Name: Nguyễn Vi Mỹ Huyền MSSV: 12DH710073 Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
Name: Nguyễn Vi Mỹ Huyền MSSV: 12DH710073 Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
Name: Nguyễn Vi Mỹ Huyền MSSV: 12DH710073 Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
MSSV: 12DH710073
Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
I. Introduction
Studying abroad is popular
Peoples standard o! li"ing in#rease $ %ant a better li!e $ #&oose to study abroad
'"eryt&ing &as ad"antages ( disad"antages $ study abroad)S*+ is no e,#eption
II. Body Paragraph
- .irst/ 01pro"e !oreign language s2ills
3earn language %it& t&e nati"e spea2ers $ i1pro"e our listening and spea2ing s2ills
4!!er #&an#es to dis#o"er t&e ne% #ultures5%ay o! t&in2ing and li!estyles 666
- Se#ond/ 7e#o1e More 0ndependent
7eing a%ay !r6 !riends and !a1ily #an see1 daunting $ a #&an#e to &one our o%n s2ills and
gain so1e independen#e
8&en %e return5 our in#reased independen#e %ill be "ery use!ul $ &elp us in our 9ob
sear#&5 at &o1e5 or in our day-to-day routines
- :&ird/ ',perien#e a ne% #ulture
3i"ing t&ere $ see &o% people li"e and understand a #ulture
;i"e #&an#e to get a genuine e,perien#e instead o! a tourist e,perien#e
* !isadvantages
- .irst/ Not&ing is !ree
Pay not only !or our s#&ool !ees but also !or our li"ing #ost
.inan#e 1ay be#o1e t&e biggest proble1 $ distra#ts our 1ind !ro1 studying to earning
- Se#ond/ 8e really don<t 2no% %&at to e,pe#t
Drea1 o! t&e a1a=ing e,perien#e $ 1ay not be %&at %e e,pe#t6
:&ere #an be 1isunderstandings ab6 our li"ing situation
- 3ast but not least/ *dapting to a ne% en"iron1ent is e real #&allenge
>&anging t&e %eat&er #an a!!e#t our &ealt&
Di!!erent #ultures and #usto1s 1ay in!luen#e our 1ind $ 1a2e us less #on!ident
Dont &a"e enoug& p&ysi#al and 1ental strengt& $ !ail to ad9ust oursel"e in t&e ne%
III. "onc#usion
- Studying abroad o!!ers great opportunities !or a better !uture ?@ &as #&allenges t&at %e 1ust try
our best to o"er#o1e to 1a2e our drea1 #o1e true6
- 0! you &a"e a #&an#e5 0t&in2 you s&ould ta2e t&at #&an#e to study abroad6
8&en peoples standard o! li"ing in#rease5t&ey o!ten t&in2 about i1pro"ing t&eir 2no%ledge !or a
better li!e6:o do t&at5t&ey #&oose to study in de"eloped #ontries %&ere t&ey #an get progressi"e
edu#ation6Ho%e"er5e"eryt&ing &as its ad"antages and disad"antages5and studying abroad is no
.ristly5 8e &a"e #&an#e to i1pro"e our language6 0 t&in2 not&ing is better t&an to learn language
%it& t&e nati"e spea2ers67e#ause %e #an pra#tise %it& t&e lo#al people %&at %e study at s#&ool5 so
it is "ery use!ul to i1pro"e our listening and spea2ing s2ills6 0t also o!!er #&an#es to dis#o"er t&e
ne% #ultures5%ay o! t&in2ing5 &istory5#usto1s and li!estyles6
Studying abroad re1o"es you !ro1 t&e nor1al support net%or2 t&at you are a##usto1ed to ba#2
&o1e6 8&ile on t&e one &and5 being a%ay !ro1 !riends and !a1ily #an see1 daunting5 it is also a
#&an#e !or you to &one your o%n s2ills and gain so1e independen#e6
8&et&er it<s %as&ing your laundry or buying gro#eries5 you %ill learn to ta2e responsibility !or your
a#tions6 8&en you return &o1e5 your in#reased independen#e %ill be "ery use!ul A it #an &elp you
in your 9ob sear#&5 at &o1e5 or in your day-to-day routines6
:&ere<s no better %ay to see &o% people li"e and understand a #ulture t&an by li"ing t&ere6 Bou #an
learn t&ings you 9ust #an<t %&ile you sit in a #lassroo16 *#tually li"ing in a !oreign pla#e #an
greatly assist %it& learning t&e nati"e language6 3i"ing t&ere as opposed to "isiting5 %ill gi"e you
t&e #&an#e to get a genuine e,perien#e instead o! a tourist e,perien#e6
Studying abroad is o!ten e,pensi"e68e &a"e to pay not only !or our s#&ool !ees but also !or our
li"ing #ost6:&ere!ore5 !inan#e 1ay be#o1e t&e biggest proble16 >onseCuently5 it distra#ts our 1ind
!ro1 studying to earning 1oney6
8&ile you 1ig&t be drea1ing o! t&e a1a=ing e,perien#e you<ll &a"e abroad5 it a#tually 1ay not be
%&at you e,pe#t6 :&ere #an be 1isunderstandings about your li"ing situation5 and not e"eryone you
1eet is going to turn into a great !riend do%n t&e road6
3ast but not least5adapting to a ne% en"iron1ent is e real #&allenge !or e"ery !oreign student68&ile
#&anging t&e %eat&er #an a!!e#t our &ealt&5di!!erent #ultures and #usto1s 1ay in!luen#e our 1ind
and 1a2e us be#o1e less #on!ident or e"en a "i#ti1 o! dis#ri1ination6 '"eryday 1ay turn into a
struggle !or sur"i"al in a strange #outry60! %e dont &a"e enoug& p&ysi#al and 1ental strengt&5%e
%ill !ail to ad9ust oursel"e in t&e ne% en"iron1ent6*s a result5 %e #ould neit&er study or gain
beauti!ul e,perien#es as %e &a"e e,pe#ted6
0n #on#lusion5 %&ile studying abraod o!!ers great opportunities !or a better !uture5it also &as
#&allenges t&at %e 1ust try our best to o"er#o1e %&at &appened to 1a2e our drea1 #o1e true6
:&ere!ore50! you &a"e a #&an#e i t&in2 you s&ould ta2e t&at #&an#e to study abroad6