Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
JV and IC Management are responsible for ensuring that
transport activities within their control are managed in
accordance with the requirements of this procedure.
Restraining of Loads
Tie-Down Lashings
Lashings cont’d
Lashings cont’d
Lashing Material
Steel Chains
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
The load can slide forward when the vehicle brakes while
driving forward, or accelerates in reverse direction.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
The load can shift backwards when the vehicle accelerates
forward or brakes while moving in reverse direction.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
The load can easily shift sideways when cornering.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Road gradients
When travelling over or hilly roads / surfaces, or when the
road surface is sloped in any direction, the load can shift
easily, even if the vehicle is stationary.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Air flow
When the vehicle is travelling at high speed or under windy
conditions, lightweight loads, loads with large wind facing
areas, or loads in the form of sheets can dislodge from the
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Open vehicles designed for carrying loose bulk material (e.g.sand or earth)
must be fitted with a cover if there is a possibility of any of the load blowing
or falling off.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Load spreading
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Container Loads
Twist Locks
locks can all
can provide provide all restraints
restraint for contained
for contained loads loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
In this accident
It is clear that
the truck did
not have a head
board to protect
the driver.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Chocks are blocks or wedges
of either solid material, or
specially manufactured of steel
or composite-material with
holes through which securing
chains can be passed.
Nested pipes
Each layer of pipe must be as close to the headboard as possible.
If a space is required to permit hook access keep this gap as narrow as
The upper layer of pipes must have a portion of each pipe beneath the top of
the headboard.
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads
Safe Lashing / Securing of Loads