very little spoke about
first [chakre] ([Muladkhare]) and seventh [chakre] ([Sakhasrare]). As you know, remaining [chakry] free
and absorb the energy, already [preobrazovannuju] by human body. And only these two [chakry] of —
first and seventh — absorb and process energy in the pure form. [Muladkhara] processes in the pure form
energy of Lands, [Sakhasrara] of — in the pure form energy of space. Strange pulses and program yet do
not affect these [chakry]. Entire stranger is connected and is penetrated above or below.

How you do think that this it does indicate? But the fact that in our tele- there is, proves to be, the
areas, which emit clean energy, to which cannot be connected no parasite. They must not be protected.

And if we will connect the energy flows of remaining upper [chakr] with [chakrami] by lower, let
us close them around our body, forming shell from the clean energies around its own energy fluxes, from,
— upper to lower [chakr] that this protective shell will forever separate us from the effect of energy-
information parasites. It will make us invulnerable and will attach vast force.

Fig. 53. Extreme [chakry] can absorb only clean energy of — but through remaining
[chakry] it goes the incessant rotation of the energy fluxes, which carry on themselves the
prints of human beings.

Fig. 54. It is worthwhile to close the energy flows of upper and lower [chakr] of — and no
one no longer will interfere into your internal peace. Never. You will become inaccessible
and free.

It is simple? More simply it does not occur. However, not accidentally they indicate that entire
brilliant is simple. Effect from this simple by sight of measure staggering. The life of man, who carried
out this reception, is changed immediately and very sharply. You and themselves soon will be able of this
to be convinced.

It can be, you do think that I do propose to you to make something unnatural? In vain. I propose to
you to only return to itself that which to us with all rightfully belongs from the birth. Indeed the neonate
has this most protective shell from the clean energies, about which I speak! Man is born in it, this
completely natural natural phenomenon of — to have from the birth closed from the upper to lower
[chakr] energy fluxes. Unnatural things with the man begin to occur then, when the shell of neonate is
destroyed under the ambient pressure. First its flows are disconnected in order to be closed in power
engineering of parents. The then already extended flows easily are connected to power engineering of
friends, educators, teachers, relatives and familiar, all coming from the opposite direction- cross, and so
until man is converted into the absolutely unprotected entity, from which [torchat] the covered in no way
scraps of power engineering of — be connected all, to whom not laziness! Instead of the energy shell
remains only the lump of the bare nerves.

Fig. 55. Communications of [rebenok]—[roditel]. It does help child grow — but who then it
will be connected instead of the mother or the father?

Fig. 56. It can be, this there will be energy-information parasite?
Men, which wishes to survive today, is simply obligated to return to itself its natural
essence, to reduce its closed energy shell. Because the exhausting and de-energizing pursuit in
the tendency to survive and to feed today no longer makes it possible to survive, but it only ruins
man. To survive it makes it possible only one: closing its power engineering, the creation of
protective shell and transition to the autonomous existence.

I wish to focus your attention, that, speaking about the autonomous existence, I do not completely
have in the form that it is necessary to go away into the forest or into the monastery. No, to make this is
not completely mandatory. It is possible to continue to live in [sotsiume], among to itself the the similar,
to go to the work, to drive in the community transport, to have a family of — and in this case to retain its
wholeness, not to permit no one and nothing itself to destroy, and to live not according to the laws of
crowd, but according to the laws of its energy-information essence.

Visualize the set of the deserted inflatable rubber balls. They encounter each other, are repelled
from each other of — they they cooperate, but in this case each of them remains whole and unharmed, it
retains the possibility to knock and to roll it in the manner that it is desirable. So in the ideal must be
constructed relations and in the human cenosts: as the interactions of elastic balls, which the contact with
each other does not prevent from retaining their freedom and true essence.

But now visualize the seamount of the balls, each of which so aims to pierce in other hole in order
to evacuate, either to hammer out adjacent unit or to at least make in its side a dent. Furthermore, all balls
are connected with each other by one hose, on which from somewhere from without some pump pumps
out of them air. In that case balls not only are not capable freely and easy to roll and to bounce, but also
they generally lose their true essence, actually ceasing to be balls. It is here to what similarly today

Each man from nature is planned as the elastic, round, well pumped by air ball, which gaily
cooperates with others to itself similar, without mutilating them and itself remaining complete. Each man

is born by precisely this “ball”. But [sotsium] makes its matter, and for the restoration of its true nature to
man then it is necessary to be taken some pains.

Fig. 57. So must be — happy people, which entirely retain their essence and independence.
They do not damage each other and possess natural health.

Fig. 58. This terrible position now: humanity [spelenuto] by her own web, and people they
control, as if by marionettes, the spiders of — energy-information parasites.

It is reliably known that the completely restored shell was only in Buddha and some saints. This
does not mean that for all the remaining, simple mortal, this route is closed. On the contrary, these
examples revealed demonstrate to us, to what level the man can be raised, if it is freed from the servitude
of the multiple energetic monsters, that force him to follow the path of achieving false material goals.

Why the majority of people, until now, did not return to themselves the belonging to them
rightfully from the birth energy shell, which makes it possible to be shielded, to be developed in the
manner that by it it does be desirable, to be free, to be raised to new, ever higher steps of evolution? Yes
everything therefore: this not to the hand to the ruling above the people parasitic energy-information
structures. They are concerned only by their own survival, and for the survival to them are necessary
human power engineering of — therefore they and is done entire possible so as to eliminate their true

course of evolution in the energy-information peace from the sphere of the attention of people in order to
hide knowledge about the energy fluxes and the protective shell from the man.

I congratulate you, the respected reader, you nevertheless burst open to this knowledge of — about
which he speaks the the fact that this book now in your hands! It means, you proved to be already are
sufficiently strong in order to wish to escape from the pathologic power circuit to the true peace of — to
the peace of energy and information of the universe. But therefore make it possible to now introduce you
to the technology of the formation of the protective shell of human being.

Step 17. Turning off from the parasitic essences and the formation of the
protective shell: equipment

Thus, let us begin from the fact that to you is already well known: let us be concentrated on the
central energy fluxes. But this time you must concentrate entire your attention not strictly in the flow, but
in how they pass through [chakry].

Feel the updraft, you will trace, as it is raised to [Vishudkhe] and [Adzhne], be concentrated on
these [chakrakh] even you will feel, as in the area of these [chakr] flow is lost from the sphere of
recognition. Without letting go from the attention this sensation, feel the downflow and that, as it begins
to be scattered, after reaching [Manipury] and [Svadkhistany]. Feel, as goes away the energy through the
upper and through lower [chakry] of — slowly, but it is distinct as water through the filter. Seemingly be
merged with these scattering flows, you will include them in the sphere of your recognition, will
thoroughly memorize this sensation.

Fig. 59. You will be freed from damages and vampires of — close energy of the updraft.

Fig. 60. You will be freed from the programs of — close energy of the downflow.

But now be concentrated on that energy, which absorb these [chakry]. This task is easily feasible
for you now, when you already felt th energy e expiring of them. Isn't that true, the interesting sensation:
[chakry] give off energy of — and at the same time absorb its another variety. The energy absorption
from without occurring continuously: upper [chakry] ([Vishudkha] and [Adzhna]) absorb already
[preobrazovannuju], “made human” by other people energy of space, and lower ([Manipura] and
[Svadkhistana]) of — also [preobrazovannuju] by other people energy of Lands. Feel as it follows this
influx of energy, seemingly be merged with it, you will memorize this sensation.

I not accidentally use word “be merged” — this very crucial point. With the first reading to you
will perhaps seem by the not entirely clear that I have in the form, — but, after beginning to make this in
practice, you, undoubtedly, you will comprehend, about which speech, and you will easily grasp this
sensation of merging with your absorbed and separating [chakrami] by energy.

When you completely felt this merging, when sensation became precise of — for you one must
make truly circus trick. After being merged with the energy, which comes out through one of upper
[chakr] (for example, through [Adzhnu]), you must suffice by this energy to [chakry] of lower (for
example, [Manipury]). Can for this purpose recall already familiar to you the sensation of the filling with
energy of empty spaces in the ether tele-, although in this case this will be somewhat more complexly,
indeed distance from the upper to lower [chakr] is sufficiently great and for you it is necessary to
accumulate a little more energies in order to elongate it to this space.

Possibly, some efforts will be required you, but sooner or later you will make this. And as soon as
you will succeed in making this, you instantly will feel, as the circular energy flow of Lands arose around
your body. Moreover immediately after onset this flow is made by powerful and commensurate. The
flood tide of energy to the body almost immediately occurs.

Use this flood tide in order to as fast as possible establish the second component (space
component) of th protective shell e constructed by you. For this you should be merged with the energy,
which comes out through lower [chakry], and suffice by it to upper [chakr]. Well as, it did come out?
Here you closed around your body the second energy layer of — energy of space. But now be
concentrated on holding of sensation of both layers around its body. You keep this sensation so for long,
as soon as you will be able.

Sometimes (in 30 percent of the cases) it is, that the shell first is not too strong and itself is not
held. If then it occurs also with you, do not be frightened and do not despair, but simply you will repeat
entire exercise first. It is necessary to say that for you this exercise it is necessary to repeat again and
again in any event (and as more frequent as possible), because from the very first shell yet will not be
established solidly and for a long time. But here shell with each will be at once established everything
more easily and more easily from the repetitions of exercise, to be held increasingly longer and it is
longer, until it once remains forever (from shch to 28 repetitions of the procedure of installation,
according to the data of our department).

After the first attempts to already establish shell you will be able to feel the new boundaries of your
ether body of — it considerably more than it is earlier! This speaks about your increased power
engineering. Yes even very boundaries of steel are much stronger, isn't that true?

Thus, you again can be congratulated. Indeed you recently made they nothing else but returned to
yourselves your natural wholeness and thus they were freed from all energy-information parasites. If you
will continue to make exercise until new shell becomes strong and stable, no energy-information
parasites more there will never have above you authorities. Because, where earlier in your tele- there
were gates discovered for any penetration, now is located the indestructible double layer of power
engineering, which will not only you protect, but also itself always reinforce.

Fig. 61. You will complete shell. You are free from the effects from without. Energy-
information parasites are not imperious above you. You are steel free. You will reduce

From now on you are completely closed from the effect of pathologic flows. Sizable surprise
moreover, for you is necessary, because you will note that you themselves very sharply were changed:
steels are much more confident and calmer, your recognition of peace became more weighed, and health
considerably was improved.

Realize, that you completed the very serious, very worthy action of — it can be, the first on the
importance action in your life. And you have the complete right to respect itself for this. You are steel
independent neither from whom and nor from what! Now only you themselves can be to yourselves the
lord of — you themselves you rule above your health, success, fate.

This is the first basic discovery, done within the framework of program “pastor”, — that that man
in the forces ultimately to be disconnected from the external energy-information effects, even from the
strong, and it cannot be will be impossible controlled either to politicians, or to crowd, or to the media. In
the absence bioinformation effects from the side of the energetic parasites of men it relates to the validity
differently, critically. This is first stage of method [DEIR].

Man, who was disconnected from the reasons, which control common people, is located on
qualitatively other level of the existence of — as if of soldiers it ceased to listen to the orders of
commander, and he was occupied himself. It is natural that this [nachalnichku] greatly it would not be
pleased. Therefore method [DEIR] long years kept in the listening post by the strong of the peace this.
But indeed the pumping out of the resources of people by energy-information parasites not only makes
those with their easily guided by the small group of politicians, but also it deprives people of success,
health… This direct method to the degeneration of the nation of — not by chance the majority of the
industrial countries, in view of their overpopulation of those most strongly pumped out, they undergo the
continuous invasion of [inorodtsev] of — of negroes, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese and it is other ; and it is
other:. the simply weakened indigenous population and its gene pool gradually they are biased before the
representatives let of the less developed, then total forces of nations.

In our society very a little people, which can consider themselves as independent variables from the
surrounding physical peace. The majorities of people depend on all and entire and is considered this
norm. Commander shouted — by them badly, weather was damaged — by it still worse, wage did not
give — they already on the hospital cot. Thus and they depend entire life on someone, who only will
want to pull them for the small filament as marionette. Them it is easy to control with the help of the
creation of the energy-information structures of — nevertheless, they are created [osoznanno] or by
chance (for example, in the course of pre-election campaign).

You are more not marionette! You and only you — owner to yourselves. No one and nothing more
in forces to influence your mood, condition, health, behavior. You very strongly differ yourselves from
the majority of people. This is vast achievement for the peace, in which we live. You become to the new
step of energy-information development. You are isolated from the numbers of remaining humanity. You
form something new. And here come into force the mechanisms of the natural evolution of — indeed in
comparison with remaining humanity you not too much. Any follower [DEIR] receives the vast energy-
information support, which goes from the aggregate of the coinciding tendencies of its adherents. But
chaos of energy-information parasites, which surrounds us, is strong, and even if it no longer invades our
internal peace, the like - previous directs peace external. Therefore we everything must be on one side.
Recognize each other in the crowd. Help each other. I always told my pupils how to achieve this in
practice, indeed one man was weak, and several people were strong by its union.

People, which stand at the new step of evolution, must help each other, because they are located in
the hostile encirclement and because any man is strong by the will to himself of the similar. Each of us
has possibilities, with which we can share with adherent. Make this.

You still will have the opportunity to take pleasure by all happiness, which th freedom e found by
you yields. But thus far — prepare to continue work. Because the restoration of your protective cocoon of
— this yet not all. Indeed within this cocoon still remain the consequences of prolonged connection to the
parasitic essences, which have time- after all to manage in your energy structure and to [naostavljat] there
trails. Now for you one must remove these trails, break tele- strange programs remained in your and bring
power engineering to harmonious state. Only then soul will be able to be cleared, and body to return to
herself health.

Chapter 8

Health and the disease: the energy correction of physical body and transition
to the natural regime of [samoozdorovlenija]

Let us recall about the the tele-

At the previous heads you learned to the basics of interaction with the peace of energies. You
learned to absorb energy-information structures, to see them and to feel. I am confident, that you no
longer should prove the reality of their existence: of this you were convinced themselves, on our own
experience. You learned to also feel energy-information external aggression, to recognize alien effects
and to be protected from them. You learned to close your energy fluxes, to create powerful protective
shell around your body and to be disconnected from the global energy-information parasites.

All this means that you now completely freely are oriented in the energy-information peace and
feel yourselves there almost as houses. Therefore your life for sure became more complete and more
interesting than — indeed into the sphere of your recognition entered the vast wafer of sensations, which
remains beyond the limits of the attention of common man. You already solidly assimilated, and your
sensations confirm this which your true essence, your consciousness is wholly placed not in the terrestrial
physical peace, and in the world energy-information, in other measurement, not absolutely received by
the sense organs of common man.

And nevertheless at this head we will speak about tele- — about that most material, physical tele-,
which wholly belongs to terrestrial, material plan. Yes, until now we constantly spoke, that our true
essence of — energy-information, but physical body does not completely have such great significance.
And nevertheless this does not mean that to the body now it is possible not to turn any attention.

Visualize that the physical body of — is this suit, the clothing, which you at any moment can
remove and even if she entirely became thin, pitilessly to throw out to the slop-container. But thus far you
carry your clothing, you indeed worry that she would be clean, neat so that on it there would be no holes
and worn-out conditions. So and body requires concern.

Certainly, it plays secondary role in comparison with the energy-information essence and has the
subordinate value with respect to it (as suit to the man, whom it it carries), but to say that the body
entirely nothing means, it would be incorrectly.

At this head I wish to warn you against one error, which frequently allow people, which carry out
different energy and spiritual practice and which follow the path of the development of their energy-
information essence. Very frequently such people cleanly forget about the tele-, having simply waved to
it by hand. As a result body is deprived even of the minimum entrance of energy and it begins to wither,
to dry and to be ill. Now and then such people appear in the manner that as if they “a little not in
themselves” — first whether from the moon they did fall down, then they soar somewhere in the clouds.
In this case they are completely normal mentally, simply by them greatly it does not please itself to live

in the physical peace, they as if always aim somewhere from it to run out — into the spheres of spirit or
into the peace of their illusions.

In any event we with you will not commit this error. We will remember that we nevertheless thus
far — not clean perfumes, but people, which consist of the flesh, the blood, the bones, tendons and
internal organs. And once already to us from nature the body of — given means, it for anything is
necessary. But for which? Namely for the possibility of existence in the terrestrial, material peace, where
we arrived each with our task.

All is the general [dvuedinaja] task of — to first, learn to feel itself with energy-information entity,
and to in the second place, learn to live in the material peace, in the physical tele-, to love and to assume
this peace, and this body, whatever they were. Now the body is material of — but that from that? It also
must be subordinated to itself. It is necessary to be able with the ease to be adapted to any of the peaces.

You, of course, remember that we indicated the need to give energy of energy-information essence,
but not to spend it on the physical peace. And the sensation of a certain contradiction now in reader can
arise: how, us they did draft not to give energy to physical peace, and also, therefore, to body, but now it
does prove to be that this made nevertheless must be?

I will attempt to prove to you that the contradiction the is only imaginary. It is simple here to eat
one fineness. Everything the fact is that to body actually it is not possible to give that entire energy,
which rightfully belongs to energy-information peace. So that as should be to comprehend this moment
and explained itself the difference between the energy of the highest energy-information essence of man
and the energy of his body, you must very clearly assimilate and feel, what vast difference lies between
two your hypostases: by your physical body and by your energy-information essence.

These two hypostases live in the different measurements, in the different planes, they nowhere are
crossed, and mixed and cannot be confused them ever. Not accidentally energy-information essence is
frequently named “the counterpart” of man. This actually another entity, although it is basic part you, —
the main thing is your hypostasis. You learn to feel it in itself, gradually identify itself with it, but not
with the physical body. And comprehend that there, in the measurement, where your true essence lives, it
is not possible to draw your everyday, everyday, terrestrial, human problems and [zamorochki] of —
other entirely there laws, and your [zamorochki] have there no value.

It is there actually necessary to direct the maximum its energy of — and only force for the concern
about the physical tele- will appear after this in you. But but if you will spend energy only on the body,
after forgetting about the fundamental importance of energy-information essence, then all your attempts
to bring body into order be absolutely vain: this concern will not succeed. To worry about the tele- and to
derive for this energy you will be able only if you will recall about its second-rateness with respect to the
energy-information essence.

For the greater clarity I will give a example. Let us compare our energy-information essence with
the music, and the body of — with the musical tool. Music lives not in the dense peace and in no way it
depends on its manifestations: neither from the weather nor from the fire nor from water. It depends on
that, how much energy, emotions invested in it executive. (Let us assume executive it personifies exactly
that energy, which we send to energy-information essence.) but here musical tool it can burn, and to
dampen, and to be pulled down, and to be upset. In this case we will not require of the executive that it
itself would repair the tool, — because its energy has another purpose, it is necessary so that the music
would resound. For repairing the tool we will call the specialist of more prosaic, more terrestrial

So and for “the repair” of our body we will put to use secondary, terrestrial energies, without
investigating this process by entire its energy-information essence. This is simple device, which requires

But if we will forget about the fact that the musical tool is intended for the extraction of sounds,
and let us begin it to repair only for the beauty so that it would perform the role of furniture, — hardly
real skilled worker it will undertake this repair. It will be impossible to repair tool in that case. So and
body will not succeed in curing, if we will make this only for it very, and not for this reason it would be
being the full-valued medium of energy-information essence.

You will feel, as your energy-information essence looks at the process of the harmonization of your
body as from the side of — from another measurement. When you look to your body as from the side,
when you realize its second-rateness and subordination, to you it will very easily harmonize body,
because this process will lose for you [byluju] super-significance. You will recall — most heavy to us it
is given that which is especially important for us. The more important the examination, the greater the
probability to fail it. When you reduce the significance of physical body, you will cease to identify him
with your true essence, you will begin to absorb it only as the auxiliary tool, which facilitates existence in
the physical peace, — then you are easy and it is peaceful, without the panic and the fuss you will be able
to lead it into the norm.

From what to begin the process of the normalization of body? First of all — to take and to fall in
love with it with all its deficiencies and problems, such as it not was. Indeed we already assimilated, that
the body of — is this only auxiliary tool, only our temporary “suit”, and therefore we will not present to it
too strong great claims. This in [sotsiume] with its pathologic laws is customary to make from the body
cult, to assume the beauty of body as almost highest value. People of household consciousness do not
know that in them is something incomparably more important — the energy-information essence, true
consciousness, soul, here and they are carried with the beauty of body as with the [pisanoj] bag.

For the man, who understood the true laws of peace, the exterior does not have a value. Body does
provide to you the possibility to live on the Land? Well say to it for this thanks. What you even from it do
wish? Greater from it it is not possible to require — this and so already very much. This it is already
sufficient in order to be grateful to its body independent of of its sizes, parameters, exterior view and age.
Indeed sooner or later even this body will be in you taken away and they will remain only energy
structures of ether body. But it means, instead of in vain [kompleksovat] because of its physical
deficiencies and spending of on this energy, it is necessary to extract the maximum of possibilities from
its physical existence.

What is health and what is is the disease

Now, when you already learned to feel the peace of energies, to monitor your central energy fluxes,
to adjust correct energy exchange with space and Land, you have the right to be occupied body, after
leading him into the harmony and equilibrium with its grown and [okrepshej] energy-information

For this you first of all must attentively examine entire your body, all its organs and systems, all
sensations within the organism. But to make you this will not with the help of the medical equipment, but
only with the help of your increased sensitivity and ability concentrate attention in the different sectors of
your body.

You already sufficiently were trained in the development of pathology in the ether tele-. It means,
for you it will comprise no labor to discover adverse sectors, also, in the physical tele-.

If you do not know, where what organs are located, I advise to use anatomical atlas. After you will
be oriented, at least nearly, in the device of your organism, try to concentrate entire your attention first in
one organ (on what it will be wanted), then on other, the third of — and so on several organs consistently.
You without fail will note, as your sensations upon transfer from one organ to the next are changed. In
some organs you will feel some stress, in others you will feel a kind of failure or of, on the contrary,
dense energy formation. Moreover if you try to normalize these areas with the help of the already known
to you energy methods, then you will feel that this does not succeed for you. These are still — the
adverse signals, which testify about the disease, evident or not thus far yet developed, potential. Here you
learned to make to yourselves diagnosis, now to you it does not be necessary for this to go to the doctor.
Moreover you themselves much better feel your body and all processes, in it which occur both
physiological and energy, than the best doctor in the light.

Fig. 62.
Only do not be frightened, when you discover in itself any pathologic phenomena, and do
not fall into the panic: here, it is said, work- worked, got rid of the damages and [sglazov], and
disease nevertheless here as here… That that the diseases still remained, — is completely natural
for your present development stage. Indeed body accumulated diseases in many years of its life.
But how many [sglazov] and damages it did obtain in last years, when you nothing did know
about the methods of release from them? In the tele- still it is no wonder that be present certain
residual phenomena in the form of pathology in the organs.

But before get rid of these pathology, let us be dismantled at the fact that such, strictly, health and
what is is disease for our physical body.

We already spoke, that entire body is threaded by the net of the energy canals, which will withdraw
from the central flows as branches from the tree. The health of — is this the correct organization of both
the central flows and the supplementary canals, when energy along them flows exactly, without the
leakages, without congestions, without the obstacles, without the excess or of a deficiency in the energy.
But quite principal — that during the normal organization of internal power engineering of human body
each organ is felt separately as the autonomous, sovereign power system, which is connected only with
the central flows, but it is in no way energetically connected with other organs.

Accordingly, disease, as it is not difficult to be conjectured, — this violation of the circulation of

energy along the canals, the onset of congestions, obstacles, this drying up of energy or, on the contrary,

its excess. But the principal characteristic feature of the disease of — this onset of the new, pathologic
energy fluxes, which connect organs with each other and which deprive their independence and self-

You remember what begun the recovery must be from the normalization of central flows. You
already normalized central flows. Therefore now can be occupied secondary, smaller canals and focus
your attention on power engineering of each organ. Normalizing central flows, you can be straightened
with the residual phenomena of pathologic power engineering in organs and systems of — i.e., with the
consequences of th energy flow e disturbed once.

Let us try to now examine more somewhat thoroughly the energy fluxes in the organs of body. For
this we, first of all, should take into account that the pathologic energy fluxes are of two types.

First type of — the accidental and temporary pathologic couplings, connected, as a rule, with the
acute diseases (appendicitis, angina, the sharp jump of arterial pressure, etc).

Second type of — the formed, stable and self-sustaining pathologic flows, which cause the chronic
and severe illnesses (cholecystitis, stenocardia, bronchial asthma, etc).

The first type of pathologic communications can be caused from without — by as a rule, such
already familiar to you energy-information injuries as [sglaz], damage, [vampirizm]. This it means, the
first type of injuries to you is not already practically terrible — the main thing to in time discover in itself
[sglaz] or damage and to get rid of them (if your shell is still insufficiently strong or attack was
exceptionally strong). If you even did not note immediately these injuries in your ether tele- and they had
time to provoke, let us say, angina of — this also not then is terrible: you at any moment can take
necessary measures and lighten the course of disease, after freeing yourselves rel.un. of reason. Basic
problem here in other of — in the fact that now for you it is necessary to get rid of pathologic
communications, left in your tele- in the past. And here, of course, it is necessary to work.

As far as the second type of pathology is concerned, it is a little more complicated with them.
Indeed their reasons lie no longer at the ether tele-, but in much the higher and more delicate areas of
your energy-information essence of — the areas, which correspond for the structures of soul and
consciousness. You thus far yet do not know how to work with these structures. On how to free them
from the pathology, you learn from the following books. But we will thus far learn to feel pathologic
clusters within its organism and to get rid of them, without going into the more delicate spheres.

But how are formed these pathologic clusters? Here is the approximate scheme of their onset. In
the ether tele- it was let us assume formed by poll because of [sglaza]. Puncture struck the liver, as a
result of which the liver it proved to be in the nonoperating state: by it no longer energy is sufficient for
the vital activity. “To the help” of the liver hurries stomach. It begins to direct with it the energy flows, to
which the liver here sucks, since its energy it greater does not have. Thus already stomach is deprived of
energy the necessary for it. The energy balance between the stomach and the intestine is disturbed
moreover. To intestine also it begins not to be sufficient energy, and it tries it “to [podvampirit]” in the
same liver. But the liver and is so de-energized! Circle was closed.

Internal organs outgrew by pathologic energy clusters, and in the liver nevertheless is formed
energy “hole”. This hole becomes constant, it deepens and grows. Here to you and the reason for
hypokinesia of the bile tracts of — of the very widespread today disease. It is caused by precisely this
pathologic energy loop, by which the organs were coupled between themselves.

Such loops can appear even within one organ. For example, in man does not function the unit of
lung. Second-half as a result of the energy-information injury is also taken from the central energy fluxes,

but nevertheless it tries to work “for two”, giving the pitiful remainders of its power engineering to
inoperative half. It as a result de-energizes already and itself. Entire lung is disconnected.

Whatever illness we took — we let us always be able to discover that the pathologic energy
clusters escort her. Let us take such a by all known illness as influenza. In the material peace the reason
for influenza is the virus, which damages nasopharynx. In reality virus begins to be developed not
immediately. First nasopharynx proves to be that deprived of power engineering as a result of [sglaza] or
damage. And only then in it is penetrated virus. Powerful energy shell of — the most reliable defense
from any viruses. For example, on the productive phase of the schizophrenia, when patient with the
casualty brain loses the control over the astral transfers of ether body and it achieves exclusive power, it
does not be ill by acute respiratory diseases. But if the shell of the probe of — viruses here as here:
indeed organism is weakened energy loss, and by them only that it is must.

The deprived of their own power engineering upper respiratory tract cannot independently conquer
disease. And then they begin to remove energy, for example, in lungs. In this case await the complication
in the form of pneumonia.

Its energy to the disease control it can begin to give and the heart of — it makes this, reinforcing its
activity in the course of the inflammatory process. If heart even without that is energetically weakened, it
does not manage the increment load. And then complication on the heart is not excluded.

As we see, the process of recovery is impossible without the energy correction of the work of
organs, without the release from the pathologic energy clusters. Otherwise disease will always be
spanned from one organ to another and create newer and newer pathologic clusters between them. But
indeed it is not possible to endlessly span the restricted quantity of energy to newer and newer fallen ill
organs of — energy finally simply will run low, and organism completely will malfunction.

Emergence only one — to first remove the reasons for diseases in the ether tele- and in the
structures of consciousness and soul, to and then remove the remained pathologic clusters between the
organs and to restore normal energy structure. But normal energy structure, I will mention, this is — such
structure, with which each organ is fed only from the central energy fluxes, but not from the adjacent

Step 18. Release from the pathologic energy clusters in the organism

The potential possibilities of man are such, that it can learn not only to feel each organ, but also to
control [im]. are known examples of the Indian yogi, who knew how not only to launch the peristalsis of
intestine in the opposite direction, but even of their own free will to stop, and to then again include heart.

To develop such abilities to us with you is not completely mandatory. This example I lead only in
order to once more convince you of the vast possibilities, placed in the man from nature, which are,
unfortunately, in the majority of people developed only by two or three percent. It can be, and you will
achieve sometimes such heights. But thus far I propose to you to learn to feel pathology in the organs and
to remove it.

Thus, you examined your organism of — organ after the organ of — with the help of the
concentration of your attention in each organ consistently and the analysis of your sensations, connected
with with other one or organ or another. Let us assume you felt some stress in the organ. These are —
pathologic energy cluster within the organ.

You felt the stress, which envelops two or several organs, as connecting them together. Same these
organs are absorbed somewhat denser, it is more convex than remaining. These are — the pathologic
energy cluster between the organs.

You felt in the organ dense formation or failure, in no way yielding normalizations with known to
you energy methods. These are — introduction into the body of the extraneous program, placed at the
level of consciousness and soul.

Again I will repeat: do not be frightened and do not fall into the panic. Indeed the process of the
normalization of your power engineering you were occupied comparatively recently — month ago, two
weeks ago or only yesterday? Certainly, for you still one must work in order to rake all those obstructions
of pathologic power engineering, which left in your tele- and consciousness your previous life. You here
are not unique. The same problems precisely encounter absolutely all people, which begin work on
cleansing and liberating their power engineering. Principal — not to stop, to continue to be cleaned and
to be improved.

The method of cleansing from the pathologic clusters within one organ and between the different
organs is very simple. For this most frequently sufficiently it is the powerful energy washing of all
organism. For this purpose during several days you should support the increased level of the energy flow
of both central energy fluxes.

If this did not help, it is possible to resort to this reception. Try to visualize which before you
stands… your inherent body. You will imagine to itself before itself itself of — in the form of phantom.
After determining preliminarily, where pathologic clusters precisely occur, you can by your inherent
physical hands, after introducing them into the imaginary body, simply to break their — in the manner
that if these they were ordinary small filaments. After which the places, where these clusters sucked,
must be mentally or with the help of the hand filled with energy, after reducing the normal boundaries of
organs, — then will be discontinued suctions from the adjacent areas.

Do not forget after entire procedure mentally to be connected with the phantom, after combining its
boundary with the boundaries of its physical body, — in order to it, what good, it did not go to stroll
somewhere by itself.

It is possible to make the same mentally within its inherent physical body. To mentally break small
filaments, to mentally reduce the normal boundaries of organs. It is possible to preliminarily form the
mental program: visualize the ideal energy structure of the internal organs, connected only with the
central flows and not connected together. But now you will combine mentally this ideal structure with
your body correct in accordance with it your condition.

Concerning the removal of the extraneous programs of — entirely you you will be able to execute
it you when learn about the modes of operation with the structures of soul and consciousness. Thus far
you can lead th version of this work e already available for you, which will become preparation for the
future more serious correction.

Prepare, that this work will occupy in you as the minimum several days.

You will recall, as you learned to draw off energy with the help of the hand from our own area of
thigh. In exactly the same manner you can draw out strange program from one or other organ or another,
after presenting it to yourselves in the form the cluster of alien power engineering. You will extend to the
area of the casualty organ palm and visualize that it sucks in energy as pump. Make this until you feel in
the organ ease and the absence of any discomfort. After this, mandatorily wash out hands by cold running
water. If in the organ failure is felt, you will fill with its energy. Then it is necessary to form the program

of normal energy flow with the normal restored boundaries of organs, without any outflows, apophyses
and sealings. We mentally combine this picture with our organism.

Still several days after this for you it is necessary to intensely chase energy along the central flows
and to be concentrated on the sensation of the increased energy level in the area of th organ e interesting

How to check, correctly by you is carried out work? How to determine, that the energy structure of
your organism is alien into the norm?

There is nothing simpler. Body always auto shows to us, there is in it pathology or it in the
complete order. It is necessary to only learn to listen to it. Have in the form: in the condition of norm the
body always feels complete and disturbed in no way internal comfort. And this — the sole and most
exact criterion of the success of the carried out by you work on the correction of its power engineering. If
with the body in you everything in the order, then it receives pleasure from all occurring with it processes
of — be absolutely this even such most commonplace physiological processes as the reception of food or
the emptying of intestine.

If your organism experiences the feeling of a deep satisfaction both from these two
[naivazhnejshikh] processes and from all remaining — from the physical work, exercises by sport, jaunt
in fresh air, from the sexual interrelations and even from the process of respiration, which means, you can
be congratulated: with your organism everything in the order.

But here even least discomfort must alert. Burden in the stomach, palpitation, fatigue, stress, the
sensation of the g-force of — this means that not all in the order with the power system is alien time with
it to work.

Pay everyday attention to your body and to the energy processes, which occur in it, until it remains
any discomfort, until you forget about the fact that this such — discomfort. You it can seem that this is
tedious, thankless, dull work, but, verify, the health of body stands to extend to this work of effort. Very
soon you will see, that the body will not remain in the duty, it mandatorily [otblagodarit] you for concern
and attention of — it [otblagodarit] by a increase in the tone, by ease, by cheerfulness, by health.

And what is more — it is worthwhile for you to only [popraktikovatsja] and as one should be
trained in the normalization of power engineering of the internal organs of its body, as your organism will
be trained to worry about itself. The concern about it will take upon itself your subconsciousness of —
the so-called subcortex. Indeed you already showed your subcortex a example of that how it is possible to
work with the internal organs. Subcortex will memorize this, the program of work will be recorded in it
as on video cassette and it will be included automatically. To subcortex this is placed by its very nature of
— to take on itself control of the condition of your health and to control the normal work of organs in the
automatic regime. But since in the majority of people all normal functions of organism are lessened by
lasting incorrect energy flow, for you it is necessary to slightly mention to subcortex about its
responsibilities and to dispose to the work. Gradually organism thus will change to the natural regime of

When you achieve this of — be glad for yourselves from the soul, you will praise yourselves and
congratulate: indeed you finally returned to your body the condition, which was intended to it from
nature. You corrected th energy exchange e disturbed by years, made its correct and harmonious. You
included in your organism the system of [samoozdorovlenija], which now itself will prevent the
development of diseases. If for you this succeeded — this actually great achievement!

Postscript for those, in whom it is not received

In majority of you, I am confident, everything mandatorily will come out. But nevertheless I must
honestly prevent: this work, with its entire external noncomplexity, it will be possible from the very first
to make nevertheless not all. Therefore I wish to give a certain additional information. This information is
intended exactly for those people, whose ether body [otvyklo] to give energy to body physical. In this
case version of work described here will be hardly sufficiently effective. Do not only consider that you
are hopeless and in you nothing it will come out. Mandatorily it will come out! Simply you should make
one additional additional work (it, by the way, it will not prevent to all remaining), about which we will
speak at the following head.

But thus far let us be dismantled about why, strictly, the method of operation, presented at this
head, is not always effective. Everything is easy [objasnimo]: if no attention was given to the body in the
long period, then it becomes this energetically exsanguinated and weak that it cannot manage by its
forces the pathology in the organs. It is simple subcortex, subconsciousness they " eliminated” body from
the energy exchange.

In order to survive, it is necessary to be to the harmonious of — i.e., strong and healthy both
physically and energetically and it is spiritual. To the developed and strengthened energy-information
essence must correspond the developed and strong body of — only then between them there will be
harmony and equilibrium.

The level of power engineering of its body for you it is necessary to increase. From this to
anywhere not disappear. Indeed only [dostignuv] of sufficient energy level, body will begin to
distinguish, where in it norm, and where the pathology. Otherwise it does not have starting point, there is
no standard, with which it is possible to compare. (You do remember? So it was also in the case with the
consciousness, until you learn to create standard.)

Nothing bodies new for increasing power engineering for us with you to devise it is necessary. For
this purpose there is a set of the different exercises, majority of which arrived at us in essence from the
ancient east. Some of these exercises we will examine in the fourth book of the system [DEIR] of — to
the book, which will be specially dedicated to work with the organism. Thus far let us be bounded to one,
simplest and available for the novices with the methodology, which recommended well itself, being many
times of that checked in practice. This is the health-improvement system of the ancient nationality of
[tengri], which became famous by its veterans. At the following head you will be introduced to this
system. She is specially adapted by me to the level of development and the mode of the life of up-to-date

Chapter 9

As to listen to the internal rhythms of organism and to help its body to

increase the level of its power engineering

Natural rhythms: the system of the self-help

Again I will mention: the energy-information essence of man of — his soul and consciousness of
— live according to their laws, the body of — on their. These two different hypostases of human being
exist separately, as in the parallel peaces. Them it cannot be confused and mixed, and it is not possible
the laws of body to apply to the energy-information essence and vice versa.

If we will entire our energy give to the concern about tele- — we thus let us complete the
unpardonable substitution: let us place body in the first on the significance place. But energy-information

essence must occupy this place. Placing body in the first place, we idolize it, we make from it idol (you
will recall the biblical: Do not " create to itself idol”). Therefore the main thing for the beginning of — to
be dismantled at this system of values and to place body on th place e fitting to it. As soon as we realize,
that the body is secondary, that this is only auxiliary tool, and let us learn to give the maximum energy of
the energy-information essence of — to us here they will be given force for the concern about the tele-.
But precisely as about the auxiliary tool, not and what is more.

To worry about this tool must, because however brilliant was musician and whatever product
revealed he intended to carry out — hardly the sounds, extracted from the detuned piano, there will be

At this head as I promised, I wish to introduce you to the sufficiently simple and available, but at
the same time effective system of aid to my body, which here no longer one millenium uses the small
Altai nationality of [tengri]. It is intended first of all for the people, whose body it is weakened and it is
de-energized as a result lasting neglect of its interests, and also for all, who wish to considerably raise the
energy potential of their body.

I not accidentally propose precisely this system to you, since I consider that it in the best way is
suitable for up-to-date western man. Certainly, you are right to select for your sanitation and any other
system of — good humanity during its long history developed a innumerable quantity of methods of self-
help to organism. Among them and Chinese [tsigun], and Indian meditations, and also orthodox and
Moslem posts, Russian drenching by cold water in the mornings of — and this is only the scanty unit of
all methods, directed toward the maintenance within the norm of the rhythms of human physiology.

Furthermore, in some countries entire rhythm of life is constructed so as to most favor organism. A
example of — the Latin American post-meridian siestas, when in the middle of day, in the hottest time,
life in the cities literally fades: magazines are covered, ceases work in the offices and in enterprises,
streets and beaches become empty. People rest in shade and coolness of rooms with the louvers on the
ports and with the conditioners.

Our western mode of life cannot brag by this care of the human body. We entire — and the
especially urban inhabitants of — are very distant from the natural, natural rhythms of existence. For
example, if we follow natural rhythms, then be spilled one should with sunrise, and to charge — with the
approach. Then organism lives in accordance with by nature, does not deplete itself in vain — and it
remains healthy.

But perhaps we today could live thus? Indeed this means that in winter, during the shortest days,
we must lie down to sleep hours in five in the evening! Our generally accepted mode of life and operating
mode of our enterprises for us simply does not permit to make this. Although precisely this would be
most correct. In this meaning the bears behave much wiser than people, falling into the hibernation. Just
they know that in winter the organism must sleep!

But we that do make? We come from the work to seven, tightly we eat till full, and then we sit in
the television set to midnight. And still we be surprised: from where this enervation, this nerve overstress,
this perpetual headache? Yes everything from there: from the explosion with the natural natural rhythms
of life, in accordance with which live all living beings, except the most reasonable, “the rim of the
creation” of — of man.

We with you already learned not to depend on [sotsiuma], not to be subject to its pathologic
effects, not to assume in earnest occurring around the social troubles of — but even in this case far from
always it is possible to live so as to live as Robinson on the island, [otstranenno] from the surrounding
peace. I you to this do not draft. Even having learned to inwardly not yield to the effect of [sotsiuma], to

purely outwardly follow its rules of play and conditionalities for us it nevertheless is necessary. For us is
necessary to appear to the work when it begins to work enterprise, but not when us this it is desirable, to
take away children from the school, when are finished lessons, to go on the magazines in accordance with
their operating mode and so on.

It is necessary to, of course, remember that all norms of the life of [sotsiuma] of — these are only
the external rules of play and the accepted by society model of the behavior, which refer no to our true
essence. But white crows to become we with you will not nevertheless be, we will not demonstrate by
entire its mode of life, that we some special, not such, as everything. We will not perform on the nerves
to [sotsiumu], the beds sleep five hours of the evening, arranging post-meridian siestas or whole days
conducting in the meditations. So complex for the up-to-date man to observe posts, to go barefoot along
the snow, to find time for the exercises by Chinese and Japanese health-improvement practice. While the
system of [tengri] makes it possible to be occupied [samoozdorovleniem], without assigning in this case
on itself the unhealthy curiosity of those surrounding, or without spending too much time, forces and

At the foundation of this system of — the exercise about the internal rhythms of organism.
Everything in nature is subordinated to the definite rhythms. Day is relieved by night, the sun goes and it
raises into the strictly defined time intervals, after the winter comes the spring, after the spring summer,
after the summer autumn, after the autumn again the winter of — in this alternation is of no failures, in
nature everything is very clear. Absolutely all phenomena of nature are completed with the preset
periodicity, being repeated in the definite rhythm.

And man, as the unit of nature, also has his rhythmic organization. Heart [stuchit] in the definite
rhythm. The requirement for the sleep, for the reception of food, for the emptying of stomach appears
through the definite time intervals in man. Absolutely all processes in the human organism are
subordinated to rhythms. You will judge themselves: indeed in our organism, in all its organs, constantly
something occurs in all cages, continue some processes, some movement of — this is life. Stomach
processes food. Cages assimilate nutrients. The blood absorbs them. With the blood they resound along
all organs and systems. Simultaneously toxic and harmful substances are ejected from the organism. The
signals enter from without into the brain, and it transmitted pulses to the appropriate organs and systems,
forcing our arms and legs to move, our body of — to lie down, to be set, to arise, our jaws of — to
masticate food. The blood constantly is renewed, cell of the skin, nails, hair integument. The organism of
— the giant-size mill, not one shop, not one machine tool, not one detail of which stays not second.

But you do represent that it would be, if all these processes dispatch chaotically and each organ it
would work as god may will it, who in that [gorazd]? Organism would be, probably broken on the unit
under the pressure of this disordered violent activity. But this it does not occur, and they say about the
healthy organism: it works as hours. This precise organization is achieved because million processes,
which occur in our organism simultaneously, are not chaotic, but [uporjadochenny], they are agree ond
between themselves. And [uporjadochenny] they precisely because of the internal rhythms of organism.

The rhythms of organism are, in turn, subordinated to the rhythmic pulsations of ether body.
Exactly as the movement of the blood along the vessels is provided by the pulsation of heart, so the
coordination of all processes in the physical tele- is provided by the pulsation of energy in the ether tele-.

Essence of the system of [tengri] exactly and to lies in the fact that learn to help these natural
pulsations of energy. After learning by them to help, to support the natural rhythms of our organism, we
automatically can achieve a very sharp increase in the energy potential of our physical body. Indeed in
this case the unit of energy of central flows, consumed by ether body, begins to go for the care of the
organism of — and organism as if is spilled, it becomes living, active, it leaves from the slack and
apathetic condition, it begins to live full-valued life and lively to react to everything which occurs with it.

But before learn to help our natural rhythms, let us be dismantled at the fact that this, strictly, for
the rhythms, which their nature.

Men, as we know, these are the unit of the surrounding peace, the unit of nature, and, naturally, its
rhythms are very tightly connected with the natural rhythms. With what precisely? One of the basic
rhythms of human organism is tightly connected with the replacement of day and night. Man constantly
lives in the regime: the light of — the dark of — the light of — the dark, and so entire life. In the daytime
light, at night the dark, in summer light, in winter the dark of — no one and to never not stop this
perpetual rotation.

The following rhythm, which has effect on human organism, this — the replacement of heat and
cold. Winter of — cold, the summer of — of heat-, and so, in addition during entire life. There are the
daily natural fluctuations, connected with the replacement of heat and cold: the night of — cold, the day
of — of heat-. Human organism is compulsorily forced to be included in the rhythm of these fluctuations.
But but if it for some reasons in this rhythm is not included — they begin disease. Not by chance in
people, which work at night, as a rule, the mass of diseases. Indeed in them are lessened all natural
rhythms, as a result organism is weakened and the frequency of diseases is increased.

One additional rhythm, to which is subordinated man, this — the replacement of moisture and
dryness. Here everything not as is obvious as in the case with cold and heat, but it is possible to be
dismantled when desired that have in the form the representatives of the nationality of [tengri], who
worked out this system. Moisture they tightly connect with the spring (spring waters, the thawing of
snow), the dryness of — with the autumn (earth warmed thoroughly in the summer gives heat-). But, you
will notice, in nature all days cyclically, and call to mind nothing else but year in the miniature. The
moisture of — these are not only spring, but even and the morning, and the dryness of — not only
autumn, but also the evening.

Thus, the replacement of the light and dark, the replacement of cold and heat, the replacement of
moisture and dryness of — this is those basic natural rhythms, in accordance with by which must exist
human organism, if he wishes to be healthy.

According to the system of [tengri], each of these natural phenomena is connected also with the
natural elements. In nature there are four elements: these are water, air, fire and the earth. The morning of
— is this moisture, that corresponds to the elements of water and air, the day of — of heat- (air and fire),
the evening of — dryness (fire and the earth), the night of — cold (earth and water). So each days
together with the replacement of day and night, heat and cold, light and dark, moisture and dryness is
relieved the effect of different elements. Each time of day passes under the sign of the definite natural
phenomenon, and, which means, under the sign of two elements, to it corresponding.

The task of man, who wishes to have healthy, harmonious organism, to lies in the fact that every
day live in the contact and by in accordance with these elements, to subordinate to their effect all his
internal rhythms. Rhythms are given to us in the sensation, and they must be been able to feel. Only then
very natural rhythms of — the rhythms of the elements of — will begin to support the rhythms of your
organism, reinforcing them repeatedly, charging organism by energy. By many is for sure known the
phenomenon of resonance. When we begin to live so that our inherent rhythms would fall into the
resonance with the rhythms of nature, our organism gains the unprecedented might and force. Indeed the
rhythms of nature of — powerful force. They bear, besides in all, even and powerful cleaning effect.
Only visualize, by what we will be truly powerful, if their force will become our!

Step 19. Maintenance of the biological rhythms of the body

Thus, our task of — to learn daily to contact with four elements, by four by sensations, input
energy to body and removal it of the ill effects of social encirclement. For this I propose to you to daily
execute altogether only seven uncomplicated exercises: three exercises strictly on control and adjustment
of the body and of four exercises, which establish contact with the elements.

Advice: executing exercises, mandatorily be concentrated on your internal sensations. Have in the
form: this is not physical exercises, which can be made mechanically, this —, on the essence, the
meditative exercises, which intensify the contact of body with the peace of nature, which acquaint it with
the completely new sensations.

1. Morning. You recently awoke and still you lie at the bed. Not necessary immediately after
awakening sharply to jump up — better bring the alarm clock of minutes to fifteen earlier so that you
have the time as one should awake. You remember that your body of — is this not robot and not
mechanism. It living. So be related to it as to the living being. Do not force it automatically as upon
command, to be raised, automatically to go into the tank, to automatically swallow breakfast. Be trained
to make entire [osoznanno], [osmyslenno], “with a feeling, plainly, with the ordering”. Only if body will
begin to live [osoznanno], it will awake, it will cease to vegetate in the perpetual half-asleep condition
and it will live full-valued.

For the beginning, after awakening, the body must feel that it awoke, to absorb into itself the
surrounding peace, to feel life by all its cages. In order to cause this sensation in itself, it is very useful,
after awaking, not less than five minutes to smooth out entire surface of its body by the palms of — with
the increasing degree of intensity. Making this, feel, as they revive, wake up in this case all cages of
organism. Delight in by these sensations, be glad at the advancing new day, to which you are now
completely ready.

Then sweet be extended several times and only you can without hurrying to arise after this.

2. After awaking, after waking up entire body and after being raised from the bed, it is possible to
begin strictly the contact with the elements of the morning. I will mention, the element of the morning of
— this of the element of the moisture, whose essence in the combination of air and water.

After being raised from the bed, open port, you will inject into the quarters fresh air of — at least
by several minutes, even if after the port frost. Then wash by water of room temperature, which
previously prepare from the evening. First wash face and hands. Then drench entire body. Wash without
hurrying, concentratedly, with a feeling in order to completely absorb the sensation of moisture into
itself. Feel, as moisture it penetrates each cell of your body, as cells they are straightened, revive, they
look younger by, being saturated by moisture. Do not forget, human organism to sixty and the more of
percentages consists of water, and contact with the moisture is vitally necessary for it.

After washing, arise directly, straighten shoulders, be weakened and make exactly twenty one rapid
and deep [vdokh]—[vydokh]. In this case be concentrated during the sensation of the descending central

If you feel the vertigo (this it can be from the excess of oxygen, which acted into the brain during
the intense respiration) of — twenty one times sharply splash to yourselves into the person by cold water.
This will not stir up even when you you will not feel vertigo, — nothing besides use will be. It is better, if
this there will be water, entire night stood on the street or on the draft.

e. Approximation of midday. The elements of moisture are relieved by the elements of the heat: the
time of the reign of air and fire comes. Organism now must tune to these elements. Find for this at least
several minutes, wherever you not were located. Can sit at your area or go in the transport of —
surrounding nothing they will note. Indeed from you with the approximation of noon it is necessary
altogether to only concentrate attention in the updraft of energy, which moves from lower [chakry] ahead
the spine. Then several times shallowly and very slowly inhale and breathe out. If situation allows, it is
possible to fasten effect by the light massage of head. For this during five minutes it is necessary to
manufacture the small tickling movements along the entire surface of head with fingers of both hands.

Thus you will prepare your body for recognition of the elements of the heat of — of air and fire.

4. Nearly beginning from the hour of day necessary to begin to admit into its organism of heat-, to
reinforce the effect of the element of fire on its body. It is necessary to, in addition exactly inhale and so
many twenty one times once to breathe out for this, feeling in this case, as the central ascending energy
flux is reinforced. It is desirable in this case to look in the sun. If the sun beyond the clouds or you are
located in the quarters and the sun at the given moment it is located beyond the limits of recognition of
your organs of vision of — instead of it it will approach and tube, and the flame of candle. Try during
five minutes to admit the light of the sun (tube, candle) to itself into the left eye: so you will obtain very
powerful energy injection. You be only cautious, if you look in the sun: in order not to obtain the burn of
cornea, [soshchurte] eye and look through the eyelashes, periodically blinking.

Try to make all this joyfully — not in the manner that as if you this you make the unbleached
necessarily, and not because it is so written in the omasum. Delight in by the process, play — indeed you
they entered the splendid creative process of contact with nature, with the peace of elements, in which
you are full-fledged entity. Feel that you live in the close contact with the peace, that peace around — of
living, that entire nature, all elements are ready to help you, to be to you the best friends, if you only are
related to them with the good and the commendation.

shch. Nearer six hours of the evening it is necessary to gradually remove the sensation of heat. The
element of fire still rules above all living, but comes into force already another element of — the element
of the earth, which contains the presentiment of future cold of night.
In order to be touched the element of the earth, necessary to lead the limbering-up of the soles of —
indeed precisely through the soles organism absorbs the dryness and the heat- earth. Make several
elementary physical exercises, connected with the turnings of soles, then mix stops with hands. So you
will prepare organism for recognition of the elements of the evening.

'. Per hour to the sleep it is necessary to lead the short intense massage of soles. As far as possible it
is necessary to resemble barefoot on the earth. However, for the up-to-date man this, as a rule, possible
only in summer on the issue. In another season it is possible simply to resemble without the socks on the
room or along the street in the slippers or in the shoes. Even in this case organism will absorb through the
soles the dryness of the earth, which testifies about the outgoing evening, and the coolness of the earth,
which testifies about the advancing night. Be concentrated during the sensations of dryness and coolness,
which through the soles enter body and is filled your organism. To breathe in this case is necessary
peacefully and it is shallow. It is best anything, if all this you will do in the dark of — ideal preparation
for the night.

". Directly before the sleep, after removing clothing and after dismantling bed, several minutes you
will sit on the territory of bed. You do remember, as you did in the morning conduct inclusion of body,
mixing by its palms and helping awakening? Now you must “turn off” the body before the sleep. For this
you will complete lungs the consecutive touchs by palms to the entire body surface of — but palm in this
case they must not slide throughout the body, they remain on the spot second- other, after which you
move palm to the adjacent area. I.e., you seemingly damp all processes in the tele-, do not accelerate

them throughout the body, but you, on the contrary, retard by your touchs, completing such soft and weak
pacifying clappings.

After completing this procedure, [pomassirujte] the base of skull, feeling in this case, as cool
energy flux it is cast from somewhere on top to your occiput, cooling it and damping into all tele-

Before the sleep [nastrojte] itself to recognition of cold and dryness, which will escort you in the
beginning night, and nearer in the morning body must absorb cold and moisture. [Nastrojtes] for this
sensation, even if your bed is warm. Cold of — ideal condition for the sleep. You will recall, as badly it
will sleep into the heat, when and sheet and pillow hot, and you always are spun, vainly hoping to find
out cooler place. Even if in the room it is hot, create within the organism the sensation of coolness.
Gradually body will become accustomed to this and it will even in the sleep, Beza any control from the
side of consciousness, reproduce necessary sensations, after memorizing them at the cell level.

Here you were introduced to all family by the necessary for you exercises. When you begin
regularly, every day, to execute them, your organism at the level of subconsciousness will assimilate the
moments of transition from some elements to others and it will become the self-regulating system: it will
begin automatically to be included in natural rhythms and to live in the complete accord with elements
and phenomena of nature.

You will immediately feel a improvement in the health. Indeed you made they nothing else but
trained your organism to live into the harmony with nature, — and this precisely that, what it does not
most of all be sufficient to up-to-date absorbed [sotsiumom] to man. Means, now nature of — your best
friend assistant. It will always arrive to the aid into the difficult minute, when to you it will necessary
manage the disease, the poor mood, by fatigue, by malaise.

You and themselves now not so much the representative of [sotsiuma], as phenomenon of nature.
But this is very captivating — to be the phenomenon of nature! Try — you will be convinced themselves.
Very soon they will become more clearly the language of birds, the roar of waves, noise of wind, splash
of creek. Wind, rain, and frost, and heat will become for you not simply the phenomena of nature, but by
the living beings. But indeed this is living energy-information essences, it is simple people so of
[zashoreny] that they do not note this and do not see that the life all around boils.

You not only will obtain from the elements of nature a vast quantity of energy, but it means, health,
happiness from the terrestrial existence, creative forces, — you still will feel yourselves partly boundless
living peace, you will learn to enter with it into the contact. And then — good-bye, solitude! It is possible
to be lonely among the people, and ever it cannot be been to lonely in private with the peace, filled with
life at each point of time and space.

Chapter 10
Final form of the independent energy existence

Here we fit toward the end our first book of — and toward the end the first stage of your training.
However, training — is this in this case not entirely exact word. We all know from the childhood that
man must learn to read, to write, to count, to then understand the foundations of algebra, physics,
biology, it is still later than — to hack strength of materials and dialectical materialism…

Us teach during our entire life what conveniently and as it is convenient. And most frequently — to
absolutely useless things. Moreover they teach by force, they make it necessary to learn by heart the
paragraphs of manuals, to hack rules, to pass the examinations, next day after which we forget everything

that they taught. They teach according to the obsolete school and higher educational programs, they ram
into the heads the mass of unnecessary knowledge, without turning attention to our true requirements.
Indeed no one taught never us the most important: to the art of living. Here and it turns out that man,
even having traversed all possible schools, institutes, universities, academies, graduate studies, so does
not receive response to the most important questions: who I such? From where it did arrive into this
peace? Why to live and as to live?

But true knowledge about the life and about the peace nevertheless exists. Humanity developed
these knowledge within many millenia of its existence. Here only knowledge this was always esoteric of
— i.e., secret, concealed before the extraneous eyes, the only dedicated. This they do not teach at the
universities. To this knowledge each man always came — itself by his inherent route. This knowledge is
opened to man when it to him vitally necessarily, when it begins to feel, that differently to it not to
survive. Apparently, to humanity is alien time to move further. And in vain precisely in our country was
not born the system [DEIR] of — Russia was always the elected country.

Now is alien your time, dear reader. Specifically, now for you came that moment, when you had to
be touched knowledge about the true device of peace, true nature of man. This knowledge to each comes
in time. And to you it alien in time — regardless of the fact, 20 to you years or 70. It means, so must be
— precisely now, not earlier and not later, you had to learn that the fact that they learned from this book.
It, as any knowledge of this type, cannot fall into hands to people by unprepared.

Certainly, the book of — this is wonderful, and I attempted to create such allowance, which would
permit reader to seize the maximum of useful knowledge along the system [DEIR] and to be introduced
to it at the initial, in other words, base level. But much understands itself only through the direct contact
in the course of personal training. (I note, by the way: the policies of school [DEIR] during the
continuance did not conduct, but to the time of the emergence of this publication they newly must be
begun in Saint Petersburg under the leadership of my pupils. You can move out to the contact with them
along telephone (812) 219-12-45, after writing with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij]
the rest, 44/46, a/I 123, or after being connected with the publishing house. The route [DEIR] of — this is
the route of autonomous progress, but we are always ready to show you support.)

If it seems you that to you already too many years and acquaintance with [DEIR] occurred very
late, when the large part of life is already squandered, — you were not right. First, in the energy-
information peace the age of physical body has no value. We will not forget, that, after losing physical
body, we will continue to exist in the world energies. In the second place, however you lived your
preceding years of — you will thank your past, indeed in any event it was precisely so as to in the best
way contribute to the development of your true, energy-information essence.

Today all more and more than people independent of of age, nationality and color of the skin go to
the esoteric knowledge. Because increasingly more people they understand: humanity reached a
deadlock, and he does not have another route of release from the terrible diseases of the type of AIDS,
from the ecological catastrophes and the wars, there is no other method of survival, except one: to
convert civilization to entirely different route, to realize its belonging with the energy-information peace
and to begin to live according to its laws, after ceasing to be subordinated to rough material peace. Now
you are steel one of these elected, running road for all humanity — road to the new steps of evolution.
But, as it is authentically known, nothing similar to the whole and completed system [DEIR] it was
created. We — the nevertheless first.

Give let us again comprehend that, what you already achieved. Let us conduct some sums of the
first stage of your development as energy-information essence. First stage of further energy-information
development. First stage [DEIR].

You realized, that true nature of the peace of — is energy. You learned to see and to feel this
energy. You comprehended that the ability to see and to feel her was given to you from the birth of —
because man from nature it was planned so that it could be oriented easily and freely in the world
energies, in the world, where its true essence lives. And to you it did not comprise the particular labor to
recall these forgotten (and oppressed [sotsiumom]) abilities. Now you absorb the surrounding peace
much more complete and it is volumetric than the majority of people.

You already begin to realize and to feel that the body and consciousness live in the different
measurements, that the physical body of — this is not your true essence. This is — only temporary “suit”.
And you already can from the point of view of your consciousness look at the body from the side as to
the auxiliary tool, which daN to consciousness for alleviating the existence in the physical dense peace.

You learned consciously to be freed from the programming and [zombirujushchego] effect of the
giant-size energy-information parasites, that enslaved consciousness of billions of people. Even in this
matter you yet did not achieve the one hundred percent success of — this not terribly. At least, to you it is
now known to route to this liberation, you know the means of its achievement and know how
successfully them to use — and this already very and much. And it is not terrible, if for you still many
times it is necessary to use these means and methods and to make this sufficiently frequently. This is
completely natural, indeed [sotsium] is very strong, it so aims to at every turn catch man into its traps and
traps. Indeed it so it is desirable to take away in you your energy and to use it for its needs.

But the energy-information parasites, created and fed up [sotsiumom], recently even multiplied
their force and power. So simply they do not temper man. Therefore, if you wish to be escape, from you
it is required to fortify its power engineering, to accumulate forces and to continue to delimit its power
engineering from power engineering of human cenosts. Principal — not to fall by spirit, solidly to believe
in its victory and to have the unbending and firm desire to obtain freedom. And then everything
mandatorily will come out. Play costs [svech]. Freedom costs for it to struggle.

How you do think, why people for the course of entire their history do periodically arrange riots,
mutinies, uprisings, revolutions? Specifically, because the desire of freedom moves by them. But their
misfortune in the fact that they do not know what is true freedom is. They do not understand, that they do
not there seek freedom and not so for it struggle, not by those means. You now know as to strive
freedom. And revolutions for this to you to arrange completely to nothing. Note, not one revolution in the
history of humanity led to to nothing good. People struggled for the freedom of — but as a result it so
they did not receive. Because any revolution led them only into the new cage cutoff to the lock.

True course to the freedom of — this liberation from the energy-information parasites, the
emergence of consciousness from under their effect. These are the delimitation of its power engineering
from power engineering of [sotsiuma] and generally physical peace and sensation itself by the free
energy-information entity, for which there is neither grids nor prisons nor boundaries nor inhibits.

Neither revolutions nor wars nor riots gave never and they will not give to people of true freedom.
Revolution riots not only do not free from the energy-information parasites of — on the contrary, as we
with you has already been convinced, as a result wars and revolutions energy-information parasites only
become stronger, they grow and grow fat, being made up by negative power engineering of the human
sufferings, by which are mandatorily escorted any social cataclysms. These are — the vicious circle, into
which now fell humanity. It runs in this circle, it is thoughtless and it is thoughtless, as protein in the
wheel, and in no way it can escape from its illnesses and sufferings, in no way can begin to live
[osoznanno] of — to awake finally and to see the true courses of the emergence from this ring.

You will look all around. People are moved in the space as automatic machines, live in accordance
with the schemes and the stereotypes, by centuries by those developed [sotsiumom]. Them subordinate

the already predetermined programs, they lives “as everyone”, “as it is placed”, but not in the manner that
them it wishes in reality — as necessary for their energy-information essence. They do not hear the vote
of this their true essence, which only and dreams to be heard, to state about itself, to be escape.
But man does not turn attention to these his internal deep requirements and desire. He does not note his
inherent route, which shows to it the energy-information essence. It entire life goes along those paths,
which laid for it others. And it requires, requires that someone would ensure to it the health and the
prosperity of — government, deputies, relatives, doctors. And he does not understand, that all this it can
achieve itself, without the extraneous aid. It is necessary only to regain vision, to open the eyes of — and
neither government nor president nor children nor parents nor associate from the work nor familiar or
unknown people of — no one more it will have above it authorities.

You indeed did note that, being disconnected from the giant-size energy-information essences, the
controlling the life common people, you do cease to be subordinated to rules, on which does live your
encirclement, — you do become free in your judgments, opinions, activities, behavior and you are
subordinated no one, except yourselves? In the course of time this happy condition will become for you
constant and you will live so only in the manner that themselves you consider necessary, and no one will
have authorities above you.

You stepped over the face of new evolutionary step. You — not common man.

How is filled the life of common man? Training, work, children, magazines, turn, perpetual
commotion in the transport, pension, television set… Everything. Man dies with the conviction, that the
peace is very dull and uniform, that the life is uninteresting. It dies, so without having learned the true
reasons for its sufferings and without having learned from them to be freed. It dies, so without having
seen, that next to it, not noted by it, are located the excellent peace, peace without the sufferings and the
diseases, peace of happiness and freedom. Peace, discovered for all. But man does not see him, before his
eyes the curtain, woven [sotsiumom] and by its representations about the peace. After dying, man comes
into the new peace helpless, as if infant. It enters into it, to nothing having learned, without having
executed the task of this life, — as the first-grader, who did not find time to learn even to say.

If then it will be continued, human civilization very soon will be finished. If humanity will be and
further to continue to live then, it will not survive. By this method — of the route, laid [sotsiumom], man
deprives itself of energy injection, and therefore it weakens, it is ill and meets absolutely senseless and
ignominious death.

Note, now very many are dissatisfied by its life, they be ill, they suffer, encounter from the
different type by troubles. This not by chance. It is possible even to say that in this there is great positive
meaning, this even is necessary — in order to push humanity to the route true. Indeed to this true course
most frequently arise those, who already traversed diseases and sufferings. Man, who passed through the
sufferings, more easily absorbs truths about the energy-information device of peace, about the fact that it
is necessary to very to learn to live as energy-information entity. This occurs because this man already on
his experience was convinced: otherwise to him not to survive.

But if life beat man yet not strongly, if it still hopes to find happiness in [sotsiume], to obtain
satisfactory well-off life from the government with the president, but the health of — in the district
polyclinic, then this man is, of course, right to request: and why this I should — get in into some energy-
information peaces? To me and so good. And generally neither I myself nor my ancestors nor ancestors
of my ancestors nor about which such thought, whereas and nothing — lived somehow…

What to answer this man? Everything the fact is that it is thus far still blind. And hardly he will
comprehend us with you that we it not answered. In fact, and that you answered man blind from the birth,
if it posed the question to you: “Which will give to me view?” Rather difficult to answer, truth? Indeed

the very same never it saw white light, and you will not be able to explain to it, what sun is, what sky is,
sea, snow, moon, star… Therefore sole, that you can make, so say this: “You will begin to see, and this is

But that you answered the yet not originated infant, if it suddenly requested you: “Which will give
to me life?” Everything that you will be able to answer, this: “You will begin to live, and this is
wonderful”. Hardly both in the first and in the second case you will find some other, more convincing

So and with the man, who yet did not get to know the methods of existence in the energy-
information peace. It is similar to blind man, it is similar to the [nerozhdennomu] infant. It was born as
physical body, but its true energy-information essence still will sleep, still it is in the intrauterine period
of its development.

Acknowledg honestly: and much you do see around yourselves people, which did realize their
energy-information essence, did develop her, did reduce their energy wholeness, after being removed
away from power engineering of encirclement, and now they do live [osoznanno], it is free, but not as
blind men, connected on the arms and the legs with energy by the fetters of [sotsiuma]? Such people of
— of unit. And happiness, if in your encirclement is discovered at least one such man. So on whom is
similar in the mass of its today's humanity?

It is correct: to the [nerozhdennogo] infant. The human cenosts today of — this even not low child,
these are embryo, embryonic form.

When people with mass order begin to leave from the intrauterine condition of their consciousness
and to be converted from the embryonic forms into the thoracic infants of — here then it will be begun
transition to the new level of the evolution of humanity. For the present this process just barely is marked
out, it goes very slowly, from one man to another, from another to the third. Properly regained vision
today it is less than one percent of all humanity. But with their each day it becomes increasingly more.
And the number of those grows, who greatly wish to be selected to the light, who no longer can live in
the dark.

It can be, those, who did order project “pastor”, they were subordinated to precisely these
progressive movements? Who knows — but hardly. They nevertheless wished to only control others. But
to it turned out that effectively control others is possible having been only changed very, — and after
entering to the new step of evolution, to play into such cheap plays as the policy, simply ridiculously (this
victim is yielded only for the great objective, but not in order to pack pocket). And therefore all, who
passed training in our department by assignment of command, agreed only to the course of the bases of
control, having decisively deflected further training in system [DEIR] (basis of control they will be
presented by me in the third volume). But indeed [DEIR] of — is this new evolutionary step, and
defense, and weapon, and means of control of others, and the method of maintaining the health, and route
for the achievement of success… The fourth step [DEIR] makes it possible to strengthen soul and to
begin to exist in the energy-information reality, without saying goodbye with the physical body, but the
assimilation of fifth step [DEIR] it gives the possibility to use its own consciousness for the
transformation of the surrounding peace.
Therefore appeared this book of — in order to help people.

If you assimilated everything, which it is discussed in this book, you can be from the soul
congratulated with the very important stage event in your life. It can be, not less important than the day of
your birth. You were actually born anew!

You has already been raised to the new step of human evolution. Majorities of those, whom you
see all around, remained far behind. You already man of future, men [KHKH]I of century. You even now
know that which for humanity only is necessary to open for itself. Now it stuck even not in the middle
[KHKH] of century, but somewhere in the middle ages, indeed it is known that serious jump forward in
the development of human consciousness since then it did not occur. You see more than common man,
you know more than common man, you can more than common man. In your behavior, in the life you are
guided by other already targets (about the targets in this book I thus far nothing say, but you had to feel,
as they slowly began to be changed).

It requests itself: however, what to us to now make with these, that fell behind? Indeed with them
each day at every turn is necessary to deal. First of all I advise on no account to be angered on them and
not to develop haughtiness. Visualize that you — adult man, and they — children. Indeed they are not
guilty, that they even small, but you — of great. Here and be related to them as to the children. You
indeed will not despise child for the fact that it [pisaet] into the bed and it does not know how to go and
to talk. Here and they such of — are small still. But if they create the evil of — you you know that this
only on ignorance, only because they themselves do not know, that they create, because all their activities
of [neosoznanny]. Indeed by them move not them inherent will and desire (although them- that seems
that its own), but the powerful energy-information parasites, that pull them after themselves and make it
necessary to dance under their untimbered shaft. These people of — of marionette. But on marionettes
indeed they do not keep evil for the fact that they somehow incorrectly move arms and legs and aim to
give into the eye to adjacent unit.

If you still are angered to such people, if you despise them, you offend on them or behave with
respect to them — you thus only you haughtily demonstrate its pride. But pride, as is known, this is one
of seven mortal sins. For you the pride of — these are vestige, the relapse of your previous life. And if
you develop it, this it means, society again caught you into its nets and forces you to react to that
occurring on the stereotype because this makes the majority of the people: i.e., to be angered, to be angry,
to offend, to despise, to look condescendingly. Thus, you again give your energy to [sotsiumu], again
permit for it yourselves to de-energize, to deprive of forces.

But comprehend that to give its energy to marionettes is thoughtless, yes even there is too much
honor for them. How it is possible in earnest to react on them, when this altogether only of doll? Let they
play to itself into their plays on the health. You into these plays no longer play. But — I again repeat —
you are not raised in the pride. Yes, you has already been born, whereas those surrounding still be in the
stage of intrauterine development. But perhaps very fact of the birth of — occasion in order to become
proud? Simply still everything is ahead in others, they will be tightened in their time. Well and they will
not be tightened — they will not survive.

Do not despise, do not be angry. You look on those fallen behind with the tender emotion as to the
playing children. Ah, what poor boy, why to aunt in the bus did be rude? Ah, what foolish [detki], again
disassembly because of some of nonsense. What in them there did happen — commander it did call
names? [Aj]-[aj]-[aj], such as serious problem…

For the man, who entered to the new step of evolution, are ridiculous and absurd these “serious”
problems of people, whose consciousness yet was not selected from the maternal womb of society to
itself similar. Man, who placed himself into the energy-information peace and who lives according to the
laws of his energy-information essence, never will attach value to such trifles and never it will investigate
by entire soul all these social plays and public-service disassemblies. It can perhaps that play a little into
this, as actor on the scene, for its own pleasure, but never it will assume closely to the heart all that which
so is important for [sotsiuma].

Man, who reduced his energy-information essence, with the ease will transfer even those troubles,
which in the society are considered as the great misfortune: the theft of treasures, the loss of the great
sum of money, fire in the apartment… Indeed if you — entity energy-information, to you are not too
important all these [tsatski], which people devised for gratifying the physical body. For you and money,
and treasure, and even apartment of — this is simple of the toys, which do not have particular value.
Furthermore, you are more developed than remaining, and to compensate for loss for you will not
compose labor.

You only think: indeed common man of such misfortunes can seriously fall ill and even die! Such
already this for it vital tragedy. But man, who was raised to the new step of evolution, only will smile: of
the treasure of — matter acquirable, to die because of this nonsense of — is simply absurd, indeed i have
a soul, and here is just she and there is the present value, in comparison with which any diamonds of
altogether only insignificant [stekljashki]. But diamonds to gain — of vapor of trifles (if they are
necessary there are no — why?).

Now your present life only begins — regardless of the fact, how much to you years. Principal —
not to stop. And which with you not occurred, you remember that power engineering of — the
fundamental principle in all, it composes the basement of all your moods, thoughts, behavior, all
occurring with you events. You remember that you already so much can! Continue to monitor your
central flows in order to estimate and to inspect its condition. Your consciousness must become
accustomed to constant recognition of the central flows of — it must absorb them always and
everywhere, regardless of where you are located and how you are occupied. Indeed the central flows of
— this is the power plant, on which depends entire your existence. But it means, the least failure must be
here noted and reduced.

Continue to use the receptions of defense from external aggression of — be trained and be trained,
until defense begins to work automatically.

Continue to clean power engineering of body and to prevent thus the onset of diseases.

Continue to fortify your protective shell, which makes it possible to be disconnected from the
energy-information parasites. Continue to fortify and to clean power engineering of your body with the
help of the exercises, which were discussed at the previous head.

But now you will estimate again, as you differ yourselves from the surrounding people. Indeed
those surrounding do not have even concept about those knowledge, which there is now in you, and they
do not represent that it is possible to fortify and to clean its power engineering, as you make. They
[glukhi] are blind.

I, tested [DEIR] on itself, I know: even now you do not think of yourselves without your new
possibilities of — you thus they became accustomed them to use that they are steels by your new mode of
life. But you will recall, still very recently you nothing knew about the methods of operation with your
power engineering! Now this for you — working days. But indeed, acknowledg, you as the majority of
people, they considered that to be changed you is very complicated, if it is not impossible. But here —
were changed. This confirmation of that fact that our consciousness is very flexible, it easily can be
transformed in the necessary direction.

However, you will praise itself for your achievements. You will recall: frequently whether you in
the life yourselves did praise? Is sometimes useful to say to itself good word even simply so, on no
account. But now you actually have a very serious occasion in order to express praise to itself. Begin to
respect itself for that, what you already achieved. You indeed follow the path, but you do not vegetate in
the standing swamp, as this makes the majority of people. This is worthy of respect.

And whatever evaluations gave to you society, no matter how answered about you the surrounding
people of — on no account assume these evaluations in earnest and do not yield [im]. of dog they [lajut]
— convoy it goes. Let all extraneous evaluations rebound from your protective energy shell, they are
rolled up from it, like water off a duck's back. You know your true value, you know your true energy-
information essence. But society you in no way knows — it yet it did not grow to, comprehending of this.
So perhaps can its judgments with respect to you be valid? For you they now have no value. To us to all
from the childhood they suggested, that the collective always of laws. It is now alien time to comprehend
that this not thus.

In a number of cases of man, initiated [DEIR] to the development, feels, that the changes in it
increase rapidly, almost avalanche-like. This good — it proved to be by capable pupil. But this can
frighten it, and therefore I again prevent: cannot be stop! Stop for you will indicate giant-size recoil ago,
into the previous peace of diseases, sufferings, depressions. Continuing route, you will be more and more
be carried off the process, since this process it promises immense changes both in you themselves and in
your life. Gradually you will feel, that steel confident, free and independent in the judgments, that in you
vanished even hint to the fear before other people, to the dependence on them. In fact, what to you to now
fear, on whom to depend? You indeed know truth about the peace of — in contrast to the majority of th
people e surrounding you. You have possibilities, which are not in them. You — new, another, another
entity, which stands at the higher step of its development. According to the scale of system [DEIR] you
surmounted first stage and deserved the rank of pupil.

Before you stands improbably the important and complex problem of — using the knowledge,
obtained from the book, independently to achieve and to be connected to that energy to position, which is
formed those standing at the new step. This is very complex in contrast to the mastery of the practical
methodologies of the book. But without the connection you are deprived of the multiple profits of straight
energy support. For example, the connection of each level immediately is reflected at the life of the
trainer of — any group of problems in his life it comes to the rapid and successful resolution.
Subsequently the adjustment to the canals of the commonality [DEIR] of — with the help of the
sensation of communications with its adherents, teacher, by me by itself, adjustment to the special
symbols (methods to establish communications set) of — will permit you to manage vast on the force
energy flows and to call into being those being seeming by the at first glance improbable of possibility.

Therefore, in order to carry out a strategic formation with the energy center of new energy-
information unity, try to periodically read the lines of the parting words, repetitive in each book of system
[DEIR]. Despite the fact that this method is less reliable than the direct connection, carried out by us in
the exercises, it gives more than [shestidesjatiprotsentnyj] result.

In proportion to possibilities and forces can help to regain vision other people. It is not only
necessary to try to forcibly tear up eyelids to man, who is not yet ready to come into being. You
remember: by noose into the paradise no one you will drag. If man is not yet ready — then god with it,
leave it at rest. Help the fact, who is ready, who is pulled to the already known to you information, to this
knowledge, — you will share with your knowledge. You only remember that in each man your,
individual route, do not require of the people so that they the step into the step would follow you.

The progress of within the framework new evolutionary stage has several clearly distinguishable
steps, overcoming each of which includes definite difficulties and yields additional profits. If autonomous
route seems you by too difficult or you will want to achieve perfection in the system [DEIR], then the
courses, conducted by specialists, will help you.

You will learn to everything in the system [DEIR]. This route can be long or short — depending on
that, how you will prove to be ready to autonomous development. You possess vast possibilities, but if

you met with difficulties in achieving of your goals, then you will always find aid. You can elect the
route of autonomous progress or be trained specially. In this you will help the teachers OF [DEIR].

The one who trains [DEIR] of other people, he opens the branch of school [DEIR], bears colossal
responsibility. It must possess the vast theoretical and practical knowledge, which cannot be placed even
into the more volumetric book. I already spoke and I wish to again repeat — in order to independently
conduct exercises [DEIR] with other people, teacher must itself pass special training. In its course he
receives the sum of particular skills, necessary for the instruction of each stage [DEIR]. Moreover, so that
the instruction would be effective, teacher must be connected to the energy-information support to
commonality [DEIR] at other level, than his pupils. Independently to be disposed to the canals of the
powerful energy support of instructors, which make it possible to execute the connection of pupils, is
impossible. Otherwise it can bring to its pupils not use, but colossal harm.

Therefore all teaching [DEIR] rightfully have special diplomas with the instruction of the steps of
the system, by which the possessor of document can train. These diplomas are signed by me and my by
representative Titov k. v., which correspond for the organization of training [DEIR]. Diplomas be
distributed only to those instructors, for whom we answer. You be attentive — of other instructors no and
be it cannot!

Unfortunately, our complex times give birth to the set of impostors and charlatans. We cannot
dissuade to you to be turned to the man without the diploma of — but know that this man does not relate
to our school. We cannot answer for the harm, brought [im].

But I will be repeated: for you is discovered the route of autonomous progress. You are free and
can help your close one.

Thus, I tell you: with the birthday! Since the beginning of the life of — of new, present life!

And you remember that still only it begins.

You are now similar to the neonate, that recently learning to crawl or to arise in the bedspread to
the pedicles. You now just barely were engaged on the new step of evolutionary development.

However, but which is further? But it is further, in the following books, we will be occupied by the
questions, connected already with the realized existence at this new step. These will be methods of
realized life and operation in the phase of the independent energy existence, which you recently entered.
You are already armed by initial knowledge in order to succeed in this. Now, at this stage of your
development, you must already freely be oriented in the energetically independent method of existence.
You do remember analogy with the balls? You can with all associate, cooperate — but no one not to
permit to make in your shell of hole and to suck to it by hoses.

Later you learn, that all of mankind is in reality the uniform organism of — at the very high
energy-information levels all people they are connected together. And in this case communications these
are completely natural, but are not completely pathologic. You will learn to feel this your unity both with
all people and with the entire world, and with the entire universe of — itself you will astonish to that,
how this excellent and glad a feeling.

But in order to achieve such heights in recognition itself in unity with other people and peace, you
must first feel your individuality. At the level of the ether human body it must become independent
variable, not with whom energetically connected. Let us visualize that man of — this is the cage of some
immense organism. Cage must be isolated from other cages by its complete shell, it must be independent,
retain its essence precisely as cages and not be drawn off with the adjacent cages. But can advance the

moment, when cage suddenly realizes, that it — is not simple cage, but the unit of whole organism, and,
retaining its individuality, it lives nevertheless according to the laws of all organism. If consciousness, let
us suppose is expanded in cage and percent articulation will be raised, it will be able to feel itself not only
with cage, but also with whole body, to which it belongs.

Something similar awaits you, the respected reader. Sometimes you will feel, that the entire world
of — these are you, that entire universe of — this you by the, since highest plans of your energy-
information essence each man is in contact herself and is connected together with the entire world. It is
necessary to only learn to absorb this. You do represent, what unprecedented sensations do await you

Now you, after leaving behind yourselves the past step of the development of humanity, formed
new energy-information structure at the higher level. It connects you with your companions-in-arms, who
also go with route [DEIR]. You request in this structure of aid and share with it by energy. Let new
energy-information structure be sufficiently strong — in the fifth book [DEIR] you you learn, that this is
necessary not only so that the new structure could help its terms, but also so that in it could exist left this
peace our companions-in-arms. They share with structure [DEIR] by their soul, and therefore it, in
contrast to the remaining essences of energy-information peace, possesses mind. Mind helps it to
maintain kindness and humaneness. When it will become present force, there will not in the world be
more than violence and wars.

Only if you themselves will be able this to feel, you will comprehend, as are foolish people, until
now, those being trying to storm space with the help of complex and bulky equipment devised by them.
Why, when entire space can be placed within itself, when it is possible very to become entire space
immediately? And, you will notice, without the multibillion expenditures for mastery of outer space!

So that you are very happy man, my dear pupil. In you so much in all it is still ahead!

Space flights of — this is your excellent prospect. For the present you nevertheless go along the
Land and too highly from it you do not break away. And new sprocket nevertheless recently flamed up
and began to shine in the universe. This sprocket carries your name, dear reader. Your begun to shine by
new clean light energy shell became this new sprocket in energy-information space. And I assure you, in
this space she did not remain unnoticed. And it is not lonely. It formed the constellation with the
sprockets of others, that are moved with route [DEIR]. And if different wonderful things now begin to
occur with you and you will encounter some happy randomnesses, which, it would seem, nothing it
betokened, — do not be surprised. They noted you in the energy-information peace, to you it is from
there mandatory it will be mandatory to come the aid of — of in the form necessary information,
necessary turn of events. Do not be surprised: in the energy-information peace the set of the essences,
interested in your growth and development, and they will mandatorily contribute to your advance on this
route. Very soon you and themselves will comprehend, that this is not fantasy, that you they actually
conduct and help not to stumble against the hummocks. Moreover, if you after death want to be delayed
in the energy-information field of Lands — you you will know how this to make.

But thus far you peacefully carry out your current missions. You already learned to introduce order
within your body of — to lay by its power, energy methods. Very soon the process of cleansing and
transformation you into the man, who is freely raised to the new and new steps of evolution, will be
continued. But in further advance on this route you will help the following books of system [DEIR]. This
is what for you one must master:
— of the program of its own ether body, which give charge on the health and assurance in itself;
— the free correction of [karma], the emergence from the [karmicheskoj] circuit;
— the methods of control of people of the previous steps of evolution;
— the harmonization of the surrounding peace (so that would occur only the fact that it is necessary for
— strengthening and the sanitation of soul (making of a spiritual man, the education of charisma,
spiritual maturity, which makes it possible to control fate);
— the study of the basic tool of the new step of the evolution of — of a feeling of the faith, which makes
it possible to transform the surrounding peace by the force of thought.

Let your small sprocket gather force and it glows as brighter as possible, making it necessary to be
ignited all around the set of the same living sprockets. You now — a example for those surrounding.
“That having eyes yes will see…” it will see — it will go after you. But I will help you.
But thus far — to the rendezvous in the following book!

Dmitriy [Verishchagin]


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