Cl-Us: Chemical Air Cleaners

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Chemical air cleaners

Applications Construction

CL-U S air cleaner is designed for large background CL-U S air cleaner can be equipped with CL 15M or
concentrations / intake and circulation air CL 30M modules, a damper, a fan and a control unit.
applications. Halton Chem air cleaners are designed The filtering material is selected by the customer.
for purification of intake and circulation air in air-
conditioning systems installed in facilities with major
Quality and environment
odour problems and high corrosion concentrations,
such as electrical and instrument facilities, IT control Operations are guided by the ISO 9001:2001
rooms and computer centres, as well as electronic quality certificate and the ISO 14001 environmental
equipment facilities. certificate.


Operating and service instructions for Sampling
Chemical air cleaner CL-U S
Air cleaner CL-U S comprises filter modules type • remove one modules from the filter, in a
CL 30M, mounted in the same filter rack. Air cleaners severalstage cleaner from the last filter
can be connected together to build up a two or • pour the filtering material in a dish, stir it
severalstage chemical filter. Depending on the • take a sample (ca 200 g)
impurities, as the filtering material can be used for • pour the material back into the modules, refill if
example CL ALOX 6 or CL CARB 9. necessary with new material and place the module
back in the filter
• start the fan
• fill in the sampling form
Procedure: • The deterioration of chemical filtering material is
• make sure you have a sufficient amount of filtering monitored by means of regular sampling (e.g. at
material available intervals of 6 months). The sample is analysed and
• remove the modules from the filter housing the results used to determine the replacement time.
• pour the filtering material through the openings at • Send the sample and the form to Halton Chem for
the end of the modules analysis. The analysis results will be sent to you
• when the module is full, shake it carefully within ca 2 weeks after the sample has been
• add filtering material to fill the module to the top received
• if required, wear a respirator mask or ensure
sufficient ventilation in the area Refill volumes
• place the module in the cleaner (pay attention to
the arrow at the end of the module) CL-U S ca 30 l / 1 x CL 30M module
• press the modules against the gaskets on the
cleaner using the clamping mechanism One filtering material container:
• mount the filter access door and close it tightly
• start the fan • CL ALOX 6 ca 27 kg (CL 30M)
• record the refill • CL CARB 9 ca 16 kg (CL 30M)
• CL ALOX 6 ca 15 kg (CL 15M)
Replacement of filtering material • CL CARB 9 ca 10 kg (CL 15M)

The replacement of the chemical filtering material is Prefilters and final filters
determined on the basis of monitoring results. The
filter stages shall be replaced based on the life cycle Prefilters and final filters connected to or integrated
analysis of the materials. into the air cleaner should be monitored and serviced
Procedure: in the same way as all other particle filters in
airconditioning systems, usually on the basis of
• stop the fan
differential pressure measurements.
• remove the access door
• remove the filter modules
• drain the used material into canisters
• if required, wear a respirator mask or ensure
sufficient ventilation in the area
• fill the modules and place them in the cleaner
(cf. refill)
• close the access door tightly
• start the fan
• record the replacement


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