Destiny Diaz, an 11-year-old girl who had been legally blind since birth, received an artificial cornea transplant and was able to see for the first time. The first successful cornea transplant was performed over a century ago, and today around 40,000 cornea transplants are performed annually, allowing many people to see who were previously blind. Our senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell connect us to the world and allow us to interact with it in many ways every day.
Destiny Diaz, an 11-year-old girl who had been legally blind since birth, received an artificial cornea transplant and was able to see for the first time. The first successful cornea transplant was performed over a century ago, and today around 40,000 cornea transplants are performed annually, allowing many people to see who were previously blind. Our senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell connect us to the world and allow us to interact with it in many ways every day.
Destiny Diaz, an 11-year-old girl who had been legally blind since birth, received an artificial cornea transplant and was able to see for the first time. The first successful cornea transplant was performed over a century ago, and today around 40,000 cornea transplants are performed annually, allowing many people to see who were previously blind. Our senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell connect us to the world and allow us to interact with it in many ways every day.
Destiny Diaz, an 11-year-old girl who had been legally blind since birth, received an artificial cornea transplant and was able to see for the first time. The first successful cornea transplant was performed over a century ago, and today around 40,000 cornea transplants are performed annually, allowing many people to see who were previously blind. Our senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell connect us to the world and allow us to interact with it in many ways every day.
I can see Mariah Carey. Shes American and she has the same skin as me. Her pants are red, exclaimed 11-year-old Destiny Diaz, who had been legally blind since birth, after receiving an arti - cial cornea. Just 24 hours after her transplantan arti cial cornea was used because her immune system had rejected human transplantsDestinys doctor asked her to tell him how many ngers he was holding up and then to touch his nose. As she reached out and touched it, her aunts, watching from a corner of the room, wept with joy. This formerly blind little girl could see. The rst organ transplant was a double cornea transplant performed about a century ago by a Czech doctor, Eduard Zirm, on a 43-year-old man named Alois Gloger. After the surgery, Glogers eyes were sewn shut for 10 miserable days, but when the stitches were removed, he could see. Today, 40,000 cornea transplants are performed each year. These transplants generally depend on eye banks, to which individuals can promise to donate their organs after death. The operation is complex but not nearly as difcult as that rst one. Imagine 40,000 people a year undergoing this procedure in some cases seeing for the rst time. For these individuals, sight is truly a gift bestowed not by nature but by science, technology, and the generosity of others. Vision and all of our other senses connect us to the world. We see a beloved friends face, feel a comforting hand on our shoulder, or hear our name called from across a room. Our ability to perceive the world is what allows us to reach out into that world in the many ways we do every day.
What is your favorite song or food? What role do your senses play in determining these favorite things? How do these favorites relate to your self-identity? kin05477_ch03_077-116.indd Page 78 7/1/09 10:05:16 PM user-s174
In this chapter we explore sensation and perception, the processes by which we connect with the world. We rst examine vision, the sense about which scientists know the most. We then probe the nature of hearing, the skin senses, taste, smell, and the kinesthetic and vestibular senses.
How We Sense and Perceive the World Sensation and perception researchers represent a broad range of specialties, including ophthalmology, the study of the eyes structure, function, and diseases; audiology, the science concerned with hearing; neurology, the scientic study of the nervous system; and many others. Understanding sensation and perception requires comprehending the physical properties of the objects of our perceptionlight, sound, the texture of material things, and so on. The psychological approach to these processes involves understanding the physical structures and functions of the sense organs, as well as the brains conver- sion of the information from these organs into experience.
The Processes and Purposes of Sensation and Perception
Our world is alive with stimuliall the objects and events that surround us. Sensation and perception are the processes that allow us to detect and understand these various stimuli. It may seem strange to think about it this way, but we do not actually experience these stimuli directly; rather, our senses allow us to get information about aspects of our environment, and we then take that information and form a perception of the world. Sensation is the pro- cess of receiving stimulus energies from the external sensation The process of environment and transforming those energies into receiving stimulus energies from the
Through sensation we take in information from the world; through perception we identify meaningful patterns in that information. Thus sensation and perception work hand in hand when we enjoy neural energy. Physical energy such as light, sound, and heat is detected by specialized receptor cells in the sense organseyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue. When the receptor cells register a stimulus, the energy is converted to an electrochemical impulse or action potential that relays information about the stimulus through the nervous system to the brain (Sani & oth- ers, 2009; Wang & Hatton, 2009). Recall from Chap- ter 2 that an action potential is the brief wave of electrical charge that sweeps down the axon of a neu- ron for possible transmission to another neuron. When it reaches the brain, the information travels to the appropriate area of the cerebral cortex (Gruber & ODonnell, 2009). The brain gives meaning to sensation through per- ception. Perception is the process of organizing and external environ- ment and trans- forming those energies into neural energy.
perception The process of organizing and interpreting sen- sory information so that it makes a hug and the sweet fragrance of a ower.
78 C H A P T E R 3 Sensation and Perception interpreting sensory information so that it makes sense. kin05477_ch03_077-116.indd Page 79 7/28/09 10:19:45 PM epg /Volumes/ju105/SRA00023/SRA00023_indd%0/SRA00023_GK/a_comp
sense. Receptor cells in our eyes recordthat is, sensea sleek silver object in the sky, but they do not see a jet plane. Recognizing that silver object as a plane is perception. Sensing and perceiving give us views of the setting sun, the sounds of a rock concert, the touch of soft caresses, the taste of sweets,
Humans cannot smell as well as dogs. Your dog might pick up the scent of another dog and the fragrance of owers. Of all the various stimuli that are present in your environment right now, you are able to sense and perceive only some of them. Every species is adapted to sense and perceives stimuli that matter to that spe- cies ability to survive in its environment. yards away, while you might never smell that other caninebecause, unlike your dog, you dont need to.
bottom-up processing The operation in sensation and perception in which sensory receptors register information about the exter- nal environment
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing Psychologists distinguish between bottom-up and top-down processing in sensation and perception. In bottom-up processing, sensory receptors register information about the external environment and send it up to the brain for interpretation. Bottom-up processing means taking in infor- mation and trying to make sense of it (Weidner & others, 2009). An example of bottom-up processing might be the way you experience a song the rst time you hear it: You listen carefully to get a feel for it. In contrast, top-down processing starts with cognitive processing at the higher levels of the brain; in top-down processing we begin with some sense of what is happening and apply that framework to information from the world (Balaguer-Ballester & others, 2009; Johnson & Johnson, 2009).
Have you ever begged a and send it up to the brain for interpretation.
top-down processing You can experience top-down processing by listening to your favorite song in your head right now. As you hear the song in your minds ear, you are engaged in perceptual experience. Both bottom-up and top-down processing take place in sensing and per- ceiving the world (Liu & others, 2009), and these processes work together friend to taste your favorite food or listen to your favorite song, only to be disappointed when your pal reacted to trying The operation in sensation and perception, launched by cog- nitive processing at the brains higher levels, to allow us to function accurately and ef ciently. By themselves our ears provide only incoming information about sound in the environment. Only when we consider both what the ears hear (bottom-up processing) and what the brain interprets (top-down processing) can we fully understand how we perceive sounds in our world. In everyday life, the two processes of sensation it out with a shrug and Eh? In this scenario, both tongues and all four ears register the same information, but perception is a very subjective interpretation that allows the organism to sense what is happening and to apply that framework to in- formation from the world. and perception are essentially inseparable. For this reason, most psychologists refer to sensation and perception as a unied information-processing system (Goldstein, 2010). The Purposes of Sensation and Perception Why do we perceive the world? From an evolutionary perspective, the purpose of sensation and perception is adaptation that improves a species chances for survival (Hartman & Smith, 2009; Mader, 2010). An organism must be able to sense and respond quickly and accurately to events of that information.
Most predatory animals have eyes at the front of their faces; most animals that are prey have eyes on the side of their heads. Through these adaptations, predators perceive their prey accurately, and prey gain a measure of safety from their panoramic view of their environment.
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in the immediate environment, such as the approach of a predator, the presence of prey, or the appearance of a potential mate. Not surprisingly, therefore, most animalsfrom goldsh to gorillas to humanshave eyes and ears, as well as sensitivities to touch and chemicals (smell and taste). Furthermore, a close comparison of sensory systems in animals reveals that each species is exquisitely adapted to the habitat in which it evolved (Molles, 2010). Animals that are primarily predators generally have their eyes at the front of their faces so that they can perceive their prey accurately. In contrast, animals that are more likely to be someone elses lunch have their eyes on either side of their heads, giving them a wide view of their surroundings at all times. A marvelous example of evolutionary accomplishment appears in a sh called Anab- leps microlepis, which has four eyes. This remarkable adaptation allows the Anableps microlepis to swim just at the surface of the water, with two aerial eyes monitoring the dangerous world above the water and two aquatic eyes looking for food in the world below.
Sensory Receptors and the Brain
All sensation begins with sensory receptors. Sensory receptors are specialized cells that detect stimulus information and transmit it to sensory (afferent ) nerves and the brain (Kaltenbach, Yu, & Holland, 2009). Sensory receptors are the openings through which the brain and nervous system experience the world. Figure 3.1 shows the human
sensory receptors Specialized cells that detect stim- ulus information Yes, there it is again: afferent nerves. Remember that afferent nerves bring information to the brain, and efferent nerves send messages away from the brain to sensory receptors for vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The sensory receptors of all animal species have evolved so that animals are adapted to their environments. For example, the sensory receptors that a bat uses to nd food are very different frombut no more specialized thanthose that an eagle uses. Bats use sound to locate prey at night, whereas eagles hunt with their eyes from great heights to avoid detection from potential prey. Figure 3.2 depicts the ow of information from the environment to the brain. and transmit it to sensory (afferent) nerves and the brain. the body.
FIGURE 3.1 Sensory receptors take in information from the environment, creating local electri- cal currents. These currents are graded; that means they are sensitive to the intensity of stimulation, such as the difference between a dim and a bright light. These receptors trigger action potentials in sensory neurons, which carry that information to the central
Vision Hearing Touch Smell
Taste Human Senses: Organs, Energy Stimuli, and Sensory Receptors The receptor cells for each sense are specialized to receive particular types of energy stimuli.
Sensory Receptor Cells
Type of Energy Reception
Sense Organ
Photoreception: detection of light, perceived as sight
Mechano- reception: detection of vibration, perceived as hearing
Mechano- reception: detection of pressure, perceived as touch
Chemoreception: detection of chemical stimuli, perceived as smell
Chemoreception: detection of chemical stimuli, perceived as taste
80 C H A P T E R 3 Sensation and Perception kin05477_ch03_077-116.indd Page 81 7/31/09 5:46:07 PM epg /Volumes/ju105/SRA00023/SRA00023_indd%0/SRA00023_GK/a_comp
nervous system. Because sensory neurons (like all neurons) follow the all-or-nothing principle, described in Chapter 2, the intensity of the stimulus cannot be communicated to the brain by chang- ing the strength of the action potential. Instead, the receptor varies the frequency of action potentials sent to the brain. So, if a stimulus is very intense, like the bright sun on a hot day, the neuron will re more frequently (but with the same strength) to let the brain know that the light Sensory
Sensation and Perception
Vision Taste Smell Hearing Balance Touch is, indeed, very, very bright. Other than frequency, the action potentials of all sensory nerves are alike. This sameness raises an intriguing question: How can an animal distinguish among sight, sound, odor, taste, and touch? The answer is that sensory receptors are selective and have different neural pathways. They are special- ized to absorb a particular type of energylight energy, sound vibrations, or chemical energy, for exampleand convert it into an action potential. Sensation involves detecting and trans- mitting information about different kinds of Neuron
Action potential
Cell membrane
Receptor protein energy. The sense organs and sensory recep- tors fall into several main classes based on the type of energy that is transmitted. The functions of these classes include Sensory Receptor Cell
Photoreception: detection of light, perceived as sight Mechanoreception: detection of pressure, vibration, and movement, perceived as touch, hearing, and equilibrium Chemoreception: detection of chemical
FIGURE 3.2 Information Flow in Senses The diagram shows a general ow of sensory stimuli, perceived as smell and taste Mechanical Light information from energy stimulus to sensory receptor cell to sensory neuron to sensation Each of these processes belongs to a particular class of receptors and brain processes. There are Energy Stimulus and perception. rare cases, however, in which the senses can become confused. The term synaesthesia describes an experience in which one sense (say, sight) induces an experience in another sense (say, hearing). Some individuals see music or taste a color, for example. One woman was able to taste sounds, so that a piece of music might taste like tuna sh (Beeli, Esslen, & Jancke, 2005). Neuroscientists are exploring the neurological bases of synaes- thesia, especially in the connections between the various sensory regions of the cerebral cortex (Cohen & Henik, 2007). One proposal is that the posterior parietal cortex, which is linked to normal sensory integration, is a key brain region involved in synaesthesia (Muggleton & others, 2007; Mulvenna & Walsh, 2006). Phantom limb pain might be another example of confused senses. As many as 95 per- cent of individuals who have lost an arm or a leg report alarming and puzzling pain in the amputated arm or leg. Although the limb that contains the sensory receptors is gone, the areas of the brain and nervous system that received information from those receptors are still there, causing confusion (Casale & others, 2009; Kollewe & others, 2009). Amputee veterans of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan have found some relief in an unex- pected place: looking in a mirror. In this treatment, individuals place a mirror in front of their existing limb and move the limb around while watching the mirror. So, if a persons left leg has been amputated, the mirror is placed so that the right leg is seen moving in the mirror where the left leg would be if it had not been amputated. This procedure seems to trick the brain into perceiving the missing limb as still there, allowing
A Preliminary Study On The Effects of Training Using Behavior Support Plan Quality Evaluation Guide (BSP-QE) To Improve Positive Behavioral Support Plans