Attract Women Now
Attract Women Now
Attract Women Now
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Educate, Initiate, Perseere
Chapter !: Who "ou Are, and Who "ou Want
Chapter #: What Women Want in a $an
Chapter %: What NOT to &o in the Compan' of Women
Chapter (: Where Women Can )e *ound
How to...
Chapter +: ,educe Women
Chapter -: .se the Power and ,u//estion of )od'
Chapter 1: Tal2 with Women
Chapter 3: ,uccessfull' Approach Women
Chapter 14: 5et and E6ecute a &ate
Chapter 11: Create ,e6ual Chemistr'
Chapter 1!: 5et A Woman into )ed
Author7s *inal Comments
Bonus Article 1 - How To Date Strippers
Bonus Article 2 - Sex On The Edge
ace it gu!s" ti#es ha$e changed. Wo#en are stri$ing to %e #ore asserti$e and independent" and the!
are constantl! changing their dating goals. So#e wo#en re#ain traditional" with the hopes o& &inding one
gu! to ha$e a ro#antic relationship with. But #an! wo#en are loo'ing &or a #an to share a short"
passionate a&&air. With this in #ind" we ha$e to &ollow and understand their changing st!le o& courtship(
signals" techni)ues" and e$en %od! language. We have to learn how to understand women so we will
know what they are communicating to us. *& !ou want to succeed in #eeting and dating new and exciting
wo#en" !ou #ust %e a%le to interact" tal'" and &lirt with wo#en on their le$el. This %oo' is designed to help
!ou learn this process %! pro$iding the 'nowledge" techni)ues and s'ills re)uired &or dating success.
Whether !ou+re loo'ing &or a long-ter# ro#ance or a one-night stand" this %oo' will guide !ou through and
#a'e #eeting" dating and seducing wo#en easier and #ore &un,
One thing e$er! #an #ust understand is that wo#en thin' di&&erentl!. Wo#en sa! the! want to %e treated as
e)uals. We-$e all seen the &e#inists in action" &ighting &or one thing or another tr!ing to e)uate the#sel$es
to #en. What the! don+t understand is that we could treat a wo#an e)uall! - .ust li'e another gu! - %ut it
wouldn/t satis&! her. Wo#en still want to %e ro#anced and treated with respect. Wo#en sa! one thing" %ut
expect another. The! want to %e paid e)uall!" %ut the! want #en to pa! &or dinner. As #en we 'now how
rough dating actuall! is" and it see#s no one is willing to #a'e it easier &or us. 0ntil now,
This bible of knowledge will
guide you through the dating process
to ensure success with women!
Did !ou 'now that e$en i& !ou are %oth thin'ing the sa#e thing" it is a pro$en &act that co##unication
%etween the two sexes lac's clarit!1 2en and wo#en each ha$e a di&&erent process o& courtship the other
#a! not understand. Signals" and e$en words used" #a! not %e recogni3ed or e$en understood. We need to
figure out how to read women so we know what they are thinking. Wo#en are sending #essages to #en
all the ti#e - we .ust aren+t getting the#, This is wh! understanding a wo#an is $er! i#portant. Are !ou
thin'ing( How will * e$er learn how a wo#an thin's1 * %et !ou are" %ecause so was * when * started this
%oo'. * was shoc'ed to &ind that #ost wo#en were responsi$e to #! research, Wo#en want us to &igure
the# out, The! were )uic' to tell #e what #en do wrong when relating to wo#en" and how rare it is to
&ind a #an who can understand how wo#en thin' and co##unicate. This book will open your eyes to
opportunities youve never seen before, and youll soon be equipped with the knowledge to take full
advantage of these opportunities!
B! &ollowing the suggestions in this %oo'" !ou will %eco#e a #an that wo#en want to date. 4ou will %e
a%le to choose the wo#en !ou spend !our e&&orts on. 4ou+ll li'el! change !our appearance and !our
%eha$ior in an e&&ort to loo' and act how wo#en want. 4our changes will in&luence all aspects o& !our li&e -
!our wor'" !our social li&e" and especiall! !our success with wo#en, But %e&ore we go an! &urther" !ou
ha$e to #a'e a co##it#ent to wanting success with wo#en. 4ou ha$e to %e willing to put in the ti#e"
e&&ort" or #one!. 4ou ha$e to accept that !ou will change through the process. Don+t #a'e excuses &or
pre$ious &ailures - .ust chal' it up to experience and ad#it that !ou need practice, 5rett! soon !ou will
reali3e .ust how eas! #eeting and pic'ing up wo#en can %e.
While reading this %oo'" !ou will learn #ore a%out !oursel& and what !ou want" then use this in&or#ation to
target !our desired t!pe o& wo#an. 4ou will soon 'now what to do" and what not to do" &or success with
wo#en. 4ou will learn how to &lirt success&ull! and create sexual che#istr! with co#plete strangers.
*& !ou read this %oo'" co$er to co$er" !ou will %e a%le to get the 'ind o& short-ter# and long-ter# relations
with wo#en !ou cra$e - whether it %e purel! sexual or e#otionall! &ul&illing. 6o dou%t" this %oo' will %e
the %est %oo' !ou will e$er purchase to help !ou pic' up all the wo#en !ou want,
Turn the pages to learn the Who, What, Where and ow of meeting, approaching, talking to and
seducing women in the twenty!first century.
"hapter #$ Initiate, %ducate, &ersevere
7et+s cut to the chase. or a #an to succeed with wo#en" he #ust %e a%le to initiate co##unication with
a wo#an. The secret %ehind success in #eeting" approaching" tal'ing to" and seducing wo#en in the twent!-
&irst centur! is the a%ilit! to *6*T*ATE, 8et out there and #a'e the e&&ort. This #a! sound eas! enough" %ut
it isn+t. 2an! o& !ou alread! 'now how hard it can %e to approach a wo#an. This chapter explains wh! it is
so i#portant to ta'e the initiati$e and learn &ro# !our #ista'es. With this %oo'" !ou will learn the wa!s o&
wo#en" what attracts the#" and what discourages the#, Educating !oursel& is extre#el! i#portant &or
success with wo#en. 4ou will soon 'now how to read wo#en" how to approach wo#en and how to tal' to
wo#en in order to get the# interested in %eing with !ou. 4ou will also learn #ore a%out !oursel&" and how
!our #ind helps !ou attain goals.
4ou will practice #eeting wo#en" !ou will tal' to the#" and !ou will undou%tedl! &ace re.ection" especiall!
in the %eginning. 4ou #ust perse$ere through &ailure and re.ection and continue to experi#ent and
initiate, 4ou will reali3e that each &ailure can onl! lead to greater success,
9hances are" wo#en won+t ar%itraril! &lirt with !ou on the street. The! won+t o&&er their %odies to !ou.
The! won+t approach !ou and as' &or !our nu#%er. 4ou ha$e to initiate #eeting wo#en. Once !ou #eet a
wo#an she will decide i& she wants to &urther the relationship. *& !ou exchange nu#%ers" !ou still #ust
initiate. 9all her. Don+t wait &or her to call !ou.
Initiating contact with the opposite se' is the key to success with women.
4ou ha$e to get out there and acti$el! pursue wo#en. 2eet and date as #an! wo#en as !ou can. E$en i&
!ou decide not to date the wo#en !ou #eet" !ou will gain $alua%le experience .ust %! ta'ing the initiati$e to
approach the#.
The a%ilit! to approach wo#en co#es with practice and also con&idence. The %etter !ou &eel a%out !oursel&"
the #ore wo#en will respond to !ou. 4our %eha$ior can %e a direct suggestion o& !our le$el o& con&idence.
4ou #a! need to %uild up !our sel&-estee# in order to &eel con&ident co##unicating with wo#en. A #an
with high sel&-estee# will con&identl! wal' right up to the #ost %eauti&ul wo#an in the roo# and start
tal'ing to her. Howe$er" a #an who is not sure o& hi#sel& will %e unsuccess&ul in achie$ing his goal
o& #eeting and seducing the wo#an o& his drea#s. Which gu! do !ou want to %e1 *& !ou don:;<21=>t &eel
good a%out !oursel&" or !ou 'now o& areas !ou could i#pro$e" ta'e a trip to the nearest li%rar! or %oo'store.
5ic' up a couple o& %oo's on how to i#pro$e !our sel&-i#age. 4ou should recogni3e and tr!
to i#pro$e !our wea'nesses there%! lowering the possi%ilit! o& re.ection. The next chapter #a! help !ou
identi&! areas &or i#pro$e#ent.
4ou need to educate !oursel& on %oth wo#en and #en" and how their #inds wor'. The #ore !ou 'now
a%out wo#en" the %etter !our chances are &or success. *& !ou 'now how wo#en thin'" and what the! want"
then !ou ha$e the power to respond and %eha$e in wa!s that will attract an! wo#an. B! creating an i#age
that wo#en want !ou will attract the wo#en !ou desire. This %oo' will teach !ou e$er!thing !ou need to
'now a%out wo#en" including what the! li'e to see and hear" and how the! want to %e treated. 9onsider this
%oo' !our new Bi%le. But 'nowing wo#en is onl! hal& the %attle@!ou also need to 'now how #en thin'.
4eah" !ou heard #e right :;<211> !ou need to 'now how !our own #ind wor's. We all ha$e conscious
thoughts" and #a'e conscious decisions e$er! da!. But there is also our su%conscious to consider. When we
set goals" our su%conscious 'eeps trac' o& these goals" and in&luences the results in our conscious #ind.
When we encounter &ears or re.ection" our su%conscious deals with these o%stacles and ad.usts our conscious
#ind accordingl!. We are a%le to 'eep our goals in &ocus through changes #ade in the su%conscious #ind.
When !ou #a'e #ista'es" or &ace o%stacles" !our su%conscious #ind chal's these things up to experience
and expects that !ou will continue to pursue !our goals. And that is .ust what !ou need to do - learn &ro#
!our #ista'es and #o$e on.
(or our purposes, you must always keep your goals in mind, and continue
towards them with relentless enthusiasm.
As !ou %egin !our .ourne! into the world o& dating !ou will still %e learning approach techni)ues and
!ou should tr! to &igure out what wor's %est &or !ou. This #eans tr!ing the techni)ues in this %oo'" and
adapting the# to !our personal st!le. 4ou will no dou%t #a'e changes in !our appearance an !our %eha$ior
to %eco#e #ore success&ul with wo#en. So#e things !ou will learn the eas! wa!" and others !ou will learn
the hard wa!. Howe$er" %e&ore !ou de$elop !our %est approach" !ou #ust %e prepared &or re.ection.
%verything takes practice.
)ont e'pect immediate success without failure.
E$er! #an experiences re.ection> it is part o& the entire process. Hell" it is part o& li&e, E$er! &ailure
leads to a greater success. *emember$ the more practiced you are at approaching and meeting women,
the more confident you will become. This ulti#atel! leads to a higher success rate with wo#en, Don+t get
discouraged i& !ou get shut down :;<211> consider it her loss. With each re.ection" !ou ha$e to %e a%le to
regroup" #o$e on" and appl! the lessons learned.
4ou will learn !our dating goals in 9hapter 2. These goals will %e the %asis &or !our dating strategies.
Aisuali3e !our goals and #a'e it !our priorit! to #eet these goals.
"hapter +$ Who ,ou -re -nd Who ,ou Want
4ou deser$e the %est wo#an out there &or !ou. *& !ou are li'e #ost gu!s * 'now" !ou don+t ha$e her !et.
This #eans 4ou 6eed a 5lan. 4ou #a! need a plan to &ind a wo#an" to i#pro$e !our current girl&riend" or
to replace the wo#an !ou ha$e. An! wo#an !ou+re with should %ring out the %est in !ou" lo$e !ou" accept
!ou" share the good ti#es and stand %! !ou through the %ad ti#es. Don+t settle &or a second-rate girl&riend -
%e with a wo#an who #a'es !ou &eel li'e a 8od,
or !ou to &ind a wo#an with all the )ualities !ou want" !ou &irst ha$e to 'now a%out !oursel&. * guarantee
that i& !ou 'now !oursel&" and what !ou want" wo#en will %e eager to %e with !ou. *& !ou carr! !oursel&
with con&idence and show wo#en that !ou are secure !ou will i##ediatel! attract wo#en and capture their
attention. This chapter will la! the &oundation &or !our &uture success with an! wo#an !ou want.
.nowing who you are and what you want e'udes personal power.
,ou must figure out your game plan to get the woman you want.
With this in #ind pa! close attention and don+t rush though this chapter. There will %e plent! o& ti#e in later
chapters &or learning e$er!thing !ou need to 'now a%out approaching" tal'ing to and seducing wo#en. Be
patient and learn &irst a%out !oursel&. Once !ou 'now who !ou are" and what !ou want" !ou will %e %etter
e)uipped to loo' at what 'inds o& wo#en !ou would li'el! connect with. We will then deri$e a description
o& her and a list o& re)uire#ents she #ust &ul&ill %e&ore !ou gi$e her &urther consideration. 4ou should not %e
wasting ti#e with unworth! wo#en. This chapter is intended to get you focused on you, your personal
goals, and the woman of your dreams.
"ollect Information
Ha$e !ou e$er seen a picture o& a well-dressed gu! in a #aga3ine and thought !ou+d li'e to loo' li'e hi#1
Or o& a wo#an !ou could see !oursel& %eing with1 Well" all these pictures" photos" ad$ertise#ents" need to
%e collected and sa$ed, 0se these i#ages as incenti$es to reali3e !our goals. *#agine !oursel& loo'ing that
good" or with that per&ect wo#an. As well" cut out articles or ads &or singles e$ents" or o& places !ou #ight
li'e to go &or a date. 9ollect an! inspiring pictures as a wa! to $isuali3e !our o%.ecti$es and re#ain &ocused.
When the ti#e co#es &or a date with an a#a3ing wo#an" use the ads to create an exciting date &illed with
ad$enture and &un,
As !ou read through this chapter !ou will %e as'ing !oursel& se$eral )uestions a%out !ou and the t!pe o&
wo#an !ou want. ,ou will benefit more from this chapter if you write down the answers to all the
upcoming questions. 4ou+re going to %e re&erring to !our sel&-anal!sis #an! ti#es in the upco#ing pages.
*n order to %eco#e pro&icient at pic'ing up and seducing wo#en" !ou:;<21=>re going to change and grow.
B! writing this stu&& down !ou+ll ha$e #eans to #easure !our progress" e$aluate !our results and learn
&ro# !our #ista'es. Ceep !our written wor' together with !our collected pictures andDor ad$ertise#ents in
a &older or note%oo'. 4our written record o& !our personal and dating progress will #ar' where !ou started"
how !ou+re doing and where !ou+re going.
The (uture is in ,our ands
6othing a%out #eeting an attracti$e wo#an and winning her &a$or is luc'. 4ou are in charge o& !our li&e.
Where !ou are and who !our &riends are is a direct result o& !our li&e choices. The people !ou 'now are
people !ou ha$e attracted. 4ou create these relationships" consciousl! or not" and !ou ha$e the control to
%uild new and %etter relationships right now. *n &act" !ou can e$en decide what 'inds o& wo#en !ou+ll %e
#eeting and dating %e&ore !ou actuall! #eet the#, Si#pl! %! &irst 'nowing who !ou are and then %!
descri%ing the 'ind o& wo#an !ou want" !ou+re going to put together a plan !ou can &ollow &or tangi%le
results. Don+t lea$e things to chance or luc'. 4ou are responsi%le &or the opportunities that co#e to !ou
in !our li&e.
%verything that happens to you
is directly related to your choices in life.
*& !ou rel! on an uncontrolla%le i#aginar! &orce Fsuch as luc'" or chanceG !ou will %e gi$ing up the
power to ta'e !our li&e into !our own hands. 4ou should %eco#e personall! accounta%le &or all !ou
experience - good and %ad - so #a'e sure !ou engineer !our choices to re&lect !our goals and o%.ecti$es.
E$er! decision !ou #a'e will ha$e su%tle or considera%le e&&ects on !our li&e. Be sure !ou sta! &ocused on
what !ou want and !ou will %e happ!.
Who -re ,ou/
This is the ti#e to start thin'ing a%out Who 4ou Are. This section will help !ou to &igure out who !ou
are" and what !ou ha$e to o&&er a wo#an. irst step( descri%e !oursel&. What would !ou sa!1 Well" a good
start is a ph!sical description. So that+s what !ou will do now.
0et a pen and start writing.
Write a ph!sical description o& !oursel&. *nclude !our age" height" weight" ph!sical %uild" and
personalit!. Be sure to descri%e who !ou AHE" and not who !ou thin' !ou are" or who !ou thin' !ou should
%e. Build a realistic description o& who 4O0 are and what !ou represent. Be honest with !oursel&" and go
with !our &irst i#pulses. Don+t lea$e out !our wea'nesses" %ut also %e positi$e and loo' &or !our strong
points. Don+t ris' co#pro#ising !our sel&-expression and con&idence %! onl! listing out
all !our inade)uacies and hang-ups. Such a list is sel&-de&eating" whereas &ocusing on !our positi$e traits
will #a'e !ou &eel %etter a%out who !ou are> and when !ou &eel %etter a%out !oursel&" !ou+ll &eel #ore
relaxed and con&ident around wo#en" too. Wo#en sense this" and the!+ll &eel good %eing around !ou.
Ta'e a loo' at these )uestions. Answer the# honestl!.
1.Are !ou relia%le" honest" &unn!" educated" sh! or outgoing" practical or uninhi%ited1
2.Do !ou ha$e a large social group o& &riends and co-wor'ers" or do !ou li'e to spend ti#e with .ust one
. or two i#portant people1
?.What ha$e !our past relationships with wo#en %een li'e1 Who ends the#1
B.What is !our current &inancial status1
E.What are !our religious and political $iews1
I.What %elie&s and $alues do !ou li$e %!1
6ow" this next group o& )uestions is #ore i#portant. 4ou should spend a little #ore ti#e on !our answers.
=.What acti$ities do !ou en.o!1
<.What are !ou interested in1
J.What are !our ho%%ies" i& an!1
1K.Are !ou happ! in !our career" or would !ou li'e to learn new s'ills and change .o%s1
11.Who or what would !ou li'e to %eco#e1
12. *& !ou could do an!thing to spend !our ti#e" what would !ou choose to do1
Write this down while the ideas are spontaneous and instinctual. 4our &irst i#pulses are #ore li'el! to %e
the truth. The #ore !ou thin' a%out !our answers the #ore li'el! it will %e so#ething !ou thin' !ou should
write" not the truth. Don+t cheat !oursel& L !ou+ll %e using this anal!sis to increase !our chances o& getting
the wo#an o& !our drea#s. O& course" !ou can alwa!s go %ac' and add #ore ideas to !our notes later.
(ocus on What ,ou Want
What !ou thin' a%out and &ocus on is" ine$ita%l!" what !ou are going to get out o& li&e. 4ou ha$e to thin'
a%out new ideas" new goals and new wo#en" or !our #ind and %eha$ior will exhi%it the old ideas" patterns
and people. *& !ou don+t &ocus on and $isuali3e the wo#an o& !our drea#s and i#agine wa!s o& #eeting her
all the ti#e" then !ou+ll pro%a%l! end up #eeting so#eone who rese#%les !our last girl&riend" or worse,
A$oid thin'ing a%out what !ou don+t want. *& !ou thin' a%out not wanting a %oring la3! wo#an" and
!ou &ocus on that" chances are !ou+ll %e #eeting #ore o& the# than an! other 'ind o& wo#an.
,ou must (1"23 on what you W-4T
in order to 0%T what you W-4T.
This applies to all aspects o& !our li&e - not .ust wo#en. *& !ou .ust &ocus on o%stacles !ou co#e across"
instead o& !our ulti#ate goals" !ou+ll continue to ha$e set%ac's, 4ou ha$e to &ocus and thin' a%out what !ou
want all the ti#e.
)efine ,our )esires
6ow we &ind out what 'ind o& wo#an !ou are reall! loo'ing &or. Start %! writing down a detailed and
realistic ph!sical description o& her. *s she tall or short1 Thin or %ig-%oned1 Does she ha$e short or long
hair1 *s she sex!" exotic" and alluring1 *s she the girl-next-door t!pe1 Does she ha$e a casual appearance or
a s#art and sophisticated loo'1 Be sure to go &or what !ou want. Write down what %od! t!pe !ou would
pre&er to ta'e to %ed. What will get !ou excited1 What 'ind o& wo#an turns !ou on1 What traits do !ou loo'
&or in a wo#an1 Does she ha$e sli# long legs or cur$! hips and thighs1 *s she in a certain age group1 Does
she wor' out regularl!1 Athletic1 "onsider everything you can think of!
6ow what personalit! t!pe does !our drea# wo#an ha$e1 *s she outgoing or sh!1 Does she lo$e to go
out and sociali3e" or is she #ore o& a ho#e%od! t!pe that lo$es to coo' and sew1 *s she a lad! or a tra#p1
Or a little o& %oth1 Write down anything you W-4T. What are her #usic and &ood pre&erences1 Does she
li'e sporting e$ents1 6ightclu%s1 Tra$eling1 Shopping1 Does she li'e ani#als1 9hildren1 Does she ha$e
an! children1 Does she ha$e a career1 *s she a student1
4ou are going to &ind de&inite traits and re)uire#ents that !ou+re loo'ing &or in a wo#an. Don+t &eel sh!"
or guilt!" a%out these re)uire#ents. 6e$er &eel asha#ed &or who !ou are and &or what !ou want. There are
#an! 'inds o& wo#en out there" and #an! o& the# will #eet !our de#ands. 4ou need to decide !our
#ini#u# re)uire#ents. 4ou also need to &igure out which )ualities or attri%utes !ou are willing to
As !ou progress through #eeting and dating di&&erent t!pes o& wo#en !our ideal wo#an #a! lose or
adopt new )ualities. 4ou #ust sta! &ocused on what !ou want" e$en i& that 'eeps changing" in order to
progress in a positi$e direction. B! 'nowing what !ou want" !ou+ll %e a%le to eli#inate undesira%le t!pes o&
wo#en. ,ou want to meet and get women you desire with little hassles or wasted efforts.
So that+s the end o& this chapter. *& !ou ha$e answered the )uestions honestl! !ou should 'now #ore
a%out who !ou are" and what !ou are loo'ing &or. *+ll %et that i& !ou loo' o$er !our anal!sis !ou+ll &ind that
the wo#an !ou want has si#ilar ph!sical and personalit! traits as !oursel&. 6o dou%t she shares si#ilar
interests and $alues" and she pro%a%l! li'es gu!s li'e !ou. The in&or#ation gathered here will %e used later
on to ad$ance !our plan to pic' up and seduce the wo#an For wo#en,G o& !our drea#s.
*& !ou ha$e not !et gone through and answered the )uestions in this chapter - in writing! - then 3T1&
whate$er !ou+re doing and answer the# 41W! *t is in !our own %est interest to 'now who !ou are and
what !ou want. 9hapter ? tal's a%out what wo#en want" so !ou need to 'now what !ou ha$e going &or and
what !ou #ight ha$e to change to %eco#e #ore attracti$e and approacha%le to wo#en.
"hapter 5$ What Woman Want In - 6an
6ow that !ou 'now what 4O0 want" it+s ti#e &or !ou to &igure out what wo#en want. Once !ou 'now
what she wants" !ou can %egin &ine-tuning !our own %eha$ior to %etter !our odds o& getting 2iss Hight.
Once !ou 'now what she wants" !ou then ha$e the power to appeal to an! wo#an and #a'e her want !ou.
(irst Things (irst
Within three #inutes o& #eeting her" a wo#an will e$aluate !ou" .udge !ou and stereot!pe !ou %! !our
&irst i#pression. Despite this %eing an unreasona%le wa! to .udge a person" wo#en do this to al#ost e$er!
#an she #eets.
2a'e those &irst crucial #inutes wor' OH !ou" not against !ou. What is co##unicated and o%ser$ed
during !our &irst &ew #inutes #eeting a wo#an will dictate !our &uture relationship with that wo#an( !ou
#a! %eco#e &riends" lo$ers" or possi%l! re#ain strangers.
We are all guilt! o& .udging others %ased solel! on their ph!sical appearances" and our personal
pre.udices and shortco#ings. As shallow as that #a! %e" it+s true. 4ou #ust use this .udg#ent period to
!our ad$antage. This ti#e is !our #ost $alua%le opportunit! to portra! !our #ost attracti$e )ualities. The
%est wa! to #a'e !our &irst i#pression wor' &or !ou is to ad.ust !our ph!sical appearance &or greatest
)ress to Impress
How should a #an dress to i#press1 irst" alwa!s wear clothes that correspond to the occasion. Second"
alwa!s wear a well put-together out&it. *& !ou ha$e trou%le deciding on what to wear" it is alwa!s %etter to
%e o$erdressed than underdressed. 4ou wouldn+t want to show up in casual wear &or dinner at an expensi$e
restaurant with a wo#an dressed to 'ill. - man should always be dressed to meet the occasion or
situation. 6o #atter where !ou are going with a wo#an" !ou should alwa!s %e wearing clean" well-'ept
clothes. Belie$e it or not" wo#en pre&er clothes that are well-'ept and clean to clothes that are worn out or
dirt!, That #a! see# o%$ious to !ou" %ut it is i#portant to re#e#%er. B! ta'ing care o& how !ou loo'" and
%! showing so#e st!le" !ou show wo#en that !ou reall! care a%out !our presentation - and wo#en notice,
7ook ,our 8est9 -lways!
4ou should alwa!s ta'e the ti#e to loo' !our %est whene$er !ou go out. 4ou ne$er 'now when !ou #a!
ha$e the opportunit! to #eet a stunning" %eauti&ul wo#an - the grocer! store" 7aundro#at" or co&&ee shop.
Be sure to pa! attention to the whole out&it. *t+s worth the extra #one! to %u! !our sel& so#e nice
clothes to wear out. And don+t &orget a%out the shoes or %oots" a new %elt and a nice watch. Accessories do
#a'e a huge di&&erence.
If you wear a well put!together outfit you will look sharp and portray more confidence.
The wa! !ou dress actuall! will change how !ou %eha$e. Thin' a%out it@ i& !ou wore a clown costu#e
all da!" !ou would &eel sill! and goo&!. So i& !ou want to ha$e #ore sex appeal" wear so#ething that #a'es
!ou &eel sex!.
Wo#en will respond to the i#age !ou pro.ect. igure out what i#age !ou portra! now and then #a'e
the necessar! changes in !our wardro%e to attain !our desired i#age. Whate$er i#age !ou want to gi$e
wo#en %e sure to act the part. 4ou should consider all %eha$ior that attri%utes to !our o$erall personal
i#age - ph!sical gestures" e!e contact. 0se !our clothes to e#phasi3e !our desired i#age
With all #! experience" and &ro# tal'ing with other gu!s" a success&ul loo' to #aintain is to wear a pair
o& nice pressed or ironed pants and a sport shirt. Add to these %asics a trend! %la3er" leather .ac'et or si#ple
sport coat. Wear so#e good-)ualit! st!lish leather shoes or %oots F#atch !our leather .ac'et i& !ou wear
one,G and %e sure to alwa!s 'eep !our shoes polished.
Be sure to show good taste. The whole out&it can %e relaxed" trend!" con$entional" or pro&essional" %ut
an! route !ou ta'e !ou #ust loo' sharp. Tr! to sta! awa! &ro# wearing a tie. 4ou want to sta! loose and
approacha%le - not uptight or sno%%! loo'ing. A si#ple well put-together out&it is %est. ,oull be more
successful with women than youve ever imagined if you wear a clean, classic, well put!together outfit
that e'udes style and self!pride.
*efine ,our 0rooming *egime
Wo#en notice e$er! little thing a%out a #an+s groo#ing. E$er! ti#e the! see a gu! the! go through a
#ental chec'list. *s his hair washed and st!led1 Are his &ingernails clean or #anicured1 Are his shoes
polished1 9lothes clean1 *s he %athed1 Does he s#ell good1 These things reall! #atter to wo#en, 9lean
and neat counts, ind a groo#ing regi#e that wor's &or !ou - and sta! polished,
Alwa!s" * repeat A7WA4S" shower and sha$e and use deodorant %e&ore going out to #eet a wo#an. 4ou
#ight thin' the s#ell o& !our sweat is #anl! and sex!" %ut #ost wo#en would strongl! disagree, Hold o&&
on sharing !our rugged %od! odor until !ou+re hot and hea$! in %ed. *& !ou are going out speci&icall! to
#eet new wo#en or &or a date" %e sure to ta'e so#e extra ti#e getting read!. Show wo#en that !ou care
a%out !our appearance. 2a'e sure !our hair is done properl! and !our nails are &iled and cleaned. Brush
!our teeth and use cologne - not too #uch though" as wo#en generall! ha$e a %etter sense o& s#ell than
#en. Take pride in how you look, and you instantly improve your chances of success!
0et In 3hape
4ou don+t ha$e to %e %u&&" ripped" or a %od! %uilder .ust to get the girl. But !ou should #a'e an e&&ort to
'eep !our %od! &it. 6ot onl! &or !our health" or &or how !ou loo' to wo#en !ou &irst #eet" %ut also &or !our
sexual per&or#ance in %ed. E$en i& !ou .ust do cardio a &ew ti#es a wee'" !ou+ll not onl! tri# the waist line
%ut !ou+ll also %e a%le to satis&! !our wo#an long into the night - without ha$ing to ta'e a %rea' hal&wa!
through, %'ercise will not only make you look good, it will make you feel great!
Besides" #ost wo#en aren+t attracted to a #an who is o$erweight and la3! %ecause that is a direct
indication o& how he is as a lo$er. 4ou want a wo#an to see !ou as a #an she could %e with ph!sicall!.
E$en i& so#e%od! carries hi#sel& well and with good posture" it+s an indication o& a good lo$er - in %oth
#en and wo#en.
8e 2nique
Another i#portant )ualit! that wo#en lo$e in a #an is indi$idualit!. Women love a man with a
presence ! someone unique. Ta'e another loo' at !our sel&-anal!sis and decide which )ualit! For )ualitiesG
#a'es !ou di&&erent" special" or one o& a 'ind. Then co#e up with a wa! to draw attention to that )ualit!.
2a!%e coin a phrase" or use a prop1 *& !ou lo$e photograph!" &or exa#ple" carr! a ca#era with !ou the next
ti#e !ou go out. We all 'now #ost wo#en lo$e getting their picture ta'en - #a!%e a %eauti&ul wo#an
eager to %e !our next #odel will approach !ou.
O&ten" wearing so#e 'ind o& hat will #a'e !ou stand out. E$en wearing a %ase%all cap will pre$ent !ou
&ro# withdrawing into the shadows. *& !ou want to ha$e a little #ore &un wear a cow%o! hat. Or tr! wearing
a Santa+s hat at 9hrist#as ti#e. Wo#en lo$e cuteness in a #an.
Whate$er #ethod !ou decide to use" %e creati$e. Be con&ident and ha$e &un %eing !oursel&. Wo#en lo$e
a #an who shows character.
8uild ,our "onfidence
6o #atter where !ou are in !our li&e" !ou should alwa!s 'now who !ou want to %e. To %uild !our sel&-
con&idence !ou need to 'now who !ou are" 'now where !ou are going" and %e acti$el! in$ol$ed in #a'ing
!our goals realit!. *& !ou don+t li'e so#ething a%out !oursel&" or !ou want to tr! so#ething new" then !ou
should start using !our spare ti#e to achie$e these personal goals. Ta'e a class" attend a se#inar" or en.o!
other acti$ities that will help !ou %eco#e who !ou want to %e. *t won+t ta'e long &or !ou to start %uilding
the sel&-con&idence to which so #an! wo#en are attracted.
Intrigue er With 6ystery
Another trait that #an! wo#en &ind attracti$e is a little #!ster! in a #an. While #ost wo#en clai# the!
want a #an who is open" re$ealing and $ulnera%le" the! also &ind the strong silent t!pe $er! appealing.
Though this sounds contradicti$e" it+s relati$el! eas! to respond to. A #an who is #!sterious intrigues
wo#en. She considers this a challenge" so gi$e in to her pla!&ul ga#e.
Don+t tell all right awa! - sa$e so#ething &or later. 4ou #ust hold %ac' &ro# telling a wo#an e$er!thing
a%out !oursel& right awa!. An eas! wa! to do this is to onl! answer )uestions. Don+t tal' too #uch a%out an
issue or experience - !ou #a! sa! so#ething she doesn+t want to hear. 7et !our personal stor! re$eal itsel&
o$er ti#e instead o& all at once.
"hallenge a woman to find out about you.
*ntrigue the wo#an !ou are with and she will %e #ore deter#ined to &ind out all a%out !ou. Wo#en
don+t #ind ha$ing to pr! a little to get #ore in&or#ation. But %e sure not to %e o$erl! secreti$e" though" or
she #a! wonder what !ou are tr!ing to hide,
3how er *espect
Wo#en want to %e ad#ired and appreciated &or their special )ualities" e$en i& the! den! wanting the
attention. 5utting the wo#an o& !our desire &irst will pa! o&&. *& !ou show her that who she is and what she
sa!s is i#portant to !ou" !ou will easil! %e on her good side. 4ou can do this %! %eing attenti$e" through
co#pli#ents - on her loo's" a new hairst!le" or a pro#otion at wor' - and %! listening to her during !our
con$ersations. Show her !ou are genuinel! interested in her. -dmire the woman you are
with, respect her and make her feel special. She+ll %e $er! happ! with !ou" and she:;<21=>ll want to
please !ou in return,
0ive er a 7ittle *omance
Ho#ance is attracti$e. *t+s a little well-'nown &act that wo#en lo$e to %e adored. Being ro#antic is
easier than !ou thin'" too, *t o&ten #eans .ust doing the little things. Surprise her with a single &lower or a
note in her poc'et" ta'e her chic'en soup when she+s sic'" or tell her a song re#inds !ou o& her.
Women always need reassurance. 3he needs to know she is needed and wanted.
Wo#en want to hear !ou sa! nice things a%out the#. The! lo$e &lowers and gi&ts an! ti#e. But !ou
can+t gi$e her ro#ance too o&ten. *& !ou gi$e too #uch she+ll co#e to expect it" and there+s a chance she+ll
ta'e it &or granted. Don+t o$er do it. Ho#ance is a great Ace to pla! i& she is e$er unhapp! and !ou want to
cheer her up. A little candlelight" wine and roses will go a long wa!,
6ake er 7augh
A sense o& hu#or is 'e! when entertaining a wo#an. *& !ou can #a'e her laugh" !ou can o&ten win her
heart" too. 2an! wo#en co#plain a%out #en %eing too serious. So loosen up" relax" and #a'e her laugh
when she+s with !ou. Ha$ing a sense o& hu#or can #a'e up &or other possi%le shortco#ings" too. 2en who
aren+t the %est loo'ing or in the %est ph!sical shape can o&ten succeed with wo#en .ust %! ha$ing a great
sense o& hu#or. Being &unn! co#es &ro# ha$ing the con&idence to %e weird" sill!" o$erl! outgoing" or
exaggerated. 7et your inhibitions go ! use your sense of humor to your advantage! Don+t %e sh! - laugh
out-loud" and she+ll laugh with !ou.
3umming 2p What Women Want
Wo#en all %asicall! want the sa#e thing( A #an who is loo's good" who is sure o& hi#sel& and who
shows genuine interest in %eing with her. O& course" each wo#an has particular traits she loo's &or" %ut all
wo#en want a #an who is uni)ue" &un to %e with" and who will treat her with respect. A&ter stud!ing this
chapter" and #a'ing the e&&ort to %uild on the traits discussed" !ou will %eco#e #ore attracti$e to wo#en.
Once !ou #aster loo'ing and acting the wa! wo#en want" !ou will de$elop !our own personal i#age.
Wo#en with a si#ilar i#age will %e drawn to !ou" and !ou will ha$e greater success with these wo#en.
"hapter :$ What 4ot To )o In The "ompany 1f Women
*& !ou are li'e e$er! other gu! * 'now then at so#e point !ou ha$e done at least one o& the things in this
chapter - pro%a%l! without 'nowing it was a turn-o&& &or wo#en. Cnowing a%out these turn-o&&s ahead o&
ti#e #a'es it easier to a$oid the#. *t is #! expert ad$ice that !ou heed these warnings. * guarantee that i&
!ou ignore this chapter" !ou will %e destined to &ailure with wo#en.
)14 ;T 0awk at Women
*& !ou stare at a wo#an+s %od!" she will auto#aticall! %e turned o&& and decide !ou are so#eone she
does not want to %e with. This does not #ean !ou can+t appreciate the rest o& her - her clothing" her stride"
her gorgeous &acial &eatures. This #eans that !ou #ust chec' out her %od! with a little #ore discretion. The
last thing a wo#an wants to &eel is li'e she is a piece o& #eat that a #an .ust wants to ha$e sex with. Wo#en
want to &eel appreciated &or who the! are" and not .ust what the! loo' li'e.
2a'ing e!e contact is extre#el! i#portant when !ou &irst #eet a wo#an. ,oull never progress your
relationship with a woman if you keep looking at her chest. Despite that her clothing is sex!" and she has
a %eauti&ul" cur$aceous %od!" !ou #ustn+t chec' out her ass or %reasts so that !ou can get caught, Direct e!e
contact is especiall! i#portant i& !ou are in a social en$iron#ent and !ou are tal'ing to this wo#an &or the
&irst or second ti#e. Ceep !our e!es on her - not on the wo#en wal'ing %!" or on her &riends. *& !ou are
seriousl! interested in a wo#an" !ou should gi$e her !our undi$ided attention.
)14T "urse and 3wear
4ou want wo#en to see !ou as a gentle#an. *& !ou reall! want to gi$e o&& a good &irst i#pression" don+t
swear in &ront o& wo#en. 4ou should alwa!s assu#e that wo#en don+t appro$e o& &oul language or sexual
undertone during con$ersation. Alwa!s lead wo#en to thin' !ou are a gentle#an" e$en i& !ou aren+t. Once
!ou %eco#e #ore co#&orta%le with a wo#an then !ou can gauge le$els o& pro&anit! that she will tolerate.
)14T &hysically 0rab Women
Wo#en do not appreciate their %od! parts %eing pinched" gra%%ed" slapped or &ondled. *& !ou do this"
!ou will create hostile &eelings %etween the two o& !ou. Wo#en will not tolerate an! ph!sical contact that
inti#idates the#" or is degrading. As a #an tr!ing to score with a wo#an" !ou do not want her to %e
guarded or unco#&orta%le around !ou. B! a$oiding aggressi$e ph!sical gestures !ou ensure she &eels
respected" relaxed and sa&e. 4ou #a! want to touch her" and ha$e so#e ph!sical contact with her. This is
per#issi%le - she will appreciate light" &lirt! gestures" such as touching her ar#" %rushing against her" or
sitting close to her. lirt! %od! language is i#portant in the stages o& seduction" %ut %e care&ul not to %e
too aggressi$e.
)14T 7ie or 8etray Women
*& !ou are e$er caught in a lie !ou #ight as well sa! good%!e to the wo#an that catches !ou. Wo#en
consider trust a #a.or &actor in a health! relationship. *& she catches !ou %etra!ing her trust" she will assu#e
that e$er!thing !ou ha$e e$er said is a lie" and she will no longer %elie$e an!thing !ou sa!. *n order to co$er
!our %ases" &or exa#ple" i& !ou are seeing #ore than one wo#an %e sure !ou don+t co##it to one wo#an.
Be honest with her" and she #a! e$en agree with !our %eha$ior, Wo#en want respect. When !ou respect a
wo#an" she+ll gi$e it in return.
*& a wo#an starts to %adger !ou a%out !our %eha$ior" don+t answer her )uestions i& !ou are going to ha$e
to lie to her. Si#pl! tell her that she is out o& line. 4ou aren+t o%ligated to tell a wo#an e$er!thing"
especiall! i& !ou are still in the dating stage o& a relationship. She #ust also respect !ou and show
consideration &or !our pri$ac!.
)14T Talk -bout 1ther Women
We ha$e all done this. 4ou are out with a wo#an" and the con$ersation turns to !our prior relationships.
4ou should %e care&ul to a$oid in depth con$ersations a%out other wo#en &or a couple o& reasons. irst" %!
discussing !our past relationships" and perhaps anal!3ing the#" !ou put this new wo#an in the categor! o&
therapist - a.'.a. &riend. She won+t &eel an! sexual che#istr! &or !ou i& !ou are telling her what went wrong
with !our ex-girl&riend. She #a! see !our need to tal' as an indication o& e#otional %aggage. 4ou DO 6OT
want a wo#an to assu#e !ou ha$e %aggage.
Second" !ou don+t want to discuss other wo#en !ou+re !our date %ecause this #a! #a'e her &eel
unco#&orta%le. *& !ou are tal'ing a%out ex-girl&riends then it #eans !ou are still thin'ing a%out the#. A
wo#an wants to &eel that !ou are thin'ing a%out her" especiall! while on a date. She wants to 'now that !ou
li'e her" and !ou want to spend ti#e learning a%out her. So as' her )uestions a%out Her! 8et to 'now her.
Don+t as' a%out her past" and she will %e less li'el! to as' a%out !ours.
Third" !ou do not want to %e discussing other wo#en with !our new date i& !ou are seeing #ore than
one wo#an. This can %e a touch! su%.ect &or so#e wo#en" so it is %est le&t alone. *& it co#es up in
con$ersation" si#pl! %rush it o&& as casual dating. Tr! to a$oid that discussion in the earl! dating stages with
a new wo#an. 4ou want to increase !our chances o& getting this wo#an into %ed" not lose out %ecause o&
!our %ig #outh.
)14T (orget to 3have
This is a %ig issue &or wo#en. The stu%%le #ight not %other !ou" %ut it de&initel! %others wo#en, *& !ou
intend to 'iss a wo#an" on the lips or otherwise" !ou #ust %e clean-sha$en. Either that" or ha$e !our &acial
hair grown out past the pric'l! stage. *t can irritate a wo#an+s s'in" and she won+t loo' &orward to 'issing
!ou in the near &uture. This" o& course" is not what !ou want. Be sure to 'eep !our &acial hair groo#ed and
"hapter <$ Where Women "an 8e (ound
One thing e$er! #an should understand is that o%taina%le wo#en surround hi# all the ti#e. We .ust
don+t reali3e it !et. To be successful with women you need to recogni=e these endless opportunities to
meet new women. Start ta'ing e$er! opportunit! to #eet new wo#en. 8ranted" #an! o& these wo#en #a!
not %e !our t!pe or ha$e an!thing in co##on with !ou. Must %ecause !ou #eet her does not #ean !ou will
go out with her. But !ou owe it to !oursel& to get out there and interact with wo#en.
There are #an! di&&erent places and wa!s to #eet wo#en. This chapter discusses wa!s !ou+ll #a'e
!oursel& #ore a$aila%le to di&&erent t!pes o& wo#en" and how !ou can NtargetN the t!pe o& wo#an !ou
desire. He#e#%er" this chapter co$ers #an! di&&erent approaches to #eeting and dating wo#en. 6ot all
approaches #a! appeal to !ou" %ut it ne$er hurts to tr! e$er!thing once.
1rgani=ed )ating 0roups
Organi3ed dating ser$ices can %e great" pro$ided the! aren+t too expensi$e. 4ou shouldn+t waste !our
ti#e and #one! on telephone dating hotlines" or on classi&ied personals" %ecause !ou can+t see what !ou+re
getting in$ol$ed with. *t+s %etter to ha$e a photo o& her or to interact casuall! with a wo#an %e&ore actuall!
as'ing her out. We all 'now that loo's are i#portant" especiall! when loo'ing &or a wo#an !ou are attracted
There are #an! social groups geared towards singles. The! are usuall! &or#ed around a co##on
interest such as hi'ing" #usic" photograph!" or so#e other &a$ored pasti#e. A group li'e this can %e good
%ecause !ou+ll alread! ha$e a co##on interest to tal' a%out when !ou #eet a wo#an. To &ind out a%out
clu%s in !our area" tr! !our local co##unit! center or newspaper.
There are also #an! online dating co##unities to .oin. 4ou can chat" exchange photos" and get to 'now
wo#en without actuall! #eeting the#. The *nternet is a great place to practice hitting on wo#en where
there are no egos in$ol$ed. Who cares i& !ou o&&end her1 She si#pl! won+t write !ou an!#ore. *& !ou ha$e
an *nternet connection" this is a great low-ris' place to practice. *t is also a great wa! to narrow !our search
%! process o& eli#ination> howe$er" !ou still can+t %e sure o& what !ou+re getting.
6o #atter which t!pe o& singles groups !ou choose to .oin" !ou #a! still not &ind !our target wo#an. A
#ore &ocused approach will %e discussed at the end o& this chapter. Essentiall!" !ou onl! go a&ter !our
desired t!pe o& wo#an. While targeting on a specific type of woman can be good, as it wont waste a lot
of time, you never know where youll meet the woman of your dreams. She could %u#p into !ou when
!ou least expect it. That is wh! the Shotgun Theor! cannot %e o$erloo'ed or underesti#ated.
3hotgun Theory
The Shotgun Theor! e#phasi3es hitting as #an! targets as possi%le. This theor! is per&ect &or hitting on
wo#en" and it can also e&&ect !our success when .o% hunting. 4ou want the %iggest spread, So" what does
this #ean to !our dating approach1 Tal' to e$er! wo#an !ou &ind attracti$e, Where$er !ou are" where$er
!ou go" !ou are going to see wo#en !ou &ind attracti$e. Once !ou see a wo#an !ou are interested in all !ou
ha$e to do is approach her" tal' to her" or get her phone nu#%er. How to approach her is co#ing up later" %ut
&or now recogni3e that an!where and an!ti#e is the right place and the right ti#e to #eet wo#en.
With this approach" !ou+ll ha$e endless nu#%ers and endless dates, To increase your odds with this
approach, you should go to where there are greater numbers of women. Such places include aero%ics or
dance classes" acting and theater groups" singles e$ents" and singles %ars. Also" !ou should alwa!s dress to
i#press e$er! ti#e !ou lea$e !our house. *t+s an unwritten truth that !ou+ll #eet the wo#an o& !our drea#s
when !ou are least expecting it. 4ou want the con&idence that loo'ing great will gi$e !ou.
With this enthusiastic approach" !ou+ll alwa!s ha$e at least one wo#an on the go" and !ou+ll alwa!s %e
#eeting new wo#en. What i& she isn+t interested1 Don+t ta'e it personall!. E$er! #an gets re.ected so#e
ti#e. The &oundation o& the Shotgun Theor! is to ne$er gi$e up.
,ou may give up on one woman, but not on your
quest to get the woman you desire.
8ars and 4ight "lubs
Bars and clu%s are a great place to #eet wo#en and to practice !our Shotgun approach. There are
alwa!s single wo#en #a'ing the#sel$es a$aila%le %! going to singles %ars and nightclu%s.
*& !ou want to %e success&ul pic'ing up wo#en in %ars" !ou should tr! going to those that aren+t too
nois! to tal'. So#e %ars ha$e li$e %ands that can pla! extre#el! loud. This creates the need to !ell %ac' and
&orth" thus ta'ing awa! &ro# the seducti$e %eha$ior. 4ou need to %e a%le to carr! a con$ersation with a
wo#an i& !ou expect to pic' her up or get her phone nu#%er.
Another &actor that contri%utes to a co#&orta%le at#osphere is lighting. 4ou don+t want a %ar to %e too
di#. Again" !ou want to see what !ou+re getting. Tr! to &ind a clu% that has a little %righter roo#. Also" tr!
to &ind a clu% that has a co3! area with couches or ta%les where !ou could suggest ha$ing a drin' with a
wo#an. *& the lighting is ade)uate" !ou will see her well enough to decide i& she is worth !our while" and i&
the #usic isn+t too loud" !ou will %e a%le to ha$e a con$ersation with her. Alread!" without an! co##it#ent"
!ou 'now i& !ou+ll li'e her or not.
"offee 3hops
Belie$e it or not" co&&ee shops are pri#e locations to hoo' up with a wo#an. The ca&&eine has a %ig part
in this" as it triggers the pleasure center o& the %rain %! releasing a su%stance in the %od! called phen!l
eth!la#ine. The co&&ee creates a %od! rush - her %reathing will )uic'en" as will her heart rate - and she+ll %e
#ore recepti$e to !our ad$ances than i& !ou had #et her elsewhere. Wo#en in co&&ee shops tend to %e #ore
open to #eeting.
9o&&ee shops are also a great place to #eet wo#en %ecause it o&ten #eans !ou li$e in the sa#e
neigh%orhood" there&ore there is a greater chance o& %u#ping into her #ore than once. 9o&&ee shops are a
casual en$iron#ent" and it is eas! to approach a wo#an. 4ou si#pl! as' her i& !ou can sit on the stool
%eside her at the co&&ee %ar" or o&&er to share a ta%le with her. O&ten" wo#en are in co&&ee shops to ta'e a
%rea' &ro# her hurried da! and good con$ersation can %e a welco#e ad$ance.
0rocery 3tores > 7aundromats
Ah" the necessities o& li&e. E$er! wo#an #ust %u! &ood. This reason alone is %ound to attract !our
attention - *& e$er! wo#an is" at so#e ti#e" wal'ing the isles o& a grocer! store then !ou ha$e a chance to
#eet her. The next ti#e !ou are shopping &or &ood and !ou see an attracti$e wo#an" si#pl! push !our cart
up %eside hers and s#ile at her. Then sa! so#ething char#ing to %rea' the ice and start a con$ersation.
7aundr! is another re)uired chore that we all #ust carr! out. 7aundro#ats can %e $er! casual
en$iron#ents to #eet wo#en. 2ost people spend a%out an hour and a hal& doing their laundr!" which gi$es
plent! o& ti#e to spar' up con$ersation. *t can %e #uch easier to approach a wo#an when she is relaxed and
.ust %eing hersel&. *& !ou decide to approach a wo#an in the 7aundro#at" %e sure not to approach her while
she is &olding her personal clothing" though. 2ost wo#en will &eel unco#&orta%le i& !ou do this. *& !ou do
#eet a great wo#an in the 7aundro#at and !ou don+t get her nu#%er" at least %e sure to as' her a%out her
regular laundr! da!s" then perhaps plan to #eet again Nsa#e place" sa#e ti#e.N As with co&&ee shops"
#eeting at a 7aundro#at indicates that !ou li$e near%! to her.
8reak ,our *outine!
4ou heard #e, Brea' !our routine. Ta'e a di&&erent route to wor'" wal' to the corner store instead o&
dri$e" ha$e co&&ee at a new ca&O" ta'e wal's at lunchti#e. 9hanging !our routine will expose !ou to new
people and new places and will increase !our chances to #eet and date new wo#en.
A great wa! to expose !our sel& to new people is to tr! new things" or go to new places. 9reate an
ad$enture &or !our sel&" and get in$ol$ed in so#ething !ou ha$en+t tried" or ha$en+t done in !ears. Ta'e at
least one da! this wee' and tr! so#ething new, * ha$e %rainstor#ed a list o& places to go and acti$ities !ou
could tr! - not onl! to #eet wo#en" %ut to enhance !our li&e as well.
Tennis 9ourts Art Shows The Beach
Health 9lu%s 9oncerts The 5ar'
Sporting E$ents 2useu#s 9a&eteria
Depart#ent Stores The Poo Mogging
A#use#ent 5ar's Boat Shows Hestaurants
Health airs 9ar Shows On the Street
9hurch 9areer airs Aideo Store
7ocal 2ar'ets Boo' Signings *n an Ele$ator
Sports Bars 9lu% #eetings 5arades
8arage Sales 5olitical E$ents Bus Stops
Boo' Store 2aga3ine Shop Airport
*emember$ -nytime! -nywhere!
It doesnt matter where you are, or what you are doing, you should always be ready to go into
action. The #ore practiced !ou are at approaching and #eeting wo#en" the #ore con&ident !ou %eco#e
with !our techni)ues. This ulti#atel! leads to a higher success rate with wo#en, He#e#%er" that !ou
don+t ha$e to call e$er! nu#%er !ou get L it+s the process o& actuall! getting her nu#%er that is
i#portant. Must 'eep practicing, Don+t get discouraged i& !ou get shut down - consider it her loss. Once !ou
%eco#e an expert" !ou will ha$e no trou%le getting the wo#an o& !our drea#s,
ow to Target ,our )ream Woman
ollowing is !our %est chance o& #eeting the wo#an o& !our desires. 4ou need to &igure out where !our
ideal wo#an will spend her ti#e" where she sociali3es" where she #ight shop" and in what clu%s or
organi3ations she #ight %e a #e#%er. 6ow" !ou put !our sel& in these places. Spend ti#e in stores she #ight
shop in> .oin the clu%s she #ight .oin.
(ind your ideal woman in a focused and well thought!out manner.
2a'e this search a priorit! in !our schedule. 5encil in ti#e throughout !our wee' de$oted to &inding"
#eeting and pic'ing up wo#en o& !our desired t!pe. This approach #a! at &irst result in &ailure" %ut 'eep
re#inding !oursel& that each &ailure leads to a greater success. 4ou #ust perse$ere though re.ections and
practice !our techni)ues. igure out wh! !ou were re.ected. What went wrong1 What went right1 *n an!
case" chal' it up to experience and #o$e on. A%o$e all" re#ain &ocused on !our goal. Ceep $isuali3ing !our
desired wo#an" and !ou will %e #ore li'el! to #eet her. Don+t li$e with paranoia that !ou #issed or
screwed up an opportunit!. 4our ideal wo#an is destined to %e with !ou.
Time to 6ove 1n9
6ow that !ou 'now the %asics" it+s ti#e to #o$e on. This chapter is the last chapter &or %uilding !our
&oundation &or #eeting" pic'ing up and seducing wo#en. *t concludes the Who" What and Where portion o&
this %oo'. What !ou ha$e learned so &ar is i#perati$e to !our success with wo#en" and the re#ainder o& this
%oo' is all a%out using e&&ecti$e strategies. The next chapter %eings answering the How )uestions to
attracting" tal'ing to" and dating the wo#en !ou #eet.
"hapter ?$ ow To 3educe Women
Once !ou &ind a wo#an !ou+d li'e to approach" !ou #ust 'now how to #a'e initial contact with her.
Once !ou achie$e recognition" !ou ha$e to %e a%le to read her signals - do !ou continue !our approach1 Or
do !ou ta'e the red &lag and get out o& the ga#e1 This chapter is de$oted to helping !ou learn the %est
strateg! &or approaching a wo#an. * will de&ine the entire process" &ro# initial contact and &lirting" through
con$ersation" touching" and to the %edroo#. This chapter will la! the &oundation &or the #ore detailed
discussions in the &ollowing chapters a%out speci&ic &lirting techni)ues F9hapter =G" how to initiate a
con$ersation with a wo#an F9hapter JG" and what to sa! to a wo#an F9hapters <" J : 1KG.
The seduction process can %e %ro'en down into three #ain stages. Each o& these progressions -
Hecognition and lirting" 9on$ersation" and 9he#istr! - will %e descri%ed &or !ou in this chapter. As !ou
read a%out each step" 'eep in #ind that !ou #ust lead the wo#an through the seduction process. She
ulti#atel! gi$es the appro$al" %ut !ou #aintain control. 0nderstanding these #ethods will allow !ou to
easil! incorporate !our existing 'nowledge and s'ills into the #ore ad$anced topics in later chapters.
3tage #$ *ecognition and (lirting
Objective: Find Her, Acknowledge Her, Interpret Her Response
This stage is includes chec'ing out !our surroundings" o%ser$ing all the potential target wo#en" and
deciding which wo#an !ou would li'e to pic' up. 1nce you decide whom you will target, you must let
her know that you are interested. 4ou can do this %! #a'ing e!e contact with her" s#iling at her" or gi$ing
her a little nod. Then" !ou #ust get a response &ro# her. She will li'el! s#ile" raise her e!e%rows or return
the e!e contact. Once !ou recei$e ac'nowledge#ent &ro# her" !ou will su%consciousl! start #a'ing
su%tle %od! #o$e#ents. These gestures include running !our &ingers through our hair" stretching"
repositioning !our sel& in !our chair" touching !our &ace" or ad.usting !our clothing. 4ou #a! not e$en
notice !our #o$e#ents L don+t worr! a%out it, This %eha$ior is usuall! a sign o& anxiet! and !our
apprehension o& actuall! #eeting her and tal'ing to her. So#e wo#en #a! notice !our %od! language" and
those who do will &ind it appealing. *t gi$es a wo#an indication that !ou intend to approach her.
A&ter the initial response" !ou #ust i#pro$e !our chances o& getting &urther recognition &ro# her.
9hapter = goes into #ore detail a%out using and reading %od! language. What !ou read here are .ust the
%asics. 2a'e sure !ou are in her line o& $ision. Ad.ust !our position in the roo# so that !ou are &acing her.
Then su%tl! scan the roo# and" without loo'ing AT her" tr! to catch her e!e &or another #o#ent o& e!e
contact. 6ow it is up to her to either discourage !ou or encourage !ou. She will either show interest" or she
will turn awa! &ro# !ou. If she turns away, cut your losses and move on to the ne't woman you find
attractive. )ont waste your time on a woman who isnt interested. *& she s#iles at !ou" or #o$es
towards !ou" this #eans she is interested. *& she #a'es e!e contact with !ou" %e sure to s#ile, *t con$e!s the
#essage that !ou are interested" and !ou would li'e to #eet her. Watch her %od! language &or su%tle
gestures o& encourage#ent - an!thing &ro# &idgeting with her glass" loo'ing down" or touching her &ace or
hair. An! o& this %eha$ior indicates that she wants to #eet !ou. She is in$iting !ou with her %od! language.
.eep in mind that women know quite well how to re@ect men. If she smiles at you or makes an effort
to straighten her appearance then she is definitely sending you a signal of approval. He#e#%er( 4ou
lead" so ta'e the initiati$e and go o$er and sa! so#ething to her.
3tage +$ "onversation
Objective: Approach Her, Talk to Her, Make Arrangeents to !ee Her Again
ro# this point onwards" !our success lies in !our a%ilit! to $er%all! co##unicate with !our targeted
wo#an. She has alread! gi$en !ou appro$al to approach her" now !ou ha$e a chance to win her appro$al to
see her again. The %est wa! to %e success&ul in the stage is to .ust go ahead and do it, The #ore !ou thin'
a%out what !ou will sa!" or how she #ight react" the #ore !ou worr! a%out going o$er to her and tal'ing to
her. Ceep in #ind !ou ha$e a%solutel! nothing to lose, ,ou already know the importance of action. 4ow
is the perfect time to e'ecute initiative. Wal' o$er to !our targeted wo#an. *& a wo#an sees !ou wal'ing
con&identl! towards her she will recogni3e that !ou are a sel&-assured #an. At this point" !ou need to sa!
so#ething to her. All !ou need to do is %rea' the ice" then she will repl! and a con$ersation is ignited. What
to sa! to wo#en and how to approach the# is discussed at length in 9hapters < and J. Also in 9hapter < !ou
will &ind out what $ital in&or#ation !ou #ust get &ro# !our con$ersation with a wo#an.
During this stage" there should %e #ore e!e contact" and continuing %od! language. 4ou #a! notice that
!our gestures re&lect hers" or $ice $ersa. This is a sign that !ou are %eco#ing co#&orta%le with the
con$ersation and a connection is %eing #ade. With this positi$e %eha$ior" !ou should either as' &or her
nu#%er so that !ou can call her" or set up a ti#e and place to #eet again. F9hapter 1K discusses how to date
wo#en" and what to sa! to the# %e&ore and during !our dates.G
*t will ta'e practice to %eco#e co#&orta%le approaching wo#en" %ut with ti#e and experience" !ou will
soon &ind out what techni)ues wor' %est &or !ou.
3tage 5$ "hemistry
Objective: "h#sical $ontact
This stage is %ased on creating a connection with a wo#an. She has to trust !ou" and %e a%le to
co##unicate with !ou. This connection can %e #ade in seconds" or it #ight ta'e a &ew dates" or it #a!
ne$er happen. *n 9hapter 11 !ou will learn e&&ecti$e techni)ues &or %uilding this connection.
Once !ou create sexual che#istr! with a wo#en !ou desire" then !ou will ha$e no pro%le# &inding the
opportunit! to get closer to her. There will %e the urge &or ph!sical contact with the wo#an. 7i'el!
exa#ples are %rushing against each other" touching legs under the ta%le" or touching shoulders i& !ou are
sitting %eside one another. While wal'ing" !ou want to touch her waist or her %ac'" or hold her hand. This
%eha$ior o&ten de$elops a&ter a couple o& dates" i& not sooner" and al#ost alwa!s leads to 'issing and
1nce you get a woman into this stage, its @ust a matter of timing and charm before
. you get her into your bed.
These three stages o& seduction are the %asis &or the re#aining chapters in this %oo'. The &ollowing
chapters o&&er #ore detailed in&or#ation" and #an! use&ul suggestions &or #a'ing the seduction process
"hapter A$ ow To 2se &ower -nd 3uggestion 1f 8ody 7anguage
The #an with the greatest chance &or success with a wo#an is a #an who can attract her" approach her"
and seduce her %! using %oth $er%al and non-$er%al language. This chapter is all a%out %od! language L
!ours and hers. 4ou need to 'now how !our %od! language in&luences her reactions and opinions toward
!ou. 4ou need to 'now how to get the results !ou want %! telling her what !ou want %e&ore !ou approach
her. 4ou+ll learn what i#pression !ou can gi$e her and how !ou can con$e! !our intentions to her %! using
si#ple gestures.
4ou+ll also learn how to pic' out the wo#en that will %e the #ost responsi$e to !our e&&orts. 4ou want to
#ini#i3e !our chances o& re.ection. *n this chapter !ou will &ind out how to spot the wo#en that want to %e
pic'ed up and those tat want to %e le&t alone. 4ou will learn how to use %od! language to co##unicate with
wo#en. 4ou will soon learn how to read a wo#an+s #o$e#ents and reactions to deter#ine what she+s
thin'ing and how she &eels.
8ody language is the most powerful and effective communication tool when meeting women. 4ou
#ust %eco#e &ull! aware o& %od! language and use it to !our ad$antage. Once !ou read through this chapter
!our chance &or success will increase as !ou %egin to see the clues wo#en gi$e !ou through their %od!
language. 0sing this $alua%le in&or#ation" !our ti#e and e&&ort will no longer %e wasted on wo#en who
cannot or will not gi$e !ou what !ou desire.
2se ,our 8ody 7anguage %ffectively
This is called lirting. lirting is extre#el! i#portant when co##unicating with wo#en that !ou intend
to pic' up. E$er!one can &lirt" %ut not all can &lirt success&ull!. 4ou will soon %e a%le to &lirt with wo#en
and achie$e great results, This chapter is &ull o& suggestions &or E&&ecti$e &lirting.
To become an e'pert at flirting you need practice, practice and more practice.
There are #an! wo#en out there eager to &lirt with #en. 4ou #a! not see 4oursel& with all o& the#" %ut
!ou should still use the# to practice !our techni)ues, 5ractice #a'ing wo#en s#ile> practice tal'ing to
wo#en> practice %eing &unn! and char#ing> practice new lines> practice as'ing &or her phone nu#%er. 4ou
should especiall! practice reading wo#en L approach the# to co#pare their reactions to what !ou expected.
E$er! ti#e !ou are right a%out a wo#an+s thoughts !ou will %eco#e #ore o& an expert at reading wo#en.
4ou will %eco#e #ore con&ident and" when it co#es ti#e to &lirt with a wo#an !ou reall! want to date or
sleep with" !ou+ll %e read!.
&ersonal 3pace
4ou ha$e to set the stage &or exchanging %od! language with a wo#an. The %est wa! to do this is it to
position !oursel& within reasona%le proxi#it! to her. Once !ou see a wo#an !ou are interested in !ou
should turn to &ace her. 2a'e sure that !ou are in her line o& $ision" so that !ou can easil! exchange glances.
4ou want her to see !ou. As soon as she sees !ou" start &lirting with her.
Wo#en" too" use their personal space to &lirt with !ou. *& a wo#an is particularl! close to !ou L less than
an ar#+s length awa! L then she is pro%a%l! interested in !ou. Alwa!s assu#e she is interested" at which
point %egin &lirting with her. A wo#an will li'el! position hersel& near !ou i& she is interested.
When a woman sees a man she wants to meet, she will find a way to be
physically closer to him.
Ha$e !ou e$er noticed a wo#an who 'eeps appearing in !our general $icinit!1 6o coincidence. Wo#en
ha$e their own wa!s o& getting closer to #en. She #a! slowl! #o$e closer to !ou> she #a! approach the
%ar at the sa#e ti#e hoping to tal' to !ou> she #a! Naccidentall!N %u#p into !ou> she #a! touch !our ar#
or !our waist to #a'e her wa! past !ou in a %us! nightclu%> she #a! e$en %rush her %reasts up against !ou.
This %eha$ior is sending the #essage that she wants to #eet !ou.
Wo#en al#ost alwa!s will tour the roo# and pass %! an! #an she is interested in #ore than once. She
will loo' at !ou and loo' awa! L then loo' again to see i& !ou are still loo'ing. This is a telltale sign that
she is interested. 2en o&ten don+t notice such su%tle gestures. Ceep reading to learn #ore a%out her %od!
E$er! ti#e !ou wal' into a roo#" !ou should notice wo#en" and where the! are. .eep your eyes open
to see who is checking you out, and watch which women move closer to you. These are the wo#en that
are interested in !ou" and the! will %e #ore li'el! to accept !our ad$ances.
6ake %ye "ontact
*& !ou see a wo#an !ou are interested in" the &irst thing !ou do is %eco#e $isi%le to her" then !ou want
to #a'e e!e contact. 7oo' into her e!es. E!e contact" especiall! the &irst glance" can sa! a lot a%out !our
&eelings &or a wo#an. Wo#en can sense !our intentions when she loo's into !our e!es. Wo#en are $er!
good at reading a person+s e!es" so it is i#portant to %e genuine. Allow her to see the real !ou> !ou+ll %e
#ore attracti$e i& !ou are %eing !oursel&. Be sure to loo' right into her e!es. Don+t loo' her up and down
li'e a piece o& #eat !ou .ust want to ha$e sex with> loo' at her. *& !ou create che#istr! Fas discussed later in
9hapter 11G she will &eel the connection right awa!.
-lways try to make eye contact with any woman you are interested in.
Show her that !ou are serious a%out wanting to #eet her and tal' to her. *& !ou catch her e!es across the
roo#" hold !our ga3e until she loo's awa!. 4ou should ne$er %e the one to loo' awa!" and ne$er loo' down.
7oo'ing down is a sign o& su%#ission L that is what !ou want her to do, *& !ou loo' awa! !ou send
#essages o& &ear" or lac' o& interest. 4ou want her to 'now !ou are strong" con&ident and asserti$e. Hold e!e
contact with her &or an extended ga3e. *& she re&uses to loo' awa!" gi$e her a little win' and a s#ile. When
!ou are holding e!e contact with a wo#an" and !ou &eel the tension %uilding" don+t %rea' down and loo'
awa!. orce !oursel& to 'eep loo'ing deep into her e!es. B! #aintaining !our ga3e !ou are creating sexual
che#istr!, Once the wo#an loo's awa! then !ou should also loo' awa!. re)uentl! scan her line o& $ision
to see i& she is loo'ing %ac' at !ou" and see i& she will #a'e direct e!e contact with !ou again. *& a wo#an is
interested in !ou" she will let !ou 'now.
%'tended eye contact is a good indication that she wants to meet you.
*& she continues to loo' right at !ou" then !ou 'now she is interested. She is in$iting !ou o$er with her
e!es. A wo#an with such con&idence is one to %e extra secure around. She 'nows what she wants" and
tonight she wants !ou.
When !ou decide to approach a wo#an !ou want her to see !ou as a sel&-assured #an who# she could
easil! %e with. Wal' right up to her without loo'ing awa!. To engage a con$ersation" !ou should politel!
introduce !oursel& and &latter her with a sincere co#pli#ent. She will surel! s#ile in response" or sa! than'
!ou" and then !ou as' her na#e and #a'e con$ersation. 4ou will learn .ust what to sa! in 9hapter < How to
Tal' With Wo#en. Once !ou 'now her na#e" %e sure to use it o&ten so as not to &orget it.
A great s#ile will tell a wo#an a lot a%out !ou( !ou are socia%le" !ou are &riendl!" and !ou are happ!.
S#iling is eas! and e&&ecti$e with wo#en. *t will put a wo#an at ease" and she won+t &eel threatened %!
!ou. When !ou s#ile at a wo#an !ou are sending her the #essage that !ou ha$e noticed her and she should
'now that !ou are interested in her. *& a wo#an s#iles at !ou" she is sending that sa#e #essage.
-lways return a womans smile B it tells her you are friendly, easy!going and approachable.
When !ou #a'e e!e contact with a wo#an" !ou #ust &ollow it up with a s#ile. *& !ou don+t" she #a! see
!ou as angr!" stupid" or a .er', 4ou #ight %e tr!ing to N'eep !our coolN %! #aintaining a straight &ace" %ut
wo#en don+t want that L a wo#an wants a &riendl!" approacha%le gu! to s#ile at her and to gi$e her a sign
o& appro$al.
3mile at a woman to tell her you are interested.
S#iling at her and #a'ing e!e contact with her will tell a wo#an !ou are attracted to her. *& a wo#an
returns %oth gestures L e!e contact and s#iling L !ou 'now !ou #ade an i#pression. 4ou will ha$e a prett!
good chance &or success as she has alread! gi$en !ou the appro$al to approach her.
*t is i#portant to s#ile to wo#en" and it is .ust as i#portant to s#ile while interacting with &riends and
strangers. *& a wo#an is watching !ou" and sees !our positi$e #anner" she+ll see !ou as a gu! who 'nows
how to ha$e a great ti#e. - woman will notice you laughing and en@oying yourself.
3he will see you as a guy who would be fun to go out and spend time with. *& !ou don+t ha$e a
con&ident s#ile" practice e$er! da! in &ront o& the #irror" or .ust s#ile at all the people !ou #a'e contact
with through out the da!. 4ou will )uic'l! &eel great a%out !our s#ile" and the reactions !ou get &ro# %eing
*eading er 8ody 7anguage
When reading a wo#an+s %od! language" %e sure to consider all %od! #o$e#ents" &acial expressions and
e$en her $er%al co##unication to other people. Wo#en are not $er! good at hiding their &eelings. Their
&eelings are expressed o%$iousl!" pro$ided !ou can read what her %od! language is sa!ing. Wo#en alwa!s
con$e! what the! are &eeling through a series o& gestures. 4ou need to %e a%le to recogni3e these gestures
and interpret the# to &ind out her thoughts" &eelings" or #oti$es. There are two key forms of body
positioning B open and closed. Open descri%es a wo#an who is open to ad$ance#ent. She will respond
positi$el! i& !ou approach her. 9losed" on the other hand" indicates that the wo#an is on the de&ensi$e.
She is withdrawing &ro# the situation> she #a! %e unhapp!> she #a! %e tired and wants to go ho#e.
Wo#en with closed %od! language should pro%a%l! %e a$oided" unless !ou want a challenge.
8ody &osition B 3tanding
When a wo#an is standing" and she is open to ad$ance#ent" she will o&ten stand with her legs slightl!
apart. Her ar#s could %e %! her side" on her hips" or one hand will %e holding a drin'. She will %e relaxed
and her #o$e#ents will &low s#oothl!. These are all good indications o& openness to ad$ance#ent. -
woman who is approachable will usually keep her hands showing B indicating she has nothing to hide.
A recepti$e wo#an will not ha$e her hands in her poc'ets" or her ar#s crossed. *& a wo#an is standing with
her ar#s crossed she is de#onstrating a closed %od! position. She is &eeling de&ensi$e and her ar#s pose as
a ph!sical %arrier to an!one approaching.
8ody &osition B 3itting
When a wo#an is sitting with .ust her legs crossed" and her ar#s resting on her lap" or on the ar# rests"
she is expressing an open %od! position. She #a! ha$e crossed her legs to %e sex! L to show o&& #ore o& her
thigh and to express in$itation. *& she is holding her 'nee and leaning &orward" she is showing interest. *& she
turns her %od! towards the person %eside her" she is de&initel! showing interest in that person.
When a woman is seated with her legs crossed -4) her arms crossed B walk away. She is not in a
recepti$e %od! position. Wait until she relaxes. Otherwise" she will pro%a%l! %e a $er! di&&icult wo#an to
open up. Another de&ensi$e position is when she tightl! holds her hands on her lap" and her an'les are
1bvious (lirting 8ehavior
E$en i& !ou aren+t $er! good at reading %od! positions" !ou can+t go wrong i& !ou notice so#e or all o&
the &ollowing %eha$ior(
She #a! tilt her head to one side" or loo's at !ou then loo's down" which indicates su%#ission>
She #a! run her &ingers through her hair>
She #a! straighten her clothing or ad.ust in her seat>
She #a! touch her &ace" nec'" or ru% her hand on her own leg.
All these gestures indicate a desire to loo' attracti$e. Women are always showing men signs of
interest, but so many men @ust dont know how to read them! 4ou need to o%ser$e wo#en and" using
this %oo' as a guide" learn to interpret their %od! positions and gestures. When a wo#an shows signs o&
interest !ou need to %e con&ident with !our approach" and that she will accept !our ad$ances" and #o$e
toward her.
*& !ou are #ore interested in learning how to interpret a wo#an+s %od! language there are nu#erous
%oo's written on .ust that. *t is an extensi$e su%.ect L one worth reading up on, The #ore !ou 'now a%out
how wo#en con$e! their &eelings" the %etter !ou can co##unicate with the#.
&hysical "ontact
*& !ou are li'e e$er! #an * 'now" !ou want to %eco#e ph!sical with the wo#an !ou are ad$ancing
upon. 4ou #ust not #o$e too )uic'l!" though. The wo#an will show signs o& interest" !ou will start a
con$ersation" and then !ou can inad$ertentl! touch her. A so&t" su%tle touch can #a'e a wo#an &eel at ease
with !ou. 4ou will reassure her that !ou are a nice" gentle person.
The %est wa! to initiate ph!sical contact with a wo#an is to Naccidentall!N touch her. An! indirect
contact will do L i& !ou are standing" stand close so !our ar#s touch" or i& !ou are sitting" sit close enough so
that !our legs touch. *& she allows or returns the contact" then !ou are o'a! to continue. Once !ou esta%lish
!our &irst ph!sical contact !ou should continue to touch her. *t lets her 'now that !ou are de&initel!
interested" and !ou don+t want her to get awa!.
O&ten" #en lose out with wo#en %ecause the! DO6+T touch her enough. 2en o&ten hesitate touching
too #uch &or &ear o& scaring her awa!" %ut wo#en thin' that he is not totall! interested in her. This is a
si#ple #isco##unication that !ou can easil! a$oid. Touch her. *& she pulls awa! then !ou should gi$e her
so#e #ore ti#e to get co#&orta%le with !ou. 4ou don+t want to co#e on too strong" or !ou #ight o&&end
Take the initiative to be close, but let the woman dictate how much, how fast.
*& !ou &eel that the che#istr! %etween !ou is %uilding )uic'l! and !ou &eel the desire to 'iss her" loo'
deep into her e!es. Stand close enough so that !ou can touch her chee'" and pull !oursel& against her. Wait
to see her reaction. *& she pulls awa! then she is not read! to %e 'issed. *& she returns the closeness and
doesn+t pull or turn awa!" 'iss her so&tl!. 2a'e sure !ou don+t gi$e her a wet" slopp! 'iss. Wo#en hate that,
*& a wo#an wants to %e 'issed" she will position hersel& in &ront o& !ou. Cnowing .ust when to initiate
ph!sical contact" or when to 'iss her" ta'es practice. 4ou can practice touching people inad$ertentl!
throughout the da!" %ut the %est practice will %e with wo#en.
%nsure 3uccess Tonight
6ow that !ou 'now a%out wo#en+s %eha$ior and %od! language" !ou need to 'now how to &ind the
wo#an who is loo'ing &or the sa#e thing !ou are L to #eet so#eone tonight. This wo#an will %e loo'ing
hot and desira%le.
T!picall!" she will wear clothes that show o&& her &e#ale &or#. She #a! draw attention to her %reasts or
legs. She #a! wear a tight s'irt or top to show o&& her &e#inine cur$es. This wo#an wants to loo' her %est
so that she will attract #ale attention. She 'nows that she loo's hot" and she has pro%a%l! onl! one thing on
her #ind L to &ind a sexual partner. A wo#an loo'ing to #eet a #an will express open %od! language" and
she will %e watching e$er! #an in the roo#. She is loo'ing to choose the luc'! gu! who gets to ta'e her
ho#e tonight. Despite her outspo'en %od! language" !ou should alwa!s &ollow the points in this chapter L
#a'e e!e contact and &lirt with her %e&ore approaching her. *nstead o& loo'ing deep into her e!es" !ou could
pla! with her a little and undress her with !our e!es. A wo#an with the goal o& a one-night stand will
appreciate this gesture" and the che#istr! will spar', This wo#an is sending out o%$ious signals o& interest.
4ow that you know even the slightest body suggestions you can pick up on her obvious desires. 4ou
can %e the luc'! gu! who attracts her attention using !our own %od! language and ta'es her ho#e,
"hapter C$ ow To Talk With Women
6ow that !ou ha$e learned how to use non-$er%al language to attract" approach" and seduce wo#en it is
ti#e to &igure out how to tal' with wo#en. When tal'ing with a wo#an" !ou want her to &eel a connection
with !ou. A wo#an wants a #an to understand what she is sa!ing" and #en want a wo#an to &eel at ease
with hi#. These two things go hand in hand. *& a wo#an &eels that !ou understand her" she will &eel #ore
co#&orta%le and she will %e #ore li'el! to %e recepti$e to !our ad$ances and go out with !ou.
This chapter is all a%out the spo'en language. Once !ou+$e #astered the #aterial in this chapter" !our
actions or words will ne$er %e #isinterpreted again. 4ou+ll learn the %asics to ha$ing a success&ul
con$ersation with an! wo#an. 4ou will learn what to sa! and what not to sa!" and a &ew general principles
to 'eep in #ind when tal'ing to a wo#an.
,our 0oal
There is one #ain reason !ou are tal'ing to this wo#an - the chance !ou will get sexual with her. 2a!%e
!ou want a relationship" #a!%e a one-night stand" %ut ulti#atel! !ou want sex. 4ou aren+t tal'ing to her
%ecause !ou reall! want to learn #ore a%out her or carr! on a con$ersation.
,ou are using conversation as a way to get closer to your goal of establishing an
intimate relationship with her.
Wo#en gauge their relationships on how well the! relate to that person. *& !ou want to relate with a
wo#an !ou ha$e to create e#otional in$ol$e#ent. O& course" &or !ou" con$ersation is a wa! to get #ore
in&or#ation a%out her. But &or wo#en it is #ore a%out how she interacts with !ou" and how !ou #a'e her
&eel. *t is i#portant get along well with her i& !ou want to see her again. This #eans a lot to a wo#an. Tal'
a%out what !ou li'e and disli'e" as' her )uestions" and answer her )uestions. O&&er !our personal opinions
as well. This will #a'e her &eel closer to !ou and she will #o$e to a #ore personal con$ersation.
*t is use&ul to tr! to attach a &eeling to the &acts she re$eals to !ou. or exa#ple" as' her how she &eels
a%out her wor'" or" i& !ou see her at the g!#" tell her how #uch !ou ad#ire that she ta'es care o& her %od!.
Tie in !our &eelings with the situation andDor an! &acts she gi$es !ou. He#e#%er" the #ore co#&orta%le !ou
#a'e her &eel %! understanding her" and showing e#otion" the %etter chance !ou ha$e o& seeing her again.
4ou need to use this con$ersation to %uild the &oundation &or a possi%le relationship with this wo#an.
The #ain goal o& this con$ersation is to %eco#e personall! in$ol$ed with this wo#an and to get certain
in&or#ation &ro# her. 4ou need to get three $ital pieces o& in&or#ation i& !ou want to see her again.
0et er Ditals
Be&ore we discuss how to tal' to wo#en" let us tal' a%out what the con$ersation should get us. When
!ou &irst #eet a wo#an" there are three pieces o& personal in&or#ation !ou #ust get &ro# her. The whole
%asis o& !our relationship depends on getting this in&or#ation. Success or &ailure at this tas' will deter#ine
whether or not !ou will see her again. ,ou must make it your priority to get this vital information when
talking to a woman that you have @ust met and that youre interested in. ocus on these three $er!
i#portant pieces o& in&or#ation.
Dital (act E#$ er 4ame
When !ou introduce !oursel& to her" as' &or her na#e right awa!. Be sure to use her na#e in the next
couple o& sentences. Women appreciate a guy who actually pays attention, and using her name will
show her that you are interested in her. Hepeating her na#e %ac' to her is also a good wa! &or !ou to
re#e#%er it" and to #a'e sure !ou heard her correctl!. The #ore !ou pa! attention to a wo#an" the #ore
she will li'e !ou.
Dital (act E+$ - "ommon Thread
4ou need to as' her a couple o& )uestions to get #ore in&or#ation a%out her. (ind a way for the two of
you to be connected. This might be a common interest, a mutual friend, or the same favorite drink.
4ou want to use this co##on &actor to relate to her" and !ou want to gi$e her a reason to trust !ou.
Dital (act E5$ er 4umber
Be&ore the con$ersation co#es to an end" !ou #ust #a'e sure !ou ha$e a wa! to get in touch with her.
This usuall! #eans her phone nu#%er. Or" as' &or her e#ail address. *n this da! and age there aren+t too
#an! people that don+t ha$e e#ail either at ho#e or at wor'. 4ou will learn #ore a%out getting her nu#%er
in 9hapter 1K How to 8et and Execute a Date. Cnow these three pieces o& in&or#ation" and #a'e it !our
priorit! to get the# &ro# e$er! wo#an !ou are interested in.
The 8asics
6ow that !ou 'now a%out getting a wo#an+s $itals" !ou need to 'now how to tal' to her. This can %e
harder than it sounds. When !ou tr! to co#pare the wa! #en tal' to each other and the wa! wo#en tal' to
each other it+s li'e co#paring apples and oranges.
6en talk facts, women talk feelings.
*& !ou want to tal' the sa#e language as wo#en then !ou need to express e#otion when !ou tal'.
*nherentl!" #en aren+t $er! good at this" and that is wh! the &irst thing !ou should do in a con$ersation is
listen to her. 4ou need to listen to her and relate to her con$ersation. As' )uestions a%out what she is telling
!ou" and in$ol$e !oursel& in her &uture. 4ou need to learn how to share personal experiences with a wo#an
to create an inti#ate connection.
The &irst thing !ou want to do while ha$ing a con$ersation with a wo#an is to listen. Too o&ten" #en
ra#%le on a%out the#sel$es lea$ing their date %ored and &eeling ignored. 4ou want !our date to open up" to
share personal &eelings and opinions" and to esta%lish a trust&ul relationship with !ou. When a #an listens to
a wo#an" and reall! pa!s attention to what she is sa!ing" she &eels that he is genuinel! interested in her &or
her" not .ust &or her %od!.
Women want a man to show genuine interest in her life, her opinions, and her
contributions to the conversation.
Wo#en don+t want a sel&-a%sor%ed gu! who onl! tal's a%out hi#sel&" and who is .ust tr!ing to get into
her pants. O& course" this can %e !our ulti#ate goal> !ou .ust need to pla! it cool with a wo#an in the
%eginning" until she &eels an e#otional connection with !ou. Heassure her that !ou are listening %! nodding
at her and %! #a'ing $er%al co##ents such as Nuh-huh"N N!eah"N and Noh reall!.N Once a wo#an &eels that
!ou understand her" and !ou want to 'now all a%out her" she will relax and %eco#e #ore inclined to go to
%ed with !ou.
3how Interest and -sk Fuestions
When !ou are listening to a wo#an spea'" !ou need to reassure her that !ou understand what she is
sa!ing. 0se positi$e $er%al co##ents" as * ha$e outlined a%o$e" and %e attenti$e. *n$ol$e !oursel& in the
con$ersation and de#onstrate !our interest. As' )uestions a%out what she is telling !ou. 4ou want to as' her
What1 and How1 )uestions to get #ore in&or#ation &ro# her. 4ou #ustn+t as' her Wh!1 )uestions" though"
as it will put her on the de&ensi$e and she #a! &eel threatened. 4ou don+t want to lose all the ground !ou+$e
#ade so &ar %! as'ing her an o&&ensi$e )uestion. 8et %ac'ground in&or#ation a%out her( Did she grow up in
this cit!1 Where did she go to school1 What %rought her to this cit!" i& she has #o$ed here1 As' her a%out
her wor'" what she li'es a%out her wor'. *& she is telling !ou a%out a current situation or a pro%le# she is
ha$ing" as' her )uestions a%out how she &eels" how she #ight deal with her situation" or what she has done
so &ar to sol$e the pro%le#. Show so#e interest and %e in$ol$ed in the con$ersation and !ou will surel!
i#press her.
What 6OT to Sa!
When !ou &irst #eet a wo#an" !ou want to gi$e her !our %est i#pression. When !ou read 9hapter ?
What Wo#en Want !ou learned the i#portance o& a good &irst i#pression. This is when !ou want to portra!
!our #ost attracti$e )ualities. 4ou don+t want to %e rude" o%noxious" or degrading in &ront o& a wo#an !ou
are interested in. Do not tal' a%out old girl&riends" do not #a'e rude or sexual co##ents" and don+t critici3e
her or put her down. A wo#an won+t respond well to a #an who is rude to her.
The &astest wa! to get re.ected is to gi$e a wo#an no attention or to gi$e her negati$e attention. She
needs to &eel relaxed and open around a #an i& she is going to go out with hi#. He#e#%er that !ou want to
get along with a wo#an !ou are interested in. 4ou need her to &eel co#&orta%le around !ou. If she is feeling
threatened or insulted she will not be open to your advances. 6e$er insult her" %elittle her" or hurt her.
This #a! sound o%$ious" %ut ne$er e$er do these things i& !ou want to 'eep tal'ing to a wo#an. *& !ou
insult her" she will i##ediatel! &or# a negati$e opinion o& !ou and %eco#e de&ensi$e. 4our chances with
her are non-existent i& !ou don+t show her respect.
4ever look for pity love. Don+t tell her a so% stor! a%out how !our dog is sic'" or a%out how !ou .ust
got du#ped. Wo#en don+t respect a #an who loo's &or pit! lo$e. *n her e!es" !ou are tr!ing to use an
un&ortunate circu#stance to get into her %ed. Wo#en ha$e no patience &or this %eha$ior. Wo#en also don+t
ha$e patience &or pic'-up lines li'e NDo !ou co#e here o&ten1N A wo#an wants to &eel that !ou are
interested in her" not .ust an! wo#an.
*n addition" !ou should ne$er sa! negati$e things a%out !oursel&. 0se this ti#e to show her all !ou ha$e
to o&&er. 4ou want her to %e attracted to !ou. 4ever verbali=e submission B dont apologi=e,
dont whine, dont complain, and dont critici=e yourself or what you do. *& she as's !ou
what !ou do &or a li$ing" ne$er sa!" NOh" *+# .ust a QQQQQ.N B! using the word N.ustN !ou are telling her that
!ou aren+t proud o& what !ou do. She will get the i#pression that !ou lac' con&idence" and she will see this
as a negati$e characteristic. 4ou ha$e to %e relaxed and con&ident when !ou tal' to a wo#an. 4ou want her
to see !our positi$e traits so that she will %e interested in getting to 'now !ou %etter.
*emember That9
E$er! ti#e !ou engage in a con$ersation with a new prospect" !ou will %e tr!ing to get her $itals. 4ou
also need to &ind out i& she is actuall! single" and i& she is loo'ing to #eet so#eone. 2ost wo#en will gi$e
!ou an honest answer i& !ou as' her i& she is single. 4ou also should use co##ents in the con$ersation to
clearl! indicate that !ou are single. 4ou don+t want to waste !our ti#e on a girl who isn+t loo'ing &or the
sa#e thing as !ou are. *& she 'eeps tal'ing to !ou" she is pro%a%l! interested in !ou. Howe$er" watch out &or
wo#en who are .ust out to %oost their egos %! leading on gu!s. These wo#en en.o! the thrill o& the chase
%ut the! ha$e no intentions on &ollowing through on their actions. *t is o&ten di&&icult to spot these wo#en"
%ut here are a &ew clues to watch &or( she is wearing a wedding ring> she see#s to %e &lirting with and
pic'ing up se$eral #en in a short ti#e> her gestures are &lirt! %ut not sexual> or she re&uses to gi$e her
nu#%er when !ou as'.
During a con$ersation !ou need to %alance as'ing )uestions and sharing in&or#ation. 7isten and pa!
attention to what she tells !ou" and %e sure share !our interests" passions and goals with her. 4ou want to
show this wo#an that !ou are sensiti$e and caring. *t+s o'a! to appear $ulnera%le i& it will help !ou get a
wo#an into %ed. *t is natural to &eel anxious when tal'ing to an attracti$e wo#an &or the &irst ti#e. Must
%eha$e the wa! !ou would during !our &irst da! at a new .o% - listen" s#ile and %e agreea%le. *& !ou are
ner$ous it is %etter to tell her !ou are ner$ous than to continuall! &idget with !our straw or a nap'in. Don+t
%e a&raid to use co#ed! to ease tension. *& !ou stu#%le on !our words" #a'e a .o'e a%out %eing so ner$ous
around her that !ou can+t e$en tal'. Must tr! to laugh it o&&.
When !ou #eet a wo#an and are tr!ing to ha$e a good con$ersation with her" allow it to &low naturall!.
Don+t tr! to steer the con$ersation too soon. Must relax and en.o! tal'ing to the wo#an in &ront o& !ou. *&
!ou tr! to rush the con$ersation !ou #a! appear desperate" in which case !ou won+t get her nu#%er. 4ou
want to pro.ect con&idence and ha$e &un.
8e sure of yourself, rela' , have fun and show your interest.
"hapter G$ ow To 3uccessfully -pproach Women
Approaching wo#en doesn+t ha$e to %e di&&icult. 4ou #ight thin' that there are a #illion di&&erent
things to 'now a%out !our approach" %ut that isn+t the case. *t is true that there are #an! di&&erent situations
where !ou could approach a wo#an %ut these situations share a nu#%er o& &actors. *t is possi%le to %rea'
down all the possi%le wa!s to approach wo#en into a &ew %asic techni)ues. This chapter descri%es these
approach techni)ues" as well as other considerations to 'eep in #ind when tr!ing to pic' up a wo#an.
*ecogni=e the 1pportunity
*t+s %een said %e&ore - an!ti#e and an!where is the right ti#e and the right place to #eet a wo#an. 4ou
are surrounded %! endless opportunities to approach wo#en> !ou .ust need to see the# all, Each ti#e !ou
notice an attracti$e wo#an crossing !our path" %e aware that this #a! %e the onl! ti#e !ou+ll e$er see her.
,ou must initiate a conversation, build a trustful connection, and get her vitals!
*& !ou want to see a wo#an again" !ou ha$e to act )uic'l! on the situation. 7earn to recogni3e all the
opportunities how to ta'e ad$antage o& the#. 4ou will learn how eas! it is to turn a %rie& encounter into a
telephone nu#%er and a date.
Icebreakers and 3uccess 6akers
The %est ice%rea'er is sa!ing NHiN with a s#ile. Si#ple" !et true. Once !ou start a con$ersation" !ou
should sa! so#ething that will encourage &urther response &ro# her. The next line should %e a state#ent or a
)uestion that shows interest in her. 4ou could co#pli#ent her" or co##ent on so#ething she is wearing or
carr!ing. Whate$er !our approach" it will li'el! &all into one o& &our %asic approach techni)ues. These
techni)ues are de&ined %elow &or !ou to learn and practice. Adapt these suggestions to !our personal st!le"
and do what !ou &eel co#&orta%le with. 0se these techni)ues together or separatel! to get the success !ou
#. 2se a "ompliment
E$er! wo#an needs to &eel appreciated. An honest co#pli#ent is an eas! wa! to show !our
appreciation &or her and the care she ta'es to loo' good. 9o#pli#ent her out&it" her hair" her e!es" or her
#anicured &ingernails - so#ething speci&ic a%out her that !ou are attracted to. A co#pli#ent can wor' great
&or opening con$ersation with a wo#an as long as !ou put so#e thought into it. 4ou do not want to sound
chees! or pre-rehearsed. 4ou also don+t want to gi$e her a co#pli#ent that she #a! ha$e alread! heard.
8et creati$e and personal with !our co#pli#ents.
2se something that she is doing or wearing to personali=e the compliment.
When !ou see a wo#an !ou want to tal' to" loo' at her care&ull!. 6otice so#ething a%out her that !ou
li'e" and tell her what !ou li'e a%out it. Be truth&ul when !ou co#pli#ent her - wo#en can sense sincerit!.
When !ou are &iguring out what to sa! as a co#pli#ent !ou should thin' o& these three structures( use
an analog!" &ollow a co#pli#ent with a )uestion" or as' her a%out what she does. When #a'ing an analog!
tr! to co#pare her to another o%.ect. Tell her that her lips or her e!es re#ind !ou o& so#ething. Or" tell her
that the %lue in her shirt %rings out her e!es. *& !ou are going to &ollow a co#pli#ent with a )uestion notice
so#ething a%out her and &igure out i& there is an!thing that !ou #ight li'e to 'now. or exa#ple" i& she is
wearing a St. 9hristopher is she religious1 *& she is wearing a uni)ue ring as' her i& she pic'ed it out" or i& it
is an heirloo#.
The third structure is to co#pli#ent what she does. *& !ou #eet her in her wor'place" and she is doing a
pheno#enal .o%" then tell her !ou are i#pressed. *& she wor's with children or she $olunteers so#ewhere
tell her that !ou ad#ire the ti#e she spends helping others.
It is important to notice something about her, and not to use a general come!on line.
6o #atter what t!pe o& co#pli#ent !ou decide to gi$e her" %e sure to personali3e it. *t helps to
#e#ori3e a &ew generic lines and tailor the# to the wo#an !ou are tal'ing to at the ti#e.
+. 2se a "onversation &iece
This t!pe o& co##ent or )uestion in$ol$es o%ser$ing her" and her possessions and drawing a conclusion
- correct or incorrect" it doesn+t #atter - and using it to start a con$ersation with a wo#an. -lways look at
the woman you are interested in to see if she is wearing or carrying anything you could comment on.
This could %e a %oo'" a %rie&case" a g!# %ag" a shopping %ag" or an!thing, 0se this o%.ect to stri'e up a
con$ersation. As' which g!# she wor's out at" or i& she would reco##end the %oo' she is reading. *& she is
sporting a co#pan! logo as' how she is a&&iliated with that co#pan!. *& she is wearing a uni)ue piece o&
.ewelr! as' her a%out it. *s it an heirloo#1 What stone is it1 *& !ou #eet a wo#an in !our o&&ice %uilding
and she is carr!ing a %rie&case" or papers" then as' her i& she wor's in the %uilding.
0sing a con$ersation piece as an ice%rea'er can %e $er! e&&ecti$e and can %e used an!where. *t is
especiall! good i& !ou %rie&l! #eet a wo#an" as !ou can adapt it to an! location. *& !ou 'eep pro%ing her &or
in&or#ation" and ti#e runs out" then !ou ha$e the opportunit! to as' her to lunch. As' &or her nu#%er" or
gi$e her !our card.
5. )iscuss the 3ituation
Another aspect to consider is where !ou are" or the e$ent !ou are %oth attending. 2sing location to open
a conversation is already personali=ed because you are both in the same place. *& it is a part!" !ou can
alwa!s tal' a%out so#eone else - #a!%e there is one $er! drun' gu! who is #a'ing a &ool o& hi#sel&.
7aughing at other people see#s to %e a great wa! to %ond.
0se a co##ent a%out the current situation to call attention to the &act that !ou are %oth Nhere now,N *&
!ou re&er %ac' to the list o& places and acti$ities gi$en in 9hapter E Where Wo#en 9an Be ound" !ou will
notice that the #iddle colu#n is a list o& places that would indicate a co##on interest. *& !ou are %oth at a
sports e$ent" co##ent on the ga#e. *& !ou are at an Art 8aller!" point out that !ou %oth li'e the sa#e
painting. 2eeting a wo#an at a place such as those listed is a suita%le situation to point out that !ou share
an interest.
*& !ou are in a situation where !ou don+t 'now an!one" and !ou see a wo#an !ou+d reall! li'e to #eet
then wal' o$er to her. Be honest a%out !our attraction. Tell her that !ou want to #eet her" %ut !ou don+t
'now an!one to introduce !ou. Then introduce !oursel& and start a con$ersation. 4ou ha$e nothing to lose
%! introducing !oursel& to a wo#an. Once !ou start the con$ersation 'eep in #ind !our o%.ecti$e to get her
$itals and then as' )uestions to get the in&or#ation !ou need.
:. -sk er a 0eneral Fuestion
Tried" tested" and trued. This techni)ue is a si#ple" e&&ecti$e wa! to engage in con$ersation with an
attracti$e wo#an. 7oo' at the wo#an !ou want to tal' to and as' her an! )uestion - &ro# NDo !ou ha$e the
ti#e1N to NHow do !ou li'e the snow1N FWeather per#itting" o& course,G *t is %etter to as' a good )uestion to
which !ou #ight actuall! need the answer. 4ou could as' her where a certain restaurant is" or how to &ind
the nearest %an'. An! 'ind o& )uestion could %e used to approach a wo#an" %ut the #ore !ou can relate it to
the situation" the %etter o&& !ou+ll %e. 4ou can co#%ine this techni)ue with an! other and it will %e e$en
#ore e&&ecti$e.
,ou can use questions as general or as specific as you like.
4ou don+t ha$e to %e a s#ooth tal'er to get a wo#an to respond with this approach. E$en i& !ou don+t
actuall! need the in&or#ation" as'ing a )uestion will open the door to &urther co##unication.
3ummari=ing ,our -pproach
Whiche$er approach !ou use" re#e#%er to personali3e !our approach. Wo#en want to &eel appreciated"
so pa! attention. When !ou personali3e a co##ent or a )uestion" she+ll ta'e note o& !our attenti$eness and
she will hope&ull! accept !our in$itation to chat. Once !ou %rea' the ice with a wo#an" !ou need to get her
phone nu#%er to ensure &uture co##unication. 9hapter 1K How to 8et and Execute a Date will explore in
depth the next steps of dating.
"hapter #H$ ow To 0et -nd %'ecute - )ate
Once !ou start a con$ersation with a wo#an" !ou need to get her $itals. F4ou 'now all a%out getting her
$itals &ro# 9hapter <.G The #ost i#portant piece o& in&or#ation to get is a #eans o& &uture co##unication.
4ou need to %e a%le to get in touch with this wo#an to set up a date with her, 0suall! this #eans her
nu#%er" either wor' or ho#e. 4ou can also consider as'ing &or her e#ail address" her location o& wor'" or
an! other in&or#ation that will help !ou contact her again soon. 4ou will call her or $isit her at wor'" or go
to the sa#e ca&O that she &re)uents in hopes o& seeing her. or the purposes o& our discussions" * will
pri#aril! re&er to her #eans o& contact as her phone nu#%er.
To gi$e out personal in&or#ation" a wo#an needs to see a possi%le &uture with !ou. 4ou need to i#press
this wo#an" tal' to her and as' &or her nu#%er. Once !ou get her nu#%er !ou ha$e to 'now how to handle
the phone call" the &irst date" and an! su%se)uent dates. This chapter will help !ou #a'e as &ew #ista'es as
possi%le when getting and executing a date. *& !ou can #aster the art o& getting a telephone nu#%er" then
!ou are on the right trac' to getting all the wo#en !ou could e$er want,
8asic "onsiderations
Be&ore !ou start wal'ing up to wo#en and as'ing the# out" there are a &ew things !ou should 'now
&irst. Here are so#e %asic considerations to 'eep in #ind when as'ing &or a nu#%er" calling a wo#an" and
as'ing her out &or a date. These concerns are o&ten o$erloo'ed %ecause #en don+t o&ten consider these
i#portant points. This section will also address concerns that co#e up during the dating process. Ta'e a
good read through this #aterial and make sure you dont make any of the avoidable mistakes.
&rove ,ou -re Trustworthy
Be&ore a wo#an gi$es out her nu#%er to an! #an" she #ust %e a%le to trust hi#. 4ou should tr! to
reassure her that !ou a nor#al" honest" hardwor'ing gu! who is worth! o& her trust. Alwa!s o&&er !our na#e
in !our introduction" and as' hers i& she doesn+t o&&er it in her i##ediate repl!. Tr! to use her na#e in the
next couple o& sentences to show her that !ou are courteous and attenti$e.
*n !our con$ersation" allude to !our sta%le .o%" !our in$ol$e#ent in a local sports tea#" or !our &a#il!
$alues i& possi%le. 4ou could tell her that !ou are exhausted &ro# !our soccer practice last night" or in$ite
her out to a ga#e on the wee'end. Tell her !ou were $isiting !our parents on the wee'end. Sa! an!thing
Fwith so#e truth to it,G that will portra! !ou as a sound" sta%le #an. 4ou want her to see !ou as a #an worth
getting to 'now - responsi%le" legiti#ate" and trustworth!. Heassure her that !ou are a decent gu! %e&ore !ou
as' &or her nu#%er" so she is sure to agree.
2se a 8usiness "ard
An excellent wa! to esta%lish credi%ilit! right awa! is to o&&er a wo#an !our %usiness card. This
indicates sta%ilit! and it is a wa! &or her to $eri&! what !ou tell her. *& !ou tell her that !ou wor' in the sa#e
%uilding" then present !our %usiness card" !ou esta%lish trust. She will 'now right awa! i& !ou are %eing
honest. A %usiness card is a little classier" too" when writing down a wo#an+s nu#%er. 4ou will ne$er again
ha$e to dig through !our poc'ets or !our wallet loo'ing &or a scrap piece o& paper. *& !ou don+t alread! ha$e
a %usiness card" get so#e #ade up. *& !ou don+t ha$e a .o% that warrants a card" !ou can alwa!s #a'e up a
hu#orous occupation" li'e 7ion Ta#er or Brea'&ast 9he&. This could %e a great con$ersation piece" and !ou
could ha$e so#e &un with it i& !ou wanted.
0et er 4umber, %ven if 3he as ,ours
Despite the &act that !ou ha$e gi$en a wo#an !our card" !ou should alwa!s tr! to get her nu#%er. *t
co#es %ac' to the whole initiation thing@ she #ight ne$er call !ou i& !ou gi$e her !our nu#%er" %ut !ou
will surel! #a'e the &irst #o$e to call her. 4ou reall! want to go out with this wo#an" so !ou want to ensure
!ou+ll ha$e the chance to set up a date with her. 8et her nu#%er.
8e "onfident in ,our -pproach
When it co#es right down to as'ing &or her nu#%er" alwa!s %e sel&-assured
and direct. Being direct also helps with !our credi%ilit!. 4ou don:;<21=>t want
to %e sh! when !ou #a'e !our #o$e. 5ro$e to her that !ou 'now what !ou
want" and that what !ou want is to ta'e her out. 0se si#ple"
straight&orward language" #a'e e!e contact" and tell her !ou want to see
her again.
When to 9ontact Her
4ou reall! want to tal' to this wo#an again" %ut !ou don:;<21=>t want to see#
too eager. The %est ti#e to call a wo#an is when !ou said !ou would call
her. *& !ou did not tell her when !ou would call her" then the %est ti#e
to call a wo#an is within ? da!s a&ter getting her nu#%er. *t #ight &rea'
her out i& !ou called a wo#an within twent!-&our hours. Don:;<21=>t call the
$er! next da!" unless !ou had plans to tal'. 4ou want to wait another da!
&or good #easure" and then call her a&ter a &ew da!s. So" i& !ou #et a
wo#an on rida! or Saturda! night" then !ou would pro%a%l! call her on
Tuesda!. Waiting a &ull wee' is usuall! too long" and a wo#an will ta'e
this as a sign o& disinterest. 4ou want her to 'now that !ou are
interested" %ut not desperate.
When !ou decide to call" !ou want her to answer. *& !ou ha$e her wor'
nu#%er" %e sure to call during her wor' hours" and not at lunchti#e. 4ou
want to ha$e the %est chance to get her on the line. *& !ou ha$e her ho#e
nu#%er" tr! to call when she will %e ho#e. Be care&ul not to call too
earl! or too late" though. 4ou don:;<21=>t want to wa'e her up. 4ou want her to
%e in a good #ood when !ou tal' to her" so do not anno! her %! calling at
so#e odd hour.
*& !ou phone a wo#an and !ou ha$e to lea$e a #essage" either on her
$oice#ail or with a roo##ate" %e sure to 'eep !our #essage %rie&. 7ea$e
!our na#e and when !ou are calling" and sa! !ou will call her %ac'. 4ou
don:;<21=>t want to lea$e a detailed #essage %ecause then !ou are rel!ing on her
getting the in&or#ation. *& !ou don:;<21=>t lea$e !our nu#%er" !ou won:;<21=>t expect
her to call !ou %ac'. This wa!" there is no waiting ga#e" and !ou si#pl!
call her again. Alwa!s call a wo#an when !ou sa! !ou will call her to
de#onstrate relia%ilit!.
2a'ing the 9all
When !ou do &inall! #a'e the call" and !ou ha$e her on the line" what are
!ou going to sa!1 What are !our goals o& this phone call1 *t doesn:;<21=>t ta'e
#uch ti#e to #a'e a &ew notes to !our-sel& %e&ore hand. Write down what
!ou want to sa! to her %e&ore !ou call her. *t helps to ha$e a guideline
&or !our con$ersation" especiall! i& !ou get &lustered and aren:;<21=>t sure
what to sa! next. 4ou should alread! ha$e an idea &or a date %e&ore !ou
call. Allow roo# &or co#pro#ise %ut alwa!s ha$e a good suggestion to start
When !ou decide to pic' up the phone to call a wo#an" !ou want to #a'e
sure that !ou won:;<21=>t %e distracted. 4ou want to %e a%le to gi$e her !our
undi$ided attention. 2a'e sure the TA" roo##ates" or other %ac'ground
co##otion won:;<21=>t distract !ou. 8o into a pri$ate roo# and then dial her
nu#%er. When she answers" #a'e sure the &irst thing !ou do is sa! who !ou
are. Don:;<21=>t expect a wo#an to recogni3e !our $oice right awa!. Sa! !our
na#e" then don:;<21=>t hesitate to re#ind her where !ou #et. Once !ou are %e!ond
introductions" #a'e sure that !ou aren:;<21=>t interrupting her. 4ou alread!
'now that she wants to tal' to !ou" %ecause she ga$e !ou her nu#%er" so
#a'e sure that it is a good ti#e &or her. 4ou don:;<21=>t want to call during
her &a$orite tele$ision progra#" or while she:;<21=>s eating dinner" and ha$e
her &eeling rushed to get o&& the phone. 4ou want her to %e relaxed so !ou
can ha$e a nice" casual con$ersation.
Once !ou re-esta%lish !our connection" and #a'e s#all tal'" !ou want to
stic' to !our goals o& this phone call. 4ou need to as' her out on a date.
When !ou as' her" %e direct and enthusiastic. The %est wa! to as' out a
wo#an is to suggest an acti$it!. Don:;<21=>t get her to co##it to a ti#e .ust
!et :;<211> !ou want to see i& she is o'a! with the idea &irst. Suggest going
&or a hi'e" or &or co&&ee" and as' her when she would li'e to #eet to do
this. 4ou don:;<21=>t want to %e o$er%earing or %oss!. 8i$e the wo#an so#e
control so she will ha$e a %etter &eeling a%out going out with !ou. As'
her how she would &eel a%out #eeting &or co&&ee" or as' her i& she would
%e interested in chec'ing out a new restaurant in town &or lunch on the
Once she accepts !our in$itation" the two o& !ou can wor' out a #utual
ti#e to #eet. Don:;<21=>t %e o&&ended i& it:;<21=>s not right awa!. He#e#%er that this
wo#an has her own li&e" and she #a! %e $er! %us!. Once !ou agree when !ou
will go out" %e sure to &igure out when and where !ou will #eet. *& !ou
agree to pic' her up" !ou should alwa!s phone %e&ore !ou lea$e to #a'e
sure !ou 'now where she li$es. *& !ou plan to #eet so#ewhere" it doesn:;<21=>t
hurt to call earlier that da! to con&ir# the place and ti#e. This will
show her that !ou are loo'ing &orward to !our date and that !ou will %e
there on ti#e.
B! this point" !our con$ersational goals should %e attained. 4ou ha$e
tal'ed to her" !ou ha$e got her thin'ing a%out !ou" and !ou ha$e got a
co##it#ent &or a date. This is the ti#e to wrap up the phone call> !ou
don:;<21=>t want to drag out this &irst con$ersation. Sa$e the
getting-to-'now-each-other tal' &or when !ou are together. 2aintain
control o& the situation and let her 'now !ou ha$e to get going" %ut that
!ou are reall! loo'ing &orward to !our date.
4our irst Date
This is the &irst real opportunit! to get to 'now this wo#an. 4ou want to
%e in$ol$ed in a casual and &un acti$it! that allows interaction with her.
4ou want to &ind out i& she is so#eone !ou:;<21=>d li'e to go out with again.
She will %e &iguring out that sa#e thing" so !ou want to %e !oursel&.
Don:;<21=>t %e o$erl! e#otional" or ro#antic. At this point !ou want to %e cute"
and allude to !our willingness to get in$ol$ed. Don:;<21=>t pic' her up in a
li#o and present her with a do3en roses" dinner at an expensi$e restaurant
and a serenaded dance in the #oonlight. This onl! wor's in the #o$ies. *n
real li&e it would li'el! scare a wo#an awa!.
Don:;<21=>t go o$er%oard or spend too #uch #one! on the &irst date.
0se this date to &eel the connection %etween !ou. This is when !ou are
%uilding a relationship with her. 4ou want to &ind out #ore a%out this
wo#an and what !ou ha$e in co##on. 4ou need to relax and %e co#&orta%le
around her and e$aluate her potential. Decide i& !ou want to see her
again" or i& one date is enough with this wo#an. 4ou don:;<21=>t want to waste
ti#e and #one! ta'ing out a wo#an that !ou don:;<21=>t want or won:;<21=>t ha$e &un
*& !ou are reall! interested in this wo#an" then !ou can wor' on %uilding
sexual che#istr! Fsee 9hapter 11G" howe$er" &or !our &irst date !ou don:;<21=>t
want to %e too &orward with !our sexual interest. 4ou want to &lirt with
her" and gi$e her attention" %ut !ou don:;<21=>t want to o&&end her with sexual
ad$ances, *& !ou reall! li'e her" show her through su%tle gestures li'e
putting !our hand on her %ac' while she wal's slightl! ahead o& !ou" or %!
gi$ing her shoulder #assage. Must ta'e the ti#e to chec' her out.
Do not pressure a wo#an to %eco#e sexual too soon.
*& !ou are loo'ing &or a one-night stand then !ou should pro%a%l! change
!our approach and !our expectations. All good things co#e to those who
wait> this is true &or the good wo#en" too. 4ou ha$e to understand that a
wo#an with #orals andDor $alues will want to trust a #an and get to 'now
hi# %e&ore going to %ed with hi#.
Where to 8o on a Date
An acti$e approach to the &irst date usuall! wor's well &or personal
interaction and co#&ort le$els. *& !ou are %oth ha$ing &un then !ou:;<21=>ll
%oth %e #ore recepti$e to the other person. The %etter ti#e !ou ha$e with
her on the &irst date" the #ore ti#e she will want to spend with !ou in
the &uture. This section suggests a &ew great &irst date places" %ut !ou
are %! no #eans %ound %! or li#ited to these acti$ities. The #ore &un !ou
can ha$e creating an aweso#e date the %etter. The wo#an !ou are interested
in will notice an! e&&ort !ou #a'e to ensure a &un ti#e.
8o &or co&&ee. This suggestion is a trend! pic'-up line in itsel&. *t is a
date" %ut it isn:;<21=>t &or#al. 4ou %oth can %e relaxed and !ou will %e in a
&a#iliar en$iron#ent. 4ou can go to a restaurant" a ca&O" or a popular
co&&ee shop. *t:;<21=>s a great opportunit! to tal' and get to 'now each other
with high co#&ort le$els. 4ou want a wo#an to &eel at ease around !ou.
Another good thing a%out #eeting &or co&&ee is the opportunit! to continue
!our date. *& !ou are %oth ha$ing a reall! good ti#e" !ou can suggest
another acti$it! li'e going &or a wal'.
8o out &or drin's. This is also a prett! co##on &irst date acti$it!. *t
usuall! #eans a later date" li'el! a&ter dinner" and the setting can %e a
little #ore inti#ate. Though this sounds sill!" going &or drin's on a
&irst date is a good wa! to relax and open up. 9onsu#ing alcohol usuall!
allows people to &eel less reser$ed" so a &ew drin's can #a'e &or a #ore
personal con$ersation. 9are&ul not to get drun' though" or !ou #a! lose !ou
inhi%itions all together and #a'e a &ool o& !oursel&. 0suall! 2-? drin's
is a prett! good ti#e li#it &or !our date. Also" ending !our date %e&ore
!ou get drun' will ensure a sa&e dri$e ho#e.
There are #an! $ariations to going &or drin's depending on what !ou %oth
want out o& this date. A )uieter en$iron#ent is %etter &or tal'ing" %ut i&
!ou want to go out dancing then a nightclu% is #ore appealing. igure out
what would suit !ou %oth %e&ore !ou decide where !ou will go &or drin's.
8etting acti$e. This t!pe o& date is usuall! prett! &un and interacti$e.
4ou can suggest an! acti$it! that !ou are %oth &a#iliar with" li'e hi'ing
or in-line s'ating. Or !ou can suggest tr!ing so#ething new" li'e indoor
roc' cli#%ing. This can %e &un and exciting" and the thrill o& tr!ing
so#ething new together will create a stronger %ond. An acti$e date is
reall! good &or relaxing the #ind" %ecause !ou &ocus on what !ou are doing
and !ou tend to %e less ner$ous a%out the person !ou are with.
8o sightseeing. Ha$e !ou e$er gone to the local #onu#ent %uilding1 The
#useu#1 The 3oo1 These acti$ities can %e a great wa! to explore !our own
cit!" and ha$e &un at the sa#e ti#e. These dates are usuall! #ore casual
and &ree &lowing. There is less anxiet!" %ecause !ou will %e in a pu%lic
place" and there will %e lots to see and tal' a%out.
Whiche$er 'ind o& date !ou suggest" %e sure to incorporate personal
decisions. Tr! to a$oid N#o$ie datesN at the %eginning" as !ou don:;<21=>t get
#uch chance to tal'. Dinner dates can so#eti#es %e a %ad choice as well"
%ecause the! o&ten cost #ore and the ti#e o%ligation is signi&icant"
especiall! i& !ou &ind that this wo#an isn:;<21=>t what !ou want.
4our Second Date
5ro$ided !ou li'ed her enough to as' &or a second date" now is the ti#e to
turn on the char# and to start reall! showing !our interest. The second
date is usuall! when the sexual che#istr! starts to %uild and the
attraction grows. This date should %e #ore inti#ate and ro#antic. Don:;<21=>t %e
hesitant to spend #one! on the second date> a&ter all" !ou alread! 'now
!ou li'e her. A nice" si#ple wa! to show !our interest is to show up with
a single &lower. Or" i& !ou 'now a personal tid%it a%out her" show her !ou
pa! attention %! %ringing her so#ething personal. *& she #entioned that
she has a dog" ta'e her a couple o& doggie %iscuits when !ou pic' her up.
6o wo#an can resist thought&ul gestures li'e that,
4ou want to i#press her with !our good con$ersation and listening s'ills.
4ou want her to &eel appreciated and desired. 8ood #anners are i#portant
at this point. 4ou want to %e respect&ul and #a'e her &eel li'e a
princess. Open her car door &irst" allow her to enter the restaurant
&irst" let her sit down &irst" and pic' up the ta%. 4es" * said pic' up
the ta%. At this point" unless !ou ha$e discussed going NdutchN prior to
the date" !ou should pa! the %ill. 4our willingness to expend ti#e and
#one! indicates !our de&inite interest in a wo#an.
The end o& the second date should %e ro#antic as well. *& !ou are dri$ing
her ho#e" %e sure to get out and wal' her to her door. When !ou sa!
goodnight there will pro%a%l! %e a little anxiet! &or %oth o& !ou. *& the
#ood is right" and she is loo'ing at !ou" !ou should gi$e her a goodnight
'iss. *& !ou 'iss her on the lips" it should onl! %e lips :;<211> no tongue.
5ress !our lips against hers and 'iss once. Then slowl! pull awa! and
s#ile at her. At this point &ollow her lead. *& she o&&ers no lead" then
sa! goodnight and tell her !ou will call her to#orrow. *& !ou do not thin'
she is read!" at least 'iss her chee' or her hand. This will let her 'now
that !ou are de&initel! interested.
4our Third Date
*& !ou ha$e gotten a third date with a wo#an" chances are good that she
wants to ta'e !our relationship &urther. This is the date that will
deter#ine !our &uture with this wo#an. One o& three things will happen(
!ou will start 'issing her" and ta'e her to %ed> !ou will 'iss and #a'e
out a lot %ut won:;<21=>t ha$e sex> or !ou will #a'e an ad$ance to 'iss her and
she will turn !ou down. *& she turns !ou down" then !ou 'now !ou:;<21=>ll ne$er
go out with her again ro#anticall!. *& !ou ta'e her to %ed on the third
date" then !ou de&initel! 'now where !ou stand. Hope&ull! she will want to
explore this sexual relationship &urther. *& she returns !our sexual
ad$ances" and !ou 'iss and #a'e out" then !ou 'now that ta'ing her to %ed
is .ust around the corner. 4ou #a! ha$e to wait a &ew #ore dates" %ut as
!ou alread! 'now" good things co#e to those who wait.
2ost wo#en will actuall! expect !ou to
'iss her %! the third date.
The pretense &or this date is li'e the second date" %ut !ou should ensure
#ore inti#ac!. *& !ou go out together" #a'e her &eel special" show her a
good ti#e" and pic' up the ta% again. *& !ou went out &or dinner on !our
second date" and !ou want so#ething a little #ore inti#ate" then a great
wa! to ro#ance a wo#an is to #a'e her dinner at !our place. Or" i& !ou
aren:;<21=>t a great coo'" then !ou could suggest !ou order in. *& she agrees to
go to !our place" either &or a #o$ie or &or dinner" then she should %e
#ore than recepti$e to !our ad$ances.
2a'e sure !our place is clean and in$iting. 9har# her and ro#ance her as
!ou cuddle on the couch waiting &or dinner. Or !ou could eat out" and then
go to !our place to watch a #o$ie. The transition &ro# dating to sleeping
together is #uch #ore natural i& a wo#an is alread! at !our place.
Su##ing 0p the Dating Experience
Once !ou get her nu#%er" !ou ha$e to initiate setting up a date. 2a'e sure
!ou go out and ha$e &un while getting to 'now each other. The #ore !ou
li'e a wo#an" the #ore !ou should i#press her on the second date. Decide
%! the end o& the second date i& she is what !ou:;<21=>re loo'ing &or. Heser$e
the third date &or inti#ate ro#ance" and ta'e the opportunit! to express
!our sexual interest. *t is per&ectl! accepta%le &or !ou to 'iss a wo#an
on the third date.
A&ter the third date" !ou should %e getting #ore inti#ate with a wo#an i&
!ou ha$en:;<21=>t alread!. The next chapter will show !ou how to #a'e a wo#an
#ore attracted to !ou" and then !ou will #o$e into 9hapter 12 How to 8et
Wo#an to Sleep With 4ou.