From Independent Scientologist To Just Me

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From Independent Scientologist to just me

A report of a journey from a Scientology-conditioned mind to a free mind by Geir Isene (

After 25 years as an active Scientologist in the Church of Scientology, I left the organization in August 2009. I wrote up why I left and published it on the Net: Geir Isene's Doubt Write up on The Church of Scientology I then started a blog: Geir Isene: Straight talk on Scientology After 6 months, I compiled my blog posts into a book called: Six months in the open I erected a forum for free discussions on Scientology and my activity shifted somewhat from blogging to discussion on that forum. It became an active venue for many level-headed discussions on the topic, but after I renewed my blogging efforts, The Scientology Forum went rather limp. In June 2010, almost a year after my dramatic exit from the church, I started a new blog. Although the topics ranges from the really geek, to art and politics, amazing people I meet, random thoughts, music, philosophy, and Scientology, I have decided to compile all my Scientology related posts into this book. It shows my journey from an Independent Scientologist to just me. It is a tough trip from a Scientology-conditioned mind to a free mind. But, as I am a work in progress, I am on a continual quest to free my mind. My views here will surely not represent my views in the future. Along with the book Six months in the open, this book may well be the only consistently running record of how a long time Scientologist have evolved after leaving the church and landed as what the person considers as himself. At first I thought it would be a good to write a short summary before each month worth of blog posts. But after a few attempts, I decided the posts should stand just as they were published with no explanations or additives. Bear in mind that there are many blog posts on other subjects than Scientology in between the ones compiled in this book. I have included some posts that are not strictly Scientology-related to give a more complete picture of my changing viewpoints along the way. An example of such posts are the Amazing person-series that I wrote during November 2012. I wrote one new blog post every day about an amazing person I have met in my life. I have included a few of them to give you a more complete view of my evolution during that very busy month of blogging. My blog gathers more comments than any other Scientology-related blog. You may find the discussions there intriguing, inspiring and certainly thought provoking. I owe much to the contributors on my blog. I hope you find this book useful or inspiring. Dedicated to my boys, Anette.and Brendan Oslo, May 2013; Copyright 2013, Geir Isene. Licensed under the GPL license version 3.

Table of Contents
June 2010...................................................................................................................................................8 10 PRINT Hello World! ;-) ...............................................................................................................9 Extrapolating free will ....................................................................................................................10 Job description: A Church of Scientology Party-line Toer .................................................................11 Job description: Scientology hardcore critic ......................................................................................12 Dreams ................................................................................................................................................13 My current motivation ........................................................................................................................14 July 2010..................................................................................................................................................15 Obsessing over the Man .....................................................................................................................16 On Will ...............................................................................................................................................17 August 2010.............................................................................................................................................18 Is Scientology for everyone? ..............................................................................................................19 Shedding mental lead .........................................................................................................................20 Rotten attitude ....................................................................................................................................21 WANTED! Value in LRH admin tech ................................................................................................22 The flawed management system ........................................................................................................24 First principle in recruiting .................................................................................................................25 When disagreement is forbidden ........................................................................................................27 More on your rights to your own viewpoint .......................................................................................28 September 2010........................................................................................................................................29 Formalizing a description of existence ...............................................................................................30 On bringing up children; a small episode ...........................................................................................31 The current scene of Scientology: What works and what doesnt .....................................................32 October 2010............................................................................................................................................35 Wanted: Inconsistencies in Scientology .............................................................................................36 The action junkie ................................................................................................................................37 Hypocrisy ...........................................................................................................................................39 November 2010........................................................................................................................................40 On enjoying the game. Immensely. ....................................................................................................41 December 2010........................................................................................................................................42 On the control of information .............................................................................................................43 My current research ............................................................................................................................45 January 2011............................................................................................................................................46 Missing in study tech ..........................................................................................................................47 Missing in Study Tech II ....................................................................................................................48 On the value of life .............................................................................................................................50 OSA hypocricy ...................................................................................................................................51 Protesting the Church of Scientology is a luxury phenomenon .........................................................52 A proof against determinism? .............................................................................................................53 Religion and science ...........................................................................................................................54 February 2011..........................................................................................................................................55 A radical new view of the upper Scientology levels ..........................................................................56 Seeker .................................................................................................................................................57 Scientology & scientific standards .....................................................................................................59 March 2011..............................................................................................................................................60 An aspect of freedom .........................................................................................................................61

May 2011..................................................................................................................................................62 A radical new view of the upper Scientology levels; OK here goes ..............................................63 Dont touch the cows! ........................................................................................................................64 June 2011..................................................................................................................................................70 Note to self: ........................................................................................................................................71 Significant change ..............................................................................................................................72 July 2011..................................................................................................................................................73 Back home; In Oslo ............................................................................................................................74 August 2011.............................................................................................................................................75 Quality versus Quantity ......................................................................................................................76 You cant have your cake and eat it too ..............................................................................................77 Questioning Scientology basics: ARC ...............................................................................................78 What is Reality?..................................................................................................................................80 A challenge for scientologists .............................................................................................................82 September 2011........................................................................................................................................83 a Theory of Everything & the Synchronization Problem ...................................................................84 On choosing friends ............................................................................................................................85 Cult think ............................................................................................................................................86 The danger of losing yourself .............................................................................................................87 Why Scientology became a Cult ........................................................................................................90 I am not a Scientologist ......................................................................................................................92 Crazy Quest ........................................................................................................................................93 The Rest ..............................................................................................................................................94 Trying ..............................................................................................................................................95 Your wish is my command (well, maybe) ..........................................................................................96 Criticism: This way! ...........................................................................................................................97 Ideology and responsibility ................................................................................................................98 November 2011......................................................................................................................................100 #100 ..................................................................................................................................................101 Crazy and Amazing ..........................................................................................................................102 Why do we struggle? ........................................................................................................................102 On L. Ron Hubbards Administrative Technology ...........................................................................104 December 2011......................................................................................................................................106 A Scientology thought experiment ...................................................................................................107 What worked? And Why? ................................................................................................................108 Vinaires summary on Scientology ...................................................................................................110 Thought Experiment series: Evaluation of Scientology ...................................................................112 My basic principles ...........................................................................................................................114 What groundbreaking could be attributed to L. Ron Hubbard? .......................................................116 What did you dream of when you were twelve? ..............................................................................117 January 2012..........................................................................................................................................118 Whats with the discussions? ............................................................................................................119 Processes, automation and human potential .....................................................................................120 February 2012........................................................................................................................................121 Change ..............................................................................................................................................122 An Open Letter to dedicated Scientologists .....................................................................................123 An Open Letter to Scientologists in doubt .......................................................................................124 An Open Letter to Independent Scientologists .................................................................................125 An Open Letter to Scientology critics ..............................................................................................126

An Open Letter to hard core Scientology critics ..............................................................................127 March 2012............................................................................................................................................128 Catching up .......................................................................................................................................129 Understanding Miscavige .................................................................................................................129 Selling A World In Trouble ..............................................................................................................131 From inside Geirs head while on OT 7 ...........................................................................................132 How are you amazing? .....................................................................................................................134 Inside Geirs head while on OT 7, part 2 .........................................................................................135 April 2012..............................................................................................................................................137 Assumption .......................................................................................................................................138 Creating value on this blog ...............................................................................................................139 Self-therapy ......................................................................................................................................140 Talk on Scientology ..........................................................................................................................142 Talk on Scientology summary .......................................................................................................143 May 2012...............................................................................................................................................145 Random thoughts ..............................................................................................................................146 I would rather have the dream than the object..................................................................................148 Transcend Exchange .........................................................................................................................149 exchange.......................................................................................................................................149 transcend.......................................................................................................................................149 June 2012...............................................................................................................................................150 A post containing nothing..................................................................................................................151 Caught by the crowd .........................................................................................................................152 You are beautiful ..............................................................................................................................153 July 2012................................................................................................................................................155 My current stance on Scientology ....................................................................................................156 Free Will ...........................................................................................................................................158 Kooks Unite! ....................................................................................................................................161 Wing it! .............................................................................................................................................163 Got something to say? ......................................................................................................................164 The hunch and the key ......................................................................................................................166 Reflections and vacation ..................................................................................................................167 August 2012...........................................................................................................................................168 Consistency ......................................................................................................................................169 An epiphany of sorts on help ............................................................................................................170 What culture does it foster? ..............................................................................................................171 Vega ..................................................................................................................................................173 September 2012......................................................................................................................................175 Trust ..................................................................................................................................................176 I get the ball, I pass the ball. .............................................................................................................177 Tools .................................................................................................................................................178 Whats with the fuckin drama? ........................................................................................................180 Generous ...........................................................................................................................................181 Bill & Davids garage rules ..............................................................................................................182 Try this ..............................................................................................................................................184 Discussions on the Net .....................................................................................................................185 October 2012..........................................................................................................................................186 Two small epiphanies .......................................................................................................................187 Scientology in use ............................................................................................................................188

Amazing person: Brendan Martin ....................................................................................................190 Amazing person: David Miscavige ..................................................................................................191 Amazing persons: My boys ..............................................................................................................193 Amazing person: YOU .....................................................................................................................195 Loss, learning and gain .....................................................................................................................196 December 2012......................................................................................................................................199 Tolerance ..........................................................................................................................................200 Amazing person: Anette Iren Johansen ............................................................................................201 OT 8 ..................................................................................................................................................202 You WOG! ........................................................................................................................................206 Parking tech ......................................................................................................................................207 MERRY CHRISTMAS ....................................................................................................................208 Why is it important to some that Scientology doesnt work? ..........................................................209 Happy New Year! .............................................................................................................................210 January 2013..........................................................................................................................................211 A bunch of rules for happyliving ......................................................................................................212 Harmony ...........................................................................................................................................214 My current quests .............................................................................................................................216 OT 8 follow-up ..............................................................................................................................217 February 2013........................................................................................................................................218 The secret keys in coaching ..............................................................................................................219 My weakness ....................................................................................................................................220 My Scientology enigma ....................................................................................................................221 Scientology does it work? .............................................................................................................222 Feel free to ask .................................................................................................................................224 Scientology and workability my conclusion .................................................................................225 What belief can do ............................................................................................................................226 The critics problem ..........................................................................................................................227 Checklist for creating a cult ..............................................................................................................228 Free or not free .................................................................................................................................230 Scientology United vs. Critic Rovers ...............................................................................................232 March 2013............................................................................................................................................233 Scientology or not ............................................................................................................................234 Comment of The Year on Scientology from Maria .......................................................................236 Scientology does it work? (cont.) ..................................................................................................238 Trust vs. Distrust ..............................................................................................................................239 Can there be a beginning? ................................................................................................................241 The basic assumption .......................................................................................................................243 Forget Scientology, here comes U-ology! ........................................................................................244 Brainwashed! ....................................................................................................................................246 Preferences .......................................................................................................................................248 Going Clear: When Hubbard lied, what do we call it? .....................................................................249 Status March 2013 ............................................................................................................................252 Scientology: The ultimate trap .........................................................................................................253 Invalidation .......................................................................................................................................254 Why are critics of Scientology so vehement? ..................................................................................255 Evaluating Scientology: Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation .......................................................256 Scrap the SLA (Service Level Agreement) ......................................................................................257 Inspiration for my book ....................................................................................................................258

The danger of inspiring others ..........................................................................................................259 In support of Libre Knowledge ........................................................................................................260 Improving upon Scientology ............................................................................................................261 Fuck it! .............................................................................................................................................262 Create the problem or chill ...........................................................................................................263 A shift in viewpoints .........................................................................................................................264 The FACK ........................................................................................................................................265 April 2013..............................................................................................................................................267 Kill PR ..............................................................................................................................................268 Drop sales .........................................................................................................................................269 Working with people with drive........................................................................................................270 Conclusion: There are no Clears ......................................................................................................271 Cognitive dissonance ........................................................................................................................272 Clear as Master Eric .........................................................................................................................273 Why ideologies can make you stupid ...............................................................................................274 Hubbard would recommend Eastern Philosophy .............................................................................276 Overconfidence ................................................................................................................................277 May 2013...............................................................................................................................................279 Happiness is a vector, not a state ......................................................................................................280 What can you control? ......................................................................................................................281 Four Signs You Have Joined The Wrong Group ..............................................................................283 From Wog to Scientologist and back to ones own path ..................................................................284 The (in)validity of the OT3 story .....................................................................................................286 Anette is on the move .......................................................................................................................287 Real change ......................................................................................................................................288 WTF? OMG! BBQ! ..........................................................................................................................289 My focus ...........................................................................................................................................291

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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June 2010

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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10 PRINT Hello World! ;-)

Welcome to my new blog. My previous Scientology and IT blogs are now consolidated to Isenes blog. Blog posts worth preserving will find its way to my personal home page. I have made a set of categories in anticipation of blog posts to come: Philosophy, Scientology, IT, Intellectual property, politics, physics, mathematics, astronomy, art and HP calculators. Hopefully there will be posts for a variety of tastes. My artwork will also be published here. I have included my original article on Free Will as a separate page. In a day or two I post a newly written follow-up. Stay tuned. Leave a comment if you want to introduce yourself.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Extrapolating free will

Lets extrapolate the concept of free will with a wild abandon. If there exists potential free will, free of any physical restrictions, that free will cannot have been created as time is a physical property. Thus the free will supersedes the physical universe, or co-existed with the physical universe if it has always been here. As the free will causes changes in the physical universe, it represents the cause and space, energy and time is the effect of the free will acting.

Now if the physical universe is truly effect it is not capable of causing anything it has no will of its own. The free will on the other hand can not be affected by anything except by its own choice. Therefore, anything that the free will experiences is by its own volition. By choosing otherwise, the free will experiences otherwise. While the physical universe is total effect, the free will to be truly free is total cause. Whereas free will changes by its own choice, its choice may be swayed by its experiences and thus its choices. A feedback mechanism is then seen as the free will chooses its own experiences and is then affected by them. This may lead to the free will apparently loosing control of its will by association and believing it has less free will. It will then act as less free, less cause. To change this feedback mechanism, the free will can be coerced by an other free will to believe it is more cause and less effect and hence bring the situation under control of the free will once again. Any coercion will do as long as the free will believes the solution presented will work. This may explain how many people are helped by a wide plethora of practices aimed at bettering the individual. It may also explain the Placebo effect. A few notes: 1. In this discussion of the free will, one could simply reduce the it to a descussion of whether will exists at all. Forget free will. Does will exist? If the answer is yes, reality is neither purely deterministic and/or random. Will is that other factor beyond determinism and quantum randomness. 2. By choice is meant the possibility of will being exercised. 3. A case can be made for the physical universe and the many wills within it being a whole rather than two separate concepts where the physical universe is the result of a consensus of the wills involved.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Job description: A Church of Scientology Party-line Toer

A small part of the job description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be passionate about Scientology. Keep in mind that Scientology is good. Always. Dont admit to anything wrong in Scientology. Dont admit that anything in Scientology could possibly have a negative effect on you. Keep a positive attitude toward anything pushed by the church. Treat anything written by LRH as gospel. Support all Scientology celebrities. When encountering anything negative about the church or about Scientology, disregard it as entheta. 9. Always attack, never defend against any criticism. 10.Ridicule opponents (like Anonymous) 11.If a criticism hits home, react violently, loudly cry foul and dramatize so that the attacker can see how unfair the criticism was. 12.Associate only with people who agree how excellent the Church of Scientology is. 13.Label non-Scientologists and critics (like wogs, SPs, PTSs etc.) Feel free to suggest additional points.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Job description: Scientology hardcore critic

A small part of the job description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be passionate about Scientology. Keep in mind that Scientology is bad. Always. Dont admit to anything right in Scientology. Dont admit that anything in Scientology could possibly have a positive effect on you. Keep a negative attitude toward anything pushed by the church. Treat anything written by LRH as garbage. Thrash all Scientology celebrities. When encountering anything positive about the church or about Scientology, disregard it as brainwashing. 9. Always attack, never defend against any criticism. 10.Ridicule scientologists 11.If a criticism hits home, react violently, loudly cry foul and dramatize so that the attacker can see how unfair the criticism was. 12.Associate only with people who agree how horrible the Church of Scientology is. 13.Label Scientologists (like naive, brainwashed, idiots etc.) Feel free to suggest additional points.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

Page 13

I believe there is much to gain through control of ones own dreams. On one hand your dreams can be your future reality. Gaining control of those dreams and ambitions will serve you well. The other types of dreams happens when you are asleep. These represent your own imagination, your own universe if you will. Gaining control of these nightly activities may prove quite useful as they are the gateway to creativity and to imposing your own on the common reality around you. Maybe the two types are but aspects of one. Ever since I was a child I had some control over my dreams at night. I could conjure scenes and populate them with people, things and monsters. I could sometimes decide I could fly. Or be invulnerable. But often the dreams got out of control and happily so. Except when the monsters got out of control, then it became a nightmare. I would often know that I was dreaming, and sometimes I could press myself to wake up from a nightmare.

The coolest experience I ever had while asleep was when I conducted an orchestra while I on the fly composed the music violins, cymbals, clarinets and the rest of the ensemble. That was incredible. In fact I couldnt believe I was doing it, so I decided to wake up to find out if I got the music as an external influence from outside my dream. As I woke up, I could hear the silence of the night. No music. Nothing. So I got back to sleep and picked it up from where I left it, only this time I decided to up it a few notches; I decided to mix the classical orchestral piece with Billy Idols Hot in the city. That was freakin amazing. A few notable out-of-control nightmares kept returning stuff that just wasnt controllable. I would say there was a 30% chance in any given week that I would have a nightmare pretty constant throughout my life. Until I finished OT 8 (a spiritual level in Scientology) four years ago. Since then, I have not had one single nightmare. If that would have been due to sheer chance, it would compare to picking up one single predefined proton on the way between our Sun and our nearest neighboring star (Proxima Centauri) (the chance is roughly 1 in 4*10^31). Albeit one of the very small gains from doing OT 7 and 8, it is still a distinct one. I would argue that one of the symptoms of gaining more control of my life has been how well I can play my dreams both while asleep and awake. Both are cool but playing out my dreams with others in the game of life is the coolest.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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My current motivation
When I left the Church of Scientology almost one year ago, I had three distinct motivations: 1. To help stop the human rights abuses in and around the church 2. To help the general public differentiate between Scientology and the Church of Scientology 3. Get the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard freely released on the Internet Since one year I have been quite active on the Net, first with my Scientology blog, then with The Scientology Forum and other forums and blogs, and now with this blog right here. Looking at my motivation during the past year, it has gone from getting out there and letting everyone know and lets handle the abusive church to something different in the present. I do not feel compelled to stop the abuses by the church. Actually, I feel a stronger motivation for helping people in Somalia (as an example, albeit not a far-fetched one). I feel the urge to help people, create, to do art and to communicate to individuals, to do amazing stuff one-on-one and to generally kick ass in the good sense. The urge to make a difference not by stopping something bad but by doing something good. Nah, forget good. Doing something zesty, something excellent. More later.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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July 2010

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Obsessing over the Man

Who cares who said it? Who cares if it was Einstein, Hitler, Bach, Obama or the Easter Bunny? Who the frak cares? The question is rather: Is it any good what whoever said? Its fascinating the mental laziness that some people indulges in. Discredit the source and the message dies. O RLY? Is that the logic of todays revolutionaries? Or worship the source and anything sourced becomes gospel. Oh CMon! What fallacy. Yes, its called Argumentum ad Hominem. And yes, Ive been bitching about this before. And I think this will be my last repetition in trying to get some seriously dimmed down people to understand that a fact, statement or opinion stands or falls on its own merits. Regardless of who uttered the words. Be bright enough to really examine the words themselves and dont resort to lazy tricks to get others to toe your line. The obsession about the Man is the one thing that the Church of Scientology Party-Line Toers and the Hard Core Critics most visibly have in common. Its the sheer stupidity they share. In the church its even policy to discredit the attacker to discredit his message. It doesnt matter whether the Man is L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige or some other Guy In Command. The obsession makes the obsessed look stupid. I know the intended audience of this message wont get it when I say; Get off it. But some others just might get the idea and not fall into the Rabid Hole.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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On Will
The sun, the sailing and the beauty of Greece warmed my heart and gave inspiration to finalize an article On Will. I collected my previous articles on free will, the origins of Cause and on Quantum Mechanics, added concepts and forged a more complete article outlining a theory that hopefully will spark some interest in others. The article is published on my Let me know what you think. Or better, apply your sharp critical skills and try hacking it to pieces.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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August 2010

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Is Scientology for everyone?

A friend of mine that I met while doing OT VII (one of the highest spiritual levels in Scientology) told me an interesting story about his wifes relation to Scientology. You see, she was not a Scientologist, and they had been married since the 70s when he got into Scientology and she had no interest in the subject. He tried early on to get her interested, but to no avail. Other Scientologists tried to get her interested, but nope, not for her she said. It became an issue with the church that my friend was moving up the levels and being married to a non-scientologist. He got in trouble for this and more effort was put into converting his wife. He got frustrated both because he couldnt get her to see the light and because it was getting to be a situation with the church. And so he decided to write to Hubbard for advice on how he could get his wife to become a Scientologist. This was back in the 70s when Hubbard was still in communication with his public. He got back a very different answer than what he was hoping for. After acknowledging my friends letter, Hubbard simply said: Scientology is not for everyone I thought that was an interesting answer. Any time thereafter when the church would bring up the issue of his non-scientologist wife, he would simply point to the letter.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Shedding mental lead

It may be inevitable. It could be that no person is immune to the mental laziness of dropping ones guard and sacrificing ones personal integrity in the face of great success or real failure. All the Scientologists I have met have accepted large or small portions of Scientology by faith rather than by inspection. Their personal experiences have shown them that parts of Scientology has great workability. Maybe it was the communication course, maybe their Dianetics sessions, or the moment they went Clear or an OT level that got them real and tangible gains or maybe something entirely different. From those successful experiences and gains comes the acceptance by extrapolation. If that was so excellent, then this must surely also be great. And thus preconceptions are born. This of course also works the other way; Presented with some real failure, something really bad, one can get preconceptions as well. Just like some person having bad experiences in Scientology or reading something negative about the subject can become cemented in how bad it all is. A person can become hyper-critical or gullible by extrapolating his experiences. And so it has been also with me. Although I have tended to inspect a great deal myself and tried very hard to not let my personal integrity slide, I have not been immune to this extrapolation effect. There have been areas that I have not inspected and trusted at face value. Such as parts of the Admin Tech (the administrative technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard for the organizing of Scientology organizations). I have seen some clear successes with this technology and with that concluded that some other piece of Admin Tech must surely also work equally well. Or, I have jumped to the conclusion that what I have seen as successful must surely also work really well in a totally different setting or field. And this is wrong. Take but one example: Even though the Organizing Board developed by L. Ron Hubbard can be an excellent tool, it can also be dead weight. In some areas it can work well. In other areas it can straight-jacket an otherwise thriving organization. It is surely not the silver bullet I once thought it was. Realizing ones preconceptions is an important step forward in regaining ones personal integrity. Shedding such mental lead is the road to regaining oneself. In the last year I have had ample space to reexamine my own preconceptions and mental lead. And it is coming off, layer after layer. I no longer think that the Admin Tech is so special. It is perhaps a good way to organize a Church of Scientology. Perhaps. But to extrapolate that into thinking its the only workable administrative technology (as trumpeted by the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises WISE), or even good for a particular business is folly. Its a just a tool, and a business needs the tools suited for that business to operate successfully. And so the Org Board was the latest holy cow slaughtered on the altar of progress. Just yesterday. Nothing is holy like that. Everything is workable to a certain degree in a certain setting. And there really is no substitute for finding out by real examination. Not by faith or trust or skepticism or distrust. The answer lies in really LOOKING. For oneself.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Rotten attitude
When a friend of mine came out an accident and in dire need of help, she turned to a fellow scientologist. She told my friend that she wouldnt help because she could not get into such entheta, being an OT VIII and all. An other friend of mine turned to his OT VII and VIII friends for some assistance only to be told that it was beneath them to help someone at his level. If this seems bad, its nothing compared to a fellow scientologist here in Norway who refused to work for a friends company for a rather sickening reason. The company collected money for a group of musicians with Downs Syndrome, making it possible for them to put up concerts and perform. And they are great performers even with their disabilities. The reason for turning down the job offer? He didnt want to contribute to such degraded beings (DBs)! If it is something Id like to see slayed before sunrise, it is this haughty, arrogant, I-am-better-than-them attitude that I more than a few times saw with dedicated scientologists. Its a rotten attitude.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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WANTED! Value in LRH admin tech

Continuing my reexamination of Scientology information accepted at face value, I am tackling the whole of LRH admin technology. But before I dive into the technology itself, let me briefly cover from where I do this reexamining: I have been an executive in companies for more than 23 years, 17 of them as a CEO mostly very successful. I have studied LRH admin tech intensively while I was the CEO of U-MAN Norway from 1990-2000. I have implemented the LRH Org Board in several companies as well as Admin Scales, LRH communication systems, management by statistics, recruitment tech, marketing tech etc. I have also studied other management philosophies such as the ISO 9000 series, Six Sigma, Lean/TPS, ITIL, COBIT, PRINCE2 and a few others. I have extensive experience with ITIL and also PRINCE2. With this as part of the back-drop, lets dig in. The management philosophy in Scientology was created by L. Ron Hubbard for managing the various Scientology churches and organizations. The Organization called WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) was set up to promote this LRH Admin Tech. On the web site, we find: We disseminate the administrative works of renowned author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard to use in organizational, professional and private endeavors. The product of more than three decades of research, piloting and codification, this body of knowledge is the worlds most comprehensive system of management and represents the first true technology of management. and also: WISE is a fellowship of thousands of business people across the globe who recognize that the organizational and management principles developed by author L. Ron Hubbard have application to all businesses. And that where used, they greatly increase the prosperity and growth of an organization. For 25 years WISE and its members have been disseminating these principles to business people everywhere. and then: Our two greatest assets are the uniform workability of L. Ron Hubbards organizational and management principles, and the dedication of our members. While the latter may be true, I dispute the uniform workability of L. Ron Hubbards organizational and management principles. In fact I dispute its overall workability. WISE has even gone so far as to call it The only workable administrative technology. Really? Lets take a few examples: Recruitment: Hubbard teaches an organization to recruit many staff in parallel and then keep a big back door open for those who fail. I dispute this hire-and-waste principle. I believe it to be disruptive and detrimental to an organization. Manning up an organization: Keeping an admin/tech ratio of 2 to 1, meaning you would have only one third of the personnel delivering billable service. Do the math. What service organization can survive with this over-administration without the use of slave labor? Management by statistics: Weekly statistics. Several statistics for each post. Managed from top-down. I have seen this creating frantic and neurotic organization with little long-term vision. The organizing board: Hierarchical, over-administered with people stuck in boxes of responsibility and where very few are able to fulfill the implicit responsibilities of the vertical they

From Independent Scientologist to just me ( are in charge of. The three-basket system: Out-dated. Somebody invented the computer.

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The handling of opposition: The LRH management principle here is to always attack, never defend, to handle any attack by discrediting the source, to dig up or invent something bad to shut up the opposition. Seriously. These are but a few examples of non-workability within LRH admin tech. And while I have had excellent success using the Administrative Scale, having helped more than a dozen organizations and more than 250 people personally with this tool, I can also here see an even better and more workable way. As WISE promotes; thousands of members have for more than 25 years been busy disseminating and implementing LRH admin tech. Given that this is the only workable administrative technology, surely there must be some stellar examples of its implementation. Right there at the top of Wall Street. Or the UN. Or the humanitarian organizations. Or somewhere? Even the Church of Scientology is not a good example of its implementation anything can work when you build an organization using what would normally pass for slave labor. Are there any factual examples where LRH administrative technology has proven beyond doubt to be more successful than other management systems? And so I return to the title of this blog post: Please help me find actual proven valuable parts of the management framework created by L. Ron Hubbard. I am not about to go to any extreme here. I am an advocate for taking what works and using it where it proves valuable. I am simply struggling to list many factual workable parts of LRH admin tech, and not just small bits like the concept of the ideal scene or bits and pieces in the marketing series. I am looking for whole parts that have proven to be uniformly successful. Anyone?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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The flawed management system

My recent reexamination of LRH admin tech sparked some interesting discussions some on this blog and more on other forums and mailing lists. I would like to follow up and addresses a rather odd stance taken by some. While nobody can point to a successful implementation of LRHs management philosophy (the admin tech) some justify this by pointing to one or more of the following: a) No-one is trained well enough to implement it b) People have M/Us (misunderstandings) regarding the tech c) The admin tech will not work in the presence of suppression d) The tech has been altered (presumably by others than LRH) sufficiently to render it unworkable as a system e) Too few know about it hence there are too few implementations for significant statistical data. Lets take up each of these: a) Nowhere have I seen such an emphasis on training in any management philosophy than in the Church of Scientology, and it only barely works there due to slave labor. If the management philosophy would require even more training to see to its success, then what we are looking at is such a complex system that it fails to carry its own weight. b) If a management system requires flawless understanding of it to make it work, it is a failure compared to the many other management systems that works very well with people even sloppily trained on it. c) The admin tech is supposed to be the perfect way of handling suppression. d) Why did the admin tech not include elements that guarded it from such alterations? Also, other management philosophies have been altered far more and still works very well. This is called evolution. e) WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) claims: Hubbard management technology has been applied in more than 140,000 companies across the globe. At the root of this success is its consistent workability where it is exactly applied it uniformly brings growth and prosperity to businesses and organizations of all sizes. I would call that significant statistical data yet nothing but small companies with Scientologists as owners step up claim it successful. The fact remains; There are no visible successful implementation of LRH admin tech successful implies a significant positive deviation from the mean of the market in which it is implemented. If there are I will surely stand corrected. If the lack of success should be attributed to some other factor than mere unworkability, should that not apply equally well to other technologies like voodoo, flat-earth science, psychiatry, breatherianism, et al.? I understand how some really would want LRH admin tech to be the only workable management system. But it isnt. Its not even close. As a system, its a failure. This is not to say that there arent babies in this bath water and that one should chuck out the whole lot. There are great bits an pieces in there especially in the Management Series (three books containing several series of policies, including the PR series, Personnel series, etc.). As always, pick what works. Hubbard teaches in his admin tech to look at the actual results to judge a systems workability. If he is right in that, then the admin tech is flawed. If he is wrong in that, well that lesson is part of the admin tech, and hence it is flawed. I advocate applying Occams razor to this; LRH admin tech as a whole system is seriously flawed.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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First principle in recruiting

Having reached an overall conclusion as to the workability of L. Ron Hubbards management system, it is time to take care of the babies in the bath water. First on the list is Hubbards main principle regarding recruiting staff to an organization. He writes that one should hire based on results and not based on personality*. I used to run a recruitment company for 10 years (U-MAN Norway) from 1990 until 2000. The recruitment business is rife with opinions on how to conduct interviews, what to emphasize when evaluating a candidate etc. But nowhere did I see such a cut-to-the-chase as Hubbards. U-MAN originally based its recruitment services solely on the OCA test (The Oxford Capacity Analysis is the test devised and originally copyrighted by Julia Lewis-Salmen and used by the Church of Scientology). Although the OCA test is a remarkable tool for assessing personality, it is a far cry from a whole recruitment process. For the first half of the 90s U-MAN sold the test and was happy doing just that. But sometimes the candidate we recommended turned out to be a mis-recruitment. Perhaps 10-20% of the time. It is a testament to the excellence of the OCA test that such a high percentage of recruitment success was achieved with the test as the main focus. An effort was made to come closer to 100% recruitment success. And the Hubbards recruitment focus was stressed, and very rightfully so, by the owner of U-MAN International, Mrten Runow. With the focus of uncovering the actual production record of a candidate during the interviews, the success rate of our recruitments jumped to a whooping 93% probably the highest in the industry. I have later done recruitments without the OCA test and with the main focus on the candidates earlier results. From this I conclude that one should be able to achieve some 85%-95% success without the use of personality tests but with the main focus on earlier results. Further progress was made with the use of even better reference checking and with devising specific skills tests for various jobs. We finally reached a success rate of 97,4% before I left the company in 2000. I believe this to be by a margin the best recorded success rate in the industry. It is not that other recruitment companies didnt focus on an applicants proven production record. They sometimes did, but never consistently and earlier results were often overshadowed by other factor such as personality, school grades, presentation skills etc. The moral of this blog post would be that a company would do very well by shifting the focus in recruitment to a diligent uncovering of a candidates earlier production results.

From Independent Scientologist to just me ( The way to do this is quite simple (heres a WOIM list):
Recruitment interview (in part) Ask the candidate for his/her main results in life What is he or she is proud of achieving in life? Emphasize results created for others [?] The candidate has earlier job experience [1,3] Earlier job positions Ask what results/products the candidate was supposed to produce Ask how the candidate would measure those result Ask the candidate to draw a graph showing production over time Ask the candidate to explain any ups or downs in the graph Ask for a reference that can verify these results

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There is of course a lot more to the whole recruitment process, but with these data, you can better evaluate which candidate to hire. *) After having spent more than an hour trying to find the exact reference where Hubbard describes the main focus of recruitment, I gave up and realized again the need for the project LRH4ALL.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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When disagreement is forbidden

In the Church of Scientology it is always your fault if you disagree with any material. You have misunderstandings (M/Us yes its right there in M4), you have a lack of mass and need to clay demo the concept, you have transgressions in the area (Overts), you are PTS (a Potential Trouble Source), or youre just plain stupid. The material is never wrong. You are. Even when the materials are later claimed to have been wrong in the first place (ref. Golden Age of Knowledge), it is still you that were at fault. So what happens when a person disagrees with the material while taking a course in the CoS? He gets sent to the word clearer. He gets cleared right down to the last dot. If that doesnt work, you get sent to the Qualification Division to get your understanding of the material sorted out. Still disagreeing? Then there is always the ethics officer. She should be able to fix you. Somewhere along the line, the student will either a) really believe he is the one at fault or b) invent some odd way to make the materials right by paper clips, chewing gum or some other MacGyver hack. The student ends up invalidating his own viewpoint (or he ends up quitting the course). Making less of his own viewpoint and understanding, he ends up making less of himself. His personal integrity starts to slide. He blanks out his own viewpoint and is really not quite there as a student to really evaluate that material anymore. He becomes robotic. He starts blindly trusting the material just as he starts to blindly distrust himself every time a pesky disagreement comes creeping in. He becomes more fanatical. Robotic. Fanatic. I have seen that. Have you?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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More on your rights to your own viewpoint

It was 1994, aboard the Scientology cruise vessel MV Freewinds. It was my first trip to the ship and I signed up for the ship-only course Secrets of the MEST universe (MEST = Matter, Energy, Space & Time). It was a wonderful course struck right to the core of my nerdiness. It enhanced my understanding of physics, a field I have been deeply in love with since my childhood. Plugging away in the course room, I encountered a word I didnt know and looked it up in a dictionary. It had a couple of different definitions that both could fit but the meaning would be very different depending on which definition I used. I called the supervisor. I dont know which of these two definitions to use. And the meaning of the sentence will be very different if I pick that one over the other, pointing in the dictionary. Scott looked at me What do you think? Well, I think it would be that one, moving the finger to the second definition. Scott looked at me, said Thank you and walked away. Must have been lucky, I thought. The next day I was faced with a similar situation, only this time it was even more difficult to figure out which definition to use. Scott, come over here there is this wordblah-blah-blah. Scott countered Well, what do you think?. Me: Oh, I think its this definition. Thank you, turning around and attended to another student. Three is a charm, and an hour or so later I raised my hand. Scott looked over. Nah, forget it, taking my hand down. Scott smiled and said Now you get it. For this and many other reasons, he is the best supervisor Ive ever had. You just got to take responsibility for your own observations, your own viewpoints and your own learning. In the article How to study Scientology (Ability Magazine, Feb 1959), Hubbard writes: You are asked to examine the subject of Scientology on a critical basisa very critical basis. So then we ask you to look at Scientology, study it, question it, and use it as we present it and you will have discovered something for yourself. And in so doing you might well discover a lot more. When you have applied it as it should be, and applied as it is taught at the school, and still find it unworkable, it is your privilege to question it and, if you like, reject it.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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September 2010

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Formalizing a description of existence

Continuing my quest for a description of existence, I have taken a look at the very basics and attempted to formalize some conclusions as usual in the form of a WOIM list:
Potential Realization [1,x] Existence Cause Consideration Effect Influence #Existence Common reality = Intersection of existences Consensus reality = Co-considered effect [2,n] Cause Consideration Co-considered effect Influence #'Consensus reality'

In even plainer English, this means: There is a potential which realized becomes existence. Existence is comprised of Cause which through consideration creates an effect which in turn influences the Existence. From this we get the fractal nature of the universe. Common reality is simply two existences overlapping (intersecting), while a Consensus reality is an agreed-upon existence, or more precisely co-considered effect, again with the fractal nature of the effect influencing back at the Consensus reality. This WOIM list condenses the essence of my article On Will. It is very far from a formalized description of the basics of existence, but it may serve as a starting point. I would appreciate feedback (but please read the above referenced article first); Is the list correct, and what are the next steps in making it more complete?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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On bringing up children; a small episode

When my oldest son was about three years old, an interesting episode in the young boys life played out. He was screaming for an ice cream. Full of tears and emphasized by volume, he sooo wanted that ice cream. I sat down and said: If it helps to scream, you should scream a lot. Because it helps. But if it doesnt help, you might as well stop. The choice is yours. I waited a few seconds. The young boy wiped his tears and looked at me. Why did you stop, I asked. Because it doesnt help, he replied. What do you think will help?. Thoughtful. A second later he said Daddy, if I help you with that and that (pointing), can I get the ice cream then?. Thats a pretty good deal. Yes, then you deserve the ice cream. He happily devoured the cone of ice. Finished, I asked Did that help?. Oh yes!, he exclaimed. After that such screaming became rare

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The current scene of Scientology: What works and what doesnt

Looking back at my two years of research into the current scene of Scientology (2007-2009), Id like to summarize what was useful and what wasnt. Everything is clearer in hindsight Firstly, there are two scenes the internal scene, the daily situation of the scientologists in the church and the external scene, the public view of Scientology. The life of a dedicated scientologist is well documented around the net. It summarizes to increasing pressure as one goes up the Bridge (spiritual levels in Scientology) pressure to donate ever more time and money. Non-compliance is met with various forms of sanctions and punishments, with the ultimate threat for disobedience being declared a suppressive person. Scientologists learn to adopt a certain attitude of dedication. The PR machinery of the church is massaging its parishioners, rolling out the spectacular international events 6 times per year. Mesmerizing, if long drawn, speeches by the Pope of Scientology, David Miscavige flanked by state-of-the art 3D animations summarizing the latest in real estate acquisitions. Steadily increasing statistics are shown signaling an unprecedented growth of the religion, all while the factual scene shows signs of deflation. Many scientologists know something is wrong. They suspect or know the statistics are fake. They silently object to the sometimes insane pressure. They pity the slave labor staff and they realize that the goal of a salvaged planet is not within reach for at least another millennium. But they hang in there. Mostly because they dont want to jeopardize their own spiritual progress. Others because they push on in a very honest effort to help their fellow man despite being bullied by misguided staff wanting to squeeze even more hours and dollars out of their most dedicated. Dedicated scientologist dont see much of the external scene. They are trained to not look at any opposing or critical views. They bluntly dismiss such as entheta (opposite of good). The external scene is run by the media. The reason is not that the media is inherently evil like many scientologists are trained to believe. It is because the media is populated with pumped-up, frantic truth seekers looking to push another sensational story out before a deadline. Its business and an the Church of Scientology is skillfully paining a bullseye on its chest. Church spokesman Tommy Davis is lying with just enough straight face to fool the cool-aid drinking scientologists. But not the rest of the world. The public at large despises Scientology. And the current church management has done much to achieve that. Because the Church tries its best to equate Scientology with the Church of Scientology, the public image of Scientology as a subject is at par with the dreadful image of the church. Lack of differentiation means very few will ever get to experience the very helpful parts of the Scientology philosophy. Despite the church touting its contributions to society through its PR-powered social betterment programs, its influence is negligible. Scientology is a fringe subject. Peoples attitude toward Scientology ranges from the die-hard fanatic scientologists to the seemingly dedicated staff to struggling Scientology public to the indifferent general public (by far the largest group), those with a vague negative impression, the critics, Anonymous and the fanatical critics.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Most, except for the fanatical scientologists, would agree that any and all abuses should be stopped such as forced disconnection breaking up families, coerced abortions, extortion and slave labor. Some wants the demise of Scientology all together. A few wants to act as thought police, to burn the books and outlaw its practice. As insane as the latter sounds, they do in fact exist. And some want to practice Scientology in peace outside the iron grip of the church these are known as FreeZoners or Independents. Most would agree that free speech is important and welcome an open debate on Scientology, and that transparency is valuable. Discussions abound on how to wake up the kool-aid drinkers inside the church in order to stop the human rights abuses. Having been a dedicated church scientologist (albeit somewhat of a rebel), I can at least offer a view on what worked in making me finally walk out the door. It could serve as an indication of what works in helping scientologists on the inside see the actual scene. In this motley landscape, I will rate the efficiency of several elements that helped me (or not) make my decision on a scale from -5 to +5. A score of -5 indicates it was contra-productive to my decision. A score of zero means it didnt have any effect, while a +5 indicate it was very helpful. Here goes: +6 Meeting David Miscavige +5 Realizing that the ant hill innovation model should encompass Scientology +5 Reading +5 St. Petersburg Times Truth Rundown +4 Increasing pressure in the CoS to toe the party line +4 Terril Parks postings; Wins from Scientology outside CoS +4 Getting to know about alternatives in the FreeZone +4 Jeff Hawkins story +4 Seeing fewer executives at international events +4 Seeing that the statistics presented in the CoS is a lie +4 Seeing forced disconnections in the CoS +4 Reading about David Miscavige beating his staff +4 Postings by Marc Headley (BFG) +3 Seeing Tommy Davis refute forced disconnection +3 Marty Rathbuns blog +3 Declarations of independence on the net +3 Hearing about coerced abortions in the CoS +3 The increased pressure for more time in the CoS +3 The increased pressure for more money in the CoS +3 Postings by ex-scientologists offering real information about the old days +2 Reading that Dan Koon was out +2 Reading that Marty Rathbun was out +2 Reading that Mike Rinder was out +2 Ex-Scientologist Message Board (ESMB) +1 The original Anonymous announcement +1 The first three Anonymous world-wide protests /Feb-April 2008) 0 The Golden Age of Tech (new releases in the practice of Scientology) 0 The Golden Age of Knowledge (new releases of Scientology material) 0 Anonymous after April 2008 0 Operation Clambake -2 Operation Clambake Message Board (OCMB) -3 WWP the Anonymous forum

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-4 Postings by die-hard critics like Zinjifar and Alanzo -5 Uncertainty about doing Scientology outside of the church -5 Wondering if the abuses can be handled most effectively from the inside -5 Seeing that I help people with my seminars and personal coaching and wondering if I could do the same outside the church One of many conclusions can be drawn; To make a scientologist in the CoS see the factual scene, one has to reach their reality level. Critics and Anonymous are seriously misguided in this area. They often make more damage than good with their cultish black-and-white judgmental attitude. Please ask any questions about this by adding comments to this blog post. I have certainly forgotten important and less important elements, and I may extend the list as I get reminded of them.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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October 2010

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Wanted: Inconsistencies in Scientology

Heres a challenge for you: Please name actual inconsistencies in Scientology (ethics, tech or policy) with proper referencing. Not looking for stuff you dont believe in or think is off. I want to see proper internal illogic in form of inconsistencies. Anyone? Clarification: I am not looking for inconsistencies in the practice of Scientology. I am looking for inconsistencies in the actual philosophy of Scientology.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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The action junkie

Tim was tired of the virtual worlds. Sitting in front of a PC playing WoW or Call of Duty night after night just didnt give the full kick anymore.

Neither did Live Role-Playing with Vampires the Masquerade where he would dress up as a vampire and fight and infiltrate other players in the game. No, he needed something more. Something real. Being a wiz-kid and very computer savvy, he tried hacking some accounts here and there. Although real, it didnt give the real rush either. Being a James Bond or a Jason Bourne in real life would surely be the best of all. But with neither the muscles to show or the guts to dare, he knew he couldnt do anything that wild. He had to settle for something a bit less dramatic.

A friend of his had tried to get him into protesting some church. But he wasnt much interested. Until the friend told him about a cat-and-mouse game of some secret service or something this church had. They actually had some intelligence agency inside the church that would harass critics of the religion. Now that sounded like fun. Some real action drama.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Tim trotted along for a protest. They were only 6 of them standing there in front of the church building. They were hiding their faces so that the church spies and agents wouldnt learn of their real world identity. Tim got a slight Batman-rush going for a minute or so. He joined in and tried his best to keep up with the mocking of the church and their religion. Not that he cared much, but there was supposed to be some super-secret, mystery, agentry thingy, so he got in on the action. It was great when some PIs or spies or something got out a camera and took pictures of the protesters. That was at least some action. And then there was all the tales about this agency going after some of the fellow protesters, and he felt part of something dramatic. He felt alive. And then there was caek. Delicious with chocolate cream on top. The social bonding also became important. He felt he belonged to a group. Individualistic, anarchistic but like-minded.

And the churchs Office of Secret Action didnt let him down. They were busy creating enemies of the church like himself. And they were actually spying on him! He felt thrilled and wondered if he should call himself Jason Bourne on their Internet forum. A few months went by and Tim Oh, the story stopped. What happened to Tim? I dont know. You tell me. Leave a comment and help co-writing the rest of the story.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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hypocrisy noun \hi-p-kr-s also h-\ plural hypocrisies Definition of HYPOCRISY 1: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion 2: an act or instance of hypocrisy Origin of HYPOCRISY Middle English ypocrisie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrisis, from Greek hypokrisis act of playing a part on the stage, hypocrisy, from hypokrinesthai to answer, act on the stage, from hypo- + krinein to decide First Known Use: 13th century The above is from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The below is from my heart. From my experience with public scientologists and especially with fellow OTs of various OT Committees in a handful of Orgs, I have seen an almost exclusive focus on PR and the immediate statistics. A public scientologist and especially an OT is demanded to get his or her stats up. OTs are run on statistics. Their production is measured. Their value is measured by how many books they sell to raw public, how many people they disseminate Scientology to, how much PR they generate for Scientology and above all how much money they can fund-raise for a new building. The focus is on these immediate statistics. Whenever an OT disseminates Scientology to a prominent person, he is demanded to take pictures. Good pictures of high resolution as it will be used during the international events (see #22). The OT delivers picture in return for praise, approval and status boosts. If she is maximally lucky and popular, she will be put on the list of prospects for the Freedom Medal. As a scientologist this is all natural, its all utmost productive and it is the only thing saving the world. What hypocrisy. Because it completely misses the point. Addressing the problems of the world does not revolve around generating PR for Scientology, it is not about handing out The Way to Happiness , it is not addressed by fighting psychiatry. And it is certainly not achieved by donating money to big, empty buildings. For crying out load. Now, how about supplying fresh water to sick children in Africa. How about bringing about peace to war zones or stopping the spreading of AIDS. What about really tackling human rights abuses or just saving the planet? What about getting some basic Scientology actually delivered? What about helping your fellow neighbor only because it helps him and not because you can cash in on the action? How about shooting hypocrisy like ducks in a pond?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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November 2010

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On enjoying the game. Immensely.

Most religions teach salvation. From sin, from pain, from entrapment, from the game called life. Christianity has Heaven, Buddhism has Nirvana. Scientology has Total Freedom. There seem to be a longing after escaping. Life. In Scientology, we are taught that we are living on a prison planet. In Eastern religions one seeks to end the seemingly endless cycle of life and death. The mantra most religions sell is this escape. And much of the focus is on sin, transgressions, overts and the rules of conduct to purify oneself. What happened to the all too simple enjoying life? Rather than the focus on escape, I would like to see the selling of embrace of enjoying life to the fullest, enjoying the game. Immensely. Maybe one can only reach Nirvana by fully embracing and love what is. But to do that, one must truly see what is. And maybe one can most easily reach happiness by being happy. What do you think?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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December 2010

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On the control of information

Jeffs latest blog post serves as a landmark. A quote from that post is relevant as an opening to mine: Information control isnt a sign of strength, its a confession of weakness. Its profound. It reaches well beyond the small world of Scientology. It captures all venues of human interrelations, politics, Wikileaks. It is also relevant to The Scientology Forum the forum I erected a year ago and since some months has been run by Claire.

One of the premises when I put up the forum was to make it a place where Scientologist could feel safe when discussing Scientology safe from exposure to Scientologys confidential upper level material. Although there is plenty of evidence that exposure to such material is not dangerous, the belief that it may harm you could serve as a self-fulfilling prophecy, a reverse placebo. In any case, the forum was set up so that posts be moderated before they appeared. Very, very few posts have been deleted, but some have been modified to keep within the Rules of Conduct. At times the forum has been an interesting place for real debates and where new ideas have emerged, giving birth even to a whole now branch of philosophy, the KHTK. But the control of information by what Hubbard calls inspection before the fact, i.e. screening has strangled the flow of information to a mere trickle. The moderation introduces a lag in the communication and that in itself is detrimental to lively exchange of ideas. I asked the forum if it is time to reconsider the moderation policy. Although I would want to see a civilized forum for discussion of Scientology (I see no reason to change the ROCs), the moderation takes the life out of a forum like that and there are other examples that points to the same. The current affairs with WikiLeaks has highlighted the need for openness even better. Because WikiLeaks is good for transparency, for democracy. Just like Wikipedia is good and the Internet itself is good. Sure, both the Internet and Wikipedia had gotten its share of criticisms, but hell anything that is disruptive of the establishment, of the status quo will earn criticism. Because Mans deepest fear is of the unknown and because one thing that any change is bound to bring is a dose of the unknown. I believe in open communication and the free flow of ideas. That is why I support the Internet, Wikipedia, free software, free culture, Transparency International, Amnesty International, the EFF and WikiLeaks. And this is why I oppose patents and Copyrights as control mechanisms. Instead of shielding people from ideas and communication, one should seek to help people handle ideas and communication better. Ideas and communication are inherently difficult to control, and all to often abuse follow in the wake of such attempts.

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Information control isnt a sign of strength, its a confession of weakness. Intentions to strengthen oneself on behalf of others underlies such weakness. In a truly free society, there is no space for government secrecy, information manipulation or hiding of truths. Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear, like owls and bats, before the light of day. James A. Garfield.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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My current research
In between daily life I am currently engaged in extending the work published in my article On Will. I plan to expand the theory therein to a more comprehensive Subjective Reality theory.

To let you in on my current research: 1. If our physical reality is a co-created consensus reality, and its persistence is dependent on it not being seen for what it is (a Matrix type illusion), then the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle may be the preservation mechanism as it disallows exact certainty. At the same time, there exists evidence that exact perception of ones own created reality is possible (not what is accepted by others or entered into the broad consensus the physical universe). The exact relation between the Uncertainty Principle and Consensus should be further researched. 2. The Wave Function may be seen as an individuals creative freedom within the consensus reality. Further research should reveal the accumulated freedom in the consensus reality given by the Wave Function. 3. The Collapse of the Wave Function may be the mechanism of a created reality being accepted by another. The relationship between communication and Wave Function Collapse should be determined. 4. The basic actions seem to be Consideration (creation of realities) and Communication (co-creation of consensus realities). The exact relation between Consideration and Communication and the mechanism from there to the co-creation of consensus reality needs to be mapped.

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January 2011

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Missing in study tech

You may be familiar with L. Ron Hubbards study tech. It is a very workable piece of technology for studying any subject. LRH describes three barriers to study: 1. Lack of mass studying a subject without access to the real thing one is studying and not representing it with drawings, clay demonstrations or at least using small desk items to represent the real things one is studying. 2. Skipped gradient jumping over material or progressing to fast in ones study, leaving gaps in knowledge. 3. The misunderstood word going past a word or symbol one does not fully understand, making the subject difficult to grasp or misunderstood altogether. After all, a book contains mostly words and symbols, these are the building blocks of any subject one is studying. These barriers to study makes up the foundation of Hubbards study tech which in turn makes up the foundation for studying Scientology. But what if the foundation wasnt solid? What if it was lacking some important ingredients? What if there were more barriers to study? And what if these barriers, if taught in Scientology would actually make the students able to think for themselves? These missing barriers to study are so glaringly obvious and so obviously dangerous to point out in the Church of Scientology that it would get you an express ride to the Ethics Officers were you to insist they were missing. Now what could those missing elements in the Study Tech be?

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Missing in Study Tech II

This is the second part of Missing in Study Tech. Straight to the point: There are several prerequisites to study: A distraction-free body (enough food and sleep, no distracting body conditions) A distraction-free environment A subject to study with adequate material A willingness to study (subject aligning with own goals and motivations and a belief that one could and should study the subject)

Then there is the first class of barriers to study the teacher or material: The teacher or material is wrong (the concepts cannot be demonstrated as it is incorrect) The teacher or material is badly conveyed (overly complex, unnecessary stuff interjected or there are holes in the explanation such as missing raw data or case studies a skipped gradient) The teacher or material has a misunderstood (using a wrong word or symbol or using it the wrong way) Then there is the second class of barriers to study, covered by LRH in the bulletin Barriers to Study as detailed in the previous blog post: Lack of mass Skipped gradient The misunderstood word Beyond all this there is the ability to evaluate and use the data. That is a skill that can be fostered by the Data Series as well as other bodies of knowledge (like studying logical fallacies). The second class of barriers to study is part of Scientology Standard Technology. The first class and the prerequisites are not. Some of those points are however covered in Hubbards lectures and articles and have found their place in various courses such as the Basic Study Manual. I have never seen Hubbard touching on the third point of the first class of study barriers (misunderstoods in the materials themselves). You can see how the three barriers that LRH describes have one for one a counterpart in the first class of study barriers. What can be wrong in a students study can of course also be wrong with the material. If a student disregards the first class of barriers as even more primary than the second class, he could find himself thinking he himself have lack of mass, a skipped gradient or a misunderstood, when all along the materials or teacher were at fault. A teacher could even go so far as insisting the student has a misunderstood because he was in disagreement with erroneous material. A student should be taught Study Technology in the sequence outlined above: First we need the prerequisites taken care of, then we need the first class of barriers out of the way, then we tackle the second class of study barriers. One should of course be very alert to a student claiming that prerequisites are out simply because he has run into any of the three barriers of the second class. He could claim he was hungry because he has lack of mass, just to get out of the classroom. Or he could claim that the author has a misunderstood when the student is the one using the wrong definition for a word.

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But, one should always be aware the prerequisites and always be open for errors in the materials or in the teacher, even when that teacher is a guru one looks up to. And finally, there are always shades of gray and nuances in the colors. Materials could be more or less wrong maybe they are right but could be even more right. Very, very little material in human history has not been rightfully improved upon by later generations.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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On the value of life

I have come to the conclusion that my view of people and of life have been seriously flawed. During my first 25 years as a scientologist, I adopted the idea that A being is only as valuable as he can serve others. That a persons Output or Statistics or Production was the sole determinants for a persons value as a being. I believed that if a person did not contribute actively to others, he or she is of low value. I have experienced some extreme examples of this view in other scientologists. And with this view, a whole range of human rights abuses can be fully justified. I became hardened in my views despite the increased love for others achieved through my spiritual progress all those years. My passion for people increased manifold on my journey up the levels in Scientology all while the dramatization of hard policies molded my analytical views. A contrast I can now finally settle. It started with accepting this quote from L. Ron Hubbard as true: By my own creed, a being is only as valuable as he can serve others. It was reinforced by Hubbards policies on production, exchange and statistics. It was further cemented by the command intention and push in the Church of Scientology that a persons value is directly proportional to his time and money donated to Church projects. I adamantly defended the idea. When someone would counter this by raising the objection of what about someone with Downs Syndrome, I would handle the objection by either a) explaining it away, b) claiming the quote was taken out of context, c) that Hubbard didnt mean it quite like that, or d) that people with Downs Syndrome is clearly an exception to the rule and no rule without an exception etc. But with everything else he wrote, and especially when I was a Course Supervisor in the Church, I would state emphatically that Hubbard means what he says. Hubbard was a very capable author, and he didnt throw around approximate statements or statements that he meant to be interpreted in the view of everything else he wrote. No, I have come to understand that Hubbard was a very precise philosopher and author. He was accurate, to-the-point and clear in his views. I recently read through a whole blog discussion on this very quote, and can only say that the sentence says what it says: A being is only as valuable as he can serve others. Only only as valuable as Nothing else enters the equation. It is an y = ax type of expression. It is not y = ax +b. There is no other value involved (like the b in the last equation). Perhaps flagging the exception of a person with Downs Syndrome is a bit extreme, and maybe that is an exception etc. But what about a baby? We have all been one. Screaming and in diapers, completely reliant on our mom and dad, not helping much compared to any grown-up except of course for the smile and shining baby face. But if a babys value as a being is to be measured only by its ability to serve others, it would be very low compared to the captain on a ship. Still, children and women are put in the life boat first. Chivalry plays a part here. So does love, compassion and ones affinity for life itself. I want to make it known that I now believe that life has an intrinsic value all on its own. This is an obvious conclusion from my article On Will, but I wanted to share it also as a separate blog post. I can hear the justifications and objections popping, so I will add this: Of course there are situations in life where people will and should be valued differently. Like in the business world. Just like I would have a low value as a surgeon or as an ice skater, my 2-year old would have a low value as a programmer. But a broad statement that a being is as valuable as he can serve others? I believe you are valuable. Whoever you are. I believe you deserve compassion love and care whether you are a King or a beggar, a Wall Street executive, baby in diapers, a kid with Downs Syndrome or a being in an old cancer-ridden body at its last breath. I will commit myself to support the value of You and to fight for life, for freedom, for compassion and for love.

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OSA hypocricy
The Church of Scientology Central Intelligence Agency (OSA Office of Special Affairs) is busy sending out adHom e-mails from an anonymous e-mail account over at Hushmail ([email protected], [email protected], etc.). The very same Central Intelligence Agency responsible for the infamous shutdown of OSA supposedly the PR strong arm of the church. Now busy creating a strong negative public impression of the Church of Scientology and consequently the subject of Scientology itself. A few examples from the e-mails should suffice: Marty is such a putz that, Marty and his squirrel squad, Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder have now built a record of abusing their own followers., Amy Scobee and her husband Mat Pesch are liars., Its just a nightmare for Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder that never ends, and never will until they come clean., etc. It boggles the mind how a PR arm of any church could think that this would somehow work in their favor.

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Protesting the Church of Scientology is a luxury phenomenon

When protesting the Church of Scientology has become more important to a large number of people than helping the world overcome poverty, helping the climate get back on its feet and solving the many miseries plaguing a large portion of the population on this planet, I believe we have gotten to a point of decadence. Just saw a TV program about an 81 year old Norwegian lady dedicating her life to helping poor people in Manilla. Got me thinking.

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A proof against determinism?

Could this actually hold? Please disprove the following: 1. For a system to be deterministic, its underlying rules must be consistent. 2. For a system to be deterministic, its underlying rules must be complete. 3. No system of rules can be both complete and consistent per Gdels Incompleteness Theorems. 4. Thus no system can be deterministic. FYI: This proof dawned on me while researching Gdels Incompleteness Theorems but I realize that points 1 & 2 above may perhaps be invalidated by presenting cases for deterministic systems with incomplete or inconsistent rule sets. Can such cases exist? Update (2011-01-30): After some good comments, I offer this: 1. Thesis: The universe contains all there is and all there ever will be, it is a complete and closed system and causally deterministic (Laplaces demon) 2. According to Gdels Incompleteness Theorems, such a system would have to contain paradoxes (inconsistencies), potentially rendering the system indeterministic. 3. To prove the thesis of a causally deterministic universe, one would have to prove (why) the universe would never encounter any such paradoxes breaking the determinism and prove why the universe itself would never encounter Turings Halting Problem when deciding any effect ever in the universe.

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Religion and science

There has been numerous efforts to bridge the domain of religion with the domain of science. But are they in need of bridging? I would like to offer a definition of these two domains for your digesting: The domain of science covers what can be objectively falsified. The domain of religion covers what can be only subjectively falsified. Given these two definitions, I am not sure whether they need any bridging except for pure tolerance of each other.

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February 2011

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A radical new view of the upper Scientology levels

I have recently reached an epiphany about the Scientology OT levels. I have come to a new conclusion as to what is actually being handled and why the processes work. Having gone all the way to the top of what Scientology can offer in spiritual improvement, I can see an interesting pattern that puts the upper levels in a new perspective. As I have written before, I have had excellent gains on these spiritual levels. But with my new viewpoint, there are reasons to believe that my gains could have been faster. With my new take on these levels, there is no need for the confidentiality or mystique or any of the sci-fi. However, I am hesitant to publish my views because it would include getting into the confidential materials of the OT levels as they are described by Hubbard. I invite your views on how I should proceed here.

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I am a seeker. I energise. I have worries. If I were to describe who I am in one word, it would be seeker. If I were to describe what I do in one concept, it would be I energise. If I were to describe what I currently have, it would be worries. This is now. I am a work in progress. What I am is more permanent than what I do. What I have is the least permanent. And I am thankful for that. From the age of 14 I was seeking the answers to existence through physics. My thought was that if I didnt get the Nobel Prize in physics, life was not worth living. Turning 18 I got into Scientology and by 23 I started working professionally with L. Ron Hubbards administrative technology. 10 years of seeking answers through physics was replaced by 10 years of seeking to change the business world through LRH admin tech, which in turn was replaced by 10 years of seeking to help change the world through free software. My physics ambitions were somewhat off. My admin tech purpose was seriously flawed and my free software purpose was fulfilled as Open Source entered mainstream. Along the way I have come to understand that I thrive the most when I can energise others. Individuals and groups alike. Energising people through coaching or on a stage in front of many. I can help most any person through sharing knowledge and by catalyzing their own energy and intention. People prosper, groups prosper as I energise. When I am not enough of a seeker or I do not energise enough, I worry. I need a goal, not for reaching, but reaching for. And I need to help others by making them seek their own ways. As the battle for free software was softly won, my overriding purpose died away. I got worried. Floundering. Like a ship lost at sea. It is still that way, only I recently understood that I am in fact seeking something. I am seeking a purpose for my seeking. And that helps somewhat. As I said, I am a work in progress. Just wanted to share my thoughts on this. Try this anagraming in a Linux/Unix terminal: echo "G E I R I S E N E" | awk '{ print $3" "$2$8$7$4$1$5$6$9 }'

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Scientology & scientific standards

Home town of Galileo Galileo Galilei has been rightfully called the Father of Modern Science. He broke with the long standing tradition of belief through authority, something he was severely punished for by the Church. Until Galileo introduced the standard of proof by experiment, scientists would believe something to be true because it conformed to the belief of the Church or because enough consensus could be gathered. By modern scientific standards, a conjecture remains as such until it can be proven by experiment to be true or false. This is aptly summed up in the motto of The Royal Society of London; Nullius in verba (take nobodys word for it) By Galileos standard, nothing is true or false because some authority says so, or because the source of the theory is an honorable fella or because he is a liar. A theory has to be proven true or false by actual experiment. Now, why should Scientology get a free pass as regards to this scientific standard? Why should we believe L. Ron Hubbard when he says that his Auditing Technology works? We shouldnt. It must be tested. Why should we believe a critic of Scientology when he says it is all crap because Hubbard is a liar? We shouldnt. Again, it has to be tested. I remain befuddled as Church staff counters a question with because Hubbard says so or a critic tries to prove that Scientology is a fake by pointing to Hubbards personality or life. It boils down to intellectual dishonesty, emotional knee-jerk reactions and sloppy judgments.

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March 2011

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An aspect of freedom
Just got this little epiphany while in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: When one does not feel the urge to either criticize or defend a subject or idea, then one retains ones freedom in that area.

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May 2011

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A radical new view of the upper Scientology levels; OK here goes

With reference to my previous article titled A radical new view of the upper Scientology levels, and with the recent cat-out-of-the-bag in a comment section of this blog, I have decided to drop the bomb. I could have made this a short story or included anecdotes and fluff in order to make it all more interesting. Instead I go for the straight-to-the-point-approach for the sake of brevity, letting your comments do the rest. If the theory behind the OT levels as laid out by LRH is true, then we would have a large number of beings turning up for auditing that were ready to run a very different process than the ordinary Bridge (as covered in OT VI material). But we do not see that. Except for some loose rumors, not one single being has been verified as having showed up out of the estimated more than 200 million. This is a discrepancy like no other. I am often very conscious when I dream, and I find myself creating scenery and people in order to create a game when I sleep. I create people that I then let run on their own, and from that point on, they are uncontrollable by me in order to make the game real. The reactive mind is a collection of stuck viewpoints (engrams) that remain outside of a persons control until inspected thoroughly. What if there were old, forgotten analytical viewpoints similar to the people of my dreams? Viewpoints that I created and that I no longer take responsibility for and when I through auditing do take responsibility for them, I would conclude that the one creating them was ME. If the above is the actuality, then one could dispense with all the confidentiality or sci-fi and treat the Bridge as a continuous handling of reactive and analytical viewpoints in order for the person to collect himself and become whole. The processes would be just the same, but the whole perspective would be dramatically different. It would make the whole Bridge less mystical or intriguing, less controversial or sexy. But it would also make the whole Bridge an exercise in 100% Responsibility. There are more reasons why I believe this to be a more factual description of what is really going on when doing the Scientology OT levels, but this should suffice to start the discussion. Note: The readers comments contain confidential upper level Scientology material. If you believe that any such material can hurt you (which may be a self-fulfilling prophecy, a sort of reverse placebo), then do not read the comments to this blog post.

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Dont touch the cows!

If you do, the owner will kill you. Brendan and I looked at each other in amusement and back at Amani; Youre joking, right? No, the owner WILL kill you. Note to self: "Don't touch the cows" Brendan had just instructed an ITIL course in Dar es Salaam. Amani was one of the very bright attendants, an amazing person on so many levels. When he heard that we wanted to present the ITIL framework to the Masai people, he told us about the five villages that his father had discovered in 2005. Amani senior, the District Commissioner for Karatu had found some 5000 people of his tribe that had been left out of the civilization, and Amani asked if we wanted to go visit them instead of the Masai. We were on a mission to document if you really could Heal the world with ITIL as the slogan for the itSMF conference in Oslo had touted. When the conference had asked for presentations last autumn, we sent a few lines describing a talk we could hold; The African Case.

The amazing Amani We were to go to Africa and document if one could indeed make any real change in the world with an IT organization framework. You think we are kidding? Nope, and neither did they. They happened to approve our talk and we found ourselves equipped with a reason to go off to Tanzania for some real adventure.

Our original idea was to go to the most outback of places, a place where they hadnt even seen a PC to give a talk on ITIL and see how the Masai would react. When Amani suggested an even more uncivilized place off the civilized map, we jumped at the opportunity. We were to meet the Masais only fear the Barabaig. Off we went to the North, landing in Kilimanjaro International Airport and by Bus to the hotel in Arusha. Next day we went to Karatu where we met Amanis sister, Teddy who took us on a safari at Lake Manyara.

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In the evening we had dinner at the District Commissioners house. Amani senior told us about his tribe, the Barabaig and their culture and history. Although they live side by side with the Masai, they compete for grazing land and sometimes they get into fights. The Masai have adopted a name for the Barabaig, which translated to English becomes bad enemy, giving an indication of whos to fear. The history of the tribe is interesting and troubling and left us with an impression that they are tough survivors possessing qualities that are rare in the Western world. The Barabaig are many, but most of them have been swallowed by the Tanzanian culture. The village we were going to the next day was pure Barabaig, the unadulterated, the original.

"Barabaig" means "hitting the sticks" Amani senior was an inspiring and very knowledgeable man, funny and with great initiative. What he lacked in temper, he would make up for in passion. His family supports some 200 kids in secondary school through their non-profit organization. And his son, our friend Amani, is engaged in a project to supply several schools in Dar with IT equipment. We heard of how this family donates a sizable amount of their salary and time to projects benefiting communities and were impressed with their creativity and dedication. One guy must have missed this years Paris Dakar race, because if the District Commissioners driver had competed, he would surely have won.

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We drove from the end of civilization and for four hours through the wilderness at crazy speed before we came to Endesh, one of the five forgotten villages. Amani senior had arranged for a school to be build last year not by donations, but by encouraging the villagers to sell some of their cows to buy building materials and let them build the school themselves.

The school in Endesh We parked outside the school building, the driver jumped out of the car, slaughtered a goat and we got back in to drive to the place where they fetched water every day. The two hour trip back and forth to the water source gave the village cooks time to prepare the goat in our honor. As the first two white people in the village, we were more honored than they, and soon to be more humbled than ever. The village elder went with us up to the top of the green and lush hill. He showed us the water and talked about the life of the Barabaig and the situation in the village where they have to walk some 15 kilometers every day to get to this spring. Knowing that the Masai traditionally had to kill a lion to become a man, I inquired; Have you ever killed a lion? No. We crossed the stream. Have you ever killed a rhinoceros? No. We got to a nice open space. Just to top it all; Have you ever killed an elephant? Yes.

Chief pointing to the water source

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He told us the story of when he was 14, equipped only with a spear, he stood some 7 meters away from an adult elephant. In an intense moment, he had launched himself sideways and while the elephant had flapped his ears and thus exposing an area of 3 inches in diameter where he could thrust his spear and penetrate into the brain. But only after snapping his hand and causing both ends of the spear to vibrate in order to get through the tough skin. Had he missed, he would have been dead. Already at the age of 4 the Barabaig children are responsible for herding some cows. Together with other children between 4 and 12, they take cattle far away from the village to some decent grazing grounds only to return just before the sun sets. Once in while some Masai teenagers decides to steal some cattle from the kids. After taking the kids and the cattle many more kilometers away from the Barabaig village, they beat the crap out of the kids and run away with the cows. Several hours later the kids would perhaps have managed to crawl back to the village to report about the theft. The Barabaig warriors would then grab their spears and marche to the Masai to reclaim their property. And then some. To teach them a lesson, they take twice as many cows back. And then its war. Back in the olden days, this would end in a blood bath. Nowadays, the Tanzanian army will intervene, and at gunpoint order the factions back to their own villages.

Its a hard life where only achievements matters. It matters not that a man is the most handsome, throws the spear the farthest or runs faster than the other in the village. Only achievements matters. When a kid becomes a man, he will choose his woman. The ceremony starts and at the end, every aspiring man will proclaim the wild animals he has killed. And with every kill there must be witnesses. The first man may have killed a leopard. This would be trumped by two leopards, which in turn would be dwarfed by a lion which would be puny compared to killing an elephant. The man with the most achievements picks a woman first. And the man with the least achievements is left with the last woman standing. It is all about achievements, about 100% responsibility, about no excuses and about pulling together as a tribe. Attitudes that are few and far between in the our society.

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We returned to the village and people started to gather in the school. Actually, they started to crowd the classroom. And we were faced with the challenge to present ITIL to the attendants. I had drawn a map on the blackboard to show where we came from. The District Commissioner shook his head; The dont know what a map is. I commenced by trying to explain that the country of Norway was very far from Tanzania. Again he shook his head; They dont know what a country is. They dont know that they live in Tanzania. I then tried to explain how many days it would take to drive from our place to Endesh. Another shaking of the head; They dont have that concept of time. I gave up; Its veeeeeery far that way I pointed.

We talked about responsibility and about Change Management. We asked about their greatest challenges in life. Interestingly enough, processes and ITIL was not on the top of their list. Rather it was: Water to the village, medicines, schooling and better communication between the villages (they had apparently seen cellphones). Processes? Nah. They where into 100% responsibility. And that trumps Business Process Management any day of the week and twice on Mondays. Their attitude humbled us. We realized that they have more to offer the world than the richest country on the planet. So we decided to make a trade: We supply water to their village and they supply attitude to Norway. Back in Norway in March we made our talk at the itSMF conference in Oslo. Apart from emotionally moving the attendees, several decided to pitch in. We announced that 20% of the course fees for our standard (hell, its way above standard when Brendan delivers it) ITIL Foundation would go toward the Endesh water project. It will cost anything from USD 70K-700K. In return, we will get one of their toughest warriors to Norway to teach 100% responsibility to our business community, on radio and TV and hopefully to the members of Parliament. The first warrior with excellent achievements that learns to speak good English will visit us for a few months. And we will be getting the best deal. When Endesh gets their water, they will be able to utilize the school all all year around as then they wont have to travel far in the dry season for their cattle to graze. And the government will not so

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easily treat them like dirt if some politician decides to claim their land for some new project like they did in the late 60s, almost throwing that part of the country into civil war. This trip changed us both. Brendan and I will never be the same again. We will go back. And we will help Endesh get their water supply. And we will get a dose of their attitude exported to our part of the world. Want to pitch in? If you are in for some serious adventure, raise your hand. Or better, leave a comment to this blog post.

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June 2011

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Note to self:
If what you are doing is not worth dying for, change. And: If what you are doing is not giving life a greater meaning, change.

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Significant change
A few months ago I went to the end of civilization and had a profound change of viewpoint. I will always remember and always cherish that trip to Endesh, the village in northern Tanzania. It gave my viewpoints in life a real shaking. But that just isnt enough. A change like that is great, yes, but it just cant beat looking at my own fundamental viewpoints, purposes and flaws. A real and systematic look at myself. To become a better person, to regain my self. That just happened. In less than a week I have gone through a significant change. I found a very basic flaw in my character that has diminished my potential since a very long time a flaw that has gotten me into trouble almost daily. Sometimes it would result in just small daily issues, small road bumps. Occasionally it would give me more serious problems. And I just tackled this flaw. If that wasnt enough, I also had a look at a very fundamental purpose of mine in a whole new light. I discovered why I have the ambitions I have and why it sometimes makes me go in wrong directions or sometimes in no direction at all. I understand why I do what I do. Now these, to me, are significant changes. And they have come from some serious soul searching. I havent had Scientology auditing since 2006 (when I attested to OT 8). In the past week, one of the best trained auditors in the world, Piere Ethier has been staying in our house giving me something really powerful called L11 (List 11). Like me, Pierre has left the Church of Scientology and gives counseling outside the reach of the Scientology Thought Police. For a mere fraction of the price charged in the CoS, I have gotten more than I could ask for, more significant change than I hoped for. Truly inspiring stuff.

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July 2011

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Back home; In Oslo

After sailing in Greece since the beginning of July, we arrived back home in Oslo yesterday. Today we went downtown to see the area struck by the terror attack and most importantly the memorial place covered with more flowers than I have ever seen in my life.

Strangely the air was filled with calmness and warmth where one could expect confusion and revenge. Sadness yes, but carried by a foundation of love for those who lost their lives, for the democracy they championed and for our national integrity. I am proud to be a Norwegian. May this horrific event forge a companionship stronger than ever. In these days of healing there are of course some elements that we could do without. There are those who seek to score political points, those who will use the events to peddle their ideologies and those who will try to solicit PR in the wake of sorrow. Like the staff in the Church of Scientology in Oslo that I met close to our own Ground Zero. They were there on a recruiting mission via The Way to Happiness Foundation as if a moral code is what the people of Norway need the most right now. The usual practice for the church is to ensure any such event would be used to bolster their image. Knowing that the church actually works hard to support a power hungry cult leader makes such exploitation of willing staff a disgrace. In times like these I honor those who give unconditional help, those who give without thought of reward.

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August 2011

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Quality versus Quantity

It dawned on me a while ago that I could not come up with an example of any quality that could not be satisfactorily expressed in some quantities. I was a bit puzzled by this, but other interests grabbed my attention and so I let it go. Today a stray thought led me to this question once more: Is there actually such a thing as a quality that cannot be otherwise expressed as a set of quantities? And heres a very cool Hugh:

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You cant have your cake and eat it too

You cant have a fixed procedure produce a fixed result in a world where randomness or free will exists. The Heisenbergs uncertainty principle shows that you cannot know both a particles momentum and position at a given time. You can only measure a high probability for either of these.

Gdels Incompleteness Theorems tells us that no system can be both complete and consistent. You must choose; A system that is complete and inconsistent, or a system that is consistent and incomplete. And a corollary to Gdels comes from the field of Systems Theory and points out that a fixed procedure will create variable results and a fixed result requires a variable procedure. You must choose a fact very few business process managers are conscious of. Trying to implement a fixed procedure to obtain a fixed result is folly. Most often you would want a certain result and hence you must allow for individual creativity and a loosely defined procedure. This is the basis for Adaptive Case Management. Thinking that you can program a business like a machine will most probably lead to some interesting situations.

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Questioning Scientology basics: ARC

In February of 1959, L. Ron Hubbard wrote an article in the Ability magazine called How to study Scientology. Its one of my all time favorites from LRH. In this article he says: You are asked to examine the subject of Scientology on a critical basisa very critical basis. I feel it is time to review some Scientology basics and see if they really do hold true. And to do this properly, we would use the method of falsification if we could find situations where a principle is untrue, we would know that the principle is not a universal truth.

So, how about the very basics of basics in Scientology, the ARC triangle? Is it always true that Affinity, Reality and Communication is interdependent? Is it always true that raising or lowering one of the corners would result in a raising or lowering of the other two? Could we find actual examples that falsify this? Or could we at least formulate instances that could be used to test the ARC triangle to see if it could be falsified. And if we cannot falsify it despite putting the principle to test, we would in fact have strengthened the theory. Ready for the challenge? Then read the links first and post your comment. Update (2011-08-20): The task is simply to find situations where a person could have a skewed combination of Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding. Could we find a situation where a person was in total agreement but without any significant affinity or communication. Or could there be a situation where the person had great affinity for something he did not understand or completely disagreed with? Or any other combination that would falsify this statement: Every point on the ARC triangle is dependent on the other two, and every two are dependent on one. One cant cut down one without cutting down the other two, and one cant rehabilitate one without rehabilitating the other two. On the positive side, one can rehabilitate any point on the triangle by rehabilitating any other point on it.

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What is Reality?
She looked at me with a slight smile. My heart thumping and hands starting to sweat. I wanted to move but the legs wouldnt obey. I had to force my body to take the first step. I walked over while a thousands thoughts competed for my approval. My mouth should have opened and a pick-up line should have left my dry lips, but my jaws were glued shut and my vocal cords had left me speechless. After a few embarrassing seconds that felt like a full quarter hour, uncertain sounds finally left my body. The feelings were real and they were mine. Although much of it was subconscious, I was the source. I created the words and I inspired feelings in her. After the first date, we both started to create stronger feelings. Until we became a couple. We continued to create a growing relationship. I created my view of it, she created hers. Together we created a marriage. It was hard, enjoyable work. Lots of communication, lots of cuddling. I knew I was 100% responsible for the marriage, and so was she. I was responsible for my view of our relationship and she was responsible for her view of it. And we kept our views synchronized with quality communication to create a strong and healthy life together. The more we communicated, the more we kept in sync. What does all this have to do with Quantum Mechanics? Hold that question, we will get there. The marriage was real. It was reality. It is our reality. Just like a company is real for the employees, the owners, customers and suppliers. Just like a nation is real among those who agree that it is a nation. Palestine is a reality amongst some while others would disagree. Is Pluto a planet? Not anymore. August 24th marks the 5 year anniversary where the International Astronomical Union changed the definition of what constitutes a planet and little Pluto was summarily removed from the prestigious list. Our solar system went from 9 to 8 planets with the a show of hands. Reality was changed. Is Facebook really worth gazillions of dollars? Is an ounce of gold really worth what someone says it is? Is Mona Lisa really a beautiful painting? If you think it represents beauty, you will see beauty. If not, you will see old color on canvas or even ugliness. Reality lies in the eye of the beholder. And when many agree, feeble reality becomes very real indeed. Right here we may just be touching upon the essence of reality agreement. But wait a minute, you may object, there is surely a real world out there! Really? Are you sure? Quantum Mechanics cast doubts upon that certainty. Mans most successful theory to date has shown that whether an electron is a particle or a wave depends on what you want to see. In fact, anything could be decided whenever consciousness views the physical world. Reality on a subatomic level is created by observation. The act of observing determines what is seen. But since the chair you are sitting on is merely a composite of subatomic particles, even that object is subject to the laws of Quantum Mechanics. And so is the computer in front of you, the country where you live, the planet, the universe. And if you create everything you see by the sheer act of observing it, then so must my view of the universe be created by me.

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But how on earth, or elsewhere, is it possible that we see almost the same universe? Sure, there are differences in our views, but how could our views be so similar? That is a really good question. It boils down to How do we keep our observation/creation in sync? Its almost like we decided to agree upon some basic laws of the universe and with so many viewpoints agreeing, the reality became so strong that we stopped doubting its seemingly absolute objectivity. If this was the case, there would be room for free will in the universe. There would be room for you a viewpoint capable of any and all creations. It would mean that you could introduce changes in your life, in your relationships and in the society. Simply by observing and creating, you could introduce changes in the world around you. Then you would be the ultimate creator and source of all that you see. You are the source of your feelings, the heart thumping, the relationship with your wife, the life that you live, the universe that you see. The possibilities may suddenly seem endless. And they would be if you so desired.

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A challenge for scientologists

Recently I started a thread on this blog questioning one of the Scientology basic philosophical principles. Out of this came a challenge for the scientologists readers: Ask 5 non-scientologist the following questions: Have you ever liked someone less when you learned to know them better? Have you ever understood someone less when you communicated more with them? Have you ever liked something more even though you thought it was getting stranger and you understood it less? Have you ever grown tired of something the more you looked at it? Have you ever ended up agreeing less with a person when you communicated more? Then briefly explain the ARC triangle to them and say: These three terms are interdependent one upon the other, and when one drops the other two drop also. When one rises the other two rise also. Ask if they believe this statement is true. If you like, write the results here by leaving a comment.

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September 2011

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a Theory of Everything & the Synchronization Problem

If there is no Real World Out There, and all of the perceived existence is created by each viewpoint simply by the act of observation as is one of the interpretations of Quantum Mechanics then there follows a Synchronization Problem. A subjective reality theory would form a basis for a Theory of Everything where every viewpoint creates what that viewpoint sees. There is no spoon. The spoon is created by me as I see it, the spoon is created by you as you see it. There is no spoon existing on its own there is just each and every ones image of that spoon that each and every one experiences. And reality seems to be discrete and thus the images of reality is created every Planck second like frames in a motion picture. Now how comes any changes that I make in my view is immediately reflected in every others view of reality? This is the problem of synchronization. Why do we see the same? One answer could be that the premise is wrong and that there is a Real World Out There, that matter exists independent of viewpoints, will or observation. If so, it would give rise to the task of accounting for free will if such in fact exists. But if the premise is right, then there is a deeper understanding needed in order to solve the Synchronization Problem. This enigma is one of my main philosophical conundrums at the moment. Care to pitch in with viewpoints?

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On choosing friends
I have come to the conclusion that I really need only two major markers for who to choose as my friends: 1. Those who give more than they take, and 2. Those who creates flow more than they create friction The first one is simple; Avoid leeches. Associate with people who continually generate positive karma. The second one is also easy to recognize; Avoid unnecessary trouble. Associate with people who make things flow, makes things work, create results. I avoid people who create social frictions more than social positive vibes. Taking and friction are not just bad. They are important parts of life. The operative words in my advice above are more than.

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Cult think
A group where critical examination of information and thinking for yourself: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. is not encouraged is disregarded is discouraged is suppressed will get you in trouble is apparently encouraged but actually forbidden

I propose the above as a Scale of Cult Think. There are plenty of groups where free and progressive thinking is the order of the day. But in many groups there is an atmosphere not really conducive to independent thought. A group tends to guard its own purpose and modus operandi. Some groups take this to detrimental levels and whips its members into line with spiritual, mental or even physical means. There have been many historical examples of groups at level 4 or 5, but I believe a group at level 6 to be the most insidiously dangerous. Rather than listing various groups along this scale, I will encourage the readers of this blog to come up with examples of groups they know and their position on the above scale.

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The danger of losing yourself

With reference to my previous blog post, I have come to the conclusion that one of the most dangerous pitfalls is that of accepting data without you inspecting and verifying it for yourself.

In everyday life this poses only a small risk like when you accept some gossip about a friend without verification. Or when you believe a sales pitch from a used cars salesman. Or when you accept a lie from your loved one. Most of the time the data presented is true, so only occasionally you are led to believe a lie. But even if it is true, you run the risk of adopting a fixed idea for yourself. Anything believed without personal inspection tend to solidify because you yourself cannot back it up or really defend it. Of course it is impossible to inspect or verify every bit of information that you encounter every day. So the hazards of the daily data stream is maneuvered by continuous and often unconscious risk management. Some are good at it and get a hunch when they are confronted by a lie. Others never smells the rat and accepts statements nilly-willy; The hyper-critical tend to swallow any criticism without inspection, while the gullible will swallow any nice and fluffy statement without a blink. Although the former will probably give you a more miserable life than the latter, there are better ways to deal with information. The real danger comes when the data is big and life-sweeping like with life principles, general information about people and society or all the way down to axioms of existence. With foundational data, the occasional hunch or gut feeling just doesnt cut it because that would amount to bad risk management. When putting a man on the moon, an engineers hunch that the rocket will fly simply wont fly. For sweeping data, actual inspection and verification is essential or you can end up not only with a life lie, but with a solid, fixed idea that you cannot back up. What happens when people accepts sweeping data without personal inspection? They accumulate fixed ideas. The data is above their head. The data becomes bigger than themselves. It enters the realm of belief. And such show up in debates as knuckleheadedness, broken records, illogic or plain stupidity.

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A person prone to accepting big life data without personal inspection will end up with less personal integrity, more belief, less facts, a more defensive attitude and less free in his or her thinking. And this is the case even if the data happens to be true. The person will become smaller to the point where there is no one left to inspect anything an information robot. Nobody home. A symptom of someone going down this road is a closed, defensive mind not open to opposing views. Or outright attack of contrary opinions. In my own experience this covers way to many scientologists and Scientology critics. Whether they accept Scientology data or anti-Scientology data without personal inspection it still closes the mind and makes the person smaller. This is by no means confined to Scientology, religion or science. This is relevant in any areas of life dealing in general or sweeping data about life and livingness. Such as politics. The higher on the Scale of Cult Think, the more a group will coerce or enforce belief and discourage or suppress personal inspection of information. It is a paradox of betrayal that the Church of Scientology demands agreement to the principles laid out by L. Ron Hubbard. Its even ingrained in his own writings. Even though he very correctly pointed out that you should not accept any data without you yourself being able to see it as true, in other places he enforces compliance. Like the practice of Method 4 Word Clearing where a disagreement with the materials studied is not accepted as anything less than a misunderstood by the student. Or in the policy Keeping Scientology Working #1, where no disagreement with the technology or even the slightest improvement to it is accepted. And there are many other examples. The Church of Scientology follows these policies and viewpoints to the dot, enforcing intellectual compliance, hammering out of existence any opposing views. And this is a paradox of betrayal because the very purpose of Scientology should be to make an individual more free, more himself and better at evaluating situations, life and information. Quite the opposite is in fact happening. The evidence for this are in the thousands of debates about Scientology on the Net. It becomes stigmatized and a study in illogical debate. Information exchange breaks down in the face of fixed ideas. It becomes an exercise in defensive tactics and strategies. Intelligence is futile. Another evidence of what happens in Scientology when people accept data without personal inspection is a far more serious one an elephant in the room the absence of amazing people. Or, taking this even further; Its not just that Scientology seems to fail in producing amazing people. It seems to produce people with lots of issues. In my experience, I have seen more people with a wide range of issues who have been in Scientology than those who have never been in. I have plenty of non-Scientology friends that lead a really good life, some even enlightened lives, while many scientologist friends have issues with themselves, their families, their personal economic situations. Many have problems even contemplating any views opposing their own fixed ideas about life implanted by accepting Scientology data without proper verification. It boils down to Merits. The efficacy of any principle, datum, procedure, technology or body of knowledge must be judged by its merits. Does it deliver actual, provable value? Are the results up to snuff? Scientology is a sorry scene when it comes to actual proven results. Hence another area is brought into play Hubbards policies on Public Relations. Most any area can be polished up to shine, even in the absence of verifiable results. Today, Scientology does not deliver on its promises. It is a wonder that so many scientologists are unable to apply Hubbards own data about looking at the statistical results when gauging the efficiency of any technology.

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Much of the lack of results can obviously be attributed to the current dictator of the Church of Scientology. But to reduce L. Ron Hubbard to a man without any real influence on the current scene in Scientology is to do him grave disservice. Before the audience think I have turned my back to Scientology and become a critic, I will add that it is not a matter of being for or against but rather to honestly evaluate the effects I can see. It comes down to the practice of looking. Continual Honest Looking. I have written many times that I have personally had great gains in Scientology, and I believe there to be excellent gains in Scientology for most people. But to accept data at face value is a road to personal unintegrity. You must be able to verify and sift out what works for you in this vast ocean of Scientology data. You must be able to think with it, to back it up, to be fluid in your evaluations and open to opposing views. And this goes for any field dealing in data about life, the universe and everything. Practicing this, and there would be very little danger of losing yourself. I believe the continual practice of honest looking to be the real way to enlightenment. PS: I realize that this blog post may rattle some stable data or even piss off a couple of camps. If so, I consider that to be a step forward.

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Why Scientology became a Cult

Expanding on a previous post: Where you have a method intended to produce a certain result, then either the method or the result can be fixed. But not both. If you fix the method, the results will be variable. If you aim for a specific result, the method must be flexible. M E T H O D -> R E S U L T In most areas of life, you want a specific result. You dont want to simply go through a set routine to mow the lawn you want a lawn that is demonstrably mowed. You want a certain business outcome, not just rotely follow some predefined business processes. So, in most cases you would want a certain result rather than a fixed process. In other cases you want instead a fixed process, like with testing procedures. When testing a product, you want the procedure to be the same for all products to be tested. The passing grade for the tested products will vary while the procedure for testing remains the same. Just like a school exam. Fixed procedure, variable results.

In the case of any personal improvement, you want a certain result. You want happiness, increased abilities, enlightenment, lower reaction speed, higher intelligence, life fulfillment or something. The result is more important than the method used. Lets say you are depressed. You want to be happy. Now, the method used is simply a tool to achieve the aim of happiness. That aim is far senior in importance than the method. In fact, the method is rather uninteresting as long as you become happy. In the area of life improvement; When the method becomes more important than the results, you get a cult. You get people who follow a methodology, a technology, a way. And in that, they desert the individuals intended results. The methodology becomes more than a tool. It becomes glorified, exalted. The result becomes the shadow of the pillar and the pillar becomes the object of worship. This is the way of the Church of Scientology. The technology is beyond questioning, the methods are exalted and even sacred according to church officials. The results remain varied.

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This is also the way of Scientology as a subject. With the policy Keeping Scientology Working #1, Hubbard made sure that no improvements to the methodology would ever be tolerated. He was an adamant believer in his technology to the point where he berated any thought of altering his lifes work. His original aims visionary and admirable as they were became supplanted by a fixed technology cut in stone and worshiped by some 50 000 Scientologists today. They rely on the technology to produce some desired result rather than making sure the results are gotten and thus allowing flexibility in the set of tools. And this is why Scientology became a Cult. For the sake of balance, I would like to add that from my experience, many of the procedures in Scientology do indeed produce remarkable results. But again, the results for the individual is what really matters.

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I am not a Scientologist
In a meeting with three amazing friends the other day, the subject of Scientology came up. We discussed the subject briefly and one of them suddenly interjected: Scientologists are not being themselves. Hmm?, I replied. And he clarified the statement: Well if they are being a Scientologist, then they are not being themselves. Immediately it dawned on me that Goddamn, hes right!. That is why scientologists has a knee-jerk urge to defend the subject, L. Ron Hubbard or anything supporting Scientology. Because if you truly are in harmony with just being yourself, then there would be no need to defend. Or attack. One would be free. The paradox is that many people having advanced high on The Bridge to Total Freedom exhibit an advanced urge to defend. It indicates they are less free and not in harmony and not simply being themselves. As a reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I have been on a quest for truth for a very long time. The quest includes a critical look at my own fixed ideas, my own urges to attack or defend. And all of them have to go. I am a work in progress. So, to sum it up: I AM NOT A SCIENTOLOGIST. And I really mean it. Not just Yeah, yeah, he says that to free himself of a label or at the bottom he really is a scientologist. No. Truly I am not a scientologist! I focus on results, not methodologies. I will use the tools that gives the best results in any given situation. Be it auditing, meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, TRs, playing with Lego or just giving someone a hug. I realize that this announcement may stir up some feelings. May that be as it may. I am one step further. Thanks Brendan.

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Crazy Quest
When I was a kid, I was shy. When I was a teenager, I was even more shy but covered it up by excelling in formal and natural sciences. Then with the help of Scientology, the shyness evaporated and after only a couple of years of communication training I became a host of Norways second most popular local radio show. Transformation. With more releasing of mental blocks through Scientology auditing, I worked on becoming more impulsive and skilled at improvising. Where I would next to faint from standing in front of my class in high school, ten years later I thrived in front an audience. Since then I have perfected improvisation. I have released social tensions and become more free, more unserious, more goofy, out-of-the-box and more crazy.

In the last year I have been focusing on improving my basic abilities rather than any specific skills set (more about this focus in some later blog post). The quest to be really, really free never ends. The Crazy Quest needs a new level. Time to up the ante. And here I ask for your inspiration. With your help, I may get further out of the box and turn out a batshit crazy wildass. But for a constructive purpose; To inspire others be more free and and lose themselves in a wild abandon. So my question to you is; What is your craziest social experience? Anything you have done that was out-of-the-box? Anything you did to inspire people to let go?

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The Rest
There are patches in time and space Where I am The rest Is never fulfilling Following the horizon Enriches the meaning I give To Life I touch my imagination All I can see Is what I put there So I can see So I can play So I can cry So I can dance While I wonder Why

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The end product of trying is having tried.

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Your wish is my command (well, maybe)

Turning to you for inspiration; What would you like to see me cover on this blog? Yes, I have a set of categories and you may have seen what I typically cover on my blog. But for a moment, forget all past posts. What would you like to see? Propose a subject by leaving a comment on this blog post. I may be inspired to go with the flow

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Criticism: This way!

With inspirational suggestions pouring in for topics to cover on my blog, I thought it would be a great opportunity to gather some criticism as well. In the past two years I have been writing and commenting and discussing and exchanging viewpoints with hundreds if not thousands of people. I have been blogging, commenting on others blogging, writing on discussion forums and mailing lists. Its time to take a step back and see if I should correct something in the way I form or present my viewpoints. I would like to invite criticism from the readers of this blog. From you. How about it is there something you think I should improve upon?

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Ideology and responsibility

Why do people believe what they believe? Upbringing? Seeking objective truth? Subjective truth? Coercion? Brainwashing? Gut feeling? Presented with overwhelming evidence? Unquestionable authority? Why? Lots of avenues to formation of belief. But could responsibility play an integral part? Could a persons need for vindication help form his beliefs? There may be comfort in believing that you are not responsible for the shit you have done. Or will do. But to achieve that comfort, you need a plausible belief system a world view that is not so obviously born out of your need for vindication. It needs to be pervasive enough to solve both that need for comfort and possibly other situations in life. Come God, come Allah, aliens, guiding spirits, science or philosophical determinism. If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9-11 But now he has reconciled you by Christs physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation. Colossians 1:22 Allahs will is always done. Al-Ahzab, 37 Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. Henry Miller Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. Albert Einstein The initial configuration of the universe may have been chosen by God, or it may itself have been determined by the laws of science. In either case, it would seem that everything in the universe would then be determined by evolution according to the laws of science, so it is difficult to see how we can be masters of our fate. Stephen Hawking Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws. Charles Darwin Destiny is a good thing to accept when its going your way. When it isnt, dont call it destiny; call it injustice, treachery, or simple bad luck. Joseph Heller Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him. Groucho Marx One may chose to believe in God, Allah or the Great Spirit to explain ones actions or more easily escape responsibility. Or one may elect fate or destiny, astrology or unseen influences to shirk it. Or one may want to put ones trust in determinism or in quantum mechanical randomness to escape any notion of responsibility altogether. May the need for vindication play a not insignificant role in what the person choses to believe?

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November 2011

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Celebrating this 100th post on this blog I started this blog some 16 months ago and during that time many subjects have been covered. With the inspiration from my readers I have learned a lot. The 10000 comments have helped me gain much new insight. I would like to thank every one of you for shedding light on everything from Quantum Mechanics and Free Will to personal enhancement and life and living. And thank you also for bearing with me when I share my technical quirky passions. Its almost time to celebrate 100000 views as well This post: 100 words.

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Crazy and Amazing

Isaac Newton, Michelangelo, Leo Tolstoy, Mozart, Vincent Van Gogh, Edward Munch, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen, Ernest Hemingway, Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain, Georg Cantor, Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig Boltzmann, Martin Luther, Ludwig van Beethoven, Kurt Gdel, Michael Faraday, Alan Turing, John Keats, Princess Diana, Richard Wagner, Victor Hugo, Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, J. K. Rowling, Friederich Nietzsche, Ingmar Bergman were all more or less insane. Yet they contributed greatly in their fields. They ware amazing people creating some amazing results for this world. Should we seek to dampen such creative insanity? Would the world be better off if they were not insane? Should we seek to uniform or inspire diversity even though we may not like the diversity that is catalyzed by our inspiration?

Why do we struggle?
A friend of mine asked me to write a blog post illuminating why so many ex-members of the Church of Scientology struggle in life. And why I seem to better handle the transition to real life from the strict rule-based confinement of toeing the Scientology party-line. It is well documented that scientologists inside the church is struggling despite the daily polishing of a PR facade, the following of the supposed-tos and putting on the right attitude, smile and clothing. While the structure and the rules of the church will compensate for individual abilities, when one leaves the crutches, the limping begins. I have covered this from one angle before. Let me expand.

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I have struggled. I have been in pain. Because I compromised with my integrity during my 25 years in the Church of Scientology. And I have struggled with getting back to Me just as much as I compromised with Me. Fortunately I retained my ability to judge for myself better than most of the scientologists I know. Most of them are still in the church. Shedding what data I somewhat blindly accepted and regaining Myself more fully has been an interesting exploration. And it continues as a joyful exploration of free will. Love and passion has become stronger and people have become more amazing. When I left in 2009, I had personal meetings with 25 close scientologist friends to let them know my reasons for departing with the organization. One of them is a business owner. Hes doing quite good and confided in me that he was sick and tired of the church staff telling him how to run his business because none of them would be able to run a hot dog stand in the middle of Oslo. The staff thought they knew how to run his business. In fact they knew how to run any business even the largest enterprises on the planet. Because they were armed with L. Ron Hubbards administrative technology the ultimate in organizational tools. Never mind that they run a church that would be bankrupt were it not for zero staff pay and pure donations from squeezed parishioners. Never mind that there is not one single example where LRH admin tech has made it as good or better than comparable organizational methodologies. But in the minds of those who blindly accepted the data presented, LRH admin tech is still the greatest. Even as Hubbard himself so rightly points out that one should look for the real results, not the PR or the smooth talk or the words, scientologists continue to buy the PR hook, line and sinker. Buying some data without you yourself seeing it is actually true is a slippery slope. When it becomes a habit, youre in for some real trouble. Whereas it can work to acquire robotic views inside a robotic system such as in the military, out in real life society, robotism doesnt get you very far. That is why so many struggle when they leave the church. They struggle to regain Self their personal judgment and integrity. Most ex-scientologists struggle. There is even whole communities built up around the concept of ex scientologists where some continue to moan and bitch even a decade after they left. And it seems the higher in the church hierarchy and the longer they were in, the more they struggle. I have seen plenty of top brass within the church struggling to hold a decent job after they left. Well, the closer to the guy at the helm, the more you are coerced or forced to abandon your own critical thinking faculties. And the more work you have cut out for yourself in finding your way back to You. The more I think about it, the more weird it seems to have a set path to freedom. Frankly, You have the sole responsibility of finding your own path to your own freedom. Be inspired by others, scientists and gurus, mom and dad. But make sure that you take it as inspiration and not a supplantation of You. And may these words be nothing more than inspirational. The struggle alone pleases us, not the victory. (Blaise Pascal)

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On L. Ron Hubbards Administrative Technology

When I posted a link to my latest blog post (Why do we struggle) on a independent Scientology mailing list, one of the readers responded to this paragraph: Never mind that there is not one single example where LRH admin tech has made it as good or better than comparable organizational methodologies. But in the minds of those who blindly accepted the data presented, LRH admin tech is still the greatest. Even as Hubbard himself so rightly points out that one should look for the real results, not the PR or the smooth talk or the words, scientologists continue to buy the PR hook, line and sinker. with this: There are two areas where LRH admin tech worked. First The growth of the missions. Their job was to sell intangibles, and high priced intangibles at that. And they succeeded, and expanded. They in fact became more successful than the Orgs. This got me thinking And then I realized that this only validates the thesis that LRH Admin Tech does not work. In fact, the more you use it, the more an organization will fail. At the very top, we find perhaps the most failing of all Scientology organizations, the RTC (Religious Technology Center) headed by David Miscavige. RTC is the most adamant and insistent on the application of every aspect of LRH Admin Tech to the letter. To the dot. Below that, another failing organization, the Scientology Executive Strata. Just read the many descriptions from people who worked there for years and you will see how much of a failure those organizations are and have been. As we move down the hierarchy, the autism regarding following LRH policies to the last comma and period slowly dwindles, but it isnt until you get to some rogue mission that you find something resembling normal success rate compared to other areas of society. And when you look at missions back in the 60s and 70s when there was less LRH Admin Tech in existence, then you find some good cowboy successes. Running as they wanted and in the face of pressure from the above. They succeeded despite the LRH Admin Tech and not because of it. So my answer to my fellow mailing list member read like this: Come to think of it, the missions growing in the early days are the perfect example of LRH Admin Tech being a failure. Because it supplies the gradient scale of: The more you use LRH Admin Tech, the more you will fail All the way from the top (RTC) and the way out to the missions and even further out to the missions back when there was less Admin Tech in existence and even further out to organizations that have no knowledge of the Admin Tech at all. The gradient scale is there. As a whole, LRH Admin Tech is a failure. At best it is simply out-dated. But in general I see it creating over-bureaucratic machines turning individual intelligence, responsibility and creativity into robotism. The early Scientology missions managed to retain their integrity and creativity. When the management finally stomped it out, the missions were suffocated. The person on the mailing list also added this: The other area where LRH admin tech worked was in Evaluation. At least it did sometime. I have seen no real evidence where LRH evaluation tech as a whole body of knowledge has outwitted other comparable tech or common sense. I would like to hear about cases where it was used and the results were clearly and unquestionably above the norm. All of this is not to say that there are no merits to LRH admin tech. There are pieces of that technology I have seen work and that I continue to use; Like:

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how to evaluating people in a recruitment process (look for earlier proven results rather than personality) look, dont listen (a manager should look for real results rather than only listening to what someone says) several issues on courage and purpose that does wonders in raising morale (as can be seen in the church as people go to great lengths to follow orders beyond their own good judgment so use the issues with care) LRH was perhaps the first to conceive the whole organizational board as a process. This is a stroke of genius although I do not agree with it being done that way. policies on how to cut down internal noise and unproductivity in an organization policies on how to evaluate results and statistics (use with care as it is presented somewhat simplistic) policies on how to make production flow (parallels the concepts in Lean but should be used with caution in an organization where creativity is important) the Admin Scale and more; I recommend reading the LRH books on administration if only for tips on how to handle certain situations, but not for wholesale usage There is an organization called WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) whos mission is to spread the use of LRH Admin Tech in enterprises and in governments and through that recruit scientologists for the church. Again Use with caution.

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December 2011

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A Scientology thought experiment

Heres one for the readers with at least some familiarity with Scientology. Expanding on my recent blog post on L. Ron Hubbards Administrative Technology and adding the whole gamut of Ethics Technology and mental/spiritual Technology: What would the world be like if Scientology totally won out? What if there was a World Organizing Board and the whole of our society structure was utterly and completely run by LRH policy and ethics, and where tech ruled the scene? How would the world at large look like? How would the world function? Countries? Democracy? Religions? How would our daily lives be? Would family life be different? What would we do at work? On vacation? Anything we couldnt do? What would be significantly different? Pitch in and help me paint a realistic picture of a Scientology World.

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What worked? And Why?

This blog post is inspired by one of the many excellent contributors here, our One and Only Maria. In my blog post Scientology thought experiment, I asked about what the future could hold if Scientology as described by L. Ron Hubbard would conquer the world. My conclusion went like this: The CoS will expand into every corner of the world as it cannot do anything but expand per policy. It aims to free every person on Earth. And by the use of Scientology tech since that is actually the only way to set someone free. Everyone should then be a scientologist and would be on the org board of the CoS. They would then have to be on a regular course schedule per week and would be subject to ethics actions if not. If they do any out ethics in life, they would again be subject to the ethics tech. They would train and they would go up the Bridge. They would enter into leadership positions in the government and in all spheres of influence. And again, if they did anything unethical, they would be subject to ethics, tech and admin. They would be required to use policy to handle admin situations, and as LRH admin tech is in fact the only workable admin tech there is, using anything else would have to come under the heading of squirreling or out-ethics. Thus admin tech would be in use most everywhere. Leaders would lead according to LRH scriptures as doing otherwise is again counter intentional and out ethics. It should only be natural that they would want to be ethical as LRH has laid out, use the tech standardly and apply policy appropriately. Out ethics is treated with the ethics gradient and there would be a swifter justice system than the cumbersome judicial system we see in our society today. As no Scientologist could take another Scientologist to court (forbidden by policy), then our system of Law and Order would naturally be replaced by LRHs ethics and justice policies. Every citizen would deem it only natural to write KRs on any outpoint they see, be it in the work place, in the Church structure, amongst friends or in families. PTSness is thus reported as per policy as it is a crime to do otherwise. No criticism of Scientology would ever happen as that is a suppressive act, and no one would leave Scientology and tell about it as that, too would be suppressive. No one would create any problems, and no one would have any unkind thoughts of LRH, Mary Sue or the CoS Management. Wars would be handled before any ARC break could escalate to that level of conflict. No drugs would be peddled, and the insane would be given the Introspection Rundown and then be given the proper auditing actions to again return to the Bridge and continue on their road to freedom. There would be no splinter groups as the CoS would hold its LRH given monopoly on all the tech. Psychiatry would long since have been obliterated and the same with psychology or any other practice targeted by LRHs orders, advices or policy. Other religions would be tolerated, but only to the point where they would not in any way interfere with the progress up the Bridge for any individual. Christians would be crammed according to the Class VIII tapes as LRH says Jesus Christ did not exist. People would be free to worship their version f the 8th dynamic as LRH touched very little upon that subject. Since we would have a perfectly run society, KSW and Keep Admin Working would be enforced to ensure that no working installation would ever be tampered with and fall astray. It would be a society in harmony, of fun, laughter, ARC and respect for LRH. It would be a world without war, criminality and insanity. It would be a world that all of us have desired since millions of years. Maria summed up the big thread with: Id like to suggest that this OP is not a thought experiment at all. It is a logic experiment. It runs in fits and starts because it is attempting to construct a world out of illogical and fallacious thinking. The C of S IS the real thought experiment, carried out in physical reality. And then she proposed her own thought experiment that several contributors voted to put up as a separate blog post:

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I am conducting my own thought experiments in knowing how to know. Part of that has been sorting out EXACTLY what were the effective agencies of change that resulted genuine wins or insights while engaging in Scientology processes. I am not interested in theories or models. I am interested in WHAT OCCURRED that effected / resulted in a change of consciousness / reality in ways seen to be beneficial. Current questions I am examining are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why was the communication course, circa 1976 to 1978 so life changing for many? What exactly happens at the point of cognition/EP of a process? Why is 2WC so beneficial and under what conditions? What exactly happens when there is a floating needle? What exactly happens when a person has VGIs? i.e. what have they acquired that produces such a massive sense of satisfaction? 6. What is the ultimate punishment i.e. when we want to really punish someone, what do we do to really PUNISH them. Death penalty doesnt count it ends the game. I am thinking that by observing what the ultimate punishment is, we can extrapolate its opposite and work out what the ultimate reward probably is. 7. What activities will invariably result in bad indicators? And what are the opposite activities to those? 8. For those who have moments of extreme illumination or enlightenment, what happened? What shift occurred? How do you see the world differently? And so the question becomes: What worked? And why?

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Vinaires summary on Scientology

This is a post from Vinaire, one of the frequent posters here, that I decided deserved its own blog post for discussion: Here is my summary assessment of Scientology. (1) Scientology consists of much ground breaking work by Hubbard. (2) Scientology introduce a whole new plateau to addressing the problems of the mind. (3) The work on this breakthrough is, however, far from complete. (4) The success from application of Scientology is far from consistent. (5) Any lack of success gets blamed on the practitioners of Scientology. (6) Unmanageable difficulties seem to exist in the application of Scientology. (7) Correction lists have become a part of standard Scientology. (8) A closer look at Scientology shows a lack of application of the principle of poka-yoke . (9) Looking is the key to successes in Scientology auditing. (10) Scientology does not seem to put emphasis on Looking. (11) Scientology takes up Looking on OT TR0 and Obnosis, but it fails to treat Looking systematically and highlight its importance in auditing. (12) Principles of Looking, when applied, seem to provide poka-yoke to Scientology processes. (13) These principles of Looking are now being developed under the heading of KHTK (14) KHTK is a work in progress. All are welcome to improve upon this work. Merry XMas and a Happy New Year!

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Thought Experiment series: Evaluation of Scientology

This blog post was submitted by Alanzo, one of the frequent commenters on this blog). It proposes a way to evaluate Scientology by the way proposed by Scientology itself. This should prove interesting: As Hubbard said, Scientology does not produce Understanding, but it produces UnderstandingS. A good way to produce understandingS on Scientology itself, is to apply Logic 8 to various parts and areas of Scientology. Logic 8 is A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable magnitude. So I propose the next thought experiment here on Geirs Blog: Take a piece of Scientology and apply Logic 8 to it. Take any datum of comparable magnitude to any part of Scientology and compare the two data. Heres an example: Compare the first Auditors Code (Original Thesis 1947) to the last Auditors Code (HCOB 1980). Evaluate these two pieces of Scientology by comparing them with each other. Look at how one point of the code has been left out. Look at how another point has been added. Sometimes there will be explanations for these changes, sometimes not. You do not have to accept any explanation for what you see when you compare, just look at the differences, similarities and identities and decide for yourself. See? This exercise is totally free of any agenda, either pro Scientology or anti. Its purpose is the same purpose as Logic 8 to evaluate Scientology. It is the application of Logic 8 to Scientology itself. You dont have to be limited to comparing something in Scientology only with something else in Scientology, though. In fact, I believe that the real value of Logic 8 begins to emerge when you start comparing parts of Scientology with things outside of Scientology. For instance: Compare the Citizens Commission on Human Rights to Amnesty International. Or compare the Volunteer Ministers to the Red Cross. A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable magnitude. LRH says that this is the ONLY way to evaluate something. So lets evaluate Scientology, then! Whos ready to start?

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My basic principles
I have adopted three basic principles of late: 100% responsibility Simplicity Immediate relevance

With the principle of 100% Responsibility I seek to establish who should be fully responsible for a wanted result. In distributing responsibilities in an organization, I focus on responsibility for results, not for tasks. And the focus is on total responsibility for the result. Not shared responsibilities, group responsibilities or partial responsibility. Google 100% and you get 100%=1. If two soccer defender are confused about their responsibilities, you can get a) both looking at the ball while the striker dashes in between them to score or b) both going after the ball and leaving plenty of room on both sides. Clearly defined responsibilities ensures less overlap or holes.

The principle of Simplicity pervades everything I do trying hard to reduce every solution to its simplest possible form. As Einstein once said Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. This blog is mainly a vehicle for simplifying my thoughts.

Immediate Relevance ensures focus and value creation. It does not equate to short sightedness or lack of creativity. If the task at hand is the generating of a company strategy, then keeping the meeting focused on whats immediate relevant to that strategy ensures a more productive meeting. Keeping all minds highly creative in a mind storming meeting is keeping with the same principle. Immediate relevance is about sticking to the goal. And sometimes it is fruitful to simply let the mind wander and then I would ensure Immediate Relevance even in that wild abandon. Just letting you in on how I operate these days. This is inspired by my mentor Hans Trygve Kristiansen and the Amazing Brendan.

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What groundbreaking could be attributed to L. Ron Hubbard?

Now and then the discussion crops up of what L. Ron Hubbard really contributed of value to the world. Like with most Scientology discussions, the debaters tend to fall pretty squarely into two camps. This polarizing is sometimes puzzling or seems right out weird for those not so familiar with the subject and its history. Hell, it still puzzles me. I would like to see if we can have a level-headed discussion to try to sift out Hubbards groundbreaking contributions, if any. There is no doubt that the man was a prolific writer with some 65 million words of non-fiction and around 500 novels and short stories published. He covered a great many fields from religion, spirituality and enlightenment to mental therapy, organizational philosophy, family therapy, study technology, physics, photography, ethics, justice, politics, history, electronics, human behavior and evaluation, communication and much more. According to Wikipedia; Hubbard is the Guinness World Record holder for the most published author, with 1,084 works, most translated book (70 languages for The Way to Happiness) and most audiobooks (185 as of April 2009). In addition to being a writer, he was a navy officer, an organizational leader, photographer, explorer a prominent contributor in many fields. What do you see as his greatest gifts to mankind?

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What did you dream of when you were twelve?

Try to remember back when you were twelve years old. Maybe that New Years Eve, eagerly looking into the future, busy creating that dream of an adult life. What did you envision? What goals did you forge? What did you dream of becoming, of doing, of accomplishing? Take hold of that old childish dream for a few seconds. Touch it, re-dream it. Feel it. Now snap into the present and take a look at your life as it is. Did your dreams come true? Why? Or why not? What can you, in hindsight learn when you once again stand at another New Years Eve forging another goal to reach? Or what can that twelve year old child in your past teach you tonight?

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January 2012

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Whats with the discussions?

This blog has been active for 1,5 years now. It replaced my old Scientology blog as I wanted to move my open writing into any area that tickled my fancy. Like free will and other existential philosophical subjects, HP calculators and other technical subjects, as well as life and living. This space is marked by many long and interesting discussion by very smart people with very different viewpoints. When I write somewhat controversial posts, the discussions usually counts several hundred comments, some even more than a thousand. This has become the blog on the Internet that gathers the most replies on specific Scientology-related subjects. Perhaps because it tackles the core philosophy of Scientology and possibly because it retains a fairly objective stance, being neither effusively pro nor toxically against. But rather exploring, evaluating and searching for areas to improve. However, my interest lies not with Scientology. What occupies me is enlightenment, truth, free will and general improvement. Any tool should remain junior to an intended result. Except for my HP-41 it remains a solution is search of a problem. Being a nerd at heart, I luv my tools but I still try to keep my eyes focused on the goals. I try to do what generates the best results toward those goals. Do the discussions on this blog? Are they worth it? What are they worth? Almost a hundred comments per day is a lot. Maybe its time to end the discussions while on the top?

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Processes, automation and human potential

I have been working with an article that captures the essence of my recent professional work, during the last year or so. Brendan and I have been consulting several organizations with the aim of helping them achieve better results be it more revenue or profit, more efficient use of time, customer satisfaction, better cooperation or above all releasing individual initiative, responsibility and creativity. I release the article here first to invite feedback from the wonderful and smart contributers on this blog. If you read the article and give some valuable input, you may be credited if you want. The article is here: Processes, automation and human potential

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February 2012

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With reference to my article Processes, automation and human potential, I propose a very simple definition of Change: Change is the difference between Input and Output.

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An Open Letter to dedicated Scientologists

Who is Heber Jentzsch? Who is Marc Yager? Who is Ray Mithoff? Who is Russ Bellin? Who is Norman Starkey? Who is David Mayo? Who is Dan Koon? Who is Debbie Cook? Who is David Miscavige? The answer is out there. Google Musical chairs Yager

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An Open Letter to Scientologists in doubt

What if the madness you see in your Org is not merely due to local craziness? What if the problems you see are generated from the very top? Maybe it really is a trickle-down effect? What if your church is run by a dictatorship? What if the abuses reported in the media is real? Would you care?

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An Open Letter to Independent Scientologists

Is David Miscavige the true source of what ails the Church of Scientology? Given that LRH was a great OT, what cause does he have in the abuses happening in the church today? What exactly did he write or didnt he write that allowed the current scene to happen? Could we safeguard this from happening again? Dare to challenge your beliefs.

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An Open Letter to Scientology critics

The Church of Scientology has gone down the drain. It is perpetrating abuses daily and that makes many people angry. It is easy to blame. Much harder to understand. Much harder to respect others beliefs and gains. What if the gains some people reports from Scientology is real? What if Scientology did do them a world of good? Would you rather they didnt have the gains?

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An Open Letter to hard core Scientology critics

Put a ban on Scientology? Outlaw it altogether? Burn the books? What if everything you didnt approve of was banned? Would you be proud of a world like that? What if a ban was put on what you believed in? Would that be equally right?

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March 2012

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Catching up
A weeks vacation and here I am. Man, you guys have been busy 500 comments. To make it easy for myself, instead of wading through the threads looking for questions I should address, its far easier to ask you here if there is anything you want me to comment on or take up. So, this is a free-for-all post; You are free to ask any question, direct my attention to any comment, tell a joke or offer a cheese cake recipe or whatever. Feel free

Understanding Miscavige

David Miscavige is the leader of the Church of Scientology. There is much effort spent demonizing, paint him pitch black and to point him out as the only reason why the church is in serious trouble. As far as I have seen, and I have read most of the pro and con sites on the Net, no one tries to actually understand Miscavige. So I will make an attempt to highlight a possible reason why he acts as he does. Scientology promotes the states of Clear and OT. But no one has reached the state of Clear as originally defined by the church founder L. Ron Hubbard. And Scientology has yet to produce a stable OT. As the leader of the Church of Scientology, Miscavige is charged with the responsibility of delivering good on these promised results. He is also charged with the responsibility of following to the letter and to the dot any and all scriptures by Hubbard. He is faced with the impossible task of ensuring a fixed process producing a fixed result. Seeing that the results are not consistently produced (and far from it), he naturally gets frustrated. He enforces the process in order to fix the result. Seeing that the results are still not coming off the assembly line, he fixes the process further. And further. And further. All the while getting more and more frustrated. And it doesnt take a genius to understand this frustration. Frustration leads to anger, to shouting, to slapping, to imprisoning the idiots who cannot get the process right. And he starts to enforce his own ways. Make up his own policies and rig his own processes. But alas, a fixed process still doesnt produce a fixed result.

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He probably never heard of Gdel or General Systems Theory. Had he only learned to empower people instead of the process. To assign responsibility and really help those people thrive, be creative and produce the result. But to do that, he would have to violate the sacred scriptures of Hubbard. To achieve a certain result, one needs a flexible process and flexible tools. One would need to bend or break the rules more often than one would think. Scientology is dealing in people, not the manufacturing of cars. The input (people) are uncertain, or even random while the input to the car plant is rather set. That is why one can have a very rigid process producing cars while such a process will have the opposite effect when dealing with people as input. Witness the current state of the Church. People (and Scientologists in particular) are prone to stigmatizing, painting the world black-and-white and swiftly calling people good (social) and evil (anti-social or Suppressive Persons). This is hardly an effort to truly understand ones fellow man. Rather, it is mental laziness to toss stuff quickly into the white or the black bin. I believe a situation to be more easily handled if one tries to understand it. And if the situation is a one man show, understanding the man would make it easier to handle the whole.

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Selling A World In Trouble

I pity those who are busy selling A World In Trouble. There are doomsday peddlers in many corners of society. We find the media busy pushing bad news and we find organizations such as the Church of Scientology (CoS) busy profiting from just that. When I was in the CoS I was constantly reminded of how bad off our society was. There was war, famine, natural catastrophes, psychiatry trying to enslave the general population, drugs on the street, the international bankers, the human insanities, the, the, the. The works. It was bad bad bad. And thats why the pressure was on to donate more money, and time. All your resources. The World needed salvaging, and plenty of it. But wait a minute!, I sometime allowed myself to think. Is it really that bad? It wasnt until today that I came across a clear overview of what shape the world is actually in. Thanks Brendan for sending the link. You just got to see this video. Its a real eye opener: It is ironic that the CoS actually needs one of their avowed enemies, the media, to cook up enough pressure of badness to make people see how much they need to donate immediately. I find this mildly amusing. Perhaps the Kool Aid drinkers should start supporting the forward progress of Man rather than trying to sell a fantastically progressing world on the idea that it is all very gloomy.

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From inside Geirs head while on OT 7

(An ordinary day while I was solo auditing [doing spiritual counseling on myself] on the second highest spiritual level in Scientology.) Crap. I just may have forgot to turn the knob. Or did I do it? No no I didnt I think. Shit. Gotta call Katrine and tell her to turn it a few times. I dont want to know if I left the safe unlocked. Cause if I did, there will be havoc on my next Refresher at Flag. Another Intensive of Sec Checking worth some USD 7500. And they will find out. No way to hide the truth. If I did mess up and leave the safe open, and the auditor asks that question about out security, the e-meter will pick it up. And the auditor will dig and dig and dig until I cough up my blunder. My crime. After all, I have the most secret of secrets in my safe back at home. The OT 7 materials. I cant even imagine what would happen to a person not at this level on the Bridge getting his hands on those materials. I mean, the correction list contains every secret on this level. It was a close call when that Indian security guard at the airport demanded I unlocked my briefcase so that he could inspect it. He actually took out some of the material and looked it over. Thank God he didnt actually read it. No, no. Got to fend the thoughts off. Cant think about the procedures, the content of the material outside of session. Frak, back to focus. Call Katrine. Hi, its me. You need to go down to the safe and turn the knob a few times. Dont ask. Need to be 100% sure about the security. You done? OK, thanks. Love you, bye. Ah, that felt good. But did I leave it unlocked? Did I go out security? Thankfully I will never know. She didnt check to see if it was open. Nobody will know. Not Flag, not me, not Katrine. But what if she DID check to see if it was open? Maybe unintentionally? Maybe she moved the door a tiny bit and discovered it to be open. Would she have noticed? Would she tell me? I should call her and ask But if I dont, then I wont know if she knew. But that thought of doubt may just show up on the e-meter when I go to Flag. Maybe I should take it up in my next solo session Just run it out as a rudiment. But heck, then my Case Supervisor will know and then the Director of Processing and then the Ethics Officer. Fuck. I got to forget it. Its probably not important. It probably was locked after all. Im sure I turned the knob when I put the material into the safe. I must have. Or? Focus, man! The road. Cars. Nice Porche. Wonder what model See I am forgetting already. Damn, thought of it again. Car, car, car Will I get my 4 sessions today? I need two more to reach that target. Yeah, I get off at 16:00, be home at 17:00, go straight into a session after grabbing a bite. Session lasts 10-15 minutes. End of at approximately 17:30. Chill and eat some more. Take a bunch of vitamines and back into session around 18:30. End the last session at 19:00 max. Get kids to bed and head for the bed myself at around 20:30. Have to be at sleep by 21:00 to get up at 5 in the morning to get my two morning sessions. Yeah, I should be able to get four every day this week. Nothing to distract from my main quest. Wonder when Ill be done. Ive been on for less than a year by now. Probably takes me two or three years more to finish The Level. Ah, that will be soooo damn good. I should be able to get an average of four sessions per day. Hell thats 1450 sessions per year. And if I complete the level in four years, that will be more than five thousand sessions total. Thats a lot of auditing. And with the wins and gains Im having, Ill be freakin Superman before Im done. Ive never felt this awake, this potent, this on top of life before. Except for this security thing. Crap, that thought again. Was it really locked? Yeah, it must have been

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How are you amazing?

One question that has helped me in my life is How is that person amazing?. I try to never forget that every person I meet is in some way amazing. Awesome. In some way. I just have to find it. And whenever I search, and I mean really search, I do find it. With some people, their awesome is hidden beneath shyness, arrogance, lack of confidence, hatred or socially acceptable behavior. But it is always there.At least that is my experience. But all to often I do forget, and that is when I find people to be less than they really are. And that is my mistake. Luckily I am reminded of peoples inherent amazingness when someone whos awesome shines very bright. Like the Korean talent in this video (pull out your handkerchief): I write this post to help me never forget. And to inspire others to search for the awesome in the people they meet, and to let their own shine through. How are you amazing?

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Inside Geirs head while on OT 7, part 2

This post is a follow-up to From inside Geirs head while on OT 7 Disclaimer: The following is an excerpt from my thinking while doing OT 7 the second highest level of spiritual counseling in Scientology. This was sometime during 2003. Parts of it differs from my current thinking. This is simply an attempt to give an insight into the mind of one person doing the biggest level of spiritual enhancement within Scientology a level that took me 3,5 years with an average of 4 auditing sessions per day. That must be the third guy just this morning Yes, yes, we all know the drill. Carefully close the door behind me, not rushing it, be proper, take care of the security. OK, I was less than 2 meters inside the door when it closed behind me. Is the guy OK with that? He smiles. Not noting anything on his clipboard. Phew. No visit to the Ethics Officer this morning. But, three guys just this morning checking the security gate into the Solo NOTs area? Three students having had their run-in with ethics and making amends by standing inside the gate checking if any of the other students are security-sloppy just this morning? Ah but uf curz! Its Thursday morning! That explains it its the Thursday 2pm completion race. Ha! Flag is really pumping for production this week. Im glad I never had to do any amends like that checking people passing the gate, checking if all student briefcases inside the gate has both combination locks secured, checking for any other out security like pieces of paper with hints of confidential material lying around. I only had one mishap, and that was on Solo 2, where I left the room for just one second with a piece of paper left on the desk. But that piece of paper didnt really have any confidential material on it. But hey, Im still OK with being slapped with a Condition of Danger for that after all, Solo 2 was all about training a Solo auditor to take the big step onto the OT levels. So, training for the needed high security was quite OK. Alright, waiting. Waiting, waiting, waaaaiting Wheres the Supervisor? Ah, there she comes. Hey guys, let Linda through. Looking stern as usual. Im glad I know to shut my mouth, be nice and follow suit. Into the course room we go. Yep, past the second security door. Into the atmosphere calm, almost serene. Really nice course room. And theres Hkan, the friendliest course Sup. Yeah, Ill stand over there while he does the Roll Call. Geir? Right here! Snap and pop. Roll Call done, time to get the packs out. Cuing. And hurry now, the pack is unmounted and I only have a minute or so to plug the cord from the pack into a socket in one of the tables before the alarm goes off. And that would be a ton of shit hitting every fan in the house.

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What if had taken my cell phone into the course room and taken photos of the confidential material. Hush! Get that thought out right away. But what IF? What if the church went crashing and no one could get hold of the material to audit themselves? A sort of rescue mission for spiritual freedom. Heck, what am I thinking? Any more nonsense like this and it will show up on the e-meter. On the Security Check every six months, they even ask about my intentions regarding keeping the confidentiality of the materials, and having out-security thoughts like this is smelling of danger of long visits to the Ethics Officer, Court of Ethics, Committee of Evidence and whatnot. Maybe even getting barred from completing the OT levels. Forever. That would be worse than someone pulling the trigger with the barrel squarely aimed at my head. At least then I would come back and carry on with a new body. Being barred from doing the OT levels would mean no possible spiritual progress a farewell to spiritual freedom. It would be the perpetual prison forever. Shrug! No, gotta stay in line here. Stay focused. Stay the course. My stints as an OSA operative did show me that there is plenty of material on the Net. But its thwarted, altered, some are mush-mashed into weird shit. And nowhere did I see the holy grail of Solo NOTs the correction list. And without that, I would have been left in the ditch during my first six months of solo auditing the level. And without the whole setup at Flag, with its course room, the Golden Age of Tech drills, the cramming officers, Qualifications division and the e-meter refurbishing what would we do. No, I simply have to support the church, even with all the craziness going on. Its the only way.

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April 2012

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Religions, therapeutic practices or ideologies often base their methodologies on an assumption about what you want to achieve. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam the goal would be to serve God and to have a union with God and to reach Paradise. Nirvana can be seen as a goal of Buddhism, whereas Hinduism promotes four goals. Various branches of psychology serve to work toward less irrationality, less mental suffering or even more obedience. Yoga attempts to let the person become aware of her deepest nature. In Scientology, your goal is to reach total freedom. Other ideology goals can be harmony, enlightenment, awareness, knowledge (as with science) or peace or love. Promoters of a methodology often assumes that you want the goal they want. To a Scientologist disseminating Scientology, it is obvious that you want spiritual freedom, or at the very least that you are determined to increase your potential for survival. To some promoters of harmony, it is obvious that the path lies with looking to attain knowledge, to others the path is obviously tolerance or to yet another it could be you already know, so just know. The point I am getting at is that such assumptions can be dangerous. An assumption about what the person wants can lead him astray from himself. An assumption about what is obviously the best path to a goal that he truly wants can lead him into missed opportunities or even into the woods. Assumptions are the hallmark of failures. What is often missing, is the assessment of what the person himself really, truly wants. And no matter how convinced the therapist, friend or random-person-wanting-to-help is about the obvious goal, it may be completely wrong. Or if the persons goal aligns with a certain methodologys goal, that path may still be the wrong path for that person. Perhaps this could form the basis for an interesting discussion.

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Creating value on this blog

My reasons for blogging are manifold; 1. To get stuff out of my head in order to make room for more stuff in there, 2. to inspire others and create some value for my readers, 3. to remind myself of certain aspects of life (it works best when I write reminders down or say them out loud), 4. or to inspire others to help me (re)form my viewpoints. When I post about geeky stuff like HP calculators, there is usually silence or a handful of comments. When I post about the meaning of life, of beliefs or some such, the comments can stack up beyond a thousand. I try to stay focused on creating some sort of value also during discussions. And sometimes I fail. When I engage myself in arguments to prove another wrong, then I fail. I can come across as hard-nosed and snarky. And I apologize for that. I dont want any of that on my blog. What I want is friendly discussions with good manners, good netiquette. I want to see this blog create value for every reader, every contributor. There are some notable examples of people who contribute great value to this blog, like Maria, Marildi, Dennis, Chris and several other high contributors. You may consider this blog post in the light of points 1 and 3 above.

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I am an unstructured, rather chaotic person. Ideas and thoughts all over the place. I do manage to collect the ideas and bring many to fruition. But the process is often marked by improvisation and experiments. I try, I fail, I succeed, I fall and I get up again. More structured people may find this hard to follow, annoying or even hopeless. Ever since I was a child I have looked at ways to structure my processes. HyperList is a culmination of this efforts, but there have been many more or less structured efforts at collecting my thoughts and ideas into neatness. It is a kind of self-therapy. Maybe that is how many if not the majority of methodologies are created. It has been argued that L. Ron Hubbard created Scientology to handle his own issues. Just like many may opt for studying Psychology to straighten out their own mind. It may reveal a lot about the persons own problems by looking at the methodology he is selling to others. Maybe Christ was insecure about his own faith in God? Maybe Buddha struggled with chock from his first encounter with pain and suffering? Maybe Freud had deep sexual issues? Etc. And precisely because of this one should be well aware of ones own issues, what one wants to handle, if anything, before one adopts a specific path. Maybe a certain path is not the right one for you, or not just now. It may be the right one for its originator. Maybe even for millions of others. But there may be another, better path for you. And if not, then you could just create your own. And when you sell the right path for you to other people, be aware that it may not be what they need or want. I will continue to sell the most eminent descriptive system, HyperList, but I do realize it is not for everyone. Nor is my take on the connection of Will and Reality, or my upcoming work on Anchorbreaking. I believe that no one possess the key to unlock every door. You have in your hand the key to unlock yours. As for my own; I can warmly recommend the book A perfect mess.

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Talk on Scientology
On Saturday 28th (in two days) I will hold a talk at a seminar arranged by one of the larger student societies in Norway. I will take the opportunity to ask for your opinions about what I should cover subjects and angles. And as usual, I will not let the opportunity pass to ask the smartest people I know the readers of this blog. Obviously, I do as I feel like, but you may have some ideas that could make for inspiration. Short notice but: shoot.

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Talk on Scientology summary

A few days ago I posted about the talk I was about to do on Scientology in Trondheim. The talk was yesterday, and heres a short summary. I didnt know much about the context, and I decided to not prepare my talk other than being generally inspired by the comments to the previous blog post. I was pleasantly surprised. With the student society, their 100 year old building, the main event hall build like a circus, the atmosphere, the people. They wanted a different take on Scientology a more open and un-slanted approach than what is usually presented in the media. The girl that first suggested that I should come to the event, Astrid Trondal, is an interesting person -very direct and no fuss. The rest of the directors of the student society very pleasant, open and focused on creating quality events. And then I got to meet professor Asbjrn Dyrendal. Asbjrn is very knowledgeable in areas of new religious movements and conspiracy cultures. He gave me interesting relations between Scientology and other movements with various similarities.

Asbjrn Dyrendal As the event was in the main hall of the students society building, the formality was strict. Asbjrn started with a 20 minute introduction to Scientology. It was pretty spot-on and laid the foundation for my talk, also 20 minutes. I dispensed with some of the formalities by requesting that instead of talking from behind the formal stand, I could use the floor and wave my hands an walk/jump around as I wish. There was probably more than 150 students attending, and from the response it seems they enjoyed the talk I basically told my story into, in and out of Scientology. My main message was that even though I had seen much craziness over the years, my positive gains from Scientology out-weighed it by a large factor that I had spent lots of money on Scientology, and that I would spend it all again, or even the double amount to get the same gains. After a cool artist break (improvisation theater), it was time for the audience to ask questions to Asbjrn and myself. Very intelligent questions, different angles, covering many areas of Scientology from my shift in viewpoint over the years, what is good and what is bad about Scientology and the Church, Scientology and bloated PR, the apparent expansion but factual contraction, how Scientology is viewed in different countries and the various levels of Scientology.

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When one of the attendees asked if the South Park episode on Xenu reflected what parishioners get to learn on OT 3, I answered that yes, its pretty accurate. I didnt hold back or soften anything or beat around the bush. It was straight talk on Scientology. I returned their intellectual honesty with the same. I was asked if people would get the same gains from other practices. I answered that I dont know as I havent done other practices covering the same types of gains. I also made a point that I cannot vouch for any scientific accuracy of Scientology. I can only vouch for what Scientology has done for me. I didnt defend Scientology, nor did I attack it. But I did tell them that they should avoid the church. If they wanted to look into Scientology themselves, they should look outside the Church of Scientology. It was fun, good laughs, inspiring. A great audience. We ended the evening off in the nice student bar with interesting discussions about Scientology, new religious movements, copyrights, patents and free information.

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May 2012

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Random thoughts
Would you rather live tomorrow than be alive today? Strive for better or enjoy what is? Both.
In exploring What and Why One should examine the boundaries Cosmology at the grandest scale Particle physics at the smallest Will

Gdels Incompleteness Theorems may be the most fundamental of truths we know.

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I would rather have the dream than the object

(No post content just the simple message above and an ensuing discussion as usual)

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Transcend Exchange exchange

Noun: 1. An act of giving one thing and receiving another (esp. of the same type or value) in return.

Verb: 1. Be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division). 2. Surpass (a person or an achievement). L. Ron Hubbard stresses the concept of exchange in many of his policy letters. In the policy letter from 1982 titled, Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay, he delineates cllearly his take on four levels of exchange: First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements. Second is the condition of partial exchange. The group takes in orders or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered. This is called short-changing or running into debt in that more and more is owed, in service or goods, by the group. The third condition is the exchange known, legally and in business practice, as fair exchange. One takes in orders and money and delivers exactly what has been ordered. Most successful businesses and activities work on the basis of fair exchange. The fourth condition of exchange is not common but could be called exchange in abundance. Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for. Example: The group has diamonds for sale; an average diamond is ordered; the group delivers a blue-white diamond above average. Also it delivers it promptly and with courtesy. While this sounds well and good, it has dawned on me lately that there is something missing. Perhaps the most important level is missing a level dear to my heart. I would see it as a level above all these four: The transcending of exchange. Its the level of not caring about echange, of giving without thought of reward, of practical karma theory, of give-give-give. This flies in the face of standard operating Scientology where you are taught to get your exchange in and to ensure others get their exchange in, where flows need to be balanced, where one only gives with thought of, or even demand for, reward. Fuck that. Just give. I belive that is the core of life.

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June 2012

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A post containing nothing.

(Even when I posted this without any content, it resulted in a lively discussion)

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Caught by the crowd

As a person starts to write, he may gather an audience. He will then get feedback and he will experience that he creates some value for that audience. He writes more, gets more feedback and so on and so forth. This feedback loop can be a trap. He may continue to write to satisfy his existing audience or his own comfy feeling from the feedback he gets. The writer can get anchored to the audience who got anchored by his early writing. Thus he can get anchored to his own past output, generating a situation where he finds it difficult to change or explore new paths. I am very conscious of this phenomena. And as you may have notices, I went from writing exclusively about Scientology on my earlier blog to writing on other subjects on this blog. I realize that I gathered a sizeable audience when I left the Church of Scientology after 25 active years. The audience grew as I shared my views after I left. But the world has opened up for me. There is so much I want to know, to explore and to share. Scientology went from being a big part of my life to a very small part. My interest went from Scientology to people. I am not quite sure why I write this. Maybe to warn those in my audience only interested in my views on Scientology that there will be less and less of that, perhaps, and perhaps more on other subjects and areas of life. Right now I am getting back into creating music, like I did many ears ago. I will try to not get in a rut and continue to expand and explore, and perhaps with your inspiration, I may explore whole new areas and write about stuff that I never would have thought of before.

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You are beautiful

You have inspired my life, my curiosity, my appetite for knowledge and the urge to seek truth. And the path to knowledge and to truth is as beautiful as you are. You have inspired many to learn and find their own answers in life. Like ripples in water, you have touched countless lives in the past 71 years. The knowledge you have passed on as a teacher has given many children a solid foundation in life. But beyond that, the curiosity you have inspired is priceless. Remember that evening when I was only 8? You pointed to the three stars lined up in the sky and said Look Geir, theres Orions Belt. That moment would change my life forever. It is one of the defining moments in my life, one I will never forget and will forever be thankful for. I keep with me so many memories of inspiration, warmth and joy. The adventures, the laughs, the challenges, life. I am thankful for the past 5 years that we lived together. I am glad now that you passed away at home and in my arms. At least it was swift, and you didnt die alone. It was the most intense moment in my life. I didnt think even for a split second that you would die even as you passed away. That light of yours just wouldnt fade, couldnt fade. You are my mother, you cannot die. Only later did I realize that you actually passed away as I was holding you. But your light will never be extinguished. The image of the lighthouse I dedicate to you, along with a piece of music I put together last night, only hours after you passed away,


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There is a void now. I have no words for what I feel. I miss you more than I could imagine I would do. I promise to at least try to fill the void with some positive energy I promise to inspire others to learn, to be curious and to find their own paths and truths in life. Turid Isene MammaI love you. So much. You will continue to inspire. You are beautiful.

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July 2012

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My current stance on Scientology

With recent events cencerning the subject and the church of Scientology, it seems appropriate to reflect on my current stance on both the suvject and the church. Debbie Cook left the church. Katie broke up with Tom. And now the news that the one and only Mark Schreffler declared independence as a scientologist.These are but three of the many blows that the church of Scientology has suffered in 2012. As you may know, I left the church in 2009 with a 6 page write-up on why I had had enough. Since then I have been exploring life along many avenues. This and my previous blog give a decent picture of my explorations. I even published a book titled Six months in the open to give some kind of insight into one person leaving at the top of the Bridge. When I wrote a blog post titeled, I am not a Scientologist, I got many reactions, even got de-linked on Martys blog. Some thought Oh, finally, Geir has seen the light. Others thought I had gone bonkers. But most people understood the blog post. Still, the picture is not quite descriptive of the present without this post you read now. I will keep it short. I hold conciseness as a virtue. I believe Scientology contains much value in the basic philosophy and in the tools it offers. I owe much to Scientology auditing; Personal integrity, confidence, artistic creativity, calmness, enlightenment, not taking everything so serious in life, enjoying life more fully. The lower Bridge is generally very good. The upper Bridge (OT levels) did me wonders but I belive it handles something different than what L. Ron Hubbard describes in his very dramatic sci-fi way. I owe my surge in communication skills to the communication drills I did in Scientology. I owe my skills as a public speaker also to those drills, as well as to Mark Schreffler the best public speaker I have seen. I know Scientology to give great insight into how reality comes about. I believe that the Tone Scale is a good tool to understand and help others. I find the Admin Scale a great tool to help people get effective in life. The Admin Scale can be improved, something I will cover in an upcoming book. I have seen the Study Tech, although incomplete, do wonders with kids and adults alike. There are many useful tools beyond the above. I think the Ethics Tech is unempathetic and humanly unfriendly. It equates human value to the persons production output. I see the Admin Tech as mostly a disaster responsible for the Orwellian cult called the Church of Scientology. I think it is important that thet human rights abuses in the church get stopped. I believe in Open Sourcing Scientology, to let it evolve. I still want to complete my Ls L10 and L12. I still want to do the old OT levles (4-7). I still use Scientology every day in my life. I also use art, computers, psychology, physics and a lawn mover now and then. I am not a scientologist. Just like I am not an artist, computerist, psychologist, physicist or the lawn mover man. I am a seeker. An explorer of free will. Which is why a rewamped article, On Will is soon finding its way to a blog post near you. If there is anything on the above list that you dont understand, disagree with or want to question feel free to ask.

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Free Will
Finally, after a couple of months of revamping, re-editing and polishing, the article On Will is published in version 2.0. You will find it on as well as right here. Read it. Comment on it. Share it freely. Many changes in the article came about through inspiration from the contributors on this blog such as marildi, Maria, Chris Thompson, 2ndxmr, Brendan, Valkov, Vinaire, Dennis, and many others. I value your input, so feel free to discuss the content or alternative views or give links and pointers to relevant data on free will.

Heres the start of the article: On the subject of choice, there are two options: Either you really have a choice, or the appearance that you may choose is simply an illusion. By choice is meant the possibility of will being exercised. Thus, the subject of choice is strongly related to the subject of free will. Do you really possess free will? Since there are many situations where people seemingly cannot choose what they want, we will refer to free will as meaning potential free will. You either have potential free will or no free will. In the latter case, it should not even be called will as everything is then simply a series of events with no will involved. Let us explore the possibility of no free will: You have no choices; it is all predetermined. Everything is simply a series of events. There is no will involved and everything is determined by the laws of the physical universe. This assertion we label a Physical Theory or an Objective Theory.

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Determinism is a common view among natural scientists and is gaining ground in the general population. In the book A Brief History of Time the astrophysicist Steven Hawking explains it very well: If you know the state of the universe at any given time and all the laws that govern it, you can calculate all consecutive events. You can determine every single motion in the universe at any time. The brilliant French scientist Pierre-Simon Laplace formulated this idea in a paper published in 1814 (eng. 1902): Although it has been proven that such a thought experiment is impossible, that proof still does not disprove the universe as causally deterministic. Many physicists disagree with Laplace in that they assert the possibility of randomness in the universe. Random events would break the prospect of calculating the future. However, such being the case still wouldnt necessarily leave room for any will or real choices. We see that there are two Objective Theories: the Deterministic Model and the model that allows for random events, the Random Model. The Objective Theories are attractive in that they present complete systems within the boundaries of the physical universe without any external influence. The beauty of such a system lies in what it can prove anything physical can be proven in and by the physical universe. The Objective Theories also make the science of physics the ultimate profound science able to explain it all. In the Objective Theories, there is no will that can cause anything. Everything is an effect of an earlier effect or is simply a random event. With no will there is never any purpose behind why something happens. If the worldview of no free will is the truth, it has ramifications into most fields of human endeavor. It most obviously disrupts the field of religion as religions in the main build on the notion of free will and the possibility of choices. But it also disturbs the fields of philosophy, ethics and law. With the removal of the concept of will comes the subtraction of responsibility. Aristotle outlined the essence of responsibility a definition that remains the basis for accountability in our judicial systems: Aristotles discussion is devoted to spelling out the conditions under which it is appropriate to hold a moral agent blameworthy or praiseworthy for some particular action or trait. His general proposal is that one is an apt candidate for praise or blame if and only if the action and/or disposition is voluntary. According to Aristotle, a voluntary action or trait has two distinctive features. First, there is a control condition: the action or trait must have its origin in the agent. That is, it must be up to the agent whether to perform that action or possess the trait it cannot be compelled externally. Second, Aristotle proposes an epistemic condition: the agent must be aware of what it is she is doing or bringing about. There is no accountability for actions if there is no will behind them. There is no one to be held responsible if the person had no choice. Thus, the human systems of law and order are merely illusions as is the apparent drive for happiness or attaining ones goals. All such pursuits are appearances that are bound to happen or that happen by chance. The appearance of choice is an illusion. There is no reason for living. The nullification of responsibility may seem glum to some and a relief to others. But it hardly matters as it either seems that way due to chance, or it was bound to happen. There is no wrongness or rightness in the Objective Theories. There is only isness. In the Objective Theories, there is no real difference between a human, an animal and a well-crafted robot. Artificial intelligence is within reach.

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The physical universe is composed of space, energy, matter and time. Everything within it is governed by its laws, whether the laws allow for random events or not. Therefore, in order for free will to exist, it cannot be governed by the laws of the physical universe. The power of choice must at least in part be separate from the physical universe in some way. And only if it can potentially be completely separate can it potentially be fully free. Free implies free from space, energy, matter and time. It does not suggest that free will is somehow physically located outside the universe as that would still subject the will to physical laws and hence it would not be free. Read the rest of the article.

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Kooks Unite!
When I got into Scientology back in 1984, I was a nerd. I couldnt pick up a girl if my life depended on it. And while my interest in Scientology was initially along the lines of particle physics, it was the communication training that would give me a boost in the right direction. During my first few months in the Scientology organization in Oslo, I noticed that quite a few of the people frequenting there was a bit off not ordinary or normal. Some were right out wirdoes. Like me I guess, so I didnt pay much attention to it. The training went great. There was a few strange situations, like grown ups yelling at eachother and behaving like they never had a real upbringing but these situations were dwarved by my gains from the subject. As time went on, I had more strange and even crazy experiences. One time the Executive Director started spitting in my face. Another time I was yelled at from point blank distance and with full force by the Depyty Commanding Officer for Europe. And I saw others being treated badly. But again, the gain kept mounting and the score card kept going in the positive direction. In 1996 I was asked by OSA (Office of Special Affairs the Church of Scientology intelligence arm) to help them out on the Internet. I was to do research and find information on the main enemies of Scientology and report back to OSA. It was like entering the loony bin. The news group alt.religion.scientology was arift with kooks. The place would give any psychitrist a field day. The fact that the kookiest of them all, Koos Nolst Trenite, had gotten the Kook of the Month Award in 1995 seemed to fit all to well into the picture. But the picture was clearly explained as this snake pit was the result of Suppressive People gathering to destroy my religion. It never really dawned on me that many of the kooks hanging out at ARS had been in Scientology and that many of the weirdities I saw inside the church could well have been equally kooky had they had the freedom to post freely and anonymously on the Net. It also never occured to me how it was that the group with supposedly the best communication training in the world could get itself into such a communication mess as I saw on the Net and also in their handeling of media exposure. As the pressure from Scientology International Management mounted parallelling the contraction of Scientology worldwide, the kookness became ever more present. All the while I was busy justifying that the craziness I saw in Oslo and Copenhagen had to be the lack of training in these lower organizations. My severe reality adjustment came as I met the Church leader, David Miscavige in 2006. The insanity came from the very top. I left the church in 2009 and have been posting and discussing Scientology on various forums, mailing lists and other channels since then like my blogs, the FreeZone and IVY mailing lists, The ESMB and Anon forums, etc. I have also been active in very different arenas such as the EFN (the Norwegian EFF counterpart), the HP calculator Forum, various LinkedIn groups and Facebook groups, etc. When I compare all these arenas with those concerning Scientology (outside or inside the church) there seems to be an overrepresentation of kooks in the world of Scientology. While I remain among the few weird people in those other arenas, I am certainly not in a minority in the Scientology arenas. But beyond the positive quirks or cute eccentricities, what I am targetting here is the inability to treat others with respect, the inability to resolve situations with good communication. So, why is this? Is it because weirdoes get attracted to Scientology, or is it because Scientology produce them? In any case, it seems unlikely that Scientology is able to mitigate the kookiness among its ranks. And that puzzles me. Let an open discussion ensue. No rules. No suspensions. Feel free to pitch in. Al, Dio, Vin, ESMB-ers and normal people alike, let your voice be heard.

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Wing it!
A good friend and a remarkable person, Ole Wiik, told me his motto earlier this year: Practice what you want to get good at. I used to be terrible at talking in front of another person, let alone a crowd of people. Through the communication training in Scientology, I managed to get to the point where I was a successful radio show host. But I didnt want to stop there. Even though the radio show made history in Norway, I wanted to also get good as a public speaker. I went to several of Mark Shrefflers seminars and saw what a really good public speaker could be like. But it wasnt until I actually started doing it, training on it every week that I started to get a hang of it. In the recruitment company I ran in the 90s, we decided I would give a seminar on how to hire people once per week. Early on I decided to not use any aids. No slides. No script. No notes. This was a very conscious decision. I wanted to be able to speak straight off the cuff. Totally improvised in order to tailor the message to the needs of the audience. That way I never had to worry about a computer crash, loosing the script or notes, or that the audience wanting something other than what I had prepared. Lack of preparation was the key. Winging it. First with a lot of personal uncertainty. Like Bambi on the ice. I screwed up, made a fool out of myself. Sometimes mumbling, more often cracking a bad joke. Loosing my train of thought trying to weave a thread with no yarn.

Slowly but surely it started to pay off. The jokes got better, my focus went from how I was doing to what value the audience got, and the audience started recommending the weekly seminars. After a couple of years I felt I could do this in my sleep. Time for new challenges. I started saying Yes! to any invitation to talk in front of people. Seminars on other subjects like astrophysics, communication, leadership, sex, IT and whatever else people wanted me to speak about, talks at weddings, toastmaster, etc. Throwing myself in at the deep end. Much like when I was 10 and my younger friend got me travelling a lift for 13 hours to rid me of my fear of elevators. It culminated a few years ago when I was invited to hold a talk to some 300 students at a university. I decided not to have clue about what I would say until I walked onto the stage. I ended up doing a workshop on how to pick up girls, or boys. It doesnt matter what you want to get good at. Training is the key. When people ask me what to do to become a blogger or writer, I simply tell them to start. By just doing it, winging it, you will get better at it. How good you will become boils down to your desire to get good and your willingness to learn and change along the way. While this blog post is meant for a friend staying at home with a quarrelsome stomach, I hope it can inspire others to get going in a direction they want to master.

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Got something to say?

I am grateful and humbled by the many intelligent and resourceful people following my blog. I have learned much from widely diverging viewpoints and deep discussion since this blog was born two years ago. Thousands of readers and 20000 comments later, I would like to expand the blog to include blog posts by others by guest writers. A few months ago, I decided to let the comments on this blog flow unmoderated. I have also published a few times the writings of others. Now I would like to officially invite you to write on my blog. Maybe you have something on your mind or in your heart that deserves an audience? Maybe putting up a blog is to much fuzz or to much of a commitment. Then you may get an opportunity right here to have your say. I am open for any suggestion anything from philosophy to food recipes to fictional stories or puzzles or, or, or. I cant promise that I will publish it, but I will consider anything seriously. Simply drop me an e-mail at [email protected] Are you game?

Maurice C. Escher my favourite artist

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The hunch and the key

I have a hunch. That the ultimate truth, the secrets of existence, the answers to Life, Universe and Everything is in fact in front of us. Right there, or here, hidden in plain view. For everyone to see and for everyone to understand. That there is perhaps no secret and that the understanding of it all is up for grabs for any and all. My hunch is further that it would only require a certain attitude, a willingness or idea of what to look for or how to really see what is here, there and all around the ultimate understanding of it all. I believe the X-factor, the key, the it is right there on the table in front of you and me a metaphor for within our grasp at every moment. My quest is to find that key.

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Reflections and vacation

Today is July 22nd. Its been one year since the terrorist attacks in Norway, and in commemoration of those tragic events last year, this day has served our nation well. I am proud of my country. Proud that we answered hatred and intolerance with love and compassion. I am proud of our government, our Prime Minister and our Royal Family. They have been excellent leaders both in the aftermath of the event, in the past year and in the many ceremonies and events throughout today. They answer the attack on our democracy with more democracy, more openness, more compassion. I am proud to be Norwegian. I love my country and the people who live here. I went downtown to attend the charity concert outside the City Hall. Many great artists made this an evening to remember. Great and worthy music from Bjrn Eidsvg and Vinni to Karpe Diem, Lillebjrn Nilsen and Laleh. And while speculations went on whether or not he would appear, Bruce Springsteen entered the stage and did a wonderful take on We shall overcome. Big as he is, he didnt overshadow the essence of the concert. With poets reading and with clips of people giving their views and encouragements, it was an event I will remember as long as I live. A couple of days ago I had the purpose of writing a special thought provoking blog post that should spark some interesting discussions. But I decided to let that blog post wait till after my vacation. I am off without a PC, but will occasionally check in to see that all is well among the contributors here. The blog post I had in mind will be published on August 6th if life doesnt take a strange turn. I will be having pure fun with my family, sailing and playing with my kids. We will be having a blast. While Im at it, let me extend my thanks to all my readers and the contributors on this blog. The past couple of weeks have seen some business on this blog with interesting discussions and exchange of views. I love you all, and I value your viewpoints the ones I agree with and the ones I disagree with alike. I learn a lot from all of you. I cherish the fact that you help mold my views and I hope I contribute some value in return. Im not leaving until Tuesday morning, so I will still be around for another day to answer questions or to participate in the many ongoing discussions. But after Tuesday, dont count on me to reply to any communication until Im back. So, for now; .

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August 2012

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Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. - Oscar Wilde

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An epiphany of sorts on help

I have had an interesting discovery about myself recently; Despite the fact that I have received countless hours of help in the form of Scientology counseling since 1984, I have grown increasingly hesitant to receive help from others proportional to how much I have been helping other people in my life. The more help I give and the more I listen to others with issues at hand and the more I give advice, the less easy it becomes to accept others helping me. Its like my mission in life has become so focused on helping others that it feels awkward to have that flow reversed. The support I offer is mostly very practical and very direct both in business and for interesting individuals. It ranges from coaching individuals to success, coaching teams to perform at their best and organizations to break important barriers. I am very lucky to be able to do this together with Brendan in our new company. But as my focus on helping others sharpens, my acceptance for others helping me seems to dull. This is something I have to work on to be as open to others supporting me as I am eager to support others. I dont have any specific reason for sharing this, and Im not particularly trying to rally any discussion. But it does feel nice to be able to let others in on my inner thoughts.

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What culture does it foster?

ITIL is lacking in people-focus. PRINCE2 is lacking in creativity, LEAN is missing out on innovation, and Scientology management philosophy (LRH admin tech) is lacking in compassion. Objection! ITIL talks about people, and that people are a core asset to any organization. PRINCE2 certainly inspires creative projects to be more successful. LEAN is stressing innovation through continual improvement. And L. Ron Hubbard covers the concept of affinity and also compassion in several places like the policy on the model hat of an executive. All true. But a grape in an apple pie does not make it grape pie. And a mention of love does not make Anders Behring Breivik a loving person. Because it is not what a subject happens to cover. It is what it predominantly covers. One has to look at the whole picture and see what the major portions are dealing with. The major parts of a subject marginalizes the parts that happens to be included. The intentions behind a subject is made evident by the major focuses of that subject. And that is the culture it fosters. Scientology management philosophy fosters robotic and militant obedience to policy. LEAN fosters blinders and a squeezed organization, PRINCE2 fosters bureaucracy and ITIL fosters red tape through process compliance. None of them makes for an inspiring, creative and people-focused organization. Because even though these concepts are mentioned, they are dwarfed by the major parts that focus on hard and cold values of yestercentury. It seems that most organizational frameworks are created as a substitute for more directly handling the problems of responsibility and communication between people. This is not say that all such frameworks are useless. They may very well contain useful tools. But organizational frameworks will always be inferior to human attention, a warm heart and a hug. In the spirit of strict policy:

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Thursday and Friday I had the pleasure to visit Vega a beautiful island off the coast of Helgeland in the northern part of Norway. The nature is stunning, but even above that the food we got at Vega Havhotell was the best Ive ever had.

Brendan and I was invited by the amazing Per Ulrik Arntsen to speak at the itSMF conferance. Brendan did some out-of-the-box stuff and ended up getting the whole audience sing along with an off-the-wall song, while I jumped around and covered the importance of communication.

We stayed at a nice hotel run by a warm and energetic couple. Anna is funny and very service minded. Jon is very direct, funny and an excellent cook. He makes all the food from fresh local ingredients. The dinner we got was legendary, and the talk Jon gave before we got the food set a new standard for how to treat customers. I hope to record an interview with Jon one day so that many more people can get to experience his no-compromise attitude toward service.

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All-in-all it was a very memorable trip. Ill be back there in the not unforeseeable future. If you ever visit Norway, make an effort to drop by Vega. Youll be blown away.

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September 2012

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Holy crap! That cant be possible! The car was heading for disaster at 170 km/h. The space between the two cars in front of us was surely not enough for this cab to squeeze through. Three lanes wide. Three cars driving at perhaps 80 km/h. And here we were coming up at more than twice their speed. I could be freaking out. Instead I reached for the safety belt. Slowly. I didnt want to offend the taxi driver. I was part terrified, part determined to put on the safety belt unnoticed before I could brace for impact. Woosh! Like a baby squeezed through a tiny opening at birth, with a few centimeters to spare at each side, and with the the driver whistling a funny tune while he turned around wondering if I said something to him. My lips had let out a tiny squeak, and he wondered if enjoyed the scenery. Scenery? What scenery. I was close to shitting my pants and he was looking at me and the mountains. Look at the fuckin road. Now what?? Off the road? This time there was no space in between the car in front. So this bat shit taxi driver decides to pass on the outside of the road at 150. Gravel, sand and dust everywhere and again woosh! We were back on the road. The only thing that indicated that this driver was not acting on his death wish was his relaxed and jolly whistling. In between the death defying stunts I got around to ask him How long have you been driving a cab?. In Greek-English he revealed that he had been driving since 32 years and with only 1 or 2 weeks of vacation each year. And 7 days per week no less and some 14 hours each day. Sure to offend the guy, my lips formulated a rude question before I could swallow the words Is this how you usually drive?. Sure he answered unaffected in between the funny tunes. I started calculating 14 hours times 7 days equal 98 hours. Times 48 weeks or so becomes 4700, times 32 years is more than 150000 hours of driving like mad. And with less than two hours from Athens to Poros, my chance of dying on this trip is less than 1 over 75000. I am safe! The maths got to me and I immediately decided to relax and enjoy the ride like it would have been in an amusement park. Then it dawned on me this guy is displaying a degree of trust like Ive never seen before. Not just in his own abilities as a driver but in all the other drivers on the road. From then on I was enjoying the scenery, the ride and the admiration of this cab drivers display of trust.

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I get the ball, I pass the ball.

Perhaps the best midfielder in the world, Xavi, explains how he and Barcelona is so successful in the game of soccer: I get the ball, I pass the ball. I get the ball, I pass the ball. I use his quote to make business people understand what 100% responsibility, simplicity and immediate relevance is all about. It is a simple enough statement, but it is only immediately relevant in business when you understand the meaning of the two operative words get and pass. Xavi didnt say I happen to get the ball, I get rid of the ball. The ball got to me, I kick it somewhere.

Lets take a look at the definitions of those words. From Mirriam Websters: Get: To gain possession of, to seek out and obtain. To get the ball means to seek out and obtain and gain possession of the ball. It is a causative action the player takes 100% responsibility for the input getting the ball under his control. And for the sports definition of pass, we turn to Wiktionary: Pass: The act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another. To pass the ball is to take 100% responsibility for the output that the ball passes from ones own control to that of a teammate. This is the essence of the article titled Processes, automation and human potential. It is a simple concept and very visible when it fails or succeeds in soccer. But oh so difficult to get people to understand and practice in the business world. One doesnt just sit around and wait for the input, one obtains the input needed to produce value in ones job. One takes 100% responsibility for getting what one needs in order to deliver what is expected. And 100% responsibility means no blame, shame or regret only that one gets the needed input. And one doesnt just pass off any package out of ones area of responsibility. One ensures the customer really gets the value expected, or better. The customer is the recipient of the value one creates. whether internal or external to the company. This is all about 100% responsibility. And it is simple thats why it works so well. And it is immediately relevant. Even in the family, among friends or in business. Xavi really gets it, and hes the best.

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A tool is any aid to accomplish a task. From a hammer, drill, robot or car to a process, method, equation or your own mind. A plan, a preconceived idea or an expectation are also tools. As long as a toll remains under your control, youre fine. But when the tools start running you, responsibility and control suffers. Lets kick this off with the dictionary definition of tool:

TOOL (Mirram Webster) 1 a : a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task b (1) : the cutting or shaping part in a machine or machine tool (2) : a machine for shaping metal : machine tool 2 a : something (as an instrument or apparatus) used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation or profession [a scholar's books are his tools] b : an element of a computer program (as a graphics application) that activates and controls a particular function [a drawing tool] c : a means to an end [a book's cover can be a marketing tool] d often vulgar : penis 3 : one that is used or manipulated by another 4 plural : natural ability [has all the tools to be a great pitcher] Origin of TOOL: Middle English, from Old English "tl"; akin to Old English "tawian" to prepare for use more at "taw". First Known Use: before 12th century Lets focus on definitions 2a and 2c here. I could go on and on explaining the usefulness or necessity of tools, the joy of my tools (HyperList, my HP calculators, my PC, my mind and my penis), or the troubles that ensue when your tools starts taking over. I could explain how troubles in life most often come about when your mind starts running the show, rather than you remaining in control (the essence of irrational behavior). I could point to the article Processes, Automation and Human Potential, and show that automation must remain under someones responsibility, lest it will bereft the user of will. Etc.

From Independent Scientologist to just me ( But for the sake of succinctness, I will leave you with a scale of free will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No Tools No tools needed Tools used freely Tools used compulsively Tools needed Automation Only tools

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When you are in prison, you are at level 5 or 6 the effect of tools (the prison system). When you are scared shitless of a spider on the floor, you are likewise at level 5 or 6 as your mind has taken over the control. When you use a calculator to figure out an answer, you are on level 2, 3, 4 or 5 depending on whether you could have gotten the answer without the calculator. When you use a slide show in a presentation levels 2-5, unless you have no choice at all as when your boss has ordered you to run those exact slides (then you would perhaps serve at level 6). When a process or method or ideology becomes more important than the result it aims to achieve, you operate at a level below 3. In different areas of life and at different times, we are operating at different levels on this scale. Our need for tools depends on our inherent abilities, our confidence and our love of the tools we use. Of course, tools are part of any game. To master a game, you must master the tools, and that implies being able to use the tools freely, if at all. When you are struggling in a game, you are struggling with the tools, you are unable to use them freely. And that includes your mind. Personally, I am on a quest to nudge myself towards the top of the scale on most any area of life (except for my HP calculators). It seems to me that freedom is gained through regaining the ability to freely use the tools in a game, and by the subsequent shedding of the tools involved.

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Whats with the fuckin drama?

Ten years ago my youngest son was three and sitting besides me in the front of the car on his little baby-seat. I was 20 minutes late for an important presentation for 12 eagerly awaiting important people. My phone was dead and I couldnt call in to say I was late. I was running 5 red lights in a row, teaching my son a few swear words in the process. When I got to the final intersection, there were three cars in front waiting on a green light! The light was fuckin green and they werent moving. I was honking the horn and about to decide to freak out when my son looked at me calmly and said: Daddy, this is no crisis. All my stress inflated like air from a balloon. My body and mind went instantly calm as I turned my head to him and said You are absolutely right this is no crisis. I chilled, ran the car in second gear, whistled a tune, had fun with my kid, parked the car, walked jolly and unseriously into the meeting and completely rocked the room by relating my newfound knowledge. Delivered to me by my son no less. A lesson that has served me well ever since. Ive told this story before, but its worth repeating. Nowadays I look at the apparently serious and critical situations that seems to abound. When people write to me in fits over something, when business people tie themselves into a not over details, when everyday situations gets the better of stressed-out individuals. I curiously watch when this happens to me. And then I remember my sons words and decides to instantly chill. The drama is very seldom warranted. This is no crisis.

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Being generous. Giving without thought of reward. But giving. Every person is an adventure. Of endless possibilities. And everything is possible. Chill. No Blame, Shame or Regret. Whats done is gone. These are my aspirations. I believe being generous is the most important.

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Bill & Davids garage rules

Most readers of my blog knows about my passion for HP calculators. But you may not know the reasons why. First of all its about exploring new mathematics. Secondly, the old programmable calculators offer the most easily accessible environment for programming the calculators are small and with a push of a button, you can start programming away. Thirdly, its the sturdy design and craftsmanship and the constant innovation that used to be the hallmark of HP. The very essence of Old Hewlett Packard is captured in the rules that Bill Hewlett and David Packard put up on the wall in the their first office space a garage: Believe you can change the world. Work quickly, keep the tools unlocked, work whenever. Know when to work alone and when to work together. Share tools, ideas. Trust your colleagues. No Politics. No bureaucracy. (These are ridiculous in a garage.) The customer defines a job well done. Radical ideas are not bad ideas. Invent different ways of working. Make a contribution every day. If it doesnt contribute, it doesnt leave the garage. Believe that together we can do anything. Invent.

That mindset formed the foundation of what came to be one of the most successful technology companies. These days, we find tech businesses more focused on focus than innovation. More focused on regulating people than encouraging them. And more driven by profit than their heart. One day I will implement this mind set in an modern technology company. I will keep you posted.

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Try this
Go to work and let go of plans and focus for the day. Do something at work that you feel is fun and that contributes right now. Be alert to hidden opportunities and grab a fun one when it arises. Practice less focus for this one day, and see what happens.

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Discussions on the Net

I am sitting in a relaxing chair in one of my favorite places (Tehuset i Lillegrensen), contemplating three years of actively discussing on the Internet. Enjoying a cup of Chocolate Mint Tea, I write my current conclusion: Internet discussions are generally unproductive. They most often serve to solidify the viewpoints and opinions of a debater. When faced with opposing views, a debater will usually come up with increasingly strong and intelligent ways to defend his own regardless of the value or rightness of those views. Discussions tend to be an exercise in rightness rather than a way to mold and morph and inspire ones opinions, beliefs, trusts and outlook. Want to discuss this? Lets meet over a cup of tea.

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October 2012

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Two small epiphanies

I just understand this: The flower of hope blossoms in the meadow of doubt. and Heaven is now. Hell is then.

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Scientology in use
I recently got an interesting e-mail from one of the readers of this blog and asked her permission to post it here. It relates to a blog posts I wrote some time ago I am not a Scientologist. Marianne has some good points: Hello Geir, I have been avidly reading your blogs (both of them) and many of the postings on the you started. Thanks for doing all that work over the years. As I read through the various materials on your site and then began reading Martys Rathbuns blog, I had quite an epiphany, which I think is very much related to your concepts on tools and how you regard Scientology. I posted it on Martys blog on a thread announcing the new website. I wanted to send it to you rather than post it on your current blog because it appears that you are pretty much moving on good for you!! Its a beautiful website, carefully thought out and written. (referring to the new website) I would love to see an addition to the information about Scientology, something I have found to be very true in my life. Scientology is something I USE. I also USE my education. I also USE my mind. I also USE my body. I also USE my attitude. I also USE my countrys constitution. I also USE communication and CREATIVITY. I am none of the above, for these are all things one does, not what one is. I often see this on this blog, this effort to label someone as a true Scientologist or a false Scientologist. And depending on which SIDE one is on we get the labels: A squirrel. An apostate. A sociopath. And so on. If I have an identity at all, it is citizen of the universe. I have found it fruitful to expand my view. Citizen: A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place. This is from the 1953 Websters College Edition: Civilize: 1. To bring out of a condition of savagery or barbarism; instruct in the ways of an advanced society. 2. Cultured and courteous; refine. I was hoping so much that there would be a return to the concept of Scientology is for USE. By ANYONE, Scientologist or NOT, who cares to learn it and learn it well. I was hoping there would be a return to the principle that it is NON-DENOMINATIONAL and available to all of good will, with no one demanding that one BECOME A SCIENTOLOGIST, in effect or in reality denouncing ones existing affiliations / membership. It was the basis on which I first took up Scientology training. I was told that it was perfectly OK that I was a Buddhist. No need to turn my back on my love and joy and experiences and my group. But it turned out that it wasnt true, and more and more I found myself being pressured to denounce Buddhism in favor of Scientology, to declare myself a Scientologist. I have long reflected on all this since I walked out of the CHURCH of Scientology. All these labels obscure the truth. These labels are all based on exclusion. Someone is not good enough, is awful, is detestable, is this and that and judge and judge and judge and judge. Ive had a belly full of this. Dont you think its time to end this unworkable way of teaching Scientology auditing?

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Make it safe and make it acceptable for the Rabbi in the synagogue to USE Scientology auditing. He can still be a Rabbi a Rabbi who is a trained auditor. He does not have to BECOME A SCIENTOLOGIST. He can even deliver deliver auditing without calling himself an auditor, let alone a Scientologist. One who USES auditing to assist others. The same for the Christian minister. It should be safe and acceptable for him to use Scientology. He does not have to become a Scientologist to do this. If Scientology is offered identity free then it will be freely used, by everyone, not just by those who are willing to forswear their original allegiances to become a new identity. Even more fascinating, there were only two responses to my post, and one of them crystallized the epiphany for me. The person said: Youre right. At some point it was not enough to be a student, to be a pc. That was the point when Scientology became a cult. Anyway, I am writing to you about this because I really felt that I got to know you through all the many things you have written and your tolerance towards others who have shared their ideas and disagreements and so on throughout the last couple of years. Thank you! Marianne

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Amazing person: Brendan Martin

The first time I saw Brendan, he was busy entertaining a whole school yard full of kids and parents. With three torches flying and a burning bicycle balancing on his head, the crowd was cheering and having great fun. So I decided to hire him. The best recruitment I ever did out of more than 2000 recruitments over the years.

Its hard to do Brendan justice through a simple blog post like this. He is the one person I know that can deliver just about anything. Whatever he sets out to do, he can get it done from running the half marathon remarkably fast, beating the crap out of me on the pool table, mastering golf and becoming the best foosball player in Norway to consistently creating value in business projects. Brendan is the most direct and honest person I have met. He would tell the President of the United States exactly what he thinks with no holds barred. In a war, he is the one I would want to have as my wing man. I am honored to share my workday with Brendan and because of that I now call it my playday. His childhood was remarkable, being the son of Romeo and Juliet with one family high on the Unionist side and the other at the top of the IRA. He has learned a lot in his life but more importantly, he can teach and inspire others. Being a Montessori teacher and a prize winning instructor of business courses, he can spell-bind an audience and get them to get it. Whatever it is. I am personally on a quest for less security, certainty, comfort and solidity in life. And with Brendan as a partner, theres always a surprise lurking. Surprises can be found over at his blog. This marks the start of a new series of posts on this blog. More amazing people to come.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Amazing person: David Miscavige

Although I have written about my meeting with the leader of the Church of Scientology before, this time I will relate why I think he is an amazing person. In 2006, only two weeks after I attested to the highest OT level yet released, I was back aboard the Freewinds attending the annual Maiden Voyage events.

It was on the night of the photo shoots. I was standing outside the Heritage restaurant with two fellow OT VIIIs from Sweden. All the OT VIIIs were appointed OT Ambassadors and were to be photographed together with Miscavige, country by country. There were only two OT Ambassadors from Sweden and only me from the Land of Santa. The swedes tried to include me in a virtual group of Scandinavians, but I naturally declined. The union between Sweden and Norway had been broken 101 years before. Nope, I was representing my own country. It would be DM and me in the photo. The swedes were first and just as they were to enter the doors to the restaurant, they said they would tell the Chairman of the Board that I should be the next Executive Director of the CoS Oslo, the Oslo Org. They had taken responsibility for Stockholm as the executives of that Org. Now they figured it was my turn to boom Olso Org. I laughed and told them to knock it off. My turn to enter the restaurant. I couldnt have been standing there for more than a few minutes before I could hear his voice loud and clear: Wheres the guy from Oslo? I responded Here, sir, and with no delay he was about to shake my hand when he said So youre the new ED of Oslo Org. Congratulations!. I was puzzled and said No sir, that is not my game.. He pushed on But what could be a better game?. I tried to explain. He pushed on. He wanted me to accept the position right there and then.

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I realized that I had met the most energetic, intense and powerful person ever in my life. His eyes were focused, his intentions clear he wanted a product, a result right there and then. With unparalleled presence and with really owning the room and commanding his environment, he showed determination like Id never seen. David showed great charisma and he was funny like hell. I was laughing all through the photo shoot. And while joyful and funny, he never lost sight of the target to recruit me as the next ED of the Church of Scientology in Oslo. He ensured his juniors got my details and that I was followed up to realize this result he had in no uncertain terms demanded of me. I was impressed by his neatness, his elegance, yet powerful and determined while remaining playful and funny. I will never forget that evening in June 6 years ago. I learned a lot from that meeting.

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Amazing persons: My boys

Three in one: Niklas, Jonatan and Benjamin my three sons. I wont go into why each of them are amazing, but relate why they all are the most amazing persons in my life. Not just because theyre my kids, but because I learn the most in life from these three unique individuals. They show me the real meanings of life. They show me the value of empathy, of love, of affection. And they challenge me intellectually like nobody else. When questions like Daddy, do you believe in reality? or queries about parallelisms between dreams and reality come up, I am challenged to explain complex physical and philosophical concepts in really simple terms. This has been immensely valuable as I have come to understand the real power of simplicity. If I cannot explain a concept such as quantum mechanics so that a 10-year-old can understand it, I have not myself sufficient understanding of it. I always seek to understand subjects, ideas, methods and results to the degree that I can make it simple enough for a boy to get it. They have taught me why we should have just simple and few rules in life. They give me ratings as a dad, correct my deliveries to them, and ask me about my inner thoughts. They inspire life in me and demand that I improve. Ever since Niklas was 1, some 12 years ago, I have been telling a bedtime story. Or rather, its an interactive play where the boys live in a fantasy world with elves, dragons, witches, good and bad. They go on adventures, turn black witches into white, save villages, draw alliances for the king, fall in love, assist in battles and live life to the fullest. They learn to handle difficult social situations, do math equations and much more. To enter into an inner sanctuary, Niklas had to solve the equation 2X 1 = 11 when he was six. And the other two boys does similar tasks suitable for their ages. They drive my creativity by demanding more and better game play. And they return the flow by relating stories and interactive plays on their own. I am honored to be their father. Nothing in my life is more important than my amazing boys. I will continue to inspire them as they do me.

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Amazing person: YOU

Because you are awesome. You do possess amazing qualities and you can shine. It is easy to forget, to get the idea that you are less than amazing, to agree that perhaps you are not that good. One of my sons came to me the other day and told me that another boy had hurt his feelings at school. I asked him who held the key to his emotions. He looked at me and said I do. I replied But this time you gave it away to that other kid. Yeah. I asked Should you take it back?. He nodded and smiled. Back to his usual amazing self. Try this: Every evening find something that day that proved you are an amazing person. It doesnt have to be big or profound. It can be that you really listened to another, were there 100% for the kids, helped another, lifted a friend or inspired another person. All of those are truly amazing actions if you really think about it. Its all too easy to focus on whats lacking, whats wrong or what should be better. When you start focusing on whats right, whats good or amazing, something magical occurs. I have written a series of Amazing person blog post. And it never occurred to me that something truly magical would happen in my life. But it did. And I am now pretty sure that there was a connection between me opening up my eyes for the amazingess in other people to what has recently happened. I will not yet relate what it is. All in due time. But I will tell you this: If you grab this torch and start writing about amazing people in your life, I bet there is a good chance that you will start to change. And perhaps that change will startle you. I will write about other amazing people in the future, but right now I have reached a good point where it is time to let some other ideas, thoughts and emotions get some space on this blog. May you understand how amazing you truly are.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Loss, learning and gain

To quote my good friend Ole Wiik: Practice what you want to get good at. I used get worked up about losses in life. I didnt handle them all that well. That started to change when I did the Scientology levels OT 7 & 8. But I didnt really get to practice my ability to loose without being stressed out, until this year. I learned a lot from loosing my mother. A couple of weeks ago I got to practice loosing yet again when it was clear that my marriage was over. The next week I lost some USD 300K when the new owners of FreeCode had managed to drive the company into the ground. After loosing my mother, my wife, 50% of the time with my kids and a future with my family, the loss of money was really nothing at all. When I sat there contemplating lifes recent events, I realized something profound; I needed to practice loosing in order to prepare myself for death. Now this may sound overly dramatic or even depressed. But its not. It was a really upbeat epiphany. When you die, you loose almost everything your body and identity, your family, friends, your stuff, social connections, HP-calculators, and the list goes on. I imagine most people are not fully prepared for that moment when their body finally yields. I certainly was not. But practice makes perfect, and I am determined to be good at all parts of living, including the final moment. So, I welcome these recent losses. It makes for great practice. What OT 8 did for me was to unstuck me from my past. No more shame, blame or regret. No more grumbling on what I should have done or what could have been done. Whats done is gone. That prepared me for this years practice in being good even at loosing. But what do you know, it also improved my ability to win. When I am fully able to loose, I am fully able to win. And vice versa. I will add that I have the deepest respect for Katrine. She is a wonderful woman, highly able and truly amazing. I was hesitant to include her in the Amazing person blog post series as I didnt want to reveal anything about our divorce before we decided it was OK. Katrine is a fantastic mother, a highly effective business woman, extremely productive and inspiring to all those who are lucky to meet her. But working together and working very hard during the last few years did take its toll. Love died and it is time to move on. We remain the best of friends. During my 20 years of relationship with my wife, I apparently got quite good at sending fuck off-signals to other prospecting women. As the word got out that I was divorcing, several prospects got in contact. However, I was adamant at being single for a year or so. I alluded to something a couple of blog posts ago: I have written a series of Amazing person blog post. And it never occurred to me that something truly magical would happen in my life. But it did. And I am now pretty sure that there was a connection between me opening up my eyes for the amazingness in other people to what has recently happened. I will not yet relate what it is. All in due time. Time to reveal a bit more. Scientology counseling helped me to really sharpen my focus and decision skills. To the point where decisions take no time and actions are completed without fuss. I got very A to B. So when a truly amazing person, whom I have known for some time contacted me in a very direct manner, I was taken off guard. Then I got struck by lightning. Then it was done. To illustrate a contrast in my life, let me show you two poems. I wrote this first one two months ago:

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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In the comfort of HyperList and programming philosophy and finding the way to truth away from awkward social situations but seeking the thrill of them but still Comfy and cozy even with love as void missing compassion and passion from a companion but appreciating the appreciation from the many friends are important, then. Brendan the most Music and art fills a void helping someone fills it even more but not completely, as loneliness is often nice calm in my own solitude though that cannot be all Emotions and tears and a sigh of relief sometimes nature does wonders, the stars always do I can have the space, the energy, but time not so much there is still time to find all the answers I seek. The second one I wrote two days ago: A bond beyond what I could have hoped for This is true love to the core #brilliant #honest #kickass #smart Your courage and affection struck right to my heart #breathless #whimsical #oncloud9 Taking life in anew, you make me shine #warm #emotional #soulmate #near I love when you shine, bright and clear #commitment #loyalty #strength I will support you - to any length I see you. I feel you I trust you and love you Time is merely a consideration. The above is an example of what scientologists call Tone 40. Funny how life turns and is turned. Interesting how practice makes perfect. And good to know that one can be at cause and then cause life to be filled with joy. Peace.

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December 2012

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Despite the daze and haze of true love, I will be peeking through here to relate some thoughts that have popped into my mind of late. I am happier now than anytime I can remember. It is interesting what effects true love and true happiness generate. I follow the flow and all things life seem to fall neatly into place. After Anette and I broke the news of our relationship on Facebook, many of Anettes Scientology friends showed an uninspiring lack of integrity. With the Scientology Inquisition looming, many decided they would rather lower themselves to the level of fear and yield to the Churchs disconnection policy than stand their ground as true friends. As a side not, let me paraphrase the Wikipedia article on the Inquisition: The Inquisition (Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis; Inquiry on Heretical Perversity), is a practice within the justice system of the Church of Scientology whose aim is to fight against heretics. It started in the 1960s Central Organizations to persecute heresy, and was later expanded to all Scientology related organizations. Inquisition practices are used also on offences against the Command Intention of Dear Leader David Miscavige other than heresy against the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. Comments kept popping in via Facebook, e-mail or other channels. Lots of support, but also several instant reality rejections from True Scientologists. This puzzles me. With the Scientology Technology teaching tolerance of others views (the ARC triangle), it is rather surprising that I can see no improvement in the people having studied Scientology over those who have not. It seems a human trait to often instantly reject realities that opposes ones own. But students of Scientology display no more tolerance of others views than the general population. It matters not whether the students are within the ranks of the Church or outside in the Independent field. I cannot frankly see any real difference in tolerance between scientologists and those who are not. How come?

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Amazing person: Anette Iren Johansen

Warm and with lots of empathy. Tough as a nail. And the smartest woman Ive met. Anette Iren Johansen is remarkably issueless, rational and perceptive. She is able to view situations and people from funny, interesting and enlightening angles. Outside the box. Challenging the status quo. Creative and skillful. Fluent in many languages, plays several musical instruments, knows how to juggle, skate, dance, a master chef, mastering natural sciences you name it. A nerd in disguise. Whatever tickles her fancy she becomes really good at. If you have followed my latest blog posts, you may think I hold these views of Anette because I am in love. But no, I am in love because of these qualities she possesses.

Ever since I left the Church of Scientology (CoS) three years ago, my interest in that organization has been waning to the point where I couldnt care a toss about that organization. Having learned about the horrors that my girlfriend has experienced, it makes it easy to become passionate about removing the Church of Scientology from the face of the earth. OSA; duck for cover. I got it from CoS circles that I am now labeled the greatest threat to Scientology in the whole of Europe. OSA should reserve that position for another with far more knowledge and proof of the crimes of the Church than myself. Intimidating the powergirl may not be thy wisest move. The future is bright, bold and adventurous. People will be inspired and helped, You will learn to know Anette as the powergirl she is.

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OT 8
My main philosophical realization in life is that I am ultimately responsible for all my experiences. It is one thing to realize this and another to live it. I got to live that realization after I completed the spiritual level called OT 8 in Scientology. I will relate here how I came to that conclusion in life by first taking you through a quick overview of the levels of Scientology as taught by L. Ron Hubbard. Then I will give my own understanding of these spiritual levels and why they gave me great personal gains. My understanding of why they work is quite different from reasons given in Scientology.

The spiritual levels of Scientology are lined up one after the other on what is termed The Bridge to Total Freedom. The lowest part of the Bridge comprises some fundamental introductory levels that starts with cleaning up the body through a vitamin and sauna regimen called the Purification Rundown. Then you start the mental and spiritual counseling through levels that seek to help you get more focused in present time, get rid of the mental after-effects of drugs, and improving your memory through exercises in recalling past moments. Then you start the Grades; Grade 0 releases a person to become free on the subject of communication. Grade 1 releases a person on the subject of problems. Grade 2 cleans up bad conscience. Grade 3 tackles your past losses while Grade 4 rids you of fixed ideas that hampers your life. When I had done the Grades, I felt really alive light and unhindered in life. After the grades, you get to tackle the Reactive Mind as delineated by Hubbard in the book that started it all Dianetics. Past trauma are inspected to the point where such dramatic experiences no longer have power over you leaving you at a state called Clear.

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From the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear, you receive counseling (called auditing in Scientology) by a trained counselor (auditor). After the state of Clear, you embark upon a set of three levels where you do the auditing by yourself solo auditing. You get prepared and trained to start on the first of the OT levels. OT stands for Operating Thetan it is where the Thetan (the spirit, the individual, the core of self) learns how to operate as a spiritual being. The goal as laid out by LRH is a being that can operate freely, independent of a body and with full spiritual powers. On OT 1 you learn that you are able to positively affect others at a distance by cleaning up issues others have with you. On OT 2 you run out mental charge (issues, tension) that you have on a large set of dichotomies such as I should create I shouldnt create or I do remember I dont remember. You run out any charge on these until any such mental tension is flat or gone. Then you start on the (in)famous OT 3. Each of the OT levels 1-3 have two parts one theory part where you learn the background and procedures, and the other part where you do the procedures as solo auditing. The OT 3 theory is the most ridiculed part of the Scientology teachings. This is where LRH tells the story of 75 million years ago when the galactic overlord Xenu gathered billions of people from overpopulated planets, shipping them to earth and blowing them up with nuclear bombs in volcanoes. Then the spirits of these poor people were implanted (brainwashed) with images and dichotomies and mental issues. Most became so degraded that they could no longer operate a body and instead sticking to other beings that were capable of running bodies. These degraded beings, called body thetans by Hubbard thusly infest every person on earth today. That includes you until you have completed OT 7 where you rid yourself of the last infesting body thetan. It is not a new concept that people are possessed by lesser spirits, and are in need of exorcism techniques in order to become clean. Originally LRH thought that completing OT 3 would leave a person free of lesser entities (body thetans). Before the early 80s those who had completed OT 3 would go on to the old OT levels 4-7 where they would start practicing spiritual abilities such as telepathy and exteriorization (the spirit going outside the body). But Hubbard got the realization that OT 3 was not the end-all of infesting entities. Many were so dormant and hard to contact that they needed other techniques in order to wake them up and make them free to fly off and take on a body of their own (if they so wish). The old OT levels simply vanished from the Bridge without any explanation. On OT 4 you wake up and run out/off body thetans that are dormant and buried under old effects of drugs. On OT 5 you get to learn a whole new technique where you contact the most dormant of beings, wake them up, ask What are you? until they give you the answer to what they are being (can be anything from an arm or an idea to the Sun or a shy being). Then you ask them Who are you? until they get the epiphany that they are themselves (answering me to the question). OT 4 and 5 are not run solo. You are given these two levels in a session with an auditor running the processes on you and you run them on each being that you contact. On OT 6 you learn how to do the OT 5 techniques solo so you can run out the remaining body thetans yourself in solo sessions. Hubbard teaches that a Clear can still get mental issues but these issues are served him by body thetans that themselves are not Clear. Most people spend a few years with 4-6 solo auditing sessions every day to exorcise the remaining spirits attached to them. When there are no more to be found, you are given a thorough check to verify that you are indeed complete, and you are allowed to attest as an OT 7 completion. Then you are off to the Caribbean to do OT 8 on board the Scientology ship Freewinds.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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OT 8 is the highest spiritual level delivered in the Church of Scientology. There are rumored to be more OT levels above, but that remains speculation. OT 8 is a short level, usually taking about a week to complete. In the theory part you learn that many of your memories of past lives that has come up in earlier auditing sessions are in fact not your memories. Most are memories served to you by body thetans having had those experiences. On OT 8 you do an auditing procedure that let you sift out which past life memories are yours and which are from other beings. The end result is that you learn who you have not been and that you are ready to learn who you have been (presumably on the next level or so). There you have it a quick introduction to the Scientology Bridge to Total Freedom as taught by L. Ron Hubbard. My own view is this: The lower Bridge up to Clear runs nicely and for the reasons Hubbard gives. When one is Clear, one stops creating, in present time, past trauma. By not continually creating such mental issues, you are no longer the adverse effect of those dramatic experiences. OT 1 runs as taught and for the reasons given in the theory. OT 2 resolves a persons hang-ups on dichotomies in life. I do not care if the theory behind it about past life implants are correct or not. What I know is that I became very relaxed about contending thoughts and ideas in life. I do not believe the OT 3 theory to be correct, or that one is in fact running out separate beings (body thetans) on OT 3-7. I believe what you run out is your own past viewpoints that you no longer take responsibility for. I believe that everyone have old viewpoints or roles that one is in present time distancing oneself from. By continually creating those viewpoints and separating them from oneself, one becomes less whole as a being. The solution is to take full responsibility for all ones viewpoints and roles and retain those which serves one well in present time. When one asks the question Who are you? to such a viewpoint on OT 5-7, one is seeking to realize that the viewpoint is in fact oneself hence one answers me to the question. It is not a me from another person that answers the question, it is ones own realization that the viewpoint is me. Ones old viewpoints comes under ones own control and responsibility. That one is not running out and blowing off thousands of separate beings solves the conundrum that there are no verified records of any body thetans having shown up later in a body and continuing his spiritual journey in Scientology. What puzzled me for a while was how OT 8 could fit into the picture. Running OT 3-7 gave me huge personal gains. OT 8 gave me the biggest gains of all, so what was one actually doing on that level if there were no separate beings being run on the previous levels? That mystery was solved with a bang one day when I sat in a restaurant with Anette discussing the death of her father. I suddenly realized what happened on OT 8; I was detaching myself from my past. I was no longer creating my past in present time. It wasnt that most of my past was someone elses it was that none of my past memories are me here and now. I am no longer defined by my past. I am me and only me, taking full responsibility for my creations and my experiences. No blame, shame or regret.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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In closing I would like to add that I believe all of this is placebo at a fundamental level, and that Alan Watts was right when he said that you should simply get off it. I believe any path that a person could trust to help him become fully responsible, is a valid one be it Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Islam, atheism, quantum physics, Christianity or worshiping your old cheese. I further believe that the best placebo is the one that most people would trust as effective and I believe that to be a simple procedure that asks the person to inspect what he is creating here in present time to spot it and to take full responsibility for that creation.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

Page 206

You WOG!
You lowly wog, down-toned, 1.1, downstat, no case gain, rock-slammer, stage 4, ethics bait, ethics particle, theetie weetie, suppressive person. I, a Homo Novis, upstat, in-ethics and up-toned OT see you for what you are a degraded being that should be disposed of, quietly and without sorrow. Labels. Stickers. Classifications. You get why people hate Scientology?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Parking tech
Heres a rather funny post from a nick called HelluvaHoax! over at ESMB. Its quite an inside joke but reflects craziness among several people Ive met in Scientology. ParkingTech Deconstructed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OT is looking for parking spot. No spots are spotted. OT postulates a spot. OTs postulate works, a spot appears. OT parks. OT writes OT Success Story.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: 1. OT is looking for a parking spot. 2. Someone was finished shopping, leaves and OT parks. WHAT SCIENTOLOGISTS THINK HAPPENED 1. 2. 3. 4. OT postulates a spot. Someone is suddenly controlled (against their free will) to go to their car. Despite the fact that they were not done shopping, they could not resist the tone 40 postulate. They move their car out of the parking spot, surrendering it to the senior being (OT)

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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I wish you all a Merry Christmas. May you have a wonderful holiday together with those you love. Take care of yourself, your family and the love you share. Thank you all for keeping me company on this blog. I appreciate your company and your contributions from the straight and rationals to the quirky and strange. You are all unique human beings that deserve the best in life. And thanks to all the readers. I am a man of conciseness. So I leave it at that. For now. Love, Geir

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Why is it important to some that Scientology doesnt work?

Having waded through some 1100 comments on my OT 8 blog post over at ESMB, a question rose to mind: Why is it so important to some that Scientology must not be seen to work? Some seem hell-bent on proving that there cannot, must not be any shred of workability to the subject. Some goes quite nuts when another tells about gains they got from Scientology. As I happen to have gotten lots of gains from my 25 years of active involvement, I seem to tick off a few stuck records. Funny that.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Happy New Year!

The craziest year in my life is nearing the end. Never been this happy Thank you all for inspiring me and letting me inspire you. We just turned 25000 comments on this blog since its inception 2,5 years ago. But the quality of your comments easily outshines the quantity. Love you guys & gals. Have a crazy-good 2013!

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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January 2013

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A bunch of rules for happyliving

1. Get up in the morning 2. if you feel like it. 3. Get enough sleep. 4. Sleep with the right person. 5. Eat 6. drink 7. but not too much of either. 8. Dont get drunk all the time. 9. Play 10.but not only with yourself. 11.Laugh your ass off 12.often 13.Go bat-shit crazy and then 15.or often. 16.Challenge the status quo. 17.Challenge yourself. 18.Drop the arrogance. 19.Care. 20.Get enough sex 21.but not all the time. 22.Eat chocolate. 23.Get a telescope. 24.Get an HP-41 calculator. 25.Play with it. 26.Listen to music. 27.Get carried away. 28.Exercise your free will. 29.Be a rebel. 30.Make trouble. 31.Avoid permanent damage. 32.Swim naked. 33.Tumble in the snow. 34.Tell wild fairy tales to the kids. 35.Lose yourself in their games. 36.Cry during movies. 37.Love 38.lots. 39.Feel 40.a lot. 41.And disregard rules. 42.Make your own understanding of Life, the Universe and Everything

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I used to feel most harmonious alone. Away from the intentions of others to change me, shape me or nudge my ways just the slightest in some direction. Away from explicit of unspoken criticism, silent treatments or looks of disapproval. I have since a long time now felt great alone. Total harmony, no issues, no unwanted (by me) thoughts or behavior. Great bliss.

I am a rebel, yes. But with a cause. Not conforming to certain norms or set behaviors. Not using the fork correctly, talking to the right people at the right times or utilizing the appropriate phrases at conservative social gatherings. All true. But in turning the table, I wouldnt care. It didnt matter to me if people were conforming, if they were socially odd or spent too much time playing Lego with the kids instead of talking to the right people at the wedding party. Very seldom did I feel that I could be myself fully. Nowhere was this more true than in the Church of Scientology. One step out of the party-line, and it was straight into an interrogation interview with the Ethics Officer. And as I progressed up through the upper spiritual levels of Scientology (the OT levels), the demands for conformity grew beyond that of the old East Germany, the DDR. I got fed up of the frowning or disapprovals. I quit the church. I got new friends. And tolerance became a most wanted quality in people I spend time with. As I write this, there are a few people that I feel I can be completely free, myself and in harmony around and with. These are the people that when I am with them, I feel on par with being alone. Brendan and Anette are such remarkable people of tolerance. Grand and generous. I will continue to seek out the grand and generous an ongoing quest. Would you like to share the qualities you seek in others?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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My current quests
or at least two of them are: 1. Remove my expectations in life 2. Remove my labels in life In the first quest I seek to rid myself of any expectations. I have yet to find a good and solid business case for having expectations. They are great for generating disappointments, but not for much else. They detract from fully experiencing the here and now by putting some of my attention into the future. I would rather live here and now. In the second quest, I seek to observe situations and people without labeling. Seeing people for what they truly are instead of seeing them through filters such as Wog, Gay, Terrorist, Strange, Jerk, SP, or some such. I still have expectations and I still use labels. These are quests. I am a work in progress What are your quests in life?

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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OT 8 follow-up
This is a follow-up to my previous post, OT 8 Imagine this: You have a problem in life. To you it is a big issue that you really would like to get handled. You come across the Church of Scientology, where they promise you a better life, spiritual freedom and a permanent fix to your problem. You embark upon a journey up through many levels of counseling called The Bridge to Total Freedom. You finish level after level. Your communication improves, you get more self-confident, become more spiritually aware, other areas of your life improves. Your main issue in life, however seems to be a tough one to handle. But you push on as you are told that some next level will handle it. All the way to the top you go. To OT 8. Each level has its own specific end result. On OT 8, it is: I now know who I am not, and am interested in finding out who I am And that is the end of the road. You dont get to know who you are, what you are or anything positive. You get to know who you arent and you are interested in finding out who you are. Thats it. Although I got great gains from doing OT 8 myself, partly because I have a different take on the rationale behind the upper levels in Scientology. But imagine getting to the end of the road, still possibly having major issues youd like to have handled. I would imagine some people could get quite confused, spinny, mad or feel fucked over by such a brush-off end result. Parked out in nowhere and asked to contribute their lives to get the next level released at the whim of the Churchs management. All the while being demanded to uphold a perfect facade of a happy opinion leader to the rest of the foot soldiers. A perfect exterior, interior in shambles. I am not saying this is how the majority of OT 8s feel after completing the level. I didnt, and I know others who have justified the level in a satisfactory way. But I know of several that have had some serious issues and even contemplating suicide after reaching such a spiritual dead end hostage situation where you get the next fix only if you give your heart and soul to a greedy management. Mad much? You bet. Letting anyone halt at the end result of OT 8 is cruel. If anything, the church should have waited with the release of OT 8 until they had the rest of finding out who you are canned. Its like doing a surgical operation half-way and leave the patient. If you were in such a situation, would you do everything the church asked of you in the hope of a new level released? Or would you revolt? Or what? Update: Maria commented that the EP of OT 8 is in fact that the person completing the level is now interested in doing the Enemy condition.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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February 2013

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The secret keys in coaching

I have coached several hundred people in all walks of life. From executives of international companies and housewives to artists, top athletes and business people of widely different trades. I have used many different tools and methods to help others. And the coaching has almost uniformly resulted in great success. But it is only recently that I managed to distill the reasons for success into two simple keys: 1. Remain mentally fully present and uncover what the person really needs and wants. Find the goal of the coaching from the person, and not from your own assumptions or preconceived ideas. 2. Help the person to not give a fuck. Thats it. Sure, there are perhaps many different aspects of life the person needs to tackle. But from my experience, a persons inability to handle a situation is always linked to the persons own tension, stress or drama. He simply cannot let go of being uptight about the problem. The problem is never that serious, and the less serious the person thinks the problem is, the better equipped he is in handling it. Usually, the person knows how to handle the situation, he only needs to let go of the up-tightness, simmer down and do what he knows is right. Sometimes the person needs some new knowledge then I help him get that. But as long as the person remains uptight and serious, he wont be of much use to himself

. And the best way to help the person not give a fuck is to get him to start doing something about the problem he is facing. Not to indulge in mental exercises, visualizings, meditations or other indirect attempts. A gradual tackling of the actual situation will help him see that the mountain is not unsurmountable. Get him to clean out the garage, talk to his wife, quit the job he hates, whatever. Tackle the main problem, not anything else. No beating around the bush. This will ease the tension. And he will relax. Finally, he will be on top of the situation, any situation. Be there for him. All the way. Try it.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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My weakness
There is one noticeable area of my life where I am weak. This is the area where I get most easily hurt, where I tackle situations irrationally and where I shed the most tears. I have added to my two quests to become better at handling these situations because they hurt me and because they hurt others when I handle them badly. I am weak in handling threats or actual damage to the relations I have with the people I love. Specifically; My relation to my sons, to Anette and to Brendan. Whenever something threatens these relationships, I really feel it in my guts. This is my most prominent button in life the area in most need of betterment. This is where I need to learn to not give a fuck, where I need to take more responsibility, where I need to get my key back to my own emotions. Your thoughts are welcome. I am a work in progress.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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My Scientology enigma
I am faced with an enigma. Would you help me solve it? 1. I have been involved in Scientology since 1984. I did all the available spiritual levels delivered by the Church up and including OT 8. And I have gotten personal gains from every level, every service. I left the Church in 2009 for reasons well known, but my personal experiences in Scientology has been very beneficial. I have personally witnessed many people having gotten personal gains from Scientology. 2. When I sit back and look at the products or results produced through Scientology, I see a lousy scene. I see an over-representation of struggling or even failing people, and of outlandish people with wild conspiracy theories. And this is regardless of Scientology practiced in the Church or outside. I fail to see Scientology produce OTs as defined by L. Ron Hubbard. I cannot see Scientology produce better-than-average lives. This is the conundrum I cannot reconcile 1 and 2 above. I have for years tried to explain or justify why this is not so or why it is so. I have attempted explanations such as people are not using Scientology proper, they fail to understand and apply the technology or policies involved, people are just out-ethics or PTS, Scientology are under suppression by the government, etc, etc. But none of these actually explain the lousy scene that is obvious to my eyes and ears. While I have many thoughts on this, I will leave the floor open for discussion and see what conclusions we can arrive at.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Scientology does it work?

I stepped back, took a couple of breaths and then a good hard look at the thousands of discussions on Scientology I have witnessed during the last three decades. Some in person, most online. I have come to the conclusion that discussing the content of Scientology, the processes, the policies, the cosmology, Hubbards life and possible intentions, Xenu, the rationale behind Dianetics, the E-meter and the rest of it is pretty useless. It is only really worthwhile to look at the actual results produced. The results is the key the only aspect really worthy of discussion. So, it really only boils down to: Does it work? Does it work for you? Does it work for Average Joe? Does it work for the society? What are the actual results produced by the church? What are the actual results produced by the individuals and groups applying it? Is it beneficial? And does it produce the advertised results? What in Scientology works? What does not? I believe there are different answers to each of these questions. I will list some of my conclusions here: 1. Did Scientology work for me? Yes. Everything I did in the church gave me valuable results. The service I did outside of the church (L 11) was fantastic. 2. Did Scientology work for my friends? About 50%. Some of my friends had excellent gains from their auditing and training, others had little, no or even negative results. Some crashed. In this category I have little experience with friends doing Scientology in the independent field. 3. Does it work for Average Joe? Well something like 95% of the people that get into Scientology bounce off like a tennis ball off a wall. 4. Does Scientology benefit society? Insignificant. Its irrelevant to the world at large from its inception to present time. 5. Does auditing work? To a large extent: Yes. Almost all the people I know that have gotten Scientology counseling inside or outside of the church are very happy with the gains they have gotten. They do however tend to worry more about their own issues after having started getting Scientology auditing they tend to introspect more. 6. Does Scientology training work? Usually. The training is lacking the component of an instructor that help bring the material to life. Thus, the training tends to be more dry than other comparable training in society. 7. Does Hubbards administrative technology work? No. Its a disaster. This is the single most dominant factor why people shun Scientology and why people leave it in droves despite the gains that can be had through auditing and training. In this body of knowledge you find horrendous policies on how to handle enemies, policies on disconnection, volumes of details resulting in over-bureacuracy, micromanagement and stripping of employees creativity, etc. Its perfect for creating and managing an organization of robots. I suspect that a group delivering Scientology auditing and training without the Admin Tech as a yoke would do quite well and get a large percentage of happy clients. 8. Does Scientology produce the advertised results? As a whole: No. There are no OTs produced as advertised by Hubbard. Neither are there any Clears by the original definition in Diantecs. But certain training courses and auditing levels does produce the advertised results most of the time.

From Independent Scientologist to just me ( These are my current conclusions, subject to future revisions.

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Update: With more than 1500 comments on this blog post I hope to carry the discussions over to a new blog post, titled Scientology does it work? (cont.).

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Feel free to ask

When the traffic gets high, when posts get more than 500 or even a 1000 comments, I am bound to miss questions from my readers. I want to answer your questions, and to ensure you are not left without an answer, I propose you ask any questions you may have to me as comments to this blog post. Just add your question as a comment here and I will get back to you with an answer. Ask anything from my views on life, IT, Scientology, my favorite HP calculator, music, art, preferences in any part of life or whatever else you may have on your mind. Do not hold back. I am not shy. This post is not an arena for long discussions or I may again miss some questions buried in long threads. Interesting topics may instead earn separate blog posts.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Scientology and workability my conclusion

After almost 1000 comments on the post Scientology does it work?, I came to this conclusion: I find it an imperative responsibility for every Scientologist to make up his or her mind what in Scientology is workable and what is not. Lest the good will inevitably be thrown out with the bath water while the Scientologist stand watching and screaming Objection!, SPs!, PTS!, O/Ws!, Out Ethics!, Misapplication!, MUs! (Scientology terms for various wrongs). And in order to sift the good from the bad one must be able AND willing to recognize the bad and speak openly about it. As a whole body of knowledge the totality of Scientology it is indefensible. But parts are so good and so worthwhile saving that it would be a shame to see it yield under the weight of whats obviously bad in it. Future generations will judge our sifting and as attention span decreases, so will peoples patience with the unworkable parts of Scientology and they will let it reflect quickly on the whole subject. I see the general products created by Scientology since its early years up till now as being insignificant, riddled with bad apples and with some heavy bad results on the way. And I want to salvage the good from the bad that created this. And I cannot think with all the bad being just misapplication of a perfect or highly workable philosophy and technology. I see the bad results as systemic, rooted in the technology and the philosophy themselves.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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What belief can do

Belief can make you stupid. When you believe something strongly, when you firmly hold an opinion, you can end up spending your intelligence on justifying or explaining away facts that are contrary to your belief. Your intelligence and power of reasoning could be better spend on constructive efforts like fixing the flaws in your beliefs or creating something new. We see this in politics every day trying to justify ones own position instead of keeping the eye on the ball, the result a better society. Marty Rathbuns latest latest blog post is an excellent example of a guy justifying his beliefs. Mike Rinders comment inspired me to write this post here. Scientologists become experts in justifications as they are told to believe that the subject is The Only Way to salvation. When cracks become visible they start justifying why the cracks are not there or why they are there for a greater reason. After years of studying the subject, they become extremely skillful in this. This may be the reason why Scientology is and should remain a religion. It is a belief system. It could move into the category of science, but not without inflicting severe pain in its justifiers. Science is the practice of doing away with ones beliefs and replacing them with knowledge. Beliefs are healthy and important when they serve as motivation toward a goal. Beliefs are great for urging to action, but a substitute when used to explain what is.

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The critics problem

What very few critics of Scientology (or any other betterment activity) realize is that they are undermining anothers purpose. When a person enters Scientology or any of the thousands of self-betterment activities in the world, that person has an underlying purpose for some kind of improvement. It can be anything from handling a problem to improving a situation. This purpose can be so strong as to blind him from any negative effects of the path or method he now trusts. And then a critic enters. Whenever you criticizes anothers beliefs, you attack this underlying purpose of improvement. You corrode his trust in something good. The method may be mad according to you, but his underlying purpose of improvement is almost always good. You may not realize this, but this is usually why the believer reacts so violently to your criticism often with stupid justifications or logic. The solution should always be to present a better method for the person to realize his underlying purpose. But alas, this is so much harder and requires so much more responsibility on your part. It is far easier to slash away with harsh criticism than to help the other find a better way.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

Page 228

Checklist for creating a cult

1. Make it your first policy to Maintain friendly relations with the environment and the public. 2. Create some free or very cheap introductory service that give the public real gains 3. Disseminate the introductory service widely, attracting many prospects 4. Ensure every person that takes the introductory service feel indebted 5. Sign the person up for more expensive service 6. Make sure the service give real gains, lest people will leave 7. Preferably advertise gains to be had that you cannot deliver, keeping the person always wanting the next service level 8. Keep the atmosphere light and fun while the person invest increasingly more money and time 9. Make the person feel special, as part of an elite society 10.Enforce a policy that no one can talk about or discuss anything negative about the service 11.Make up a good reason for this 12.Ensure the person gets pot committed 13.Increase the pressure, gradually squeezing the person for more time and money 14.Have some confidential service that only the most pot committed and elite members can have 15.Make sure the service levels end with the person being fully committed, more committed than to his day job, other petty interests, friends and family 16.Tell the person that the next, unreleased level will only be released when some insane target is met 17.You will then have a slave on your hand 18.Back all this up by a rigid, authoritarian organizational structure 19.Make sure everything is laid down in iron clad policy, removing the slightest inclination toward creativity or individual initiative 20.Micromanage, measure every detail, come down hard on non-compliance and non-conformity in the organization 21.Trademark everything, create a monopoly on the services, stamp out any competition 22.Never defend against any criticism, always attack the critic by Argumentum ad Hominem, discredit always 23.Amass enough money to litigate the hell out of any external threats 24.Internal threats are handled with a policy on disconnection that makes the pot committed disconnect even from his own family 25.Puff it all up with an apparency of social benefit programs 26.Engulf the whole in excellent PR and glamorous videoed events with CGI effects 27.Make it unassailable by calling it a religion 28.As the guru, rake in money, live a glorious life

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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(Hugh at

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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Free or not free

Adam looked at Peter, reflected on the past decade and said: Youve been a critic of Scientology for that many years Yeah and Ive been a proponent, eagerly defending the subject since I left the church more than 10 years ago. And? And were not really free from this, are we? Where are you heading with this? Peter, the years go by and were stuck with this. Its like some super-goo that I cant fuckin get off my skin. I understand that I needed a couple of years to decompress from that church experience, but seriously, this is ridiculous. Says you! What about me, then. I was never in the church and Im equally stuck in this rut What we could have done with all that energy spent over the years Then Adam decided to write another blog post about it.

(Hugh at

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Scientology United vs. Critic Rovers

On the Lighter Side, we have three soccer teams; Scientology United, Critic Rovers and the Indy Rangers, How would you put together the three soccer teams? Who would be the best strikers, mid-fielders, defenders and goal keepers for the three teams? The ball is yours! PS: For the non-insiders: Scientology United would be a team comprising people from the Church of Scientology, the Indy Rangers would be independent Scientologists outside the church and the Critic Rovers would be prominent critics of Scientology. You may pitch in with other roles as well, such as the coach, the team physician, massage therapist, etc.

From Independent Scientologist to just me (

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March 2013

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Scientology or not
Heres a summary again after lots of discussions lately: 1. The current scene in the world of Scientology is a mess. Lives are getting ruined. I want the root causes found and handled. 2. Scientology has not provided a consistent way of handling peoples issues and evidently does not provide a reliable way to deliver my main goals in life. 3. I want #2 debugged i.e. to build a better Bridge. If this means using whole chunks, only part or nothing of Scientology, then be it. To those who find me hard to discuss with, stubborn or tough it is only due to my insistence on the above. I tend to insist on getting the intended results, and let any method go down the drain if needed. I tend to run over holy cows.

(Hugh at

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Comment of The Year on Scientology from Maria

This makes it worth to have a blog. Maria is a gem, and she summed up my previous post (Scientology or not) beautifully: 2. Scientology has not provided a consistent way of handling peoples issues and evidently does not provide a reliable way to deliver my main goals in life. I think it is because the focus was never on your main goals in life. YOUR goals that is. Your goals were invalidated in favor of Scientology goals. The only tech in Scientology that ever addressed YOUR goals was the admin scale series and perhaps the LOC, but even that was organized around Scientology ideas. Wanting to work on YOUR goals was OTHER FISH TO FRY and somehow out-ethics. Strip off the invalidation for starters. Strip off the false data. They will probably flush into your awareness as you proceed towards creating YOUR goals. Make sure they are YOUR goals. You will will likely love them and be passionate about them if they are YOURS. They ARE worthy. YOU are worthy. Its okay to fail along the way and tweak your output. The state of the universe that forms as reality is the feedback mechanism. As-is the stuff that you dont want to output again, focus attention on what you do want to output. Tweak, refine, create, feedback. Its okay to change your mind about goals and purposes or acknowledge that you are done with them. They are not all a big GPM implant mechanism designed to hurt, trap and keep you solidly in the MEST universe. They are your world. And they cannot be wrong, because they are your world, your create, your joy, your love, your direction. Also, the highest purpose is not to create an effect unless that is YOUR highest purpose. So start working on YOUR goals. You do know the answers and you do know how to as-is the barriers and you do know when you are winning. I think it is pretty obvious when you are more spacious, energetic, that delicious sense of a floating TA (you do not need an e-meter to recognize this.) BTW no need to go backtrack or out of PT to as-is. Just as-is or blow by inspection whatever gets in the way. As-is works best from the highest level of awareness you can muster. This is my current take on it. At least for now. Might not be yours though, but it is possible that others might find this helpful and so I am posting it here.

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Scientology does it work? (cont.)

The blog post, Scientology does it work?, fueled the biggest discussion Ive seen on any topic, on any blog, ever. With more than 1500 comments, that thread has long since worn out WordPress as a platform for discussions. Its mammoth size makes it cumbersome to handle. And so I decided to put up this blog post to carry over the discussions if there is anything left to discuss. The question to discuss follows the scientific method of falsification: Is there any part of Scientology (philosophy or method) that is false or does not work? Also, any personal experiences as to its workability (or not) would be helpful as anecdotal evidence.

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Trust vs. Distrust

Being inspired by a discussion on the previous blog post, I came to a realization that I posted as a comment on that discussion thread: Way more than 90% of the people can be at the point where they can take independent responsibility in a job. The only reason they do not is because they are in the wrong job or not properly trained. LRH had the wrong solution. He advocated a big front door and a big back door (recruit anyone and test them out, then scrap those who doesnt work out). Its very disrespectful IMO. And then he relied on heavy bureaucracy and policy and dictations to keep people in line. Because he didnt trust people with responsibility. He evidently didnt trust other people (which is seen from his years as an executive as well). Such reliance on commanding people quenches responsibility and initiative. More respectful recruitment, respectful training, trust in others intentions and ability to be responsible THOSE are the ingredients that make for fantastic expansion. And THIS is the reason why the organizations I mentioned above expanded like crazy much more than any organization relying on LRH Admin Tech could hope to achieve. I think you have pointed the way to a major reason for me why LRH admin tech is a failure the inherent distrust of employees. Maybe this is also a problem with the ethics tech? I will have to reflect on that. Thanks for the enlightening discussion. And in this I think I have nailed something. LRH didnt trust people with responsibility. Was this because he regarded his fellow man as broken, as someone in need of fixing? And is David Miscaviges reign in the Church of Scientology simply an extrapolation of this distrust? Is this a root cause somehow?

Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something. (Eric Hoffer)

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Can there be a beginning?

Man has pondered this questions for thousands of years. Science and religion have posed theories and beliefs depicting the absolute beginning of the universe, of existence. From the sciences Big Bang to the ancient Egyptian creation myths. It seems common to most mythologies, science included, to attempt to find and explain the very beginning. But they all begs the question What came before that?. Science offer various theories for what came before the Big Bang, but you may always ask But what started all that? and But why?. And How did the laws of physics come about?. If existence came from a spirit or spirits, then What prompted it or them to create? Why? And so we may wonder, can there be a beginning at all?

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The basic assumption

Following my previous blog post and the ensuing discussion, I have come to a rather unsurprising conclusion that is squarely in line with Kurt Gdels: In any world view there will always be a basic assumption that cannot be proven. Religions have basic assumptions of a beginning, of infinite cause, of eternal chaos or a causative agent. Science has a basic assumption of the laws of physics. Gdels Incompleteness Theorems prove that in a world view, there will always be something that you cannot prove. It hinges on this quote: His work PROVED that any system of logic or numbers that mathematicians ever come up with will always rest on at least a few unprovable assumptions. And the universe is a system of logic. It can be put even more succinctly: Anything you can draw a circle around cannot explain itself without referring to something outside the circle something you have to assume but cannot prove. It follows Gdels that there must be something outside of the realm of the physical universe as we know it. Not outside as in spatially outside, but in conceptually outside. The physical universe cannot be all the truth. There must be something else that governs it. Some scientists believe that outside influence is the laws of physics themselves, but that begs the question of how did those laws come about? Children are onto something when they keep asking Why?. As a parent you try to answer, and answer and answer until you have to give up. Because there is always one more Why? than you have an answer to. And that only validates Gdel. Somewhere we are bound to accept some basic assumption as our core belief to settle the never-ending Q & A. It boils down to what you decide to accept as your core belief, the basic assumption. And in my experience that tells you a great deal about the core of the person himself. And since we have different basic assumptions in our world views, it makes for interesting discussions on this blog. Thank you.

Kurt Gdel

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Forget Scientology, here comes U-ology!

What do you wish to achieve? After what seemed like an hour of silence, Tim was done trying to figure out the answer to that existential question. He spat out what first entered his mind anyway: I want to understand better what I read. And I want to stop having those terrible nightmares since my father passed away six years ago. OK, the woman answered. How is your reading now? Tim explained how he often got distracted when he was reading. Not from external noise, but from noise inside his head. It was sort of constant, and he had the idea it may somehow be related to his horrible nightmares because he couldnt remember the noise being that distracting when his father was alive. And how are your nightmares exactly? Tim related his usual nightly horrors. Having gotten Tims goals and also where he was at in the present, Diane proceeded: We should be able to help you out on both these goals. She continued by explaining how they would go about helping Tim from his present situation to what he wanted to achieve. She explained the tools they would offer him, the estimated time and cost involved and the possible risks along the way. Nothing left out. Just simple transparency. Tims brother, Craig sat in the other room with a counselor named Adam. Adam used the same, simple approach and asked for Craigs aspirations and where he was at today. Craig was half a head higher than his older brother and weighed in at some 50 pounds more. In pure muscles. It came as no surprise that he wanted to be a better boxer. He told Adam that he had excellent reaction speed, but that some basic boxing skills seemed to fail him when he got knocked about a bit. But Craig was an interesting mix between a muscle-man and a spiritual seeker, and Adam was taken off guard when he told him his most important goal in life; To be able to go out of my body, freely as I want just like I used to do when I was a kid. Impressed by this mixture of goals, Adam told Craig: We do have the tools to increase a persons reaction speed, but we have no experience when it comes to boxing skills and how you can retain them as you get beaten up in the ring. And I dont know who to refer you to. Sorry about that. He continued: And although we have certain methods that can let the person leave his body, they are actually side-effects of our mental training regime and not a sure-fire way to be what we call exterior, If youd like, I can refer you to two other possible methodologies that may be able to offer what you want one is a branch of Buddhism, the other is an ancient native American society. We cannot guarantee that they can help you, but its worth a shot to contact them. Ill find their contact information for you. The brothers were briefed on this U-ology center and that they were actively collecting all kinds of tools to help people reach their goals and aspirations, that they would train to deliver those tools without exaggerations, that they would never question a persons wishes, and that they would always be honest about what they can do and how they would go about helping a person. It would be all about You.

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No one-size-fits-all regimen. No strict policies or hierarchy or ensuing power struggles. Only skillful training in a vast number of tools and applying them honestly where they fit the best. Tim decided to try it out, while Craig was happy to check out that native American tribe.

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Prompted by a discussion on a recent blog post, and inspired by a recent comment. I dont think its easy to agree on a clear definition of brainwashing, but I will offer my own indicator for when a person is brainwashed: You may suspect a person is brainwashed in an area when he habitually rationalizes and justifies wrongs. According to this was I brainwashed when I was in the Church of Scientology? Yep.

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Having preferences means having weaknesses. (Magnus Carlsen)

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Going Clear: When Hubbard lied, what do we call it?

During a recent discussion on this blog, I came across a technical bulletin written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1956. It goes to show how he not only exaggerated his own work and put down other works but that he engaged in outright lying. I will quote parts of this bulletin here in fair use and ask the reader what you make of this. Here goes: TECHNICAL BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1956 I feel the urge to communicate to you the best news since 1950. I have whipped the problems of the whole track and memory of the past and can resolve the worst cases we have ever had. That is a huge statement but I have solved and can untangle in an intensive the problems of the vacuum and havingness plus memory and health and have just done so. Hence the exuberance. [...] We are now capable of solving Book One style cases to the extreme level of clear. No wild burst of enthusiasm is here intended. I have to put the finishing touches on a lot of things and the process is still slow25 to 75 hours. But Ive now done it and seen it done to worse cases than any youve had. And thats fact! Okay. Its not simple. It requires a minute understanding of Book One. It would take me 50 pages to explain all Ive lately found about vacuums. You havent seen the last of me or of study, but you will have seen the last of unsuccessful cases providing only that we have time and environment in which to audit them. We can make homo novis. (AND give a grin to those who kept standing around bleating, Where are the clears?) We know more about life now than life doesfor a fact, since it was reaching, we can communicate about the reactions. [...] This is true 1. We have created the permanent stable clear. 2. In creating him we have a homo novis in the full sense, not just an Operating Thetan. 3. We now know more than life. An oddity indeed! 4. We now know more about psychiatry than psychiatrists. We can brainwash faster than the Russians (20 secs to total amnesia against three years to slightly confused loyalty). 5. We can undo whatever psychiatrists do, even the tougher grade from away back. We can therefore undo a brainwash in 25 to 75 hours. 6. We can create something better than that outlined and promised in Book One. BUT

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1. We need to know more and be more accurate than ever before about the time track and auditing. I have not given a thousandth of what I know about this. 2. We have a new game but also new responsibilities amongst men. 3. This data in the wrong hands before we are fully prepared could raise the Devil literally. 4. Because we know more than the Insanity Gang, were not fighting them. 5. Because we can undo what we do, we must retain a fine moral sense, tougher by far than any of the past. 6. We can create better than in Book One now only if we know Book One and know our full subject. AND WE DO NOT YET KNOW ALL THE SAFETY PRECAUTION TO BE USED. [...] I have given you this data in this bulletin at this time because now I know I know and I want you to share in seeing the surge of vision which will be our future. L. RON HUBBARD For reference, here is what Hubbard says about a Clear in the book Dianetics the modern science of mental health: A clear can be tested for any and all psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions (all aberrations) and can be examined for any autogenic (self-generated) diseases referred to as psycho-somatic ills. These tests confirm the clear to be entirely without such ills or aberrations. Additional tests of his intelligence indicate it to be high above the current norm. Observation of his activity demonstrates that he pursues existence with vigor and satisfaction. [...] Clears do not get colds. [...] What this means to gerontology, the study of longevity in life, cannot at this time be estimated, but it can be predicted with confidence that the deletion of engrams from the reactive bank has a marked effect upon the extension of life. A hundred years or so from now this data will be available, but no clears have lived that long as yet. [...] A clear, for instance, has complete recall of everything which has ever happened to him or anything he has ever studied. He does mental computations, such as those of chess, for example, which a normal would do in a half an hour, in ten or fifteen seconds. UPDATE (2013-03-19): Looking over the comments on this blog post, I have a reflection to share. When Hubbard said he had produced Clears in 1956 that in fact had TOTAL recall of every single moment of his current life, I believe few people understand what that really means.

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It would mean that out of nowhere we would get this normal guy who after few hours of auditing all of a sudden has this super-human ability to recall on every one of the 50+ senses every detail of every impression every 25th of a second from his birth till present time. That means every word uttered by every contact, remember every telephone number, every word of every book read. He would glance over 100000 decimals of the number pi and be able to recite every digit without fault even if he had only seen the numbers for one second. He would be able to retake all the exams from his education in record time without any error. He would be able to earn millions of dollars per year in many trades with this unheard-of ability and could perform on stage snatching all memory records from the Guinness Book of records at his very first attempt. He would go down in history as the most remarkable person to ever walk the face of Earth. He would by these incredible feats forever prove Dianetics right something he would obviously want to do given that this methodology saved him and made him superhuman and there is no reason at all he wouldnt want other to have similar gains as him. No such person has ever surfaced. Can we then safely assume Hubbard was lying?

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Status March 2013

When I write about HP-41 calculators, the guys over at HP Forum reads it but few comment on the post (they do plenty of commenting in the forum). When I write about my realizations in philosophy or physics, many different people read it and interesting discussions ensue. When I write about my positive experiences in Scientology, some people read it and there are some comments (less than 200 comments on a blog post is not much here). When I write something critical about Scientology, the place goes ballistic. I dont much care how many reads what or how many comments. This blog is an act of selfishness. I enjoy writing. It helps me sort my thoughts and views. I invite others to comment and reading others viewpoints helps me improve my views. But it is interesting to see what gets traction, and since I have a few years of statistics, Id like to share a few points. December was the most active month ever, both in number of views and number of readers (some 15000 views and a couple of thousand readers). January beat December. February was another high, and March will beat February by a good margin. Reflecting on the recent months, I see that when I post often, there is more action (duh!). And when I sort out my own earlier brainwashing (accepted data without thorough inspection), lively discussions ensue. These posts generate more comments on Scientology than on any other blog on the Net (with more than 1700 comments on one post). It seems that criticizing Scientology generates lots of emotions that results in action (posting of comments). Maybe because it triggers bad experiences or because it challenges beliefs? Or are there other reasons? I will try out a different topic soon and see how that fares. Stay tuned.

(Hugh at

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Scientology: The ultimate trap

Having just announced that I will try out a different topic, I just had this huge realization and needed to write it down for clearity of mind. Scientology does not deliver on its promise of full spiritual freedom (nothing can but yourself). Therefore it acts as a place-holder, a thought-stopper for people seeking spiritual enlightenment. Scientology presents itself as the end-all to spiritual attainment, the end station, the look-no-further. Hubbard dictates that Scientologists MUST NOT look other places for spiritual freedom. And those who bite the hook, line and sinker they look no further. And thus the people seeking ultimate enlightenment are forever trapped from gaining what they seek. Scientology is the perfect spiritual trap for this very reason. It is treachery to promise ultimate freedom, tell people to look nowhere else and then not deliver on that promise. Hubbard could very easily have avoided creating the ultimate trap simply by not telling people that Scientology is the end-all, and by not enforcing blinders on other paths and methodologies. He could just have presented a set of powerful tools for people to try out, test and verify. But he didnt. He made a brand, and locked it down with copyrights and trademarks. He crafted a belief system and a world view. A cult. There are excellent tools in Scientology. There are many beneficial methods worth trying out. But the whole, as it stands, is the ultimate spiritual trap. You can benefit from Scientology but dont swallow it whole. Hubbard could have focused on what you want. But instead he focused on what he or Scientology wanted for you, for the world. And it ended up with my way or the highway. I choose the highway. I choose to choose freely. Let hell break loose.

(Hugh at

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People get touchy for all kind of reasons. In Internet discussions it is rampant. Ive seen critics of Scientology go ape-shit as someone challenge their views. I have seen Scientologists go irrational as someone challenge their beliefs. Its not very helpful or productive if the purpose is to gain new knowledge. If your purpose is to evolve, to gain wisdom or enlightenment, it may be wise to simply disregard defensiveness and keep your focus on that purpose. Invalidation is an often used term in Scientology. It means: refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be fact. But certainty enters the equation. You get more touchy and more easily invalidated the more uncertain you are in your views. You wouldnt get especially touchy if some guy came along and challenged your belief in a spherical Earth. Even if he screamed from the top of his lungs THE EARTH IS FLAT!, it still wouldnt upset you. But if someone challenges something you want to believe, a view you are really not that certain about, then you may get quite touchy. So when someone gets defensive in a discussion or blows up, realize that you may have struck a point of uncertainty, where the other is struggling to maintain his resolve. This may be a reason why the Church of Scientology is so litigious, why their press releases are so defensive and irrational. It may be a reason why you sometimes see heated discussions on this blog. I find it amusing when I myself get defensive. I try to use it to dig out my own uncertainties, and then dig deeper to see what exactly I am struggling with and then go ahead and fix it. I enjoy that adventure

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Why are critics of Scientology so vehement?

Because die hard proponents are so blind. It goes like this: Hubbard makes outlandish claims of Scientologys perfection, infallibility and being the Only True Path. Someone counters the claims by finding errors in the work Hubbard and the church goes defensive by attacking The critic tries to enforce the criticism As long as there are proponents of Scientology that refuses to see its obvious faults, there will be vehement critics. If Scientologists would instead openly admit faults in Scientology, the polarization would subside and more constructive discussions on the subject may ensue. There is less polarization where there is more chill. Witness Islam vs. Buddhism.

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Evaluating Scientology: Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation

The emotional Tone Scale is a central concept in Scientology. The main application of this scale is presented as the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation in the book, Science of Survival from 1951. Here Hubbard goes into details of how a person operates based on where he is to be found on the Tone Scale. Hubbard presents 44 different columns/scales in his chart corresponding to the various Tone Levels and describes what each level means in terms of a persons behavior. The book, Self Analysis is a distilled and simpler book where the chart is presented with 24 columns, as in the link provided above. Much of Scientology is based on the Emotional Tone Scale and the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. In the discussions on Scientology on this blog I believe this part of the philosophy itself warrants serious evaluation. Lets find out if this chart is true, valuable and useful. If there are errors or faults in it, then lets find them. Lets salvage what is useful and conclude with something better if possible. Hubbard makes some important statements about this scale that is worth scrutinizing: You can examine the chart and you will find in the boxes as you go across it, the various characteristics of people at these levels. Horribly enough these characteristics have been found to be constant. If you have a 3.0 as your rating, then you will carry across the whole chart at 3.0. This scale has a chronic or an acute aspect. A person can be brought down the tone scale to a low level for ten minutes and then go back up, or he can be brought down it for ten years and not go back up. A man who has suffered too many losses, too much pain, tends to become fixed at some lower level of the scale and, with only slight fluctuations, stay there. Then his general and common behavior will be at that level of the tone scale. The only mistake you can make in evaluating somebody else on this tone scale is to assume that he departs from it somewhere and is higher in one department than he is in another. The characteristic may be masked to which you objectbut it is there. Of course, as good news and bad, happy days and sad ones strike a person, there are momentary raises and lowerings on this tone scale. But there is a chronic level, an average behavior for each individual. The position of an individual on this Tone Scale varies through the day and throughout the years but is fairly stable for given periods. Ones position on the chart will rise on receipt of good news, sink with bad news. This is the usual give and take with life. Everyone however has a chronic position on the chart which is unalterable save for processing. s tone scale is also valid for groups. A business or a nation can be examined as to its various standard reactions and these can be plotted. This will give the survival potential of a business or a nation. This chart can also be used in employing people or in choosing partners. It is an accurate index of what to expect and gives you a chance to predict what people will do before you have any great experience with them.

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Scrap the SLA (Service Level Agreement)

According to Wikipedia, an SLA is: A service-level agreement is a negotiated agreement between two parties, where one is the customer and the other is the service provider. This can be a legally binding formal or an informal contract (for example, internal department relationships).. SLAs is a hot item in IT, and is given much weight in the organizational framework called ITIL. Almost all IT directors I talk to rely heavily on SLAs or blame the lack of proper SLAs for lack of success. But seriously, do you have an SLA with Google? With Facebook, Twitter or the scores of Internet services that you use personally? No and if you are unhappy, you simply find another solution or service provider. An IT service provider would be wise to simply scrap the SLA or any contract that seeks to bind the customer. Instead, let the customer be free to choose and move to another vendor if they feel like it. In that way, the service provider will have to be constantly performing better than the competition. And that is the best solution to keep the customers. Instead of locking the customer with contracts, service the customer like no one else. No contracts, no lock-in and you have no choice but to become and be the best. Without even intellectual property protection, you would have to rely on pure and excellent service to retain your customers. Customer lock-in mechanisms makes for laziness, dwindling creativity and thus ironically opens the door to better service providers. SLAs are only warranted where the customer are not free to choose another provider, such as when the business strategy dictates the business units to only use the internal IT department.

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Inspiration for my book

As you may know, I have have had a book project for a while. My auto-biography is on its final leg, and I am currently writing a chapter on the inner secrets of Scientology. The book covers my whole life, but with emphasis on my journey into and out of Scientology. I have covered a lot in the book, but I may still have missed an angle. To complete the work, I would like to harvest ideas from you guys. What would you like to read about in the book when it enter the stands later this year? Pitch in by adding you comments.

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The danger of inspiring others

There is a liability in inspiring other people, to sell them an idea or work them up to do something. The liability is that the will of the person suddenly has an external motivator supplanting the intrinsic motivation of the person. Such an extrinsic motivator inherits the responsibility for the outcome of the persons actions. If the person fails to, lets say stop smoking, the person could blame the external motivator for the failure. Brendan has accused me of being a fantastic motivator for people who later deflates when I am not around. This is a valid and good point. It is better to help the person find his own inspiration, his own intrinsic motivation. Work with the person rather than perhaps unconsciously supplanting that motivation with your extrinsic motivating.

(Hugh at

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In support of Libre Knowledge

Several people in history have contributed to the ant hill of human knowledge. Some stand out as supporters of Libre Knowledge. Nikola Tesla was one remarkable person.

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Improving upon Scientology

I have had this idea that it should be possible to improve Scientology through public discussions. That discussions on this blog could be used to sift the good from the bad until we end up with elements that are worth proper testing. But my idea was misguided as evident from recent discussions. There is no hope for improving Scientology through public discussion. The only hope there can ever be for Scientology as a subject is via strict scientific testing. Because discussions in the presence of beliefs break the hope for rational outcomes. For Scientology to survive as a positive contribution to Man, it needs its valuable parts properly validated. There is now 63 years since Hubbard got the show on the road. And today the number of Scientologists worldwide is less than 40000. It is an abysmal state for this body of knowledge. One may argue that the Church of Scientology is all bad and has done nothing but destroying any chance for expansion of this subject. But there has always been splinter groups that could have expanded outside of the church. And especially in the last decade since the church has stopped bothering those who practice it freely. And even the free use of Scientology does not invoke any visible expansion. Something serious needs to be done to salvage the good in Scientology the good that I personally have experienced in so many ways. I have a lot to thank Scientology for, and I would like others to have similar gains as mine. But at the rate we are seeing today, the vast majority of people on this planet will never have a chance to experience it. Not until the subject wanders off into oblivion. Instead of playing this minor game where everyone looses I believe proper scientific testing is the only way to ensure all those who can benefit from Scientology may have a chance to do so.

And so this blog returns to a place for interesting discussions with no overall purpose and a safe sounding board for many, at least until I change my mind about that too.

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Fuck it!
Sitting back here in the sofa looking at this calmly you know what? I am not even interested in salvaging Scientology per se. I am actually only interested in helping people reach their goals. Read U-ology. Thats the only interest. To help people reach their goals. I dont want Scientology, Psychology, NLP, crapology, or anything else. No salvaging of any Scientology needed. As it stands it is a trap and I dont think it is salvageable. What is possible, on the other hand is to start, without prejudice (at ALL) to collect all kinds of tools for all kinds of possible goals and wishes (starting with the guys you have in front of you) and piece together the tool set that is demonstrably working. Doing that, and as long as the practitioner really, truly helps people reach their goals, it behooves him well to get those tools tested in order to reach the mainstream and thusly reach the broad general public so that they too can avail themselves of the tools needed to reach Their goals. Fuck it. I want to help PEOPLE. Not Scientology.

(Dont worry, Im not going anywhere, Im just done with worshiping of methodologies.)

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Create the problem or chill

Heres another one in the Fuck it! series. My good old friend Mrten Runow (OT 8 still in the Church of Scientology) once said to me: The good thing about non-scientologists is that they dont know that they have a reactive mind they can dramatize).. What got me thinking about that quote was an excellent comment from Spyros: I thought it could be useful to have a book or books that contain SCN stuff that dont require a line of trainning to be applied. I thought stuff like study tech and assist in particular, would match this criteria. And then, I got a cog: Ever since I stopped considering study tech -the misunderstood word(s) phenomena in particular- I stopped having that phenomena. I can read a text and see a word that I dont quite grasp and continue reading and have no problem with the rest of the text at all! No blankness, no wondering about it, no tendecy to blow etc. Im sure Ron knew about this. Actually it is mentioned in an instance somewhere in Student Hat. But not much stress is put on it. If I wanted to relay something from SCN to the broad public, that would be something like if you want to have a problem, consider that it exists or that it can potentialy exist!. Want to have a reactive mind? Consider that there is one.then to make it even more real, try to resolve it (counter-create it) And I believe there is a great deal of truth to this. Chill.

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A shift in viewpoints
The past two weeks have been the busiest ever on this blog. I have been blogging like crazy and some 4000 people have been reading. Lots and lots of comments. And through the many concurrent discussions on half a dozen threads, I have seen a shift in how people here view Scientology. Save for a few commenters, the majority seem to have expressed a rather pragmatic view on Scientology. That Scientology as a whole is indefensible and that one must use what valuable tools there are, combined with any other tools, to serve an individuals own goals and purposes. That it is wise to not abide by Hubbards own goals for you and instead seek to fulfill your own. Personally, I have clearly expressed that I am not interested in salvaging Scientology as a subject. I want to instead focus on the personal goals of those crossing my paths using whatever tools needed to help them reach those. It would be interesting to hear from you what you consider to be the reason for this shift in atmosphere (or if Im totally off the mark here).

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Its a cross between a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Fuck It! Having noticed that my recent blog posts gathered lots of comments around the Net and on e-mail lists, I have decided to answer a bunch of them here. Rather than answering on the various sites, I think its better for people to find a collection of some of my views here regarding Scientology, Hopefully this will be the last blog post on that subject for at least a little while. Heres some relevant and some weird statements that I will answer: Geir has abandoned Scientology altogether? I have basically abandoned all methods in favor of doing what is right to deliver value in a given circumstance. Goal is senior to method always. You are ditching the best mental technology known to Man I dont know if Scientology is the best mental technology. I am open to any tool that may help a person reach his own goals. All you want to do is to prove Hubbard wrong I dont care about Hubbard. But I am interested to find out where the root cause of abuses perpetrated by the Church of Scientology comes from. It seems to me they are rooted in the writings of Hubbard and locating these root causes may help prevent recurrence. He is influenced by some SPs (Suppressive Persons) I am influenced by all sorts of people. But my main influence is my curiosity and relentless quest for my own truth. Geir is still stuck in the cult mindset I am not stuck. I am a work in progress. Hope you are too. He will eventually wake up and realize that there is NOTHING good in Scientology I think absolutist statements about a subject as big as Scientology is stupid whether the claim is that it is absolutely perfect or absolutely useless. I prefer tolerance and respect for others views. He will soon understand that he didnt have any real gains in Scientology Its like saying I will soon wake up and understand that my childhood education didnt give me anything after all. I gained what I gained in Scientology and it was great even though some would love that not to be true. Geir has an annoyingly haughty writing style I am curt on my blog and on forums and have been labeled the champion of conciseness. That may come across as haughty. I am a fan of Winston Wolf. I have limited time. I prefer to spend my quality time together with my family and friends face to face. I so love personal contact. You will find having a coffee with me quite different than discussing with me on the Net. You are hereby invited. He has gone over to the dark side I am on nobodys side. I am on a quest for my own truth and I bring my own torch. You need an L1C on Scientology (an auditing action to handle a persons upset) I am not at all upset with Scientology or with Hubbard. Scientology has been a good stepping stone for me on my personal quests. Geir wants people to have lofty goals. Its akin to Scientologys Clearing the planet I dont want any goals for others. people should find their own paths and goals (or not). I want to help those who have a burning desire to reach some goal whether that is a small personal goal or a goal to make the World a better place.

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Geir is only focusing on a persons own goals thats so first person oriented, so Scientological I dont care what goals people have. But I am always ready to lend a hand if anyone needs it. And I do help a lot of people do things they didnt think possible. I love to see others succeed. Geir is setting himself up as another guru No thank you. The one thing I hated about having reached OT 8 in the church was to be treated as someones Personal Jesus. Lets do away with guruing altogether. He wants to take over as the leader of the Church of Scientology What have you been smoking? I am done with organized religion. That was some of the statements that I picked up. I am sure I have missed plenty. Got more questions or statements for me? Feel free to post a comment.

(Hugh at

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April 2013

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Kill PR
While there are many valuable definitions and purposes of Public Relations, these are the ones I would like to see killed: Communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image; commonly referred to as PR. (Wiktionary) The business of inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill toward a person, firm, or institution. (Mirriam-Webster) I dont want others to have any other impression of me than the correct impression of me. Not slanted, not puffed up, not embellished. I would rather have an honest impression of a company than a PR impression. I want to see honesty and transparency in business, not favorable images. Transparency rules. And I think the best goodwill you can create is the goodwill based on raw honesty.

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Drop sales
If you are selling products or services that you need to convince the customers to buy, you are doing something wrong. Either sell something else or figure out why the customers arent running down your doors to get what you are offering. Brendan had a week earlier this winter where he didnt convince anyone about anything. That got me thinking. And I decided to at least stop pushing products or services on people. Market and present, yes. But using effort, no. I figure its much smarter to present something that customers really, really want. And then deliver that better than they expected. Push is a sign of failure.

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Working with people with drive

Just got off the phone with a nice guy. We talked about helping people, and particularly about helping brainwashed people inside the Church of Scientology. And I told him what people I prefer to help these days. Just a few months ago, I would get fired up about trying to help people see the truth or wake up. No longer. While I appreciate others effort in helping a person wake up from a brainwashed daze, I find my own interest in such waning. I prefer to work with those who have a drive rather than those who try their best to keep the status quo. And it doesnt matter where that drive leads as long as the person really wants to change and reach some goal, I am all in. My interest and ability to help people with a drive is high, and thats where I will focus.

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Conclusion: There are no Clears

I have come to the conclusion through discussions on this blog and otherwise that there is no such thing as a reactive mind and that leading people to believe there is such may get them to create it it and dramatize it. WHAT A BOMB SHELL. An OT 8 That Does Not Believe In The Reactive Mind! I now believe there is an almost infinite gradient of consciousness from being in the zone (as athletes express it) to everyday life to tired to drunk to sleepy to asleep to sound asleep to unconscious to almost dead to dead, etc. And that we create everything we experience at all levels of consciousness. We also create our worries and traumas etc in present time. Some of this can be grouped into a model and be called a reactive mind if one likes. But, I hold that this is merely a model and that there is no such thing. This opens the door to a gradient handling of a person consciousness rather than attacking a thing that doesnt exist. So, there are no Clears, just clearer people who have increased awakeness. This would explain the constant trouble in the Church of Scientology regarding Clears they try to pin down an impossibility. David Mayo described this in the early 90s. I see the level of consciousness paralleling the level of free will in a person. The quest then, is how to increase the consciousness, the free will of the person and the clarity of the mind.

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Cognitive dissonance

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Clear as Master Eric

I wished I could have summed up my previous post as well as Master Eric. But then again, maybe it comes with the territory of being a master at martial arts. He captured the essence of my post nicely and added his own questions at the end: I am a 5th dan in Ryu Kyu Kempo. A form of Martial Arts. In it we have, like all modern martial arts a belt system. White belt and all the way up to Black belt and beyond to the so called secret moves of the upper levels Yes, the upper black belt classes were not viewable by anyone under the black belt level. Considered too dangerous for the students who were not ready. Sounds familiar Now, in the past, before the 19th century. There were no belt systems in martial arts. You only had a belt to hold your pants up The only rule you had was that when you started you were given a very thick and strong white cotton belt that you did not ever wash. The reason for this was so that others knew how long you have been training and so they were careful not to hurt the lower level or inexperience students. The more and longer you trained, the belt will change colour from the sweat and so others will see the time of training you have had and know how skilled you would or should be. So there were no Levels or grades in the old days. You progressed slowly by learning more and more and being more CLEAR about how to BE a MASTER of the ART.

Now the above is my way of trying to explain the concept of CLEAR. You never become CLEAR. You become CLEARER and CLEARER and CLEARER. Along the way you have AHA moments that help you move a big step forward but you are not CLEAR just CLEARER than before..There are no states that are the same for everyone. Each will progress and get CLEARER as they work on themselves. There are NO ABSOLUTES To me I find the more I work on myself, the LESS MIND I have and more of ME expanded. Difficult to put in to words. I find that this thing called MIND is less and MORE of ME is HERE. But if I let go of my self work and focus on life only, then, I feel this thing called MIND more and more and I feel Less and Less expanded. So what this thing called is or if it actually IS anything is an interesting subject. Maybe the MIND is the GLUE that holds our attention to this Creation that we apparently agree on altogether. Maybe, no MIND means total freedom Just sayin

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Why ideologies can make you stupid

I planned to write a blog post titled Why Scientology makes you stupid, but then one of the contributors on my blog beat me to it. I am honored to be blessed with many very intelligent people commenting here it makes my job real easy. I was planning to write the blog post and release it today, but Alanzo did a better job at it than I would have done. While I planned to center my post on Scientology, Al broadened the scope to ideologies or belief systems in general: A belief system is a cognitive structure, a way to see the world where your moral choices, your attitudes, and your feelings, are all pre-wired and structured ahead of time for you. Heres a made-up example of a belief system I will create for you as an example: Reaganism. The Axioms of Reaganism: 1. The government destroys everything it touches. Any time the government gets involved, whatever activity was supposed to happen that was useful becomes corrupted, over-priced and useless after the government gets done with it. 2. Private enterprise can always do a better job of anything than the government can. The attempt to turn a profit always makes an activity more efficient and productive for everyone. 3. Therefore, government should be run by businesses because businesses can always do a better job at anything than the government can. So when you adopt Reaganism as your belief system and become a Reaganologist, you look out onto the infinitely big, wide world that actually exists out there, and you have the pre-wiring and the cognitive structures of Reaganism interpret and categorize the infinity of all you see into simple little chunks for you. Government run road projects are filled with people who just stand around all day and never get any work done. Even though you are driving on a road ( a road built by a government run road project) you never notice that. You sneer and become resentful at all these lazy bums working on this road. Your belief structure has filtered out some things that do not conform to it and accepted others that do conform to it, and given you attitudes and emotions to feel per its dictates. The Titans of Industry are heros to you, because they embody all the values that you have adopted as a Reaganologist, You swell with pride every time you see a CEO of Goldmann Sachs on TV and you cant believe that any government bureaucrat at the SEC would ever question his business practices. Government oversight is criminal in your mind, and suppressive to the upstats in society. As a Reaganologist, you see the world in the way that Reaganism dictates. The advantage of a belief system, or an ideology, is that it takes the infinite world around you and breaks it up into bite-size chunks, with all of it pre-understood ahead of time. It makes things simpler. This, once you have adopted a belief system, is also its disadvantage. You dont see the world as it is any more. You see it only as your ideology dictates that you see it. No ideology can match the infinity of life, or the infinity of you. The stronger you hold on to an ideology, the smaller, and more fixed, you become. As more and more of the infinities of life hit you that do not fit into your ideological helmet, the more tightly you pull it down onto your self. Until at last, you become fixed and pinheaded. This is the problem with belief systems.

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Hubbard would recommend Eastern Philosophy

Looking at the current scene of Scientology, I see no one reaching a high level of spiritualistic serenity. I see bankruptcies, torn families, even suicides. People enter Scientology with some idea or hope of more spiritual freedom or serenity. Had it been possible to reach such a state in, lets say fourteen or eighteen years, I think most would jump at the possibility. But no, in fourteen or eighteen years in the Church of Scientology, youre most probably sucked dry for both time and money. Hubbard should have torn out whatever hair was left had he seen what the Church of Scientology was accomplishing these days. And I believe he would have recommended that people moved to India for their spiritual progress. In the book Dianetics 55!, he wrote about his travels to the East and of people studying Eastern Philosophies: ..I saw individuals taking fourteen or eighteen years in order to get up to a high level of spiritualistic serenity. That would be quite something. I will take Hubbards hint and check it out myself. Besides practicing hug-ology, of course.

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Having started and run several companies and a few IT companies in particular, this latest story from Slashdot particularly grabbed my attention. The point of the story, overconfidence is applicable is many fields and situations besides that of estimating IT project. First a copy-paste from Slashdot: Dan Milstein from Hut 8 Labs has written a lengthy post about why software developers often struggle to estimate the time required to implement their projects. Drawing on lessons from a book called Thinking Fast and Slow by Dan Kahneman, he explains how overconfidence frequently leads to underestimations of a projects complexity. Unfortunately, the nature of overconfidence makes it tough to compensate. Quoting: Specifically, in many, many situations, the following three things hold true: 1- Expert predictions about some future event are so completely unreliable as to be basically meaningless 2- Nonetheless, the experts in question are extremely confident about the accuracy of their predictions. 3- And, best of all: absolutely nothing seems to be able to diminish the confidence that experts feel. The last one is truly remarkable: even if experts try to honestly face evidence of their own past failures, even if they deeply understand this flaw in human cognition they will still feel a deep sense of confidence in the accuracy of their predictions. As Kahneman explains it, after telling an amazing story about his own failing on this front: The confidence you will experience in your future judgments will not be diminished by what you just read, even if you believe every word. And then quoting Laurens van der Post: Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond any doubt that they are right. And when people are convinced about their conviction, things tend to go south pretty fast. This is seen also during Internet discussions as well as real life discussions. People seek certainty. And the quest for certainty is the real value, not the attainment of it. Quoting Voltaire: Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. Thinking back to my childhood, I remember with fondness how I cherished the mysteries and uncertainties of life. I loved how I didnt know, how I wanted to know, and my quest for new knowledge. But as time went by and I grew up, I unfortunately became more certain, less fondly in awe about lifes mysteries and less inquiring. I am currently trying to find ways to kill my own certainties, be more open for new views and uncertainties and to bring more awe back into life. Hugs.

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May 2013

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Happiness is a vector, not a state

Rich and unhappy. Poor and unhappy. Great marriage and still unhappy. Famous, on drugs and depressed. Bored to death while successful. In the slum and energetic. In the jungle and happy. No money, no job, new girlfriend and erupting with happiness. Whats going on? Happiness is a vector (def. #1), not a state (def. #3).

Happiness doesnt seem to be a matter of what you have or where you are at, but rather where you are heading. You can be depressed or happy whether you are poor or rich, famous or a nobody. The level where you are at does not determine your happiness. It is instead determined by the amount of progress toward a goal that you have set. And apparently it matters less what the goal is. The goal may be small or large in an absolute sense what matters is how much you value that goal. I have noticed in my own life that whenever I feel down, I simply pull myself up to complete some tasks any tasks and my mood is resurged. And the more the tasks is forwarding an important goal (for me), the more my mood rebounds. All this is the reason why you hear talks about the journey is the goal. Because if the the goal is happiness, then progress toward a goal you set determines the happiness you gain. Reaching a goal makes you happy for a short while. At that time it is important to set a new goal and milk it for all the happiness you can get by progressing toward it. Enjoy the road, the trip, the quest.

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What can you control?

Spend your time and energy on what you can control rather than what you cannot control. Far too much effort is spent on elements beyond a persons control. It may be unproductive to spend time and energy on the weather, world politics or your mother-in-law unless you can actually control or influence these. It is futile to spend energy trying to change the past. Life can be divided into three categories: That which you can control That which you can influence That which you cannot control In the quest for a better life, the above serves well as a priority list.

Category 1 should include your own thoughts and emotions, your own actions and how you treat others. These are elements you can gain control over. Category 0.5 would include your family and friends, your workplace and your teammates in any sport you engage in. These are elements you can half-control or influence to a greater or lesser degree. Although Category 0 often steals attention, it deserves none. It serves best as an energy void. You should not spend attention on what you cannot control. It is valuable to learn from past incidents, but being stuck in past incidents is essentially an effort to change the past and results in energy wasted. It is good advice to first gain sufficient control of category 1 before too much energy is spent on category 0.5 all the while no energy is spent on category 0. Top athletes spend most of their energy on category 1. Politicians spend most of their energy on category 0.5. Some politicians, like in Northern Ireland, spend too much time on category 0. You cannot change the past. And you can only influence the future. But you can control what you think, feel and do right now. A great soccer player like Lionel Messi of Barcelona FC has achieved an amazing control of his own actions on the field. He has awesome skills and abilities as a soccer player. He also manages to positively influence his team mates, he lifts the whole team whenever he plays. And unlike most players, he doesnt spend much energy on what he cannot control, like protesting a referee decision. If you never spent energy on category 0, you would be more in control of your life and influencing your environment more. In the start of a relationship there are two people hopefully in good control of themselves and without any control or much influence over the other. As the dating commences, they gradually

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influence the other person. If the influence is good and agreeable, they may end up as a couple. If one of them doesnt settle for influencing his partner, but instead tries to control her, you end up with an abusive relationship. The attempt to mold or over-influence you partner is an effort to move your partner in under your control. Category 1 should be reserved for yourself. You should never try to control another person. You should instead try to influence others in a good way. You can be fully in control of your own performance at work. This includes the limiting of bad influences from others, and the acceptance of good influences and help. You can positively influence your colleagues and customers by focusing on category 0.5. You can hit the wall by drooling and complaining over stuff beyond your control. If all of your job resides in category 1, you probably dont have colleagues or customers and the job would be boring unless you dont like company. If your focus is mostly on complaining about factors in category 0, you should quit your job now. Category 0 is always huge. What matters is how much you can be in control of yourself and how much you can positively influence others.

A life of struggle with very little control of self and little influence over the environment A path to a better life can be: 1. Achieve control of you your thoughts, emotions and actions especially those actions in the fields that matters the most to you 2. Increase your positive influence where it matters the most 3. Spend little to no energy on matters outside of your control

An interesting life of with good control of self and good influence on the environment It may sound simple to say and hard to practice. True. Practice may not make you perfect, but it will make you steadily better. (Link to original article [ wiki])

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Four Signs You Have Joined The Wrong Group

To sum it up: 1. 2. 3. 4. I know the truth, and you dont. Beware the charismatic leader. The end is near. The end justifies the means.

Its deja vu, all over again.

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From Wog to Scientologist and back to ones own path

1. This Scientology thing may be interesting. But there is a lot of bad press about this. I will give it a try. 2. Wow! This communications course really works. Scientology makes a lot of sense. The media has got this one wrong. 3. Scientology really has got the answers! Hubbard was a genius. I am a Scientologist. 4. Everything I have experienced so far is 100% right. The rest of Scientology must surely also be right 5. Scientology is the One True Path to Total Freedom, the only hope for Man. 6. The Church of Scientology is saving Mankind. David Miscavige is the most dedicated, brilliant leader there is. I follow Command Intention to the letter. 7. There is something wrong in the Church that I cant quite put my finger on. 8. The Church is not applying Hubbards policy correctly. And there is out-tech. This is a local phenomenon. 9. There seem to be global issues with the Church. It is not expanding even though Miscavige says it is expanding like never before. 10.Scientology is the Only True Path, but the current management is not on that path. It has betrayed Hubbard. 11.I am a dedicated Scientologist, and I can no longer support a suppressive Church. Im out! 12.I am an Independent Scientologist. I practice my religion outside of the confinement of the CoS. 13.There sure are lots of diverging viewpoints among independent Scientologists. But I have my own unassailable trust in Hubbard. 14.Maybe the insanities in the Church did not start with Miscavige. Maybe, just maybe some of the problems originated with Hubbard. 15.Hmm maybe Hubbard wasnt right about everything. Maybe there actually are other valid spiritual paths 16.Heck, Hubbard was wrong about a lot of things. Crap! My stable data are experiencing an earthquake. 17.Scientology is a tool like so many tools out there. Its got its good and its bad. I will use whatever works. 18.I dont really care one way or the other. I am on my own path toward my own goals. Not exactly my journey, but close. Although some flip to the opposite and go from fanatic to anti-fanatic, I see most people go through a similar list to the above. It may serve as a useful prediction.

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The (in)validity of the OT3 story

Note: To not scare off true believers and to make this distributable to more people, I will include no confidential material in this blog post. There are however links to confidential material provided. I have been discussing a lot on several forums lately and would like to share a conclusion regarding the background story for Scientologys secret level called OT 3. While there are plenty of evidence that Hubbards story is untrue, many Scientologists tries to offer a counter-proof. And the proof they offer is that the e-meter does in fact react to the incidents Hubbard describes. That would constitute the proof for Hubbards take on what happened on this planet some 75 million years ago. So, in short, there is no proof for the ot 3 story beyond the e-meter reads except a subjective belief in the incidents. What if i told you that according to Hubbard, e-meter reactions does not constitute proof of any incident. Thats right, Hubbard wrote about false incidents from a persons past, and that these can indeed run as usual complete with e-meter reads and all. Let me quote from HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JULY 1978, DIANETIC REMEDIES: Sometimes a pc cannot confront the actual incidents that are keyed-in by life or auditing. Such a pc will not go backtrack. In this case the running of imaginary incidents is quite productive. Sometimes the preclear will run them, quite astonishingly, with somatics. All the PCs responses to this question, with their meter reads are noted by the auditor. He then takes up the best reading incident or picture and runs it out R3RA narrative quad, first checking interest. Lesser reading items are then taken up. Technical Scientology-stuff in there, i know. But the main thing is that imaginary incidents do run like real ones, and the e-meter does read on these types of incidents. So the proof that the OT 3 story is real because the e-meter reads is blown to bits. What is left? Religious belief. Belief can move mountains and belief in a story from your Guru may well make that story true for you, and you will be able to run it in session as though it was real. There is even support for this on OT 7 where one of the questions on a correction list asks if you are mocking up what is run in session. There is nothing wrong with religious belief. At all. But to pass it off as objectively proven is dishonest. Do i believe the OT 3 story? No. Did i get gains from the auditing on OT 3? Yes, very much so. The reason for this is covered elsewhere on this blog.

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Anette is on the move

My Anette has got her blog up and running. Well, its a bit more than running, because this seems to be the start of something big. Check out this blog post.

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Real change
is uncomfortable.

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I have been quite active in a few Scientology-related forums lately. And the experience has been rather disturbing. I have for years followed the FreeZone e-mail list, Marty Rathbuns blog, the predominantly anti-Scientology forums ESMB and WWP, and since recently, several Scientologist groups on Facebook. Wherever there are discussions on Scientology, polarity and irrationality ensues. That is well known. But my experiences over the past few weeks have uncovered another facet. First my conclusion: Whatever Scientology touches, it tends to corrupt. A disturbingly large portion of Scientologists discussing on the Net can be characterized as overly emotional, dead serious and jumping to conclusion without supporting facts. Group-think or group-belief is the order of the day. I tell you, its crazy in the closed pro-Scientology groups. You wont see it unless you are especially invited. So consider this my report from the front. If you follow my blog, you know that I am relentless on my quest for truth. Fact is King, and I am not applauding emotional rants, logical fallacies or intellectual dishonesty. I discuss with people to continually mold my views. I like how others inspire me to change my mind and uncover more truth. I am happy to be proven wrong. Because that constitutes progress.

I cross-posted Conclusion: There are no Clears to both the main Indie group on Facebook and the FreeZone mailing list. I also asked why the OT material should be confidential. Both were met with outrage, heat and lots of rah-rah. One guy even objected effusively, on and on, to my post on Clears while admitting he didnt actually read the post, just the heading. Lots of name-calling and violent opposition to even neutral questions. And its not only opposition to my posts, it is opposition to anyone not toeing the party-line. Just like in the CoS. I have even witnessed outright witch-hunts and lynch-mobs without the group basing the outrage on facts. All this emotional outbursts and outrage happens right in the groups that have had the most training and auditing to keep their cool in any given situation. This does not serve as a good reference for the efficacy of the Scientology technology outside of the Scientology bubble or Trueman show. It wouldnt be disturbing if discussions went haywire on the HPforum, Linux Kernel lists or the EFF lists. But on the groups that tout the best mental regimen on the planet that creates the most

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enlightened and rational people? The elite of the mind? The fact is no other discussion groups I am involved in on the Net are this aberrated.

Challenge a Scientologists core belief and watch the volcanoes erupt. I left that Indie group on Facebook. I have asked to be taken off the FreeZone mailing list. I am on a quest for more enlightenment, rationality and truth, not emotional garbage and cult think. I am so happy to be hosting this blog and have you guys contribute here. I love diverging viewpoints. You light up my day. But I am guilty of being too harsh in discussions on this blog. I can see how I have let my self be hardened by Scientology, and I dont like it. I will try to soften up and be more kind. Anette is already helping me in this regard. I would be grateful if you can help me achieve this. I am a work in progress. *Hugs*

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My focus
Questioning everything. Being open to radical changes. Or small changes. Working at removing my prejudices, my filters, my principles. Removing mental crutches, one by one. Planning and preparing less. Winging it. And to do it well, being fully present in the Here & Now. Really observing, listening. Not being mentally lazy and jumping to conclusions. But respecting others and myself enough to inspect and evaluate. And only then conclude and act. And as I become better at being fully present, the evaluations gains speed. I become better at what I practice. Never settling with the status quo. Always exploring new horizons to uncover more truth. Not being afraid of being wrong or disproven, but embracing my faults as a catalyst for progress. The progress is the goal, not the goals themselves. Chilling and being able to say fuck it. Doing what helps. Not doing what doesnt help. And worrying seldom helps. Being better at controlling what I can control and not focusing on what I cannot control. Creating value for others. Catalyzing free will and helping others exercising their power of choice. Caring and being kind. These are the ideals I work toward. I am a work in progress. I enjoy.

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