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Recommended Books for IIT-JEE.

Sunday, 11. November 2007, 10:29

IIT, BOOKS, IIT-JEE, IIT preparation

WARNING:- Never use too many books.Always study from one or at most two good books.First
study a chapter from a text book and only after finishing from text book, you should use any
guide or reference books You should not buy all the following books.Buy one text book and
one IIT-JEE guide in each subject. Go to a book shop and see all the books listed
below.The one that appeals you more is the one that you should buy.

Recommended Books:



Concept of Physics-by H.C.Verma : Exercises and solved numericals of this book are of high quality;


Plane Coordinate Geometry- by S.L.Loney: Contains detailed treatment of the subject.But style of
presentation is a bit old fashioned.


IIT-Maths-by M.L.Khanna;


IIT Guides-Tata McGrow Hill Publication;


MCQ Maths-by Das Gupta(Bharti Bhavan Publication);


PHYSICS Part 1&2-by Resnik and Halliday;


Book by IRODOV for Problems in Physics.


Maths books by K.C.Sinha from Student's Friends Publication;

10. Books and Guides of Arihant Prakashan:There are several titles available for IIT-JEE in this publication.Choose
the suitable one that fulfills your requirement. Objective Approach to Physics/Maths published by Arihant
Prakashan are good books.
11. Books and Guides of MTG- Publication:There are several titles available for IIT-JEE in this publication.Choose
the suitable one that fulfills your requirement.
FOR any help or query contact me (J.P.Sinha) on my mobile "+91 9871 222 426"(it is a New Delhi mobile
number).Please call only between 8.00am and 10.00am IST

Selecting text book for Physics: Advice

Many students ask to me "From which book should I study Physics?".The wording of their Question gives an
impression to me that the availability of great number text books in Physics for IIT-JEE preparation has totally
confused them.
My advice to all such students is very simple and straight forward: read basic concepts from any one good book. Do
not read any topic from too many books. Start a topic or a chapter by reading it from NCERT first.Solve all
problems contained in NCERT.Then do some problems of the type asked in entrance exams from that topic. After
this, you will be able to judge for yourself if reading that topic/chapter from some advanced book is necessary or
not. If you feel that what you learnt from NCERT is not enough to solve questions in competitive exams then (and
only then !) read that topic from some other advanced book.For this you can use "Resnik and Halliday's book".
Other books can also be used according to your personal preference.

Other articles of this series:


Part-1:-This explains how you can begin your preparation when you enter class- 11th .


Part-2: This explains how you can give your preparation a good finish.


Part-3:-This explains how you can solve problems in PHYSICS and MATHS.


Preparation after passing 12th board exam: I have written this article for those students who have already
passed 12th and are preparing for IIT-JEE/PMT.


Board Exam:-This explains how you can get high marks in PHYSICS and MATHS in Board Exam.


LIST OF ALL Articles:-On this page you can find the list of all the articles written by me any where on the net.I
have provided hyper-links to let you go to the articles quickly.

How to prepare for IIT-JEE/ PMT?/ Part-3Study Guide for Junior Students (say, 6-graders) who dream to
become an Engineer or a Doctor on growing up.

Physics- Part-2
Tuesday, 14. September 2010, 09:59
IIT, cbse, PMT, iit-jee-2009 question paper, board exam, science education, engineering entrance, IIT preparation,physics

We discussed in the last article the importance of physics as a subject. We also saw that knowledge of
physics is essential for understanding other sciences as well. Now comes the real question: How to start
studying physics?
For studying physics you must have good knowledge of mathematics and geometry. Mathematics is the
language of physics so a student of physics is required to study lots of mathematics (concurrently with
physics) to be able to understand physics.
You must have the tendency of understanding things. Some people think that they will manage by
learning (memorizing facts) in physics. I would like to tell it very clear to such people that learning
without understanding will not be of much help in physics. Success in physics is possible only for those
who have a strong tendency to understand things.
You must be able to draw and understand GRAPHS for situations that you analyse in physics. Graphs help
us to better visualize a situation.
Very often you will be required to draw diagrams to visualize and better understand a situation.

How to Begin
It has been experienced by scientists that every phenomenon of nature is directly or indirectly related to
motion of some particle, object or to some radiation (which is again wave motion).For example, Chemical
reaction is rearrangement of atoms (which is possible only if atoms move). When we touch a hot kettle
and we feel its hotness, that becomes possible only because atoms of the kettle are vibrating more
vigorously than atoms of our hand, and by touching our hand to the kettle we allow the atoms in our hand
to come into intimate contact with atoms of the kettle body. When this happens the atoms of the kettle
transfer some of their kinetic energy to those atoms of our hand which are touching them. Thus those
atoms in our hand begin to vibrate with greater average speed. This generate a sensory wave that travels
from the hand to the brain. The brain interprets the incoming sensory wave as the perception of hotness.
Similarly all climatic phenomena depend upon the wind flow. We can cite unending list of examples to
support the fact that motion is behind every phenomenon of nature.
So it is very important that we develop a very thorough understanding of motion before trying to
understand other phenomena of nature. That is why the study of physics as a subject starts with studying
MECHANICS which is the physics and the maths of analysing motion.
My suggestion to you is that you should make all your efforts to develop a proper understanding of
MECHANICS. You will be required to have a fair knowledge of Algebra, Coordinate Geometry,
Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Differentiation and Integration etc. in maths, to be able to understand
Mechanics well. A good physics teacher will concurrently teach you the essentials of all these topics in
maths to enable you to understand Mechanics.
For reading my articles on IIT-JEE preparation go to the List of all my articles.
For any help or query you can contact me (J.P.Sinha) on my mobile +91 9871 222 426 (it is a New

Do not abolish the board exams in 10 th standards.

Tuesday, 15. September 2009, 17:44

cbse, india, board exam, science education ...

In India everybody thinks that student community is stressed lot. And people mostly blame board-exams
for this stress. Board Exams are public exams conducted by Education Boards like CBSE, ISE and many
other STATE Boards. 10th and 12th standard students of all the schools affiliated to a particular board
have to appear in the Board Exams conducted by that particular board in month of March-April every
year. In these exams question papers are centrally set by the board and students of different school are
evaluated on the basis of their performance on one question paper. All the students belonging to a
particular board face the question paper of the same difficulty level so the marks obtained by them in
this exam is a better measure of the knowledge and problem solving skills acquired by them. If two
students X and Y appear in the exam conducted by the same board and X gets higher marks than Y then
one can safely conclude that most probably X is a better student that Y. This gives the Board Exams an
edge over school exams, because in school exams different schools have different standards.
In some schools, question paper are tough, while in other schools question papers are relatively easy. In
government schools, question papers are mostly based on the prescribed text books (e.g. NCERT for CBSE
affiliated Govt. School). In private schools, question papers are mostly based on private publication books
which the teachers of that school use for teaching.(Choice of the recommended book for teaching in a
private school is very seldom based on the real quality of the text book- otherwise, why most Delhi
teachers of private schools use Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur's book in science for class 10th although
NCERT is a better book than that book? Or Why most physics teacher use Pardeep Publication's book in
Physics for 11th and 12th class although NCERT Physics book is many times more better in quality than
Pradeep Publication's book in physics?).
So same marks in different schools do not mean the same. For example, suppose a student named A
scores 80% marks in school X, and another student B too scores 80% marks in his school Y. You can not
take guarantee that the level of knowledge of A and B are same because schools X and Y are not
necessarily setting the question paper of same toughness level. So how will it be ascertained that which
student is superior to which in terms of knowledge acquired.
Also it is not very uncommon for a lazy teacher in a school to not finish the entire syllabus of his subject.
Then to appease the students of his/her class, he/she unofficially tells the students that questions will
come in the exam from only those chapter which he/she has taught and not from the entire prescribed
syllabus. So in this scenario, if board exams are now abolished, then how it will be ascertained that
students are being taught the entire syllabus?- because, it is a fact, due to board exams every school
finishes the entire 10th and 12th class syllabus, whereas, some part of 9th and 11th class syllabus remain
untaught every year in many schools.
I will like to tell the readers of this page that they should not believe in the illogical argument advanced
by many people who say that the sense of competition that board exam instills in the brain of a young
student is bad for them. Competing against each other in a healthy way- I would say- is necessary for the
overall evolution of a child personality. Competition is a part of human culture. One Company competes
with the other. One state of India competes with the other state. India competes with other countries for
trade, commerce and overall development. Competition can only be removed in a utopian imaginary
society. Because competition is a necessity for the actual human society at every level of its existence. It
is a fact that the urge to compete and do better than others in our life is one of the most important force
that drives us to excel in our life. So why are be trying to remove competition from students' life?
Also, in school exams, the internal evaluation of answer sheets, by a teacher of the same school, is mostly
not very impartial. If a teacher T likes a particular student P (because, for example, P had gifted him/her
a costly item on last Teacher's Day or because P is a neighbor of T or because P un-officially takes tuition
from T ) then P will definitely get better marks than an equally competent student Q who may not be a

favourite of T. Whereas, in Board Exams, the evaluation of answer sheets are done by teachers who do
not know the students personally. So they award marks only on the basis of the quality of the answers.
India is known world over for its engineers and doctors that it produces in huge numbers every year. The
entire computer software industry and the BPO industry is fully dependent upon the availability of quality
human resource. If this experiment of doing away with board exams proves to be a mistake in future and
consequently the quality of human resource deteriorates with time, then our future generation will never
pardon us for our action.
Instead of abolishing the practice of board exams, I would say, the government should strengthen the
board system. There should be one board for 12th class in entire India. So that students throughout India
study the same syllabus in their 11th and 12th class. This will help in strengthening the university
education as well. State boards may be allowed to function upto 10th level so that students may study
their state centric syllabus upto class 10th . But beyond that there should be one national level

How was IIT-JEE-2009 Question Paper-1?

Tuesday, 15. September 2009, 17:44
IIT, india, exam, engineering entrance ...

Analysis of Question Papers of IIT-JEE-2009.

AUTHOR-J.P.Sinha. Delhi based Teacher for IIT-JEE/PMT
IIT-JEE-2009 consisted of two question papers of three hours duration each. Each question paper carried
240 marks. Thus the total maximum marks for IIT-JEE-2009 was 480. Questions from all the three
subjects- chemistry, physics and mathematics- were present in each of the paper.

Paper-1 contained 60 questions in total - 20 of chemistry, 20 of maths and 20 of physics. Paper-1
consisted of 3 Parts. Part-1 contained 20 questions of chemistry. Part-2 contained 20 questions of maths,
and similarly Part-3 contained 20 questions of physics.
Questions in each PART were grouped into four sections.
SECTION-1 of each PART cotained 8 multiple choice questions(MCQs). In these, each question had 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which only one was correct. Marking Scheme was :
Three(3) marks for each correct attempt. Zero(0) Marks for not attempting a question, and, minus one (1) for wrong attempt of a question.
SECTION-2 of each PART contained 4 MCQs. Each question had 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE or MORE could be correct. And to get marks a student was required to identify
all the correct choices in a question. Marking Scheme was : Four(4) marks for each correct attempt.
Zero(0) Marks for not attempting a question, and, minus one (-1) for wrong attempt of a question.
SECTION-3 of each PART consisted of two groups of questions. Each group was based of a paragraph
and contained 3 questions. Thus there were 6 questions in this section. In these, each question had 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which only one was correct. Marking Scheme was :
Four(4) marks for each correct attempt. Zero(0) Marks for not attempting a question, and, minus one (-1)
for wrong attempt of a question.

SECTION-4 of each PART contained 2 questions. Each question was Matching Type. There were two
columns in each question. Column 1 had four statements ( A,B,C and D) and Column 2 had five statements
( p,q,r,s and t ). Any statement in Column 1 can have correct matching with one or more statements of
Column 2. Marking Scheme: Two (2) marks were awarded for identifying all the correct matches of a
statement in Column 1 with those of statements in Column-2. Thus for 4 statements in Column 1, each
question allowed an opportunity to score upto a maximum of 8 marks. There were no negative marking
for incorrect matchings in this section. For getteing marks, however, a student was required to identify
all the correct matches of a statemant in Column-1 with those in Column-2 to get 2 marks for that

How was IIT-JEE-2009 Question Paper-2 ?

Tuesday, 15. September 2009, 17:38
india, IIT, IIT preparation, IIT-JEE ...

Analysis of Question Papers of IIT-JEE-2009.

AUTHOR-J.P.Sinha. Delhi based Teacher for IIT-JEE/PMT
IIT-JEE-2009 consisted of two question papers of three hours duration each. Each question paper carried
240 marks. Thus the total maximum marks for IIT-JEE-2009 was 480.Questions from all the three subjectschemistry, physics and mathematics- were present in each of the paper.

Paper-2 contained 57 questions in total - 19 of chemistry, 19 of maths and 19 of physics. Paper-2
consisted of 3 Parts. Part-1 contained 19 questions of chemistry. Part-2 contained 19 questions of maths,
and similarly Part-3 contained 19 questions of physics. For knowing the details of Paper-1 click here.
Questions in each PART were grouped into four sections.
SECTION-1 of each PART cotained 4 multiple choice questions(MCQs). In these, each question had 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which only one was correct. Marking Scheme was :
Three(3) marks for each correct attempt. Zero(0) Marks for not attempting a question, and, minus one (1) for wrong attempt of a question.
SECTION-2 of each PART contained 5 MCQs. Each question had 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE or MORE could be correct. And to get positive marks a student was required to
identify all the correct choices in a question. Marking Scheme was : Four(4) marks for each correct
attempt. Zero(0) Marks for not attempting a question, and, minus one (-1) for wrong attempt of a
SECTION-3 of each PART contained 2 questions. Each question was Matching Type. There were two
columns in each question. Column 1 had four statements ( A,B,C and D) and Column 2 had five statements
( p,q,r,s and t ). Any statement in Column 1 can have correct matching with one or more statements of
Column 2. Marking Scheme: Two (2) marks were awarded for identifying all the correct matches of a
statement in Column 1 with those of statements in Column-2. Thus for 4 statements in Column 1, each
question allowed an opportunity to score upto a maximum of 8 marks. There were no negative marking
for incorrect matchings in this section. For getteing +2 marks for a statement in Column-1, however, a
student was required to identify all the correct matches of a statemant in Column-1 with those in

SECTION-4 of each part contained 8 questions. There answer to each of the questions was a single digit
integer, ranging from 0 to 9. Marking Scheme was: Four(4) marks for each correct answer. Zero(0) Marks
for not attempting a question, and, minus one (-1) for wrong attempt of a question.

How to prepare for IIT-JEE/ PMT?/ Part-3

Tuesday, 18. September 2007, 09:50
IIT, PMT, maths, india, science education, engineering entrance, IIT-JEE, medical entrance, physics

Problem Solving skills in Maths and Physics.

AUTHOR-J.P.Sinha.Teacher for IIT-JEE/PMT
For science/maths students in general, and IIT-JEE or PMT aspirants in particular, learning the skills of problem
solving is very important.Questions and problems in science (especially physics!) and maths contain factual,
conceptual, theoretical and numerical ingredients all entangled with each other.And this makes solving them
tough for the beginners.That is why students begin to fear Physics and Maths because these two subjects requires
finest quality of problem solving skills from students.There is no universal technique that can solve all problems
because different problems usually require different methods and approaches for successful solution.
Nevertheless, if a student works systematically then soon problem solving will become fun for him/her.
Thus for the benefits of the student community (or any body who is interested in learning the art of the problem
solving) I have presented below a sequence of steps that, if followed, can immensely help in solving questions in
Physics and Maths.

Read The Question/Problem carefully.

Identify what is being asked.
Make a list of knowns and unknowns.
Note carefully the information given.(Sometimes, some informations which are part of general-knowledge are
not specifically given.Note such relevant informations-if any.)

Sketch a neat diagram or a rough graph to aid your thinking.(Diagrams and graphs should be drawn in such a
way that they describe the situation of the problem clearly.)

If you can make an estimate of the final solution (by reasoning or some logical guess!), then you must do that.
Because at the end when you actually get your answer by solving the problem then you can check the
truthfulness of your answer by comparing it with your estimate.

PART-2 :

Write a verbal description of relationship among all quantities.

Write all relevant formulae known to you involving known and unknown quantities.
Examine similar problems to see if their solution techniques are applicable.
Look for a pattern so that you may think upto many steps ahead of your calculations.
You may start with a special simpler case to gain insight.
Sometimes a problem may be broken into two or more number of non-overlaping cases and each case may be
solved separately.


DO all calculations according to your decided plan.

Check your solution with your estimate and graph. Does it make sense? Does it seem resonable?
If every thing seems fine, then you have got your solution.

PHYSICS & MATHS:- Getting good marks in CBSE 12 th Board.

Friday, 18. September 2009, 09:34
cbse, board exam, india, exam, maths, physics

AUTHOR-J.P.Sinha.Teacher (Physics and Maths) for IIT-JEE/PMT

12th board exam is the most important stage in the academic life of any student in India. Good score in this exam
in many cases ensures admission in good course or college. There is an element of prestige attached to it too: any
student getting 90%+ marks in 12 th board automatically becomes the darling of his/her entire family - all of a
sudden people start speaking good and respectful words for him.But, on the other hand, getting very high
marks in board exams in India (atleast in CBSE board exam!) is honestly not very tough these days. Following are
few of the general advices that I would like to give to any one desirous of getting good marks in Physics and Maths
in CBSE board exams:
Give utmost importance to your NCERT books. In maths exam, usually nothings come from outside NCERT book. So
for your board exam preparation do not consult any reference book. Just solve all the SOLVED and EXERCISE
problems of NCERT again and again for practice.Remember that you do not have to leave any thing inside the
NCERT maths book. Solve every single problem - both solved examples and exercise problems - present inside
NCERT books. Solve all the miscellaneous solved and unsolved questions too. Solve the Sample Papers available on
CBSE website. If you gain the capability of solving any problem contained in the NCERT book without any trouble
then I assure you that you can even get 100 marks in Maths.
For Physics, again NCERT book is very important. *Read all concepts of every chapter in full detail from
NCERT.*Make a list of all the DERIVATIONS in each chapter.*Write the proofs of these DERIVATIONS in your note
book. While writting the proofs follow the style in which you normally answer a question in exam. *Make a
comprehensive list of all the important formulae of the syllabus. Revise them regularly.*Do all the NUMERICAL type
questions present in NCERT physics book (both solved and unsolved ! ).*Make a list of important graphs present in
your text book. *You must know all the Definitions and S.I. units of all the physical quantities dealt in the
syllabus. *If possible, practice 'previous year questions' from each chapter from the book "Together with Physics"
or "U-Like Sample Paper in Physics". *Solve the Sample Paper available on CBSE website.*Do the revision of all
the above works again and again. You will then be able to solve the entire PHYSICS paper without any problem and
getting65+ (out of 70) score will not be difficult for you in Physics.
For any help or query you can contact me (J.P.Sinha) on my mobile +91 9871 222 426 (it is a New Delhi
mobile) Please call only between 8.00am and 10.00am IST

Brows All Books for Medical Entrances

Total 82 books found..








10 Sets Biotech & B. Pharma



22 Years' Chapterwise CBSE


Editorial Board




22 years' Chapterwise CBSE


Editorial Board





40 Days' Biology




40 Days' Chemistry




40 Days' Physics




AFMC Medical Entrance Solved





AIIMS Medical Entrance Solved





AMU Medical Entrances


10. C065

Assertion & Reason for Medical

Entrance Exams


11. C043

BCECE (Mains) (E&M) Entrance

Solved Papers

Editorial Board


12. F003

BCECE Medical Entrance Exam


Editorial Board


13. C041

BCECE Medical Entrance Solved



14. C070

BHU Medical Entrance Solved



15. B059

Biology & the Human Welfare

16. C022

BVP Medical Entrance Solved


17. C005

CBSE (Screening)-10 Mock Tests

Editorial Board


18. C006

CBSE AIPMT (Mains) 10 Mock


Editorial Board


19. C098

CBSE AIPMT (22 Years

Chapterwise) Biology

Editorial Board


20. C002

CBSE Medical Pravesh Priksha

Editorial Board


21. C067

CBSE-Medical Entrance

Editorial Board


22. C138

Chhatishgarh PMT Entrance

Editorial Board


23. F036

Chhattisgarh PMT Med. Entrance


Editorial Board


24. F037

Chhattisgarh PMT Med. Pravesh

Pariksha Guide

Editorial Board


Sanjeev Rajori


25. C106

Chhattishgarh PMT Entrance

26. C028

CMC (Vellore & Ludhiana)

Entrance Solved Papers


27. C086

DUMET/DPMT Entrance Solved



28. C062

EAMCET Medical. Entrance Solved



29. J202

Gandhian Thought for MGIMS


30. C060

GK, English & Reasoning for

Medical Entrances


31. C083

Gujarat CET Medical Entrance

Solved Papers


32. C036

Haryana PMT Entrance Solved


Editorial Board


33. C081

J & K Medical Entrance

Editorial Board


34. C044

JCECE Medical Entrance Solved

Editorial Board


35. C027

JIPMER Medical Entrance


36. C033

KCET Medical Entrance Solved



37. C077

Kerala Medical Entrance Solved



38. C021

Manipal Medical Entrance Solved


39. C063

MGIMS Medical Entrance Solved



40. C052

MH CET Biology Guide




Editorial Board



Editorial Board




41. C055

MH CET Chemistry Guide


42. C054

MH CET Physics Guide


43. C133

MHT CET Medical

Editorial Board


44. E022

MP PMT Bhotiki

Editorial Board


45. E013

MP PMT Botany

Editorial Board


46. E017

MP PMT Chemistry

Editorial Board


47. E012

MP PMT Jantoo Vigyan

Editorial Board


48. F034

MP PMT Medical Entrance Exam


Editorial Board


49. F035

MP PMT Medical Pravesh Pariksha Editorial Board



50. E020

MP PMT Physics

Editorial Board


51. E015

MP PMT Rasayan Vigyan

Editorial Board


52. E014

MP PMT Vanaspati Vigyan

Editorial Board


53. E011

MP PMT Zoology

Editorial Board


54. C153

Objective Biology for Kerala CEE


55. C151

Objective Chemistry for Kerala CEE


56. B037

Objective Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. RK Gupta


57. B036

Objective Organic Chemistry

Dr. RK Gupta


58. B038

Objective Physical Chemistry

Dr. RK Gupta


59. C150

Objective Physics for Kerala CEE

60. B034

Objective Physics Vol-1

DC Pandey


61. B035

Objective Physics Vol-2

DC Pandey


62. C030

Punjab PMT


63. C034

RPMT Medical Entrance Solved



64. F033

RPMT Medical Pravesh Pariksha



65. C035

RPMT Medical Pravesh Pariksha

Solved Papers


66. C029

Safdarjung (VMMC) Entrance

Solved Papers


67. C101

UP CPMT (28 Years Chapterwise)



68. C100

UP CPMT (28 Years Chapterwise)




69. C099

UP CPMT (28 Years Chapterwise)



70. C071

UP CPMT Medical Entrance


71. F030

UP CPMT Medical Entrance Exam


72. C004

UP CPMT Medical Pravesh Pariksha


73. F031

UP CPMT Medical Pravesh Pariksha Editorial Board



74. F032

Uttarakhand PMT Guide

Editorial Board


75. C058

Uttarakhand PMT Medical Entrance Editorial Board

Solved Papers


76. B058

Vol 6: Embryology of Plants &



77. B057

Vol-1-The Living World;Ecology & Subhash Vikal /Arun Kumar


78. B066

Vol-2:Plan Science

Subhash Vikal /Devendra



79. B055

Vol-3: Cytology

Sanjay Sharma


80. B054

Vol-4: Genetics

Sanjay Sharma


Editorial Board

Subhash / RK Verma



Total 82 books found..





81. B067

Vol-5:Animal Anatomy &


Sanjay Sharma

82. C074

WB JEE (Med.) 10 Practice Sets

1 23456Next



NAVNEETIIT # 17. April 2008, 13:26


J.P.Sinha # 18. April 2008, 18:13

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Navneet,
please finish your basic (NCERT level) syllabus of 12th-class in 4 months.After that revise your 11th syllabus in the
next one months.Then do practicing of MCQ type questions extensively from the entire 11th-12th syllabus.If you
feel that you are unable to solve questions from some topics then go for further readings of those topics from
advanced books.
Get personal help from some good teacher if you feel that you are unable to study on your own. Never ignore the
basic concepts in any subject.Revise basics again and again. Solve problems from all topics and subjects regularly.
Make your own study plan.There can not be one plan of study that will work for all students.Therefore I will advise
you to follow a self-made-plan-of-study that suits your style of study.
Best of luck.

Anonymous # 24. May 2008, 08:43


J.P.Sinha # 26. May 2008, 13:17

Reply from J.P.Sinha
Hello Jitesh,
see the article BOOK LIST to know about the necessary books.Its link has been provided by me above.

J.P.Sinha # 18. June 2008, 01:50

Important Notice
I am going on pilgrimage to AMARNATH CAVE in Kashmir.So I will not be able to respond to any of the queries made
by the visitors of this blog for the next 10 days.I will be back in the beginning of July.

Anonymous # 26. July 2008, 12:36

PRITA writes: Sir i want to ask you that i m really very very confused how to start my preparation for iit-jee.i have
passed my 12th this year only and as i have not got any good rank in any entrance exam so i wanted to drop this
year.so please tell me how should i start my preparation?

J.P.Sinha # 27. July 2008, 17:53

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello PRITA,
read my article How to study for IIT-JEE after passing 12th for your answer.

Anonymous # 17. October 2008, 17:09

tanmay writes: sir, i am a 11th class student and is aiming for iit 2010. can u give me tips how to plan my schedule
and prepare for the iit and is maintaining own notes for iit apart from the coaching ones is good or waste of time

J.P.Sinha # 18. October 2008, 17:42

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Tanmay,
you should read the Part-1 and Part -2 of my articles for your answer.

Anonymous # 12. November 2008, 15:22

deepshikha writes: i m in 6 th grade...what should i do for my preparation from this age

Anonymous # 4. December 2008, 16:18



J.P.Sinha # 7. December 2008, 09:40

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Deepshikha
click hereto read an article written by me for students like you.
To Shivaji
I think you are forgetting things because you are afraid that you can forget.Sometimes when we are afraid that
some bad thing will happen to us, then our mind some how get programmed with the negative thoughts in such a
way that our psychology begins to deceive us into believing that the bad thing has indeed occurred to us. So get
out of your fear. Work hard.Revise regularly. And then be BINDAS. Fear is our worst enemy.
Advantage of studying NCERT is that you get speedy idea of the entire syllabus in very little time.Where as if you
directly start with the advanced private publication books, then finishing the syllabus even once becomes
impossible.Moreover there are only few chapters in which IIT-JEE syllabus is more than what is given in the NCERT.
In most of the chapters IIT-JEE syllabus and NCERT syllabus are almost same.
If you are not convinced with the usefulness of my plan then you should never use it.Try to develope your own
personal plan which according to you is best suited to you.

J.P.Sinha # 7. December 2008, 09:45

To Shivaji again:
after finishing the NCERT, you should always do the remaining topics which are part of IIT-JEE syllabus and not
included in the NCERT from some private book.

Anonymous # 17. December 2008, 10:12

sanchit writes: sir i am in class 10 right now.i want to ask you how i can start my preparations in getting into iit
now.Which courses you would advise for iit-jee?

J.P.Sinha # 21. December 2008, 17:14

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sanchit,
start preparing for IIT-JEE when you reach class 11th. For now, concentrate on your 10th board.

Anonymous # 25. December 2008, 12:16

PUNEET writes: HELLO SIR, My name is puneet. i m a commerce student. i m average in accounts and in my other
commerce subjects but could not score very good in maths. i was very good in maths upto 10-11. but here i m
facing diffuculty. can u please help me? i have only 2 months in my hand.i want 2 score 80-85. please give some

Anonymous # 25. December 2008, 13:16

ankit writes: Sir i am in 12th right now....and due to certain disturbances i wasn't able to prepare properly in my
11th std and also my school is very burdening as they want students to get marks only in their boards due the
additional pressure i did not prepare well even in my 12th and now december has come and i will be giving my jee
next year....i also have not the option to drop a year and prepare for the exam...is it still possible for me to make
it to iit or should i just leave the idea of iit and stop preparing for it?? i am unable to decide.... hopefully you'll
help me out on this one sir... thank you

J.P.Sinha # 26. December 2008, 10:25

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Ankit and Puneet,
please click here to read an article relating to board preparation.
After the board exam, you(Ankit) should think about anything.

Anonymous # 7. January 2009, 16:08

Anshita writes: sir i m a student of class 11th , i want to ask you that how to prepare for pmt and afmc?????

J.P.Sinha # 9. January 2009, 05:57

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

Hello Anshita,
please read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles for my views on preparation methodology for PMT.

Anonymous # 26. January 2009, 16:51

Sarthak writes: Sir, i am studying in 11th class.I am looking for best objective (only) books for physics IIT-JEE
level.Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J.P.Sinha # 27. January 2009, 18:56

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sarthak,
no book can be the best.Each book has its pros and cons.
Yes, "New Pattern IIT Physics-by D.C.Pandey" from Arihant Prakash is a good book. "Objective Approach to
Physics(Vol-1 and Vol-2)"-by the same author and publication house is also good.

Anonymous # 1. February 2009, 07:47

sarthak writes: sir, iam doings exercise of sound waves in h.c. verma part 1 . In 30,31,32 question I am facing
problem.I am facing problem in quetions of path and phase diiference. Please Help

J.P.Sinha # 1. February 2009, 15:30

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sarthak,
path difference is the difference of lengths between two paths through which two waves propagate before
meeting at a point.
Phase of a wave is the expression (Kx- wt + C) that you find as argument of the sine or the cosine function. Phase
of a wave can change due to variation in x or t or both.A path difference equal to wavelength results in the phase
difference of 2.pi radian(i.e. 360 degrees).

Anonymous # 1. February 2009, 16:40

Sarthak writes: Sir I am still facing problem in question 30 and 31 of sound waves in H.C. Verma. Sir can you please
give some idea to solve these problem.

J.P.Sinha # 2. February 2009, 19:49

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sarthak,
this blog is not meant for solving questions.I have created this blog to advise students on the strategy for IIT-JEE
and PMT preparation. So please contact your teachers to get those questions solved.

Anonymous # 11. February 2009, 07:38

Anonymous writes: Sir, there is a question of work, energy and power. In this question a ball of mass 'm' is
suspended by a string of length 'L'. Initially the ball is at rest. A horizontal velocity 'v' is imparted to the ball. At
some angle, the string becomes slack and the ball moves in a parabola. We have to find the velocity 'v' so that the
ball passes through the point of suspension. In this question I have assumed that the string becomes slack after
making an angle theta with the vertical. Using energy conservation I have the velocity at that point where the
string slacks. Then at that point 'mgcos0' is equal to centripetal force. Using this I have got the velocity at the
initial point and final point in terms of 'theta'. Now after the string becomes slack it follows a parabola and passes
through point of suspension. Now sir can you please tell me what to do to find 'theta, using the last line of the
question. sir I know that this blog is not for solving questions but sir I am stuck in this questions for a week and I
want to solve this good question. ir it would ge so nice of you if you help to find 'theta'. Sir the answer of this
question is v =[gl(2 + root 3) ka whole root.

Anonymous # 6. March 2009, 11:13

Anonymous writes: Sir , I am in class 12 . I havn't study any reference book,or any book for IIT prep in class 11 /12
but I hav studied all the NCERT books properly. After my boards exam I will get 20 days to prepare for iit and 2
months for dce . I know that i wont b able 2 finish all the course in 20 days but sir can u plz suggest me some imp
topics in pcm which are easy and scoring(for iit and dce) .

J.P.Sinha # 6. March 2009, 13:47

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Telling which topic is important and which is not is very tough. Because in an entrance the trend of questions may
change any year. So a student should prepare the entire syllabus. If you have done the entire syllabus well from

NCERT then you should practice question solving from popular IIT-JEE guides during the 15 days that you get after
your board exam. For DCE you will get more time so do even more practice for that.
J. P. Sinha

Anonymous # 27. March 2009, 16:53

Sushant Singhal writes: Hello sir, This is Sushant from Kasganj. I have just given my 11th class exams . Actually Sir ,
in class 11th , I have only done my syllabus according to my school exams and never touched numericals and
objective questions for competitions . Now what should be my planning so that I can complete both 11th and 12th
syllabus till 30 June ie- in 90 days ? I want to complete 11th syllabus of cbse and competitions and 12th syllabus of
ncert level till 30 June.

J.P.Sinha # 28. March 2009, 08:47

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sushant,
click here for reading an article which I have written for students studying in 12th class.

Anonymous # 1. April 2009, 12:32

Jyothi Narasimhan writes: Hello Sir, I have a son who is in 6th standard and is studying in CBSE school in UAE. I
would like to know how to build the thought process in him which is required for exams such as IIT - JEE.
Considering that UAE students are not as competitive as students back home, I would like to know what kind of
additional effort is required in terms of providing material/guidance in order to bring him up in this regard. Is it
too early think about this or do i need to start now? Jyothi Narasimhan

J.P.Sinha # 2. April 2009, 18:26

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Jyothi Narasimhan Ji,
please click here to read an article which I have written for students like your son

Anonymous # 4. April 2009, 08:48

Parthasarthi writes: Hello Sir, I have seen IIT-JEE syllabus and found that there is a topic of mathematical
induction in it.I know that the questions of this type are the questions which demands proof.Sir how can a question
come in JEE from this topic as JEE contains only objective questions???

J.P.Sinha # 4. April 2009, 16:27

Reply from J.P.Sinha :
Hello Parthasarthi,
you are right, questions from mathematical-induction are not likely to be asked in the IIT-JEE if the question
papers in this entrance continue to be of objective type. But you should not under estimate the creativity of those
people who prepare question papers for JEE. May be, the may invent an innovative way to ask an objective
question from mathematical induction.

Anonymous # 14. April 2009, 14:45

RITIKA writes: Hello Sir , This is Ritika from Madhya Pradesh. I have just given the 12th exam .I am an M P Board
student. I have not prepared well for MP-PMT in 11th as well as 12th . However I joined coaching for PMT in 12th
but it does not help me a lot. Only My Biology improved ,Physics & Chemistry remained weak...At the end I
realised that SELF STUDY is the best for me, as I always manged to bring above 88 % by myself in all previous
classes.. Now only 2 Months are left for MP-PMT. --I know I have to study hard , please tell me how many hours I
should study daily ? --Should I study 1 subject in a day OR all 3 subjects in a day ? --Should I join crash course or do
only self study ? --Will I be able to improve my Physics by self study ? --Will I be able to clear MP-PMT by 2 months
study ? --Please suggest me how to concentrate on my studies & and how to manage this precious time....?????

J.P.Sinha # 15. April 2009, 11:46

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Ritika,
for improving your grasp over a subject in less time you should take personal tuition from a good teacher. Join test
series of any reputable coaching for practice of questions.

Anonymous # 16. April 2009, 06:05

RITIKA writes: Thank You Sir.!!

Anonymous # 30. April 2009, 15:17

Amrit Mishra writes: Sir, I have just given my 12th board exams.I am a student from Orissa .I was a student of ICSE
and had scored 79%.I have appeared my 12th board exam under Orissa board (CHSE). I am waiting for my
results..meanwhile I am looking forward to drop a year to prepare for IITJEE 2010. Sir please help me out would it
be a wise decision ? Will it affect my career in future ? Mean while I am referring NEW PATTERN IIT JEE PHYSICS ,
whether these books are perfect for preparation or i need some other books ? Sir i am looking forward for your
reply. It would be kind of you if you please help me out. Amrit Mishra, [email protected]

J.P.Sinha # 1. May 2009, 10:36

I have answered to your query under the article Part-3.

Anonymous # 11. May 2009, 13:49

Sarthak writes: Sir I am confused in the direction of electric field for a -ve charge. Whether it is towards the
charge or away from charge

J.P.Sinha # 11. May 2009, 16:02

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sarthak,
it is towards the NEGATIVE charge.
Actually, the direction of the Electric Field at a point is the direction of FORCE experienced by a POSITIVE test
charge at that point. Obviously, the POSITIVE test charge will always experience attractive force towards the
negative charge.

Anonymous # 14. May 2009, 11:19

Anonymous writes: h

Anonymous # 14. May 2009, 11:47

Anonymous writes: dear sir im in 12 std,i wasted i whole year of 11th by not preparing for iit,aieee etc.now ive
relised my mistake.sir pls tell me whether i ll be able tp get thru jee,aieee,biits with a good rank if i start
preparing in 12th std.hope its not too late...

J.P.Sinha # 14. May 2009, 16:56

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
it is never too late to correct your mistakes.Start studying sincerely from today and you will get the success.CLICK
HERE to read an article that may help you.

Anonymous # 16. May 2009, 13:13

purvi writes: sir,now its time to prepare for mp pmt so can u please tell me how to plan my time table.also give
me a chapter wise time table if u can? thanking u

J.P.Sinha # 18. May 2009, 07:20

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Purvi,
it is very difficult for me to prepare a time table for you.I do not know your level of preparation, neither do I know
you personally.
My advice to you is that study as much as you can.

Previous1 2 3456Next

Rahul210593 # 18. May 2009, 11:33

I am Rahul from Kerala
I have completed my 10th in ICSE..and i am awaiting for my results.I am aiming to write IIT JEE -2011. Is ISC or

CBSE in +1,+2 a better option for IIT JEE? Sir, Will it be possible to complete the Full NCERT Syllabus of +1,+2
before +2 classes.. when +1 classes are going on.

J.P.Sinha # 18. May 2009, 17:37

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Rahul Prasad,
no tuition is not necessary if you can manage everything by self study. But yes, tuition is helpful to most of the
To Ramesh,
finish your entire 11th + 12th syllabus in one year.Then practice for IIT-JEE type questions in the second year.
To Rahul from Kerala,
yes it is possible to finish the entire 11th + 12th in one year if you work really hard.

Anonymous # 18. May 2009, 18:31

purvi writes: thank u sir. how many hours & how many subject should i study a day.

Anonymous # 18. May 2009, 18:32

purvi writes: thankyou sir. how many hours & how many subject should i study a day.

J.P.Sinha # 19. May 2009, 09:25

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Purvi,
study atleast 9 hours per day - 3 hours for each subject.

Anonymous # 19. May 2009, 11:43

rahul writes: is cbse or icse a better option for iit jee

Rahul210593 # 19. May 2009, 11:47

Is CBSE or ISC a better option for IIT JEE??

J.P.Sinha # 20. May 2009, 07:24

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Rahul,
it does not matter which board you are studying in. Syllabus is almost same in all boards of India.
Study sincerely to get success.

Anonymous # 22. May 2009, 08:34

Anonymous writes: Hello sir, I hv given my 12th boards this yr frm CBSE nd got 71% only though i knw i cud hv got
more...!! My entrance xamz were also nt gud. So i m planning to drop this year nd want to prepare fr IIT again..!!
Is it a right decision..?

J.P.Sinha # 22. May 2009, 13:06

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
the decision of dropping one year is a gamble.If you clear IIT-JEE the next year then you will feel your decision was
right. But if you do not clear IIT-JEE then you will think that one full year was wasted.
Take this decision only if your are ready to work hard.
Click here to read an article that may help you.

Anonymous # 26. May 2009, 06:25

saket writes: sir namaste, i m selected in eml in iitjee oo9. what bare my chances to get selected for iit kgpr fr ele
engeneering. i m from small town sambalpur. help me sir , should i drop i yr to prepare once more roll no-5087367

J.P.Sinha # 26. May 2009, 09:10

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Saket,
what is your All India Rank.

Anonymous # 28. May 2009, 10:17

mohit writes: hello sir, i was not able to perform 100 percent in jee 2009. however i got rank 8552 in EML. i want
to drop . i read your article. my parents will allow me to drop if i promise them that i will make in top 100 in jee
2010. i live in chandigarh. plz tel me whether i should join coaching (dropper's batch) or test series , if yes then
which one. i can't study in a crowd of 200 students as in my earlier tutions. i am very weak in chemistry..... will it
be good for me to join dropper's batch only for chemistry or for other subjects also.... plz help sir . i m very tensed

Anonymous # 28. May 2009, 16:40

deepak writes: hello sir, what should be the study plan for the preparation of iit-jee? how many hours i should
study daily for getting rank in 1st-20,how I should manage time? how to increase the speed of solving problems?

J.P.Sinha # 28. May 2009, 17:27

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Mohit,
take decision of dropping one year for IIT-JEE preparation, only if, you think that you are very firm in your resolve
that you are going to work really very hard.
Join a coaching which is reputable among the students of your city for quality teaching. If possible take personal
tuition. It is always better than group coaching if you can find a good teacher for personal tuition.Yes for better
practice you can some join test series in a good coaching.CLICK HERE to read an article that may help you in
making your plan of preparation.
TO Deepak,
I would suggest you to read all my articles by clicking links above.
Numbers of hours studied per day is not much important. Study as much as you can. But whenever you study you
should be honestly studying only. That is, don't play music while studying, your mobile phone should be switchedoff when you are studying... etc.


Anonymous # 31. May 2009, 11:40

saket writes: namaste sir sir i m selected in aieeestate rank-71in orissa but want to make it into iit kgpr. wiill it do
it while studying in nit rourkela. if yes will the 1 year count.

Anonymous # 31. May 2009, 11:42

mohit writes: my aieee all india rank is 16869 and state rank is 310 i m from chandigarh........... which NIT can i
get and which field ... also for pec

J.P.Sinha # 31. May 2009, 19:10

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Saket:
it is very difficult to prepare for IIT-JEE while studying B.Tech syllabus at NIT-Rourkela. So I will advice you not to
prepare for IIT-JEE if you join B.Tech at NIT.
To Mohit,
these things will become clear in counseling.

Anonymous # 1. June 2009, 23:57

saket writes: namaste sir thank u for ur reply. i m in a bit of dilemma.i m also selected in iit eml. what colleges
can i opt here for electricaal engeneering. 2-is a student outside delhi eligible fr dce. 3-sir i m really weak in
algebra , suggest some way to mroot out this.

J.P.Sinha # 2. June 2009, 11:51

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Saket,
an out side Delhi student can take admission in DCE through AIEEE.15% of DCE seats are filled by outside Delhi
For Algebra you can use the following two books:

Elementary Algebra- Hall and Knight

Higher Algebra- Hall and Knight.

Anonymous # 7. June 2009, 08:15

Vid writes: Hello,Sir I'm studying 12th class of Andhra Pradesh Board.I want to do IIT.I have OP TANDON book for
organic.so i want books for inorganic and physical chemistry.Please help me sir.

J.P.Sinha # 8. June 2009, 08:29

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Can't help in chemistry.I teach physics and maths.

Anonymous # 9. June 2009, 05:42

Jai writes: Hello Sir , I am preparing for MPPMT 2009. My Physics is weak and I cant prepare all the chapters
thoroughly.Please suggest me some easy and important chapters in Physics from which maximum questions are
asked. Thanks.

Anonymous # 13. June 2009, 04:50

Aditya writes: Hello Sir, I m a student of class XII. i was not able to study well in XI class. Are there any hopes of
me getting a good rank in AIEEE?

J.P.Sinha # 13. June 2009, 19:55

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Aditya,
CLICK here and read the article that opens.

J.P.Sinha # 14. June 2009, 18:32

I am going on Holy Amarnath Yatra. I will not be able to reply to any comment for the next one week.

Anonymous # 21. June 2009, 15:37

Prakhar writes: Hello Sir, I have passed class 12th this year and want to prepare for IIT in one year. What should be
my plan for it? How many hours I should have to read?

Anonymous # 23. June 2009, 14:41

Anonymous writes: can u suggest the fast way of revision in 1 week for pmt mp exams.

Anonymous # 24. June 2009, 16:17

pulling myself hard writes: sir i have passed my class 12th dis yr.duee to my mistakes n some unfavorable
circumstances i destroyed my 11th,12th n jee 2009 but m keen on getting into it dis yr.i have taken a drop n have
consulted sum personal tutions to clear off my doubts.i plan to join a test series.please guide me sir.i got 69% with
pcmb as a subject.

J.P.Sinha # 25. June 2009, 16:36

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Prakhar and pulling....,
click here and read the article that opens.

Anonymous # 28. June 2009, 06:50

Jai writes: Hello Sir , I am preparing for MPPMT 2009. My Physics is weak and I cant prepare all the chapters
thoroughly.Please suggest me some easy and important chapters in Physics from which maximum questions are
asked. Thanks.

J.P.Sinha # 28. June 2009, 17:52

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Jai,

sorry, I do not know the art of selective study.I believe in studying the syllabus thoroughly.In your case, how can I
suggest you some chapters.I do not know from which chapters more questions are going to be asked in the next
entrance exam. Selective study is a big gamble.And I have never been able to make correct guesses in my life
ever. So I always study the entire syllabus.

Anonymous # 3. July 2009, 07:27

Anonymous writes: Respected Sir, I am a class 12 student (CBSE)...I wish to take a drop for IIT JEE preparation...Is
it possible to take a drop as the IIT JEE website says "Candidates appearing in JEE-2009 should have either passed
the qualifying examination in 2008 or should be appearing in 2009. They should also satisfy the specific eligibility
criteria in the qualifying examination. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination before October 1,
2007 are not eligible to write JEE-2009." i will write my 12th boards in march 2010...please advise if i should take
a drop..and will it affect my career in the long run??

J.P.Sinha # 3. July 2009, 09:00

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
taking a drop of one year is something that should be avoided as far as possible.You should work hard this year so
that you may get selected in some engineering entrance in the year 2010.

Anonymous # 10. July 2009, 00:39

swetha writes: dear sir, i ve successfully completed my cbse board exams of 10th with 96.8 % . i ve shifted to
stateboard of tamil nadu syllabus for 11th as there are no entrances in tamil nadu colleges but only board marks
matter. but i wish to prepare for iit jee and so i ve joined a reputed institute for preparation. please tell me how
do i manege my time these 2 years and three months before iit jee and my board exams.

Anonymous # 11. July 2009, 04:38

prakher bhargava writes: sir i had passed 12 this tear in 2009, and this year i am droping, i have great difficulty in
phy, tell me how i can study

Anonymous # 12. July 2009, 06:51

himanshu writes: I am in 12th class!! i have read nothing in 11th class . i have got 62% ! i have joined vidyamandir
correspondence course ?i want 90% in boards && want to clear iit-jee2010 and want rank in top 500 ?? please give
the time table so that i can give equal time for all subject??how i can achieve this???

Anonymous # 14. July 2009, 00:57

Call Me "Nik" writes: Dear Sir, I am studying Cambridge AS Level(which is basically Year 11) in NZ, and I would like
to apply for JEE next year(2010). I have got hardly 8 months, and note that I get holidays after Nov. 2 week, so I
will sure get FULL 24 hours to study after that. I would like to know which books I should study first, and in which
order. I am ready to do anything it takes Sir, please guide me. I am very much thankful to you Sir, as students
studying outside India have no clue and tutions to keep track of what they are doing. Please Sir, guide me. Thank

Anonymous # 14. July 2009, 00:59

Anonymous writes: Call Me "Nik" writes: Dear Sir, I am studying Cambridge AS Level(which is basically Year 11) in
NZ, and I would like to apply for JEE next year(2010). I have got hardly 8 months, and note that I get holidays after
Nov. 2 week, so I will sure get FULL 24 hours to study after that. I would like to know which books I should study
first, and in which order. I am ready to do anything it takes Sir, please guide me. I am very much thankful to you
Sir, as students studying outside India have no clue and tutions to keep track of what they are doing. Please Sir,
guide me. Thank You

J.P.Sinha # 15. July 2009, 11:14

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Sweta,
read the Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles.
To Himanshu,
click here
To Prakher Bhargava,
get personal tuition from a good teacher in Physics.
To Nik,
i have already answered your question on some other page of my blog.

Anonymous # 16. July 2009, 16:36

Rahul writes: Sir, I am in 11th Class and till date I have completed more half sylabii of chemistry, half of Math and
half of physics. Sir now I am being pressurized by teachers, classmates for joining some test series. Sir please guide
me whether i should join and if yes which is the best you recommend for success in Competitions.

Anonymous # 17. July 2009, 06:54

Pooja writes: Hello Sir, I have done my 12th from MP Board and scored 78 percent. I have appeared in MP PMT but
could not get selected.My marks were very less 104 out of 200. My performance was really bad in above exams but
i know i have not work hard for the above exams.But I know my potential i can do much better if i drop a year and
prepare for PMT again.I am fully commited to do hard work this year.But my parents don't trust me , only by
seeing the result of other intelligent droppers who could not get selected.My parents say that how hard you try ,in
the end the result will be same as of other droppers.Before listening this I was so much confident to get selected
in the next year but they have demoralised me.I dont know what to do now.Should I drop a year or not.Please help
me....as early as possible b'coz its my decision making time.Please. Thanking You. Pooja

J.P.Sinha # 22. July 2009, 04:34

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Rahul,
joining a test series is not a problem if it does not disturb your normal studies. Finish your basic syllabus of NCERT
level as quickly as possible.
Hello Pooja,
this is the most tricky question that students like you face in their career. I will suggest you to listen to what your
heart says in this regard.If your heart says that you should prepare for the PMT and you are ready to work hard for
it, then you should go ahead. But be honest in interpreting your heart's call. Give your self some time and ask to
your heart that what it says.If it says yes - then yes. If no - then no.I have seen many students who have cleared
PMT in their second attempt.I have also seen many who could not clear PMT in their second attempt.

Anonymous # 23. July 2009, 05:29

vivek writes: your articles are fine but i have seen more better articles on another website fundoobanda.com
which is a really great place to enjoy the study of physics and mathematics. chemistry is so simplified there that i
was really impressed with their teaching methodology and way of explaining things so simply...........

J.P.Sinha # 23. July 2009, 19:32

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
thanks for your information.


Anonymous # 29. July 2009, 13:45

Disha writes: Hello sir, Plz help me in this question The distance between charges is reduced to 2cm from original
distance of 8cm .The force now will increase by which of the following factor: (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 16 (d) 15 Well I have
solved the above question but the answer is coming 16 and in the book its answer is 15 Plz help me out which one
is correct.

J.P.Sinha # 29. July 2009, 17:59

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To Disha:
Original force = F1
New Force = F2 = 16.F1
Change = F2 - F1 = 16.F1-F1 = 15.F1.
So the change in the force is 15 times the original force.

Anonymous # 31. July 2009, 17:30

Preity preety writes: Where is the speech yaar ?????? Kuch comment marne jaisa bhi toh hona chahiye kya yaar sheh

Anonymous # 31. July 2009, 17:32

Ms. Ambitious writes: What to do if i have dropped 12th for preparing for IIT its my dream t get in there what do i
do /// ?????????????

J.P.Sinha # 1. August 2009, 18:12

You mean, you did not give 12th board?

Previous12 3 456Next

Anonymous # 12. August 2009, 23:31

nukul writes: respected sir i m in calss 12 and i have been preparing for iitjee since 11th beginning i have been
oworking hard but the result is no where to be seen our teachers here are not so much experienced to tell us how
to study although they teach good and according to the jee patern but they are not capable of guiding us. even
after so much amount of hard work sir i m fed up of not gettin results upto my standards!! please help me!!

J.P.Sinha # 15. August 2009, 19:14

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Nakul,
click here and read the article that opens.

Anonymous # 18. August 2009, 16:44

nukul writes: thank you alot sir!! but i m not that type of a student i have done most of my class 11th seriously and
i do know the topics well except for 1 or 2 but the main problem i m facing is is lack of guidance i donot have
given much tests i dont remember giving any good level test! i have joined the fiitjee aits and i m studing
coreespondence from vmc delhi i have been trying hard but i m still afraid to give a test n all my hard work doenot
help because i cannot perform in a test please guide me sir what should i do to perform better in a test n how to
identify the questions to do n not to do! thank you ver much sir!!

J.P.Sinha # 20. August 2009, 18:07

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Nakul,
you have lack of confidence, although you have studied the subjects well; it is strange! I think you need to pull
your self out from this state. Be brave, and start giving tests. Slowly your fear will subside. But always prepare for
the test before taking an attempt at it.

Anonymous # 23. August 2009, 09:03

amit jha writes: Do you take tuition for the students those who are presently in standard tenth.My brother is in
standard tenth and i want to give him a personal tuition from you after his tenth board exam.

J.P.Sinha # 24. August 2009, 20:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I teach only students who are atleast in 11th class.

Anonymous # 30. August 2009, 07:35

Disha writes: Hello Sir, I'm a dropper of CBSE-PMT . I am facing problem in Physics,i m not able to do each n every
question in 1 minute.I am not able to complete my test in given time .My speed is very slow.So what should I do to
increase my speed Please give me some nice advice,so that i can excel in PMT. Thanks.

J.P.Sinha # 7. September 2009, 15:17

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Disha,
keep revising the THEORY and Formulae as often as possible,
see solved examples in different books,
practice-practice and practice

Anonymous # 8. September 2009, 18:54

Archana writes: sir i am referring op tandon for physical chemistry i am also do the theory from that is that ok ? or
should i refer NCERT for theory .?

Anonymous # 8. September 2009, 18:55

Archana writes: and pls tell a schedule how shd i start preparing for jee i am in class 11 now.

J.P.Sinha # 8. September 2009, 22:56

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Archana,
you may study from any book but please never ignore NCERT.

Read Part-1 and part-2 of my articles for your second query.


Anonymous # 10. September 2009, 07:22

Disha writes: Thank you Sir,your blog is really very helpful for students .

Anonymous # 11. September 2009, 08:24


Anonymous # 29. September 2009, 05:29

shashank writes: hello sir, im the student of class 12th and i unable to decide what should i do for scoring very gud
marks in class 12th and to face a competitive examinations? plz suggest me what type of time table i should have
to do so?

Anonymous # 4. October 2009, 18:15

Anonymous writes: sir,how can i efficiently prepare for iit & pmt simultaneously.

Anonymous # 9. October 2009, 09:12


Anonymous # 9. October 2009, 09:13


Anonymous # 19. October 2009, 14:06

Rama writes: Sir, I wanted to prepare for IIT JEE 2010...i need to ask you if there is still time to cover it up...I
have so far been studying only for my 12th boards (CBSE)...If i start preparing from october end...will i have to
time till april..i have no problem with the syllabus..but i need to know if it is possible to study 11th syllabys and
12th syllabus completely for IITJEE in less than 6 months...please advise..as i really wish to go to IIT///

Abinas M # 21. October 2009, 07:24

helo sir
I am Abinas
firstly i telling that i am weak in english so pardon me for mistakes
i am a student in plus one "computer science" in Kerala
i studied 10th in cbse & score 83% marks i am good in mathematics i scored 95 marks in maths
I am going tution for PCM for higher education along with kerala entrance coaching
i score full marks in maths ffor chapter wise test paper in tution & school
I like physics very much but when i start to study physics i always have doubt & i have no confidence to ask doubt
to teacher because if the doubt is great blunder then i will shame before teachers & students
Is i can able to ask doubt on physics & maths to you
i am not going for any IIT coaching centre
But i greatly interested in IIT
is i can able to get rank in iit
MY books on PCM are
DINESH objective MATHAMATICS - O.P Arora
KRISHNAS objective PHYSICS - Shobna Sharma
KRISHNAS objective CHEMISTRy - B.K Sharma
IS this books are enough for preparing KEAM & for IIT entrance examination
please give me tips to prepare for entrannce examination & for +1 & +2
How much time i want to study PCM individually & other subjects
How much time i want to sleep
Is it important to attend school all days
Pls help me sir......

Anonymous # 23. October 2009, 07:55

Khushboo writes: Hello Sir, I 'm an AIPMT aspirant 2010 .I have doubt in some questions .Please Help me out.
Question No.(1) Magnetic field due to a horse shoe magnet is parallel to the plane of the paper and north pole is
on left.Direct current in a straight wire is perpendicular to the plane of paper,upward and toward the
observer.The wire will be deflected: (a) Downward (b) Upward (c) On the Right (d) First Upward and then
downward Please tell me which RULE is used to solve this question. Question No.(2) If the intensity of magnetic
field at a point on the axis of current carrying coil is half of that at the center of the coil then the distance of that
point from the center of the coil will be : (a)1/2 R (b)R (c)3/2 R (d)o.766 R

Anonymous # 3. November 2009, 07:09

Deepa writes: Dear Sir, I'm a new visitor on your blog.Congartulations!you r doing a commendable job for the
student community. I'm a parent of a 6th grader In CBSE boards.He is a an academically A+ student especially in
maths,Computers and Science.He has topped many olympiads at his school level and won many medals too. Is this
proof enuf that he is an iit material and so can we mould him towards IIt preparations. If so?how do we do it?But
He is also a very playful child addicted to his computer games and PSP's etc. How to wean him away from such
distractions and bring him right into the path towards IIT. I hav already gone thru ur website on advice for 6-8
graders,it doesn't answer my problem in specific. So pls ADVICE........ Regards, Deepa

Anonymous # 3. November 2009, 14:36

ANAS KHAN writes: Dear Respected Sir, First of all Hats Off to you for giving your precious time for us. Now i want
to discuss about AIPMT EXAM as well as MP/CG PMT.The form already has come and my heart beats are started
very fasty. So how do i do my preparations well, how can i start my schedule in order to get selected in year-2010
Also refer some best books to get success in AIPMT/MP-CG PMT.Thank you.

Anonymous # 11. November 2009, 10:52

sudhair kumar writes: my dear sir i am student from

Anonymous # 14. November 2009, 22:30

sam writes: sir is it possible to crack iit if i start studying from now... i know it is very difficult but is it possible

Anonymous # 15. November 2009, 15:32

Abhishek writes: SIR , i'm a student of apeejay nerul.i'm preparing for iit jee and also go for TIME classes where
they train us for iit jee i'm studying in 9th standard is it necessary for me to concentrate on my iit jee subjects
now because my rank is cming down in my skool

Anonymous # 16. November 2009, 08:36

Anonymous writes: Anand i have not started studying till november if i work hard as your advice will i be able to
achieve good marks 80% in cbse 12 board exam

Anonymous # 18. December 2009, 16:12

Anonymous writes: sir I have read all the parts in this series.Iwant to thank you for your guidance.

Anonymous # 27. December 2009, 04:04


Anonymous # 1. January 2010, 05:18

anonymous writes: hello sir, I am a class 12 science student from Gujarat. I have not taken any classes for iit in the
last two years and decided to concentrate on boards and AIEEE and the likes. but I have not performed at well in
any of my 12th exams and feel I really have wasted my 2 years. yet i have the calibre to do well if i plan well and
work hard. can u please suggest as to what strategy I should apply now for boards and competitive exams and what
colleges to aim at.

Anonymous # 1. January 2010, 05:22

Anonymous writes: I am a science student of class 12. I am confused as to what engineering subjects I should take.
I love astronomy but want to do engineering as that's the basic degree nowadays. should i take aeronautical or
something else to suit astronomy. I also like nanotechnology.

Anonymous # 1. January 2010, 05:25

Anonymous writes: hello sir, i am a 12th science student and was wondering if i could go abroad for engineering as
an undergraduate. are oppurtunities good there or is staying here better after all. plz help me decide

Anonymous # 1. January 2010, 05:34

raj writes: I am a class 12 science student from Gujarat. I have not taken any classes for iit in the last two years
and decided to concentrate on boards and AIEEE and the likes. but I have not performed at well in any of my 12th
exams and feel I really have wasted my 2 years. yet i have the calibre to do well if i plan well and work hard. can

u please suggest as to what strategy I should apply now for boards and competitive exams and what colleges to aim

Anonymous # 1. January 2010, 05:36

raj writes: I am a class 12 science student from Gujarat. I have not taken any classes for iit in the last two years
and decided to concentrate on boards and AIEEE and the likes. but I have not performed at well in any of my 12th
exams and feel I really have wasted my 2 years. yet i have the calibre to do well if i plan well and work hard. can
u please suggest as to what strategy I should apply now for boards and competitive exams and what colleges to aim

J.P.Sinha # 1. January 2010, 17:07

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Raj,
concentrate on your board exam now. Because if you do not get good marks in boards then getting admission in
college will be difficult. Also, a student who does not get good marks in board exam is less likely to get success in
engineering entrance exams.

Anonymous # 21. January 2010, 11:21

sparsh writes: sir i prepared for iit jee from 11th beginning but in between stopped preperation for some
reasons.....i want to clear iit jee i am not too bad in terms of knowledge.....board exams are in march....its 21st

Anonymous # 21. January 2010, 11:23


J.P.Sinha # 21. January 2010, 17:59

finish the entire syllabus by 15th of the next month.But do not ignore the board.

Anonymous # 23. January 2010, 11:22

sparsh writes: ok sir thank u

Anonymous # 30. January 2010, 10:51

SWATHI writes: only one month left....my preboard marks are bad.... I got 92.6 in tenth but in 12th.... maths 59%
physics theory 30/70 and practicals 28/30 chem theory 41/70 and practicals 24/30 computer theory 43/70 and
practicals 28/30 english 60% what do I do? I don't know wheer to start...or how to study in 1 month... is a
timetable necessary? I WANT 2 GET 90+...PLS ADVICE

J.P.Sinha # 1. February 2010, 18:59

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
click here for some hint.
Do not panic now. Take personal tuition from some good teacher.
Work hard.
Leave the rest to destiny.

Anonymous # 3. February 2010, 11:59

Saikat writes: Hi sir, I am studying in an isc school in west bengal.I hv noticed that the amount of theory in iit jee
buks like tmh,jpnp,etc. is very less.I wanted to know whether that would suffice for the preparation?If not,then
what should I do?Can buyong old books(1-2 yrs old) serve the purpose??or buying books of current year is the best
option? Should i also opt for 1 year correspondence for iitjee of FIITJEE insitution?Are their study materials better
than the books available in market?Please do reply soon.my emailid is [email protected]

J.P.Sinha # 3. February 2010, 17:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Saiket,
amount of theory given in a standard text book(NCERT, Arihant,... etc.) used for IIT-JEE preparation is enough.

You may use one or two year old book.

It is very difficult to compare between FIITJEE-material and other books. You should do this on your own.

Anonymous # 4. February 2010, 12:29

Saikat writes: Hi,sir i hv a zemansky univrsity physics,wolkenstein and haliday resnick.are these enough for iit
preparation?if yes then in what way shud i use them?if no,then wat else shud i do?

Anonymous # 4. February 2010, 12:33

Saikat writes: Hi,sir i hv a zemansky univrsity physics,wolkenstein and haliday resnick.are these enough for iit
preparation?if yes then in what way shud i use them?if no,then wat else shud i do?

J.P.Sinha # 5. February 2010, 17:09

Read theory of physics from NCERT book.Practice question solving from good iit-guide. H.C.VERMA'S book also
contain good questions.

J.P.Sinha # 5. February 2010, 17:09

Read theory of physics from NCERT book.Practice question solving from good iit-guide. H.C.VERMA'S book also
contain good questions.

Anonymous # 9. February 2010, 16:20

Anonymous writes: sir, i have started to study for iit - jee since jan.I am a B.TECH student in a reputed college.But
i have filled the forms for iit - jee to take a last chance as i feel that i can do it.Please help me out urgently with
your advise over this matter. Please sir......

Anonymous # 9. February 2010, 16:26

Anonymous writes: Please reply urgentlu sir....

J.P.Sinha # 10. February 2010, 05:07

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
what advice I can give now?
Since you give decided to give IIT-JEE already, so I will advice you to work hard and cover the entire syllabus.

Anonymous # 10. February 2010, 19:27

amit writes: actually i was in confidence that i will crack iit but due to some troubles i was unable to continue,sir
now i am having only 15 days and a hole course to revise. sir will you please plz..................plz............ help
me to suggest some time table............ plz...............plz..................plz..........

Previous123 4 56Next

Anonymous # 10. February 2010, 19:27

aaaaaaaaaaa writes: actually i was in confidence that i will crack iit but due to some troubles i was unable to
continue,sir now i am having only 15 days and a hole course to revise. sir will you please
plz..................plz............ help me to suggest some time table............

J.P.Sinha # 11. February 2010, 02:17

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Amit,
I can only offer general advice to a student whom I do not know personally.So how can I suggest a specific time
Yes I will advice you to revise the entire syllabus before exam and practice problem solving from all chapters.

Anonymous # 11. February 2010, 14:06

amit writes: sir,thanks for your advice. personally, i work hard and normally can study for 7-8 hrs, as i told you,
due to some problems i was unable to do so and its vvvery less time. now i will do exactly you suggest to me... sir

will you suggest me topics and a time table so that i can revise only those topics and only get selected ... from
past two years i work hard and i have confidence in it,i don't want it to get waste .............. PLEASE

J.P.Sinha # 13. February 2010, 18:34

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
For IIT-JEE you can never guess the question pattern.So studying selective topics is very dangerous. You should
study the entire syllabus.
Best of luck.

Anonymous # 13. February 2010, 19:52

amit writes: i will try my best ! thanks .............. bless me

J.P.Sinha # 14. February 2010, 03:41

My best wishes are with you

Anonymous # 23. February 2010, 08:27

Akkshu writes: Hello sir..My name is Akkshu..I am a class 12 student..Is it enough reading the text & solving
additional numericals in physics to score well? I don't score much at my school..my average mark is 75% in case of
phy...can i aim for 90+ marks in this subject??

J.P.Sinha # 23. February 2010, 11:01

Read the article written by me on board exam.

Anonymous # 10. March 2010, 13:59

akash mohne writes: sir i want to prepaere for iit jee .sir i am living in very small town in dewas near indore (m.P.)
.sir there are good coaching for jeein indore .i want to ask that if i should i concentrate on my 12th board or
should i begin to concentrate on jee syllabus also . i am unable to go to school if i have to indore daily .so i should
take dumy school or not can i crack iit if i begin to prepare just after xams of 11th .iam readiv\ng now hc verma

inphysics ,nceryt in chemistry and maths from ml khanna (without coaching-our school also not ableto solve these
maths problems).i am giving class 11th exam in kv dews .my % in 10th is 88.6%

Anonymous # 11. March 2010, 07:57

Saikat writes: Dear Sir, I want to know how should i keep my balance between isc and iitjee exams.i am in class
XI??How much time should i donate to each of them??please do reply me soon.

J.P.Sinha # 11. March 2010, 16:31

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Akash and Saikat,
study according to the plan given in Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles.

Anonymous # 11. March 2010, 16:43

aaa writes: sir,my physics paper was good......thank u but chem was not,is board checking is lineant..........

Anonymous # 11. March 2010, 16:44

aaa writes: sir,my physics paper was good......thank u but chem was not,is board checking is lineant..........

J.P.Sinha # 12. March 2010, 10:20

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I can't say. It depends on the person checking your answer sheet. If he is lenient then he may ignore some of your
mistakes, but if he is strict then you know what will happen.

Anonymous # 16. March 2010, 02:11

amit writes: sir, will aieee crash course will be helpful...............

J.P.Sinha # 19. March 2010, 15:57

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
It may help if you have finished the basic theory.

Anonymous # 24. March 2010, 06:50

himanshu writes: Piease!!!!teii me about last 15 days revison plan.

J.P.Sinha # 24. March 2010, 15:48

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
revision plan is obvious.You need to revise the basic theory and solve problems from all the topics.

Anonymous # 25. March 2010, 07:49

way.. wat shud i do for aieee? i wanna get a good rank.. shud i prefer pradeep? wat shud i do plz tell.. wat type of
quset... r asked in aieee r dey of ncert level???

Anonymous # 28. March 2010, 07:48

Anonymous writes: Hello sir, i have just passed XI but i couldn't score much in the class. I am planning for IIT. Can
you please tell me how should i do my preparations for IIT in 12th standard. I am not planning for big coaching
classes so please give me some tips...

J.P.Sinha # 28. March 2010, 17:57

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
in AIEEE questions are a bit above in toughness level that NCERT but they are strictly from the syllabus of NCERT in
physics and chemistry.

In maths questions of AIEEE goes some what beyond NCERT level.Use Objective Approach to Maths-Arihant
Prakashan for help in maths for AIEEE.
Pradeep publication books are not good for reading the theory in my opinion.NCERT is better for theory.Yes, you
can practice problem solving from Pradeep books.
Read Part-1 and Part-2 of my article for advice regarding how to start your preparation.

Anonymous # 5. April 2010, 06:02

Anonymous writes: HELLO SIR... I have just given my class 10 board exam and i am pursuing for medical
stream.igot 94%in my pre board exam.i wanna ask -is it beneficial to join any coaching institute or just private
tuitions are enough? plz rply ..........

Anonymous # 5. April 2010, 06:02

Anonymous writes: HELLO SIR... I have just given my class 10 board exam and i am pursuing for medical
stream.igot 94%in my pre board exam.i wanna ask -is it beneficial to join any coaching institute or just private
tuitions are enough? plz rply ..........

J.P.Sinha # 6. April 2010, 10:22

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
read Part-1 and Part-2 of my article to understand my views on this question.

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 15:22

vishal writes: sir please upload study material for iit jee prepartion sir what is the minimun percentage required
for iit jee in 12th

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 15:25

vishal writes: sir i came in 12th this year 2010 sir please give me "STUDY PLAN " for class 12th +iit-jee in what time
i should complete course

J.P.Sinha # 15. April 2010, 07:51

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I do not provide any online study material.
you must get atleast 60% marks in 12th for IIT-JEE.
Click here for the general study plan for 12th studying students.

Anonymous # 16. April 2010, 15:48

Anonymous writes: sir, i got AIR 2029 last year in iit jee . this year i think i would get around 360 POINTS. can u
predict my rank sir? can it be in top 250? plz reply fast.

Anonymous # 19. April 2010, 16:07

monika writes: sir,i want to ask that i am in 11 so from now onwards, i should start my preperation for iit or i
should concenterate on 11

J.P.Sinha # 22. April 2010, 17:45

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I can't predict your exact rank.But you will get good rank this time.
read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles for your answer.

Rishabh # 2. May 2010, 06:48

hello, sir i m appearing in 12th cbse this year, my percentage is not good in pcm, so can i give the improvement
exam for pcm

Anonymous # 2. May 2010, 11:35

akriti writes: hello sir, i have given my class 10th exams this year and i am now aiming for iit-jee 2012.sir i just
want your assistance as to should i proceed with it as the topics are new and wide.i am really having problem in
the management of time. i am thinking of doing a coaching for iit will that solve my problem????sir i want to crack
iit so please help me with your valuable advice thanking you, akriti.

J.P.Sinha # 2. May 2010, 13:19

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
yes you can give improvement exam. Contact your board after the result is declared for that.
you should click here.

Anonymous # 3. May 2010, 07:35

Harpreet Singh Arora writes: HI, sir I am stu. of medical group. My first Aim To Clear the PMT ,So Sir Pls help to
How to prepare for it?

J.P.Sinha # 3. May 2010, 08:37

Read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles.

Anonymous # 4. May 2010, 07:14

PRAGYA writes: sir, i am a student of class 12th{c.b.s.e}. i am studying physics from side book "pradeep".but my
friends ara saying that i should buy book "abc" as pradeep is not good for class 12th level.is it true

J.P.Sinha # 6. May 2010, 06:40

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
are you able to understand the concepts of physics well from your present book(pradeep)? If yes, then do not listen
to what your friend are saying. If not, then you need to get a tuition in physics because changing to book won't
help much.


Anonymous # 15. May 2010, 14:29

Kunal writes: Sir, I want to study for IIT .But i cannot attend for coaching classes.Can I get a good rank in IIT with
self study.

Anonymous # 15. May 2010, 14:30

Anonymous writes: Sir, I want to study for IIT .But i cannot attend for coaching classes.Can I get a good rank in IIT
with self study.

Anonymous # 17. May 2010, 11:05

Anirban writes: sir,i would like 2 ask sumthin.If i start preparing from the first day of 11th will it be sufficient to
crack iit.Actually,due to some family reasons i didn't get time to study 2 months after class 10th board....so will it
be possible?If yes then can u suggest me just a few ways.and also tell me is it necessry to take any
coachings....since i have not takn.....thznk you sir:)

J.P.Sinha # 22. May 2010, 18:16

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
You people click here and then read the relevant article. Sorry I am very busy and can't reply to your comments
individually at this moment.

Anonymous # 24. May 2010, 06:19

gaurav writes: Sir,i passed class12 this year and got only 67%(bad performance) this broken my confidence,now i'm
not able to decide how i start to achive top ranking in iit jee. So please give me some guidence.

J.P.Sinha # 24. May 2010, 18:19

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
click here and read the article that opens.

Anonymous # 24. May 2010, 18:23

Akshith writes: sir i have completed my 10th boards. i secured 92%. my 11th is gonna start in a week. i need some
suggestions abt how to manage my time. schools are frm 8 to 4. Whats the required study hrs and ideal hrs? shall i
stick on to my biological clock?

J.P.Sinha # 25. May 2010, 15:52

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

Make a time table of study that is compatible with your biological clock

Anonymous # 27. May 2010, 08:50

mohit writes: Sir, i studied in kota for 2 years in bansaal classes. i was in one of the top Batches. my institute rank
was also in 200-300. i have cleared IIT-JEE with AIR-6615. My aieee paper was good. Sir due to family problems i
cannot repeat but want to get into iit with under 800 rank. I am thinking of going into NIT and preparing for IIT-JEE
and BITSAT. plz guide. i will work hard. Pl

Anonymous # 27. May 2010, 08:51

Anonymous writes: Sir, i studied in kota for 2 years in bansaal classes. i was in one of the top Batches. my institute
rank was also in 200-300. i have cleared IIT-JEE with AIR-6615. My aieee paper was good. my board was also Ok. Sir
due to family problems i cannot repeat but want to get into iit with under 800 rank. I am thinking of going into NIT
and preparing for IIT-JEE and BITSAT. plz guide. i will work hard.

Anonymous # 28. May 2010, 16:40

Anirban writes: sir, i just wanted to ask that is a coaching institute required for IIT preparation.I read your
articles, but then also can you give some advise like to take or not,,,,or should i take it in 12th.Sir i am really in
need of your advise.

J.P.Sinha # 31. May 2010, 13:03

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

if you can finish 11th and 12th NCERT level syllabus in 11th itself then you can join a coaching in 12th.
it is very difficult to prepare for IIT-JEE while being enrolled in any course (like B.Tech from NIT).

Anonymous # 2. June 2010, 03:58

Anonymous writes: My son is a class 12th student and will be appearing for his boards in 2011. His school follows
the ICSE syllabus. He has enrolled in a coaching class to help him with his entrance exams. They follow NCERT
syllabus. But going back and forth between the two syllabuses is proving to be a little difficult. Please advise as to
how he should tackle this problem?

Anonymous # 18. May 2009, 07:50

Rahul Prasad writes: hello i am studying 10th std in karnataka. I would like to ask you that if tution is necessary
after my 10th public exam for clearing IIT-JEE.

Anonymous # 18. May 2009, 08:01

Ramesh writes: Hello sir, I am in my 11th karnataka board. When should i aim to finish the IIT portions? I need your
valuable advice for doing good in my exams....

Anonymous # 28. January 2010, 05:01

anu writes: suggest some books in physics chemistry and biology for getting partcularly in aiims.i have a good
command on all of my subjects.

Anonymous # 28. January 2010, 14:19

Anonymous writes: ithink ncerts are enough for jee is it true

Anonymous # 30. January 2010, 12:16

saikat writes: Hi sir, I am studying in an isc school in west bengal.I hv noticed that the amount of theory in iit jee
buks like tmh,jpnp,etc. is very less.I wanted to know whether that would suffice for the preparation?If not,then
what should I do?Can buyong old books(1-2 yrs old) serve the purpose??or buying books of current year is the best
option? Should i also opt for 1 year correspondence for iitjee of FIITJEE insitution?Are their study materials better
than the books available in market?Please do reply soon on my id [email protected]

Anonymous # 31. January 2010, 07:16

harshit writes: sir actually i will pass my 11 next month and i was not studying for iit but now as i enter 12th my
target will also be iit. so how to prepare the left out portion of iit level of 11th plus the study for iit of 12th sir
please guide me

Anonymous # 31. January 2010, 09:04

krishna writes: i m from nepal and i have to read iit so which book is best for me because here limited books are

Anonymous # 1. February 2010, 07:30

Anshul writes: sir my physics is somewhat ok i can get through easy and medium ones but i got trapped in really
tricky questions..when i solve hcv i hv to try many questions 3-4 times after that i am able to solve them but my
friends solve them in minutes in first attempt i want to ask can i prepare 11th physics in coming 2 mnths of jee
level.. i want to ask how to study any topic in physics.. becoz even though i know the formulaes but i m not been
able to solve those questions... plzz help me out sir Reply soon.

Anonymous # 1. February 2010, 13:56

krishna writes: why you take so much time to reply?

J.P.Sinha # 1. February 2010, 18:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha,
To Anonymous,
Arihant books are good.
To Avni,
you have already too many books.There is no need of one more.Try solving past year problems.Or try solving
sample question papers published in Competitive Magazines regularly.

J.P.Sinha # 1. February 2010, 18:48

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

for books read above article.NCERT books are must in physics and chemistry for covering basic theory.In maths
NCERT book is not enough.For practicing problem solving one must consult good IIT-JEE guides.
Ansul, it seems you have not understood the concepts well.And you have not mastered the skills of problem
solving.Only a teacher teaching you personally can help you in these.
Hrashit you click here and read the article that opens.
Krishna, I am a busy man. Have to teach 10 to 12 hours per day.That is why, sometimes, I get delayed in

Anonymous # 2. February 2010, 05:16

anu writes: you didn't answered my question

J.P.Sinha # 2. February 2010, 18:40

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
if you have good command over all the subjects, then you should keep revising the basic concepts periodically
from the books that you already have.
You should practice problem solving from popular guides for Medical Entrances available in the market. Solve 50
randomly selected questions from one chapter at a time, then go to next chapter and solve 50 questions in that
chapter too ... and so on. In this way cover all the chapters of each subject in 15 days. Then again start the second
round from the first chapter.

Anonymous # 3. February 2010, 03:57

anu writes: thank you very much sir!!!

Anonymous # 4. February 2010, 18:23

Ashish writes: sir, which book do you prefer personally for practising problems? sir, i feel very suffocating and
tense during the exam when time runs out (esp in maths). how shud i rectify this ?

Anonymous # 5. February 2010, 06:28

anu writes: can you name some good guides for medical entrance preparations.

J.P.Sinha # 5. February 2010, 16:56

Ashish, in my opinion no book is complete. Take advice from the teacher who is teaching you.
Anu, you may use arihant's guide.

J.P.Sinha # 5. February 2010, 16:57

Ashish, in my opinion no book is complete. Take advice from the teacher who is teaching you.
Anu, you may use arihant's guide.

Anonymous # 8. February 2010, 14:32

Anonymous writes: what do you think about the ARIHANT PRAKASHANS SK goel books ?????arent they too much for

J.P.Sinha # 9. February 2010, 12:27

I only recommend NEW PATTERN IIT Physics/Maths from Arihant Prakashan.

Anonymous # 9. February 2010, 13:23

shafikaa writes: oh sry sir. is there anyone else from whom i can get a few advices? if so, i would be very grateful
for helping me with this..........

J.P.Sinha # 10. February 2010, 04:58

You should consult your techers

Anonymous # 10. February 2010, 14:14

Sarthak writes: sir iwant to ask that I am going to give iit 2010, nowdays my BMAT all india test aare goingand I am
not able get good score which I deserves. I am not able to think during exam but when I try those questions at
home I solve them easily.Sir please help me how to improve my performance.

J.P.Sinha # 11. February 2010, 01:56

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Sarthak,
You need to practice sample tests at home. When you take a sample test at home, follow all the rules that you are
required to follow in examination hall.

Anonymous # 13. February 2010, 01:58

Anandu writes: hello sir, i am about to complete my 11th . from the beginning i intended to crack iit jee. ut now i
found that i havent done enough for it .i do not have any books mentioned above .only self study books from
resonance and brilliant. i work long hours 5-6 per day but still i am not ale to solve many problems.i am going for
tution in physics,che and maths.i got 93 per cent in 10th board. moreover im in ISC syllabus.sir now i am
completely disheartened and i fer that i couldnt do anything now .please sujest me some help. is ISC syllabus
helpful,many ISC students have cracked iit???

J.P.Sinha # 13. February 2010, 18:19

click here to read an article.
Your performance in entrance exams does not much depend upon the board that you belong to. Because the
syllabus of all boards are almost same

Anonymous # 13. February 2010, 19:28

Anonymous writes: hello Sir, after a lots of preparations also, i lack the practice of doing quality mcq questions.
can you suggest me some good book which has good quality multiple choice questions, like a good question bank,
which i can solve and practice after going through the concepts. thanx in advance ...

J.P.Sinha # 14. February 2010, 03:39

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
You can use this book:
New Pattern IIT Physics/Maths-Arihant Prakashan

Anonymous # 14. February 2010, 10:30

akash writes: hello sir, i m a cbse student in the gulf..i scored 86% in class 10..and hopwfully score in class 11
exams..now i'm being promoted clas 12.... i want ur suggestions on which books to refer apart from ncert for
physics , chemistry ,maths... secondly my target is above 93% in cbse boards..please advise me the necessary
measures i need to take... i also need help in physics derivations..i dont understand any derivation fron ncert
book..it is too short to explain.. i hv been using moderns abc in class 11 and find it quite good for derivations....i
dont know if other books like pradeeps are better..please advise..till now evryone recommends pradeep to better
than abc.. chemistry i will go by u wat u say...i m currently using comprehensive and not very happy wid it....
finally the most essential part of this post.. being in gulf and lack of elite teaching staff..i decided to move on to
elearning solutions... i hv decided to opt for meritnation ...but also think will need help on conceptual clarity via
video tutorials ....can u suggest me something for this purpose and can u ls tell me which is better topperlearning
or topchalks or something else ofur choice??? this last art of my question is open for evryone to answer..if there is
someone here who has experienced with those elearning programs!!!pls suggest!! it will also be kind of u if u can
send me a reply of ur copy at [email protected] ...

Anonymous # 14. February 2010, 11:52

Anonymous writes: sir could you suggest a book for basics in trigonometry as well as a good book for solving tough
problems in maths are sl loni's books and tmh good enough for cracking iit

Anonymous # 15. February 2010, 01:32

Anandu writes: sir thank u for your comments. But sir are you suggesting that i can still make into IIT JEE .My 11th
vacation is going to start.I intend to complete the 11th portions by the vacation.should i star by buying the books
mentioned above? How much time should i study per day?

J.P.Sinha # 15. February 2010, 13:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I have already answered your question at the other place where you have asked the same question.
please do not buy more than one book in any subject in the beginning. Initially your focus should be on mastering
the basic theory of all subjects and solving straight forward questions to consolidate your understanding. After

finishing the entire syllabus once in this way you should go for problem solving practice for entrance exams.

J.P.Sinha # 15. February 2010, 13:40

To anonymous,
you can use Objective Approach to Mathematics-Arihant Prakashan for maths.

Anonymous # 15. February 2010, 18:54

sagar sinha writes: hello sir im now in 11 class i hav been solving the following books physics: HC part 1 and 2 1
completed DC pandey arihant publ chemistry: organic chem jagdambaa rk gupta arihant publi RC mukherjee
chemical calculation maths: sk goyal arihant publi Do u thn these books r enough for my study considering iit

Anonymous # 16. February 2010, 19:25

Anonymous writes: sir...i have just given my class XI exams...and have scored 75% in pcm....i want to appear for
IIT-JEE...but my preparations are not strong enough...can you tell me what should i do???

J.P.Sinha # 18. February 2010, 19:53

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
your books are OK.
Study theory of physics and chemistry from NCERT books too.
Click here to study an article that I have written for students like you.

Anonymous # 25. February 2010, 16:19

sagar sinha writes: hello sir thank u for ur reply so shld i buy now 11th or 12th books for physics and chemistry
NCERT?? also sir i go for coaching for iit preparations and also hav school and im frm guj board sir can u help for

time management as i find it very difficult like if i study for guj board then iit preparations stops and vice versa so
somethng in wic i can manage well as i want to get gud marks in boards too wid iit-jee

Anonymous # 26. February 2010, 20:25

Anonymous writes: Sir i want to know via are kc sinha maths book sufficient for iit jee he not them please advice

J.P.Sinha # 27. February 2010, 06:32

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
have you read the Part-1 and the Part-2 of my articles?
I will suggest you to follow the plan written therein. Then you will not have the problem which you are facing.
K.C.Sinha's books are not meant to be used as text books. Use them as reference books only.Those books are so
voluminous that no body can finish them in two years while also studying physics and chemistry.You should refer to
these books only for clarifying your specific doubts.

Anonymous # 27. February 2010, 07:15

sagar sinha writes: sir , i hav read the part-1 and part-2 of ur article but as i was saying im from guj board and the
course is quite different frm wat im taught in my tuts or ncert books. Concept developing doesnt takes place here
if u want to top in guj board u hav to mug up the texbook tats the only way.so sir ithink there is only one way tat
either i do well in iit-jee or in guj board??wat do u suggest?also usaid about completing basic concepts of 11 and 12
in eight months wic i hav not done only my 11 course is complete.

Anonymous # 27. February 2010, 19:07

Anonymous writes: Hello sir. My name aarif mobin. I have Vmc correspondence. I came 2nd in AITS iI have finished
irodov, morrison, resnick halliday and ml khanna 5 times each. I almost commited suicide by jumping off AIIMS
flyover also by Swallowing Hall and knight. How do i come first.

J.P.Sinha # 28. February 2010, 03:18

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

Hello Sagar,
in your case you should study Physics and Chemistry from NCERT books side by side. Automatically, your Guj
syllabus will also be covered by that, I think.
In maths, you should take the book Objective Approach to Maths-Arihant Prakashan. Because maths NCERT books
are not enough for entrance exams. Actually, to reduce pressure of maths for weak students, many important
topics have been either dropped from the NCERT maths book (e.g. logarithm) or they have been ridiculously made
easy (e.g. complex numbers, conic section).
Ask your teachers to teach you according to the plan written in Part-1 and Part-2. Keep your Guj board books in
mind while studying. So that your school curriculum is not disturbed.
Hello AArif Mobin,
in your case, since you are already doing what you should have done, you can do just one more thing: pray to God
that you perform better in the exam next time than the person coming 1st.

. But keep studying sincerely as

If you come first then say thanks to God. If not then may be the person coming 1st is praying God harder than you.
So pray more.

Anonymous # 28. February 2010, 08:31

sagar sinha writes: thank u sir for ur time and effort

Anonymous # 28. February 2010, 15:41

Aditya Gupta writes: Sir, I am studing in class X,I have joined Fiitjee.I read NCERT Book in class X and also of class
XI (only first 2 chapters of physics).I found that it is not easy to understand from NCERT as the chapters are given
briefly. When I read Halliday Resnik Walker I felt that the theory explaination is easy to understand and nicely
described. Sir, so should I use Halliday as my test book and is it ok to solve the problems of NCERT, H.C.verma
with Fiitjee material and Brilliant Correspondance course for IITJEE.

J.P.Sinha # 1. March 2010, 11:39

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Aditya,
Why do not you concentrate on your 10th studies for now? Study 11th when you reach 11th.
If you are unable to understand NCERT on your own, then I will suggest you to take your teacher's help for that.In
the beginning NCERT books appear tough to understand, but if used under the guidance of a teacher then soon you
will begin to realise that it is a very nicely written book.
Halliday-Resnik's book is good for being used as reference book, but I don't suggest anyone to use that book as text

Anonymous # 9. March 2010, 09:44

Aditya Balasubramanyam writes: Sir I will be giving JEE for the second time this year.. For maths I started with the
foll. Calculus - IA MAron - fully solved Co Ordinate geometry - St lines Circles ,parabola ellipse and hyperbola ( left
out the second chapter in Parabola on locus ) For the remaining chapters I am using RD Sharma.(Obj Mathematics)
Physics - Resnick Halliday ( Wiley Eastern and co .) 1964 edition. Part 1 and 2. And H . C Verma Part 1 and 2. Sir In
the old resnick halliday Optics And , AC , are very vaguely given. so i am solving those chapters from HC Verma. Is
This Enough ? Sir By 13 of march i would be finishing my syllabus ( I would have finished each and every chapter
from the above books .) My friends are telling that i should have stopped doing all this in the month of feb and
should do the remaining chapters from FIITJEE GMP .Would this be the correct way. I will solve test papers and YG
File And GMP from the 13 th of march till april 8th ..Would this be adequate ?

J.P.Sinha # 9. March 2010, 16:03

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Aditya Balasubramanyam,
your study plan is good. Don't listen to what your friends are telling you.Keep studying as you have planned.
Revise all the concepts periodically.Once you finish your syllabus, then you should practice IIT-JEE type problem
solving extensively.Taking some mock tests will also help.

Anonymous # 12. March 2010, 08:47

anik writes: when should i do the arihant guides like new pattern phys,math,chem?how to use the h c verma if one
have completed ncert book on physics?plz name the one from which should i study the math -M L Khanna or new
pattern mathematics by arihant?

J.P.Sinha # 12. March 2010, 10:11

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Hello Anik,
for studying maths M.L.Khanna is a better book because it also contains the extra theory that is not given in the
NCERT books of maths.But for practicing IIT-JEE type questions New Pattern IIT Maths is better.
In physics, after studying the NCERT, you can directly start solving problems from Arihant guides.You my use
H.C.Verma's book for solving few long numericals in each chapter.Also reading the solved examples in H.C.Verma
will teach you the tricks of problem solving in physics.

Anonymous # 12. March 2010, 16:40

ruthvik writes: sir,I completed my 7th standard.I understood the fact that I wasted 2 years of of my education.last
week I came to know about IIT and I want to prepare for it. I get lot of time per day after completion of my school
portion. what should I do?please mention some books which will develop my foundation

Anonymous # 13. March 2010, 15:23

akshay writes: hello sir: i have completed my 11th & hc verma part-1 i foung difficulty in doing problems of
mechanics & themodynamics what should i do should i prefer resnick halliday

Anonymous # 14. March 2010, 08:58

payal writes: sir, i am appearing for tbe class 11 exams.although i put i a lot of effort, i can't get the the hinge of
many topics in physics.i am especially struggling with solids and fluids,thermal physics and waves.i am really
anxious about the entrances next year.pl. tell me how to manage the topics in the 15 days before class12 starts
next month.
Anonymous # 14. March 2010, 14:53
Anonymous writes: sir for iit should i buy ml khanna subjective or objective

J.P.Sinha # 14. March 2010, 17:32

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
click here and read the article that opens.
changing a book just because you are finding it difficult to solve its questions is not advisable.Try to understand
the theory of physics thoroughly before attempting to solve questions.Read solved examples in H.C.Verma's book
to understand the question solving skills in physics.If you still face problem then you should get yourself a personal
tuition in physics
you need a good teacher who can give you personal tuition in physics.Self study will require lots of time in your

J.P.Sinha # 14. March 2010, 17:36

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

you can buy M.L.Khanna objective.But it must contain the theory of maths too.

Anonymous # 15. March 2010, 06:26

ATUL writes: which is the best institute for iit-jee preparation in chandigarh?

J.P.Sinha # 15. March 2010, 17:09

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I don't know.
Read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles if you have just reached 11th class. I never say that you should strictly follow
what is written in those two articles.
Read those article.Think about my ideas. Discuss with your parents.Then take a decision that you find is best for

Anonymous # 16. March 2010, 04:57

tahseen writes: sir im now in second year and i want to write iit-jee exam can u helpme sir please......

Anonymous # 17. March 2010, 12:43

Anonymous writes: Hello sir, My name is Jai. I got 91% in class 10 (ICSE) and it dropped to 72% in 11th. But my
math was ok as i got 94. Why is there a drop for all students? Also sir i am aspiring for iit. I've not joined any
coaching but i have correspondence course from VMC. Now im in 12th. Is this plan okay? For all topics of 11th and
12th i do- Physics- 1.Modern ABC theory and exercises for basics 2.Modern MCQs 3.Hc Verma 4.VMC module
Chemisry- 1.Modern ABC theory and exercises 2.Modern MCQs 3.RC Mukherjee 4.VMC Module Maths- 1.RS Aggarwal
2.ML Khanna 3.VMC module. Sir is enough to get me into IIT under rank 500. I really realy want it. And how many
times do i need to finish these books and modules? And is it advisable to buy a Question Bank of JEE questions?
Please reply fast.

Anonymous # 18. March 2010, 07:55

Anonymous writes: if through basic knowledge of class xii pcm & preparation for 10 days just after board exams ,
can i do good in iit???

J.P.Sinha # 19. March 2010, 16:31

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I can always provide you with general advices.
I have already answered your query at the other place where you have asked the same question.
you can't clear IIT-JEE just with the knowledge of the basic 12th theory. You need the knowledge of the 11th
theory also.You also need to practice IIT-JEE type questions extensively. In maths, the basic 11th-12th syllabus is
too little for IIT-JEE.

Anonymous # 20. March 2010, 07:09

Anonymous writes: entrance level(iit) preparation in starting of class 12 please after null preparation in class 11

Anonymous # 21. March 2010, 07:53

Shantanu writes: Sir , i have just cleared class 9 th and i want to start preparing for iit. I am studying from icse
board ; hence i want you to suggest some books that will make my base strong enough for iit and which i can
understand at my level ie. for a 10 th class student

Anonymous # 21. March 2010, 07:55

Shantanu writes: Sir , i want you to suggest books for class X th for icse 2011. I will be very grateful to you

J.P.Sinha # 21. March 2010, 08:16

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you click here and read the article that I have written for students like you.
you click here and read the article that I have written for students like you.


Anonymous # 21. March 2010, 09:48

Shantanu writes: sorry sir but the article which you have suggested is for 12 th. But i have just cam to class X.
hence can u suggest in a better way

J.P.Sinha # 22. March 2010, 04:33

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
the link that I had provided for you will take you to an article titled "How should junior students (6 to 10th graders)
study if they want to become an Engineer or a Doctor?" You should click on that link to read that article.I think you
clicked on wrong link which was for anonymous.You click here.

Narinder dhir # 23. March 2010, 05:32

sir,my name is narinder.i have compleated 12th now.sir,i have studed only boards yet.i donot have done extra
materials.sir now i want to go for competitions.sir i can workhard but i only have basic level of knowledge.sir i am
confused on how to start sir, i have filled iit,aiee,bitsat,vitee.sir i only want to excel in any one of exams .sir
advise me some shedule ,some books which i could understand comfortably .please reply me urgently .

J.P.Sinha # 23. March 2010, 06:19

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
if you have knowledge of the basic syllabus, then I will suggest you to buy ARIHANT Prakashan's guide( AIEEE in 40
days) in physics, chemistry and maths.

Anonymous # 24. March 2010, 12:52

writes: Sir, I am in grade 9 and i want your suggestion for the book i shall start to read for iit.It would be my
pleasure to know this. Thanks!!

J.P.Sinha # 24. March 2010, 15:41

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
You click here.

Narinder dhir # 27. March 2010, 14:30

sir,suggest me some books which could explain me all its questions very clearly and also tricks to solve it.

J.P.Sinha # 28. March 2010, 17:28

See my article on Book List

Anonymous # 29. March 2010, 01:39

paggi writes: is sl looneyss, hall and knight ia maron,vectors from arihant publication better than new
pattern/objective approach to jee from the same publication according to latest pattern of jee

Anonymous # 29. March 2010, 07:24

gaurav handa writes: respected sir, i am a student approaching 12th std and now aiming for iit.due to lack of
knowlege i couldn't start preparing early,for the same.for this i need your help if you can suggest me something
regarding studies and books which will prove useful to me.i need the list of books which will be the ultimate after
which i would not need to explore more.i beg for your support.thanking you.......

Anonymous # 29. March 2010, 09:39

paggi writes: sir please reply my query soon thank u

Anonymous # 29. March 2010, 16:12

Raj writes: i had a query regarding a particular book for mathematics..it is a very old book by a russian
mathematician..something like Yakudov or similar name..i am not able to recollect..can u tell me the exact

Anonymous # 30. March 2010, 05:42

Debarup Bhattacharya writes: sir, for physics i am reading halliday resnick and walker,i.e irodov(for
numericals),s.chand publication,ncert text book for maths i am practising from r.d.sharma,s.n.de and tata mcgraw
hill(for aieee). Is it enough for preparing aieee/iit-jee??

Anonymous # 2. April 2010, 03:34

Anonymous writes: sir,i want to know if pradeep and dinesh books of physics and maths are good for PMT

Narinder dhir # 2. April 2010, 05:57

sir ,i want to know about RD SHARMA OBJECTIVE BOOK is good for maths?

Anonymous # 4. April 2010, 08:25

Anonymous writes: Hi sir

Anonymous # 4. April 2010, 17:29

aamir writes: sir i hav just appeared in class 12th xams of cbse.. i hav studied nothing at ol in class 11th ...... nw
thr iz a lot of confusion... i dont think i can crack ny entrance exam... even the most easy 1s... i hav no concept
frm class 11th syllybus.. am thinkin about dropping a year and studying hard.... sir wot do u suggest.... shud i go
for iit coachin or just restrict myself to aieee nd state entrance exams coachin... which buks shud i consult nd iz it
possible 2 crack iit from ds point onward.. my plans r to study class 11th syllybus by june nd den from july join
some gud coachin centre.....plezz suggest something..... i am highly confused nd depressd.....

Anonymous # 5. April 2010, 09:20

Indrajit writes: Hello SIR, I am preparing for IITJEE 2011.I have thouroghly completed both NCERT maths(XI &XII)
and KC sinha(calculus).After completely these 2 i would like to go for either TMH maths or ML Khanna.which one
among these 2 has low level sums(the 1 which slowly increases the level) as I don't want to jump directly on high
level questions???I have seen many so called experts saying ML khanna is useless..so my real question is will
NCERT+KC Sinha(calculus)+ML Khanna be enough for IITJEE if done thouroghly..as i rarely depend on teachers(love
to do everything on my own) & I would join a test series after completing these 3 books & i can have questions of
coaching from my friends..!! I have also thouroghly completed NCERT phy(XI & XII) & started doing HC Verma,will
NCERT Phy & HC verma be enough for IITJEE or i have to do something more after HC verma(plz suggest anything
but not DC pandey as i have seen the book & it's like a spoon feeder..)

Anonymous # 6. April 2010, 04:33

Anonymous writes: sir iz it compulsory 2 appear in iit ds year so az to b eligble for the same nxt year???????

J.P.Sinha # 6. April 2010, 10:13

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
for maths Objective Approach is good for beginners.For physics New Pattern is better.
Gaurav Handa,
you click here and read the article that opens.
Debarup Bhattacharya,
your books are good. Practice IIT-JEE type questions too from IIT-Guides of Arihant Prakashan(New Pattern
Series).For reading the theory of physics only NCERT is enough.
click here to read the article that opens.
if you have passed 12th the year 2010, then you can appear in IIT-JEE in the year 2011. Whether you appear in IITJEE this year or not.

Anonymous # 6. April 2010, 12:52

Anonymous writes: sir Is Nootan Isc physics for 11 a good book??

Anonymous # 7. April 2010, 04:42

shubham writes: this help us very important

Anonymous # 7. April 2010, 09:53

Anonymous writes: sir I am having a problem ichosing a maths book that will be good to build up my base. As I am
in Icse board so Ncert is not my course book. OP malhotra is being used so i wanted to know if I should study from
ncert or should study from my course book.Which is better to teach the basics.(for iit)

J.P.Sinha # 7. April 2010, 16:22

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
For making your base in maths you should study
1)NCERT or any book that is used in your school
2)Objective Approach to Maths- Arihant Prakashan
Read the theory of maths thoroughly.Then read the solved examples.Then solve questions.

Anonymous # 8. April 2010, 13:40

Abhishek writes: Hello sir. I m abhishek.I m studying in 11th class.sir How can i prepare best for IIT entrance
exam?is there any need for reading other pcm books along with ncert?

Anonymous # 8. April 2010, 13:41

Anonymous writes: Hello sir. I m abhishek.I m studying in 11th class.sir How can i prepare best for IIT entrance
exam?is there any need for reading other pcm books along with ncert?

Anonymous # 8. April 2010, 13:44

Abhishek writes: Hello sir. I m abhishek.I m studying in 11th class.sir How can i prepare best for IIT entrance
exam?is there any need for reading other pcm books along with ncert?

Anonymous # 8. April 2010, 18:06

Anonymous writes: Sir..i have just passed my class 10 exams..sir can u recommend any foreign book which i can
use gain true knowledge of PCM and yet make me capable enough 2 prepare for class 11 and make me ready for IIT

J.P.Sinha # 9. April 2010, 08:19

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles to get answer to your queries.

what do you mean by true knowledge of science?
Facts of science is same in most science books. NCERT books are very good.

Anonymous # 9. April 2010, 09:26

Anonymous writes: sir In physics will ncert(for theroy )and irodov and hc verma(for numerical) be good enough for
iit. also I wanted to know in how much time should i finish them in 11 to and start 12 course.

Anonymous # 9. April 2010, 10:31

Anonymous writes: sir can u suggest any foreign author to prapare for class 11,as i find them better than indian
authors and are easier to understand..

Anonymous # 9. April 2010, 12:18

Anonymous writes: sir is R S Agarwal a good book?

J.P.Sinha # 10. April 2010, 11:35

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Anonymous 1,
NCERT-theory and little bit of H.C.Verma or Irodov is good for the beginning work.There after you must solve
questions from popular IIT guides for better practice of solvinf IIT-JEE type questions.
Anonymous 2,
you may use Resnik and Halliday or Zemansky.But NCERT book is better than both, if used along with the teachings
of a teacher.
Anonymous 3,
I do not like the book by R.S.Agarwal personally.

Anonymous # 11. April 2010, 06:44

Tejbir writes: Hello sir, i'm tejbir from jalandhar. I've recently completed my 10th boards and now i'm working
hard to crack IIT. I've bought pradeep books for physics and chemistry and i find quite easy to understand these. Is

there any need to buy ncert books?? Can i continue with pradeep by regarding them as textbooks?? And also please
suggest me a good book for maths ..

Anonymous # 11. April 2010, 09:18

Krishna writes: Hello sir, i'm a CBSC student and i've already been using my NCERT textbooks. I'm under impression
that you might solve my little doubt.which books are the best for chemistry? and does PHYSICS Part 1&2-by Resnik
and Halliday contain only probles or includes theory part also?

Anonymous # 11. April 2010, 09:23

Anonymous writes: hello sir, i have another question to ask you. what job can i get if i do B.tech Aeronautics and
B.tech Mechanical. What advantage do i possess if i continue to M.Tech Aeronautics /M.Tech Mechanical? Is it
beneficial to do so?

Anonymous # 11. April 2010, 16:33

sarayu.. writes: hello sir ....i have completed my +1 and enterig into +2... in these holidays i have decided 2
prepare for iit...for this i m studying the concepts and basics 4m our text books and practising problems 4m
r.d.sharma......and h.c verma books is that suffiecient in these holidays for 2 months?..before college starts pls
suggest me sir which books are preferable 4 practising??? thankyou....

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 05:13

gowtham writes: hello sir ti hope of gettin 180-200 in jee 2010 wt would u prefer me to do 1. proceed with the
course i get or 2. try jee in 2011 for a better score also if u recommend me to proceed with jee 2011 can u please
guide me as to which would be the best institution in south india and also i request you to please me some tips
regarding solving aieee

J.P.Sinha # 12. April 2010, 07:18

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Tejbir,if you are comfortable studying from Pradeep books then its OK. Follow the study plan written in Part-1 and
Part-2 of my articles.
Krishna, Resnik-Halliday's book contains both theory and questions.
Anonymous, with Mechnical Engineering you can get job in any company or firm that manufactures or uses
machines.Almost all big companies hire mechanical engineers.With Aeronautical Engineering you can get job at
airports in the aircraft maintenance department.

Sarayu, your choice of books are OK.You may however also use New Pattern IIT Physics-Arihant Prakashan for more

J.P.Sinha # 12. April 2010, 07:26

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
discuss this issue with your parents and other educated elders in your family before reaching any decision.
Dropping a year is a very tricky decision. If you got selected in the IIT the next year then people will praise you for
your boldness. But if you could not make it to IIT with good rank the next time too, the you will start repenting
your decision.
For AIEEE, revise all the theory of 11th and 12th and practice question solving extensively.

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 07:52

Anonymous writes: Sir., please suggest of good books for maths +1. Tell a good basic book and a reference book
plus a book for numericals..

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 12:03

Anonymous writes: Sir, I am studying in ICSE Board. Is it suitable for studying IIT?

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 13:41

Krishna writes: hello sir, is R.D sharma a good reference for class 12 maths? and can R.d sharma's two volumes of
IIT JEE mathematics make me gwell prepared for IIT?? of course, i'm studying NCERT books, as per ur advice...

Anonymous # 12. April 2010, 13:49

Anonymous writes: hello sir, i have been confused with the difficulty of the exams. i know if there is anyone who
can help me at this time then that would be you. here are my questions: 1> Which is more difficult: IIT JEE or
AIEEE or BITSAT??? 2> Are the questions asked according to the concept of the subject or based on the applications
of the subject?? 3> Is Brilliant Tutorials i year correspondence course a good one to go with ncert books, if i'm
going for all the three exams i asked + the new IIST's entrance exam?

Anonymous # 13. April 2010, 05:57

gowtham writes: thank you for your kind advice sir can u please tell me what i must do in the remaining 12 days
for the aieee exam and also what do you think will be this year's iit jee cut off score.

Anonymous # 13. April 2010, 10:39

ambika writes: hello sir your suggestions are really looking awesome.....thanx 4 motivating us in this way....i am
4m andhrapradesh i completed my 11th class and going to 12th...in 11th i have choosen iit course in our esteemed
institutions....and now in holidays which books are better for me to practice thorouly to cover 12th clas....i think
iam somewhat good at 11th and now want to get perfect in 12th tooo nly in holidays atleast 50%of portion...please
advice me sir..........

Anonymous # 14. April 2010, 05:43

sukriti writes: sir,i am having problem in solving a few later sums from a.dasgupta maths book....but i have no
difficulty in any sum from ncert or 90% of dasgupta....can u please suggest some book or method which can enable
me to get of this problem??

J.P.Sinha # 15. April 2010, 07:36

maths-NCERT+ objective Approach to Maths-Arihant.
all Indian boards are equivalent, For IIT-JEE you should work hard and study sincerely.
for cbse board exam, NCERT books are enough.
For IIT-JEE,R.D.Sharma's iit-jee guide is ok.

J.P.Sinha # 15. April 2010, 07:44

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Both types of question are asked in entrance exams.Application tye and concept type
Yes Brilliant Tutorial course materials may help you in preparing.
click here to read an article that opens.
only a teacher can help you by teaching you face to face.


Anonymous # 15. April 2010, 16:31

sai kumar writes: hi.....sir. my name is sai kumar..... i am studyin in hyd......i am preparing for iit jee....bt i think
i wasted a whole year in 11th.........bt i am serious now......i am an st candidate....so could u suggest me wad
type of preparation should i do...........in dis one year

Anonymous # 16. April 2010, 10:48

Anonymous writes: Dear sir, this is a request not from me, but from many who are inspired by you and are willing
to take classes from you, but due to distance of separation, we couldn't... REQUEST: Cna you take online calsses
for IIT every evening IST? we can pay you for that, both in heart and in money. I would be very grateful if we get a
positive reply, but still, you have your choice.

Anonymous # 17. April 2010, 07:06

madhu writes: sir, i am a student of class12th in st.xaviers where teaching is very poor.so,i least go school.can you
suggest me that starting my iit preparation this year will lead to sucess or not.

Anonymous # 17. April 2010, 07:26

madhu writes: i am reading in a coaching institute.i am really sad with my performance in class 11 both in tuition
& school.it seems as i have just wasted my 1year towards my goal. NCERT books are sometimes uncomfortable to
read as it does not explains the concepts well. i am unable to compete with my tuition coarse nor i am able to
solve problems given by them during class.they run fast and i am slow reader.i study from comprehensive books
and during this study they cover the chapter with practice from h.c.verma and irodov.and i always remain
back.so,i say i have wasted my 1 year in vain struggling.

Anonymous # 17. April 2010, 07:41

madhu writes: sir, can you provide me a study planning for both preparation of iitjee and board exams in this 12th
class.i am sure that my tuition will finish 12th class course by september month and remaining months revision.
please help me sir as there is no one that i can feel as supporting me.i will be grateful of you for your kind
information. thanks. yours sincerely, madhu.

Anonymous # 18. April 2010, 07:30

Anonymous writes: what is the best book for iit

Anonymous # 19. April 2010, 05:27

Nischay writes: hey, I am about to complete my class 12. My board is called Edexcel GCE A levels, its an
international board based n UK (I have also completed my Class 10 from the same board). this board is well known
all over the world and is recognised by all leading universities. My problem is that I can't go to Uk or US for my
higher educations ( I want to do Mechanical Engg.) so i decided to take a gap year and study for IITJEE, BITSAT and
ENAT. My syllabus and CBSE PCM syllabus is not exactly the same, its more application based in Edexcel. Can you
suggest me whats the most effective way to use this 1 year I have to get in IIT or perhaps BITS, Manipal, VIT. (I live
in Kolkata and dont mind moving to someother city for 1year). You can find my syllabus out here : Chemistry http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/chemistry/Pages/default.aspx Physics http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/physics/Pages/default.aspx Maths(I take pure maths whcih includes C1,C2,C#,C4,FP!,FP3) -http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/maths/Pages/default.aspx

Anonymous # 19. April 2010, 05:32

Anonymous writes: .

Anonymous # 20. April 2010, 10:44

Junaid ali khan writes: Dear Sir, I have completed my xii exams last year. But due to some problems i could not
gaine good marks in mathematics. But i like mathematics very much. So please suggest me some books for
mathematics, so that i can improve my mathematics.

Anonymous # 21. April 2010, 07:21

vaishnavi prasad writes: sir i am a 12th going student from bangalore,karnataka studying in karnataka state board i
want to write iitjee 2011 can you please tell me how to plan my preparation as i have atmost 8-9 months to
prepare im very keen please help me

J.P.Sinha # 22. April 2010, 17:01

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To all,
sorry, I could not reply to your questions in time because I have been very busy these days with my students.
click here if you are a 12th student.
Madhu, you need to take personal home tuition from good teachers in each subject.

you need to use the following books to brush up your maths:

NCERT books of 9th,10th, 11th and 12th.
S.L.Loney's Trigonometry and Plane Coordinate Geometry
Hall and Knight's Algebra.

J.P.Sinha # 22. April 2010, 17:04

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
how can I take your class on-line? We do not have the technology available to do that at our disposal. I just have a
computer with broadband connection with me.

J.P.Sinha # 22. April 2010, 17:16

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I visited the page whose address you have provided in your comments. But I could not find the syllabus.
You just need to buy NCERT books in each subject to get the feel of Indian syllabus first. Finish the theory from
NCERT books speedily. Then practice maths from "Objective Approach to Maths- Arihant Prakashan". Read the
extra theory of maths given in this book too. But caution, there are few printing errors in this book.
For physics you ca use New Pattern IIT Physics- Arihant Prakashan.

Anonymous # 23. April 2010, 06:17

Anonymous writes: sir, i hv done my +1 and want revise my +1 thoroughly, bcoz i fell that some part i must hv
forgotten.what should i do plz suggest . thankyou

Anonymous # 23. April 2010, 06:21

Anonymous writes: sir I've been appointed as iit faculty for physics from the school level itself how can i give my
best to the students from my side .As u have said i'm going to follow the books H.c Verma .But sometimes i feel Dc
Pandey is better for theory so that the students can understand well.Can u pls suggest me the books from which i
can teach my students

J.P.Sinha # 23. April 2010, 17:02

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Anonymous 1,
click here to read an article.
Anonymous 2,
you should use that book which you are comfortable teaching with.
If to you, D.C.Pandey seems more suitable, then you should use that.

Anonymous # 24. April 2010, 06:29

Nikhil writes: Sir i am from rajasthan and i am in class 12th now i want to select in iit which books are perfect for
iit-jee prepration plz reply

Anonymous # 24. April 2010, 09:16

Anonymous writes: sir you are somewhat not clear with my problem . i am just asking how should i revise my xi
and study for my xii class side by side. plz reply.. thank you.

Anonymous # 25. April 2010, 05:08

Anonymous writes: Sir, plz suggest some gud iit guides..(which contains previous years papers also)..thanx

J.P.Sinha # 25. April 2010, 07:58

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Nikhil, Anonymous-2,
try to study the concepts of each subject thoroughly from your text books.You may use IIT-Guides published by
Arihant Prakashan e.g. Objective Approach to Maths, New Pattern IIT Physics.
click here and read the article that opens.

Anonymous # 25. April 2010, 14:19

Anonymous writes: this is shivam sir i have just passed class X nd taking coaching frm individual teachers in
chandigarh(by sangeeta khanna mam, savin sir,rn arora sir).side by side i m planning 2 complete ncert syllabus of
class XI by june-july.but after that it seems difficult 2 me 2 complete class 12th in class 11th syllabus side by side .
so wat shud be my right plan after that.

Anonymous # 26. April 2010, 12:51

Anonymous writes: Sir, is objective approach to chemistry by arihant, a gud buk..?

Anonymous # 26. April 2010, 16:35

Rajiv writes: My friends say that students who have studied in CBSE pattern till 10th find it difficult to get into
IITs; whereas ICSE students find the course comparatively less difficult.Is this true because i am a little worried as
i am from CBSE.

Anonymous # 26. April 2010, 16:41

Abhijit writes: Sir, The teachers at my institute are suggesting books by Arihant Publication in PCM. All the books
contain objective style questions which are of good standard. But i am looking for books in which the conceots,
fundamentals are well explained so that i can read them on my own and understand the class 11-12 sullabus in 910 months time. Sir, please suggest good books in PCM in which the concepts are well explained and good
problems are also given. I already have NERT books. Which other books should i follow to understand concepts.

J.P.Sinha # 26. April 2010, 18:37

why it will be difficult for you to study the 12th syllabus? Once you finish the 11th syllabus you should request your
teachers to teach you 12th syllabus.
I have no idea about chemistry.I teach physics and maths only.
your board hardly matters in IIT-JEE exam. So please do not torment your mind by thinking uselessly about CBSE vs
ICSE. You may continue with CBSE and still you can clear IIT-JEE if you are sincere and hard working in your
I can name hundreds of book.But the fact is that none is more suitable for an Indian student than NCERT books-

especially if you are in CBSE board.

So read the theory from NCERT books. In physics, read solved examples from NCERT and H.C.Verma. Sole all
NCERT problems and few H.C.Verma problems, then start solving questions from Arihant books.
In maths, read theory from NCERT and then read extra theory given in each chapter in the book "Objective
Approach to Maths-Arihant Prakashan". Then solve all NCERT solved and unsolved problems. Also solve the
problems in "Objective Approach to Maths" book.

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 00:38

Anonymous writes: hello sir i hve juss givn my 12th boards xam nd i m appearing in punjab pmt in dis june can u
plzz tell d effective way to use dis whole month nd also i wantd to know is dis tym enough for preparation?? my
concepts are almst clear

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 04:21

Anonymous writes: SIR I am in 10th standard now &really interested in iit as my ambition is to become an
astronaut. please could you advise me about how to prepare for IIT.

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 04:23

radha.s writes: sir i want to join iit &want to know about how to prepare for iit.

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 04:26

Anonymous writes: SIR I am in 10th standard now &really interested in iit as my ambition is to become an
astronaut. please could you advise me about how to prepare for IIT.

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 09:12

sandeepan writes: could you give me the names of some good iit jee guides?

Anonymous # 27. April 2010, 11:06

vaishanvi prasad writes: sir im now going to 12th .. which should i take? brilliant tutorials correspondence or

J.P.Sinha # 27. April 2010, 18:52

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To All,
To know about strategy for IIT-JEE preparation, you should read Part-1 and part-2 of my articles.
I do not recommend the name of coachings. All branded coachings more-or-less provide the same level of
quality.So consult your seniors or other students for feed back regarding this.
For preparing for the PUNJAB PMT, you should revise the entire syllabus of PCB. Practice question solving.

Anonymous # 28. April 2010, 06:38

Anonymous writes: sir, i think that my 11th studies were nt so gud becoz of lack of of time n concentration.but i
still aspire to become an IITian actually SIR to b honest i didnt gave time for self studies n concepts clarification so
now i wanted ur kind advice on the following topics, 1}is it necessary to attend coaching classes in order to clear
iit exam ? coz this time i wanted to dedicate much of my time in self studies n solving buks. 2} i feel that my
maths is really weak n nw from which topic shud i start? 3}which buks shud i refer now in this current situation for
all the three subjects? myself RAHNA SINHA from ujjain,

Anonymous # 28. April 2010, 10:22

rajmohan writes: sir i tried for iit in 2010 my marks reached 230 though i wanted 300.if i repeat,what are the best
options.should i join kota bansal classes.also i hav arihant books.if i buy mtg,will it improve my skills

J.P.Sinha # 29. April 2010, 04:31

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Rahna Sinha,
click here and read an article that I have written for students like you.
buying a new book can't improve your skills. You need to study the subjects more thoroughly.
Taking a drop is also very risky because you can't predict that what actually will happen the next time.
Take any decision in this regard by taking your parents into confidence.click here and read an article written by

Anonymous # 30. April 2010, 15:26

likith writes: i've just started 11 grade..which book do you prefer to clear iit-jee(all subjects).Pls recommend a
book with concepts and solutions nd not only prac quetions.

Anonymous # 30. April 2010, 16:03

Anonymous writes: i have done bad in math in my 10 boards..i have read all your parts.can i do good in maths in 11
and 12 if i follow all ur advises.

Anonymous # 30. April 2010, 16:10

abhi writes: i am studyin 11th state syllubus in bangalore,can i study state syllubus books instead of ncert nd then
iit-jee books?
May 2010, 05:28

Hello sir i m Shalini from orissa. I have appeared 2010 IIT JEE but not sure of good rank therefore I want to do
corresponding course under distance learning program would u please tell me which institute i should prefer?

Anonymous # 1. May 2010, 12:34

PRASHANT writes: Sir, I excepting 80% marks in cbse board 12th 2010 exam ; in AIEEE 2010 , I excepting that my 30
questions are correct and in IIT-JEE 2010 I am excepting around 100 marks. I have done this without any coaching.
I am thinking of dropping a year & prepare for IIT-JEE 2011 and I have decided that from now , I should start
prepration for it, to crack IIT-JEE 2011 with rank

J.P.Sinha # 1. May 2010, 17:44

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you can use Objective Approach to Physics/Maths- Arihant Prakashan. Also use NCERT books.
yes you can. Try to understand the theory of maths before solving the questions.
you can definitely use state board books in place of NCERT books. You should only ensure that the book that you
are using covers the theory of the subject in detail.

J.P.Sinha # 1. May 2010, 17:51

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
sorry I can not take the name of any coaching here. But yes, you should take correspondence material of only that
institute which has a famous brand name throughout India.
you please click here and read an article written by me.

Anonymous # 2. May 2010, 07:11

Richa writes: hi..i'm in class 11th n lives in gzb... m confused dat either i should join a proper coaching senter like
career launcher or fitjee..or i should join separate well knw coachin center in my area...

Anonymous # 2. May 2010, 08:25

Mukesh Singh writes: Sir, I have decided to drop this year for the prepration of IITJEE 2011. I am expecting 79% in
cbse board 12th 2010 exams and aroud 120 marks in IITJEE-2010. This all i have done without any coaching & also
decided to not take coaching for futher prepration of IITJEE 2011; CAN I CRACK IITJEE WITHOUT COACHING WITH
GOOD RANK? Sir, I know that some topics of 11th class are not clear in basics on NCERT LEVEL. I have following
books :- PHYSICS:- G.C.AGRAWAL vol.-1&2(a) publisher-G.R.Bathla & Sons edition-2000 Pradeep's physics for 11th
edition-2007 ARIHANT AIEEE PHYSICS edition-2007 MTG Interactive Physics vol.-3 edition-2008 H.C.VERMA VOL.1&2
edition-2005 & 2008 respectively TRIGONOMETRY-S.L.LONEY edition-1990 & of ARIHANT edition-2006 CO-ORDINATE
GEOMETRY- S.L.LONEY edition-1996 & of ARIHANT edition-2009 TATA McGRAW-HILLS edition-1995 CALCULUS- BY
S.K.GOYAL OF J.N.P.N.PRAKASHAN edition-2009 M.L.KHANNA & J.N.SHARMA edition-2008 and some magazines
2008, 2009 issue; of arihant and mtg . and thought to solve new issue of arihant and mtg with prepration of IITJEE
2011. ARE THESE ABOVE MEMTION BOOKS EFFICIENT TO CRACK IITJEE 2011. Please, suggest me a way & help me to

J.P.Sinha # 2. May 2010, 13:05

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
click here and here and read the two articles that opens.

your books are OK. Click here to read an article that may be helpful to you.

Anonymous # 3. May 2010, 04:29

Deepak writes: SIR, I've given 10th board.Please tell me some books for mathematics basics -especially logarithm
problems as questions are frequently asked on the topic in iit-jee. I've following books- 1.physics-NCERT
,H.C.Verma ,IE IRODOV . 2.chemistry-NCERT ,Universal Self Scorer, Pradeep,P.Bahadur numericals. Are these
books sufficient to clear my doubts in Physics & Chemistry as well as prepare me for iit-jee ? I also have Reshnik &
Haliday phy-edition 1960. Please, tell me best book for maths as I've only NCERT. Which book should I prefer- R.D.
Sharma, M.L.Khanna,TMH or any other?- So, that my basics & doubts are cleared & I've much practice in
mathematical problems.

J.P.Sinha # 3. May 2010, 08:36

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Logarithm is given in most text books of Algebra.
For maths you can use Objective Approach to Maths- Arihant Prakashan.

Anonymous # 3. May 2010, 12:36

siddharth banerjee writes: hello sir i m preparing 4 IITJEE,are the books which i am using is good 4 craking the
same-maths(ahriant series) chem(DR. RC MUKHERJEE),inorganic(ncert),organic(jagdamba singh),phy(HC VERMA) N
objective physics DC PANDAY.

J.P.Sinha # 4. May 2010, 03:36

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Read theory of physics from NCERT too.Otherwise your books are OK.

Anonymous # 5. May 2010, 14:30

Anonymous writes: hello sir.. I have just given my class 10 boards..I have around 1 and a half months of holidays
with me so how can I start prparing for class 11 and IIT-JEE...I have no teacher to help me right now..and there is

no coaching institute here...please can u give me DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on how to prepare... yours gratefully

J.P.Sinha # 6. May 2010, 06:34

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
please read Part-1 and Part-2 of my articles.

Anonymous # 6. May 2010, 16:09

Divyanshu Singh Chouhan writes: Sir, I found your website while searching for important tips for IIT JEE, Sir, I am
very happy as we students are getting help from Such an Great And Experienced Teacher. Sir, I have given CBSE
Xth Board - 2009-2010 this year.. Sir, I have started a private tution of physics and maths according to the PART 1.
Sir, Should i only focus on NCERT or with ncert i should purchase some reference books for physics. Sir, I also want
to score nice marks for my School Examination. Sir, as you have told that I should buy one book at a time. Sir,
Which reference should i start with - HC Verma or PRADEEP... or any other. Thanking You, Divyanshu SIngh

J.P.Sinha # 7. May 2010, 07:10

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Divyanshu Singh Chouhan,
initially you should focus on building your concepts in physics, maths and chemistry. Read theory from any good
book(or NCERT). Listen carefully to your teacher's lecture. Solve all questions and solved examples from NCERT
books. You may use H.C.verma for solving more questions in physics if you have extra time.

Anonymous # 8. May 2010, 16:08

Anonymous writes: dear sir, i am a student who has opted to drop this year . my syllabus wasnt complete for the
paper so i couldnt do good in my iit and AIEEE papers . this year i am going to do anything possible to clear the
examination so please suggest me some tips i WANT TO CRACK IIT.

Anonymous # 9. May 2010, 04:16

Anonymous writes: HEllo SIR, I have to appear +2 board exams this year..with ncert i m focusing onto my
competitive level also...i hav brought TaTa mcgraw hIll publicated Book of year 2007...will it help me????

J.P.Sinha # 9. May 2010, 10:43

Reply From J.P.Sinha:
Anonymous 1,
click here and read an article written by me.
Anonymous 2,
it will help for preparation at this stage. But after you finish the basics once you should use a recent book for

Anonymous # 11. May 2010, 13:44

Anonymous writes: hello sir i m in class 12 and preparing for iitjee sir for board should i buy pradeep or abc for

Anonymous # 11. May 2010, 13:56

Akshay writes: sir i m in class 12 and going fiitjee i found difficulty in solving physics numericals . im able to solve
only about 20-25% numerical from HC Verma & from the packages . what should i do sir

Anonymous # 13. May 2010, 02:43

Deepak writes: Sir, What is the reason for continuous lines on spectrophotometer in last lines of all series?

Anonymous # 14. May 2010, 15:31

surbhi writes: hello sir i have now gone in class 12th. i worked hard in my 11th as well but not with the seriousness
thats required for cracking IIT JEE with a good rank and now i feel that i have too less time left to start from the
beginning since in 11th i did not choose books well and also in my classes they went too slow teaching each topic
very deeply and nicely (recently we have completely finished mechanics).but ya my concepts of what i have
learned are very good. so for math will IIT JEE RD sharma be a good book for firstly doing the whole course then to
do some more questions from other good books like ML khanna. does ml khanna gives a good base with the theory
(i do study NCERT) is there any other book that can replace IIT JEE RD SHARMA for me mainly for calculus and
coordinate geometry. sir i want to get into IIT powai for sure . How much and how should i study and utilize each
day to make my dream come real. sir please help ITS URGENT coz it has become too late now.

Anonymous # 15. May 2010, 05:52

Anonymous writes: sir, I'am rajendra jain i want reference books for physics.

Anonymous # 16. May 2010, 07:06

Amlan writes: sir.. i am in12th.. and i had scored 86% in 11th..though i managed to get average marks..i dont think
i hv clear concepts.. my weakness is physics.. there are no good physics teacher in my area.. SO i have to depend
on my books.. i read ncert books in 11th ..but im not able to get the concepts clearly,.. plz suggest some good
book for concept clearance and problem solving.. plz reply soon..

Anonymous # 16. May 2010, 09:21

kunal mirchandani writes: sir im interested in iit jee and aieee and i have heard about direct admission in isro for
btech courses for 150 seats.will you please help me clearing.according to new pattern of iit jee which will be the
best book for both objective and subjective

Anonymous # 17. May 2010, 04:16

AYUSH writes: Sir, I am in class 11th but i have confusion related to the books as my goal is to get top marks in my
class as well as wnt selection in iit after 12th. please tell me the books for physics chemistry and maths.

Anonymous # 17. May 2010, 16:45

likhita writes: i finished my eleventh class.suggest me some books which are very very easy to understand and
good book for iit.please suggest me a schedule plan

Anonymous # 17. May 2010, 17:14

Anonymous writes: sir,should i join any coachings in class 11th?i haven't joined any yet.and one more question sir
that would it be sufficient to crack IIT if i start preparing from the first day of class 11th because i couldn't study
for two months after my 10th boards due to some family reasons .plz help me sir,i am in a great tensed
situation,.....thankyou sir..

Anonymous # 17. May 2010, 17:18

Anirban mukherjee writes: sir,should i join any coachings in class 11th?i haven't joined any yet.and one more
question sir that would it be sufficient to crack IIT if i start preparing from the first day of class 11th because i
couldn't study for two months after my 10th boards due to some family reasons .plz help me sir,i am in a great

tensed situation,.....thankyou sir..sir also can u plz take some time out of your hectic schedule and suggest me a
time-table for my prepartion of IIT in PCM....thankyou sir.

Anonymous # 18. May 2010, 07:43

Arpit writes: Now I am in 8th STD & i want to prepare for iit preparation so which books I refer for it

Anonymous # 19. May 2010, 07:24

Krishna writes: Hello sir, I have 2 things to ask: 1) I'm studying Class 12th now in CBSE board, so i'm naturally using
NCERT books. I want a good percentage in class 12. Besides,i started preparing for iit 2011. Is it possible to hit
both these things at once; that too, with 95% and above in board and a good ranking in IIT? just one year
preparation?? also, is IIT preparation also useful for 12th board??? 2) can we use calculators in IIT/ aieee!

Anonymous # 20. May 2010, 03:34

Anonymous writes: Hello sir are we allowed log tables and such stuff inside the exam room for iit?

Anonymous # 20. May 2010, 15:18

Alstars writes: Guys, just keep cool. Its never too late for those who are skilled enough! I have a friend who just
got thr hall ticket for iit and never did a work for it, but at the end, he got one of the top tenth ranks in IIt 2009.
i'm not saying that you needn't study or something, but many creative minds are brought down to bits if you just
spend your time with books without any physical applications of what you've learnt! people get dissappointed when
they learn a lot but still fail to make it past their hurdles, but you need to understand the quality available with
you and the one that is required! don't run behind IIt, if you are perfect and excel urself throu application and
incorporation, then IIT runs behind you!( as it is in 3IDIOTS)

Anonymous # 22. May 2010, 06:24

swathi writes: Dear Sir We are from Kerala.My daughter got 95% marks in ICSE2010 & is about to join class 11.She
had special tuitions for PCM from class 9 onwards.Her dream is IIT.But as parents we are confused whether we
should allow her to do self study for 11,12 without any tuitions & use the spare time for IIT preparation ?I read
your advice to finish 11,12 school syllabus in 8 months but here in tuition classes they follow their own pattern &
admissions also are almost impossible in between.Please advice us

Anonymous # 22. May 2010, 06:31

akash writes: hello , sir i've just passed +1 and iit aspirant but a little of my concepts are weak in following:
1.mechanics 2.rotational 3.waves and shm 4.coordinate geometry and organic chemistry so,please suggest me

some list of books from which i can understand the basics concepts and solve the problems the books which i m
having are 1.R.C.MUKHERJEE in chem 2.TATA MAGRAW HILLS in maths 3.H.C.VERMA IN phy and vidyamandir classes
modules are these sufficient to understand the basic concepts and revise the topics if not plz tell me i,ll be greatly
thankful to u

himanshu rajput # 22. May 2010, 14:50

hello hello sir can i give improvement + compart exam together in july 2010

J.P.Sinha # 22. May 2010, 18:16

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
You people click here and then read the relevant article. Sorry I am very busy and can't reply to your comments
individually at this moment.

Anonymous # 23. May 2010, 04:48

ona.anurag writes: i m in 12th now, please tell me the best books for board and IIT-JEE, my basics r very weak and
not clear.

J.P.Sinha # 23. May 2010, 14:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
For books read the above article.
If your basics are weak, then you should take personal tuition from good teachers in each subject.

himanshu rajput # 24. May 2010, 02:11


Anonymous # 24. May 2010, 04:04

ons anurag writes: hello sir i m in class 12th and i want to know is pradeeps fundamental physics is completely
sufficient book board. Is R.D Sharma or pradeeps new course maths are completely for board. Is D.C.Pandey
sufficient for IIT in physics. and tell me any other good book for IIT maths and physics.

J.P.Sinha # 24. May 2010, 13:11

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Your question is very absurd. How can I say if one book is sufficient or not? It all depends upon person to person.
For some NCERT book is enough whereas for some other may be H.C.Verma is enough. It all depends upon from
which book you are able to understand all the concepts.

Anonymous # 27. May 2010, 06:06

gowtham writes: Dear sir, i gave an attempt in jee 2010but was unable to secuyre a rank in it i noe intend to bunk
a year towards my preparation for jee 2011 i a mwilling to give my heart and soul for it what should be the
methodology i should follow to get a rank below 100 in jee 2011 since i am already quite torough with my concepts
also please tell me if joining fiitjee chennai would help me

Anonymous # 27. May 2010, 13:25

Anonymous writes: Sir, i'm preparing 4 IITJEE 2012, i've physics pradeep nd HC verma buks., should i also buy
Arihant guide in physics or these 2 buks would be enough..?

Anonymous # 27. May 2010, 17:34

Anonymous writes: my ward is preparing for IIT-JEE. Which institute he should choose to take All India Test Series
and also some other high level stuffs like Questions. Shall I prefer Brilliants Young Genious Files or the FIITJEE
Ranker's Material.

Anonymous # 28. May 2010, 03:40

Anonymous writes: hello sir i completed my 12th class i got 180 marks in bits i wrote aieee also i am basically an
aieee student i want to write iit next year by taking long term can i get seat in iit iam i eligible plzzzzzzz help me

Anonymous # 28. May 2010, 14:20

Sujay writes: Sir , I am very weak at physics and find even many basic iit problems difficult . They say if your good
at maths the same is followed in physics but that s not true in my case ..I really need to improve in physics . Kindly
guide me [email protected]

Anonymous # 28. May 2010, 14:28

Sujay writes: Sir , I am very weak at physics and find even many basic iit problems difficult . They say if your good
at maths the same is followed in physics but that s not true in my case ..I really need to improve in physics . Kindly
guide me [email protected]

J.P.Sinha # 28. May 2010, 19:12

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
click here and read the article that opens.
Anonymous 1,
first finish your basic syllabus.
Anonymous 2,
both Brilliant's YG-File and FIITJEE Ranker's Material are good. You can take any one you like.
Anonymous 3,
click here and read the article that opens.
take personal tuition in physics. Give utmost importance to understanding the theory of physics. Read good
number of solved examples.

Anonymous # 29. May 2010, 04:37

Arnab writes: hey, i saw some challenging problems in TMH maths. All the sums in Progressions are based on
summation of series. Neither does Arihant nor KC sinha explain such sums. I'm searching for a book, that explains
how to deal with those type of problems and higher ones...
Anonymous # 29. May 2010, 08:31
Dev writes: hello sir i am study in 10 th and mein sochta hu after 10 th mein kya karu mera math week hai so plz
suggest me ki mein after 10 kon se subjects lu arts leta hu to mein kya kya kar sakta hu science leta hu to mein
kya kya kar sakta hu suggest me plzzz

Anonymous # 29. May 2010, 08:35

himanshu writes: sir, I want a book with problem solving skills in mathematics for IIT-JEE

Anonymous # 29. May 2010, 08:38

Anonymous writes: sir I want abook with problem solving skills in maths for IIT-JEE and should have high class
solved problems

Anonymous # 29. May 2010, 12:49

Swadhin writes: Dear Sir I am a student of class 9th.I am interested for IIT JEE.Do I need to start my preparation
from now itself?If yes,what shall I do? Swadhin

Anonymous # 30. May 2010, 07:06

Aniket kislay writes: Sir, what is final decision for 12 class percentage for iitjee2011 is it 80 or 60percent.i want
exact answer.plz reply

Anonymous # 31. May 2010, 09:11

Anonymous writes: Sir.., Are mtg books better than arihant,...?

Anonymous # 31. May 2010, 09:13

Anonymous writes: Sir.., which book is better 4 IIT..? Arihant, MTG, or TMH....??

J.P.Sinha # 31. May 2010, 12:34

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you should search for a good teacher in maths.

J.P.Sinha # 31. May 2010, 12:38

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To All,
9th 10th studying students should click here.
For books read my article on BOOK LIST

Anonymous # 31. May 2010, 14:34

Anonymous writes: what are your views on the book TMH Course in mathematics for iit jee

Anonymous # 31. May 2010, 15:09

Anonymous writes: Sir, are schaum buks gud enough to get thro' JEE..?

Anonymous # 31. May 2010, 16:21

Anshul Augnivansh writes: sir, i just passed my 12th with 80% marks and dropping year to prepare for iit.but, the
problem is that i don't know how to start and how much time i should give each of the subjects.should i start doing
class xith first or xiith?i am really getting frustated to be not able to make it this year.help me sir

J.P.Sinha # 1. June 2010, 08:20

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
TMH Course in mathematics for IIT-JEE is a good book.
Schaum Books are good. But you should select suitable titles of this publication only.
Anshul Augnivansh,
Click here and read the article that opens.

Anonymous # 1. June 2010, 15:39

aditya writes: hello sir,i have bought mohit sardana(mathematics) for my jee preparation,will it be ok to beat
competitive exams.

Anonymous # 2. June 2010, 13:44

Anonymous writes: hello sir actually i wanted to know I HAD JOINED AAKASH FOR IIT ...WILL I LL BE ABLE TO

Anonymous # 2. June 2010, 15:15

Anirban Mukherjee writes: sir, sir i wanted to know which is a better book-TMH or M L Khanna or arihant series.And
sir u would also like to ask that i m in class 11th but ,,,,so can u tell me that how many hours of study should i do
......on an average can u suggest me at a rough estimate

Anonymous # 3. June 2010, 05:08

bibhudatta writes: which book should i take for iit jee preparation esp.in chemistry.. is pradeeps objective
chemistry would be enough for iit jee preparation.

Anonymous # 3. June 2010, 05:13


Anonymous # 3. June 2010, 12:20

Anonymous*** writes: sir i have st

Anonymous # 3. June 2010, 12:38

Anonymous writes: sir i have started my preparation in 11th std. but i didnt pay attention towards my hw and
studies. i know it was my serious mistake. but at the end of 11th std i realise my mistake and started my
preparation.i have finished my ncert syllabus.now i am thinking to solve any iit jee level book of maths.which book
should i solve ml khanna or arihant first. i found arihant somewhat tough.it take 15-20 min to solve a level 2
problem from arihant for me.is these time is very long.i found that indefinite integration problems from arihant
are very lengthy.should i pay attention to such problems bcoz i saw that such lengthy problems were not asked in
any iit jee paper.i got demoralised after experiencing that i required such long time to solve arihant.plz help me.

Anonymous # 3. June 2010, 13:38

Anonymous writes: can you suggest a good book for chemistry??? iit prep..

Anonymous # 4. June 2010, 11:46

gowtham writes: sir, i have got97.3 percent in tn board and sure of gettinga seat in anna university chennai but i
would like togiveanother attempt at jee seeing that i nearly qualified this year. i have already read your blog for
12+ stdents . i would like you to recommend me some books that i can use in my preparation. i also have the
advantage that i have the same jee portionsin I and II semesters.

Anonymous # 4. June 2010, 16:14

trupti writes: sir i have started my preparation in 11th std. but i didnt pay attention towards my hw and studies. i
know it was my serious mistake. but at the end of 11th std i realise my mistake and started my preparation.i have
finished my ncert syllabus.now i am thinking to solve any iit jee level book of maths.which book should i solve ml
khanna or arihant first. i found arihant somewhat tough.it take 15-20 min to solve a level 2 problem from arihant
for me.is these time is very long.i found that indefinite integration problems from arihant are very lengthy.should i
pay attention to such problems bcoz i saw that such lengthy problems were not asked in any iit jee paper.i got
demoralised after experiencing that i required such long time to solve arihant.plz help me. AND SORRY FOR
WRITING SUCH A LENGHTY QUESTION.plz help me as early as possible

J.P.Sinha # 4. June 2010, 17:09

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To all,
I can't give you any tip on the number of hours that you should study.You should study as much as may be possible
for you.
Use that book from which you are able to understand the concepts well.
If you think that you are taking a little more time in solving problems then you should practice more.Read lots of
solved examples to know the tricks of problem solving.Do you know the theory well?

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 03:23

snehajit writes: respectd sir how can i get a better command over maths and physics? i can manage chemistry,but
physics ???can u plzz suggest me some good books where i will get a good knowledge of theory as well as
numericals.. and finally sir my boards r jst 10 months away frm me..so till wn shud i prepare fr entrance and den
concentrate towars boards? thank you yours faithfully snehajit dey (siliguri-india)

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 03:23

Raina writes: hello sir. am in 11th and have scored 86% in icse school and i want to prepare fpr iit what do you
prefer studying from an icse school or cbse school?

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 12:09

Gaurav writes: hello sir, m getting AIR-162037(obc-42000) and state rank-23356(obc-6663) in AIEEE 2010 SO sir can
u pls tell me which college i would get?

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 12:16

shashank writes: hello sir, m getting AIR-162038(obc-42210) and state(U.P) rank-23358(obc-6662) in AIEEE 2010 for
b.tech SO sir can u pls tell me which college i would get?

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 12:49

pankaj writes: dear sir i am preparing for iit please tell which one is better kc sinha or ml khanna

Anonymous # 5. June 2010, 18:46

Abhinav Punit writes: sir out your following books listed above which book do you think will be the best of rest for
preparing IIT JEE with XI. how about this book of arihant.here is the link to it
http://www.arihantbooks.com/indetails.asp?id=880 FIRST STEP-TOWARDS IIT JEE MATHEMATICS Code : B072
Author : Amit M Agarwal Price : Rs 225/- Pages : 400 A bridge Course for the Student of Class 11th, Going for the
preparation of IIT JEE OR i should go with http://www.arihantbooks.com/indetails.asp?id=21 Objective approach
to mathematics . which is the best of chemistry.

J.P.Sinha # 6. June 2010, 05:26

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you should start taking personal tuition from some teachers in maths and physics.
both are good books. But don't use K.C.Sinha as your text book.You can never finish it.Use it only as a reference
book to cover those topics which you are unable to understand from other books.

Anonymous # 7. June 2010, 11:27

Dhruv writes: sir this is dhruv from kolkata.I am having a very peculiar type of problem.the problem is some of my
friends have gone to kota and other places famous for good iit reuslts and others have joined good institutes here
and now i am feeling depressed because i feel that in comparison to them i am not doing much for iit preparation
as i taking private tuitons.Please help

Anonymous # 7. June 2010, 11:28

Dhruv writes: Sir i also wanted to ask if using R.D.Sharma is good for IIT

Anonymous # 8. June 2010, 08:18

Anonymous writes: hello sir i am in +2 and joined coaching for IIT JEE . now at this insatance i feel that i cant get
into IIT because my phy and chem are really weak . so sir please suggest me some books for AIEEE so that i can
secure a rank within 5000 in AIEEE. currently i have HC VERMA and ML KHANNA subjective .

Anonymous # 8. June 2010, 09:59

Anonymous writes: after finishinga chapter in ncert book,frm where shud one do practice problems?

Anonymous # 8. June 2010, 12:30

Anonymous writes: i am in class 10.i want to ask a question-we prefer ncert book or reference book.

Anonymous # 8. June 2010, 12:35

Anonymous writes: i am in class 10 . i want to ask a question - we prefer ncert book or any other reference book
for board examination.

Anonymous # 9. June 2010, 03:47

karthik writes: sir i am from mysore.i am studying in class 12. i want to know which is the best books in which the
concepts r clear and the practice questions r also there.

J.P.Sinha # 10. June 2010, 03:54

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To all,
if your concepts are not very clear in any subject then it is better that you take personal tuition from some good
teacher of that subject.
In physics for learning the theory, NCERT books are best. For problem solving skills, read all the solved examples
carefully of both NCERT and H.C.Verma, do all the questions of NCERT.Do all the MCQ type questions from
H.C.Verma do few numericals from this book too. Then start solving IIT-JEE type questions from books like "New
Pattern IIT Physics-Arihant"

Anonymous # 10. June 2010, 14:44

Dhruv writes: sir this is dhruv from kolkata.I am having a very peculiar type of problem.the problem is some of my
friends have gone to kota and other places famous for good iit reuslts and others have joined good institutes here
and now i am feeling depressed because i feel that in comparison to them i am not doing much for iit preparation
as i taking private tuitons.Please help

J.P.Sinha # 10. June 2010, 17:23

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
who has told you that going to Kota or joining a coaching gives guarantee of success in IIT-JEE?
If you are studying well on your own. If you know all the theory and practice problem solving properly then you can
clear IIT-JEE.

Anonymous # 10. June 2010, 19:54

ab writes: i am dying to get a book which first explains all{all means all,like many books lack deep explanation of
complex no.s and conic section} formulas and techniques used in maths for iit-jee and then give around 200
questions on every topic like 200 questions for ellipse,200 for parabola, similarly for hyperbola. There is a little
provided in every book and the author expects student to be super genious. and the selected students who are
able to get them through any means is amongst the toppers.please help me, i don't like this biased study system.

Anonymous # 10. June 2010, 20:19

ab writes: sir to be very frank you know if a student doesn't get that atmosphere of high knowledge and training no
one clears iit.many students start with an ardent desire of doing just great things in studies,but the problem is
that till now many coaching institutes assure student that do pradeep and their notes and you will clear iit.par sir
jab tak vaise questions har topic ke around300-400 questions nahi kar lete koi faida nahi test dene ka.sir agar hum
just ml khanna karein ya koi aisi si ki faida nahi hona. sir maza to tab hai jub hum conic section ke iit se bhi bade
level ki soch sakein.sir bahut problem and tension hai, upar se school ki bhi 75% attendence puri karni hoti hai.sir
maza to tab hota ki kaash apke jaisa koi family main ho.agar baki koi simple logon main se nikal ke kar gaye to sir
kisi ko super30 jaise teacher to kissi ko aur bhi ache.akhir 10th ke baad koi bacha apne aap calculus aur hyperbola
ki tangents normals ke saath chedhkhani nahi kar sakta.isliye ap mujhe chahe ek topic ki ek hi book kyon na [email protected] pe kar do please.

Anonymous # 10. June 2010, 20:41

ab writes: sir iit to sirf ek zariya hai, main scientist aur ek famous mathematician banana chahta hoon,iit karne
vale bhi M.Sc foreign universities se karte hain. but ghar vale kehte hain engg. bahut hai.sir iit-jee agar superb
books mil jayein to ek khel hai kyonki interest 10 to 12 hrs padhne ka tabhi aata hai.time dena bhi bahut zaroori
hai but i dont want myself to walk on wrong path, sir ml khanna bahut easy hai,arihant ki books jo alag se ek ek
topic pe hai,bahut achchi hain but then sir main koi kami nahi chahta isliye mujhe voh raaz aur books batao jo
padhke main top rankers main aa sakta hoon.sir iit main chemistry bahut easy aati hai, par physics ka koi direct
question nahi aata kisi book se,isliye mujhe physics or specially maths ki guidance meri id-

[email protected] par kar do please, nahin to sir main bhi lambe procedure main phas jaonga-b.sc then

Anonymous # 10. June 2010, 20:59

Anonymous writes: sir i don't belong to city close to iit or having an iit.i am coming to delhi to get complete and all
books which have level of iitjee and better.sath hi sir kisi institute ka package buy karonga.so sir help me locating
the best there if possible.sir i have no such problem with sitting if i find book really hardcore and challenging ,i
can study for even 12 to 14 hours.but i don't want my hard work to go in vain. send me names of best books
dealing with each topic separately means two for algebra, two for coordinate,two for complex no.s and others too
sir dont worry believe me i can finish one in a day and practice throughout day and night.i am really crazy and
can't afford losing iit.i need myself to stand amongst the best. sir to add,i am taking tuitions from a good institute
which cleared around 80 students out of 400 this year five in top hundered.but let me tell you the excellent
students here are receiving study packages from delhi and kota too.sir here many are better than me because of
this advantage, they study material from other good institutes too. please help me out send me around 10 to 15
books list of one topic each on maths and physics.i am confident i can manage the stress well

J.P.Sinha # 11. June 2010, 10:14

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Ab, you need to get in touch with a good teacher and take personal tuition from him.
Only a good teacher can guide you through different topics.

Anonymous # 13. June 2010, 13:50

Anonymous writes: sir i am student of class 12 ,after clearing my doubts about a particular topic then also i am not
able to do its mcq please tell me where i am lagging and also how can i reduce my timing in solving

Anonymous # 13. June 2010, 16:42

megha writes: sir, is it possible to complete the entire syllabus of 11th and 12th in 8 or 9 months as it is mentioned
in the part-1?

J.P.Sinha # 15. June 2010, 05:53

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
To develop problem solving skills you should carefully read large number of solved examples.
yes it is possible. Only concentrate on the basic syllabus during this phase.


Anonymous # 16. June 2010, 12:36

ajay writes: sir im 4m andhra pradesh i have read my board text books thoroughly in +1 and i want to crack iit-jee
how should i plan my preparation in +2
Anonymous # 16. June 2010, 16:54
Anonymous writes: hello sir im nikita i have just passed 10th with 88% and now i have to prepare for iit.but im
confused if i can join a hsc college and cbse classes will that work i want your suggestions please can you help me

J.P.Sinha # 18. June 2010, 04:19

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
go ahead. Finish your 12th syllabus quickly then start practicing for JEE.

J.P.Sinha # 18. June 2010, 04:22

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
although joining a CBSE may help but it is more important to work hard and study sincerely.

Anonymous # 18. June 2010, 14:54

Ranjeet writes: Sir I m in Class XI Can u tell me how should i start my preparation for iit jee

Anonymous # 18. June 2010, 15:52

srinivas writes: sir,i am student who state board have joined iit coaching class for my better future,but i am
feeling very difficultat tutions so please tell me some books which i have to refer so as to excel in my subject i.e i
am intrested to know the names of basic level books that help me in solving like physics(h.c.verma

Anonymous # 18. June 2010, 17:59

jaskrit writes: sir, i am doing h.c. verma and d.c. panday(arihant) for physics?is it enough? and more over i m
concerned on my maths. i am doing r.d. sharma objective for maths?is it enogh for clearing iit jee.....?

Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 06:04

prateek writes: respected sir -> i am from rajasthan board and i am waiting for 10th class result ,before it i have
joined home tutor classes in jaipur, in which i am being taught by ncert book. i want to get suggestion abt iit
preparation and somt basic books for pcm. please give the most useful books for iit because i can not afford many

Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 06:35

radha writes: sir, iam a puysics teacher giving a nice result from eleven years now i want to start a coaching for iit
jee which of the book for objective approach of physics should i preffer for my students. please guide me. please
send your answer on my email------ [email protected]

J.P.Sinha # 19. June 2010, 08:17

Reply from J.P.Sinha;
To all,
click here and go to the list of all my articles.I am sure you will find your answer in one of my article.

Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 09:05

shshank ank ankur writes: sir mera phad phad kar dimag kharab ho gya hai main NIT nikal chuka hu par mere
gharwale iit ke liye force kar rahe hein kya mein ye saal drop kar doon

Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 13:11


Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 13:50

ritesh kumar writes: sir thanks for your guidence

Anonymous # 19. June 2010, 15:00

Surya writes: Sir,I am a student of Andhra Pradesh and i am studying intermediate 1st year.I need your suggestions
on which books to read to get into IIT-JEE

Anonymous # 20. June 2010, 04:14

Anonymous writes: SIR, U have written in ur article, "WARNING:- Never use too many books.Always study from one
or at most two good books." but u always tell more buks to those who ask from u abt it and already have 2-3 books
wid 'em....so, isn't it contradictory...???

Anonymous # 20. June 2010, 06:02

Anonymous writes: Which is the best book for the preparation of IIT for students going to class 11th.?

J.P.Sinha # 20. June 2010, 16:23

shshank ank ankur ,
dropping a year is risky. Drop only if you are willing to take the risk of losing one year.
I don't think log table is given.But I will ask my those students who have appeared in the entrance exams.
I always say use one text book and one IIT-JEE guide in each subject.You should use third book(if needed) for a
chapter or two if that chapter is not written well in you text book.

Anonymous # 21. June 2010, 12:58

Anonymous writes: Hello sir, My name is Sanit. I just now passed my M.tek. What should I do further?

Anonymous # 21. June 2010, 13:37


Anonymous # 21. June 2010, 16:18

tushar writes: regards sir i haven't even completed my ncert syllabus yet and 11 class is in ablunder its july now
i've done nothing what to do? how to start?

J.P.Sinha # 21. June 2010, 16:18

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you should now seek a job.
yes for IIT-JEE Arihant's Objective approach to Maths is a good choice for long term preparation. Read the theory
of maths too. Read derivations of mathematical formula too.

Anonymous # 22. June 2010, 04:15

TEJ writes: Thanx 4 ur advice sir. and plz also suggest me a book for physics(also for 'maths' if REQUIRED) which
must contain all types of questions required for JEE.(i.e., match d following, matrix match, more dan 1 correct
opt., integer type, comprehension based etc.)

Anonymous # 22. June 2010, 05:42

Anonymous writes: SIR, Im in +1. Im using rd sharma basic text book 4 maths. arihant obj app seems very tough to
be done as many of d concepts given there r not given in rd shrma. so, what shud i do?? i want to get a toppers
rank in IITJEE.

J.P.Sinha # 23. June 2010, 17:16

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
you may use New Pattern IIT Physics. But before buying it, look whether its latest edition contains the matrixmatch question or not.
you need to take class from a good teacher in maths.Only he/she can may you take a transition from R.D.Sharma's
level to IIT-JEE level.

Anonymous # 23. June 2010, 18:10

anshula writes: sir i m greatly confused abt which book to choose for preparation of iitjee.my concepts are not
clear so sir if u will just tell me one particular books for clearing my concepts i will be highly obliged of u plz sir
help me.

Anonymous # 23. June 2010, 18:12

anshula writes: sir i m greatly confused abt which book to choose for preparation of iitjee.my concepts are not
clear so sir if u will just tell me one particular books for clearing my concepts i will be highly obliged of u plz sir
help me.

Anonymous # 24. June 2010, 03:16

Anonymous writes: SIR, If we do only ncert of phy nd chem, wat %age can we get in these two subjects in IITJEE..?

Anonymous # 24. June 2010, 05:12

Anonymous writes: hello Sir, are d "problems" given in resnick-halliday book recommended for IIT-JEE

Anonymous # 24. June 2010, 05:19

Anonymous writes: Sir i have just started preparing for jee 2011.Sir i want to know which book to refer for iit jee
maths concepts...which will help me to clear my basic and advanced fundamentals in maths ....for solving i use a
das gupta(subjective)......

Anonymous # 24. June 2010, 14:54

rishabh writes: sir i have passed my class 10 from icse board know i want to prepare for iit jee . my maths is week
and i want to know that can i prepare for iit jee or not i am very interested in doing iitjee. i am finding coachings
in my town but i cant find a good coaching in my town so i make my mind to do seperate tutions but i am confused
to choose which teacher. one teacher is there for maths has said that he will teach academics and iit jee side by
side. but i think that first to clear by academics then go to cometition level. so plz tell about that.

J.P.Sinha # 24. June 2010, 18:24

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I have become bored by answering the queries about books again and again. I have already provided a book list
above. You ask which one book is enough? Answer is, "No book is complete in every respect". That is why the role
of teacher is very important.Read theory thoroughly from any book from which you understand. Practice problem
solving from that book and one IIT-JEE guide.

J.P.Sinha # 24. June 2010, 18:26

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Read Part-1 and Part-2 of my article to know my views on this issue.

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 01:10

rishabh writes: i go for seperate tution or for coaching. i cannot find good teachers in my town

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 03:35

rishabh writes: i am week in maths can i cover it

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 03:38

rishabh writes: my teacher is teaching me cometitiuon and academic side by side shall i continue. i wnt to cover
my academics first then cometion to higher level

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 03:40

rishabh writes: if i do side by side is their any problem come between . is iit cometion level books are similiar to
academics .now iam doing r.d sharma

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 10:01

Anonymous writes: hello Sir, are d "problems" given in resnick- halliday book recommended for IIT-JEE

Anonymous # 25. June 2010, 10:14


J.P.Sinha # 25. June 2010, 18:02

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
If you can manage the school syllabus and IIT-JEE preparation together then you should follow your teachers plan.
Syllabus of IIT-JEE is same as 11th and 12th.
Else you know my views which I have written in Part-1 and Part-2

Anonymous # 26. June 2010, 06:30


Anonymous # 26. June 2010, 13:28

nydia writes: sir i m in 9th standard.is it too early for me to read books and prepare for iit. if not which book i ve
to choose.

J.P.Sinha # 26. June 2010, 16:32

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
the best way to prepare for IIT-JEE for you is to study your 9th class syllabus sincerely. The actual preparation will
start when you will reach 11th class.

Anonymous # 28. June 2010, 16:17

abdullah writes: sir, which is the best book for chemistry for iit jee i have bought paradeep part 1 and 2 but i am
not satisfied i am in class 11th preparing for iit jee from aakash institute for differential calculus which book
should i bought?

Anonymous # 29. June 2010, 10:37

Anonymous writes: from u which maths book is best for iit jee ................

Anonymous # 29. June 2010, 10:38

Anonymous writes: from u which maths book is best for IIT JEE ................

J.P.Sinha # 29. June 2010, 16:37

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I don't teach chemistry so I can't suggest books on chemistry.
No book is THE BEST. There are many good books. Read the one that suits you more.

Anonymous # 29. June 2010, 18:08

Anonymous writes: sir my maths is week can i cover it .in class 11

J.P.Sinha # 30. June 2010, 05:17

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Yes, but you need to revise the 9th and 10th maths too.

Anonymous # 30. June 2010, 13:05

javed writes: hello sir, which is the perfect book for clearing jee exam with good rank.for maths (arihant or tmh or
das gupta).for chemistry(textbook of arihant or for organic:morison,inorganic:j.d.lee,physical:R.C.Mukharjee.) For
physics I have bought H.C.Verma,after this book which book is perfect(I.E.IRODOV or Halliday & Resnick).

J.P.Sinha # 1. July 2010, 04:43

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
no book is 100% perfect.
So read that book which gives you a better comfort in the subject.
Your main aim should be to gain full knowledge of the subjects and gain problem solving skills.

Anonymous # 1. July 2010, 07:27

Anonymous writes: What books do you suggest for IIT foundation course of Maths, std VIII and IX, Matriculation
Syllabus Tamil Nadu? Are MTG's books available for this requirement? Kindly help
Anonymous # 1. July 2010, 11:34
aroh writes: hello sir i'am dropping a year for my iit jee preparartion. i have already read your article about
droppers.sir last year i had only studied for my board exam, also i had joined a coaching for jee but did not get
sufficient time for self studies as there ws school also.my 11 th topics are still not clear. and in 12th i dont like
topics like electricity ,magnetism..rest are just ok.i've scored 105 in jee..35 in all the 3 subjects.:( could u please
tell me which book shud i study .becoz if i'l read even 1 word of ncert, i will faint ..i have bcm oversaturated..last
year i did not use any refresher.which book is good after hc verma? and only solving problems from RD is ok?

J.P.Sinha # 1. July 2010, 16:59

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
at this stage you should only concentrate on your class text books.Click here and read an article that opens.

Anonymous # 2. July 2010, 10:00

KUMAR writes: sir,i have one doubt. that is i want to write the exam iit-jee in 2011 But i'm in btech 2nd year in
normal college so, if i get any seat in iit jee 2011 then,what is my future? i mean "as like as that year student"or
"they choose as late candidate" by age. Please tell me

Anonymous # 2. July 2010, 15:08

Tinish writes: sir , i am studying in 11th now.....can please refer me guides for 1)MATHS 2) PHYSICS
3)CHEMISTRY.............and please also recommend me some books for IIT preparation...........thannk you

J.P.Sinha # 2. July 2010, 17:36

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
I think now your are not eligible to appear in the IIT-JEE. Because you can appear in the JEE only in the year in
which you pass 12th and the next year.
If,in any case, you manage to take admission in IIT through the JEE then you will get admission in first year only.

see book list above.

Anonymous # 2. July 2010, 18:45

sumit sarkar writes: sir,i follow ur articles.i am form WEST BENGAL,in this year i completed my 12th standered
with 70%. iwant to take part next next year joint.can u suggest how can i prepare for my self for wb-jee.And which
book i follow for this and some part of help for me AIEEE????

Anonymous # 3. July 2010, 01:58

Abhinav srivastava writes: Sir, i was taking coaching from fiitjee from class 11 i ve been selected in aieee with
good rank but i ve got compartment in maths so i m repeating 12 instead of giving compartment so please tell me
scheduled way to complete my jee syllbai by self study and this time i ve bought some books of phy and maths like
i.a maron calculus sl loney plane trigos hall & knight algebra and ml khana and resnik & halliday of phy and h c
verma. Please tell me these books are enough or not.and also suggest me good time table so that i can crack jee
with good rank and boards with good marks

Anonymous # 3. July 2010, 04:31

s.k. writes: which book is best for starting preparation for iitjee maths?

Anonymous # 3. July 2010, 06:53

KUMAR writes: """Kumar, I think now your are not eligible to appear in the IIT-JEE. Because you can appear in the
JEE only in the year in which you pass 12th and the next year. If,in any case, you manage to take admission in IIT
through the JEE then you will get admission in first year only""" sir,please tell me in which case,i can manage to
take admission in iit by writing the exam iit-jee 2011. Please tell me sir.

J.P.Sinha # 3. July 2010, 11:28

Reply from J.P.Sinha:

Sumit and Abhinav,

click here and read an article.
directly contact the office of some IIT to know whether you can appear in IIT-JEE or not.In my opinion you are not
eligible to appear in the IIT-JEE.

Anonymous # 3. July 2010, 13:05

sumit khandelwal writes: sir i have scored 65% in 12cbse and had taken drop for iit 2011. do u think it is a right
decision and if yes then pl tell me how to start the preparation ,so that appropriate time can b given by me at
last.plz sir helpppppppppppppppppppppp me..

J.P.Sinha # 4. July 2010, 07:31

Reply from J.P.Sinha:
Sumit Khandelwal
Click here to read an article written by me.

Anonymous # 4. July 2010, 10:13

Anonymous writes: Hi sir i m in std 10 and ve joined iit foundation course. can u suggest me some very gud books
for phy,chem n maths????

J.P.Sinha # 4. July 2010, 22:58

Read those books which your teachers suggest you to read

Anonymous # 5. July 2010, 01:57

mani writes: sir,i have just written iit jee and i got 165 marks(i am not qualified).is it possible to prepare for iit
jee while studying engineering.pls help thanks in advance.

Anonymous # 5. July 2010, 08:40

Sam writes: Sir i have just started preparing for iit jee 2011 and i have joined 1 year iit jee course at pace classes
in mumbai so sir like my batch starts from 7th july so how should i start studying and clear by basics and advanced
concepts properly like how much time i should to complete the entire portion please sir pls guide i am really

Anonymous # 5. July 2010, 14:39

javed writes: hello sir, which is the good book for jee exam .for maths (arihant or tmh or das gupta).for
chemistry(textbook of arihant or for organic:morison,inorganic:j.d.lee,physical:R.C.Mukharjee.) For physics I have
bought H.C.Verma,after this book which book is better(I.E.IRODOV or Halliday & Resnick).

Anonymous # 6. July 2010, 03:11

KUMAR writes: 1.i passed(83% marks) in intermideate(XII)in 2009. 2.i wrote the iit-jee(first time) in 2010. 3.now
am i aligible for iit-jee 2011 to apply. PLEASE tell me sir.

Anonymous # 6. July 2010, 06:58

123 writes: ok

Anonymous # 8. July 2010, 14:21

Anonymous writes: plse tell me the best easy language book for 12th board physics and which contain each and
every topic prescrived in NCERT AND WHICH CAN MAKE ME TO GET 100 MARKS. and book for maths also. I SHALL BE

Anonymous # 10. July 2010, 05:23

Anonymous writes: what is the price of ur book 4 11th class...........

Anonymous # 10. July 2010, 09:15

sudeep writes: PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS....I have completed 12th. But for 2 years i cant concentrate on my
studies due to mental problems.As a result i can't write 12th board exam.Date of entrance coaching classes also
are over. Now iam alright, i have reached my confident level by yoga, relaxation methods.I have 8 months free to
go without any entrance coaching classes.I hope that i can do my best to prepare for IIT. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
suggest me how to preapre, my timetable and all other required information.

Anonymous # 10. July 2010, 19:39

harsh writes: sir after h c verma...what should i opt for... irodov or mcq by d c pandey.... my concepts are ok ok
type... and which one is best for iit among them... and i can use only one of them... thank you

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