The rou!h and the smooth "ollie is the somewhat refined (ersion of the ori!inal wor'in! collie of the cottish shepherd+ from which it has been selected o(er at least a hundred years+.
The rou!h and the smooth "ollie is the somewhat refined (ersion of the ori!inal wor'in! collie of the cottish shepherd+ from which it has been selected o(er at least a hundred years+.
The rou!h and the smooth "ollie is the somewhat refined (ersion of the ori!inal wor'in! collie of the cottish shepherd+ from which it has been selected o(er at least a hundred years+.
The rou!h and the smooth "ollie is the somewhat refined (ersion of the ori!inal wor'in! collie of the cottish shepherd+ from which it has been selected o(er at least a hundred years+.
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er B 6530 Thui !Bel"i#ue$ ______________________________________________________________________________
22.11.2012/EN FCI-Standard N 156 COLLIE (ROUGH) M. Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library This illustration does not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed. ORIGIN: Great Britain. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF TE OFFICIAL !ALID STANDARD: 08.10.2012. UTILI"ATION: heepdo!. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 1 heepdo!s and "attle #o!s $except wiss "attle #o!s%. ection 1 heepdo!s. &ithout wor'in! trial. BRIEF ISTORICAL SU##AR$: The rou!h and the smooth "ollie is the same with the exception of coat len!th. The breed is thou!ht to ha(e e(ol(ed from do!s brou!ht ori!inally to cotland by the )omans which then mated with nati(e types. *urists may point to subtle differences which ha(e appeared as indi(idual breeders selected stoc' for future breedin!+ but the fact remains that the two breeds deri(ed (ery recently from the same stoc' and+ in truth+ share lines which can be found in common to this day. The )ou!h "ollie is the somewhat refined (ersion of the ori!inal wor'in! collie of the cottish shepherd+ from which it has been selected o(er at least a hundred years. ,any of the do!s can still perform satisfactorily at wor'+ offered the chance. The basic messa!e is that for all his beauty+ the "ollie is a wor'er. GENERAL APPEARANCE: -ppears as a do! of !reat beauty+ standin! with impassi(e di!nity+ with no part out of proportion to whole. *hysical structure on lines of stren!th and acti(ity+ free from cloddiness and with no trace of coarseness. .xpression most important. /n considerin! relati(e (alues it is obtained by perfect balance and combination of s'ull and foreface+ si0e+ shape+ colour and placement of eyes+ correct position and carria!e of ears. t12"/ n31451 22.11.2012 2 BEA!IOUR / TE#PERA#ENT: 2riendly disposition with no trace of ner(ousness or a!!ressi(eness. - !reat companion do!+ friendly+ happy and acti(e+ !ood with children and other do!s. EAD: 6ead properties of !reat importance must be considered in proportion to si0e of do!. 7iewed from front or side+ head resembles a well1blunted clean wed!e+ bein! smooth in outline. ides taper !radually and smoothly from ears to end of blac' nose. 7iewed in profile+ top of s'ull and top of mu00le lie in two parallel strai!ht lines of e8ual len!th di(ided by the stop. - mid1point between inside corner of eyes $which is centre of a correctly placed stop% is centre of balance in len!th of head. #epth of s'ull from brow to underpart of 9aw ne(er excessi(e $deep throu!h%. ")-:/-; ).G/<:: 'ull: 2lat. top: li!ht+ but perceptible. 2-"/-; ).G/<:: :ose: -lways blac'. ,u00le: .nd of smooth+ well rounded mu00le blunt+ ne(er s8uare. :ot pinched. =aws > Teeth: =aws stron!+ under19aw clean cut. Teeth of !ood si0e. - perfect+ re!ular and complete scissor bite+ i.e. upper teeth closely o(erlappin! lower teeth and set s8uare to the 9aws. "hee's: "hee'bones not prominent. .yes: 7ery important feature !i(in! sweet expression. ,edium si0e $ne(er (ery small% set somewhat obli8uely+ of almond1shape and dar' brown colour+ except in the case of blue merles when eyes are fre8uently $one or both+ or part of one or both% blue or blue1flec'ed. .xpression full of intelli!ence+ with 8uic'+ alert loo' when listenin!. .ars: mall+ not too close to!ether on top of s'ull+ nor too far apart. /n repose carried thrown bac'+ but on alert brou!ht forward and carried semi1erect+ that is+ with approximately two1thirds of ear standin! erect+ top third tippin! forward naturally+ below hori0ontal. t12"/ n31451 22.11.2012 ? NEC%: ,uscular+ powerful+ of fair len!th+ well arched. BOD$: li!htly lon! compared with hei!ht. Bac': 2irm. ;oin: li!ht rise. "hest: #eep@ fairly broad behind shoulders@ ribs well sprun!. TAIL: ;on! with bone reachin! at least to hoc' 9oint. "arried low when 8uiet but with sli!ht upward swirl at tip. ,ay be carried !aily when excited+ but ne(er o(er bac'. LI#BS 2<).AB-)T.): houlder: lopin! and well an!ulated. .lbow: :either turned in nor out. 2orearm: 2orele!s strai!ht and muscular+ with moderate amount of round bone. 2orefeet: <(al@ soles well padded. Toes arched and close to!ether. 6/:#AB-)T.): Thi!h: ,uscular. tifle $Cnee%: &ell bent. ;ower thi!h: "lean and sinewy. 6oc' 9oint: well let down and powerful. 6ind feet: <(al@ soles well padded. Toes arched and close to!ether. li!htly less arched than forefeet. GAIT / #O!E#ENT: #istinctly characteristic in this breed. - sound do! is ne(er out at the elbow+ yet mo(es with front feet comparati(ely close to!ether. *laitin!+ crossin! or rollin! is hi!hly undesirable. 6ind le!s from hoc' 9oint to !round when (iewed from rear to be parallel but not too close@ when (iewed from side+ action is smooth. 6ind le!s powerful with plenty of dri(e. - reasonably lon! stride is desirable and should be li!ht and appear effortless. -bsolute soundness essential. t12"/ n31451 22.11.2012 D COAT: 6air: 2its outline of body+ (ery dense. <uter coat strai!ht and harsh to touch+ undercoat soft+ furry and (ery close almost hidin! the s'in@ mane and frill (ery abundant+ mas' and face smooth+ ears smooth at tips+ but carryin! more hair towards base+ front le!s well feathered+ hind le!s abo(e hoc's profusely feathered+ but smooth below hoc' 9oint. 6air on tail (ery profuse. "olour: able+ Tricolour and Blue ,erle. able: any shade of li!ht !old to rich maho!any or shaded sable. ;i!ht straw or cream coloured hi!hly undesirable. Tricolour: predominantly blac' with rich tan mar'in!s about le!s and head. - rusty tin!e in top coat hi!hly undesirable. Blue ,erle: predominantly clear+ sil(ery blue+ splashed and marbled with blac'. )ich tan mar'in!s preferred+ but absence should not be penalised. ;ar!e blac' mar'in!s+ slate colour+ or rusty tin!e either of top or undercoat are hi!hly undesirable. -ll should carry typical white "ollie mar'in!s to a !reater or lesser de!ree. 2ollowin! mar'in!s are fa(ourable E white collar+ full or part+ white shirt+ le!s and feet+ white tail tip. - bla0e may be carried on mu00le or s'ull+ or both. A&& '()t* +r ,r*d+-)nant&. '()t* )/ ()0(&. 1nd*/)ra2&*. SI"E: 6ei!ht at the withers: ,ales: 45 E 51 cms. 2emales: 41 E 45 cms. FAULTS: -ny departure from the fore!oin! points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be re!arded should be in exact proportion to its de!ree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the do! and on its ability to perform its traditional wor'. DIS3UALIF$ING FAULTS: -!!ressi(e or o(erly shy. -ny do! clearly showin! physical or beha(ioural abnormalities shall be dis8ualified. t12"/ n31451 22.11.2012 4 N.B.: ,ale animals should ha(e two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. T(* &at*/t a-*nd-*nt/ ar* )n 2+&d 4(ara4t*r/. t12"/ n31451 22.11.2012 5