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Cooling Tower

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AIM: To simulate an industrial cooling tower and study its performance based on
The cooling load
Approach to wet bulb


The Bench Top Cooling Tower behaves in a similar manner and has similar components to a full size
cooling tower and may be used to introduce students to their characteristics and construction.

Water Circuit:

Warm water is pumped from the load tank through the control valve and water flow meter to the column cap. After
its temperature is measured (t5), the water is uniformly distributed over the top packing deck and, as it spreads over
the plates, a large thin film of water is exposed to the air stream. During its downward passage through the packing,
the water is cooled, largely by the evaporation of a small portion of the total flow.
The cooled water falls from the lowest packing deck into the basin, where its temperature (t6) is again measured and
then passes into the load tank where it is re-heated before re-circulation. Due to evaporation, the level of the water in
the load tank tends to fall. This causes the float operated needle valve to open and transfer water from the make-up
tank into the load tank. Under steady conditions, the rate at which the water leaves the make-up tank is equal to the
rate of evaporation plus any small airborne droplets in the air discharge.

Air Circuit :

Air from the atmosphere(with temperature t7), enters the fan at a rate which is controlled by the intake damper setting.
The fan discharges into the distribution chamber and the air passes wet and dry bulb sensors (which measure the
temperature t2 and t1 respectively) before entering the packed column. As the air flows through the packings, its
moisture content increases and the water is cooled. On leaving the top of the column the air passes through the
droplet arrester, which traps most of the entrained droplets and returns them to the packings. The air is then
discharged to the atmosphere via the air measuring orifice and further wet and dry bulb sensors (which measure the
temperature t4 and t3 respectively).

Droplets of water (resulting from splashing, etc.) may become entrained in the air stream and then lost from the
system. This loss does not contribute to the cooling, but must be made good by "make-up" water. To minimize this
loss, a "droplet arrester", or "eliminator" is fitted at the tower outlet. This component causes droplets to coalesce,
forming drops which are too large to be entrained and these fall back into the packings.

Under the action of the fan, air is driven upward through the wet packings. It will be seen that the change of dry bulb
temperature is smaller than the change of wet bulb temperature, and that at air outlet there is little difference between
wet and dry bulb temperatures. This indicates that the air leaving is almost saturated, i.e. Relative Humidity - 100%.
This increase in the moisture content of the air is due to the conversion of water into steam and the "latent heat" for
this accounts for most of the cooling effect. If the cooling load is now switched off and the unit allowed to stabilise, it
will be found that the water will leave the basin close to the wet bulb temperature of the air entering. According to the
local atmospheric conditions, this can be several degrees below the incoming air (dry bulb) temperature. With no
load, the water would be cooled to the incoming wet bulb temperature, but this condition cannot be attained since the
pump transfers about 100W to the water.

Flow through the column may be observed through the transparent casing.

Three sets of different packings, each in its own casing, are available. These may be interchanged quickly and without
using tools.

Water is heated using a 1kW and/or 0.5kW electric heater.


1. Orifice Constant:

Where a

=Dry air mass flow rate
x = Orifice differential (mm H

= Specific volume of steam and air mixture leaving top of column (m kg)

= Specific volume of dry air leaving top of column (m kg)

= Specific humidity of air leaving top of the column (kg kg )

2. Energy Transferred to Water by Pump: 0.1kW
3. Water Capacity of System: 3.0 litre (excluding make-up tank)
4. Dimensions of Column: 150mm x 150mm x 600mm high.
5. Packing Data

Number of Decks 8 8 8
Number of Plates per Deck 7 10 18
Total Surface Area of Packing m
0.83 1.19 2.16
Height of Packing m 0.48 0.48 0.48
Packing "Density" Area/Vol m 77 110 200

6. Temperatures
t1 Dry bulb temperature of air entering base of column
t2 Wet bulb temperature of air entering base of column
t3 Dry bulb temperature of air at exit from column
t4 Wet bulb temperature of air at exit from column
t5 Water temperature on entering column
t6 Water temperature on leaving column
t7 Water in make-up tank

a =0.0137 =0.0137
(1 )
B B aB
x x
v v

Base Unit: All components are mounted on a robust G.R.P. base plate with integral instrument panel. Components
include: (i) Air distribution chamber.
(ii) A tank with heaters to simulate cooling loads of 0.5, 1.0 and
(iii) A make-up tank with gauge mark and float operated control
(iv) A centrifugal fan with intake damper to give 0.06kg s max.
air flow.
(v) A bronze and stainless steel glandless pump.
(vi) A water collecting basin.
(vii) An electrical control panel.

Packed Column : Four packed columns (A, B, C and D), each 150mm x 150mm x 600mm high, and fabricated from
clear P.V.C., are available.Columns A, B and C have pressure tapping points and each contain eight decks of
inclined, wettable, laminated plastic plates, retained by water distribution troughs.
Column A has 7 plates per deck (giving 77m per m)
Column B has 10 plates per deck (giving 110m per m)
Column C has 18 plates per deck (giving 200m per m)
Column D has no packings.
Column Cap: This fits on top of the chosen column and includes:
(i) An 80mm dia. sharp edged orifice and pressure tapping.
(ii) A droplet arrester.
(iii) A water distributor.


Temperature indicator 6 point digital temperature indicator with Type K thermocouple
sensors to measure terminal water temperatures, and wet and dry
bulb air temperatures
Inclined Tube 0 to 40 mm H
O, to measure orifice differential pressure, or
Manometer packing resistance.

Variable Area 0 to 50gm s, with control valve, for water flow rate to packings
Flow Meter

DIMENSIONS: Net Weight 24kg
Height 725mm
Width 710mm
Depth 240mm

SAFETY: (i) Thermostat in load tank.
(ii) All heaters fitted with thermal cut-outs.
(iii) Fan intake fitted with mesh guard.
(iv) All electrical circuits protected by circuit breakers.
(v) R.C.C.B. fitted.

SOFTWARE: Detailed Instruction Manual
Large plastic coated psychrometric chart.


Cooling Tower Terms

Cooling Range The difference between the water temperature at entry to and exit from the tower.
Cooling Load The rate at which heat is removed from the water. This may be expressed in kW, Btu/h or k Cal/h.
Make-Up The quantity of fresh water which must be supplied to the water circuit to make good the losses due
to evaporation and other causes.
Drift or Carry Droplets of water which are entrained by the air stream leaving the tower.
Packing or Fill The material over which the water flows as it falls through the tower, so that
a large surface area is presented to the air stream.
Approach to The difference between the temperature of the water leaving the tower and
Wet Bulb the wet bulb temperature of the air entering.

Basic Principles
Consider the surface of a warm water droplet or film in contact with an air stream.

Assuming that the water is hotter than the air, it will be cooled:
1. By radiation- This effect is likely to be very small at normal conditions and may be neglected.
2. By conduction and convection - This will depend on the temperature difference, the surface area, air
velocity, etc.
3. By evaporation- This is by far the most important effect. Cooling takes place as molecules of H
O diffuse
from the surface into the surrounding air. These molecules are then replaced by others from the liquid
(evaporation) and the energy required for this is taken from the remaining liquid.

Evaporation from a Wet Surface
The rate of evaporation from a wet surface into the surrounding air is determined by the difference between the
vapour pressure at the liquid surface, i.e. the saturation pressure corresponding with the surface temperature, and the
vapour pressure in the surrounding air. The latter is determined by the total pressure of the air and its absolute
In an enclosed space, evaporation can continue until the two vapour pressures are equal, i.e. until the air is saturated
and at the same temperature as the surface. However, if unsaturated air is constantly circulated, the wet surface will
reach an equilibrium temperature at which the cooling effect due to the evaporation is equal to the heat transfer to the
liquid by conduction and convection from the air, which under these conditions, will be at a higher temperature.
The equilibrium temperature reached by the surface under adiabatic conditions, i.e. in the absence of external heat
gains or losses, is the "wet bulb temperature", well known in connection with hygrometry.
In a cooling tower of infinite size and with an adequate air flow, the water leaving will be at the wet bulb temperature
of the incoming air.
For this reason, the difference between the temperatureof the water leaving a cooling tower and the local wet bulb
temperature is an indication of the effectiveness of the cooling tower.
The "Approach to Wet Bulb" is one of the important parameters in the testing, specification, design and selection of
cooling towers.
Conditions within a cooling tower packing are complex due to the changing air temperature, humidity and water
temperature as the two fluids pass through the tower - usually in a counter flow fashion.


The Bench Top Cooling Tower should be prepared, started and allowed to stabilize under the following suggested

Orifice differential 16 mm H
Water flow rate 40 gm s
Cooling load 0 kW

(Note: Stability is reached when there is no further appreciable change in temperature, or flow rate).
At regular intervals over a measured period of say 10 minutes, all temperatures and flow rates should be noted and the
mean values entered on the observation sheet.

At the commencement of this period, fill the make-up tank to the gauge mark with distilled water. At the end of this
period, refill the tank from a known quantity of distilled water in a measuring cylinder. By difference, determine the
quantity of make up which has been supplied in the time interval.

While keeping the water and air flows constant, the load should be increased to 0.5 kW, and when conditions have
stabilised, the observations should be repeated.

Similar tests should be made with cooling loads of 1.0 and 1.5 kW.


Atmospheric Pressure :
Orifice Differential x mm of H
O :
Water Flow Rate w
g/s :
Make-up Water Temperature t7C :
Packing Installed :
Packing Density m :

TEST NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Air Inlet Dry Bulb

Air Inlet Wet Bulb

Air Outlet Dry Bulb

Air Outlet Wet Bulb

Water Inlet
Temperature t5C

Water Outlet
Temperature t6C

Cooling Load

0 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5
Make-up Quantity m


Time Interval y s 0 10 10

Calculations For Cooling Load of 1 kW

Calculations for SFFEE:

Using the wet and dry bulb temperatures, points A and B may be plotted on the psychrometric chart, and the
following values read off:
= /kg
= /kg


/kg of dry air

(1 )
B aB

= m
/ y

Specific Enthalpy of make-up, (h
at room temp C)


Applying the Steady Flow Equation to the system indicated by the Boundary


P = H + KE


P = 1.0 (0.01) kW
= 1.1 kW

(Pump power is approximately 100W, negative)
( )
Exit Entry
a B a A E E
a B A E E
m h m h m h
m h h m h

Mass Balance

( )
E steamB steamA
a B A
m m m

Calculations for Approach to Wet Bulb and Cooling Range:

The pump transfers approximately 100W to the water, and this should be added to the load imposed in the load tank.

Total cooling load = Applied load +Pump input
= 1.0 +0.1 kW
=1.1 kW

Approach to Wet Bulb =t

Cooling Range =t


Plot a graph with ordinate as 1.water entry temperature t5 K
and 2. Water exit temperature t6 K
and absicca as Cooling load kW

Plot another graph with ordinate as Approach to Wet Bulb temperature K
and absicca as Cooling Load


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