U4ab Wang Tao
U4ab Wang Tao
U4ab Wang Tao
Wit% t%e fast (e)elo"$ent of t%e tec%nolog&* artificial intelligence+A,- #eco$e $ore an( $ore "o.erf!l. /ince , a$ st!(&ing 0o$"!ter Engineering. , .ant to fin( o!t t%e f!t!re t%e A,. W%en "eo"le %ear( a#o!t A,* first co$e to $in( is a ro#ot. As .e (esire $ore on t%e f!nctions t%at a ro#ot can (o* .e "!t $ore an( $ore $oralit& into t%e$. T%en it .ill lea( to t%e 1!estion t%at relate to t%e $ac%ine et%ics. As t%e $ore $oral t%e ro#ot #eco$e* .ill t%e& so$e(a& #eco$e !ncontrolla#le an( acti)ate( #& t%ere o.n .ill' ,f .e caref!ll& eno!g% to (esign t%e$* it s%o!l( not #e a "ro#le$ t%at $ig%t res!lt in a (isastro!s iss!e. What is the problem? ,t see$s like ro#ot re#ellion onl& %a""ens in t%e science fictions. 2o.e)er* after $& e3tensi)e researc%. T%e "ro#le$ are real e3ist in t%e .orl(. Accor(ing to an article .ritten #& 0ollin Allen4 Mac%ine et%ics isn5t $erel& science fiction. it5s a to"ic t%at re1!ires serio!s consi(eration* gi)en t%e ra"i( e$ergence of increasingl& co$"le3 a!tono$o!s soft.are agents an( ro#ots. Mac%ine et%ics is an e$erging fiel( t%at seeks to i$"le$ent $oral (ecision $aking fac!lties in co$"!ters an( ro#ots. We alrea(& %a)e se$ia!tono$o!s ro#ots an( soft.are agents t%at )iolate et%ical stan(ar(s as a $atter of co!rse. ,n t%e case of A, an( ro#otics* fearf!l scenarios range fro$ t%e
f!t!re takeo)er of %!$anit& #& a s!"erior for$ of A, to t%e %a)oc create( #& en(lessl& re"ro(!cing nano #ots+A#stractW%ic% $eans t%at t%e "otential factor of t%e re#ellion e3ist. ,n or(er to "re)ent it %a""ene(* %!$ans nee( to caref!ll& (esign t%e ro#ot s&ste$s. /ince %!$an create t%e A, to $ake t%e ro#ot $oral* .e (efinitel& can "re)ent t%e$ fro$ getting o!t of control #eca!se .e al.a&s t%eoreticall& s$arter t%an t%e A, .e (esign. Basic Programming for AI ,n t%e co$"!ter "rogra$$ing* $ac%ine cannot c%eck t%e error #& t%e$sel)es. T%e& 6!st si$"l& follo. t%e co$$an( .e gi)e t%e$. ,f t%ere are logical errors insi(e* t%e $ac%ine .o!l( not !n(erstan( .%at .e are asking t%e$. T%e& .ill 6!st follo. t%e e3act or(er .e gi)e t%e$. T%erefore* $aking a frien(l& A, is not si$"le. ,t re1!ires a .ise strateg& t%at .o!l( re1!ire (etaile( learning of %!$an )al!es an( "assing to t%e ne3t generation as a #asis for f!t!re nor$ali7ation an( reflection.+E* 8!(ko.sk&* "g 1Defining "Good" ,n or(er to "re)ent #a( conse1!ences of t%ose artificial agents* .e nee( to $ake consi(era#le effort on (efining .%at s%o!l( #e consi(er goo( .%en agents $aking (ecisions an( actions. 2o.e)er* #efore t%at* .%at (o .e $ean #& 9goo(9' :ne of (efinition is t%at 9goo(9 $eas!re against t%e s"ecific "!r"oses of (esigners an( !sers. ;!t* (efining .%at kin( of #e%a)ior is goo( for a ro#ot is not si$"le. 9,t is i$"ortant to (efer 1!estions a#o!t .%et%er a $ac%ine can #e gen!inel& et%ical or e)en gen!inel& a!tono$o!s 1!estions t%at t&"icall&
"res!$e t%at a gen!ine et%ical agent acts intentionall&.9+0.Allen "ara 2 <Superintelligence Mac%ine %a)e faster "rocessing s"ee(* t%e /!"erintelligence $a& #eco$e ac%ie)a#le. W%ic% $ean t%at t%ose $ac%ine can "otentiall& s$arter t%an %!$an. A &ear of t%inking can #e acco$"lis%e( #& t%e fastest $ac%ine in <1 secon(. ,t see$s s!"erintelligences co!l( (o e)er&t%ing. 2o.e)er* it .ill relate to t%e ca"a#ilit& an( $oti)e of t%e s!"erintelligence. 2ere are t%ree co$$on c%ain of reasoning regar( to t%e s!"erintelligence. A s!fficientl& "o.erf!l A, co!l( o)er.%el$ an& %!$an resistance an( .i"e o!t %!$anit&. T%erefore .e s%o!l( not #!il( A,. A s!fficientl& "o.erf!l A, co!l( (e)elo" ne. $e(ical tec%nologies ca"a#le of sa)ing $illions of %!$an li)es. T%erefore .e s%o!l( #!il( A,. :nce co$"!ters #eco$e c%ea" eno!g%* t%e )ast $a6orit& of 6o#s .ill #e "erfor$a#le #& A, $ore easil& t%en #& %!$ans. A s!fficientl& "o.erf!l A, .o!l( e)en #e #etter t%an !se at $at%. engineering* $!sic* art an( all t%e ot%er 6o#s .e consi(er $eaningf!l. T%!s after t%e in)ention of A,* %!$ans .ill %a)e not%ing to (o* an( .e .ill star)e or .atc% T= T%e 1!estion is t%at s!"erintelligence $a& not .ant to #!il( all of t%ose t%ing. 9T%e )ison lea"s (irectl& fro ca"a#ilit& to act!alit&* .it%o!t consi(ering t%e necessar& inter$e(iate of $oti)e.9+ E. 8!(ko.sk& "g<15Accor(ing to all of t%e infor$ation t%at , %a)e gat%er* $ac%ine et%ics is still a contro)ersial to"ic. ,t re1!ires so$e serio!s consi(eration. ;!t none t%e less t%at $ac%ine .ill not get o!t of o!r %an( like t%ose science fiction $o)ie s%o. !s. T%e
ke& "art is t%at %o. .e %an(le t%e co$"!ter !sage in o!r life an( %o. .e "!t $oral insi(e t%e s&ste$.
>eference Page
Yudkowsky, Eliezer. "Artificial intelligence as a positive and negative factor in global risk." Global catastrophic risks 1 (2
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