Piping Related Formulas
Piping Related Formulas
Piping Related Formulas
1. CROSS SECTIONAL AREA (A): The cross sectional area expressed in square
inches is used in various tubular goods equations. The formulas described below are based
on full sections, exclusive of corner radii.
A=D D-d d
A = 4.00 (6.00) - 3.00 (5.00) = 9.00
A = 9.00 inches5
2. PLAIN END WEIGHT (Wpe): The plain end weight expressed in pounds per foot is
used in connection with pipe to describe the nominal or specified weight per foot. This weight
does not account for adjustments in weight due to end finishing such as upsetting or
P = Minimum Internal Yield Pressure (Burst Resistance) in pounds per square inch, rounded to
the nearest 10 psi.
Yp= Specified Minimum Yield Strength, pounds per square inch.
t = Nominal (specified) Wall Thickness, inches
D = Nominal (specified) Outside Diameter, inches
Example: Calculate the burst resistance of 7" O.D. x .540" wall API L80 casing.
P = 0.875 [ 2 Yp t/D]
P = 0.875 [ (2)(80,000)(.540)/7]
P = 10,800 psi
Wall Thickness
Barlow's Formula is also useful in determining the wall thickness required for a piping system.
To illustrate, assume a piping system has been designed with the following criteria:
1. A working pressure of 2,000 psi (P)
2. The pipe to be used is 8 5/8" O.D. (D) specified to ASTM A53 grade B (SMYS - 35,000 psi)
Rearranging Barlow's Formula to solve for wall thickness gives:
Q = 3.61 A H %Y
Q = Discharge in Gallons per minutes
A = Area of the pipe, inches squared
H = Horizontal measurement, inches
Y = vertical measurement, inches
Example: Calculate the discharge of a 10" pipe which has an area of 78.50 in , a horizontal
measurement of 12" and a vertical measurement of 12".
Q = 3.61 A H
Q = 3.61 (78.50) (12)
Q = 3400.62
Q = 981.70 gallons per minute
This formula is a close approximation of the actual measurement of the volume being
displaced. The simplest method is to measure a 12 inch vertical measurement as a standard
procedure, then measure the distance horizontally to the point of the 12" vertical
Velocity in feet per minute necessary to discharge a given volume of water, in a given time =
Cubic Feet of water x 144
area of pipe in sq. inches
Area of required pipe, the volume and velocity of water being given = No. cubic feet water x
Velocity in feet per min.
From this area the size pipe required may be selected from the table of standard pipe
Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch. This pressure with a perfect
vacuum will maintain a column of mercury 29.9 inches or a column of water 33.9 feet high.
This is the theoretical distance that water manu be drawn by suction. In practice, however,
pumps should not have a total dynamic suction lift greater that 25 feet.
One gallon: 58,310 grains
One barrel oil: 42 US gallons
One barrel per hour: .7 US gallons per minute
Gallons per minute: bbls. per day x .02917
Bbls. per hour: gallons per minute x .7
One barrel per day: .02917 gallons per minute
Gallons per minute: bbls. per day x .02917
Bbls. per day: gallons per minute x .02917
Velocity in feet per second: .0119 x bbls. per day x pipe dia. in inches x .2856 x bbls. per hour
x pipe dia. in inches
Net horse-power: The theoretical horse-power necessary to do the work
Net horse-power: Barrels per day x pressure x .000017
Net horse-power: Barrels per hour x pressure x .000408
Net horse-power: Gallons per min. x pressure x .000583
The customary method of indicating specific gravity of petroleum oils in this country is by
means of the Baume scale. Since the Baume scale, for specific gravities of liquids lighter than
water, increases inversely as the true gravity, the heaviest oil, i.e., that which has the highest
true specific gravity, is expressed by the lowest figure of the Baume scale; the lightest by the
highest figure.
Static head is the vertical distance between the free level of the source of supply and the point
of free discharge, or to the level of the free surface of the discharged liquid.
Suction lift exists when the suction measured at the pump nozzle and corrected to the
centerline of the pump is below atmospheric pressure.
Static suction lift is the vertical distance from the free level of the source of supply to
centerline of pump.
Dynamic suction lift is the vertical distance from the source of supply when pumping at
required capacity, to centerline of pump, plus velocity head, entrance and friction loss, but not
including internal pump losses, where static suction head exists but where the losses exceed
the static suction head the dynamic suction lift is the sum of the velocity head, entrance,
friction, minus the static suction head, but not including internal pump losses.
Dynamic suction lift as determined on test, is the reading of the mercury column connected to
suction nozzle of pump, plus vertical distance between point of attachment of mercury column
to centerline of pump, plus bead of water resting on mercury column, if any.
Suction head (sometimes called head of suction) exists when the pressure measured at the
suction nozzle and corrected to the centerline of the pump is above atmospheric pressure.
Static suction head is the vertical distance from the free level of the source of supply to
centerline of pump.
Dynamic suction head is the vertical distance from the source of supply, when pumping at
required capacity, to centerline of pump, minus velocity head, entrance, friction, but not minus
internal pump losses.
Dynamic suction head, as determined on test, is the reading of a gage connected to suction
nozzle of pump, minus vertical distance from center of gage to center line of pump. Suction
head, after deducting the various losses, many be a negative quantity, in which case a
condition equivalent to suction lift will prevail.
The velocity head (sometimes called "head due to velocity") of water moving with a given
velocity, is the equivalent head through which it would have to fall to acquire the same
velocity: or the head necessary merely to accelerate the water. Knowing the velocity, we can
readily figure the velocity head from the simple formula:
in which "g" is acceleration due to gravity, or 32.16 feet per second; or knowing the head, we
can transpose the formula to:
V = %2 gh
and thus obtain the velocity.
The velocity head is a factor in figuring the total dynamic head, but the value is usually small,
and in most cases negligible; however, it should be considered when the total head is low and
also when the suction lift is high.
Where the suction and discharge pipes are the same size, it is only necessary to include in the
total head the velocity head generated in the suction piping. If the discharge piping is of
different size than the suction piping, which is often the case, then it will be necessary to use
the velocity in the discharge pipe for computing the velocity head rather than the velocity in
the suction pipe.
Velocity head should be considered in accurate testing also, as it is part of the total dynamic
head and consequently affects the duty accomplished.
In testing a pump, a vacuum gage or a mercury column is generally used for obtained dynamic
suction lift. The mercury column or vacuum gage will show the velocity head combined with
entrance head, friction head, and static suction lift. On the discharge side, a pressure gage is
usually used, but a pressure gage will not indicate velocity head and this must, therefore, be
obtained either by calculating the velocity or taking reading with a Pitometer. Inasmuch as the
velocity varies considerably at different points in the cross section of a stream it is important,
in using the Pitometer, to take a number of readings at different points in the cross section.
A table, giving the relation between velocity and velocity head is printed below:
Velocity in feet
per second
Velocity head
in feet
Velocity in feet
per second
Velocity head
in feet
Viscosity is the internal friction of a liquid tending to reduce flow.
Viscosity is ascertained by an instrument termed a Viscosimeter, of which there are several
makes, viz. Saybolt Universal; Tangliabue; Engler (used chiefly in Continental countries);
Redwood (used in British Isles and Colonies). In the United States the Saybolt and Tangliabue
instruments are in general use. With few exceptions. Viscosity is expressed as the number of
seconds required for a definite volume of fluid under a arbitrary head to flow through a
standardized aperture at constant temperature.
Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of any volume to the weight of an equal volume of
some other substance taken as a standard at stated temperatures. For solids or liquids, the
standard is usually water, and for gasses the standard is air or hydrogen.
Foot pounds: Unit of work
Horse Power (H.P.): (33,000 ft. pounds per minute - 746 watts - .746 kilowatts) Unit for
measurement of power or rate of work
Volt-amperes: Product of volts and amperes
Kilovolt-Amperes (KVA): 1000 volt-amperes
Watt-hour: Small unit of electrical work - watts times hours
Kilowatt-hour (KWHr): Large unit of electrical work - 1000 watt-hours
Horse Power-hour (HPHr): Unit of mechanical work
To determine the cost of power, for any specific period of time - working hours per day, week,
month or year:
No. of working hrs, x .746 x H.P. motor = KWHr consumed
Efficiency of motor at Motor Terminal
KWHr consumed at Motor Terminal x Rate per KWHr = Total cost current for time specified
Torque is that force which produces or tends to produce torsion (around an axis). Turning
effort. It may be thought of as a twist applied to turn a shaft. It can be defined as the push or
pull in pounds, along an imaginary circle of one foot radius which surrounds the shaft, or, in
an electric motor, as the pull or drag at the surface of the armature multiplied by the radius of
the armature, the term being usually expressed in foot-pounds (or pounds at 1 foot radius).
Starting torque is the torque which a motor exerts when starting. It can be measured directly
by fastening a piece of belt to 24" diameter pulley, wrapping it part way round and measuring
the pounds pull the motor can exert, with a spring balance. In practice, any pulley can be used
for torque = lbs. pull x pulley radius in feet. A motor that has a heavy starting torque is one
that starts up easily with a heavy load.
Running torque is the pull in pounds a motor exerts on a belt running over a pulley 24" in
Full load torque is the turning moment required to develop normal horse-power output at
normal speed.
The torque of any motor at any output with a known speed may be determined by the formula:
T = Brake H.P. x 5250
With a known foot-pounds torque, the horse-power at any given speed can be determined by
the formula:
H.P. = T x R.P.M.
H.P. = T x speed of belt on 24" pulley in feet per minute 33000
K - constant representing number os watt-hours through meter for on revolution of the disk.
(Usually found on meter nameplate or face of disk)
R - number of revolutions of the disk
t - seconds for R revolutions
Pipe Formulas
Pipe and Tube Equations - moment of inertia, section modulus,
traverse metal area, external pipe surface and traverse internal
area - imperial units
Online Pipe Formula Calculator
inside diameter (in) - (default values: STD 4 inches - Carbon, Alloy and Stainless Steel
Pipes - ASME/ANSI B36.10/19
The calculator is based on the piping formulas and equations below:
Moment of Inertia
Moment of inertia can be expressed as
I = (do4 - di4) / 64
0.0491 (do4 - di4)
I = moment of inertia (in4)
do = outside diameter (in)
di = inside diameter (in)
Section Modulus
Section modulus can be expressed as
Z = 0.0982 (do4 - di4) / do
Z = section modulus (in3)
Am = transverse metal area (in2)
Ao = external pipe surface area (ft2 per ft pipe)
Ai = internal pipe surface area (ft2 per ft pipe)
Circumference External
External circumference can be expressed as
C e = do
Ce = external circumference (in)
Circumference Internal
Internal circumference can be expressed as
Ci = di
Ci = internal circumference (in)
Section Area
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
Section Area
3 1/2